Tarantool DB

Tarantool DB

Easily migrate to Tarantool DB solution developed on the NoSQL platform

Discover Tarantool DB for your tech projects

You are already using Tarantool

You need a solution to optimize the tech stack and replace Redis

You are looking for a Redis-like solution that suits domestic software registry

You need it to successfully migrate and plug in new technology into the stack.

You use neither Redis nor Tarantool

You plan to use in-memory technologies.

You’re looking for safety data storage capabilities

Clustering, replication, WAL and other features

You need a high performance

With Redis and gRPC access interfaces

Simplify migration with a drop-in Redis replacement

A modern way to store data — high performance level
Clusters with high fault tolerance and performance
Database with reliable storage instead of a cache with possible data loss
Product is supplied with a dropi-in-Redis replacement

Optimize your tech stack with Tarantool DB

a consultation

a demo

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