Tarantool combines an in-memory DBMS and a Lua server in a single platform
providing ACID-compliant storage. It comes in two editions:
Community and Enterprise.
The use cases for Tarantool vary from ultra-fast cache
to product data marts and smart queue services.
Here are some of Tarantool’s key characteristics:
Easy handling of OLTP workloads: processes hundreds of thousands RPS
Tarantool allows executing code alongside data, which helps increase the speed of operations.
Developers can implement any business logic with Lua,
and a single Tarantool instance can also receive SQL requests.
Tarantool has a variety of compatible modules (Lua rocks).
You can pick the ones that you need and install them manually.
Tarantool runs on Linux (x86_64, aarch64), macOS (x86_64, aarch64), and FreeBSD (x86_64).
You can use Tarantool with a programming language you’re familiar with.
For this purpose, a number of connectors are provided.
Tarantool comes in two editions: the open-source Community Edition (CE)
and the commercial Enterprise Edition (EE).
Tarantool Community Edition
Tarantool Community Edition lets you develop applications and speed up a system in operation.
It features synchronous replication, affords easy scalability,
and includes tools to develop efficient applications.
The Tarantool community helps with any practical questions
regarding the Community Edition.
Tarantool Enterprise Edition
Tarantool Enterprise Editionprovides advanced tools for
administration, deployment, and security management, along with premium support services.
This edition includes all the Community Edition features
and is more predictable in terms of solution cost and maintenance.
The Enterprise Edition is shipped as an SDK and includes a number of closed-source modules.
In this documentation, topics related to Enterprise Edition features are marked with an EnterpriseEdition admonition.
Enterprise-версия предлагает дополнительные возможности по
разработке и эксплуатации кластерных приложений, например:
This section explains how to download and set up Tarantool Enterprise Edition and run
a sample application provided with it.
To learn how to download and install Tarantool Community Edition, see the Download page.
The tt utility provides the ability to install and work with multiple Tarantool versions.
Системные требования
Ниже представлены рекомендуемые системные требования для запуска Tarantool Enterprise.
Требования к аппаратному обеспечению
Чтобы обеспечить полную отказоустойчивость системы распределенного хранения данных, необходимы как минимум три физических компьютера или виртуальных сервера.
For testing/development purposes, the system can be deployed using a smaller number of servers.
However, it is not recommended to use such configurations for production.
Требования к программному обеспечению
Tarantool Enterprise поддерживает операционные системы Red Hat Enterprise Linux и CentOS версии 7.5 и выше.
Tarantool Enterprise может работать на других дистрибутивах Linux на основе systemd, но тестирование на них не проводится, поэтому корректная работа не гарантирована.
Требуется glibc версии 2.17-260.el7_6.6 и выше. Необходимо проверить текущую версию и обновить в случае необходимости:
Здесь и далее по тексту под серверами хранения данных или серверами Tarantool понимаются компьютеры, которые используются для хранения и обработки данных, а под сервером администрирования понимается компьютер, с помощью которого оператор устанавливает и настраивает систему.
Кластер Tarantool работает по принципам полносвязной топологии (full mesh topology), поэтому все серверы Tarantool должны поддерживать прием и передачу данных по TCP и UDP на всех портах, которые используются экземплярами кластера (см. настройки advertise_uri:<host>:<port> и config:advertise_uri:'<host>:<port>' в файле /etc/tarantool/conf.d/*.yml для каждого экземпляра). Например:
# /etc/tarantool/conf.d/*.yml
advertise_uri:localhost:3305# this is a TCP/UDP porthttp_port:8085
advertise_uri:'vm1:3301'# this is a TCP/UDP porthttp_port:8081
Чтобы настроить удаленный мониторинг или подключиться по административной консоли, сервер администрирования должен иметь доступ к следующим TCP-портам на серверах Tarantool:
22 – чтобы использовать SSH-протокол;
ports specified in instance configuration to monitor the HTTP-metrics.
Кроме того, рекомендуется применить следующие настройки для sysctl на всех серверах Tarantool:
Эта необязательная настройка сетевого стека Linux помогает ускорить решение проблем с сетевым подключением при физическом отказе сервера. Для достижения максимальной производительности может также потребоваться настройка других параметров сетевого стека, которые не относятся к СУБД Tarantool. Для получения дополнительной информации обратитесь к разделу Руководство по оптимизации сетевой производительности (Network Performance Tuning Guide) в пользовательской документации по RHEL7.
The latest release packages of Tarantool Enterprise are available in the
customer zone
at Tarantool website. Please contact support@tarantool.io for access.
Каждый пакет представляет собой архив tar+gzip и включает в себя следующие компоненты и функции:
Static Tarantool binary for simplified deployment in Linux environments.
tt command-line utility that provides a unified command-line interface for
managing Tarantool-based applications. See tt CLI utility for details.
Tarantool Cluster Manager – a web-based interface for managing Tarantool EE clusters.
See Tarantool Cluster Manager for details.
Selection of open and closed source modules.
Sample application walking you through all included modules
Содержимое архива:
tarantool – основной исполняемый файл Tarantool.
tt command-line utility.
tcm is the Tarantool Cluster Manager executable.
examples/ – директория, которая содержит примеры приложений:
pg_writethrough_cache/ – приложение, которое наглядно показывает, как Tarantool может кэшировать данные, например, записанные в базу данных PostgreSQL;
ora_writebehind_cache/ – приложение, которое наглядно показывает, как Tarantool может кэшировать вставки и ставить их в очередь, например, в базу данных Oracle;
docker/ – приложение, предназначенное для простой упаковки в Docker-контейнер;
rocks/ – директория, которая содержит набор дополнительных модулей с открытым и закрытым исходным кодом, включенных в дистрибутив в качестве автономного репозитория сторонних библиотек. Для получения более подробной информации см. справочник по сторонним библиотекам.
templates/ – директория, которая содержит файлы шаблонов для среды разработки приложений.
Готовый архив tar+gzip необходимо загрузить на сервер и распаковать:
$ tarxvftarantool-enterprise-sdk-<version>.tar.gz
Дополнительная установка не требуется, поскольку распакованные бинарные файлы практически готовы к работе. Перейдите в каталог с бинарными файлами (tarantool-enterprise) и добавьте их в путь для поиска исполняемых файлов, запустив скрипт из дистрибутива:
$ source./env.sh
Убедитесь, что вы можете запускать данный скрипт, а также что файл со скриптом является исполняемым. В противном случае задайте разрешения в помощью команд chmod и chown.
The tt utility provides the ability to install Tarantool software using the tt install command.
Creating an application
The tt create command can be used to create an application from a predefined or custom template.
In this tutorial, the application layout is prepared manually:
Create a tt environment in the current directory using the tt init command.
Inside the instances.enabled directory of the created tt environment, create the create_db directory.
Inside instances.enabled/create_db, create the instances.yml and config.yaml files:
instances.yml specifies instances to run in the current environment. In this example, there is one instance:
Форматируйте созданный спейс, указывая имена и типыполей:
create_db:instance001> box.space.bands:format({ { name = 'id', type = 'unsigned' }, { name = 'band_name', type = 'string' }, { name = 'year', type = 'unsigned' } })---...
In this tutorial, you get a sharded cluster up and running on your local machine and learn how to manage the cluster using the tt utility.
This cluster uses the following external modules:
The tt utility provides the ability to install Tarantool software using the tt install command.
Creating a cluster application
The tt create command can be used to create an application from a predefined or custom template.
For example, the built-in vshard_cluster template enables you to create a ready-to-run sharded cluster application.
In this tutorial, the application layout is prepared manually:
Create a tt environment in the current directory by executing the tt init command.
Inside the empty instances.enabled directory of the created tt environment, create the sharded_cluster_crud directory.
Inside instances.enabled/sharded_cluster_crud, create the following files:
instances.yml specifies instances to run in the current environment.
sharded_cluster_crud-scm-1.rockspec specifies external dependencies required by the application.
The next Developing the application section shows how to configure the cluster and write code for routing read and write requests to different storages.
Developing the application
Configuring instances to run
Open the instances.yml file and add the following content:
In this section, two users with the specified passwords are created:
The replicator user with the replication role.
The storage user with the sharding role.
These users are intended to maintain replication and sharding in the cluster.
It is not recommended to store passwords as plain text in a YAML configuration.
Learn how to load passwords from safe storage such as external files or environment variables from Loading secrets from safe storage.
In this section, the following options are configured:
iproto.advertise.peer specifies how to advertise the current instance to other cluster members.
In particular, this option informs other replica set members that the replicator user should be used to connect to the current instance.
iproto.advertise.sharding specifies how to advertise the current instance to a router and rebalancer.
The cluster topology defined in the following section also specifies the iproto.advertise.client option for each instance.
This option accepts a URI used to advertise the instance to clients.
For example, Tarantool Cluster Manager uses these URIs to connect to cluster instances.
roles: This option enables the roles.crud-storagerole provided by the CRUD module for all storage instances.
app: The app.module option specifies that code specific to storages should be loaded from the storage module. This is explained below in the Adding storage code section.
sharding: The sharding.roles option specifies that all instances inside this group act as storages.
A rebalancer is selected automatically from two master instances.
replication: The replication.failover option specifies that a leader in each replica set should be specified manually.
replicasets: This section configures two replica sets that constitute cluster storages.
To configure a router, add the following code inside the groups section:
roles: This option enables the roles.crud-routerrole provided by the CRUD module for a router instance.
app: The app.module option specifies that code specific to a router should be loaded from the router module. This is explained below in the Adding router code section.
sharding: The sharding.roles option specifies that an instance inside this group acts as a router.
replicasets: This section configures a replica set with one router instance.
Resulting configuration
The resulting config.yaml file should look as follows:
The box.schema.create_space() function creates a space.
Note that the created bands space includes the bucket_id field.
This field represents a sharding key used to partition a dataset across different storage instances.
replicasets: contains information about storages and their availability.
bucket: displays the total number of read-write and read-only buckets that are currently available for this router.
status: the number from 0 to 3 that indicates whether there are any issues with the cluster.
0 means that there are no issues.
alerts: might describe the exact issues related to bootstrapping a cluster, for example, connection issues, failover events, or unidentified buckets.
Writing and selecting data
To insert sample data, call crud.insert_many() on the router:
crud.insert_many('bands',{{1,box.NULL,'Roxette',1986},{2,box.NULL,'Scorpions',1965},{3,box.NULL,'Ace of Base',1987},{4,box.NULL,'The Beatles',1960},{5,box.NULL,'Pink Floyd',1965},{6,box.NULL,'The Rolling Stones',1962},{7,box.NULL,'The Doors',1965},{8,box.NULL,'Nirvana',1987},{9,box.NULL,'Led Zeppelin',1968},{10,box.NULL,'Queen',1970}})
Calling this function distributes data evenly across the cluster nodes.
To get a tuple by the specified ID, call the crud.get() function:
In this tutorial, you get Tarantool Cluster Manager up and running on your local system, deploy
a local Tarantool EE cluster, and learn to manage the cluster from the TCM web UI.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
A Linux machine with glibc 2.17 or later.
A web browser: Chromium-based (Chromium version 108 or later), Mozilla Firefox 101 or later, or another up-to-date browser.
The Tarantool Enterprise Edition SDK 3.0 or later in the tar.gz archive.
See Installing Tarantool for information about getting the archive.
During the development, it is also convenient to use the TCM-embedded etcd
as a configuration storage for Tarantool EE clusters connected to TCM.
Learn more in Centralized configuration storages.
Logging into TCM
Open a web browser and go to
Enter the username and the password you got from the TCM bootstrap log in the previous step.
Click Log in.
After a successful login, you see the TCM web UI:
Setting up a Tarantool EE cluster
To prepare a Tarantool EE cluster, complete the following steps:
Define the cluster connection settings in TCM.
Configure the cluster in TCM.
Start the cluster instances locally using the tt utility.
Defining the cluster’s connection settings in TCM
A freshly installed TCM has a predefined cluster named Default cluster. It
doesn’t have any configuration or topology out of the box. Its initial properties
include the etcd and Tarantool connection parameters. Check these properties
to find out where TCM sends the cluster configuration that you write.
To view the Default cluster’s properties:
Go to Clusters and click Edit in the Actions menu opposite the cluster name.
Click Next on the General tab.
Find the connection properties of the configuration storage that the cluster uses.
By default, it’s an etcd running on port 2379 (default etcd port) on the same host.
The key prefix used for the cluster configuration is /default. Click Next.
Check the Tarantool user that TCM uses to connect to the cluster instances.
It’s guest by default.
Configuring a cluster in TCM
TCM provides a web-based editor for writing cluster configurations. It is connected
to the configuration storage (etcd in this case): all changes you make in the browser
are sent to etcd in one click.
To write the cluster configuration and upload it to the etcd storage:
Go to Configuration.
Click + and provide an arbitrary name for the configuration file, for example, all.
Inside instances.enabled/cluster, create the instances.yml and config.yaml files:
instances.yml specifies instances to run in the current environment. In this example, there are three instances:
config.yaml instructs tt to load the cluster configuration from etcd.
The specified etcd location matches the configuration storage of the Default cluster in TCM:
To learn to interact with a cluster in TCM, complete typical database tasks such as:
Checking the cluster state.
Creating a space.
Writing data.
Viewing data.
Checking cluster state
To check the cluster state in TCM, go to Stateboard. Here you see the overview
of the cluster topology, health, memory consumption, and other information.
Connecting to an instance
To view detailed information about an instance, click its name in the instances list
on the Stateboard page.
To connect to the instance interactively and execute code on it, go to the Terminal tab.
Creating a space
Go to the terminal of instance-001 (the leader instance) and run the following code to
create a formatted space with a primary index in the cluster:
Since instance-001 is a read-write instance (its box.info.ro is false),
the write requests must be executed on it. Run the following code in the instance-001
terminal to write tuples in the space:
box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}
Reading data
Check the space’s tuples by running a read request on instance-001:
This is how it looks in TCM:
Checking replication
To check that the data is replicated across instances, run the read request on any
other instance – instance-002 or instance-003. The result is the same as on instance-001.
If you try to execute a write request on any instance but instance-001,
you get an error because these instances are configured to be read-only.
Viewing data in TCM
TCM web UI includes a tool for viewing data stored in the cluster. To view
the space tuples in TCM:
Click an instance name on the Stateboard page.
Open the Actions menu in the top-right corner and click Explorer.
This opens the page that lists user-created spaces on the instance.
Click View in the Actions menu of the space you want to see. The page
shows all the tuples added previously.
This section contains documentation for the Tarantool platform consisting of a database and an application server.
Tarantool is a NoSQL database. It stores data in spaces,
which can be thought of as tables in a relational database, and tuples,
which are analogous to rows. There are six basic data operations in Tarantool.
Tarantool’s ACID-compliant transaction model lets the user choose
between two modes of transactions.
The default mode allows for fast monopolistic atomic transactions.
It doesn’t support interactive transactions, and in case of an error, all transaction changes are rolled back.
The MVCC mode relies on a multi-version concurrency control engine
that allows yielding within a longer transaction.
This mode only works with the default in-memory memtx storage engine.
Replication allows keeping the data in copies of the same database for better reliability.
Several Tarantool instances can be organized in a replica set.
They communicate and transfer data via the iproto binary protocol.
Learn more about Tarantool’s replication architecture.
By default, replication in Tarantool is asynchronous.
A transaction committed locally on the master node
may not get replicated onto other instances before the client receives a success response.
Thus, if the master reports success and then dies, the client might not see the result of the transaction.
With synchronous replication, transactions on the master node are not considered committed
or successful before they are replicated onto a number of instances. This is slower, but more reliable.
Synchronous replication in Tarantool is based on an implementation of the RAFT algorithm.
Tarantool implements database sharding via the vshard module.
For details, go to the Sharding page.
Tarantool allows specifying callback functions that run upon certain database events.
They can be useful for resolving replication conflicts.
For details, go to the Triggers page.
Application server
Using Tarantool as an application server, you can write
applications in Lua, C, or C++. You can also create reusable modules.
To increase the speed of code execution, Tarantool has a Lua Just-In-Time compiler (LuaJIT) on board.
LuaJIT compiles hot paths in the code – paths that are used many times –
thus making the application work faster.
To enable developers to work with LuaJIT, Tarantool provides tools like the memory profiler
and the getmetrics module.
To learn how to use Tarantool as an application server, refer to the guides in the How-to section.
Движки базы данных
Движок базы данных — это набор низкоуровневых процессов, которые фактически хранят и получают значения кортежей. Tarantool предлагает выбор из двух движков базы данных:
memtx — in-memory движок базы данных, используемый по умолчанию.
The memtx storage engine is used in Tarantool by default.
The engine keeps all data in random-access memory (RAM), and therefore has a low read latency.
Tarantool prevents the data loss in case of emergency, such as outage or Tarantool instance failure, in the following ways:
Tarantool persists all data changes by writing requests to the write-ahead log (WAL)
that is stored on disk. Also, Tarantool periodically takes the entire
database snapshot and saves it on disk.
Learn more: Data persistence.
In case of a distributed application, a synchronous replication is used to ensure keeping the data consistent on a quorum of replicas.
Although replication is not directly a storage engine topic, it is a part of the answer regarding data safety.
Learn more: Replicating data.
In this section, the following topics are discussed in brief with the references to other sections that explain the
subject matter in details.
There is a fixed number of independent execution threads.
The threads don’t share state. Instead they exchange data using low-overhead message queues.
While this approach limits the number of cores that the instance uses,
it removes competition for the memory bus and ensures peak scalability of memory access and network throughput.
Only one thread, namely, the transaction processor thread (further, TX thread)
can access the database, and there is only one TX thread for each Tarantool instance.
In this thread, transactions are executed in a strictly consecutive order.
Multi-statement transactions exist to provide isolation:
each transaction sees a consistent database state and commits all its changes atomically.
At commit time, a yield happens and all transaction changes are written to WAL
in a single batch.
In case of errors during transaction execution, a transaction is rolled-back completely.
Read more in the following sections: Transaction model, Transaction mode: MVCC.
Внутри потока TX есть область памяти, в которой Tarantool хранит данные. Эта область называется Arena.
Data is stored in spaces. Spaces contain database records – tuples.
To access and manipulate the data stored in spaces and tuples, Tarantool builds indexes.
Распределением памяти для спейсов, кортежей и индексов внутри области Arena управляют специальные аллокаторы. Для хранения кортежей главным образом используется аллокатор slab. В Tarantool встроен модуль под названием box.slab, предоставляющий статистику распределения slab. С помощью этой статистики можно отслеживать общее использование памяти и ее фрагментацию. Подробности см. в руководстве по модулю box.slab.
Also inside the TX thread, there is an event loop. Within the event loop, there are a number of fibers.
Fibers are cooperative primitives that allow interaction with spaces, that is, reading and writing the data.
Fibers can interact with the event loop and between each other directly or by using special primitives called channels.
Due to the usage of fibers and cooperative multitasking, the memtx engine is lock-free in typical situations.
To interact with external users, there is a separate network thread also called the iproto thread.
The iproto thread receives a request from the network, parses and checks the statement,
and transforms it into a special structure—a message containing an executable statement and its options.
Then the iproto thread ships this message to the TX thread and runs the user’s request in a separate fiber.
Исполнив в памяти запросы на изменение данных, Tarantool записывает все эти запросы в файлы журнала упреждающей записи (WAL) (с расширением .xlog), хранящиеся на диске. Это делается в отдельном потоке, называемом поток WAL.
Tarantool периодически делает снимок всей базы данных и сохраняет его на диск. Это необходимо для ускорения перезапуска экземпляра, так как если файлов WAL слишком много, то Tarantool не сможет быстро перезапуститься.
To save a snapshot, there is a special fiber called the snapshot daemon.
It reads the consistent content of the entire Arena and writes it on disk into a snapshot file (.snap).
Due of the cooperative multitasking, Tarantool cannot write directly on disk because it is a locking operation.
That is why Tarantool interacts with disk via a separate pool of threads from the fio library.
Таким образом, при перезапуске Tarantool данные можно полностью восстановить даже в аварийных ситуациях, например при отключении питания или падении экземпляра Tarantool, когда хранящаяся в оперативной памяти база данных утеряна.
Что происходит при перезапуске:
Tarantool находит и читает последний файл снимка.
Tarantool также находит и читает все файлы WAL, созданные после этого снимка.
Как только снимок и файлы WAL будут прочитаны, набор данных в памяти будет полностью восстановлен. Он будет соответствовать состоянию экземпляра Tarantool на момент, когда тот прекратил работу.
Во время чтения снимка и файлов WAL Tarantool строит первичные индексы.
Когда все данные снова в памяти, Tarantool строит вторичные индексы.
Tarantool запускает приложение.
Доступ к данным
Чтобы обращаться к данным, хранящимся в оперативной памяти, и работать с ними, Tarantool строит индексы, которые хранятся внутри области памяти Arena.
Tarantool поддерживает несколько типов индексов: TREE, HASH, BITSET, RTREE. Все они предназначены для разных сценариев использования.
Можно выполнять SELECT-запросы как по первичным, так и по вторичным ключам индекса. Ключи могут быть составными.
For detailed information about indexes, refer to the Индексы page.
Репликация данных
Хотя эта тема не имеет прямого отношения к движку memtx, она дополняет общую картину того, как работает Tarantool, когда приложение распределенное.
Репликация позволяет нескольким экземплярам Tarantool работать с копиями одной и той же базы данных. Эти копии остаются синхронизированными благодаря тому, что каждый экземпляр может сообщать другим экземплярам о совершенных им изменениях. Для этого используется WAL-репликация.
Чтобы отправить данные на реплику, Tarantool запускает еще один поток, называемый relay. Этот поток читает файлы WAL и отправляет их репликам. На каждой реплике выполняется файбер под названием applier. Он получает изменения от удаленного узла и применяет их к области Arena реплики. Все изменения записываются в файлы WAL через поток WAL реплики так же, как если бы они были сделаны локально.
В Tarantool репликация по умолчанию асинхронна: то, что транзакция проходит коммит локально на главном узле, не означает, что она отправляется на какие-то другие реплики.
Эту проблему решает синхронная репликация. Каждая синхронная транзакция проходит коммит лишь после репликации на некотором количестве экземпляров, и только тогда клиенту приходит ответ о завершении транзакции.
Доступ к данным производится только из одного потока.
Tarantool записывает все изменения данных в файлы WAL.
Периодически создаются снимки данных.
Для доступа к данным создаются индексы.
Файлы WAL можно реплицировать.
Хранение данных с помощью vinyl
Tarantool – это транзакционная, персистентная СУБД, которая хранит 100% данных в оперативной памяти. Основными преимущества хранения данных оперативной памяти являются скорость и простота использования: нет необходимости в оптимизации, однако производительность остается стабильно высокой.
Несколько лет назад мы решили расширить продукт путем реализации классической технологии хранения как в обычных СУБД: в оперативной памяти хранится лишь кэш данных, а основной объем данных находится на диске. Мы решили, что движок хранения можно будет выбирать независимо для каждой таблицы, как это реализовано в MySQL, но при этом с самого начала будет реализована поддержка транзакций.
Первый вопрос, на который нужен был ответ: создавать свой движок или использовать уже существующую библиотеку? Сообщество разработчиков открытого ПО предлагает готовые библиотеки на выбор. Активнее всего развивалась библиотека RocksDB, которая к настоящему времени стала одной из самых популярных. Есть также несколько менее известных библиотек: WiredTiger, ForestDB, NestDB, LMDB.
Тем не менее, изучив исходный код существующих библиотек и взвесив все «за» и «против», мы решили написать свой движок. Одна из причин – все существующие сторонние библиотеки предполагают, что запросы к данным могут поступать из множества потоков операционной системы, и поэтому содержат сложные примитивы синхронизации для управления одновременным доступом к данным. Если бы мы решили встраивать одну из них в Tarantool, то пользователи были бы вынуждены нести издержки многопоточных приложений, не получая ничего взамен. Дело в том, что в основе Tarantool лежит архитектура на основе акторов. Обработка транзакций в выделенном потоке позволяет обойтись без лишних блокировок, межпроцессного взаимодействия и других затрат ресурсов, которые забирают до 80% процессорного времени в многопоточных СУБД.
Процесс в Tarantool состоит из заданного количества потоков
Если изначально проектировать движок с учетом кооперативной многозадачности, можно не только существенно ускорить работу, но и реализовать приемы оптимизации, слишком сложные для многопоточных движков. В общем, использование стороннего решения не привело бы к лучшему результату.
Отказавшись от идеи внедрения существующих библиотек, необходимо было выбрать архитектуру для использования в качестве основы. Есть два альтернативных подхода к хранению данных на диске: старая модель с использованием B-деревьев и их разновидностей и новая – на основе журнально-структурированных деревьев со слиянием, или LSM-деревьев (Log Structured Merge Tree). MySQL, PostgreSQL и Oracle используют B-деревья, а Cassandra, MongoDB и CockroachDB уже используют LSM-деревья.
Считается, что B-деревья более эффективны для чтения, а LSM-деревья – для записи. Тем не менее, с распространением SSD-дисков, у которых в несколько раз выше производительность чтения по сравнению с производительностью записи, преимущества LSM-деревьев стали очевидны в большинстве сценариев.
Прежде чем разбираться с LSM-деревьями в Tarantool, посмотрим, как они работают. Для этого разберем устройство обычного B-дерева и связанные с ним проблемы. «B» в слове B-tree означает «Block», то есть это сбалансированное дерево, состоящее из блоков, которые содержат отсортированные списки пар ключ-значение. Вопросы наполнения дерева, балансировки, разбиения и слияния блоков выходят за рамки данной статьи, подробности вы сможете прочитать в Википедии. В итоге мы получаем отсортированный по возрастанию ключа контейнер, минимальный элемент которого хранится в крайнем левом узле, а максимальный – в крайнем правом. Посмотрим, как в B-дереве осуществляется поиск и вставка данных.
Классическое B-дерево
Если необходимо найти элемент или проверить его наличие, поиск начинается, как обычно, с вершины. Если ключ обнаружен в корневом блоке, поиск заканчивается; в противном случае, переходим в блок с наибольшим меньшим ключом, то есть в самый правый блок, в котором еще есть элементы меньше искомого (элементы на всех уровнях расположены по возрастанию). Если и там элемент не найден, снова переходим на уровень ниже. В конце концов окажемся в одном из листьев и, возможно, обнаружим искомый элемент. Блоки дерева хранятся на диске и читаются в оперативную память по одному, то есть в рамках одного поиска алгоритм считывает блоков, где N – это количество элементов в B-дереве. Запись в самом простом случае осуществляется аналогично: алгоритм находит блок, который содержит необходимый элемент, и обновляет (вставляет) его значение.
Чтобы наглядно представить себе эту структуру данных, возьмем B-дерево на 100 000 000 узлов и предположим, что размер блока равен 4096 байтов, а размер элемента – 100 байтов. Таким образом, в каждом блоке можно будет разместить до 40 элементов с учетом накладных расходов, а в B-дереве будет около 2 570 000 блоков, пять уровней, при этом первые четыре займут по 256 МБ, а последний – до 10 ГБ. Очевидно, что на любом современном компьютере все уровни, кроме последнего, успешно попадут в кэш файловой системы, и фактически любая операция чтения будет требовать не более одной операции ввода-вывода.
Ситуация выглядит существенно менее радужно при смене точки зрения. Предположим, что необходимо обновить один элемент дерева. Так как операции с B-деревьями работают через чтение и запись целых блоков, приходится прочитать 1 блок в память, изменить 100 байт из 4096, а затем записать обновленный блок на диск. Таким образом, нам пришлось записать в 40 раз больше, чем реальный объем измененных данных!
Принимая во внимание, что внутренний размер блока в SSD-дисках может быть 64 КБ и больше, и не любое изменение элемента меняет его целиком, объем «паразитной» нагрузки на диск может быть еще выше.
Феномен таких «паразитных» чтений в литературе и блогах, посвященных хранению на диске, называется read amplification (усложнение чтения), а феномен «паразитной» записи – write amplification (усложнение записи).
Коэффициент усложнения, то есть коэффициент умножения, вычисляется как отношение размера фактически прочитанных (или записанных) данных к реально необходимому (или измененному) размеру. В нашем примере с B-деревом коэффициент составит около 40 как для чтения, так и для записи.
Объем «паразитных» операций ввода-вывода при обновлении данных является одной из основных проблем, которую решают LSM-деревья. Рассмотрим, как это работает.
Ключевое отличие LSM-деревьев от классических B-деревьев заключается в том, что LSM-деревья не просто хранят данные (ключи и значения), а также операции с данными: вставки и удаления.
Хранит операторы, а не значения:
Для каждого оператора назначается LSN
Обновление файлов происходит только путем присоединения новых записей, сборка мусора проводится после контрольной точки
Журнал транзакций при любых изменениях в системе: vylog
Например, элемент для операции вставки, помимо ключа и значения, содержит дополнительный байт с кодом операции – обозначенный выше как REPLACE. Элемент для операции удаления содержит ключ элемента (хранить значение нет необходимости) и соответствующий код операции – DELETE. Также каждый элемент LSM-дерева содержит порядковый номер операции (log sequence number – LSN), то есть значение монотонно возрастающей последовательности, которое уникально идентифицирует каждую операцию. Таким образом, всё дерево упорядочено сначала по возрастанию ключа, а в пределах одного ключа – по убыванию LSN.
Один уровень LSM-дерева
Наполнение LSM-дерева
В отличие от B-дерева, которое полностью хранится на диске и может частично кэшироваться в оперативной памяти, в LSM-дереве разделение между памятью и диском явно присутствует с самого начала. При этом проблема сохранности данных, расположенных в энергозависимой памяти, выносится за рамки алгоритма хранения: ее можно решить разными способами, например, журналированием изменений.
Часть дерева, расположенную в оперативной памяти, называют L0 (level zero – уровень ноль). Объем оперативной памяти ограничен, поэтому для L0 отводится фиксированная область. В конфигурации Tarantool, например, размер L0 задается с помощью параметра vinyl_memory. В начале, когда LSM-дерево не содержит элементов, операции записываются в L0. Следует отметить, что элементы в дереве упорядочены по возрастанию ключа, а затем по убыванию LSN, так что в случае вставки нового значения по данному ключу легко обнаружить и удалить предыдущее значение. L0 может быть представлен любым контейнером, который сохраняет упорядоченность элементов. Например, для хранения L0 Tarantool использует B+*-дерево. Операции поиска и вставки – это стандартные операции структуры данных, используемой для представления L0, и мы их подробно рассматривать не будем.
Рано или поздно количество элементов в дереве превысит размер L0. Тогда L0 записывается в файл на диске (который называется забегом – «run») и освобождается под новые элементы. Эта операция называется «дамп» (dump).
Все дампы на диске образуют последовательность, упорядоченную по LSN: диапазоны LSN в файлах не пересекаются, а ближе к началу последовательности находятся файлы с более новыми операциями. Представим эти файлы в виде пирамиды, где новые файлы расположены вверху, а старые внизу. По мере появления новых файлов забегов, высота пирамиды растет. При этом более свежие файлы могут содержать операции удаления или замены для существующих ключей. Для удаления старых данных необходимо производиться сборку мусора (этот процесс иногда называется «слияние» – в английском языке «merge» или «compaction»), объединяя нескольких старых файлов в новый. Если при слиянии мы встречаем две версии одного и того же ключа, то достаточно оставить только более новую версию, а если после вставки ключа он был удален, то из результата можно исключить обе операции.
Ключевым фактором эффективности LSM-дерева является то, в какой момент и для каких файлов делается слияние. Представим, что LSM-дерево в качестве ключей хранит монотонную последовательность вида 1, 2, 3 …, и операций удаления нет. В этом случае слияние будет бесполезным – все элементы уже отсортированы, дерево не содержит мусор и можно однозначно определить, в каком файле находится каждый ключ. Напротив, если LSM-дерево содержит много операций удаления, слияние позволит освободить место на диске. Но даже если удалений нет, а диапазоны ключей в разных файлах сильно пересекаются, слияние может ускорить поиск, так как сократит число просматриваемых файлов. В этом случае имеет смысл выполнять слияние после каждого дампа. Однако следует отметить, что такое слияние приведет к перезаписи всех данных на диске, поэтому если чтений мало, то лучше делать слияния реже.
Для оптимальной конфигурации под любой из описанных выше сценариев в LSM-дереве все файлы организованы в пирамиду: чем новее операции с данными, тем выше они находятся в пирамиде. При этом в слиянии участвуют два или несколько соседних файлов в пирамиде; по возможности выбираются файлы примерно одинакового размера.
Многоуровневое слияние может охватить любое количество уровней
Уровень может содержать несколько файлов
Все соседние файлы примерно одинакового размера составляют уровень LSM-дерева на диске. Соотношение размеров файлов на различных уровнях определяет пропорции пирамиды, что позволяет оптимизировать дерево под интенсивные вставки, либо интенсивные чтения.
Предположим, что размер L0 составляет 100 МБ, а соотношение размеров файлов на каждом уровне (параметр vinyl_run_size_ratio) равно 5, и на каждом уровне может быть не более 2 файлов (параметр vinyl_run_count_per_level). После первых трех дампов на диске появятся 3 файла по 100 МБ, эти файлы образуют уровень L1. Так как 3 > 2, запустится слияние файлов в новый файл размером 300 МБ, а старые будут удалены. Спустя еще 2 дампа снова запустится слияние, на этот раз файлов в 100, 100 и 300 МБ, в результате файл размером 500 МБ переместится на уровень L2 (вспомним, что соотношение размеров уровней равно 5), а уровень L1 останется пустым. Пройдут еще 10 дампов, и получим 3 файла по 500 МБ на уровне L2, в результате чего будет создан один файл размером 1500 МБ. Спустя еще 10 дампов произойдет следующее: 2 раза произведем слияние 3 файлов по 100 МБ, а также 2 раза слияние файлов по 100, 100 и 300 МБ, что приведет к созданию двух файлов на уровне L2 по 500 МБ. Поскольку на уровне L2 уже есть три файла, запустится слияние двух файлов по 500 МБ и одного файла в 1500 МБ. Полученный в результате файл в 2500 МБ, в силу своего размера, переедет на уровень L3.
Процесс может продолжаться до бесконечности, а если в потоке операций с LSM-деревом будет много удалений, образовавшийся в результате слияния файл может переместиться не только вниз по пирамиде, но и вверх, так как окажется меньше исходных файлов, использовавшихся при слиянии. Иными словами, принадлежность файла к уровню достаточно отслеживать логически на основе размера файла и минимального и максимального LSN среди всех хранящихся в нем операций.
Управление формой LSM-дерева
Если число файлов для поиска нужно уменьшить, то соотношение размеров файлов на разных уровнях можно увеличить, и, как следствие, уменьшается число уровней. Если, напротив, необходимо снизить затраты ресурсов, вызванные слиянием, то можно уменьшить соотношение размеров уровней: пирамида будет более высокой, а слияние хотя и выполняется чаще, но работает в среднем с файлами меньшего размера, за счет чего суммарно выполняет меньше работы. В целом, «паразитная запись» в LSM-дереве описывается формулой или , где N – это общий размер всех элементов дерева, L0 – это размер уровня ноль, а x – это соотношение размеров уровней (параметр level_size_ratio). Если = 40 (соотношение диск-память), график выглядит примерно вот так:
«Паразитное» чтение при этом пропорционально количеству уровней. Стоимость поиска на каждом уровне не превышает стоимости поиска в B-дереве. Возвращаясь к нашему примеру дерева в 100 000 000 элементов: при наличии 256 МБ оперативной памяти и стандартных значений параметров vinyl_run_size_ratio и vinyl_run_count_per_level, получим коэффициент «паразитной» записи равным примерно 13, коэффициент «паразитной» записи может доходить до 150. Разберемся, почему это происходит.
При поиске в LSM-дереве нам необходимо найти не сам элемент, а последнюю операцию с ним. Если это операция удаления, искомый элемент отсутствует в дереве. Если это операция вставки, то искомому элементу соответствует самое верхнее значение в LSM-пирамиде, и поиск можно остановить при первом совпадении ключа. В худшем случае значение в дереве изначально отсутствовало. Тогда поиск вынужден последовательно перебрать все уровни дерева, начиная с L0.
К сожалению, на практике этот худший случай довольно распространен. Например, при вставке в дерево необходимо убедиться в отсутствии дубликатов для первичного или уникального ключа. Поэтому для ускорения поиска несуществующих значений в LSM-деревьях применяется вероятностная структура данных, которая называется «фильтр Блума». О нем мы поговорим более детально в разделе, посвященном внутреннему устройству vinyl.
Поиск по диапазону
Если при поиске по одному ключу алгоритм завершается после первого совпадения, то для поиска всех значений в диапазоне (например, всех пользователей с фамилией «Иванов») необходимо просматривать все уровни дерева.
Поиск по диапазону [24,30)
Формирование искомого диапазона при этом происходит так же, как и при слиянии нескольких файлов: из всех источников алгоритм выбирает ключ с максимальным LSN, отбрасывает остальные операции по этому ключу, сдвигает позицию поиска на следующий ключ и повторяет процедуру.
Зачем вообще хранить операции удаления? И почему это не приводит к переполнению дерева, например, в сценарии for i=1,10000000 put(i) delete(i) end?
Роль операций удаления при поиске – сообщать об отсутствии искомого значения, а при слиянии – очищать дерево от «мусорных» записей с более старыми LSN.
Пока данные хранятся только в оперативной памяти, нет необходимости хранить операции удаления. Также нет необходимости сохранять операции удаления после слияния, если оно затрагивает в том числе самый нижний уровень дерева – на нем находятся данные самого старого дампа. Действительно, отсутствие значения на последнем уровне означает, что оно отсутствует в дереве.
Нельзя производить удаление из файлов, которые обновляются только путем присоединения новых записей
Вместо этого на уровень L0 вносятся маркеры удаленных записей (tombstones)
Удаление, шаг 1: вставка удаленной записи в L0
Удаление, шаг 2: удаленная запись проходит через промежуточные уровни
Удаление, шаг 3: при значительном слиянии удаленная запись удаляется из дерева
Если мы знаем, что удаление следует сразу за вставкой уникального значения – а это частый случай при изменении значения во вторичном индексе – то операцию удаления можно отфильтровывать уже при слиянии промежуточных уровней. Эта оптимизация реализована в vinyl’е.
Преимущества LSM-дерева
Помимо снижения «паразитной» записи, подход с периодическими дампами уровня L0 и слиянием уровней L1-Lk имеет ряд преимуществ перед подходом к записи, используемым в B-деревьях:
При дампах и слиянии создаются относительно большие файлы: стандартный размер L0 составляет 50-100 MБ, что в тысячи раз превышает размер блока B-дерева.
Большой размер позволяет эффективно сжимать данные перед записью. В Tarantool сжатие происходит автоматически, что позволяет еще больше уменьшить «паразитную» запись.
Издержки фрагментации отсутствуют, потому что в файле элементы следуют друг за другом без пустот/заполнений.
Все операции создают новые файлы, а не заменяют старые данные. Это позволяет избавиться от столь ненавистных нам блокировок, при этом несколько операций могут идти параллельно, не приводя к конфликтам. Это также упрощает создание резервных копий и перенос данных на реплику.
Хранение старых версий данных позволяет эффективно реализовать поддержку транзакций, используя подход управления параллельным доступом с помощью многоверсионности.
Недостатки LSM-дерева и их устранение
Одним из ключевых преимуществ B-дерева как структуры данных для поиска является предсказуемость: любая операция занимает не более чем . В классическом LSM-дереве скорость как чтения, так и записи могут может отличаться в лучшем и худшем случае в сотни и тысячи раз. Например, добавление всего лишь одного элемента в L0 может привести к его переполнению, что в свою очередь, может привести к переполнению L1, L2 и т.д. Процесс чтения может обнаружить исходный элемент в L0, а может задействовать все уровни. Чтение в пределах одного уровня также необходимо оптимизировать, чтобы добиться скорости, сравнимой с B-деревом. К счастью, многие недостатки можно скрасить или полностью устранить с помощью вспомогательных алгоритмов и структур данных. Систематизируем эти недостатки и опишем способы борьбы с ними, используемые в Tarantool.
Непредсказуемая скорость записи
Вставка данных в LSM-дерево почти всегда задействует исключительно L0. Как избежать простоя, если заполнена область оперативной памяти, отведенная под L0?
Освобождение L0 подразумевает две долгих операции: запись на диск и освобождение памяти. Чтобы избежать простоя во время записи L0 на диск, Tarantool использует упреждающую запись. Допустим, размер L0 составляет 256 MБ. Скорость записи на диск составляет 10 МБ/с. Тогда для записи L0 на диск понадобится 26 секунд. Скорость вставки данных составляет 10 000 запросов в секунду, а размер одного ключа – 100 байтов. На время записи необходимо зарезервировать около 26 MБ доступной оперативной памяти, сократив реальный полезный размер L0 до 230 MБ.
Tarantool does all of these calculations automatically, constantly updating the
rolling average of the DBMS workload and the histogram of the disk speed. This
allows using L0 as efficiently as possible and it prevents write requests from
timing out. But in the case of workload surges, some wait time is still
possible. That’s why we also introduced an insertion timeout (the
vinyl_timeout parameter), which is set to 60 seconds by default. The write
operation itself is executed in dedicated threads. The number of these threads
(4 by default) is controlled by the vinyl_write_threads parameter. The default
value of 2 allows doing dumps and compactions in parallel, which is also
necessary for ensuring system predictability.
Слияния в Tarantool всегда выполняются независимо от дампов, в отдельном потоке выполнения. Это возможно благодаря природе LSM-дерева – после записи файлы в дереве никогда не меняются, а слияние лишь создает новый файл.
К задержкам также может приводить ротация L0 и освобождение памяти, записанной на диск: в процессе записи памятью L0 владеют два потока операционной системы – поток обработки транзакций и поток записи. Хотя в L0 во время ротации элементы не добавляются, он может участвовать в поиске. Чтобы избежать блокировок на чтение во время поиска, поток записи не освобождает записанную память, а оставляет эту задачу потоку обработки транзакций. Само освобождение после завершения дампа происходит мгновенно: для этого в L0 используется специализированный механизм распределения, позволяющий освободить всю память за одну операцию.
упреждающий дамп
Дамп происходит из так называемого «теневого» L0, не блокируя новые вставки и чтения
Непредсказуемая скорость чтений
Чтение – самая сложная задача для оптимизации в LSM-деревьях. Главным фактором сложности является большое количество уровней: это не только значительно замедляет поиск, но и потенциально значительно увеличивает требования к оперативной памяти при почти любых попытках оптимизации. К счастью, природа LSM-деревьев, где файлы обновляются только путем присоединения новых записей, позволяет решать эти проблемы нестандартными для традиционных структур данных способами.
постраничный индекс
фильтры Блума
кэш диапазона кортежей
многоуровневое слияние
Сжатие и постраничный индекс
Сжатие данных в B-деревьях – это либо сложнейшая в реализации задача, либо больше средство маркетинга, чем действительно полезный инструмент. Сжатие в LSM-деревьях работает следующим образом:
При любом дампе или слиянии мы разбиваем все данные в одном файле на страницы. Размер страницы в байтах задается в параметре vinyl_page_size, который можно менять отдельно для каждого индекса. Страница не обязана занимать строго то количество байт, которое прописано vinyl_page_size – она может быть чуть больше или чуть меньше, в зависимости от хранящихся в ней данных. Благодаря этому страница никогда не содержит пустот.
Для сжатия используется потоковый алгоритм Facebook под названием «zstd». Первый ключ каждой страницы и смещение страницы в файле добавляются в так называемый постраничный индекс (page index) – отдельный файл, который позволяет быстро найти нужную страницу. После дампа или слияния постраничный индекс созданного файла также записывается на диск.
Все файлы типа .index кэшируются в оперативной памяти, что позволяет найти нужную страницу за одно чтение из файла .run (такое расширение имени файла используется в vinyl’е для файлов, полученных в результате дампа или слияния). Поскольку данные в странице отсортированы, после чтения и декомпрессии нужный ключ можно найти с помощью простого бинарного поиска. За чтение и декомпрессию отвечают отдельные потоки, их количество определяется в параметре vinyl_read_threads.
Tarantool использует единый формат файлов: например, формат данных в файле .run ничем не отличается от формата файла .xlog (файл журнала). Это упрощает резервное копирование и восстановление, а также работу внешних инструментов.
Фильтры Блума
Хотя постраничный индекс позволяет уменьшить количество страниц, просматриваемых при поиске в одном файле, он не отменяет необходимости искать на всех уровнях дерева. Есть важный частный случай, когда необходимо проверить отсутствие данных, и тогда просмотр всех уровней неизбежен: вставка в уникальный индекс. Если данные уже существуют, то вставка в уникальный индекс должна завершиться с ошибкой. Единственный способ вернуть ошибку до завершения транзакции в LSM-дереве – произвести поиск перед вставкой. Такого рода чтения в СУБД образуют целый класс, называемый «скрытыми» или «паразитными» чтениями.
Другая операция, приводящая к скрытым чтениям, – обновление значения, по которому построен вторичный индекс. Вторичные ключи представляют собой обычные LSM-деревья, в которых данные хранятся в другом порядке. Чаще всего, чтобы не хранить все данные во всех индексах, значение, соответствующее данному ключу, целиком сохраняется только в первичном индексе (любой индекс, хранящий и ключ, и значение, называется покрывающим или кластерным), а во вторичном индексе сохраняются лишь поля, по которым построен вторичный индекс, и значения полей, участвующих в первичном индексе. Тогда при любом изменении значения, по которому построен вторичный ключ, приходится сначала удалять из вторичного индекса старый ключ, и только потом вставлять новый. Старое значение во время обновления неизвестно – именно его и нужно читать из первичного ключа с точки зрения внутреннего устройства.
Чтобы уменьшить количество чтений с диска, особенно для несуществующих значений, практически все LSM-деревья используют вероятностные структуры данных. Tarantool не исключение. Классический фильтр Блума – это набор из нескольких (обычно 3-5) битовых массивов. При записи для каждого ключа вычисляется несколько хеш-функций, и в каждом массиве выставляется бит, соответствующий значению хеша. При хешировании могут возникнуть коллизии, поэтому некоторые биты могут быть проставлены дважды. Интерес представляют биты, которые оказались не проставлены после записи всех ключей. При поиске также вычисляются выбранные хеш-функции. Если хотя бы в одном из битовых массивов бит не стоит, то значение в файле отсутствует. Вероятность срабатывания фильтра Блума определяется теоремой Байеса: каждая хеш-функция представляет собой независимую случайную величину, благодаря чему вероятность того, что во всех битовых массивах одновременно произойдет коллизия, очень мала.
Ключевым преимуществом реализации фильтров Блума в Tarantool является простота настройки. Единственный параметр, который можно менять независимо для каждого индекса, называется vinyl_bloom_fpr (FPR в данном случае означает сокращение от «false positive ratio» – коэффициент ложноположительного срабатывания), который по умолчанию равен 0,05, или 5%. На основе этого параметра Tarantool автоматически строит фильтры Блума оптимального размера для поиска как по полному ключу, так и по компонентам ключа. Сами фильтры Блума хранятся вместе с постраничным индексом в файле .index и кэшируются в оперативной памяти.
Многие привыкли считать кэширование панацеей от всех проблем с производительностью: «В любой непонятной ситуации добавляй кэш». В vinyl’е мы смотрим на кэш скорее как на средство снижения общей нагрузки на диск, и, как следствие, получения более предсказуемого времени ответов на запросы, которые не попали в кэш. В vinyl’е реализован уникальный для транзакционных систем вид кэша под названием «кэш диапазона кортежей» (range tuple cache). В отличие от RocksDB, например, или MySQL, этот кэш хранит не страницы, а уже готовые диапазоны значений индекса, после их чтения с диска и слияния всех уровней. Это позволяет использовать кэш для запросов как по одному ключу, так и по диапазону ключей. Поскольку в кэше хранятся только горячие данные, а не, скажем, страницы (в странице может быть востребована лишь часть данных), оперативная память используется наиболее оптимально. Размер кэша задается в параметре vinyl_cache.
Управление сборкой мусора
Возможно, добравшись до этого места вы уже начали терять концентрацию и нуждаетесь в заслуженной дозе допамина. Самое время сделать перерыв, так как для того, чтобы разобраться с оставшейся частью, понадобятся серьезные усилия.
В vinyl’е устройство одного LSM-дерева – это лишь фрагмент мозаики. Vinyl создает и обслуживает несколько LSM-деревьев даже для одной таблицы (так называемого спейса) – по одному дереву на каждый индекс. Но даже один единственный индекс может состоять из десятков LSM-деревьев. Попробуем разобраться, зачем.
Рассмотрим наш стандартный пример: 100 000 000 записей по 100 байтов каждая. Через некоторое время на самом нижнем уровне LSM у нас может оказаться файл размером 10 ГБ. Во время слияния последнего уровня мы создадим временный файл, который также будет занимать около 10 ГБ. Данные на промежуточных уровнях тоже занимают место: по одному и тому же ключу дерево может хранить несколько операций. Суммарно для хранения 10 ГБ полезных данных нам может потребоваться до 30 ГБ свободного места: 10 ГБ на последний уровень, 10 ГБ на временный файл и 10 ГБ на всё остальное. А если данных не 1 ГБ, а 1 ТБ? Требовать, чтобы количество свободного места на диске всегда в несколько раз превышало объем полезных данных, экономически нецелесообразно, да и создание файла в 1ТБ может занимать десятки часов. При любой аварии или перезапуске системы операцию придется начинать заново.
Рассмотрим другую проблему. Представим, что первичный ключ дерева – это монотонная последовательность, например, временной ряд. В этом случае основные вставки будут приходиться на правую часть диапазона ключей. Нет смысла заново производить слияние лишь для того, чтобы дописать в конец и без того огромного файла еще несколько миллионов записей.
А если вставки происходят, в основном, в одну часть диапазона ключей, а чтения – из другой части? Как в этом случае оптимизировать форму дерева? Если оно будет слишком высоким, пострадают чтения, если слишком низким – запись.
Tarantool «факторизует» проблему, создавая не одно, а множество LSM-деревьев для каждого индекса. Примерный размер каждого поддерева можно задать в конфигурационном параметре vinyl_range_size. Такие поддеревья называется диапазонами («range»).
Факторизация больших LSM-деревьев с помощью диапазонов
Диапазоны отражают статичную структуру упорядоченных файлов
Срезы объединяют упорядоченный файл в диапазон
Изначально, пока в индексе мало элементов, он состоит из одного диапазона. По мере добавления элементов суммарный объем может превысить максимальный размер диапазона. В таком случае выполняется операция под названием «разделение» (split), которая делит дерево на две равные части. Разделение происходит по срединному элементу диапазона ключей, хранящихся в дереве. Например, если изначально дерево хранит полный диапазон -inf… +inf, то после разделения по срединному ключу X получим два поддерева: одно будет хранить все ключи от -inf до X, другое – от X до +inf. Таким образом, при вставке или чтении мы однозначно знаем, к какому поддереву обращаться. Если в дереве были удаления и каждый из соседних диапазонов уменьшился, выполняется обратная операция под названием «объединение» (coalesce). Она объединяет два соседних дерева в одно.
Разделение и объединение не приводят к слиянию, созданию новых файлов и прочим тяжеловесным операциям. LSM-дерево – это лишь набор файлов. В vinyl’е мы реализовали специальный журнал метаданных, позволяющий легко отслеживать, какой файл принадлежит какому поддереву или поддеревьям. Журнал имеет расширение .vylog, по формату он совместим с файлом .xlog. Как и файл .xlog, происходит автоматическая ротация файла при каждой контрольной точке. Чтобы избежать повторного создания файлов при разделении и объединении, мы ввели промежуточную сущность – срез (slice). Это ссылка на файл с указанием диапазона значений ключа, которая хранится исключительно в журнале метаданных. Когда число ссылок на файл становится равным нулю, файл удаляется. А когда необходимо произвести разделение или объединение, Tarantool создает срезы для каждого нового дерева, старые срезы удаляет, и записывает эти операции в журнал метаданных. Буквально, журнал метаданных хранит записи вида <идентификатор дерева, идентификатор среза> или <идентификатор среза, идентификатор файла, мин, макс>.
Таким образом, непосредственно тяжелая работа по разбиению дерева на два поддерева, откладывается до слияния и выполняется автоматически.
Огромным преимуществом подхода с разделением всего диапазона ключей на диапазоны является возможность независимо управлять размером L0, а также процессом создания дампов и слиянием для каждого поддерева. В результате эти процессы являются управляемыми и предсказуемыми. Наличие отдельного журнала метаданных также упрощает выполнение таких операций, как усечение и удаление – в vinyl’е они обрабатываются мгновенно, потому что работают исключительно с журналом метаданных, а удаление мусора выполняется в фоне.
Расширенные возможности vinyl’а
Upsert (обновление и вставка)
В предыдущих разделах упоминались лишь две операции, которые хранит LSM-дерево: удаление и замена. Давайте рассмотрим, как представлены все остальные. Вставку можно представить с помощью замены – необходимо лишь предварительно убедиться в отсутствии элемента указанным ключом. Для выполнения обновления необходимо предварительно считывать старое значение из дерева, так что и эту операцию проще записать в дерево как замену – это ускорит будущие чтения по этому ключу. Кроме того, обновление должно вернуть новое значение, так что скрытых чтений никак не избежать.
В B-деревьях скрытые чтения почти ничего не стоят: чтобы обновить блок, его в любом случае необходимо прочитать с диска. Для LSM-деревьев идея создания специальной операции обновления, которая не приводила бы к скрытым чтениям, выглядит очень заманчивой.
Такая операция должна содержать как значение по умолчанию, которое нужно вставить, если данных по ключу еще нет, так и список операций обновления, которые нужно выполнить, если значение существует.
На этапе выполнения транзакции Tarantool лишь сохраняет всю операцию в LSM-дереве, а «выполняет» ее уже только во время слияния.
Операция обновления и вставки:
Обновление без чтения или вставка
Отложенное выполнение
Фоновое сжатие операций обновления и вставки предотвращает накапливание операций
К сожалению, если откладывать выполнение операции на этап слияния, возможностей для обработки ошибок не остается. Поэтому Tarantool стремится максимально проверять операции обновления и вставки upsert перед записью в дерево. Тем не менее, некоторые проверки можно выполнить лишь имея старые данные на руках. Например, если обновление прибавляет число к строке или удаляет несуществующее поле.
Операция с похожей семантикой присутствует во многих продуктах, в том числе в PostgreSQL и MongoDB. Но везде она представляет собой лишь синтаксический сахар, объединяющий обновление и вставку, не избавляя СУБД от необходимости выполнять скрытые чтения. Скорее всего, причиной этого является относительная новизна LSM-деревьев в качестве структур данных для хранения.
Хотя обновление и вставка upsert представляет собой очень важную оптимизацию, и ее реализация стоила нам долгой напряженной работы, следует признать, что ее применимость ограничена. Если в таблице есть вторичные ключи или триггеры, скрытых чтений не избежать. А если у вас есть сценарии, для которых не нужны вторичные ключи и обновление после завершения транзакции однозначно не приведет к ошибкам – эта операция для вас.
Небольшая история, связанная с этим оператором: vinyl только начинал «взрослеть», и мы впервые запустили операцию обновления и вставки upsert на рабочие серверы. Казалось бы, идеальные условия: огромный набор ключей, текущее время в качестве значения, операции обновления либо вставляют ключ, либо обновляют текущее время, редкие операции чтения. Нагрузочные тесты показали отличные результаты.
Тем не менее, после пары дней работы процесс Tarantool начал потреблять 100 % CPU, а производительность системы упала практически до нуля.
Начали подробно изучать проблему. Оказалось, что распределение запросов по ключам существенно отличалось от того, что мы видели в тестовом окружении. Оно было… очень неравномерное. Большая часть ключей обновлялась 1-2 раза за сутки, и база для них не была нагружена. Но были ключи гораздо более горячие – десятки тысяч обновлений в сутки. Tarantool прекрасно справлялся с этим потоком обновлений. А вот когда по ключу с десятком тысяч операций обновления и вставки upsert происходило чтение, всё шло под откос. Чтобы вернуть последнее значение, Tarantool приходилось каждый раз прочитать и «проиграть» историю из десятков тысяч команд обновления и вставки upsert. На стадии проекта мы надеялись, что это произойдет автоматически во время слияния уровней, но до слияния дело даже не доходило: памяти L0 было предостаточно, и дампы не создавались.
Решили мы проблему добавлением фонового процесса, осуществляющего упреждающие чтения для ключей, по которым накопилось больше нескольких десятков операций обновления и вставки upsert с последующей заменой на прочитанное значение.
Вторичные ключи
Не только для операции обновления остро стоит проблема оптимизации скрытых чтений. Даже операция замены при наличии вторичных ключей вынуждена читать старое значение: его нужно независимо удалить из вторичных индексов, а вставка нового элемента может этого не сделать, оставив в индексе мусор.
Если вторичные индексы не уникальны, то удаление из них «мусора» также можно перенести в фазу слияния, что мы и делаем в Tarantool. Природа LSM-дерева, в котором файлы обновляются путем присоединения новых записей, позволила нам реализовать в vinyl’е полноценные сериализуемые транзакции. Запросы только для чтения при этом используют старые версии данных и не блокируют запись. Сам менеджер транзакций пока довольно простой: в традиционной классификации он реализует класс MVTO (multiversion timestamp ordering – упорядочение временных меток на основе многоверсионности), при этом в конфликте побеждает та транзакция, что завершилась первой. Блокировок и свойственных им взаимоблокировок нет. Как ни странно, это скорее недостаток, чем преимущество: при параллельном выполнении можно повысить количество успешных транзакций, задерживая некоторые из них в нужный момент на блокировке. Развитие менеджера транзакций в наших ближайших планах. В текущей версии мы сфокусировались на том, чтобы сделать алгоритм корректным и предсказуемым на 100%. Например, наш менеджер транзакций – один из немногих в NoSQL-среде, поддерживающих так называемые «блокировки разрывов» (gap locks).
Различие между движками memtx и vinyl
Основное различие между движками memtx и vinyl в том, что memtx — in-memory движок, тогда как vinyl — это дисковый движок. Обычно in-memory движок быстрее: время выполнения запроса, как правило, менее 1 мс. Поэтому движок memtx используется в Tarantool по умолчанию. Однако если база данных не помещается в доступную память, а дополнительную память добавить невозможно, то лучше использовать дисковый движок, в данном случае vinyl.
Не передает управление на запросах выборки, если не происходит коммит транзакции в журнал упреждающей записи (WAL)
Передает управление на запросах выборки или аналогичных: get() или pairs()
Tarantool provides the ability to configure the full topology of a cluster and set parameters specific for concrete instances, such as connection settings, memory used to store data, logging, and snapshot settings.
Each instance uses this configuration during startup to organize the cluster.
There are two approaches to configuring Tarantool:
Since version 3.0: In the YAML format.
YAML configuration allows you to provide the full cluster topology and specify all configuration options.
You can use local configuration in a YAML file for each instance or store configuration data in a reliable centralized storage.
In version 2.11 and earlier: In code using the box.cfg API.
In this case, configuration is provided in a Lua initialization script.
Starting with the 3.0 version, configuring Tarantool in code is considered a legacy approach.
Configuration overview
YAML configuration describes the full topology of a Tarantool cluster.
A cluster’s topology includes the following elements, starting from the lower level:
An instance represents a single running Tarantool instance.
It stores data or might act as a router for handling CRUD requests in a sharded cluster.
A replica set is a pack of instances that operate on same data sets.
Replication provides redundancy and increases data availability.
A group provides the ability to organize replica sets.
For example, in a sharded cluster, one group can contain storage instances and another group can contain routers used to handle CRUD requests.
You can flexibly configure a cluster’s settings on different levels: from global settings applied to all groups to parameters specific for concrete instances.
The instances section includes only one instance named instance001.
The iproto.listen.uri option sets an address used to listen for incoming requests.
The replicasets section contains one replica set named replicaset001.
The groups section contains one group named group001.
Configuration scopes
This section shows how to control a scope the specified configuration option is applied to.
Most of the configuration options can be applied to a specific instance, replica set, group, or to all instances globally.
To apply certain configuration options to a specific instance,
specify such options for this instance only.
In the example below, iproto.listen is applied to instance001 only.
Configuration scopes above are listed in the order of their precedence – from highest to lowest.
For example, if the same option is defined at the instance and global level, the instance’s value takes precedence over the global one.
The Configuration reference contains information about scopes to which each configuration option can be applied.
Configuration scopes: Replica set example
The example below shows how specific configuration options work in different configuration scopes for a replica set with a manual failover.
You can learn more about configuring replication from Replication tutorials.
This section is used to create the replicator user and assign it the specified role.
These options are applied globally to all instances.
iproto (global, instance)
The iproto section is specified on both global and instance levels.
The iproto.advertise.peer option specifies the parameters used by an instance to connect to another instance as a replica, for example, a URI, a login and password, or SSL parameters .
In the example above, the option includes login only.
An URI is taken from iproto.listen that is set on the instance level.
replication (global)
The replication.failover global option sets a manual failover for all replica sets.
leader (replica set)
The <replicaset-name>.leader option sets a master instance for replicaset001.
Enabling and configuring roles
An application role is a Lua module that implements specific functions or logic.
You can turn on or off a particular role for certain instances in a configuration without restarting these instances.
There can be built-in Tarantool roles, roles provided by third-party Lua modules, or custom roles that are developed as a part of a cluster application.
This section describes how to enable and configure roles.
To learn how to develop custom roles, see Application roles.
Enabling a role
To turn on or off a role for a specific instance or a set of instances, use the roles configuration option.
The example below shows how to enable the roles.crud-router role provided by the CRUD module using the roles option:
Similarly, you can enable the roles.crud-storage role to make instances act as CRUD storages:
The roles_cfg option allows you to specify the configuration for each role.
In this option, the role name is the key and the role configuration is the value.
The example below shows how to enable statistics on called operations by providing the roles.crud-router role’s configuration:
As the most of configuration options, roles and their configurations can be defined at different levels.
Given that the roles option has the array type and roles_cfg has the map type, there are some specifics of applying the configuration:
For roles, an instance’s role takes precedence over roles defined at another level.
In the example below, instance001 has only role3:
Learn more about the order of precedence for different configuration scopes in Configuration scopes.
For roles_cfg, the following rules are applied:
If a configuration for the same role is provided at different levels, an instance configuration takes precedence over the configuration defined at another level.
In the example below, role1.greeting is 'Hi':
If the configurations for different roles are provided at different levels, both configurations are applied at the instance level.
In the example below, instance001 has role1.greeting set to 'Hi' and role2.farewell set to 'Bye':
Labels allow adding custom attributes to your cluster configuration. A label is
an arbitrary key:value pair with a string key and value.
Labels can be defined in any configuration scope. An instance receives labels from
all scopes it belongs to. The labels section in a group or a replica set scope
applies to all instances of the group or a replica set. To override these labels on
the instance level or add instance-specific labels, define another labels section in the instance scope.
Labels can be used to direct function calls to instances that match certain criteria
using the connpool module.
Predefined variables
In a configuration file, you can use the following predefined variables that are replaced with actual values at runtime:
To reference these variables in a configuration file, enclose them in double curly braces with whitespaces.
In the example below, {{instance_name}} is replaced with instance001.
A YAML configuration can include parts that apply only to instances that meet certain conditions.
This is useful for cluster upgrade scenarios: during an upgrade, instances can be running
different Tarantool versions and therefore require different configurations.
Conditional parts are defined in the conditional configuration section in the global scope.
It includes one or more if subsections. Each if subsection defines conditions
and configuration parts that apply to instances that meet these conditions.
The example below shows a conditional section for cluster upgrade from Tarantool 3.0.0
to Tarantool 3.1.0:
The user-defined labelupgraded is true
on instances that are running Tarantool 3.1.0 or later. On older versions, it is false.
Two compat options that were introduced in 3.1.0 are defined for Tarantool 3.1.0
instances. On older versions, they would cause an error.
if sections can use one variable – tarantool_version. It contains
a three-number Tarantool version and compares with values of the same format
using the comparison operators >, <, >=, <=, ==, and !=.
You can write complex conditions using the logical operators || (OR) and && (AND).
Parentheses () can be used to define the operators precedence.
If the same option is set in multiple if sections that are true for an instance,
this option receives the value from the section declared last in the configuration.
conditional:-if:tarantool_version >= 3.0.0labels:version:'3.0'# applies to versions >= 3.0.0 and < 3.1.0-if:tarantool_version >= 3.1.0labels:version:'3.1+'# applies to versions >= 3.1.0
Environment variables
For each configuration parameter, Tarantool provides two sets of predefined environment variables:
TT_<CONFIG_PARAMETER>. These variables are used to substitute parameters specified in a configuration file.
This means that these variables have a higher priority than the options specified in a configuration file.
TT_<CONFIG_PARAMETER>_DEFAULT. These variables are used to specify default values for parameters missing in a configuration file.
These variables have a lower priority than the options specified in a configuration file.
For example, TT_IPROTO_LISTEN and TT_IPROTO_LISTEN_DEFAULT correspond to the iproto.listen option.
TT_SNAPSHOT_DIR and TT_SNAPSHOT_DIR_DEFAULT correspond to the snapshot.dir option.
To see all the supported environment variables, execute the tarantool command with the --help-env-listoption.
$ tarantool--help-env-list
There are also special TT_INSTANCE_NAME and TT_CONFIG environment variables that can be used to start the specified Tarantool instance with configuration from the given file.
Below are a few examples that show how to set environment variables of different types, like string, number, array, or map.
In this example, TT_LOG_LEVEL is used to set a logging level to CRITICAL:
$ exportTT_LOG_LEVEL='crit'
In this example, a logging level is set to CRITICAL using a corresponding numeric value:
$ exportTT_LOG_LEVEL=3
The examples below show how to set the TT_SHARDING_ROLES variable that accepts an array value.
Arrays can be passed in two ways: using a simple …
$ exportTT_SHARDING_ROLES=router,storage
… or JSON format:
$ exportTT_SHARDING_ROLES='["router", "storage"]'
The simple format is applicable only to arrays containing scalar values.
To assign map values to environment variables, you can also use simple or JSON formats.
In the example below, TT_LOG_MODULES sets different logging levels for different modules using a simple format:
$ exportTT_LOG_MODULES=module1=info,module2=error
In the next example, TT_ROLES_CFG is used to specify the value of a custom configuration for a role using a JSON format:
Tarantool enables you to store a cluster’s configuration in one reliable place using a Tarantool or etcd-based storage:
A Tarantool-based configuration storage is a replica set that stores a cluster’s configuration in synchronous spaces.
etcd is a distributed key-value storage for any type of critical data used by distributed systems.
With a local YAML configuration, you need to make sure that all cluster instances use identical configuration files:
Using a centralized configuration storage, all instances get the actual configuration from one place:
This topic describes how to set up a configuration storage, publish a cluster configuration to this storage, and use this configuration for all cluster instances.
Setting up a configuration storage
Tarantool-based storage
To make a replica set act as a configuration storage, use the built-in config.storagerole.
Configuring a storage
To configure a Tarantool-based storage, follow the steps below:
Define a replica set topology and specify the following options at the replica set level:
Optionally, provide the role configuration in roles_cfg. In the example below, the status_check_interval option sets the interval (in seconds) of status checks.
To learn how to set up an etcd-based configuration storage, consult the etcd documentation.
The example script below demonstrates how to use the etcdctl utility to create a user that has read and write access to configurations stored by the /myapp/ prefix:
etcdctl user add root:topsecretetcdctl role add myapp_config_manageretcdctl role grant-permission myapp_config_manager --prefix=true readwrite /myapp/etcdctl user add sampleuser:123456etcdctl user grant-role sampleuser myapp_config_manageretcdctl auth enable
The credentials of this user should be specified when configuring a connection to the etcd cluster.
Publishing a cluster’s configuration
Publishing configuration using the tt utility
The tt utility provides the tt cluster command for managing centralized cluster configurations.
The ttclusterpublish command can be used to publish a cluster’s configuration to both Tarantool and etcd-based storages.
The example below shows how a tt environment and a layout of the application called myapp might look:
source.yaml contains a cluster’s configuration to be published.
config.yaml contains a local configuration used to connect to the centralized storage.
instances.yml specifies instances to run in the current environment.
The configured instances are used by tt when starting a cluster.
ttclusterpublish ignores this configuration file.
To publish a cluster’s configuration (source.yaml) to a centralized storage, execute ttclusterpublish as follows:
Executing this command publishes a cluster configuration by the /myapp/config/all path.
You can see a cluster’s configuration using the ttclustershow command.
Publishing configuration using the „config“ module
The config module provides the API for interacting with a Tarantool-based configuration storage.
The example below shows how to read a configuration stored in the source.yaml file using the fio module API and put this configuration by the /myapp/config/all path:
The net.boxmodule provides the ability to monitor configuration updates by watching path or prefix changes. Learn more in conn:watch().
Publishing configuration using etcdctl
To publish a cluster’s configuration to etcd using the etcdctl utility, use the put command:
$ etcdctlput/myapp/config/all<source.yaml
For etcd versions earlier than 3.4, you need to set the ETCDCTL_API environment variable to 3.
Configuring connection to a storage
To use a configuration from a centralized storage for your cluster, you need to provide connection settings in a local configuration file.
Configuring connection to a Tarantool storage
Connection options for a Tarantool-based storage should be specified in the config.storage section of the configuration file.
In the example below, the following options are specified:
endpoints specifies the list of configuration storage endpoints.
prefix sets a key prefix used to search a configuration. Tarantool searches keys by the following path: <prefix>/config/*. Note that <prefix> should start with a slash (/).
timeout specifies the interval (in seconds) to perform the status check of a configuration storage.
reconnect_after specifies how much time to wait (in seconds) before reconnecting to a configuration storage.
Connection options for etcd should be specified in the config.etcd section of the configuration file.
In the example below, the following options are specified:
prefix sets a key prefix used to search a configuration. Tarantool searches keys by the following path: <prefix>/config/*. Note that <prefix> should start with a slash (/).
username and password specify credentials used for authentication.
http.request.timeout configures a request timeout for an etcd server.
By default, Tarantool watches keys with the specified prefix for changes in a cluster’s configuration and reloads a changed configuration automatically.
If necessary, you can set the config.reload option to manual to turn off configuration reloading:
Starting with the 3.0 version, the recommended way of configuring Tarantool is using a configuration file.
Configuring Tarantool in code is considered a legacy approach.
This topic covers the specifics of configuring Tarantool in code using the box.cfg API.
In this case, a configuration is stored in an initialization file - a Lua script with the specified configuration options.
You can find all the available options in the Configuration reference.
Initialization file
If the command to start Tarantool includes an instance file, then
Tarantool begins by invoking the Lua program in the file, which may have the name init.lua.
The Lua program may get further arguments
from the command line or may use operating-system functions, such as getenv().
The Lua program almost always begins by invoking box.cfg(), if the database
server will be used or if ports need to be opened. For example, suppose
init.lua contains the lines
and suppose the environment variable LISTEN_URI contains 3301,
and suppose the command line is tarantoolinit.luaARG.
Then the screen might look like this:
$ exportLISTEN_URI=3301$ tarantoolinit.luaARG
... main/101/init.lua C> Tarantool 2.8.3-0-g01023dbc2... main/101/init.lua C> log level 5... main/101/init.lua I> mapping 33554432 bytes for memtx tuple arena...... main/101/init.lua I> recovery start... main/101/init.lua I> recovering from './00000000000000000000.snap'... main/101/init.lua I> set 'listen' configuration option to "3301"... main/102/leave_local_hot_standby I> ready to accept requestsStarting ARG... main C> entering the event loop
If you wish to start an interactive session on the same terminal after
initialization is complete, you can pass the -icommand-line option.
Environment variables
Starting from version 2.8.1, you can specify configuration parameters via special environment variables.
The name of a variable should have the following pattern: TT_<NAME>,
where <NAME> is the uppercase name of the corresponding box.cfg parameter.
An empty variable (TT_LISTEN=) has the same effect as an unset one, meaning that the corresponding configuration parameter won’t be set when calling box.cfg{}.
Configuration parameters
Configuration parameters have the form:
Configuration parameters can be set in a Lua initialization file,
which is specified on the Tarantool command line.
Most configuration parameters are for allocating resources, opening ports, and
specifying database behavior. All parameters are optional.
Most of the parameters are dynamic, that is, they can be changed at runtime by calling box.cfg{} a second time.
For example, the command below sets the listen port to 3301.
tarantool> box.cfg{listen=3301}2023-05-10 13:28:54.667 [31326] main/103/interactive I> tx_binary: stopped2023-05-10 13:28:54.667 [31326] main/103/interactive I> tx_binary: bound to [::]:33012023-05-10 13:28:54.667 [31326] main/103/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'listen' configuration option to 3301---...
To see all the non-null parameters, execute box.cfg (no parentheses).
tarantool> box.cfg----replication_skip_conflict:falsewal_queue_max_size:16777216feedback_host:https://feedback.tarantool.iomemtx_dir:.memtx_min_tuple_size:16-- other parameters --...
To see a particular parameter value, call a corresponding box.cfg option.
For example, box.cfg.listen shows the specified listen address.
tarantool> box.cfg.listen----3301...
Listen URI
Some configuration parameters and some functions depend on a URI (Universal Resource Identifier).
The URI string format is similar to the
generic syntax for a URI schema.
It may contain (in order):
user name for login
host name or host IP address
port number
query parameters
Only a port number is always mandatory. A password is mandatory if a user
name is specified unless the user name is „guest“.
Formally, the URI
syntax is [host:]port or [username:password@]host:port.
If a host is omitted, then «» or «[::]» is assumed,
meaning respectively any IPv4 address or any IPv6 address
on the local machine.
If username:password is omitted, then the «guest» user is assumed. Some examples:
URI fragment
In code, the URI value can be passed as a number (if only a port is specified) or a string:
In certain circumstances, a Unix domain socket may be used
where a URI is expected, for example, unix/:/tmp/unix_domain_socket.sock or
simply /tmp/unix_domain_socket.sock.
The uri module provides functions that convert URI strings into their
components or turn components into URI strings.
Specifying several URIs
Starting from version 2.10.0, a user can open several listening iproto sockets on a Tarantool instance
and, consequently, can specify several URIs in the configuration parameters
such as box.cfg.listen and box.cfg.replication.
Using the params table: a URI is passed in a table with additional parameters in the «params» table.
Parameters in the «params» table overwrite the ones from a URI string («value2» overwrites «value1» for p1 in the example below).
Using the default_params table for specifying default parameter values.
In the example below, two URIs are passed in a table.
The default value for the p3 parameter is defined in the default_params table
and used if this parameter is not specified in URIs.
Parameters in the default_params table are applicable to all the URIs passed in a table.
Since version 2.10.0, Tarantool Enterprise Edition has the built-in support for using SSL to encrypt the client-server communications over binary connections,
that is, between Tarantool instances in a cluster or connecting to an instance via connectors using net.box.
Tarantool uses the OpenSSL library that is included in the delivery package.
Note that SSL connections use only TLSv1.2.
To configure traffic encryption, you need to set the special URI parameters for a particular connection.
The parameters can be set for the following box.cfg options and net.box method:
Below is the list of the parameters.
In the next section, you can find details and examples on what should be configured on both the server side and the client side.
transport – enables SSL encryption for a connection if set to ssl.
The default value is plain, which means the encryption is off. If the parameter is not set, the encryption is off too.
Other encryption-related parameters can be used only if the transport='ssl' is set.
ssl_key_file – a path to a private SSL key file.
Mandatory for a server.
For a client, it’s mandatory if the ssl_ca_file parameter is set for a server; otherwise, optional.
If the private key is encrypted, provide a password for it in the ssl_password or ssl_password_file parameter.
ssl_cert_file – a path to an SSL certificate file.
Mandatory for a server.
For a client, it’s mandatory if the ssl_ca_file parameter is set for a server; otherwise, optional.
ssl_ca_file – a path to a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file. Optional. If not set, the peer won’t be checked for authenticity.
Both a server and a client can use the ssl_ca_file parameter:
If it’s on the server side, the server verifies the client.
If it’s on the client side, the client verifies the server.
If both sides have the CA files, the server and the client verify each other.
ssl_ciphers – a colon-separated (:) list of SSL cipher suites the connection can use. See the Supported ciphers section for details. Optional.
Note that the list is not validated: if a cipher suite is unknown, Tarantool just ignores it, doesn’t establish the connection and writes to the log that no shared cipher found.
ssl_password – a password for an encrypted private SSL key. Optional. Alternatively, the password
can be provided in ssl_password_file.
ssl_password_file – a text file with one or more passwords for encrypted private SSL keys
(each on a separate line). Optional. Alternatively, the password can be provided in ssl_password.
Tarantool applies the ssl_password and ssl_password_file parameters in the following order:
If ssl_password is provided, Tarantool tries to decrypt the private key with it.
If ssl_password is incorrect or isn’t provided, Tarantool tries all passwords from ssl_password_file
one by one in the order they are written.
If ssl_password and all passwords from ssl_password_file are incorrect,
or none of them is provided, Tarantool treats the private key as unencrypted.
Tarantool Enterprise supports the following cipher suites:
Tarantool Enterprise static build has the embedded engine to support the GOST cryptographic algorithms.
If you use these algorithms for traffic encryption, specify the corresponding cipher suite in the ssl_ciphers parameter, for example:
When configuring the traffic encryption, you need to specify the necessary parameters on both the server side and the client side.
Below you can find the summary on the options and parameters to be used and examples of configuration.
Server side
Is configured via the box.cfg.listen option.
Mandatory URI parameters: transport, ssl_key_file and ssl_cert_file.
Optional URI parameters: ssl_ca_file, ssl_ciphers, ssl_password, and ssl_password_file.
Client side
Is configured via the box.cfg.replication option (see details) or net_box_object.connect().
If the server side has only the transport, ssl_key_file and ssl_cert_file parameters set,
on the client side, you need to specify only transport=ssl as the mandatory parameter.
All other URI parameters are optional.
If the server side also has the ssl_ca_file parameter set,
on the client side, you need to specify transport, ssl_key_file and ssl_cert_file as the mandatory parameters.
Other parameters – ssl_ca_file, ssl_ciphers, ssl_password, and ssl_password_file – are optional.
Configuration examples
Suppose, there is a master-replica set with two Tarantool instances: – master (server) – replica (client).
Examples below show the configuration related to connection encryption for two cases:
when the trusted certificate authorities (CA) file is not set on the server side and when it does.
Only mandatory URI parameters are mentioned in these examples.
In Tarantool, all data is stored in random-access memory (RAM) by default.
For this purpose, the memtx storage engine is used.
This topic describes how to define basic settings related to in-memory storage in the
memtx section of a YAML configuration
– for example, memory size and maximum tuple size.
For the specific settings related to allocator or sorting threads,
check the corresponding memtx options in the Configuration reference.
To estimate the required amount of memory, you can use the
sizing calculator.
Memory size
In Tarantool, data is stored in spaces.
Each space consists of tuples – the database records.
To specify the amount of memory that Tarantool allocates to store tuples, use the
memtx.memory configuration option.
In the example below, the memory size is set to 1 GB (1073741824 bytes):
The server does not exceed this limit to allocate tuples.
For indexes and connection information, additional memory is used.
When the memtx.memory limit is reached, INSERT or UPDATE requests fail with
Tuple size
You can configure the minimum and the maximum tuple sizes in bytes.
If the tuples are small, you can decrease the minimum size.
If the tuples are large, you can increase the maximum size.
To ensure data persistence, Tarantool provides the abilities to:
Record each data change request into a write-ahead log (WAL) file (.xlog files).
When a power outage occurs or the Tarantool instance is killed incidentally, the in-memory database is lost.
In such case, Tarantool restores the data from WAL files by reading them and redoing the requests.
This is called the «recovery process».
Take internals-snapshot that contain an on-disk copy of the entire data set for a given moment
(.snap files).
During the recovery process, Tarantool can load the latest snapshot file and then read the requests from the WAL files, produced after this snapshot was made.
After creating a new snapshot, the earlier WAL files can be removed to free up space.
the recording to the write-ahead log in the wal section of a YAML configuration.
To learn more about the persistence mechanism in Tarantool, see the Persistence section.
The formats of WAL and snapshot files are described in detail in the File formats section.
A new snapshot is taken once the size of all WAL files created since the last snapshot exceeds a given limit
(see snapshot.by.wal_size).
The snapshot.by.interval option sets up the checkpoint daemon
that takes a new snapshot every snapshot.by.interval seconds.
If the snapshot.by.interval option is set to zero, the checkpoint daemon is disabled.
The snapshot.by.wal_size option defines the maximum size in bytes for all WAL files created since the last snapshot taken.
Once this size is exceeded, the checkpoint daemon takes a snapshot. Then, Tarantool garbage collector
deletes the old WAL files.
The example shows how to specify the snapshot.by.interval and the snapshot.by.wal_size options:
In the example, a new snapshot is created in two cases:
every 2 hours (every 7200 seconds)
when the size for all WAL files created since the last snapshot reaches the size of 1e18 (1000000000000000000) bytes.
Specify a directory for snapshot files
To configure a directory where the snapshot files are stored, use the snapshot.dir
configuration option.
The example below shows how to specify a snapshot directory for instance001 explicitly:
By default, WAL files and snapshot files are stored in the same directory var/lib/{{instance_name}}.
However, you can specify different directories for them.
For example, you can place snapshots and write-ahead logs on different hard drives for better reliability:
You can set a limit on the number of snapshots stored in the snapshot.dir
directory using the snapshot.count option.
Once the number of snapshots reaches the given limit, Tarantool garbage collector
deletes the oldest snapshot file and any associated WAL files after the new snapshot is taken.
In the example below, the snapshot is created every two hours (every 7200 seconds) until there are three snapshots in the
snapshot.dir directory.
After creating a new snapshot (the fourth one), the oldest snapshot and the corresponding WALs are deleted.
This section describes how to define WAL settings in the wal section of a YAML configuration.
Set the WAL mode
The recording to the write-ahead log is enabled by default.
It means that if an instance restart occurs, the data will be recovered.
The recording to the WAL can be configured using the wal.mode configuration option.
There are two modes that enable writing to the WAL:
write (default) – enable WAL and write the data without waiting for the data to be flushed to the storage device.
fsync – enable WAL and ensure that the record is written to the storage device.
The example below shows how to specify the write WAL mode:
To turn the WAL writer off, set the wal.mode option to none.
Specify a directory for WAL files
To configure a directory where the WAL files are stored, use the wal.dir configuration option.
The example below shows how to specify a directory for instance001 explicitly:
In case of replication or hot standby mode,
Tarantool scans for changes in the WAL files every wal.dir_rescan_delay
seconds. The example below shows how to specify the interval between scans:
Set a maximum size for the WAL file
A new WAL file is created when the current one reaches the wal.max_size
size. The configuration for this option might look as follows:
Set a delay for the garbage collector
In Tarantool, the checkpoint daemon
takes new snapshots at the given interval (see snapshot.by.interval).
After an instance restart, the Tarantool garbage collector deletes the old WAL files.
To delay the immediate deletion of WAL files, use the wal.cleanup_delay
configuration option. The delay eliminates possible erroneous situations when the master deletes WALs
needed by replicas after restart.
As a consequence, replicas sync with the master faster after its restart and
don’t need to download all the data again.
In the example, the delay is set to 5 hours (18000 seconds):
Specify the WAL extensions
In Tarantool Enterprise, you can store an old and new tuple for each CRUD operation performed.
A detailed description and examples of the WAL extensions are provided in the WAL extensions section.
The checkpoint daemon (snapshot daemon) is a constantly running fiber.
The checkpoint daemon creates a schedule for the periodic snapshot creation based on
the configuration options and the speed of file size growth.
If enabled, the daemon makes new snapshot (.snap) files according to this schedule.
The work of the checkpoint daemon is based on the following configuration options:
snapshot.by.wal_size – a new snapshot is taken once the size
of all WAL files created since the last snapshot exceeds a given limit.
If necessary, the checkpoint daemon also activates the Tarantool garbage collector
that deletes old snapshots and WAL files.
The memtx engine takes only regular snapshots with the interval set in
the checkpoint daemon configuration.
The vinyl engine runs checkpointing in the background at all times.
Tarantool garbage collector
Tarantool garbage collector can be activated by the checkpoint daemon.
The garbage collector tracks the snapshots that are to be relayed to a replica or needed
by other consumers. When the files are no longer needed, Tarantool garbage collector deletes them.
The garbage collector called by the checkpoint daemon is distinct from the Lua garbage collector
which is for Lua objects, and distinct from the Tarantool garbage collector that specializes in handling shard buckets.
This garbage collector is called as follows:
When the number of snapshots reaches the limit of snapshot.count size.
After a new snapshot is taken, Tarantool garbage collector deletes the oldest snapshot file and any associated WAL files.
When the size of all WAL files created since the last snapshot reaches the limit of snapshot.by.wal_size.
Once this size is exceeded, the checkpoint daemon takes a snapshot, then the garbage collector deletes the old WAL files.
If an old snapshot file is deleted, the Tarantool garbage collector also deletes
any write-ahead log (.xlog) files that meet the following conditions:
The WAL files are older than the snapshot file.
The WAL files contain information present in the snapshot file.
Tarantool garbage collector also deletes obsolete vinyl .run files.
Tarantool garbage collector doesn’t delete a file in the following cases:
A backup is running, and the file has not been backed up
(see Hot backup).
Replication is running, and the file has not been relayed to a replica
(see Replication architecture),
A replica is connecting.
A replica has fallen behind.
The progress of each replica is tracked; if a replica’s position is far
from being up to date, then the server stops to give it a chance to catch up.
If an administrator concludes that a replica is permanently down, then the
correct procedure is to restart the server, or (preferably) remove the replica from the cluster.
WAL extensions allow you to add auxiliary information to each write-ahead log record.
For example, you can enable storing an old and new tuple for each CRUD operation performed.
This information might be helpful for implementing a CDC (Change Data Capture) utility
that transforms a data replication stream.
WAL extensions are disabled by default.
To configure them, use the wal.ext.* configuration options.
Inside the wal.ext block, you can enable storing old and new tuples as follows:
To store old and new tuples in a write-ahead log for all spaces, set the
wal.ext.old and wal.ext.new
options to true:
To adjust these options for specific spaces, specify the wal.ext.spaces option:
The configuration for specific spaces has priority over the configuration in the wal.ext.new and wal.ext.old
It means that only new tuples are added to the log for space1 and only old tuples for space2.
Note that records with additional fields are replicated as follows:
If a replica doesn’t support the extended format configured on a master, auxiliary fields are skipped.
If a replica and master have different configurations for WAL records, the master’s configuration is ignored.
The table below demonstrates how write-ahead log records might look
for the specific CRUD operations
if storing old and new tuples is enabled for the bands space.
Tarantool stores data in spaces, which can be thought of as tables in a relational database.
Every record or row in a space is called a tuple.
A tuple may have any number of fields, and the fields may be of different types.
String data in fields are compared based on the specified collation rules.
The user can provide hard limits for data values through constraints
and link related spaces with foreign keys.
Tarantool supports highly customizable indexes of various types.
In particular, indexes can be defined with generators like sequences.
There are six basic data operations in Tarantool:
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT, REPLACE, and DELETE. A number of complexity factors
affects the resource usage of each function.
A tuple is a group of data values in Tarantool’s memory.
Think of it as a «database record» or a «row».
The data values in the tuple are called fields.
When Tarantool returns a tuple value in the console,
by default, it uses YAML format,
for example: [3,'AceofBase',1993].
Internally, Tarantool stores tuples as
MsgPack arrays.
Fields are distinct data values, contained in a tuple.
They play the same role as «row columns» or «record fields» in relational databases,
with a few improvements:
fields can be composite structures, such as arrays or maps,
fields don’t need to have names.
A given tuple may have any number of fields, and the fields may be of
different types.
The field’s number is the identifier of the field.
Numbers are counted from base 1 in Lua and other 1-based languages,
or from base 0 in languages like PHP or C/C++.
So, 1 or 0 can be used in some contexts to refer to the first
field of a tuple.
Tarantool stores tuples in containers called spaces.
In Tarantool, a space is a primary container that stores data.
It is analogous to tables in relational databases.
Spaces contain tuples – the Tarantool name for
database records.
The number of tuples in a space is unlimited.
At least one space is required to store data with Tarantool.
Each space has the following attributes:
a unique name specified by the user,
a unique numeric identifier which can be specified by
the user, but usually is assigned automatically by Tarantool,
an engine: memtx (default) — in-memory engine,
fast but limited in size, or vinyl — on-disk engine for huge data sets.
To be functional, a space also needs to have a primary index.
It can also have secondary indexes.
Data types
Tarantool is both a database manager and an application server.
Therefore a developer often deals with two type sets:
the types of the programming language (such as Lua) and
the types of the Tarantool storage format (MsgPack).
MsgPack values have variable lengths.
So, for example, the smallest number requires only one byte, but the largest number
requires nine bytes.
The Lua nil type is encoded as MsgPack nil but
decoded as msgpack.NULL.
Field type details
In Lua, the nil type has only one possible value, also called nil.
Tarantool displays it as null when using the default
YAML format.
Nil may be compared to values of any types with == (is-equal)
or ~= (is-not-equal), but other comparison operations will not work.
Nil may not be used in Lua tables; the workaround is to use
box.NULL because nil==box.NULL is true.
A boolean is either true or false.
The Tarantool integer type is for integers between
-9223372036854775808 and 18446744073709551615, which is about 18 quintillion.
This type corresponds to the number type in Lua and to the integer type in MsgPack.
The Tarantool unsigned type is for integers between
0 and 18446744073709551615. So it is a subset of integer.
The double field type exists
mainly to be equivalent to Tarantool/SQL’s
DOUBLE data type.
In msgpuck.h (Tarantool’s interface to MsgPack),
the storage type is MP_DOUBLE and the size of the encoded value is always 9 bytes.
In Lua, fields of the double type can only contain non-integer numeric values and
cdata values with double floating-point numbers.
Examples:1.234, -44, 1.447e+44.
To avoid using the wrong kind of values inadvertently, use
ffi.cast() when searching or changing double fields.
For example, instead of
Arithmetic with cdata double will not work reliably, so
for Lua, it is better to use the number type.
This warning does not apply for Tarantool/SQL because
Tarantool/SQL does
implicit casting.
The Tarantool number field may have both
integer and floating-point values, although in Lua a number
is a double-precision floating-point.
Tarantool will try to store a Lua number as
floating-point if the value contains a decimal point or is very large
(greater than 100 trillion = 1e14), otherwise Tarantool will store it as an integer.
To ensure that even very large numbers are stored as integers, use the
tonumber64 function, or the LL (Long Long) suffix,
or the ULL (Unsigned Long Long) suffix.
Here are examples of numbers using regular notation, exponential notation,
the ULL suffix and the tonumber64 function:
-55, -2.7e+20, 100000000000000ULL, tonumber64('18446744073709551615').
You can also use the ffi module to specify a C type to cast the number to.
In this case, the number will be stored as cdata.
The Tarantool decimal type is stored as a MsgPack ext (Extension).
Values with the decimal type are not floating-point values although
they may contain decimal points.
They are exact with up to 38 digits of precision.
Example: a value returned by a function in the decimal module.
Introduced in v. 2.10.0.
The Tarantool datetime type facilitates operations with date and time,
accounting for leap years or the varying number of days in a month.
It is stored as a MsgPack ext (Extension).
Operations with this data type use code from c-dt, a third-party library.
The Tarantool interval type represents periods of time.
They can be added to or subtracted from datetime values or each other.
Operations with this data type use code from c-dt, a third-party library.
The type is stored as a MsgPack ext (Extension).
For more information, see Module datetime.
A string is a variable-length sequence of bytes, usually represented with
alphanumeric characters inside single quotes. In both Lua and MsgPack, strings
are treated as binary data, with no attempts to determine a string’s
character set or to perform any string conversion – unless there is an optional
So, usually, string sorting and comparison are done byte-by-byte, without any special
collation rules applied.
For example, numbers are ordered by their point on the number line, so 2345 is
greater than 500; meanwhile, strings are ordered by the encoding of the first
byte, then the encoding of the second byte, and so on, so '2345' is less than '500'.
A bin (binary) value is not directly supported by Lua but there is
a Tarantool type varbinary. See the varbinary module reference
for details.
An array is represented in Lua with {...} (braces).
Examples: lists of numbers representing points in geometric figures:
{10,11}, {3,5,9,10}.
Lua tables with string keys are stored as MsgPack maps;
Lua tables with integer keys starting with 1 are stored as MsgPack arrays.
Nils may not be used in Lua tables; the workaround is to use
Example: a box.space.tester:select() request will return a Lua table.
A tuple is a light reference to a MsgPack array stored in the database.
It is a special type (cdata) to avoid conversion to a Lua table on retrieval.
A few functions may return tables with multiple tuples. For tuple examples,
see box.tuple.
Values in a scalar field can be boolean, integer, unsigned, double,
number, decimal, string, uuid, or varbinary; but not array, map, or tuple.
Examples:true, 1, 'xxx'.
Values in a field of this type can be boolean, integer, unsigned, double,
number, decimal, string, uuid, varbinary, array, map, or tuple.
Examples:true, 1, 'xxx', {box.NULL,0}.
Examples of insert requests with different field types:
tarantool> box.space.K:insert{1,nil,true,'A B C',12345,1.2345}----[1,null,true,'ABC',12345,1.2345]...tarantool> box.space.K:insert{2,{['a']=5,['b']=6}}----[2,{'a':5,'b':6}]...tarantool> box.space.K:insert{3,{1,2,3,4,5}}----[3,[1,2,3,4,5]]...
Indexed field types
To learn more about what values can be stored in indexed fields, read the
Indexes section.
By default, when Tarantool compares strings, it uses the so-called
binary collation.
It only considers the numeric value of each byte in a string.
For example, the encoding of 'A' (what used to be called the «ASCII value») is 65,
the encoding of 'B' is 66, and the encoding of 'a' is 98.
Therefore, if the string is encoded with ASCII or UTF-8, then 'A'<'B'<'a'.
Binary collation is the best choice for fast deterministic simple maintenance and searching
with Tarantool indexes.
But if you want the ordering that you see in phone books and dictionaries,
then you need Tarantool’s optional collations, such as unicode and
unicode_ci, which allow for 'a'<'A'<'B' and 'a'=='A'<'B'
In all, collation involves much more than these simple examples of
upper case / lower case and accented / unaccented equivalence in alphabets.
We also consider variations of the same character, non-alphabetic writing systems,
and special rules that apply for combinations of characters.
For English, Russian, and most other languages and use cases, use the «unicode» and «unicode_ci» collations.
If you need Cyrillic letters „Е“ and „Ё“ to have the same level-1 weights,
try the Kyrgyz collation.
The tailored optional collations: for other languages, Tarantool supplies tailored collations for every
modern language that has more than a million native speakers, and
for specialized situations such as the difference between dictionary
order and telephone book order.
Run box.space._collation:select() to see the complete list.
The tailored collation names have the form
unicode_[languagecode]_[strength], where language code is a standard
2-character or 3-character language abbreviation, and strength is s1
for «primary strength» (level-1 weights), s2 for «secondary», s3 for «tertiary».
Tarantool uses the same language codes as the ones in the «list of tailorable locales» on man pages of
Ubuntu and
Charts explaining the precise differences from DUCET order are
in the
Common Language Data Repository.
Default values
Default values are assigned to tuple fields automatically if these fields are
skipped during the tuple insert or update.
You can specify a default value for a field in the space_object:format()
call that defines the space format. Default values apply regardless of the field nullability:
any tuple in which the field is skipped or set to nil receives
the default value.
Default values can be set in two ways: explicitly or using a function.
Explicit default values
Explicit default values are defined in the default parameter of the field declaration
in a space_object:format() call.
To use a default value for a field, skip it or assign nil:
books:insert{1,'Thinking in Java'}books:insert{2,'How to code in Go',nil}
Any Lua object that can be evaluated during the space_object.format() call
may be used as a default value, for example:
a constant: default=100
an initialized variable: default=default_size
an expression: default=10+default_size
a function return value: default=count_default()
Explicit default values are evaluated only when setting the space format.
If you use a variable as a default value, its further assignments do not affect the default value.
To change the default values, call space_object:format() again.
A default value can be defined as a return value of a stored Lua function. To be
the default, a function must be created with box.schema.func.create()
with the function body and return one value of the field’s type. It also must not yield.
Default functions are set in the default_func parameter of the field declaration
in a space_object:format() call. To make a function with no arguments the default
for a field, specify its name:
A key difference between a default function (default_func='count_default')
and a function return value used as a field default value (default=count_default())
is the following:
A default function is called every time a default value must be produced,
that is, a tuple is inserted or updated without specifying the field.
A return value used a field default value: the function is called once
when setting the space format. Then, all tuples receive the result of
this exact call if the field is not specified.
For better control over stored data, Tarantool supports constraints – user-defined
limitations on the values of certain fields or entire tuples. Together with data types,
constraints allow limiting the ranges of available field values both syntactically and semantically.
For example, the field age typically has the number type, so it cannot store
strings or boolean values. However, it can still have values that don’t make sense,
such as negative numbers. This is where constraints come to help.
Constraint types
There are two types of constraints in Tarantool:
Field constraints check that the value being assigned to a field
satisfies a given condition. For example, age must be non-negative.
Tuple constraints check complex conditions that can involve all fields of
a tuple. For example, a tuple contains a date in three fields:
year, month, and day. You can validate day values based on
the month value (and even year if you consider leap years).
Field constraints work faster, while tuple constraints allow implementing
a wider range of limitations.
Constraint functions
Constraints use stored Lua functions or SQL expressions, which must return true when the constraint
is satisfied. Other return values (including nil) and exceptions make the
check fail and prevent tuple insertion or modification.
To create a constraint function, call box.schema.func.create() with the function definition specified in the body attribute.
Constraint functions take two parameters:
The tuple and the constraint name for tuple constraints.
-- Define a tuple constraint function --box.schema.func.create('check_person',{language='LUA',is_deterministic=true,body='function(t, c) return (t.age >= 0 and #(t.name) > 3) end'})
Tarantool doesn’t check field names used in tuple constraint functions.
If a field referenced in a tuple constraint gets renamed, this constraint will break
and prevent further insertions and modifications in the space.
The field value and the constraint name for field constraints.
-- Define a field constraint function --box.schema.func.create('check_age',{language='LUA',is_deterministic=true,body='function(f, c) return (f >= 0 and f < 150) end'})
Creating constraints
To create a constraint in a space, specify the corresponding function’s name
in the constraint parameter:
Tuple constraints: when creating or altering a space.
-- Create a space with a tuple constraint --customers=box.schema.space.create('customers',{constraint='check_person'})
Field constraints: when setting up the space format.
-- Specify format with a field constraint --box.space.customers:format({{name='id',type='number'},{name='name',type='string'},{name='age',type='number',constraint='check_age'},})
In both cases, constraint can contain multiple function names passed as a tuple.
Each constraint can have an optional name:
-- Create one more tuple constraint --box.schema.func.create('another_constraint',{language='LUA',is_deterministic=true,body='function(t, c) return true end'})-- Set two constraints with optional names --box.space.customers:alter{constraint={check1='check_person',check2='another_constraint'}}
When adding a constraint to an existing space with data, Tarantool checks it
against the stored data. If there are fields or tuples that don’t satisfy
the constraint, it won’t be applied to the space.
Foreign keys
Foreign keys provide links between related fields, therefore maintaining the
referential integrity
of the database.
Fields can contain values that exist only in other fields. For example,
a shop order always belongs to a customer. Hence, all values of the customer
field of the orders space must also exist in the id field of the customers
space. In this case, customers is a parent space for orders (its child space).
When two spaces are linked with a foreign key, each time a tuple is inserted or
modified in the child space, Tarantool checks that a corresponding value is present
in the parent space.
A foreign key can link a field to another field in the same space. In this case,
the child field must be nullable. Otherwise, it is impossible to insert
the first tuple in such a space because there is no parent tuple to which
it can link.
Foreign key types
There are two types of foreign keys in Tarantool:
Field foreign keys check that the value being assigned to a field
is present in a particular field of another space. For example, the customer
value in a tuple from the orders space must match an id stored in the customers space.
Tuple foreign keys check that multiple fields of a tuple have a match in
another space. For example, if the orders space has fields customer_id
and customer_name, a tuple foreign key can check that the customers space
contains a tuple with both these values in the corresponding fields.
Field foreign keys work faster while tuple foreign keys allow implementing
more strict references.
Creating foreign keys
For each foreign key, there must exist a parent space index that includes
all its fields.
To create a foreign key in a space, specify the parent space and linked fields in the foreign_key parameter.
Parent spaces can be referenced by name or by id. When linking to the same space, the space can be omitted.
Fields can be referenced by name or by number:
Field foreign keys: when setting up the space format.
-- Create a space with a field foreign key --box.schema.space.create('orders')box.space.orders:format({{name='id',type='number'},{name='customer_id',foreign_key={space='customers',field='id'}},{name='price_total',type='number'},})
Tuple foreign keys: when creating or altering a space. Note that for foreign
keys with multiple fields there must exist an index that includes all these fields.
-- Create a space with a tuple foreign key --box.schema.space.create("orders",{foreign_key={space='customers',field={customer_id='id',customer_name='name'}}})box.space.orders:format({{name="id",type="number"},{name="customer_id"},{name="customer_name"},{name="price_total",type="number"},})
Type can be omitted for foreign key fields because it’s
defined in the parent space.
Foreign keys can have an optional name.
-- Set a foreign key with an optional name --box.space.orders:alter{foreign_key={customer={space='customers',field={customer_id='id',customer_name='name'}}}}
A space can have multiple tuple foreign keys. In this case, they all must have names.
-- Set two foreign keys: names are mandatory --box.space.orders:alter{foreign_key={customer={space='customers',field={customer_id='id',customer_name='name'}},item={space='items',field={item_id='id'}}}}
Tarantool performs integrity checks upon data modifications in parent spaces.
If you try to remove a tuple referenced by a foreign key or an entire parent space,
you will get an error.
Renaming parent spaces or referenced fields may break the corresponding foreign
keys and prevent further insertions or modifications in the child spaces.
Индекс — это специальная структура данных, которая хранит группу ключевых значений и указателей. Индекс используется для эффективного управления данными.
As with spaces, you should specify the index name and let Tarantool
come up with a unique numeric identifier («index id»).
An index always has a type. The default index type is TREE.
TREE indexes are provided by all Tarantool engines, can index unique and
non-unique values, support partial key searches, comparisons, and ordered results.
Additionally, the memtx engine supports HASH,
RTREE and BITSET indexes.
Индекс может быть составным (multi-part), то есть можно объявить, что ключ индекса состоит из двух или более полей в кортеже в любом порядке. Например, для обычного TREE-индекса максимальное количество частей равно 255.
Индекс может быть уникальным, то есть можно объявить, что недопустимо дважды задавать одно значение ключа.
Первый индекс, определенный для спейса, называется первичный индекс (primary key). Он должен быть уникальным. Все остальные индексы называются вторичными индексами (secondary), они могут строиться по неуникальным значениям.
Indexes have certain limitations. See details on page Limitations.
To create a generator for indexes, you can use a sequence object.
Learn how to do it in the tutorial.
Indexed field types
Not to be confused with index types – the types of the data structure that is an index.
See more about index types below.
Indexes restrict values that Tarantool can store with MsgPack.
This is why, for example, 'unsigned' and 'integer' are different field types,
although in MsgPack they are both stored as integer values.
An 'unsigned' index contains only non-negative integer values,
while an ‘integer’ index contains any integer values.
The default field type is 'unsigned' and the default index type is TREE.
Although 'nil' is not a legal indexed field type, indexes may contain nilas a non-default option.
may include nil,
or uuid values |
When a scalar field contains values of
different underlying types, the key order
is: nils, then booleans, then numbers,
then strings, then varbinaries, then
Index types
An index always has a type. Different types are intended for different
usage scenarios.
We give an overview of index features in the following table:
In 2.11.0, the GT index type is deprecated for HASH indexes.
TREE indexes
The default index type is „TREE“.
TREE indexes are provided by memtx and vinyl engines, can index unique and
non-unique values, support partial key searches, comparisons and ordered results.
This is a universal type of indexes, for most cases it will be the best choice.
Additionally, memtx engine supports HASH, RTREE and BITSET indexes.
HASH indexes
HASH indexes require unique fields and loses to TREE in almost all respects.
So we do not recommend to use it in the applications.
HASH is now present in Tarantool mainly because of backward compatibility.
Here are some tips. Do not use HASH index:
just if you want to
if you think that HASH is faster with no performance metering
if you want to iterate over the data
for primary key
as an only index
Use HASH index:
if it is a secondary key
if you 100% won’t need to make it non-unique
if you have taken measurements on your data and you see an accountable
increase in performance
if you save every byte on tuples (HASH is a little more compact)
RTREE indexes
RTREE is a multidimensional index supporting up to 20 dimensions.
It is used especially for indexing spatial information, such as geographical
objects. In this example we demonstrate spatial searches
via RTREE index.
RTREE index could not be primary, and could not be unique.
The option list of this type of index may contain dimension and distance options.
The parts definition must contain the one and only part with type array.
RTREE index can accept two types of distance functions: euclid and manhattan.
Currently, the isolation level of RTREE indexes
in MVCC transaction mode is read-committed (not serializable, as stated).
If a transaction uses these indexes, it can read committed or confirmed data (depending on the isolation level).
However, the indexes are subject to different anomalies that can make them unserializable.
Corresponding tuple field thus must be an array of 2 or 4 numbers.
2 numbers mean a point {x, y};
4 numbers mean a rectangle {x1, y1, x2, y2},
where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) - diagonal point of the rectangle.
Selection results depend on a chosen iterator.
The default EQ iterator searches for an exact rectangle,
a point is treated as zero width and height rectangle:
3D, 4D and more dimensional RTREE indexes work in the same way as 2D except
that user must specify more coordinates in requests.
Here’s short example of using 4D tree:
Keep in mind that select NEIGHBOR iterator with unset limits extracts
the entire space in order of increasing distance. And there can be
tons of data, and this can affect the performance.
And another frequent mistake is to specify iterator type without quotes,
in such way: rtree_index:select(rect,{iterator=LE}).
This leads to silent EQ select, because LE is undefined variable and
treated as nil, so iterator is unset and default used.
BITSET indexes
Bitset is a bit mask. You should use it when you need to search by bit masks.
This can be, for example, storing a vector of attributes and searching by these
Currently, the isolation level of BITSET indexes
in MVCC transaction mode is read-committed (not serializable, as stated).
If a transaction uses these indexes, it can read committed or confirmed data (depending on the isolation level).
However, the indexes are subject to different anomalies that can make them unserializable.
Example 1:
The following script shows creating and searching with a BITSET index.
Notice that BITSET cannot be unique, so first a primary-key index is created,
and bit values are entered as hexadecimal literals for easier reading.
tarantool> my_space=box.schema.space.create('space_with_bitset')tarantool> my_space:create_index('primary_index',{ > parts={1,'string'}, > unique=true, > type='TREE' > })tarantool> my_space:create_index('bitset_index',{ > parts={2,'unsigned'}, > unique=false, > type='BITSET' > })tarantool> my_space:insert{'Tuple with bit value = 01',0x01}tarantool> my_space:insert{'Tuple with bit value = 10',0x02}tarantool> my_space:insert{'Tuple with bit value = 11',0x03}tarantool> my_space.index.bitset_index:select(0x02,{ > iterator=box.index.EQ > })-----['Tuplewithbitvalue=10',2]...tarantool> my_space.index.bitset_index:select(0x02,{ > iterator=box.index.BITS_ANY_SET > })-----['Tuplewithbitvalue=10',2]-['Tuplewithbitvalue=11',3]...tarantool> my_space.index.bitset_index:select(0x02,{ > iterator=box.index.BITS_ALL_SET > })-----['Tuplewithbitvalue=10',2]-['Tuplewithbitvalue=11',3]...tarantool> my_space.index.bitset_index:select(0x02,{ > iterator=box.index.BITS_ALL_NOT_SET > })-----['Tuplewithbitvalue=01',1]...
because (7 AND 2) is not equal to 0, and (3 AND 2) is not equal to 0.
Additionally, there exist
index iterator operations.
They can only be used with code in Lua and C/C++. Index iterators are for
traversing indexes one key at a time, taking advantage of features that are
specific to an index type.
For example, they can be used for evaluating Boolean expressions when
traversing BITSET indexes, or for going in descending order when traversing TREE
Using indexes
Creating an index
It is mandatory to create an index for a space before trying to insert
tuples into the space, or select tuples from the space.
This creates a unique TREE index on the first field
of all tuples (often called «Field#1»), which is assumed to be numeric.
A recommended design pattern for a data model is to base primary keys on the
first fields of a tuple. This speeds up tuple comparison due to the specifics of
data storage and the way comparisons are arranged in Tarantool.
This looks for a single tuple via the first index. Since the first index
is always unique, the maximum number of returned tuples will be 1.
You can call select() without arguments, and it will return all tuples.
Be careful! Using select() for huge spaces hangs your instance.
An index definition may also include identifiers of tuple fields
and their expected types. See allowed indexed field types in section
Details about indexed field types:
Space definitions and index definitions are stored permanently in Tarantool’s
system spaces _space and _index.
See full information about creating indexes, such as
how to create a multikey index, an index using the path option, or
how to create a functional index in our reference for
Index operations
Index operations are automatic: if a data manipulation request changes a tuple,
then it also changes the index keys defined for the tuple.
Create a sample space named bands:
Format the created space by specifying field names and types:
box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:insert{5,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.space.bands:insert{6,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:insert{7,'The Doors',1965}box.space.bands:insert{8,'Nirvana',1987}box.space.bands:insert{9,'Led Zeppelin',1968}box.space.bands:insert{10,'Queen',1970}
Create secondary indexes:
-- Create a unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})-- Create a non-unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('year',{parts={{'year'}},unique=false})
Value comparisons make sense if and only if the index type is TREE.
The iterator types for other types of indexes are slightly different and work
differently. See details in section Iterator types.
Note that we don’t use the name of the index, which means we use primary index here.
This type of search may return more than one tuple. The tuples will be sorted
in descending order by key if the comparison operator is LT or LE or REQ.
Otherwise they will be sorted in ascending order.
The search can use a secondary index.
-- Select a tuple by the specified secondary key value --select_secondary=bands.index.band:select{'The Doors'}--[[---- - [7, 'The Doors', 1965]...--]]
Partial key search: The search may be for some key parts starting with
the prefix of the key. Note that partial key searches are available
only in TREE indexes.
-- Select tuples by the specified partial key value --select_multipart_partial=bands.index.year_band:select{1965}--[[---- - [5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965] - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965] - [7, 'The Doors', 1965]...--]]
The search can be for all fields, using a table as the value:
-- Select a tuple by the specified multi-part secondary key value --select_multipart=bands.index.year_band:select{1960,'The Beatles'}--[[---- - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]...--]]
You can also add, drop, or alter the definitions at runtime, with some
restrictions. Read more about index operations in reference for
box.index submodule.
Tuple compression, introduced in Tarantool Enterprise Edition 2.10.0, aims to save memory space.
Typically, it decreases the volume of stored data by 15%.
However, the exact volume saved depends on the type of data.
The following compression algorithms are supported:
Tarantool doesn’t compress tuples themselves, just the fields inside these tuples.
You can only compress non-indexed fields.
Compression works best when JSON is stored in the field.
The compress module provides the API for compressing and decompressing data.
Enabling compression for a new space
First, create a space:
Then, create an index for this space, for example:
Create a format to declare field names and types.
In the example below, the band_name and year fields have the zstd and lz4 compression formats, respectively.
The first field (id) has the index, so it cannot be compressed.
Now, the new tuples that you add to the space bands will be compressed.
When you read a compressed tuple, you do not need to decompress it back yourself.
Checking which fields are compressed
To check which fields in a space are compressed, run
space_object:format() on the space.
If a field is compressed, the format includes the compression algorithm, for example:
You can enable compression for existing fields.
All the tuples added after that will have this field compressed.
However, this doesn’t affect the tuples already stored in the space.
You need to make the snapshot and restart Tarantool to compress the existing tuples.
Here’s an example of how to compress existing fields:
Create a space without compression and add several tuples:
box.schema.space.create('bands')box.space.bands:format({{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='band_name',type='string'},{name='year',type='unsigned'}})box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}
Suppose that you want fields 2 and 3 to be compressed from now on.
To enable compression, change the format as follows:
From now on, all the tuples that you add to the space have fields 2 and 3 compressed.
To finalize the change, create a snapshot by running
box.snapshot() and restart Tarantool.
As a result, all old tuples will also be compressed in memory during recovery.
space:upgrade() provides the ability to enable compression
and update the existing tuples in the background.
To achieve this, you need to pass a new space format in the format argument of space:upgrade().
Tuple compression performance
Below are the results of a synthetic test that illustrate how tuple compression affects performance.
The test was carried out on a simple Tarantool space containing 100,000 tuples,
each having a field with a sample JSON roughly 600 bytes large.
The test compared the speed of running select and replace operations on uncompressed and compressed data
as well as the overall data size of the space.
Performance is measured in requests per second.
Compression type
select, RPS
replace, RPS
Space size, bytes
Data schema description
In Tarantool, the use of a data schema is optional.
When creating a space, you do not have to define a data schema. In this case,
the tuples store random data. This rule does not apply to indexed fields.
Such fields must contain data of the same type.
You can define a data schema when creating a space. Read more in the description of the
box.schema.space.create() function.
If you have already created a space without specifying a data schema, you can do it later using
After the data schema is defined, all the data is validated by type. Before any insert or update,
you will get an error if the data types do not match.
We recommend using a data schema because it helps avoid mistakes.
In Tarantool, you can define a data schema in two different ways.
Data schema description in a code file
The code file is usually called init.lua and contains the following schema description:
This is quite simple: when you run tarantool, it executes this code and creates
a data schema. To run this file, use:
However, it may seem complicated if you do not plan to dive deep into the Lua language and its syntax.
Possible difficulty: the snippet above has a function call with a colon: users:format.
It is used to pass the users variable as the first argument
of the format function.
This is similar to self in object-based languages.
So it might be more convenient for you to describe the data schema with YAML.
Data schema description using the DDL module
The DDL module allows you to describe a data schema
in the YAML format in a declarative way.
It is forbidden to modify the data schema in DDL after it has been applied.
For migration, there are different scenarios described in the Migrations section.
Data operations
The basic data operations supported in Tarantool are:
five data-manipulation operations (INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT, DELETE, REPLACE), and
one data-retrieval operation (SELECT).
All of them are implemented as functions in box.space submodule.
The first field, field[1], will be 999 (MsgPack type is integer).
The second field, field[2], will be „Taranto“ (MsgPack type is string).
tarantool> box.space.tester:insert{999,'Taranto'}
UPDATE: Update the tuple, changing field field[2].
The clause «{999}», which has the value to look up in the index of the tuple’s
primary-key field, is mandatory, because update() requests must always have
a clause that specifies a unique key, which in this case is field[1].
The clause «{{„=“, 2, „Tarantino“}}» specifies that assignment will happen to
field[2] with the new value.
UPSERT: Upsert the tuple, changing field field[2]
The syntax of upsert() is similar to the syntax of update(). However,
the execution logic of these two requests is different.
UPSERT is either UPDATE or INSERT, depending on the database’s state.
Also, UPSERT execution is postponed until after transaction commit, so, unlike
update(), upsert() doesn’t return data back.
In reference for box.space and
Вложенный модуль box.index
submodules, there are notes about which complexity factors might affect the
resource usage of each function.
Complexity factor
Index size
The number of index keys is the same as the number
of tuples in the data set. For a TREE index, if
there are more keys, then the lookup time will be
greater, although, of course, the effect is not
linear. For a HASH index, if there are more keys,
then there is more RAM used, but the number of
low-level steps tends to remain constant.
Index type
Typically, a HASH index is faster than a TREE index
if the number of tuples in the space is greater
than one.
Number of indexes accessed
Ordinarily, only one index is accessed to retrieve
one tuple. But to update the tuple, there must be N
accesses if the space has N different indexes.
Note regarding storage engine: Vinyl optimizes away such
accesses if secondary index fields are unchanged by
the update. So, this complexity factor applies only to
memtx, since it always makes a full-tuple copy on every
Number of tuples accessed
A few requests, for example, SELECT, can retrieve
multiple tuples. This factor is usually less
important than the others.
WAL settings
The important setting for the write-ahead log is
If the setting causes no writing or
delayed writing, this factor is unimportant. If the
setting causes every data-change request to wait
for writing to finish on a slow device, this factor
is more important than all the others.
Примеры CRUD-операций
Using data operations
This section shows basic usage scenarios and typical errors for each
data operation in Tarantool:
Before trying out the examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance as shown below.
-- Create a space --bands=box.schema.space.create('bands')-- Specify field names and types --box.space.bands:format({{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='band_name',type='string'},{name='year',type='unsigned'}})-- Create a primary index --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})-- Create a unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})-- Create a non-unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('year',{parts={{'year'}},unique=false})-- Create a multi-part index --box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})
-- Insert a tuple with a unique primary key --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Scorpions',1965}----[1,'Scorpions',1965]...
insert also checks all the keys for duplicates.
-- Try to insert a tuple with a duplicate primary key --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Scorpions',1965}----error:Duplicate key exists in unique index "primary" in space "bands" with oldtuple - [1, "Scorpions", 1965] and new tuple - [1, "Scorpions", 1965]...-- Try to insert a tuple with a duplicate secondary key --tarantool> bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}----error:Duplicate key exists in unique index "band" in space "bands" with old tuple- [1, "Scorpions", 1965] and new tuple - [2, "Scorpions", 1965]...-- Insert a second tuple with unique primary and secondary keys --tarantool> bands:insert{2,'Pink Floyd',1965}----[2,'PinkFloyd',1965]...-- Delete all tuples --tarantool> bands:truncate()---...
space_object.delete allows you to delete a tuple identified by the primary key.
-- Insert test data --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}-- Delete a tuple with an existing key --tarantool> bands:delete{4}----[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'Scorpions',1965]-[3,'AceofBase',1987]...
You can also use index_object.delete to delete a tuple by the specified unique index.
-- Delete a tuple by the primary index --tarantool> bands.index.primary:delete{3}----[3,'AceofBase',1987]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'Scorpions',1965]...-- Delete a tuple by a unique secondary index --tarantool> bands.index.band:delete{'Scorpions'}----[2,'Scorpions',1965]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]...-- Try to delete a tuple by a non-unique secondary index --tarantool> bands.index.year:delete(1986)----error:Get() doesn't support partial keys and non-unique indexes...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]...-- Try to delete a tuple by a partial key --tarantool> bands.index.year_band:delete('Roxette')----error:Invalid key part count in an exact match (expected 2, got 1)...-- Delete a tuple by a full key --tarantool> bands.index.year_band:delete{1986,'Roxette'}----[1,'Roxette',1986]...tarantool> bands:select()----[]...-- Delete all tuples --tarantool> bands:truncate()---...
space_object.update allows you to update a tuple identified by the primary key.
Similarly to delete, the update method accepts a full key and also an operation to execute.
-- Insert test data --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}-- Update a tuple with an existing key --tarantool> bands:update({2},{{'=',2,'Pink Floyd'}})----[2,'PinkFloyd',1965]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'PinkFloyd',1965]-[3,'AceofBase',1987]-[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...
index_object.update updates a tuple identified by the specified unique index.
-- Update a tuple by the primary index --tarantool> bands.index.primary:update({2},{{'=',2,'The Rolling Stones'}})----[2,'TheRollingStones',1965]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'TheRollingStones',1965]-[3,'AceofBase',1987]-[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...-- Update a tuple by a unique secondary index --tarantool> bands.index.band:update({'The Rolling Stones'},{{'=',2,'The Doors'}})----[2,'TheDoors',1965]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'TheDoors',1965]-[3,'AceofBase',1987]-[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...-- Try to update a tuple by a non-unique secondary index --tarantool> bands.index.year:update({1965},{{'=',2,'Scorpions'}})----error:Get() doesn't support partial keys and non-unique indexes...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'TheDoors',1965]-[3,'AceofBase',1987]-[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...-- Delete all tuples --tarantool> bands:truncate()---...
If the existing tuple is found by the primary key,
Tarantool applies the update operation to this tuple
and ignores the new tuple.
If no existing tuple is found,
Tarantool inserts the new tuple and ignores the update operation.
tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Scorpions',1965}----[1,'Scorpions',1965]...-- As the first argument, upsert accepts a tuple, not a key --tarantool> bands:upsert({2},{{'=',2,'Pink Floyd'}})----error:Tuple field 2 (band_name) required by space format is missing...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Scorpions',1965]...tarantool> bands:delete(1)----[1,'Scorpions',1965]...
upsert acts as insert when no existing tuple is found by the primary key.
tarantool> bands:upsert({1,'Scorpions',1965},{{'=',2,'The Doors'}})---...-- As you can see, {1, 'Scorpions', 1965} is inserted, ---- and the update operation is not applied. --tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Scorpions',1965]...-- upsert with the same primary key but different values in other fields ---- applies the update operation and ignores the new tuple. --tarantool> bands:upsert({1,'Scorpions',1965},{{'=',2,'The Doors'}})---...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'TheDoors',1965]...
upsert searches for the existing tuple by the primary index,
not by the secondary index. This can lead to a duplication error
if the tuple violates a secondary index uniqueness.
tarantool> bands:upsert({2,'The Doors',1965},{{'=',2,'Pink Floyd'}})----error:Duplicate key exists in unique index "band" in space "bands" with old tuple- [1, "The Doors", 1965] and new tuple - [2, "The Doors", 1965]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'TheDoors',1965]...-- This works if uniqueness is preserved. --tarantool> bands:upsert({2,'The Beatles',1960},{{'=',2,'Pink Floyd'}})---...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'TheDoors',1965]-[2,'TheBeatles',1960]...-- Delete all tuples --tarantool> bands:truncate()---...
space_object.replace accepts a well-formatted tuple and searches for the existing tuple
by the primary key of the new tuple:
If the existing tuple is found, Tarantool deletes it and inserts the new tuple.
If no existing tuple is found, Tarantool inserts the new tuple.
replace can violate unique constraints, like upsert does.
tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Scorpions',1965}- [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]...tarantool> bands:insert{2,'The Beatles',1960}----[2,'TheBeatles',1960]...tarantool> bands:replace{2,'Scorpions',1965}----error:Duplicate key exists in unique index "band" in space "bands" with old tuple- [1, "Scorpions", 1965] and new tuple - [2, "Scorpions", 1965]...tarantool> bands:truncate()---...
The space_object.select request searches for a tuple or a set of tuples in the given space
by the primary key.
To search by the specified index, use index_object.select.
These methods work with any keys, including unique and non-unique, full and partial.
If a key is partial, select searches by all keys where the prefix matches the specified key part.
tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'The Doors', 1965} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}tarantool> bands:select(1)-----[1,'Roxette',1986]...tarantool> bands:select()-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'Scorpions',1965]-[3,'TheDoors',1965]-[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...tarantool> bands.index.primary:select(2)-----[2,'Scorpions',1965]...tarantool> bands.index.band:select('The Doors')-----[3,'TheDoors',1965]...tarantool> bands.index.year:select(1965)-----[2,'Scorpions',1965]-[3,'TheDoors',1965]...
Using box.space functions to read _space tuples
This example illustrates how to look at all the spaces, and for each
display: approximately how many tuples it contains, and the first field of
its first tuple. The function uses the Tarantool’s box.space functions len()
and pairs(). The iteration through the spaces is coded as a scan of the
_space system space, which contains metadata. The third field in
_space contains the space name, so the key instruction
space_name=v[3] means space_name is the space_name field in
the tuple of _space that we’ve just fetched with pairs(). The function
returns a table:
functionexample()localtuple_count,space_name,linelocalta={}fork,vinbox.space._space:pairs()dospace_name=v[3]ifbox.space[space_name].index[0]~=nilthentuple_count='1 or more'elsetuple_count='0'endline=space_name..' tuple_count ='..tuple_countiftuple_count=='1 or more'thenfork1,v1inbox.space[space_name]:pairs()doline=line..'. first field in first tuple = '..v1[1]breakendendtable.insert(ta,line)endreturntaend
The output below shows what happens if you invoke this function:
tarantool> example()-----_schema tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = cluster-_space tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272-_vspace tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272-_index tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272-_vindex tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272-_func tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1-_vfunc tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1-_user tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 0-_vuser tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 0-_priv tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1-_vpriv tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1-_cluster tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1...
Using box.space functions to organize a _space tuple
This examples shows how to display field names and field types of a system space –
using metadata to find metadata.
Для начала: как можно сделать выборку кортежа из _space, который описывает _space?
A simple way is to look at the constants in box.schema,
which shows that there is an item named SPACE_ID == 288,
so these statements retrieve the correct tuple:
box.space._space:select{288}-- или --box.space._space:select{box.schema.SPACE_ID}
Another way is to look at the tuples in box.space._index,
which shows that there is a secondary index named „name“ for a space
number 288, so this statement also retrieve the correct tuple:
Однако непросто прочитать информацию из полученного кортежа:
Информация подается бессистемно, поскольку по формату поле №7 содержит рекомендованные имена и типы данных. Как же получить эти данные? Поскольку очевидно, что поле №7 представляет собой ассоциативный массив, цикл for проведет организацию данных:
tarantool> do > localtuple_of_space=box.space._space.index.name:get{'_space'} > for_,fieldinipairs(tuple_of_space[7])do > print(field.name..', '..field.type) > end > endid, numowner, numname, strengine, strfield_count, numflags, strformat, *---...
Using sequences
A sequence is a generator of ordered integer values.
As with spaces and indexes, you should specify the sequence name and let
Tarantool generate a unique numeric identifier (sequence ID).
As well, you can specify several options when creating a new sequence.
The options determine the values that are generated whenever the sequence is used.
Options for box.schema.sequence.create()
Option name
Type and meaning
Integer. The value to generate the first time a sequence is used
Integer. Values smaller than this cannot be generated
Integer. Values larger than this cannot be generated
Boolean. Whether to start again when values cannot be generated
Integer. The number of values to store in a cache
Integer. What to add to the previous generated value, when generating a new value
Boolean. If this is true and a sequence with this name exists already,
ignore other options and use the existing values
Once a sequence exists, it can be altered, dropped, reset, forced to generate
the next value, or associated with an index.
The result shows that the new sequence has all default values,
except for the two that were specified, min and start.
Get the next value from the sequence by calling the next() function:
-- Get the next item --box.sequence.id_seq:next()--[[---- 1000...--]]
The result is the same as the start value. The next call increases the value
by one (the default sequence step).
Create a space and specify that its primary key should be
generated from the sequence:
-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('customers')-- Create an index that uses the sequence --box.space.customers:create_index('primary',{sequence='id_seq'})--[[---- parts: - type: unsigned is_nullable: false fieldno: 1 sequence_id: 1 id: 0 space_id: 513 unique: true hint: true type: TREE name: primary sequence_fieldno: 1...--]]
Insert a tuple without specifying a value for the primary key:
-- Insert a tuple without the primary key value --box.space.customers:insert{nil,'Adams'}--[[---- [1001, 'Adams']...--]]
The result is a new tuple where the first field is assigned the next value from
the sequence. This arrangement, where the system automatically generates the
values for a primary key, is sometimes called «auto-incrementing»
or «identity».
For syntax and implementation details, see the reference for
Migration refers to any change in a data schema: adding or removing a field,
creating or dropping an index, changing a field format, and so on. Space creation
is also a migration. Using migrations, you can track the evolution of your
data schema since its initial state. In Tarantool, migrations are presented as Lua
code that alters the data schema using the built-in Lua API.
There are two types of migrations:
simple migrations don’t require additional actions on existing data
complex migrations include both schema and data changes
Simple migrations
There are two types of schema migration that do not require data migration:
Creating an index. A new index can be created at any time. To learn more about
index creation, see Индексы and the space_object:create_index() reference.
Adding a field to the end of a space. To add a field, update the space format so
that it includes all its fields and also the new field. For example:
The field must have the is_nullable parameter. Otherwise, an error occurs
if the space contains tuples of old format.
After creating a new field, you probably want to fill it with data.
The tarantool/moonwalker
module is useful for this task.
Complex migrations
Other types of migrations are more complex and require additional actions to
maintain data consistency.
Migrations are possible in two cases:
When Tarantool starts, and no client uses the database yet
During request processing, when active clients are already using the database
For the first case, it is enough to write and test the migration code.
The most difficult task is to migrate data when there are active clients.
You should keep it in mind when you initially design the data schema.
We identify the following problems if there are active clients:
Associated data can change atomically.
The system should be able to transfer data using both the new schema and the old one.
When data is being transferred to a new space, data access should consider
that the data might be in one space or another.
Write requests must not interfere with the migration.
A common approach is to write according to the new data schema.
These issues may or may not be relevant depending on your application and
its availability requirements.
Tarantool offers the following features that make migrations easier and safer:
Transaction mechanism. It is useful when writing a migration,
because it allows you to work with the data atomically. But before using
the transaction mechanism, you should explore its limitations.
For details, see the section about transactions.
space:upgrade()function (EE only). With the help of space:upgrade(),
you can enable compression and migrate, including already created tuples.
For details, check the Upgrading space schema section.
Centralized migration management mechanism (EE only). Implemented
in the Enterprise version of the tt utility and in Tarantool Cluster Manager,
this mechanism enables migration execution and tracking in the replication
clusters. For details, see Centralized migration management.
Applying migrations
The migration code is executed on a running Tarantool instance.
Important: no method guarantees you transactional application of migrations
on the whole cluster.
Method 1: include migrations in the application code
This is quite simple: when you reload the code, the data is migrated at the right moment,
and the database schema is updated.
However, this method may not work for everyone.
You may not be able to restart Tarantool or update the code using the hot-reload mechanism.
Connect to the necessary instance using ttconnect.
$ ttconnectadmin:password@localhost:3301
If your migration is written in a Lua file, you can execute it
using dofile(). Call this function and specify the path to the
migration file as the first argument. It looks like this:
tarantool> dofile('0001-delete-space.lua')---...
(or) Copy the migration script code,
paste it into the console, and run it.
You can also connect to the instance and execute the migration script in a single call:
Centralized migration management is available in the Enterprise Edition only.
Tarantool EE offers a mechanism for centralized migration management in replication
clusters that use etcd as a configuration storage.
The mechanism uses the same etcd storage to store migrations and applies them
across the entire Tarantool cluster. This ensures migration consistency
in the cluster and enables migration history tracking.
The centralized migration management mechanism is implemented in the Enterprise
version of the tt utility and in Tarantool Cluster Manager.
To learn how to manage migrations in Tarantool EE clusters from the command line,
see Centralized migrations with tt. To learn how to use the mechanism from the TCM
web interface, see the Performing migrations TCM documentation page.
In this tutorial, you learn to define the cluster data schema using the centralized
migration management mechanism implemented in the Enterprise Edition of the tt utility.
It creates an etcd user app_user with read and write permissions to the /myapp
prefix, in which the cluster configuration will be stored. The user’s password is config_pass.
If you don’t enable etcd authentication, make ttmigrations calls without
the configuration storage credentials.
Creating a cluster
Initialize a tt environment:
$ ttinit
In the instances.enabled directory, create the myapp directory.
Go to the instances.enabled/myapp directory and create application files:
Create the source.yaml with a cluster configuration to publish to etcd:
This configuration describes a typical CRUD-enabled sharded cluster with
one router and two storage replica sets, each including one master and one read-only replica.
The migration unit is a single file: its scenario is executed as a whole. An error
that happens in any step of the scenario causes the entire migration to fail.
Migrations are executed in the lexicographical order. Thus, it’s convenient to
use filenames that start with ordered numbers to define the migrations order, for example:
The default location where tt searches for migration files is /migrations/scenario.
Create this subdirectory inside the tt environment. Then, create two migration files:
000001_create_writers_space.lua: create a space, define its format, and
create a primary index.
Note the usage of the tt-migrations.helpers module.
In this example, its function register_sharding_key is used
to define a sharding key for the space.
000002_create_writers_index.lua: add one more index.
To publish migrations to the etcd configuration storage, run ttmigrationspublish:
$ ttmigrationspublish"http://app_user:config_pass@localhost:2379/myapp" • 000001_create_writes_space.lua: successfully published to key "000001_create_writes_space.lua" • 000002_create_writers_index.lua: successfully published to key "000002_create_writers_index.lua"
Applying migrations
To apply published migrations to the cluster, run ttmigrationsapply providing
a cluster user’s credentials:
In this tutorial, you learn to write migrations that include data migration using
the space.upgrade() function.
Before starting this tutorial, complete the Basic tt migrations tutorial.
As a result, you have a sharded Tarantool EE cluster that uses an etcd-based configuration
storage. The cluster has a space with two indexes.
Writing a complex migration
Complex migrations require data migration along with schema migration. Connect to
the router instance and insert some tuples into the space before proceeding to the next steps.
$ ttconnectmyapp:router-001-a
myapp:router-001-a> require('crud').insert_object_many('writers', { {id = 1, name = 'Haruki Murakami', age = 75}, {id = 2, name = 'Douglas Adams', age = 49}, {id = 3, name = 'Eiji Mikage', age = 41},}, {noreturn = true})
The next migration changes the space format incompatibly: instead of one name
field, the new format includes two fields first_name and last_name.
To apply this migration, you need to change each tuple’s structure preserving the stored
data. The space.upgrade function helps with this task.
Create a new file 000003_alter_writers_space.lua in /migrations/scenario.
Prepare its initial structure the same way as in previous migrations:
box.space.writers.index.age:drop() drops an existing index. This is done
because indexes rely on field numbers and may break during this format change.
If you need the age field indexed, recreate the index after applying the
new format.
Next, create a stored function that transforms tuples to fit the new format.
In this case, the function extracts the first and the last name from the name field
and returns a tuple of the new format:
box.schema.func.create('_writers_split_name',{language='lua',is_deterministic=true,body=[[ function(t) local name = t[3] local split_data = {} local split_regex = '([^%s]+)' for v in string.gmatch(name, split_regex) do table.insert(split_data, v) end local first_name = split_data[1] assert(first_name ~= nil) local last_name = split_data[2] assert(last_name ~= nil) return {t[1], t[2], first_name, last_name, t[4]} end ]],})
Finally, call space:upgrade() with the new format and the transformation function
as its arguments. Here is the complete migration code:
localfunctionapply_scenario()localspace=box.space['writers']localnew_format={{name='id',type='number'},{name='bucket_id',type='number'},{name='first_name',type='string'},{name='last_name',type='string'},{name='age',type='number'},}box.space.writers.index.age:drop()box.schema.func.create('_writers_split_name',{language='lua',is_deterministic=true,body=[[ function(t) local name = t[3] local split_data = {} local split_regex = '([^%s]+)' for v in string.gmatch(name, split_regex) do table.insert(split_data, v) end local first_name = split_data[1] assert(first_name ~= nil) local last_name = split_data[2] assert(last_name ~= nil) return {t[1], t[2], first_name, last_name, t[4]} end ]],})localfuture=space:upgrade({func='_writers_split_name',format=new_format,})future:wait()endreturn{apply={scenario=apply_scenario,},}
You can also publish all migrations from the default location /migrations/scenario.
All other migrations stored in this directory are already published, so tt
skips them.
In this tutorial, you learn how to consistently define the data schema on newly
added cluster instances using the centralized migration management mechanism.
Before starting this tutorial, complete the Basic tt migrations tutorial and Data migrations with space.upgrade().
As a result, you have a sharded Tarantool EE cluster that uses an etcd-based configuration
storage. The cluster has a space with two indexes.
Extending the cluster
Having all migrations in a centralized etcd storage, you can extend the cluster
and consistently define the data schema on new instances on the fly.
Add one more storage replica set to the cluster. To do this, edit the cluster files in instances.enabled/myapp:
$ ttstartmyapp
• The instance myapp:router-001-a (PID = 61631) is already running. • The instance myapp:storage-001-a (PID = 61632) is already running. • The instance myapp:storage-001-b (PID = 61634) is already running. • The instance myapp:storage-002-a (PID = 61639) is already running. • The instance myapp:storage-002-b (PID = 61640) is already running. • Starting an instance [myapp:storage-003-a]... • Starting an instance [myapp:storage-003-b]...
Now the cluster contains three storage replica sets.
Applying migrations to the new replica set
The new replica set – storage-003– is just started and has no data schema yet.
Apply all stored migrations to the cluster to load the same data schema to the new replica set:
You can also apply migrations without specifying the replica set. All published
migrations are already applied on other replica sets, so tt skips the
operation on them.
The centralized migrations mechanism allows troubleshooting migration issues using
dedicated ttmigration options. When troubleshooting migrations, remember that
any unfinished or failed migration can bring the data schema into to inconsistency.
Additional steps may be needed to fix this.
The options used for migration troubleshooting can cause migration inconsistency
in the cluster. Use them only for local development and testing purposes.
Incorrect migration published
If an incorrect migration was published to etcd but wasn’t applied yet,
fix the migration file and publish it again with the --overwrite option:
Any schema change that was made by an incorrect migration before its fail or
cancellation must be resolved manually on each replica set before reapply.
--force-reapply and other ttmigrations options affect only internal
status of the migration and don’t revert changes that it has made in the cluster.
If the migration is already applied, publish the fixed version and apply it with
the --force-reapply option:
If execution of the incorrect migration version has failed, you may also need to add
the --ignore-preceding-status option:
When you reapply a migration, tt checks the statuses of preceding migrations
to ensure consistency. To skip this check, add the --ignore-preceding-status option:
In Tarantool, migration refers to any change in a data schema, for example,
creating an index, adding a field, or changing a field format.
If you need to change a data schema, there are several possible cases:
Schema migration does not require data migration: adding a field with the is_nullable parameter to the end
of the space, creating an index.
Schema migration requires data migration. For example, it is necessary when you have to iterate
over the entire space to convert columns to a new format or remove the column completely.
The space:upgrade() feature allows users to upgrade the format of a space and the tuples stored in it without
blocking the database.
How to apply space upgrade
First, specify an upgrade function – a function that will convert the tuples in the space to a new format.
The requirements for this function are listed below.
The upgrade function takes two arguments. The first argument is a tuple to be upgraded.
The second one is optional. It contains some additional information stored in plain Lua object.
If omitted, the second argument is nil.
The function returns a new tuple or a Lua table. For example, it can add a new field to the tuple.
The new tuple must conform to the new space format set by the upgrade operation.
The function should be registered with
It should also be stored, deterministic, and written in Lua.
The function should not change the primary key of the tuple.
The function should be idempotent: f(f(t))=f(t). This is necessary because the function
is applied to all tuples returned to the user, and some of them may have already been upgraded in the background.
Then define a new space format. This step is optional.
However, it could be useful if, for example, you want to add a new column with data.
For details, check the Usage Example section.
The next optional step is to choose an upgrade mode.
There are three modes: upgrade, dryrun, and dryrun+upgrade.
The default value is upgrade.
To check an upgrade function without applying any changes, choose the dryrun mode.
To run a space upgrade without testing the function, pick the upgrade mode.
If you want to apply both the test and the actual upgrade, use the dryrun+upgrade option.
For details, see the Upgrade Modes section.
How the upgrade works
The user defines an upgrade function.
Each tuple of the chosen space is passed through the function.
The function converts the tuple from the old format to a new one.
The function is applied to all tuples stored in the space in the background.
Besides, the function is applied to all tuples returned to the user via the box API (for example, select, get).
Therefore, it appears that the space upgrades instantly.
Keep in mind that space:upgrade differs from
the space_object:format() in the following ways:
Yes. It returns tuples in the new format, whether or not they have already been converted.
Set a format incompatible with the current one
Yes. Works for non-indexed field types only.
No, only expand the format in a compatible way.
Visibility of changes
Immediately. All changes are visible and replicated immediately.
New data should conform to the new format immediately after the call.
After data validation.
Data validation starts in the background, it does not block the database.
Inserting data incompatible with the new format is allowed before
validation is completed – in this case space.format fails.
Cancel (error/restart)
Writes the state to the system table.
Restart: the operation continues.
Error: the operation should be restarted manually, any other attempt to change the table fails.
Leaves no traces.
Set the upgrade function
Yes. The upgrade may take a while to traverse the space and transform tuples.
At the moment, the feature is not supported
for vinyl spaces.
User API
The space:upgrade() method is added to the space object:
space:upgrade({func[, arg, format, mode, is_async]}])¶
func (string/integer) – upgrade function name (string) or ID (integer). For details, see the
upgrade function requirements section.
arg – additional information passed to the upgrade function in the second argument.
The option accepts any Lua value that can be encoded in MsgPack, which means that
the msgpack.encode(arg) should succeed.
For example, one can pass a scalar or a Lua table.
The default value is nil.
format (map) – new space format. The requirements for this are the same as for any other
If the field is omitted, the space format will remain the same as before the upgrade.
mode (string) – upgrade mode. Possible values: upgrade, dryrun,
dryrun+upgrade. The default value is upgrade.
is_async (boolean) – the flag indicates whether to wait until the upgrade operation is complete
before exiting the function.
The default value is false – the function is blocked
until the upgrade operation is finished.
object describing the status of the operation (also known as future).
The methods of the object are described below.
Shows information about the state of the upgrade operation.
dryrun (boolean) – dry run mode flag. Possible values:
true for a dry run, nil for an actual upgrade.
status (string) – upgrade status. Possible values:
inprogress, waitrw, error, replica, done.
func (string/integer) – name of the upgrade function.
It is the same as passed to the space:upgrade method.
The field is nil if the status is done.
arg – additional information passed to the upgrade function.
It is the same as for the space:upgrade method.
The field is nil if it is omitted in the space:upgrade.
owner (string) – UUID of the instance running the upgrade
(see box.info.uuid).
The field is nil if the status is done.
error (string) – error message if the status is error, otherwise nil.
progress (string) – completion percentage if the status is inprogress/waitrw,
otherwise nil.
a table with information about the state of the upgrade operation
If called without arguments, space:upgrade() returns a future object for the active upgrade operation.
If there is none, it returns nil.
Upgrade modes
There are three upgrade modes: dryrun, dryrun+upgrade, and upgrade.
Regardless of the mode selected, the upgrade does not block execution.
Once in a while, the background fiber commits the upgraded tuples and yields.
Calling space:upgrade without arguments always returns the current state of the space upgrade,
never the state of a dry run. If there is a dry run working in the background, space:upgrade will still return nil.
Unlike an actual space upgrade, the future object returned by a dry run upgrade can’t be recovered if it is lost.
So a dry run is aborted if it is garbage collected.
In dryrun+upgrade mode: if the future object is garbage collected by Lua
before the end of the dry run and the start of the upgrade,
then the dry run will be canceled, and no upgrade will be started.
Upgrade modes:
upgrade mode: the background fiber iterates over the
space, applies the upgrade function, checks that obtained tuples fit the new space format,
and updates the tuples. This mode prevents the space from being altered.
The mode can only be performed on the master instance.
dryrun mode: the dry-run mode is used to check the upgrade function. The mode does not apply any changes
to the target space. It starts a background fiber. The fiber:
Iterates over the target space.
Attempts to apply the upgrade function to each tuple stored in the space.
Checks if the returned tuple matches the new format.
Checks if the function is idempotent.
Checks that the function does not modify the primary key.
To start a dry run, pass mode='dryrun' to the space:upgrade method.
In this case, the future object has the dryrun field set to true.
The possible statuses are inprogress and dryrun. replica and waitrw states are never set
for a dry run future object.
The dryrun mode is not persisted. Restarting the instance does not restart a dry run.
A dry run only works on the original instance, never on replicas.
Unlike a real upgrade, a dry run does not prevent the space from being altered.
The space can even be dropped. In this case, the dry run will complete with an error.
dryrun+upgrade mode: it starts a dry run, which, if completed successfully, triggers an actual upgrade.
The future object returned by space:upgrade remains valid throughout the process.
It starts as the future object of the dry run. Then, under the hood, it is converted into an upgrade future object.
Waiting on it would wait for both the dry run and the upgrade to complete.
During the dry run, the future object has the dryrun field set to true.
When the actual upgrade starts, the dryrun field is set to nil.
The mode can only be performed on the master instance.
An upgrade operation has one of the following upgrade states:
inprogress – the upgrade operation is running in the background.
The function is applied to all tuples returned to the user.
waitrw – the instance was switched to the read-only mode
(for example, by using box.cfg.read_only), so the upgrade couldn’t proceed.
The upgrade process will resume as soon as the instance switches back to read-write mode.
Nevertheless, the upgrade function is applied to all tuples returned to the user.
error – the upgrade operation failed with an error. See the error field for the error message.
See the log for the tuple that caused the error. No alter operation is allowed, except for another upgrade,
supposed to fix the problem.
Nevertheless, the upgrade function is applied to all tuples returned to the user. The space is writable.
done – the upgrade operation is successfully completed. The upgrade function is not applied to tuples returned
to the user anymore. The function can be deleted.
replica – the upgrade operation is either running or completed with an error on another instance.
See the owner field for the UUID of the instance running the upgrade.
Nevertheless, the upgrade function is applied to all tuples returned to the user.
Interaction with alter
While a space upgrade is in progress, the space can’t be altered or dropped.
The attempt to do that will throw an exception.
Restarting an upgrade is allowed in case the currently running upgrade is canceled or completed with an error.
It means the manual restart is possible if the upgrade operation is in the error state.
If a space upgrade was canceled or failed with an error, the space can’t be altered or dropped.
The only option is to restart the upgrade using a different upgrade function or format.
Interaction with recovery
The space upgrade state is persisted. It is stored in the _space system table. If an instance with
a space upgrade in progress (inprogress state) is shut down, it restarts the space upgrade after recovery.
If a space upgrade fails (switches to the error state), it remains in the error state after recovery.
Interaction with replication
The changes made to a space by a space upgrade are replicated.
Just as on the instance where the upgrade is performed, the upgrade function is applied to all tuples returned
to the user on the replicas. However, the upgrade operation is not performed on the replicas in the background.
The replicas wait for the upgrade operation to complete on the master.
They can’t alter or drop the space. Normally, they can’t cancel or restart the upgrade operation either.
There is an emergency exception when the master is permanently dead.
It is possible to restart a space upgrade that started on another instance.
The restart is possible if the upgrade owner UUID (see the owner field) has been deleted
from the _cluster system table.
Except the dryrun mode, the upgrade can only be performed on the master.
If the instance is no longer the master, the upgrade is suspended until the instance is master again.
Restarting the upgrade on a new master works only if the old one has been removed from the replica set
(_cluster system space).
Usage example
Suppose there are two columns in the space test – id (unsigned) and data (string).
The example shows how to upgrade the schema and add another column to the space using space:upgrade().
The new column contains the id values converted to string. Each step takes a while.
The test space is generated with the following script:
locallog=require('log')box.cfg{checkpoint_count=1,memtx_memory=5*1024*1024*1024,}box.schema.space.create('test')box.space.test:format{{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='data',type='string'},}box.space.test:create_index('pk')localcount=20*1000*1000localprogress=0box.begin()fori=1,countdobox.space.test:insert{i,'data'..i}ifi%1000==0thenbox.commit()localp=math.floor(i/count*100)ifprogress~=pthenprogress=plog.info('Generating test data set... %d%% done',p)endbox.begin()endendbox.commit()box.snapshot()os.exit(0)
To upgrade the space, connect to the server and then run the commands below:
While the upgrade is in progress, you can track the state of the upgrade.
To check the status, connect to Tarantool from another console and run the following commands:
A read view is an in-memory snapshot of the entire database that isn’t
affected by future data modifications.
Read views provide access to database spaces and their indexes and enable you to
retrieve data using the same select and pairs operations.
Read views can be used to make complex analytical queries.
This reduces the load on the main database and improves RPS for a single Tarantool instance.
To improve memory consumption and performance,
Tarantool creates read views using the copy-on-write technique.
In this case, duplication of the entire data set is not required:
Tarantool duplicates only blocks modified after a read view is created.
Tarantool Enterprise Edition supports read views starting from v2.11.0 and enables the ability
to work with them using both Lua and C API.
After creating a read view, you can access database spaces using the
read_view_object.space field.
This field provides access to a space object that exposes the
select, get,
and pairs methods with the same behavior
as corresponding box.space methods.
The example below shows how to select 4 records from the bands space:
Pagination is supported in read views in the same ways as in select requests
to spaces: using the fetch_pos and after arguments. To get the cursor position
after executing a request on a read view, set fetch_pos to true:
When a read view is no longer needed, close it using the
read_view_object:close() method
because a read view may consume a substantial amount of memory.
tarantool> read_view1:close()---...
Otherwise, a read view is closed implicitly when the read view object is collected by the Lua garbage collector.
After the read view is closed,
its status is set to closed.
On an attempt to use it, an error is raised.
A Tarantool session below demonstrates how to open a read view,
get data from this view, and close it.
To repeat these steps, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance
as described in Using data operations
(you can skip creating secondary indexes).
Insert test data.
tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}
Create a read view by calling the open function.
Then, make sure that the read view status is open.
The Beginners“ Guide describes how users can start up with SQL with Tarantool, and necessary concepts.
The SQL Beginners“ Guide is about databases in general, and about the relationship between
Tarantool’s NoSQL and SQL products.
Most of the matters in the Beginners“ Guide will already be familiar to people who have used relational databases before.
Start a Tarantool instance in the interactive mode by running tt run -i:
$ ttrun-i
Tarantool 3.0.0-0-g6ba34da7f8type 'help' for interactive helptarantool>
Initialize the instance and switch the input language to SQL:
tarantool> box.cfg{}
tarantool> \set language sql
tarantool> \set delimiter ;
Now you have a running Tarantool instance that accepts SQL input.
Sample table
In football training camp it is traditional for the trainer to begin by showing a football
and saying «this is a football». In that spirit, this is a table:
But the labels are misleading – one usually doesn’t identify rows and columns by their ordinal positions,
one prefers to pick out specific items by their contents. In that spirit, this is a table:
So one does not use longitude/latitude navigation by talking about «Row#2 Column #2»,
one uses the contents of the Name column and the name of the Size column
by talking about «the size, where the name is „clock“».
To be more exact, this is what one says:
If you’re familiar with Tarantool’s architecture – and ideally you read
about that before coming to this chapter – then you know that there is a NoSQL
way to get the same thing:
Well, you can do that. One of the advantages of Tarantool is that if you can get
data via an SQL statement, then you can get the same data via a NoSQL request.
But the reverse is not true, because not all NoSQL tuple sets are definable
as SQL tables. These restrictions apply for SQL that do not apply for NoSQL:
1. Every column must have a name.
2. Every column should have a scalar type (Tarantool is relaxed about
which particular scalar type you can have, but there is no way to index and
search arrays, tables within tables, or what MessagePack calls «maps».)
Tarantool/NoSQL’s «format» clause causes the same restrictions.
So an SQL «table» is a NoSQL «tuple set with format restrictions»,
an SQL «row» is a NoSQL «tuple», an SQL «column» is a NoSQL «list of fields within a tuple set».
The words that are IN CAPITAL LETTERS are «keywords» (although it is only a convention in
this manual that keywords are in capital letters, in practice many programmers prefer to avoid shouting).
A keyword has meaning for the SQL parser so many keywords are reserved, they cannot be used as names
unless they are enclosed inside quotation marks.
The word «modules» is a «table name», and the words «name» and «size» and «purpose» are «column names».
All tables and all columns must have names.
The words «STRING» and «INTEGER» are «data types».
STRING means «the contents should be characters, the length is indefinite, the equivalent NoSQL type is „string““».
INTEGER means «the contents should be numbers without decimal points, the equivalent NoSQL type is „integer“».
Tarantool supports other data types but this section’s example table has data types from the two main groups,
namely, data types for numbers and data types for strings.
The final clause, PRIMARY KEY (name), means that the name column is the main column used to identify the row.
Frequently it is necessary, at least temporarily, that a column value should be NULL.
Typical situations are: the value is unknown, or the value is not applicable.
For example, you might make a module as a placeholder but you don’t want to say its size or purpose.
If such things are possible, the column is «nullable».
The example table’s name column cannot contain nulls, and it could be defined explicitly as «name STRING NOT NULL»,
but in this case that’s unnecessary – a column defined as PRIMARY KEY is automatically NOT NULL.
Is a NULL in SQL the same thing as a nil in Lua?
No, but it is close enough that there will be confusion.
When nil means «unknown» or «inapplicable», yes.
But when nil means «nonexistent» or «type is nil», no.
NULL is a value, it has a data type because it is inside a column which is defined with that data type.
Creating an index
This is how to create indexes for the modules table:
There is no need to create an index on the name column,
because Tarantool creates an index automatically when it sees a PRIMARY KEY clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.
In fact there is no need to create indexes on the size or purpose columns
either – if indexes don’t exist, then it is still possible to use the columns for searches.
Typically people create non-primary indexes, also called secondary indexes,
when it becomes clear that the table will grow large and searches will be frequent,
because searching with an index is generally much faster than searching without an index.
Another use for indexes is to enforce uniqueness.
When an index is created with CREATE UNIQUE INDEX for the purpose column,
it is not possible to have duplicate values in that column.
Data change
Putting data into a table is called «inserting».
Changing data is called «updating».
Removing data is called «deleting».
Together, the three SQL statements INSERT plus UPDATE plus DELETE are the three main «data-change» statements.
This is how to insert, update, and delete a row in the modules table:
INSERTINTOmodulesVALUES('json',14,'format functions for JSON');UPDATEmodulesSETsize=15WHEREname='json';DELETEFROMmodulesWHEREname='json';
The corresponding non-SQL Tarantool requests would be:
box.space.MODULES:insert{'json',14,'format functions for JSON'}box.space.MODULES:update('json',{{'=',2,15}})box.space.MODULES:delete{'json'}
This is how one would populate the table with the values that was shown earlier:
Some data-change statements are illegal due to something in the table’s definition.
This is called «constraining what can be done». Some types of constraints have already been shown …
NOT NULL – if a column is defined with a NOT NULL clause, it is illegal to put NULL into it.
A primary-key column is automatically NOT NULL.
UNIQUE – if a column has a UNIQUE index, it is illegal to put a duplicate into it.
A primary-key column automatically has a UNIQUE index.
data domain – if a column is defined as having data type INTEGER, it is illegal to put a non-number into it.
More generally, if a value doesn’t correspond to the data type of the definition, it is illegal.
Some database management systems (DBMSs) are very forgiving and will try to
make allowances for bad values rather than reject them; Tarantool is a bit more strict than those DBMSs.
Now, here are other types of constraints …
CHECK – a table description can have a clause «CHECK (conditional expression)».
For example, if the CREATE TABLE modules statement looked like this:
then this INSERT statement would be illegal: INSERTINTOmodulesVALUES('box',0,'TheDatabaseKernel');
because there is a CHECK constraint saying that the second column, the size column,
cannot contain a value which is less than or equal to zero. Try this instead: INSERTINTOmodulesVALUES('box',1,'TheDatabaseKernel');
FOREIGN KEY – a table description can have a clause
«FOREIGN KEY (column-list) REFERENCES table (column-list)».
For example, if there is a new table «submodules» which in a way depends on the modules table,
it can be defined like this:
The insert will fail because the second column (module_name)
refers to the name column in the modules table, and the name
column in the modules table does not contain „Box“.
However, it does contain „box“.
By default searches in Tarantool’s SQL use a binary collation. This will work:
Now try to delete the corresponding row from the modules table:
The delete will fail because the second column (module_name) in the submodules
table refers to the name column in the modules table, and the name column
in the modules table would not contain „box“ if the delete succeeded.
So the FOREIGN KEY constraint affects both the table which contains
the FOREIGN KEY clause and the table that the FOREIGN KEY clause refers to.
The constraints in a table’s definition – NOT NULL, UNIQUE, data domain, CHECK,
and FOREIGN KEY – are guarantors of the database’s integrity.
It is important that they are fixed and well-defined parts of the definition,
and hard to bypass with SQL.
This is often seen as a difference between SQL and NoSQL – SQL emphasizes law and order,
NoSQL emphasizes freedom and making your own rules.
Table relationships
Think about the two tables that have been discussed so far:
Because of the FOREIGN KEYS clause in the submodules table, there is clearly a many-to-one relationship:
submodules –>> modules
that is, every submodules row must refer to one (and only one) modules row,
while every modules row can be referred to in zero or more submodules rows.
Table relationships are important, but beware:
do not trust anyone who tells you that databases made with SQL are relational
«because there are relationships between tables».
That is wrong, as will be clear in the discussion about what makes a database relational, later.
Selecting with WHERE
By default, Tarantool prohibits SELECT queries that scan table rows
instead of using indexes to avoid unwanted heavy load. For the purposes of
this tutorial, allow SQL scan queries in Tarantool by running the command:
Alternatively, you can allow a specific query to perform a table scan by adding
the SEQSCAN keyword before the table name. Learn more about using SEQSCAN
in SQL scan queries in the SQL FROM clause description.
We gave a simple example of a SELECT statement earlier:
The clause «WHERE name = „clock“» is legal in other statements – it
is in examples with UPDATE and DELETE – but here the only examples will be with SELECT.
The first variation is that the WHERE clause does not have to be specified at all,
it is optional. So this statement would return all rows:
The second variation is that the comparison operator does not have to be „=“,
it can be anything that makes sense: „>“ or „>=“ or „<“ or „<=“,
or „LIKE“ which is an operator that works with strings that may
contain wildcard characters „_“ meaning „match any one character“
or „%“ meaning „match any zero or one or many characters“.
These are legal statements which return all rows:
The third variation is that IS [NOT] NULL is a special condition.
Remembering that the NULL value can mean «it is unknown what the value should be»,
and supposing that in some row the size is NULL,
then the condition «size > 10» is not certainly true and it is not certainly false,
so it is evaluated as «unknown».
Ordinarily the application of a WHERE clause filters out both false and unknown results.
So when searching for NULL, say IS NULL;
when searching anything that is not NULL, say IS NOT NULL.
This statement will return all rows because (due to the definition) there are no NULLs in the name column:
The fourth variation is that conditions can be combined with AND / OR, and negated with NOT.
So this statement would return all rows (the first condition is false
but the second condition is true, and OR means «return true if either condition is true»):
Yet again, here is a simple example of a SELECT statement:
The words between SELECT and FROM are the select list.
In this case, the select list is just one word: size.
Formally it means that the desire is to return the size values,
and technically the name for picking a particular column is called «projection».
The first variation is that one can specify any column in any order:
The second variation is that one can specify an expression,
it does not have to be a column name, it does not even have to include a column name.
The common expression operators for numbers are the arithmetic operators +-/*;
the common expression operator for strings is the concatenation operator ||.
For example this statement will return 8, „XY“:
The third variation is that one can add a clause [AS name] after every expression,
so that in the return the column titles will make sense.
This is especially important when a title might otherwise be ambiguous or meaningless.
For example this statement will return 8, „XY“ as before
Instead of listing columns in a select list, one can just say '*'. For example
This is the same thing as
Selecting with "*" saves time for the writer,
but it is unclear to a reader who has not memorized what the column names are.
Also it is unstable, because there is a way to change a table’s
definition (the ALTER statement, which is an advanced topic).
Nevertheless, although it might be bad to use it for production,
it is handy to use it for introduction, so "*" will appear in some following examples.
Select with subqueries
Remember that there is a modules table and there is a submodules table.
Suppose that there is a desire to list the submodules that refer to modules for which the purpose is X.
That is, this involves a search of one table using a value in another table.
This can be done by enclosing «(SELECT …)» within the WHERE clause. For example:
Subqueries are also useful in the select list, when one wishes to combine
information from more than one table.
For example this statement will display submodules rows but will include values that come from the modules table:
Whoa. What are «modules.name» and «submodules.name»?
Whenever you see «x . y» you are looking at a «qualified column name»,
and the first part is a table identifier, the second part is a column identifier.
It is always legal to use qualified column names, but until now it has not been necessary.
Now it is necessary, or at least it is a good idea, because both tables have a column named «name».
The result will look like this:
| space | Database Management | insert etc. |
Perhaps you have read somewhere that SQL stands for «Structured Query Language».
That is not true any more.
But it is true that the query syntax allows for a structural component,
namely the subquery, and that was the original idea.
However, there is a different way to combine tables – with joins instead of subqueries.
Select with Cartesian join
Until now only «FROM modules» or «FROM submodules» was used in SELECT statements.
What if there was more than one table in the FROM clause? For example
That is legal. Usually it is not what you want, but it is a learning aid. The result will be:
{ columns from modules table } { columns from submodules table }
| box | 1432 | Database Management | space | box | 10000 | insert etc. |
| clock | 188 | Seconds | space | box | 10000 | insert etc. |
| crypto | 4 | Cryptography | space | box | 10000 | insert etc. |
It is not an error. The meaning of this type of join is «combine every row in table-1 with every row in table-2».
It did not specify what the relationship should be, so the result has everything,
even when the submodule has nothing to do with the module.
It is handy to look at the above result, called a «Cartesian join» result, to see what would really be desirable.
Probably for this case the row that actually makes sense is the one where the modules.name = submodules.module_name,
and it’s better to make that clear in both the select list and the WHERE clause, thus:
In other words, you can specify a Cartesian join in the FROM clause,
then you can filter out the irrelevant rows in the WHERE clause,
and then you can rename columns in the select list.
This is fine, and every SQL DBMS supports this.
But it is worrisome that the number of rows in a Cartesian join is always
(number of rows in first table multiplied by number of rows in second table),
which means that conceptually you are often filtering in a large set of rows.
It is good to start by looking at Cartesian joins because they show the concept.
Many people, though, prefer to use different syntaxes for joins because they
look better or clearer. So now those alternatives will be shown.
Select with join with ON clause
The ON clause would have the same comparisons as the WHERE clause that was illustrated
for the previous section, but the use of different syntax would be making it clear
«this is for the sake of the join».
Readers can see at a glance that it is, in concept at least, an initial step before
the result rows are filtered. For example this
The USING clause would take advantage of names that are held in common between the two tables,
with the assumption that the intent is to match those columns with „=“ comparisons. For example,
If the table had been created with a plan in advance to use USING clauses,
that would save time. But that did not happen.
So, although the above example «works», the results will not be sensible.
Select with natural join
A natural join would take advantage of names that are held in common between the two tables,
and would do the filtering automatically based on that knowledge, and throw away duplicate columns.
If the table had been created with a plan in advance to use natural joins, that would be very handy.
But that did not happen. So, although the following example «works», the results won’t be sensible.
Result: nothing, because modules.name does not match submodules.name,
and so on And even if there had been a result, it would only have included
four columns: name, module_name, size, purpose.
Select with left join
Now what if there is a desire to join modules to submodules,
but it’s necessary to be sure that all the modules are found?
In other words, suppose the requirement is to get modules even if the condition submodules.module_name = modules.name
is not true, because the module has no submodules.
When that is the requirement, the type of join is an «outer join»
(as opposed to the type that has been used so far which is an «inner join»).
Specifically the format will be LEFT [OUTER] JOIN because the main table, modules, is on the left. For example:
Thus, for the submodules of the clock module and the submodules of the crypto
module – which do not exist – there are NULLs in every column.
Select with functions
A function can take any expression, including an expression that contains another function,
and return a scalar value. There are many such functions. Here will be a description of only one, SUBSTR,
which returns a substring of a string.
Format: SUBSTR(input-string,start-with[,length])
Description: SUBSTR takes input-string, eliminates any characters before start-with,
eliminates any characters after (start-with plus length), and returns the result.
Suppose that there is no need to know all the individual size values,
all that is important is their aggregation, that is, take the attributes of the collection.
SQL allows aggregation functions including: AVG (average), SUM, MIN (minimum), MAX (maximum), and COUNT.
For example
Suppose that the requirement is aggregations, but aggregations of rows that have some common characteristic.
Supposing further, the rows should be divided into two groups, the ones whose names
begin with „b“ and the ones whose names begin with „c“.
This can be done by adding a clause [GROUP BY expression]. For example,
So far, tor every search in the modules table, the rows have come out in alphabetical order by name:
„box“, then „clock“, then „crypto“.
However, to really be sure about the order, or to ask for a different order,
it is necessary to be explicit and add a clause:
(ASC stands for ASCending, DESC stands for DESCending.)
For example:
The result will be the usual rows, in descending alphabetical order: „crypto“ then „clock“ then „box“.
After the ORDER BY clause there can be a clause LIMIT n, where n is the maximum number of rows to retrieve. For example:
The result will be the first two rows, „crypto“ and „clock“.
After the ORDER BY clause and the LIMIT clause there can be a clause OFFSET n,
where n is the row to start with. The first offset is 0. For example:
The result will be the third row, „box“.
A view is a canned SELECT. If you have a complex SELECT that you want to run frequently, create a view and then do a simple SELECT on the view. For example:
Tarantool has a «Write Ahead Log» (WAL).
Effects of data-change statements are logged before they are permanently stored on disk.
This is a reason that, although entire databases can be stored in temporary memory,
they are not vulnerable in case of power failure.
Tarantool supports commits and rollbacks. In effect, asking for a commit means
asking for all the recent data-change statements,
since a transaction began, to become permanent.
In effect, asking for a rollback means asking for all the recent data-change statements,
since a transaction began, to be cancelled.
The result will be: one row, containing „A“. The ROLLBACK cancelled the second INSERT statement,
but did not cancel the first one, because it had already been committed.
Ordinarily every statement is automatically committed.
After START TRANSACTION, statements are not automatically committed – Tarantool considers
that a transaction is now «active», until the transaction ends with a COMMIT statement or a ROLLBACK statement.
While a transaction is active, all statements are legal except another START TRANSACTION.
Implementing Tarantool’s SQL On Top of NoSQL
Tarantool’s SQL data is the same as Tarantool’s NoSQL data. When you create a table or an index with SQL,
you are creating a space or an index in NoSQL. For example:
Therefore you can take advantage of Tarantool’s NoSQL features even though your primary language is SQL.
Here are some possibilities.
(1) NoSQL applications written in one of the connector languages may be slightly faster than SQL applications
because SQL statements may require more parsing and may be translated to NoSQL requests.
(2) You can write stored procedures in Lua, combining Lua loop-control and Lua library-access statements with SQL statements.
These routines are executed on the server, which is the principal advantage of pure-SQL stored procedures.
(3) There are some options that are implemented in NoSQL that are not (yet) implemented in SQL.
For example you can use NoSQL to change an index option, and to deny access to users named „guest“.
(4) System spaces such as _space and _index can be accessed with SQL SELECT statements.
This is not quite the same as an information_schema, but it does mean that you can
use SQL to access the database’s metadata catalog.
Fields in NoSQL spaces can be accessed with SQL if and only if they are scalar and are defined
in format clauses. Indexes of NoSQL spaces will be used with SQL if and only if they are TREE indexes.
Relational databases
Edgar F. Codd, the person most responsible for researching and explaining relational database concepts,
listed the main criteria as
(Codd’s 12 rules).
Although Tarantool is not advertised as «relational», Tarantool comes with a claim that it complies with these rules,
with the following caveats and exceptions …
The rules state that all data must be viewable as relations.
A Tarantool SQL table is a relation.
However, it is possible to have duplicate values in SQL tables and it is possible
to have an implicit ordering. Those characteristics are not allowed for true relations.
The rules state that there must be a dynamic online catalog. Tarantool has one but some metadata is missing from it.
The rules state that the data language must support authorization.
Tarantool’s SQL does not. Authorization occurs via NoSQL requests.
The rules require that data must be physically independent (from underlying storage changes)
and logically independent (from application program changes).
So far there is not enough experience to make this guarantee.
The rules require certain types of updatable views. Tarantool’s views are not updatable.
The rules state that it should be impossible to use a low-level language to bypass
integrity as defined in the relational-level language.
In Tarantool’s case, this is not true, for example one can execute a request
with Tarantool’s NoSQL to violate a foreign-key constraint that was defined with Tarantool’s SQL.
To learn more about SQL in Tarantool, check the reference.
SQL tutorial
This tutorial is a demonstration of the support for SQL in Tarantool.
It includes the functionality that you’d encounter in an «SQL-101» course.
This INSERT fails because of a primary-key violation: the row with the primary
key 1,'AB' already exists.
The SEQSCAN keyword
Sequential scan is the scan through all the table rows instead of using indexes.
In Tarantool, SELECT SQL queries that perform sequential scans are prohibited by default.
For example, this query leads to the error Scanningisnotallowedfor'table2':
To execute a scan query, put the SEQSCAN keyword before the table name:
Try to execute these queries that use indexed column1 in filters:
The second query fails with the error Scanningisnotallowedfor'TABLE2'.
Although column1 is indexed, the expression column1+1 is not calculated
from the index, which makes this SELECT a scan query.
To enable SQL scan queries without SEQSCAN for the current session,
run this command:
The first statement uses the LIKE comparison operator which is asking
for «first character must be „A“, the next characters can be anything.»
The second statement uses logical operators and parentheses, so the AND expressions must be true, or the OR
expression must be true. Notice the columns don’t have to be indexed.
The first INSERT fails because NULL is not
permitted for a column that was defined with a
The other INSERT statements succeed.
Create a new index on column4.
There already is an index for the primary key. Indexes are useful for making queries
faster. In this case, the index also acts as a constraint, because it prevents
two rows from having the same values in column4. However, it is not an error
that column4 has multiple occurrences of NULLs.
The result is: rowcount:1.
Create a subset table
Create a table table3, which contains a subset of the table2 columns
and a subset of the table2 rows.
You can do this by combining INSERT with SELECT. Then select everything
from the result table.
The first INSERT statement succeeds because
table3 contains a row with [2,'AB','',12.34567].
The second INSERT statement, correctly, fails with the message
Due to earlier INSERT statements, these values are in column4 of table2:
{0,NULL,NULL,5.5,10000,12.34567}. Add 5 to each of these values except 0.
Adding 5 to NULL results in NULL, as SQL arithmetic requires.
Use SELECT to see what happened to column4.
The first DELETE statement causes an error because
there’s a foreign-key constraint.
The second DELETE statement succeeds.
The SELECT statement shows that there are 5 rows remaining.
Create another constraint that there must not be any rows in table1
containing values that do not appear in table5. This was impossible
during the table1 creation because at that time table5 did not exist.
You can add constraints to existing tables with the ALTERTABLE statement.
Result: the ALTERTABLE statement fails the first time because there is a row
in table1, and ADDCONSTRAINT requires that the table be empty.
After the row is deleted, the ALTERTABLE statement completes successfully.
Now there is a chain of references, from table1 to table5 and from table5
to table2.
The idea of a trigger is: if a change (INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE) happens,
then a further action – perhaps another INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE
– will happen.
Set up the following trigger: when a update to table3 is done, do an update
to table2. Specify this as FOREACHROW, so that the trigger activates 5
times (since there are 5 rows in table3).
Tarantool can handle statements like SELECT55; (select without FROM)
like some other popular DBMSs. But it also handles the more standard statement
SELECT55*55,'The rain in Spain';VALUES(55*55,'The rain in Spain');
The result of both these statements is:
- - [3025, 'The rain in Spain']
To find out the internal structure of the Tarantool database with SQL,
select from the Tarantool system tables _space, _index, and _trigger:
To see how the SQL in Tarantool scales, create a bigger table.
The following Lua code generates one million rows with random data and
inserts them into a table. Copy this code into the Tarantool console and wait
a bit:
box.execute("CREATE TABLE tester (s1 INT PRIMARY KEY, s2 VARCHAR(10))");functionstring_function()localrandom_numberlocalrandom_stringrandom_string=""forx=1,10,1dorandom_number=math.random(65,90)random_string=random_string..string.char(random_number)endreturnrandom_stringend;functionmain_function()localstring_value,t,sql_statementfori=1,1000000,1dostring_value=string_function()sql_statement="INSERT INTO tester VALUES ("..i..",'"..string_value.."')"box.execute(sql_statement)endend;start_time=os.clock();main_function();end_time=os.clock();print('insert done in '..end_time-start_time..' seconds');
The result is: you now have a table with a million rows, with a message saying
Select from a million-row table
Check how SELECT works on the million-row table:
the first query goes by an index because s1 is the primary key
the second query does not go by an index
box.execute([[SELECT * FROM tester WHERE s1 = 73446;]]);box.execute([[SELECT * FROM SEQSCAN tester WHERE s2 LIKE 'QFML%';]]);
The result is:
the first statement completes instantaneously
the second statement completed noticeably slower
Cleanup and exit
To cleanup all the objects created in this tutorial, switch to the SQL input
language again. Then run the DROP statements for all created tables, views,
and triggers.
These statements must be entered separately.
sql_tutorial:instance001> \set language sqlsql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE tester;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE table1;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP VIEW v3;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TRIGGER tr;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE table5;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE table4;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE table3;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE table2;sql_tutorial:instance001> DROP TABLE t6;sql_tutorial:instance001> \set language luasql_tutorial:instance001> os.exit();
Improving MySQL with Tarantool
Replicating MySQL is one of the Tarantool’s killer functions.
It allows you to keep your existing MySQL database while at the same time
accelerating it and scaling it out horizontally. Even if you aren’t interested
in extensive expansion, replacing existing replicas with Tarantool can
save you money, because Tarantool is more efficient per core than MySQL. To read
a testimonial of a company that implemented Tarantool replication on a large scale, see
the following article.
If you run into any trouble with regards to the basics of Tarantool, see the
Getting started guide or the Data model description.
A helpful log for troubleshooting during this tutorial is replicatord.log in /var/log.
You can also have a look at the instance’s log example.log in /var/log/tarantool.
The tutorial is intended for CentOS 7.5 and MySQL 5.7.
The tutorial requires that systemd and MySQL are installed.
Setting up MySQL
In this section, you configure MySQL and create a database.
$ cdmysql-tarantool-replication
$ gitsubmoduleupdate--init--recursive
$ cmake.
$ make
The replicator will run as a systemd daemon called replicatord, so, edit
its systemd service file (replicatord.service) in the
mysql-tarantool-replication repository:
The transaction model of Tarantool corresponds to the properties ACID
(atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability).
Tarantool has two modes of transaction behavior:
Default – suitable for fast monopolistic atomic transactions
MVCC – designed for long-running concurrent transactions
Each transaction in Tarantool is executed in a single fiber on a single thread, sees a consistent database state
and commits all changes atomically.
All transaction changes are written to the WAL (Write Ahead Log)
in a single batch in a specific order at the time of the
If needed, transaction changes can also be rolled back –
completely or to
a specified savepoint.
By default, the isolation level of Tarantool is serializable.
The exception is a failure during writing to the WAL, which can occur, for example, when the disk space is over.
In this case, the isolation level of the concurrent read transaction would be read-committed.
The MVСС mode provides several options that enable you to tune
the visibility behavior during transaction execution.
The read-committed isolation level makes visible all transactions that started commit (box.commit() was called).
Write transactions with reads
Manual usage of read-committed for write transactions with reads is completely safe, as this transaction will eventually result in a commit.
If a previous transactions fails, this transaction will inevitably fail as well due to the serializable isolation level.
Read transactions
Manual usage of read-committed for read transactions may be unsafe, as it may lead to phantom reads.
The read-confirmed isolation level makes visible all transactions that finished
the commit (box.commit() was returned).
This means that new data is already on disk or even on other replicas.
Read transactions
The use of read-confirmed is safe for read transactions given that data
is on disk (for asynchronous replication) or even in other replicas
(for synchronous replication).
Write transactions
To achieve serializable, any write transaction should read all data that has already been committed.
Otherwise, it may conflict when it reaches its commit.
Linearizable read
Linearizability of read operations implies that if a response for a write request arrived earlier than a read request was made, this read request should return the results of the write request.
When called with linearizable, box.begin() yields until the instance receives enough data from remote peers to be sure that the transaction is linearizable.
Linearizable transactions may only perform requests to the following memtx space types:
A linearizable transaction can fail with an error in the following cases:
If the node can’t contact enough remote peers to determine which data is committed.
If the data isn’t received during the timeout specified in box.begin().
To start a linearizable transaction, the node should be the replication source for at least N-Q+1 remote replicas.
Here N is the count of registered nodes in the cluster and Q is replication_synchro_quorum.
So, for example, you can’t perform a linearizable transaction on anonymous replicas because they can’t be the source of replication for other nodes.
Best-effort (default)
To minimize the possibility of conflicts, MVCC uses what is called best-effort visibility:
This inevitably leads to the serializable isolation level.
Since there is no option for MVCC to analyze the whole transaction to make a decision, it makes the choice on
the first operation.
If the serializable isolation level becomes unreachable, the transaction is marked as «conflicted»
and rolled back.
Thread model
Main threads
The thread model assumes that a query received by Tarantool via network
is processed with three operating system threads:
The network thread (or threads)
on the server side receives the query, parses
the statement, checks if it is correct, and then transforms it into a special
structure – a message containing an executable statement and its options.
The network thread sends this message to the instance’s
transaction processor thread (TX thread) via a lock-free message bus.
Lua programs are executed directly in the transaction processor thread,
and do not need to be parsed and prepared.
The TX thread either uses a space index to find and update the tuple,
or executes a stored function that performs a data operation.
The execution of the operation results in a message to the
write-ahead logging (WAL) thread used to commit
the transaction and the fiber executing the transaction is suspended.
When the transaction results in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK, the following actions are taken:
The WAL thread responds with a message to the TX thread.
The fiber executing the transaction is resumed to process the result of the transaction.
The result of the fiber execution is passed to the network thread,
and the network thread returns the result to the client.
There is only one TX thread in Tarantool.
Some users are used to the idea that there can be multiple threads
working on the database. For example, thread #1 reads a row #x while
thread #2 writes a row #y. With Tarantool this does not happen.
Only the TX thread can access the database,
and there is only one TX thread for each Tarantool instance.
The TX thread can handle many fibers –
a set of computer instructions that can contain «yield» signals.
The TX thread executes all computer instructions up to a
yield signal, and then switches to execute the instructions of another fiber.
Yields must happen, otherwise the TX thread would
be permanently stuck on the same fiber.
Supplementary threads
There are also several supplementary threads that serve additional capabilities:
For replication, Tarantool creates a separate thread for each connected replica.
This thread reads a write-ahead log and sends it to the replica, following its position in the log.
Separate threads are required because each replica can point to a different position in the log and can run at different speeds.
There is a thread pool for ad hoc asynchronous tasks, such as a DNS resolver or fsync.
There is a thread pool that can be used for parallel sorting (hence, to parallelize building indexes).
To configure it, use the memtx.sort_threads configuration option.
The option sets the number of threads used to sort keys of secondary indexes on loading a memtx database.
Since 3.0.0, this option replaces the approach when OpenMP threads are used to parallelize sorting.
For backward compatibility, the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is taken into account to
set the number of sorting threads.
Transaction mode: default
By default, Tarantool does not allow «yielding» inside a memtx
transaction and the transaction manager is disabled. This allows fast
atomic transactions without conflicts, but brings some limitations:
To switch back to the default mode, disable the transaction manager:
Transaction mode: MVCC
Since version 2.6.1,
Tarantool has another transaction behavior mode that
allows «yielding» inside a memtx transaction.
This is controlled by the transaction manager.
This mode allows concurrent transactions but may cause conflicts.
You can use this mode on the memtx storage engine.
The vinyl storage engine also supports MVCC mode,
but has a different implementation.
Currently, you cannot use several different storage engines within one transaction.
Transaction manager
The transaction manager is designed to isolate concurrent transactions
and provides a serializabletransaction isolation level.
It consists of two parts:
MVCC – multi version concurrency control engine, which stores all change actions of all
transactions. It also creates the transaction view of the database state and a read view
(a fixed state of the database that is never changed by other transactions) when necessary.
Conflict manager – a manager that tracks changes to transactions and determines their correctness
in the serialization order. The conflict manager declares transactions to be in conflict
or sends transactions to read views when necessary.
Since version 2.10.1, the conflict manager detects conflicts right after
the first one of several conflicting transactions is committed. After this moment, any CRUD operations
in the conflicted transaction will result in errors until the transaction is
rolled back.
The transaction manager also provides a non-classical snapshot isolation level – this snapshot is not
necessarily tied to the start time of the transaction, like the classical snapshot where a transaction
can get a consistent snapshot of the database. The conflict manager decides if and when each transaction
gets which snapshot. This avoids some conflicts compared to the classic snapshot isolation approach.
Currently, the isolation level of BITSET and RTREE indexes
in MVCC transaction mode is read-committed (not serializable, as stated).
If a transaction uses these indexes, it can read committed or confirmed data (depending on the isolation level).
However, the indexes are subject to different anomalies that can make them unserializable.
Enabling the transaction manager
By default, the transaction manager is disabled. Use the memtx_use_mvcc_engine
option to enable it via box.cfg.
Using best-effort as the default option allows MVCC to consider the actions of transactions
independently and determine the best isolation level for them.
It increases the probability of successful completion of the transaction and helps to avoid possible conflicts.
To set another default isolation level, for example, read-committed, use the following command:
Note that the linearizable isolation level can’t be set as default and can be used for a specific transaction only.
You can set an isolation level for a specific transaction in its box.begin() call:
In this case, you can also use the default option. It sets the transaction’s isolation level
to the one set in box.cfg.
For autocommit transactions (actions with a statement without explicit box.begin/box.commit calls)
there is a rule:
Read-only transactions (for example, select) are performed with read-confirmed.
All other transactions (for example, replace) are performed with read-committed.
You can also set the isolation level in the net.box stream:begin() method
and IPROTO_BEGIN binary protocol request.
Choosing the better option depends on whether you have conflicts or not.
If you have many conflicts, you should set a different option or use
the default transaction mode.
Since v. 2.10.0, IPROTO implements streams and interactive
transactions that can be used when memtx_use_mvcc_engine
is enabled on the server.
A stream supports multiplexing several transactions over one connection.
Each stream has its own identifier, which is unique within the connection.
All requests with the same non-zero stream ID belong to the same stream.
All requests in a stream are executed strictly sequentially.
This allows the implementation of
interactive transactions.
If the stream ID of a request is 0, it does not belong to any stream and is
processed in the old way.
In net.box, a stream is an object above
the connection that has the same methods but allows sequential execution of requests.
The ID is automatically generated on the client side.
If a user writes their own connector and wants to use streams,
they must transmit the stream_id over the IPROTO protocol.
Unlike a thread, which involves multitasking and execution within a program,
a stream transfers data via the protocol between a client and a server.
Interactive transaction
An interactive transaction is one that does not need to be sent in a single request.
There are multiple ways to begin, commit, and roll back a transaction, and they can be mixed.
You can use stream:begin(), stream:commit(),
stream:rollback() or the appropriate stream methods
– call, eval, or execute – using the SQL transaction syntax.
Let’s create a Lua client (client.lua) and run it with Tarantool:
localnet_box=require'net.box'localconn=net_box.connect('')localconn_tickets=conn.space.ticketslocalyaml=require'yaml'localstream=conn:new_stream()localstream_tickets=stream.space.tickets-- Begin transaction over an iproto stream:stream:begin()print("Replaced in a stream\n"..yaml.encode(stream_tickets:replace({1,768})))-- Empty select, the transaction was not committed.-- You can't see it from the requests that do not belong to the-- transaction.print("Selected from outside of transaction\n"..yaml.encode(conn_tickets:select({},{limit=10})))-- Select returns the previously inserted tuple-- because this select belongs to the transaction:print("Selected from within transaction\n"..yaml.encode(stream_tickets:select({},{limit=10})))-- Commit transaction:stream:commit()-- Now this select also returns the tuple because the transaction has been committed:print("Selected again from outside of transaction\n"..yaml.encode(conn_tickets:select({},{limit=10})))os.exit()
Then call it and see the following output:
Replaced in a stream
--- [1, 768]
Selected from outside of transaction
- [1, 429]
- [2, 429]
Selected from within transaction
- [1, 768]
- [2, 429]
Selected again from outside of transaction
- [1, 768]
- [2, 429]
Механизм репликации позволяет сразу многим экземплярам Tarantool работать с копиями одних и тех же баз данных. При этом все базы остаются в синхронизированном состоянии благодаря тому, что каждый экземпляр может сообщать другим экземплярам о совершенных им изменениях.
For practical guides to replication, see Replication tutorials.
You can learn about bootstrapping a replica set, adding instances to the replica set, or removing them.
Архитектура механизма репликации
Механизм репликации
A pack of instances that operate on copies of the same databases makes up a replica set.
Each instance in a replica set has a role: master or replica.
A replica gets all updates from the master by continuously fetching and applying
its write-ahead log (WAL). Each record in the WAL represents a single
Tarantool data-change request such as INSERT,
UPDATE, or DELETE, and is assigned
a monotonically growing log sequence number (LSN). In essence, Tarantool
replication is row-based: each data-change request is fully deterministic
and operates on a single tuple. However, unlike a classical row-based log, which
contains entire copies of the changed rows, Tarantool’s WAL contains copies of the requests.
For example, for UPDATE requests, Tarantool only stores the primary key of the row and
the update operations to save space.
WAL extensions available in Tarantool Enterprise Edition enable you to add auxiliary information to each write-ahead log record.
This information might be helpful for implementing a CDC (Change Data Capture) utility that transforms a data replication stream.
The following are specifics of adding different types of information to the WAL:
Invocations of stored programs are not written to the WAL.
Instead, records of the actual data-change requests, performed by the Lua code, are written to the WAL.
This ensures that the possible non-determinism of Lua does not cause replication to go out of sync.
Data definition operations on temporary spaces (created with temporary=true), such as creating/dropping, adding indexes, and truncating, are written to the WAL, since information about temporary spaces is stored in non-temporary system spaces, such as box.space._space.
Data change operations on temporary spaces are not written to the WAL and are not replicated.
Data change operations on replication-local spaces (created with is_local=true) are written to the WAL but are not replicated.
To create a valid initial state, to which WAL changes can be applied, every instance of a replica set requires a start set of checkpoint files, such as .snap files for memtx and .run files for vinyl.
A replica goes through the following stages:
Bootstrap (optional)
When an entire replica set is bootstrapped for the first time, there is no master that could provide the initial checkpoint.
In such a case, replicas connect to each other and elect a master.
The master creates the starting set of checkpoint files and distributes them to all the other replicas.
This is called an automatic bootstrap of a replica set.
At this stage, a replica downloads the initial state from the master.
The master register this replica in the box.space._cluster space.
If join fails with a non-critical error, for example, ER_READONLY, ER_ACCESS_DENIED, or a network-related issue, an instance tries to find a new master to join.
On subsequent connections, a replica downloads all changes happened after the latest local LSN (there can be many LSNs – each master has its own LSN).
At this stage, a replica fetches and applies updates from the master’s write-ahead log.
Each replica set is identified by a globally unique identifier, called the replica set UUID.
The identifier is created by the master, which creates the very first checkpoint and is part of the checkpoint file. It is stored in the box.space._schema system space, for example:
Additionally, each instance in a replica set is assigned its own UUID, when it
joins the replica set. It is called an instance UUID and is a globally unique
identifier. The instance UUID is checked to ensure that instances do not join a different
replica set, e.g. because of a configuration error. A unique instance identifier
is also necessary to apply rows originating from different masters only once,
that is, to implement multi-master replication. This is why each row in the write-ahead log,
in addition to its log sequence number, stores the instance identifier
of the instance on which it was created. But using a UUID as such an identifier
would take too much space in the write-ahead log, thus a shorter integer number
is assigned to the instance when it joins a replica set. This number is then
used to refer to the instance in the write-ahead log. It is called
instance ID. All identifiers are stored in the system space
box.space._cluster, for example:
Здесь ID экземпляра – 1 (уникальный номер в рамках набора реплик), а UUID экземпляра – 88580b5c-4474-43ab-bd2b-2409a9af80d2 (глобально уникальный).
Использование идентификаторов экземпляра также полезно для отслеживания состояния всего набора реплик. Например, box.info.vclock описывает состояние репликации в отношении каждого подключенного узла.
tarantool> box.info.vclock----{1:827, 2:584}...
Here vclock contains log sequence numbers (827 and 584) for instances with
instance IDs 1 and 2.
If required, you can explicitly specify the instance and the replica set UUID values rather than letting Tarantool generate them.
To learn more, see the replicaset_uuid configuration parameter description.
Роли в репликации: мастер и реплика
Конфигурационный параметр read_only определяет роль в репликации (мастер или реплика). Рекомендованная роль для всех экземпляров в наборе реплик, кроме одного – «read-only» (реплика).
В конфигурации мастер-реплика каждое изменение, сделанное на мастере, будет отображаться на репликах, но не наоборот.
Простой набор реплик с двумя экземплярами, один из которых является мастером и расположен на одной машине, а другой – реплика – расположен на другой машине, дает два преимущества:
failover, because if the master goes down, then the replica can take over,
балансировка нагрузки, потому что клиенты во время запросов чтения могут подключаться к мастеру или к реплике.
В конфигурации мастер-мастер (которая также называется «многомастерной») каждое изменение на любом экземпляре будет также отображаться на другом.
Восстановление после отказа в таком случае также будет преимуществом, а балансировка нагрузки улучшится, поскольку любой экземпляр может обрабатывать запросы и на чтение, и на запись. В то же время, при многомастерной конфигурации необходимо понимать гарантии репликации, которые обеспечивает асинхронный протокол, внедренный в Tarantool.
Многомастерная репликация Tarantool гарантирует, что каждое изменение на каждом мастере передается на все экземпляры и применяется только один раз. Изменения с одного экземпляра применяются в том же порядке, что и на исходном экземпляре. Однако изменения с разных экземпляров могут смешиваться и применяться в различном порядке на разных экземплярах. В определенных случаях это может привести к рассинхронизации.
Например, принимая, что проводятся только операции добавления данных в базу (т.е. она содержит только вставки), многомастерная конфигурация сработает хорошо. Если данные также удаляются, но порядок операций удаления на разных репликах не играет важной роли (например, DELETE используется для отсечения устаревших данных), то конфигурация мастер-мастер также безопасна.
UPDATE operations, however, can easily go out of sync. For example, assignment
and increment are not commutative and may yield different results if applied
in a different order on different instances.
В общем смысле, безопасно использовать репликацию мастер-мастер в Tarantool, если все изменения в базе данных являются коммутативными: конечный результат не зависит от порядка, в котором применяются изменения. Дополнительную информацию о бесконфликтных типах реплицируемых данных можно получить здесь.
Replication topologies: cascade, ring, and full mesh
Replication topology is set by the replication
configuration parameter. The recommended topology is a full mesh because it
makes potential failover easy.
Some database products offer cascading replication topologies: creating a
replica on a replica. Tarantool does not recommend such a setup.
Недостаток каскадного набора реплик заключается в том, что некоторые экземпляры не подключаются к другим экземплярам, поэтому не могут получать от них изменения. Одно важное изменение, которое следует передавать на все экземпляры в наборе реплик – запись в системный спейс box.space._cluster с UUID набора реплик. Не зная UUID набора реплик, мастер отклоняет подключения от таких экземпляров при изменении топологии репликации. Вот как это может произойти:
We have a chain of three instances. Instance #1 contains entries for instances
#1 and #2 in its _cluster space. Instances #2 and #3 contain entries for
instances #1, #2, and #3 in their _cluster spaces.
Now instance #2 is faulty. Instance #3 tries connecting to instance #1 as its
new master, but the master refuses the connection since it has no entry, for
example, #3.
Тем не менее, кольцевая топология поддерживается:
Поэтому если необходима каскадная топология, можно первоначально создать кольцо, чтобы все экземпляры знали UUID друг друга, а затем разъединить цепочку в необходимом месте.
Как бы то ни было, для репликации мастер-мастер рекомендуется полная ячеистая топология:
В таком случае можно решить, где расположить экземпляры ячейки – в том же центре обработки данных или разместить в нескольких центрах. Tarantool будет автоматически следить за тем, что каждая строка применяется однократно на каждом экземпляре. Чтобы удалить экземпляр из ячейки после отказа, просто измените конфигурационный параметр replication.
Таким образом можно обеспечить доступность всего кластера в случае локального отказа, например отказа одного экземпляра в одном центре обработки данных, а также в случае отказа всего центра обработки данных.
Максимальное количество реплик в ячейке – 32.
Статус orphan (одиночный)
During box.cfg(), an instance tries to join all nodes listed
in box.cfg.replication.
If the instance does not succeed in connecting to the required number of nodes
(see bootstrap_strategy),
it switches to the orphan status.
Синхронная репликация
Общие сведения
По умолчанию репликация в Tarantool асинхронная: локальный коммит транзакции на мастере не означает, что эта транзакция будет сразу же выполнена на репликах. Если мастер сообщит клиенту об успешном выполнении операции, а потом прекратит работу и после отказа восстановится на реплике, то с точки зрения клиента транзакция пропадет.
Эту проблему решает синхронная репликация. Каждая синхронная транзакция проходит коммит лишь после репликации на некотором количестве экземпляров, и только тогда клиенту приходит ответ о завершении транзакции.
To enable synchronous replication, use the space_opts.is_sync option when creating or altering a space.
Синхронные и асинхронные транзакции
В Tarantool синхронную репликацию можно настроить для отдельных спейсов. Эта удобная функция позволит вам не потерять в производительности, если синхронная репликация нужна вам лишь изредка для изменения критически важных данных.
Если наряду с несколькими синхронными транзакциями, ожидающими репликации, совершается асинхронная транзакция, она блокируется синхронными. Коммиты при этом выполняются в той последовательности, в которой для каждой из транзакций вызывается метод box.commit(). Похожим образом работает обычная очередь асинхронных транзакций. Можно сформулировать правило коммитов: порядок коммитов соответствует порядку вызова box.commit() для каждой из транзакций, независимо от того, синхронные транзакции или асинхронные.
Если для одной из синхронных транзакций истечет время ожидания, эта транзакция будет отменена, а вместе с ней и все последующие транзакции в очереди на репликацию. Похожим образом отменяются и асинхронные транзакции при ошибке записи в WAL. Действует правило отмены: транзакции отменяются в порядке, обратном порядку вызова box.commit() для каждой из них, независимо от того, синхронные транзакции или асинхронные.
Асинхронная транзакция, заблокированная синхронной, не становится сама синхронной, а просто ожидает коммита синхронной транзакции. Как только это произойдет, асинхронная транзакция сразу сможет пройти коммит, не ожидая репликации.
Будьте осторожны при одновременном использовании синхронных и асинхронных транзакций. Для асинхронных транзакций коммит засчитывается успешным даже в том случае, если нет соединения с другими узлами. Поэтому на старом leader-узле (владельце очереди синхронных транзакций) могут быть асинхронные транзакции, которые прошли коммит, но отсутствуют на других узлах набора реплик.
Когда предыдущий лидер снова становится доступен в наборе реплик, он начинает получать данные с нового лидера. В это же время остальные узлы в наборе реплик начинают получать данные со старого лидера, которых у них еще нет. Эти данные содержат и асинхронные транзакции, прошедшие коммит. В этот момент система выдаст ошибку ER_SPLIT_BRAIN, заставляя пользователя провести повторную настройку (rebootstrap) предыдущего лидера.
Ограничения и известные проблемы
До версии 2.5.2 способа настроить синхронную репликацию для существующих спейсов не было. Однако, начиная с версии 2.5.2, ее можно включить, вызвав метод space_object:alter({is_sync = true}).
Синхронные транзакции работают исключительно в топологии «мастер-реплика». В кластере может быть несколько реплик, в том числе анонимных, однако синхронные транзакции должен совершать только один узел.
Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10.0, анонимные реплики не участвуют в кворуме.
Выборы лидера
В Tarantool, начиная с версии 2.6.1, есть встроенная функциональность для управления автоматическими выборами лидера (automated leader election) в наборе реплик. Подробности можно найти в соответствующей главе.
Автоматические выборы лидера
В Tarantool, начиная с версии 2.6.1, есть встроенная функциональность для управления автоматическими выборами лидера (automated leader election) в наборе реплик (replica set). Эта функциональность повышает отказоустойчивость систем на базе Tarantool и снижает зависимость от внешних инструментов для управления набором реплик.
В Tarantool используется модификация Raft — алгоритма синхронной репликации и автоматических выборов лидера. Полное описание алгоритма Raft можно прочитать в соответствующем документе.
Синхронная репликация и выборы лидера в Tarantool реализованы как две независимые подсистемы. Это означает, что можно настроить синхронную репликацию, а для выборов лидера использовать альтернативный алгоритм. Встроенный механизм выборов лидера, в свою очередь, не требует использования синхронных спейсов. Синхронной репликации посвящен этот раздел документации. Процесс выборов лидера описан ниже.
The system behavior can be specified exactly according to the Raft algorithm. To do this:
In the replication.election_fencing_mode option, select either the soft mode (the default)
or the strict mode, which is more restrictive.
Процесс выборов лидера
Автоматические выборы лидера в Tarantool гарантируют, что в каждый момент времени в наборе реплик будет максимум один лидер — узел, доступный для записи. Все остальные узлы будут принимать исключительно запросы на чтение.
Когда функция выборов включена, жизненный цикл набора реплик разделен на так называемые термы (term). Каждый терм описывается монотонно растущим числом. После первой загрузки узла значение его терма равно 1. Когда узел обнаруживает, что не является лидером и при этом лидера в наборе реплик уже какое-то время нет, он увеличивает значение своего терма и начинает новый тур выборов.
Выборы лидера происходят посредством голосования. Узел, начинающий выборы, голосует сам за себя и отправляет другим запросы на голос. Каждый экземпляр голосует за первый узел, от которого пришел такой запрос, и далее в течение всего терма ожидает избрания лидера, не выполняя никаких действий.
The node that collected a quorum of votes defined by the replication.synchro_quorum parameter
becomes the leader
and notifies other nodes about that. Also, a split vote can happen
when no nodes received a quorum of votes. In this case,
after a random timeout,
each node increases its term and starts a new election round if no new vote
request with a greater term arrives during this time.
Eventually, a leader is elected.
If any unfinalized synchronous transactions are left from the previous leader,
the new leader finalizes them automatically.
All the non-leader nodes are called followers. The nodes that start a new
election round are called candidates. The elected leader sends heartbeats to
the non-leader nodes to let them know it is alive.
In case there are no heartbeats for the period of replication.timeout * 4,
a non-leader node starts a new election if the following conditions are met:
The node has a quorum of connections to other cluster members.
None of these cluster members can see the leader node.
A cluster member considers the leader node to be alive if the member received heartbeats from the leader at least
once during the replication.timeout*4,
and there are no replication errors (the connection is not broken due to timeout or due to an error).
Terms and votes are persisted by each instance to preserve certain Raft guarantees.
При голосовании узлы отдают предпочтение экземплярам, где сохранены самые новые данные. Поэтому, если прежний лидер перед тем, как стать недоступным, отправит кворуму реплик какую-либо информацию, она не будет потеряна.
When election is enabled, there must be connections
between each node pair so as it would be the full mesh topology. This is needed
because election messages for voting and other internal things need a direct
connection between the nodes.
In the classic Raft algorithm, a leader doesn’t track its connectivity to the rest of the cluster.
Once the leader is elected, it considers itself in the leader position until receiving a new term from another cluster node.
This can lead to a split situation if the other nodes elect a new leader upon losing the connectivity to the previous one.
The issue is resolved in Tarantool version 2.10.0 by introducing the leader fencing mode.
The mode can be switched by the replication.election_fencing_mode configuration parameter.
When the fencing is set to soft or strict, the leader resigns its leadership if it has less than
replication.synchro_quorum of alive connections to the cluster nodes.
The resigning leader receives the status of a follower in the current election term and becomes read-only.
Leader fencing can be turned off by setting the replication.election_fencing_mode configuration parameter to off.
In soft mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses for
4 * replication.timeout seconds both on the current leader and the followers.
In strict mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses
for 2 * replication.timeout seconds on the current leader and for
4 * replication.timeout seconds on the followers.
This improves chances that there is only one leader at any time.
Fencing applies to the instances that have the replication.election_mode set to «candidate» or «manual».
There can still be a situation when a replica set has two leaders working independently (so-called split-brain).
It can happen, for example, if a user mistakenly lowered the replication.synchro_quorum below N/2+1.
In this situation, to preserve the data integrity, if an instance detects the split-brain anomaly in the incoming replication data,
it breaks the connection with the instance sending the data and writes the ER_SPLIT_BRAIN error in the log.
Eventually, there will be two sets of nodes with the diverged data,
and any node from one set is disconnected from any node from the other set with the ER_SPLIT_BRAIN error.
Once noticing the error, a user can choose any representative from each of the sets and inspect the data on them.
To correlate the data, the user should remove it from the nodes of one set,
and reconnect them to the nodes from the other set that have the correct data.
Любой узел, участвующий в процессе выборов, реплицирует данные только с последнего избранного лидера. Это позволяет избежать ситуации, в которой прежний лидер после выборов нового все еще пытается отправлять изменения на реплики.
Числовые значения термов также выполняют функцию своеобразного фильтра. Например, если на двух узлах включена функция выборов и значение терма node1 меньше значения терма node2, то узел node2 не будет принимать транзакций от узла node1.
replication.election_timeout – specifies the timeout between election rounds if the
previous round ended up with a split vote.
replication.timeout – a time interval (in seconds) used by a master to send heartbeat requests to a replica when there are no updates to send to this replica.
It is important to know that being a leader is not the only requirement for a node to be writable.
The leader should also satisfy the following requirements:
Nothing prevents you from setting the database.mode option to ro,
but the leader won’t be writable then. The option doesn’t affect the
election process itself, so a read-only instance can still vote and become
a leader.
To monitor the current state of a node regarding the leader election, use the box.info.election function.
The Raft-based election implementation logs all its actions
with the RAFT: prefix. The actions are new Raft message handling,
node state changing, voting, and term bumping.
Important notes
Leader election doesn’t work correctly if the election quorum is set to less or equal
than <clustersize>/2. In that case, a split vote can lead to
a state when two leaders are elected at once.
For example, suppose there are five nodes. When the quorum is set to 2, node1
and node2 can both vote for node1. node3 and node4 can both vote
for node5. In this case, node1 and node5 both win the election.
When the quorum is set to the cluster majority, that is
(<clustersize>/2)+1 or greater, the split vote is impossible.
That should be considered when adding new nodes.
If the majority value is changing, it’s better to update the quorum on all the existing nodes
before adding a new one.
Also, the automated leader election doesn’t bring many benefits in terms of data
safety when used withoutsynchronous replication.
If the replication is asynchronous and a new leader gets elected,
the old leader is still active and considers itself the leader.
In such case, nothing stops
it from accepting requests from clients and making transactions.
Non-synchronous transactions are successfully committed because
they are not checked against the quorum of replicas.
Synchronous transactions fail because they are not able
to collect the quorum – most of the replicas reject
these old leader’s transactions since it is not a leader anymore.
Tarantool provides the ability to control leadership in a replica set using an external failover coordinator.
A failover coordinator reads a cluster configuration from a file or an etcd-based configuration storage, polls instances for their statuses, and appoints a leader for each replica set depending on the availability and health of instances.
To increase fault tolerance, you can run two or more failover coordinators.
In this case, an etcd cluster provides synchronization between coordinators.
The main steps of using an external failover coordinator for a newly configured cluster might look as follows:
Configure a cluster to work with an external coordinator.
The main step is setting the replication.failover option to supervised for all replica sets that should be managed by the external coordinator.
Start a configured cluster.
When an external coordinator is still not running, instances in a replica set start in the following modes:
If a replica set is already bootstrapped, all instances are started in read-only mode.
If a replica set is not bootstrapped, one instance is started in read-write mode.
Start a failover coordinator.
You can start two or more failover coordinators to increase fault tolerance.
In this case, one coordinator is active and others are passive.
Once a cluster and failover coordinators are up and running, a failover coordinator appoints one instance to be a master if there is no master instance in a replica set.
Then, the following events may occur:
If a master instance fails, a failover coordinator performs an automated failover.
If an active failover coordinator fails, another coordinator becomes active and performs an automated failover.
Note that a failover coordinator doesn’t work with replica sets with two or more read-write instances.
In this case, a coordinator logs a warning to stdout and doesn’t perform any appointments.
Appointing a new master instance
After a master instance has been appointed, a failover coordinator monitors the statuses of all instances in a replica set by sending requests each probe_interval seconds.
For the master instance, the coordinator maintains a read-write mode deadline, which is renewed periodically each renew_interval seconds.
If all attempts to renew the deadline fail during the specified time interval (lease_interval), the master switches to read-only mode.
Then, the coordinator appoints a new instance as the master.
If a remote etcd-based storage is used to maintain the state of failover coordinators, you can also perform a manual failover.
Active and passive coordinators
To increase fault tolerance, you can run two or more failover coordinators.
In this case, only one coordinator is active and used to control leadership in a replica set.
Other coordinators are passive and don’t perform any read-write appointments.
To maintain the state of coordinators, Tarantool uses a stateboard – a remote etcd-based storage.
This storage uses the same connection settings as a centralized etcd-based configuration storage.
If a cluster configuration is stored in the <prefix>/config/* keys in etcd, the failover coordinator looks into <prefix>/failover/* for its state.
Here are a few examples of keys used for different purposes:
<prefix>/failover/info/by-uuid/<uuid>: contains a state of a failover coordinator identified by the specified uuid.
<prefix>/failover/active/lock: a unique identifier (UUID) of an active failover coordinator.
<prefix>/failover/active/term: a kind of fencing token allowing to have an order in which coordinators become active (took the lock) over time.
<prefix>/failover/command/<id>: a key used to perform a manual failover.
Configuring a cluster
To configure a cluster to work with an external failover coordinator, follow the steps below:
In Tarantool 3.0 and 3.1, the configuration is different and the function
must be created in the application code. See Tarantool 3.0 and 3.1 configuration for details.
(Optional) Configure options that control how a failover coordinator operates in the failover section:
Before version 3.2, Tarantool used another mechanism to grant execute access to Lua
functions. In Tarantool 3.0 and 3.1, the credentials configuration section
should look as follows:
# Tarantool 3.0 and 3.1credentials:users:replicator:password:'topsecret'roles:[replication]privileges:-permissions:[execute]functions:['failover.execute']
Additionally, you should create the failover.execute function in the application code.
For example, you can create a custom role for this purpose:
-- Tarantool 3.0 and 3.1 ---- supervised_instance.lua --return{validate=function()end,apply=function()ifbox.info.rothenreturnendlocalfunc_name='failover.execute'localopts={if_not_exists=true}box.schema.func.create(func_name,opts)end,stop=function()ifbox.info.rothenreturnendlocalfunc_name='failover.execute'ifnotbox.schema.func.exists(func_name)thenreturnendbox.schema.func.drop(func_name)end,}
Then, enable this role for all storage instances:
# Tarantool 3.0 and 3.1roles:['supervised_instance']
Starting a failover coordinator
To start a failover coordinator, you need to execute the tarantool command with the failover option.
This command accepts the path to a cluster configuration file:
You can run two or more failover coordinators to increase fault tolerance.
In this case, only one coordinator is active and used to control leadership in a replica set.
Learn more from Active and passive coordinators.
Performing manual failover
If an etcd-based storage is used to maintain the state of failover coordinators, you can perform a manual failover.
External tools can use the <prefix>/failover/command/<id> key to choose a new master.
For example, the tt utility provides the tt cluster failover command for managing a supervised failover.
Note that a vclock value might include the 0 component that is related to local space operations and might differ for different instances in a replica set.
Adding instances
This section describes how to add a new replica to a replica set.
Adding an instance to the configuration
Add instance003 to the instances.yml file:
Add instance003 with the specified iproto.listen option to the config.yaml file:
After you added instance003 to the configuration and started it, you need to reload configurations on all instances.
This is required to allow instance001 and instance002 to get data from the new instance in case it becomes a master.
Connect to instance003 using ttconnect:
$ ttconnectmanual_leader:instance003
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to manual_leader:instance001
Reload configurations on all three instances using the reload() function provided by the config module:
This section shows how to perform manual failover and change a replica set leader.
Switching instances to read-only mode
In the config.yaml file, change the replica set leader from instance001 to null:
Reload configurations on all three instances using config:reload() and check that instances are in read-only mode.
The example below shows how to do this for instance001:
Define a replica set topology inside the groups section.
The iproto.listen option specifies an address used to listen for incoming requests and allows replicas to communicate with each other.
$ ttconnectauto_leader:instance001
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to auto_leader:instance001
Check the instance state in regard to leader election using box.info.election.
The output below shows that instance001 is a follower while instance002 is a replica set leader.
Check that instance001 is in read-only mode using box.info.ro:
auto_leader:instance001> box.info.ro---- true...
Execute box.info.replication to check a replica set status.
Make sure that upstream.status and downstream.status are follow for instance002 and instance003.
Note that a vclock value might include the 0 component that is related to local space operations and might differ for different instances in a replica set.
Testing automated failover
To test how automated failover works if the current master is stopped, follow the steps below:
Stop the current master instance (instance002) using the ttstop command:
$ ttstopauto_leader:instance002
• The Instance auto_leader:instance002 (PID = 24769) has been terminated.
On instance001, check box.info.election.
In this example, a new replica set leader is instance001.
The process of adding instances to a replica set and removing them is similar for all failover modes.
Learn how to do this from the Master-replica: manual failover tutorial:
Before removing an instance from a replica set with replication.failover set to election, make sure this instance is in read-only mode.
If the instance is a master, choose a new leader manually.
To see the diagrams that illustrate how the upstream and downstream connections look,
refer to Monitoring a replica set.
Note that a vclock value might include the 0 component that is related to local space operations and might differ for different instances in a replica set.
Adding data
To check that both instances get updates from each other, follow the steps below:
On instance001, create a space, format it, and create a primary index:
To insert conflicting records to instance001 and instance002, follow the steps below:
Stop instance001 using the ttstop command:
$ ttstopmaster_master:instance001
On instance002, insert a new record:
box.space.bands:insert{5,'incorrect data',0}
Stop instance002 using ttstop:
$ ttstopmaster_master:instance002
Start instance001 back:
$ ttstartmaster_master:instance001
Connect to instance001 and insert a record that should conflict with a record already inserted on instance002:
box.space.bands:insert{5,'Pink Floyd',1965}
Start instance002 back:
$ ttstartmaster_master:instance002
Then, check box.info.replication on instance001.
upstream.status should be stopped because of the Duplicatekeyexists error:
master_master:instance001> box.info.replication----1:id:1uuid:c3bfd89f-5a1c-4556-aa9f-461377713a2alsn:13name:instance0012:id:2uuid:dccf7485-8bff-47f6-bfc4-b311701e36eflsn:2upstream:peer:replicator@ key exists in unique index "primary" in space "bands" withold tuple - [5, "Pink Floyd", 1965] and new tuple - [5, "incorrect data",0]name:instance002downstream:status:stoppedmessage:'unexpectedEOFwhenreadingfromsocket,calledonfd24,aka127.0.0.1:3301,peerof127.0.0.1:58478:Brokenpipe'system_message:Broken pipe...
The diagram below illustrates how the upstream and downstream connections look like:
Reseeding a replica
To resolve a replication conflict, instance002 should get the correct data from instance001 first.
To achieve this, instance002 should be rebootstrapped:
Select all the tuples in the box.space._cluster system space to get a UUID of instance002:
After reseeding a replica, you need to resolve a replication conflict that keeps replication stopped:
Execute box.info.replication on instance001.
upstream.status is still stopped:
master_master:instance001> box.info.replication----1:id:1uuid:c3bfd89f-5a1c-4556-aa9f-461377713a2alsn:13name:instance0012:id:2uuid:dccf7485-8bff-47f6-bfc4-b311701e36eflsn:2upstream:peer:replicator@ key exists in unique index "primary" in space "bands" withold tuple - [5, "Pink Floyd", 1965] and new tuple - [5, "incorrect data",0]name:instance002downstream:status:followidle:0.69694700000036vclock:{2:2, 1:13}lag:0...
The diagram below illustrates how the upstream and downstream connections look like:
In the config.yaml file, clear the iproto option for instance001 by setting its value to {} to disconnect this instance from instance002.
Set database.mode to ro:
Change database.mode values back to rw for both instances and restore iproto.listen for instance001.
The database.instance_uuid option can be removed for instance002:
The process of adding instances to a replica set and removing them is similar for all failover modes.
Learn how to do this from the Master-replica: manual failover tutorial:
Before removing an instance from a replica set with replication.failover set to off, make sure this instance is in read-only mode.
С ростом проекта масштабируемость баз данных часто становится одной из наиболее серьезных проблем. Если отдельный сервер не может справиться с нагрузкой, необходимо применять средства масштабирования.
Шардирование – это архитектурый принцип баз данных, который позволяет их горизонтально масштабировать, что означает разбиение набора даных на части и распределение их по нескольким серверам.
С помощью модуля vshard кортежи набора данных распределяются по множеству узлов, на каждом из которых находится экземпляр сервера базы данных Tarantool. Каждый экземпляр обрабатывает лишь подмножество от общего количества данных, поэтому увеличение нагрузки можно компенсировать добавлением новых серверов. Первоначальный набор данных секционируется на множество частей, то есть каждая часть хранится на отдельном сервере.
Модуль vshard основан на концепции виртуальных сегментов: набор кортежей распределяется на большое количество абстрактных виртуальных узлов (виртуальных сегментов, или просто сегментов далее по тексту), а не на малое количество физических узлов.
Секционирование набора данных осуществляется с помощью сегментных ключей (идентификаторов сегментов). Хеширование сегментного ключа в большое количество сегментов позволяет незаметно для пользователя изменять количество серверов в кластере. Механизм балансирования распределяет сегменты между шардами при добавлении или удалении каких-либо серверов.
Для сегментов предусмотрены состояния, поэтому можно легко отслеживать состояние сервера. Например, активен ли экземпляр сервера и доступен ли он для всех типов запросов, или же произошел отказ, и сервер принимает только запросы на чтение.
Модуль vshard предоставляет общедоступные и внутренние API роутера и хранилища для приложений с поддержкой шардинга.
Рассмотрим распределенный Tarantool-кластер, состоящий из подкластеров под названием шарды, в каждом из которых хранится некоторая часть данных. Каждый шард, в свою очередь, представляет собой набор реплик, одна из которых служит ведущим узлом, обрабатывающим все запросы на чтение и запись.
Весь набор данных при шардинге распределяется на заданное количество виртуальных сегментов (далее по тексту просто сегменты). Каждому из них присваивается уникальный номер от 1 до N, где N – это общее количество сегментов. Специально выбирается количество сегментов на несколько порядков больше, чем потенциальное количество кластерных узлов даже с учетом будущего масштабирования кластера. Например, если предполагается M узлов, набор данных может быть разделен на 100 * M или даже 1000 * M сегментов. Особое внимание следует уделить выбору количества сегментов: слишком большое число может потребовать дополнительную память для хранения информации о маршрутизации; слишком маленькое может привести к снижению степени детализации балансировки.
Каждый шард хранит уникальное подмножество сегментов. Один сегмент не может относиться к нескольким шардам одновременно, как показано на схеме ниже:
Такая схема распределения сегментов по шардам хранится в таблице в одном из системных пространств Tarantool’а, при этом в каждом шарде содержится только определенную часть схемы, которая покрывает присвоенные этому шарду сегменты.
Помимо таблицы, идентификатор сегмента также хранится в специальном поле каждого кортежа каждой таблицы, участвующей в шардинге.
Как только шард получает любой запрос (за исключением SELECT) от приложения, этот шард сверяет идентификатор сегмента, указанный в запросе, с таблицей идентификаторов сегментов, которые принадлежат данному узлу. Если указанный идентификатор сегмента недействителен, то запрос завершается со следующей ошибкой: «wrong bucket” (неверный сегмент). В противном случае запрос выполняется, и всем создаваемым данным присваивается указанный в запросе идентификатор сегмента. Обратите внимание, что запрос должен изменять только данные с тем же идентификатором сегмента, что и в запросе.
Хранение идентификаторов сегментов как в самих данных, так и в таблице обеспечивает согласованность данных независимо от логики приложения и прозрачность балансировки для приложения. Хранение таблицы соответствий в системном спейсе обеспечивает последовательность шардинга в случае восстановления после отказа, так как у всех реплик в шарде будет одно исходное состояние таблицы.
Виртуальные сегменты
Набор данных при шардинге распределяется на большое количество абстрактных узлов, которые называются виртуальные сегменты (далее по тексту просто сегменты).
Секционирование набора данных происходит с помощью сегментного ключа (или идентификатора сегмента (bucket id) в терминах Tarantool). Идентификатор сегмента – это число от 1 до N, где N – это общее количество сегментов.
В каждом наборе реплик есть уникальное подмножество сегментов. Один сегмент не может относиться к нескольким наборам реплик одновременно.
The total number of buckets is determined by the administrator who sets up the initial cluster configuration.
Every space you plan to shard must have a numeric field containing bucket id-s.
You can learn more from Data definition.
Сегментированный кластер в Tarantool состоит из:
One or more replica sets.
Each replica set should contain at least two storage instances.
For redundancy, it is recommended to have 3 or more storage instances in a replica set.
One or more router instances.
The number of router instances is not limited and should be increased if the existing router instances become CPU or I/O bound.
Хранилище (storage) – это узел, который хранит подмножество набора данных. Несколько реплицируемых (для резерва) хранилищ составляют набор реплик (также называемый шардом).
У каждого хранилища в наборе реплик есть роль: мастер или реплика. Мастер обрабатывает запросы на чтение и запись. Реплика обрабатывает запросы на чтение, но не может обрабатывать запросы на запись.
Роутер (router) – это автономный компонент ПО, который обеспечивает маршрутизацию запросов чтения и записи от клиентского приложения к шардам.
Все запросы из приложения приходят в сегментированный кластер через роутер (router). Роутер сохраняет топологию сегментированного кластера прозрачной для приложения, не сообщая приложению:
номер и местоположение шардов,
процесс балансировки данных,
наличие отказа и восстановление после отказа реплики.
Роутер также может самостоятельно вычислить идентификатор сегмента при условии, что приложение четко определяет правила вычисления идентификатора сегмента на основе данных запроса. Для этого роутеру необходимо знать схему данных.
У роутера нет постоянного статуса, он не хранит топологию кластера и не выполняет балансировку данных. Роутер – это автономный компонент ПО, который может работать на уровне хранилища или на уровне приложения в зависимости от функций приложения.
Роутер поддерживает постоянный пул соединений со всеми хранилищами, созданными при запуске, что помогает избежать ошибок конфигурации. После создания пула роутер кэширует текущее состояние таблицы _vbucket, чтобы ускорить маршрутизацию. Если сегмент был перемещен в другое хранилище в результате балансировки, или же один из шардов переключается на реплику, роутер обновит таблицу маршрутизации так, чтобы это было понятно приложению.
Шардинг не интегрирован ни в одну систему централизованного хранения конфигураций. Предполагается, что само приложение обрабатывает взаимодействие с такой системой и передает параметры шардинга. При этом конфигурацию можно изменить динамически, например, при добавлении или удалении одного или нескольких шардов:
Чтобы добавить новый шард в кластер, системный администратор сначала изменяет конфигурацию всех роутеров, а затем конфигурацию всех хранилищ.
Новый шард становится доступен для балансировки на уровне хранилища.
В результате балансировки один из виртуальных сегментов перемещается на новый шард.
При попытке доступа к виртуальному сегменту роутер получает специальный код ошибки, который указывает новое местоположение сегмента.
либо выполняться в рамках хранимой процедуры в хранилище,
либо запускаться приложением.
В любом случае приложение должно включать идентификатор рабочего сегмента в запрос. При выполнении запроса вставки INSERT идентификатор сегмента хранится в созданном кортеже. В других случаях проверяется, совпадает ли указанный идентификатор рабочего сегмента с идентификатором сегмента кортежа, в который вносятся изменения.
Поскольку хранилище не знает о соответствии идентификатора сегмента и первичного ключа, все запросы выборки SELECT в хранимых процедурах внутри хранилища выполняются только локально. SELECT-запросы, которые были инициализированы приложением, направляются на роутер. И если приложение передало идентификатор сегмента, роутер использует его для вычисления шарда.
Вызов хранимых процедур
Существует несколько способов вызвать хранимые процедуры в наборах реплик кластера. Хранимые процедуры можно вызвать:
либо на определенном виртуальном сегменте, расположенном в наборе реплик (в этом случае необходимо различать процедуры чтения и записи, так как процедуры записи не применимы к перемещаемым сегментам),
либо без указания определенного сегмента.
Все проверки правильности маршрутизации, выполняемые для шардированных DML-операций, распространяются и на хранимые процедуры, связанные с сегментами.
Балансировщик представляет собой фоновый процесс балансировки, который обеспечивает равномерное распределение сегментов по шардам. Во время балансировки происходит миграция сегментов по наборам реплик.
The rebalancer «wakes up» periodically and redistributes data from the most
loaded nodes to less loaded nodes. Rebalancing starts if the replicaset disbalance
of a replica set exceeds a disbalance threshold specified in the configuration.
The replicaset disbalance is calculated as follows:
Набор реплик, из которого переносится сегмент, называется исходный (source); а набор реплик, куда переносится сегмент, называется целевой (destination).
Блокировка набора реплик позволяет набору реплик оставаться невидимым для балансировщика. Набор реплик с блокировкой не может ни принимать новые сегменты, ни мигрировать свои собственные.
Во время миграции у сегмента могут быть разные статусы:
ACTIVE (активный) – сегмент доступен для запросов чтения и записи.
PINNED (закрепленный) – сегмент заблокирован для миграции в другой набор реплик. Во всем остальном закрепленные сегменты аналогичны активным сегментам.
SENDING (отправляемый) – в настоящий момент сегмент копируется в целевой набор реплик; запросы на чтение в исходный набор реплик обрабатываются.
RECEIVING (принимающий) – происходит наполнение сегмента; все запросы отклоняются.
SENT – the bucket was migrated to the destination replica set. The router
uses the SENT state to calculate the new location of the bucket. A bucket in
the SENT state goes to the GARBAGE state automatically after 0.5 seconds.
GARBAGE (мусор) – произошла миграция сегмента в целевой набор реплик во время балансировки; или же принимающий сегмент был в статусе RECEIVING, но произошла ошибка во время миграции.
Сегменты в статусе мусора GARBAGE удаляются сборщиком мусора.
Миграция происходит следующим образом:
В целевом наборе реплик создается новый сегмент, который получает статус RECEIVING (принимающий), начинается копирование данных, и сегмент отклоняет все запросы.
Отправляемый сегмент в исходном наборе реплик получает статус SENDING и продолжает обрабатывать запросы на чтение.
После копирования данных сегмент в исходном наборе реплик получает статус отправленного (SENT) и перестает принимать запросы.
Сегмент в целевом наборе реплик переходит в активный статус (ACTIVE) и начинает принимать все запросы.
Есть специальная ошибка vshard.error.code.TRANSFER_IS_IN_PROGRESS, которая возвращается в том случае, если запрос пытается выполнить действие, неприменимое к перемещаемому сегменту. В этом случае необходимо повторить попытку выполнения запроса.
Системный спейс _bucket
Системный спейс _bucket в каждом наборе реплик хранит идентификаторы сегментов данного набора реплик. Спейс содержит следующие поля:
После миграции сегмента UUID целевого набора реплик вносится в таблицу. Пока сегмент еще находится в исходном наборе реплик, значение UUID целевого набора реплик равно NULL.
Таблица маршрутизации
Таблица маршрутизации роутера отображает все идентификаторы сегментов с соответствующими наборами реплик. Она обеспечивает консистентность шардинга в случае отказа.
Роутер поддерживает постоянный пул соединений со всеми хранилищами, созданными при запуске, что помогает избежать ошибки конфигурации. После создания пула соединений роутер кэширует текущее состояние таблицы маршрутизации, чтобы ускорить ее. Если произошла миграция сегмента в другое хранилище после балансировки или же отказ, который вызвал переключение шарда на другую реплику, файбер обнаружения (discoveryfiber) в роутере обновит таблицу маршрутизации автоматически.
Поскольку идентификатор сегмента явно указан как в данных, так и в таблице отображения на роутере, данные сохраняются независимо от логики приложения. Это также обеспечивает прозрачность балансировки для приложения.
Обработка запросов
Запросы в базу данных можно производить из приложения или с помощью хранимых процедур. В любом случае идентификатор сегмента следует явным образом указать в запросе.
Сначала все запросы направляются в роутер. Роутер поддерживает только операцию вызова, которая выполняется с помощью функции vshard.router.call():
result = vshard.router.call(<идентификатор_сегмента>, <режим>, <имя_функции>, {<список_аргументов>}, {<опции>})
Запросы обрабатываются следующим образом:
Роутер использует идентификатор сегмента для поиска набора реплик с соответствующим сегментом в таблице маршрутизации.
Если роутер не содержит информацию о соответствии идентификатора сегмента набору реплик (файбер обнаружения еще не заполнил таблицу), роутер выполняет запросы ко всем хранилищам, чтобы обнаружить местонахождение сегмента.
После обнаружения сегмента шард проверяет:
хранится ли сегмент в системном спейсе _bucket набора реплик;
находится ли сегмент в статусе ACTIVE (активный) или PINNED (закрепленный) (если выполняется запрос на чтение, то сегмент может находиться в состоянии отправки SENDING).
Если проверка пройдена, запрос выполняется. В противном случае, выполнение запроса прекращается с ошибкой: “wrongbucket” (несоответствующий сегмент).
Вертикальное масштабирование
Добавление мощности в отдельный сервер: использование более мощного процессора, добавление оперативной памяти, добавление хранилищ и т.д.
Горизонтальное масштабирование
Добавление дополнительных серверов в пул ресурсов, последующее секционирование и распределение набора данных по серверам.
Архитектура базы данных, которая допускает секционирование набора данных по сегментному ключу и распределение набора данных по нескольким серверам. Шардинг представляет собой частный случай горизонтального масштабирования.
Виртуальный или физический экземпляр сервера.
Набор узлов, которые составляют отдельную группу.
Узел, который хранит подмножество данных из набора.
Набор реплик
Ряд узлов, на которых хранятся копии набора данных. У каждого хранилища в наборе реплик есть роль: мастер или реплика.
Хранилище в наборе реплик, которое обрабатывает запросы на чтение и запись.
Хранилище в наборе реплик, которое обрабатывает только запросы на чтение.
Запросы на чтение
Запросы только на чтение, то есть выборка.
Запросы на запись
Операции по изменению данных, то есть запросы на создание, чтение, изменение и удаление данных.
Сегменты (виртуальные сегменты)
Абстрактные виртуальные узлы, на которые производится секционирование набора данных по сегментному ключу (идентификатору сегмента).
Идентификатор сегмента
Сегментный ключ, который определяет принадлежность сегмента к определенному набору реплик. Идентификатор сегмента можно вычислить по хеш-ключу.
Прокси-сервер, который отвечает за запросы маршрутизации от приложения к узлам в кластере.
Шардирование с vshard
Sharding in Tarantool is implemented in the vshard module.
For a quick start with vshard, refer to Creating a sharded cluster.
Starting with the 3.0 version, the recommended way of configuring Tarantool is using a configuration file.
The sharding section defines configuration parameters related to sharding.
To learn how to configure vshard in code, see Справочник по настройке.
Модуль vshard не входит в основной дистрибутив Tarantool. Чтобы установить модуль, выполните команду:
$ ttrocksinstallvshard
If you are developing a sharded cluster application, add the vshard module dependency to a *.rockspec file:
dependencies = {
'vshard == 0.1.27'
The minimum required version of vshard is 0.1.25.
Configuration overview
Configuring settings related to sharding might include the following steps:
Configure connection settings to allow instances within a sharded cluster to communicate with each other.
Specify which role each replica set plays in a sharded cluster.
This section describes connection options that enable communication between instances within a sharded cluster.
For general information about connections, see the Connections topic.
Advertise URI
In a sharded cluster configuration, you need to specify how a router and rebalancer connect to storages using the iproto.advertise.sharding option.
In the example below, the storage user is used for this purpose:
The storage user should have the sharding role described in the next section.
To allow a router and rebalancer to connect to storages, a user with the shardingrole should be used.
The example below shows how to grant the sharding role to the storage user:
The sharding role has different privileges depending on a replica set’s sharding role.
For replica sets with the storage sharding role, the sharding credential role has the following privileges:
You can use the sharding.roles option to assign a specific role to a replica set or group of replica sets.
In the example below, all replica sets in the storages group have the storage role while replica sets in the routers group have the router role.
Note that the rebalancer role is optional.
If it is not specified, a rebalancer is selected automatically from the master instances of replica sets.
To specify the rebalancer manually or turn it off, use the sharding.rebalancer_mode option.
Data partitioning
This section describes configuration settings related to data partitioning.
Learn how to define spaces to be sharded in Data definition.
Bucket count
To define the total number of buckets in a cluster, configure the sharding.bucket_count option at the global level.
In the example below, sharding.bucket_count is set to 1000:
sharding.bucket_count should be several orders of magnitude larger than the potential number of cluster nodes considering potential scaling out in the future.
If the estimated number of nodes in a cluster is N, then the data set should be divided into 100N or even 1000N buckets depending on the planned scaling out.
This number is greater than the potential number of cluster nodes in the system being designed.
Keep in mind that too many buckets can cause a need to allocate more memory to store routing information.
On the other hand, an insufficient number of buckets can lead to decreased granularity when rebalancing.
Вес набора реплик
A replica set weight defines the storage capacity of the replica set: the larger the weight, the more buckets the replica set can store.
You can configure a replica set weight using the sharding.weight option.
This option can be used to store the prevailing amount of data on a replica set with more memory space.
You can also assign a zero weight to a replica set to initiate migration of its buckets to the remaining cluster nodes.
In the example below, the storage-a replica set can store twice as much data as storage-b:
Существует эталонное число сегментов в наборе реплик («эталонный» в данном случае значит идеальный). Если во всем наборе реплик это число остается неизменным, то сегменты распределяются равномерно.
The etalon number is calculated automatically considering the number of buckets
in the cluster and the weights of the replica sets.
Rebalancing starts if the disbalance threshold of a replica set
exceeds the disbalance threshold specified in the configuration
(the sharding.rebalancer_disbalance_threshold option).
Предел дисбаланса набора реплик рассчитывается следующим образом:
In this case, the etalon numbers of buckets for the replica sets are:
1st replica set – 1000.
2nd replica set – 500.
3rd replica set – 1500.
You can set a replica set weight to zero to initiate migration of its buckets to the remaining cluster nodes.
You can also add a new replica set with a non-zero weight to initiate migration of the buckets from the existing replica sets.
When a new shard is added, a configuration should be reloaded on each instance to migrate buckets to a new shard:
If a local configuration file is used, you need to reload a configuration on all the routers first and then on all the storages.
Параллельная балансировка
Originally, vshard had quite a simple rebalancer –
one process on one node that calculated routes that should send buckets, how
many, and to whom. The nodes applied these routes one by
one sequentially.
К сожалению, такая простая схема работала недостаточно быстро, особенно для Vinyl’а, где затраты ресурсов на чтение диска были сопоставимы с сетевыми затратами. На самом деле, механизм применения маршрутов в балансировщике Vinyl’а большую часть времени был в режиме ожидания.
Теперь каждый узел может параллельно посылать несколько сегментов по кругу в несколько пунктов назначения или всего в один.
Specifying sharding.rebalancer_max_sending=N probably won’t give N times
speed up. It depends on network, disk, number of other fibers in the system.
Example 1
У вас уже есть 10 наборов реплик, добавили новый. Теперь все 10 наборов реплик будут пытаться отправить сегменты на новый.
Assume that each replica set can send up to 5 buckets at once. In that case,
the new replica set will experience a rather big load of 50 buckets
being downloaded at once. If the node needs to do some other
work, perhaps such a big load is undesirable. Also too, many
parallel buckets can cause timeouts in the rebalancing process
To fix the problem, you can set a lower value for rebalancer_max_sending
for old replica sets, or decrease rebalancer_max_receiving for the new one.
In the latter case, some workers on old nodes will be throttled,
and you will see that in the logs.
rebalancer_max_sending is important, if you have restrictions for
the maximum number of buckets that can be read only at once in the cluster. As you
remember, when a bucket is being sent, it does not accept new
write requests.
Example 2
У вас есть 100 000 сегментов, и каждый сегмент хранит ~ 0,001% ваших данных. В кластере 10 наборов реплик. И нельзя позволить себе заблокировать для записи > 0,1% данных. Таким образом, не следует устанавливать значение rebalancer_max_sending > 10 на этих узлах. Тогда балансировщик не будет посылать более 100 сегментов одновременно по всему кластеру.
If rebalancer_max_sending is too high and rebalancer_max_receiving is too low,
then some buckets will try to get relocated – and will fail with that.
This problem will consume network resources and time. It is important to
configure these parameters to not conflict with each other.
Блокировка набора реплик и закрепление корзины
A replica set lock (sharding.lock) makes a replica set invisible to the rebalancer: a locked
replica set can neither receive new buckets nor migrate its own buckets.
A bucket pin (vshard.storage.bucket_pin(bucket_id)) blocks a specific bucket from migrating: a pinned bucket stays on
the replica set to which it is pinned until it is unpinned.
Закрепление всех сегментов в наборе реплик не означает блокирование набора реплик. Даже после закрепления всех сегментов незаблокированный набор реплик может принимать новые сегменты.
A replica set lock is helpful, for example, to separate a replica set from production
replica sets for testing, or to preserve some application metadata that must not
be sharded for a while. A bucket pin is used for similar cases but in a smaller
By both locking a replica set and pinning all buckets, you can
isolate an entire replica set.
Заблокированные наборы реплик и закрепленные сегменты влияют на алгоритм балансировки, так как балансировщик должен игнорировать заблокированные наборы реплик и учитывать закрепленные сегменты при попытке достичь наилучшего возможного баланса.
Это нетривиальная задача, поскольку пользователь может закрепить слишком много сегментов в наборе реплик, так что становится невозможным достижение идеального баланса. Например, рассмотрим следующий кластер (предположим, что все веса наборов реплик равны 1).
Начальная конфигурация:
rs1: bucket_count = 150 -- число сегментов
rs2: bucket_count = 150, pinned_count = 120 -- число сегментов, число закрепленных сегментов
Идеальным балансом было бы 100-100-100, чего невозможно достичь, поскольку набор реплик rs2 содержит 120 закрепленных сегментов. The best possible balance here is the following:
The rebalancer moved as many buckets as possible from rs2 to decrease the
disbalance. At the same time, it respected equal weights of rs1 and rs3.
Алгоритмы реализации блокировки и закрепления совершенно разные, хотя с точки зрения функций они похожи.
Заблокированный набор реплик и балансировка
Locked replica sets do not participate in rebalancing. This means that
even if the actual total number of buckets is not equal to the etalon number,
the disbalance cannot be fixed due to the lock. When the rebalancer detects that
one of the replica sets is locked, it recalculates the etalon number of buckets
of the non-locked replica sets as if the locked replica set and its buckets did
not exist at all.
Закрепленный набор реплик и балансировка
Балансировка наборов реплик с закрепленными сегментами требует более сложного алгоритма. Здесь pinned_count[o] – это число закрепленных сегментов, а etalon_count – это эталонное число сегментов для набора реплик:
Балансировщик рассчитывает эталонное число сегментов, как если бы все сегменты не были закреплены. Затем балансировщик проверяет каждый набор реплик и сопоставляет эталонное число сегментов с числом закрепленных сегментов в наборе реплик. Если pinned_count<etalon_count, незаблокированные наборы реплик (на данном этапе все заблокированные наборы реплик уже отфильтрованы) с закрепленными сегментами могут получать новые сегменты.
Если же pinned_count>etalon_count, дисбаланс исправить нельзя, так как балансировщик не может вывести закрепленные сегменты из этого набора реплик. В таком случае эталонное число обновляется как равное числу закрепленных сегментов. Наборы реплик с pinned_count>etalon_count не обрабатываются балансировщиком`, а число закрепленных сегментов вычитается из общего числа сегментов. Балансировщик пытается вывести как можно больше сегментов из таких наборов реплик.
Эта процедура перезапускается с шага 1 для наборов реплик с pinned_count>=etalon_count до тех пор, пока не будет выполнено условие pinned_count<=etalon_count для всех наборов реплик. Процедура также перезапускается при изменении общего числа сегментов.
Псевдокод для данного алгоритма будет следующим:
functioncluster_calculate_perfect_balance(replicasets,bucket_count)-- балансировка сегментов с использованием веса рабочих наборов реплик --end;cluster=<allofthenon-lockedreplicasets>;bucket_count=<thetotalnumberofbucketsinthecluster>;can_reach_balance=falsewhilenotcan_reach_balancedocan_reach_balance=truecluster_calculate_perfect_balance(cluster,bucket_count);foreachreplicasetinclusterdoifreplicaset.perfect_bucket_count<replicaset.pinned_bucket_countthencan_reach_balance=falsebucket_count-=replicaset.pinned_bucket_count;replicaset.perfect_bucket_count=replicaset.pinned_bucket_count;end;end;end;cluster_calculate_perfect_balance(cluster,bucket_count);
Сложность алгоритма составляет O(N^2), где N – количество наборов реплик. На каждом шаге алгоритм либо завершает вычисление, либо игнорирует хотя бы один новый набор реплик, перегруженный закрепленными сегментами, и обновляет эталонное число сегментов в других наборах реплик.
Ссылка в сегменте
Ссылка в сегменте – это счетчик в оперативной памяти, который похож на закрепление сегмента со следующими отличиями:
Ссылка в сегменте никогда не сохраняется. Ссылки предназначены для запрета передачи сегментов во время выполнения запроса, но при перезапуске все запросы отбрасываются.
Есть 2 типа ссылок в сегменте: только чтение (RO) и чтение-запись (RW).
Если в сегменте есть ссылки типа RW, его нельзя перемещать. Однако, если балансировщику требуется отправка этого сегмента, он блокирует его для новых запросов на запись, ожидает завершения всех текущих запросов, а затем отправляет сегмент.
Если в сегменте есть ссылки типа RO, его можно отправить, но нельзя удалить. Такой сегмент может даже перейти в статус мусора GARBAGE или отправки SENT, но его данные сохраняются до тех пор, пока не уйдет последний читатель.
В одном сегменте могут быть ссылки как типа RO, так и типа RW.
Ссылки в сегменте исчисляются.
The vshard.storage.bucket_ref/unref() methods
are called automatically when vshard.router.call()
or vshard.storage.call() is used.
For raw API like r=vshard.router.route()r:callro/callrw, you should
explicitly call the bucket_ref() method inside the function. Also, make sure
that you call bucket_unref() after bucket_ref(), otherwise the bucket
cannot be moved from the storage until the instance is restarted.
Sharded spaces should be defined in a storage application inside box.once() and should have a field with bucket id values.
This field should meet the following requirements:
The field’s data type can be unsigned, number, or integer.
The field must be non-nullable.
The field must be indexed by the shard_index. The default name for this index is bucket_id.
In the example below, the bands space has the bucket_id field, which is used to partition a dataset across different storage instances:
All DML operations with data should be performed via a router using the vshard.router.call functions, such as vshard.router.callrw() or vshard.router.callro().
For example, a storage application has the insert_band function used to insert new tuples:
В случае отказа мастера в наборе реплик рекомендуется:
Переключить одну из реплик в режим мастера, что позволит новому мастеру обрабатывать все входящие запросы.
Обновить конфигурацию всех членов кластера, в результате чего все запросы будут перенаправлены на новый мастер.
Replica set crash
In case a whole replica set fails, some part of the dataset becomes inaccessible.
Meanwhile, the router tries to reconnect to the master of the failed replica set.
This way, once the replica set is up and running again, the cluster is automatically restored.
Master scheduled downtime
Для проведения запланированного остановки мастера в наборе реплик рекомендуется:
Update the configuration to use another instance as a master.
Reload the configuration on all the instances. All the requests then are forwarded to a new master.
Отключить старый мастер.
Replica set scheduled downtime
Для проведения запланированной остановки набора реплик рекомендуется:
Migrate all the buckets to the other cluster storages.
You can do this by assigning a zero weight to a replica set to initiate migration of its buckets to the remaining cluster nodes.
Обновить конфигурацию всех узлов.
Отключить набор реплик.
Поиск сегментов, восстановление сегментов и балансировка сегментов выполняются автоматически и не требуют ручного вмешательства.
С технической точки зрения есть несколько файберов, которые отвечают за различные типы действий:
a discovery fiber on the router searches for buckets in the background
a failover fiber on the router maintains replica connections
a garbage collector fiber on each master storage removes the contents
of buckets that were moved
a bucket recovery fiber on each master storage recovers buckets in the
SENDING and RECEIVING states in case of reboot
a rebalancer on a single master storage among all replica sets executes the rebalancing process.
Файбер сборщик мусора работает в фоновом режиме на мастер-хранилищах в каждом наборе реплик. Он начинает удалять содержимое сегмента в состоянии мусора GARBAGE по частям. Когда сегмент пуст, запись о нем удаляется из системного спейса _bucket.
Восстановление сегмента
Файбер восстановления сегмента работает на мастер-хранилищах. Он помогает восстановить сегменты в статусах отправки SENDING и получения RECEIVING в случае перезагрузки.
Сегменты в статусе SENDING восстанавливаются следующим образом:
Сначала система ищет сегменты в статусе SENDING.
Если такой сегмент обнаружен, система отправляет запрос в целевой набор реплик.
Если сегмент в целевом наборе реплик находится в активном статусе ACTIVE, исходный сегмент удаляется из исходного узла.
Сегменты в статусе RECEIVING удаляются без дополнительных проверок.
Восстановление после отказа
A failover fiber runs on every router. If a master of a replica set
becomes unavailable, the failover fiber redirects read requests to the replicas.
Write requests are rejected with an error until the master becomes available.
Connections and authentication
This section contains guides on how to configure connections and authentication features.
To set up a Tarantool cluster, you need to enable communication between its instances, regardless of whether they running on one or different hosts.
This requires configuring connection settings that include:
One or several URIs used to listen for incoming requests.
An URI used to advertise an instance to other cluster members. This URI lets other cluster members know how to connect to the current Tarantool instance.
(Optional) SSL settings used to secure connections between instances.
Configuring connection settings is also required to enable communication of a Tarantool cluster to external systems.
For example, this might be administering cluster members using tt, managing clusters using Tarantool Cluster Manager, or using connectors for different languages.
This topic describes how to define connection settings in the iproto section of a YAML configuration.
iproto is a binary protocol used to communicate between cluster instances and with external systems.
Listen URI
To configure URIs used to listen for incoming requests, use the iproto.listen configuration option.
One listen address
The example below shows how to set a listening IP address for instance001 to
Multiple listen addresses
In this example, instance001 listens on two IP addresses:
An advertise URI (iproto.advertise.*) lets other cluster members or clients know how to connect to the current Tarantool instance:
iproto.advertise.peer specifies how to advertise the instance to other cluster members.
iproto.advertise.sharding specifies how to advertise the instance to a router and rebalancer.
iproto.advertise.client accepts a URI used to advertise the instance to clients.
iproto.advertise.<peer_or_sharding> might include the credentials required to connect to this instance, a URI used to listen for incoming requests, and SSL settings.
If iproto.advertise.<peer_or_sharding>.uri is not specified explicitly, a listen URI of this instance is used.
In this case, you need at least to specify credentials for connecting to this instance.
Connection credentials
In the example below, the iproto.advertise.peer option is used to inform other replica set members that the replicator user should be used to connect to the current instance:
In a sharded cluster, iproto.advertise.sharding specifies that a router and rebalancer should use the storage user to connect to storages:
If required, you can specify an advertise URI explicitly by setting up the iproto.advertise.<peer_or_sharding>.uri option.
In the example below, iproto.listen includes two URIs that can be used to connect to instance001 but only the second one is used to advertise this instance to other replica set peers:
Tarantool supports the use of SSL connections to encrypt client-server communications for increased security.
To enable SSL, use the <uri>.params.* options, which can be applied to both listen and advertise URIs.
Without CA
The example below demonstrates how to enable traffic encryption by using a self-signed server certificate.
The following parameters are specified for each instance:
The example below demonstrates how to enable traffic encryption by using a server certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority.
In this case, all replica set peers verify each other for authenticity.
The following parameters are specified for each instance:
ssl_ca_file: a path to a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file.
SSL parameters for an advertise URI should be set only if this advertise URI is specified explicitly.
Otherwise, SSL parameters of a listen URI are used and no additional configuration is required.
Configuring an advertise URI’s SSL options depends on whether a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file is set or not.
Without the CA file, you only need to set iproto.advertise.<peer_or_sharding>.params.transport to ssl as shown below:
To reload SSL certificate files specified in the configuration, open an admin console and reload the configuration using config.reload():
New certificates will be used for new connections.
Existing connections will continue using old SSL certificates until reconnection is required.
For example, certificate expiry or a network issue causes reconnection.
Tarantool enables flexible management of access to various database resources by providing specific privileges to users.
You can read more about the main concepts of Tarantool access control system in the Управление доступом section.
This topic describes how to create users and grant them the specified privileges in the credentials section of a YAML configuration.
For example, you can define users with the replication and sharding roles to maintain replication and sharding in a Tarantool cluster.
Managing users and roles
Creating a user
You can create new or configure credentials of the existing users in the credentials.users section.
In the example below, a dbadmin user without a password is created:
To assign a role to a user, use the credentials.users.<username>.roles option.
In this example, the dbadmin user gets privileges granted to the super built-in role:
To create a new role, define it in the credentials.roles.* section.
In the example below, the writers_space_reader role gets privileges to select data in the writers space:
You can grant specific privileges directly using credentials.users.<username>.privileges.
In this example, sampleuser gets privileges to select and modify data in the books space:
Tarantool enables you to load secrets from safe storage such as external files or environment variables.
To do this, you need to define corresponding options in the config.context section.
In the examples below, context.dbadmin_password and context.sampleuser_password define how to load user passwords from *.txt files or environment variables:
This example shows how to load passwords from *.txt files:
Tarantool Enterprise Edition provides the ability to apply additional restrictions for user authentication.
For example, you can specify the minimum time between authentication attempts
or turn off access for guest users.
In the configuration below, security.auth_retries is set to 2,
which means that Tarantool lets a client try to authenticate with the same username three times.
At the fourth attempt, the authentication delay configured with security.auth_delay is enforced.
This means that a client should wait 10 seconds after the first failed attempt.
The disable_guest option turns off access over remote connections from unauthenticated or guest users.
Password policy
A password policy allows you to improve database security by enforcing the use
of strong passwords, setting up a maximum password age, and so on.
When you create a new user with
or update the password of an existing user with
the password is checked against the configured password policy settings.
In the example below, the following options are specified:
password_min_length specifies that a password should be at least 16 characters.
By default, Tarantool uses the
protocol to authenticate users and applies SHA-1 hashing to
Note that CHAP stores password hashes in the _user space unsalted.
If an attacker gains access to the database, they may crack a password, for example, using a rainbow table.
In the Enterprise Edition, you can enable
PAP authentication
with the SHA256 hashing algorithm.
For PAP, a password is salted with a user-unique salt before saving it in the database,
which keeps the database protected from cracking using a rainbow table.
For new users, the box.schema.user.create method generates authentication data using PAP-SHA256.
For existing users, you need to reset a password using
to use the new authentication protocol.
Given that PAP transmits a password as plain text,
Tarantool requires configuring SSL/TLS
for a connection.
The example below shows how to specify the authentication protocol using the auth_type parameter when connecting to an instance using net.box:
If the authentication protocol isn’t specified explicitly on the client side,
the client uses the protocol configured on the server via security.auth_type.
This section contains guides related to security features.
The audit module allows you to record various events occurred in Tarantool.
Each event is an action related to authorization and authentication, data manipulation,
administrator activity, or system events.
The module provides detailed reports of these activities and helps you find and
fix breaches to protect your business. For example, you can see who created a new user
and when.
It is up to each company to decide exactly what activities to audit and what actions to take.
System administrators, security engineers, and people in charge of the company may want to
audit different events for different reasons. Tarantool provides such an option for each of them.
Configure audit log
The section describes how to enable and configure audit logging and write logs to a selected destination – a file, a pipe,
or a system logger.
In the configuration below, the audit_log.to option is set to file.
It means that the logs are written to a file.
By default, audit logs are saved in the var/log/{{instance_name}}/audit.log file.
To specify the path to an audit log file explicitly, use the audit_log.file option.
If you log to a file, Tarantool reopens the audit log at SIGHUP.
To disable audit logging, set the audit_log.to option to devnull.
Filter the events
Tarantool’s extensive filtering options help you write only the events you need to the audit log.
To select the recorded events, use the audit_log.filter option.
Its value can be a list of events and event groups.
You can customize the filters and use different combinations of them for your purposes.
Possible filtering options:
Filter by event. You can set a list of events to be recorded. For example, select
password_change to monitor the users who have changed their passwords:
Filter by group. You can specify a list of event groups to be recorded. For example,
select auth and priv to see the events related to authorization and granted privileges:
Filter by group and event. You can specify a group and a certain event depending on the purpose.
In the configuration below, user_create, data_operations, ddl, and custom are selected to see the events related to:
user creation
space creation, altering, and dropping
data modification or selection from spaces
custom events (any events added manually using the audit module API)
Set the format of audit log events
Use the audit_log.format option to choose the format of audit log events
– plain text, CSV, or JSON.
JSON is used by default. It is more convenient to receive log events, analyze them, and integrate them with other systems if needed.
The plain format can be efficiently compressed.
The CSV format allows you to view audit log events in tabular form.
Specify the spaces to be logged
The audit_log.spaces option is used to specify
a list of space names for which data operation events should be logged.
In the configuration below, only the events from the bands space are logged:
Specify the logging mode in DML events
If set to true, the audit_log.extract_key option
forces the audit subsystem to log the primary key instead of a full tuple in DML operations.
Examples of audit log entries
In this example, the following audit log configuration is used:
Create a space bands and check the logs in the file after the creation:
The audit log entry for the space_create event might look as follows:
{"time":"2024-01-24T11:43:21.566+0300","uuid":"26af0a7d-1052-490a-9946-e19eacc822c9","severity":"INFO","remote":"unix/:(socket)","session_type":"console","module":"tarantool","user":"admin","type":"space_create","tag":"","description":"Create space Bands"}
Then insert one tuple to space:
If the extract_key option is set to true, the audit system prints the primary key instead of the full tuple:
{"time":"2024-01-24T11:45:42.358+0300","uuid":"b437934d-62a7-419a-8d59-e3b33c688d7a","severity":"VERBOSE","remote":"unix/:(socket)","session_type":"console","module":"tarantool","user":"admin","type":"space_insert","tag":"","description":"Insert key [2] into space bands"}
If the extract_key option is set to false, the audit system prints the full tuple like this:
{"time":"2024-01-24T11:45:42.358+0300","uuid":"b437934d-62a7-419a-8d59-e3b33c688d7a","severity":"VERBOSE","remote":"unix/:(socket)","session_type":"console","module":"tarantool","user":"admin","type":"space_insert","tag":"","description":"Insert tuple [1, \"Roxette\", 1986] into space bands"}
Audit log events
Events types
The Tarantool audit log module can record various events that you can monitor and
decide whether you need to take actions:
Administrator activity – events related to actions performed by the administrator.
For example, such logs record the creation of a user.
Access events – events related to authorization and authentication of users.
For example, such logs record failed attempts to access secure data.
Data access and modification – events of data manipulation in the storage.
System events – events related to modification or configuration of resources.
For example, such logs record the replacement of a space.
Custom events – any events added manually using
the audit module API.
The full list of available audit log events is provided in the table below:
Failed attempt to access secure data (for example, personal records, details, geolocation)
Expressions with arguments evaluated in a string
Function called with arguments
Iterator key selected from space.index
Space created
Space altered
Space dropped
Tuple inserted into space
Tuple replaced in space
Tuple deleted from space
The eval event displays data from the console module
and the eval function of the net.box module.
For more on how they work, see Module console
and Module net.box – eval.
To separate the data, specify console or binary in the session field.
Structure of audit log event
Each audit log event contains a number of fields that can be used to filter and aggregate the resulting logs.
An example of a Tarantool audit log entry in JSON:
{"time":"2024-01-15T13:39:36.046+0300","uuid":"cb44fb2b-5c1f-4c4b-8f93-1dd02a76cec0","severity":"VERBOSE","remote":"unix/:(socket)","session_type":"console","module":"tarantool","user":"admin","type":"auth_ok","tag":"","description":"Authenticate user Admin"}
Each event consists of the following fields:
Time of the event
Since 3.0.0. A unique identifier of audit log event
Since 3.0.0. A severity level. Each system audit event has a severity level determined by its importance.
Custom events have the INFO severity level by default.
Remote host that triggered the event
Session type
Audit log module. Set to tarantool for system events;
can be overwritten for custom events
User who triggered the event
Audit event type
A text field that can be overwritten by the user
Human-readable event description
Event groups
Built-in event groups are used to filter the event types that you want to audit.
For example, you can set to record only authorization events or only events related to a space.
Events call and eval are included only in the all group.
audit – audit_enable event.
auth – authorization events: auth_ok, auth_fail.
priv – events related to authentication, authorization, users, and roles:
user_create, user_drop, role_create, role_drop, user_enable, user_disable,
user_grant_rights, user_revoke_rights, role_grant_rights, role_revoke_rights.
ddl – events of space creation, altering, and dropping:
space_create, space_alter, space_drop.
dml – events of data modification in spaces:
space_insert, space_replace, space_delete.
data_operations – events of data modification or selection from spaces:
space_select, space_insert, space_replace, space_delete.
compatibility – events available in Tarantool before the version 2.10.0.
auth_ok, auth_fail, disconnect, user_create, user_drop,
role_create, role_drop, user_enable, user_disable,
user_grant_rights, user_revoke_rights, role_grant_rights.
role_revoke_rights, password_change, access_denied.
This group enables the compatibility with earlier Tarantool versions.
Be careful when recording all and data_operations event groups.
The more events you record, the slower the requests are processed over time.
It is recommended that you select only those groups
whose events your company needs to monitor and analyze.
Custom events
Tarantool provides an API for writing custom audit log events.
To enable these events, specify the custom value in the audit_log.filter option:
Log a custom event
To log an event, use the audit.log() function that takes one of the following values:
Message string. Printed to the audit log with type message:
audit.log('Hello, Alice!')
Format string and arguments. Passed to string format and then output to the audit log with type message:
audit.log('Hello, %s!','Bob')
Table with audit log field values. The table must contain at least one field – description.
Alternatively, you can use audit.new() to create a new log module.
This allows you to avoid passing all custom audit log fields each time audit.log() is called.
The audit.new() function takes a table of audit log field values (same as audit.log()).
The type of the log module for writing custom events must either be message or have the custom_ prefix.
It is possible to overwrite most of the custom audit log fields using audit.new() or audit.log().
The only audit log field that cannot be overwritten is time.
If omitted, the session_type is set to the current session type, remote is set to the remote peer address.
To avoid confusion with system events, the value of the type field must either be message (default)
or begin with the custom_ prefix. Otherwise, you receive the error message.
Custom events are filtered out by default.
Severity level
By default, custom events have the INFOseverity level.
To override the level, you can:
If you write to a file, the size of the Tarantool audit log is limited by the disk space.
If you write to a system logger, the size of the Tarantool audit log is limited by the system logger.
If you write to a pipe, the size of the Tarantool audit message is limited by the system buffer.
If the audit_log.nonblock=false, if audit_log.nonblock = true, there is no limit.
How often should audit logs be reviewed?
Consider setting up a schedule in your company. It is recommended to review audit logs at least every 3 months.
How long should audit logs be stored?
It is recommended to store audit logs for at least one year.
What is the best way to process audit logs?
It is recommended to use SIEM systems for this issue.
Аудит безопасности
This document will help you audit the security of a Tarantool cluster.
It explains certain security aspects, their rationale, and the ways to check them.
For details on how to configure Tarantool Enterprise Edition and its infrastructure for each aspect,
refer to the security hardening guide.
Шифрование внешнего трафика iproto
Tarantool uses the
iproto binary protocol
for replicating data between instances and also in the connector libraries.
Since version 2.10.0, the Enterprise Edition has the built-in support for using SSL to encrypt the client-server communications over binary connections.
For details on enabling SSL encryption, see the Securing connections with SSL section of this document.
In case the built-in encryption is not enabled, we recommend using VPN to secure data exchange between data centers.
Закрытые порты iproto
Если в кластере Tarantool не используется iproto для внешних запросов, подключение к портам iproto должно разрешаться только между экземплярами Tarantool.
Подробнее о настройке портов для iproto см. в разделе advertise_uri в документации Cartridge.
Механизм HTTPS termination
Экземпляр Tarantool может принимать HTTP-подключения от внешних источников или при доступе к веб-интерфейсу администратора. Все такие подключения должны проходить через веб-сервер с HTTPS, работающий на том же хосте (например, nginx). Это требование относится как к виртуальным, так и к физическим хостам. Проведение HTTP-трафика через несколько отдельных хостов с механизмом HTTPS termination недостаточно безопасно.
Закрытые HTTP-порты
Tarantool accepts HTTP connections on a specific port.
It must be only available on the same host for nginx to connect to it.
Убедитесь, что настроенный HTTP-порт закрыт, а HTTPS-порт ( по умолчанию 443) открыт.
Ограниченный доступ к административной консоли
Модуль console дает возможность подключиться к рабочему экземпляру и запускать пользовательский код Lua. Это полезная возможность для разработчиков и администраторов. В следующих примерах показано, как открыть соединение по TCP-порту и на UNIX-сокете.
Помимо сооветствующего фрагмента кода, ищите все вхождения значения 'universe'.
Try connecting with ttconnect to each Tarantool node.
For more details, refer to the documentation on
access control.
Авторизация в веб-интерфейсе
Using the web interface must require logging in with a username and password.
Запуск под пользователем tarantool
Все экземпляры Tarantool должны работать под пользователем tarantool.
Ограничение доступа для пользователя tarantool
Пользователь tarantool не должен иметь права sudo. Кроме того, у него не должно быть пароля, чтобы не допустить входа через SSH или su.
Хранение двух и более снимков данных
Для надежности резервного копирования в экземпляре Tarantool должны храниться минимум два последних снимка данных. Не забудьте проверить каждый экземпляр.
The snapshot_count value
determines the number of kept snapshots.
Configuration values are primarily set in the configuration files
but can be overridden with environment variables and command-line arguments.
So, it’s best to check both the values in the configuration files and the actual values
using the console:
tarantool> box.cfg.checkpoint_count----2
Включен журнал упреждающей записи (WAL)
Tarantool фиксирует все входящие данные в журнале упреждающей записи (WAL). WAL должен быть включен, чтобы в случае перезапуска экземпляра эти данные можно было восстановить.
Secure values of the wal.mode configuration option are write and fsync:
An exclusion from this requirement is when the instance is processing data,
which can be freely rejected - for example, when Tarantool is used for caching.
In this case, WAL can be disabled to reduce i/o load.
Уровень ведения журнала: INFO или выше
Уровень ведения журнала должен быть 5 (INFO), 6 (VERBOSE) или 7 (DEBUG). Тогда в случае нарушения безопасности в журналах приложения будет достаточно информации для расследования инцидента.
В Tarantool для ведения журнала следует использовать journald.
Инструкции по повышению безопасности
This guide explains how to enhance security in your Tarantool Enterprise Edition’s
cluster using built-in features and provides general recommendations on security
If you need to perform a security audit of a Tarantool Enterprise cluster,
refer to the security checklist.
Tarantool Enterprise Edition does not provide a dedicated API for security control. All
the necessary configurations can be done via an administrative console or
initialization code.
В Tarantool Enterprise есть следующие встроенные средства безопасности:
Over a binary port for read and write operations and procedure invocation.
For more information on authentication and connection types, see the
Безопасность section in Administration.
Кроме того, Tarantool предоставляет следующие функциональные возможности:
– states which associate connections with users and make Tarantool API available
to them after authentication.
Authentication triggers,
which execute actions on authentication events.
Third-party (external) authentication protocols and services such as LDAP or
Active Directory – supported in the web interface, but unavailable
on the binary-protocol level.
Управление доступом
Для администраторов Tarantool Enterprise предоставляет средства предотвращения несанкционированного доступа к базе данных и к определенным функциям.
Tarantool различает:
different users (guests and administrators)
privileges associated with users
roles (containers for privileges) granted to users
The following system spaces are used to store users and privileges:
The _user space to store usernames and hashed passwords for authentication.
The _priv space to store privileges for access control.
Users who create objects (spaces, indexes, users, roles, sequences, and
functions) in the database become their owners and automatically acquire
privileges for what they create. For more information, see the
Owners and privileges section.
Журнал аудита
В Tarantool Enterprise есть встроенный журнал аудита, в котором записываются такие события, как:
authentication successes and failures
connection closures
creation, removal, enabling, and disabling of users
changes of passwords, privileges, and roles
denials of access to database objects
The audit log contains:
usernames of users who performed actions
event types (for example, user_create, user_enable, disconnect)
You can configure the following audit log options:
audit_log.to – enable audit logging and define the log location (file, pipe, or syslog).
The option is similar to the log.
audit_log.nonblock – specify the logging behavior if the system is not ready to write.
The option is similar to the log_nonblock.
Для получения дополнительной информации о журналировании см. следующие разделы:
Права доступа к файлам журнала можно настроить, как для любого другого объекта файловой системы Unix – через chmod.
Рекомендации по повышению безопасности
В этом разделе даны рекомендации, которые могут помочь вам повысить безопасность кластера.
Encrypting traffic
Since version 2.10.0, Tarantool Enterprise Edition has built-in support for using SSL to encrypt the client-server communications over binary connections,
that is, between Tarantool instances in a cluster. For details on enabling SSL encryption, see the Securing connections with SSL section of this guide.
In case the built-in encryption is not set for particular connections, consider the following security recommendations:
The HTTP server module provided by rocks
does not support the HTTPS protocol. To set up a secure connection for a client
(e.g., REST service), consider hiding the Tarantool instance (router if it is
a cluster of instances) behind an Nginx server and setting up an SSL certificate
for it.
To make sure that no information can be intercepted „from the wild“, run nginx
on the same physical server as the instance and set up their communication over
a Unix socket. For more information, see the
socket module reference.
Настройка брандмауэра
To protect the cluster from any unwanted network activity „from the wild“,
configure the firewall on each server to allow traffic on ports listed in
Network requirements.
Если вы используете статические IP-адреса, повторно внесите их в белый список на каждом сервере, поскольку кластер работает на принципах полносвязной топологии (full mesh topology). Рекомендуется внести в черный список всех остальные адреса на всех серверах, кроме роутера (работающего за сервером Nginx).
Tarantool Enterprise не предоставляет защиту от DoS-атак или DDoS-атак. Для этих целей рекомендуется использовать сторонние программы.
Целостность данных
Tarantool Enterprise Edition does not keep checksums or provide the means to control
data integrity. However, it ensures data persistence using a write-ahead log,
regularly snapshots the entire data set to disk, and checks the data format
whenever it reads the data back from the disk. For more information, see the
Data persistence section.
Триггеры, которые также называют обратными вызовами, представляют собой функции, которые выполняет сервер при наступлении определенных событий.
Чтобы связать событие с колбэк-функцией, передайте её в соответствующую функцию обработки событий on_event:
Триггеры хранятся в памяти экземпляра Tarantool, а не в базе данных. Поэтому триггеры пропадают, когда экземпляр отключают. Чтобы сохранить их, поместите определения функции и настройки триггера в скрипт инициализации Tarantool.
Триггеры не тратят много ресурсов. Если триггер не задан, то требуется минимум вычислений — разыменование и проверка указателя. Если триггер определен, то стоимость вызова равна стоимости вызова функции.
Для одного события можно определить несколько триггеров. В таком случае триггеры выполняются в обратном порядке относительно того, как их определили.
Триггеры должны работать в контексте события, то есть оперировать переменными, которые переданы как аргументы его функции. Триггеры не должны влиять на глобальное состояние программы или менять параметры, не связанные с событием. Если триггер выполняет такие вызовы, как, например, os.exit() или box.rollback(), результат его выполнения не определен.
Триггеры можно заменять. Запрос на «замену триггера» подразумевает передачу новой функции-триггера и старой функции-триггера в одну из функций обработки событий on_event.
Во всех функциях обработки событий on_event есть параметры, которые представляют собой указатели функции, и все они возвращают указатели функции. Следует запомнить, что определение Lua-функции, например, functionf()x=x+1end значит то же самое, что f=function()x=x+1end, поскольку в обоих случаях f получит указатель функции. А trigger=box.session.on_connect(f) значит то же самое, что trigger=box.session.on_connect(function()x=x+1end) — в обоих случаях trigger получит переданный указатель функции.
Если вызвать любую из функций обработки событий on_event без аргументов, то она вернет список соответствующих триггеров. Например, box.session.on_connect() вернет таблицу со всеми функциями-триггерами на подключение.
Триггеры можно использовать для решения проблем с репликацией. Более подробную информацию см. в разделе Решение конфликтов репликации.
Здесь мы записываем события подключения и отключения в журнал на сервере Tarantool.
log=require('log')functionon_connect_impl()log.info("connected "..box.session.peer()..", sid "..box.session.id())endfunctionon_disconnect_impl()log.info("disconnected, sid "..box.session.id())endfunctionon_auth_impl(user)log.info("authenticated sid "..box.session.id().." as "..user)endfunctionon_connect()pcall(on_connect_impl)endfunctionon_disconnect()pcall(on_disconnect_impl)endfunctionon_auth(user)pcall(on_auth_impl,user)endbox.session.on_connect(on_connect)box.session.on_disconnect(on_disconnect)box.session.on_auth(on_auth)
Using Tarantool as an application server, you can write your own applications.
Tarantool’s native language for writing applications is
Lua, so a typical application would be
a file that contains your Lua script. But you can also write applications
in C or C++.
Using Tarantool as an application server, you can write your own applications.
Tarantool’s native language for writing applications is
Lua, so a typical application would be
a file that contains your Lua script. But you can also write applications
in C or C++.
If you’re new to Lua, we recommend going over the interactive Tarantool
tutorial before proceeding with this chapter. To launch the tutorial, say
tutorial() in Tarantool console:
tarantool> tutorial()----|Tutorial -- Screen #1 -- Hello, Moon====================================Welcome to the Tarantool tutorial.It will introduce you to Tarantool’s Lua application serverand database server, which is what’s running what you’re seeing.This is INTERACTIVE -- you’re expected to enter requestsbased on the suggestions or examples in the screen’s text.<...>
Let’s create and launch our first Lua application for Tarantool.
Here’s a simplest Lua application, the good old «Hello, world!»:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoolprint('Hello, world!')
We save it in a file. Let it be myapp.lua in the current directory.
Now let’s discuss how we can launch our application with Tarantool.
Launching in Docker
If we run Tarantool in a Docker container,
the following command will start Tarantool without any application:
$ # create a temporary container and run it in interactive mode$ dockerrun--rm-t-itarantool/tarantool:latest
To run Tarantool with our application, we can say:
$ # create a temporary container and$ # launch Tarantool with our application$ dockerrun--rm-t-i\-v`pwd`/myapp.lua:/opt/tarantool/myapp.lua\-v/data/dir/on/host:/var/lib/tarantool\tarantool/tarantool:latesttarantool/opt/tarantool/myapp.lua
Here two resources on the host get mounted in the container:
our application file (myapp.lua) and
Tarantool data directory (/data/dir/on/host).
By convention, the directory for Tarantool application code inside a container
is /opt/tarantool, and the directory for data is /var/lib/tarantool.
Launching a binary program
If we run Tarantool from a package or from a source build, we can launch our application:
in the script mode,
as a server application, or
as a daemon service.
The simplest way is to pass the filename to Tarantool at start:
$ tarantoolmyapp.lua
Hello, world!$
Tarantool starts, executes our script in the script mode and exits.
Now let’s turn this script into a server application. We use
box.cfg from Tarantool’s built-in
Lua module to:
launch the database (a database has a persistent on-disk state, which needs
to be restored after we start an application) and
configure Tarantool as a server that accepts requests over a TCP port.
We also add some simple database logic, using
space.create() and
create_index() to create a space with a primary
index. We use the function box.once() to make sure that our
logic will be executed only once when the database is initialized for the first
time, so we don’t try to create an existing space or index on each invocation
of the script:
This time, Tarantool executes our script and keeps working as a server,
accepting TCP requests on port 3301. We can see Tarantool in the current
session’s process list:
But the Tarantool instance will stop if we close the current terminal window.
To detach Tarantool and our application from the terminal window, we can launch
it in the daemon mode. To do so, we add some parameters to box.cfg{}:
background = true that actually tells
Tarantool to work as a daemon service,
log = 'dir-name' that tells the Tarantool
daemon where to store its log file (other log settings are available in
Tarantool log module), and
pid_file = 'file-name' that tells the
Tarantool daemon where to store its pid file.
We launch our application in the same manner as before:
$ tarantoolmyapp.lua
Hello, world!$
Tarantool executes our script, gets detached from the current shell session
(you won’t see it with ps|grep"tarantool") and continues working in the
background as a daemon attached to the global session (with SID = 0):
Now that we have discussed how to create and launch a Lua application for
Tarantool, let’s dive deeper into programming practices.
Application roles
An application role is a Lua module that implements specific functions or logic.
You can turn on or off a particular role for certain instances in a configuration without restarting these instances.
A role is run when a configuration is loaded or reloaded.
Roles can be divided into the following groups:
Tarantool’s built-in roles.
For example, the config.storage role can be used to make a Tarantool replica set act as a configuration storage.
Roles provided by third-party Lua modules.
For example, the CRUD module provides the roles.crud-storage and roles.crud-router roles that enable CRUD operations in a sharded cluster.
Custom roles that are developed as a part of a cluster application.
For example, you can create a custom role to define a stored procedure or implement a supplementary service, such as an email notifier or a replicator.
This section describes how to develop custom roles.
To learn how to enable and configure roles, see Enabling and configuring roles.
Don’t confuse application roles with other role types:
A role is a container for privileges that can be granted to users. Learn more in Роли.
A role of a replica set in regard to sharding. Learn more in Sharding roles.
Providing a role configuration
A custom role can be configured in the same way as roles provided by Tarantool or third-party Lua modules.
You can learn more from Enabling and configuring roles.
This example shows how to enable and configure the greeter role, which is implemented in the next section:
The role configuration provided in roles_cfg can be accessed when validating and applying this configuration.
Tarantool includes the experimental.config.utils.schema
built-in module that provides tools for managing user-defined configurations
of applications (app.cfg) and roles (roles_cfg). The examples below show its
basic usage.
Given that a role is a Lua module, a role name is passed to require() to obtain the module.
When developing an application, you can place a file with the role code next to the cluster configuration file.
Creating a custom role
Creating a custom role includes the following steps:
(Optional) Define the role configuration schema.
Define a function that validates a role configuration.
Define a function that applies a validated configuration.
Define a function that stops a role.
(Optional) Define roles from which this custom role depends on.
As a result, a role module should return an object that has corresponding functions and fields specified:
If you don’t use the module, skip this step. In this case, use the cfg argument
of the role’s validate() and apply() functions to refer to its configuration
values, for example, cfg.greeting.
Validating a role configuration
To validate a role configuration, you need to define the validate([cfg]) function.
In the example below, the validate() function of the role configuration schema
is used to validate the greeting value:
If the configuration is not valid, validate() reports an unrecoverable error by throwing an error object.
Applying a role configuration
To apply the validated configuration, define the apply([cfg]) function.
As the validate() function, apply() provides access to a role’s configuration using the cfg argument.
In the example below, the apply() function uses the log module to write a value from the role configuration to the log:
localfunctionapply(cfg)log.info("%s from the 'greeter' role!",greeter_schema:get(cfg,'greeting'))end
In the example below, the stop() function uses the log module to indicate that a role is stopped:
localfunctionstop()log.info("The 'greeter' role is stopped")end
When you’ve defined all the role functions, you need to return an object that has corresponding functions specified:
Role dependencies
To define a role’s dependencies, use the dependencies field.
In this example, the byeer role has the greeter role as the dependency:
-- byeer.lua --locallog=require('log').new("byeer")return{dependencies={'greeter'},validate=function()end,apply=function()log.info("Bye from the 'byeer' role!")end,stop=function()end,}
A role cannot be started without its dependencies.
This means that all the dependencies of a role should be defined in the roles configuration parameter:
To create a space in a role, you need to make sure that the target instance is in read-write mode (its box.info.ro is false).
You can check an instance state by subscribing to the box.status event using box.watch():
box.watch('box.status',function()-- creating a space-- ...end)
Given that a role may be enabled when an instance is already in read-write mode,
you also need to execute schema initialization code from apply().
To make sure a space is created only once, use the if_not_exists option.
Roles life cycle
A role’s life cycle includes the stages described below.
Loading roles
On each run, all roles are loaded in the order they are specified in the configuration.
This stage takes effect when a role is enabled or an instance with this role is restarted.
At this stage, a role executes the initialization code.
A role cannot be started if it has dependencies that are not specified in a configuration.
Dependencies do not affect the order in which roles are loaded.
However, the validate(), apply(), and stop() functions are executed taking dependencies into account.
Learn more in Executing functions for dependent roles.
Stopping roles
This stage takes effect during a configuration reload when a role is removed from the configuration for a given instance.
Note that all stop() calls are performed before any validate() or apply() calls.
This means that old roles are stopped first, and only then new roles are started.
Validating a role’s configurations
At this stage, a configuration for each role is validated using the corresponding validate() function in the same order in which they are specified in the configuration.
Applying a role’s configurations
At this stage, a configuration for each role is applied using the corresponding apply() function in the same order in which they are specified in the configuration.
All role’s functions report an unrecoverable error by throwing an error object.
If an error is thrown in any phase, applying a configuration is stopped.
If starting or stopping a role throws an error, no roles are stopped or started afterward.
An error is caught and shown in config:info() in the alerts section.
Executing functions for dependent roles
For roles that depend on each other, their validate(), apply(), and stop() functions are executed taking into account the dependencies.
Suppose, there are three independent and two dependent roles:
└─── role4
└─── role5
role1, role2, and role5 are independent roles.
role3 depends on role4, role4 depends on role5.
The roles are enabled in a configuration as follows:
In this case, validate() and apply() for these roles are executed in the following order:
role1 -> role2 -> role5 -> role4 -> role3
Roles removed from a configuration are stopped in the order reversed to the order they are specified in a configuration, taking into account the dependencies.
Suppose, all roles except role1 are removed from the configuration above:
After reloading a configuration, stop() functions for the removed roles are executed in the following order:
role3 -> role4 -> role5 -> role2
Example: Role without a configuration
The example below shows how to enable the custom greeter role for instance001:
The implementation of this role looks as follows:
-- greeter.lua --return{validate=function()end,apply=function()require('log').info("Hi from the 'greeter' role!")end,stop=function()end,}
-- greeter.lua --locallog=require('log').new("greeter")localschema=require('experimental.config.utils.schema')localgreeter_schema=schema.new('greeter',schema.record({greeting=schema.scalar({type='string',allowed_values={'Hi','Hello'}})}))localfunctionvalidate(cfg)greeter_schema:validate(cfg)endlocalfunctionapply(cfg)log.info("%s from the 'greeter' role!",greeter_schema:get(cfg,'greeting'))endlocalfunctionstop()log.info("The 'greeter' role is stopped")endreturn{validate=validate,apply=apply,stop=stop,}
-- http-api.lua --localhttpdlocaljson=require('json')localschema=require('experimental.config.utils.schema')localfunctionvalidate_host(host,w)localhost_pattern="^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)$"ifnothost:match(host_pattern)thenw.error("'host' should be a string containing a valid IP address, got %q",host)endendlocalfunctionvalidate_port(port,w)ifport<=1orport>=65535thenw.error("'port' should be between 1 and 65535, got %d",port)endendlocallisten_address_schema=schema.new('listen_address',schema.record({host=schema.scalar({type='string',validate=validate_host,default='',}),port=schema.scalar({type='integer',validate=validate_port,default=8080,}),}))localfunctionvalidate(cfg)listen_address_schema:validate(cfg)endlocalfunctionapply(cfg)ifhttpdthenhttpd:stop()endlocalcfg_with_defaults=listen_address_schema:apply_default(cfg)localhost=listen_address_schema:get(cfg_with_defaults,'host')localport=listen_address_schema:get(cfg_with_defaults,'port')httpd=require('http.server').new(host,port)localresponse_headers={['content-type']='application/json'}httpd:route({path='/band/:id',method='GET'},function(req)localid=req:stash('id')localband_tuple=box.space.bands:get(tonumber(id))ifnotband_tuplethenreturn{status=404,body='Band not found'}elselocalband={id=band_tuple['id'],band_name=band_tuple['band_name'],year=band_tuple['year']}return{status=200,headers=response_headers,body=json.encode(band)}endend)httpd:route({path='/band',method='GET'},function(req)locallimit=req:query_param('limit')ifnotlimitthenlimit=5endlocalband_tuples=box.space.bands:select({},{limit=tonumber(limit)})localbands={}for_,tupleinpairs(band_tuples)dolocalband={id=tuple['id'],band_name=tuple['band_name'],year=tuple['year']}table.insert(bands,band)endreturn{status=200,headers=response_headers,body=json.encode(bands)}end)httpd:start()endlocalfunctionstop()httpd:stop()endlocalfunctioninit()require('data'):add_sample_data()endinit()return{validate=validate,apply=apply,stop=stop,}
Validate a role’s configuration.
This function is called on instance startup or when the configuration is reloaded for the instance with this role.
Note that the validate() function is called regardless of whether the role’s configuration or any field in a cluster’s configuration is changed.
validate() should throw an error if the validation fails.
cfg – a role’s role configuration to be validated.
This parameter provides access to configuration options defined in roles_cfg.<role_name>.
To get values of configuration options placed outside roles_cfg.<role_name>, use config:get().
Apply a role’s configuration.
apply() is called after validate() is executed for all the enabled roles.
As the validate() function, apply() is called on instance startup or when the configuration is reloaded for the instance with this role.
apply() should throw an error if the specified configuration can’t be applied.
Note that apply() is not invoked if an instance switches to read-write mode when replication.failover is set to election or supervised.
You can check an instance state by subscribing to the box.status event using box.watch().
cfg – a role’s role configuration to be applied.
This parameter provides access to configuration options defined in roles_cfg.<role_name>.
To get values of configuration options placed outside roles_cfg.<role_name>, use config:get().
Creating a fiber is the Tarantool way of making application logic work in the background at all times.
A fiber is a set of instructions that are executed with cooperative multitasking:
the instructions contain yield signals, upon which control is passed to another fiber.
Fibers are similar to threads of execution in computing.
The key difference is that threads use
preemptive multitasking, while fibers use cooperative multitasking (see below).
This gives fibers the following two advantages over threads:
Better controllability. Threads often depend on the kernel’s thread scheduler
to preempt a busy thread and resume another thread, so preemption may occur
unpredictably. Fibers yield themselves to run another fiber while executing,
so yields are controlled by application logic.
Higher performance. Threads require more resources to preempt as they need to
address the system kernel. Fibers are lighter and faster as they don’t need to
address the kernel to yield.
Yet fibers have some limitations as compared with threads, the main limitation
being no multi-core mode. All fibers in an application belong to a single thread,
so they all use the same CPU core as the parent thread. Meanwhile, this
limitation is not really serious for Tarantool applications, because a typical
bottleneck for Tarantool is the HDD, not the CPU.
A fiber has all the features of a Lua
coroutine and all programming
concepts that apply for Lua coroutines will apply for fibers as well. However,
Tarantool has made some enhancements for fibers and has used fibers internally.
So, although the use of coroutines is possible and supported, the use of fibers is
Any live fiber can be in one of three states: running, suspended, and
ready. After a fiber dies, the dead status returns.
To learn more about fibers, go to the fiber module documentation.
Yield is an action that occurs in a cooperative environment that
transfers control of the thread from the current fiber to another fiber that is ready to execute.
Any live fiber can be in one of three states: running, suspended, and
ready. After a fiber dies, the dead status is returned. By observing
fibers from the outside, you can only see running (for the current fiber)
and suspended for any other fiber waiting for an event from the event loop (ev)
for execution.
After a yield has occurred, the next ready fiber is taken from the queue and executed.
When there are no more ready fibers, execution is transferred to the event loop.
After a fiber has yielded and regained control, it immediately issues testcancel.
Explicit yields are clearly visible from the invoking code. There are only two
explicit yields: fiber.yield() and fiber.sleep(t).
fiber.yield() yields execution to another ready fiber while putting itself in the ready state, meaning that it will be executed again as soon as possible while being polite to other fibers waiting for execution.
fiber.sleep(t) yields execution to another ready fiber and puts itself in the suspended state for time t until time passes and the event loop wakes up this fiber to the ready state.
In general, it is good behavior for long-running cpu-intensive tasks to yield periodically to
be cooperative to other waiting fibers.
Implicit yields
On the other hand, there are many operations, such as operations with sockets, file system,
and disk I/O, which imply some waiting for the current fiber while others can be
executed. When such an operation occurs, a possible blocking operation would be passed into the
event loop and the fiber would be suspended until the resource is ready to
continue fiber execution.
Here is the list of implicitly yielding operations:
Please note that all operations of the os module are non-cooperative and
exclusively block the whole tx thread.
For memtx, since all data is in memory, there is no yielding for a read request
(like :select, :pairs, :get).
For vinyl, since some data may not be in memory, there may be disk I/O for a
read (to fetch data from disk) or write (because a stall may occur while waiting for memory to be freed).
For both memtx and vinyl, since data change requests
must be recorded in the WAL, there is normally a box.commit().
With the default autocommit mode the following operations are yielding:
box.commit (if there were some modifications within the transaction).
To provide atomicity for transactions in transaction mode, some changes are applied to the
modification operations for the memtx engine. After executing
box.begin or within a box.atomic
call, any modification operation will not yield, and yield will occur only on box.commit or upon return
from box.atomic. Meanwhile, box.rollback does not yield.
That is why executing separate commands like select(), insert(), update() in the console inside a
transaction without MVCC will cause it to an abort. This is due to implicit yield after each
chunk of code is executed in the console.
Example #1
Engine = memtx.
The sequence has one yield, at the end of the insert, caused by implicit commit;
get() has nothing to write to the WAL and so does not yield.
The sequence has one yield, at the end of the box.commit, none of the inserts are yielding.
Engine = vinyl.
The sequence has one to three yields, since get() may yield if the data is not in the cache,
insert() may yield if it waits for available memory, and there is an implicit yield
at commit.
If wal_mode = none, then
there is no implicit yielding at the commit time because there are
no writes to the WAL.
If a request if performed via network connector such as net.box and implies
sending requests to the server and receiving responses, then it involves network
I/O and thus implicit yielding. Even if the request that is sent to the server
has no implicit yield. Therefore, the following sequence causes yields
three times sequentially when sending requests to the network and awaiting the results.
Cooperative multitasking means that unless a running fiber deliberately yields
control, it is not preempted by some other fiber. But a running fiber will
deliberately yield when it encounters a «yield point»: a transaction commit,
an operating system call, or an explicit «yield» request.
Any system call which can block will be performed asynchronously, and any running
fiber which must wait for a system call will be preempted, so that another
ready-to-run fiber takes its place and becomes the new running fiber.
This model makes all programmatic locks unnecessary: cooperative multitasking
ensures that there will be no concurrency around a resource, no race conditions,
and no memory consistency issues. The way to achieve this is simple:
Use no yields, explicit or implicit in critical sections, and no one can
interfere with code execution.
For small requests, such as simple UPDATE or INSERT or DELETE or
SELECT, fiber scheduling is fair: it takes little time to process the
request, schedule a disk write, and yield to a fiber serving the next client.
However, a function may perform complex calculations or be written in
such a way that yields take a long time to occur. This can lead to
unfair scheduling when a single client throttles the rest of the system, or to
apparent stalls in processing requests. It is the responsibility of the function
author to avoid this situation. As a protective mechanism, a fiber slice can be used.
Примеры и рекомендации по разработке на Lua
Ниже представлены дополнения в виде Lua-программ для часто встречающихся или сложных случаев.
Любую из этих программ можно выполнить, скопировав код в .lua-файл, а затем выполнив в командной строке chmod+x./имя-программы.lua и :samp :./{имя-программы}.lua.
Первая строка – это шебанг:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
Он запускает сервер приложений Tarantool на языке Lua, который должен быть в пути выполнения.
Для инициализации базы данных (создания спейсов) используйте box.once(), если сервер запускается впервые. Затем используйте console.start(), чтобы запустить интерактивный режим.
Используйте Модуль fio, чтобы открыть, прочитать и закрыть файл.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfio=require('fio')localerrno=require('errno')localf=fio.open('/tmp/xxxx.txt',{'O_RDONLY'})ifnotfthenerror("Failed to open file: "..errno.strerror())endlocaldata=f:read(4096)f:close()print(data)
Используйте Модуль fio, чтобы открыть, записать данные и закрыть файл.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfio=require('fio')localerrno=require('errno')localf=fio.open('/tmp/xxxx.txt',{'O_CREAT','O_WRONLY','O_APPEND'},tonumber('0666',8))ifnotfthenerror("Failed to open file: "..errno.strerror())endf:write("Hello\n");f:close()
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalffi=require('ffi')ffi.cdef[[ int printf(const char *format, ...);]]ffi.C.printf("Hello, %s\n",os.getenv("USER"));
Используйте Библиотеку LuaJIT FFI, чтобы вызвать встроенную в C функцию: gettimeofday(). Она позволяет получить значение времени с точностью в миллисекундах, в отличие от функции времени в Tarantool Модуль clock.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalffi=require('ffi')ffi.cdef[[ typedef long time_t; typedef struct timeval { time_t tv_sec; time_t tv_usec;} timeval; int gettimeofday(struct timeval *t, void *tzp);]]localtimeval_buf=ffi.new("timeval")localnow=function()ffi.C.gettimeofday(timeval_buf,nil)returntonumber(timeval_buf.tv_sec*1000+(timeval_buf.tv_usec/1000))end
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalffi=require("ffi")ffi.cdef[[ unsigned long compressBound(unsigned long sourceLen); int compress2(uint8_t *dest, unsigned long *destLen, const uint8_t *source, unsigned long sourceLen, int level); int uncompress(uint8_t *dest, unsigned long *destLen, const uint8_t *source, unsigned long sourceLen);]]localzlib=ffi.load(ffi.os=="Windows"and"zlib1"or"z")-- Надстройка Lua для функции compress2()localfunctioncompress(txt)localn=zlib.compressBound(#txt)localbuf=ffi.new("uint8_t[?]",n)localbuflen=ffi.new("unsigned long[1]",n)localres=zlib.compress2(buf,buflen,txt,#txt,9)assert(res==0)returnffi.string(buf,buflen[0])end-- Надстройка Lua для функции uncompresslocalfunctionuncompress(comp,n)localbuf=ffi.new("uint8_t[?]",n)localbuflen=ffi.new("unsigned long[1]",n)localres=zlib.uncompress(buf,buflen,comp,#comp)assert(res==0)returnffi.string(buf,buflen[0])end-- Простой код тестаlocaltxt=string.rep("abcd",1000)print("Uncompressed size: ",#txt)localc=compress(txt)print("Compressed size: ",#c)localtxt2=uncompress(c,#txt)assert(txt2==txt)
Используйте Библиотеку LuaJIT FFI, чтобы получить доступ к объекту в C с помощью метаметода (метод, который определен метатаблицей).
Используйте, чтобы создать Lua-таблицы и вывести их. Следует отметить, что для таблицы типа массива (array) функция-итератор будет ipairs(), а для таблицы типа ассоциативного массива (map) функция-итератор – pairs(). (ipairs() быстрее, чем pairs(), но pairs() рекомендуется для ассоциативных массивов или смешанных таблиц.) Результат будет выглядеть следующим образом: «1 Apple | 2 Orange | 3 Grapefruit | 4 Banana | k3 v3 | k1 v1 | k2 v2».
Отсутствующие элементы в массивах, которые Lua рассматривает как nil, заставляют простой оператор „#“ выдавать неправильные результаты. Команда «print(#t)» выведет «4», команда «print(counter)» выведет «3», а команда «print(max)» – «10». Другие табличные функции, такие как table.sort(), также сработают неправильно при наличии нулевых значений nil.
Используйте явные значения``NULL``, чтобы избежать проблем, вызванных nil в Lua == поведение с пропущенными значениями. Хотя json.NULL==nil является true, все команды вывода в данной программе выведут правильное значение: 10.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantool-- определить объекты классаlocalmyclass_somemethod=function(self)print('test 1',self.data)endlocalmyclass_someothermethod=function(self)print('test 2',self.data)endlocalmyclass_tostring=function(self)return'MyClass <'..self.data..'>'endlocalmyclass_mt={__tostring=myclass_tostring;__index={somemethod=myclass_somemethod;someothermethod=myclass_someothermethod;}}-- создать новый объект своего класса myclasslocalobject=setmetatable({data='data'},myclass_mt)print(object:somemethod())print(object.data)
Запустите один файбер для производителя и один файбер для потребителя. Используйте fiber.channel() для обмена данных и синхронизации. Можно настроить ширину канала (ch_size в программном коде) для управления количеством одновременных задач к обработке.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfiber=require('fiber')localfunctionconsumer_loop(ch,i)-- инициализировать потребитель синхронно или выдать ошибку()fiber.sleep(0)-- позволить fiber.create() продолжатьwhiletruedolocaldata=ch:get()ifdata==nilthenbreakendprint('consumed',i,data)fiber.sleep(math.random())-- моделировать работуendendlocalfunctionproducer_loop(ch,i)-- инициализировать потребитель синхронно или выдать ошибку()fiber.sleep(0)-- allow fiber.create() to continuewhiletruedolocaldata=math.random()ch:put(data)print('produced',i,data)endendlocalfunctionstart()localconsumer_n=5localproducer_n=3-- создать каналlocalch_size=math.max(consumer_n,producer_n)localch=fiber.channel(ch_size)-- запустить потребителиfori=1,consumer_n,1dofiber.create(consumer_loop,ch,i)end-- запустить производителиfori=1,producer_n,1dofiber.create(producer_loop,ch,i)endendstart()print('started')
Используйте socket.tcp_connect() для подключения к удаленному серверу по TCP. Можно отобразить информацию о подключении и результат запроса GET.
Используйте socket.tcp_connect() для настройки простого TCP-сервера путем создания функции, которая обрабатывает запросы и отражает их, а затем передачи функции на socket.tcp_server(). Данная программа была протестирована на 100 000 клиентов, каждый из которых получил отдельный файбер.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfunctionhandler(s,peer)s:write("Welcome to test server, "..peer.host.."\n")whiletruedolocalline=s:read('\n')ifline==nilthenbreak-- ошибка или конец файлаendifnots:write("pong: "..line)thenbreak-- ошибка или конец файлаendendendlocalserver,addr=require('socket').tcp_server('localhost',3311,handler)
Используйте socket.getaddrinfo(), чтобы провести неблокирующее разрешение имен DNS, получая как AF_INET6, так и AF_INET информацию для „google.com“. Данная техника не всегда необходима для TCP-соединений, поскольку socket.tcp_connect() выполняет socket.getaddrinfo с точки зрения внутреннего устройства до попытки соединения с первым доступным адресом.
В данный момент в Tarantool нет функции udp_server, поэтому socket_udp_echo.lua – более сложная программа, чем socket_tcp_echo.lua. Ее можно реализовать с помощью сокетов и файберов.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalsocket=require('socket')localerrno=require('errno')localfiber=require('fiber')localfunctionudp_server_loop(s,handler)fiber.name("udp_server")whiletruedo-- попытка прочитать сначала датаграммуlocalmsg,peer=s:recvfrom()ifmsg==""then-- сокет был закрыт с помощью s:close()breakelseifmsg~=nilthen-- получена новая датаграммаhandler(s,peer,msg)elseifs:errno()==errno.EAGAINors:errno()==errno.EINTRthen-- сокет не готовs:readable()-- передача управления, epoll сообщит, когда будут новые данныеelse-- ошибка сокетаlocalmsg=s:error()s:close()-- сохранить ресурсы и не ждать сборку мусораerror("Socket error: "..msg)endendendendlocalfunctionudp_server(host,port,handler)locals=socket('AF_INET','SOCK_DGRAM',0)ifnotsthenreturnnil-- проверить номер ошибки errno:strerror()endifnots:bind(host,port)thenlocale=s:errno()-- сохранить номер ошибки errnos:close()errno(e)-- восстановить номер ошибки errnoreturnnil-- проверить номер ошибки errno:strerror()endfiber.create(udp_server_loop,s,handler)-- запустить новый файбер в фоновом режимеreturnsend
Функция для клиента, который подключается к этому серверу, может выглядеть следующим образом:
localfunctionhandler(s,peer,msg)-- Необязательно ждать, пока сокет будет готов отправлять UDP-- s:writable()s:sendto(peer.host,peer.port,"Pong: "..msg)endlocalserver=udp_server('',3548,handler)ifnotserverthenerror('Failed to bind: '..errno.strerror())endprint('Started')require('console').start()
Используйте Модуль HTTP для получения данных по HTTP.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalhttp_client=require('http.client')localjson=require('json')localr=http_client.get('https://api.frankfurter.app/latest?to=USD%2CRUB')ifr.status~=200thenprint('Failed to get currency ',r.reason)returnendlocaldata=json.decode(r.body)print(data.base,'rate of',data.date,'is',data.rates.RUB,'RUB or',data.rates.USD,'USD')
Используйте Модуль HTTP для отправки данных по HTTP.
Используйте сторонний модульhttp (который необходимо предварительно установить), чтобы превратить Tarantool в веб-сервер.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfunctionhandler(self)returnself:render{json={['Your-IP-Is']=self.peer.host}}endlocalserver=require('http.server').new(nil,8080,{charset="utf8"})-- прослушивание *:8080server:route({path='/'},handler)server:start()-- подключение к localhost:8080 и просмотр json
Use the httprock (which must first be installed)
to generate HTML pages from templates.
The httprock has a fairly simple template engine which allows execution
of regular Lua code inside text blocks (like PHP). Therefore there is no need
to learn new languages in order to write templates.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfunctionhandler(self)localfruits={'Apple','Orange','Grapefruit','Banana'}returnself:render{fruits=fruits}endlocalserver=require('http.server').new(nil,8080,{charset="utf8"})-- nil означает '*'server:route({path='/',file='index.html.lua'},handler)server:start()
HTML-файл для этого сервера, включая Lua, может выглядеть следующим образом (будет выведено «1 Apple | 2 Orange | 3 Grapefruit | 4 Banana»). Создайте директорию templates и поместите в неё файл:
На языке Go выборка содержимого всего спейса не является тривиальной задачей, которая решается в одну строчку. Ниже мы приводим пример программы, которая осуществляет полную выборку из спейса „tester“. Эту программу нужно вызвать на том экземпляре, с которым вы собираетесь установить соединение через Go-коннектор.
packagemainimport("fmt""log""github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool")/*box.cfg{listen = 3301}box.schema.user.passwd('pass')s = box.schema.space.create('tester')s:format({ {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'}, {name = 'band_name', type = 'string'}, {name = 'year', type = 'unsigned'}})s:create_index('primary', { type = 'hash', parts = {'id'} })s:create_index('scanner', { type = 'tree', parts = {'id', 'band_name'} })s:insert{1, 'Roxette', 1986}s:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 2015}s:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1993}*/funcmain(){conn,err:=tarantool.Connect("",tarantool.Opts{User:"admin",Pass:"pass",})iferr!=nil{log.Fatalf("Connection refused")}deferconn.Close()spaceName:="tester"indexName:="scanner"idFn:=conn.Schema.Spaces[spaceName].Fields["id"].IdbandNameFn:=conn.Schema.Spaces[spaceName].Fields["band_name"].IdvartuplesPerRequestuint32=2cursor:=[]interface{}{}for{resp,err:=conn.Select(spaceName,indexName,0,tuplesPerRequest,tarantool.IterGt,cursor)iferr!=nil{log.Fatalf("Failed to select: %s",err)}ifresp.Code!=tarantool.OkCode{log.Fatalf("Select failed: %s",resp.Error)}iflen(resp.Data)==0{break}fmt.Println("Iteration")tuples:=resp.Tuples()for_,tuple:=rangetuples{fmt.Printf("\t%v\n",tuple)}lastTuple:=tuples[len(tuples)-1]cursor=[]interface{}{lastTuple[idFn],lastTuple[bandNameFn]}}}
Практические задания на Lua
Первые шаги
Если вы только осваиваете Lua, рекомендуем выполнить практическое задание, встроенное в Tarantool. Чтобы начать работу с этим заданием, выполните команду tutorial() в консоли Tarantool:
tarantool> tutorial()----|Tutorial -- Screen #1 -- Hello, Moon====================================Welcome to the Tarantool tutorial.It will introduce you to Tarantool’s Lua application serverand database server, which is what’s running what you’re seeing.This is INTERACTIVE -- you’re expected to enter requestsbased on the suggestions or examples in the screen’s text.<...>
Вставка 1 млн кортежей с помощью хранимой процедуры на языке Lua
Задание по данному практикуму: “Вставьте 1 миллион кортежей. В каждом кортеже должно быть поле, которое соответствует ключу в первичном индексе, в виде постоянно возрастающего числа, а также поле в виде буквенной строки со случайным значением из 10 символов.”
Цель данного упражнения состоит в том, чтобы показать, как выглядят Lua-функции в Tarantool. Необходимо будет работать с математической библиотекой Lua, библиотекой для работы со строками интерпретатора Lua, Tarantool-библиотекой box, Tarantool-библиотекой box.tuple, циклами и конкатенацией. Инструкции легко будет выполнять даже тем, кто никогда не использовал раньше Lua или Tarantool. Единственное требование – знание того, как работают другие языки программирования, и изучение первых двух глав данного руководства. Но для лучшего понимания можно следовать по комментариям и ссылкам на руководство по Lua или другим пунктам в данном руководстве по Tarantool. А чтобы облегчить изучение, читайте инструкции параллельно с вводом операторов в Tarantool-клиент.
Будем использовать Tarantool-песочницу, которую создавали для упражнений раздела «Руководство для начинающих». Таким образом, у нас есть один спейс и числовой ключ первичного индекса, а также экземпляр Tarantool, который также выступает в виде клиента.
В более ранних версиях Tarantool многострочные функции обрамляются символами-разделителями. Сейчас в них нет необходимости, поэтому в данном практическом задании они использоваться не будут. Однако они все еще поддерживаются. Если вы хотите использовать разделители или используете более раннюю версию Tarantool, перед работой проверьте описание синтаксиса для объявления разделителя.
Создание функции, которая возвращает строку
Начнем с создания функции, которая возвращает заданную строку – “Hello world”.
functionstring_function()return"hello world"end
Слово «function» (функция) – ключевое слово в языке Lua. Рассмотрим подробно работу с языком Lua. Имя функции – string_function (строковая_функция). В функции есть один исполняемый оператор, return"helloworld" (вернуть «hello world»). Строка «hello world» здесь заключена в двойные кавычки, хотя в Lua это не имеет значения, можно использовать одинарные кавычки. Слово «end» означает, что “это конец объявления Lua-функции.” Чтобы проверить работу функции, можем выполнить команду
Отправка function-name() (имя-функции) означает команду вызова Lua-функции. В результате возвращаемая функцией строка появится на экране.
Для получения подробной информации о строках в языке Lua, см. Главу 2.4 «Строки» в руководстве по языку Lua. Для получения подробной информации о функциях см. Главу 5 «Функции» в руководстве по языку Lua (chapter 5 «Functions»).
Теперь вывод на экране выглядит следующим образом:
Сначала объявим переменную «string_value» (значение_строки). Слово «local» (локально) означает, что string_value появится только в main_function (основная_функция). Если бы мы не использовали «local», то string_value увидели бы даже пользователи других клиентов, которые подключились к данному экземпляру! Иногда это может быть очень полезно при взаимодействии клиентов, но не в нашем случае.
Затем определим значение для string_value, а именно, результат функции string_function(). Сейчас вызовем main_function(), чтобы проверить, что значение определено.
Для получения подробной информации о переменных в языке Lua, см. Главу 4.2 «Локальные переменные и блоки» в руководстве по языку Lua (chapter 4.2 «Local Variables and Blocks»).
Теперь вывод на экране выглядит следующим образом:
Изменение функции для возврата строки из одной случайной буквы
Сейчас стало понятно, как задавать переменную, поэтому можно изменить функцию string_function() так, чтобы вместо возврата заданной фразы «Hello world», она возвращала случайным образом выбранную букву от „A“ до „Z“.
Нет необходимости стирать содержание старой функции string_function(), оно просто перезаписывается. Первый оператор вызывает функцию из математической библиотеки Lua, которая возвращает случайное число; параметры означают, что число должно быть целым от 65 до 90. Второй оператор вызывает функцию из библиотеки Lua для работы со строками, которая преобразует число в символ; параметр представляет собой кодовую точку символа. К счастью, в кодировке ASCII символу „A“ соответствует значение 65, а „Z“ – 90, так что в результате всегда получим букву от A до Z.
… На самом деле, вывод не всегда будет именно таким, поскольку функция math.random() вызывает случайные числа. Но для наглядности случайные значения в строке не важны.
Изменение функции для возврата строки из десяти случайных букв
Сейчас стало понятно, как вызывать строки из одной случайной буквы, поэтому можно перейти к нашей цели – возврату строки из десяти букв с помощью конкатенации десяти строк из одной случайной буквы в цикле.
Слова «for x = 1,10,1» означают: “начать с x, равного 1, зацикливать до тех пор, пока x не будет равен 10, увеличивать x на 1 на каждом шаге цикла”. Символ «..» означает «конкатенацию», то есть добавление строки справа от знака «..» к строке слева от знака «..». Поскольку в начале определяется, что random_string (случайная_строка) представляет собой «» (пустую строку), в результате получим, что в random_string 10 случайных букв. И снова функцию string_function() можно вызвать из main_function(), которую можно вызвать с помощью main_function().
Для получения подробной информации о циклах в языке Lua, см. Главу 4.3.4 «Числовой оператор for» в руководстве по языку Lua (chapter 4.3.4 «Numeric for»).
Теперь вывод на экране выглядит следующим образом:
Сейчас стало понятно, как создать строку из 10 случайных букв, поэтому можно создать кортеж, который будет содержать число и строку из 10 случайных букв, с помощью функции в Tarantool-библиотеке Lua-функций.
После этого, «t» будет представлять собой значение нового кортежа с двумя полями. Первое поле является числовым: «1». Второе поле представляет собой случайную строку. И снова функцию string_function() можно вызвать из main_function(), которую можно вызвать с помощью main_function().
Для получения подробной информации о кортежах в Tarantool, см. раздел Вложенный модуль box.tuple руководства по Tarantool.
Теперь вывод на экране выглядит следующим образом:
Изменение основной функции main_function для вставки кортежа в базу данных
Сейчас стало понятно, как создавать кортеж, который содержит число и строку из десяти случайных букв, поэтому осталось только поместить этот кортеж в спейс tester. Следует отметить, что tester – это первый спейс, определенный в песочнице, поэтому он представляет собой таблицу в базе данных.
Здесь новая строка – box.space.tester:replace(t). Имя содержит слово „tester“, потому что вставка будет осуществляться в спейс tester. Второй параметр представляет собой значение в кортеже. Для абсолютной точности мы могли ввести команду box.space.tester:insert(t), а не box.space.tester:replace(t), но слово «replace» (заменить) означает “вставить, даже если уже существует кортеж, у которого значение первичного ключа совпадает”, и это облегчит повтор упражнения, даже если песочница не пуста. После того, как это будет выполнено, спейс tester будет содержать кортеж с двумя полями. Первое поле будет 1. Второе поле будет представлять собой строку из десяти случайных букв. И снова функцию string_function() можно вызвать из main_function(), которую можно вызвать с помощью main_function(). Но функция main_function() не может полностью отразить ситуацию, поскольку она не возвращает t, она только размещает t в базе данных. Чтобы убедиться, что произошла вставка, используем SELECT-запрос.
Изменение основной функции main_function для вставки миллиона кортежей в базу данных
Сейчас стало понятно, как вставить кортеж в базу данных, поэтому несложно догадаться, как можно увеличить масштаб: вместо того, чтобы вставлять значение 1 для первичного ключа, вставьте значение переменной от 1 до миллиона в цикле. Поскольку уже рассматривалось, как заводить цикл, это будет несложно. Мы лишь добавим небольшой штрих – функцию распределения во времени.
functionmain_function()localstring_value,tfori=1,1000000,1dostring_value=string_function()t=box.tuple.new({i,string_value})box.space.tester:replace(t)endendstart_time=os.clock()main_function()end_time=os.clock()'insert done in '..end_time-start_time..' seconds'
Стандартная Lua-функция os.clock() вернет время ЦП в секундах с момента начала программы. Таким образом, выводя start_time = number of seconds (время_начала = число секунд) прямо перед вставкой, а затем выводя end_time = number of seconds (время_окончания = число секунд) сразу после вставки, можно рассчитать (время_окончания - время_начала) = затраченное время в секундах. Отобразим это значение путем ввода в запрос без операторов, что приведет к тому, что Tarantool отправит значение на клиент, который выведет это значение. (Ответ Lua на C-функцию printf(), а именно print(), также сработает.)
Для получения подробной информации о функции os.clock() см. Главу 22.1 «Дата и время» в руководстве по языку Lua (chapter 22.1 «Date and Time»). Для получения подробной информации о функции print() см. Главу 5 «Функции» в руководстве по языку Lua (chapter 5 «Functions»).
И поскольку наступает кульминация – повторно введем окончательные варианты всех необходимых запросов: запрос, который создает string_function(), запрос, который создает main_function(), и запрос, который вызывает main_function().
functionstring_function()localrandom_numberlocalrandom_stringrandom_string=""forx=1,10,1dorandom_number=math.random(65,90)random_string=random_string..string.char(random_number)endreturnrandom_stringendfunctionmain_function()localstring_value,tfori=1,1000000,1dostring_value=string_function()t=box.tuple.new({i,string_value})box.space.tester:replace(t)endendstart_time=os.clock()main_function()end_time=os.clock()'insert done in '..end_time-start_time..' seconds'
Теперь вывод на экране выглядит следующим образом:
Итак, мы доказали, что возможности Lua-функций довольно многообразны (на самом деле, с помощью хранимых процедур на языке Lua в Tarantool можно сделать больше, чем с помощью хранимых процедур в некоторых SQL СУБД), и несложно комбинировать функции Lua-библиотек и функции Tarantool-библиотек.
Также мы показали, что вставка миллиона кортежей заняла 37 секунд. Хостом выступил ноутбук с ОС Linux. А изменив значение wal_mode на „none“ перед запуском теста, можно уменьшить затраченное время до 4 секунд.
Подсчет суммы по JSON-полям во всех кортежах
Задание по данному практикуму: “Предположим, что в каждом кортеже есть строка в формате JSON. В каждой строке есть числовое поле формата JSON. Для каждого кортежа необходимо найти значение числового поля и прибавить его к переменной „sum“ (сумма). В конце функция должна вернуть переменную „sum“.” Цель данного упражнения – получить опыт в прочтении и обработке кортежей одновременно.
СТРОКА 3: ЗАЧЕМ НУЖЕН «LOCAL». Эта строка объявляет все переменные, которые будут использоваться в функции. На самом деле, нет необходимости в начале объявлять все переменные, а в длинной функции лучше объявить переменные прямо перед их использованием. Фактически объявлять переменные вообще необязательно, но необъявленная переменная будет «глобальной». Это представляется нежелательным для всех переменных, объявленных в строке 1, поскольку все они используются только в рамках функции.
СТРОКА 5: ЗАЧЕМ НУЖЕН «PAIRS()». Наша задача – пройти по всем строкам, что можно сделать двумя способами: с помощью box.space.space_object:pairs() или с помощью variable=select(...) с указанием fori,n,1doнекая-функция(variable[i])end. Для данного примера мы предпочли использовать pairs().
СТРОКА 5: НАЧАЛО ОСНОВНОГО ЦИКЛА. Всё внутри цикла «for» будет повторяться до тех пор, пока не кончатся индекс-ключи. На полученный кортеж можно сослаться с помощью переменной t.
LINE 6: WHY «PCALL». If we simply said lua_table=json.decode(t[2])), then
the function would abort with an error if it encountered something wrong with the
JSON string - a missing colon, for example. By putting the function inside «pcall»
(protected call), we’re saying: we want to intercept that sort of error, so if
there’s a problem just set is_valid_json=false and we will know what to do
about it later.
СТРОКА 6: ЗНАЧЕНИЕ. Функция json.decode означает декодирование JSON-строки, а параметр t[2] представляет собой ссылку на JSON-строку. Здесь есть заранее заданные значения, а мы предполагаем, что JSON-строка была вставлена во второе поле кортежа. Например, предположим, что кортеж выглядит следующим образом:
что означает, что первое поле кортежа, первичное поле, представляет собой число, а второе поле кортежа, JSON-строка, является строкой. Таким образом, значение оператора будет следующим: «декодировать t[2] (второе поле кортежа) как JSON-строку; если обнаружится ошибка, то указать is_valid_json=false; если ошибок нет, указать is_valid_json=true и lua_table= Lua-таблица, в которой находится декодированная строка».
СТРОКА 8. Наконец, мы готовы получить значение JSON-поля из Lua-таблицы, взятое из JSON-строки. Значение в field_name (имя_поля), которое является параметром всей функции, должно представлять собой JSON-поле. Например, в JSON-строке '{"Hello":"world","Quantity":15}' есть два JSON-поля: «Hello» и «Quantity». Если вся функция вызывается с помощью sum_json_field("Quantity"), тогда field_value=lua_table[field_name] (значение_поля = Lua_таблица[имя_поля]) по сути аналогично field_value=lua_table["Quantity"] или даже field_value=lua_table.Quantity. Итак, этими тремя способами можно ввести следующую команду: получить значение поля Quantity в Lua-таблице и поместить его в переменную field_value.
СТРОКА 9: ЗАЧЕМ НУЖЕН «IF». Предположим, что JSON-строка не содержит синтаксических ошибок, но JSON-поле не является числовым или вовсе отсутствует. В таком случае выполнение функции прервется при попытке прибавить значение к сумме. Если сначала проверить, type(field_value)=="number" (тип(значение_поля) == «число»), можно избежать прерывания функции. Если вы уверены, что база данных в идеальном состоянии, этот шаг можно пропустить.
-- если спейс tester остался от предыдущего задания, удалите егоbox.space.tester:drop()box.schema.space.create('tester')box.space.tester:create_index('primary',{parts={1,'unsigned'}})
затем добавим несколько кортежей, где первое поле является числовым, а второе поле представляет собой строку.
Для целей практики здесь допущены ошибки. В «golf club» и «waffle iron» поля Quantity не являются числовыми, поэтому будут игнорироваться. Таким образом, итоговая сумма для полей Quantity в JSON-строках должна быть следующей: 15 + 7 = 22.
Вызовите функцию с помощью sum_json_field("Quantity").
tarantool> sum_json_field("Quantity")----22...
It works. We’ll just leave, as exercises for future improvement, the possibility
that the «hard coding» assumptions could be removed, that there might have to be
an overflow check if some field values are huge, and that the function should
contain a yield instruction if the count of tuples is huge.
Индексированный поиск по шаблонам
Here is a generic function which takes a field identifier
and a search pattern, and returns all tuples that match.
* The field must be the first field of a TREE index.
* The function will use Lua pattern matching,
which allows «magic characters» in regular expressions.
* The initial characters in the pattern, as far as the
first magic character, will be used as an index search key.
For each tuple that is found via the index, there will be
a match of the whole pattern.
* To be cooperative,
the function should yield after every
10 tuples, unless there is a reason to delay yielding.
With this function, we can take advantage of Tarantool’s indexes
for speed, and take advantage of Lua’s pattern matching for flexibility.
It does everything that an SQL
LIKE search can do, and far more.
Прочитайте следующий Lua-код, чтобы понять, как он работает. Комментарии, которые начинаются с «СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ …» ссылаются на подробные объяснения, приведенные ниже.
functionindexed_pattern_search(space_name,field_no,pattern)-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №1 "ПОИСК НУЖНОГО ИНДЕКСА"if(box.space[space_name]==nil)thenprint("Error: Failed to find the specified space")returnnilendlocalindex_no=-1fori=0,box.schema.INDEX_MAX,1doif(box.space[space_name].index[i]==nil)thenbreakendif(box.space[space_name].index[i].type=="TREE"andbox.space[space_name].index[i].parts[1].fieldno==field_noand(box.space[space_name].index[i].parts[1].type=="scalar"orbox.space[space_name].index[i].parts[1].type=="string"))thenindex_no=ibreakendendif(index_no==-1)thenprint("Error: Failed to find an appropriate index")returnnilend-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №2 "ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ КЛЮЧА ИНДЕКСНОГО ПОИСКА ИЗ ШАБЛОНА"localindex_search_key=""localindex_search_key_length=0locallast_character=""localc=""localc2=""fori=1,string.len(pattern),1doc=string.sub(pattern,i,i)if(last_character~="%")thenif(c=='^'orc=="$"orc=="("orc==")"orc=="."orc=="["orc=="]"orc=="*"orc=="+"orc=="-"orc=="?")thenbreakendif(c=="%")thenc2=string.sub(pattern,i+1,i+1)if(string.match(c2,"%p")==nil)thenbreakendindex_search_key=index_search_key..c2elseindex_search_key=index_search_key..cendendlast_character=cendindex_search_key_length=string.len(index_search_key)if(index_search_key_length<3)thenprint("Error: index search key "..index_search_key.." is too short")returnnilend-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №3 "ВНЕШНИЙ ЦИКЛ: НАЧАЛО"localresult_set={}localnumber_of_tuples_in_result_set=0localprevious_tuple_field=""whiletruedolocalnumber_of_tuples_since_last_yield=0localis_time_for_a_yield=false-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №4 "ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ИТЕРАТОР"for_,tupleinbox.space[space_name].index[index_no]:pairs(index_search_key,{iterator=box.index.GE})do-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №5 "ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ПРЕРЫВАНИЕ, ЕСЛИ КЛЮЧ ИНДЕКСА СЛИШКОМ БОЛЬШОЙ"if(string.sub(tuple[field_no],1,index_search_key_length)>index_search_key)thenbreakend-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №6 "ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ПРЕРЫВАНИЕ ПОСЛЕ КАЖДЫХ ДЕСЯТИ КОРТЕЖЕЙ -- ВОЗМОЖНО"number_of_tuples_since_last_yield=number_of_tuples_since_last_yield+1if(number_of_tuples_since_last_yield>=10andtuple[field_no]~=previous_tuple_field)thenindex_search_key=tuple[field_no]is_time_for_a_yield=truebreakendprevious_tuple_field=tuple[field_no]-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №7 "ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ В РЕЗУЛЬТАТ, ЕСЛИ ШАБЛОН СОВПАДЕТ"if(string.match(tuple[field_no],pattern)~=nil)thennumber_of_tuples_in_result_set=number_of_tuples_in_result_set+1result_set[number_of_tuples_in_result_set]=tupleendend-- СМ. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №8 "ВНЕШНИЙ ЦИКЛ: ПРЕРЫВАНИЕ ИЛИ ПЕРЕДАЧА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ"if(is_time_for_a_yield~=true)thenbreakendrequire('fiber').yield()endreturnresult_setend
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №1 «ПОИСК НУЖНОГО ИНДЕКСА» Вызывающий клиент передал space_name (имя_спейса – строка) и field_no (номер_поля – число). Требования следующие: (a) тип индекса должен быть «TREE», поскольку для других типов индекса (HASH, BITSET, RTREE) поиск с итератором=GE не вернет строки, упорядоченные по строковому значению; (b) field_no должен представлять собой первую часть индекса; (c) поле должно содержать строки, потому что для других типов данных (как «unsigned») шаблоны поиска не применяются; Если индекс не удовлетворяет этим требованиям, выдать сообщение об ошибке и вернуть нулевое значение nil.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №2 «ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ КЛЮЧА ИНДЕКСНОГО ПОИСКА ИЗ ШАБЛОНА» Вызывающий клиент передал шаблон (строку). Ключом поиска по индексу являются символы в шаблоне до первого магического символа. Магические символы в Lua: % ^ $ ( ) . [ ] * + - ?. Например, если задан шаблон «ABC.E», точка будет магическим символом, и ключом поиска по индексу будет «ABC». Однако есть затруднение … Если символ «%» будет идти следом за знаком препинания, этот знак препинания экранируется, поэтому следует убрать «%» из ключа поиска по индексу. Например, если задан шаблон «AB%$E», знак доллара экранируется, поэтому ключом поиска по индексу будет «AB$E». Наконец, есть проверка длины ключа поиска по индексу – не менее трех символов, причем это число выбрано произвольно, и даже ноль здесь подойдет, но по короткому ключу поиск займет длительное время.
The function’s job is to return a result set,
just as box.space...select<box_space-select> would. We will fill
it within an outer loop that contains an inner
loop. The outer loop’s job is to execute the inner
loop, and possibly yield, until the search ends.
The inner loop’s job is to find tuples via the index, and put
them in the result set if they match the pattern.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №4 «ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ИТЕРАТОР» Цикл for здесь использует pairs(), см. объяснение, что такое итераторы. Во внутреннем цикле будет локальная переменная под названием «tuple» (кортеж), которая содержит последний кортеж, обнаруженный в ходе поиска по индексу.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №5 «ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ПРЕРЫВАНИЕ, ЕСЛИ КЛЮЧ ИНДЕКСА СЛИШКОМ БОЛЬШОЙ» Используется итератор GE (Greater or Equal - больше или равно), поэтому необходимо уточнить: если ключ поиска по индексу включает в себя N символов, то крайние N символов слева от найденного поля индекса не должны быть больше ключа поиска. Например, если ключом поиска является „ABC“, то „ABCDE“ потенциально подходит, а „ABD“ означает, что в дальнейшем совпадений не будет.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №6 «ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ПРЕРЫВАНИЕ ПОСЛЕ КАЖДЫХ ДЕСЯТИ КОРТЕЖЕЙ – ВОЗМОЖНО» Эта часть кода предназначена для кооперативной многозадачности. Число 10 выбрано произвольно, и как правило, большее число также подойдет. Простое правило гласит: «после проверки 10 кортежей передать управление, а затем возобновить поиск (то есть снова выполнять внутренний цикл), начиная с последнего обнаруженного значения». Однако, если индекс не уникален, или в индексе более одного поля, можно получить дублирующиеся результаты, например, {«ABC»,1}, {«ABC», 2}, {«ABC», 3}» – и будет трудно решить, с какого кортежа «ABC» возобновлять поиск. Таким образом, если найденное поле индекса совпадает с предыдущим найденным полем индекса, цикл не прерывается.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №7 «ВНУТРЕННИЙ ЦИКЛ: ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ В РЕЗУЛЬТАТ, ЕСЛИ ШАБЛОН СОВПАДЕТ» Сравнение найденного поля индекса с шаблоном. Например, предположим, что вызывающий клиент передает шаблон «ABC.E», и существует поле индекса, содержащее «ABCDE». В таком случае, начальный ключ поиска будет «ABC». Таким образом, кортеж, содержащий поле индекса с «ABCDE» будет обнаружен итератором, поскольку «ABCDE» > «ABC». В этом случае, string.match вернет значение, отличное от нулевого nil. В итоге, этот кортеж можно добавить в результирующий набор данных.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ №8 «ВНЕШНИЙ ЦИКЛ: ПРЕРЫВАНИЕ ИЛИ ПЕРЕДАЧА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ» Существуют три условия, которые вызовут прерывание из внутреннего цикла: (1) цикл for заканчивается закономерно, потому что отсутствуют ключи индекса, которые больше или равны ключу поиска по индексу, (2) ключ индекса слишком большой, как описано в ПРИМЕЧАНИИ №5, (3) пора передавать управление, как описано в ПРИМЕЧАНИИ №6. Если условие (1) или условие (2) соблюдается, другие действия не требуются, и внешний цикл также заканчивается. Только в том случае, если справедливо условие (3), внешний цикл должен передать управление, а затем продолжить выполнение. Если он продолжит выполнение, то внутренний цикл – поиск с итератором – будет выполняться снова с новым значением для ключа поиска по индексу.
Запустите Tarantool, скопируйте и вставьте код для функции indexed_pattern_search() и попробуйте выполнить следующее:
The Lua syntax for data-manipulation functions
can vary. Here are examples of the variations with select() requests.
The same rules exist for the other data-manipulation functions.
Every one of the examples does the same thing:
select a tuple set from a space named „tester“ where the primary-key field value
equals 1. For these examples, we assume that the numeric id of „tester“
is 512, which happens to be the case in our sandbox example only.
Object reference variations
First, there are three object reference variations:
-- #1 module . submodule . nametarantool> box.space.tester:select{1}-- #2 replace name with a literal in square bracketstarantool> box.space['tester']:select{1}-- #3 use a variable for the entire object referencetarantool> s=box.space.testertarantool> s:select{1}
Examples in this manual usually have the «box.space.tester:»
form (#1). However, this is a matter of user preference and all the variations
exist in the wild.
Also, descriptions in this manual use the syntax «space_object:»
for references to objects which are spaces, and
«index_object:» for references to objects which are indexes (for example
Lua allows to omit parentheses () when invoking a function if its only
argument is a Lua table, and we use it sometimes in our examples.
This is why select{1} is equivalent to select({1}).
Literal values such as 1 (a scalar value) or {1} (a Lua table value)
may be replaced by variable names, as in examples #6 and #7.
Although there are special cases where braces can be omitted, they are
preferable because they signal «Lua table».
Examples and descriptions in this manual have the {1} form. However, this
too is a matter of user preference and all the variations exist in the wild.
Rules for object names
Database objects have loose rules for names:
the maximum length is 65000 bytes (not characters),
and almost any legal Unicode character is allowed,
including spaces, ideograms and punctuation.
In those cases, to prevent confusion with Lua operators and
separators, object references should have the literal-in-square-brackets
form (#2), or the variable form (#3). For example:
is a type checker of functional arguments. This library that declares
a checks() function and checkers table that allow to check the
parameters passed to a Lua function in a fast and unobtrusive way.
http is an
on-board HTTP-server, which comes in addition to Tarantool’s out-of-the-box
HTTP client, and must be installed as described in the
installation section.
is a date-and-time formatting library for Tarantool
based on International Components for Unicode;
is a full-featured high-performance kafka library for Tarantool
based on librdkafka;
luacheck is a static analyzer and
linter for Lua, preconfigured for Tarantool.
luatest is
a Tarantool test framework written in Lua.
builds a mesh from multiple Tarantool instances based on gossip protocol.
The mesh monitors itself, helps members discover everyone else in the group
and get notified about their status changes with low latency. It is built
upon the ideas from Consul or, more precisely, the SWIM algorithm.
metrics is a collection
of useful monitoring metrics.
is a module for debugging performance issues.
is an automatic sharding system that enables horizontal scaling for Tarantool
DBMS instances.
Closed source modules
ldap allows you to authenticate in a LDAP server and perform searches.
odbc is an ODBC connector for Tarantool based on unixODBC.
is an Oracle connector for Lua applications through which they can send and
receive data to and from Oracle databases.
The advantage of the Tarantool-Oracle integration is that anyone can handle all
the tasks with Oracle DBMSs (control, manipulation, storage, access) with the
same high-level language (Lua) and with minimal delay.
is a module for managing background tasks in a Tarantool cluster.
Installing and using modules
To use a module, install the following:
All the necessary third-party software packages (if any). See the
module’s prerequisites for the list.
Further we walk you through key programming practices that will give you a good
start in writing Lua applications for Tarantool. We will implement a real microservice
based on Tarantool! It is a backend for a simplified version of
Pokémon Go, a location-based
augmented reality game launched in mid-2016.
In this game, players use the GPS capability of a mobile device to locate, catch,
battle, and train virtual monsters called «pokémon» that appear on the screen as
if they were in the same real-world location as the player.
To stay within the walk-through format, let’s narrow the original gameplay as
follows. We have a map with pokémon spawn locations. Next, we have multiple
players who can send catch-a-pokémon requests to the server (which runs our
Tarantool microservice). The server responds whether the
pokémon is caught or not, increases the player’s pokémon counter if yes,
and triggers the respawn-a-pokémon method that spawns a new pokémon at the same
location in a while.
We leave client-side applications outside the scope of this story. However, we
promise a mini-demo in the end to simulate real users and give us some fun.
To make our game logic available to other developers and Lua applications, let’s
put it into a Lua module.
A module (called «rock» in Lua) is an optional library which enhances
Tarantool functionality. So, we can install our logic as a module in Tarantool
and use it from any Tarantool application or module. Like applications, modules
in Tarantool can be written in Lua (rocks), C or C++.
Modules are good for two things:
easier code management (reuse, packaging, versioning), and
hot code reload without restarting the Tarantool instance.
Technically, a module is a file with source code that exports its functions in
an API. For example, here is a Lua module named mymodule.lua that exports
one function named myfun:
To launch the function myfun() – from another module, from a Lua application,
or from Tarantool itself, – we need to save this module as a file, then load
this module with the require() directive and call the exported function.
For example, here’s a Lua application that uses myfun() function from
mymodule.lua module:
-- loading the modulelocalmymodule=require('mymodule')-- calling myfun() from within test() functionlocaltest=function()mymodule.myfun()end
A thing to remember here is that the require() directive takes load paths
to Lua modules from the package.path variable. This is a semicolon-separated
string, where a question mark is used to interpolate the module name. By default,
this variable contains system-wide Lua paths and the working directory.
But if we put our modules inside a specific folder (e.g. scripts/), we need
to add this folder to package.path before any calls to require():
For our microservice, a simple and convenient solution would be to put all
methods in a Lua module (say pokemon.lua) and to write a Lua application
(say game.lua) that initializes the gaming environment and starts the game
Now let’s get down to implementation details. In our game, we need three entities:
map, which is an array of pokémons with coordinates of respawn locations;
in this version of the game, let a location be a rectangle identified with two
points, upper-left and lower-right;
player, which has an ID, a name, and coordinates of the player’s location
pokémon, which has the same fields as the player, plus a status
(active/inactive, that is present on the map or not) and a catch probability
(well, let’s give our pokémons a chance to escape :-) )
We’ll store these entities as tuples in Tarantool spaces. But to deliver our
backend application as a microservice, the good practice would be to send/receive
our data in the universal JSON format, thus using Tarantool as a document storage.
Avro schemas
To store JSON data as tuples, we will apply a savvy practice which reduces data
footprint and ensures all stored documents are valid. We will use Tarantool
module avro-schema which checks
the schema of a JSON document and converts it to a Tarantool tuple. The tuple
will contain only field values, and thus take a lot less space than the original
document. In avro-schema terms, converting JSON documents to tuples is
«flattening», and restoring the original documents is «unflattening».
First you need to install
the module with ttrocksinstallavro-schema.
Further usage is quite straightforward:
For each entity, we need to define a schema in
Apache Avro schema syntax,
where we list the entity’s fields with their names and
Avro data types.
At initialization, we call avro-schema.create() that creates objects
in memory for all schema entities, and compile() that generates
flatten/unflatten methods for each entity.
Further on, we just call flatten/unflatten methods for a respective entity
on receiving/sending the entity’s data.
Here’s what our schema definitions for the player and pokémon entities look like:
And here’s how we create and compile our entities at initialization:
-- load avro-schema module with require()localavro=require('avro_schema')-- create modelslocalok_m,pokemon=avro.create(schema.pokemon)localok_p,player=avro.create(schema.player)ifok_mandok_pthen-- compile modelslocalok_cm,compiled_pokemon=avro.compile(pokemon)localok_cp,compiled_player=avro.compile(player)ifok_cmandok_cpthen-- start the game<...>elselog.error('Schema compilation failed')endelselog.info('Schema creation failed')endreturnfalse
As for the map entity, it would be an overkill to introduce a schema for it,
because we have only one map in the game, it has very few fields, and – which
is most important – we use the map only inside our logic, never exposing it
to external users.
Next, we need methods to implement the game logic. To simulate object-oriented
programming in our Lua code, let’s store all Lua functions and shared variables
in a single local variable (let’s name it as game). This will allow us to
address functions or variables from within our module as self.func_name or
self.var_name. Like this:
localgame={-- a local variablenum_players=0,-- a method that prints a local variablehello=function(self)print('Hello! Your player number is '..self.num_players..'.')end,-- a method that calls another method and returns a local variablesign_in=function(self)self.num_players=self.num_players+1self:hello()returnself.num_playersend}
In OOP terms, we can now regard local variables inside game as object fields,
and local functions as object methods.
In this manual, Lua examples use local variables. Use global
variables with caution, since the module’s users may be unaware of them.
To enable/disable the use of undeclared global variables in your Lua code,
use Tarantool’s strict module.
So, our game module will have the following methods:
catch() to calculate whether the pokémon was caught (besides the
coordinates of both the player and pokémon, this method will apply
a probability factor, so not every pokémon within the player’s reach
will be caught);
respawn() to add missing pokémons to the map, say, every 60 seconds
(we assume that a frightened pokémon runs away, so we remove a pokémon from
the map on any catch attempt and add it back to the map in a while);
notify() to log information about caught pokémons (like
«Player 1 caught pokémon A»);
start() to initialize the game (it will create database spaces, create
and compile avro schemas, and launch respawn()).
Besides, it would be convenient to have methods for working with Tarantool
storage. For example:
add_pokemon() to add a pokémon to the database, and
map() to populate the map with all pokémons stored in Tarantool.
We’ll need these two methods primarily when initializing our game, but we can
also call them later, for example to test our code.
Bootstrapping a database
Let’s discuss game initialization. In start() method, we need to populate
Tarantool spaces with pokémon data. Why not keep all game data in memory?
Why use a database? The answer is: persistence.
Without a database, we risk losing data on power outage, for example.
But if we store our data in an in-memory database, Tarantool takes care to
persist it on disk whenever it’s changed. This gives us one more benefit:
quick startup in case of failure.
Tarantool has a smart algorithm that quickly
loads all data from disk into memory on startup, so the warm-up takes little time.
We’ll be using functions from Tarantool built-in box module:
box.schema.create_space('pokemons') to create a space named pokemon for
storing information about pokémons (we don’t create a similar space for players,
because we intend to only send/receive player information via API calls, so we
needn’t store it);
to create a primary HASH index by pokémon ID;
to create a secondary TREE index by pokémon status.
Notice the parts= argument in the index specification. The pokémon ID is
the first field in a Tarantool tuple since it’s the first member of the respective
Avro type. So does the pokémon status. The actual JSON document may have ID or
status fields at any position of the JSON map.
The implementation of start() method looks like this:
-- create game objectstart=function(self)-- create spaces and indexesbox.once('init',function()box.schema.create_space('pokemons')box.space.pokemons:create_index("primary",{type='hash',parts={1,'unsigned'}})box.space.pokemons:create_index("status",{type="tree",parts={2,'str'}})end)-- create modelslocalok_m,pokemon=avro.create(schema.pokemon)localok_p,player=avro.create(schema.player)ifok_mandok_pthen-- compile modelslocalok_cm,compiled_pokemon=avro.compile(pokemon)localok_cp,compiled_player=avro.compile(player)ifok_cmandok_cpthen-- start the game<...>elselog.error('Schema compilation failed')endelselog.info('Schema creation failed')endreturnfalseend
Now let’s discuss catch(), which is the main method in our gaming logic.
Here we receive the player’s coordinates and the target pokémon’s ID number,
and we need to answer whether the player has actually caught the pokémon or not
(remember that each pokémon has a chance to escape).
First thing, we validate the received player data against its
Avro schema. And we check whether such a pokémon
exists in our database and is displayed on the map (the pokémon must have the
active status):
catch=function(self,pokemon_id,player)-- check player datalocalok,tuple=self.player_model.flatten(player)ifnotokthenreturnfalseend-- get pokemon datalocalp_tuple=box.space.pokemons:get(pokemon_id)ifp_tuple==nilthenreturnfalseendlocalok,pokemon=self.pokemon_model.unflatten(p_tuple)ifnotokthenreturnfalseendifpokemon.status~=self.state.ACTIVEthenreturnfalseend-- more catch logic to follow<...>end
Next, we calculate the answer: caught or not.
To work with geographical coordinates, we use Tarantool
gis module.
To keep things simple, we don’t load any specific map, assuming that we deal with
a world map. And we do not validate incoming coordinates, assuming again that all
received locations are within the planet Earth.
We use two geo-specific variables:
wgs84, which stands for the latest revision of the World Geodetic System
standard, WGS84.
Basically, it comprises a standard coordinate system for the Earth and
represents the Earth as an ellipsoid.
nationalmap, which stands for the
US National Atlas Equal Area. This is a projected
coordinates system based on WGS84. It gives us a zero base for location
projection and allows positioning our players and pokémons in meters.
Both these systems are listed in the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry, where each
system has a unique number. In our code, we assign these listing numbers to
respective variables:
For our game logic, we need one more variable, catch_distance, which defines
how close a player must get to a pokémon before trying to catch it. Let’s set
the distance to 100 meters.
Now we’re ready to calculate the answer. We need to project the current location
of both player (p_pos) and pokémon (m_pos) on the map, check whether the
player is close enough to the pokémon (using catch_distance), and calculate
whether the player has caught the pokémon (here we generate some random value and
let the pokémon escape if the random value happens to be less than 100 minus
pokémon’s chance value):
-- project locationslocalm_pos=gis.Point({pokemon.location.x,pokemon.location.y},self.wgs84):transform(self.nationalmap)localp_pos=gis.Point({player.location.x,player.location.y},self.wgs84):transform(self.nationalmap)-- check catch distance conditionifp_pos:distance(m_pos)>self.catch_distancethenreturnfalseend-- try to catch pokemonlocalcaught=math.random(100)>=100-pokemon.chanceifcaughtthen-- update and notify on successbox.space.pokemons:update(pokemon_id,{{'=',self.STATUS,self.state.CAUGHT}})self:notify(player,pokemon)endreturncaught
Index iterators
By our gameplay, all caught pokémons are returned back to the map. We do this
for all pokémons on the map every 60 seconds using respawn() method.
We iterate through pokémons by status using Tarantool index iterator function
index_object:pairs() and reset the statuses of all
«caught» pokémons back to «active» using box.space.pokemons:update().
The complete implementation of start() now looks like this:
-- create game objectstart=function(self)-- create spaces and indexesbox.once('init',function()box.schema.create_space('pokemons')box.space.pokemons:create_index("primary",{type='hash',parts={1,'unsigned'}})box.space.pokemons:create_index("status",{type="tree",parts={2,'str'}})end)-- create modelslocalok_m,pokemon=avro.create(schema.pokemon)localok_p,player=avro.create(schema.player)ifok_mandok_pthen-- compile modelslocalok_cm,compiled_pokemon=avro.compile(pokemon)localok_cp,compiled_player=avro.compile(player)ifok_cmandok_cpthen-- start the gameself.pokemon_model=compiled_pokemonself.player_model=compiled_playerself.respawn()log.info('Started')returntrueelselog.error('Schema compilation failed')endelselog.info('Schema creation failed')endreturnfalseend
Fibers, yields and cooperative multitasking
But wait! If we launch it as shown above – self.respawn() – the function
will be executed only once, just like all the other methods. But we need to
execute respawn() every 60 seconds. Creating a fiber
is the Tarantool way of making application logic work in the background at all
A fiber is a set of instructions that are executed with
cooperative multitasking:
the instructions contain yield signals, upon which control is passed to another fiber.
Let’s launch respawn() in a fiber to make it work in the background all the time.
To do so, we’ll need to amend respawn():
respawn=function(self)-- let's give our fiber a name;-- this will produce neat output in fiber.info()fiber.name('Respawn fiber')whiletruedofor_,tupleinbox.space.pokemons.index.status:pairs(self.state.CAUGHT)dobox.space.pokemons:update(tuple[self.ID],{{'=',self.STATUS,self.state.ACTIVE}})endfiber.sleep(self.respawn_time)endend
and call it as a fiber in start():
start=function(self)-- create spaces and indexes<...>-- create models<...>-- compile models<...>-- start the gameself.pokemon_model=compiled_pokemonself.player_model=compiled_playerfiber.create(self.respawn,self)log.info('Started')-- errors if schema creation or compilation fails<...>end
One more helpful function that we used in start() was log.infо() from
Tarantool log module. We also need this function in
notify() to add a record to the log file on every successful catch:
We use default Tarantool log settings, so we’ll see the log
output in console when we launch our application in script mode.
Great! We’ve discussed all programming practices used in our Lua module (see
Now let’s prepare the test environment. As planned, we write a Lua application
(see game.lua) to
initialize Tarantool’s database module, initialize our game, call the game loop
and simulate a couple of player requests.
To launch our microservice, we put both the pokemon.lua module and the game.lua
application in the current directory, install all external modules, and launch
the Tarantool instance running our game.lua application (this example is for
$ ls
game.lua pokemon.lua$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-gis
$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-avro-schema
$ tarantoolgame.lua
Tarantool starts and initializes the database. Then Tarantool executes the demo
logic from game.lua: adds a pokémon named Pikachu (its chance to be caught
is very high, 99.1), displays the current map (it contains one active pokémon,
Pikachu) and processes catch requests from two players. Player1 is located just
near the lonely Pikachu pokémon and Player2 is located far away from it.
As expected, the catch results in this output are «true» for Player1 and «false»
for Player2. Finally, Tarantool displays the current map which is empty, because
Pikachu is caught and temporarily inactive:
In the real life, this microservice would work over HTTP. Let’s add
nginx web server to our environment and make a similar
demo. But how do we make Tarantool methods callable via REST API? We use nginx
with Tarantool nginx upstream
module and create one more Lua script
(app.lua) that
exports three of our game methods – add_pokemon(), map() and catch()
– as REST endpoints of the nginx upstream module:
localgame=require('pokemon')box.cfg{listen=3301}game:start()-- add, map and catch functions exposed to REST APIfunctionadd(request,pokemon)return{result=game:add_pokemon(pokemon)}endfunctionmap(request)return{map=game:map()}endfunctioncatch(request,pid,player)localid=tonumber(pid)ifid==nilthenreturn{result=false}endreturn{result=game:catch(id,player)}end
An easy way to configure and launch nginx would be to create a Docker container
based on a Docker image
with nginx and the upstream module already installed (see
We take a standard
where we define an upstream with our Tarantool backend running (this is another
Docker container, see details below):
Likewise, we put Tarantool server and all our game logic in a second Docker
container based on the
official Tarantool 1.9 image (see
and set the container’s default command to tarantoolapp.lua.
This is the backend.
Non-blocking IO
To test the REST API, we create a new script
which is similar to our game.lua application, but makes HTTP POST and GET
requests rather than calling Lua functions:
localhttp=require('curl').http()localjson=require('json')localURI=os.getenv('SERVER_URI')localfiber=require('fiber')localplayer1={name="Player1",id=1,location={x=1.0001,y=2.0003}}localplayer2={name="Player2",id=2,location={x=30.123,y=40.456}}localpokemon={name="Pikachu",chance=99.1,id=1,status="active",location={x=1,y=2}}functionrequest(method,body,id)localresp=http:request(method,URI,body)ifid~=nilthenprint(string.format('Player %d result: %s',id,resp.body))elseprint(resp.body)endendlocalplayers={}functioncatch(player)fiber.sleep(math.random(5))print('Catch pokemon by player '..tostring(player.id))request('POST','{"method": "catch", "params": [1, '..json.encode(player)..']}',tostring(player.id))table.insert(players,player.id)endprint('Create pokemon')request('POST','{"method": "add", "params": ['..json.encode(pokemon)..']}')request('GET','')fiber.create(catch,player1)fiber.create(catch,player2)-- wait for playerswhile#players~=2dofiber.sleep(0.001)endrequest('GET','')os.exit()
When you run this script, you’ll notice that both players have equal chances to
make the first attempt at catching the pokémon. In a classical Lua script,
a networked call blocks the script until it’s finished, so the first catch
attempt can only be done by the player who entered the game first. In Tarantool,
both players play concurrently, since all modules are integrated with Tarantool
cooperative multitasking and use
non-blocking I/O.
Indeed, when Player1 makes its first REST call, the script doesn’t block.
The fiber running catch() function on behalf of Player1 issues a non-blocking
call to the operating system and yields control to the next fiber, which happens
to be the fiber of Player2. Player2’s fiber does the same. When the network
response is received, Player1’s fiber is activated by Tarantool cooperative
scheduler, and resumes its work. All Tarantool modules
use non-blocking I/O and are integrated with Tarantool cooperative scheduler.
For module developers, Tarantool provides an API.
To run this test locally, download our pokemon
project from GitHub and say:
$ docker-composebuild
$ docker-composeup
Docker Compose builds and runs all the three containers: pserver (Tarantool
backend), phttp (nginx) and pclient (demo client). You can see log
messages from all these containers in the console, pclient saying that it made
an HTTP request to create a pokémon, made two catch requests, requested the map
(empty since the pokémon is caught and temporarily inactive) and exited:
pclient_1 | Create pokemon<...>pclient_1 | {"result":true}pclient_1 | {"map":[{"id":1,"status":"active","location":{"y":2,"x":1},"name":"Pikachu","chance":99.100000}]}pclient_1 | Catch pokemon by player 2pclient_1 | Catch pokemon by player 1pclient_1 | Player 1 result: {"result":true}pclient_1 | Player 2 result: {"result":false}pclient_1 | {"map":[]}pokemon_pclient_1 exited with code 0
Congratulations! Here’s the end point of our walk-through. As further reading,
see more about installing and
contributing a module.
Tarantool может вызывать код на языке C с помощью модулей, ffi или хранимых процедур на C. В данном практическом задании рассматривается только третий метод, хранимые процедуры на языке C. На самом деле, программы всегда представляют собой функции на языке C, но исторически сложилось так, что широко используется фраза «хранимая процедура».
Данное практическое задание могут выполнить те, у кого есть пакет программ для разработки Tarantool и компилятор языка программирования C. Оно состоит из пяти задач:
harder.c – декодирует переданное значение параметра;
hardest.c – использует API для языка C для вставки в базу данных;
read.c – использует API для языка C для выборки из базы данных;
write.c – использует API для языка C для замены в базе данных.
По окончании задания, вы увидите описанные здесь результаты и сможете самостоятельно написать хранимые процедуры.
Проверьте наличие следующих элементов на компьютере:
Tarantool 2.1 or later
Компилятор GCC, подойдет любая современная версия
module.h и включенные в него файлы
libmsgpuck.a (только для некоторых последних версий msgpuck)
Файл module.h есть в системе, если Tarantool был установлен из исходных файлов. В противном случае, следует установить пакет Tarantool «developer». Например, на Ubuntu введите команду:
$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-dev
или на Fedora введите команду:
$ dnf-yinstalltarantool-devel
The msgpuck.h file will exist if Tarantool was installed from source.
Otherwise the «msgpuck» package must be installed from
Чтобы компилятор C увидел файлы module.h и msgpuck.h, путь к ним следует сохранить в переменной. Например, если адрес файла module.h – /usr/local/include/tarantool/module.h, а адрес файла msgpuck.h – /usr/local/include/msgpuck/msgpuck.h, введите команду:
Статическая библиотека libmsgpuck.a нужна для версий msgpuck старше февраля 2017 года. Только в том случае, если встречаются проблемы соединения при использовании операторов GCC в примерах данного практического задания, в пути следует указывать libmsgpuck.a (libmsgpuck.a создан из исходных файлов загрузки msgpuck и Tarantool, поэтому его легко найти). Например, вместо «gcc-shared-oharder.so-fPICharder.c» во втором примере ниже, необходимо ввести «gcc-shared-oharder.so-fPICharder.clibmsgpuck.a».
Tarantool выполняет запросы в качестве клиента. Запустите Tarantool и введите эти запросы.
Проще говоря: создайте спейс под названием capi_test, и выполните соединение с одноименным capi_connection.
Не закрывайте клиент. Он понадобится для последующих запросов.
Запустите еще один терминал. Измените директорию (cd), чтобы она совпадала с директорией, где запущен клиент.
Create a file. Name it easy.c. Put the following code in it:
#include"module.h"inteasy(box_function_ctx_t*ctx,constchar*args,constchar*args_end){printf("hello world\n");return0;}inteasy2(box_function_ctx_t*ctx,constchar*args,constchar*args_end){printf("hello world -- easy2\n");return0;}
Скомпилируйте программу, что создаст файл библиотеки под названием easy.so:
$ gcc-shared-oeasy.so-fPICeasy.c
Теперь вернитесь в клиент и выполните следующие запросы:
Во-первых, она ищет функцию easy, что должно быть легко, потому что по умолчанию Tarantool ищет в текущей директории файл под названием easy.so.
Во-вторых, она вызывает функцию easy. Поскольку функция easy() в easy.c начинается с printf("helloworld\n"), слова «hello world» появятся на экране.
В-третьих, она проверяет, что вызов прошел успешно. Поскольку функция easy() в easy.c оканчивается на return0, сообщение об ошибке отсутствует, и запрос выполнен.
Теперь вызовем другую функцию в easy.c – easy2(). Она практически совпадает с функцией easy(), но есть небольшое отличие: если имя файла не совпадет с именем функции, нужно будет указать имя-файла.имя-функции.
На этот раз вызов передает Lua-таблицу (passable_table) в функцию harder(). Функция``harder()`` увидит это, как указано в параметре char*args.
At this point the harder() function will start using functions
defined in msgpuck.h.
The routines that begin with «mp» are msgpuck functions that
handle data formatted according to the MsgPack specification.
Passes and returns are always done with this format so
one must become acquainted with msgpuck
to become proficient with the C API.
Однако, пока достаточно понимать, что функция mp_decode_array() возвращает количество элементов в массиве, а функция mp_decode_uint возвращает целое число без знака из args. Есть также побочный эффект: по окончании декодирования args изменился и теперь указывает на следующий элемент.
Таким образом, первой будет отображена строка «arg_count = 1», поскольку был передан только один элемент: passable_table. Второй будет отображена строка «field_count = 3», потому что в таблице находятся три элемента. Следующие три строки будут «1», «2» и «3», потому что это значения элементов в таблице.
Теперь вывод на экране выглядит следующим образом:
Вывод: на первый взгляд, декодирование значений параметров, переданных в C-функцию непросто, но существуют документированные процедуры для этих целей, и их не так много.
Вернитесь в терминал, где были созданы программы easy.c и harder.c.
Создайте файл. Назовите его `hardest.c. Запишите в него следующие 13 строк:
#include"module.h"#include"msgpuck.h"inthardest(box_function_ctx_t*ctx,constchar*args,constchar*args_end){uint32_tspace_id=box_space_id_by_name("capi_test",strlen("capi_test"));chartuple[1024];/* Must be big enough for mp_encode results */char*tuple_pointer=tuple;tuple_pointer=mp_encode_array(tuple_pointer,2);tuple_pointer=mp_encode_uint(tuple_pointer,10000);tuple_pointer=mp_encode_str(tuple_pointer,"String 2",8);intn=box_insert(space_id,tuple,tuple_pointer,NULL);returnn;}
Скомпилируйте программу, что создаст файл библиотеки под названием hardest.so:
$ gcc-shared-ohardest.so-fPIChardest.c
Теперь вернитесь в клиент и выполните следующие запросы:
найдет числовой идентификатор спейса capi_test путем вызова box_space_id_by_name();
форматирует кортеж, используя другие функции msgpuck.h;
вставит кортеж с помощью box_insert().
chartuple[1024]; используется здесь просто в качестве быстрого способа ввода команды «выделить байтов с запасом». В серьезных программах разработчику следует обратить внимание на то, чтобы выделить достаточно места, которое будут использовать процедуры mp_encode.
Затем всё еще в клиенте выполните следующий запрос:
Вернитесь в терминал, где были созданы программы easy.c, harder.c и hardest.c.
Создайте файл. Назовите его read.c. Запишите в него следующие 43 строки:
#include"module.h"#include<msgpuck.h>intread(box_function_ctx_t*ctx,constchar*args,constchar*args_end){chartuple_buf[1024];/* where the raw MsgPack tuple will be stored */uint32_tspace_id=box_space_id_by_name("capi_test",strlen("capi_test"));uint32_tindex_id=0;/* The number of the space's first index */uint32_tkey=10000;/* The key value that box_insert() used */mp_encode_array(tuple_buf,0);/* clear */box_tuple_format_t*fmt=box_tuple_format_default();box_tuple_t*tuple=NULL;charkey_buf[16];/* Pass key_buf = encoded key = 1000 */char*key_end=key_buf;key_end=mp_encode_array(key_end,1);key_end=mp_encode_uint(key_end,key);assert(key_end<=key_buf+sizeof(key_buf));/* Get the tuple. There's no box_select() but there's this. */intr=box_index_get(space_id,index_id,key_buf,key_end,&tuple);assert(r==0);assert(tuple!=NULL);/* Get each field of the tuple + display what you get. */intfield_no;/* The first field number is 0. */for(field_no=0;field_no<2;++field_no){constchar*field=box_tuple_field(tuple,field_no);assert(field!=NULL);assert(mp_typeof(*field)==MP_STR||mp_typeof(*field)==MP_UINT);if(mp_typeof(*field)==MP_UINT){uint32_tuint_value=mp_decode_uint(&field);printf("uint value=%u.\n",uint_value);}else/* if (mp_typeof(*field) == MP_STR) */{constchar*str_value;uint32_tstr_value_length;str_value=mp_decode_str(&field,&str_value_length);printf("string value=%.*s.\n",str_value_length,str_value);}}return0;}
Скомпилируйте программу, что создаст файл библиотеки под названием read.so:
$ gcc-shared-oread.so-fPICread.c
Теперь вернитесь в клиент и выполните следующие запросы:
снова найдет числовой идентификатор спейса capi_test путем вызова box_space_id_by_name();
форматирует ключ поиска = 10 000, используя другие функции msgpuck.h;
получает кортеж с помощью box_index_get();
проходит по полям каждого кортежа с помощью box_tuple_get(). а затем декодирует каждое поле в зависимости от его типа. В данном случае, поскольку мы получаем кортеж, который сами вставили с помощью hardest.c, мы знаем заранее, что его тип будет MP_UINT или MP_STR. Однако, весьма часто здесь употребляется оператор выбора case с одной опцией для каждого возможного типа.
В результате вызова capi_connection:call('read') должны получить:
Вернитесь в терминал, где были созданы программы easy.c, harder.c, hardest.c и read.c.
Создайте файл. Назовите его write.c. Запишите в него следующие 24 строки:
#include"module.h"#include<msgpuck.h>intwrite(box_function_ctx_t*ctx,constchar*args,constchar*args_end){staticconstchar*space="capi_test";chartuple_buf[1024];/* Должен быть достаточно большим, чтобы вместить результат mp_encode */uint32_tspace_id=box_space_id_by_name(space,strlen(space));if(space_id==BOX_ID_NIL){returnbox_error_set(__FILE__,__LINE__,ER_PROC_C,"Can't find space %s","capi_test");}char*tuple_end=tuple_buf;tuple_end=mp_encode_array(tuple_end,2);tuple_end=mp_encode_uint(tuple_end,1);tuple_end=mp_encode_uint(tuple_end,22);box_txn_begin();if(box_replace(space_id,tuple_buf,tuple_end,NULL)!=0)return-1;box_txn_commit();fiber_sleep(0.001);structtuple*tuple=box_tuple_new(box_tuple_format_default(),tuple_buf,tuple_end);returnbox_return_tuple(ctx,tuple);}
Скомпилируйте программу, что создаст файл библиотеки под названием write.so:
$ gcc-shared-owrite.so-fPICwrite.c
Теперь вернитесь в клиент и выполните следующие запросы:
снова найдет числовой идентификатор спейса capi_test путем вызова box_space_id_by_name();
создает новый кортеж;
начинает транзакцию;
заменяет кортеж в box.space.capi_test
заканчивает транзакцию;
последняя строка заменяет цикл read.c – вместо получения и вывода каждого поля, использует функцию box_return_tuple(...) для возврата всего кортежа вызывающему клиенту, чтобы вывести его на экран.
В результате вызова capi_connection:call('write') должны получить:
Вывод: длинное описание всего API для языка C необходимо в силу весомых причин. Все функции можно вызвать из C-функций, которые вызываются из Lua. Таким образом, хранимые процедуры на языке C получают полный доступ к базе данных.
Удалите файлы с разрешением .c и .so, созданные для данного практического задания.
An example in the test suite
Скачайте исходный код Tarantool. Откройте поддиректорию test/box. Проверьте наличие файла под названием tuple_bench.test.lua и еще одного файла под названием tuple_bench.c. Изучите Lua-файл на предмет вызова функции в C-файле с использованием методов, описанных в данном практическом задании.
Вывод: некоторые тесты из стандартного набора используют хранимые процедуры на языке C, а они должны работать, поскольку мы не можем выпустить Tarantool, если он не прошел тестирование.
Разработка с IDE
Для разработки и отладки Lua-приложений для Tarantool можно использовать IntelliJ IDEA в качестве интегрированной среды разработки (IDE).
JetBrains предоставляет специализированные версии для разных языков программирования: IntelliJ IDEA (Java), PHPStorm (PHP), PyCharm (Python), RubyMine (Ruby), CLion (C/C++), WebStorm (Web) и другие. Поэтому загрузите версию, которая подходит предпочитаемому языку.
Для всех версий поддерживается интеграция с Tarantool.
Настройте IDE:
Запустите IntelliJ IDEA.
Нажмите кнопку Configure и выберите Plugins.
Нажмите Browserepositories.
Установите плагин EmmyLua.
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Нажмите Configure, выберите ProjectDefaults, а затем RunConfigurations.
Найдите LuaApplication в боковой панели слева.
В Program введите путь к установленному бинарному файлу tarantool.
По умолчанию, это tarantool или /usr/bin/tarantool на большинстве платформ.
Если вы установили tarantool из источников в другую директорию, укажите здесь правильный путь.
Теперь IntelliJ IDEA можно использовать с Tarantool.
Создайте новый проект на Lua.
Добавьте новый Lua-файл, например, init.lua.
Разработайте код, сохраните файл.
Чтобы запустить приложение, нажмите Run->Run в основном меню и выберите исходный файл из списка.
Или нажмите Run->Debug для начала отладки.
Чтобы использовать Lua-отладчик, обновите Tarantool до версии 1.7.5-29-gbb6170e4b или более поздней версии.
This section describes the tools that enable developers and administrators
to work with Tarantool.
tt is a utility that provides a unified command-line interface for managing
Tarantool-based applications. It covers a wide range of tasks – from installing
a specific Tarantool version to managing remote instances and developing applications.
tt is developed in its own GitHub repository.
Here you can find its source code, changelog, and releases information.
For a complete list of releases, see the Releases section on GitHub.
There is also the Enterprise version of tt available in a
Tarantool Enterprise Edition’s release package.
The Enterprise version provides additional features, for example, importing and exporting data.
This section provides instructions on tt installation and configuration,
concept explanation, and the tt command reference.
The key aspect of the tt usage is an environment. A tt environment
is a directory that includes a tt configuration, Tarantool installations,
application files, and other resources. If you’re familiar with Python virtual
you can think of tt environments as their analog.
tt environments enable independent management of multiple Tarantool applications,
each running on its own Tarantool version and configuration, on a single host in
an isolated manner.
To create a tt environment in a directory, run tt init in it.
Multi-instance applications
tt supports Tarantool applications that run on multiple instances. For example,
you can write an application that includes different source files for storage and router
instances. With tt, you can start and stop them in a single call, or manage
each instance independently.
A multi-purpose tool for working with Tarantool from the command line, tt has
come to replace the deprecated utilities tarantoolctl
and Cartridge CLI command-line utilities.
The instructions on migration to tt are provided in Migration from tarantoolctl to tt.
To install the tt command-line utility, use a package manager – Yum or
APT on Linux, or Homebrew on macOS. If you need a specific build, you can build
tt from sources.
A Tarantool Enterprise Edition’s release package includes the tt utility extended with additional features like importing and exporting data.
Using Linux package managers
On Linux systems, you can install tt with yum or apt package managers
from the tarantool/modules repository. Learn how to add this repository.
The installation command looks like this:
On Ubuntu:
$ sudoapt-getinstalltt
On CentOS:
$ sudoyuminstalltt
Using Homebrew on macOS
On macOS, use Homebrew to install tt:
$ brewinstalltt
Building from sources
To build tt from sources:
Install third-party software required for building tt:
(Optional) Checkout a release tag to build a specific version:
Build tt using mage:
tt will appear in the current directory.
Enabling shell completion
To enable the completion for tt commands, run the following command specifying
the shell (bash or zsh):
Configuration file
The key artifact that defines the tt environment and various aspects of its
execution is its configuration file. You can generate it with a tt init call.
In the default launch mode, the file is generated
in the current directory, making it the environment root.
Name and location
By default, the configuration file is called tt.yaml and located in the tt
environment root directory. It depends on the launch mode.
It is also possible to pass the configuration file name and location explicitly using
the following ways:
The tt configuration format and application layout have been changed in version
2.0. Learn how to upgrade from earlier versions in Migrating from tt 1.* to 2.0 or later.
env section
The paths specified in env.* parameters are relative to the current tt
environment’s root.
instances_enabled – the directory where instances
are stored. Default: instances.enabled.
bin_dir – the directory where binary files are stored. Default: bin.
inc_dir – the base directory for storing header files. They will
be placed in the include subdirectory inside the specified directory.
Default: include.
The header files directory path can also be passed using the TT_CLI_TARANTOOL_PREFIX
environment variable. If it is set, ttrocks and ttbuild commands use the
include/tarantool directory inside TT_CLI_TARANTOOL_PREFIX as the
header files directory.
restart_on_failure – restart the instance on failure: true or false.
Default: false.
tarantoolctl_layout – use a layout compatible with the deprecated tarantoolctl
utility for artifact files: control sockets, .pid files, log files.
Default: false.
The paths specified in app.*_dir parameters are relative to the application
location inside the instances.enabled directory specified in the env
configuration section. For example, the default location of the myapp
application’s logs is instances.enabled/myapp/var/log.
Inside this location, tt creates separate directories for each application
instance that runs in the current environment.
run_dir– the directory for instance runtime artifacts, such as console
sockets or PID files. Default: var/run.
log_dir – the directory where log files are stored. Default: var/log.
wal_dir – the directory where write-ahead log (.xlog) files are stored.
Default: var/lib.
memtx_dir – the directory where memtx stores snapshot (.snap) files.
Default: var/lib.
vinyl_dir – the directory where vinyl files or subdirectories are stored.
Default: var/lib.
repo section
rocks – the directory where rocks files are stored.
The rocks directory path can be passed in the TT_CLI_REPO_ROCKS
environment variable instead. The variable is also used if the directory
specified in repo.rocks does not include a repository manifest.
distfiles – the directory where installation files are stored.
ee section
credential_path – a path to the file with credentials used for
downloading Tarantool Enterprise Edition (Tarantool customer zone credentials).
The file should contain a username and a password, each on a separate line.
Find an example in the tt install command
The customer zone credentials can also be passed in the
TT_CLI_EE_USERNAME and TT_CLI_EE_PASSWORD environment variables.
templates section
path – a path to application templates used for creating applications with
tt create. May be specified more than once.
Launch modes
tt launch mode defines its working directory and the way it searches for the
configuration file. There are three launch modes:
Default launch
Global option: none
Configuration file: searched from the current directory to the root.
Taken from /etc/tarantool if the file is not found.
Working directory: The directory where the configuration file is found.
System launch
Global option: --system or -S
Configuration file: Taken from /etc/tarantool.
Working directory: Current directory.
Local launch
Global option: --local=DIRECTORY or -L=DIRECTORY
Configuration file: Searched from the specified directory to the root.
Taken from /etc/tarantool if the file is not found.
Working directory: The specified directory. If tarantool or tt
executable files are found in the working directory, they will be used.
Migrating from tt 1.* to 2.0 or later
The tt configuration and application layout were changed in version 2.0.
If you are using tt 1.*, complete the following steps to migrate to tt 2.0 or later:
Update the tt configuration file.
In tt 2.0, the following changes were made to the configuration file:
The root section tt was removed. Its child sections – app, repo,
modules, and other – have been moved to the top level.
Environment configuration parameters were moved from the app section
to the new section env. These parameters are instances.enabled,
bin_dir, inc_dir, and restart_on_failure.
The paths in the app section are now relative to the app directory in instances.enabled
instead of the environment root.
You can use tt init to generate a configuration file with
the new structure and default parameter values.
Move application artifacts.
With tt 1.*, application artifacts (logs, snapshots, pid, and other files)
were created in the var directory inside the environment root. Starting from
tt 2.0, these artifacts are created in the var directory inside the
application directory, which is instances.enabled/<app-name>. This is
how an application directory looks:
To continue using existing application artifacts after migration from tt 1.*:
Create the var directory inside the application directory.
Create the lib, log, and run directories inside var.
Move directories with instance artifacts from the old var directory
to the new var directories in applications“ directories.
Move the files accessed from the application code.
The working directory of instance processes was changed from the tt working
directory to the application directory inside instances.enabled. If the
application accesses files using relative paths, move the files accordingly
or adjust the application code.
Global options
Global options of tt must be passed before its commands and other options.
For example:
This section provides a high-level overview on how to prepare a Tarantool application for deployment
and how the application’s environment and layout might look.
This information is helpful for understanding how to administer Tarantool instances using tt CLI in both development and production environments.
The main steps of creating and preparing the application for deployment are:
In this section, a sharded_cluster_crud application is used as an example.
This cluster includes 5 instances: one router and 4 storages, which constitute two replica sets.
Initializing a local environment
Before creating an application, you need to set up a local environment for tt:
Create a home directory for the environment.
Run ttinit in this directory:
~/myapp$ tt init • Environment config is written to 'tt.yaml'
This command creates a default tt configuration file tt.yaml for a local
environment and the directories for applications, control sockets, logs, and other
~/myapp$ lsbin distfiles include instances.enabled modules templates tt.yaml
Find detailed information about the tt configuration parameters and launch modes
on the tt configuration page.
Creating and developing an application
You can create an application in two ways:
Manually by preparing its layout in a directory inside instances_enabled.
The directory name is used as the application identifier.
The sharded_cluster_crud directory contains the following files:
config.yaml: contains the configuration of the cluster. This file might include the entire cluster topology or provide connection settings to a centralized configuration storage.
instances.yml: specifies instances to run in the current environment. For example, on the developer’s machine, this file might include all the instances defined in the cluster configuration. In the production environment, this file includes instances to run on the specific machine.
The application’s layout looks similar to the one defined when developing the application with some differences:
bin: contains the tarantool and tt binaries packed with the application bundle.
instances.enabled: contains a symlink to the packed sharded_cluster application.
sharded_cluster_crud: a packed application. In addition to files created during the application development, includes the .rocks directory containing application dependencies (for example, vshard and crud).
tt.yaml: a tt configuration file.
In DEB/PRM packages generated by tt pack, there are also .service
unit files for each packaged application.
Deploying the application
Instances to run
When deploying a distributed cluster application from a .tar.gz archive, you can
define instances to run on each machine by changing the content of the instances.yaml file.
On the developer’s machine, this file might include all the instances defined in the cluster configuration.
Tarantool applications installed from DEB and RPM packages built with tt pack
can run as systemd services. They run on behalf of the tarantool system user.
It is created automatically during the package installation.
By default, the application artifacts are placed in the following directories:
/var/lib/tarantool/sys_env – application data
/var/log/tarantool/sys_env – logs
/var/run/tarantool/sys_env – runtime artifacts
If you want to change these directories, make sure that the tarantool user
has enough permissions on the directories you use.
Starting and stopping instances
This section describes how to manage instances in a Tarantool cluster using the tt utility.
A cluster can include multiple instances that run different code.
A typical example is a cluster application that includes router and storage instances.
Particularly, you can perform the following actions:
start all instances in a cluster or only specific ones
check the status of instances
connect to a specific instance
stop all instances or only specific ones
To get more context on how the application’s environment might look, refer to Application environment.
In this section, a sharded_cluster_crud application is used to demonstrate how to start, stop, and manage instances in a cluster.
Starting Tarantool instances
To start Tarantool instances use the tt start command:
$ ttstartsharded_cluster_crud
• Starting an instance [sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-001]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-002]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster_crud:storage-b-001]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster_crud:storage-b-002]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster_crud:router-a-001]...
After the cluster has started and worked for some time, you can find its artifacts
in the directories specified in the tt configuration. These are the default
locations in the local launch mode:
sharded_cluster_crud/var/run/<instance_name>/ – control sockets and PID files.
In the system launch mode, artifacts are created in these locations:
Basic instance management
Most of the commands described in this section can be called with or without an instance name.
Without the instance name, they are executed for all instances defined in instances.yaml.
Checking an instance’s status
To check the status of instances, execute tt status:
To connect to the instance, use the tt connect command:
$ ttconnectsharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-001
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-001sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-001>
In the instance’s console, you can execute commands provided by the box module.
For example, box.info can be used to get various information about a running instance:
After executing ttrestart, you need to confirm this operation:
Confirm restart of 'sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-002' [y/n]: y • The Instance sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-002 (PID = 2026) has been terminated. • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-002]...
Stopping instances
To stop the specific instance, use tt stop as follows:
$ ttstopsharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-002
You can also stop all the instances at once as follows:
$ ttstopsharded_cluster_crud
• The Instance sharded_cluster_crud:storage-b-001 (PID = 2020) has been terminated. • The Instance sharded_cluster_crud:storage-b-002 (PID = 2021) has been terminated. • The Instance sharded_cluster_crud:router-a-001 (PID = 2022) has been terminated. • The Instance sharded_cluster_crud:storage-a-001 (PID = 2023) has been terminated. • can't "stat" the PID file. Error: "stat /home/testuser/myapp/instances.enabled/sharded_cluster_crud/var/run/storage-a-002/tt.pid: no such file or directory"
The error message indicates that storage-a-002 is already not running.
Removing instance artifacts
The tt clean command removes instance artifacts (such as logs or snapshots):
$ ttcleansharded_cluster_crud
• List of files to delete: • /home/testuser/myapp/instances.enabled/sharded_cluster_crud/var/log/storage-a-001/tt.log • /home/testuser/myapp/instances.enabled/sharded_cluster_crud/var/lib/storage-a-001/00000000000000001062.snap • /home/testuser/myapp/instances.enabled/sharded_cluster_crud/var/lib/storage-a-001/00000000000000001062.xlog • ...Confirm [y/n]:
Enter y and press Enter to confirm removing of artifacts for each instance.
The -f option of the ttclean command can be used to remove the files without confirmation.
Preloading Lua scripts and modules
Tarantool supports loading and running chunks of Lua code before starting instances.
To load or run Lua code immediately upon Tarantool startup, specify the TT_PRELOAD
environment variable. Its value can be either a path to a Lua script or a Lua module name:
To run the Lua script preload_script.lua from the sharded_cluster_crud directory, set TT_PRELOAD as follows:
Path to a .rockspec file to use for the current build
The PATH argument should contain the path to the application directory
(that is, to the build source). The default path is . (current directory).
The application directory must contain a .rockspec file to use for the build.
If there is more than one .rockspec file in the application directory, specify
the one to use in the --spec argument.
ttbuild builds an application with the ttrocksmake command.
It downloads the application dependencies into the .rocks directory,
making the application ready to run locally.
Pre-build and post-build scripts
In addition to building the application with LuaRocks, ttbuild
can execute pre-build and post-build scripts. These scripts should
contain steps to execute right before and after building the application.
These files must be named tt.pre-build and tt.post-build correspondingly
and located in the application directory.
For compatibility with Cartridge applications,
the pre-build and post-build scripts can also have names cartridge.pre-build
and cartridge.post-build.
tt.pre-build is helpful when your application depends on closed-source rocks,
or if the build should contain rocks from a project added as a submodule.
You can install these dependencies using the pre-build script before building.
#!/bin/sh# The main purpose of this script is to build non-standard rocks modules.# The script will run before `tt rocks make` during application build.
tt.post-build is a script that runs after ttrocksmake. The main purpose
of this script is to remove build artifacts from the final package. Example:
#!/bin/sh# The main purpose of this script is to remove build artifacts from the resulting package.# The script will run after `tt rocks make` during application build.
Build the application app1 from its directory:
$ ttbuild
Build the application app1 from the simple_app directory inside the current directory:
$ ttbuildsimple_app
Build the application app1 from its directory explicitly specifying the rockspec file to use:
$ ttbuild--specapp1-scm-1.rockspec
Managing a Cartridge application
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with
earlier versions.
ttcartridge manages a Cartridge application.
COMMAND is one of the following:
Join the instance to a cluster.
If a replica set with the specified alias isn’t found in the cluster, it is created.
Otherwise, instances are joined to an existing replica set.
Filter the output by replica ID. Can be passed more than once.
When calling ttcat with filters by LSN (--from and --to flags) and
replica ID (--replica), remember that LSNs differ across replicas.
Thus, if you pass more than one replica ID via --from or --to,
the result may not reflect the actual sequence of operations.
-r, --raw: Print a raw content of the tt.yaml configuration file.
Print the current tt environment configuration:
$ ttcfgdump
Checking an application file
ttcheck checks the syntax correctness of Lua files within Tarantool applications
or separate Lua scripts. The files must be stored inside the instances_enabled
directory specified in the tt configuration file.
To check all Lua files in an application directory at once, specify the directory name:
$ ttcheckapp
To check a single Lua file from an application directory, add the path to this file:
$ ttcheckapp/router
# or
$ ttcheckapp/router.lua
The .lua extension can be omitted.
Cleaning instance files
ttclean cleans stored files of Tarantool instances: logs, snapshots, and
other files. To avoid accidental deletion of files, ttclean shows
the files it is going to delete and asks for confirmation.
When called without arguments, cleans files of all applications in the current environment.
Clean the files of all instances of the app application:
$ ttcleanapp
Clean the files of the master instance of the app application:
$ ttcleanapp:master
Managing cluster configurations
ttcluster manages configurations of Tarantool applications.
This command works both with local YAML files in application directories
and with centralized configuration storages (etcd or Tarantool-based).
ttclusterpublish publishes a cluster configuration using an arbitrary YAML file as a source.
Publishing local configurations
ttclusterpublish can modify local cluster configurations stored in
config.yaml files inside application directories.
To write a configuration to a local config.yaml, run ttclusterpublish
with two arguments:
the application name.
the path to a YAML file from which the configuration should be taken.
$ ttclusterpublishmyappsource.yaml
Publishing configurations in centralized storages
ttclusterpublish can modify centralized cluster configurations
in storages of both supported types: etcd or a Tarantool-based configuration storage.
To publish a configuration from a file to a centralized configuration storage,
run ttclusterpublish with a URI of this storage’s
instance as the target. For example, the command below publishes a configuration from source.yaml
to a local etcd instance running on the default port 2379:
A URI must include a prefix that is unique for the application. It can also include
credentials and other connection parameters. Find the detailed description of the
URI format in URI format.
Publishing configurations of specific instances
In addition to whole cluster configurations, ttclusterpublish can manage
configurations of specific instances within applications: rewrite configurations
of existing instances and add new instance configurations.
In this case, it operates with YAML fragments that describe a single instance configuration section.
For example, the following YAML file can be a source when publishing an instance configuration:
If the instance already exists, this call overwrites its configuration with the one
from the file.
To add a new instance configuration from a YAML fragment, specify the name to assign to
the new instance and its location in the cluster topology – replica set and group –
in the --replicaset and --group options.
The --group option can be omitted if the configuration contains only one group.
To add a new instance instance-003 to the replicaset-001 replica set:
ttclusterpublish validates configurations against the Tarantool configuration schema
and aborts in case of an error. To skip the validation, add the --force option:
$ ttclusterpublishmyappsource.yaml--force
Publishing configurations with integrity check
Enterprise Edition
The integrity check functionality is supported by the Enterprise Edition only.
When called with the --with-integrity-check option, ttclusterpublish
generates a checksum of the configurations it publishes. It signs the checksum using
the private key passed as the option argument, and writes it into the configuration store.
ttclustershow can read local cluster configurations stored in config.yaml
files inside application directories.
To print a local configuration from an application’s config.yaml, specify the
application name as an argument:
$ ttclustershowmyapp
Displaying configurations from centralized storages
ttclustershow can display centralized cluster configurations
from configuration storages of both supported types: etcd or a Tarantool-based configuration storage.
To print a cluster configuration from a centralized storage, run ttclustershow
with a storage URI including the prefix identifying the application. For example, to print
myapp’s configuration from a local etcd storage:
$ ttclustershow"http://localhost:2379/myapp"
Displaying configurations of specific instances
In addition to whole cluster configurations, ttclustershow can display
configurations of specific instances within applications. In this case, it prints
YAML fragments that describe a single instance configuration section.
To print an instance configuration from a local config.yaml, use the application:instance
$ ttclustershowmyapp:instance-002
To print an instance configuration from a centralized configuration storage, specify
the instance name in the name argument of the URI:
ttclusterreplicaset works only with centralized cluster configurations.
To manage replica sets in clusters with local YAML configurations,
use tt replicaset.
ttclusterreplicasetpromote promotes the specified instance,
making it a leader of its replica set.
This command works on Tarantool clusters with centralized configuration and
with failover modesoff and manual. It updates the centralized configuration according to
the specified arguments and reloads it:
off failover mode: the command sets database.mode
to rw on the specified instance.
If failover is off, the command doesn’t consider the modes of other
replica set members, so there can be any number of read-write instances in one replica set.
manual failover mode: the command updates the leader
option of the replica set configuration. Other instances of this replica set become read-only.
ttclusterreplicasetdemote demotes an instance in a replica set.
This command works on Tarantool clusters with centralized configuration and
with failover modeoff.
In clusters with manual failover mode, you can demote a read-write instance
by promoting a read-only instance from the same replica set with ttclusterreplicasetpromote.
The command sets the instance’s database.mode
to ro and reloads the configuration.
If failover is off, the command doesn’t consider the modes of other
replica set members, so there can be any number of read-write instances in one replica set.
ttclusterreplicasetroles manages application roles
in the configuration scope specified in the command options. It has two subcommands:
add adds a role
remove removes a role
Use the --global, --group, --replicaset, --instance options to specify
the configuration scope to add or remove roles. For example, to add a role to
all instances in a replica set:
The changes that ttclusterreplicaset makes to the configuration storage
occur transactionally. Each call creates a new revision. In case of a revision mismatch,
an error is raised.
If the cluster configuration is distributed over multiple keys in the configuration
storage (for example, in two paths /myapp/config/k1 and /myapp/config/k2),
the affected instance configuration can be present in more that one of them.
If it is found under several different keys, the command prompts the user to choose
a key for patching. You can skip the selection by adding the -f/--force option:
In this case, the command selects the key for patching automatically. A key’s priority
is determined by the detail level of the instance or replica set configuration stored
under this key. For example, when failover is off, a key with
instance.database options takes precedence over a key with the only instance field.
In case of equal priority, the first key in the lexicographical order is patched.
In the example below, ttclusterfailoverswitch appoints storage-a-002 to be a master:
$ ttclusterfailoverswitchhttp://localhost:2379/myappstorage-a-002
To check the switching status, run:tt cluster failover switch-status http://localhost:2379/myapp b1e938dd-2867-46ab-acc4-3232c2ef7ffe
Note that the command output includes an identifier of the task responsible for switching a master.
You can use this identifier to see the status of switching a master instance using ttclusterfailoverswitch-status.
$ ttclusterfailoverswitch-statusCONFIG_URITASK_ID
ttclusterfailoverswitch-status shows the status of switching a master instance.
This command accepts the following arguments:
CONFIG_URI: A URI of the cluster configuration storage.
TASK_ID: An identifier of the task used to switch a master instance. You can find the task identifier in the ttclusterfailoverswitch command output.
There are three ways to pass the credentials for connecting to the centralized configuration storage.
They all apply to both etcd and Tarantool-based storages. The following list
shows these ways ordered by precedence, from highest to lowest:
Credentials specified in the storage URI: https://username:password@host:port/prefix:
The list of SSL cipher suites used for encrypted connections, separated by colons (:).
To connect to an instance, tt typically needs its URI – the host name or IP address
and the port.
You can also connect to instances in the same tt environment
(that is, those that use the same configuration file and Tarantool installation)
by their instance names.
When connecting to an instance by its URI, ttconnect establishes a remote connection
for which authentication is required. Use one of the following ways to pass the
username and the password:
The -u (--username) and -p (--password) options:
$ ttconnect192.168.10.10:3301-umyuser-pp4$$w0rD
The connection string:
$ ttconnectmyuser:p4$$w0rD@
Environment variables TT_CLI_USERNAME and TT_CLI_PASSWORD:
If no credentials are provided for a remote connection, the user is automatically guest.
Local connections (by instance name instead of the URI) don’t require authentication.
Encrypted connection
To connect to instances that use SSL encryption,
provide the SSL certificate and SSL key files in the --sslcertfile and --sslkeyfile options.
If necessary, add other SSL parameters – --sslcafile and --sslciphers.
Script evaluation
By default, ttconnect opens an interactive tt console.
Alternatively, you can open a connection to evaluate a Lua script from a file or stdin.
To do this, pass the file path in the -f (--file) option or use -f-
to take the script from stdin.
$ ttconnectapp-ftest.lua
Connect to the app instance in the same environment:
$ ttconnectapp
Connect to the master instance of the app application in the same environment:
$ ttconnectapp:master
Connect to the host on port 3301 with authentication:
$ ttconnect192.168.10.10:3301-umyuser-pp4$$w0rD
Connect to the app instance and evaluate the code from the test.lua file:
$ ttconnectapp-ftest.lua
Connect to the app instance and evaluate the code from stdin:
$ echo"function test() return 1 end"|ttconnectapp-f-# Create the test() function$ echo"test()"|ttconnectapp-f-# Call this function
Manipulating Tarantool core dumps
ttcoredump provides commands for manipulating Tarantool core dumps.
Pack a tar.gz file with a Tarantool core dump and supporting data:
$ ttcoredumppackname.core
$ ttcoredumpunpackARCHIVE
Unpack a Tarantool core dump archive created with ttcoredumppack into a new directory:
$ ttcoredumpunpacktarantool-core-dump.tar.gz
$ ttcoredumpinspect[ARCHIVE|DIRECTORY][-s]
Inspect a Tarantool core dump with the GNU debugger (gdb).
The command argument can be either an archive file produced with ttcoredumppack
or directory where such an archive is extracted.
Inspect the core dump archive with gdb:
$ ttcoredumpinspecttarantool-core-dump.tar.gz
Inspect the unpacked core dump directory with gdb:
ttcreate creates a new Tarantool application from a template.
Application templates speed up the development of Tarantool applications by
defining their initial structure and content. A template can include application
code, configuration, build scripts, and other resources.
tt comes with built-in templates for popular use cases. You can also create
custom templates for specific purposes.
Built-in templates
There are the following built-in templates:
vshard_cluster: a sharded cluster application for Tarantool 3.0 or later.
single_instance: a single-instance application for Tarantool 3.0 or later.
cartridge: a Cartridge cluster application for Tarantool 2.x.
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later.
To create the app1 application in the current tt environment from the built-in
vshard_cluster template:
The command requests cluster topology parameters, such as the number of shards
or routers, interactively during the execution.
To create the application in the /opt/tt/apps directory with default cluster
topology and force rewrite the application directory if it already exists:
pre-hook and post-hook – paths to executables to run before and after the template
include – a list of files to keep in the application directory after
instantiation. If this section is omitted, the application will contain all template files
and directories.
Files and directories of a template are copied to the application directory
according to the include section of the manifest (or its absence).
Don’t include the .rocks directory in application templates.
To specify application dependencies, use the .rockspec files.
There is a special file type *.tt.template. The content of such files is
adjusted for each application with the help of template variables.
During the instantiation, the variables in these files are replaced with provided
values and the *.tt.template extension is removed.
Templates variables are replaced with their values provided upon the instantiation.
All templates have the name variable. Its value is taken from the --name option.
To add other variables, define them in the vars section of the template manifest.
A variable can have the following attributes:
prompt: a line of text inviting to enter the variable value in the interactive mode. Required.
name: the variable name. Required.
default: the default value. Optional.
re: a regular expression that the value must match. Optional.
Variables can be used in all file names and the content of *.tttemplate files.
Variables don’t work in directory names.
To use a variable, enclose its name with a period in the beginning in double curly braces:
{{.var_name}} (as in the Golang text templates
init.lua.tt.template file:
A file name {{.user_name}}.txt
Variables receive their values during the template instantiation. By default, ttcreate
asks you to provide the values interactively. You can use the -s (or --non-interactive)
option to disable the interactive input. In this case, the values are searched in the following order:
In the --var option. Pass a string of the var=value format after the --var
option. You can pass multiple variables, each after a separate --var option:
$ ttcreatetemplateapp--varuser_name=admin
In a file. Specify var=value pairs in a plain text file, each on a new line, and
pass it as the value of the --vars-file option:
$ ttcreatetemplateapp--vars-filevariables.txt
variables.txt can look like this:
If a variable isn’t initialized in any of these ways, the default value
from the manifest is used.
You can combine different ways of passing variables in a single call of ttcreate.
Application directory
By default, the application appears in the directory named after the provided
application name (--name value).
To change the application location, use the -dst option.
ttcrud enables the interaction with a cluster using the CRUD module.
COMMAND is one of the following:
export: export a cluster’s data to a file. Learn more at Exporting data.
import: import data from a file. Learn more at Importing data.
Downloading Tarantool Enterprise SDK
$ ttdownloadVERSION[OPTION...]
ttdownload downloads Tarantool Enterprise SDK from the customer zone.
The VERSION is a part of the SDK archive name between tarantool-enterprise-sdk-
and the platform identifier. For example, to download tarantool-enterprise-sdk-gc64-3.0.0-0-gf58f7d82a-r23.linux.x86_64.tar.gz,
$ ttdownloadgc64-3.0.0-0-gf58f7d82a-r23
tt automatically chooses the bundle for the current platform.
To download the Tarantool Enterprise SDK using ttdownload, you need to provide
access credentials for the Tarantool customer zone. Use one of the following ways to pass
the username and the password:
In the CSV format, tt exports empty values by default for fields containing compound data such as arrays or maps.
To export compound values in a specific format, use the --compound-value-format option.
For example, the command below exports compound values to CSV serialized in JSON:
Object fields that contain maps with non-string keys are converted to maps with string keys.
TDG2 sets a limit on the number of objects transferred from each storage during a query execution
(the hard-limits.returned
TDG2 configuration parameter). If an export batch size (--batch-size parameter)
is greater than this limit, it is possible that more than hard-limits.returned objects
will be requested from one storage and export will fail.
To make sure that hard-limits.returned is never exceeded during an export operation,
set the export batch size less or equal to this limit.
For example, if your TDG2 cluster has a 1000 objects hard-limits.returned limit:
# tdg2 config.yaml# ...hard-limits.returned:1000
Set the tttdg2export batch size less or equal to 1000:
To connect to instances that use SSL encryption,
provide the SSL certificate and SSL key files in the --sslcertfile and --sslkeyfile options.
If necessary, add other SSL parameters in the --ssl* options.
The maximum number of tuple batches in a queue between a fetch and write threads (the default is 32).
tt exports data using two threads:
A fetch thread makes requests and receives data from a Tarantool instance.
A write thread encodes received data and writes it to the output.
The fetch thread uses a queue to pass received tuple batches to the write thread.
If a queue is full, the fetch thread waits until the write thread takes a batch from the queue.
In this case, fields in the input file and the target space are matched automatically.
You can also match fields manually if field names in the input file and the target space differ.
Note that if you’re importing data into a cluster, you don’t need to specify the bucket_id field.
The CRUD module generates bucket_id values automatically.
Manual matching
The --match option enables importing data by matching field names in the input file and the target space manually.
Suppose that you have the following customers.csv file with four fields:
Below are the rules if some fields are missing in input data or space:
If a space has fields that are not specified in input data, tt[crud]import tries to insert null values.
If input data contains fields missing in a target space, these fields are ignored.
Importing bucket_id into sharded clusters
When importing data into a CRUD-enabled sharded cluster, ttcrudimport ignores
the bucket_id field values from the input file. This allows CRUD to automatically
manage data distribution in the cluster by generating new bucket_id for tuples
during import.
If you need to preserve the original bucket_id values, use the --keep-bucket-id option:
The --on-exist option enables you to control data import when a duplicate primary key error occurs.
In the example below, values already existing in the space are replaced with new ones:
Since JSON describes objects in maps with string keys, there is no way to
import a field value that is a map with a non-string key.
In case of an error during TDG2 import, tttdg2import rolls back the changes made
within the current batch on the storage where the error has happened (per-storage rollback)
and reports an error. On other storages, objects from the same batch can be successfully
imported. So, the rollback process of tttdg2import
is the same as the one of ttcrudimport with the --rollback-on-error option.
Since object batches can be imported partially (per-storage rollback), the absence
of error matching complicates the debugging in case of errors. To minimize this
effect, the default batch size (--batch-size) for tttdg2import is 1.
This makes the debugging straightforward: you always know which object caused the error.
On the other hand, this decreases the performance in comparison to import in larger batches.
If you increase the batch size, tt informs you about the possible issues and
asks for an explicit confirmation to proceed.
To automatically confirm a batch import operation, add the --force option:
To connect to instances that use SSL encryption,
provide the SSL certificate and SSL key files in the --sslcertfile and --sslkeyfile options.
If necessary, add other SSL parameters in the --ssl* options.
A symbol that defines a field value delimiter.
For CSV, the default delimiter is a comma (,).
To use a tab character as a delimiter, set this value as tab:
The name of a log file containing information about import errors (the default is import).
If the log file already exists, new data is written to this file.
A value to be interpreted as null when importing data.
By default, an empty value is interpreted as null.
For example, a tuple imported from the following row …
… should look as follows: [1,477,'Andrew',null,38].
The name of a progress file that stores the following information:
The positions of lines that were not imported at the last launch.
The last position that was processed at the last launch.
If a file with the specified name exists, it is taken into account when importing data.
ttimport tries to insert lines that were not imported and then continues importing from the last position.
At each launch, the content of a progress file with the specified name is overwritten.
If the file with the specified name does not exist, a progress file is created with the results of this run.
If the option is not set, then this mechanism is not used.
A symbol that defines a quote.
For CSV, double quotes are used by default (").
The double symbol of this option acts as the escaping symbol within input data.
The string of symbols that define thousand separators for numeric data.
The default value includes a space and a backtick `.
This means that 1000000 and 1`000`000 are both imported as 1000000.
Symbols specified in this option cannot intersect with --dec-sep.
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with
earlier versions.
ttinit checks the existence of configuration files for Cartridge (cartridge.yml)
or the tarantoolctl utility (.tarantoolctl) in the current directory.
If such files are found, tt generates an environment that uses the same
cartridge.yml – the directories specified in the file.
.tarantoolctl – the directories specified in the default_cfg table.
init is the only tt command that invokes .tarantoolctl files.
Thus, variables defined in this script will not be available in
applications launched by a ttstart call.
If there is no cartridge.yml or .tarantoolctl files in the current directory,
ttinit creates a default environment in it. This includes creating the
following directories and files:
bin – the directory for storing binary files.
include – the directory for storing header files.
distfiles – the directory for storing installation files.
instances.enabled – the directory for storing running applications or symlinks.
modules – the directory for storing external modules.
tt.yaml – the configuration file.
templates – the directory for storing application templates.
For tarantool-ee, account credentials are required. Specify them in a file
(see the ee section of the configuration file) or
provide them interactively.
Additionally, ttinstall can build open source programs tarantool and tt
from a specific commit or a pull request on their GitHub repositories.
To uninstall a Tarantool or tt version, use tt uninstall.
Build Tarantool in an Ubuntu 18.04 Docker container.
When called without an explicitly specified version, ttinstall installs the
latest available version. If the version is specified in the incomplete format <MAJOR>.<MINOR>,
the command installs the latest available patch version in the series.
To check versions available for installation, use tt search.
By default, available versions of Tarantool Community Edition and tt are taken from their git repositories.
Their installation includes building from sources, which requires some tools and
dependencies, such as a C compiler. Make sure they are available in the system.
Tarantool Enterprise Edition is installed from prebuilt packages.
To install Tarantool EE using ttinstall, you need to provide access credentials
for the Tarantool customer zone. Use one of the following ways to pass the username and the password:
ttinstall can be used to build custom Tarantool and tt versions for
development purposes from commits and pull requests on their GitHub repositories.
To build Tarantool or tt from a specific commit on their GitHub repository,
pass the commit hash (7 or more characters) after the program name. If you want to use
a PR as a source, provide a pr/<PR_ID> argument:
$ ttinstalltarantool03c184d
$ ttinstallttpr/50
If you build Tarantool from sources, you can install
local builds to the current tt environment by running ttinstall with
the tarantool-dev program name and the path to the build:
$ ttinstalltarantool-dev~/src/tarantool/build
Local repositories
You can also set up a local repository with installation files you need.
To use it, specify its location in the repo section
of the tt configuration file and run ttinstall with the --local-repo flag.
Install the latest available version of Tarantool CE:
$ ttinstalltarantool
Install the latest available patch version of Tarantool CE 3.2 release series:
$ ttinstalltarantool3.2
Install Tarantool 2.11.1 from the local repository:
$ ttinstalltarantool2.11.1--local-repo
Reinstall Tarantool 2.10.8:
$ ttinstalltarantool2.10.8--reinstall
Install Tarantool from a PR #1234 on the tarantool/tarantool GitHub repository:
$ ttinstalltarantoolpr/1234
Install tt from a commit with a hash 40e696e on the tarantool/tt GitHub repository:
ttinstances shows the list of enabled applications and their instances
in the current environment.
Enabled applications are applications that are stored inside the instances_enabled
directory specified in the tt configuration file.
They can be either running or not. To check if an application is running,
use tt status.
Show the list of enabled applications and their instances:
$ ttinstances
Terminating Tarantool instances
ttkill terminates instances with SIGQUIT and SIGKILL signals.
To terminate all instances of the app application:
$ ttkillapp
To terminate the storage-001-r instance of the app application without confirmation:
$ ttkillapp:storage-001-r--force
To terminate the storage-001-r instance of the app application and generate its core dump:
ttlogrotate rotates logs of a Tarantool application or specific instances,
and the tt log. For example, you need to call this function to continue logging
after a log rotation program renames or moves instances“ logs.
Learn more about rotating logs.
Calling ttlogrotate on an application has the same effect as executing the
built-in log.rotate() function on all its instances.
When publishing migrations, tt performs checks for:
Syntax errors in migration files. To skip syntax check, add the --skip-syntax-check option.
Existence of migrations with same names. To overwrite an existing migration with
the same name, add the --overwirte option.
Migration names order. By default, ttmigrations only adds new migrations
to the end of the migrations list ordered lexicographically. For example, if
migrations 001.lua and 003.lua are already published, an attempt to publish
002.lua will fail. To force publishing migrations disregarding the order,
add the --ignore-order-violation option.
Using the options that ignore checks when publishing migration may cause
migration inconsistency in the cluster.
$ ttmigrationsapplyETCD_URI[OPTION...]
ttmigrationsapply applies published migrations
to the cluster. It executes all migrations from the cluster’s centralized
configuration storage on all its read-write instances (replica set leaders).
The command also provides options for migration troubleshooting: --ignore-order-violation,
--force-reapply, and --ignore-preceding-status. Learn to use them in
Troubleshooting migrations.
The use of migration troubleshooting options may lead to migration inconsistency
in the cluster. Use them only for local development and testing purposes.
$ ttmigrationsstatusETCD_URI[OPTION...]
ttmigrationsstatus prints the list of migrations published to the centralized
storage and the result of their execution on the cluster instances.
Possible migration statuses are:
APPLY_STARTED – the migration execution has started but not completed yet
or has been interrupted with tt migrations stop <tt-migrations-stop>`
APPLIED – the migration is successfully applied on the instance
FAILED – there were errors during the migration execution on the instance
To get the list of migrations stored in the given etcd storage and information about
their execution on the cluster, run:
ttmigrationsstop interrupts a single migration. If you call it to interrupt
the process that applies multiple migrations, the ones completed before the call
receive the APPLIED status. The migration is interrupted by the call remains in
$ ttmigrationsremoveETCD_URI[OPTION...]
ttmigrationsremove removes published migrations from the centralized storage.
With additional options, it can also remove the information about the migration execution
on the cluster instances.
To remove all migrations from a specified centralized storage:
Before removing migrations, the command checks their status
on the cluster. To ignore the status and remove migrations anyway, add the
--force-remove-on=config-storage option:
Since ttmigrations operates migrations via a centralizes etcd storage, it
needs credentials to access this storage. There are two ways to pass etcd credentials:
command-line options --config-storage-username and --config-storage-password
the etcd URI, for example, https://user:pass@localhost:2379/myapp
Credentials specified in the URI have a higher priority.
For commands that connect to the cluster (that is, all except publish), Tarantool
credentials are also required. The are passed in the --tarantool-username and
--tarantool-password options.
If the cluster uses SSL traffic encryption, provide the necessary connection
parameters in the --tarantool-ssl* options: --tarantool-sslcertfile,
--tarantool-sslkeyfile, and other. All options are listed in Options.
A username for connecting to the Tarantool cluster instances.
Packaging the application
$ ttpackTYPE[OPTION...]..
ttpack packages an application into a distributable bundle of the specified TYPE:
tgz: create a .tgz archive.
deb: create a DEB package.
rpm: create an RPM package.
Example: a DEB package
The command below creates a DEB package with all applications from the current tt
$ ttpackdeb
This command generates a .deb file whose name depends on the environment directory name and the operating system architecture, for example, test-env_0.1.0.0-1_x86_64.deb.
The package contains the following files:
The content of the application directories: source files, resources, dependencies.
.service unit files that allow running applications as systemd services
(a separate file for each application).
You can also pass various options to the ttpack command to adjust generation properties, for example, customize a bundle name, choose which artifacts should be included, specify the required application dependencies.
systemd unit parameters
You can customize your application’s systemd unit file generated by ttpack.
To add parameters to the unit file, define them in a YAML file named systemd-unit-params.yml
in the application directory.
$ ttpackrpm# unit file with parameters from systemd-unit-params.yml if it exists
You can also pass unit parameters from an arbitrary file by adding the --unit-params-file
option to the ttpack call:
$ ttpackrpm--unit-params-filemy-params.yml# unit file with parameters from my-params.yml
The systemd-unit-params.yml file has a higher priority than the --unit-params-file option.
If this file exists, it overrides parameters from the file passed in the option.
ttpack supports the following systemd unit parameters:
FdLimit – the number of open file descriptors (LimitNOFile in the unit file).
instance-env – a list of environment variables in the <VAR_NAME>:<VALUE> format.
Each list item adds an Environment=<VAR_NAME>=<VALUE> line to the unit file.
The integrity check functionality is supported by the Enterprise Edition only.
ttpack can generate checksums and signatures to use for integrity checks
when running the application. These files are:
hashes.json and hashes.json.sig in each application directory.
hashes.json contains SHA256 checksums of executable files that the application uses
and its configuration file. hashes.json.sig contains a digital signature
for hashes.json.
env_hashes.json and env_hashes.json.sig in the environment root are
similar files for the tt environment. They contain checksums for
Tarantool and tt executables, and for the tt.yaml configuration file.
To generate checksums and signatures for integrity check, use the --with-integrity-check
option. Its argument must be an RSA private key.
You can generate a key pair using OpenSSL 3 as follows:
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with
earlier versions.
Specify the path to a file containing dependencies included in RPM and DEB packages.
For example, the package-deps.txt file below contains several dependencies and their versions:
If this file is placed in the current directory, a ttpack command might look like this:
Filter the operations by replica ID. Can be passed more than once.
When calling ttcat with filters by LSN (--from and --to flags) and
replica ID (--replica), remember that LSNs differ across replicas.
Thus, if you pass more than one replica ID via --from or --to,
the result may not reflect the actual sequence of operations.
ttplay plays operations from .xlog and .snap files to the destination
instance one by one. All data changes happen the same way as if they were performed
on this instance. This means that:
All affected spaces must exist on the destination instance. They must have the same structure
and space_id as on the instance that created the snapshot or WAL file.
To play a snapshot or a WAL to a clean instance, include the operations on system spaces
by adding the --show-system flag. With this flag, tt plays the operations that
create and configure user-defined spaces.
The operations“ LSNs change unless you play all operations that took place since the instance startup.
Replica IDs change in accordance with the destination instance configuration.
Use one of the following ways to pass the username and the password when connecting
to the instance:
Learn about other ways to provide user credentials in Authentication.
$ ttreplicasetpromote{APPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE|URI}[OPTIONS...]# or
ttreplicasetpromote (ttrspromote) promotes the specified instance,
making it a leader of its replica set.
This command works on Tarantool clusters with a local YAML
configuration and Cartridge clusters.
Promoting in clusters with local YAML configurations
ttreplicasetpromote works on Tarantool clusters with local YAML configurations
with failover modesoff, manual, and election.
In failover modes off or manual, this command updates the cluster
configuration file according to the specified arguments and reloads it:
off failover mode: the command sets database.mode
to rw on the specified instance.
If failover is off, the command doesn’t consider the modes of other
replica set members, so there can be any number of read-write instances in one replica set.
manual failover mode: the command updates the leader
option of the replica set configuration. Other instances of this replica set become read-only.
$ ttreplicasetpromotemy-app:storage-001-a
If some members of the affected replica set are running outside the current tt
environment, ttreplicasetpromote can’t ensure the configuration reload on
them and reports an error. You can skip this check by adding the -f/--force option:
$ ttreplicasetpromotemy-app:storage-001-a--force
In the election failover mode, ttreplicasetpromote initiates the new leader
election by calling box.ctl.promote() on the specified instance. The
--timeout option can be used to specify the election completion timeout:
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with
earlier versions.
ttreplicasetpromote promotes instances in Cartridge clusters as follows:
disabled or eventual failover mode: the command changes the instance failover priority.
In these cases, consistency is not guaranteed and replication conflicts may occur.
eventual or raft failover mode: the command calls cartridge.failover_promote()
and waits until the instance transitions to the read-write mode. If the -f/--force
option is specified, the force_inconsistency option of cartridge.failover_promote
is set to true.
Demoting in clusters with local YAML configurations
ttreplicasetdemote can demote instances in Tarantool clusters with local
YAML configurations with failover modesoff and election.
In clusters with manual failover mode, you can demote a read-write instance
by promoting a read-only instance from the same replica set with ttreplicasetpromote.
In the off failover mode, ttreplicasetdemote sets the instance’s database.mode
to ro and reloads the configuration.
If failover is off, the command doesn’t consider the modes of other
replica set members, so there can be any number of read-write instances in one replica set.
If some members of the affected replica set are running outside the current tt
environment, ttreplicasetdemote can’t ensure the configuration reload on
them and reports an error. You can skip this check by adding the -f/--force option:
$ ttreplicasetdemotemy-app:storage-001-a--force
In the election failover mode, ttreplicasetdemote initiates a leader
election in the replica set. The specified instance’s replication.election_mode
is changed to voter for this election, which guarantees that another instance
is elected as a new replica set leader.
The --timeout option can be used to specify the election completion timeout:
ttreplicasetvshard (ttrsvs) manages vshard in the cluster.
$ ttreplicasetvshardbootstrap{APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE]|URI}[OPTIONS...]# or
$ ttrsvshardbootstrap{APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE]|URI}[OPTIONS...]# or
ttreplicasetvshardbootstrap (ttrsvsbootstrap) bootstraps vshard
in the cluster.
You can specify the application name or the name of any cluster instance. The command
automatically finds a vshard router in the cluster and calls vshard.router.bootstrap() on it.
The command supports the --config, --cartridge, and --customoptions
that force the use of a specific orchestrator.
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with
earlier versions.
$ ttreplicasetbootstrapAPPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE][OPTIONS...]# or
ttreplicasetbootstrap (ttrsbootstrap) bootstraps a Cartridge cluster or
an instance. The command works within the current tt environment and uses
application and instance names.
ttreplicasetsbootstrap effectively duplicates two other commands:
$ ttreplicasetrebootstrapAPPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE[-y|--yes]# or
$ ttrsrebootstrapAPPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE[-y|--yes]
ttreplicasetrebootstrap (ttrsrebootstrap) rebootstraps an instance:
stops it, removes instance artifacts, starts it again.
To rebootstrap the storage-001 instance of the myapp application:
$ ttreplicasetrebootstrapmyapp:storage-001
To automatically confirm reboostrap, add the -y/--yes option:
$ ttreplicasetrebootstrapmyapp:storage-001-y
$ ttreplicasetroles[add|remove]APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE]ROLE_NAME[OPTIONS...]# or
ttreplicasetroles (ttrsroles) manages application roles
in the cluster.
This command works on Tarantool clusters with a local YAML
configuration and Cartridge clusters. It has two subcommands:
Managing roles in clusters with local YAML configurations
When called on clusters with local YAML configurations, ttreplicasetroles
subcommands add or remove the corresponding lines from the configuration file
and reload the configuration.
Use the --global, --group, --replicaset, --instance options to specify
the configuration scope to add or remove roles. For example, to add a role to
all instances in a replica set:
If some instances of the affected scope are running outside the current tt
environment, ttreplicasetroles can’t ensure the configuration reload on
them and reports an error. You can skip this check by adding the -f/--force option:
The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with
Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with
earlier versions.
When called on Cartridge clusters, ttreplicasetroles subcommands add or remove
Cartridge cluster roles.
Cartridge cluster roles are defined per replica set. Thus, you can use the
--replicaset and --group options to define a role’s scope. In this case,
a group is a vshard group.
Restart all instances of the application stored in the app directory inside
instances_enabled in accordance with the instances configuration:
$ ttrestartapp
This call starts all application instances specified in its instances.yml,
even those that were not running before the call.
Restart only the master instance of the app application with automatic confirmation:
$ ttrestartapp:master-y
Using the LuaRocks package manager
ttrocks provides means to manage Lua modules (rocks) via the
LuaRocks package manager. tt uses its own
LuaRocks installation connected to the Tarantool rocks repository.
Below are lists of supported LuaRocks flags and commands. For detailed information on
their usage, refer to LuaRocks documentation.
Print the Tarantool version that is used for script execution.
ttrun executes arbitrary Lua code in a Tarantool instance. The code can be
provided either in a Lua file, or in a string passed after the -e/--evaluate
flag. When called without arguments or flags, ttrun opens the Tarantool console.
If libraries are required for execution, pass their names after the -l/--library
By default, a Tarantool instance started by ttrun shuts down after code
execution completes. To leave this instance running and continue working in its
console, add the -i/--interactive flag.
Execute the app.lua file in a Tarantool instance:
$ ttrunapp.lua
Execute an expression in a Tarantool instance:
$ ttrun-e"print('hi there')"
Execute the app.lua file in a Tarantool instance and leave it running:
$ ttrun-iapp.lua
Listing available Tarantool versions
ttsearch lists versions of Tarantool and tt that are available for
installation. The possible values of PROGRAM_NAME are:
For tarantool-ee, account credentials are required. Specify them in a file
(see the ee section of the configuration file) or
provide interactively.
To start all instances of the application stored in the app directory inside
instances_enabled in accordance with its instances.yml:
$ ttstartapp
To start all instances of the app application appending their logs to stdout
(in the interactive mode):
$ ttstart-iapp
To start the router instance of the app application:
$ ttstartapp:router
When called without arguments, starts all enabled applications in the current environment:
$ ttstart
Application layout
ttstart can start entire Tarantool clusters based on their YAML configurations.
A cluster application directory inside instances_enabled must contain the following files:
config.yaml – a YAML configuration that defines
the cluster topology and settings.
It can either contain an explicit configuration in the YAML format or point
to a centralized configuration storage (for Enterprise Edition).
instances.yml – a file that defines the list of cluster instances to run
in the current environment.
(Optionally) *.lua files with code to load and run in the cluster.
tt also supports Tarantool applications with configuration in code,
which is considered a legacy approach since Tarantool 3.0. For information
about using tt with such applications, refer to the Tarantool 2.11 documentation.
Running in the background
ttstart runs Tarantool applications in the background and uses its own watchdog
process for status checks (tt status) and application stopping (tt stop).
Do not switch on the background mode using the cluster configuration
(process.background:true in the YAML configuration) or code (box.cfg.background=true)
in applications that you run with tt.
If you start such an application with ttstart, tt won’t be able to check
the application status or stop it using the corresponding commands.
Integrity check
Enterprise Edition
The integrity check functionality is supported by the Enterprise Edition only.
ttstart can perform initial and periodical integrity checks of the environment,
application, and centralized configuration.
To enable integrity checks of environment and application files, you need to pack
the application using ttpack with the --with-integrity-check option.
This option generates and signs checksums of executables and configuration files in the current tt
environment. Learn more in Generating files for integrity checks.
To enable integrity check of the configuration at the centralized storage,
publish the configuration to this storage using ttclusterpublish with the --with-integrity-check option.
This option generates and signs configuration checksums and saves them to the storage.
Learn more in Publishing configurations with integrity check.
To perform the integrity checks when running the application, start it with the
--integrity-checkglobal option.
Its argument must be a public key matching the private key that was used for
generating checksums.
$ tt--integrity-checkpublic.pemstartmyapp
After such a call, tt checks the environment, application, and configuration integrity
using the checksums and starts the application in case of the success. Then, integrity
checks are performed periodically while the application is running. By default,
they are performed once every 24 hours. You can adjust the integrity check period
by adding the --integrity-check-period option:
tttdg2 enables the interaction with Tarantool Data Grid 2 clusters.
COMMAND is one of the following:
export: export a TDG2 cluster’s data to a file. Learn more at Exporting data.
import: import data to a TDG2 cluster from a file. Learn more at Importing data.
Uninstalling Tarantool software
ttuninstall uninstalls a previously installed Tarantool version.
Uninstall Tarantool 2.10.4:
$ ttuninstalltarantool2.10.4
Displaying the tt version
$ ttversion
ttversion shows the version of the tt utility being used.
Extending the tt functionality
The tt utility implements a modular architecture: its commands
are, in fact, separate modules. When you run tt with a command, the
corresponding module is executed with the given arguments.
The modular architecture enables the option to extend the tt functionality with
external modules (as opposed to internal modules that implement built-in
commands). Simply said, you can write any code you want to execute
from tt, pack it into an executable, and run it with a tt command:
The name of the command that executes a module is the same as the name of the module’s executable.
Module description and help
Executables that implement external tt modules must have two flags:
--description – print a short description of the module. The description is shown alongside
the command in the tt help.
--help – display help. The help message is shown when tthelp<module_name> is called.
External modules must be located in the modules directory specified in the
configuration file:
To check if a module is available in tt, call tthelp.
It will show the available external modules in the EXTERNALCOMMANDS section together
with their descriptions.
Overloading built-in commands
External modules can overload built-in tt commands.
If you want to change the behavior of a built-in command, create an external
module with the same name and your own implementation.
When tt sees two modules – an external and an internal one – with the same
name, it will use the external module by default.
For example, if you want tt to show the information about your Tarantool
application, write the external module version that outputs the information
you need. The ttversion call will execute this module instead of the built-in one:
ttversion# Calls the external module if it's available
You can force the use of the internal module by running tt with the --internal or -Ioption. The following call will execute the built-in version
even if there is an external module with the same name:
ttversion-I# Calls the internal module
tt interactive console
The tt utility features a command-line console that allows executing requests
and Lua code interactively on the connected Tarantool instances.
It is similar to the Tarantool interactive console with
one key difference: the tt console allows connecting to any available instance,
both local and remote. Additionally, it offers more flexible output formatting capabilities.
Entering the console
To connect to a Tarantool instance using the tt console, run tt connect.
Specify the instance URI and the user credentials in the corresponding options:
$ ttconnect192.168.10.10:3301-umyuser-pp4$$w0rD
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to>
If a user is not specified, the connection is established on behalf of the guest user.
If the instance runs in the same tt environment, you can establish a local
connection with it by specifying the <application>:<instance> string instead of the URI:
$ ttconnectapp:storage001
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to app:storage001 app:storage001>
Local connections are established on behalf of the admin user.
To get the list of supported console commands, enter \help or ?.
To quit the console, enter \quit or \q.
Console input
Similarly to the Tarantool interactive console, the
tt console can handle Lua or SQL input. The default is Lua. For Lua input,
the tab-based autocompletion works automatically for loaded modules.
To change the input language to SQL, run \setlanguagesql:
app:storage001> \set language sqlapp:storage001> select * from bands where id = 1---- metadata: - name: id type: unsigned - name: band_name type: string - name: year type: unsigned rows: - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]...
To change the input language back to Lua, run \setlanguagelua:
yaml (default) – each output item is a YAML object. Example: [1,'Roxette',1986].
Shorthand: \xy.
lua – each output tuple is a separate Lua table. Example: {{1,"Roxette",1986}};.
Shorthand: \xl.
table – the output is a table where tuples are rows.
Shorthand: \xt.
ttable – the output is a transposed table where tuples are columns.
Shorthand: \xT.
The \x command switches the output format cyclically in the order
yaml > lua > table > ttable.
The format of table and ttable output can be adjusted using the \settable_format,
\setgraphics, and \settable_colum_width commands.
An analog of the tt connect option -x/--outputformat.
\set table_format
Set the table format if the output format is table or ttable.
Possible values:
default – a pseudographics (ASCII) table.
markdown – a table in the Markdown format.
jira – a Jira-compatible table.
\set graphics {true|false}, \x{g|G}
Whether to print pseudographics for table cells if the output format is table or ttable.
Possible values: true (default) and false.
The shorthands are:
\xG for true
\xg for false
\set table_colum_width WIDTH, \xw WIDTH
Set the maximum printed width of a table cell content. If the length exceeds this value,
it continues on the next line starting from the + (plus) sign.
Shorthand: \xw
Migration from tarantoolctl to tt
tt is a command-line utility for managing Tarantool applications
that comes to replace tarantoolctl. Starting from version 3.0, tarantoolctl
is no longer shipped as a part of Tarantool distribution; tt is the only
recommended tool for managing Tarantool applications from the command line.
tarantoolctl remains fully compatible with Tarantool 2.* versions. However,
it doesn’t receive major updates anymore.
We recommend that you migrate from tarantoolctl to tt to ensure the full
support and timely updates and fixes.
System-wide configuration
tt supports system-wide environment configuration by default. If you have
Tarantool instances managed by tarantoolctl in such an environment, you can
switch to tt without additional migration steps or use tt along with tarantoolctl.
If you have a local tarantoolctl configuration, create a tt environment
based on the existing .tarantoolctl configuration file. To do this, run
ttinit in the directory where the file is located.
Most tarantoolctl commands look the same in tt: tarantoolctlstart and
ttstart, tarantoolctlplay and ttplay, and so on. To migrate such
calls, it is usually enough to replace the utility name. There can be slight differences
in command flags and format. For details on tt commands, see the
tt commands reference.
The following commands are different in tt:
tarantoolctl command
tt command
ttconnect with -f flag
ttconnect also covers tarantoolctlconnect with the same syntax.
Tarantool Cluster Manager (TCM) is a web-based visual tool for configuring, managing, and
monitoring Tarantool EE clusters. It provides a GUI for working with clusters
and individual instances, from monitoring their state to executing commands interactively
in an instance’s console.
TCM is a standalone application included in the Tarantool Enterprise Edition
distribution package. It is shipped as ready-to-run
executable for Linux platforms.
TCM works only with Tarantool EE clusters that use centralized configuration in
etcd or a Tarantool-based configuration storage.
When you create or edit a cluster’s configuration in TCM, it publishes the saved
configuration to the storage. This ensures consistent and reliable configuration storage.
A single TCM installation can connect to multiple Tarantool EE clusters and
switch between them in one click.
To provide enterprise-grade security, TCM features its own role-based access control.
You can create users and assign them roles that include required permissions.
For example, a user can be an administrator of a specific cluster or only have the right
to read data. LDAP authorization is supported as well.
The Tarantool Cluster Manager web interface is available on the hostname and port defined by the
http.host and http.portconfiguration options.
If TLS is enabled, it uses the https protocol, otherwise the protocol is http.
When started locally with the default configuration, TCM is available at
Logging into TCM
To log into TCM after bootstrap, use the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: the initial password is shown in the TCM boot log in
a message like this:
Jun 11 11:24:08.900 WRN Generated super admin credentials login=admin password=jS9PsdkEJBYNhdMtSswMlxDR1vdbfc1N
After logging in with the default password:
Adjust the password policy
in accordance to the security requirements that apply in your organization.
Change the admin user’s password on the User settings page.
To log out of TCM, click the user’s name in the header and click Log out.
Page structure
The TCM web interface consists of three parts:
Navigation page on the left shows the list of pages available to the user.
The navigation pane can be collapsed by clicking the cross icon at its top.
Header at the top provides access to notifications and user settings.
Working area displays the contents of the selected page.
The Onboarding item of the navigation pane starts the interactive onboarding
tutorial. Use it to get familiar with main TCM features directly in the web interface.
Page visibility
This overview describes most TCM pages. The exact set of pages and controls available
to a particular user is determined by the user’s permissions.
Some features, such as data schema editing, are available only in the development mode.
You can switch to it in the user settings of the Default Admin user.
To learn more about the development mode, see Development mode.
Page groups
For easier navigation, TCM pages are grouped in the navigation pane by their content.
There are the following page groups:
Cluster: interaction with the selected cluster.
Clusters: interaction with all connected clusters in general.
Users: access management.
Tools: TCM administration.
Settings: runtime management of TCM settings.
Read on to learn what you can do on pages of these groups.
The Cluster group includes pages used for interaction with a particular cluster.
To switch between clusters, click the Cluster group name and select a connected
cluster from the drop-down list.
The cluster Stateboard is a main page for monitoring the cluster state
and interacting with its instances.
On this page, you can:
view and edit the cluster topology
group and filter instances based on various criteria
view memory statistics and Tarantool versions running on instances
navigate to instance pages
by clicking instance names in the cluster topology list
start and stop instances (in the development mode).
The cluster Configuration page provides an interactive editor for the cluster
configuration. It is connected to the centralized configuration
storage that the cluster uses. All changes you make and apply on this page are
sent to this centralized storage.
The TCM metrics page provides access to the TCM metrics.
The Settings group includes service pages where you can configure various TCM features.
Password policy
On the Password policy page, you can configure the requirements to user passwords,
such as minimal length, required symbols, expiration, and other settings.
Learn more in Password policy.
Audit settings
On the Audit settings page, you can configure how TCM records events to its
audit log: whether audit log is enabled, which events are recorded, and so on.
Learn more in Audit log.
On the LDAP page, you can manage TCM LDAP configurations.
User settings
The user settings dialog opens when you click Settings under the user’s name
in the header.
A single TCM installation can have multiple connected clusters. A connection to
TCM doesn’t affect the cluster’s functioning. You can connect clusters to TCM
and disconnect them on the fly.
There are two scenarios of cluster connection to TCM:
In both cases, you need to deploy Tarantool and start the cluster instances using
the tt CLI utility or another suitable way.
To add a cluster to TCM, you can use two ways:
Use the TCM web interface as described on this page.
Specify the initial-settings.clusters section of the TCM configuration.
To learn more, see Initial settings.
Connection parameters
When connecting a cluster to TCM, you need to provide two sets of connection parameters:
for the cluster instances and for the centralized configuration storage.
Configuration storage connection
The cluster configuration can be stored in either an etcd
cluster or a separate Tarantool-based storage. In both cases, the following connection
parameters are required:
A key prefix used to identify the cluster in the configuration storage.
A prefix must be unique for each cluster in storage.
URIs of all instances of the configuration storage.
Additionally, if SSL or TLS encryption is enabled for the configuration storage,
provide the corresponding encryption configuration: keys, certificates, and other
parameters. For the complete list of parameters, consult the etcd documentation
or Tarantool Securing connections with SSL.
Cluster connection
For interaction with the cluster instances, TCM needs the following access parameters:
A Tarantool user that exists in the cluster and their password.
TCM connects to the cluster on behalf of this user.
An SSL configuration if the traffic encryption
is enabled on the cluster.
Managing connected clusters
Administrators can add new clusters, edit, and remove existing ones from TCM.
Connected clusters are listed on the Clusters page.
Connecting a pre-configured cluster
If you already have a cluster and want to connect it to TCM,
follow these steps:
Go to Clusters and click Add.
Fill in the general cluster information:
Specify an arbitrary name.
Optionally, provide a description and select a color to mark this cluster in TCM.
Optionally, enter the URLs of additional services for the cluster. For example,
a Grafana dashboard that monitors the cluster metrics, or a syslog server
for viewing the cluster logs. TCM provides quick access to these URLs on
the cluster Stateboard page.
Provide the details of the cluster configuration storage:
Storage type: etcd or tarantool.
The Prefix specified in the cluster configuration.
The URIs of the configuration storage instances.
The credentials for accessing the configuration storage.
The SSL/TLS parameters if the connection encryption is enabled on the storage.
Provide the credentials for accessing the cluster: a Tarantool user’s name, their password,
and SSL parameters in case traffic encryption
is enabled on the cluster.
Adding a new cluster
If you don’t have a cluster yet, you can add one in TCM and write its configuration
from scratch using the built-in configuration editor.
When adding a new cluster, you need to have a storage for its configuration up
and running so that TCM can connect to it. Cluster instances can be deployed later.
To add a new cluster:
Go to Clusters and click Add.
Fill in the general cluster information:
Specify an arbitrary name.
Optionally, provide a description and select a color to mark this cluster in TCM.
Optionally, enter the URLs of additional services for the cluster. For example,
a Grafana dashboard that monitors the cluster metrics, or a syslog server
for viewing the cluster logs. TCM provides quick access to these URLs on
the cluster Stateboard page.
Select the type of the cluster configuration storage: etcd or tarantool.
Define a unique Prefix for identifying this cluster in the configuration storage.
Provide the connection details for the cluster configuration storage:
The URIs of configuration storage instances.
The credentials for accessing the configuration storage.
The SSL/TLS parameters if the connection encryption is enabled on the storage.
Provide the cluster credentials: a username, a password, and SSL parameters in
case traffic encryption is enabled on
the cluster.
Deploy Tarantool on the cluster nodes using the tt CLI utility or other suitable tools.
Start the cluster using the tt CLI utility or other suitable tools.
Editing a connected cluster
To edit a connected cluster, go to Clusters and click Edit in the Actions
menu of the corresponding table row.
Disconnecting a cluster
To disconnect a cluster from TCM, go to Clusters and click Disconnect
in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
Disconnecting a cluster does not affect its functioning. The only
thing that changes is that it’s no longer shown in TCM.
You can connect this cluster again at any time.
The main goal of Tarantool Cluster Manager is to provide visual tools for managing
various aspects of Tarantool clusters from the browser. See the pages of this section
to learn how to perform various management operations on Tarantool clusters from TCM.
Tarantool Cluster Manager provides a visual interface for checking various aspects of connected clusters,
such as:
instance state
memory usage
data distribution
Tarantool versions
Cluster state information is available on the Cluster > Stateboard page.
Cluster topology
The cluster topology is displayed on the Stateboard page in one of two forms:
a list or a graph.
List view
The list view of the cluster topology is used by default. In this view, each row contains
the general information about an instance: its current state, memory usage and limit,
and other parameters.
In the list view, TCM additionally displays the Tarantool version information
and instance states on circle diagrams. You can click the sectors of these diagrams
to filter the instances with the selected versions and states.
To switch to the list view, click the list button on the right of the search bar on the Stateboard page.
Graph view
The graph view of the cluster topology is shown in a tree-like structure where
leafs are the cluster’s instances. Each instance’s state is shown by its color.
You can move the graph vertices to arrange them as you like, and zoom in and out,
which is helpful for larger clusters.
To switch to the graph view, click the graph button on the right of the search bar on the Stateboard page.
Instance grouping
By default, the cluster topology is shown hierarchically as it’s defined in the configuration:
instances are grouped by their replica set, and replica sets are grouped by
their configuration group.
For better navigation across the cluster, you can adjust the instance grouping.
For example, you can group instances by their roles or custom tags defined in the configuration.
A typical case for such tags is adding a geographical markers to instances. In this case,
you see if issues happen in a specific data center or server.
To change the instance grouping, click Group by in the Actions menu on the Stateboard page.
Then add or remove grouping criteria.
You can filter the instances shown on the Stateboard page using the search bar
at the top. It has predefined filters that select:
instances with errors or warnings
leader or read-only instances
instances with no issues
stale instances
To display all instances, delete the filter applied in the search bar.
Instance details
The general information about the state of cluster instances is shown in the
list view of the cluster topology. Each row contains the information about the instance
status, used and available memory, read-only status, and virtual buckets for sharded
To view the detailed information about an instance or connect to it, click the corresponding
row in the instances list or a vertex of the graph. On the instance page, you can
the instance configuration overview
current state (with warning and error messages if any)
the detailed Tarantool information returned by the instance introspection functions
from box.info, box.stat,
and other built-in modules
The page also provides Lua and SQL terminals to execute built-in functions
and requests on the instance. You can choose between two Lua terminals: the
tt interactive console with code completion and highlighting or
the default Tarantool console.
Linked external services
When you connect a cluster to TCM, you can specify
URLs of external services linked to this cluster. For example, this can be a Grafana
server that monitors the cluster metrics.
All the URLs added for a cluster are available for quick access in the Actions
menu on the Stateboard page.
Tarantool Cluster Manager features a built-in text editor for Tarantool EE cluster configurations.
When you connect a cluster to TCM, it gains access
to the cluster’s centralized configuration storage: an etcd or a Tarantool cluster.
TCM has both read and write access to the cluster configuration. This enables
the configuration editor to work in two ways:
If a configuration already exists, the editor shows its current state.
When you change the configuration in the editor and apply changes, they
are sent to the configuration storage.
To learn how to write Tarantool cluster configurations, see Configuration.
Managing a cluster’s configuration
The configuration editor is available on the Cluster > Configuration page.
To start managing a cluster’s configuration, select this cluster in the Cluster
drop-down and go to the Configuration page.
A cluster configuration in TCM can consist of one or multiple YAML files.
When there are multiple files, they are all considered parts of a single cluster
configuration. You can use this for structuring big cluster configurations.
All files that form the configuration of a cluster are listed on the left side
of the Cluster configuration page.
To add a cluster configuration file, click the plus icon (+) below the page title.
To open a configuration file in the editor, click its name in the file list.
To delete a cluster configuration file, click the Delete button beside the filename.
To download a cluster configuration file, click the Download button beside the filename.
All configuration changes are discarded when you leave the Cluster configuration page.
Save the configuration if you want to continue
editing it later or apply it
to start using it on the cluster.
Saving a configuration draft
TCM can store configurations drafts. If you want to leave an unfinished configuration
and return to it later, save it in TCM. Saving applies to whole cluster configurations:
it records the edits of all files, file additions, and file deletions.
To save a cluster configuration draft after editing, click Save in the Cluster configuration page.
All unsaved changes are discarded when you leave the Cluster configuration page.
If you have a saved configuration draft, you can reset the changes for each of its
files individually. A reset returns the file into the state that is currently used
by a cluster (that is, saved in the configuration storage). If you reset a newly
added file, it is deleted.
To reset a saved configuration file, click the Reset button beside the filename.
Applying a configuration
When you finish editing a configuration and it’s ready to use, apply the updated
configuration to the cluster. To apply a cluster configuration, click Apply
on the Cluster configuration page. This sends the new configuration to the cluster
configuration storage, and it comes into effect upon the cluster configuration reload.
The Tarantool access model defines user access to entities
inside a single instance. Thus, to create or alter a cluster-wide user or role, you need to
do this on all cluster instances. In replication clusters, changes in access model
are possible only on read-write instances (replica set leaders). Changes made on
a leader instance are propagated to all instances of its replica set automatically.
Operations on the cluster access model are possible only if the user
that TCM uses to connect to the cluster has the privileges to manage users and roles.
You can also manage Tarantool users and roles from TCM using the Lua API
as described in Управление доступом. To do this, connect to instance consoles
from the Terminal tab of the instance page.
Managing cluster users
The tools for managing cluster users are located on the Users tab
of the instance page.
To ensure the access model consistency across the cluster, repeat all user
management operations on all read-write instances of the cluster.
To create a user on a cluster:
Go to Stateboard.
Find a replica set leader in the instances list and click it to open the instance page.
Go to the Users tab and click Add user.
To edit or delete a user, click the Edit or Delete button against the username
in the Users table.
To edit a user’s privileges:
Click the lock icon against the username in the Users table.
In the privileges dialog:
Click Add to grant privileges
Click Revoke (the trash bin icon) to revoke a privilege
Managing cluster roles
The tools for managing cluster roles are located on the Users tab
of the instance page.
To ensure the access model consistency across the cluster, repeat all role
management operations on all read-write instances of the cluster.
To create a role on a cluster:
Go to Stateboard.
Find a replica set leader in the instances list and click it to open the instance page.
Go to the Users tab and click Add role.
To delete a role, click the Delete button against the role name in the Roles table.
To edit a role’s privileges:
Click the lock icon against the role name in the Roles table.
In the privileges dialog:
Click Add to grant privileges
Click Revoke (the trash bin icon) to revoke a privilege
Tarantool Cluster Manager includes a web interface for managing security settings of connected
clusters. It is available on the Cluster > Security page. On this page,
you can manage the following security features in the cluster:
Authentication settings: protocol (CHAP or PAP), number of retries, and
the delay after a failed authentication attempt (security.auth_*
configuration options). To learn more about Tarantool authentication settings, see Authentication.
Password policy: minimal password length, required characters, expiration
period, and other settings (security.password_*
configuration options). To learn more about Tarantool password policy, see Password policy.
Guest access: whether unauthenticated or guest
users can connect to cluster (security.disable_guest
configuration option).
Secure erasing: whether to delete data files securely so that they cannot be restored
(security.secure_erasing configuration option).
Audit log: configure audit logging in the cluster
(audit_log.* configuration options).
To learn how to manage audit logging in the cluster, see Журнал аудита.
In Tarantool Cluster Manager, you can view metrics of connected clusters in real time on the
Cluster > Cluster metrics page. The list of metrics that Tarantool exposes
is provided in the Metrics reference.
Metrics are displayed one by one. To view a metric, select it in the drop-down list
at the top of the page. Then, choose a way to visualize it:
Chart: a time series chart with the metric values displayed as lines.
Table: a table where the metric values are displayed as numbers in table cells.
Once you select a metric, TCM starts visualizing its current values, updating them
once per second. To pause the visualization, click the button on the left from
the metrics selector. To stop the visualization, clear the metric selection.
Viewing instance metrics
To view metrics of a specific instance, find this instance on the Stateboard,
click its name, and go to the Metrics tab of the instance page.
Monitoring metrics with Prometheus
To allow collecting cluster metrics with external systems, such as Prometheus,
TCM provides HTTP endpoints at /api/metrics/<clusterId>.
Cluster IDs are shown in the cluster selection dialog that opens when you click
Cluster at the top of the left navigation pane.
To access such an endpoint, a request must be authorized with an API token
that has a cluster.metrics permission on the target cluster.
Below is an example of a Prometheus scrape configuration that collects metrics of
a Tarantool cluster from TCM:
For Tarantool clusters that use supervised failover,
Tarantool Cluster Manager offers tools for interaction with external failover coordinators from its web interface.
The tools for using supervised failover are located on the Failovers page
available from the Actions menu on the cluster stateboard.
TCM can interact with failover coordinators that are already running.
There is no way to start or stop coordinators from TCM.
Viewing failover coordinators
To view failover coordinators running on the cluster, go to the Failovers tab.
On this tab, you can see the information about all Tarantool instances that the cluster
uses as failover coordinators. The information includes:
Current coordinator status – Active or Notactive
PID – process ID
Hostname – the host on which the coordinator is running
UUID – the coordinator ID
Term – a value that defines the order in which coordinators become active
(take the lock) over time.
Executing failover commands
To send a failover command to a coordinator, go to the Commands tab and click Add.
Then, provide the command description in the YAML format. It can include the following
command – the command name. Possible value: switch – switch master
in a replica set.
new_master – the name of the instance to make the new master.
timeout – the command execution timeout.
After entering the command, click Save to send the command for execution.
Tarantool assigns an id to the command and waits for the active coordinator to process the command.
All failover commands executed on the cluster are shown on the Commands tab with
their ids and statuses. A command can have the following statuses:
taken – a failover coordinator has started the command execution.
success – the command has completed successfully.
failed – an error occurred during the command execution.
A short error description is shown in the Reason field.
To see the command execution details, click this command in the list.
Tarantool Cluster Manager provides a web interface for managing and performing migrations
in connected clusters. To learn more about migrations in Tarantool, see Migrations.
Migrations are named Lua files with code that alters the cluster data schema, for example,
creates a space, changes its format, or adds indexes. In TCM, there is a dedicated
page where you can organize migrations, edit their code, and apply them to the cluster.
Managing migrations
The tools for managing migrations from TCM are located on the Cluster > Migrations page.
To create a migration:
Click Add (the + icon) on the Migrations page.
Enter the migration name.
When naming migrations, remember that they are applied in the lexicographical order.
Use ordered numbers as filename prefixes to define the migrations order.
For example, 001_create_table, 002_add_column, 003_create_index.
Write the migration code in the editor window. Use the box.schema module reference
to learn how to work with Tarantool data schema.
Once you complete writing the migration, save it by clicking Save.
This saves the migration that is currently opened in the editor.
Appliyng migrations
After you prepare a set of migrations, apply it to the cluster.
To apply all saved migrations to the cluster at once, click Apply.
Applying all saved migrations at once, in the lexicographical order is the
only way to apply migrations in TCM. There is no way to select a single or
several migrations to apply.
The migrations that are already applied are skipped. To learn how to check
a migration status, see Checking migrations status.
Migrations that were created but not saved yet are not applied when you click Apply.
Checking migrations status
To check the migration results on the cluster, use the Migrated widget on the
cluster stateboard. It reflects the general result
of the last applied migration set:
If all saved migration are applied successfully,
the widget is green.
If any migration from this set fails on certain instances, the widget color changes to yellow.
If there are saved migrations that are not applied yet, the widget becomes gray.
Hovering a cursor over the widget shows the number of instances on which the currently
saved migration set is successfully applied.
You can also check the status of each particular migration on the Migrations page.
The migrations that are successfully applied are marked with green check marks.
Failed migrations are marked with exclamation mark icons (!). Hover the cursor over
the icon to see the information about the error. To reapply a failed migration,
click Force apply in the pop-up with the error information.
Migration file example
The following migration code creates a formatted space with two indexes in a
sharded cluster:
Tarantool Cluster Manager provides a web interface for clusters that run within Tarantool Clusters Federation.
It is available on the Cluster > TCF page. If a connected cluster is
configured to run in a TCF installation, this page shows information about both
clusters in this installation: their ID’s, names, and statuses. To switch cluster
states in TCF, click Toggle on the TCF page.
To learn more about Tarantool Clusters Federation, see its documentation.
Tarantool Cluster Manager provides access to data stored in connected clusters through its
web interface. You can view, add, edit, and delete tuples from spaces.
Data access is implemented in TCM on a per-instance basis: you can access
data stored on one cluster instance at a time. For sharded clusters that use the
CRUD module,
it’s also possible to access data throughout the whole cluster.
Instance data
There are the following ways to access data stored on a cluster instance from TCM:
Instance explorer displays the instance’s spaces as tables in the web interface
SQL terminal allows executing SQL statements on the instance
Tarantool and tt consoles allow accessing the data using the Lua API
Data modification is possible only on instances in the read-write mode (replica set leaders).
Changes are applied to read-only replicas in accordance with the cluster topology.
Instance explorer
The instance explorer provides access to all spaces that exist on the instances
in the web interface. This includes both system and user spaces.
To open the instance explorer:
Go to Stateboard.
Click the instance row in the instances list or its graph vertex in the graph view.
Click Explorer in the Actions menu of the instance details page.
To view tuples of a space, click its row in the spaces list.
To add a new tuple, click + on the space page and provide tuple field values
in the Lua format, for example, [1,1000,true,"test"].
To edit a tuple, click it in the table and then click Edit.
To delete a tuple, select it in the table and click Delete (the trash bin button).
In the development mode, you can also create, edit, truncate, and delete spaces
in the instance explorer. To create a space, click Add and follow the wizard steps.
To edit, truncate, or remove a space, click the corresponding button in the Actions
menu of the space row in the table.
SQL terminal
TCM features an SQL terminal that you can use to access stored data. It is located
on the SQL tab of the instance details page. In the SQL terminal, you can execute
any supported SQL expressions on the selected instance.
For select SQL queries, you can also download the query result set in the CSV format.
To learn more about using SQL in Tarantool, see the SQL tutorial.
Lua API: Tarantool and tt consoles
TCM provides interactive access to instances“ consoles on the Terminal tab
of the instance details page. You can choose between the tt console
(TT Connect tab) and Tarantool interactive console (Direct tab).
In these consoles, you can access the stored data using the Tarantool Lua API.
Sharded cluster data
For sharded clusters that use the CRUD module,
it’s possible to access stored data throughout the cluster on the Cluster > Tuples page.
This page displays only user spaces.
To view all tuples of a space in a sharded cluster, click the space row in the list.
To add a new tuple, click + on the space page and provide tuple field values
in the Lua format, for example [1,1000,true,"test"]. When you add a tuple
in a sharded cluster, it is distributed to a replica set based on the sharding key
(the bucket_id field) value.
To edit a tuple, click it in the table and then click Edit.
To delete a tuple, select it in the table and click Delete (the trash bin button).
Creating spaces in sharded clusters
To create a space in a sharded cluster, create it on all read-write cluster instances
on their Instance explorer pages.
Sharded spaces must include the bucket_id field of the unsigned type
and a non-unique index by this field with the same name.
To edit, truncate, or delete spaces in a sharded cluster, perform the corresponding
action on all read-write cluster instances.
Tarantool Cluster Manager features a role-based access control system. It enables flexible
management of access to TCM functions, connected clusters, and stored data.
The TCM access system uses three main entities: permissions, roles,
and users (or user accounts). They work as follows:
Permissions correspond to specific functions or objects in
TCM (administrative permissions) or operations on clusters (cluster permissions).
Roles are predefined sets of administrative permissions to
assign to users.
Users have roles that define their access rights to TCM functions and objects, and
cluster permissions that are assigned for each cluster individually.
TCM users, roles, and permissions are not to be confused with similar subjects
of the Tarantool access control system. To access Tarantool
instances directly, Tarantool users with corresponding roles are required.
Permissions define access to specific actions that users can do in TCM. For example,
there are permissions to view connected clusters or to manage users.
There are two types of permissions in TCM: administrative and cluster permissions.
Administrative permissions provide access to TCM functions. They define which
pages and controls are available to users in the web UI. Typically, read permissions
define pages shown in the left menu. Write permissions define the availability
of controls for managing objects on the pages.
For example, users with read permission to clusters can view the Clusters page
but they don’t see Add, Edit, or Remove buttons unless they have the
write permission.
Administrative permissions are assigned to users through roles.
Cluster permissions enable actions with connected Tarantool clusters.
These permissions are granted to users on a per-cluster level: each user has a separate
set of permissions for each cluster.
Cluster permissions define which pages of the Cluster menu section users
see and what actions they can take on these pages.
For example, users with the read configuration permission to a cluster configuration
see the Configuration page when this cluster is selected.
Cluster permissions are assigned to users individually when creating or editing them.
For a fine-grained control over user access to particular spaces and functions stored
in clusters, there is the access control list.
Permissions are predefined in TCM, there is no way to change, add, or delete them.
The complete lists of administrative and cluster permissions in TCM are provided
in the Permissions reference.
The assigned roles define pages that users see in TCM and actions available
on these pages.
Roles don’t include cluster permissions. Access to connected clusters
is configured for each user individually.
Default roles
TCM comes with default roles that cover three common usage scenarios:
Super Admin Role is a default role with all available
administrative permissions.
Additionally, the users with this role automatically gain all
cluster permissions
to all clusters.
Cluster Admin Role is a default role for cluster administration. It includes
administrative permissions for cluster management.
Default User Role is a default role for working with clusters. It includes
basic administrative read permissions that are required to log in to TCM
and navigate to a cluster.
Managing roles
Administrators can create new roles, edit, and delete existing ones.
Roles are listed on the Roles page.
To create a new role, click Add, enter the role name, and select the permissions
to include in the role.
To edit an existing role, click Edit in the Actions menu of the corresponding
table row.
To delete a role, click Delete in the Actions menu of the corresponding
table row.
You can delete a role only if there are no users with this role.
A user can have any number of roles or none of them. Users without roles
have access only to clusters that are assigned to them.
TCM uses password authentication for users. For information on password management,
see the Passwords section below.
Default admin
There is one default user Default Admin. It has all the available permissions,
both administrative and cluster ones. When new clusters are added in TCM,
Default Admin automatically receives all cluster permissions for them as well.
Managing users
Administrators can create new users, edit, and delete existing ones.
The tools for managing users are located on the Users page.
To create a user:
Click Add.
Fill in the user information: username, full name, and description.
Generate or type in a password.
Select roles to assign to the user.
Add clusters to give the user access to, and select cluster permissions for
each of them.
To edit a user, click Edit in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
To delete a user, click Delete in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
TCM uses the general term secret for user authentication keys. A secret is any
pair of a public and a private key that can be used for authentication. A password
combined with a username is a secret type used for TCM user authentication.
In this case, the public key is a username, and the private key is a password.
Users receive their first passwords during their account creation.
All passwords are governed by the password policy.
It can be flexibly configured to follow the security requirements of your organization.
Changing your password
To change your own password, click your name in the top-right corner and go to
Settings > Change password.
Changing users“ passwords
Administrators can manage a user’s password on this user’s Secrets page.
To open it, click Secrets in the Actions menu of the corresponding Users table row.
To change a user’s password, click Edit in the Actions menu of the corresponding
Secrets table row and enter the new password in the New secret key field.
Password expiry
Passwords expire automatically after the expiration period defined in the password policy.
When a user logs in to TCM with an expired password, the only action available to
them is a password change. All other TCM functions and objects are unavailable until
the new password is set.
Administrators can also set users“ passwords to expired manually.
To set a user’s password to expired, click Expire in the Actions
menu of the corresponding Secrets table row.
Password expiration can’t be reverted.
Blocking passwords
To forbid users“ access to TCM, administrators can temporarily block their
passwords. A blocked password can’t be used to log into TCM until it’s
unblocked manually or the blocking period expires.
To block a user’s password, click Block in the Actions menu of the corresponding
Secrets table row. Then provide a blocking reason and enter the blocking period.
To unblock a blocked password, click Unblock in the Actions menu of the corresponding
Secrets table row.
Password policy
Password policy helps improve security and comply with security requirements that
can apply to your organization.
You can edit the TCM password policy on the Password policy page.
There are the following password policy settings:
Minimal password length.
Do not use last N passwords.
Password expiration in days. Users“ passwords expire
after this number of days since they were set. Users with expired passwords
lose access to any objects and functions except password change until they set
a new password.
Password expiration warning in days. After this number of days, the user
sees a warning that their password expires soon.
Block after N login attempts. Temporarily block users if they enter their
username or password incorrectly this number of times consecutively.
User lockout time in seconds. The time interval for which users can’t log
in after spending all failed login attempts.
Password must include. Characters and symbols that must be present in passwords:
Lowercase characters (a-z)
Uppercase characters (A-Z)
Digits (0-9)
Symbols (such as !@#$%^&*()_+№»“:,.;=][{}`?>/.)
Permissions reference
Administrative permissions
The following administrative permissions are available in TCM:
View connected clusters“ details
Edit cluster details and add new clusters
View users“ details
Edit user details and add new users
View roles“ details
Edit roles and add new roles
View add-ons
Edit add-on flags
Upload new add-ons
View audit log configuration and read audit log in TCM
In addition to its internal role-based access control model,
Tarantool Cluster Manager can use an external LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
directory server for user authentication and authorization.
When LDAP authentication is enabled, TCM uses a connected LDAP directory server
to authenticates users who submit the login form. TCM constructs requests to
the servers according to configuration parameters described on this page. Permissions
of LDAP users in TCM are defined by LDAP group mapping.
Both LDAP and secure LDAPS (LDAP over TLS) protocols are supported.
Enabling LDAP authentication
To allow LDAP user authentication in TCM, enable the ldap authentication method
in the security.auth configuration option before startup:
In the YAML TCM configuration:
In the command line:
$ tcm--security.auth="ldap"
If both authentication methods – LDAP and local – are enabled, TCM tries them
for each login attempt in the order they are specified in the configuration.
LDAP configuration
To enable LDAP user access to TCM, create an LDAP configuration that connects
TCM to the LDAP server that stores the users. An LDAP configuration
defines how TCM connects to the server and queries user data. To create an LDAP
configuration, go to the LDAP page in the Settings group and click Add.
To edit an LDAP configuration, click Edit in the Actions menu of the corresponding row.
To delete an LDAP configuration, click Delete in the Actions menu of the corresponding row.
General settings
Define the general configuration settings:
Enabled. Defines if the configuration is used. Turn the toggle off to
stop using the configuration.
If there are several enabled LDAP configurations, TCM attempts to use them
for user authentication in the order they are created.
Automatically add non-existent users. By default, TCM automatically saves
LDAP user information to its backend store
upon their first login. Turn the toggle off if you don’t want to save users from this LDAP server.
LDAP server connection
Enter the LDAP server connection parameters:
Endpoints. URLs of the LDAP server. Example:
Request timeout. The timeout for TCM requests to the LDAP server, in seconds.
Enabled TLS. If the server uses LDAPS, turn this toggle on and specify
TLS connection parameters, such as a certificate and a key file.
LDAP queries
To define how TCM queries the LDAP server for user authentication and authorization,
fill in the fields of the Queries step:
Query user and Query password. Credentials of the LDAP user on behalf
of which all LDAP queries are executed: a distinguished name (DN) and a password.
Example DN:
Base DN. The DN of a directory that serves as a root for making all LDAP requests.
Example: dc=tarantool,dc=io.
Username regex. A regular expression that defines a username template for
this LDAP configuration. When a user enters their username on the login page,
TCM matches it against username regular expressions of all enabled LDAP
configurations and selects the one to use for this user authentication.
Example: a regex to match employee email addresses within the specified domain.
(Optional) Template DN. A template for building a DN to send in an authentication bind request.
Use the numbers in curly braces as placeholders to replace with username regex parts:
{0}, {1}, and so on.
When used with the Username regex shown above, it substitutes {0} with
the username part of the email address (before @) entered into the login form.
For example, the username user1@tarantool.io forms the following DN for bind request:
(Optional) Template query. A template for querying the LDAP server for the DN. This
way is used if Template DN is not provided.
Group query template. A template for querying groups to which a user belongs
for authorization purposes. Learn more in LDAP user permissions.
Permissions of LDAP users in TCM are defined by the groups to which they belong.
You can map TCM administrative and cluster permissions
to LDAP groups on the Groups step of the configuration creation.
To assign permissions to an LDAP group, click Add group. In the dialog that opens,
enter the group name, for example, CN=Admins,CN=Builtin,DC=tarantool,DC=io.
Then, select administrative permission to grant to this group in the Permissions list.
To grant cluster permissions, click Add cluster. Select a cluster and the cluster
permissions to grant to the group. Save the group.
Each user has permissions of all LDAP groups to which they belong.
Disabling LDAP configurations
To stop using an LDAP configuration, open its Edit page and turn off the Enabled toggle.
Tarantool Cluster Manager access control list (ACL) determines user access to particular data
and functions stored in clusters. You can use it to allow or deny access to specific
stored objects one by one.
Each ACL entry specifies privileges that a TCM user has on a particular
space or a function. There are three access privileges that can be granted in the ACL:
read, write, and execute (for stored functions only). The privileges work as follows:
Read: the user sees the space and its tuples on the Tuples and Explorer pages
Write: the user can add new and edit existing tuples of the space
Read: the user sees the function on the Functions tab of the instance details page.
Write: the user can edit or delete the function
Execute: the user can call the function
User access to space data and stored functions is primarily defined by the
cluster permissionscluster.space.data.* and cluster.func.*.
ACL only increases the access control granularity to particular objects.
Make sure that users have these permissions before enabling ACL for them.
Enabling ACL for a user
To granularly manage a user’s access to particular objects in a cluster, enable
the use of ACL in the user profile:
Go to Users and click Edit in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
In the user’s Clusters list, add a cluster on which you want to use ACL
or click the pencil icon if the cluster is already on the list.
Select the Use Access Control List (ACL) checkbox and save changes.
Repeat two previous steps for each cluster on which you want to use ACL for this user.
Click Update to save the user account.
If the user doesn’t exist yet, you can do the same when creating it.
When ACL use is enabled for a user, this user loses access to all spaces and
functions of the selected cluster except the ones explicitly specified in the ACL.
Managing ACL
The tools for managing ACL are located on the ACL page.
To add an ACL entry:
Click Add.
Select a user to which you want to grant access.
Select a cluster that stores the target object: a space or a function.
Select the target object type and enter its name.
Select the privileges you want to grant.
To delete an ACL entry, click Delete in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
Tarantool Cluster Manager uses the Bearer HTTP authentication scheme with API tokens to authenticate
external applications“ requests to TCM. For example, these can be Prometheus
jobs that retrieve metrics of connected Tarantool clusters.
The API tokens functionality is disabled by default. To enable it, set the
feature.api-token configuration option to true.
Each TCM API token belongs to the user that created it and has the same access permissions.
Thus, if a user has a permission to view a cluster’s metrics in TCM, this user’s
API tokens can be used to read this cluster’s metrics with Prometheus.
API tokens have expiration dates that are set during the token creation and cannot
be changed.
Managing API tokens
Each user, including Default Admin and other administrators, can create only
their own tokens. There is no way to create a token for another user.
To create a TCM API token:
Open the user settings by clicking the user’s name in the top-right corner.
Go to the API tokens tab and click Add.
Specify the token expiration date and an optional description and click Add.
The created token is shown in a dialog.
An API token is shown only once after its creation. There is no way to view
it again after you close the dialog. Make sure to copy the token in a safe place.
To delete an API token, click Delete in the actions menu of the corresponding
API tokens table row.
Administrators can also view information about users“ API tokens and delete them
on the Secrets page. To open a user’s secrets, click Secrets in the Actions
menu of the corresponding Users table row.
Tarantool Cluster Manager administrators can view and revoke user sessions in the web interface.
All active sessions are listed on the Sessions page. To revoke a session, click
Revoke in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
To revoke all sessions of a TCM user, go to Users and click Revoke all sessions
in the Actions menu of the corresponding table row.
Tarantool Cluster Manager provides the audit logging functionality for tracking user activity
and security-related events, such as:
Successful and failed login attempts.
Access to clusters, their configurations, data models, and stored data.
Changes in the access control system: users, roles, passwords, LDAP configurations.
The complete list of TCM audit events is provided in Event types.
TCM audit log records only events that happen in TCM itself.
For information about Tarantool audit logging, see Audit module.
Audit logging is disabled in TCM by default. To start recording events, you need
to enable and configure it.
The audit log stores event details in the JSON format. Each log entry contains the
event type, description, time, impacted objects, and other information that
may be used for incident investigation. The complete list of fields is provided in
Structure of audit log events.
TCM also provides a built-in interface for reading and searching the audit log.
For details, see Viewing audit log.
Enabling audit logging
To enable audit logging in TCM, go to Audit settings and click Enable.
To additionally send audit log events to the standard output, click Send to stdout.
Audit log configuration
TCM audit events can be logged to a local file or sent to a
syslog server.
To configure audit logging, go to Audit settings.
Writing to a file
To write TCM audit logs to a file:
Go to Audit settings and select the file protocol.
Specify the name of the audit log file. The file appears in the TCM working directory.
Configure the log files rotation: the maximum file size and age, and the number
of files to store simultaneously.
(Optional) Enable compression of audit log files.
Configuration parameters:
Output file name. The name of the audit log file. Default: audit.log
Max size (in MB). The maximum size of the log file before it gets rotated, in megabytes. Default: 100.
Max backups. The maximum number of stored audit log files. Default: 10.
Max age (in days). The maximum age of audit log files in days. Default: 30.
Compress. Compress audit log files into gzip archives when rotating.
Sending to syslog
If you use a centralized log management system based on syslog,
you can configure TCM to send its audit log to your syslog server:
Go to Audit settings and select the syslog protocol.
Enter the syslog server URI and select the network protocol. Typically,
syslogd listens on port 514 and uses the UDP protocol.
Specify the syslog logging parameters: timeout, priority, and facility.
Configuration parameters:
Protocol. The network protocol used for connecting to the syslog server. Default: udp.
Output. The syslog server URI. Default: (localhost).
Priority. The syslog severity level. Default: info.
Facility. The syslog facility. Default: local0.
Selecting audit events to record
When the audit log is enabled, TCM records all audit events listed in Event types.
To decrease load and make the audit log comply with specific security
requirements, you can record only selected events. For example, these can be events
of user account management or events of cluster data access.
To select events to record into the audit log, go to Audit settings and
enter their types into the Filters field
one-by-one, pressing the Enter key after each type.
To remove an event type from a filters list, click the cross icon beside it.
Viewing audit log
If the audit log is written to a file, you can view it in TCM on the Audit log page.
On this page, you can view or search for events.
To view the details of a logged audit event, click the corresponding line in the
To search for an event, use the search bar at the top of the page. Note that the
search is case-sensitive. For example, to find events with the ALARM severity,
enter ALARM, not alarm.
Structure of audit log events
All entries of the TCM audit log include the mandatory fields listed in the table below.
Information about the client application and platform that was used to trigger the event
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
The permission that was used to trigger the event
Event result: ok or nok
Human-readable error description for events with nok result
failed to login
Additional fields for specific event types in the key-value format
Key examples:
clusterId in cluster-related events
payload in events that include sending data to the server
username in current.* or auth.* events
This is an example of an audit log entry on a successful login attempt:
{"time":"2023-11-23T12:01:27.247+07:00","severity":"INFO","description":"Login user","type":"current.login","uuid":"4b9c2dd1-d9a1-4b40-a448-6bef4a0e5c79","user":"","remote":"","user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","host":"","permissions":[],"result":"ok","fields":[{"Key":"username","Value":"admin"},{"Key":"method","Value":"null"},{"Key":"output","Value":"true"}]}
Event types
The following table lists all possible values of the type field of TCM
audit log events.
Event type
Authentication failed
Authentication successful
An attempt to access an object without the required permission
User added
User updated
User deleted
User secret added
User secret updated
User secret blocked
User secret unblocked
User secret deleted
User secret expired
Session revoked
All user’s sessions revoked
Data inserted in a cluster
Data deleted from a cluster
Data replaced in a cluster
Stored function called on a cluster
Code executed on a cluster
Master switched manually
Switched to development mode
Audit log configuration changed
Password policy changed
All passwords expired by an administrator
Cluster data model saved
Cluster data model applied
Cluster configuration saved
Saved cluster configuration reset
Cluster configuration applied
User logged out their own session
User revoked their own session
User revoked all their active sessions
User changed their password
Role added
Role updated
Role deleted
Cluster added
Cluster updated
Cluster removed
Login test executed for a LDAP configuration
Connection test executed for a LDAP configuration
LDAP configuration added
LDAP configuration updated
LDAP configuration deleted
Add-on enabled
Add-on disabled
Add-on removed
Low-level information saved in the TCM storage (for debug purposes)
Low-level information deleted from the TCM storage (for debug purposes)
This topic describes how to configure Tarantool Cluster Manager. For the complete
list of TCM configuration parameters, see the TCM configuration reference.
To learn about Tarantool cluster configuration, see Configuration.
Configuration structure
Tarantool Cluster Manager configuration is a set of parameters that define various aspects
of TCM functioning. Parameters are grouped by the particular aspect that they
affect. There are the following groups:
configuration storage
TCM running mode
Parameter groups can be nested. For example, in the http group there are
tls and websession-cookie groups, which define TLS encryption and
cookie settings.
Parameter names are the full paths from the top-level group to the specific parameter.
For example:
http.host is the host parameter that is defined directly in the http group.
http.tls.enabled is the enabled parameter that is defined in the tls
nested group within http.
Ways to pass configuration parameters
There are three ways to pass TCM configuration parameters:
a YAML file
environment variables
command-line options of the TCM executable
YAML file
TCM configuration can be stored in a YAML file. Its structure must reflect the
configuration parameters hierarchy.
The example below shows a fragment of a TCM configuration file:
# a fragment of a YAML configuration filecluster:# top-level groupon-air-limit:4096connection-rate-limit:512tarantool-timeout:10starantool-ping-timeout:5shttp:# top-level groupbasic-auth:# nested groupenabled:falsenetwork:tcphost: nested groupread-buffer-size:16384write-buffer-size:16384keepalive-ping-interval:20shandshake-timeout:10sinit-timeout:15s
To start TCM with a YAML configuration, pass the location of the configuration
file in the -c command-line option:
$ tcm-c=config.yml
Environment variables
TCM can take values of its configuration parameters from environment variables.
The variable names start with TCM_. Then goes the full path to the parameter,
converted to upper case. All delimiters are replaced with underscores (_).
TCM_HTTP_HOST is a variable for the http.host parameter.
TCM_HTTP_WEBSESSION_COOKIE_NAME is a variable for the http.websession-cookie.name parameter.
The example below shows how to start TCM with configuration parameters passed in
environment variables:
The TCM executable has -- command-line options for each configuration parameter.
Their names reflect the full path to the parameter, with configuration levels separated by
periods (.). Examples:
--http.host is an option for http.host.
--http.websession-cookie.name is an option for http.websession-cookie.name.
The example below shows how to start TCM with configuration parameters passed in
command-line options:
TCM configuration options are applied from multiple sources with the following precedence,
from highest to lowest:
tcm executable arguments.
TCM_* environment variables.
Configuration from a YAML file.
If the same option is defined in two or more locations, the option with the highest
precedence is applied. For options that aren’t defined in any location, the default
values are used.
You can combine different ways of TCM configuration for efficient management of
multiple TCM installations:
A single YAML file for all installations can contain the common configuration parts.
For example, a single configuration storage that is used for all installations, or
TLS settings.
Environment variables that set specific parameters for each server, such as
local directories and paths.
Command-line options for parameters that must be unique for different TCM instances
running on a single server. For example, http.port.
Configuration parameter types
TCM configuration parameters have the Go language
types. Note that this is different from the Tarantool configuration parameters,
which have Lua types.
Most options have the Go’s basic types: int and other numeric types, bool, string.
In environment variables and command line options, such arrays are passed as
semicolon-separated strings of items.
Parameters that set timeouts, TTLs, and other duration values, have the Go’s time.Duration
type. Their values can be passed in time-formatted strings such as 4h30m25s.
Finally, there are parameters whose values are constants defined in Go packages.
For example, http.websession-cookie.same-site
values are constants from the Go’s http.SameSite
type. To find out the exact values available for such parameters, refer to the Go
packages documentation.
You can create a YAML configuration template for TCM with all parameters and
their default values using the generate-config option of the tcm executable.
To write a default TCM configuration to the tcm.example.yml file, run:
$ tcmgenerate-config>tcm.example.yml.
Initial settings
You can use YAML configuration files to create entities in TCM automatically
upon the first start. These entities are defined in the initial-settings
section of the configuration file.
The initial settings are applied only once upon the first TCM start.
Further changes are not applied upon TCM restarts.
To add clusters to TCM upon the first start, specify their settings in the
configuration section.
The initial-settings.clusters section is an array whose items describe separate clusters,
for example:
In this configuration, you can specify all cluster settings that you define
when connecting clusters through the TCM web interface.
This includes:
the cluster name
additional URLs
configuration storage connection
Tarantool instances connection
and other settings.
For the full list of cluster configuration parameters, see the initial-settings.clusters
reference. For example, this is how you add a cluster that uses an etcd configuration
By default, TCM contains a cluster named Default cluster with ID
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. You can use this ID to modify
the default cluster settings upon the first TCM start. For example, rename it
and add its connection settings:
Tarantool Cluster Manager uses an underlying data store (backend store) for its entities:
users, roles, cluster connections, settings, and other objects that you manipulate in TCM.
The backend store can be either an etcd or a Tarantool cluster.
For better reliability and scalability, the backend store works independently from TCM.
For example, it can be the same ectd or Tarantool cluster that you use as a centralized configuration storage.
This makes TCM stateless: all objects created or modified in its web UI are saved
to the backend store, and nothing is stored inside the TCM instances themselves.
Any number of instances can duplicate each other when connected to the same backend store.
If you stop all instances, the store still contains their objects. You can continue
working with them right after starting a new instance.
In addition to using an external backend store, you can run TCM with an embedded
etcd or Tarantool instance to use as the backend store.
On this page, you will learn to connect TCM to backend stores of both types,
or start TCM with an embedded backend store.
If you already have the centralized configuration store for your Tarantool clusters,
you can use it as a TCM backend store as well.
Configuring backend store connection
The TCM’s connection to its backend store is configured using the storage.*
configuration options. The storage.provider
option selects the store type. It can be either etcd or tarantool.
External etcd store
To use an etcd cluster as a TCM backend store, set the storage.provider option
to etcd and specify connection parameters in storage.etcd.* options.
A minimal etcd configuration includes the storage endpoints:
The TCM data is stored in etcd under the prefix specified in storage.etcd.prefix.
By default, the prefix is /tcm. If you want to change it or store data of
different TCM instances separately in one etcd cluster, set the prefix explicitly:
Other storage.etcd.* options configure various aspects of the etcd store connection,
such as network timeouts and limits or TLS parameters.
For the full list of the etcd TCM backend store options, see the
TCM configuration reference.
External Tarantool-based store
To use a Tarantool cluster as a TCM backend store, set the storage.provider option
to tarantool and specify connection parameters in storage.tarantool.* options.
A minimal configuration includes the one or more addresses of
the backend store instances:
The TCM data is stored in the Tarantool-based backend store under the prefix
specified in storage.tarantool.prefix.
By default, the prefix is /tcm. If you want to change it or store data of
different TCM instances separately in one Tarantool cluster, set the prefix explicitly:
Other storage.tarantool.* options configure various aspects of TCM connection
to the Tarantool-based backend store, such as network timeouts and limits or TLS parameters.
For the full list of the Tarantool-based TCM backend store options, see the
TCM configuration reference.
Embedded backend store
For development purposes, you can start TCM with an embedded backend store.
This is useful for local runs when you don’t have or don’t need an external backend store.
An embedded TCM backend store is a single instance of etcd or Tarantool that
is started automatically on the same host during the TCM startup. It runs
in the background until TCM is stopped. The embedded backend store is persistent:
if you start TCM again with the same backend store configuration, it restores
the TCM data from the previous runs.
To start a clean instance of TCM, remove the working directory of the
embedded backend store specified in the storage.etcd.embed.workdir or
storage.tarantool.embed.workdir option.
The embedded backend store parameters are configured using the storage.etcd.embed.* options
for etcd or storage.tarantool.embed.* options for a Tarantool-based store.
To start TCM with an embedded etcd with default settings, set storage.etcd.embed.enabled to true
and leave other storage.* options default:
You can use the following call to get TCM running with embedded etcd without
a configuration file:
$ tcm--storage.etcd.embed.enabled
To start TCM with an embedded Tarantool storage with default settings:
You can tune the embedded backend store, for example, enable and configure TLS on it
or change its working directories or startup arguments. To set specific parameters,
specify the corresponding storage.etcd.embed.* or storage.tarantool.embed.*
options. For the full list of configuration options of embedded backend stores, see the
TCM configuration reference.
Setting up a cluster of embedded backend stores
To simulate the production environment, you can form a distributed multi-instance cluster
from embedded stores of multiple TCM instances. To do this, configure each TCM
instance’s embedded store to join each other.
For etcd, provide the embedded store clustering parameters storage.etcd.embed.*
and specify the endpoints in storage.etcd.endpoints. The options that configure
embedded etcd mostly match the etcd configuration options. For more information
about these options, see the etcd documentation.
Below are example configurations of three TCM instances that start with embedded etcd instances
and form an etcd cluster from them:
To set up a cluster from embedded Tarantool-based backend stores:
Specify the Tarantool cluster configuration in storage.tarantool.embed.config
(as a plain text) or storage.tarantool.embed.config-file (as a YAML file).
Assign an instance name from this configuration to each instance using storage.tarantool.embed.args
to each embedded store.
Below are example configurations of three TCM instances that start with embedded
Tarantool-based backend stores and form a cluster from them:
Tarantool Cluster Manager provides a special mode aimed to use during the development.
This mode extends the web interface with capabilities that can help in development
or testing environments, such as starting and stopping instances or instance promotion.
Enabling development mode
You can enable TCM development mode in different ways: in its web interface,
in the configuration file, using an environment variable, or using a command-line option.
Web interface
To enable development mode on the running TCM instance, use its web interface:
Open user settings: click Settings under the user name in the header.
Go to the About tab.
Click the toggle button beside tcm/mode.
Configuration file
To start TCM in the development mode, specify the mode:development option
in its configuration file:
# tcm_config.yamlmode:development
Command-line option
To start TCM in the development mode, specify the --mode=development command-line option:
$ tcm--mode=development
Environment variable
To make new TCM instances start in the development mode by default, set the
TCM_MODE environment variable to development:
Indicates whether the cookie can be sent only over the HTTPS protocol.
In this case, it’s never sent over the unencrypted HTTP, therefore preventing
man-in-the-middle attacks.
When true, the Secure attribute is added to the Set-Cookie
HTTP response header.
The network protocol used for connecting to the syslog server. Typically,
it’s tcp, udp, or unix. All possible values are listed in the Go’s
net.Dial documentation.
An array of log outputs that TCM uses in addition to the default one
that is defined by the log.default.* parameters. Each array item can include
the parameters of the log.default group. If a parameter is skipped, its
value is taken from log.default.
Type: []LogOuputConfig
Default: []
Environment variable: TCM_LOG_OUTPUTS
Command-line option: --log-outputs
The storage section defines the parameters of the TCM backend store.
The storage.etcd.embed group defines the configuration of the embedded etcd
cluster to use as a TCM backend store.
This cluster can be used for development purposes when the production or testing
etcd cluster is not available or not needed.
A list of SSL cipher suites that can be used for connecting to the Tarantool TCM
configuration storage. Possible values are listed in <uri>.params.ssl_ciphers.
The storage.tarantool.embed group parameters define the configuration of the
embedded Tarantool cluster to use as a TCM backend store.
This cluster can be used for development purposes when the production or testing
cluster is not available or not needed.
The initial-settings.* configuration options can be set in the YAML
configuration file only. There are no environment variables nor
command-line options for them.
Cluster ID. Skip this option to generate an ID automatically.
Specify the value 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
to customize the default cluster upon TCM startup.
A list of SSL cipher suites that can be used for connecting to the cluster’s Tarantool-based
configuration storage. Possible values are listed in <uri>.params.ssl_ciphers.
Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.2 introduces new features that extend its
cluster management capabilities. Below is an overview of its key updates.
Managing Tarantool users
TCM 1.2 introduces the ability to manage Tarantool users on connected clusters.
Previously, you could manage Tarantool users only though the Lua API (box.schema submodule)
or cluster configuration.
Now you can create, edit, and delete users and roles on each instance of a Tarantool
cluster through the TCM web interface.
The tools for managing Tarantool users on a cluster instance are located on the
Users tab of the instance page.
Since version 1.2.0, TCM includes a page for editing and executing migrations
on connected clusters. The new page Migrations in the Cluster page group
provides a text editor where you can write migration scripts in Lua and apply them
to the cluster.
Learn more about migrations in Tarantool Migrations.
Cluster security settings
Since version 1.2.2, TCM provides a web interface for managing cluster security settings
on the Security page in the Cluster group.
Learn more about managing cluster security from TCM in Security settings.
Learn more about working with TCF in TCM in TCF integration.
Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.1
Release date: May 16, 2024
Latest release in series: 1.1.0
Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.1 introduces a number of new features that extend and improve its
cluster management capabilities. Below is an overview of its key updates.
Data access
An important update of TCM 1.1.0 is a set of features that enable access to clusters“
stored data.
The instance space explorer shows all spaces that exist on an instance, including
system spaces. On its pages, you can view and edit the stored data. To open the instance explorer,
find the instance on the cluster stateboard and click its name to open its details page.
Then click Explorer in the Actions menu in the top right corner.
In the development mode, the instance explorer also includes the schema editor.
It allows you to add new and edit existing spaces.
For clusters that use the CRUD module,
there is also the CRUD explorer that enables access to data in user spaces across
the entire cluster. The CRUD explorer is located on the Tuples page.
Access control list
TCM’s access control list (ACL) enables control over user access to particular spaces
and stored functions in the web interface.
For each user that has access to a cluster, you can enable the use of ACL on this cluster.
This restricts this user’s access to the cluster’s spaces and functions unless they
are explicitly specified in the ACL. The ACL must contain an entry for each such
space and function.
Users with ACL off have access to all spaces and functions on clusters according
to their cluster permissions.
The tools for managing ACL are located on the new ACL page.
API tokens
TCM 1.1 supports token authentication of external requests. Users can generate
API tokens in their user settings dialog. An API token has the same permissions
as its creator.
Stateboard improvements
TCM 1.1 extends the functionality of the cluster stateboard to improve the
cluster management experience. Here are the key updates of the stateboard:
More flexible instance grouping.
Stateful failover and switchover controls.
Runtime issues on the stateboard.
Instance interaction
The instance management dialog has been extended with new functions:
Starting from version 1.1.0, TCM displays metrics of connected clusters.
You can view metrics in TCM one by one, visualizing them as charts or tables.
The cluster metrics are shown on the new Cluster metrics page.
For more complex monitoring, you can use dedicated solutions, for example, Prometheus.
It can integrate with TCM using the API tokens.
Configuration validation
The cluster configuration editor now validates the configuration semantically.
Previously, TCM was able to highlight the syntax errors in configurations, for example,
incorrect spelling of option names or hierarchy. In TCM 1.1.0, the editor
checks and highlights possible semantic issues, such as:
Users without passwords.
Users with the super role.
Absence of leader instances in replica sets.
Onboarding tutorial
TCM 1.1.0 includes an interactive tutorial that takes new users through its
main features and pages. It opens automatically after the first start.
Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.0
Release date: December 26, 2023
Latest release in series: 1.0.4
1.0 is the first public release series of Tarantool Cluster Manager. It was introduced as a
part of the Tarantool EE 3.0 release.
Below is an overview of key features of TCM 1.0.
Multiple connected clusters
TCM works as a standalone application. You can connect any number of Tarantool EE
3.0+ clusters to a single TCM instance and switch between them on the fly.
To connect a cluster to TCM, you need to provide the endpoint URLs and connection
parameters of its centralized configuration storage (for example, etcd).
To learn more, see Connecting clusters.
Cluster stateboard
The cluster stateboard is a main TCM page that visualizes the information about
the selected cluster:
Cluster topology visualized as a table or a graph
Tarantool versions running on instances
Memory statistics
Errors and warnings that happen on instances
From the stateboard, you can navigate to specific instances to view their details
or connect to their interactive consoles.
TCM includes a visual editor for cluster configuration. It allows editing cluster
configurations as a YAML file in the browser. Once you’re done editing the configuration,
you can send the changes to the configuration storage in one click or save them locally
to continue editing them later.
TCM features its own role-based access control system. It defines users that can
log into TCM and their permissions to perform various actions or access clusters
in its web interface.
You can use built-in roles or create new ones with permissions you need. Users“
access can be limited to specific clusters and operations on them, for example,
editing the configuration or calling stored functions.
To learn more, see Access control.
TCM also supports LDAP authentication.
Audit logging
TCM has a built-in audit logging mechanism. When enabled, it records information
about events that occur in TCM and users“ actions to dedicated audit log files.
You can define events to write to the audit log and adjust logging parameters, such
as filename, log rotation, or compression.
The interactive console is Tarantool’s basic command-line interface for entering requests
and seeing results.
It is what users see when they start the server
without an instance file.
The interactive console is often called the Lua console to distinguish it from the administrative console,
but in fact it can handle both Lua and SQL input.
The majority of examples in this manual show what users see with the interactive console.
It includes:
tarantool> prompt
instruction (a Lua request or an SQL statement)
response (a display in either YAML or Lua format)
-- Interactive console example with Lua input and YAML output --tarantool> box.info().replication----1:id:1uuid:a5d22f66-2d28-4a35-b78f-5bf73baf6c8alsn:0...
Interactive console input and output
The input language can be either Lua (default) or SQL. To change the input
language, run \setlanguage<language>, for example:
-- Set input language to SQL --
tarantool> \set language sql
- true
The delimiter can be changed to any character with \setdelimiter<character>.
By default, the delimiter is empty, which means the input does not need to end
with a delimiter.
For example, a common recommendation for SQL input is to use the semicolon delimiter:
The output format can be either YAML (default) or Lua.
To change the output format, run \setoutput<format>, for example:
-- Set output format Lua --
tarantool> \set output lua
The default YAML output format is the following:
The output starts from a document-start line "---".
Each item begins on a separate line starting with "-".
Each sub-item in a nested structure is indented.
The output ends with a document-end line "...".
The alternative Lua format for console output is the following:
There are no lines for document-start or document-end.
Items are separated by commas.
Each sub-item in a nested structure is placed inside «{}» braces.
So, when an input is a Lua object description, the output in the Lua format equals it.
For the Lua output format, you can specify an end of statement symbol.
It is added to the end of each output statement in the current session and
can be used for parsing the output by scripts. By default, the end of statement
symbol is empty. You can change it to any character or character sequence.
To set an end of statement symbol for the current session, run \`setoutputlua,local_eos=<symbol>`,
for example:
-- Set output format Lua and '#' end of statement symbol --
tarantool> \set output lua,local_eos=#
To switch back to the empty end of statement symbol:
-- Set output format Lua and empty end of statement symbol --
tarantool> \set output lua,local_eos=
The YAML output has better readability.
The Lua output can be reused in requests.
The table below shows output examples in these formats compared with the MsgPack
format, which is good for database storage.
Lua input
Lua output
YAML output
MsgPack storage
scalar sequence
2-element table
The console parameters of a Tarantool instance can also be changed from another
instance using the console built-in module functions.
Discard current input with the SIGINT signal in the console mode and
jump to a new line with a default prompt.
Quit Tarantool interactive console.
Keep in mind that CTRL+C shortcut will shut Tarantool down if there is any currently running command
in the console.
The SIGINT signal stops the instance running in a daemon mode.
LuaJIT memory profiler
Since version 2.7.1, Tarantool
has a built‑in module called misc.memprof that implements a LuaJIT memory
profiler (further in this section we call it the profiler for short).
The profiler provides a memory allocation report that helps analyze Lua code
and find the places that put the most pressure on the Lua garbage collector (GC).
Collecting a binary profile of allocations,
reallocations, and deallocations in memory related to Lua
(further, binary memory profile or binary profile for short).
Parsing the collected binary profile to get
a human-readable profiling report.
Collecting a binary profile
To collect a binary profile for a particular part of the Lua code,
you need to place this part between two misc.memprof functions,
namely, misc.memprof.start() and misc.memprof.stop(), and then execute
the code in Tarantool.
Below is a chunk of Lua code named test.lua to illustrate this.
1-- Prevent allocations on traces. 2jit.off() 3localstr,err=misc.memprof.start("memprof_new.bin") 4-- Lua doesn't create a new frame to call string.rep, and all allocations 5-- are attributed not to the append() function but to the parent scope. 6localfunctionappend(str,rep) 7returnstring.rep(str,rep) 8end 910localt={}11fori=1,1e4do12-- table.insert is the built-in function and all corresponding13-- allocations are reported in the scope of the main chunk.14table.insert(t,15append('q',i)16)17end18localstr,err=misc.memprof.stop()
The Lua code for starting the profiler – as in line 3 in the test.lua example above – is:
where FILENAME is the name of the binary file where profiling events are written.
If the operation fails,
for example if it is not possible to open a file for writing or if the profiler is already running,
misc.memprof.start() returns nil as the first result,
an error-message string as the second result,
and a system-dependent error code number as the third result.
If the operation succeeds, misc.memprof.start() returns true.
The Lua code for stopping the profiler – as in line 18 in the test.lua example above – is:
If the operation fails,
for example if there is an error when the file descriptor is being closed
or if there is a failure during reporting,
misc.memprof.stop() returns nil as the first result,
an error-message string as the second result,
and a system-dependent error code number as the third result.
If the operation succeeds, misc.memprof.stop() returns true.
To generate the file with memory profile in binary format
(in the test.lua code example above
the file name is memprof_new.bin), execute the code in Tarantool:
$ tarantooltest.lua
Tarantool collects the allocation events in memprof_new.bin, puts
the file in its working directory, and closes
the session.
The test.lua code example above also illustrates the memory
allocation logic in some cases that are important to understand for
reading and analyzing
a profiling report:
Line 2: It is recommended to switch the JIT compilation off by calling jit.off()
before the profiler start. Refer to the following
note about jitoff for more details.
Lines 6-8: Tail call optimization doesn’t create a new call frame, so all
allocations inside the function called via the CALLT/CALLMTbytecodes
are attributed to the function’s caller. See also the comments preceding these lines.
Lines 14-16: Usually the information about allocations inside Lua built‑ins
is not really
useful for developers. That’s why if a Lua built‑in function is called from
a Lua function, the profiler attributes all allocations to the Lua function.
Otherwise, this event is attributed to a C function.
See also the comments preceding these lines.
Parsing a binary profile and generating a profiling report
After getting the memory profile in binary format, the next step is
to parse it to get a human-readable profiling report. You can do this
via Tarantool by using the following command
(mind the hyphen - before the filename):
<filename> -— a name of the file containing Lua code.
<line_number> -— the line number where the event is detected.
<number_of_events> —- a number of events for this code line.
+<allocated>bytes —- amount of memory allocated during all the events on this line.
-<freed>bytes —- amount of memory freed during all the events on this line.
The Overrides label shows what allocation has been overridden.
See the test.lua chunk above
with the explanation in the comments for some examples.
The INTERNAL label indicates that this event is caused by internal LuaJIT
Important note regarding the INTERNAL label and the recommendation
of switching the JIT compilation off (jit.off()): this version of the
profiler doesn’t support verbose reporting for allocations on
If memory allocations are made on a trace,
the profiler can’t associate the allocations with the part of Lua code
that generated the trace. In this case, the profiler labels such allocations
So, if the JIT compilation is on,
new traces will be generated and there will be a mixture of events labeled
INTERNAL in the profiling report: some of them are really caused by
internal LuaJIT structures, but some of them are caused by allocations on
If you want to have a more definite report without JIT compiler allocations,
call jit.off() before starting the profiling.
And if you want to completely exclude the trace allocations from the report,
remove also the old traces by additionally calling jit.flush() after
Nevertheless, switching the JIT compilation off before the profiling is not
«a must». It is rather a recommendation, and in some cases,
for example in a production environment, you may need to keep JIT compilation
on to see the full picture of all the memory allocations.
In this case, the majority of the INTERNAL events
are most probably caused by traces.
As for investigating the Lua code with the help of profiling reports,
it is always code-dependent and there can’t be hundred per cent definite
recommendations in this regard. Nevertheless, you can see some of the things
in the Profiling a report analysis example later.
Also, below is the FAQ section with the questions that
most probably can arise while using the profiler.
In this section, some profiler-related points are discussed in
a Q&A format.
Question (Q): Is the profiler suitable for C allocations or allocations
inside C code?
Answer (A): The profiler reports only allocation events caused by the Lua
allocator. All Lua-related allocations, like table or string creation
are reported. But the profiler doesn’t report allocations made by malloc()
or other non-Lua allocators. You can use valgrind to debug them.
Q: Why are there so many INTERNAL allocations in my profiling report?
What does it mean?
A: INTERNAL means that these allocations/reallocations/deallocations are
related to the internal LuaJIT structures or are made on traces.
Currently, the profiler doesn’t verbosely report allocations of objects
that are made during trace execution. Try adding jit.off()
before the profiler start.
Q: Why are there some reallocations/deallocations without an Overrides
A: These objects can be created before the profiler starts. Adding
collectgarbage() before the profiler’s start enables collecting all
previously allocated objects that are dead when the profiler starts.
Q: Why are some objects not collected during profiling? Is it
a memory leak?
A: LuaJIT uses incremental Garbage Collector (GC). A GC cycle may not be
finished at the moment the profiler stops. Add collectgarbage() before
stopping the profiler to collect all the dead objects for sure.
Q: Can I profile not just a current chunk but the entire running application?
Can I start the profiler when the application is already running?
A: Yes. Here is an example of code that can be inserted in the Tarantool
console for a running instance.
1localfiber=require"fiber" 2locallog=require"log" 3 4fiber.create(function() 5fiber.name("memprof") 6 7collectgarbage()-- Collect all objects already dead 8log.warn("start of profile") 910localst,err=misc.memprof.start(FILENAME)11ifnotstthen12log.error("failed to start profiler: %s",err)13end1415fiber.sleep(TIME)1617collectgarbage()18st,err=misc.memprof.stop()1920ifnotstthen21log.error("profiler on stop error: %s",err)22end2324log.warn("end of profile")25end)
FILENAME—the name of the binary file where profiling events are written
TIME—duration of profiling, in seconds.
Also, you can directly call misc.memprof.start() and misc.memprof.stop()
from a console.
Profiling a report analysis example
In the example below, the following Lua code named format_concat.lua is
investigated with the help of the memory profiler reports.
1-- Prevent allocations on new traces. 2jit.off() 3 4localfunctionconcat(a) 5localnstr=a.."a" 6returnnstr 7end 8 9localfunctionformat(a)10localnstr=string.format("%sa",a)11returnnstr12end1314collectgarbage()1516localbinfile="/tmp/memprof_"..(arg[0]):match("([^/]*).lua")..".bin"1718localst,err=misc.memprof.start(binfile)19assert(st,err)2021-- Payload.22fori=1,10000do23localf=format(i)24localc=concat(i)25end26collectgarbage()2728localst,err=misc.memprof.stop()29assert(st,err)3031os.exit()
When you run this code in Tarantool and
then parse the binary memory profile
in /tmp/memprof_format_concat.bin,
you will get the following profiling report:
Why are there no allocations related to the concat() function?
Why is the number of allocations not a round number?
Why are there about 20K allocations instead of 10K?
First of all, LuaJIT doesn’t create a new string if the string with the same
payload exists (see details on lua-users.org/wiki).
This is called string interning.
So, when a string is
created via the format() function, there is no need to create the same
string via the concat() function, and LuaJIT just uses the previous one.
That is also the reason why the number of allocations is not a round number
as could be expected from the cycle operator fori=1,10000...:
Tarantool creates some
strings for internal needs and built‑in modules, so some strings already exist.
But why are there so many allocations? It’s almost twice as big as the expected
amount. This is because the string.format() built‑in function creates
another string necessary for the %s identifier, so there are two allocations
for each iteration: for tostring(i) and for string.format("%sa",string_i_value).
You can see the difference in behavior by adding the line
local_=tostring(i) between lines 22 and 23.
To profile only the concat() function, comment out line 23 (which is
localf=format(i)) and run the profiler. Now the output looks like this:
Q: But what will change if JIT compilation is enabled?
A: In the code, comment out line 2 (which is
jit.off()) and run the profiler.
Now there are only 56 allocations in the report, and all the other
allocations are JIT-related (see also the related
dev issue):
This happens because a trace has been compiled after 56 iterations (the default
value of the hotloop compiler parameter). Then, the
JIT-compiler removed the unused variable c from the trace, and, therefore,
the dead code of the concat() function is eliminated.
Next, let’s profile only the format() function with JIT enabled.
For that, comment out lines 2 and 24 (jit.off() and
localc=concat(i)), do not comment out line 23
(localf=format(i)), and run the profiler.
Now the output will look like this:
Q: Why are there so many allocations in comparison to the concat() function?
A: The answer is simple: the string.format() function with the %s
identifier is not yet compiled via LuaJIT. So, a trace can’t be recorded and
the compiler doesn’t perform the corresponding optimizations.
The end of each display is a HEAP SUMMARY section which looks like this:
@<filename>:<line number> holds <number of still reachable bytes> bytes:
<number of allocation events> allocs, <number of deallocation events> frees
Sometimes a program can cause many deallocations, so
the DEALLOCATION section can become large, so the display is not easy to read.
To minimize output, start the parsing with an extra flag: --leak-only,
for example
When --leak-only is used, only the HEAP SUMMARY section is displayed.
LuaJIT platform profiler
The default profiling options for LuaJIT are not fine enough to
get an understanding of performance. For example, perf is only
able to show the host stack, so all the Lua calls are displayed as a single
pcall(). Oppositely, the jit.p module provided with LuaJIT
is not able to give any information about the host stack.
Since version 2.10.0, Tarantool
has a built‑in module called misc.sysprof that implements a
LuaJIT sampling profiler (further in this section we call it the profiler
for short). The profiler can capture both guest and
host stacks simultaneously, along with virtual machine states, so
it can show the whole picture.
Three profiling modes are available:
Default: shows only virtual machine state counters.
Leaf: shows the last frame on the stack.
Callchain: performs a complete stack dump.
The profiler comes with a default parser, which produces output in
a flamegraph.pl-suitable format.
Collecting a binary profile of
stacks (further referred as binary sampling profile or binary profile
for short).
Parsing the collected binary
profile to get a human-readable profiling report.
Collecting a binary profile
To collect a binary profile for a particular part of the Lua and C code,
you need to place this part between two misc.sysprof functions –
namely, misc.sysprof.start() and misc.sysprof.stop() – and
then execute the code in Tarantool.
Below is a chunk of Lua code named test.lua to illustrate this.
sysprof.bin is the name of the binary file where profiling events are written.
If the operation fails, for example if it is not possible to open
a file for writing or if the profiler is already running,
misc.sysprof.start() returns nil as the first result,
an error-message string as the second result,
and a system-dependent error code number as the third result.
If the operation succeeds, misc.sysprof.start() returns true.
The Lua code for stopping the profiler – as in line 15 in the
test.lua example above – is:
If the operation fails, for example if there is an error when the
file descriptor is being closed or if there is a failure during
reporting, misc.sysprof.stop() returns nil as the first
result, an error-message string as the second result,
and a system-dependent error code number as the third result.
If the operation succeeds, misc.sysprof.stop() returns true.
To generate a file with the memory profile in the binary format
(in the test.lua code example above
the file name is sysprof.bin), execute the code in Tarantool:
$ tarantooltest.lua
Tarantool collects allocation events in sysprof.bin, puts
the file in its working directory,
and closes the session.
Parsing a binary profile and generating a profiling report
After getting the platform profile in the binary format, the next step is
to parse it to get a human-readable profiling report. You can do this
via Tarantool with the following command
(mind the hyphen - before the filename):
where sysprof.bin is the binary profile
generated earlier by tarantooltest.lua.
There is a slight behavior change here: the tarantool-e... command
was slightly different in Tarantool versions prior to Tarantool 2.8.1.
The resulting SVG image contains a flamegraph with collected stacks
and can be opened by a modern web-browser for analysis.
As for investigating the Lua code with the help of profiling reports,
it is always code-dependent and there are no definite recommendations
in this regard. Nevertheless, you can see some of the things
in the Profiling report analysis example below.
Profiler Lua API
The platform profiler provides a Lua interface:
The first two functions return boolean res and err, which is
nil on success and contains an error message on failure.
misc.sysprof.report returns a Lua table containing the
following counters:
The opts argument of misc.sysprof.start can contain the
following parameters:
mode (required) – one of the supported profiling modes:
'L' = LEAF
interval (optional) – sampling interval in msec (default is 10 msec).
path (optional) – path to a file to store profile data
(default is sysprof.bin).
Profiler C API
The platform profiler provides a low-level C interface:
intluaM_sysprof_set_writer(sp_writerwriter) – sets a writer function
for sysprof.
intluaM_sysprof_set_on_stop(sp_on_stopon_stop) – sets
an on-stop callback for sysprof to clear resources.
intluaM_sysprof_set_backtracer(sp_backtracerbacktracer) – sets
a backtracing function. If the backtracer argument is NULL,
the default backtracer is set.
There is no need to call the configuration functions multiple times
if you are starting and stopping the profiler several times
in a single program.
Also, it is not necessary to configure sysprof for the Default mode.
However, you MUST configure it for other modes.
intluaM_sysprof_start(lua_State*L,conststructluam_Sysprof_Options*opt) –
see Profiler options.
intluaM_sysprof_report(structluam_Sysprof_Counters*counters) – writes
profiling counters for each vmstate.
All of the functions return 0 on success and an error code on failure.
Configuration C types
Profiler configuration settings include:
typedefsize_t(*sp_writer)(constvoid**data,size_tlen,void*ctx) –
a writer function for profile events.
Must be async-safe, see also man7signal-safety.
Should return the amount of written bytes on success, or zero in case of error.
Setting *data to NULL means end of profiling.
For details see lj_wbuf.h.
typedefint(*sp_on_stop)(void*ctx,uint8_t*buf) – a callback
on profiler stopping. Required for a correct cleanup at VM finalization
when the profiler is still running.
Returns zero on success.
typedefvoid(*sp_backtracer)(void*(*frame_writer)(intframe_no,void*addr)) –
a backtracing function for the host stack.
Should call frame_writer on each frame in the stack, in the order
from the stack top to the stack bottom.
The frame_writer function is implemented inside sysprof
and will be passed to the backtracer function.
If frame_writer returns NULL, backtracing should be stopped.
If frame_writer returns not NULL, the backtracing should be continued
if there are frames left.
Profiler options
The options structure for luaM_sysprof_start is as follows:
struct luam_Sysprof_Options { /* Profiling mode. */ uint8_t mode; /* Sampling interval in msec. */ uint64_t interval; /* Custom buffer to write data. */ uint8_t *buf; /* The buffer's size. */ size_t len; /* Context for the profile writer and final callback. */ void *ctx;};
Profiling modes
The platform profiler supports three profiling modes:
DEFAULT mode collects only data for luam_sysprof_counters,
which is stored in memory and can be collected with luaM_sysprof_report
after the profiler stops.
LEAF mode = DEFAULT + streams samples with only top frames of the host
and guests stacks in the format described in lj_sysprof.h.
CALLGRAPH mode = DEFAULT + streams samples with full callchains of the host
and guest stacks in the format described in lj_sysprof.h.
The metrics table contains 19 values.
All values have type = „number“ and are the result of a cast to double, so there may be a very slight precision loss.
Values whose names begin with gc_ are associated with the
LuaJIT garbage collector;
a fuller study of the garbage collector can be found at
a Lua-users wiki page
a slide from the creator of Lua.
Values whose names begin with jit_ are associated with the
of the just-in-time compilation process; a fuller study of JIT phases can be found at
A masters thesis from cern.ch.
Values described as «monotonic» are cumulative, that is, they are «totals since
all operations began», rather than «since the last getmetrics() call».
Overflow is possible.
Because many values are monotonic,
a typical analysis involves calling getmetrics(), saving the table,
calling getmetrics() again and comparing the table to what was saved.
The difference is a «slope curve».
An interesting slope curve is one that shows acceleration,
for example the difference between the latest value and the previous
value keeps increasing.
Some of the table members shown here are used in the examples that come later in this section.
number of bytes of allocated memory
number of allocated cdata objects
number of bytes of freed memory
number of steps of garbage collector,
atomic phases, incremental
number of steps of garbage collector,
sweep phases for strings
number of allocated string objects
number of allocated table objects
number of bytes of currently allocated memory
(normally equals gc_allocated minus gc_freed)
number of allocated udata objects
total size of all allocated machine code areas
overall number of snap restores, based on the
number of guard assertions leading to stopping
trace executions (see external Snap tutorial)
overall number of aborted traces
number of JIT traces
number of strings being interned because, if a
string with the same value is found via the
hash, a new one is not created / allocated
total number of strings allocations during
the platform lifetime
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in
the values are not the same, primarily because many ujit numbers are not monotonic.
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in LuaJIT metrics,
and the values are exactly the same, misc.getmetrics() is slightly easier
because there is no need to ‘require’ the misc module.
getmetrics C API
The Lua getmetrics() function is a wrapper for the C function luaM_metrics().
C programs may include a header named libmisclib.h.
The definitions in libmisclib.h include the following lines:
structluam_Metrics{/* the names described earlier for Lua */}LUAMISC_APIvoidluaM_metrics(lua_State*L,structluam_Metrics*metrics);
The names of structluam_Metrics members are the same as Lua’s
getmetrics table values names.
The data types of structluam_Metrics members are all size_t.
The luaM_metrics() function will fill the *metrics structure
with the metrics related to the Lua state anchored to the L coroutine.
Example with a C program
Go through the C stored procedures tutorial.
Replace the easy.c example with
Now when you go back to the client and execute the requests up to and including the line
you will see that the display is something like
«allocated memory = 4431950»
although the number will vary.
Example with gc_strnum, strhash_miss, and strhash_hit
The result will probably be:
«gc_strnum diff = 1100» because we added 1202 strings but 101 were duplicates,
«strhash_miss_diff = 1100» for the same reason,
«strhash_hit_diff = 101» plus some overhead, for the same reason.
(There is always a slight overhead amount for strhash_hit, which can be ignored.)
We say «probably» because there is a chance that the strings were already
allocated somewhere.
It is a good thing if the slope curve of
strhash_miss is less than the slope curve of strhash_hit.
The other gc_*num values – gc_cdatanum, gc_tabnum, gc_udatanum – can be accessed
in a similar way.
Any of the gc_*num values can be useful when looking for memory leaks – the total
number of these objects should not grow nonstop.
A more general way to look for memory leaks is to watch gc_total.
Also jit_mcode_size can be used to watch the amount of allocated memory for machine code traces.
Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
The result will be: gc_allocateddiff=800, gc_freeddiff=800.
This shows that local...=getmetrics() itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm variable)
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
collectgarbage("collect") forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_* items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_* values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
And the display will show that the gc_steps_* metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute() was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start call.
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
functionf()localfunctionfoo(i)returni<=5andiortostring(i)end-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviourjit.opt.start(0,"hotloop=2","hotexit=2","minstitch=15")localsum=0localoldm=misc.getmetrics()fori=1,10dosum=sum+foo(i)endlocalnewm=misc.getmetrics()localdiff=newm.jit_snap_restore-oldm.jit_snap_restoreprint("diff = "..diff)endf()
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function localfoo, so now the code is:
functionf()localfunctionfoo(i)-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!returni<=5andiormath.fmod(i,11)end-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviourjit.opt.start(0,"hotloop=2","hotexit=2","minstitch=15")localsum=0localoldm=misc.getmetrics()fori=1,10dosum=sum+foo(i)endlocalnewm=misc.getmetrics()localdiff=newm.jit_snap_restore-oldm.jit_snap_restoreprint("diff = "..diff)endf()
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
Tarantool устроен таким образом, что возможно запустить несколько экземпляров программы на одном компьютере.
Здесь мы показываем, как администрировать экземпляры Tarantool с помощью любой из следующих утилит:
встроенные утилиты systemd или
tt, a command-line utility for managing Tarantool-based applications.
В отличие от остальной части руководства, в этой главе мы используем общесистемные пути.
Здесь мы приводим примеры консольного вывода для Fedora.
This section covers the installation and reloading of Tarantool modules.
To learn about writing your own module and contributing it,
check the Contributing a module section.
Установка модуля
Модули на Lua и C от разработчиков Tarantool и сторонних разработчиков доступны здесь:
Установите Tarantool в соответствии с рекомендациями на странице загрузки.
Install the module you need. Look up the module’s name on
Tarantool rocks page and put the prefix
«tarantool-» before the module name to avoid ambiguity:
$ # для Ubuntu/Debian:$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-<module-name>
$ # для RHEL/CentOS/Amazon:$ sudoyuminstalltarantool-<module-name>
Например, чтобы установить модуль vshard на Ubuntu, введите:
$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-vshard
Теперь можно:
загружать любой модуль с помощью
tarantool> name=require('module-name')
tarantool> vshard=require('vshard')
локально находить установленные модули с помощью package.path (Lua) или package.cpath (C):
localfunctionstart()-- начальная версияbox.once("myapp:v1.0",function()box.schema.space.create("somedata")box.space.somedata:create_index("primary")...end)-- код миграции с 1.0 на 1.1box.once("myapp:v1.1",function()box.space.somedata.index.primary:alter(...)...end)-- код миграции с 1.1 на 1.2box.once("myapp:v1.2",function()box.space.somedata.index.primary:alter(...)box.space.somedata:insert(...)...end)end-- запустить файберы в фоновом режиме, если необходимоlocalfunctionstop()-- остановить все файберы, работающие в фоновом режиме, и очистить ресурсыendlocalfunctionapi_for_call(xxx)-- сделать что-тоendreturn{start=start,stop=stop,api_for_call=api_for_call}
После компиляции новой версии модуля на C (библиотека общего пользования *.so), вызовите функцию box.schema.func.reload(„module-name“) из Lua-скрипта для перезагрузки модуля.
Each Tarantool instance logs important events to its own log file.
For instances started with tt, the log location is defined by
the log_dir parameter in the tt configuration.
By default, it’s /var/log/tarantool in the ttsystem mode,
and the var/log subdirectory of the tt working directory in the local mode.
In the specified location, tt creates separate directories for each instance’s logs.
To check how logging works, write something to the log using the log module:
$ ttconnectapplication
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to applicationapplication> require('log').info("Hello for the manual readers")---...
Затем проверим содержимое журнала:
$ tailinstances.enabled/application/var/log/instance001/tt.log
2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/106/gc I> wal/engine cleanup is resumed2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/104/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'instance_name' configuration option to "instance001"2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/104/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'custom_proc_title' configuration option to "tarantool - instance001"2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/104/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'log_nonblock' configuration option to false2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/104/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'replicaset_name' configuration option to "replicaset001"2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/104/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'listen' configuration option to [{"uri":""}]2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/107/checkpoint_daemon I> scheduled next checkpoint for Tue Apr 9 19:08:04 20242024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main/104/interactive/box.load_cfg I> set 'metrics' configuration option to {"labels":{"alias":"instance001"},"include":["all"],"exclude":[]}2024-04-09 17:34:29.489 [49502] main I> entering the event loop2024-04-09 17:34:38.905 [49502] main/116/console/unix/:/tarantool I> Hello for the manual readers
Log rotation
When logging to a file, the system administrator must ensure
logs are rotated timely and do not take up all the available disk space.
The recommended way to prevent log files from growing infinitely is using an external
log rotation program, for example, logrotate, which is pre-installed on most
mainstream Linux distributions.
A Tarantool log rotation configuration for logrotate can look like this:
# /var/log/tarantool/<env>/<app>/<instance>/*.log
/var/log/tarantool/*/*/*/*.log {
size 512k
rotate 10
sharedscripts # Run tt logrotate only once after all logs are rotated.
/usr/bin/tt -S logrotate
In this configuration, tt logrotate is called after each log
rotation to reopen the instance log files after they are moved by the logrotate
There is also the built-in function log.rotate(), which you
can call on an instance to reopen its log file after rotation.
Log destination
Tarantool can write its logs to a log file, to syslog, or to a specified program through a pipe.
For example, to send logs to syslog, specify the log.to parameter as follows:
Tarantool разрешает два типа подключений:
With console.listen() function from console module,
you can set up a port which can be used to open an administrative console to
the server. This is for administrators to connect to a running instance and
make requests. tt invokes console.listen() to create a
control socket for each started instance.
Используя параметр box.cfg{listen=…} из модуля box, можно настроить бинарный порт для соединений, которые читают и пишут в базу данных или вызывают хранимые процедуры.
Если вы подключены к административной консоли:
Клиент-серверный протокол – это простой текст.
Пароль не требуется.
Пользователь автоматически получает права администратора.
Каждая команда напрямую обрабатывается встроенным интерпретатором Lua.
Поэтому порты для административной консоли следует настраивать очень осторожно. Если это TCP-порт, он должен быть открыть только для определенного IP-адреса. В идеале вместо TCP-порта лучше настроить доменный Unix-сокет, который требует наличие прав доступа к серверной машине. Тогда типичная настройка порта для административной консоли будет выглядеть следующим образом:
if the listener has the privilege to write on /var/lib/tarantool and the
connector has the privilege to read on /var/lib/tarantool. Alternatively,
to connect to an admin console of an instance started with tt, use
tt connect.
Выяснить, является ли некоторый TCP-порт портом для административной консоли, можно с помощью telnet. Например:
$ telnet03303Trying to 0.Escape character is '^]'.Tarantool 2.1.0 (Lua console)type 'help' for interactive help
В этом примере в ответе от сервера нет слова «binary» и есть слова «Lua console». Это значит, что мы успешно подключились к порту для административной консоли и можем вводить администраторские запросы на этом терминале.
Для смены пользователя необходимо пройти аутентификацию.
For ease of use, ttconnect command automatically detects the type
of connection during handshake and uses EVAL
binary protocol command when it’s necessary to execute Lua commands over a binary
connection. To execute EVAL, the authenticated user must have global «EXECUTE»
Поэтому при невозможности подключиться к машине по ssh системный администратор может получить удаленный доступ к экземпляру, создав пользователя Tarantool с глобальными «EXECUTE»-правами и непустым паролем.
Управление доступом
Tarantool enables flexible management of access to various database resources.
The main concepts of Tarantool access control system are as follows:
A user is a person or program that interacts with a Tarantool instance.
An object is an entity to which access can be granted, for example, a space, an index, or a function.
A privilege allows a user to perform certain operations on specific objects, for example, creating spaces, reading or updating data.
A role is a named collection of privileges that can be granted to a user.
A user identifies a person or program that interacts with a Tarantool instance.
There might be different types of users, for example:
A database administrator responsible for the overall management and administration of a database.
An administrator can create other users and grant them specified privileges.
A user with limited access to certain data and stored functions.
Such users can get their privileges from the database administrator.
Users used in communications between Tarantool instances. For example, such users can be created to maintain replication and sharding in a Tarantool cluster.
There are two built-in users in Tarantool:
admin is a user with all available administrative privileges.
If the connection uses an admin-console port, the current user is admin.
For example, admin is used when connecting to an instance using tt connect locally using the instance name:
guest is a user with minimum privileges used by default for remote binary port connections.
For example, guest is used when connecting to an instance using tt connect using the IP address and port without specifying the name of a user:
$ ttconnect192.168.10.10:3301
Given that the guest user allows unauthenticated access to Tarantool instances, it is not recommended to grant additional privileges to this user.
For example, granting the execute access to universe allows remote code execution on instances.
Information about users is stored in the _user space.
Any user (except guest) may have a password.
If a password is not set, a user cannot connect to Tarantool instances.
Tarantool password hashes are stored in the _user system space.
By default, Tarantool uses the CHAP protocol to authenticate users and applies SHA-1 hashing to
So, if the password is „123456“, the stored hash is a string like „a7SDfrdDKRBe5FaN2n3GftLKKtk=“.
In the Enterprise Edition, you can enable PAPauthentication with the SHA256 hashing algorithm.
Tarantool Enterprise Edition allows you to improve database security by enforcing the use of strong passwords, setting up a maximum password age, and so on.
Learn more from the Authentication topic.
An object is a securable entity to which access can be granted.
Tarantool has a number of objects that enable flexible management of access to data, stored functions, specific actions, and so on.
Below are a few examples of objects:
universe represents a database (box.schema) that contains database objects, including spaces, indexes, users, roles, sequences, and functions.
Granting privileges to universe gives a user access to any object in a database.
space enables granting privileges to user-created or system spaces.
function enables granting privileges to functions.
The full list of object types is available in the Object types section.
The privileges granted to a user determine which operations the user can perform, for example:
The read and write permissions granted to the spaceobject allow a user to read or modify data in the specified space.
The create permission granted to the space object allows a user to create new spaces.
The execute permission granted to the function object allows a user to execute the specified function.
The session permission granted to a user allows connecting to an instance over IPROTO.
Note that some privileges might require read and write access to certain system spaces.
For example, the create permission granted to the space object requires read and write permissions to the _space system space.
Similarly, granting the ability to create functions requires read and write access to the _func space.
Information about privileges is stored in the _priv space.
A role is a container for privileges that can be granted to users.
Roles can also be assigned to other roles, creating a role hierarchy.
There are the following built-in roles in Tarantool:
super has all available administrative permissions.
public has certain read permissions. This role is automatically granted to new users when they are created.
replication can be granted to a user used to maintain replication in a cluster.
sharding can be granted to a user used to maintain sharding in a cluster.
The sharding role is created only if an instance is managed using YAML configuration.
Below are a few diagrams that demonstrate how privileges can be granted to a user without and with using roles.
In this example, a user gets privileges directly without using roles.
Information about roles is stored in the _user space.
Object owners
An owner of a database object is the user who created it.
The owner of the database and the owner of objects that are created initially (the system spaces and the default users) is the adminuser.
Owners automatically have privileges for objects they create.
They can share these privileges with other users or roles using box.schema.user.grant() and box.schema.role.grant().
Information about users who gave the specified privileges is stored in the _priv space.
A session is the state of a connection to Tarantool.
The session contains:
A session’s local state, such as Lua variables and functions.
In Tarantool, a single session can execute multiple concurrent transactions.
Each transaction is identified by a unique integer ID, which can be queried
at the start of the transaction using box.session.sync().
To grant the specified privileges to a user, use the box.schema.user.grant() function.
In the example below, testuser gets read permissions to the writers space and read/write permissions to the books space:
For a binary port connection: using the
AUTH protocol command, supported by most clients.
For a binary-port connection invoking a stored function with the CALL command:
if the SETUID
property is enabled for the function,
Tarantool temporarily replaces the current user with the
function’s creator, with all the creator’s privileges, during function execution.
To grant the specified privileges to a role, use the box.schema.role.grant() function.
In the example below, the books_space_manager role gets read and write permissions to the books space:
Learn more about granting privileges to different types of objects from Granting privileges.
Not all privileges can be granted to roles.
Learn more from Permissions.
Granting a role to a role
Roles can be assigned to other roles.
In the example below, the newly created all_spaces_manager role gets all privileges granted to books_space_manager and writers_space_reader:
To grant the specified role to a user, use the box.schema.user.grant() function.
In the example below, testuser gets privileges granted to the books_space_manager and writers_space_reader roles:
box.schema.role.info('books_space_manager')--[[- - - read,write - space - books--]]
If a role has the execute permission to other roles, this means that these roles are granted to this parent role:
box.schema.role.info('all_spaces_manager')--[[- - - execute - role - books_space_manager - - execute - role - writers_space_reader--]]
Revoking a role from a user
To revoke the specified role from a user, revoke the execute privilege for this role using the box.schema.user.revoke() function.
In the example below, the books_space_reader role is revoked from testuser:
To grant the specified privileges to a user or role, use the box.schema.user.grant() and box.schema.role.grant() functions,
which have similar signatures and accept the same set of arguments.
For example, the box.schema.user.grant() signature looks as follows:
username: the name of the user that gets the specified privileges.
permissions: a string value that represents permissions granted to the user. If there are several permissions, they should be separated by commas without a space.
object-type: a type of object to which permissions are granted.
object-name: the name of the object to which permissions are granted.
An empty string ("") or nil provided instead of object-name grants the specified permissions to all objects of the specified type.
object-name is ignored for the following combinations of permissions and object types:
Any permission granted to universe.
The create and drop permissions for the following object types: user, role, space, function, sequence.
The execute permission for the following object types: lua_eval, lua_call, sql.
Any object
In the example below, testuser gets privileges allowing them to create any object of any type:
To allow testuser to alter indexes in the writers space, grant the privileges below.
This example assumes that indexes in the writers space are not created by testuser.
Similarly, executing an arbitrary SQL expression requires the execute privilege to the sql object:
In the example below, the created Lua function is executed on behalf of its
creator, even if called by another user.
First, the two spaces (space1 and space2) are created, and a no-password user (private_user)
is granted full access to them. Then read_and_modify is defined and private_user becomes this function’s creator.
Finally, another user (public_user) is granted access to execute Lua functions created by private_user.
Whenever public_user calls the function, it is executed on behalf of its creator, private_user.
All object types and permissions
Object types
Object type
A database (box.schema) that contains database objects, including spaces, indexes, users, roles, sequences, and functions. Granting privileges to universe gives a user access to any object in the database.
Allows reading data of the specified object.
For example, this permission can be used to allow a user to select data from the specified space.
Allows updating data of the specified object.
For example, this permission can be used to allow a user to modify data in the specified space.
Allows creating objects of the specified type.
For example, this permission can be used to allow a user to create new spaces.
Note that this permission requires read and write access to certain system spaces.
Allows altering objects of the specified type.
Note that this permission requires read and write access to certain system spaces.
Allows dropping objects of the specified type.
Note that this permission requires read and write access to certain system spaces.
role, universe, function, lua_eval, lua_call, sql
For role, allows using the specified role.
For other object types, allows calling a function.
Allows a user to connect to an instance over IPROTO.
Allows a user to use their privileges on database objects (for example, read, write, and alter spaces).
Object types and permissions
Object type
read: Allows reading any object types, including all spaces or sequence objects.
write: Allows modifying any object types, including all spaces or sequence objects.
execute: Allows execute functions, Lua code, or SQL expressions, including IPROTO calls.
session: Allows a user to connect to an instance over IPROTO.
usage: Allows a user to use their privileges on database objects (for example, read, write, and alter space).
create: Allows creating users, roles, functions, spaces, and sequences.
This permission requires read and write access to certain system spaces.
drop: Allows creating users, roles, functions, spaces, and sequences.
This permission requires read and write access to certain system spaces.
alter: Allows altering user settings or space objects.
alter: Allows modifying a user description, for example, change the password.
create: Allows creating new users.
This permission requires read and write access to the _user system space.
drop: Allows dropping users.
This permission requires read and write access to the _user system space.
execute: Indicates that a role is assigned to the user or another role.
create: Allows creating new roles.
This permission requires read and write access to the _user system space.
drop: Allows dropping roles.
This permission requires read and write access to the _user system space.
read: Allows selecting data from a space.
write: Allows modifying data in a space.
create: Allows creating new spaces.
This permission requires read and write access to the _space system space.
drop: Allows dropping spaces.
This permission requires read and write access to the _space system space.
alter: Allows modifying spaces.
This permission requires read and write access to the _space system space.
If a space is created by a user, they can read and write it without granting explicit permission.
execute: Allows calling a function.
create: Allows creating a function.
This permission requires read and write access to the _func system space.
If a function is created by a user, they can execute it without granting explicit permission.
drop: Allows dropping a function.
This permission requires read and write access to the _func system space.
read: Allows using sequences in space_obj:create_index().
write: Allows all operations for a sequence object.
seq_obj:drop() requires a write permission to the _priv system space.
create: Allows creating sequences.
This permission requires read and write access to the _sequence system space.
If a sequence is created by a user, they can read/write it without explicit permission.
drop: Allows dropping sequences.
This permission requires read and write access to the _sequence system space.
alter: Has no effect.
seq_obj:alter() and other methods require the write permission.
execute: Allows executing arbitrary Lua code using the IPROTO_EVAL request.
execute: Allows executing any user-defined function using the IPROTO_CALL request.
This permission doesn’t allow a user to call built-in Lua functions (for example, loadstring() or box.session.su()) and functions defined in the _func system space.
execute: Allows executing arbitrary SQL expression using the IPROTO_PREPARE and IPROTO_EXECUTE requests.
To learn what instances belong to the replica set and obtain statistics for all
these instances, execute a box.info.replication request.
The output below shows the replication status for a replica set containing one master and two replicas:
The following diagram illustrates the upstream and downstream connections if box.info.replication executed at the master instance (instance001):
If box.info.replication is executed on instance002, the upstream and downstream connections look as follows:
This means that statistics for replicas are given in regard to the instance on which box.info.replication is executed.
Основные индикаторы работоспособности репликации:
idle: the time (in seconds) since
the instance received the last event from a master.
If the master has no updates to send to the replicas, it sends heartbeat messages
every replication_timeout seconds. The master
is programmed to disconnect if it does not see acknowledgments of the heartbeat messages
within replication_timeout * 4 seconds.
Таким образом, в работоспособном состоянии значение idle никогда не должно превышать значение replication_timeout: в противном случае, либо репликация сильно отстает, поскольку мастер опережает реплику, либо отсутствует сетевое подключение между экземплярами.
lag: the time difference between
the local time at the instance, recorded when the event was received, and the
local time at another master recorded when the event was written to the
write-ahead log on that master.
Поскольку при расчете отставания используются часы операционной системы с двух разных машин, не удивляйтесь, получив отрицательное число: смещение во времени может привести к постоянному запаздыванию времени на удаленном мастере относительно часов на локальном экземпляре.
Восстановление после сбоя
«Сбой» – это ситуация, когда мастер становится недоступен вследствие проблем с оборудованием, сетевых неполадок или программной ошибки.
In a master-replica set with manual failover, if a master disappears, error messages appear on the
replicas stating that the connection is lost:
2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] main/110/applier/replicator@ I> can't read row2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] main/110/applier/replicator@ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 19, aka, peer of Broken pipe2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] main/110/applier/replicator@ I> will retry every 1.00 second2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] relay/ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 23, aka, peer of Broken pipe2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] relay/ I> exiting the relay loop
In a master-replica set with automated failover, a log also includes Raft messages showing the process of a new master’s election:
2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] main/111/applier/replicator@ I> can't read row2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] main/111/applier/replicator@ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 24, aka, peer of Broken pipe2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] main/111/applier/replicator@ I> will retry every 1.00 second2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] relay/ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 25, aka, peer of Broken pipe2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] relay/ I> exiting the relay loop2023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: message {term: 3, vote: 2, state: candidate, vclock: {1: 9}} from 22023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: received a newer term from 22023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: bump term to 3, follow2023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: vote for 2, follow2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/119/raft_worker I> RAFT: persisted state {term: 3}2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/119/raft_worker I> RAFT: persisted state {term: 3, vote: 2}2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: message {term: 3, vote: 2, leader: 2, state: leader} from 22023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: vote request is skipped - this is a notification about a vote for a third node, not a request2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: leader is 2, follow
The master’s upstream status is reported as disconnected when executing box.info.replication on a replica:
To learn how to perform manual failover in a master-replica set, see the Performing manual failover section.
In a master-replica configuration with automated failover, a new master should be elected automatically.
Перезагрузка реплики
If any of a replica’s write-ahead log or snapshot files are corrupted or deleted, you can reseed the replica.
This procedure works only if the master’s write-ahead logs are present.
Delete write-ahead logs and snapshots stored in the var/lib/<instance_name> directory.
var/lib is the default directory used by tt to store write-ahead logs and snapshots.
Learn more from Configuration.
Start the replica using the tt start command.
The replica should catch up with the master by retrieving all the master’s tuples.
(Optional) If you’re reseeding a replica after a replication conflict, you also need to restart replication.
Решение конфликтов репликации
Tarantool guarantees that every update is applied only once on every replica.
However, due to the asynchronous nature of replication, the order of updates is not guaranteed.
This topic describes how to solve problems in master-master replication.
Замена по одному и тому же первичному ключу
Case 1: You have two instances of Tarantool. For example, you try to make a
replace operation with the same primary key on both instances at the same time.
This causes a conflict over which tuple to save and which one to discard.
Триггер-функции Тарантула могут помочь в реализации правил разрешения конфликтов при определенных условиях. Например, если у вас есть метка времени, то можно указать, что сохранять нужно кортеж с большей меткой.
First, you need a before_replace() trigger on
the space which may have conflicts. In this trigger, you can compare the old and new
replica records and choose which one to use (or skip the update entirely,
or merge two records together).
Then you need to set the trigger at the right time before the space starts
to receive any updates. The way you usually set the before_replace trigger
is right when the space is created, so you need a trigger to set another trigger
on the system space _space, to capture the moment when your space is created
and set the trigger there. This can be an on_replace()
Разница между before_replace и on_replace заключается в том, что on_replace вызывается после вставки строки в спейс, а before_replace вызывается перед ней.
Устанавливать триггер _space:on_replace() также нужно в определенный момент. Лучшее время для его использования – это когда только что создан _space, что является триггером на box.ctl.on_schema_init().
You also need to utilize box.on_commit to get access to the space being
created. The resulting snippet would be the following:
Case 2: In a replica set of two masters, both of them try to insert data by the same unique key:
tarantool> box.space.tester:insert{1,'data'}
Это вызовет сообщение об ошибке дубликата ключа (Duplicatekeyexistsinuniqueindex'primary'inspace'tester'), и репликация остановится. Такое поведение системы обеспечивается использованием рекомендуемого значения false (по умолчанию) для конфигурационного параметра replication_skip_conflict.
$ # сообщения об ошибках от мастера №12017-06-26 21:17:03.233 [30444] main/104/applier/rep_user@ I> can't read row2017-06-26 21:17:03.233 [30444] main/104/applier/rep_user@ memtx_hash.cc:226 E> ER_TUPLE_FOUND:Duplicate key exists in unique index 'primary' in space 'tester'2017-06-26 21:17:03.233 [30444] relay/[::ffff:]/101/main I> the replica has closed its socket, exiting2017-06-26 21:17:03.233 [30444] relay/[::ffff:]/101/main C> exiting the relay loop$ # сообщения об ошибках от мастера №22017-06-26 21:17:03.233 [30445] main/104/applier/rep_user@ I> can't read row2017-06-26 21:17:03.233 [30445] main/104/applier/rep_user@ memtx_hash.cc:226 E> ER_TUPLE_FOUND:Duplicate key exists in unique index 'primary' in space 'tester'2017-06-26 21:17:03.234 [30445] relay/[::ffff:]/101/main I> the replica has closed its socket, exiting2017-06-26 21:17:03.234 [30445] relay/[::ffff:]/101/main C> exiting the relay loop
Если мы проверим статус репликации с помощью box.info, то увидим, что репликация на мастере №1 остановлена (1.upstream.status=stopped). Кроме того, данные с этого мастера не реплицируются (группа 1.downstream отсутствует в отчете), поскольку встречается та же ошибка:
# статусы репликации (отчет от мастера №3)tarantool> box.info----version:1.7.4-52-g980d30092id:3ro:falsevclock:{1:9, 2:1000000, 3:3}uptime:557lsn:3vinyl:[]cluster:uuid:34d13b1a-f851-45bb-8f57-57489d3b3c8bpid:30445status:runningsignature:1000012replication:1:id:1uuid:7ab6dee7-dc0f-4477-af2b-0e63452573cflsn:9upstream:peer:replicator@ key exists in unique index 'primary' in space 'tester'2:id:2uuid:9afbe2d9-db84-4d05-9a7b-e0cbbf861e28lsn:1000000upstream:status:followidle:201.99915885925peer:replicator@{1:8, 2:1000000, 3:3}3:id:3uuid:e826a667-eed7-48d5-a290-64299b159571lsn:3uuid:e826a667-eed7-48d5-a290-64299b159571...
Когда эта операция применяется на обоих экземплярах в наборе реплик:
# на мастере #1tarantool> box.space.tester:upsert({1},{{'=',2,box.info.uuid}})# на мастере #2tarantool> box.space.tester:upsert({1},{{'=',2,box.info.uuid}})
… можно получить следующие результаты в зависимости от порядка выполнения:
каждая строка мастера содержит UUID из мастера №1,
каждая строка мастера содержит UUID из мастера №2,
у мастера №1 UUID мастера №2, и наоборот.
Commutative changes
The cases described in the previous paragraphs represent examples of
non-commutative operations, that is operations whose result depends on the
execution order. On the contrary, for commutative operations, the
execution order does not matter.
Эта операция коммутативна: получаем одинаковый результат, независимо от порядка, в котором обновление применяется на других мастерах.
Trigger usage
The logic and the snippet setting a trigger will be the same here as in case 1.
But the trigger function will differ.
Note that the trigger below assumes that tuple has a timestamp in the second field.
localmy_space_name='test'localmy_trigger=function(old,new,sp,op)-- op: ‘INSERT’, ‘DELETE’, ‘UPDATE’, or ‘REPLACE’ifnew==nilthenprint("No new during "..op,old)return-- удаление допустимоendifold==nilthenprint("Insert new, no old",new)returnnew-- вставка без старого значения допустимаendprint(op.." duplicate",old,new)ifop=='INSERT'thenifnew[2]>old[2]then-- Создание нового кортежа сменит оператор на REPLACEreturnbox.tuple.new(new)endreturnoldendifnew[2]>old[2]thenreturnnewelsereturnoldendreturnendbox.ctl.on_schema_init(function()box.space._space:on_replace(function(old_space,new_space)ifnotold_spaceandnew_spaceandnew_space.name==my_space_namethenbox.on_commit(function()box.space[my_space_name]:before_replace(my_trigger)end)endend)end)
Tarantool выводит приглашение командной строки (например, «tarantool>») – и вы можете посылать запросы. Если использовать Tarantool таким образом, он может выступать клиентом для удаленного сервера, см. простые примеры в Руководстве для начинающих.
The interactive mode is used in the tt utility’s connect command.
Выполнение кода на экземпляре Tarantool
You can attach to an instance’s admin console and
execute some Lua code using tt:
$ # for local instances:$ ttconnectmy_app
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to /var/run/tarantool/example.control/var/run/tarantool/my_app.control> 1 + 1---- 2.../var/run/tarantool/my_app.control>$ # for local and remote instances:$ ttconnectusername:password@
You can also use tt to execute Lua code on an instance without
attaching to its admin console. For example:
$ # executing commands directly from the command line$ <command>|ttconnectmy_app-f-
<...>$ # - OR -$ # executing commands from a script file$ ttconnectmy_app-fscript.lua
Alternatively, you can use the console module or the
net.box module from a Tarantool server. Also, you can
write your client programs with any of the
connectors. However, most of the examples in
this manual illustrate usage with either ttconnect or
using the Tarantool server as a client.
Проверка состояния экземпляра
To check the instance status, run:
$ ttstatusmy_app
$ # - OR -$ systemctlstatustarantool@my_app
To check the boot log, on systems with systemd, run:
$ journalctl-utarantool@my_app-n5
For more specific checks, use the reports provided by functions in the following submodules:
Вложенный модуль box.cfg – проверка и указание всех конфигурационных параметров Tarantool-сервера,
Вложенный модуль box.slab – мониторинг использования и фрагментированности памяти, выделенной для хранения данных в Tarantool,
Вложенный модуль box.info – просмотр переменных Tarantool-сервера – в первую очередь тех, что относятся к репликации,
Finally, there is the metrics
library, which enables collecting metrics (such as memory usage or number
of requests) from Tarantool applications and expose them via various
protocols, including Prometheus. Check Monitoring for more details.
Очень часто администраторам приходится вызывать функцию box.slab.info(), которая показывает подробную статистику по использованию памяти для конкретного экземпляра Tarantool.
Tarantool занимает память операционной системы, например, когда пользователь вставляет много данных. Можно проверить, сколько памяти занято, выполнив команду (в Linux):
ps -eo args,%mem | grep "tarantool"
Tarantool почти никогда не освобождает эту память, даже если пользователь удалит все, что было вставлено, или уменьшит фрагментацию, вызвав сборщик мусора в Lua с помощью функции collectgarbage.
Как правило, это не влияет на производительность. Однако, чтобы заставить Tarantool высвободить память, можно вызвать :box.snapshot(), остановить экземпляр и перезапустить его.
Inspect traffic
Inspecting binary traffic is a boring task. We offer a
Wireshark plugin to
simplify the analysis of Tarantool’s traffic.
Иногда Tarantool может работать медленнее, чем обычно. Причин такого поведения может быть несколько: проблемы с диском, Lua-скрипты, активно использующие процессор, или неправильная настройка. В таких случаях в журнале Tarantool’а могут отсутствовать необходимые подробности, поэтому единственным признаком неправильного поведения является наличие в журнале записей вида W>toolongDELETE:8.546sec. Ниже приведены инструменты и приемы, которые облегчают снятие профиля производительности Tarantool’а. Эта процедура может помочь при решении проблем с замедлением.
Большинство инструментов, за исключением fiber.info(), предназначено для дистрибутивов GNU/Linux, но не для FreeBSD или Mac OS.
Самый простой способ профилирования – это использование встроенных функций Tarantool’а. fiber.info() возвращает информацию обо всех работающих файберах с соответствующей трассировкой стека для языка C. Эти данные показывают, сколько файберов запущенно на данный момент и какие функции, написанные на C, вызываются чаще остальных.
Сначала войдите в интерактивную административную консоль вашего экземпляра Tarantool’а:
$ ttconnectNAME|URI
После этого загрузите модуль fiber:
tarantool> fiber=require('fiber')
Теперь можно получить необходимую информацию с помощью fiber.info().
На этом шаге в вашей консоли должно выводиться следующее:
Мы рекомендуем присваивать создаваемым файберам понятные имена, чтобы их можно было легко найти в списке, выводимом fiber.info(). В примере ниже создается файбер с именем myworker:
tarantool> fiber=require('fiber')---...tarantool> f=fiber.create(function()whiletruedofiber.sleep(0.5)endend)---...tarantool> f:name('myworker')<!-- присваивание имени файберу---...tarantool> fiber.info()----102:csw:14backtrace:-'#00x501a1ainfiber_yield_timeout+90'-'#10x4f2008inlbox_fiber_sleep+72'-'#20x5112a7inlj_BC_FUNCC+52'fid:102memory:total:57656used:0name:myworker <!-- новый созданный фоновый файбер101:csw:284backtrace:[]fid:101memory:total:57656used:0name:interactive...
Для принудительного завершения файбера используется команда fiber.kill(fid):
Чтобы получить таблицу всех рабочих файберов, можно использовать fiber.top().
Если вам необходимо динамически получать информацию с помощью fiber.info(), вам может пригодиться приведенный ниже скрипт. Он каждые полсекунды подключается к экземпляру Tarantool’а, указанному в переменной NAME, выполняет команду fiber.info() и записывает ее выход в файл fiber-info.txt:
$ rm-ffiber.info.txt
$ watch-n0.5"echo 'require(\"fiber\").info()' | tt connect NAME -f - | tee -a fiber-info.txt"
Если вы не можете самостоятельно разобраться, какой именно файбер вызывает проблемы с производительностью, запустите данный скрипт на 10-15 секунд и пришлите получившийся файл команде Tarantool’а на адрес support@tarantool.org.
Простейшие профилировщики
pstack <pid>
Чтобы использовать этот инструмент, его необходимо установить с помощью пакетного менеджера, поставляемого с вашим дистрибутивом Linux. Данная команда выводит трассировку стека выполнения для работающего процесса с соответствующим PID. При необходимости команду можно запустить несколько раз, чтобы выявить узкое место, которое вызывает падение производительности.
После установки воспользуйтесь следующей командой:
$ pstack$(pidoftarantoolINSTANCENAME.lua)
Затем выполните:
$ echo$(pidoftarantoolINSTANCENAME.lua)
чтобы вывести на экран PID экземпляра Tarantool’а, использующего файл INSTANCENAME.lua.
В вашей консоли должно отображаться приблизительно следующее:
#0 0x00007f0a1a5423f2 in ?? () from /lib64/libgomp.so.1#1 0x00007f0a1a53fdc0 in ?? () from /lib64/libgomp.so.1#2 0x00007f0a1ad5adc5 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0#3 0x00007f0a1a050ced in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#0 0x00007f0a1a5423f2 in ?? () from /lib64/libgomp.so.1#1 0x00007f0a1a53fdc0 in ?? () from /lib64/libgomp.so.1#2 0x00007f0a1ad5adc5 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0#3 0x00007f0a1a050ced in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#0 0x00007f0a1ad5e6d5 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0#1 0x000000000045d901 in wal_writer_pop(wal_writer*) ()#2 0x000000000045db01 in wal_writer_f(__va_list_tag*) ()#3 0x0000000000429abc in fiber_cxx_invoke(int (*)(__va_list_tag*), __va_list_tag*) ()#4 0x00000000004b52a0 in fiber_loop ()#5 0x00000000006099cf in coro_init ()
#0 0x00007f0a1a0512c3 in epoll_wait () from /lib64/libc.so.6#1 0x00000000006051c8 in epoll_poll ()#2 0x0000000000607533 in ev_run ()#3 0x0000000000428e13 in main ()
gdb -ex «bt» -p <pid>
Как и в случае с pstack, перед использованием GNU-отладчик (также известный как gdb) необходимо сначала установить через пакетный менеджер, встроенный в ваш дистрибутив Linux.
После установки воспользуйтесь следующей командой:
$ gdb-ex"set pagination 0"-ex"thread apply all bt"--batch-p$(pidoftarantoolINSTANCENAME.lua)
Затем выполните:
$ echo$(pidoftarantoolINSTANCENAME.lua)
чтобы вывести на экран PID экземпляра Tarantool’а, использующего файл INSTANCENAME.lua.
После использования отладчика в консоль должна выводиться следующая информация:
#0 _int_malloc (av=av@entry=0x7f7226e0eb20 <main_arena>, bytes=bytes@entry=504) at malloc.c:3697#1 0x00007f7226acf21a in __libc_calloc (n=<optimized out>, elem_size=<optimized out>) at malloc.c:3234#2 0x00000000004631f8 in vy_merge_iterator_reserve (capacity=3, itr=0x7f72264af9e0) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:7629#3 vy_merge_iterator_add (itr=itr@entry=0x7f72264af9e0, is_mutable=is_mutable@entry=true, belong_range=belong_range@entry=false) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:7660#4 0x00000000004703df in vy_read_iterator_add_mem (itr=0x7f72264af990) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:8387#5 vy_read_iterator_use_range (itr=0x7f72264af990) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:8453#6 0x000000000047657d in vy_read_iterator_start (itr=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:8501#7 0x00000000004766b5 in vy_read_iterator_next (itr=itr@entry=0x7f72264af990, result=result@entry=0x7f72264afad8) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:8592#8 0x000000000047689d in vy_index_get (tx=tx@entry=0x7f7226468158, index=index@entry=0x2563860, key=<optimized out>, part_count=<optimized out>, result=result@entry=0x7f72264afad8) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:5705#9 0x0000000000477601 in vy_replace_impl (request=<optimized out>, request=<optimized out>, stmt=0x7f72265a7150, space=0x2567ea0, tx=0x7f7226468158) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:5920#10 vy_replace (tx=0x7f7226468158, stmt=stmt@entry=0x7f72265a7150, space=0x2567ea0, request=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl.c:6608#11 0x00000000004615a9 in VinylSpace::executeReplace (this=<optimized out>, txn=<optimized out>, space=<optimized out>, request=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/vinyl_space.cc:108#12 0x00000000004bd723 in process_rw (request=request@entry=0x7f72265a70f8, space=space@entry=0x2567ea0, result=result@entry=0x7f72264afbc8) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/box.cc:182#13 0x00000000004bed48 in box_process1 (request=0x7f72265a70f8, result=result@entry=0x7f72264afbc8) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/box.cc:700#14 0x00000000004bf389 in box_replace (space_id=space_id@entry=513, tuple=<optimized out>, tuple_end=<optimized out>, result=result@entry=0x7f72264afbc8) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/box.cc:754#15 0x00000000004d72f8 in lbox_replace (L=0x413c5780) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/lua/index.c:72#16 0x000000000050f317 in lj_BC_FUNCC ()#17 0x00000000004d37c7 in execute_lua_call (L=0x413c5780) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/lua/call.c:282#18 0x000000000050f317 in lj_BC_FUNCC ()#19 0x0000000000529c7b in lua_cpcall ()#20 0x00000000004f6aa3 in luaT_cpcall (L=L@entry=0x413c5780, func=func@entry=0x4d36d0 <execute_lua_call>, ud=ud@entry=0x7f72264afde0) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/lua/utils.c:962#21 0x00000000004d3fe7 in box_process_lua (handler=0x4d36d0 <execute_lua_call>, out=out@entry=0x7f7213020600, request=request@entry=0x413c5780) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/lua/call.c:382#22 box_lua_call (request=request@entry=0x7f72130401d8, out=out@entry=0x7f7213020600) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/lua/call.c:405#23 0x00000000004c0f27 in box_process_call (request=request@entry=0x7f72130401d8, out=out@entry=0x7f7213020600) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/box.cc:1074#24 0x000000000041326c in tx_process_misc (m=0x7f7213040170) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/box/iproto.cc:942#25 0x0000000000504554 in cmsg_deliver (msg=0x7f7213040170) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/cbus.c:302#26 0x0000000000504c2e in fiber_pool_f (ap=<error reading variable: value has been optimized out>) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/fiber_pool.c:64#27 0x000000000041122c in fiber_cxx_invoke(fiber_func, typedef __va_list_tag __va_list_tag *) (f=<optimized out>, ap=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/fiber.h:645#28 0x00000000005011a0 in fiber_loop (data=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/tarantool/src/fiber.c:641#29 0x0000000000688fbf in coro_init () at /usr/src/tarantool/third_party/coro/coro.c:110
Запустите отладчик в цикле, чтобы собрать достаточно информации, которая поможет установить причину спада производительности Tarantool’а. Можно воспользоваться следующим скриптом:
$ rm-fstack-trace.txt
$ watch-n0.5"gdb -ex 'set pagination 0' -ex 'thread apply all bt' --batch -p $(pidoftarantoolINSTANCENAME.lua) | tee -a stack-trace.txt"
С точки зрения структуры и функциональности, этот скрипт идентичен тому, что используется выше с fiber.info().
Если вам не удается отыскать причину пониженной производительности, запустите данный скрипт на 10-15 секунд и пришлите получившийся файл stack-trace.txt команде Tarantool’а на адрес support@tarantool.org.
Следует использовать pstack и gdb с осторожностью: каждый раз, подключаясь с работающему процессу, они приостанавливают выполнение этого процесса приблизительно на одну секунду, что может иметь серьезные последствия для высоконагруженных сервисов.
Чтобы использовать профилировщик процессора из набора Google Performance Tools с Tarantool’ом, необходимо сначала установить зависимости:
Если вы используете Debian/Ubuntu, запустите эту команду:
$ apt-getinstalllibgoogle-perftools4
Если вы используете RHEL/CentOS/Fedora, запустите эту команду:
$ yuminstallgperftools-libs
После этого установите привязки для Lua:
$ ttrocksinstallgperftools
После окончания установки войдите в интерактивную административную консоль вашего экземпляра Tarantool’а:
$ ttconnectNAME|URI
Для запуска профилировщика выполните следующий код:
На сбор метрик производительности у профилировщика уходит по крайней мере пара минут. По истечении этого времени можно сохранять информацию на диск (неограниченное количество раз):
tarantool> cpuprof.flush()
Для остановки профилировщика выполните следующую команду:
tarantool> cpuprof.stop()
Теперь можно проанализировать собранные данные с помощью утилиты pprof, которая входит в пакет gperftools:
Этот инструмент для мониторинга и анализа производительности устанавливается отдельно с помощью пакетного менеджера. Попробуйте ввести в окне консоли команду perf и следуйте подсказкам, чтобы установить необходимые пакеты.
По умолчанию некоторые команды из пакета perf можно выполнять только с root-правами, поэтому необходимо либо зайти в систему из-под пользователя root, либо добавлять перед каждой командой sudo.
Чтобы начать сбор показателей производительности, выполните следующую команду:
$ perfrecord-g-p$(pidoftarantoolINSTANCENAME.lua)
Эта команда сохраняет собранные данные в файл perf.data, который находится в текущей рабочей папке. Для остановки процесса (обычно через 10-15 секунд) нажмите ctrl+C. В консоли должно появиться следующее:
^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ][ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.225 MB perf.data (1573 samples) ]
Затем выполните эту команду:
$ perfreport-n-g--stdio|teeperf-report.txt
Она превращает содержащиеся в perf.data статистические данные в отчет о производительности, который сохраняется в файл perf-report.txt.
Инструменты gperftools и perf отличаются от pstack и gdb низкой затратой ресурсов (пренебрежимо малой по сравнению с pstack и gdb): они подключаются к работающим процессам без больших задержек, а потому могут использоваться без серьезных последствий.
Профилировщик «jit.p» входит в комплект сервера приложений Tarantool. Чтобы загрузить его, выполните команду require('jit.p') или require('jit.profile'). Есть много параметров для настройки выборки и вывода, они описаны в документации по профилировщику LuaJIT, которая доступна в репозитории LuaJIT на GitHub в ветке 2.1 в файле: doc/ext_profiler.html.
Создайте функцию для вызова функции под названием f1, которая осуществляет 500 000 вставок и удалений в спейсе Tarantool. Запустите профилировщик, выполните функцию, завершите работу профилировщика. Получите результат выборки профилировщика.
Как правило, результат покажет, что выборка многократно осуществлялась в рамках f1(), а также в рамках внутренних функций Tarantool, имена которых могут изменяться с каждой новой версией.
Контроль за фоновыми программами
Сигналы от сервера
Во время событийного цикла в потоке обработки транзакций Tarantool обрабатывает следующие сигналы:
Может привести к ротации журналов, см. пример в справочнике по параметрам журналирования Tarantool.
Может привести к созданию снимка состояния базы данных, см. описание функции Функция box.snapshot.
Может привести к корректному завершению работы (с предварительным сохранением всех данных).
SIGINT (или «прерывание от клавиатуры»)
Может привести к корректному завершению работы.
Приводит к аварийному завершению работы.
Остальные сигналы приводят к заданному операционной системой поведению. Все сигналы, за исключением SIGKILL, можно игнорировать, особенно если Tarantool выполняет длительную процедуру и не может вернуться в событийный цикл в потоке обработки транзакций.
Автоматическая перезагрузка экземпляра
На платформах, где доступна утилита systemd, systemd автоматически перезагружает все экземпляры Tarantool при сбое. Чтобы продемонстрировать это, отключим один из экземпляров:
$ systemctlstatustarantool@my_app|grepPID
Main PID: 5885 (tarantool)$ ttconnectmy_app
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to /var/run/tarantool/my_app.control/var/run/tarantool/my_app.control> os.exit(-1) ⨯ Connection was closed. Probably instance process isn't running anymore
А теперь убедимся, что systemd перезапустила его:
$ systemctlstatustarantool@my_app|grepPID
Main PID: 5914 (tarantool)
Additionally, you can find the information about the instance restart in the boot logs:
$ journalctl-utarantool@my_app-n8
Создание дампов памяти
Tarantool создает дамп памяти при получении одного из следующих сигналов: SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGABRT или SIGQUIT. При сбое Tarantool дамп создается автоматически.
На платформах, где доступна утилита systemd, coredumpctl автоматически сохраняет дампы памяти и трассировку стека при аварийном завершении Tarantool-сервера. Вот как включить создание дампов памяти в Unix-системе:
Убедитесь, что лимиты для сессии установлены таким образом, чтобы можно было создавать дампы памяти, – выполните команду ulimit-cunlimited. Также проверьте «man 5 core» на другие причины, по которым дамп памяти может не создаваться.
Создайте директорию для записи дампов памяти и убедитесь, что в эту директорию действительно можно производить запись. На Linux путь до директории задается в параметре ядра, который настраивается через /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern.
Убедитесь, что дампы памяти включают трассировку стека. При использовании бинарного дистрибутива Tarantool эта информация включается автоматически. При сборке Tarantool из исходников, если передать CMake флаг -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release, вы не получите подробной информации.
Для симуляции сбоя можно попытаться выполнить нелегальную команду на работающем экземпляре Tarantool:
$ # !!! please never do this on a production system !!!$ ttconnectmy_app
• Connecting to the instance... • Connected to /var/run/tarantool/my_app.control/var/run/tarantool/my_app.control> require('ffi').cast('char *', 0)[0] = 48 ⨯ Connection was closed. Probably instance process isn't running anymore
Есть другой способ: если вы знаете PID экземпляра ($PID в нашем примере), можно остановить этот экземпляр, запустив отладчик gdb:
Чтобы сохранить дамп памяти в файл, выполните команду:
$ coredumpctl-ofilename.coreinfo<pid>
Трассировка стека
Так как Tarantool хранит кортежи в памяти, файлы с дампами памяти могут быть довольно большими. Чтобы найти проблему, обычно целый файл не нужен – достаточно только «трассировки стека» или «обратной трассировки».
Чтобы сохранить трассировку стека в файл, выполните команду:
$ gdb-se"tarantool"-ex"bt full"-ex"thread apply all bt"--batch-ccore>/tmp/tarantool_trace.txt
«tarantool» – это путь до исполняемого файла Tarantool,
«core» – это путь до файла с дампом памяти, и
«/tmp/tarantool_trace.txt» – это пример пути до файла, в который сохраняется трассировка стека.
В трассировке стека присутствуют символические имена, даже если у вас не установлен пакет tarantool-debuginfo.
Аварийное восстановление
The minimal fault-tolerant Tarantool configuration would be a replica set
that includes a master and a replica, or two masters.
The basic recommendation is to configure all Tarantool instances in a replica set to create snapshot files on a regular basis.
Here are action plans for typical crash scenarios.
Problem: Some transactions are missing on a replica after the master has crashed.
You lose a few transactions in the master
write-ahead log file, which may have not
transferred to the replica before the crash. If you were able to salvage the master
.xlog file, you may be able to recover these.
Посмотрите UUID экземпляра в xlog-файле вышедшего из строя мастера:
Reload configurations on all instances using the reload() function provided by the config module.
Turn off deletion of expired checkpoints with box.backup.start().
This prevents the Tarantool garbage collector from removing files
made with older checkpoints until box.backup.stop() is called.
Get the latest valid .snap file and
use ttcat command to calculate at which LSN the data loss occurred.
Start a new instance and use tt play command to
play to it the contents of .snap and .xlog files up to the calculated LSN.
Bootstrap a new replica from the recovered master.
The steps above are applicable only to data in the memtx storage engine.
Резервное копирование
Архитектура Tarantool-хранилища позволяет производить обновление только путем присоединения новых записей: сами файлы никогда не перезаписываются. Сборщик мусора Tarantool удаляет старые файлы после определенной контрольной точки. В настройках демона создания контрольных точек можно отложить или запретить работу сборщика мусора. Резервное копирование может проводиться в любое время с минимальной затратой ресурсов.
Для резервного копирования в определенных ситуациях используются две функции:
box.backup.start() сообщает серверу, что следует отложить некоторые действия, связанные с удалением устаревших резервных копий, и возвращает таблицу с именами файлов снимков и файлов vinyl’а, которые необходимо будет скопировать.
box.backup.stop() затем уведомляет сервер, что работа может быть продолжена в обычном режиме.
Горячее резервное копирование (memtx)
Это особый случай, когда все таблицы хранятся в памяти.
Последний созданный Tarantool файл-снимок является резервной копией всей базы данных; а WAL-файлы, созданные следом за последним файлом-снимком, являются инкрементными копиями. Поэтому процедура резервного копирования сводится к копированию последнего файла-снимка и следующих за ним WAL-файлов.
Use tar to make a (possibly compressed) copy of the latest .snap and .xlog
files on the snapshot.dir and
wal.dir directories.
Если того требуют правила безопасности, зашифруйте получившийся .tar-файл.
Скопируйте .tar-файл в надежное место.
Later, restoring the database is a matter of taking the .tar file and putting
its contents back in the snapshot.dir and wal.dir directories.
Горячее резервное копирование (vinyl/memtx)
Vinyl хранит свои файлы в vinyl_dir и создает для каждого спейса в базе данных отдельную поддиректорию. Создание дампов и слияние – это процессы, которые могут лишь добавлять записи, поэтому в результате создаются новые файлы. Сборщик мусора Tarantool может удалять старые файлы после каждой контрольной точки.
Для создания смешанной резервной копии:
Выполните команду box.backup.start() в административной консоли. Эта команда покажет список файлов для резервного копирования и приостановит сборку мусора до следующего вызова box.backup.stop().
Скопируйте файлы из списка в надежное место. Это касается файлов-снимков memtx, выполняемых vinyl-файлов и индексных файлов, соответствующих последней контрольной точке.
Выполните команду box.backup.stop(), чтобы сборщик мусора мог продолжить работу.
Непрерывное удаленное резервное копирование
Репликация обеспечивает резервное копирование и помогает балансировать нагрузку.
Поэтому процесс создания резервной копии сводится к обновлению (при необходимости) одной из реплик с последующим холодным резервным копированием. Так как все остальные реплики продолжают функционировать, с точки зрения конечного пользователя, этот процесс не является холодным резервным копированием. Такое копирование можно выполнять регулярно с помощью планировщика cron или файбера Tarantool.
Непрерывное резервное копирование
По ходу работы системы необходимо сохранять записи об изменениях, внесенных со времени последнего холодного резервного копирования.
Для этого нужна специальная утилита для копирования файлов (например, rsync), которая позволит удаленно и на постоянной основе копировать только изменившиеся части WAL-файла, а не весь файл целиком.
Можно взять и обычную утилиту для копирования целых файлов, но тогда придется создавать файлы-снимки и WAL-файлы на каждое изменение, чтобы нужно было копировать только новые файлы.
This section contains instructions for upgrading Tarantool clusters to versions up to 2.11.x.
This section describes the general upgrade process for Tarantool. There are two
main upgrade scenarios for different use cases:
Live upgrade (without downtime) for replication clusters.
Upgrading from or to certain versions can involve specific steps or slightly differ
from the general upgrade procedure. Such version-specific cases are described on
the dedicated pages inside this section.
This page describes the process of upgrading a standalone Tarantool instance in production.
Note that this always implies a downtime because the application needs to be
stopped and restarted on the target version.
To upgrade without downtime, you need multiple Tarantool servers running in a
replication cluster. Find detailed instructions in Replication cluster upgrade.
Checking your application
Before upgrading, make sure your application is compatible with the target
Tarantool version:
Set up a development environment with the target Tarantool version installed.
See the installation instructions at the Tarantool download page
and in the tt install reference.
Deploy the application in this environment and check how it works. In case of
any issues, adjust the application code to ensure compatibility with the target version.
When your application is ready to run on the target Tarantool version, you can
start upgrading the production environment.
Upgrading a standalone instance
Stop the Tarantool instance.
Make a copy of all data and the package from which the current (old)
version was installed. You may need it for rollback purposes. Find the
backup instruction in the appropriate hot backup procedure in
Install the target Tarantool version on the host. You can do this
using a package manager or the tt utility.
See the installation instructions at Tarantool download page
and in the tt install reference.
To check that the target Tarantool version is installed, run tarantool-v.
Start your application on the target version.
Run box.schema.upgrade().
This will update the Tarantool system spaces to match the currently installed version of Tarantool.
The rollback procedure for a standalone instance is almost the same as the upgrade.
The only difference is in the last step: you should call box.schema.downgrade()
to return the schema to the original version.
Replication cluster upgrade
Below are the general instructions for upgrading a Tarantool cluster with replication.
Upgrading from some versions can involve certain specifics. To find out if it is your case, check the version-specific topics of the Upgrades
A replication cluster can be upgraded without downtime due to its redundancy.
When you disconnect a single instance for an upgrade, there is always another
instance that takes over its functionality: being a master storage for the same
data buckets or working as a router. This way, you can upgrade all the instances one by one.
The high-level steps of cluster upgrade are the following:
The only way to upgrade Tarantool from version 1.6, 1.7, or 1.9 to 2.x without downtime is
to take an intermediate step by upgrading to 1.10 and then to 2.x.
Before upgrading Tarantool from 1.6 to 2.x, please read about the associated
Some upgrade steps are moved to the separate section Procedures and checks
to avoid overloading the general instruction with details. Typically, these are
checks you should repeat during the upgrade to ensure it goes well.
If you experience issues during upgrade, you can roll back to the original version.
The rollback instructions are provided in the Rollback
Checking your application
Before upgrading, make sure your application is compatible with the target
Tarantool version:
Set up a development environment with the target Tarantool version installed.
See the installation instructions at the Tarantool download page
and in the tt install reference.
Deploy the application in this environment and check how it works. In case of
any issues, adjust the application code to ensure compatibility with the target version.
When your application is ready to run on the target Tarantool version, you can
start upgrading the production environment.
Pre-upgrade checks
Perform these steps before the upgrade to ensure that your cluster is working correctly:
tarantool> box.info-- box.info.status == 'running'-- box.info.ro == 'false' on one instance in each replica set.-- box.info.replication[*].upstream.status == 'follow'-- box.info.replication[*].downstream.status == 'follow'-- box.info.replication[*].upstream.lag <= box.cfg.replication_timeout-- can also be moderately larger under a write load
If you’re running Cartridge, you can check the health of the cluster instances
on the Cluster tab of its web interface.
In case of any issues, make sure to fix them before starting the upgrade procedure.
Installing the target version
Install the target Tarantool version on all hosts of the cluster. You can do this
using a package manager or the tt utility.
See the installation instructions at the Tarantool download page
and in the tt install reference.
Check that the target Tarantool version is installed by running tarantool-v
on all hosts.
Upgrading a Tarantool cluster with no downtime
Upgrading routers
Upgrade router instances one by one:
Stop one router instance.
Start this instance on the target Tarantool version.
Repeat the previous steps for each router instance.
After completing the router instances upgrade, perform the vshard.router check
on each of them.
Upgrading storages
Before upgrading storage instances:
Disable Cartridge failover: run
or use the Cartridge web interface (Cluster tab, Failover: <Mode> button).
Make sure that the Cartridge upgrade_schema option is false.
Upgrade storage instances by performing the following steps for each replica set:
To detect possible upgrade issues early, we recommend that you perform
a replication check on all instances of
the replica set after each step.
Pick a replica (a read-only instance) from the replica set. Stop this replica
and start it again on the target Tarantool version. Wait until it reaches the
running status (box.info.status==running).
Restart all other read-only instances of the replica set on the target
version one by one.
Make one of the updated replicas the new master using the applicable instruction
from Switching the master.
Restart the last instance of the replica set (the former master, now
a replica) on the target version.
Run box.schema.upgrade() on the new master.
This will update the Tarantool system spaces to match the currently installed
version of Tarantool. The changes will be propagated to other nodes via the
replication mechanism later.
This is the point of no return for upgrading from versions earlier than 2.8.2:
once you complete it, the schema is no longer compatible with the initial version.
When upgrading from version 2.8.2 or newer, you can undo the schema upgrade
using box.schema.downgrade().
Run box.snapshot() on every node in the replica set to make sure that the
replicas immediately see the upgraded database state in case of restart.
Once you complete the steps, enable failover or rebalancer back:
Enable Cartridge failover: run
or use the Cartridge web interface (Cluster tab, Failover: Disabled button).
tarantool> box.info-- box.info.status == 'running'-- box.info.ro == 'false' on one instance in each replica set.-- box.info.replication[*].upstream.status == 'follow'-- box.info.replication[*].downstream.status == 'follow'-- box.info.replication[*].upstream.lag <= box.cfg.replication_timeout-- can also be moderately larger under a write load
If you’re running Cartridge, you can check the health of the cluster instances
on the Cluster tab of its web interface.
Rollback before the point of no return
If you decide to roll back before reaching the point of no return,
your data is fully compatible with the version you had before the upgrade.
In this case, you can roll back the same way: restart the nodes you’ve already
upgraded on the original version.
Rollback after the point of no return
If you’ve passed the point of no return (that is,
executed box.schema.upgrade()) during the upgrade, then a rollback requires
downgrading the schema to the original version.
To check if an automatic downgrade is available for your original version, use
box.schema.downgrade_versions(). If the version you need is on the list,
execute the following steps on each upgraded replica set to roll back:
Run box.schema.downgrade(<version>) on master specifying the original version.
Run box.snapshot() on every instance in the replica set to make sure that the
replicas immediately see the downgraded database state after restart.
Restart all read-only instances of the replica set on the initial
version one by one.
Make one of the updated replicas the new master using the applicable instruction
from Switching the master.
Restart the last instance of the replica set (the former master, now
a replica) on the original version.
Then enable failover or rebalancer back as described in the Upgrading storages.
Recovering from a failed upgrade
This section applies to cases when the upgrade procedure has failed and the
cluster is not functioning properly anymore. Thus, it implies a downtime and
a full cluster restart.
In case of an upgrade failure after passing the point of no return,
follow these steps to roll back to the original version:
Stop all cluster instances.
Save snapshot and xlog files from all instances whose data was modified
after the last backup procedure. These files will help apply these modifications
Save the latest backups from all instances.
Restore the original Tarantool version on all hosts of the cluster.
Launch the cluster on the original Tarantool version.
At this point, the application becomes fully functional and contains data
from the backups. However, the data modifications made after the backups
were taken must be restored manually.
Manually apply the latest data modifications from xlog files you saved on step 2
using the xlog module. On instances where such changes happened,
do the following:
Find out the vclock value of the latest operation in the original WAL.
Play the operations from the newer xlog starting from this vclock on the
If the upgrade has failed after calling box.schema.upgrade(),
don’t apply the modifications of system spaces done by this call.
This can make the schema incompatible with the original Tarantool version.
Find more information about the Tarantool recovery in Disaster recovery.
Procedures and checks
Replication check
Run box.info:
tarantool> box.info
Check that the following conditions are satisfied:
box.info.status is running
box.info.replication[*].upstream.status and box.info.replication[*].downstream.status
are follow
box.info.replication[*].upstream.lag is less or equal than box.cfg.replication_timeout,
but it can also be moderately larger under a write load.
box.info.ro is false at least on one instance in each replica set.
If all instances have box.info.ro=true, this means there are no writable nodes.
On Tarantool v. 2.10.0 or later, you can find out
why this happened by running box.info.ro_reason.
If box.info.ro_reason or box.info.status has the value orphan,
the instance doesn’t see the rest of the replica set.
Then run box.info once more and check that box.info.replication[*].upstream.lag
values are updated.
vshard.storage check
Run vshard.storage.info():
tarantool> vshard.storage.info()
Check that the following conditions are satisfied:
there are no issues or alerts
replication.status is follow
vshard.router check
Run vshard.router.info():
tarantool> vshard.router.info()
Check that the following conditions are satisfied:
there are no issues or alerts
all buckets are available (the sum of bucket.available_rw on all replica
sets equals the total number of buckets)
Switching the master
Cartridge. If your cluster runs on Cartridge, you can switch the master in the web interface.
To do this, go to the Cluster tab, click Edit replica set, and drag an
instance to the top of Failover priority list to make it the master.
Pick a candidate – a read-only instance to become the new master.
Run box.ctl.promote() on the candidate. The operation will start and
wait for the election to happen.
Run box.cfg{election_mode="voter"} on the current master.
Check that the candidate became the new master: its box.info.ro
must be false.
Legacy. If your cluster neither works on Cartridge nor has automated leader election,
switch the master by following these steps:
Pick a candidate – a read-only instance to become the new master.
Run box.cfg{read_only=true} on the current master.
Check that the candidate’s vclock value matches the master’s:
The value of box.info.vclock[<master_id>] on the candidate must be equal
to box.info.lsn on the master. <master_id> here is the value of
box.info.id on the master.
If the vclock values don’t match, stop the switch procedure and restore
the replica set state by calling box.cfg{read_only==false} on the master.
Then pick another candidate and restart the procedure.
After switching the master, perform the replication check
on each instance of the replica set.
Live upgrade from Tarantool 1.6 to 1.10
This page includes explanations and solutions to some common issues
when upgrading a replica set from Tarantool 1.6 to 1.10.
Versions later that 1.6 have incompatible .snap and
.xlog file formats: 1.6 files are
supported during upgrade, but you won’t be able to return to 1.6 after running
under 1.10 or 2.x for a while. A few configuration parameters are also renamed.
To perform a live upgrade from Tarantool 1.6 to a more recent version,
like 2.8.4, 2.10.1 and such,
it is necessary to take an intermediate step by upgrading 1.6 -> 1.10 -> 2.x.
This is the only way to perform the upgrade without downtime.
However, a direct upgrade of a replica set from 1.6 to 2.x is also possible, but only
with downtime.
The procedure of live upgrade from 1.6 to 1.10 is similar to the general
cluster upgrade procedure,
but with slight differences in the Upgrading storages step.
Find below the general storage upgrade procedure and the 1.6-specific notes for its
General storage upgrade
Upgrade storage instances by performing the following steps for each replica set:
To detect possible upgrade issues early, we recommend that you perform
a replication check on all instances of
the replica set after each step.
Pick a replica (a read-only instance) from the replica set. Stop this replica
and start it again on the target Tarantool version. Wait until it reaches the
running status (box.info.status==running).
Restart all other read-only instances of the replica set on the target
version one by one.
Make one of the updated replicas the new master using the applicable instruction
from Switching the master.
Restart the last instance of the replica set (the former master, now
a replica) on the target version.
Run box.schema.upgrade() on the new master.
This will update the Tarantool system spaces to match the currently installed
version of Tarantool. The changes will be propagated to other nodes via the
replication mechanism later.
Run box.snapshot() on every node in the replica set to make sure that the
replicas immediately see the upgraded database state in case of restart.
1.6 storage upgrade specifics
Replication check: New Tarantool nodes follow 1.6 nodes just fine,
but some 1.6 nodes might disconnect from new nodes with an ER_LOADING error.
This is not critical, the error goes away when replication on 1.6 is restarted:
Point of no return: When upgrading from Tarantool 1.6, the step 3 (switching
the master) is the point of no return. Оnce you complete it, the schema is no
longer compatible with the initial version.
Restarting on the target version (steps 1, 2, and 4): Tarantool 1.10+ fails to recover
from 1.6 xlogs, unless box.cfg{force_recovery=true} is set. There is a slight
difference between 1.6 and 1.10 xlogs, which makes 1.6 xlogs appear erroneous to 1.10+ instances.
In order to work around this, start the instance in force_recovery mode. To do so, add the line
force_recovery=true to the file where the instance is initialized – for example, to init.lua.
Running box.schema.upgrade() (step 5): There was a breaking change between 1.6 and 1.10 –
in 1.6, the field type num was an alias to number, and in 1.10, num is converted to unsigned.
This means that after box.schema.upgrade() is performed on the master,
the user might have some spaces with unsigned fields containing non-unsigned values:
double, int, and so on.
This will make the snapshot inconsistent, unless an extra action is performed after box.schema.upgrade().
Run this code in the Tarantool console on the new master:
-- First find all spaces containing unsigned fields with non-unsigned values in them.-- Say, we have one such space denoted problematic_space and the problem is in field problematic_field_no.a=box.space.problematic_space:format()a[problematic_field_no].type='number'box.space.problematic_space:format(a)
Taking snapshots (step 6): The user might be concerned with snapshot size in 1.10 –
it’s drastically smaller than the one created by 1.6 (for example, ~300 Mb vs. 6 Gb in some corner cases).
There is nothing to worry about.
Tarantool 1.6 didn’t compress snapshots, while Tarantool 1.10 and above does that.
Upgrade from 1.6 directly to 2.x with downtime
Versions later that 1.6 have incompatible .snap and
.xlog file formats: 1.6 files are
supported during upgrade, but you won’t be able to return to 1.6 after running
under 1.10 or 2.x for a while. A few configuration parameters are also renamed.
To perform a live upgrade from Tarantool 1.6 to a more recent version,
like 2.8.4, 2.10.1 and such,
it is necessary to take an intermediate step by upgrading 1.6 -> 1.10 -> 2.x.
This is the only way to perform the upgrade without downtime.
However, a direct upgrade of a replica set from 1.6 to 2.x is also possible, but only
with downtime.
Here is how to upgrade from Tarantool 1.6 directly to 2.x:
Stop all instances in the replica set.
Upgrade Tarantool version to 2.x on every instance.
Upgrade the corresponding instance files and applications, if needed.
Start all the instances with Tarantool 2.x.
Execute box.schema.upgrade() on the master.
Execute box.snapshot() on every node in the replica set.
Fix decimal values in vinyl spaces when upgrading to 2.10.1
This is an upgrade guide for fixing one specific problem which could happen with decimal values in vinyl spaces.
It’s only relevant when you’re upgrading from Tarantool version <= 2.10.0 to anything >= 2.10.1.
Before gh-6377 was fixed, decimal and double values in a scalar or number index
could end up in the wrong order after the update.
If such an index has been built for a space that uses the vinyl storage engine,
the index is persisted and is not rebuilt even after the upgrade.
If this is the case, the user has to rebuild the affected indexes manually.
Here are the rules to determine whether your installation was affected.
If all of the statements listed below are true, you have to rebuild indexes for the affected vinyl spaces manually.
You were running Tarantool version 2.10.0 and below.
You have spaces with the vinyl storage engine.
The vinyl spaces have number or scalar indexes.
The tuples in these spaces may contain both decimal and doubleInf or NaN values.
If this is the case for you, you can run the following script, which will find all the affected indices:
The indices requiring a rebuild will be stored in the require_rebuild table.
If the table is empty, you’re safe and can continue using Tarantool as before.
If the require_rebuild table contains some entries,
you can rebuild the affected indices with the following script.
Please run the script below only on the master node
and only after all the nodes are upgraded to the new Tarantool version.
locallog=require('log')localfunctionrebuild_index(idx)localindex_name=idx[3]localspace_name=box.space[idx[1]].namelog.info("Rebuilding index %s on space %s",index_name,space_name)if(idx[2]==0)thenlog.error("Cannot rebuild primary index %s on space %s. Please, ".."recreate the space manually",index_name,space_name)returnendlog.info("Deleting index %s on space %s",index_name,space_name)localv=box.space._index:delete{idx[1],idx[2]}ifv==nilthenlog.error("Couldn't find index %s on space %s",index_name,space_name)returnendlog.info("Done")log.info("Creating index %s on space %s",index_name,space_name)box.space._index:insert(v)endfor_,idxinpairs(require_rebuild)dorebuild_index(idx)end
The script might fail on some of the indices with the following error:
«Cannot rebuild primary index index_name on space space_name. Please, recreate the space manually».
If this happens, automatic index rebuild is impossible,
and you have to manually re-create the space to ensure data integrity:
Create a new space with the same format as the existing one.
Define the same indices on the freshly created space.
Iterate over the old space’s primary key and insert all the data into the new space.
Drop the old space.
Fix illegal type names when upgrading to 2.10.4
This is an upgrade guide for fixing one specific problem which could happen with field type names.
It’s only relevant when you’re upgrading from a Tarantool version <=2.10.3 to >=2.10.4.
Before gh-5940 was fixed, the empty string, n, nu, s,
and st (that is, leading parts of num and str) were accepted as valid field types.
Since 2.10.4, Tarantool doesn’t accept these strings and they must be replaced with
correct values num and str.
Check if your snapshots contain illegal type names
A snapshot can be validated against the issue using the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalxlog=require('xlog')localjson=require('json')ifarg[1]==nilthenprint(('Usage: %s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.snap'):format(arg[0]))os.exit(1)endlocalillegal_types={['']=true,['n']=true,['nu']=true,['s']=true,['st']=true,}localfunctionreport_field_def(name,field_def)localmsg='A field def in a _space entry %q contains an illegal type: %s'print(msg:format(name,json.encode(field_def)))endlocalhas_broken_format=falsefor_,recordinxlog.pairs(arg[1])do-- Filter inserts.ifrecord.HEADER==nilorrecord.HEADER.type~='INSERT'thengotocontinueend-- Filter _space records.ifrecord.BODY==nilorrecord.BODY.space_id~=280thengotocontinueendlocaltuple=record.BODY.tuplelocalname=tuple[3]localformat=tuple[7]localis_format_broken=falsefor_,field_definipairs(format)doifillegal_types[field_def.type]~=nilthenreport_field_def(name,field_def)is_format_broken=trueendifillegal_types[field_def[2]]~=nilthenreport_field_def(name,field_def)is_format_broken=trueendendifis_format_brokenthenhas_broken_format=truelocalmsg='The following _space entry contains illegal type(s): %s'print(msg:format(json.encode(record)))end::continue::endifhas_broken_formatthenprint('')print(('%s has an illegal type in a space format'):format(arg[1]))print('It is recommended to proceed with the upgrade instruction:')print('https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/wiki/Fix-illegal-field-type-in-a-space-format-when-upgrading-to-2.10.4')elseprint('Everything looks nice!')endos.exit(has_broken_formatand2or0)
If the snapshot contains the values that aren’t valid in 2.10.4, you’ll get
an output like the following:
Fix an application file
To fix the application file that contains illegal type names, add the following code in it
before the box.cfg()/vshard.cfg()/cartridge.cfg() call.
In Cartridge applications, the instance file is called init.lua.
-- Convert illegal type names in a space format that were-- allowed before tarantool 2.10.4.locallog=require('log')localjson=require('json')localtransforms={['']='num',['n']='num',['nu']='num',['s']='str',['st']='str',}-- The helper for before_replace().localfunctiontransform_field_def(name,field_def,field,new_type)localfield_def_old_str=json.encode(field_def)field_def[field]=new_typelocalfield_def_new_str=json.encode(field_def)localmsg='Transform a field def in a _space entry %q: %s -> %s'log.info(msg:format(name,field_def_old_str,field_def_new_str))end-- _space trigger.localfunctionbefore_replace(_,tuple)iftuple==nilthenreturntupleendlocalname=tuple[3]localformat=tuple[7]-- Update format if necessary.localis_format_changed=falsefori,field_definipairs(format)dolocalnew_type=transforms[field_def.type]ifnew_type~=nilthentransform_field_def(name,field_def,'type',new_type)is_format_changed=trueendlocalnew_type=transforms[field_def[2]]ifnew_type~=nilthentransform_field_def(name,field_def,2,new_type)is_format_changed=trueendend-- No changed: skip.ifnotis_format_changedthenreturntupleend-- Rebuild the tuple.localnew_tuple=tuple:transform(7,1,format)log.info(('Transformed _space entry %s to %s'):format(json.encode(tuple),json.encode(new_tuple)))returnnew_tupleend-- on_schema_init trigger to set before_replace().localfunctionon_schema_init()box.space._space:before_replace(before_replace)end-- Set the trigger on _space.box.ctl.on_schema_init(on_schema_init)
You can delete these triggers after the box.cfg()/vshard.cfg()/cartridge.cfg()
An example for a Cartridge application:
The triggers will report the changes the make in the following form:
Recover from WALs with mixed transactions when upgrading to 2.11.0
This is a guide on fixing a specific problem that could happen when upgrading
from a Tarantool version between 2.1.2 and 2.2.0 to 2.8.1 or later. The described
solution is applicable since version 2.11.0.
The problem is described in the issue gh-7932. If two or more
transactions happened simultaneously in Tarantool 2.1.2-2.2.0, their operations
could be written to the write-ahead log mixed with each other. Starting from version
2.8.1, Tarantool recovers transactions atomically and expects all WAL entries
between a transaction’s begin and commit operations to belong to one transaction.
If there is an operation belonging to another transaction, Tarantool fails to recover
from such a WAL.
Starting from version 2.11.0, Tarantool can recover from
WALs with mixed transactions in the force_recovery mode.
Instances fail to start
If all instances or some of them fail to start after upgrading to 2.11 or a newer
version due to a recovery error:
Start these instances with the force_recovery
option to true.
Make new snapshots on the instances so that the old WALs with mixed transactions
aren’t used for recovery anymore. To do this, call box.snapshot().
Set force_recovery back to false.
Replication doesn’t work
After all the instances start successfully, WALs with mixed transactions
may still lead to replication issues. Some instances may fail to replicate from other
instances because they are sending incorrect WALs. To fix the replication issues,
rebootstrap the instances that fail to replicate.
Сообщения об ошибках
Если вы нашли ошибку в Tarantool, вы окажете нам услугу, сообщив о ней.
Пожалуйста, откройте тикет в репозитории Tarantool на GitHub. Рекомендуем включить следующую информацию:
Шаги для воспроизведения ошибки с объяснением того, как ошибочное поведение отличается от описанного в документации ожидаемого поведения. Пожалуйста, указывайте как можно более конкретную информацию. Например, вместо «Я не могу получить определенную информацию» лучше написать «box.space.x:delete() не указывает, что именно было удалено».
Название и версию вашей операционной системы, название и версию Tarantool и любую информацию об особенностях вашей машины и ее конфигурации.
Если это запрос новой функции или это затрагивает определенную группу пользователей, не забудьте это указать.
Обычно член команды Tarantool отвечает в течение одного-двух рабочих дней, чтобы подтвердить, что тикет взят в работу, задать уточняющие вопросы или предложить альтернативное решение описанной проблемы.
The flight recorder is an event collection tool that gathers various information about a working Tarantool instance, such as:
requests and responses
This information helps you investigate incidents related
to crashing a Tarantool instance.
Enable the flight recorder
The flight recorder is disabled by default and can be enabled and configured for
a specific Tarantool instance.
To enable the flight recorder, set the flightrec.enabled
configuration option to true.
After flightrec.enabled is set to true, the flight recorder starts collecting data in the flight recording file current.ttfr.
This file is stored in the snapshot.dir directory.
By default, the directory is var/lib/{{instance_name}}/<file_name>.ttfr.
If the instance crashes and reboots, Tarantool rotates the flight recording:
current.ttfr is renamed to <timestamp>.ttfr (for example, 20230411T050721.ttfr)
and the new current.ttfr file is created for collecting data.
In the case of correct shutdown (for example, using os.exit()),
Tarantool continues writing to the existing current.ttfr file after restart.
Note that old flight recordings should be removed manually.
Monitoring is the process of capturing runtime information about the instances of a Tarantool cluster using metrics.
Metrics can indicate various characteristics, such as memory usage, the number of records in spaces, replication status, and so on.
Typically, metrics are monitored in real time, allowing for the identification of current issues or the prediction of potential ones.
Tarantool allows you to configure and expose its metrics using a YAML configuration.
You can also use the built-in metrics module to create and collect custom metrics.
Configuring metrics
To configure metrics, use the metrics section in a cluster configuration.
The configuration below enables all metrics excluding vinyl-specific ones:
The metrics.labels option accepts the predefined {{ instance_name }} variable.
This adds an instance name as a label to every observation.
Third-party Lua modules, like crud or expirationd, offer their own metrics.
You can enable these metrics by configuring the corresponding role.
The example below shows how to enable statistics on called operations by providing the roles.crud-router role’s configuration:
To expose metrics in different formats, you can use a third-party metrics-export-role role.
In the following example, the metrics of storage-a-001 are provided on two endpoints:
/metrics/prometheus: exposes metrics in the Prometheus format.
/metrics/json: exposes metrics in the JSON format.
The metrics module provides a set of plugins that can be used to collect and expose metrics in different formats. Learn more in Collecting metrics using plugins.
Creating custom metrics
The metrics module allows you to create and collect custom metrics.
The example below shows how to collect the number of data operations performed on the specified space by increasing a counter value inside the on_replace() trigger function:
localmetrics=require('metrics')localbands_replace_count=metrics.counter('bands_replace_count','The number of data operations')localtrigger=require('trigger')trigger.set('box.space.bands.on_replace','update_bands_replace_count_metric',function(_,_,_,request_type)bands_replace_count:inc(1,{request_type=request_type})end)
When metrics are configured and exposed, you can use the desired third-party tool to collect them.
Below is the example of a Prometheus scrape configuration that collects metrics of multiple Tarantool instances:
The Tarantool Grafana dashboard is a ready for import template with basic memory,
space operations, and HTTP load panels, based on default metrics
package functionality.
Prepare a monitoring stack
Since there are Prometheus and InfluxDB data source Grafana dashboards,
you can use one of the following:
as a server agent for collecting metrics, InfluxDB
as a time series database for storing metrics, and Grafana
as a visualization platform.
Prometheus as both a server agent for collecting metrics
and a time series database for storing metrics, and Grafana
as a visualization platform.
For issues related to setting up Prometheus, Telegraf, InfluxDB, or Grafana instances, refer to the corresponding project’s documentation.
Collect metrics with server agents
To collect metrics for Prometheus, first set up metrics output with prometheus format.
You can use the roles.metrics-export configuration or set up the Prometheus plugin manually.
To start collecting metrics, add a job
to Prometheus configuration with each Tarantool instance URI as a target and
metrics path as it was configured on Tarantool instances:
To collect metrics for InfluxDB, use the Telegraf agent.
First off, configure Tarantool metrics output in json format
with roles.metrics-export configuration or corresponding JSON plugin.
To start collecting metrics, add http input
to Telegraf configuration including each Tarantool instance metrics URL:
Be sure to include each label key as label_pairs_<key> to extract it
with the plugin.
For example, if you use {state='ready'} labels somewhere in metric collectors, add label_pairs_state tag key.
Import the dashboard
Open Grafana import menu.
To import a specific dashboard, choose one of the following options:
paste the dashboard id (21474 for Prometheus dashboard, 21484 for InfluxDB dashboard)
You can choose the data source and data source variables after import.
If there are no data on the graphs, make sure that you picked datasource and job/measurement correctly.
If there are no data on the graphs, make sure that you have info group of Tarantool metrics
(in particular, tnt_info_uptime).
If some Prometheus graphs show no data because of parseerror:missingunitcharacterinduration,
ensure that you use Grafana 7.2 or newer.
If some Prometheus graphs display parseerror:baddurationsyntax"1m0" or similar error, you need
to update your Prometheus version. See
grafana/grafana#44542 for more details.
You can use internal Tarantool metrics to monitor detailed RAM consumption,
replication state, database engine status, track business logic issues (like
HTTP 4xx and 5xx responses or low request rate) and external modules statistics
(like CRUD errors). Evaluation timeouts, severity
levels and thresholds (especially ones for business logic) are placed here for
the sake of example: you may want to increase or decrease them for your
application. Also, don’t forget to set sane rate time ranges based on your
Prometheus configuration.
Lua memory
Monitoring tnt_info_memory_lua metric may prevent memory overflow and detect the presence of bad Lua code practices.
The Lua memory is limited to 2 GB per instance if Tarantool doesn’t have the GC64 mode enabled for LuaJIT.
By monitoring slab allocation statistics you can see
how many free RAM is remaining to store memtx tuples and indexes for an
instance. If Tarantool hit the limits, the instance will become unavailable
for write operations, so this alert may help you see when it’s time to increase
your memtx_memory limit or to add a new storage to a vshard cluster.
-alert:LowMemtxArenaRemainingWarningexpr:(tnt_slab_quota_used_ratio >= 80) and (tnt_slab_arena_used_ratio >= 80)for:1mlabels:severity:warningannotations:summary:"Instance'{{$labels.alias}}'('{{$labels.job}}')lowarenamemoryremaining"description:"Lowarenamemory(tuplesandindexes)remainingfor'{{$labels.alias}}'instanceofjob'{{$labels.job}}'.Considerincreasingmemtx_memoryornumberofstoragesincaseofshardeddata."-alert:LowMemtxArenaRemainingexpr:(tnt_slab_quota_used_ratio >= 90) and (tnt_slab_arena_used_ratio >= 90)for:1mlabels:severity:pageannotations:summary:"Instance'{{$labels.alias}}'('{{$labels.job}}')lowarenamemoryremaining"description:"Lowarenamemory(tuplesandindexes)remainingfor'{{$labels.alias}}'instanceofjob'{{$labels.job}}'.Youarelikelytohitlimitsoon.Itisstronglyrecommendedtoincreasememtx_memoryornumberofstoragesincaseofshardeddata."-alert:LowMemtxItemsRemainingWarningexpr:(tnt_slab_quota_used_ratio >= 80) and (tnt_slab_items_used_ratio >= 80)for:1mlabels:severity:warningannotations:summary:"Instance'{{$labels.alias}}'('{{$labels.job}}')lowitemsmemoryremaining"description:"Lowitemsmemory(tuples)remainingfor'{{$labels.alias}}'instanceofjob'{{$labels.job}}'.Considerincreasingmemtx_memoryornumberofstoragesincaseofshardeddata."-alert:LowMemtxItemsRemainingexpr:(tnt_slab_quota_used_ratio >= 90) and (tnt_slab_items_used_ratio >= 90)for:1mlabels:severity:pageannotations:summary:"Instance'{{$labels.alias}}'('{{$labels.job}}')lowitemsmemoryremaining"description:"Lowitemsmemory(tuples)remainingfor'{{$labels.alias}}'instanceofjob'{{$labels.job}}'.Youarelikelytohitlimitsoon.Itisstronglyrecommendedtoincreasememtx_memoryornumberofstoragesincaseofshardeddata."
Vinyl engine status
You can monitor vinyl regulator
performance to track possible scheduler or disk issues.
If tnt_replication_status is equal to 0, instance replication
status is not equal to "follows": replication is either not ready yet or
has been stopped due to some reason.
Even if async replication is "follows", it could be considered malfunctioning
if the lag is too high. It also may affect Tarantool garbage collector work,
see box.info.gc().
High fiber event loop time leads to bad application
performance, timeouts and various warnings. The reason could be a high quantity
of working fibers or fibers that spend too much time without any yields or
Responding with high latency is a synonym of insufficient performance. It may
be a sign of application malfunction. Or maybe you need to add more routers to
your cluster.
If your application uses CRUD module
requests, monitoring module statistics may track internal errors caused by
invalid process of input and internal parameters.
Statistics could also monitor requests performance. Too high request latency
will lead to high latency of client responses. It may be caused by network
or disk issues. Read requests with bad (with respect to space indexes and
sharding schema) conditions may lead to full-scans or map reduces and also
could be the reason of high latency.
Do not forget to monitor your server’s CPU, disk and RAM from server side with
your favorite tools. For example, on some high CPU consumption cases Tarantool
instance may stop to send metrics, so you can track such breakdowns only from
the outside.
Metrics reference
This page provides a detailed description of metrics from the metrics module.
General metrics
General instance information:
Instance system time in the Unix timestamp format
Time in seconds since the instance has started
Indicates if the instance is in read-only mode (1 if true, 0 if false)
Memory general
The following metrics provide a picture of memory usage by the Tarantool process.
Number of bytes in the cache used to store
tuples with the vinyl storage engine.
Number of bytes used to store user data (tuples)
with the memtx engine and with level 0 of the vinyl engine,
without regard for memory fragmentation.
Number of bytes used for indexing user data.
Includes memtx and vinyl memory tree extents,
the vinyl page index, and the vinyl bloom filters.
Number of bytes used for the Lua runtime.
Monitoring this metric can prevent memory overflow.
Number of bytes used for network input/output buffers.
Number of bytes in use by active transactions.
For the vinyl storage engine,
this is the total size of all allocated objects
(struct txv, struct vy_tx, struct vy_read_interval)
and tuples pinned for those objects.
Memory allocation
Provides a memory usage report for the slab allocator.
The slab allocator is the main allocator used to store tuples.
The following metrics help monitor the total memory usage and memory fragmentation.
To learn more about use cases, refer to the
box.slab submodule documentation.
Available memory, bytes:
Amount of memory available to store tuples and indexes.
Is equal to memtx_memory.
Total memory available to store both tuples and indexes.
Includes allocated but currently free slabs.
Total amount of memory available to store only tuples and not indexes.
Includes allocated but currently free slabs.
Memory usage, bytes:
The amount of memory that is already reserved by the slab allocator.
The effective memory used to store both tuples and indexes.
Disregards allocated but currently free slabs.
The effective memory used to store only tuples and not indexes.
Disregards allocated but currently free slabs.
Memory utilization, %:
The following metrics provide specific information
about each individual space in a Tarantool instance.
Number of records in the space.
This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test",engine="memtx"},
where name is the name of the space and
engine is the engine of the space.
Total number of bytes in all tuples.
This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test",engine="memtx"},
where name is the name of the space
and engine is the engine of the space.
Total number of bytes taken by the index.
This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test",index_name="pk"},
where name is the name of the space and
index_name is the name of the index.
Total size of tuples and all indexes in the space.
This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test",engine="memtx"},
where name is the name of the space and
engine is the engine of the space.
Total tuple count for vinyl.
This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test",engine="vinyl"},
where name is the name of the space and
engine is the engine of the space. For vinyl this metric is disabled
by default and can be enabled only with global variable setup:
Network activity stats.
These metrics can be used to monitor network load, usage peaks, and traffic drops.
Sent bytes:
Bytes sent from the instance over the network since the instance’s start time
Received bytes:
Bytes received by the instance since start time
Number of incoming network connections since the instance’s start time
Number of active network connections
Number of network requests the instance has handled since its start time
Number of pending network requests
Requests in progress:
Total count of requests processed by tx thread
Count of requests currently being processed in the tx thread
Requests placed in queues of streams:
Total count of requests, which was placed in queues of streams
for all time
Count of requests currently waiting in queues of streams
Since Tarantool 2.10 in each network metric has the label thread, showing per-thread network statistics.
Provides the statistics for fibers.
If your application creates a lot of fibers,
you can use the metrics below to monitor fiber count and memory usage.
Number of fibers
Overall number of fiber context switches
Amount of memory reserved for fibers
Amount of memory used by fibers
You can collect iproto requests an instance has processed
and aggregate them by request type.
This may help you find out what operations your clients perform most often.
Total number of calls since server start
To distinguish between request types, this metric has the operation label.
For example, it can look as follows: {operation="select"}.
For the possible request types, check the table below.
LSN number in vclock.
This metric always has the label {id="id"},
where id is the instance’s number in the replica set.
LSN of the tarantool instance.
This metric always has labels {id="id",type="type"}, where
id is the instance’s number in the replica set,
type is master or replica.
Replication lag value in seconds.
This metric always has labels {id="id",stream="stream"},
where id is the instance’s number in the replica set,
stream is downstream or upstream.
This metrics equals 1 when replication status is «follow» and 0 otherwise.
This metric always has labels {id="id",stream="stream"},
where id is the instance’s number in the replica set,
stream is downstream or upstream.
Lua garbage collector size in bytes
Number of bytes used for the Lua runtime
Number of bytes used for the tuples (except tuples owned by memtx and vinyl)
LuaJIT metrics
LuaJIT metrics provide an insight into the work of the Lua garbage collector.
These metrics are available in Tarantool 2.6 and later.
General JIT metrics:
Overall number of snap restores
Number of JIT traces
Overall number of abort traces
Total size of allocated machine code areas
JIT strings:
Number of strings being interned
Total number of string allocations
GC steps:
Count of incremental GC steps (atomic state)
Count of incremental GC steps (sweepstring state)
Count of incremental GC steps (finalize state)
Count of incremental GC steps (sweep state)
Count of incremental GC steps (propagate state)
Count of incremental GC steps (pause state)
Number of allocated string objects
Number of allocated table objects
Number of allocated cdata objects
Number of allocated udata objects
Total amount of freed memory
Current allocated Lua memory
Total amount of allocated memory
CPU metrics
The following metrics provide CPU usage statistics.
They are only available on Linux.
Total number of processors configured by the operating system
Host CPU time
Tarantool thread CPU time.
This metric always has the labels
kind can be either user or system
thread_name is tarantool, wal, iproto, or coio
file_name is the entrypoint file name, for example, init.lua.
There are also two cross-platform metrics, which can be obtained with a getrusage() call.
The disk metrics are used to monitor overall data size on disk.
Amount of data in bytes stored in the .run files
located in vinyl_dir
Amount of data in bytes stored in the .index files
located in vinyl_dir
The vinyl regulator decides when to commence disk IO actions.
It groups activities in batches so that they are more consistent and
Estimated average dumping rate, bytes per second.
The rate value is initially 10485760 (10 megabytes per second).
It is recalculated depending on the the actual rate.
Only significant dumps that are larger than 1 MB are used for estimating.
Actual average rate of performing write operations, bytes per second.
The rate is calculated as a 5-second moving average.
If the metric value is gradually going down,
this can indicate disk issues.
Write rate limit, bytes per second.
The regulator imposes the limit on transactions
based on the observed dump/compaction performance.
If the metric value is down to approximately 10^5,
this indicates issues with the disk
or the scheduler.
Maximum amount of memory in bytes used
for in-memory storing of a vinyl LSM tree.
When this maximum is accessed, a dump must occur.
For details, see Наполнение LSM-дерева.
The value is slightly smaller
than the amount of memory allocated for vinyl trees,
reflected in the vinyl_memory parameter.
The number of fibers that are blocked waiting
for Vinyl level0 memory quota.
Transactional activity
Counter of commits (successful transaction ends)
Includes implicit commits: for example, any insert operation causes a
commit unless it is within a
Сounter of rollbacks (unsuccessful transaction ends).
This is not merely a count of explicit
requests – it includes requests that ended with errors.
Counter of conflicts that caused transactions to roll back.
The ratio tnt_vinyl_tx_conflict/tnt_vinyl_tx_commit
above 5% indicates that vinyl is not healthy.
At that moment, you’ll probably see a lot of other problems with vinyl.
Current number of read views – that is, transactions
that entered the read-only state to avoid conflict temporarily.
Usually the value is 0.
If it stays non-zero for a long time, it is indicative of a memory leak.
The following metrics show state memory areas used by vinyl for caches and write buffers.
Amount of memory in bytes currently used to store tuples (data)
«Level 0» (L0) memory area, bytes.
L0 is the area that vinyl can use for in-memory storage of an LSM tree.
By monitoring this metric, you can see when L0 is getting close to its
maximum (tnt_vinyl_regulator_dump_watermark),
at which time a dump will occur.
You can expect L0 = 0 immediately after the dump operation is completed.
Amount of memory in bytes currently used to store indexes.
If the metric value is close to vinyl_memory,
this indicates that vinyl_page_size
was chosen incorrectly.
Total size of memory in bytes occupied by Vinyl tuples.
It includes cached tuples and tuples pinned by the Lua world.
The vinyl scheduler invokes the regulator and
updates the related variables. This happens once per second.
Number of scheduler dump/compaction tasks.
The metric always has label {status=<status_value>},
where <status_value> can be one of the following:
inprogress for currently running tasks
completed for successfully completed tasks
failed for tasks aborted due to errors.
Total time in seconds spent by all worker threads performing dumps.
Counter of dumps completed.
Event loop metrics
Event loop tx thread information:
Event loop time (ms)
Event loop prolog time (ms)
Event loop epilog time (ms)
Shows the current state of a synchronous replication.
Instance ID of the current synchronous replication master.
Current queue term.
How many transactions are collecting confirmations now.
Whether the queue is processing any system entry (CONFIRM/ROLLBACK/PROMOTE/DEMOTE).
Shows the current state of a replica set node in regards to leader election.
Election state (mode) of the node.
When election is enabled, the node is writable only in the leader state.
Possible values:
0 (follower): all the non-leader nodes are called followers
1 (candidate): the nodes that start a new election round are called candidates.
2 (leader): the node that collected a quorum of votes becomes the leader
ID of a node the current node votes for.
If the value is 0, it means the node hasn’t voted in the current term yet.
Leader node ID in the current term.
If the value is 0, it means the node doesn’t know which node is the leader in the current term.
Current election term.
Time in seconds since the last interaction with the known leader.
Memtx mvcc memory statistics.
Transaction manager consists of two parts:
the transactions themselves (TXN section)
tnt_memtx_tnx_statements are the transaction statements.
For example, the user started a transaction and made an action in it space:replace{0,1}.
Under the hood, this operation will turn into statement for the current transaction.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
total: the number of bytes that are allocated for the statements of all current transactions.
average: average bytes used by transactions for statements
(txn.statements.total bytes / number of open transactions).
max: the maximum number of bytes used by one the current transaction for statements.
In Tarantool C API there is a function box_txn_alloc().
By using this function user can allocate memory for the current transaction.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
total: memory allocated by the box_txn_alloc() function on all current transactions.
average: transaction average (total allocated bytes / number of all current transactions).
max: the maximum number of bytes allocated by box_txn_alloc() function per transaction.
There are internals: logs, savepoints.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
total: memory allocated by internals on all current transactions.
average: average allocated memory by internals (total memory / number of all current transactions).
max: the maximum number of bytes allocated by internals per transaction.
mvcc is responsible for the isolation of transactions.
It detects conflicts and makes sure that tuples that are no longer in the space, but read by some transaction
(or can be read) have not been deleted.
Trackers that keep track of transaction reads.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
total: trackers of all current transactions are allocated in total (in bytes).
average: average for all current transactions (total memory bytes / number of transactions).
max: maximum trackers allocated per transaction (in bytes).
Allocated in case of transaction conflicts.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
total: bytes allocated for conflicts in total.
average: average for all current transactions (total memory bytes / number of transactions).
max: maximum bytes allocated for conflicts per transaction.
Saved tuples are divided into 3 categories: used, read_view, tracking.
Each category has two metrics:
retained tuples - they are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed.
stories - MVCC is based on the story mechanism, almost every tuple has a story.
This is a separate metric because even the tuples that are in the index can have a story.
So stories and retained need to be measured separately.
Tuples that are used by active read-write transactions.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
count: number of used tuples / number of stories.
total: amount of bytes used by stories used tuples.
Tuples that are used by active read-write transactions.
But they are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
count: number of retained used tuples / number of stories.
total: amount of bytes used by retained used tuples.
Tuples that are not used by active read-write transactions,
but are used by read-only transactions (i.e. in read view).
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
count: number of read_view tuples / number of stories.
total: amount of bytes used by stories read_view tuples.
Tuples that are not used by active read-write transactions,
but are used by read-only transactions (i.e. in read view).
This tuples are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
count: number of retained read_view tuples / number of stories.
total: amount of bytes used by retained read_view tuples.
Tuples that are not directly used by any transactions, but are used by MVCC to track reads.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
count: number of tracking tuples / number of tracking stories.
total: amount of bytes used by stories tracking tuples.
Tuples that are not directly used by any transactions, but are used by MVCC to track reads.
This tuples are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed.
This metric always has the label {kind="..."},
which has the following possible values:
count: number of retained tracking tuples / number of stories.
total: amount of bytes used by retained tracking tuples.
Read view statistics
Total amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for data tuples.
This includes tnt_memtx_tuples_data_read_view and
tnt_memtx_tuples_data_garbage metric values plus tuples that
are actually stored in memtx spaces.
Memory (in bytes) held for read views.
Memory (in bytes) that is unused and scheduled to be freed
(freed lazily on memory allocation).
Total amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for indexing data.
This includes tnt_memtx_index_read_view metric value
plus memory used for indexing tuples
that are actually stored in memtx spaces.
Count of current instance configuration apply alerts.
{level="warn"} label covers warnings and
{level="error"} covers errors.
The status of current instance configuration apply.
status label contains possible status name.
Current status has metric value 1, inactive statuses have metric value 0.
# HELP tnt_config_status Tarantool 3 configuration status
# TYPE tnt_config_status gauge
tnt_config_status{status="reload_in_progress",alias="router-001-a"} 0
tnt_config_status{status="uninitialized",alias="router-001-a"} 0
tnt_config_status{status="check_warnings",alias="router-001-a"} 0
tnt_config_status{status="ready",alias="router-001-a"} 1
tnt_config_status{status="check_errors",alias="router-001-a"} 0
tnt_config_status{status="startup_in_progress",alias="router-001-a"} 0
For example, this set of metrics means that current configuration
for router-001-a status is ready.
Замечания по поводу некоторых операционных систем
On macOS, no native system tools for administering Tarantool are supported.
The recommended way to administer Tarantool instances is using tt CLI.
Gentoo Linux
В разделе ниже описывается пакет «dev-db/tarantool», установленный из официального оверлея layman (под названием tarantool).
По умолчанию с экземплярами используется директория /etc/tarantool/instances.available, ее можно переопределить в /etc/default/tarantool.
Управление экземплярами Tarantool (запуск/остановка/перезагрузка/проверка статуса и т.д.) можно осуществлять с помощью OpenRC. Рассмотрим пример, как создать экземпляр с управлением OpenRC:
Проблема: при выполнении INSERT/UPDATE-запросов возникает ошибка ER_MEMORY_ISSUE
Возможные причины
Нехватка памяти (значения параметров arena_used_ratio и quota_used_ratio из box.slab.info() приближаются к 100%).
Чтобы проверить значения данных параметров, выполните соответствующие команды:
$ # attaching to a Tarantool instance$ ttconnect<instance_name|URI>
-- запрашиваем значение arena_used_ratiotarantool> box.slab.info().arena_used_ratio-- запрашиваем значение quota_used_ratiotarantool> box.slab.info().quota_used_ratio
В версиях Tarantool до 1.10 для изменения данного параметра требуется перезагрузить сервер. При обычной перезагрузке сервер будет недоступен на время старта Tarantool из .xlog-файлов. При перезагрузке в режиме горячего резервирования hot standby гарантирована практически 100%-ная доступность.
Провести очистку базы данных.
Проверьте, нет ли проблем с фрагментацией памяти:
-- запрашиваем значение quota_used_ratiotarantool> box.slab.info().quota_used_ratio-- запрашиваем значение items_used_ratiotarantool> box.slab.info().items_used_ratio
При высокой степени фрагментации памяти (значение параметра quota_used_ratio приближается к 100%, items_used_ratio около 50%) рекомендуется перезапустить Tarantool в режиме горячего резервирования hot standby.
Проблема: Tarantool создает большую нагрузку на CPU
Attach to the Tarantool instance with tt utility,
analyze the query statistics with box.stat()
and spot the CPU consumption leader. The following commands can help:
$ # attaching to a Tarantool instance$ ttconnect<instance_name|URI>
-- запрашиваем RPS для вызовов хранимых процедурtarantool> box.stat().CALL.rps
Критическое значение RPS – 75 000, в случае большого Lua-приложения (модульного приложения, содержащего более 200 строк кода) – 10 000 - 20 000.
-- запрашиваем RPS для запросов указанного типаtarantool> box.stat().<query_type>.rps
Критическое значение RPS для запросов типа SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE – 100 000.
Если основная нагрузка генерируется SELECT-запросами, следует добавить slave-сервер и часть запросов обрабатывать на нем.
Если же нагрузка по большей части приходится на INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE-запросы, рекомендуется провести шардинг базы данных.
Проблема: обработка запросов прекращается по таймауту
Возможные причины
Все описанные ниже ситуации можно распознать по записям в журнале Tarantool, начинающимся со слов 'Toolong...'.
Быстрые и медленные запросы обрабатываются в одном подключении, что приводит к забиванию readahead-буфера медленными запросами.
This parameter can be changed on the fly, so you don’t need to restart
Tarantool. Attach to the Tarantool instance with
tt utility and call box.cfg{} with a
new readahead value:
$ # attaching to a Tarantool instance$ ttconnect<instance_name|URI>
-- задаем новое значение readaheadtarantool> box.cfg{readahead=10*1024*1024}
Пример расчета: при 1000 RPS, размере одного запроса в 1 Кбайт и максимальном времени обработки одного запроса в 10 секунд минимальный размер readahead-буфера должен равняться 10 Мбайт.
Обрабатывать быстрые и медленные запросы в отдельных подключениях (решается на уровне бизнес-логики).
Медленная работа дисков.
Проверить занятость дисков (с помощью утилиты iostat, iotop или strace посмотреть на параметр iowait) и попробовать разнести .xlog-файлы и снимки состояния базы данных по разным дискам (т.е. указать разные значения для параметров wal_dir и memtx_dir).
Проблема: параметры репликации lag и idle принимают отрицательные значения
Речь идет о параметрах box.info.replication.(upstream.)lag и box.info.replication.(upstream.)idle из сводной таблицы box.info.replication.
Возможные причины
Не синхронизированы часы на машинах или неправильно работает NTP-сервер.
Проверить настройки NTP-сервера.
Если проблем с NTP-сервером не обнаружено, то не следует ничего предпринимать, потому что при вычислении лага репликации используются показания системных часов на двух разных машинах, и в случае рассинхронизации может случиться так, что часы удаленного мастер-сервера всегда будут отставать от часов локального экземпляра Tarantool.
Проблема: значение параметра idle растет, но журнал не содержит связанных с этим сообщений
Речь идет о параметре box.info.replication.(upstream.)idle из сводной таблицы box.info.replication.
Возможные причины
Одному серверу были назначены различные IP-адреса или один и тот же сервер был указан в box.cfg{} дважды, что привело к установлению дублирующего подключения.
Обновить Tarantool 1.6 до 1.7, где эта ошибка была исправлена: в описанной ситуации репликация будет остановлена, а в журнал будет записана следующая ошибка: 'Incorrectvalueforoption''replication_source'':duplicateconnectionwiththesamereplicaUUID'.
Проблема: общие параметры репликации не совпадают на репликах в рамках одного кластера
Речь идет о кластере, состоящем из одного мастера и нескольких реплик. В таком случае значения общих параметров из сводной таблицы box.info.replication, например box.info.replication.lsn, должны приходить с мастера и должны быть одинаковыми на всех репликах. Если такие параметры не совпадают, это свидетельствует о наличии проблем.
В репликационном кластере, состоящем из двух мастер-серверов, один из серверов попытался выполнить действие, уже выполненное другим сервером, – например, повторно вставить кортеж с таким же уникальным ключом (распознается по ошибке вида 'Duplicatekeyexistsinuniqueindex'primary'inspace<space_name>').
This issue can be fixed in two ways:
Manually: reseed one master from another by removing write-ahead logs and snapshots.
$ # attaching to a Tarantool instance$ ttconnect<instance_name|URI>
-- загрузка модуля clock для работы со временемtarantool> localclock=require'clock'-- запускаем таймерtarantool> localb=clock.proc()-- запускаем сборку мусораtarantool> localc=collectgarbage('count')-- останавливаем таймер по завершении сборки мусораtarantool> returnc,clock.proc()-b
Если возвращаемое clock.proc() значение больше 0.001, это может являться признаком неэффективного использования памяти (активного вмешательства не требуется, но рекомендуется оптимизация кода). Если значение превышает 0.01, необходимо провести подробный анализ кода и оптимизировать потребление памяти.
Если значение больше 0,01, код приложения однозначно необходимо проанализировать на предмет оптимизации использования памяти.
Проблема: Переключатель файберов запрещен в метаметоде __gc
Описание проблемы
Переключатель файберов запрещен в метаметоде __gc, начиная с этого изменения, во избежание неожиданной нехватки памяти в Lua. Однако может потребоваться функция передачи управления для финализации ресурсов, например, для закрытия сокета.
Ниже приведены примеры правильной реализации такой процедуры.
Для начала есть два простых примера, которые иллюстрируют логику решения:
Далее идет Пример 3, который проиллюстрирует использование модуля sched.lua, — рекомендуемый метод.
Все пояснения приведены в комментариях в листинге кода. --> обозначает вывод в консоль.
Пример 1
Реализация подходящего финализатора для определенного типа FFI (custom_t).
localffi=require('ffi')localfiber=require('fiber')ffi.cdef('struct custom { int a; };')localfunction__custom_gc(self)print(("Entered custom GC finalizer for %s... (before yield)"):format(self.a))fiber.yield()print(("Leaving custom GC finalizer for %s... (after yield)"):format(self.a))endlocalcustom_t=ffi.metatype('struct custom',{__gc=function(self)-- XXX: Do not invoke yielding functions in __gc metamethod.-- Create a new fiber to run after the execution leaves-- this routine.fiber.new(__custom_gc,self)print(("Finalization is scheduled for %s..."):format(self.a))end})-- Create a cdata object of <custom_t> type.localc=custom_t(42)-- Remove a single reference to that object to make it subject-- for GC.c=nil-- Run full GC cycle to purge the unreferenced object.collectgarbage('collect')-- > Finalization is scheduled for 42...-- XXX: There is no finalization made until the running fiber-- yields its execution. Let's do it now.fiber.yield()-- > Entered custom GC finalizer for 42... (before yield)-- > Leaving custom GC finalizer for 42... (after yield)
Пример 2
Implementing a valid finalizer for a particular user type (structcustom).
#include<lauxlib.h>#include<lua.h>#include<module.h>#include<stdio.h>structcustom{inta;};constchar*CUSTOM_MTNAME="CUSTOM_MTNAME";/* * XXX: Do not invoke yielding functions in __gc metamethod. * Create a new fiber to be run after the execution leaves * this routine. Unfortunately we can't pass the parameters to the * routine to be executed by the created fiber via <fiber_new_ex>. * So there is a workaround to load the Lua code below to create * __gc metamethod passing the object for finalization via Lua * stack to the spawned fiber. */constchar*gc_wrapper_constructor=" local fiber = require('fiber') "" print('constructor is initialized') "" return function(__custom_gc) "" print('constructor is called') "" return function(self) "" print('__gc is called') "" fiber.new(__custom_gc, self) "" print('Finalization is scheduled') "" end "" end ";intcustom_gc(lua_State*L){structcustom*self=luaL_checkudata(L,1,CUSTOM_MTNAME);printf("Entered custom_gc for %d... (before yield)\n",self->a);fiber_sleep(0);printf("Leaving custom_gc for %d... (after yield)\n",self->a);return0;}intcustom_new(lua_State*L){structcustom*self=lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(structcustom));luaL_getmetatable(L,CUSTOM_MTNAME);lua_setmetatable(L,-2);self->a=lua_tonumber(L,1);return1;}staticconststructluaL_Reglibcustom_methods[]={{"new",custom_new},{NULL,NULL}};intluaopen_custom(lua_State*L){intrc;/* Create metatable for struct custom type */luaL_newmetatable(L,CUSTOM_MTNAME);/* * Run the constructor initializer for GC finalizer: * - load fiber module as an upvalue for GC finalizer * constructor * - return GC finalizer constructor on the top of the * Lua stack */rc=luaL_dostring(L,gc_wrapper_constructor);/* * Check whether constructor is initialized (i.e. neither * syntax nor runtime error is raised). */if(rc!=LUA_OK)luaL_error(L,"test module loading failed: constructor init");/* * Create GC object for <custom_gc> function to be called * in scope of the GC finalizer and push it on top of the * constructor returned before. */lua_pushcfunction(L,custom_gc);/* * Run the constructor with <custom_gc> GCfunc object as * a single argument. As a result GC finalizer is returned * on the top of the Lua stack. */rc=lua_pcall(L,1,1,0);/* * Check whether GC finalizer is created (i.e. neither * syntax nor runtime error is raised). */if(rc!=LUA_OK)luaL_error(L,"test module loading failed: __gc init");/* * Assign the returned function as a __gc metamethod to * custom type metatable. */lua_setfield(L,-2,"__gc");/* * Initialize Lua table for custom module and fill it * with the custom methods. */lua_newtable(L);luaL_register(L,NULL,libcustom_methods);return1;}
-- Load custom Lua C extension.localcustom=require('custom')-- > constructor is initialized-- > constructor is called-- Create a userdata object of <struct custom> type.localc=custom.new(9)-- Remove a single reference to that object to make it subject-- for GC.c=nil-- Run full GC cycle to purge the unreferenced object.collectgarbage('collect')-- > __gc is called-- > Finalization is scheduled-- XXX: There is no finalization made until the running fiber-- yields its execution. Let's do it now.require('fiber').yield()-- > Entered custom_gc for 9... (before yield)-- XXX: Finalizer yields the execution, so now we are here.print('We are here')-- > We are here-- XXX: This fiber finishes its execution, so yield to the-- remaining fiber to finish the postponed finalization.-- > Leaving custom_gc for 9... (after yield)
Example 3
It is important to note that the finalizer implementations in the examples above
increase pressure on the platform performance by creating a new fiber on each
__gc call. To prevent such an excessive fibers spawning, it’s better to start
a single «scheduler» fiber and provide the interface to postpone the required
asynchronous action.
For this purpose, the module called sched.lua is implemented (see the
listing below). It is a part of Tarantool and should be made required in your
custom code. The usage example is given in the init.lua file below.
localfiber=require('fiber')localworker_next_task=nillocalworker_last_tasklocalworker_fiberlocalworker_cv=fiber.cond()-- XXX: the module is not ready for reloading, so worker_fiber is-- respawned when sched.lua is purged from package.loaded.---- Worker is a singleton fiber for not urgent delayed execution of-- functions. Main purpose - schedule execution of a function,-- which is going to yield, from a context, where a yield is not-- allowed. Such as an FFI object's GC callback.--localfunctionworker_f()whiletruedolocaltaskwhiletruedotask=worker_next_taskiftaskthenbreakend-- XXX: Make the fiber wait until the task is added.worker_cv:wait()endworker_next_task=task.nexttask.f(task.arg)fiber.yield()endendlocalfunctionworker_safe_f()pcall(worker_f)-- The function <worker_f> never returns. If the execution is-- here, this fiber is probably canceled and now is not able to-- sleep. Create a new one.worker_fiber=fiber.new(worker_safe_f)endworker_fiber=fiber.new(worker_safe_f)localfunctionworker_schedule_task(f,arg)localtask={f=f,arg=arg}ifnotworker_next_taskthenworker_next_task=taskelseworker_last_task.next=taskendworker_last_task=taskworker_cv:signal()endreturn{postpone=worker_schedule_task}
localffi=require('ffi')localfiber=require('fiber')localsched=require('sched')localfunction__custom_gc(self)print(("Entered custom GC finalizer for %s... (before yield)"):format(self.a))fiber.yield()print(("Leaving custom GC finalizer for %s... (after yield)"):format(self.a))endffi.cdef('struct custom { int a; };')localcustom_t=ffi.metatype('struct custom',{__gc=function(self)-- XXX: Do not invoke yielding functions in __gc metamethod.-- Schedule __custom_gc call via sched.postpone to be run-- after the execution leaves this routine.sched.postpone(__custom_gc,self)print(("Finalization is scheduled for %s..."):format(self.a))end})-- Create several <custom_t> objects to be finalized later.localt={}fori=1,10dot[i]=custom_t(i)end-- Run full GC cycle to collect the existing garbage. Nothing is-- going to be printed, since the table <t> is still "alive".collectgarbage('collect')-- Remove the reference to the table and, ergo, all references to-- the objects.t=nil-- Run full GC cycle to collect the table and objects inside it.-- As a result all <custom_t> objects are scheduled for further-- finalization, but the finalizer itself (i.e. __custom_gc-- functions) is not called.collectgarbage('collect')-- > Finalization is scheduled for 10...-- > Finalization is scheduled for 9...-- > ...-- > Finalization is scheduled for 2...-- > Finalization is scheduled for 1...-- XXX: There is no finalization made until the running fiber-- yields its execution. Let's do it now.fiber.yield()-- > Entered custom GC finalizer for 10... (before yield)-- XXX: Oops, we are here now, since the scheduler fiber yielded-- the execution to this one. Check this out.print("We're here now. Let's continue the scheduled finalization.")-- > We're here now. Let's continue the finalization-- OK, wait a second to allow the scheduler to cleanup the-- remaining garbage.fiber.sleep(1)-- > Leaving custom GC finalizer for 10... (after yield)-- > Entered custom GC finalizer for 9... (before yield)-- > Leaving custom GC finalizer for 9... (after yield)-- > ...-- > Entered custom GC finalizer for 1... (before yield)-- > Leaving custom GC finalizer for 1... (after yield)print("Did we finish? I guess so.")-- > Did we finish? I guess so.-- Stop the instance.os.exit(0)
Connectors are APIs that allow using Tarantool with various programming languages.
Connectors can be divided into two groups – those maintained by the Tarantool team
and those supported by the community.
The Tarantool team maintains the following connectors:
All other connectors are community-supported, which means that support for new Tarantool features may be delayed.
Find all the available connectors on the Connectors page.
Tarantool’s binary protocol was designed with a focus on asynchronous I/O and
easy integration with proxies. Each client request starts with a variable-length
binary header, containing request id, request type, instance id, log sequence
number, and so on.
The mandatory length, present in request header simplifies client or proxy I/O.
A response to a request is sent to the client as soon as it is ready. It always
carries in its header the same type and id as in the request. The id makes it
possible to match a request to a response, even if the latter arrived out of
Unless implementing a client driver, you needn’t concern yourself with the
complications of the binary protocol. Language-specific drivers provide a
friendly way to store domain language data structures in Tarantool. A complete
description of the binary protocol is maintained in annotated Backus-Naur form
in the source tree. For detailed examples and diagrams of all binary-protocol
requests and responses, see
Tarantool’s binary protocol.
Packet example
The Tarantool API exists so that a client program can send a request packet to
a server instance, and receive a response. Here is an example of a what the client
would send for box.space[513]:insert{'A','BB'}. The BNF description of
the components is on the page about
Tarantool’s binary protocol.
Byte #0
Byte #1
Byte #2
Byte #3
code for insert
rest of header
2-digit number: space id
code for tuple
1-digit number: field count = 2
1-character string: field[1]
2-character string: field[2]
Now, you could send that packet to the Tarantool instance, and interpret the
response (the page about
Tarantool’s binary protocol has a
description of the packet format for responses as well as requests). But it
would be easier, and less error-prone, if you could invoke a routine that
formats the packet according to typed parameters. Something like
response=tarantool_routine("insert",513,"A","B");. And that is why APIs
exist for drivers for Perl, Python, PHP, and so on.
Setting up the server for connector examples
This chapter has examples that show how to connect to a Tarantool instance via
the Perl, PHP, Python, node.js, and C connectors. The examples contain hard code that
will work if and only if the following conditions are met:
the Tarantool instance (tarantool) is running on localhost ( and is listening on
port 3301 (box.cfg.listen='3301'),
space examples has id = 999 (box.space.examples.id=999) and has
a primary-key index for a numeric field
user „guest“ has privileges for reading and writing.
It is easy to meet all the conditions by starting the instance and executing this
For all connectors, calling a function via Tarantool causes a return in the
MsgPack format. If the function is called using the connector’s API, some
conversions may occur. All scalar values are returned as tuples (with a MsgPack
type-identifier followed by a value); all non-scalar values are returned as a
group of tuples (with a MsgPack array-identifier followed by the scalar values).
If the function is called via the binary protocol command layer – «eval» –
rather than via the connector’s API, no conversions occur.
In the following example, a Lua function will be created. Since it will be
accessed externally by a „guest“ user, a
grant of an execute privilege will
be necessary. The function returns an empty array, a scalar string, two booleans,
and a short integer. The values are the ones described in the table
Common Types and MsgPack Encodings.
Here is a C program which calls the function. Although C is being used for the
example, the result would be precisely the same if the calling program was
written in Perl, PHP, Python, Go, or Java.
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<tarantool/tarantool.h>#include<tarantool/tnt_net.h>#include<tarantool/tnt_opt.h>voidmain(){structtnt_stream*tnt=tnt_net(NULL);/* SETUP */tnt_set(tnt,TNT_OPT_URI,"localhost:3301");if(tnt_connect(tnt)<0){/* CONNECT */printf("Connection refused\n");exit(-1);}structtnt_stream*arg;arg=tnt_object(NULL);/* MAKE REQUEST */tnt_object_add_array(arg,0);structtnt_request*req1=tnt_request_call(NULL);/* CALL function f() */tnt_request_set_funcz(req1,"f");uint64_tsync1=tnt_request_compile(tnt,req1);tnt_flush(tnt);/* SEND REQUEST */structtnt_replyreply;tnt_reply_init(&reply);/* GET REPLY */tnt->read_reply(tnt,&reply);if(reply.code!=0){printf("Call failed %lu.\n",reply.code);exit(-1);}constunsignedchar*p=(unsignedchar*)reply.data;/* PRINT REPLY */while(p<(unsignedchar*)reply.data_end){printf("%x ",*p);++p;}printf("\n");tnt_close(tnt);/* TEARDOWN */tnt_stream_free(arg);tnt_stream_free(tnt);}
go-tarantool is the official Go connector for Tarantool.
It is not supplied as part of the Tarantool repository and should be installed separately.
This tutorial shows how to use the go-tarantool 2.x library to create a Go application that connects to a remote Tarantool instance, performs CRUD operations, and executes a stored procedure.
You can find the full package documentation here: Client in Go for Tarantool.
This tutorial shows how to make CRUD requests to a single-instance Tarantool database.
To make requests to a sharded Tarantool cluster with the CRUD module, use the crud package’s API.
Sample database configuration
This section describes the configuration of a sample database that allows remote connections:
The configuration contains one instance that listens for incoming requests on the address.
sampleuser has privileges to select and modify data in the bands space and execute the get_bands_older_than stored function. This user can be used to connect to the instance remotely.
myapp.lua defines the data model and a stored function.
The myapp.lua file looks as follows:
-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('bands')-- Specify field names and types --box.space.bands:format({{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='band_name',type='string'},{name='year',type='unsigned'}})-- Create indexes --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})-- Create a stored function --box.schema.func.create('get_bands_older_than',{body=[[ function(year) return box.space.bands.index.year_band:select({ year }, { iterator = 'LT', limit = 10 }) end ]]})
You can find the full example on GitHub: sample_db.
Starting a sample database application
Before creating and starting a client Go application, you need to run the sample_db application using tt start:
$ ttstartsample_db
Now you can create a client Go application that makes requests to this database.
Developing a client application
Before you start, make sure you have Go installed on your computer.
Creating an application
Create the hello directory for your application and go to this directory:
$ mkdirhello
$ cdhello
Initialize a new Go module:
$ gomodinitexample/hello
Inside the hello directory, create the hello.go file for application code.
Importing „go-tarantool“ packages
In the hello.go file, declare a main package and import the following packages:
The packages for external MsgPack types, such as datetime, decimal, or uuid, are required to parse these types in a response.
Connecting to the database
Declare the main() function:
Inside the main() function, add the following code:
// Connect to the databasectx,cancel:=context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),time.Second)defercancel()dialer:=tarantool.NetDialer{Address:"",User:"sampleuser",Password:"123456",}opts:=tarantool.Opts{Timeout:time.Second,}conn,err:=tarantool.Connect(ctx,dialer,opts)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Connection refused:",err)return}// Interact with the database// ...
This code establishes a connection to a running Tarantool instance on behalf of sampleuser.
The conn object can be used to make CRUD requests and execute stored procedures.
Manipulating data
Inserting data
Add the following code to insert four tuples into the bands space:
// Insert datatuples:=[][]interface{}{{1,"Roxette",1986},{2,"Scorpions",1965},{3,"Ace of Base",1987},{4,"The Beatles",1960},}varfutures[]*tarantool.Futurefor_,tuple:=rangetuples{request:=tarantool.NewInsertRequest("bands").Tuple(tuple)futures=append(futures,conn.Do(request))}fmt.Println("Inserted tuples:")for_,future:=rangefutures{result,err:=future.Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}else{fmt.Println(result)}}
This code makes insert requests asynchronously:
The Future structure is used as a handle for asynchronous requests.
The NewInsertRequest() method creates an insert request object that is executed by the connection.
Making requests asynchronously is the recommended way to perform data operations.
Further requests in this tutorial are made synchronously.
Querying data
To get a tuple by the specified primary key value, use NewSelectRequest() to create an insert request object:
// Select by primary keydata,err:=conn.Do(tarantool.NewSelectRequest("bands").Limit(10).Iterator(tarantool.IterEq).Key([]interface{}{uint(1)}),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}fmt.Println("Tuple selected by the primary key value:",data)
You can also get a tuple by the value of the specified index by using Index():
// Select by secondary keydata,err=conn.Do(tarantool.NewSelectRequest("bands").Index("band").Limit(10).Iterator(tarantool.IterEq).Key([]interface{}{"The Beatles"}),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}fmt.Println("Tuple selected by the secondary key value:",data)
Updating data
NewUpdateRequest() can be used to update a tuple identified by the primary key as follows:
// Updatedata,err=conn.Do(tarantool.NewUpdateRequest("bands").Key(tarantool.IntKey{2}).Operations(tarantool.NewOperations().Assign(1,"Pink Floyd")),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}fmt.Println("Updated tuple:",data)
NewUpsertRequest() can be used to update an existing tuple or insert a new one.
In the example below, a new tuple is inserted:
// Upsertdata,err=conn.Do(tarantool.NewUpsertRequest("bands").Tuple([]interface{}{uint(5),"The Rolling Stones",1962}).Operations(tarantool.NewOperations().Assign(1,"The Doors")),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}
In this example, NewReplaceRequest() is used to delete the existing tuple and insert a new one:
// Replacedata,err=conn.Do(tarantool.NewReplaceRequest("bands").Tuple([]interface{}{1,"Queen",1970}),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}fmt.Println("Replaced tuple:",data)
Deleting data
NewDeleteRequest() in the example below is used to delete a tuple whose primary key value is 5:
// Deletedata,err=conn.Do(tarantool.NewDeleteRequest("bands").Key([]interface{}{uint(5)}),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}fmt.Println("Deleted tuple:",data)
Executing stored procedures
To execute a stored procedure, use NewCallRequest():
// Calldata,err=conn.Do(tarantool.NewCallRequest("get_bands_older_than").Args([]interface{}{1966}),).Get()iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Got an error:",err)}fmt.Println("Stored procedure result:",data)
Closing the connection
The CloseGraceful() method can be used to close the connection when it is no longer needed:
// Close connectionconn.CloseGraceful()fmt.Println("Connection is closed")
You can find the example with all the requests above on GitHub: go.
Starting a client application
Execute the following goget commands to update dependencies in the go.mod file:
Can mimic a Tarantool instance (also as replica). Provides instrumentation for reading snapshot and xlog files
via snapio module.
Implements unpacking of query structs if you want to implement your own iproto proxy
API is experimental and breaking changes may happen
There are two Java connectors available:
supports both single Tarantool nodes and clusters,
as well as applications built using the
Cartridge framework and its modules.
The Tarantool team actively updates this module with the newest Tarantool features.
works with early Tarantool versions (1.6 and later)
and offers JDBC interface support for single Tarantool nodes.
This module isn’t currently maintained and
does not support the newest 2.x Tarantool features or Tarantool clusters.
The following modules support Java libraries and frameworks:
Here follow two examples of using Tarantool’s high-level C API.
Example 1
Here is a complete C program that inserts [99999,'B'] into
space examples via the high-level C API.
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<tarantool/tarantool.h>#include<tarantool/tnt_net.h>#include<tarantool/tnt_opt.h>voidmain(){structtnt_stream*tnt=tnt_net(NULL);/* See note = SETUP */tnt_set(tnt,TNT_OPT_URI,"localhost:3301");if(tnt_connect(tnt)<0){/* See note = CONNECT */printf("Connection refused\n");exit(-1);}structtnt_stream*tuple=tnt_object(NULL);/* See note = MAKE REQUEST */tnt_object_format(tuple,"[%d%s]",99999,"B");tnt_insert(tnt,999,tuple);/* See note = SEND REQUEST */tnt_flush(tnt);structtnt_replyreply;tnt_reply_init(&reply);/* See note = GET REPLY */tnt->read_reply(tnt,&reply);if(reply.code!=0){printf("Insert failed %lu.\n",reply.code);}tnt_close(tnt);/* See below = TEARDOWN */tnt_stream_free(tuple);tnt_stream_free(tnt);}
Paste the code into a file named example.c and install tarantool-c.
One way to install tarantool-c (using Ubuntu) is:
$ # sometimes this is necessary:$ exportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
$ gcc-oexampleexample.c-ltarantool
Before trying to run,
check that a server instance is listening at localhost:3301 and that the space
examples exists, as
described earlier.
To run the program, say ./example. The program will connect
to the Tarantool instance, and will send the request.
If Tarantool is not running on localhost with listen address = 3301, the program
will print “Connection refused”.
If the insert fails, the program will print «Insert failed» and an error number
(see all error codes in the source file
Here are notes corresponding to comments in the example program.
In this program, the stream will be named tnt.
Before connecting on the tnt stream, some options may have to be set.
The most important option is TNT_OPT_URI.
In this program, the URI is localhost:3301, since that is where the
Tarantool instance is supposed to be listening.
Function description:
struct tnt_stream *tnt_net(struct tnt_stream *s)
int tnt_set(struct tnt_stream *s, int option, variant option-value)
Now that the stream named tnt exists and is associated with a
URI, this example program can connect to a server instance.
The connection might fail for a variety of reasons, such as:
the server is not running, or the URI contains an invalid password.
If the connection fails, the return value will be -1.
Most requests require passing a structured value, such as
the contents of a tuple.
In this program, the request will
be an INSERT, and the tuple contents will be an integer
and a string. This is a simple serial set of values, that
is, there are no sub-structures or arrays. Therefore it
is easy in this case to format what will be passed using
the same sort of arguments that one would use with a C
printf() function: %d for the integer, %s for the string,
then the integer value, then a pointer to the string value.
The database-manipulation requests are analogous to the
requests in the box library.
In this program, the choice is to do an INSERT request, so
the program passes the tnt_stream that was used for connection
(tnt) and the tnt_stream that was set up with
tnt_object_format() (tuple).
When a session ends, the connection that was made with
tnt_connect() should be closed, and the objects that were
made in the setup should be destroyed.
Here is a complete C program that selects, using index key [99999], from
space examples via the high-level C API.
To display the results, the program uses functions in the
MsgPuck library which allow decoding of
MessagePack arrays.
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<tarantool/tarantool.h>#include<tarantool/tnt_net.h>#include<tarantool/tnt_opt.h>#define MP_SOURCE 1#include<msgpuck.h>voidmain(){structtnt_stream*tnt=tnt_net(NULL);tnt_set(tnt,TNT_OPT_URI,"localhost:3301");if(tnt_connect(tnt)<0){printf("Connection refused\n");exit(1);}structtnt_stream*tuple=tnt_object(NULL);tnt_object_format(tuple,"[%d]",99999);/* tuple = search key */tnt_select(tnt,999,0,UINT32_MAX,0,0,tuple);tnt_flush(tnt);structtnt_replyreply;tnt_reply_init(&reply);tnt->read_reply(tnt,&reply);if(reply.code!=0){printf("Select failed.\n");exit(1);}charfield_type;field_type=mp_typeof(*reply.data);if(field_type!=MP_ARRAY){printf("no tuple array\n");exit(1);}longunsignedintrow_count;uint32_ttuple_count=mp_decode_array(&reply.data);printf("tuple count=%u\n",tuple_count);unsignedinti,j;for(i=0;i<tuple_count;++i){field_type=mp_typeof(*reply.data);if(field_type!=MP_ARRAY){printf("no field array\n");exit(1);}uint32_tfield_count=mp_decode_array(&reply.data);printf(" field count=%u\n",field_count);for(j=0;j<field_count;++j){field_type=mp_typeof(*reply.data);if(field_type==MP_UINT){uint64_tnum_value=mp_decode_uint(&reply.data);printf(" value=%lu.\n",num_value);}elseif(field_type==MP_STR){constchar*str_value;uint32_tstr_value_length;str_value=mp_decode_str(&reply.data,&str_value_length);printf(" value=%.*s.\n",str_value_length,str_value);}else{printf("wrong field type\n");exit(1);}}}tnt_close(tnt);tnt_stream_free(tuple);tnt_stream_free(tnt);}
Similarly to the first example, paste the code into a file named
To compile and link the program, say:
$ gcc-oexample2example2.c-ltarantool
To run the program, say ./example2.
The two example programs only show a few requests and do not show all that’s
necessary for good practice. See more in the
tarantool-c documentation at GitHub.
is the official Python connector for Tarantool. It is not supplied as part
of the Tarantool repository and must be installed separately.
The tutorial shows how to use the tarantool-python library to create a Python script that connects to a remote Tarantool instance, performs CRUD operations, and executes a stored procedure.
You can find the full package documentation here: Python client library for Tarantool.
This tutorial shows how to make CRUD requests to a single-instance Tarantool database.
To make requests to a sharded Tarantool cluster with the CRUD module, use the tarantool.crud module’s API.
Sample database configuration
This section describes the configuration of a sample database that allows remote connections:
The configuration contains one instance that listens for incoming requests on the address.
sampleuser has privileges to select and modify data in the bands space and execute the get_bands_older_than stored function. This user can be used to connect to the instance remotely.
myapp.lua defines the data model and a stored function.
The myapp.lua file looks as follows:
-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('bands')-- Specify field names and types --box.space.bands:format({{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='band_name',type='string'},{name='year',type='unsigned'}})-- Create indexes --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})-- Create a stored function --box.schema.func.create('get_bands_older_than',{body=[[ function(year) return box.space.bands.index.year_band:select({ year }, { iterator = 'LT', limit = 10 }) end ]]})
You can find the full example on GitHub: sample_db.
Starting a sample database application
Before creating and starting a client Python application, you need to run the sample_db application using tt start:
$ ttstartsample_db
Now you can create a client Python application that makes requests to this database.
Developing a client application
Before you start, make sure you have Python installed on your computer.
Creating an application
Create the hello directory for your application and go to this directory:
$ mkdirhello
$ cdhello
Create and activate a Python virtual environment:
$ python-mvenv.venv
$ source.venv/bin/activate
Install the tarantool module:
$ pipinstalltarantool
Inside the hello directory, create the hello.py file for application code.
Importing „tarantool“
In the hello.py file, import the tarantool package:
Connecting to the database
Add the following code:
# Connect to the databaseconn=tarantool.Connection(host='',port=3301,user='sampleuser',password='123456')
This code establishes a connection to a running Tarantool instance on behalf of sampleuser.
The conn object can be used to make CRUD requests and execute stored procedures.
Manipulating data
Inserting data
Add the following code to insert four tuples into the bands space:
# Insert datatuples=[(1,'Roxette',1986),(2,'Scorpions',1965),(3,'Ace of Base',1987),(4,'The Beatles',1960)]print("Inserted tuples:")fortupleintuples:response=conn.insert(space_name='bands',values=tuple)print(response[0])
Connection.insert() is used to insert a tuple to the space.
Querying data
To get a tuple by the specified primary key value, use Connection.select():
# Select by primary keyresponse=conn.select(space_name='bands',key=1)print('Tuple selected by the primary key value:',response[0])
You can also get a tuple by the value of the specified index using the index argument:
# Select by secondary keyresponse=conn.select(space_name='bands',key='The Beatles',index='band')print('Tuple selected by the secondary key value:',response[0])
Updating data
Connection.update() can be used to update a tuple identified by the primary key as follows:
To simplify the start of your working with the Tarantool C++ connector, we will
use the example application
from the connector repository. We will go step by step through the application
code and explain what each part does.
The following main topics are discussed in this manual:
The Tarantool C++ connector is currently supported for Linux only.
The connector itself is a header-only library, so, it doesn’t require
installation and building as such. All you need is to clone the connector
source code and embed it in your C++ project.
Also, make sure you have other necessary software and Tarantool installed.
Make sure you have the following third-party software. If you miss some of
the items, install them:
Do not close the terminal window where Tarantool is running.
You will need it later to connect to Tarantool from your C++ application.
Setting up access rights
To be able to execute the necessary operations in Tarantool, you need to grant
the guest user with the read-write rights. The simplest way is to grant
the user with the super role:
Connecting to Tarantool
There are three main parts of the C++ connector: the IO-zero-copy buffer,
the msgpack encoder/decoder, and the client that handles requests.
To set up connection to a Tarantool instance from a C++ application, you need
to do the following:
Embed the connector in your C++ application by including the main header:
Instantiating objects
First, we should create a connector client. It can handle many connections
to Tarantool instances asynchronously. To instantiate a client, you should specify
the buffer and the network provider implementations as template parameters.
The connector’s main class has the following signature:
The buffer is parametrized by allocator. It means that users can
choose which allocator will be used to provide memory for the buffer’s blocks.
Data is organized into a linked list of blocks of fixed size that is specified
as the template parameter of the buffer.
You can either implement your own buffer or network provider or use the default
ones as we do in our example. So, the default connector instantiation looks
as follows:
To use the BUFFER class, the buffer header should also be included:
A client itself is not enough to work with Tarantool instances–we
also need to create connection objects. A connection also takes the buffer and
the network provider as template parameters. Note that they must be the same
as ones of the client:
Our Tarantool instance is listening to
the 3301 port on localhost.
Let’s define the corresponding variables as well as the WAIT_TIMEOUT variable
for connection timeout.
To connect to the Tarantool instance, we should invoke
the Connector::connect() method of the client object and
pass three arguments: connection instance, address, and port.
Implementation of the connector is exception free, so we rely on the return
codes: in case of fail, the connect() method returns rc<0. To get the
error message corresponding to the last error occured during
communication with the instance, we can invoke the Connection::getError()
We will also go through the case of having several connections
and executing a number of requests from different connections simultaneously.
In our example C++ application, we execute the following types of requests:
Examples on other request types, namely, insert, delete, upsert,
and update, will be added to this manual later.
Each request method returns a request ID that is a sort of future.
This ID can be used to get the response message when it is ready.
Requests are queued in the output buffer of connection
until the Connector::wait() method is called.
Preparing requests
At this step, requests are encoded in the MessagePack
format and saved in the
output connection buffer. They are ready to be sent but the network
communication itself will be done later.
Let’s remind that for the requests manipulating with data we are dealing
with the Tarantool space tcreated earlier,
and the space has the following format:
Equals to Lua request <space_name>:replace(pk_value,"111",1).
uint32_tspace_id=512;intpk_value=666;std::tupledata=std::make_tuple(pk_value/* field 1*/,"111"/* field 2*/,1.01/* field 3*/);rid_treplace=conn.space[space_id].replace(data);
Equals to Lua request <space_name>.index[0]:select({pk_value},{limit=1}).
To send requests to the server side, invoke the client.wait()
The wait() method takes the connection to poll,
the request ID, and, optionally, the timeout as parameters. Once a response
for the specified request is ready, wait() terminates. It also
provides a negative return code in case of system related fails, for example,
a broken or timeouted connection. If wait() returns 0, then a response
has been received and expected to be parsed.
Now let’s send our requests to the Tarantool instance.
The futureIsReady() function checks availability of a future and returns
true or false.
while(!conn.futureIsReady(ping)){/* * wait() is the main function responsible for sending/receiving * requests and implements event-loop under the hood. It may * fail due to several reasons: * - connection is timed out; * - connection is broken (e.g. closed); * - epoll is failed. */if(client.wait(conn,ping,WAIT_TIMEOUT)!=0){std::cerr<<conn.getError().msg<<std::endl;conn.reset();}}
Receiving responses
To get the response when it is ready, use
the Connection::getResponse() method. It takes the request ID and returns
an optional object containing the response. If the response is not ready yet,
the method returns std::nullopt. Note that on each future,
getResponse() can be called only once: it erases the request ID from
the internal map once it is returned to a user.
A response consists of a header and a body (response.header and
response.body). Depending on success of the request execution on the server
side, body may contain either runtime error(s) accessible by
response.body.error_stack or data (tuples)–response.body.data.
In turn, data is a vector of tuples. However, tuples are not decoded and
come in the form of pointers to the start and the end of msgpacks.
See the «Decoding and reading the data» section to
understand how to decode tuples.
There are two options for single connection it regards to receiving responses:
we can either wait for one specific future or for all of them at once.
We’ll try both options in our example. For the ping request, let’s use the
first option.
std::optional<Response<Buf_t>>response=conn.getResponse(ping);/* * Since conn.futureIsReady(ping) returned <true>, then response * must be ready. */assert(response!=std::nullopt);/* * If request is successfully executed on server side, response * will contain data (i.e. tuple being replaced in case of :replace() * request or tuples satisfying search conditions in case of :select(); * responses for pings contain nothing - empty map). * To tell responses containing data from error responses, one can * rely on response code storing in the header or check * Response->body.data and Response->body.error_stack members. */printResponse<Buf_t>(*response);
For the replace and select requests, let’s examine the option of
waiting for both futures at once.
/* Let's wait for both futures at once. */std::vector<rid_t>futures(2);futures[0]=replace;futures[1]=select;/* No specified timeout means that we poll futures until they are ready.*/client.waitAll(conn,futures);for(size_ti=0;i<futures.size();++i){assert(conn.futureIsReady(futures[i]));response=conn.getResponse(futures[i]);assert(response!=std::nullopt);printResponse<Buf_t>(*response);}
Several connections at once
Now, let’s have a look at the case when we establish two connections
to Tarantool instance simultaneously.
/* Let's create another connection. */Connection<Buf_t,Net_t>another(client);if(client.connect(another,{.address=address,.service=std::to_string(port),/* .transport = STREAM_SSL, */})!=0){std::cerr<<conn.getError().msg<<std::endl;return-1;}/* Simultaneously execute two requests from different connections. */rid_tf1=conn.ping();rid_tf2=another.ping();/* * waitAny() returns the first connection received response. * All connections registered via :connect() call are participating. */std::optional<Connection<Buf_t,Net_t>>conn_opt=client.waitAny(WAIT_TIMEOUT);Connection<Buf_t,Net_t>first=*conn_opt;if(first==conn){assert(conn.futureIsReady(f1));(void)f1;}else{assert(another.futureIsReady(f2));(void)f2;}
Closing connections
Finally, a user is responsible for closing connections.
Building and launching C++ application
Now, we are going to build our example C++ application, launch it
to connect to the Tarantool instance and execute all the requests defined.
Make sure you are in the root directory of the cloned C++ connector repository.
To build the example application:
Make sure the Tarantool session
you started earlier is running. Launch the application:
As you can see from the execution log, all the connections to Tarantool
defined in our application have been established and all the requests
have been executed successfully.
Decoding and reading the data
Responses from a Tarantool instance contain raw data, that is, the data encoded
into the MessagePack tuples. To decode client’s data,
the user has to write their own
decoders (readers) based on the database schema and include them in one’s
/** * Corresponds to tuples stored in user's space: * box.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, a TEXT, d DOUBLE);") */structUserTuple{uint64_tfield1;std::stringfield2;doublefield3;staticconstexprautompp=std::make_tuple(&UserTuple::field1,&UserTuple::field2,&UserTuple::field3);};
Base reader prototype
Prototype of the base reader is given in src/mpp/Dec.hpp:
template<classBUFFER,TypeTYPE>structSimpleReaderBase:DefaultErrorHandler{usingBufferIterator_t=typenameBUFFER::iterator;/* Allowed type of values to be parsed. */staticconstexprTypeVALID_TYPES=TYPE;BufferIterator_t*StoreEndIterator(){returnnullptr;}};
Every new reader should inherit from it or directly from the
Parsing values
To parse a particular value, we should define the Value() method.
First two arguments of the method are common and unused as a rule,
but the third one defines the parsed value. In case of POD (Plain Old Data)
structures, it’s enough to provide a byte-to-byte copy. Since there are
fields of three different types in our schema, let’s define the corresponding
Value() functions:
Parsing array
It’s also important to understand that a tuple itself is wrapped in an array,
so, in fact, we should parse the array first. Let’s define another reader
for that purpose.
Setting reader
The SetReader() method sets the reader that is invoked while
each of the array’s entries is parsed. To make two readers defined above
work, we should create a decoder, set its iterator to the position of
the encoded tuple, and invoke the Read() method (the code block below is
from the example application).
C++ connector API
The official C++ connector for Tarantool is located in the
tanartool/tntcxx repository.
It is not supplied as part of the Tarantool repository and requires additional
actions for usage.
The connector itself is a header-only library and, as such, doesn’t require
installation and building. All you need is to clone the connector
source code and embed it in your C++ project. See the C++ connector Getting started
document for details and examples.
Below is the description of the connector public API.
The Connector class is a template class that defines a connector client
which can handle many connections to Tarantool instances asynchronously.
To instantiate a client, you should specify the buffer and the network provider
implementations as template parameters. You can either implement your own buffer
or network provider or use the default ones.
The default connector instantiation looks as follows:
Connects to a Tarantool instance that is listening on addr:port.
On successful connection, the method returns 0. If the host
doesn’t reply within the timeout period or another error occurs,
it returns -1. Then, Connection.getError()
gives the error message.
The main method responsible for sending a request and checking the response
You should prepare a request beforehand by using the necessary
method of the Connection class, such as
and so on, which encodes the request
in the MessagePack format and saves it in
the output connection buffer.
wait() sends the request and is polling the future for the response
readiness. Once the response is ready, wait() returns 0.
If at timeout the response isn’t ready or another error occurs,
it returns -1. Then, Connection.getError()
gives the error message.
timeout=0 means the method is polling the future until the response
is ready.
future – request ID returned by a request method of
the Connection class, such as,
and so on.
timeout – waiting timeout, milliseconds. Optional. Defaults to 0.
0 on receiving a response, or -1 otherwise.
Possible errors:
timeout exceeded
other possible errors depend on a network provider used.
If the EpollNetProvider is used, failing of the poll,
read, and write system calls leads to system errors,
in this case).
Similar to wait(), the method sends
the requests prepared and checks the response readiness, but can send
several different requests stored in the futures array.
Exceeding the timeout leads to an error; Connection.getError()
gives the error message.
timeout=0 means the method is polling the futures
until all the responses are ready.
futures – array with the request IDs returned by request
methods of the Connection
class, such as, ping()
and so on.
future_count – size of the futures array.
timeout – waiting timeout, milliseconds. Optional. Defaults to 0.
Possible errors:
timeout exceeded
other possible errors depend on a network provider used.
If the EpollNetProvider is used, failing of the poll,
read, and write system calls leads to system errors,
in this case).
Sends all requests that are prepared at the moment and is waiting for
any first response to be ready. Upon the response readiness, waitAny()
returns the corresponding connection object.
If at timeout no response is ready or another error occurs, it returns
nullptr. Then, Connection.getError()
gives the error message.
timeout=0 means no time limitation while waiting for the response
timeout – waiting timeout, milliseconds. Optional. Defaults to 0.
object of the Connection class
on success, or nullptr on error.
Connection<BUFFER, NetProvider>*
Possible errors:
timeout exceeded
other possible errors depend on a network provider used.
If the EpollNetProvider is used, failing of the poll,
read, and write system calls leads to system errors,
in this case).
The Connection class is a template class that defines a connection objects
which is required to interact with a Tarantool instance. Each connection object
is bound to a single socket.
Similar to a connector client, a connection
object also takes the buffer and the network provider as template
parameters, and they must be the same as ones of the client. For example:
//Instantiating a connector clientusingBuf_t=tnt::Buffer<16*1024>;usingNet_t=EpollNetProvider<Buf_t>;Connector<Buf_t,Net_t>client;//Instantiating connection objectsConnection<Buf_t,Net_t>conn01(client);Connection<Buf_t,Net_t>conn02(client);
The Connection class has two nested classes, namely,
Space and Index
that implement the data-manipulation methods like select(),
replace(), and so on.
Executes a call of a remote stored-procedure similar to conn:call().
The method returns the request ID that is used to get the response by
func – a remote stored-procedure name.
args – procedure’s arguments.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
The following function is defined on the Tarantool instance you are
connected to:
box.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t;")box.execute("CREATE TABLE t(id INT PRIMARY KEY, a TEXT, b DOUBLE);")functionremote_replace(arg1,arg2,arg3)returnbox.space.T:replace({arg1,arg2,arg3})end
The method takes a request ID (future) as an argument and returns
an optional object containing a response. If the response is not ready,
the method returns std::nullopt.
Note that for each future the method can be called only once because it
erases the request ID from the internal map as soon as the response is
returned to a user.
A response consists of a header (response.header) and a body
(response.body). Depending on success of the request execution on
the server side, body may contain either runtime errors accessible by
response.body.error_stack or data (tuples) accessible by
response.body.data. Data is a vector of tuples. However,
tuples are not decoded and come in the form of pointers to the start and
the end of MessagePacks. For details on decoding the data received, refer to
«Decoding and reading the data».
The method encodes the request in the MessagePack
format and queues it in the output connection buffer to be sent later
by one of Connector’s methods, namely,
wait(), waitAll(),
or waitAny().
Returns the request ID that is used to get the response by
the getResponce() method.
Space is a nested class of the Connection
class. It is a public wrapper to access the data-manipulation methods in the way
similar to the Tarantool submodule box.space,
like, space[space_id].select(), space[space_id].replace(), and so on.
All the Space class methods listed below work in the following way:
A method encodes the corresponding request in the MessagePack
format and queues it in the output connection buffer to be sent later
by one of Connector’s methods, namely,
wait(), waitAll(),
or waitAny().
A method returns the request ID. To get and read the actual data
requested, first you need to get the response object by using the
getResponce() method
and then decode the data.
Searches for a tuple or a set of tuples in the given space. The method works
similar to space_object:select() and performs the
search against the primary index (index_id=0) by default. In other
words, space[space_id].select() equals to
key – value to be matched against the index key.
index_id – index ID. Optional. Defaults to 0.
limit – maximum number of tuples to select. Optional.
Defaults to UINT32_MAX.
offset – number of tuples to skip. Optional.
Defaults to 0.
iterator – the type of iterator. Optional.
Defaults to EQ.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to space_object:select({key_value}, {limit = 1}) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;intkey_value=5;uint32_tlimit=1;autoi=conn.space[space_id];rid_tselect=i.select(std::make_tuple(key_value),index_id,limit,offset,iter);
Inserts a tuple into the given space. If a tuple with the same primary key
already exists, replace() replaces the existing tuple with a new
one. The method works similar to space_object:replace() / put().
tuple – a tuple to insert.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to space_object:replace(key_value, "111", 1.01) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;intkey_value=5;std::tupledata=std::make_tuple(key_value,"111",1.01);rid_treplace=conn.space[space_id].replace(data);
Inserts a tuple into the given space.
The method works similar to space_object:insert().
tuple – a tuple to insert.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to space_object:insert(key_value, "112", 2.22) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;intkey_value=6;std::tupledata=std::make_tuple(key_value,"112",2.22);rid_tinsert=conn.space[space_id].insert(data);
Updates a tuple in the given space.
The method works similar to space_object:update()
and searches for the tuple to update against the primary index (index_id=0)
by default. In other words, space[space_id].update() equals to
The tuple parameter specifies an update operation, an identifier of the
field to update, and a new field value. The set of available operations and
the format of specifying an operation and a field identifier is the same
as in Tarantool. Refer to the description of :doc:` </reference/reference_lua/box_space/update>`
and example below for details.
key – value to be matched against the index key.
tuple – parameters for the update operation, namely,
index_id – index ID. Optional. Defaults to 0.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to space_object:update(key, {{'=', 1, 'update' }, {'+', 2, 12}}) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;std::tuplekey=std::make_tuple(5);std::tupleop1=std::make_tuple("=",1,"update");std::tupleop2=std::make_tuple("+",2,12);rid_tf1=conn.space[space_id].update(key,std::make_tuple(op1,op2));
Updates or inserts a tuple in the given space.
The method works similar to space_object:upsert().
If there is an existing tuple that matches the key fields of tuple,
the request has the same effect as
update() and the ops parameter
is used.
If there is no existing tuple that matches the key fields of tuple,
the request has the same effect as
insert() and the tuple parameter
is used.
tuple – a tuple to insert.
ops – parameters for the update operation, namely,
index_base – starting number to count fields in a tuple:
0 or 1. Optional. Defaults to 0.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to space_object:upsert({333, "upsert-insert", 0.0}, {{'=', 1, 'upsert-update'}}) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;std::tupletuple=std::make_tuple(333,"upsert-insert",0.0);std::tupleop1=std::make_tuple("=",1,"upsert-update");rid_tf1=conn.space[space_id].upsert(tuple,std::make_tuple(op1));
Deletes a tuple in the given space.
The method works similar to space_object:delete()
and searches for the tuple to delete against the primary index (index_id=0)
by default. In other words, space[space_id].delete_() equals to
key – value to be matched against the index key.
index_id – index ID. Optional. Defaults to 0.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to space_object:delete(123) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;std::tuplekey=std::make_tuple(123);rid_tf1=conn.space[space_id].delete_(key);
Index is a nested class of the Space
class. It is a public wrapper to access the data-manipulation methods in the way
similar to the Tarantool submodule box.index,
like, space[space_id].index[index_id].select() and so on.
All the Index class methods listed below work in the following way:
A method encodes the corresponding request in the MessagePack
format and queues it in the output connection buffer to be sent later
by one of Connector’s methods, namely,
wait(), waitAll(),
or waitAny().
A method returns the request ID that is used to get the response by
the getResponce() method.
Refer to the getResponce()
description to understand the response structure and how to read
the requested data.
This is an alternative to space.select().
The method searches for a tuple or a set of tuples in the given space against
a particular index and works similar to
key – value to be matched against the index key.
limit – maximum number of tuples to select. Optional.
Defaults to UINT32_MAX.
offset – number of tuples to skip. Optional.
Defaults to 0.
iterator – the type of iterator. Optional.
Defaults to EQ.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to index_object:select({key}, {limit = 1}) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;uint32_tindex_id=1;intkey=10;uint32_tlimit=1;autoi=conn.space[space_id].index[index_id];rid_tselect=i.select(std::make_tuple(key),limit,offset,iter);
This is an alternative to space.update().
The method updates a tuple in the given space but searches for the tuple
against a particular index.
The method works similar to index_object:update().
The tuple parameter specifies an update operation, an identifier of the
field to update, and a new field value. The set of available operations and
the format of specifying an operation and a field identifier is the same
as in Tarantool. Refer to the description of :doc:` </reference/reference_lua/box_index/update>`
and example below for details.
key – value to be matched against the index key.
tuple – parameters for the update operation, namely,
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to index_object:update(key, {{'=', 1, 'update' }, {'+', 2, 12}}) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;uint32_tindex_id=1;std::tuplekey=std::make_tuple(10);std::tupleop1=std::make_tuple("=",1,"update");std::tupleop2=std::make_tuple("+",2,12);rid_tf1=conn.space[space_id].index[index_id].update(key,std::make_tuple(op1,op2));
This is an alternative to space.delete_().
The method deletes a tuple in the given space but searches for the tuple
against a particular index.
The method works similar to index_object:delete().
key – value to be matched against the index key.
a request ID
Possible errors: none.
/* Equals to index_object:delete(123) in Tarantool*/uint32_tspace_id=512;uint32_tindex_id=1;std::tuplekey=std::make_tuple(123);rid_tf1=conn.space[space_id].index[index_id].delete_(key);
Community-supported connectors
This section provides information on several community-supported connectors.
Note that they may have limited support for new Tarantool features.
The most commonly used C# driver is
previously named tarantool-csharp. It is not supplied as part of the
Tarantool repository; it must be installed separately. The makers recommend
cross-platform installation using Nuget.
To be consistent with the other instructions in this chapter, here is a way to
install the driver directly on Ubuntu 16.04.
Mono will not work, nor will .Net from xbuild. Only .net core supported on
Linux and Mac.
Read the Microsoft End User License Agreement first, because it is not an
ordinary open-source agreement and there will be a message during
installation saying «This software may collect information about you and
your use of the software, and send that to Microsoft.»
Still you can
set environment variables
to opt out from telemetry.
$ cat<<EOT>Program.cs
using System;using System.Threading.Tasks;using ProGaudi.Tarantool.Client;public class HelloWorld{ static public void Main () { Test().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } static async Task Test() { var box = await Box.Connect(""); var schema = box.GetSchema(); var space = await schema.GetSpace("examples"); await space.Insert((99999, "BB")); }}EOT
Build and run your application.
Before trying to run, check that the server is listening at localhost:3301
and that the space examples exists, as
described earlier.
$ dotnetrestore
$ dotnetrun
The program will:
connect using an application-specific definition of the space,
open a socket connection with the Tarantool server at localhost:3301,
send an INSERT request, and — if all is well — end without saying anything.
If Tarantool is not running on localhost with listen port = 3301, or if user
„guest“ does not have authorization to connect, or if the INSERT request
fails for any reason, the program will print an error message, among other
things (stacktrace, etc).
The example program only shows one request and does not show all that’s
necessary for good practice. For that, please see the
progaudi.tarantool driver repository.
The most commonly used node.js driver is the Node Tarantool driver. It is not supplied as part
of the Tarantool repository; it must be installed separately. The most common
way to install it is with npm. For
example, on Ubuntu, the installation could look like this after npm has been
$ npminstalltarantool-driver--global
Here is a complete node.js program that inserts [99999,'BB'] into
space[999] via the node.js API. Before trying to run, check that the server instance
is listening at localhost:3301 and that the space examples exists, as
described earlier. To run, paste the code into
a file named example.rs and say nodeexample.rs. The program will
connect using an application-specific definition of the space. The program will
open a socket connection with the Tarantool instance at localhost:3301, then
send an INSERT request, then — if all is well — end after saying «Insert
succeeded». If Tarantool is not running on localhost with listen port =
3301, the program will print “Connect failed”. If the „guest“ user does not have
authorization to connect, the program will print «Auth failed». If the insert
request fails for any reason, for example because the tuple already exists,
the program will print «Insert failed».
The example program only shows one request and does not show all that’s
necessary for good practice. For that, please see The node.js driver
The most commonly used Perl driver is
tarantool-perl. It is not
supplied as part of the Tarantool repository; it must be installed separately.
The most common way to install it is by cloning from GitHub.
To avoid minor warnings that may appear the first time tarantool-perl is
installed, start with installing some other modules that tarantool-perl uses,
with CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network:
Here is a complete Perl program that inserts [99999,'BB'] into space[999]
via the Perl API. Before trying to run, check that the server instance is listening at
localhost:3301 and that the space examples exists, as
described earlier.
To run, paste the code into a file named example.pl and say
perlexample.pl. The program will connect using an application-specific
definition of the space. The program will open a socket connection with the
Tarantool instance at localhost:3301, then send an space_object:INSERT request, then — if
all is well — end without displaying any messages. If Tarantool is not running
on localhost with listen port = 3301, the program will print “Connection
#!/usr/bin/perluseDR::Tarantool':constant','tarantool';useDR::Tarantool':all';useDR::Tarantool::MsgPack::SyncClient;my$tnt=DR::Tarantool::MsgPack::SyncClient->connect(host=>'',# look for tarantool on localhostport=>3301,# on port 3301user=>'guest',# username. for 'guest' we do not also say 'password=>...'spaces=>{999=>{# definition of space[999] ...name=>'examples',# space[999] name = 'examples'default_type=>'STR',# space[999] field type is 'STR' if undefinedfields=>[{# definition of space[999].fields ...name=>'field1',type=>'NUM'}],# space[999].field[1] name='field1',type='NUM'indexes=>{# definition of space[999] indexes ...0=>{name=>'primary',fields=>['field1']}}}});$tnt->insert('examples'=>[99999,'BB']);
The example program uses field type names „STR“ and „NUM“
instead of „string“ and „unsigned“, due to a temporary Perl limitation.
The example program only shows one request and does not show all that’s
necessary for good practice. For that, please see the
tarantool-perl repository.
tarantool-php is the official
PHP connector for Tarantool.
It is not supplied as part of the Tarantool repository and must be installed
separately (see installation instructions
in the connector’s README file).
Here is a complete PHP program that inserts [99999,'BB'] into a space named
examples via the PHP API.
Before trying to run, check that the server instance is
listening at localhost:3301 and that the space
examples exists, as described earlier.
To run, paste the code into a file named example.php and say:
The program will open a socket connection with the Tarantool instance at
localhost:3301, then send an INSERT request,
then – if all is well – print «Insert succeeded».
If the tuple already exists, the program will print
«Duplicate key exists in unique index „primary“ in space „examples“».
The example program only shows one request and does not show all that’s
necessary for good practice. For that, please see
project at GitHub.
Most of the configuration options described in this reference can be applied to a specific instance, replica set, group, or to all instances globally.
To do so, you need to define the required option at the specified level.
Using Tarantool as an application server, you can run your own Lua applications.
In the app section, you can load the application and provide an application configuration in the app.cfg section.
The experimental.config.utils.schema
built-in module provides an API for managing user-defined configurations
of applications (app.cfg) and roles (roles_cfg).
The app section can be placed in any configuration scope.
As an example use case, you can provide different applications for storages and routers in a sharded cluster:
If set to true, the audit subsystem extracts and prints only the primary key instead of full
tuples in DML events (space_insert, space_replace, space_delete).
Otherwise, full tuples are logged.
The option may be useful in case tuples are big.
Specify a file for the audit log destination.
You can set the file type using the audit_log.to option.
If you write logs to a file, Tarantool reopens the audit log at SIGHUP.
Specify the logging behavior if the system is not ready to write.
If set to true, Tarantool does not block during logging if the system is non-writable and writes a message instead.
Using this value may improve logging performance at the cost of losing some log messages.
The option only has an effect if the audit_log.to is set to syslog
or pipe.
Specify a pipe for the audit log destination.
You can set the pipe type using the audit_log.to option.
If log is a program, its pid is stored in the audit.pid field.
You need to send it a signal to rotate logs.
This starts the cronolog program when the server starts
and sends all audit_log messages to cronolog standard input (stdin).
The array of space names for which data operation events (space_select, space_insert, space_replace,
space_delete) should be logged. The array accepts string values.
If set to box.NULL, the data operation events are logged for all spaces.
In the example, only the events of bands and singers spaces are logged:
Set a location for the syslog server.
It can be a Unix socket path starting with „unix:“ or an ipv4 port number.
You can enable logging to a system logger using the audit_log.to option.
Above is an example of writing audit logs to a directory shared with the system logs.
Tarantool allows this option, but it is not recommended to do this to avoid difficulties
when working with audit logs. System and audit logs should be written separately.
To do this, create separate paths and specify them.
Type: string
Default: box.NULL
Environment variable: TT_AUDIT_LOG_SYSLOG_SERVER
The compat section defines values of the compat module options.
define tuple encoding in iproto call and eval requests.
Specify a conditional section of the configuration. The configuration options
defined inside a conditional.if section apply only to instances on which
the specified condition is true.
Conditions can include one variable – tarantool_version: a three-number
Tarantool version running on the instance, for example, 3.1.0. It compares to
version literal values that include three numbers separated by periods (x.y.z).
The following operators are available in conditions:
comparison: >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=
logical operators || (OR) and && (AND)
parentheses ()
In this example, different configuration parts apply to instances running
Tarantool versions above and below 3.1.0:
On versions less than 3.1.0, the upgraded label is set to false.
On versions 3.1.0 or newer, the upgraded label is set to true.
Additionally, new compat options are defined. These options were introduced
in version 3.1.0, so on older versions they would cause an error.
Specify how to load settings from external storage.
For example, this option can be used to load passwords from safe storage.
You can find examples in the Loading secrets from safe storage section.
The name of an environment variable to load a configuration value from.
To load a configuration value from an environment variable, set config.context.<name>.from to env.
In this example, passwords are loaded from the DBADMIN_PASSWORD and SAMPLEUSER_PASSWORD environment variables:
(Optional) Whether to strip whitespace characters and newlines from the end of data.
Enterprise Edition
Centralized configuration storages are supported by the Enterprise Edition only.
This section describes options related to providing connection settings to a centralized etcd-based storage.
If replication.failover is set to supervised, Tarantool also uses etcd to maintain the state of failover coordinators.
A key prefix used to search a configuration on an etcd server.
Tarantool searches keys by the following path: <prefix>/config/*.
Note that <prefix> should start with a slash (/).
A key prefix used to search a configuration in a centralized configuration storage.
Tarantool searches keys by the following path: <prefix>/config/*.
Note that <prefix> should start with a slash (/).
A list of global user-defined Lua functions that this user or a user with this role can call.
To allow calling all such functions, specify the all value.
This option should be configured together with the executepermission.
In particular, both instances use the same directory for storing write-ahead logs and snapshots.
When you start both cluster applications on the same machine, the instance from the first one will be the primary instance and the second will be the standby instance.
In the logs of the second cluster instance, you should see a notification:
main/104/interactive I> Entering hot standby mode
This means that the standby instance is ready to take over if the primary instance goes down.
The standby instance initializes and tries to take a lock on a directory for storing write-ahead logs
but fails because the primary instance has made a lock on this directory.
If the primary instance goes down for any reason, the lock is released.
In this case, the standby instance succeeds in taking the lock and becomes the primary instance.
If wal.dir_rescan_delay is set to a large value on macOS or FreeBSD. On these platforms, the hot standby mode is designed so that the loop repeats every wal.dir_rescan_delay seconds.
By default, instance UUIDs are generated automatically.
database.instance_uuid can be used to specify an instance identifier manually.
UUIDs should follow these rules:
The values must be true unique identifiers, not shared by other instances
or replica sets within the common infrastructure.
The values must be used consistently, not changed after the initial setup.
The initial values are stored in snapshot files
and are checked whenever the system is restarted.
The values must comply with RFC 4122.
The nil UUID is not allowed.
An instance’s operating mode.
This option is in effect if replication.failover is set to off.
The following modes are available:
rw: an instance is in read-write mode.
ro: an instance is in read-only mode.
If not specified explicitly, the default value depends on the number of instances in a replica set. For a single instance, the rw mode is used, while for multiple instances, the ro mode is used.
You can set the database.mode option to rw on all instances in a replica set to make a master-master configuration.
In this case, replication.failover should be set to off.
A time interval (in seconds) that specifies how long an instance should be a leader without renew requests from a coordinator.
When this interval expires, the leader switches to read-only mode.
This action is performed by the instance itself and works even if there is no connectivity between the instance and the coordinator.
A time interval (in seconds) that specifies how often a failover coordinator sends read-write deadline renewals.
Type: number
Default: 10
Environment variable: TT_FAILOVER_RENEW_INTERVAL
failover.stateboard.* options define configuration parameters related to maintaining the state of failover coordinators in a remote etcd-based storage.
A time interval (in seconds) that specifies how long a transient state information is stored and how quickly a lock expires.
failover.stateboard.keepalive_interval should be smaller than failover.lease_interval.
Otherwise, switching of a coordinator causes a replica set leader to go to read-only mode for some time.
A time interval (in seconds) that specifies how often a failover coordinator writes its state information to etcd.
This option also determines the frequency at which an active coordinator reads new commands from etcd.
The maximum size of memory (in bytes) used to store metrics before sending them to the feedback server.
If the size of collected metrics exceeds this value, earlier metrics are dropped.
The time period (in seconds) a fiber sleeps between
iterations of the event loop.
fiber.io_collect_interval can be used to reduce CPU load in deployments
where the number of client connections is large, but requests are not so frequent
(for example, each connection issues just a handful of requests per second).
Set a time period (in seconds) that specifies the error slice.
Type: number
Default: 1
Environment variable: TT_FIBER_SLICE_ERR
This section describes options related to configuring the
fiber.top() function, normally used for debug purposes.
fiber.top() shows all alive fibers and their CPU consumption.
Specify the level of detail the log has.
The default value is 6 (VERBOSE).
You can learn more about log levels from the log_level
option description.
Note that the flightrec.logs_log_level value might differ from log_level.
Specify the time period (in seconds) that defines how long metrics are stored from the moment of dump.
So, this value defines how much historical metrics data is collected up to the moment of crash.
The frequency of metric dumps is defined by flightrec.metrics_interval.
Specify the size (in bytes) of storage for the request and response data.
You can set this parameter to 0 to disable a storage of requests and responses.
An array of URIs used to listen for incoming requests.
If required, you can enable SSL for specific URIs by providing additional parameters (<uri>.params.*).
Note that a URI value can’t contain parameters, a login, or a password.
In the example below, iproto.listen is set explicitly for each instance in a cluster:
To handle messages, Tarantool allocates fibers.
To prevent fiber overhead from affecting the whole system,
Tarantool restricts how many messages the fibers handle,
so that some pending requests are blocked.
On powerful systems, increase net_msg_max, and the scheduler
starts processing pending requests immediately.
On weaker systems, decrease net_msg_max, and the overhead
may decrease. However, this may take some time because the
scheduler must wait until already-running requests finish.
When net_msg_max is reached,
Tarantool suspends processing of incoming packages until it
has processed earlier messages. This is not a direct restriction of
the number of fibers that handle network messages, rather it
is a system-wide restriction of channel bandwidth.
This in turn restricts the number of incoming
network messages that the
transaction processor thread
handles, and therefore indirectly affects the fibers that handle
network messages.
The number of fibers is smaller than the number of messages because
messages can be released as soon as they are delivered, while
incoming requests might not be processed until some time after delivery.
The size of the read-ahead buffer associated with a client connection.
The larger the buffer, the more memory an active connection consumes, and the
more requests can be read from the operating system buffer in a single
system call.
The recommendation is to make sure that the buffer can contain at least a few dozen requests.
Therefore, if a typical tuple in a request is large, e.g. a few kilobytes or even megabytes, the read-ahead buffer size should be increased.
If batched request processing is not used, it’s prudent to leave this setting at its default.
The number of network threads.
There can be unusual workloads where the network thread
is 100% loaded and the transaction processor thread is not, so the network
thread is a bottleneck.
In that case, set iproto_threads to 2 or more.
The operating system kernel determines which connection goes to
which thread.
A URI used to advertise the current instance to clients.
The iproto.advertise.client option accepts a URI in the following formats:
An address: host:port.
A Unix domain socket: unix/:.
Note that this option doesn’t allow to set a username and password.
If a remote client needs this information, it should be delivered outside of the cluster configuration.
The host value cannot be[::] and the port value cannot be 0.
Settings used to advertise the current instance to other cluster members.
The format of these settings is described in iproto.advertise.<peer_or_sharding>.*.
In the example below, the following configuration options are specified:
In the credentials section, the replicator user with the replication role is created.
iproto.advertise.peer specifies that other instances should connect to an address defined in iproto.listen using the replicator user.
Settings used to advertise the current instance to a router and rebalancer.
The format of these settings is described in iproto.advertise.<peer_or_sharding>.*.
If iproto.advertise.sharding is not specified, advertise settings from iproto.advertise.peer are used.
In the example below, the following configuration options are specified:
In the credentials section, the replicator and storage users are created.
iproto.advertise.peer specifies that other instances should connect to an address defined in iproto.listen with the replicator user.
iproto.advertise.sharding specifies that a router should connect to storages using an address defined in iproto.listen with the storage user.
Allows you to enable traffic encryption for client-server communications over binary connections.
In a Tarantool cluster, one instance might act as the server that accepts connections from other instances and the client that connects to other instances.
<uri>.params.transport accepts one of the following values:
plain (default): turn off traffic encryption.
ssl: encrypt traffic by using the TLS 1.2 protocol (Enterprise Edition only).
The example below demonstrates how to enable traffic encryption by using a self-signed server certificate.
The following parameters are specified for each instance:
(Optional) A colon-separated (:) list of SSL cipher suites the connection can use.
Note that the list is not validated: if a cipher suite is unknown, Tarantool ignores it, doesn’t establish the connection, and writes to the log that no shared cipher was found.
The supported cipher suites are:
For detailed information on SSL ciphers and their syntax, refer to OpenSSL documentation.
(Optional) A text file with one or more passwords for encrypted private SSL keys provided using ssl_key_file (each on a separate line).
Alternatively, the password can be provided in ssl_password.
Any configuration parameter that can be defined in the group scope.
For example, iproto and database configuration parameters defined at the group level are applied to all instances in this group.
replicasets can be defined in the group scope only.
Any configuration parameter that can be defined in the replica set scope.
For example, iproto and database configuration parameters defined at the replica set level are applied to all instances in this replica set.
instances can be defined in the replica set scope only.
Any configuration parameter that can be defined in the instance scope.
For example, iproto and database configuration parameters defined at the instance level are applied to this instance only.
The labels section allows adding custom attributes to the configuration.
Attributes must be key:value pairs with string keys and values.
The tarantool module that enables you to configure the logging level for Tarantool core messages.
Specifically, it configures the logging level for messages logged from non-Lua code, including C modules.
Example: Set a log level for C modules.
Example 1: Set log levels for files that use the default logger
Suppose you have two identical modules placed by the following paths: test/module1.lua and test/module2.lua.
These modules use the default logger and look as follows:
return{say_hello=function()locallog=require('log')log.info('Info message from module1')end}
To configure logging levels, you need to provide module names corresponding to paths to these modules:
Given that module1 has the verbose logging level and module2 has the error level, calling module1.say_hello() shows a message but module2.say_hello() is swallowed:
-- Prints 'info' messages --module1.say_hello()--[[[92617] main/103/interactive/test.logging.module1 I> Info message from module1---...--]]-- Swallows 'info' messages --module2.say_hello()--[[---...--]]
To create custom loggers in your application (app.lua), call the log.new() function:
-- Creates new loggers --module1_log=require('log').new('module1')module2_log=require('log').new('module2')
Given that module1 has the verbose logging level and module2 has the error level, calling module1_log.info() shows a message but module2_log.info() is swallowed:
-- Prints 'info' messages --module1_log.info('Info message from module1')--[[[16300] main/103/interactive/module1 I> Info message from module1---...--]]-- Swallows 'debug' messages --module1_log.debug('Debug message from module1')--[[---...--]]-- Swallows 'info' messages --module2_log.info('Info message from module2')--[[---...--]]
This example shows how to set the info level for the tarantool module:
The specified level affects messages logged from C modules:
ffi=require('ffi')-- Prints 'info' messages --ffi.C._say(ffi.C.S_INFO,nil,0,nil,'Info message from C module')--[[[6024] main/103/interactive I> Info message from C module---...--]]-- Swallows 'debug' messages --ffi.C._say(ffi.C.S_DEBUG,nil,0,nil,'Debug message from C module')--[[---...--]]
The example above uses the LuaJIT ffi library to call C functions provided by the say module.
Specify the logging behavior if the system is not ready to write.
If set to true, Tarantool does not block during logging if the system is non-writable and writes a message instead.
Using this value may improve logging performance at the cost of losing some log messages.
The option only has an effect if the log.to is set to syslog
or pipe.
Specifies the maximum memory amount available to Lua scripts, measured in bytes.
When the specified value exceeds the current memory usage, the new limit takes effect immediately without a restart.
However, when the specified value is lower than the current memory usage, a restart of the instance is required for the change to take effect.
Example to set the Lua memory limit to 4 GB:
Type: integer
Default: 2147483648 (2GB)
Environment variable: TT_LUA_MEMORY
The memtx section is used to configure parameters related to the memtx engine.
Specify the allocator that manages memory for memtx tuples.
Possible values:
system – the memory is allocated as needed, checking that the quota is not exceeded.
THe allocator is based on the malloc function.
small – a slab allocator.
The allocator repeatedly uses a memory block to allocate objects of the same type.
Note that this allocator is prone to unresolvable fragmentation on specific workloads,
so you can switch to system in such cases.
The amount of memory in bytes that Tarantool allocates to store tuples.
When the limit is reached, INSERT and
UPDATE requests fail with the ER_MEMORY_ISSUE error.
The server does not go beyond the memtx.memory limit to allocate tuples, but there is additional memory
used to store indexes and connection information.
In the example below, the memory size is set to 1 GB (1073741824 bytes).
The multiplier for computing the sizes of memory
chunks that tuples are stored in.
A lower value may result in less wasted
memory depending on the total amount of memory available and the
distribution of item sizes.
Specify the granularity in bytes of memory allocation in the small allocator.
The memtx.slab_alloc_granularity value should meet the following conditions:
The value is a power of two.
The value is greater than or equal to 4.
Below are few recommendations on how to adjust the memtx.slab_alloc_granularity option:
If the tuples in space are small and have about the same size, set the option to 4 bytes to save memory.
If the tuples are different-sized, increase the option value to allocate tuples from the same mempool (memory pool).
The number of threads from the thread pool used to sort keys of secondary indexes on loading a memtx database.
The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 256.
The default is to use all available cores.
Since 3.0.0, this option replaces the approach when OpenMP threads are used to parallelize sorting.
For backward compatibility, the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is taken into account to
set the number of sorting threads.
Type: integer
Default: box.NULL
Environment variable: TT_MEMTX_SORT_THREADS
The metrics section defines configuration parameters for metrics.
If this option is set to true, Tarantool log location defined by the
log.to option should be set to
file, pipe, or syslog – anything other than stderr,
the default, because a daemon process is detached from a terminal
and it can’t write to the terminal’s stderr.
Do not enable the background mode for applications intended to run by the
tt utility. For more information, see the tt start reference.
Usually, an administrator needs to call ulimit-cunlimited
(or set corresponding options in systemd’s unit file)
before running a Tarantool process to get core dumps.
If process.coredump is enabled, Tarantool sets the corresponding
resource limit by itself
and the administrator doesn’t need to call ulimit-cunlimited
(see man 3 setrlimit).
This option also sets the state of the dumpable attribute,
which is enabled by default,
but may be dropped in some circumstances (according to
man 2 prctl, see PR_SET_DUMPABLE).
Whether coredump files should not include memory allocated for tuples –
this memory can be large if Tarantool runs under heavy load.
Setting to true means «do not include».
A directory where Tarantool working files will be stored
(database files, logs, a PID file, a console Unix socket, and other files
if an application generates them in the current directory).
The server instance switches to process.work_dir with
chdir(2) after start.
If set as a relative file path, it is relative to the current
working directory, from where Tarantool is started.
If not specified, defaults to the current working directory.
Other directory and file parameters, if set as relative paths,
are interpreted as relative to process.work_dir, for example, directories for storing
snapshots and write-ahead logs.
Type: string
Default: box.NULL
Environment variable: TT_PROCESS_WORK_DIR
The replication section defines configuration parameters related to replication.
While anonymous replicas are read-only, you can write data to replication-local and temporary spaces (created with is_local=true and temporary=true, respectively).
Given that changes to replication-local spaces are allowed, an anonymous replica might increase the 0 component of the vclock value.
Here are the limitations of having anonymous replicas in a replica set:
A replica set must contain at least one non-anonymous instance.
An anonymous replica can’t be configured as a writable instance by setting database.mode to rw or making it a leader using <replicaset_name>.leader.
If replication.failover is set to supervised, an external failover coordinator doesn’t consider anonymous replicas when selecting a bootstrap or replica set leader.
Anonymous replicas are not registered in the _cluster space.
This means that there is no limitation on the number of anonymous replicas in a replica set.
The replication.autoexpel option designed for managing dynamic clusters using YAML-based configurations.
It enables the automatic expulsion of instances that are removed from the YAML configuration.
Only instances with names that match the specified prefix are considered for expulsion; all others are excluded.
Additionally, instances without a persistent name are ignored.
If an instance is in read-write mode and has the latest database schema, it initiates the expulsion of instances that:
Match the specified prefix
Absent from the updated YAML configuration
The expulsion process follows the standard procedure, involving the removal of the instance from the _cluster system space.
autoexpel does not take any actions on newly joined instances unless one of the triggering events occurs.
This means that an instance meeting the autoexpel criterion can still join the cluster, but it may be removed
later during reconfiguration or on subsequent triggering events.
The replication.autoexpel option governs the expelling process and is configurable at the replicaset, group, and
global levels. It is not applicable at the instance level.
Configuration fields
by (string, default: nil): specifies the autoexpel criterion. Currently, only prefix is supported and must be explicitly set.
enabled (boolean, default: false): enables or disables the autoexpel logic.
prefix (string, default: nil): defines the pattern for instance names that are considered part of the cluster.
replication.autoexpel_by purpose is to define the criterion used for determining which instances in a cluster are
subject to the autoexpel process.
The by field helps differentiate between:
Instances that are part of the cluster and should adhere to the YAML configuration.
Instances or tools (e.g., CDC tools) that use the replication channel but are not part of the cluster configuration.
The default value of by is nil, meaning no autoexpel criterion is applied unless explicitly set.
Currently, the only supported value for by is prefix. The prefix value instructs the system to identify instances
based on their names, matching them against a prefix pattern defined in the configuration.
If the autoexpel feature is enabled, the by field must be explicitly set to prefix.
The absence of this field or an unsupported value will result in configuration errors.
The replication.autoexpel_enabled field is a boolean configuration option that determines whether the autoexpel logic is active for the cluster.
This feature is designed to automatically manage dynamic cluster configurations by removing instances that are no longer present in the YAML configuration.
By default, the enabled field is set to false, meaning the autoexpel logic is turned off. This ensures that no instances are automatically removed unless explicitly configured.
Enabling ``autoexpel`` logic
To enable autoexpel, you should set enabled to true in the replication.autoexpel section of your YAML configuration:
The prefix field filters instances for expulsion by differentiating cluster instances (from the YAML configuration) from external services (e.g., CDC tools). Only instances matching the prefix are considered.
A consistent naming pattern ensures the _cluster system space automatically aligns with the YAML configuration.
If the prefix field is not set (nil), the autoexpel logic cannot identify instances for expulsion, and the feature will not function.
This field is mandatory when replication.autoexpel_enabled is set to true.
How it works:
The prefix filters instance names (e.g., {{replicaset_name}} for replicaset-specific names or i- for names starting with i-).
Instances matching the prefix and removed from the YAML configuration are expelled.
Unnamed instances or those not matching the prefix are ignored.
Specifies a strategy used to bootstrap a replica set.
The following strategies are available:
auto: a node doesn’t boot if half or more of the other nodes in a replica set are not connected.
For example, if a replica set contains 2 or 3 nodes, a node requires 2 connected instances.
In the case of 4 or 5 nodes, at least 3 connected instances are required.
Moreover, a bootstrap leader fails to boot unless every connected node has chosen it as a bootstrap leader.
config: use the specified node to bootstrap a replica set.
To specify the bootstrap leader, use the <replicaset_name>.bootstrap_leader option.
supervised: a bootstrap leader isn’t chosen automatically but should be appointed using box.ctl.make_bootstrap_leader() on the desired node.
legacy (deprecated since 2.11.0): a node requires the replication_connect_quorum number of other nodes to be connected.
This option is added to keep the compatibility with the current versions of Cartridge and might be removed in the future.
A timeout (in seconds) a replica waits when trying to connect to a master in a cluster.
See orphan status for details.
This parameter is different from
which a master uses to disconnect a replica when the master
receives no acknowledgments of heartbeat messages.
off: a node doesn’t participate in the election activities.
voter: a node can participate in the election process but can’t be a leader.
candidate: a node should be able to become a leader.
manual: allow to control which instance is the leader explicitly instead of relying on automated leader election.
By default, the instance acts like a voter – it is read-only and may vote for other candidate instances.
Once box.ctl.promote() is called, the instance becomes a candidate and starts a new election round.
If the instance wins the elections, it becomes a leader but won’t participate in any new elections.
You can set replication.election_mode to a value other than off if the replication.failover mode is election.
Specifies the timeout (in seconds) between election rounds in the
leader election process if the previous round
ended up with a split vote.
It is quite big, and for most of the cases, it can be lowered to
300-400 ms.
To avoid the split vote repeat, the timeout is randomized on each node
during every new election, from 100% to 110% of the original timeout value.
For example, if the timeout is 300 ms and there are 3 nodes started
the election simultaneously in the same term,
they can set their election timeouts to 300, 310, and 320 respectively,
or to 305, 302, and 324, and so on. In that way, the votes will never be split
because the election on different nodes won’t be restarted simultaneously.
Specifies the leader fencing mode that
affects the leader election process. When the parameter is set to soft
or strict, the leader resigns its leadership if it has less than
of alive connections to the cluster nodes.
The resigning leader receives the status of a follower in the current election term and becomes
In soft mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses for
4 * replication.timeout seconds both on the current leader and the followers.
In strict mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses
for 2 * replication.timeout seconds on the
current leader and
4 * replication.timeout seconds on the
followers. This improves the chances that there is only one leader at any time.
Fencing applies to the instances that have the
replication.election_mode set to candidate or manual.
To turn off leader fencing, set election_fencing_mode to off.
A failover mode used to take over a master role when the current master instance fails.
The following modes are available:
Leadership in a replica set is controlled using the database.mode option.
In this case, you can set the database.mode option to rw on all instances in a replica set to make a master-master configuration.
The default database.mode is determined as follows: rw if there is one instance in a replica set; ro if there are several instances.
In the manual mode, the database.mode option cannot be set explicitly.
The leader is configured in the read-write mode, all the other instances are read-only.
By default, if a replica adds a unique key that another replica has
added, replication stops
with the ER_TUPLE_FOUNDerror.
If replication.skip_conflict is set to true, such errors are ignored.
Instead of saving the broken transaction to the write-ahead log, it is written as NOP (No operation).
The maximum delay (in seconds) between the time when data is written to the master and the time when it is written to a replica.
If replication.sync_lag is set to nil or 365 * 100 * 86400 (TIMEOUT_INFINITY),
a replica is always considered to be «synced».
This parameter is ignored during bootstrap.
See orphan status for details.
The timeout (in seconds) that a node waits when trying to sync with
other nodes in a replica set after connecting or during a configuration update.
This could fail indefinitely if replication.sync_lag is smaller than network latency, or if the replica cannot keep pace with master updates.
If replication.sync_timeout expires, the replica enters orphan status.
A number of replicas that should confirm the receipt of a synchronous transaction before it can finish its commit.
This option supports dynamic evaluation of the quorum number.
For example, the default value is N/2+1 where N is the current number of replicas registered in a cluster.
Once any replicas are added or removed, the expression is re-evaluated automatically.
Note that the default value (atleast50%oftheclustersize+1) guarantees data reliability.
Using a value less than the canonical one might lead to unexpected results,
including a split-brain.
replication.synchro_quorum is not used on replicas. If the master fails, the pending synchronous
transactions will be kept waiting on the replicas until a new master is elected.
replication.synchro_quorum does not account for anonymous replicas.
For synchronous replication only.
Specify how many seconds to wait for a synchronous transaction quorum
replication until it is declared failed and is rolled back.
It is not used on replicas, so if the master fails, the pending synchronous
transactions will be kept waiting on the replicas until a new master is
The number of threads spawned to decode the incoming replication data.
In most cases, one thread is enough for all incoming data.
Possible values range from 1 to 1000.
If there are multiple replication threads, connections to serve are distributed evenly between the threads.
A time interval (in seconds) used by a master to send heartbeat requests to a replica when there are no updates to send to this replica.
For each request, a replica should return a heartbeat acknowledgment.
If a master or replica gets no heartbeat message for 4*replication.timeout seconds, a connection is dropped and a replica tries to reconnect to the master.
Specify a role’s configuration.
This option accepts a role name as the key and a role’s configuration as the value.
To specify the roles of an instance, use the roles option.
The experimental.config.utils.schema
built-in module provides an API for managing user-defined configurations
of applications (app.cfg) and roles (roles_cfg).
Type: map
Default: nil
Environment variable: TT_ROLES_CFG
Enterprise Edition
Configuring security parameters is available in the Enterprise Edition only.
The security section defines configuration parameters related to various security settings.
Specify a period of time (in seconds) that a specific user should wait for the next attempt after failed authentication.
The security.auth_retries option lets a client try to authenticate the specified number of times before security.auth_delay is enforced.
In the configuration below, Tarantool lets a client try to authenticate with the same username three times.
At the fourth attempt, the authentication delay configured with security.auth_delay is enforced.
This means that a client should wait 10 seconds after the first failed attempt.
Specify the maximum number of authentication retries allowed before security.auth_delay is enforced.
The default value is 0, which means security.auth_delay is enforced after the first failed authentication attempt.
The retry counter is reset after security.auth_delay seconds since the first failed attempt.
For example, if a client tries to authenticate fewer than security.auth_retries times within security.auth_delay seconds, no authentication delay is enforced.
The retry counter is also reset after any successful authentication attempt.
Specify a protocol used to authenticate users.
The possible values are:
chap-sha1: use the CHAP protocol with SHA-1 hashing applied to passwords.
pap-sha256: use PAP authentication with the SHA256 hashing algorithm.
Note that CHAP stores password hashes in the _user space unsalted.
If an attacker gains access to the database, they may crack a password, for example, using a rainbow table.
For PAP, a password is salted with a user-unique salt before saving it in the database,
which keeps the database protected from cracking using a rainbow table.
To enable PAP, specify the security.auth_type option as follows:
If true, turn off access over remote connections from unauthenticated or guest users.
This option affects connections between cluster members and net.box connections.
Specify the maximum period of time (in days) a user can use the same password.
When this period ends, a user gets the «Password expired» error on a login attempt.
To restore access for such users, use box.schema.user.passwd.
The default 0 value means that a password never expires.
If true, forces Tarantool to overwrite a data file a few times before deletion to render recovery of a deleted file impossible.
The option applies to both .xlog and .snap files as well as Vinyl data files.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Environment variable: TT_SECURITY_SECURE_ERASING
The sharding section defines configuration parameters related to sharding.
Sharding support requires installing the vshard module.
The minimum required version of vshard is 0.1.25.
The timeout (in seconds) after which a node is considered unavailable if there are no responses during this period.
The failover fiber is used to detect if a node is down.
This option should be defined at the global level.
The maximum number of buckets that can be received in parallel by a single replica set.
This number must be limited because the rebalancer sends a large number of buckets from the existing replica sets to the newly added one.
This produces a heavy load on the new replica set.
This option should be defined at the global level.
Suppose, rebalancer_max_receiving is equal to 100 and bucket_count is equal to 1000.
There are 3 replica sets with 333, 333, and 334 buckets on each respectively.
When a new replica set is added, each replica set’s etalon_bucket_count becomes
equal to 250. Rather than receiving all 250 buckets at once, the new replica set
receives 100, 100, and 50 buckets sequentially.
auto (default): if there are no replica sets with the rebalancer sharding role (sharding.roles), a replica set with the rebalancer is selected automatically among all replica sets.
manual: one of the replica sets should have the rebalancer sharding role. The rebalancer is in this replica set.
off: rebalancing is turned off regardless of whether a replica set with the rebalancer sharding role exists or not.
This option should be defined at the global level.
A scheduler’s bucket move quota used by the rebalancer.
sched_move_quota defines how many bucket moves can be done in a row if there are pending storage refs.
Then, bucket moves are blocked and a router continues making map-reduce requests.
A scheduler’s storage ref quota used by a router’s map-reduce API.
For example, the vshard.router.map_callrw() function implements consistent map-reduce over the entire cluster.
sched_ref_quota defines how many storage refs, therefore map-reduce requests, can be executed on the storage in a row if there are pending bucket moves.
Then, storage refs are blocked and the rebalancer continues bucket moves.
The name or ID of a TREE index over the bucket id.
Spaces without this index do not participate in a sharded Tarantool
cluster and can be used as regular spaces if needed. It is necessary to
specify the first part of the index, other parts are optional.
This option should be defined at the global level.
The timeout to wait for synchronization of the old master with replicas before demotion.
Used when switching a master or when manually calling the sync() function.
This option should be defined at the global level.
A zone that can be set for routers and replicas.
This allows sending read-only requests not only to a master instance but to any available replica that is the nearest to the router.
The snapshot section defines configuration parameters related to the snapshot files.
To learn more about the snapshots“ configuration, check the Persistence page.
A directory where memtx stores snapshot (.snap) files.
A relative path in this option is interpreted as relative to process.work_dir.
By default, snapshots and WAL files are stored in the same directory.
However, you can set different values for the snapshot.dir and wal.dir options
to store them on different physical disks for performance matters.
Reduce the throttling effect of box.snapshot() on
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE performance by setting a limit on how many
megabytes per second it can write to disk. The same can be
achieved by splitting wal.dir and
locations and moving snapshots to a separate disk.
The limit also affects what
may show for the write rate of dumps to .run and .index files.
The maximum number of snapshots that are stored in the
snapshot.dir directory.
If the number of snapshots after creating a new one exceeds this value,
the Tarantool garbage collector deletes old snapshots.
If snapshot.count is set to zero, the garbage collector
does not delete old snapshots.
In the example, the checkpoint daemon creates a snapshot every two hours until
it has created three snapshots. After creating a new snapshot (the fourth one), the oldest snapshot
and any associated write-ahead-log files are deleted.
Snapshots will not be deleted if replication is ongoing and the file has not been relayed to a replica.
Therefore, snapshot.count has no effect unless all replicas are alive.
The interval in seconds between actions by the checkpoint daemon.
If the option is set to a value greater than zero, and there is
activity that causes change to a database, then the checkpoint daemon calls
box.snapshot() every snapshot.by.interval
seconds, creating a new snapshot file each time.
If the option is set to zero, the checkpoint daemon is disabled.
In the example, the checkpoint daemon creates a new database snapshot every two hours, if there is activity.
The threshold for the total size in bytes for all WAL files created since the last snapshot taken.
Once the configured threshold is exceeded, the WAL thread notifies the
checkpoint daemon that it must make a new snapshot and delete old WAL files.
Type: integer
Default: 10^18
Environment variable: TT_SNAPSHOT_BY_WAL_SIZE
The sql section defines configuration parameters related to SQL.
A bloom filter’s false positive rate – the suitable probability of the
bloom filter
to give a wrong result.
The vinyl.bloom_fpr setting is a default value for the
option passed to space_object:create_index().
Enable the deferred DELETE optimization in vinyl. It was disabled by default
since Tarantool version 2.10 to avoid possible performance degradation
of secondary index reads.
The page size. A page is a read/write unit for vinyl disk operations.
The vinyl.page_size setting is a default value
for the page_size
option passed to space_object:create_index().
The default maximum range size for a vinyl index, in bytes.
The maximum range size affects the decision of whether to
split a range.
If vinyl.range_size is specified (but the value is not null or 0), then
it is used as the default value for the
option passed to space_object:create_index().
If vinyl.range_size is not specified (or is explicitly set to null or 0),
and range_size is not specified when the index is created,
then Tarantool sets a value later depending on performance considerations.
To see the actual value, use
Type: integer
Default: box.NULL (means that an effective default is determined in runtime)
The maximum number of runs per level in the vinyl LSM tree.
If this number is exceeded, a new level is created.
The vinyl.run_count_per_level setting is a default value for the
option passed to space_object:create_index().
The ratio between the sizes of different levels in the LSM tree.
The vinyl.run_size_ratio setting is a default value for the
option passed to space_object:create_index().
The vinyl storage engine has a scheduler that performs compaction.
When vinyl is low on available memory, the compaction scheduler
may be unable to keep up with incoming update requests.
In that situation, queries may time out after vinyl.timeout seconds.
This should rarely occur, since normally vinyl
throttles inserts when it is running low on compaction bandwidth.
Compaction can also be initiated manually with
The delay in seconds used to prevent the Tarantool garbage collector
from immediately removing write-ahead log files after a node restart.
This delay eliminates possible erroneous situations when the master deletes WALs
needed by replicas after restart.
As a consequence, replicas sync with the master faster after its restart and
don’t need to download all the data again.
Once all the nodes in the replica set are up and running, a scheduled garbage collection is started again
even if wal.cleanup_delay has not expired.
A directory where write-ahead log (.xlog) files are stored.
A relative path in this option is interpreted as relative to process.work_dir.
By default, WAL files and snapshots are stored in the same directory.
However, you can set different values for the wal.dir and snapshot.dir options
to store them on different physical disks for performance matters.
The time interval in seconds between periodic scans of the write-ahead-log
file directory, when checking for changes to write-ahead-log
files for the sake of replication or hot standby.
The maximum number of bytes in a single write-ahead log file.
When a request would cause an .xlog file to become larger than
wal.max_size, Tarantool creates a new WAL file.
The size of the queue in bytes used by a replica to submit
new transactions to a write-ahead log (WAL).
This option helps limit the rate at which a replica submits transactions to the WAL.
Limiting the queue size might be useful when a replica is trying to sync with a master and
reads new transactions faster than writing them to the WAL.
You might consider increasing the wal.queue_max_size value in case of
large tuples (approximately one megabyte or larger).
The delay in seconds used to prevent the Tarantool garbage collector from removing a write-ahead log file after it has been closed.
If a node is restarted, wal.retention_period counts down from the last modification time of the write-ahead log file.
The garbage collector doesn’t track write-ahead logs that are to be relayed to anonymous replicas, such as:
Anonymous replicas added as a part of a cluster configuration (see replication.anon).
CDC (Change Data Capture) that retrieves data using anonymous replication.
In case of a replica or CDC downtime, the required write-ahead logs can be removed.
As a result, such a replica needs to be rebootstrapped.
You can use wal.retention_period to prevent such issues.
Note that wal.cleanup_delay option also sets the delay used to prevent the Tarantool garbage collector from removing write-ahead logs.
The difference is that the garbage collector doesn’t take into account wal.cleanup_delay if all the nodes in the replica set are up and running, which may lead to the removal of the required write-ahead logs.
Enable storing a new tuple for each CRUD operation performed.
The option is in effect for all spaces.
To adjust the option for specific spaces, use the wal.ext.spaces
Enable storing an old tuple for each CRUD operation performed.
The option is in effect for all spaces.
To adjust the option for specific spaces, use the wal.ext.spaces
Enable or disable storing an old and new tuple in the WAL record
for a given space explicitly.
The configuration for specific spaces has priority over the configuration in the
wal.ext.new and wal.ext.old
The option is a key-value pair:
The key is a space name (string).
The value is a table that includes two optional boolean options: old and new.
The format and the default value of these options are described in wal.ext.old and wal.ext.new.
In the example, only new tuples are added to the log for the bands space.
Type: map
Default: nil
Environment variable: TT_WAL_EXT_SPACES
Configuration reference (box.cfg)
Starting with the 3.0 version, the recommended way of configuring Tarantool is using a configuration file.
Configuring Tarantool in code is considered a legacy approach.
This topic describes all configuration parameters
that can be specified in code using the box.cfg API.
Usually, an administrator needs to call ulimit-cunlimited
(or set corresponding options in systemd’s unit file)
before running a Tarantool process to get core dumps.
If coredump is enabled, Tarantool sets the corresponding
resource limit by itself
and the administrator doesn’t need to call ulimit-cunlimited
(see man 3 setrlimit).
This option also sets the state of the dumpable attribute,
which is enabled by default,
but may be dropped in some circumstances (according to
man 2 prctl, see PR_SET_DUMPABLE).
The read/write data port number or URI (Universal
Resource Identifier) string. Has no default value, so must be specified
if connections occur from the remote clients that don’t use the
«admin port». Connections made with
listen=URI are called «binary port» or «binary protocol»
A directory where memtx stores snapshot (.snap) files.
A relative path in this option is interpreted as relative to work_dir.
By default, snapshots and WAL files are stored in the same directory.
However, you can set different values for the memtx_dir and wal_dir options
to store them on different physical disks for performance matters.
Say box.cfg{read_only=true...} to put the server instance in read-only
mode. After this, any requests that try to change persistent data will fail with error
ER_READONLY. Read-only mode should be used for master-replica
replication. Read-only mode does not affect data-change
requests for spaces defined as
Although read-only mode prevents the server from writing to the WAL,
it does not prevent writing diagnostics with the log module.
Тип: логический
По умолчанию: false (ложь)
Environment variable: TT_READ_ONLY
Динамический: да
Setting read_only==true affects spaces differently depending on the
options that were used during
as summarized by this chart:
The vinyl storage engine has a scheduler which does compaction.
When vinyl is low on available memory, the compaction scheduler
may be unable to keep up with incoming update requests.
In that situation, queries may time out after vinyl_timeout seconds.
This should rarely occur, since normally vinyl
would throttle inserts when it is running low on compaction bandwidth.
Compaction can also be ordered manually with
A directory where write-ahead log (.xlog) files are stored.
A relative path in this option is interpreted as relative to work_dir.
By default, WAL files and snapshots are stored in the same directory.
However, you can set different values for the wal_dir and memtx_dir options
to store them on different physical disks for performance matters.
A directory where database working files will be stored. The server instance
switches to work_dir with chdir(2) after start. Can be
relative to the current directory. If not specified, defaults to
the current directory. Other directory parameters may be relative to
work_dir, for example:
Whether coredump files should include memory allocated for tuples.
(This can be large if Tarantool runs under heavy load.)
Setting to true means «do not include».
In an older version of Tarantool the default value of this parameter was false.
How much memory Tarantool allocates to store tuples.
When the limit is reached, INSERT or
UPDATE requests begin failing with
error ER_MEMORY_ISSUE. The server does not go beyond the
memtx_memory limit to allocate tuples, but there is additional memory
used to store indexes and connection information.
Тип: число с плавающей запятой
По умолчанию: 256 * 1024 * 1024 = 268435456 байтов
Specify the allocator that manages memory for memtx tuples.
Possible values:
system – the memory is allocated as needed, checking that the quota is not exceeded.
THe allocator is based on the malloc function.
small – a slab allocator.
The allocator repeatedly uses a memory block to allocate objects of the same type.
Note that this allocator is prone to unresolvable fragmentation on specific workloads,
so you can switch to system in such cases.
The number of threads from the thread pool used to sort keys of secondary indexes on loading a memtx database.
The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 256.
The default is to use all available cores.
Since 3.0.0, this option replaces the approach when OpenMP threads are used to parallelize sorting.
For backward compatibility, the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is taken into account to
set the number of sorting threads.
The multiplier for computing the sizes of memory
chunks that tuples are stored in. A lower value may result in less wasted
memory depending on the total amount of memory available and the
distribution of item sizes.
Specify the granularity (in bytes) of memory allocation in the small allocator.
The memtx.slab_alloc_granularity value should meet the following conditions:
The value is a power of two.
The value is greater than or equal to 4.
Below are few recommendations on how to adjust the memtx.slab_alloc_granularity option:
If the tuples in space are small and have about the same size, set the option to 4 bytes to save memory.
If the tuples are different-sized, increase the option value to allocate tuples from the same mempool (memory pool).
Bloom filter false positive rate – the suitable probability of the
bloom filter
to give a wrong result.
The vinyl_bloom_fpr setting is a default value for one of the
options in the Options for space_object:create_index() chart.
Size of the largest allocation unit,
for the vinyl storage engine. It can be increased if it
is necessary to store large tuples.
See also: memtx_max_tuple_size.
Page size. Page is a read/write unit for vinyl disk operations.
The vinyl_page_size setting is a default value for one of the
options in the Options for space_object:create_index() chart.
The default maximum range size for a vinyl index, in bytes.
The maximum range size affects the decision whether to
split a range.
Если vinyl_range_size содержит не нулевое значение nil и не 0, это значение используется в качестве значения по умолчанию для параметра range_size в таблице Параметры space_object:create_index().
Если vinyl_range_size содержит нулевое значение nil или 0, а параметр range_size не задан при создании индекса, то Tarantool сам задает это значение позднее в результате оценки производительности. Чтобы узнать текущее значение, используйте index_object:stat().range_size.
До версии Tarantool 1.10.2 значение vinyl_range_size по умолчанию было 1073741824.
The maximal number of runs per level in vinyl LSM tree.
If this number is exceeded, a new level is created.
The vinyl_run_count_per_level setting is a default value for one of the
options in the Options for space_object:create_index() chart.
Ratio between the sizes of different levels in the LSM tree.
The vinyl_run_size_ratio setting is a default value for one of the
options in the Options for space_object:create_index() chart.
The checkpoint daemon (snapshot daemon) is a constantly running fiber.
The checkpoint daemon creates a schedule for the periodic snapshot creation based on
the configuration options and the speed of file size growth.
If enabled, the daemon makes new snapshot (.snap) files according to this schedule.
The work of the checkpoint daemon is based on the following configuration options:
checkpoint_wal_threshold – a new snapshot is taken once the size
of all WAL files created since the last snapshot exceeds a given limit.
If necessary, the checkpoint daemon also activates the Tarantool garbage collector
that deletes old snapshots and WAL files.
Сборщик мусора Tarantool
Tarantool garbage collector can be activated by the checkpoint daemon.
The garbage collector tracks the snapshots that are to be relayed to a replica or needed
by other consumers. When the files are no longer needed, Tarantool garbage collector deletes them.
The garbage collector called by the checkpoint daemon is distinct from the Lua garbage collector
which is for Lua objects, and distinct from the Tarantool garbage collector that specializes in handling shard buckets.
This garbage collector is called as follows:
When the number of snapshots reaches the limit of checkpoint_count size.
After a new snapshot is taken, Tarantool garbage collector deletes the oldest snapshot file and any associated WAL files.
When the size of all WAL files created since the last snapshot reaches the limit of checkpoint_wal_threshold.
Once this size is exceeded, the checkpoint daemon takes a snapshot, then the garbage collector deletes the old WAL files.
If an old snapshot file is deleted, the Tarantool garbage collector also deletes
any write-ahead log (.xlog) files that meet the following conditions:
The WAL files are older than the snapshot file.
The WAL files contain information present in the snapshot file.
Tarantool garbage collector also deletes obsolete vinyl .run files.
Tarantool garbage collector doesn’t delete a file in the following cases:
A backup is running, and the file has not been backed up
(see Hot backup).
Replication is running, and the file has not been relayed to a replica
(see Replication architecture),
A replica is connecting.
A replica has fallen behind.
The progress of each replica is tracked; if a replica’s position is far
from being up to date, then the server stops to give it a chance to catch up.
If an administrator concludes that a replica is permanently down, then the
correct procedure is to restart the server, or (preferably) remove the replica from the cluster.
The interval in seconds between actions by the checkpoint daemon.
If the option is set to a value greater than zero, and there is
activity that causes change to a database, then the checkpoint daemon
calls box.snapshot() every checkpoint_interval
seconds, creating a new snapshot file each time. If the option
is set to zero, the checkpoint daemon is disabled.
In the example, the checkpoint daemon creates a new database snapshot every two hours, if there is activity.
The maximum number of snapshots that are stored in the
memtx_dir directory.
If the number of snapshots after creating a new one exceeds this value,
the Tarantool garbage collector deletes old snapshots.
If the option is set to zero, the garbage collector
does not delete old snapshots.
In the example, the checkpoint daemon creates a new snapshot every two hours until
it has created three snapshots. After creating a new snapshot (the fourth one), the oldest snapshot
and any associated write-ahead-log files are deleted.
Snapshots will not be deleted if replication is ongoing and the file has not been relayed to a replica.
Therefore, checkpoint_count has no effect unless all replicas are alive.
The threshold for the total size in bytes for all WAL files created since the last checkpoint.
Once the configured threshold is exceeded, the WAL thread notifies the
checkpoint daemon that it must make a new checkpoint and delete old WAL files.
Этот параметр позволяет администраторам справиться с проблемой, которая может возникнуть при вычислении объема дискового пространства для раздела, содержащего файлы WAL.
Тип: целое число
По умолчанию: 10^18 (большое число: можно считать, что предела нет)
If force_recovery equals true, Tarantool tries to continue if there is
an error while reading a snapshot file
(at server instance start) or a write-ahead log file
(at server instance start or when applying an update at a replica): skips
invalid records, reads as much data as possible and lets the process finish
with a warning. Users can prevent the error from recurring by writing to
the database and executing box.snapshot().
В остальных случаях Tarantool прерывает восстановление на ошибке чтения.
The maximum number of bytes in a single write-ahead log file.
When a request would cause an .xlog file to become larger than
wal_max_size, Tarantool creates a new WAL file.
Тип: целое число
По умолчанию: 268435456 (256 * 1024 * 1024) байтов
Reduce the throttling effect of box.snapshot() on
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE performance by setting a limit on how many
megabytes per second it can write to disk. The same can be
achieved by splitting wal_dir and
locations and moving snapshots to a separate disk.
The limit also affects what
may show for the write rate of dumps to .run and .index files.
The time interval in seconds between periodic scans of the write-ahead-log
file directory, when checking for changes to write-ahead-log
files for the sake of replication or hot standby.
The size of the queue (in bytes) used by a replica to submit
new transactions to a write-ahead log (WAL).
This option helps limit the rate at which a replica submits transactions to the WAL.
Limiting the queue size might be useful when a replica is trying to sync with a master and
reads new transactions faster than writing them to the WAL.
You might consider increasing the wal_queue_max_size value in case of
large tuples (approximately one megabyte or larger).
The delay in seconds used to prevent the Tarantool garbage collector
from immediately removing write-ahead log files after a node restart.
This delay eliminates possible erroneous situations when the master deletes WALs
needed by replicas after restart.
As a consequence, replicas sync with the master faster after its restart and
don’t need to download all the data again.
Once all the nodes in the replica set are up and running, a scheduled garbage collection is started again
even if wal_cleanup_delay has not expired.
The wal_cleanup_delay option has no effect on nodes running as
anonymous replicas.
(Enterprise Edition only) Allows you to add auxiliary information to each write-ahead log record.
For example, you can enable storing an old and new tuple for each CRUD operation performed.
This information might be helpful for implementing a CDC (Change Data Capture) utility that transforms a data replication stream.
You can enable storing old and new tuples as follows:
Set the old and new options to true to store old and new tuples in a write-ahead log for all spaces.
To adjust these options for specific spaces, use the spaces option.
The configuration for specific spaces has priority over the global configuration,
so only new tuples are added to the log for space1 and only old tuples for space2.
Note that records with additional fields are replicated as follows:
If a replica doesn’t support the extended format configured on a master, auxiliary fields are skipped.
If a replica and master have different configurations for WAL records, the master’s configuration is ignored.
(Enterprise Edition only) If true, forces Tarantool to overwrite a data file a few times before deletion to render recovery of a deleted file impossible.
The option applies to both .xlog and .snap files as well as Vinyl data files.
Горячее резервирование – это функция, которая обеспечивает простое восстановление после отказа без репликации.
Предполагается, что есть два экземпляра сервера, использующих одну и ту же конфигурацию. Первый из них станет «основным» экземпляром. Тот, который запускается вторым, станет «резервным» экземпляром.
Чтобы создать резервный экземпляр, запустите второй экземпляр Tarantool-сервера на том же компьютере с теми же настройками конфигурации box.cfg – включая одинаковые директории и ненулевые URI – и с дополнительной настройкой конфигурации hot_standby=true. В ближайшее время вы увидите уведомление, которое заканчивается словами I>Enteringhotstandbymode (вход в режим горячего резервирования). Всё в порядке – это означает, что резервный экземпляр готов взять работу на себя, если основной экземпляр прекратит работу.
Резервный экземпляр начнет инициализацию и попытается заблокировать wal_dir, но не сможет, поскольку директория wal_dir заблокирована основным экземпляром. Поэтому резервный экземпляр входит в цикл, выполняя чтение журнала упреждающей записи, в который записывает данные основной экземпляр (поэтому два экземпляра всегда синхронизированы), и пытаясь произвести блокировку. Если основной экземпляр по какой-либо причине прекращает работу, блокировка снимается. В таком случае резервный экземпляр сможет заблокировать директорию на себя, подключится по адресу для прослушивания и станет основным экземпляром. В ближайшее время вы увидите уведомление, которое заканчивается словами I>readytoacceptrequests (готов принимать запросы).
Таким образом, если основной экземпляр прекращает работу, время простоя отсутствует.
Функция горячего резервирования не работает:
если wal_dir_rescan_delay = большое число (в Mac OS и FreeBSD); на этих платформах цикл запрограммирован на повторение каждые wal_dir_rescan_delay секунд.
если wal_mode = „none“; будет работать только при wal_mode='write' или wal_mode='fsync'.
со спейсами, созданными на движке vinyl engine = „vinyl“; работает с движком memtx engine='memtx'.
If replication is not an empty string, the instance is considered to be
a Tarantool replica. The replica will
try to connect to the master specified in replication with a
URI (Universal Resource Identifier), for example:
Если в наборе реплик более одного источника репликации, укажите массив URI, например (замените „uri“ и „uri2“ в данном примере на рабочие URI):
Starting from version 2.10.0, there is a number of other ways for specifying several URIs. See syntax examples.
If one of the URIs is «self» – that is, if one of the URIs is for the
instance where box.cfg{} is being executed – then it is ignored.
Thus, it is possible to use the same replication specification on
multiple server instances, as shown in
these examples.
По умолчанию, пользователем считается „guest“.
Реплика в режиме только для чтения не принимает запросы по изменению данных по порту для прослушивания.
Параметр replication является динамическим, то есть для входа в режим мастера необходимо просто присвоить параметру replication пустую строку и выполнить следующее:
A Tarantool replica can be anonymous. This type of replica
is read-only (but you still can write to temporary and
replica-local spaces), and it isn’t present in the _cluster space.
Так как анонимная реплика не зарегистрирована в таблице _cluster, нет никаких ограничений для количества анонимных реплик в наборе: можно создавать их сколько угодно.
Чтобы сделать реплику анонимной, передайте опцию replication_anon=true в box.cfg и установите значение read_only равным true.
Попробуем создать анонимную реплику. Предположим, что у нас есть мастер с такой настройкой:
Как было сказано выше, replication_anon может быть true только вместе с read_only. Этот экземпляр получит снимок мастера и начнет следить за его изменениями. Он не получит id, поэтому его значение останется нулевым.
Заметьте, что пока экземпляр анонимный, увеличится нулевая компонента его vclock:
tarantool> box.info.vclock----{0:10, 1:4}...
А теперь давайте сделаем анонимную реплику снова обычной:
tarantool> box.cfg{replication_anon=false}2019-12-13 20:34:37.423 [71329] main I> assigned id 2 to replica 6a9c2ed2-b9e1-4c57-a0e8-51a46def76612019-12-13 20:34:37.424 [71329] main/102/interactive I> set 'replication_anon' configuration option to false---...tarantool> 2019-12-1320:34:37.424[71329]main/117/applier/I>subscribed2019-12-13 20:34:37.424 [71329] main/117/applier/ I> remote vclock {1: 5} local vclock {0: 10, 1: 5}2019-12-13 20:34:37.425 [71329] main/118/applierw/ C> leaving orphan mode
Эта реплика получила id равный 2. Мы можем снова сделать ее открытой на запись:
tarantool> box.cfg{read_only=false}2019-12-13 20:35:46.392 [71329] main/102/interactive I> set 'read_only' configuration option to false---...tarantool> box.schema.space.create('test')----engine:memtxbefore_replace:'function:0x01109f9dc8'on_replace:'function:0x01109f9d90'ck_constraint:[]field_count:0temporary:falseindex:[]is_local:falseenabled:falsename:testid:513-created...tarantool> box.info.vclock----{0:10, 1:5, 2:2}...
Теперь, как и ожидалось, реплика отслеживает свои изменения во 2-й компоненте vclock. С этого момента она также может стать мастером репликации.
Нельзя реплицироваться от анонимной реплики.
Чтобы вернуть анонимный экземпляр к обычному состоянию, сначала запустите его как анонимный, а потом вызовите box.cfg{replication_anon=false}
Чтобы деанонимизация прошла успешно, экземпляр должен быть скопирован с какого-то экземпляра, открытого на запись, иначе он не может быть добавлен в таблицу _cluster.
Specify a strategy used to bootstrap a replica set.
The following strategies are available:
auto: a node doesn’t boot if a half or more of other nodes in a replica set are not connected.
For example, if the replication parameter contains 2 or 3 nodes,
a node requires 2 connected instances.
In the case of 4 or 5 nodes, at least 3 connected instances are required.
Moreover, a bootstrap leader fails to boot unless every connected node has chosen it as a bootstrap leader.
config: use the specified node to bootstrap a replica set.
To specify the bootstrap leader, use the bootstrap_leader option.
supervised: a bootstrap leader isn’t chosen automatically but should be appointed using box.ctl.make_bootstrap_leader() on the desired node.
legacy (deprecated since 2.11.0): a node requires the replication_connect_quorum number of other nodes to be connected.
This option is added to keep the compatibility with the current versions of Cartridge and might be removed in the future.
The number of seconds that a replica will wait when trying to
connect to a master in a cluster.
See orphan status for details.
This parameter is different from
which a master uses to disconnect a replica when the master
receives no acknowledgments of heartbeat messages.
Specify the number of nodes to be up and running to start a replica set.
This parameter has effect during bootstrap or
configuration update.
Setting replication_connect_quorum to 0 makes Tarantool
require no immediate reconnect only in case of recovery.
See Orphan status for details.
By default, if a replica adds a unique key that another replica has
added, replication stops
with error = ER_TUPLE_FOUND.
Однако если указать replication_skip_conflict=true, пользователи могут задать пропуск таких ошибок. Так, вместо сохранения сломанной транзакции в xlog, там будет записано NOP (No operation).
The maximum lag allowed for a replica.
When a replica syncs
(gets updates from a master), it may not catch up completely.
The number of seconds that the replica is behind the master is called the «lag».
Syncing is considered to be complete when the replica’s lag is less than
or equal to replication_sync_lag.
Если пользователь задает значение replication_sync_lag, равное nil или 365 * 100 * 86400 (TIMEOUT_INFINITY), то отставание не имеет значения – реплика всегда будет синхронизирована. Кроме того, отставание не учитывается (считается бесконечным), если мастер работает на версии Tarantool старше 1.7.7, которая не отправляет сообщения контрольного сигнала.
Этот параметр не учитывается во время настройки. Для получения подробной информации, см. статус orphan.
The number of seconds that a node waits when trying to sync with
other nodes in a replica set (see bootstrap_strategy),
after connecting or during configuration update.
This could fail indefinitely if replication_sync_lag is smaller
than network latency, or if the replica cannot keep pace with master
updates. If replication_sync_timeout expires, the replica
enters orphan status.
Тип: число с плавающей запятой
По умолчанию: 300
Динамический: да
The default replication_sync_timeout value is going to be changed in future versions from 300 to 0.
You can learn the reasoning behind this decision from the Default value for replication_sync_timeout topic, which also describes how to try the new behavior in the current version.
If the master has no updates to send to the replicas, it sends heartbeat messages
every replication_timeout seconds, and each replica sends an ACK packet back.
И мастер, и реплики запрограммированы разорвать соединение при отсутствии сообщений в течение четырех промежутков времени, указанного в параметре replication_timeout. После разрыва соединения реплика пытается снова подключиться к мастеру.
Как правило, достаточно позволить системе сгенерировать и форматировать строки, содержащие UUID, которые будут храниться постоянно.
Однако, некоторые администраторы предпочитают сохранять конфигурацию Tarantool в центральном репозитории, например, Apache ZooKeeper. Они могут самостоятельно присвоить значения экземплярам (instance_uuid) и набору реплик (replicaset_uuid) при первом запуске.
Общие правила:
Значения должны быть действительно уникальными; они не должны одновременно принадлежать другим экземплярам или наборам реплик в той же инфраструктуре.
Значения должны использоваться постоянно, неизменно с первого запуска (первоначальные значения хранятся в файлах снимков и проверяются при каждом перезапуске системы).
Значения должны соответствовать требованиям RFC 4122. Нулевой UUID не допускается.
Формат UUID включает в себя шестнадцать октетов, представленных в виде 32 шестнадцатеричных чисел (с основанием 16) в пяти группах, разделенных дефисами в форме 8-4-4-4-12 – 36 символов (32 буквенно-цифровых символа и четыре дефиса).
For replication administration purposes, it is possible to set the
universally unique identifiers
of the instance (instance_uuid) and the replica set
(replicaset_uuid), instead of having the system generate the values.
Для получения подробной информации см. описание параметра replicaset_uuid.
For synchronous replication only.
This option tells how many replicas should confirm the receipt of a
synchronous transaction before it can finish its commit.
Since version 2.5.3,
the option supports dynamic evaluation of the quorum number.
That is, the number of quorum can be specified not as a constant number, but as a function instead.
In this case, the option returns the formula evaluated.
The result is treated as an integer number.
Once any replicas are added or removed, the expression is re-evaluated automatically.
For example,
box.cfg{replication_synchro_quorum="N / 2 + 1"}
Where N is a current number of registered replicas in a cluster.
Keep in mind that the example above represents a canonical quorum definition.
The formula atleast50%oftheclustersize+1 guarantees data reliability.
Using a value less than the canonical one might lead to unexpected results,
including a split-brain.
Since version 2.10.0, this option
does not account for anonymous replicas.
По умолчанию значение параметра равно N/2+1.
Она не используется на репликах, поэтому если мастер умирает, отложенные синхронные транзакции будут ждать на репликах до тех пор, пока не будет выбран новый мастер.
Если значение параметра равно 1, синхронные транзакции работают как асинхронные, пока они не настроены. 1 означает, что для коммита достаточно успешной записи в WAL на мастере.
Тип: число
Default: N / 2 + 1 (before version 2.10.0, the default value was 1)
For synchronous replication only.
Tells how many seconds to wait for a synchronous transaction quorum
replication until it is declared failed and is rolled back.
Она не используется на репликах, поэтому если мастер умирает, отложенные синхронные транзакции будут ждать на репликах до тех пор, пока не будет выбран новый мастер.
The number of threads spawned to decode the incoming replication data.
The default value is 1.
It means that a single separate thread handles all the incoming replication streams.
In most cases, one thread is enough for all incoming data.
Therefore, it is likely that the user will not need to set this configuration option.
Possible values range from 1 to 1000.
If there are multiple replication threads, connections to serve are distributed evenly between the threads.
Participation of a replica set node in the automated leader election can be
turned on and off by this option.
The default value is off. All nodes that have values other than off
run the Raft state machine internally talking to other nodes according
to the Raft leader election protocol. When the option is off, the node
accepts Raft messages
from other nodes, but it doesn’t participate in the election activities,
and this doesn’t affect the node’s state. So, for example, if a node is not
a leader but it has election_mode='off', it is writable anyway.
You can control which nodes can become a leader. If you want a node
to participate in the election process but don’t want that it becomes
a leaders, set the election_mode option to voter. In this case,
the election works as usual, this particular node will vote for other nodes,
but won’t become a leader.
If the node should be able to become a leader, use election_mode='candidate'.
Since version 2.8.2, the manual election mode is introduced.
It may be used when a user wants to control which instance is the leader explicitly instead of relying on
the Raft election algorithm.
When an instance is configured with the election_mode='manual', it behaves as follows:
By default, the instance acts like a voter – it is read-only and may vote for other instances that are candidates.
Once box.ctl.promote() is called, the instance becomes a candidate and starts a new election round.
If the instance wins the elections, it becomes a leader, but won’t participate in any new elections.
Specify the timeout between election rounds in the
leader election process if the previous round
ended up with a split-vote.
In the leader election process, there
can be an election timeout for the case of a split-vote.
The timeout can be configured using this option; the default value is
5 seconds.
It is quite big, and for most of the cases it can be freely lowered to
300-400 ms. It can be a floating point value (300 ms would be
To avoid the split vote repeat, the timeout is randomized on each node
during every new election, from 100% to 110% of the original timeout value.
For example, if the timeout is 300 ms and there are 3 nodes started
the election simultaneously in the same term,
they can set their election timeouts to 300, 310, and 320 respectively,
or to 305, 302, and 324, and so on. In that way, the votes will never be split
because the election on different nodes won’t be restarted simultaneously.
Specify the leader fencing mode that
affects the leader election process. When the parameter is set to soft
or strict, the leader resigns its leadership if it has less than
of alive connections to the cluster nodes.
The resigning leader receives the status of a
follower in the current election term and becomes
In soft mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses for
4*replication_timeout seconds both on the current leader and the followers.
In strict mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses
for 2*replication_timeout seconds on the
current leader and
4*replication_timeout seconds on the
followers. This improves chances that there is only one leader at any time.
Fencing applies to the instances that have the
election_mode set to candidate or manual.
To turn off leader fencing, set election_fencing_mode to off.
Specify the instance name.
This value must be unique in a replica set.
The following rules are applied to instance names:
The maximum number of symbols is 63.
Should start with a letter.
Can contain lowercase letters (a-z). If uppercase letters are used, they are converted to lowercase.
Can contain digits (0-9).
Can contain the following characters: -, _.
To change or remove the specified name, you should temporarily set the box.cfg.force_recovery configuration option to true.
When all the names are updated and all the instances synced, box.cfg.force_recovery can be set back to false.
The instance will sleep for io_collect_interval seconds between iterations
of the event loop. Can be used to reduce CPU load in deployments in which
the number of client connections is large, but requests are not so frequent
(for example, each connection issues just a handful of requests per second).
To handle messages, Tarantool allocates fibers.
To prevent fiber overhead from affecting the whole system,
Tarantool restricts how many messages the fibers handle,
so that some pending requests are blocked.
В мощных системах увеличьте значение net_msg_max, и планировщик немедленно приступит к обработке отложенных запросов.
В более слабых системах уменьшите значение net_msg_max, чтобы снизить загрузку, хотя это и займет некоторое время, поскольку планировщик будет ожидать завершения уже запущенных запросов.
When net_msg_max is reached,
Tarantool suspends processing of incoming packages until it
has processed earlier messages. This is not a direct restriction of
the number of fibers that handle network messages, rather it
is a system-wide restriction of channel bandwidth.
This in turn causes restriction of the number of incoming
network messages that the
transaction processor thread
handles, and therefore indirectly affects the fibers that handle
network messages.
(The number of fibers is smaller than the number of messages because
messages can be released as soon as they are delivered, while
incoming requests might not be processed until some time after delivery.)
Для стандартных систем подойдет значение, используемое по умолчанию (768).
The size of the read-ahead buffer associated with a client connection. The
larger the buffer, the more memory an active connection consumes and the
more requests can be read from the operating system buffer in a single
system call. The rule of thumb is to make sure the buffer can contain at
least a few dozen requests. Therefore, if a typical tuple in a request is
large, e.g. a few kilobytes or even megabytes, the read-ahead buffer size
should be increased. If batched request processing is not used, it’s prudent
to leave this setting at its default.
The number of network threads.
There can be unusual workloads where the network thread
is 100% loaded and the transaction processor thread is not, so the network
thread is a bottleneck. In that case set iproto_threads to 2 or more.
The operating system kernel will determine which connection goes to
which thread.
On typical systems, the default value (1) is correct.
Тип: целое число
По умолчанию: 1
Environment variable: TT_IPROTO_THREADS
Динамический: нет
Запись в журнал
This section provides information on how to configure options related to logging.
You can also use the log module to configure logging in your
Specify the level of detail the log has. There are the following levels:
0 – fatal
1 – syserror
2 – error
3 – crit
4 – warn
5 – info
6 – verbose
7 – debug
By setting log_level, you can enable logging of all events with severities above
or equal to the given level. Tarantool prints logs to the standard
error stream by default. This can be changed with the
log configuration parameter.
Type: integer, string
По умолчанию: 5
Environment variable: TT_LOG_LEVEL
Динамический: да
Prior to Tarantool 1.7.5 there were only six levels and DEBUG was
level 6. Starting with Tarantool 1.7.5, VERBOSE is level 6 and DEBUG is level 7.
VERBOSE is a new level for monitoring repetitive events which would cause
too much log writing if INFO were used instead.
This opens the file tarantool.log for output on the server’s default
directory. If the log string has no prefix or has the prefix «file:»,
then the string is interpreted as a file path.
This starts the program cronolog when the server starts, and
sends all log messages to the standard input (stdin) of cronolog.
If the log string begins with „|“ or has the prefix «pipe:»,
then the string is interpreted as a Unix
If the log string begins with «syslog:», then it is
interpreted as a message for the
syslogd program, which normally
is running in the background on any Unix-like platform.
The setting can be syslog:, syslog:facility=..., syslog:identity=...,
syslog:server=..., or a combination.
The syslog:identity setting is an arbitrary string, which is placed at
the beginning of all messages. The default value is «tarantool».
В настоящий момент настройка syslog:facility не учитывается, но будет использоваться в дальнейшем. Ее значением должно быть одно из ключевых слов syslog, которые сообщают программе syslogd, куда отправлять сообщение. Возможные значения: auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7. По умолчанию: user.
The syslog:server setting is the locator for the syslog server.
It can be a Unix socket path beginning with «unix:», or an ipv4 port number.
The default socket value is: dev/log (on Linux) or /var/run/syslog (on macOS).
The default port value is: 514, the UDP port.
When logging to a file, Tarantool reopens the log on SIGHUP.
When log is a program, its PID is saved in the log.pid
variable. You need to send it a signal to rotate logs.
If log_nonblock equals true, Tarantool does not block during logging
when the system is not ready for writing, and drops the message
instead. If log_level is high, and many
messages go to the log, setting log_nonblock to true may improve
logging performance at the cost of some log messages getting lost.
This parameter has effect only if log is
configured to send logs to a pipe or system logger.
The default log_nonblock value is nil, which means that
blocking behavior corresponds to the logger type:
false for stderr and file loggers.
true for a pipe and system logger.
This is a behavior change: in earlier versions of the Tarantool
server, the default value was true.
If processing a request takes longer than the given value (in seconds),
warn about it in the log. Has effect only if log_level is greater than or equal to 4 (WARNING).
The tarantool module that enables you to configure the logging level for Tarantool core messages. Specifically, it configures the logging level for messages logged from non-Lua code, including C modules.
Example: Set a log level for C modules.
Type: table
Default: blank
Environment variable: TT_LOG_MODULES
Динамический: да
Example 1: Set log levels for files that use the default logger
Suppose you have two identical modules placed by the following paths: test/logging/module1.lua and test/logging/module2.lua.
These modules use the default logger and look as follows:
return{say_hello=function()locallog=require('log')log.info('Info message from module1')end}
To load these modules in your application, you need to add the corresponding require directives:
To configure logging levels, you need to provide module names corresponding to paths to these modules.
In the example below, the box_cfg variable contains logging settings that can be passed to the box.cfg() function:
Given that module1 has the verbose logging level and module2 has the error level, calling module1.say_hello() shows a message but module2.say_hello() is swallowed:
-- Prints 'info' messages --module1.say_hello()--[[[92617] main/103/interactive/test.logging.module1 I> Info message from module1---...--]]-- Swallows 'info' messages --module2.say_hello()--[[---...--]]
Example 2: Set log levels for modules that use custom loggers
In the example below, the box_cfg variable contains logging settings that can be passed to the box.cfg() function.
This example shows how to set the verbose level for module1 and the error level for module2:
To create custom loggers, call the log.new() function:
-- Creates new loggers --module1_log=require('log').new('module1')module2_log=require('log').new('module2')
Given that module1 has the verbose logging level and module2 has the error level, calling module1_log.info() shows a message but module2_log.info() is swallowed:
-- Prints 'info' messages --module1_log.info('Info message from module1')--[[[16300] main/103/interactive/module1 I> Info message from module1---...--]]-- Swallows 'debug' messages --module1_log.debug('Debug message from module1')--[[---...--]]-- Swallows 'info' messages --module2_log.info('Info message from module2')--[[---...--]]
Example 3: Set a log level for C modules
In the example below, the box_cfg variable contains logging settings that can be passed to the box.cfg() function.
This example shows how to set the info level for the tarantool module:
The specified level affects messages logged from C modules:
ffi=require('ffi')-- Prints 'info' messages --ffi.C._say(ffi.C.S_INFO,nil,0,nil,'Info message from C module')--[[[6024] main/103/interactive I> Info message from C module---...--]]-- Swallows 'debug' messages --ffi.C._say(ffi.C.S_DEBUG,nil,0,nil,'Debug message from C module')--[[---...--]]
The example above uses the LuaJIT ffi library to call C functions provided by the say module.
Пример записи в журнал
This example illustrates how «rotation» works, that is, what happens when the server
instance is writing to a log and signals are used when archiving it.
Start with two terminal shells: Terminal #1 and Terminal #2.
In Terminal #1, start an interactive Tarantool session.
Then, use the log property to send logs to Log_file and
call log.info to put a message in the log file.
box.cfg{log='Log_file'}log=require('log')log.info('Log Line #1')
In Terminal #2, use the mv command to rename the log file to Log_file.bak.
As a result, the next log message will go to Log_file.bak.
Go back to Terminal #1 and put a message «Log Line #2» in the log file.
log.info('Log Line #2')
In Terminal #2, use ps to find the process ID of the Tarantool instance.
In Terminal #2, execute kill-HUP to send a SIGHUP signal to the Tarantool instance.
Tarantool will open Log_file again, and the next log message will go to Log_file.
kill -HUP process_id
The same effect could be accomplished by calling log.rotate.
In Terminal #1, put a message «Log Line #3» in the log file.
log.info('Log Line #3')
In Terminal #2, use less to examine files.
Log_file.bak will have the following lines …
If set to true, the audit subsystem extracts and prints only the primary key instead of full
tuples in DML events (space_insert, space_replace, space_delete).
Otherwise, full tuples are logged.
The option may be useful in case tuples are big.
This opens the audit_tarantool.log file for output in the server’s default directory.
If the audit_log string has no prefix or the prefix file:, the string is interpreted as a file path.
If you log to a file, Tarantool will reopen the audit log at SIGHUP.
This starts the cronolog program when the server starts
and sends all audit_log messages to cronolog’s standard input (stdin).
If the audit_log string starts with „|“ or contains the prefix pipe:,
the string is interpreted as a Unix pipeline.
If log is a program, check out its pid and send it a signal to rotate logs.
Example: Writing to a system log
Below is an example of writing audit logs to a directory shared with the system logs.
Tarantool allows this option, but it is not recommended to do this to avoid difficulties
when working with audit logs. System and audit logs should be written separately.
To do this, create separate paths and specify them.
This sample configuration sends the audit log to syslog:
If the audit_log string starts with «syslog:»,
it is interpreted as a message for the syslogd program,
which normally runs in the background of any Unix-like platform.
The setting can be „syslog:“, „syslog:facility=…“, „syslog:identity=…“, „syslog:server=…“ or a combination.
The syslog:identity setting is an arbitrary string that is placed at the beginning of all messages.
The default value is tarantool.
The syslog:facility setting is currently ignored, but will be used in the future.
The value must be one of the syslog keywords
that tell syslogd where to send the message.
The possible values are auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp,
kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp,
local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7.
The default value is local7.
The syslog:server setting is the locator for the syslog server.
It can be a Unix socket path starting with «unix:» or an ipv4 port number.
The default socket value is /dev/log (on Linux) or /var/run/syslog (on Mac OS).
The default port value is 514, which is the UDP port.
An example of a Tarantool audit log entry in the syslog:
Specify the logging behavior if the system is not ready to write.
If set to true, Tarantool does not block during logging if the system is non-writable and writes a message instead.
Using this value may improve logging performance at the cost of losing some log messages.
The option only has an effect if the audit_log is set to syslog
or pipe.
Setting audit_nonblock to true is not allowed if the output is to a file.
In this case, set audit_nonblock to false.
The array of space names for which data operation events (space_select, space_insert, space_replace,
space_delete) should be logged. The array accepts string values.
If set to box.NULL, the data operation events are logged for all spaces.
In the example, only the events of bands and singers spaces are logged:
Specify the maximum number of authentication retries allowed before auth_delay is enforced.
The default value is 0, which means auth_delay is enforced after the first failed authentication attempt.
The retry counter is reset after auth_delay seconds since the first failed attempt.
For example, if a client tries to authenticate fewer than auth_retries times within auth_delay seconds, no authentication delay is enforced.
The retry counter is also reset after any successful authentication attempt.
„chap-sha1“: use the CHAP protocol to authenticate users with SHA-1 hashing applied to passwords.
„pap-sha256“: use PAP authentication with the SHA256 hashing algorithm.
For new users, the box.schema.user.create method
will generate authentication data using PAP-SHA256.
For existing users, you need to reset a password using
to use the new authentication protocol.
If true, disables access over remote connections
from unauthenticated or guest access users.
This option affects both
net.box and
replication connections.
Specify the maximum period of time (in days) a user can use the same password.
When this period ends, a user gets the «Password expired» error on a login attempt.
To restore access for such users, use box.schema.user.passwd.
The default 0 value means that a password never expires.
The example below shows how to set a maximum password age to 365 days.
Specify the level of detail the log has.
You can learn more about log levels from the log_level
option description.
Note that the flightrec_logs_log_level value might differ from log_level.
Specify the time period (in seconds) that defines how long metrics are stored from the moment of dump.
So, this value defines how much historical metrics data is collected up to the moment of crash.
The frequency of metric dumps is defined by flightrec_metrics_interval.
Specify the size (in bytes) of storage for the request and response data.
You can set this parameter to 0 to disable a storage of requests and responses.
By default, a Tarantool daemon sends a small packet
once per hour, to https://feedback.tarantool.io.
The packet contains three values from box.info:
box.info.version, box.info.uuid, and box.info.cluster_uuid.
By changing the feedback configuration parameters, users can
adjust or turn off this feature.
Количество памяти, которое Tarantool выделяет для фактического хранения кортежей, в гигабайтах. При достижении предельного значения запросы вставки INSERT или обновления UPDATE выполняться не будут, выдавая ошибку ER_MEMORY_ISSUE. Сервер не выходит за установленный предел памяти memtx_memory при распределении кортежей, но есть дополнительная память, которая используется для хранения индексов и информации о подключении. В зависимости от рабочей конфигурации и загрузки, Tarantool может потреблять на 20% больше установленного предела.
The parameter does not allow using the strict fencing mode. Setting to true
is equivalent to setting the softelection_fencing_mode.
Setting to false is equivalent to setting the offelection_fencing_mode.
Тип: логический
По умолчанию: true
Динамический: да
tarantool command-line options
tarantool is the Tarantool database and application server.
This command can be used for different purposes, for example, running a single Tarantool instance or starting an external coordinator used for a supervised failover.
The tarantool command also provides additional options that might be helpful for development purposes.
Try to start an instance if there is an error while reading a corrupted snapshot or write-ahead log file during the recovery process:
For a corrupted snapshot file – at the instance start.
For a corrupted write-ahead log file – at the instance start or when applying an update at a replica.
With this option enabled, Tarantool skips invalid records, reads as much data as possible, and lets the process finish with a warning.
When the instance has started, call box.snapshot() to make a new snapshot so that the corrupted snapshots or write-ahead logs aren’t used for recovery anymore.
You can also enable force recovery using the TT_FORCE_RECOVERY environment variable.
TT_FORCE_RECOVERY has a lower priority than the --force-recovery option.
Tarantool’s SQL is a major new feature that was first introduced with Tarantool version 2.1.
The primary advantages are:
- a high level of SQL compatibility
- an easy way to switch from NoSQL to SQL and back
- the Tarantool brand.
The «high level of SQL compatibility» includes support for joins, subqueries, triggers,
indexes, groupings, transactions in a multi-user environment, and conformance with the
majority of the mandatory requirements of the SQL:2016 standard.
The «easy way to switch» consists of the fact that the same tables can be operated
on with SQL and with the long-established Tarantool-NoSQL product, meaning that
when you want standard Relational-DBMS jobs you can do them, and when you want NoSQL capability
you can have it (Tarantool-NoSQL outperforms other NoSQL products in public benchmarks).
The «Tarantool brand» comes from the support of a multi-billion-dollar internet / mail / social-network
provider, a dozens-of-professionals staff of programmers and support people, a community who believes
in open-source BSD licensing, and hundreds of corporations / government bodies using Tarantool products in production already.
The status of Tarantool’s SQL feature is «release». So, it is working now and you can verify
that by downloading it and trying all the features, which will be explained in the rest of this document.
There is also a tutorial.
Differences from other products
Differences from other SQL products:
The Tarantool design requirement is that Tarantool’s SQL conforms to the majority of the listed
mandatory requirements of the core SQL:2016 standard, and this
will be shown in the specific conformance statements in the feature list
in a section about «compliance with the official SQL standard».
Possibly the deviations which most people will find notable are:
type checking is less strict,
and some data definition options must be done with NoSQL syntax.
Differences from other NoSQL products:
By examining attempts by others to paste relatively smaller
subsets of SQL onto NoSQL products, it should be possible to conclude that Tarantool’s
SQL has demonstrably more features and capabilities.
The reason is that the Tarantool developers started with a complete code base of
a working SQL DBMS and made it work with Tarantool-NoSQL underneath,
rather than starting with a NoSQL DBMS and adding syntax to it.
What Tarantool’s SQL manual delivers
The following parts of this document are:
The SQL User Guide explains «How to get Started» and explains the terms and the syntax elements that
apply for all SQL statements.
The SQL Statements and Clauses guide explains, for each SQL statement, the format and the rules
and the exceptions and the examples and the limitations.
The SQL Plus Lua guide has the details about calling Lua from SQL, calling SQL from Lua,
and using the same database objects in both SQL and Lua.
The SQL Features list shows how the product conforms with the mandatory features of the SQL standard.
Users are expected to know what databases are, and experience with other SQL DBMSs would be an advantage.
To learn about the basics of relational database management and SQL in particular,
check the SQL Beginners“ Guide in the How-to guides section.
SQL user guide
The User Guide describes how users can start up with SQL with Tarantool, and necessary concepts.
Now you are ready to execute any SQL statements via the connection. For example
box.execute([[CREATE TABLE things (id INTEGER PRIMARY key, remark STRING);]])box.execute([[INSERT INTO things VALUES (55, 'Hello SQL world!');]])box.execute([[SELECT * FROM things WHERE id > 0;]])
And you will see the results of the SQL query.
For the rest of this chapter, the
box.execute([[…]]) enclosure will not be shown.
Examples will simply say what a piece of syntax looks like, such as
and users should know that must be entered as box.execute([[SELECT'hello';]])
It is also legal to enclose SQL statements inside single or double quote marks instead of [[ … ]].
Supported Syntax
Keywords, for example CREATE or INSERT or VALUES, may be entered in either upper case or lower case.
Literal values, for example 55 or 'HelloSQLworld!', should be entered without single quote marks
if they are numeric, and should be entered with single quote marks if they are strings.
Object names, for example table1 or column1, should usually be entered without double quote marks
and are subject to some restrictions. They may be enclosed in double quote marks and in that case
they are subject to fewer restrictions.
Almost all keywords are reserved,
which means that they cannot be used as object names
unless they are enclosed in double quote marks.
Comments may be between /* and */ (bracketed)
or between -- and the end of a line (simple).
INSERT/* This is a bracketed comment */INTOtVALUES(5);INSERTINTOtVALUES(5);-- this is a simple comment
Выражения, например a+b или a>bANDNOTa<=b, могут содержать арифметические операторы +-/* и операторы сравнения =><<=>=LIKE, а также могут использоваться вместе с ANDORNOT, при этом круглые скобки необязательны.
In the SQL beginners“ guide there was discussion of:
What are: relational databases, tables, views, rows, and columns?
What are: transactions, write-ahead logs, commits and rollbacks?
What are: security considerations?
How to: add, delete, or update rows in tables?
How to: work inside transactions with commits and/or rollbacks?
How to: select, join, filter, group, and sort rows?
Tarantool has a «schema». A schema is a container for all database objects.
A schema may be called a «database» in other DBMS implementations
Tarantool allows four types of «database objects» to be created within
the schema: tables, triggers, indexes, and constraints.
Within tables, there are «columns».
Almost all Tarantool SQL statements begin with a reserved-word «verb»
such as INSERT, and end optionally with a semicolon.
For example: INSERTINTOtVALUES(1);
A Tarantool SQL database and a Tarantool NoSQL database are the same thing.
However, some operations are only possible with SQL, and others are only
possible with NoSQL. Mixing SQL statements with NoSQL requests is allowed.
The token is the minimum SQL-syntax unit that Tarantool understands.
These are the types of tokens:
Ключевые слова — официальные слова языка, например SELECT. Литералы — числовые или строковые константы, например 15.7 или 'Taranto'. Идентификаторы — имена объектов, например column55 или table_of_accounts. Операторы (строго говоря, неалфавитные операторы) — математические операторы, например */+-(),;<=>=.
Токены могут быть отделены друг от друга одним или несколькими разделителями. * Символы-разделители: табуляция (U+0009), перевод строки (U+000A), вертикальная табуляция (U+000B), смена страницы (U+000C), возврат каретки (U+000D), пробел (U+0020), следующая строка (U+0085), а также все редкие символы классов Zl, Zp и Zs Юникода. Полный список символов вы найдете на странице https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/2371. * Комментарии (начинаются с /* и заканчиваются */). * Однострочные комментарии (начинаются с -- и заканчиваются переводом строки). Разделители не нужны ни перед операторами, ни после них. Разделители необходимы после ключевых слов, числовых значений или обычных идентификаторов, если только следующий токен не является оператором. Таким образом, Tarantool может понять следующую серию из шести токенов: SELECT'a'FROM/**/t; Но для удобства чтения токены обычно разделяют пробелами: SELECT'a'FROM/**/t;
BOOLEAN literals:
A literal has data type = BOOLEAN if it is the keyword TRUE or FALSE.
UNKNOWN is a synonym for NULL.
A literal may have type = BOOLEAN if it is the keyword NULL and there is no context to indicate a different data type.
INTEGER literals:
[plus-sign | minus-sign] digit [digit …]
or, for a hexadecimal integer literal,
[plus-sign | minus-sign] 0X | 0x hexadecimal-digit [hexadecimal-digit …]
Examples: 5, -5, +5, 55555, 0X55, 0x55
Hexadecimal 0X55 is equal to decimal 85.
A literal has data type = INTEGER if it contains only digits and is in
the range -9223372036854775808 to +18446744073709551615, integers outside that range are illegal.
DOUBLE literals:
[E|e [plus-sign | minus-sign] digit …]
Examples: 1E5, 1.1E5.
A literal has data type = DOUBLE if it contains «E».
DOUBLE literals are also known as floating-point literals or approximate-numeric literals.
To represent «Inf» (infinity), write a real numeric outside the double-precision numeric range, for example 1E309.
To represent «nan» (not a number), write an expression that does not result in a real numeric,
for example 0/0, using Tarantool/NoSQL. This will appear as NULL in Tarantool/SQL.
In an earlier version literals containing periods were considered to be NUMBER literals.
In a future version «nan» may not appear as NULL.
Prior to Tarantool v. 2.10.0, digits with periods such as .0 were considered to be DOUBLE literals,
but now they are considered to be DECIMAL literals.
DECIMAL literals:
[plus-sign | minus-sign] [digit [digit …]] period [digit [digit …]]
Examples: .0, 1.0, 12345678901234567890.123456789012345678
A literal has data type = DECIMAL if it contains a period, and does not contain «E».
DECIMAL literals may contain up to 38 digits; if there are more, then post-decimal digits may be subject to rounding.
In earlier Tarantool versions literals containing periods were considered to be
NUMBER or DECIMAL literals.
STRING literals:
[quote] [character …] [quote]
Examples: 'ABC', 'AB''C'
A literal has data type type = STRING
if it is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed in single quotes.
The sequence '' (two single quotes in a row) is treated as ' (a single quote) when enclosed in quotes,
that is, 'A''B' is interpreted as A'B.
VARBINARY literals:
X|x [quote] [hexadecimal-digit-pair …] [quote]
Example: X'414243', which will be displayed as 'ABC'.
A literal has data type = VARBINARY
(«variable-length binary») if it is the letter X followed by quotes containing pairs of hexadecimal digits, representing byte values.
MAP literals:
[left curly bracket] key [colon] value [right curly bracket]
Examples: {'a':1}, {1:'a'}
A map literal is a pair of curly brackets (also called «braces»)
enclosing a STRING or INTEGER or UUID literal (called the map «key»)
followed by a colon
followed by any type of literal (called the map «value»).
This is a minimal form of a MAP expression.
ARRAY literals:
[left square bracket] [literal] [right square bracket]
Examples: [1], ['a']
An ARRAY literal is a literal value which is enclosed inside square brackets.
This is a minimal form of an ARRAY expression.
Here are four ways to put non-ASCII characters,such as the Greek letter α alpha, in string literals:
First make sure that your shell program is set to accept characters as UTF-8. A simple way to check is SELECThex(cast('α'asVARBINARY));
If the result is CEB1 – which is the hexadecimal value for the UTF-8 representation of α – it is good.
(1) Simply enclose the character inside '...', 'α'
(2) Find out what is the hexadecimal code for the UTF-8 representation of α,
and enclose that inside X'...', then cast to STRING because X'...' literals are data type VARBINARY not STRING, CAST(X'CEB1'ASSTRING)
(3) Find out what is the Unicode code point for α, and pass that to the CHAR function. CHAR(945)/*rememberthatthisisαasdatatypeSTRINGnotVARBINARY*/
(4) Enclose statements inside double quotes and include Lua escapes, for example
One can use the concatenation operator || to combine characters made with any of these methods.
Limitations: (Issue#2344)
* LENGTH('A''B')=3 which is correct, but on the Tarantool console the display from
SELECTA''B; is A''B, which is misleading.
* It is unfortunate that X'41' is a byte sequence which looks the same as 'A',
but it is not the same. box.execute("select'A'<X'41';") is not legal at the moment.
This happens because TYPEOF(X'41') yields 'varbinary'.
Also it is illegal to say UPDATE...SETstring_column=X'41',
one must say UPDATE...SETstring_column=CAST(X'41'ASSTRING);.
All database objects – tables, triggers, indexes, columns, constraints, functions, collations – have identifiers.
An identifier should begin with a letter or underscore ('_') and should contain
only letters, digits, dollar signs ('$'), or underscores.
The maximum number of bytes in an identifier is between 64982 and 65000.
For compatibility reasons, Tarantool recommends that an identifier should not have more than 30 characters.
Letters in identifiers do not have to come from the Latin alphabet,
for example the Japanese syllabic ひ and the Cyrillic letter д are legal.
But be aware that a Latin letter needs only one byte but a Cyrillic letter needs two bytes,
so Cyrillic identifiers consume a tiny amount more space.
Reserved words
Certain words are reserved and should not be used for identifiers.
The simple rule is: if a word means something in Tarantool SQL syntax,
do not try to use it for an identifier. The current list of reserved words is:
Identifiers may be enclosed in double quotes.
These are called quoted identifiers or «delimited identifiers»
(unquoted identifiers may be called «regular identifiers»).
The double quotes are not part of the identifier.
A delimited identifier may be a reserved word and may contain
any printable character. Tarantool converts letters in regular
identifiers to upper case before it accesses the database,
so for statements like
the table name is A and the column name is A.
However, Tarantool does not convert delimited identifiers
to upper case, so for statements like
the table name is a and the column name is a.
The sequence "" is treated as " when enclosed in double quotes,
that is, "A""B" is interpreted as "A"B".
Внутри некоторых инструкций к идентификаторам можно добавлять квалификаторы для исключения двусмысленности. Квалификатор — это идентификатор объекта более высокого уровня, за которым следует точка. Например, к столбцу column1 в таблице table1 можно обратиться как table1.column1. Идентификатор, в том числе с добавленным квалификатором, — своего рода имя объекта. Например, в SELECTtable1.column1,table2.column1FROMtable1,table2; соответствующие квалификаторы дают понять, что первый используемый столбец — это column1 из table1, а второй — column1 из table2.
The rules are sometimes relaxed for compatibility reasons, for example
some non-letter characters such as $ and « are legal in regular identifiers.
However, it is better to assume that rules are never relaxed.
The following are examples of legal and illegal identifiers.
_A1 -- legal, begins with underscore and contains underscore | letter | digit
1_A -- illegal, begins with digit
A$« -- legal, but not recommended, try to stick with digits and letters and underscores
+ -- illegal, operator token
grant -- illegal, GRANT is a reserved word
"grant" -- legal, delimited identifiers may be reserved words
"_space" -- legal, but Tarantool already uses this name for a system space
"A"."X" -- legal, for columns only, inside statements where qualifiers may be necessary
'a' -- illegal, single quotes are for literals not identifiers
A123456789012345678901234567890 -- legal, identifiers can be long
ддд -- legal, and will be converted to upper case in identifiers
The following example shows that conversion to upper case affects regular identifiers but not delimited identifiers.
CREATETABLE"q"("q"INTEGERPRIMARYKEY);SELECT*FROMq;-- Result = "error: 'no such table: Q'.
An operand is something that can be operated on. Literals and column identifiers are operands. So are NULL and DEFAULT.
NULL and DEFAULT are keywords which represent values whose data types are not known until they are assigned or compared,
so they are known by the technical term «contextually typed value specifications».
(Exception: for the non-standard statement «SELECT NULL FROM table-name;» NULL has data type BOOLEAN.)
Operand data types
Every operand has a data type.
For literals, as seen earlier, the data type is usually determined by the format.
For identifiers, the data type is usually determined by the definition.
The usual determination may change because of context or because of
explicit casting.
For some SQL data type names there are aliases.
An alias may be used for data definition.
For example VARCHAR(5) and TEXT are aliases of STRING and may appear in
CREATETABLEtable_name(column_nameVARCHAR(5)PRIMARYKEY); but Tarantool,
if asked, will report that the data type of column_name is STRING.
For every SQL data type there is a corresponding NoSQL type, for example
an SQL STRING is stored in a NoSQL space as type = „string“.
To avoid confusion in this manual, all references to SQL data type names are
in upper case and all similar words which refer to NoSQL types or to other kinds
of object are in lower case, for example:
STRING is a data type name, but string is a general term;
NUMBER — имя типа данных, а «numeric» и «числовое значение» — общие термины.
Although it is common to say that a VARBINARY value is a «binary string»,
this manual will not use that term and will instead say «byte sequence».
Here are all the SQL data types, their corresponding NoSQL types, their aliases,
and minimum / maximum literal examples.
BOOLEAN values are FALSE, TRUE, and UNKNOWN (which is the same as NULL).
FALSE is less than TRUE.
Значения INTEGER — это числовые значения, которые не содержат десятичной точки и не представлены в экспоненциальной форме записи. Возможные значения: от -2^63 до +2^64, а также NULL.
Значения UNSIGNED — это числовые значения, которые не содержат десятичной точки и не представлены в экспоненциальной форме записи. Возможные значения: от 0 до +2^64, а также NULL.
Значения DOUBLE — это числовые значения, которые содержат десятичную точку (например, 0.5) или представлены в экспоненциальной форме записи (например, 5E-1). Диапазон возможных значений соответствует стандарту IEEE 754 чисел с плавающей точкой, а также включает в себя NULL. Числа, выходящие за пределы диапазона DOUBLE, могут быть представлены как -inf или inf.
Значения NUMBER имеют тот же диапазон, что и значения DOUBLE, но могут быть и целыми числами. Для NUMBER не существует отдельного формата записи (значения типа 1.5 или 1E555 считаются DOUBLE), поэтому при необходимости используйте CAST, чтобы привести значение к типу NUMBER. См. также описание типа „number“ в NoSQL. Арифметические операции и встроенные арифметические функции с типами NUMBER не поддерживаются начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10.1.
DECIMAL values can contain up to 38 digits on either side of a decimal point.
and any arithmetic with DECIMAL values has exact results
(arithmetic with DOUBLE values could have approximate results instead of exact results).
Before Tarantool v. 2.10.0 there was no literal format for DECIMAL,
so it was necessary to use CAST to insist that a numeric
has data type DECIMAL, for example CAST(1.1ASDECIMAL) or
See the description of NoSQL type „decimal“.
DECIMAL support in SQL was added in Tarantool version 2.10.1.
STRING values are any sequence of zero or more characters encoded with UTF-8,
or NULL. The possible character values are the same as for the Unicode standard.
Byte sequences which are not valid UTF-8 characters are allowed but not recommended.
STRING literal values are enclosed within single quotes, for example 'literal'.
If the VARCHAR alias is used for column definition, it must include a maximum
length, for example column_1 VARCHAR(40). However, the maximum length is ignored.
The data-type may be followed by [COLLATE collation-name].
VARBINARY values are any sequence of zero or more octets (bytes), or NULL.
VARBINARY literal values are expressed as X followed by pairs of hexadecimal
digits enclosed within single quotes, for example X'0044'.
VARBINARY’s NoSQL equivalent is 'varbinary' but not character string – the
MessagePack storage is MP_BIN (MsgPack binary).
Значения UUID (универсальные уникальные идентификаторы) — это 32 шестнадцатеричные цифры или NULL. Обычный формат UUID это строка, разделённая дефисами на пять групп в формате 8-4-4-4-12, например, '000024ac-7ca6-4ab2-bd75-34742ac91213'. В MessagePack (расширение MP_EXT) для хранения UUID требуется 16 байт. Значения UUID могут быть созданы с помощью модуля uuid Tarantool/NoSQL или c помощью функций UUID(). Поддержка UUID в SQL была добавлена в версии Tarantool 2.9.1.
DATETIME. Introduced in v. 2.10.0.
A datetime table field can be created by using this type, which is semantically equivalent to the standard TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type.
There is no implicit cast available from a string expression to a datetime expression (unlike convention used by majority of SQL vendors).
In such cases, you need to use explicit cast from a string value to a datetime value (see the example above).
You can subtract datetime and datetime, datetime and interval, or add datetime and interval in any order (see examples of such arithmetic in the description of the INTERVAL type).
The built-in functions related to the DATETIME type are DATE_PART() and NOW()
INTERVAL. Introduced in v. 2.10.0.
Similarly to the DATETIME type, you can define a column of the INTERVAL type.
Unlike DATETIME, INTERVAL cannot be a part of an index.
There is no implicit cast available for conversions to an interval from a string or any other type.
But there is explicit cast allowed from maps (see examples below).
Intervals can be used in arithmetic operations like + or - only with the datetime expression or another interval:
SCALAR может использоваться в определениях столбцов. Отдельные значения столбца также могут иметь тип SCALAR. Подробную информацию вы найдете в разделе Определение столбцов — правила для типа данных SCALAR. Вместе с этим типом данных может использоваться [COLLATE название-сортировки]. До версии Tarantool 2.10.1 отдельные значения столбцов могли иметь один из перечисленных выше типов: BOOLEAN, INTEGER, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, STRING, VARBINARY или UUID. Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10.1 все значения в столбце SCALAR имеют тип SCALAR.
MAP values are key:value combinations which can be produced with
MAP expressions.
Maps cannot be used in arithmetic or comparison (except IS[NOT]NULL),
and the only
functions where they are allowed are CAST,
TYPEOF, and functions involving NULL comparisons.
ARRAY values are lists which can be produced with
ARRAY expressions.
Arrays cannot be used in arithmetic or comparison (except IS[NOT]NULL), and the only
functions where they are allowed are CAST,
TYPEOF, and functions involving NULL comparisons.
ANY can be used for
column definitions and the individual column values have
type ANY.
The difference between SCALAR and ANY is:
SCALAR columns may not contain MAP or ARRAY values, but ANY columns may contain them.
SCALAR values are comparable, while ANY values are not comparable.
Any value of any data type may be NULL. Ordinarily NULL will be cast to the
data type of any operand it is being compared to or to the data type of the
column it is in. If the data type of NULL cannot be determined from context,
it is BOOLEAN.
Most of the SQL data types correspond to
Tarantool/NoSQL types with the same name.
In Tarantool versions before v. 2.10.0,
There were also some Tarantool/NoSQL data types which had no corresponding SQL data types.
In those versions, if Tarantool/SQL reads a Tarantool/NoSQL value of a type that has no SQL equivalent,
Tarantool/SQL could treat it as NULL or INTEGER or VARBINARY.
For example, SELECT"flags"FROM"_vspace"; would return a column whose type is 'map'.
Such columns can only be manipulated in SQL by
invoking Lua functions.
An operator signifies what operation can be performed on operands.
Almost all operators are easy to recognize because they consist of one-character
or two-character non-alphabetic tokens, except for six keyword operators (AND IN IS LIKE NOT OR).
Almost all operators are «dyadic», that is, they are performed on a pair of operands
– the only operators that are performed on a single operand are NOT and ~ and (sometimes) -.
The result of an operation is a new operand. If the operator is a comparison operator
then the result has data type BOOLEAN (TRUE or FALSE or UNKNOWN).
Otherwise the result has the same data type as the original operands, except that:
promotion to a broader type may occur to avoid overflow.
Arithmetic with NULL operands will result in a NULL operand.
В списке операторов ниже пометка «(арифметическая операция)» указывает на то, что все операнды должны быть числовыми значениями (кроме NUMBER) и в результате тоже должно получиться число. Пометка «(сравнение)» указывает, что операнды должны иметь схожие типы данных и результат будет типа BOOLEAN. Пометка «(логическая операция)» указывает, что операнды должны быть типа BOOLEAN и результат также будет типа BOOLEAN. Если операция невозможна, выбрасывается исключение. Кроме того, существуют особые ситуации: их описание приводится после списка операторов. На месте указанных в примерах конкретных значений (литералов) могут с тем же успехом стоять идентификаторы столбцов.
Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10.1 арифметические операнды не могут быть типа NUMBER.
+ addition (arithmetic)
Add two numerics according to standard arithmetic rules.
Example: 1+5, result = 6.
- subtraction (arithmetic)
Subtract second numeric from first numeric according to standard arithmetic rules.
Example: 1-5, result = -4.
* multiplication (arithmetic)
Multiply two numerics according to standard arithmetic rules.
Example: 2*5, result = 10.
/ division (arithmetic)
Divide second numeric into first numeric according to standard arithmetic rules.
Division by zero is not legal.
Division of integers always results in rounding toward zero,
use CAST to DOUBLE or to DECIMAL to get
non-integer results.
Example: 5/2, result = 2.
% modulus (arithmetic)
Divide second numeric into first numeric according to standard arithmetic rules.
The result is the remainder.
Starting with Tarantool version 2.10.1, operands must be INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
Examples: 17%5, result = 2; -123%4, result = -3.
<< shift left (arithmetic)
Shift the first numeric to the left N times, where N = the second numeric.
For positive numerics, each 1-bit shift to the left is equivalent to multiplying times 2.
Example: 5<<1, result = 10.
Starting with Tarantool version 2.10.1, operands must be non-negative INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
>> shift right (arithmetic)
Shift the first numeric to the right N times, where N = the second numeric.
For positive numerics, each 1-bit shift to the right is equivalent to dividing by 2.
Example: 5>>1, result = 2.
Starting with Tarantool version 2.10.1, operands must be non-negative INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
& and (arithmetic)
Combine the two numerics, with 1 bits in the result if and only if both original numerics have 1 bits.
Example: 5&4, result = 4.
Starting with Tarantool version 2.10.1, operands must be non-negative INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
| or (arithmetic)
Combine the two numerics, with 1 bits in the result if either original numeric has a 1 bit.
Example: 5|2, result = 7.
Starting with Tarantool version 2.10.1, operands must be non-negative INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
~ negate (arithmetic), sometimes called bit inversion
Change 0 bits to 1 bits, change 1 bits to 0 bits.
Example: ~5, result = -6.
Starting with Tarantool version 2.10.1, the operand must be non-negative INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
< less than (comparison)
Return TRUE if the first operand is less than the second by arithmetic or collation rules.
Example for numerics: 5<2, result = FALSE
Example for strings: 'C'<'', result = FALSE
<= less than or equal (comparison)
Return TRUE if the first operand is less than or equal to the second by arithmetic or collation rules.
Example for numerics: 5<=5, result = TRUE
Example for strings: 'C'<='B', result = FALSE
> greater than (comparison)
Return TRUE if the first operand is greater than the second by arithmetic or collation rules.
Example for numerics: 5>-5, result = TRUE
Example for strings: 'C'>'!', result = TRUE
>= greater than or equal (comparison)
Return TRUE if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second by arithmetic or collation rules.
Example for numerics: 0>=0, result = TRUE
Example for strings: 'Z'>='Γ', result = FALSE
= equal (assignment or comparison)
After the word SET, «=» means the first operand gets the value from the second operand.
In other contexts, «=» returns TRUE if operands are equal.
For IS NULL: Return TRUE if the first operand is NULL, otherwise return FALSE.
Example: column1 IS NULL, result = TRUE if column1 contains NULL.
For IS NOT NULL: Return FALSE if the first operand is NULL, otherwise return TRUE.
Example: column1ISNOTNULL, result = FALSE if column1 contains NULL.
LIKE (comparison)
Perform a comparison of two string operands.
If the second operand contains '_', the '_' matches any single character in the first operand.
If the second operand contains '%', the '%' matches 0 or more characters in the first operand.
If it is necessary to search for either '_' or '%' within a string without treating it specially,
an optional clause can be added, ESCAPE single-character-operand, for example
'abc_'LIKE'abcX_'ESCAPE'X' is TRUE because X' means «following character is not
special». Matching is also affected by the string’s collation.
BETWEEN (comparison)
xBETWEENyANDz is shorthand for x>=yANDx<=z.
NOT negation (logic)
Return TRUE if operand is FALSE return FALSE if operand is TRUE, else return UNKNOWN.
Example: NOT(1>1), result = TRUE.
IN is equal to one of a list of operands (comparison)
Return TRUE if first operand equals any of the operands in a parenthesized list.
Example: 1IN(2,3,4,1,7), result = TRUE.
AND and (logic)
Return TRUE if both operands are TRUE.
Return UNKNOWN if both operands are UNKNOWN.
Return UNKNOWN if one operand is TRUE and the other operand is UNKNOWN.
Return FALSE if one operand is FALSE and the other operand is (UNKNOWN or TRUE or FALSE).
OR or (logic)
Return TRUE if either operand is TRUE.
Return FALSE if both operands are FALSE.
Return UNKNOWN if one operand is UNKNOWN and the other operand is (UNKNOWN or FALSE).
|| concatenate (string manipulation)
Return the value of the first operand concatenated with the value of the second operand.
Example: 'A'||'B', result = 'AB'.
The precedence of dyadic operators is:
* / %
+ -
<< >> & |
< <= > >=
= == != <> IS IS NOT IN LIKE
To ensure a desired precedence, use () parentheses.
Special situations
If one of the operands has data type DOUBLE, Tarantool uses floating-point arithmetic.
This means that exact results are not guaranteed and rounding may occur without warning.
For example, 4.7777777777777778 = 4.7777777777777777 is TRUE.
The floating-point values inf and -inf are possible.
For example, SELECT1e318,-1e318; will return «inf, -inf».
Arithmetic on infinite values may cause NULL results,
for example SELECT1e318-1e318; is NULL and SELECT1e318*0; is NULL.
SQL operations never return the floating-point value -nan,
although it may exist in data created by Tarantool’s NoSQL. In SQL, -nan is treated as NULL.
В предыдущих версиях Tarantool строка преобразовывалась в числовое значение, если она использовалась с арифметическим оператором и преобразование было возможно. Например, результатом выражения '7'+'7' было 14. Для операций сравнения строка '7' преобразовывалась в значение 7. Это называется неявным приведением. Оно было применимо для значений типа STRING и всех числовых типов данных. Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10 неявное приведение в числа больше не поддерживается.
Ограничения (подробнее в Issue#2346 на GitHub): * Некоторые ключевые слова, например MATCH и REGEXP, зарезервированы, но в текущих или будущих версиях Tarantool их пока не планируется использовать. * 99999999999999999<<210 возвращает 0.
An expression is a chunk of syntax that causes return of a value.
Expressions may contain literals, column-names, operators, and parentheses.
Therefore these are examples of expressions:
1, 1+1<<1, (1=2)OR4>3, 'x'||'y'||'z'.
Also there are two expressions that involve keywords:
valueIS[NOT]NULL: determine whether value is (not) NULL.
CASE...WHEN...THEN...ELSE...END: set a series of conditions.
An expression has data type = ARRAY if it is a sequence of zero or more values
enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).
Often the values in the sequence are called «elements».
The element data type may be anything, including ARRAY – that is, ARRAYs may be nested.
Different elements may have different types.
The Lua equivalent type is „array“.
An expression has data type = MAP if it is enclosed in curly brackets
(also called braces) { and } and contains a key for identification,
then a colon :, then a value for what the key identifies.
The key data type must be INTEGER or STRING or UUID.
The value data type may be anything, including MAP – that is, MAPs may be nested.
The Lua equivalent type is „map“ but the syntax is slightly different,
for example the SQL value {'a':1} is represented in Lua as {a=1}.
Определить, равны ли два значения или первое больше/меньше второго, помогают специальные правила. Они применяются при поиске, сортировке результатов в порядке возрастания значений в столбце, а также определении уникальности содержимого столбца. Результатом сравнения могут быть три значения типа BOOLEAN: TRUE, FALSE или UNKNOWN. В любом сравнении, где ни один из операндов не является NULL, операнды считаются различными, если результат сравнения равен FALSE. Любой набор операндов, где все операнды отличаются друг от друга, считается уникальным.
Сравнение двух числовых значений: * infinity = infinity вернет TRUE; * обычные числовые значения сравниваются по обычным арифметическим правилам.
When comparing any value to NULL:
(for examples in this paragraph assume that column1 in table T contains {NULL, NULL, 1, 2})
* value comparison-operator NULL is UNKNOWN (not TRUE and not FALSE), which affects «WHERE condition» because the condition must be TRUE, and does not affect «CHECK (condition)» because the condition must be either TRUE or UNKNOWN. Therefore SELECT * FROM T WHERE column1 > 0 OR column1 < 0 OR column1 = 0; returns only {1,2}, and the table can have been created with CREATE TABLE T (… column1 INTEGER, CHECK (column1 >= 0));
* for any operations that contain the keyword DISTINCT, NULLs are not distinct. Therefore SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM T; will return {NULL,1,2}.
* for grouping, NULL values sort together. Therefore SELECT column1, COUNT(*) FROM T GROUP BY column1; will include a row {NULL, 2}.
* for ordering, NULL values sort together and are less than non-NULL values. Therefore SELECT column1 FROM T ORDER BY column1; returns {NULL, NULL, 1,2}.
* for evaluating a UNIQUE constraint or UNIQUE index, any number of NULLs is okay. Therefore CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i ON T (column1); will succeed.
When comparing any value (except an ARRAY or MAP or ANY) to a SCALAR:
* This is always legal, and the result depends on the underlying type of the value.
For example, if COLUMN1 is defined as SCALAR, and a value in the column is „a“, then
COLUMN1 < 5 is a legal comparison and the result is FALSE because numeric is less than STRING.
Сравнение числового значения со значением типа STRING: * Сравнение разрешено, если значение STRING можно явно привести к числовому.
When comparing a BOOLEAN to a BOOLEAN:
TRUE is greater than FALSE.
When comparing a VARBINARY to a VARBINARY:
* The numeric value of each pair of bytes is compared until the end of the byte sequences or until inequality. If two byte sequences are otherwise equal but one is longer, then the longer one is greater.
When comparing for the sake of eliminating duplicates:
* This is usually signalled by the word DISTINCT, so it applies to SELECT DISTINCT, to set operators such as UNION (where DISTINCT is implied), and to aggregate functions such as AVG(DISTINCT).
* Two operators are «not distinct» if they are equal to each other, or are both NULL
* If two values are equal but not identical, for example 1.0 and 1.00, they are non-distinct and there is no way to specify which one will be eliminated
* Values in primary-key or unique columns are distinct due to definition.
When comparing a STRING to a STRING:
* Ordinarily collation is «binary», that is, comparison is done according to the numeric values of the bytes. This can be cancelled by adding a COLLATE clause at the end of either expression. So 'A'<'a' and 'a'<'Ä', but 'A'COLLATE"unicode_ci"='a' and 'a'COLLATE"unicode_ci"='Ä'.
* When comparing a column with a string literal, the column’s defined collation is used.
* Ordinarily trailing spaces matter. So 'a'='a' is not TRUE. This can be cancelled by using the TRIM(TRAILING …) function.
When comparing any value to an ARRAY or MAP or ANY:
* The result is an error.
Ограничения: * Ожидается, что при работе с VARBINARY не будет применяться LIKE.
Инструкция (statement) состоит из ключевых слов и выражений языка SQL, которые предписывают Tarantool выполнять какие-либо действия с базой данных. Инструкции начинаются с одного из ключевых слов: ALTER, ANALYZE, COMMIT, CREATE, DELETE, DROP, EXPLAIN, INSERT, PRAGMA, RELEASE, REPLACE, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, SELECT, SET, START, TRUNCATE, UPDATE, VALUES или WITH. В конце инструкции ставится точка с запятой ;, хотя это и не является обязательным.
A client sends a statement to the Tarantool server.
The Tarantool server parses the statement and executes it.
If there is an error, Tarantool returns an error message.
List of legal statements
In alphabetical order, the following statements are legal.
Data type conversion, also called casting, is necessary for any operation involving two operands X and Y,
when X and Y have different data types.
Or, casting is necessary for assignment operations
(when INSERT or UPDATE is putting a value of type X into a column defined as type Y).
Casting can be «explicit» when a user uses the CAST function, or «implicit» when Tarantool does a conversion automatically.
The general rules are fairly simple:
Assignments and operations involving NULL cause NULL or UNKNOWN results.
For arithmetic, convert to the data type which can contain both operands and the result.
For explicit casts, if a meaningful result is possible, the operation is allowed.
For implicit casts, if a meaningful result is possible and the data types on both sides
are either STRINGs or most numeric types (that is, are STRING or INTEGER or UNSIGNED or DOUBLE or DECIMAL but not NUMBER),
the operation is sometimes allowed.
The specific situations in this chart follow the general rules:
--------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------ -------
Из BOOLEAN | AAA | --- | A-- | --- | ---
Из числа | --- | SSA | A-- | --- | ---
Из STRING | S-- | S-- | AAA | A-- | S--
Из VARBINARY | --- | --- | A-- | AAA | S--
Из UUID | --- | --- | A-- | A-- | AAA
Where each entry in the chart has 3 characters:
Where A = Always allowed, S = Sometimes allowed, - = Never allowed.
The first character of an entry is for explicit casts,
the second character is for implicit casts for assignment,
the third character is for implicit cast for comparison.
So AAA = Always for explicit, Always for Implicit (assignment), Always for Implicit (comparison).
The S «Sometimes allowed» character applies for these special situations:
From STRING To BOOLEAN is allowed if UPPER(string-value) = 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
From numeric to INTEGER or UNSIGNED is allowed for cast and assignment only if the result is not out of range,
and the numeric has no post-decimal digits.
From STRING to INTEGER or UNSIGNED or DECIMAL is allowed only if the string has a representation of a numeric,
and the result is not out of range,
and the numeric has no post-decimal digits.
From STRING to DOUBLE or NUMBER is allowed only if the string has a representation of a numeric.
From STRING to UUID is allowed only if the value is
(8 hexadecimal digits) hyphen (4 hexadecimal digits) hyphen (4 hexadecimal digits) hyphen (4 hexadecimal digits) hyphen (12 hexadecimal digits),
such as '8e3b281b-78ad-4410-bfe9-54806a586a90'.
From VARBINARY to UUID is allowed only if the value is
16 bytes long,
as in X'8e3b281b78ad4410bfe954806a586a90'.
The chart does not show To|From SCALAR because the conversions depend on the type of the value,
not the type of the column definition. Explicit cast to SCALAR is always allowed.
The chart does not show To|From ARRAY or MAP or ANY because almost no conversions are possible.
Explicit cast to ANY, or casting any value to its original data type, is legal, but that is all.
This is a slight change: before Tarantool v. 2.10.0, it was legal to cast such values
as VARBINARY. It is still possible to use arguments with these types in
QUOTE functions, which is a way to convert them to STRINGs.
Since version 2.4.1, the NUMBER type is processed
in the same way as the number type in
NoSQL Tarantool.
Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10.1 недопустимы некоторые преобразования, которые раньше были разрешены: Явное приведение числового типа к BOOLEAN. Явное приведение BOOLEAN к числовому типу. Неявное приведение NUMBER к другим числовым типам при выполнении арифметических или встроенных функций. Неявное приведение числового типа к STRING. Неявное приведение STRING к числовому типу.
Examples of casts, illustrating the situations in the chart:
Выполнение CAST(TRUEASSTRING) допустимо. В строке «Из BOOLEAN», столбце «В STRING» приведенной выше таблицы стоит значение A--, где буква A относится к явному приведению и означает «Always Allowed» — всегда разрешено. Таким образом, результатом операции будет 'TRUE'.
Выполнение UPDATE...SETvarbinary_column='A' завершится ошибкой. В строке «Из STRING», столбце «В VARBINARY» приведенной выше таблицы стоит значение A--, где второй символ - относится к неявному приведению при присваивании и` означает «не разрешено». Результатом будет сообщение об ошибке.
Выражение 1.7E-1>0 допустимо. В строке «Из числа», столбце «В число» приведенной выше таблицы стоит значение SSA, где третья буква А относится к неявному приведению при сравнении и означает «Always Allowed» — всегда разрешено. Таким образом, результатом операции будет 'TRUE'.
Выполнение 11>'2' завершится ошибкой. В строке «Из числа», столбце «В STRING» приведенной выше таблицы стоит значение A--, где третий символ - относится к неявному приведению при сравнении и` означает «не разрешено». Результатом операции будет сообщение об ошибке. Подробное объяснение приводится ниже.
Выполнение CAST('5'ASINTEGER) допустимо. В строке «Из STRING», столбце «В число» приведенной выше таблицы стоит значение S--, где первая буква S относится к явному приведению и означает «Sometimes allowed» — иногда разрешено. При этом приведение CAST('5.5'ASINTEGER) завершится ошибкой, поскольку это не целое число. Если число содержит цифры после десятичной точки, а целевой тип приведения — INTEGER или UNSIGNED, присвоение не будет выполнено.
Implicit string/numeric cast
Примеры в этом разделе справедливы только для версий Tarantool до 2.10. Начиная с Tarantool 2.10 неявное приведение строк и числовых значений больше не допускается.
Приведение STRING к INTEGER/DOUBLE/NUMBER/UNSIGNED (любому числовому типу) и наоборот, выполняемое в ходе операции присвоения или сравнения, может требовать особых условий.
Для операций сравнения всегда выполняется приведение STRING к числовому значению. Поэтому 1e2='100' вернет TRUE, как и 11>'2'. Если приведение не удалось, числовое значение считается меньше, чем значение типа STRING. Так что 1e400<'' тоже вернет TRUE. Исключение: для оператора BETWEEN приведение производится к типу данных первого и последнего операндов. Поэтому выражение '66'BETWEEN5AND'7' вернет TRUE.
Начиная с Tarantool 2.5.1 действует измененный алгоритм присваивания. В связи с этим неявные приведения строк к числам недопустимы. Например, INSERTINTOt(integer_column)VALUES('5'); выдаст ошибку.
Implicit cast does happen if STRINGS are used in arithmetic.
Therefore '5'/'5'=1. If the cast fails, then the result is an error.
Therefore '5'/'' is an error.
Неявное приведение не производится, если числовые значения используются в конкатенации или в LIKE. Поэтому выражение 5||'5' недопустимо.
In the following examples, implicit cast does not happen for values in SCALAR columns: DROPTABLEscalars; CREATETABLEscalars(scalar_columnSCALARPRIMARYKEY); INSERTINTOscalarsVALUES(11),('2'); SELECT*FROMscalarsWHEREscalar_column>11;/*0rows.So11>'2'.*/ SELECT*FROMscalarsWHEREscalar_column<'2';/*1row.So11<'2'.*/ SELECTmax(scalar_column)FROMscalars;/*1row:'2'.So11<'2'.*/ SELECTsum(scalar_column)FROMscalars;/*1row:13.Socasthappened.*/
These results are not affected by indexing, or by reversing the operands.
Implicit cast does NOT happen for GREATEST()
or LEAST().
Therefore LEAST('5',6) is 6.
For function arguments:
If the function description says that a parameter has a specific data type,
and implicit assignment casts are allowed, then arguments which are not passed with that
data type will be converted before the function is applied.
For example, the LENGTH() function expects a
and INTEGER can be converted to STRING, therefore LENGTH(15) will return
the length of '15', that is, 2.
But implicit cast sometimes does NOT happen for parameters.
Therefore ABS('5') will cause an error message after
Issue#4159 is fixed.
However, TRIM(5) will still be legal.
Although it is not a requirement of the SQL standard, implicit cast is supposed to help compatibility
with other DBMSs. However, other DBMSs have different rules about what can be converted
(for example they may allow assignment of 'inf' but disallow comparison with '1e5').
And, of course, it is not possible to be compatible with other DBMSs and at the same
time support SCALAR, which other DBMSs do not have.
SQL statements and clauses
The Statements and Clauses guide shows all Tarantool/SQL statements“ syntax and use.
ALTER is used to change a table’s name or a table’s elements.
For renaming a table with ALTER...RENAME, the old-table must exist, the new-table must not
exist. Example: --renamingatable:ALTERTABLEt1RENAMETOt2;
For adding a column with ADDCOLUMN,
the table must exist, the table must be empty,
the column name must be unique within the table.
Example with a STRING column that must start with X:
ALTERTABLE...ADDCOLUMN support was added in version 2.7.1.
For adding a table constraint with ADDCONSTRAINT,
the table must exist, the table must be empty,
the constraint name must be unique within the table.
Example with a foreign-key constraint definition: ALTERTABLEt1ADDCONSTRAINTfk_s1_t1_1FOREIGNKEY(s1)REFERENCESt1;
It is not possible to say CREATETABLEtable_a...REFERENCEStable_b...
if table b does not exist yet. This is a situation where ALTERTABLE is
handy – users can CREATETABLEtable_a without the foreign key, then
CREATETABLEtable_b, then ALTERTABLEtable_a...REFERENCEStable_b....
-- adding a primary-key constraint definition:-- This is unusual because primary keys are created automatically-- and it is illegal to have two primary keys for the same table.-- However, it is possible to drop a primary-key index, and this-- is a way to restore the primary key if that happens.ALTERTABLEt1ADDCONSTRAINT"pk_unnamed_T1_1"PRIMARYKEY(s1);-- adding a unique-constraint definition:-- Alternatively, you can say CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_key ON t1 (s1);ALTERTABLEt1ADDCONSTRAINT"unique_unnamed_T1_2"UNIQUE(s1);-- Adding a check-constraint definition:ALTERTABLEt1ADDCONSTRAINT"ck_unnamed_T1_1"CHECK(s1>0);
For ALTER...DROPCONSTRAINT, it is only legal to drop a named constraint.
(Tarantool generates the
constraint names automatically if the user does not provide them.)
Since version 2.4.1, it is possible to drop
any of the named table constraints, namely, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY,
and CHECK.
To remove a unique constraint, use either ALTER...DROPCONSTRAINT or
DROP INDEX, which will drop the constraint
as well.
-- dropping a constraint:ALTERTABLEt1DROPCONSTRAINT"fk_unnamed_JJ2_1";
For ALTER...ENABLE|DISABLECHECKCONSTRAINT, it is only legal to enable or disable a named constraint,
and Tarantool only looks for names of check constraints.
By default a constraint is enabled.
If a constraint is disabled, then the check will not be performed.
It is not possible to drop a column.
It is not possible to modify NOT NULL constraints or column properties DEFAULT
and data type.
However, it is possible to modify them with Tarantool/NOSQL, for example by
calling space_object:format() with a different
is_nullable value.
Create a new base table, usually called a «table».
A table is a base table if it is created with CREATE TABLE and contains
data in persistent storage.
A table is a viewed table, or just «view», if it is created with
CREATE VIEW and gets its data from other views or from base tables.
The table-name must be an identifier which is valid according to the rules for
identifiers, and must not be the name of an already existing base table or view.
The column-definition or table-constraint list is a comma-separated list
of column definitions
or table constraint definitions.
Column definitions and table constraint definitions are sometimes called table elements.
A primary key is necessary; it can be specified with a table constraint
There must be at least one column.
When IF NOT EXISTS is specified, and there is already a table with the same
name, the statement is ignored.
When WITHENGINE=string is specified,
where string must be either „memtx“ or „vinyl“,
the table is created with that storage engine.
When this clause is not specified,
the table is created with the default engine,
which is ordinarily „memtx“ but may be changed
by updating the box.space._session_settings system table..
Tarantool evaluates each column definition and table-constraint,
and returns an error if any of the rules is violated.
Tarantool makes a new definition in the schema.
Tarantool makes new indexes for PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints.
A unique index name is created automatically.
Usually Tarantool effectively executes a COMMIT statement.
-- the simplest form, with one column and one constraint:CREATETABLEt1(s1INTEGER,PRIMARYKEY(s1));-- you can see the effect of the statement by querying-- Tarantool system spaces:SELECT*FROM"_space"WHERE"name"='T1';SELECT*FROM"_index"JOIN"_space"ON"_index"."id"="_space"."id"WHERE"_space"."name"='T1';-- variation of the simplest form, with delimited identifiers-- and a bracketed comment:CREATETABLE"T1"("S1"INT/* synonym of INTEGER */,PRIMARYKEY("S1"));-- two columns, one named constraintCREATETABLEt1(s1INTEGER,s2STRING,CONSTRAINTpk_s1s2_t1_1PRIMARYKEY(s1,s2));
Define a column, which is a table element used in a CREATE TABLE statement.
The column-name must be an identifier which is valid according to the rules
for identifiers.
Each column-name must be unique within a table.
Column definition – data type
Every column has a data type:
The detailed description of data types is in the section
Column definition – the rules for the SCALAR data type
The rules for the SCALAR data type were significantly changed in Tarantool version
v. 2.10.0.
SCALAR is a «complex» data type, unlike all the other data types which are «primitive».
Two column values in a SCALAR column can have two different primitive data types.
Any item defined as SCALAR has an underlying primitive type. For example, here:
the underlying primitive type of the item in the first row is INTEGER
because literal 55 has data type INTEGER, and the underlying primitive type
in the second row is STRING (the data type of a literal is always clear from
its format).
Примитивный тип элемента гораздо менее важен, чем его установленный тип. Tarantool может определить примитивный тип по тому, как MsgPack хранит его, но это уже детали реализации.
A SCALAR definition may not include a maximum length, as there is no suggested
A SCALAR definition may include a COLLATE clause, which affects any items
whose primitive data type is STRING. The default collation is «binary».
Некоторые присваивания недопустимы, когда типы данных различаются, но разрешены, если речь об элементе типа SCALAR. Например, инструкция UPDATE...SETcolumn1='a' выдаст ошибку, если столбец column1 определен как INTEGER. Однако она может быть выполнена, если column1 определен как SCALAR, при этом все значения типа INTEGER будут приведены к типу данных SCALAR.
There is no literal syntax which implies data type SCALAR.
Результат TYPEOF(x) — всегда 'scalar' или 'NULL', а не базовый тип данных. Не существует функции, которая гарантированно возвращает базовый тип данных. Например, TYPEOF(CAST(1ASSCALAR)); возвращает 'scalar', а не 'integer'.
Любая операция, которая требует неявного приведения элемента, определенного как SCALAR, завершится ошибкой во время выполнения. Например, если определение имеет вид:
и единственная строка в таблице T содержит значение s1=1, то есть примитивный тип этого значения — INTEGER, то операция UPDATEtSETs2=s1; все равно не разрешена.
For any dyadic operation that requires implicit casting for comparison, the
syntax is legal and the operation will not fail at runtime.
Take this situation: comparison with a primitive type VARBINARY and
a primitive type STRING.
Такое сравнение корректно, поскольку Tarantool знает, в каком порядке стоят значения X'41' и 'a' типа 'scalar' в Tarantool/NoSQL. В этом случае примитивный тип имеет значение.
Результат операции min/max над столбцом, определенным как SCALAR, тоже будет иметь тип SCALAR. Пользователям необходимо заранее знать примитивный тип результата. Пример:
Это возможно только с правилами Tarantool/NoSQL для типа scalar. Однако вызов SELECTSUM(s2) не будет допустим: суммирование в этом случае потребует неявного приведения VARBINARY к числовому значению, что неразумно.
The result data type of a primitive combination is sometimes SCALAR although Tarantool
in effect uses the primitive data type not the defined data type.
(Here the word «combination» is used in the way that the standard document
uses it for section «Result of data type combinations».) Therefore for
greatest(1E308,'a',0,X'00') the result is X’00“ but
typeof(greatest(1E308,'a',0,X'00') is „scalar“.
Объединение двух значений типа SCALAR иногда представляется примитивным типом. Например, SELECTTYPEOF((SELECTCAST('a'ASSCALAR)UNIONSELECTCAST('a'ASSCALAR))); вернет 'string'.
Column definition – relation to NoSQL
All of the SQL data types except SCALAR correspond to
Tarantool/NoSQL types with the same name.
For example an SQL STRING is stored in a NoSQL space as type = „string“.
Therefore specifying an SQL data type X determines that the storage will be
in a space with a format column saying that the NoSQL type is „x“.
The rules for that NoSQL type are applicable to the SQL data type.
If two items have SQL data types that have the same underlying type, then they
are compatible for all assignment or comparison purposes.
If two items have SQL data types that have different underlying types, then the
rules for explicit casts, or implicit (assignment) casts, or implicit (comparison)
casts, apply.
Существует одно значение с плавающей точкой, которое не обрабатывается SQL: -NaN воспринимается как NULL, хотя его тип данных — 'double'.
Before Tarantool v. 2.10.0, there were also some Tarantool/NoSQL data types which had no corresponding
SQL data types. For example, SELECT"flags"FROM"_vspace"; would return
a column whose SQL data type is VARBINARY rather than MAP. Such columns can only be manipulated in SQL
by invoking Lua functions.
Column definition – column-constraint or default clause
The column-constraint or default clause may be as follows:
means «it is illegal to assign a NULL to this column»
«if INSERT does not assign to this column
then assign expression result to this column» –
if there is no DEFAULT clause then DEFAULT NULL
is assumed
If column-constraint is PRIMARY KEY, this is a shorthand for a separate
table-constraint definition: «PRIMARY KEY (column-name)».
If column-constraint is UNIQUE, this is a shorthand for a separate
table-constraint definition: «UNIQUE (column-name)».
If column-constraint is CHECK, this is a shorthand for a separate
table-constraint definition: «CHECK (expression)».
Columns defined with PRIMARY KEY are automatically NOT NULL.
To enforce some restrictions that Tarantool does not enforce automatically,
add CHECK clauses, like these:
These are shown within CREATE TABLE statements.
Data types may also appear in CAST functions.
-- the simple form with column-name and data-typeCREATETABLEt(column1INTEGER...);-- with column-name and data-type and column-constraintCREATETABLEt(column1STRINGPRIMARYKEY...);-- with column-name and data-type and collate-clauseCREATETABLEt(column1SCALARCOLLATE"unicode"...);
-- with all possible data types and aliasesCREATETABLEt(column1BOOLEAN,column2BOOL,column3INTPRIMARYKEY,column4INTEGER,column5DOUBLE,column6NUMBER,column7STRING,column8STRINGCOLLATE"unicode",column9TEXT,columnaTEXTCOLLATE"unicode_sv_s1",columnbVARCHAR(0),columncVARCHAR(100000)COLLATE"binary",columndUUID,columneVARBINARY,columnfSCALAR,columngSCALARCOLLATE"unicode_uk_s2",columnhDECIMAL,columniARRAY,columnjMAP,columnkANY);
-- with all possible column constraints and a default clauseCREATETABLEt(column1INTEGERNOTNULL,column2INTEGERPRIMARYKEY,column3INTEGERUNIQUE,column4INTEGERCHECK(column3>column2),column5INTEGERREFERENCESt,column6INTEGERDEFAULTNULL);
Table constraint definition
A table constraint restricts the data you can add to the table.
If you try to insert invalid data on a column, Tarantool throws an error.
Define a constraint, which is a table element used in a CREATE TABLE statement.
A constraint name must be an identifier that is valid according to the rules for identifiers.
A constraint name must be unique within the table for a specific constraint type.
For example, the CHECK and FOREIGN KEY constraints can have the same name.
PRIMARY KEY constraints
PRIMARY KEY constraints look like this:
There is a shorthand: specifying PRIMARY KEY in a column definition.
Every table must have one and only one primary key.
Primary-key columns are automatically NOTNULL.
Primary-key columns are automatically indexed.
Primary-key columns are unique. That means it is illegal to have two rows with the same values for the columns specified in the constraint.
Example 1: one-column primary key
Create an author table with the id primary key column:
On an attempt to add an author with the existing id, the following error is raised:
INSERTINTOauthorVALUES(2,'Alexander Pushkin');/*- Duplicate key exists in unique index "pk_unnamed_author_1" in space "author" with old tuple - [2, "Fyodor Dostoevsky"] and new tuple - [2, "Alexander Pushkin"]*/
Example 2: two-column primary key
Create a book table with the primary key defined on two columns:
INSERTINTObookVALUES(1,'War and Peace'),(2,'Crime and Punishment');
On an attempt to add the existing book, the following error is raised:
INSERTINTObookVALUES(2,'Crime and Punishment');/*- Duplicate key exists in unique index "pk_unnamed_book_1" in space "BOOK" with old tuple - [2, "Crime and Punishment"] and new tuple - [2, "Crime and Punishment"]*/
PRIMARY KEY with the AUTOINCREMENT modifier may be specified in one of two ways:
In a column definition after the words PRIMARY KEY, as in CREATETABLEt(cINTEGERPRIMARYKEYAUTOINCREMENT);
In a PRIMARY KEY (column-list) after a column name, as in CREATETABLEt(cINTEGER,PRIMARYKEY(cAUTOINCREMENT));
When AUTOINCREMENT is specified, the column must be a primary-key column and it must be INTEGER or UNSIGNED.
Only one column in the table may be autoincrement.
However, it is legal to say PRIMARYKEY(a,b,cAUTOINCREMENT) – in that case, there
are three columns in the primary key but only the third column (c) is AUTOINCREMENT.
As the name suggests, values in an autoincrement column are automatically incremented.
That is: if a user inserts NULL in the column, then the stored value will be the smallest
non-negative integer that has not already been used.
This occurs because autoincrement columns are associated with sequences.
On an attempt to add an author with the same name, the following error is raised:
INSERTINTOauthorVALUES(3,'Leo Tolstoy');/*- Duplicate key exists in unique index "unique_unnamed_author_2" in space "author" with old tuple - [1, "Leo Tolstoy"] and new tuple - [3, "Leo Tolstoy"]*/
Example 2: two-column unique constraint
Create a book table with the unique constraint defined on two columns:
INSERTINTObookVALUES(1,'War and Peace',1),(2,'Crime and Punishment',2);
On an attempt to add a book with duplicated values, the following error is raised:
INSERTINTObookVALUES(3,'War and Peace',1);/*- Duplicate key exists in unique index "unique_unnamed_book_2" in space "book" with old tuple - [1, "War and Peace", 1] and new tuple - [3, "War and Peace", 1]*/
CHECK constraints
The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that a column can store.
CHECK constraints look like this:
The expression may be anything that returns a BOOLEAN result = TRUE or FALSE or UNKNOWN.
The expression may not contain a subquery.
If the expression contains a column name, the column must exist in the table.
If a CHECK constraint is specified, the table must not contain rows where the expression is FALSE.
(The table may contain rows where the expression is either TRUE or UNKNOWN.)
Constraint checking may be stopped with ALTER TABLE … DISABLE CHECK CONSTRAINT
Create an author table with the name column that should contain values longer than 4 characters:
On an attempt to add an author with a name shorter than 5 characters, the following error is raised:
INSERTINTOauthorVALUES(3,'Alex');/*- Check constraint 'check_name_length' failed for a tuple*/
Table constraint definition for foreign keys
A foreign key is a constraint that can be used to enforce data integrity across related tables.
A foreign key constraint is defined on the child table that references the parent table’s column values.
Since 2.11.0, the following referencing options aren’t supported anymore:
The ONUPDATE and ONDELETE triggers. The RESTRICT trigger action is used implicitly.
The MATCH subclause. MATCHFULL is used implicitly.
DEFERRABLE constraints. The INITIALLYIMMEDIATE constraint check time rule is used implicitly.
Note that a referenced column should meet one of the following requirements:
A referenced column is a PRIMARY KEY column.
A referenced column has a UNIQUE constraint.
A referenced column has a UNIQUE index.
Note that before the 2.11.0 version, an index existence for the referenced columns is checked when creating a constraint (for example, using CREATETABLE or ALTERTABLE).
Starting with 2.11.0, this check is weakened and the existence of an index is checked during data insertion.
This example shows how to create a relation between the parent and child tables through a single-column foreign key:
INSERTINTObookVALUES(1,'War and Peace',1),(2,'Crime and Punishment',2);
Check how the created foreign key constraint enforces data integrity.
The following error is raised on an attempt to insert a new book with the author_id value that doesn’t exist in the parent author table:
INSERTINTObookVALUES(3,'Eugene Onegin',3);/*- 'Foreign key constraint ''fk_unnamed_book_1'' failed: foreign tuple was not found'*/
On an attempt to delete an author that already has books in the book table, the following error is raised:
DELETEFROMauthorWHEREid=2;/*- 'Foreign key ''fk_unnamed_book_1'' integrity check failed: tuple is referenced'*/
Drop a table.
The table-name must identify a table that was created earlier with the
CREATE TABLE statement.
If there is a view that references the table, the drop will fail.
Please drop the referencing view with DROP VIEW first.
If there is a foreign key that references the table, the drop will fail.
Please drop the referencing constraint with
Tarantool returns an error if the table does not exist and there is no IFEXISTS clause.
The table and all its data are dropped.
All indexes for the table are dropped.
All triggers for the table are dropped.
Usually Tarantool effectively executes a COMMIT statement.
-- the simple case:DROPTABLEt31;-- with an IF EXISTS clause:DROPTABLEIFEXISTSt31;
The index-name must be valid according to the rules for identifiers.
The table-name must refer to an existing table.
The column-list must be a comma-separated list of names of columns in the
There must not already be, for the same table, an index with the same name as
But there may already be, for a different table, an index with the same name as
The maximum number of indexes per table is 128.
Tarantool will throw an error if a rule is violated.
If the new index is UNIQUE, Tarantool will throw an error if any row exists
with columns that have duplicate values.
Tarantool will create a new index.
Usually Tarantool effectively executes a COMMIT statement.
Automatic indexes:
Indexes may be created automatically for columns mentioned in the PRIMARY KEY
or UNIQUE clauses of a CREATE TABLE statement.
If an index was created automatically, then the index-name has four parts:
pk if this is for a PRIMARY KEY clause, unique if this is for
a UNIQUE clause;
the name of the table;
_ and an ordinal number; the first index is 1, the second index is 2,
and so on.
there are two indexes named pk_unnamed_T_1 and unique_unnamed_T_2.
You can confirm this by saying SELECT*FROM"_index"; which will list all
indexes on all tables.
There is no need to say CREATEINDEX for columns that already have
automatic indexes.
-- the simple caseCREATEINDEXidx_column1_t_1ONt(column1);-- with IF NOT EXISTS clauseCREATEINDEXIFNOTEXISTSidx_column1_t_1ONt(column1);-- with UNIQUE specifier and more than one columnCREATEUNIQUEINDEXidx_unnamed_t_1ONt(column1,column2);
Dropping an automatic index created for a unique constraint will drop
the unique constraint as well.
The index-name must be the name of an existing index, which was created with
Or, the index-name must be the name of an index that was created automatically
due to a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.
To see what a table’s indexes are, use PRAGMA index_list(table-name);.
Rules: none
Tarantool throws an error if the index does not exist, or is an automatically
created index.
Tarantool will drop the index.
Usually Tarantool effectively executes a COMMIT statement.
-- the simplest form:DROPINDEXidx_unnamed_t_1ONt;
CREATETRIGGER[IFNOTEXISTS]trigger-name BEFORE|AFTER|INSTEADOF DELETE|INSERT|UPDATEONtable-name FOREACHROW [WHENsearch-condition] BEGIN delete-statement|insert-statement|replace-statement|select-statement|update-statement; [delete-statement|insert-statement|replace-statement|select-statement|update-statement;...] END;
The trigger-name must be valid according to the rules for identifiers.
If the trigger action time is BEFORE or AFTER, then the table-name must refer
to an existing base table.
If the trigger action time is INSTEAD OF, then the table-name must refer to an
existing view.
There must not already be a trigger with the same name as trigger-name.
Triggers on different tables or views share the same namespace.
The statements between BEGIN and END should not refer to the table-name
mentioned in the ON clause.
The statements between BEGIN and END should not contain an
INDEXED BY clause.
SQL triggers are not activated by Tarantool/NoSQL requests.
This will change in a future version.
On a replica, effects of trigger execution are applied, and the SQL triggers
themselves are not activated upon replication events.
NoSQL triggers are activated both on replica and master, thus if you have a
NoSQL trigger on a replica, it is activated when applying effects of an SQL trigger.
Tarantool will throw an error if a rule is violated.
Tarantool will create a new trigger.
Usually Tarantool effectively executes a COMMIT statement.
Trigger extra clauses
After BEFORE|AFTER UPDATE it is optional to add OFcolumn-list.
If any of the columns in column-list is affected at the time the row is
processed, then the trigger will be activated for that row. For example:
CREATETRIGGERtable1_before_updateBEFOREUPDATEOFcolumn1,column2ONtable1FOREACHROWBEGINUPDATEtable2SETcolumn1=column1+1;END;UPDATEtable1SETcolumn3=column3+1;-- Trigger will not be activatedUPDATEtable1SETcolumn2=column2+0;-- Trigger will be activated
After table-name FOR EACH ROW it is optional to add [WHENexpression].
If the expression is true at the time the row is processed, only then will the
trigger will be activated for that row. For example:
At the beginning of the UPDATE for the single row of table1, the value in
column1 is „old value“ – so that is what is seen as old.column1.
At the end of the UPDATE for the single row of table1, the value in
column1 is „new value“ – so that is what is seen as new.column1.
(OLD and NEW are qualifiers for table1, not table2.)
OLD.column-name does not exist for an INSERT trigger.
NEW.column-name does not exist for a DELETE trigger.
OLD and NEW are read-only; you cannot change their values.
Deprecated or illegal statements:
It is illegal for the trigger action to include a qualified column reference
other than OLD.column-name or NEW.column-name. For example,
is illegal.
It is illegal for the trigger action to include statements that include a
WITH clause,
a DEFAULT VALUES clause, or an INDEXED BY clause.
It is usually not a good idea to have a trigger on table1 which causes
a change on table2, and at the same time have a trigger on table2
which causes a change on table1. For example:
Luckily UPDATEtable1... will not cause an infinite loop, because
Tarantool recognizes when it has already updated so it will stop.
However, not every DBMS acts this way.
Trigger activation
These are remarks concerning trigger activation.
Standard terminology:
«trigger action time» = BEFORE or AFTER or INSTEAD OF
«trigger event» = INSERT or DELETE or UPDATE
«triggered when clause» = WHEN search-condition
«activate» = execute a triggered statement
some vendors use the word «fire» instead of «activate»
If there is more than one trigger for the same trigger event, Tarantool may
execute the triggers in any order.
It is possible for a triggered statement to cause activation of another
triggered statement. For example, this is legal:
Activation occurs FOR EACH ROW, not FOR EACH STATEMENT. Therefore, if no rows
are candidates for insert or update or delete, then no triggers are activated.
The BEFORE trigger is activated even if the trigger event fails.
If an UPDATE trigger event does not make a change, the trigger is activated
anyway. For example, if row 1 column1 contains 'a', and the trigger event
is UPDATE...SETcolumn1='a';, the trigger is activated.
The triggered statement may refer to a function:
If a triggered statement invokes a RAISE(FAIL,error-message) function, or
if a triggered statement causes an error, then statement execution stops
The triggered statement may refer to column values within the rows being changed.
in this case:
The row «as of before» the change is called the «old» row (which makes sense
only for UPDATE and DELETE statements).
The row «as of after» the change is called the «new» row (which makes sense
only for UPDATE and INSERT statements).
This example shows how an INSERT can be done to a view by referring to the
«new» row:
Ordinarily saying INSERTINTOview_name... is illegal in Tarantool,
so this is a workaround.
It is possible to generalize this so that all data-change statements
on views will change the base tables, provided that the view contains
all the columns of the base table, and provided that the triggers
refer to those columns when necessary, as in this example:
When INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE occurs for table X, Tarantool usually
operates in this order (a basic scheme):
For each row
Perform constraint checks
For each BEFORE trigger that refers to table X
Check that the trigger's WHEN condition is true.
Execute what is in the triggered statement.
Insert or update or delete the row in table X.
Perform more constraint checks
For each AFTER trigger that refers to table X
Check that the trigger's WHEN condition is true.
Execute what is in the triggered statement.
However, Tarantool does not guarantee execution order when there are multiple
constraints, or multiple triggers for the same event (including NoSQL
on_replace triggers
or SQL
INSTEAD OF triggers that affect a view of table
The maximum number of trigger activations per statement is 32.
INSTEAD OF triggers
A trigger which is created with the clause INSTEADOFINSERT|UPDATE|DELETEONview-name
is an INSTEAD OF trigger. For each affected row, the trigger action is performed
«instead of» the INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE statement that causes trigger
For example, ordinarily it is illegal to INSERT rows in a view, but it is legal
to create a trigger which intercepts attempts to INSERT, and puts rows in the
underlying base table:
CREATETABLEt1(column1INTEGERPRIMARYKEY,column2INTEGER);CREATEVIEWv1ASSELECTcolumn1,column2FROMt1;CREATETRIGGERv1_instead_ofINSTEADOFINSERTONv1FOREACHROWBEGININSERTINTOt1VALUES(NEW.column1,NEW.column2);END;INSERTINTOv1VALUES(1,1);-- ... The result will be: table t1 will contain a new row.
INSTEAD OF triggers are only legal for views, while
BEFORE or AFTER triggers are only legal for base tables.
It is legal to create INSTEAD OF triggers with triggered WHEN clauses.
It is legal to create INSTEAD OF triggers with UPDATE OF column-list clauses,
but they are not standard SQL.
The table-name must be a name of a table defined earlier with CREATE TABLE.
The optional column-list must be a comma-separated list of names of columns
in the table.
The expression-list must be a comma-separated list of expressions; each
expression may contain literals and operators and subqueries and function invocations.
The values in the expression-list are evaluated from left to right.
The order of the values in the expression-list must correspond to the order
of the columns in the table, or (if a column-list is specified) to the order
of the columns in the column-list.
The data type of the value should correspond to the
data type of the column,
that is, the data type that was specified with CREATE TABLE.
If a column-list is not specified, then the number of expressions must be
the same as the number of columns in the table.
If a column-list is specified, then some columns may be omitted; omitted
columns will get default values.
The parenthesized expression-list may be repeated –
(expression-list),(expression-list),... – for multiple rows.
Tarantool evaluates each expression in expression-list, and returns an
error if any of the rules is violated.
Tarantool creates zero or more new rows containing values based on the values
in the VALUES list or based on the results of the select-expression or
based on the default values.
Tarantool executes constraint checks and trigger actions and the actual insertion.
-- the simplest form:INSERTINTOtable1VALUES(1,'A');-- with a column list:INSERTINTOtable1(column1,column2)VALUES(2,'B');-- with an arithmetic operator in the first expression:INSERTINTOtable1VALUES(2+1,'C');-- put two rows in the table:INSERTINTOtable1VALUES(4,'D'),(5,'E');
The column-name must be an updatable column in the table.
The expression may contain literals and operators and subqueries and function
invocations and column names.
The values in the SET clause are evaluated from left to right.
The data type of the value should correspond to the
data type of the column,
that is, the data type that was specified with CREATE TABLE.
If a search-condition is not specified, then all rows in the table will be
updated; otherwise only those rows which match the search-condition will be
Tarantool evaluates each expression in the SET clause, and returns an error
if any of the rules is violated.
For each row that is found by the WHERE clause, a temporary new row is formed
based on the original contents and the modifications caused by the SET clause.
Tarantool executes constraint checks and trigger actions and the actual update.
-- the simplest form:UPDATEtSETcolumn1=1;-- with more than one assignment in the SET clause:UPDATEtSETcolumn1=1,column2=2;-- with a WHERE clause:UPDATEtSETcolumn1=5WHEREcolumn2=6;
Special cases:
It is legal to say SET (list of columns) = (list of values). For example:
It is not legal to assign to a column more than once. For example:
The search-condition may contain literals and operators and subqueries and
function invocations and column names.
If a search-condition is not specified, then all rows in the table will be
deleted; otherwise only those rows which match the search-condition will be
Tarantool evaluates each expression in the search-condition, and returns
an error if any of the rules is violated.
Tarantool finds the set of rows that are to be deleted.
Tarantool executes constraint checks and trigger actions and the actual deletion.
-- the simplest form:DELETEFROMt;-- with a WHERE clause:DELETEFROMtWHEREcolumn2=6;
Insert one or more new rows into a table, or update existing rows.
If a row already exists (as determined by the primary key or any unique key),
then the action is delete + insert, and the rules are the same as for a
DELETE statement followed by an INSERT statement.
Otherwise the action is insert, and the rules are the same as for the
INSERT statement.
-- the simplest form:REPLACEINTOtable1VALUES(1,'A');-- with a column list:REPLACEINTOtable1(column1,column2)VALUES(2,'B');-- with an arithmetic operator in the first expression:REPLACEINTOtable1VALUES(2+1,'C');-- put two rows in the table:REPLACEINTOtable1VALUES(4,'D'),(5,'E');
The clauses of the SELECT statement are discussed in the following five sections.
Select list
Define what will be in a result set; this is a clause in a SELECT statement.
The select list is a comma-delimited list of expressions, or * (asterisk).
An expression can have an alias provided with an [[AS]column-name] clause.
The * «asterisk» shorthand is valid if and only if the SELECT statement also
contains a FROM clause which specifies the table or tables
(details about the FROM clause are in the next section). The simple form is
which means «all columns» – for example, if the select is done for a table
which contains three columns s1s2s3, then SELECT*...
is equivalent to SELECTs1,s2,s3....
The qualified form is table-name.* which means «all columns in the specified
table», which again must be a result of the FROM clause – for example, if the
table is named table1, then table1.* is equivalent to a list of the
columns of table1.
The [[AS]column-name] clause determines the column name.
The column name is useful for two reasons:
in a tabular display, the column names are the headings
if the results of the SELECT are used when creating a new table (such as a view),
the column names in the new table will be the column names in the select list.
If [[AS]column-name] is missing, and the expression is not simply
the name of a column in the table, then Tarantool makes a name
COLUMN_n where n is the number of the non-simple
expression within the select list, for example
will cause the column names to be COLUMN_1, X, COLUMN_2.
This is a behavior change since version 2.5.1.
In earlier versions, the name would be equal to the expression;
see Issue#3962.
It is still legal to define tables with column names like COLUMN_1 but not recommended.
-- the simple form:SELECT5;-- with multiple expressions including operators:SELECT1,2*2,'Three'||'Four';-- with [[AS] column-name] clause:SELECT5AScolumn1;-- * which must be eventually followed by a FROM clause:SELECT*FROMtable1;-- as a list:SELECT1ASa,2ASb,table1.*FROMtable1;
FROM clause
Specify the table or tables for the source of a SELECT statement.
The table-reference must be a name of an existing table, or a subquery, or
a joined table.
Parentheses are allowed, and [[AS]correlation-name] is allowed.
The maximum number of joins in a FROM clause is 64.
The SEQSCAN keyword (since 2.11) marks the queries that
perform sequential scans during the execution. It happens if the query can’t use indexes,
and goes through all the table rows one by one, sometimes causing a heavy load.
Such queries are called scan queries. If a scan query doesn’t have the
SEQSCAN keyword, Tarantool raises an error. SEQSCAN must precede all
names of the tables that the query scans.
To find out if a query performs a sequential scan, use EXPLAINQUERYPLAN.
For scan queries, the result contains SCANTABLEtable_name.
For backward compatibility, the scan queries without the SEQSCAN keyword
are allowed in Tarantool 2.11. The errors on scan queries are the default
behavior starting from 3.0. You can change the default behavior of scan queries
using the compat option sql_seq_scan.
-- the simplest form:SELECT*FROMSEQSCANt;-- with two tables, making a Cartesian join:SELECT*FROMSEQSCANt1,SEQSCANt2;-- with one table joined to itself, requiring correlation names:SELECTa.*,b.*FROMSEQSCANt1ASa,SEQSCANt1ASb;-- with a left outer join:SELECT*FROMSEQSCANt1LEFTJOINSEQSCANt2;
WHERE clause
Specify the condition for filtering rows from a table; this is a clause in
a SELECT or UPDATE or DELETE statement.
The condition may contain any expression that returns a BOOLEAN
(TRUE or FALSE or UNKNOWN) value.
For each row in the table:
if the condition is true, then the row is kept;
if the condition is false or unknown, then the row is ignored.
In effect, WHERE condition takes a table with n rows and returns a table with
n or fewer rows.
-- with a simple condition:SELECT1FROMtWHEREcolumn1=5;-- with a condition that contains AND and OR and parentheses:SELECT1FROMtWHEREcolumn1=5AND(x>1ORy<1);
The expressions should be column names in the table, and each column should be
specified only once.
In effect, the GROUP BY clause takes a table with rows that may have matching values,
combines rows that have matching values into single rows,
and returns a table which, because it is the result of GROUP BY,
is called a grouped table.
Thus, if the input is a table:
a b c
- - -
1 'a' 'b
1 'b' 'b'
2 'a' 'b'
3 'a' 'b'
1 'b' 'b'
then GROUPBYa,b will produce a grouped table:
a b c
- - -
1 'a' 'b'
1 'b' 'b'
2 'a' 'b'
3 'a' 'b'
The rows where column a and column b have the same value have been
merged; column c has been preserved but its value should not be depended
on – if the rows were not all „b“, Tarantool could pick any value.
It is useful to envisage a grouped table as having hidden extra columns for
the aggregation of the values, for example:
-- with a single column:SELECT1FROMtGROUPBYcolumn1;-- with two columns:SELECT1FROMtGROUPBYcolumn1,column2;
SELECTs1,s2FROMtGROUPBYs1; is legal.
SELECTs1FROMtGROUPby1; is legal.
Aggregate functions
Apply a built-in aggregate function to one or more expressions and return
a scalar value.
Aggregate functions are only legal in certain clauses
of a SELECT statement for grouped tables. (A table is a grouped
table if a GROUP BY clause is present.) Also, if
an aggregate function is used in a select list and the
GROUP BY clause is omitted, then Tarantool assumes
NULLs are ignored for all aggregate functions except COUNT(*).
Return the average value of expression.
Example: AVG(column1)
Return the number of occurrences of expression.
Example: COUNT(column1)
Return the number of occurrences of a row.
Example: COUNT(*)
GROUP_CONCAT(expression-1[,expression-2]) or GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCTexpression-1)
Return a list of expression-1 values, separated
by commas if expression-2 is omitted, or separated
by the expression-2 value if expression-2 is not omitted.
Example: GROUP_CONCAT(column1)
Return the maximum value of expression.
Example: MAX(column1)
Return the minimum value of expression.
Example: MIN(column1)
Возвращает сумму значений выражения или NULL, если строк не было.
Example: SUM(column1)
Возвращает сумму значений выражения или ноль, если строк не было.
Example: TOTAL(column1)
HAVING clause
Specify the condition for filtering rows from a grouped table;
this is a clause in a SELECT statement.
The clause preceding the HAVING clause may be a GROUP BY clause.
HAVING operates on the table that the GROUP BY produces,
which may contain grouped columns and aggregates.
If the preceding clause is not a GROUP BY clause,
then there is only one group and the HAVING clause may only contain
aggregate functions or literals.
For each row in the table:
if the condition is true, then the row is kept;
if the condition is false or unknown, then the row is ignored.
In effect, HAVING condition takes a table with n rows and returns a table
with n or fewer rows.
-- with a simple condition:SELECT1FROMtGROUPBYcolumn1HAVINGcolumn2>5;-- with a more complicated condition:SELECT1FROMtGROUPBYcolumn1HAVINGcolumn2>5ORcolumn2<5;-- with an aggregate:SELECTx,SUM(y)FROMtGROUPBYxHAVINGSUM(y)>0;-- with no GROUP BY and an aggregate:SELECTSUM(y)FROMtGROUPBYxHAVINGMIN(y)<MAX(y);
HAVING without GROUP BY is not supported for multiple tables.
An ORDER BY expression has one of three types which are checked in order:
Expression is a positive integer, representing the ordinal position of the
column in the select list. For example, in the statement SELECTx,y,zFROMtORDERBY2; ORDERBY2 means «order by the second column in the select list»,
which is y.
Expression is a name of a column in the select list, which is determined
by an AS clause. For example, in the statement SELECTx,yASx,zFROMtORDERBYx; ORDERBYx means «order by the column explicitly named x in the
select list», which is the second column.
Expression contains a name of a column in a table of the FROM clause.
For example, in the statement SELECTx,yFROMt1JOINt2ORDERBYz; ORDERBYz means «order by a column named z which is expected to be
in table t1 or table t2».
If both tables contain a column named z, then Tarantool will choose
the first column that it finds.
Выражение может содержать операторы и имена функций, а также конкретные значения. Например, в инструкции SELECTx,yFROMtORDERBYUPPER(z); часть ORDERBYUPPER(z) означает «упорядочить по значениям столбца t.z, представленным в заглавном регистре». Вероятно, эта операция аналогична упорядочиванию с помощью одной из нечувствительных к регистру сортировок Tarantool.
If an ORDER BY clause contains multiple expressions, then expressions on the
left are processed first and expressions on the right are processed only if
necessary for tie-breaking.
For example, in the statement SELECTx,yFROMtORDERBYx,y;
if there are two rows which both have the same values for column x,
then an additional check is made to see which row has a greater value
for column y.
In effect, ORDER BY clause takes a table with rows that may be out of order,
and returns a table with rows in order.
Sorting order:
The default order is ASC (ascending), the optional order is DESC (descending).
Первыми идут значения NULL, затем значения типа BOOLEAN, числовые значения, STRING, VARBINARY и, наконец, UUID.
Ordering does not matter for ARRAYs or MAPs or ANYs because they are not legal for comparisons.
Within STRINGs, ordering is according to collation.
Collation may be specified with a COLLATE clause within the ORDER BY column-list, or may be default.
-- with a single column:SELECT1FROMtORDERBYcolumn1;-- with two columns:SELECT1FROMtORDERBYcolumn1,column2;-- with a variety of data:CREATETABLEh(s1NUMBERPRIMARYKEY,s2SCALAR);INSERTINTOhVALUES(7,'A'),(4,'a'),(-4,'AZ'),(17,17),(23,NULL);INSERTINTOhVALUES(17.5,'Д'),(1e+300,'A'),(0,''),(-1,'');SELECT*FROMhORDERBYs2COLLATE"unicode_ci",s1;-- The result of the above SELECT will be:--[23,null]-[17,17]-[-1,'']-[0,'']-[4,'a']-[7,'A']-[1e+300,'A']-[-4,'AZ']-[17.5,'Д']...
ORDER BY 1 is legal. This is common but is not standard SQL nowadays.
LIMIT clause
The above is not a typo: offset-expression and limit-expression are
in reverse order if a comma is used.
Specify a maximum number of rows and a start row; this is a clause in
a SELECT statement.
Expressions may contain integers and arithmetic operators or functions,
for example ABS(-3/1).
However, the result must be an integer value greater than or equal to zero.
Usually the LIMIT clause follows an ORDER BY clause, because otherwise
Tarantool does not guarantee that rows are in order.
-- simple case:SELECT*FROMtLIMIT3;-- both limit and order:SELECT*FROMtLIMIT3OFFSET1;-- applied to a UNIONed result (LIMIT clause must be the final clause):SELECTcolumn1FROMtable1UNIONSELECTcolumn1FROMtable2ORDERBY1LIMIT1;
If ORDER BY … LIMIT is used, then all order-by columns must be
ASC or all must be DESC.
The SELECT and VALUES statements are called «queries» because they
return answers, in the form of result sets.
Subqueries may be the second part of INSERT statements. For example:
Subqueries may be in the FROM clause of SELECT statements.
Subqueries may be expressions, or be inside expressions.
In this case they must be parenthesized, and usually the number of rows
must be 1. For example:
Subqueries may be expressions on the right side of certain comparison operators,
and in this unusual case the number of rows may be greater than 1.
The comparison operators are: [NOT] EXISTS and [NOT] IN. For example:
Subqueries may refer to values in the outer query.
In this case, the subquery is called a «correlated subquery».
Subqueries may refer to rows which are being updated or deleted by the main query.
In that case, the subquery finds the matching rows first, before starting to
update or delete. For example, after:
WITH can only be used at the beginning of a statement, therefore it cannot
be used at the beginning of a subquery or after a set operator or inside
a CREATE statement.
A WITH-clause «view» is read-only because Tarantool does not support
updatable views.
WITH RECURSIVE clause (iterative common table expression)
The real power of WITH lies in the WITH RECURSIVE clause, which is useful when
it is combined with UNION or UNION ALL:
In non-SQL this can be read as: starting with a seed value from
a non-recursive table, produce a recursive viewed table, UNION that with itself,
UNION that with itself, UNION that with itself … forever, or until a condition
in the WHERE clause says «stop».
First, table w is seeded from t1, so it has one row: [1].
Then, UNIONALL(SELECTs1+1FROMw) takes the row from w – which
contains [1] – adds 1 because the select list says «s1+1», and so it has
one row: [2].
Then, UNIONALL(SELECTs1+1FROMw) takes the row from w – which
contains [2] – adds 1 because the select list says «s1+1», and so it has
one row: [3].
Then, UNIONALL(SELECTs1+1FROMw) takes the row from w – which
contains [3] – adds 1 because the select list says «s1+1», and so it has
one row: [4].
Then, UNIONALL(SELECTs1+1FROMw) takes the row from w – which
contains [4] – and now the importance of the WHERE clause becomes evident,
because «s1 < 4» is false for this row, and therefore the
«stop» condition has been reached.
So, before the «stop», table w got 4 rows – [1], [2], [3], [4] – and
the result of the statement looks like:
The UNION query returns 4 rows: NULL, „A“, „B“, „C“.
The UNION ALL query returns 6 rows: NULL, NULL, „A“, „A“, „B“, „C“.
The EXCEPT query returns 1 row: „B“.
The INTERSECT query returns 2 rows: NULL, „A“.
Parentheses are not allowed.
Evaluation is left to right, INTERSECT does not have precedence.
The INDEXED BY clause may be used in a
SELECT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement,
immediately after the table-name. For example:
In this case the search for „a“ will take place within index7. For example:
In this case the search for „a“ will be done via a search of the whole table,
what is sometimes called a «full table scan», even if there is an index for
Ordinarily Tarantool chooses the appropriate index or lookup method depending
on a complex set of «optimizer» rules; the INDEXED BY clause overrides the
optimizer choice. If the index was defined with the
exclude_null parts option,
it will only be used if the user specifies it.
Suppose a table has two columns:
The first column is the primary key and
therefore it has an automatic index named pk_unnamed_T_1.
The second column has an index created by the user.
The user selects with INDEXEDBYthe-index-on-column1,
then selects with INDEXEDBYthe-index-on-column-2.
CREATETABLEt(column1INTEGERPRIMARYKEY,column2INTEGER);CREATEINDEXidx_column2_t_1ONt(column2);INSERTINTOtVALUES(1,2),(2,1);SELECT*FROMtINDEXEDBY"pk_unnamed_T_1";SELECT*FROMtINDEXEDBYidx_column2_t_1;-- Result for the first select: (1, 2), (2, 1)-- Result for the second select: (2, 1), (1, 2).
Often INDEXED BY has no effect.
Often INDEXED BY affects a choice of covering index, but not a WHERE clause.
VALUES has the same effect as SELECT, that is, it returns a result set,
but VALUES statements may not have FROM or GROUP or ORDER BY or LIMIT clauses.
VALUES may be used wherever SELECT may be used, for example in subqueries.
-- simple case:VALUES(1);-- equivalent to SELECT 1, 2, 3:VALUES(1,2,3);-- two rows:VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6);
or PRAGMApragma-name;
PRAGMA statements will give rudimentary information about database „metadata“ or
server performance,
although it is better to get metadata via system tables.
For PRAGMA statements that include (pragma-value),
pragma values are strings and can be specified inside "" double quotes,
or without quotes.
When a string is used for searching, results must match according to a
binary collation. If the object being searched has a lower-case name,
use double quotes.
In an earlier version, there were some PRAGMA statements that determined behavior.
Now that does not happen. Behavior change is done by updating the
box.space._session_settings system table.
string table-name
Return a
result set
with one row for each foreign key of
«table-name». Each row contains:
(INTEGER) id – identification number
(INTEGER) seq – sequential number
(STRING) table – name of table
(STRING) from – referencing key
(STRING) to – referenced key
(STRING) on_update – ON UPDATE clause
(STRING) on_delete – ON DELETE clause
(STRING) match – MATCH clause
The system table is "_fk_constraint".
Return a result set with one row for each
supported collation. The first four collations
are 'none' and 'unicode' and
'unicode_ci' and 'binary', then come
about 270 predefined collations, the exact
count may vary because users can add their
own collations.
The system table is "_collation".
string table-name . index-name
Return a result set with one row for each
column in «table-name.index-name».
Each row contains:
(INTEGER) seqno – the column’s ordinal
position in the index (first column is 0)
(INTEGER) cid – the column’s ordinal
position in the table (first column is 0)
(STRING) name – name of the column
(INTEGER) desc – 0 is ASC, 1 is DESC
(STRING) collation name
(STRING) type – data type
string table-name
Return a result set
with one row for each index of «table-name».
Each row contains:
(INTEGER) seq – sequential number
(STRING) name – index name
(INTEGER) unique – whether the index is
unique, 0 is false, 1 is true
The system table is "_index".
Return a result set with
one row for each index of each table.
Each row contains:
(STRING) table – name of the table
(STRING) index – name of the index
(INTEGER) width – arbitrary information
(INTEGER) height – arbitrary information
string table-name
Return a result set
with one row for each column
in «table-name». Each row contains:
(INTEGER) cid – ordinal position in the table
(first column number is 0)
(STRING) name – column name
(STRING) type
(INTEGER) notnull – whether the column is
NOT NULL, 0 is
false, 1 is true.
(STRING) dflt_value – default value
(INTEGER) pk – whether the column is
a PRIMARY KEY column, 0 is false, 1 is true.
EXPLAIN will show what steps Tarantool would take if it executed explainable-statement.
This is primarily a debugging and optimization aid for the Tarantool team.
Variation: EXPLAINQUERYPLANstatement; shows the steps of a search.
Statements for transactions
Start a transaction. After STARTTRANSACTION;, a transaction is «active».
If a transaction is already active, then STARTTRANSACTION; is illegal.
Transactions should be active for fairly short periods of time, to avoid
concurrency issues. To end a transaction, say COMMIT; or ROLLBACK;.
Just as in NoSQL, transaction control statements are subject to limitations
set by the storage engine involved:
* For the memtx storage engine, if a yield happens within an active transaction, the transaction is rolled back.
* For the vinyl engine, yields are allowed.
Also, although CREATE AND DROP and ALTER statements are legal in transactions,
there are a few exceptions. For example, CREATEINDEXONtable_name... will fail within a
multi-statement transaction if the table is not empty.
Однако инструкции управления транзакциями всё еще могут работать не так, как вы ожидаете при запуске через сетевое соединение: транзакция связана с файбером, а не с сетевым соединением, и разные инструкции управления транзакциями, отправленные через одно и то же сетевое соединение, могут быть выполнены разными файберами из пула файберов.
In order to ensure that all statements are part of the intended transaction,
put all of them between STARTTRANSACTION; and COMMIT; or ROLLBACK;
then send as a single batch. For example:
Enclose each separate SQL statement in a
box.execute() function.
Pass all the box.execute() functions to the server in a single message.
If you are using a console, you can do this by writing everything on a single
If you are using net.box, you can do this by putting
all the function calls in a single string and calling
Example of a whole transaction sent to a server on localhost:3301 with
net_box=require('net.box')conn=net_box.new('localhost',3301)s='box.execute([[START TRANSACTION;]]) 's=s..'box.execute([[INSERT INTO t VALUES (1);]]) 's=s..'box.execute([[ROLLBACK;]]) 'conn:eval(s)
Commit an active transaction, so all changes are made permanent
and the transaction ends.
COMMIT is illegal unless a transaction is active.
If a transaction is not active then SQL statements are committed automatically.
RELEASE is illegal unless a transaction is active.
Savepoints are released automatically when a transaction ends.
If ROLLBACK does not specify a savepoint-name,
rollback an active transaction, so all changes
since START TRANSACTION are cancelled,
and the transaction ends.
If ROLLBACK does specify a savepoint-name,
rollback an active transaction, so all changes
since SAVEPOINT savepoint-name are cancelled,
and the transaction does not end.
ROLLBACK is illegal unless a transaction is active.
-- the simple form:
-- the form so changes before a savepoint are not cancelled:
-- An example of a Lua function that will do a transaction-- containing savepoint and rollback to savepoint.functionf()box.execute([[DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t;]])-- commits automaticallybox.execute([[CREATE TABLE t (s1 STRING PRIMARY KEY);]])-- commits automaticallybox.execute([[START TRANSACTION;]])-- after this succeeds, a transaction is activebox.execute([[INSERT INTO t VALUES ('Data change #1');]])box.execute([[SAVEPOINT "1";]])box.execute([[INSERT INTO t VALUES ('Data change #2');]])box.execute([[ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT "1";]])-- rollback Data change #2box.execute([[ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT "1";]])-- this is legal but does nothingbox.execute([[COMMIT;]])-- make Data change #1 permanent, end the transactionend
Explanation of functions
Apply a built-in function to one or more expressions and return a scalar value.
Tarantool поддерживает 33 встроенные функции.
The maximum number of operands for any function is 127.
The required privileges for built-in functions will likely change in a future version.
List of functions
Ниже приведены встроенные функции Tarantool/SQL. Начиная с Tarantool 2.10 для функций, требующих числовые аргументы, аргументы с типом данных NUMBER недопустимы.
Return the absolute value of numeric-expression, which can be any numeric type.
Example: ABS(-1) is 1.
Return the expression value after casting to the specified
data type.
CAST в или из UUID может поменять порядок байтов на little-endian или обратно.
The DATE_PART() function returns the requested information from a DATETIME value.
It takes two arguments: the first one tells us what information is requested, the second is a DATETIME value.
Below is a list of supported values of the first argument and what information is returned:
millennium – millennium
century – century
decade – decade
year – year
quarter – quarter of year
month – month of year
week – week of year
day – day of month
dow – day of week
doy – day of year
hour – hour of day
minute – minute of hour
second – second of minute
millisecond – millisecond of second
microsecond – microsecond of second
nanosecond – nanosecond of second
epoch – epoch
timezone_offset – time zone offset from the UTC, in minutes.
Return the greatest value of the supplied expressions, or, if any expression
is NULL, return NULL.
The reverse of GREATEST is LEAST.
Examples: GREATEST(7,44,-1) is 44;
GREATEST(1E308,'a',0,X'00') is „0“ = the nul character;
Возвращает шестнадцатеричный код для каждого байта выражения expression.
Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10.0 выражение должно быть последовательностью байтов (тип данных VARBINARY).
В предыдущих версиях Tarantool выражение могло быть либо строкой, либо последовательностью байтов. Для символов ASCII оно выполнялось довольно прямолинейно, поскольку значение каждого символа в кодировке ASCII совпадает с его значением в шестнадцатеричной схеме. В случае с символами, не входящими в таблицу ASCII, для каждого символа потребуется два байта или более, поскольку строки символов обычно кодируются в UTF-8.
HEX(X'41') вернет 41.
Return the value of the first non-NULL expression, or, if both
expression values are NULL, return NULL. Thus
IFNULL(expression,expression) is the same as
COALESCE(expression, expression).
Return the least value of the supplied expressions, or, if any expression
is NULL, return NULL.
The reverse of LEAST is GREATEST.
Examples: LEAST(7,44,-1) is -1;
LEAST(1E308,'a',0,X'00') is 0;
Return the number of characters in the expression,
or the number of bytes in the expression.
It depends on the data type:
strings with data type STRING are counted in characters,
byte sequences with data type VARBINARY
are counted in bytes and are not ended by the nul character.
There are two aliases for LENGTH(expression) – CHAR_LENGTH(expression)
and CHARACTER_LENGTH(expression) do the same thing.
LENGTH('ДД') is 2, the string has 2 characters.
LENGTH(CAST('ДД'ASVARBINARY)) is 4, the string has 4 bytes.
LENGTH(CHAR(0,65)) is 2, „0“ does not mean „end of string“.
LENGTH(X'410041') is 3, X“…“ byte sequences have type VARBINARY.
Возвращает выражение без изменений, при условии, что числовое значение находится в диапазоне от 0.0 до 1.0.
Example: LIKELIHOOD('a'='b',.0) is FALSE
Return TRUE if the expression is probably true.
Example: LIKELY('a'<='b') is TRUE
Return the expression, with upper-case characters converted to lower case.
The reverse of LOWER is UPPER.
The NOW() function returns the current date and time as a DATETIME
If the function is called more than once in a query, it returns
the same result until the query completes, unless a yield has occurred.
On yield, the value returned by NOW() is changing.
Return expression-1 if expression-1 <> expression-2,
otherwise return NULL.
NULLIF('a','A') is „a“.
NULLIF(1.00,1) is NULL.
Before Tarantool 2.10.4, the type of the result was always SCALAR.
Since Tarantool 2.10.4, the result of NULLIF matches the type of the first argument.
If the first argument is the NULL literal, then the result has the SCALAR type.
Return the position of expression-1 within expression-2,
or return 0 if expression-1 does not appear
within expression-2.
The data types of the expressions must be either STRING or VARBINARY.
If the expressions have data type STRING, then the result is the character position.
If the expressions have data type VARBINARY, then the result is the
byte position.
Short example:
POSITION('C','ABC') is 3
Long example: The UTF-8 encoding for the Latin letter A
is hexadecimal 41; the UTF-8 encoding for the
Cyrillic letter Д is hexadecimal D094 – you can confirm this
by saying SELECT HEX(„ДA“); and seeing that the
result is „D09441“. If you now execute
the result will be 2,
because „A“ is the second character in the string.
However, if you now execute
the result will be 3,
because X’41“ is the third byte in the byte sequence.
Возвращает строку, отформатированную по правилам функции C sprintf(), где %d%s означает, что следующие два аргумента — числовой и строка, и так далее.
If an argument is missing or is NULL, it becomes:
„0“ if the format requires an integer,
'0.0', если формат требует числового значения с десятичной точкой,
„“ if the format requires a string.
Example: PRINTF('%da',5) is „5a“.
Return a string with enclosing quotes if necessary,
and with quotes inside the enclosing quotes if necessary.
This function is useful for creating strings
which are part of SQL statements, because of SQL’s rules that
string literals are enclosed by single quotes, and single quotes
inside such strings are shown as two single quotes in a row.
Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.10 аргументы с числовыми типами данных возвращаются без изменений.
This may only be used within a triggered statement. See also Trigger Activation.
Syntax: RANDOM()
Return a 19-digit integer which is generated by a pseudo-random number generator,
Example: RANDOM() is 6832175749978026034, or it is any other integer
Return a byte sequence, n bytes long, data type = VARBINARY, containing bytes generated by a
pseudo-random byte generator. The result can be translated to hexadecimal.
If n is less than 1 or is NULL or is infinity, then NULL is returned.
Example: HEX(RANDOMBLOB(3)) is „9EAAA8“, or it is the hex value for any other
three-byte string
Return expression-1, except that wherever expression-1
contains expression-2, replace expression-2 with
The expressions should all have data type STRING or VARBINARY.
Example: REPLACE('AAABCCCBD','B','!') is „AAA!CCC!D“
Возвращает округленное значение первого числового выражения. Положительные числа округляются до 0,5 в большую сторону, отрицательные — до 0,5 в меньшую. Если задано второе числовое выражение, то первое округляется до ближайших цифр после десятичной точки второго выражения. Если второе выражение не задано, первое округляется до ближайшего целого числа.
Example: ROUND(-1.5) is -2, ROUND(1.7766E1,2) is 17.77.
Return the number of rows that were inserted / updated / deleted
by the last INSERT or
REPLACE statement.
Rows which were updated by an UPDATE statement are counted even if there was no change.
Rows which were inserted / updated / deleted due to foreign-key action are not counted.
Rows which were inserted / updated / deleted due to a view’s
INSTEAD OF triggers are not counted.
After a CREATE or DROP statement, ROW_COUNT() is 1.
After other statements, ROW_COUNT() is 0.
Example: ROW_COUNT() is 1 after a successful INSERT of a single row.
Special rule if there are BEFORE or AFTER triggers: In effect the ROW_COUNT()
counter is pushed at the beginning of a series of triggered statements,
and popped at the end. Therefore, after the following statements:
Return a four-character string which represents the sound
of string-expression. Often words and names which have
different spellings will have the same Soundex representation
if they are pronounced similarly,
so it is possible to search by what they sound like.
The algorithm works with characters in the Latin alphabet
and works best with English words.
Example: SOUNDEX('Crater') and SOUNDEX('Creature') both return C636.
If string-or-varbinary-value has data type STRING, then return the substring
which begins
at character position numeric-start-position and continues for
numeric-length characters (if numeric-length is
supplied), or continues till the end of string-or-varbinary-value
(if numeric-length is not supplied).
If numeric-start-position is less than 1, or if numeric-start-position
+ numeric-length is greater than the length of string-or-varbinary-value,
then the result is not an error, anything which would be before the start
or after the end is ignored. There are no symbols with index <= 0
or with index greater than the length of the first argument.
If numeric-length is less than 0, then the result is an error.
If string-or-varbinary-value has data type VARBINARY rather than data
type STRING, then positioning and counting is by bytes
rather than by characters.
Examples: SUBSTR('ABCDEF',3,2) is „CD“, SUBSTR('абвгде',-1,4) is „аб“
Return expression-2 after removing all leading and/or trailing characters or bytes.
The expressions should have data type STRING or VARBINARY.
If LEADING|TRAILING|BOTH is omitted, the default is BOTH.
If expression-1 is omitted, the default is „ „ (space) for data type STRING
or X’00“ (nul) for data type VARBINARY.
TRIM('a'FROM'abaaaaa') is „b“ – all repetitions of „a“ are removed on both sides;
TRIM(TRAILING'ב'FROM'אב') is „א“ – if all characters are Hebrew, TRAILING means «left»;
TRIM(X'004400') is X’44“ – the default byte sequence to trim is X’00“ when data type is VARBINARY;
TRIM(LEADING'abc'FROM'abcd') is „d“ – expression-1 can have more than 1 character.
Возвращает 'NULL', если выражение равно NULL. Возвращает 'scalar', если выражение — это имя колонки, определенной как SCALAR. В остальных случаях возвращает тип данных выражения.
До версии Tarantool 2.10 TYPEOF(выражение) возвращало тип данных результата выражения во всех случаях.
Return the Unicode code point value of the first character of string-expression.
If string-expression is empty, the return is NULL.
This is the reverse of CHAR(integer).
Example: UNICODE('Щ') is 1065 (hexadecimal 0429).
Return TRUE if the expression is probably false.
Limitation: in fact UNLIKELY may return the same thing as LIKELY.
Example: UNLIKELY('a'<='b') is TRUE.
Return the expression, with lower-case characters converted to upper case.
The reverse of UPPER is LOWER.
Example: UPPER('-4щl') is „-4ЩL“.
Возвращает универсальный уникальный идентификатор, тип данных UUID. Опционально можно указать номер версии, однако на данный момент единственной возможной версией является 4, которая установлена по умолчанию. Поддержка UUID в SQL была добавлена в версии Tarantool 2.9.1.
Пример: UUID() или UUID(4)
Return the Tarantool version.
Example: for a February 2020 build VERSION() is '2.4.0-35-g57f6fc932'.
Return a byte sequence, data type = VARBINARY, n bytes long.
COLLATE clause
The collation-name must identify an existing collation.
The collation rules comply completely with the Unicode Technical Standard #10
(«Unicode Collation Algorithm»)
and the default character order is as in the
Default Unicode Collation Element Table (DUCET).
There are many permanent collations; the commonly used ones include: "none" (not applicable) "unicode" (characters are in DUCET order with strength = „tertiary“) "unicode_ci" (characters are in DUCET order with strength = „primary“) "binary" (characters are in code point order)
These identifiers must be quoted and in lower case because they are in lower case in
Tarantool/NoSQL collations.
If one says COLLATE"binary", this is equivalent to asking for what is sometimes called
«code point order» because, if the contents are in the UTF-8 character set,
characters with larger code points will appear after characters with lower code points.
In an expression, COLLATE is an operator with higher precedence than anything except
~. This is fine because there are no other useful operators except || and comparison.
After ||, collation is preserved.
In an expression with more than one COLLATE clause, if the collation names differ,
there is an error: «Illegal mix of collations».
In an expression with no COLLATE clauses, literals have collation "binary",
columns have the collation specified by CREATETABLE.
In other words, to pick a collation, Tarantool uses:
the first COLLATE clause in an expression if it was specified,
else the column’s COLLATE clause if it was specified,
else "binary".
However, for searches and sometimes for sorting, the collation may be an index’s collation,
so all non-index COLLATE clauses are ignored.
EXPLAIN will not show the name of what collation was used, but will show the collation’s characteristics.
Example with Swedish collation:
Knowing that «sv» is the two-letter code for Swedish,
and knowing that «s1» means strength = 1,
and seeing with PRAGMAcollation_list; that there is a collation named unicode_sv_s1,
check whether two strings are equal according to Swedish rules (yes they are): SELECT'ÄÄ'='ĘĘ'COLLATE"unicode_sv_s1";
Example with Russian and Ukrainian and Kyrgyz collations:
Knowing that Russian collation is practically the same as Unicode default,
and knowing that the two-letter codes for Ukrainian and Kyrgyz are „uk“ and „ky“,
and knowing that in Russian (but not Ukrainian) „Г“ = „Ґ“ with strength=primary,
and knowing that in Russian (but not Kyrgyz) „Е“ = „Ё“ with strength=primary,
the three SELECT statements here will return results in three different orders: CREATETABLEthings(remarkSTRINGPRIMARYKEY); INSERTINTOthingsVALUES('Е2'),('Ё1'); INSERTINTOthingsVALUES('Г2'),('Ґ1'); SELECTremarkFROMthingsORDERBYremarkCOLLATE"unicode"; SELECTremarkFROMthingsORDERBYremarkCOLLATE"unicode_uk_s1"; SELECTremarkFROMthingsORDERBYremarkCOLLATE"unicode_ky_s1";
Параметры функций по умолчанию
Starting in Tarantool 2.10, if a parameter for an aggregate function
or a built-in scalar SQL function is one of the extra-parameters
that can appear in box.execute(…[,extra-parameters])
default data type is calculated thus:
* When there is only one possible data type, it is default.
Example: box.execute([[SELECTTYPEOF(LOWER(?));]],{x}) is „string“.
* When possible data types are INTEGER or DOUBLE or DECIMAL, DECIMAL is default.
Example: box.execute([[SELECTTYPEOF(AVG(?));]],{x}) is „decimal“.
* When possible data types are STRING or VARBINARY, STRING is default.
Example: box.execute([[SELECTTYPEOF(LENGTH(?));]],{x}) is „string“.
* When possible data types are any other scalar data type, SCALAR is default.
Example: box.execute([[SELECTTYPEOF(GREATEST(?,5));]],{x}) is „scalar“.
* When possible data type is a non-scalar data type, such as ARRAY, result is undefined.
* Otherwise, there is no default.
Example: box.execute([[SELECTTYPEOF(LIKELY(?));]],{x}) is the name of one of the primitive data types.
SQL PLUS LUA – Adding Tarantool/NoSQL to Tarantool/SQL
The Adding Tarantool/NoSQL To Tarantool/SQL Guide contains descriptions of NoSQL
database objects that can be accessed from SQL, of SQL database objects that can
be accessed from NoSQL, of the way to call SQL from Lua, and of the way to call
Lua from SQL.
Making equivalents to standard-SQL information_schema tables
Lua Requests
A great deal of functionality is not specifically part of Tarantool’s SQL feature,
but is part of the Tarantool Lua application server and DBMS.
Here are some examples so it is clear where to look in other sections of the Tarantool manual.
NoSQL «spaces» can be accessed as SQL "tables", and vice versa.
For example, suppose a table has been created with CREATETABLEthings(idINTEGERPRIMARYKEY,remarkSCALAR);
This is viewable from Tarantool’s NoSQL feature as a memtx space named THINGS with a primary-key
TREE index …
The NoSQL basic data operation requests
select, insert, replace, upsert, update, delete will all work.
Particularly interesting are the requests that come only via NoSQL.
To create an index on things (remark) with a non-default option for example a special id, say: box.space.THINGS:create_index('idx_100_things_2',{id=100,parts={2,'scalar'}})
(If the SQL data type name is SCALAR, then the NoSQL type is „scalar“,
as described earlier. See the chart in section Operands.)
To grant
database-access privileges to user „guest“, say box.schema.user.grant('guest','execute','universe')
To grant SELECT privileges on table things to user „guest“, say box.schema.user.grant('guest','read','space','THINGS')
To grant UPDATE privileges on table things to user „guest“, say: box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','THINGS')
To grant DELETE or INSERT privileges on table things if no reading is involved, say: box.schema.user.grant('guest','write','space','THINGS')
To grant DELETE or INSERT privileges on table things if reading is involved, say: box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','THINGS')
To grant CREATE TABLE privilege to user „guest“, say box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_schema') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_space') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_index') box.schema.user.grant('guest','create','space')
To grant CREATE TRIGGER privilege to user „guest“, say box.schema.user.grant('guest','read','space','_space') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_trigger')
To grant CREATE INDEX privilege to user „guest“, say box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_index') box.schema.user.grant('guest','create','space')
To grant CREATE TABLE … INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT to user „guest“, say box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_schema') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_space') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_index') box.schema.user.grant('guest','create','space') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_space_sequence') box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write','space','_sequence') box.schema.user.grant('guest','create','sequence')
To write a stored procedure that inserts 5 rows in things, say functionf()fori=3,7dobox.space.THINGS:insert{i,i}endend
For client-side API functions, see section «Connectors».
To make spaces with field names that SQL can understand, use
(Exception: in Tarantool/NoSQL it is legal for tuples to have more fields than are described by a format clause,
but in Tarantool/SQL such fields will be ignored.)
To handle replication and sharding of SQL data, see section
To enhance performance of SQL statements by preparing them in advance, see section
Limitations: (Issue#2368)
* after box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write,execute','universe'), user 'guest' can create tables. But this is a powerful set of privileges.
Limitations: (Issue#4659,
SELECT with * or ORDER BY or GROUP BY from spaces that have map fields
or array fields may cause errors. Any access to spaces that have hash
indexes may cause severe errors in Tarantool version 2.3 or earlier.
System Tables
There is a way to get some information about the database objects,
for example the names of all the tables and their indexes, using
SELECT statements.
This is done by looking at special read-only tables which Tarantool updates
automatically whenever objects are created or dropped.
See the submodule box.space overview section.
Names of system tables are in lower case so always enclose them in "quotes".
For example, the _space system table has these fields which are seen in SQL as columns:
id = numeric identifier
owner = for example, 1 if the object was made by the 'admin' user
name = the name that was used with CREATE TABLE
engine = usually 'memtx' (the 'vinyl' engine can be used but is not default)
field_count = sometimes 0, but usually a count of the table’s columns
flags = usually empty
format = what a Lua format() function or an SQL CREATE statement produced
Example selection: SELECT"id","name"FROM"_space";
SQL statements can invoke functions that are written in Lua.
This is Tarantool’s equivalent for the «stored procedure» feature found in other SQL DBMSs.
Tarantool server-side stored procedures are written in Lua rather than SQL/PSM dialect.
Functions can be invoked anywhere that the SQL syntax allows a literal or a column name for reading.
Function parameters can include any number of SQL values.
If a SELECT statement’s result set has a million rows, and the
select list invokes a non-deterministic function,
then the function is called a million times.
exports={'LUA','SQL'} – This indicates what languages can call the function.
The default is 'LUA'. Specify both: 'LUA','SQL'.
param_list={list} – This is the list of parameters.
Specify the Lua type names for each parameter of the function.
Remember that a Lua type name is
the same as an SQL data type name, in lower case.
The Lua type should not be an array.
Also it is good to specify {deterministic=true} if possible,
because that may allow Tarantool to generate more efficient SQL byte code.
For a useful example, here is a general function for decoding a single Lua 'map' field:
box.schema.func.create('_DECODE',{language='LUA',returns='string',body=[[function (field, key) -- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with -- return require('msgpack').decode(field)[key] return field[key] end]],is_sandboxed=false,-- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with-- param_list = {'string', 'string'},param_list={'map','string'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_deterministic=true})
See it work with, say, the _trigger space.
That space has a 'map' field named opts which has a key named sql.
By selecting from the space and passing the field and the key name to _DECODE,
you can get a list of all the trigger bodies.
box.execute([[SELECT _decode("opts", 'sql') FROM "_trigger";]])
Remember that SQL converts regular identifiers to upper case,
so this example works with a function named _DECODE.
If the function had been named _decode, then the SELECT statement would have to be: box.execute([[SELECT"_decode"("opts",'sql')FROM"_trigger";]])
Here is another example, which illustrates the way that Tarantool creates
a view which includes the table_name and table_type columns in the same
way that the standard-SQL information_schema.tables view contains them.
The difficulty is that, in order to discover whether table_type should
be 'BASETABLE' or should be 'VIEW', it is necessary to know the value of the
"flags" field in the Tarantool/NoSQL «_space» or "_vspace" space.
The "flags" field type is "map", which SQL does not understand well.
If there were no Lua functions, it would be necessary to treat the field as a VARBINARY
and look for POSITION(X'A476696577C3',"flags")>0 (A4 is a MsgPack signal
that a 4-byte string follows, 76696577 is UTF8 encoding for „view“,
C3 is a MsgPack code meaning true).
In any case, starting with Tarantool version 2.10, POSITION() does not work on VARBINARY operands.
But there is a more sophisticated way, namely, creating a function that
returns true if "flags".view is true.
So for this case the way to make the function looks like this:
box.schema.func.create('TABLES_IS_VIEW',{language='LUA',returns='boolean',body=[[function (flags) local view -- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with -- view = require('msgpack').decode(flags).view view = flags.view if view == nil then return false end return view end]],is_sandboxed=false,-- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with-- param_list = {'string'},param_list={'map'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_deterministic=true})
And this creates the view:
box.execute([[CREATE VIEW vtables AS SELECT"name" AS table_name,CASE WHEN tables_is_view("flags") == TRUE THEN 'VIEW' ELSE 'BASE TABLE' END AS table_type,"id" AS id,"engine" AS engine,(SELECT "name" FROM "_vuser" x WHERE x."id" = y."owner") AS owner,"field_count" AS field_countFROM "_vspace" y;]])
Remember that these Lua functions are persistent, so if the server has to be restarted then they do not have to be re-declared.
Executing Lua chunks
To execute Lua code without creating a function, use: LUA(Lua-code-string)
where Lua-code-string is any amount of Lua code.
The string should begin with 'return'.
For example this will show the number of seconds since the epoch: box.execute([[SELECTlua('returnos.time()');]])
For example this will show a database configuration member: box.execute([[SELECTlua('returnbox.cfg.memtx_memory');]])
For example this will return FALSE because Lua nil and box.NULL are the same as SQL NULL: box.execute([[SELECTlua('returnbox.NULL')ISNOTNULL;]])
Warning: the SQL statement must not invoke a Lua function, or execute a Lua chunk,
that accesses a space that underlies any SQL table that the SQL statement accesses.
For example, if function f() contains a request "box.space.TEST:insert{0}",
then the SQL statement "SELECTf()FROMtest;" will try to access the same space in two ways.
The results of such conflict may include a hang or an infinite loop.
Example Sessions
Example Session – Create, Insert, Select
Assume that the task is to create two tables, put some rows in each table,
create a view that is based on a join of the tables,
then select from the view all rows where the second column values
are not null, ordered by the first column.
So the session looks like this: box.cfg{} box.execute([[CREATETABLEt1(c1INTEGERPRIMARYKEY,c2STRING);]]) box.execute([[CREATETABLEt2(c1INTEGERPRIMARYKEY,x2STRING);]]) box.execute([[INSERTINTOt1VALUES(1,'A'),(2,'B'),(3,'C');]]) box.execute([[INSERTINTOt1VALUES(4,'D'),(5,'E'),(6,'F');]]) box.execute([[INSERTINTOt2VALUES(1,'C'),(4,'A'),(6,NULL);]]) box.execute([[CREATEVIEWvASSELECT*FROMt1NATURALJOINt2;]]) box.execute([[SELECT*FROMvWHEREc2ISNOTNULLORDERBYc1;]])
If one executes the above requests with Tarantool as a client, provided the database
objects do not already exist, the execution will be successful and the final display will be
tarantool> box.execute([[SELECT * FROM v WHERE c2 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY c1;]])-----[1,'A','C']-[4,'D','A']-[6,'F',null]
Example Session – Get a List of Columns
Here is a function which will create a table that contains
a list of all the columns and their Lua types, for all tables.
It is not a necessary function because one can create a
_COLUMNS view instead.
It merely shows, with simpler Lua code, how to make a base table instead of a view.
If you now execute the function by saying create_information_schema_columns()
you will see that there is a table named information_schema_columns
containing table_name and column_name and ordinal_position and data_type for everything that was accessible.
box.execute([[CREATE TABLE tester (s1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, s2 STRING);]])functionstring_function()localrandom_numberlocalrandom_stringrandom_string=""forx=1,10,1dorandom_number=math.random(65,90)random_string=random_string..string.char(random_number)endreturnrandom_stringendfunctionmain_function()localstring_value,t,sql_statementfori=1,1000000,1dostring_value=string_function()sql_statement="INSERT INTO tester VALUES ("..i..",'"..string_value.."');"box.execute(sql_statement)endendstart_time=os.clock()main_function()end_time=os.clock()'insert done in '..end_time-start_time..' seconds'
The function takes more time than the original (Tarantool/NoSQL).
Lua functions to make views of metadata
Tarantool does not include all the standard-SQL
views, which are for looking at metadata, that is, «data about the data».
For each view there will be an example of a SELECT from the view, and the code.
Users who want metadata can simply copy the code.
Use this code only with Tarantool version 2.3.0 or later.
With an earlier Tarantool version, a PRAGMA statement may be useful.
Definition of the function and the CREATE VIEW statement:
box.schema.func.drop('_TABLES_IS_VIEW',{if_exists=true})box.schema.func.create('_TABLES_IS_VIEW',{language='LUA',returns='boolean',body=[[function (flags) local view -- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with -- view = require('msgpack').decode(flags).view view = flags.view if view == nil then return false end return view end]],is_sandboxed=false,-- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with-- param_list = {'string'},param_list={'map'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_deterministic=true})box.schema.role.grant('public','execute','function','_TABLES_IS_VIEW')pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_TABLES',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _tables;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _tables AS SELECT CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS table_catalog, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS table_schema, "name" AS table_name, CASE WHEN _tables_is_view("flags") = TRUE THEN 'VIEW' ELSE 'BASE TABLE' END AS table_type, "id" AS id, "engine" AS engine, (SELECT "name" FROM "_vuser" x WHERE x."id" = y."owner") AS owner, "field_count" AS field_countFROM "_vspace" y;]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_TABLES')
Этот пример также показывает, как с помощью рекурсивных представлений создавать временные таблицы с несколькими строками для каждого кортежа в исходном спейсе "_vspace". Для этого потребуется глобальная переменная _G.box.FORMATS в качестве временной статической переменной.
Warning: Use this code only with Tarantool version 2.3.2 or later.
Use with earlier versions will cause an assertion.
See Issue#4504.
Definition of the function and the CREATE VIEW statement:
box.schema.func.drop('_COLUMNS_FORMATS',{if_exists=true})box.schema.func.create('_COLUMNS_FORMATS',{language='LUA',returns='scalar',body=[[ function (row_number_, ordinal_position) if row_number_ == 0 then _G.box.FORMATS = {} local vspace = box.space._vspace:select() for i = 1, #vspace do local format = vspace[i]["format"] for j = 1, #format do local is_nullable = 'YES' if format[j].is_nullable == false then is_nullable = 'NO' end table.insert(_G.box.FORMATS, {vspace[i].name, format[j].name, j, is_nullable, format[j].type, vspace[i].id}) end end return '' end if row_number_ > #_G.box.FORMATS then _G.box.FORMATS = {} return '' end return _G.box.FORMATS[row_number_][ordinal_position] end ]],param_list={'integer','integer'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_sandboxed=false,setuid=false,is_deterministic=false})box.schema.role.grant('public','execute','function','_COLUMNS_FORMATS')pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_COLUMNS',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _columns;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _columns ASWITH RECURSIVE r_columns AS(SELECT 0 AS row_number_, '' AS table_name, '' AS column_name, 0 AS ordinal_position, '' AS is_nullable, '' AS data_type, 0 AS idUNION ALLSELECT row_number_ + 1 AS row_number_, _columns_formats(row_number_, 1) AS table_name, _columns_formats(row_number_, 2) AS column_name, _columns_formats(row_number_, 3) AS ordinal_position, _columns_formats(row_number_, 4) AS is_nullable, _columns_formats(row_number_, 5) AS data_type, _columns_formats(row_number_, 6) AS id FROM r_columns WHERE row_number_ == 0 OR row_number_ <= lua('return #_G.box.FORMATS + 1'))SELECT CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS catalog_name, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS schema_name, table_name, column_name, ordinal_position, is_nullable, data_type, id FROM r_columns WHERE data_type <> '';]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_COLUMNS')
Definition of the function and the CREATE VIEW statement:
box.schema.func.drop('_VIEWS_DEFINITION',{if_exists=true})box.schema.func.create('_VIEWS_DEFINITION',{language='LUA',returns='string',body=[[function (flags) -- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with -- return require('msgpack').decode(flags).sql return flags.sql end]],-- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with-- param_list = {'string'},param_list={'map'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_sandboxed=false,setuid=false,is_deterministic=false})box.schema.role.grant('public','execute','function','_VIEWS_DEFINITION')pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_VIEWS',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _views;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _views AS SELECT CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS table_catalog, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS table_schema, "name" AS table_name, CAST(_views_definition("flags") AS STRING) AS VIEW_DEFINITION, "id" AS id, (SELECT "name" FROM "_vuser" x WHERE x."id" = y."owner") AS owner, "field_count" AS field_count FROM "_vspace" y WHERE _tables_is_view("flags") = TRUE;]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_VIEWS')
_TABLES_IS_VIEW() was described earlier, see _TABLES view.
tarantool>SELECT trigger_name, opts_sql FROM _triggers;
OK 2 rows selected (0.0 seconds)
Definition of the function and the CREATE VIEW statement:
box.schema.func.drop('_TRIGGERS_OPTS_SQL',{if_exists=true})box.schema.func.create('_TRIGGERS_OPTS_SQL',{language='LUA',returns='string',body=[[function (opts) -- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with -- return require('msgpack').decode(opts).sql return opts.sql end]],-- If Tarantool version < 2.10.1, replace next line with-- param_list = {'string'},param_list={'map'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_sandboxed=false,setuid=false,is_deterministic=false})box.schema.role.grant('public','execute','function','_TRIGGERS_OPTS_SQL')pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_TRIGGERS',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _triggers;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _triggers AS SELECT CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS trigger_catalog, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS trigger_schema, "name" AS trigger_name, CAST(_triggers_opts_sql("opts") AS STRING) AS opts_sql, "space_id" AS space_id FROM "_trigger";]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_TRIGGERS')
Users who select from this view will need „read“ privilege on the _trigger space.
pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _referential_constraints;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _referential_constraints AS SELECT CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS constraint_catalog, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS constraint_schema, "name" AS constraint_name, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS unique_constraint_catalog, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS unique_constraint_schema, '' AS unique_constraint_name, "on_update" AS update_rule, "on_delete" AS delete_rule, "match" AS match_option, (SELECT "name" FROM "_vspace" x WHERE x."id" = y."child_id") AS referencing, (SELECT "name" FROM "_vspace" x WHERE x."id" = y."parent_id") AS referenced, "is_deferred" AS is_deferred, "child_id" AS child_id, "parent_id" AS parent_id FROM "_fk_constraint" y;]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS')
In this example child_cols or parent_cols are not taken
from the _fk_constraint space because in standard SQL those
are in a separate table.
Users who select from this view will need „read“ privilege on the _fk_constraint space.
tarantool>SELECT constraint_name, check_clause, space_name, language
> FROM _check_constraints;
OK 3 rows selected (0.0 seconds)
| ck_unnamed_Employees_1 | first_name LIKE 'Влад%' | Employees | SQL |
| ck_unnamed_Critics_1 | first_name LIKE 'Vlad%' | Critics | SQL |
| ck_unnamed_ACTORS_1 | salary > 0 | ACTORS | SQL |
Definition of the CREATE VIEW statement:
pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _check_constraints;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _check_constraints AS SELECT CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS constraint_catalog, CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS constraint_schema, "name" AS constraint_name, "code" AS check_clause, (SELECT "name" FROM "_vspace" x WHERE x."id" = y."space_id") AS space_name, "language" AS language, "is_deferred" AS is_deferred, "space_id" AS space_id FROM "_ck_constraint" y;]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS')
Users who select from this view will need „read“ privilege on the _ck_constraint space.
This has only the constraints (primary-key and unique-key) that can be found by looking at the
_index space.
It is not a list of indexes, that is, it is not equivalent to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS.
The columns of the index are not taken because in standard SQL they would be in a different table.
tarantool>SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, table_name, id, iid, index_type
> FROM _table_constraints
> LIMIT 5;
OK 5 rows selected (0.0 seconds)
| primary | PRIMARY | _schema | 272 | 0 | tree |
| primary | PRIMARY | _collation | 276 | 0 | tree |
| name | UNIQUE | _collation | 276 | 1 | tree |
| primary | PRIMARY | _vcollation | 277 | 0 | tree |
| name | UNIQUE | _vcollation | 277 | 1 | tree |
Definition of the function and the CREATE VIEW statement:
box.schema.func.drop('_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_OPTS_UNIQUE',{if_exists=true})function_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_OPTS_UNIQUE(opts)returnrequire('msgpack').decode(opts).uniqueendbox.schema.func.create('_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_OPTS_UNIQUE',{language='LUA',returns='boolean',body=[[function (opts) return require('msgpack').decode(opts).unique end]],param_list={'string'},exports={'LUA','SQL'},is_sandboxed=false,setuid=false,is_deterministic=false})box.schema.role.grant('public','execute','function','_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_OPTS_UNIQUE')pcall(function()box.schema.role.revoke('public','read','space','_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS',{if_exists=true})end)box.execute([[DROP VIEW IF EXISTS _table_constraints;]])box.execute([[CREATE VIEW _table_constraints AS SELECTCAST(NULL AS STRING) AS constraint_catalog,CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS constraint_schema,"name" AS constraint_name,(SELECT "name" FROM "_vspace" x WHERE x."id" = y."id") AS table_name,CASE WHEN "iid" = 0 THEN 'PRIMARY' ELSE 'UNIQUE' END AS constraint_type,CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS initially_deferrable,CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS deferred,CAST(NULL AS STRING) AS enforced,"id" AS id,"iid" AS iid,"type" AS index_typeFROM "_vindex" yWHERE _table_constraints_opts_unique("opts") = TRUE;]])box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS')
Возможности SQL
This section compares Tarantool’s features with SQL:2016’s «Feature taxonomy and definition
for mandatory features».
For each feature in that list, there will be a simple example SQL
If Tarantool appears to handle the example, it will be marked «Okay»,
else it will be marked «Fail».
Since this is rough and arbitrary, the hope is that tests which are unfairly
marked «Okay» will probably be balanced by tests which are unfairly marked «Fail».
Ошибка. Тип данных с плавающей точкой в Tarantool — DOUBLE. Примечание: Скорее всего, типы с плавающей точкой в версиях 2.1 и 2.2 не будут совместимы: в версии 2.1 для столбцов этих типов задается формат „number“, а в версии 2.2 — „float32“ и „float64“. Для смены формата требуется перенос данных, который не выполняется автоматически, поскольку в версии 2.1 нет информации, как отличать столбцы „number“, созданные через Lua, от FLOAT/DOUBLE/REAL, созданных через SQL.
Fail, NUMERIC data types are not supported,
although the DECIMAL data type is supported.
Работает. Кроме того, заключение идентификаторов в двойные кавычки означает, что они не будут приводиться к верхнему или нижнему регистру. В некоторых других СУБД эта особенность отсутствует.
Ошибка. В Tarantool отсутствуют схемы и базы данных.
CREATE TABLE для хранимых таблиц БД
Ошибка. В Tarantool нет CREATE TABLE в CREATE SCHEMA.
Ошибка. В Tarantool нет CREATE VIEW в CREATE SCHEMA.
Ошибка. В Tarantool нет CREATE VIEW в CREATE SCHEMA.
Инструкция GRANT
Ошибка. В Tarantool в составе CREATE SCHEMA нет GRANT.
F*, прочее
Код возможности
Результаты тестов
Скалярные значения подзапросов
Расширенный предикат NULL
Ошибка — в синтаксисе.
Базовые флаги
Ошибка. Tarantool не поддерживает флаги.
S011, пользовательские типы
Код возможности
Результаты тестов
Пользовательские типы
Ошибка. Tarantool не поддерживает пользовательские типы.
T321, базовые процедуры, вызываемые SQL
Код возможности
Результаты тестов
Пользовательские функции без переопределения
Ошибка. Пользовательские функции для SQL создаются с помощью Lua с другим синтаксисом.
Пользовательские процедуры без переопределения
Ошибка. Пользовательские функции для SQL создаются с помощью Lua с другим синтаксисом.
Вызов функций
Работает. Tarantool может вызывать пользовательские Lua-функции.
Инструкция CALL
Ошибка. Tarantool не поддерживает инструкции CALL.
Инструкция RETURN
Ошибка. Tarantool не поддерживает инструкции RETURN.
T*, прочее
Код возможности
Результаты тестов
Предикат IN с одним элементом списка
Количество элементов с отметкой «Ошибка»: 67.
Количество элементов с отметкой «Работает»: 79.
Справочник по встроенным модулям
В данном справочнике рассматриваются встроенные Lua-модули Tarantool.
Некоторые функции в данных модулях представляют собой аналоги функций из стандартных Lua-библиотек. Для достижения наилучшего результата мы рекомендуем использовать функции из встроенных модулей Tarantool.
Помимо выполнения фрагментов кода на Lua или определения собственных функций, с помощью модуля box и вложенных модулей можно использовать функции хранилища Tarantool.
Каждый вложенный модуль включает в себя одну или более Lua-функций. Несколько вложенных модулей включают в себя элементы класса, а также функции. Функции обеспечивают определение данных (create alter drop), управление данными (insert delete update upsert select replace) и просмотр состояния (просмотр содержимого спейсов, получение доступа к конфигурации сервера).
Чтобы найти ошибки, которые могут выдать вложенные модули box, используйте pcall.
Содержимое модуля box можно просмотреть во время исполнения кода с помощью команды box без аргументов. Модуль box включает в себя следующее:
Оповещает сервер о том, что следует приостановить все активности, связанные с удалением устаревших резервных копий.
Чтобы гарантировать возможность скопировать эти файлы, Tarantool не станет их удалять. При этом он не переходит в режим read-only, и создание контрольных точек делается по расписанию, как обычно.
n (number) – необязательный аргумент, начиная с Tarantool 1.10.1, который указывает нужную контрольную точку относительно самой свежей точки. Например, n=0 означает “резервная копия будет создана на основе самой свежей контрольной точки”, n=1 означает «резервная копия будет создана на основе контрольной точки, которая была создана перед самой свежей точкой», и т.д. По умолчанию n = 0.
Возвращает: таблицу с именами снапшотов и файлов vinyl, которые нужно скопировать
The wait_ro (wait until read-only) and wait_rw (wait until read-write) functions
are useful during server initialization.
To see whether a function is already in read-only or read-write mode, check box.info.ro.
Для box.once() есть особое предназначение. Например, при инициализации реплика может вызвать функцию box.once(), пока сервер все еще находится в режиме только для чтения, и не сможет применить изменения однократно до окончательной инициализации реплики. Это может привести к конфликту между мастером и репликой, если мастер находится в режиме чтения и записи, а реплика доступна только для чтения. Ожидание условия «read only mode = false» (режим только для чтения отключен) решает эту проблему.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля box.ctl.
Создать триггерschema_init. Функция триггера будет выполнена, когда box.cfg{} произойдет в первый раз. То есть триггер schema_init вызывается до начала конфигурирования и восстановления сервера, и поэтому box.ctl.on_schema_init должен быть вызван до вызова box.cfg.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil, old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Обычно используется следующее: сделать триггерную функцию schema_init, которая создает триггерную функцию before_replace на системном спейсе. Таким образом, поскольку системные спейсы создаются при старте сервера, триггеры before_replace будут активированы для каждого кортежа в каждом системном спейсе. Например, такой триггер может изменить механизм хранения заданного спейса, или сделать заданный спейс локальной репликой во время загрузки реплики. Выполнение такого изменения после box.cfg не является надежным, поскольку другие подключения могут использовать базу данных до внесения изменения.
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Предположим, что до того, как сервер будет полностью готов к подключениям, вы хотите убедиться, что движком space_name является vinyl. Поэтому вы хотите сделать триггер, который будет активирован при вставке кортежа в системный спейс _space. В этом случае может получиться мастер, который имеет space-name с engine='memtx' и реплику, которая имеет space_name с engine='vinyl', с тем же самым содержимым.
Создать «триггер выключения». Триггер-функция будет выполняться всякий раз, когда происходит os.exit(), или когда сервер выключается после получения сигнала SIGTERM или SIGINT или SIGHUP (но не после сигнала SIGSEGV или SIGABORT или любого другого сигнала, вызывающего немедленное завершение программы).
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil, old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если вы хотите установить таймаут для этого триггера, используйте функцию set_on_shutdown_timeout.
Create a trigger executed on different stages of a node recovery or initial configuration.
Note that you need to set the box.ctl.on_recovery_state trigger before the initial box.cfg call.
trigger-function (function) – a trigger function
nil or a function pointer
A registered trigger function is run on each of the supported recovery
state and receives the state name as a parameter:
snapshot_recovered: the node has recovered the snapshot files.
wal_recovered: the node has recovered the WAL files.
indexes_built: the node has built secondary indexes for memtx spaces.
This stage might come before any actual data is recovered. This means that the
indexes are available right after the first tuple is recovered.
synced: the node has synced with enough remote peers.
This means that the node changes the state from orphan to running.
All these states are passed during the initial box.cfg call when recovering
from the snapshot and WAL files.
Note that the synced state might be reached after the initial box.cfg call finishes.
For example, if replication_sync_timeout
is set to 0, the node finishes box.cfg without reaching synced and stays orphan.
Once the node is synced with enough remote peers, the synced state is reached.
When bootstrapping a fresh cluster with no data, all the instances in this cluster
execute triggers on the same stages for consistency.
For example, snapshot_recovered and wal_recovered
run when the node finishes a cluster’s bootstrap or finishes joining to an existing cluster.
The example below shows how to log a specified message when each state is reached.
locallog=require('log')locallog_recovery_state=function(state)log.info(state..' state reached')endbox.ctl.on_recovery_state(log_recovery_state)
Create a trigger executed every time
the current state of a replica set node in regard to leader election changes.
The current state is available in the box.info.election table.
The trigger doesn’t accept any parameters.
You can see the changes in box.info.election and
Set a timeout for the on_shutdown trigger.
If the timeout has expired, the server stops immediately
regardless of whether any on_shutdown triggers are left unexecuted.
timeout (double) – time to wait for the trigger to be completed. The default value is 3 seconds.
For synchronous transactions it is
possible that a new leader will be chosen but the transactions
of the old leader have not been completed. Therefore to
finalize the transaction, the function box.ctl.promote()
should be called, as mentioned in the notes for
leader election.
The old name for this function is box.ctl.clear_synchro_queue().
On synchronous transaction queue owner, the function works in the following way:
If box.cfg.election_mode is off,
the function writes a DEMOTE request to WAL.
The DEMOTE request clears the ownership of the synchronous transaction queue,
while the PROMOTE request assigns it to a new instance.
If box.cfg.election_mode is enabled in any mode, then the function
makes the instance start a new term and give up the leader role.
On instances that are not queue owners, the function does nothing and returns immediately.
Make the instance a bootstrap leader of a replica set.
To be able to make the instance a bootstrap leader manually, the replication.bootstrap_strategy configuration option should be set to supervised.
In this case, the instances do not choose a bootstrap leader automatically but wait for it to be appointed manually.
Configuration fails if no bootstrap leader is appointed during a replication.connect_timeout.
When a new instance joins a replica set configured with the supervised bootstrap strategy,
this instance doesn’t choose the bootstrap leader automatically but joins to the instance on which
box.ctl.make_bootstrap_leader() was executed last time.
Вложенный модуль box.error
The box.error submodule can be used to work with errors in your application.
For example, you can get the information about the last error raised by Tarantool or
raise custom errors manually.
The difference between raising an error using box.error
and a Lua’s built-in error function
is that when the error reaches the client, its error code is preserved.
In contrast, a Lua error would always be presented to the client as
To learn how to handle errors in your application, see the Handling errors section.
Creating an error
You can create an error object using the box.error.new() function.
The created object can be passed to box.error() to raise the error.
You can also raise the error using error_object:raise().
The example below shows how to create and raise the error with the specified code and reason.
localcustom_error=box.error.new({code=500,reason='Internal server error'})box.error(custom_error)--[[---- error: Internal server error...--]]
box.error.new() provides different overloads for creating an error object with different parameters.
These overloads are similar to the box.error() overloads described in the next section.
Raising an error
To raise an error, call the box.error() function.
This function can accept the specified error parameters or an error object created using box.error.new().
In both cases, you can use box.error() to raise the following error types:
A custom error with the specified reason, code, and type.
A predefined Tarantool error.
Custom error
The following box.error() overloads are available for raising a custom error:
In the example below, box.error() accepts a Lua table with the specified error code and reason:
box.error{code=500,reason='Custom server error'}--[[---- error: Custom server error...--]]
The next example shows how to specify a custom error type:
box.error{code=500,reason='Internal server error',type='CustomInternalError'}--[[---- error: Internal server error...--]]
When a custom type is specified, it is returned in the error_object.type attribute.
When it is not specified, error_object.type returns one of the built-in errors, such as
ClientError or OutOfMemory.
box.error(type, reason[, …])
This example shows how to raise an error with the type and reason specified in the box.error() arguments:
box.error('CustomConnectionError','cannot connect to the given port')--[[---- error: cannot connect to the given port...--]]
You can also use a format string to compose an error reason:
box.error('CustomConnectionError','%s cannot connect to the port %u','client',8080)--[[---- error: client cannot connect to the port 8080...--]]
Tarantool error
The box.error(code[, …]) overload raises a predefined
Tarantool error specified by its identifier.
The error code defines the error message format and the number of required arguments.
In the example below, no arguments are passed for the box.error.READONLY error code:
box.error(box.error.READONLY)--[[---- error: Can't modify data on a read-only instance...--]]
For the box.error.NO_SUCH_USER error code, you need to pass one argument:
box.error(box.error.NO_SUCH_USER,'John')--[[---- error: User 'John' is not found...--]]
box.error.CREATE_SPACE requires two arguments:
box.error(box.error.CREATE_SPACE,'my_space','the space already exists')--[[---- error: 'Failed to create space ''my_space'': the space already exists'...--]]
You can set the last error explicitly by calling box.error.set():
-- Create two errors --localerror1=box.error.new({code=500,reason='Custom error 1'})localerror2=box.error.new({code=505,reason='Custom error 2'})-- Raise the first error --box.error(error1)--[[---- error: Custom error 1...--]]-- Get the last error --box.error.last()--[[---- Custom error 1...--]]-- Set the second error as the last error --box.error.set(error2)--[[---...--]]-- Get the last error --box.error.last()--[[---- Custom error 2...--]]
box.error('CustomConnectionError','cannot connect to the given port')--[[---- error: cannot connect to the given port...--]]
Example 2: with arguments
box.error('CustomConnectionError','%s cannot connect to the port %u','client',8080)--[[---- error: client cannot connect to the port 8080...--]]
box.error(code[, ...])
Raise a predefined Tarantool error specified by its identifier.
You can see all Tarantool errors in the errcode.h file.
code (number) – a pre-defined error identifier; Lua constants that correspond to those Tarantool errors are defined as members of box.error, for example, box.error.NO_SUCH_USER==45
... – description arguments
Example 1: no arguments
box.error(box.error.READONLY)--[[---- error: Can't modify data on a read-only instance...--]]
Example 2: one argument
box.error(box.error.NO_SUCH_USER,'John')--[[---- error: User 'John' is not found...--]]
Example 3: two arguments
box.error(box.error.CREATE_SPACE,'my_space','the space already exists')--[[---- error: 'Failed to create space ''my_space'': the space already exists'...--]]
localcustom_error=box.error.new({code=500,reason='Internal server error'})box.error(custom_error)--[[---- error: Internal server error...--]]
Example 2: custom type
localcustom_error=box.error.new({code=500,reason='Internal server error',type='CustomInternalError'})box.error(custom_error)--[[---- error: Internal server error...--]]
box.error.new(type, reason[, ...])
Create an error object with the specified type and description.
localcustom_error=box.error.new('CustomInternalError','Internal server error')box.error(custom_error)--[[---- error: Internal server error...--]]
box.error.new(code[, ...])
Create a predefined Tarantool error specified by its identifier.
You can see all Tarantool errors in the errcode.h file.
code (number) – a pre-defined error identifier; Lua constants that correspond to those Tarantool errors are defined as members of box.error, for example, box.error.NO_SUCH_USER==45
... – description arguments
Example 1: one argument
localcustom_error=box.error.new(box.error.NO_SUCH_USER,'John')box.error(custom_error)--[[---- error: User 'John' is not found...--]]
Example 2: two arguments
localcustom_error=box.error.new(box.error.CREATE_SPACE,'my_space','the space already exists')box.error(custom_error)--[[---- error: 'Failed to create space ''my_space'': the space already exists'...--]]
-- Create two errors --localerror1=box.error.new({code=500,reason='Custom error 1'})localerror2=box.error.new({code=505,reason='Custom error 2'})-- Raise the first error --box.error(error1)--[[---- error: Custom error 1...--]]-- Get the last error --box.error.last()--[[---- Custom error 1...--]]-- Set the second error as the last error --box.error.set(error2)--[[---...--]]-- Get the last error --box.error.last()--[[---- Custom error 2...--]]
Returns the box.info.ro_reason value at the moment of throwing the box.error.READONLY error.
The following values may be returned:
election if the instance has box.cfg.election_mode set to a value other than off and this instance is not a leader.
In this case, error_object may include the following attributes: state, leader_id, leader_uuid, and term.
synchro if the synchronous queue has an owner that is not the given instance.
This error usually happens if synchronous replication is used and another instance is called box.ctl.promote().
In this case, error_object may include the queue_owner_id, queue_owner_uuid, and term attributes.
For the box.error.READONLY error, returns the current state of a replica set node in regards to leader election (see box.info.election.state).
This attribute presents if the error reason is election.
For the box.error.READONLY error, returns a numeric identifier (box.info.id) of the replica set leader.
This attribute may present if the error reason is election.
For the box.error.READONLY error, returns a globally unique identifier (box.info.uuid) of the replica set leader.
This attribute may present if the error reason is election.
For the box.error.READONLY error, returns a numeric identifier (box.info.id) of the synchronous queue owner.
This attribute may present if the error reason is synchro.
For the box.error.READONLY error, returns a globally unique identifier (box.info.uuid) of the synchronous queue owner.
This attribute may present if the error reason is synchro.
For the box.error.READONLY error, returns the current election term (see box.info.election.term).
This attribute may present if the error reason is election or synchro.
Вложенный модуль box.index
Вложенный модуль box.index обеспечивает доступ к схемам индекса и ключам индекса в режиме только для чтения. Индексы хранятся в массиве box.space.имя-спейса.index в каждом спейсе. Они предоставляют API для упорядоченной итерации по кортежам. Этот API представляет собой прямую привязку к соответствующим методам объектов типа box.index в движке базы данных.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций и элементов модуля box.index.
Любая функция / метод, которые хочет добавить любой пользователь
Примеры для box.index
Пример использования функций box
Данный пример сработает на конфигурации из песочницы, описанной в предисловии, то есть создан спейс под названием tester с первичным числовым ключом. Функция в примере выполнит следующие действия:
выбрать кортеж, значение ключа в котором равно 1000;
выдать сообщение об ошибке, если такой кортеж уже существует и содержит 3 поля;
вставить или заменить кортеж следующими данными:
поле [1] = 1000
поле [2] = UUID
поле [3] = количество секунд с 01.01.1970;
получить поле [3] из того, что заменили;
преобразовать значение из поля [3] в формат yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ffff (год-месяц-день час:минута:секунда.десятитысячные доли секунды);
Здесь приведен пример того, как создать свой собственный итератор. Функция paged_iter представляет собой «функцию с итератором», что поймут только разработчики, которые ознакомились с разделом руководства по Lua Итераторы и замыкания. Она делает постраничную выборку, то есть возвращает 10 кортежей одновременно из таблицы под названием «t», первичный ключ которой определен с помощью create_index('primary',{parts={1,'string'}}).
Разработчикам, использующим paged_iter, необязательно знать, почему она работает, следует лишь понимать, что вызвав функцию в цикле, можно получать 10 кортежей за раз до тех пор, пока кортежи не кончатся.
В данном примере кортежи лишь выводятся по странице за раз. Но легко изменить функцию, например, путем передачи управления после каждой выборки или с помощью прерывания, если кортежи не будут соответствовать дополнительным критериям.
forpageinpaged_iter("X",10)doprint("New Page. Number Of Tuples = "..#page)fori=1,#page,1doprint(page[i])endend
Пример использования box.index
с индексом типа RTREE для поиска в пространственных данных
Этот вложенный модуль может использоваться для поиска в пространственных данных, если тип индекса – RTREE. Существуют операции для поиска прямоугольников (геометрические фигуры с 4 углами и 4 сторонами) и параллелепипедов (геометрические фигуры с количеством углов более 4 и количеством сторон более 4, которые иногда называются гиперпрямоугольниками). В данном руководстве используется термин прямоугольник-или-параллелепипед для всего класса объектов, который включает в себя прямоугольники и параллелепипеды. Примерами иллюстрируются только прямоугольники.
Прямоугольники описаны в соответствии с координатами по оси X (горизонтальной оси) и оси Y (вертикальной оси) на сетке произвольного размера. Ниже представлен рисунок четырех прямоугольников на сетке с 11 горизонтальными точками и 11 вертикальными точками:
Прямоугольники определяются в соответствии со следующей схемой: {верхняя левая координата по оси X, верхняя левая координата по оси Y, нижняя правая координата по оси X, нижняя правая координата по оси Y} – или коротко: {x1,y1,x2,y2}. Таким образом, на рисунке … Прямоугольник № 1 начинается в точке 1 по оси X и точке 2 по оси Y, а заканчивается в точке 3 по оси X и точке 4 по оси Y, поэтому его координаты будут следующие: {1,2,3,4}. Координаты Прямоугольника № 2: {3,5,9,10}. Координаты Прямоугольника № 3: {4,7,5,9}. И наконец, координаты Прямоугольника № 4: {10,11,10,11}. Прямоугольник № 4, на самом деле, является точкой, поскольку у него нулевая ширина и нулевая высота, так что его можно описать всего двумя числами: {10,11}.
Некоторые отношения между прямоугольниками могут быть описаны так: «Прямоугольник №1 является ближайшим соседом Прямоугольника №2», а «Прямоугольник №3 полностью находится внутри Прямоугольника №2».
Поле №1 не имеет значения, мы создаем его лишь потому, что необходим первичный индекс. (RTREE-индексы не могут быть уникальными, поэтому не могут быть первичными индексами.) Второе поле должно быть массивом («array»), что означает, что его значения должны представлять собой точки {x,y} или прямоугольники {x1,y1,x2,y2}. Заполним таблицу, вставив два кортежа с координатами Прямоугольника №2 и Прямоугольника №4.
Запрос №1 возвращает 1 кортеж, потому что точка {10,11} представляет собой то же, что и прямоугольник {10,11,10,11} («Прямоугольник №4» на рисунке). Запрос № 2 возвращает 1 кортеж, потому что прямоугольник {4,7,5,9}, который был «Прямоугольником №3» на рисунке находится полностью внутри {3,5,9,10}, что представляет собой Прямоугольник № 2. Запрос № 3 возвращает 2 кортежа, потому что итератор NEIGHBOR (сосед) всегда возвращает все кортежи, а первым найденным кортежем будет {3,5,9,10} («Прямоугольник №2» на рисунке), потому что он является ближайшим соседом {1,2,3,4} («Прямоугольник №1» на рисунке).
Теперь создадим спейс и индекс для кубоидов, которые представляют собой прямоугольники-или-параллелепипеды, у которых 6 углов и 6 сторон.
Здесь задается дополнительный параметр dimension=3. По умолчанию, измерений 2, поэтому не было необходимости указывать данный параметр в примерах для прямоугольника. Максимальное количество измерений – 20. Что касается вставки и выборки, здесь будет 6 координат. Например:
Теперь создадим спейс и индекс для пространственных объектов с метрикой расстояния городских кварталов (метрика Манхэттена), которые представляют собой прямоугольники-или-параллелепипеды; соседи для них рассчитываются иным образом.
Здесь задается дополнительный параметр distance='manhattan'. По умолчанию, расстояние измеряется по Евклидовой метрике, что лучше всего подходит для измерений по прямой линии. Другой способ расчета расстояния по метрике Манхэттена („manhattan“), который больше подходит, если необходимо следовать линиям сетки, а не по прямой.
Обязательным условием является создание индекса для спейса до вставки в спейс кортежей или выборки кортежей из него. Первый созданный индекс, который будет использоваться в качестве первичного индекса, должен быть уникальным.
Building or rebuilding a large index will cause occasional
so that other requests will not be blocked.
If the other requests cause an illegal situation
such as a duplicate key in a unique index,
building or rebuilding such index will fail.
-- Create a space --bands=box.schema.space.create('bands')-- Specify field names and types --box.space.bands:format({{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='band_name',type='string'},{name='year',type='unsigned'}})-- Create a primary index --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})-- Create a unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})-- Create a non-unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('year',{parts={{'year'}},unique=false})-- Create a multi-part index --box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})
Index options that include the index name, type, identifiers of key fields, and so on.
These options are passed to the space_object.create_index() method.
-- Create a primary index --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})-- Create a unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})-- Create a non-unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('year',{parts={{'year'}},unique=false})-- Create a multi-part index --box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})
Другой способ объявления оператора parts
Если раньше (до версии 2.7.1) индекс состоял из одной части, содержал дополнительные параметры, например is_nullable или collation, и был описан так:
(с одинарными фигурными скобками), то Tarantool игнорировал эти параметры.
Начиная с версии 2.7.1, при описании индекса можно не указывать дополнительные фигурные скобки, но допускаются оба варианта:
-- с дополнительными фигурными скобкамиmy_space:create_index('one_part_idx',{parts={{1,'unsigned',is_nullable=true}}})-- без дополнительных фигурных скобокmy_space:create_index('one_part_idx',{parts={1,'unsigned',is_nullable=true}})
Specify the collation used to compare field values.
If the field collation is specified in space_object:format(),
key_part.collation inherits this value.
-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('tester')-- Use the 'unicode' collation --box.space.tester:create_index('unicode',{parts={{field=1,type='string',collation='unicode'}}})-- Use the 'unicode_ci' collation --box.space.tester:create_index('unicode_ci',{parts={{field=1,type='string',collation='unicode_ci'}}})-- Insert test data --box.space.tester:insert{'ЕЛЕ'}box.space.tester:insert{'елейный'}box.space.tester:insert{'ёлка'}-- Returns nil --select_unicode=box.space.tester.index.unicode:select({'ЁлКа'})-- Returns 'ёлка' --select_unicode_ci=box.space.tester.index.unicode_ci:select({'ЁлКа'})
Specify whether nil (or its equivalent such as msgpack.NULL) can be used as a field value.
If the is_nullable option is specified in space_object:format(),
key_part.is_nullable inherits this value.
You can set this option to true if:
the index type is TREE
the index is not the primary index
It is also legal to insert nothing at all when using trailing nullable fields.
Within indexes, such null values are always treated as equal to other null
values and are always treated as less than non-null values.
Nulls may appear multiple times even in a unique index.
It is legal to create multiple indexes for the same field with different
is_nullable values or to call space_object:format()
with a different is_nullable value from what is used for an index.
When there is a contradiction, the rule is: null is illegal unless
is_nullable=true for every index and for the space format.
Specify whether an index can skip tuples with null at this key part.
You can set this option to true if:
the index type is TREE
the index is not the primary index
If exclude_null is set to true, is_nullable is set to true automatically.
Note that this option can be changed dynamically.
In this case, the index is rebuilt.
Такие индексы вообще не хранят отфильтрованные кортежи, поэтому индексирование будет выполняться быстрее.
create_index() can use field names or field numbers to define key parts.
Example 1 (field names):
To create a key part by a field name, you need to specify space_object:format() first.
-- Create a primary index --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})-- Create a unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})-- Create a non-unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('year',{parts={{'year'}},unique=false})-- Create a multi-part index --box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})
Example 2 (field numbers):
-- Create a primary index --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={1}})-- Create a unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={2}})-- Create a non-unique secondary index --box.space.bands:create_index('year',{parts={{3}},unique=false})-- Create a multi-part index --box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={3,2}})
Создание индекса с использованием пути для полей с ассоциативными массивами (индексы по пути JSON)
Чтобы создать индекс для поля, которое представляет собой ассоциативный массив (строка с путем и скалярное значение), укажите строку c путем во время создания индекса:
Тип индекса должен быть TREE или HASH, а содержимое поля — всегда ассоциативный массив с одним и тем же путем.
Создание индекса по массивам (multikey) с использованием опции path с символом [*]
Строка в параметре пути может содержать символ [*], который называется заменителем индекса массива. Описанные так индексы используются для JSON-документов, у которых одинаковая структура.
Например, при создании индекса по полю №2 для документа со строками, который будет начинаться с {'data':[{'name':'...'},{'name':'...'}], раздел parts в запросе на создание индекса будет выглядеть так:
Тогда кортежи с именами можно быстро получить с помощью index_object:select({key-value}).
A single field can have multiple keys, as in this example
which retrieves the same tuple twice because there are two keys „A“ and „B“
which both match the request:
символ [*] должен стоять отдельно или в конце имени в пути.
символ [*] не должен повторяться в пути.
Если в индексе есть путь с x[*], то в никаком другом индексе не может быть пути с x.компонентом,
[*] нельзя указывать в пути первичного ключа.
Если индекс должен быть уникальным (unique=true) и в нем есть путь с символом [*], то запрещается использовать дублирующиеся ключи в разных кортежах, но в в одном кортеже можно использовать дублирующиеся ключи.
Структура значения поля должна соответствовать стуктуре, заданной в определении пути, или значение поля должно быть nil (nil не индексируется).
В спейсе с индексами по массивам можно хранить не более ~8000 элементов, проиндексированных таким образом.
Создание функционального индекса
Функциональные индексы — это индексы, которые вызывают пользовательскую функцию для формирования ключа индекса, в отличие от других типов индексов, где ключ формирует сам Tarantool. Функциональные индексы используют для сжатия, усечения или реверсирования или любого другого изменения индекса по желанию пользователя.
Ниже приведены рекомендации по созданию функциональных индексов:
The function definition must expect a tuple, which has the contents of
fields at the time a data-change request happens, and must return a tuple,
which has the contents that will be put in the index.
The create_index definition must include the specification of all key parts,
and the custom function must return a table that has the same number of key
parts with the same types.
Функция должна получать доступ к значениям частей ключа по индексу, а не по имени поля.
Функциональные индексы не должны быть по первичному ключу.
Нельзя изменить ни функциональные индексы, ни функцию, если она используется для индекса, то есть единственный способ изменить их — это удалить индекс и создать его заново.
Создайте функцию. Функция принимает кортеж. В этом примере она работает на кортеже tuple[2], поскольку источник ключа — поле номер 2, в которое мы вставляем данные. Используйте string.sub() из модуля string, чтобы получить первый символ:
Insert a few tuples. Select using only the first letter, it will work
because that is the key. Or, select using the same function as was used for
Функции для функциональных индексов могут возвращать множество ключей. Такие функции называют «мультиключевыми» (multikey).
To create a multikey function, the options of box.schema.func.create() must include is_multikey=true.
The return value must be a table of tuples. If a multikey function returns
N tuples, then N keys will be added to the index.
tester=box.schema.space.create('withdata')tester:format({{name='name',type='string'},{name='address',type='string'}})name_index=tester:create_index('name',{parts={{field=1,type='string'}}})function_code=[[function(tuple) local address = string.split(tuple[2]) local ret = {} for _, v in pairs(address) do table.insert(ret, {utf8.upper(v)}) end return ret end]]box.schema.func.create('address',{body=function_code,is_deterministic=true,is_sandboxed=true,is_multikey=true})addr_index=tester:create_index('addr',{unique=false,func='address',parts={{field=1,type='string',collation='unicode_ci'}}})tester:insert({"James","SIS Building Lambeth London UK"})tester:insert({"Sherlock","221B Baker St Marylebone London NW1 6XE UK"})addr_index:select('Uk')
Search for a tuple or a set of tuples via the given index,
and allow iterating over one tuple at a time.
To search by the primary index in the specified space, use the space_object:pairs() method.
Параметр key (ключ) задает, что именно должно совпадать в индексе.
key используется в поиске только первого совпадения. Не стоит ожидать, что все подобранные кортежи будут содержать этот ключ.
Параметр iterator (итератор) задает правило для совпадений и упорядочивания. Различные типы индексов поддерживают различные итераторы. Например, TREE-индекс поддерживает строгий порядок ключей и может вернуть все кортежи в порядке по возрастанию или по убыванию, начиная с указанного ключа. Однако другие типы индексов не поддерживают упорядочивание.
To understand consistency of tuples returned by an iterator, it’s
essential to know the principles of the Tarantool transaction processing
subsystem. An iterator in Tarantool does not own a consistent read view.
Instead, each procedure is granted exclusive access to all tuples and
spaces until there is a «context switch»: which may happen due to
the implicit yield rules, or by an
explicit call to fiber.yield. When the execution
flow returns to the yielded procedure, the data set could have changed
significantly. Iteration, resumed after a yield point, does not preserve
the read view, but continues with the new content of the database. The
tutorial Indexed pattern search shows one way that iterators
and yields can be used together.
For information about iterators“ internal structures, see the
«Lua Functional library»
key (scalar/table) – value to be matched against the index key,
which may be multi-part.
iterator – as defined in tables below. The default iterator type is „EQ“.
after – a tuple or the position of a tuple (tuple_pos) after which pairs starts the search. You can pass an empty string or box.NULL to this option to start the search from the first tuple.
The iterator, which can be
used in a for/end loop or with totable().
Возможные ошибки:
no such space
wrong type
selected iteration type is not supported for the index type
key is not supported for the iteration type
iterator position is invalid
Факторы сложности Размер индекса, тип индекса; количество кортежей, к которым получен доступ.
Значение искомого ключа может представлять собой число (например, 1234), строку (например, 'abcd') или таблицу из чисел и строк (например, {1234,'abcd'}). Каждая часть ключа будет сопоставляться с каждой частью ключа в индексе.
Найденные кортежи будут упорядочены по значению ключа в индексе или по хешу значения ключа, если тип индекса – „hash“. Если индекс не уникален, то дубликаты будут упорядочены во вторую очередь по первичному значению ключа. Порядок будет обратным, если тип итератора – „LT“, „LE“ или „REQ“.
Типы итераторов для TREE-индексов
Тип итератора
box.index.EQ или „EQ“
искомое значение
Оператором сравнения будет „==“ (равно). Если ключ индекса равен искомому значению, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по возрастанию по ключу индекса. Этот тип используется по умолчанию.
box.index.REQ или „REQ“
искомое значение
Совпадения находятся таким же образом, что и для box.index.EQ. Разница только в том, что найденные кортежи упорядочены по ключу индекса по убыванию, а не по возрастанию.
box.index.GT или „GT“
искомое значение
Оператором сравнения будет „>“ (больше чем). Если ключ индекса больше, чем искомое значение, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по возрастанию по ключу индекса.
box.index.GE или „GE“
искомое значение
Оператором сравнения будет „>=“ (больше или равен). Если ключ индекса больше искомого значения или равен ему, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по возрастанию по ключу индекса.
box.index.ALL или „ALL“
искомое значение
Как для box.index.GE.
box.index.LT или „LT“
искомое значение
Оператором сравнения будет „<“ (меньше чем). Если ключ индекса меньше искомого значения, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по убыванию по ключу индекса.
box.index.LE или „LE“
искомое значение
Оператором сравнения будет „<=“ (меньше или равен). Если ключ индекса меньше искомого значения или равен ему, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по убыванию по ключу индекса.
Неофициально можно сказать, что поиск с помощью TREE-индексов пользователи обычно считают интуитивно понятным при условии, что нет нулевых значений и отсутствующих частей. Формально же логика заключается в следующем. Ключ поиска состоит из нуля или более частей, например, {}, {1,2,3},{1,nil,3}. Ключ индекса состоит из одной или более частей, например, {1}, {1,2,3},{1,2,3}. Ключ поиска может содержать нулевое значение nil (но не msgpack.NULL, этот тип не будет правильным). Ключ индекса не может содержать nil или msgpack.NULL, хотя в последующих версиях правила работы Tarantool будут другие – поведение поиска с nil может измениться. Возможные итераторы: LT, LE, EQ, REQ, GE, GT. Считается, что ключ поиска соответствует ключу индекса, если следующие операторы, которые представляют собой псевдокод для операции сопоставления, возвращают TRUE.
Все ключи индекса являются совпадениями. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по возрастанию по хешу ключа индекса, который будет выглядеть случайным.
box.index.EQ или „EQ“
искомое значение
Оператором сравнения будет „==“ (равный). Если ключ индекса равен искомому значению, получим совпадение. Количество найденных кортежей будет 0 или 1. Этот тип используется по умолчанию.
Типы итераторов для BITSET-индексов
Тип возвращаемого значения
box.index.ALL или „ALL“
Все ключи индекса являются совпадениями. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.EQ или „EQ“
значение bitset (битовое множество)
Если ключ индекса равен искомому значению, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе. Этот тип используется по умолчанию.
значение bitset (битовое множество)
Если все биты, которые равны 1 в битовом множестве, также равны 1 в ключе индекса, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
значение bitset (битовое множество)
Если один из битов, которые равны 1 в битовом множестве, также равен 1 в ключе индекса, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
значение bitset (битовое множество)
Если все биты, которые равны 1 в битовом множестве, равны 0 в ключе индекса, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
Типы итераторов для RTREE-индексов
Тип возвращаемого значения
box.index.ALL или „ALL“
Все ключи являются совпадениями. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.EQ или „EQ“
искомое значение
Если все точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные искомым значением, совпадают с точками прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенного ключом индекса, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе. «Прямоугольник-или-параллелепипед» означает «прямоугольник-или-параллелепипед, как описано в разделе о RTREE». Этот тип используется по умолчанию.
box.index.GT или „GT“
искомое значение
Если все точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные искомым значением, находятся в пределах прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенного ключом индекса, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.GE или „GE“
искомое значение
Если все точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные искомым значением, находятся в пределах прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенного ключом индекса, или рядом с ним, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.LT или „LT“
искомое значение
Если все точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные ключом индекса, находятся в пределах прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенного искомым значением, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.LE или „LE“
искомое значение
Если все точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные ключом индекса, находятся в пределах прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенного искомым значением, или рядом с ним, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.OVERLAPS или „OVERLAPS“
искомое значение
Если некоторые точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные искомым значением, находятся в пределах прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенного ключом индекса, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены по положению в спейсе.
box.index.NEIGHBOR или „NEIGHBOR“
искомое значение
Если некоторые точки прямоугольника-или-параллелепипеда, определенные ключом, находятся в пределах, определенных ключом индекса, или рядом с ним, получим совпадение. Найденные кортежи упорядочены следующим образом: сначала ближайший сосед.
Below are few examples of using pairs with different parameters.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960} bands:insert{5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965} bands:insert{6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962} bands:insert{7, 'The Doors', 1965} bands:insert{8, 'Nirvana', 1987} bands:insert{9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968} bands:insert{10, 'Queen', 1970}---...-- Select all tuples by the primary index --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands.index.primary:pairs()do print(tuple) end[1, 'Roxette', 1986][2, 'Scorpions', 1965][3, 'Ace of Base', 1987][4, 'The Beatles', 1960][5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965][6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962][7, 'The Doors', 1965][8, 'Nirvana', 1987][9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968][10, 'Queen', 1970]---...-- Select all tuples whose secondary key values start with the specified string --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands.index.band:pairs("The",{iterator="GE"})do if (string.sub(tuple[2], 1, 3) ~= "The") then break end print(tuple) end[4, 'The Beatles', 1960][7, 'The Doors', 1965][6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962]---...-- Select all tuples whose secondary key values are between 1965 and 1970 --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands.index.year:pairs(1965,{iterator="GE"})do if (tuple[3] > 1970) then break end print(tuple) end[2, 'Scorpions', 1965][5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965][7, 'The Doors', 1965][9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968][10, 'Queen', 1970]---...-- Select all tuples after the specified tuple --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands.index.primary:pairs({},{after={7,'The Doors',1965}})do print(tuple) end[8, 'Nirvana', 1987][9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968][10, 'Queen', 1970]---...
Search for a tuple or a set of tuples by the current index.
To search by the primary index in the specified space, use the space_object:select() method.
key (scalar/table) – a value to be matched against the index key, which may be multi-part.
options (table/nil) –
ни один, любой или все следующие параметры:
iterator – the iterator type. The default iterator type is „EQ“.
limit – the maximum number of tuples.
offset – the number of tuples to skip (use this parameter carefully when scanning large data sets).
options.after – a tuple or the position of a tuple (tuple_pos) after which select starts the search. You can pass an empty string or box.NULL to this option to start the search from the first tuple.
options.fetch_pos – if true, the select method returns the position of the last selected tuple as the second value.
The after and fetch_pos options are supported for the TREEindex only.
This function might return one or two values:
The tuples whose fields are equal to the fields of the passed key.
If the number of passed fields is less than the
number of fields in the current key, then only the passed
fields are compared, so select{1,2} matches a tuple
whose primary key is {1,2,3}.
(Optionally) If options.fetch_pos is set to true, returns a base64-encoded string representing the position of the last selected tuple as the second value.
If no tuples are fetched, returns nil.
тип возвращаемого значения:
массив кортежей
(Optionally) string
Use the offset option carefully when scanning
large data sets as it linearly increases the number
of scanned tuples and leads to a full space scan.
Instead, you can use the after and fetch_pos options.
Below are few examples of using select with different parameters.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool database
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:insert{5,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.space.bands:insert{6,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:insert{7,'The Doors',1965}box.space.bands:insert{8,'Nirvana',1987}box.space.bands:insert{9,'Led Zeppelin',1968}box.space.bands:insert{10,'Queen',1970}-- Select a tuple by the specified primary key value --select_primary=bands.index.primary:select{1}--[[---- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]...--]]-- Select a tuple by the specified secondary key value --select_secondary=bands.index.band:select{'The Doors'}--[[---- - [7, 'The Doors', 1965]...--]]-- Select a tuple by the specified multi-part secondary key value --select_multipart=bands.index.year_band:select{1960,'The Beatles'}--[[---- - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]...--]]-- Select tuples by the specified partial key value --select_multipart_partial=bands.index.year_band:select{1965}--[[---- - [5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965] - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965] - [7, 'The Doors', 1965]...--]]-- Select maximum 3 tuples by the specified secondary index --select_limit=bands.index.band:select({},{limit=3})--[[---- - [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987] - [9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968] - [8, 'Nirvana', 1987]...--]]-- Select maximum 3 tuples with the key value greater than 1965 --select_greater=bands.index.year:select({1965},{iterator='GT',limit=3})--[[---- - [9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968] - [10, 'Queen', 1970] - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]...--]]-- Select maximum 3 tuples after the specified tuple --select_after_tuple=bands.index.primary:select({},{after={4,'The Beatles',1960},limit=3})--[[---- - [5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965] - [6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962] - [7, 'The Doors', 1965]...--]]-- Select first 3 tuples and fetch a last tuple's position --result,position=bands.index.primary:select({},{limit=3,fetch_pos=true})-- Then, pass this position as the 'after' parameter --select_after_position=bands.index.primary:select({},{limit=3,after=position})--[[---- - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960] - [5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965] - [6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962]...--]]
box.space.имя-спейса.index.имя-индекса:select(...)[1] можно заменить box.space.имя-спейса.index.имя-индекса:get(...). А именно, get можно использовать в качестве удобного сокращения для получения первого кортежа в наборе кортежей, который был бы выведен по запросу select. Однако, если в наборе кортежей больше одного кортежа, get завершится с ошибкой.
key (scalar/table) – значения для сопоставления с ключом индекса
кортеж для первого ключа в индексе. Если указано необязательное значение ключа key, будет выведен первый ключ, который больше или равен значению ключа key. Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.0.4, index:min(key) не вернет ничего, если индекс не содержит значения key.
Below are few examples of using min.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool database
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:insert{5,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.space.bands:insert{6,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:insert{7,'The Doors',1965}box.space.bands:insert{8,'Nirvana',1987}box.space.bands:insert{9,'Led Zeppelin',1968}box.space.bands:insert{10,'Queen',1970}-- Find the minimum value in the specified indexmin=box.space.bands.index.year:min()--[[---- [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]...--]]-- Find the minimum value that matches the partial key valuemin_partial=box.space.bands.index.year_band:min(1965)--[[---- [5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965]...--]]
key (scalar/table) – значения для сопоставления с ключом индекса
кортеж для последнего ключа в индексе. Если указано необязательное значение ключа key, будет выведен последний ключ, который меньше или равен значению ключа key. Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.0.4, index:max(key) не возвращает ничего, если индекс не содержит значения key.
Below are few examples of using max.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool database
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:insert{5,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.space.bands:insert{6,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:insert{7,'The Doors',1965}box.space.bands:insert{8,'Nirvana',1987}box.space.bands:insert{9,'Led Zeppelin',1968}box.space.bands:insert{10,'Queen',1970}-- Find the maximum value in the specified indexmax=box.space.bands.index.year:max()--[[---- [8, 'Nirvana', 1987]...--]]-- Find the maximum value that matches the partial key valuemax_partial=box.space.bands.index.year_band:max(1965)--[[---- [7, 'The Doors', 1965]...--]]
Поиск случайного значения в заданном индексе. Данный метод используется, когда важно получить представление о распределении данных в индексе без необходимости проходить по всему набору данных.
key (scalar/table) – значения для сопоставления с ключом индекса
iterator – метод сопоставления
количество совпадающих кортежей.
тип возвращаемого значения:
Below are few examples of using count.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool database
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:insert{5,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.space.bands:insert{6,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:insert{7,'The Doors',1965}box.space.bands:insert{8,'Nirvana',1987}box.space.bands:insert{9,'Led Zeppelin',1968}box.space.bands:insert{10,'Queen',1970}-- Count the number of tuples that match the full key valuecount=box.space.bands.index.year:count(1965)--[[---- 3...--]]-- Count the number of tuples that match the partial key valuecount_partial=box.space.bands.index.year_band:count(1965)--[[---- 3...--]]
key (scalar/table) – значения для сопоставления с ключом индекса
operator (string) – тип операции, представленный строкой
field_identifier (field-or-string) – к какому полю применяется операция. Номер поля может быть отрицательным, что означает, что позиция рассчитывается с конца кортежа. (#кортеж + отрицательный номер поля + 1)
value (lua_value) – какое значение применяется
обновленный кортеж
nil, если ключ не найден
тип возвращаемого значения:
tuple или nil
Начиная с версии Tarantool 2.3 кортеж можно обновить с помощью JSON-путей.
Изменение индекса. В определенных обстоятельствах можно изменять некоторые характеристики индекса, например тип, параметры последовательности и определение его уникальности. Тем не менее, это обычно приводит к перестроению спейса за исключением простого случая, когда значение флага is_nullable меняется с false на true.
Получение статистики о предпринятых действиях, которые влияют на индекс.
Используется с движком базы данных vinyl.
Подробные данные в выводе index_object:stat():
index_object:stat().latency содержит отметки времени в процентах;
index_object:stat().bytes содержит общее количество байтов;
index_object:stat().disk.rows содержит примерное количество кортежей в каждом диапазоне;
index_object:stat().disk.statement содержит количество вставок, обновлений, обновлений и вставок, удалений (inserts|updates|upserts|deletes);
index_object:stat().disk.compaction содержит количество слияний и их объем;
index_object:stat().disk.dump содержит количество дампов и их объем;
index_object:stat().disk.iterator.bloom содержит количество совпадений и несовпадений по фильтрами Блума;
index_object:stat().disk.pages содержит размер в страницах;
index_object:stat().disk.last_level содержит объем данных на последнем уровне LSM-дерева;
index_object:stat().cache.evict содержит количество освобождений кэша;
index_object:stat().range_size содержит максимальное количество байтов в диапазоне;
index_object:stat().dumps_per_compaction содержит среднее число дампов, которое необходимо для запуска значительного слияния в любом диапазоне LSM-дерева.
Summary index statistics are also available via
Удаление неиспользуемого пространства индекса. Для движка базы данных memtx метод бесполезен; index_object:compact() используется только для движка vinyl. Например, на движке vinyl при удалении кортежа память не возвращается незамедлительно. Существует планировщик автоматического восстановления ресурсов на основании таких факторов, как форма LSM-дерева и усложнение, как описано в разделе Хранение данных с помощью vinyl, поэтому выполнять index_object:compact() вручную необходимости нет.
nil (Tarantool возвращает нулевое значение сразу же, не ожидая завершения слияния)
tuple (scalar/table) – a tuple whose position should be found
a tuple’s position in a space
base64-encoded string
To try out this example, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960} bands:insert{5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965} bands:insert{6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962}---...-- Get a tuple's position --tarantool> position=bands.index.primary:tuple_pos({3,'Ace of Base',1987})---...-- Pass the tuple's position as the 'after' parameter --tarantool> bands:select({},{limit=3,after=position})-----[4,'TheBeatles',1960]-[5,'PinkFloyd',1965]-[6,'TheRollingStones',1962]...
index_object extensions
Пользователи могут сами определять любые желаемые функции и связывать их с индексами: фактически они могут создавать собственные методы для работы с индексом. Это можно сделать так:
создать Lua-функцию,
добавить имя функции в заданную глобальную переменную с типом «таблица» (table),
впоследствии в любое время, пока работает сервер, вызвать функцию с помощью объект_индекса:имя-функции([параметры]).
Есть три заданные глобальные переменные:
Adding to box_schema.index_mt makes the function available for all indexes.
Adding to box_schema.memtx_index_mt makes the function available for all memtx indexes.
Adding to box_schema.vinyl_index_mt makes the function available for all vinyl indexes.
Можно также сделать задаваемый пользователем метод доступным только для одного индекса путем вызова getmetatable(объект_индекса) и последующего добавления имени функции в метатаблицу.
Example 1:
The example below shows how to extend all memtx indexes with the custom function:
box.schema.space.create('tester1',{engine='memtx'})box.space.tester1:create_index('index1')global_counter=5-- Create a custom function.functionincrease_global_counter()global_counter=global_counter+1end-- Extend all memtx indexes with the created function.box.schema.memtx_index_mt.increase_global_counter=increase_global_counter-- Call the 'increase_global_counter' function on 'index1'-- to change the 'global_counter' value from 5 to 6.box.space.tester1.index.index1:increase_global_counter()
Example 2:
The example below shows how to extend the specified index with the custom function with parameters:
box.schema.space.create('tester2',{engine='memtx',id=1000})box.space.tester2:create_index('index2')local_counter=0-- Create a custom function.functionincrease_local_counter(i_arg,param)local_counter=local_counter+param+i_arg.space_idend-- Extend only the 'index2' index with the created function.box.schema.memtx_index_mt.increase_local_counter=increase_local_countermeta=getmetatable(box.space.tester2.index.index2)meta.increase_local_counter=increase_local_counter-- Call the 'increase_local_counter' function on 'index2'-- to change the 'local_counter' value from 0 to 1005.box.space.tester2.index.index2:increase_local_counter(5)
Вложенный модуль box.info
The box.info submodule provides access to information about a running Tarantool instance.
Below is a list of all box.info functions and members.
Get all keys and values provided by the box.info submodule.
Since box.info contents are dynamic, it’s not possible to iterate over
keys with the Lua pairs() function. For this purpose, box.info()
builds and returns a Lua table with all keys and values provided in the
ключи и значения во вложенном модуле
тип возвращаемого значения:
Данный пример приводится для набора со схемой мастер-реплика, который включает в себя один мастер-экземпляр и один реплика-экземпляр. Запрос был отправлен с реплики-экземпляра.
The current state of this replica set node in regard to leader election.
The following information is provided:
state – the election state (mode) of the node. Possible values are leader, follower, or candidate.
For more details, refer to description of the leader election process.
When replication.failover is set to election, the node is writable only in the leader state.
term – the current election term.
vote – the ID of a node the current node votes for. If the value is 0, it means the node hasn’t voted in the current term yet.
leader – a leader node ID in the current term. If the value is 0, it means the node doesn’t know which node is the leader in the current term.
leader_name – a leader name. Returns nil if there is no leader in a cluster or box.NULL if a leader does not have a name. Since version 3.0.0.
leader_idle – time in seconds since the last interaction with the known leader. Since version 2.10.0.
IDs in the box.info.election output are the replica IDs visible in the box.info.id output on each node and in the _cluster space.
Get information about the Tarantool garbage collector.
The garbage collector compares vclock (vector clock)
values of users and checkpoints, so a look at box.info.gc() may show why the
garbage collector has not removed old WAL files, or show what it may soon remove.
consumers – a list of users whose requests might affect the garbage collector.
checkpoints – a list of preserved checkpoints.
checkpoints[n].references – a list of references to a checkpoint.
checkpoints[n].vclock – a checkpoint’s vclock value.
checkpoints[n].signature – a sum of a checkpoint’s vclock’s components.
checkpoint_is_in_progress – true if a checkpoint is in progress, otherwise false
vclock – the garbage collector’s vclock.
signature – the sum of the garbage collector’s checkpoint’s components.
wal_retention_vclock – a vclock value of the oldest write-ahead log file protected from removing by the garbage collector by using the wal.retention_period option.
A numeric identifier of the current instance within the replica set.
This value corresponds to replication[{n}].id.
Learn more in box.info.replication.
Get information about memory usage for the current instance.
Чтобы получить представление о подсистеме vinyl’а, используйте box.stat.vinyl().
cache – the number of bytes used for caching user data. The
memtx storage engine does not require a cache, so in fact this is
the number of bytes in the cache for the tuples stored for the vinyl
storage engine.
data – the number of bytes used for storing user data
(the tuples) with the memtx engine and with level 0 of the vinyl engine,
without taking memory fragmentation into account.
index – the number of bytes used for indexing user data,
including memtx and vinyl memory tree extents, the vinyl page index,
and the vinyl bloom filters.
lua – the number of bytes used for Lua runtime.
net – the number of bytes used for network input/output buffers.
tx – the number of bytes in use by active transactions.
For the vinyl storage engine, this is the total size of all allocated
objects (struct txv, struct vy_tx, struct vy_read_interval)
and tuples pinned for those objects.
The replication section of box.info() is a table with statistics for all instances in the replica set that the current instance belongs to.
To see the example, refer to Monitoring a replica set.
In the following, n is the index number of one table item, for example,
replication[1], which has data about server instance number 1,
which may or may not be the same as the current instance
(the «current instance» is what is responding to box.info).
replication[n].id – это короткий числовой идентификатор экземпляра в наборе реплик. Данное значение хранится в системном спейсе box.space._cluster.
replication[n].uuid – это глобально-уникальный идентификатор экземпляра. Данное значение хранится в системном спейсе box.space._cluster.
replication[n].name is the instance name. See also: box.info.name.
replication[n].upstream appears (is not nil)
if the current instance is following or intending to follow instance n,
which ordinarily means
replication[n].upstream.status = follow,
replication[n].upstream.peer = url of instance n which is
being followed, replication[n].lagandidle = the instance’s
speed, described later.
Another way to say this is: replication[n].upstream will appear
when replication[n].upstream.peer is not of the current instance,
and is not read-only, and was specified in box.cfg{replication={...}},
so it is shown in box.cfg.replication.
replication[n].upstream.status is the replication status of the
connection with the instance n:
wait_snapshot: an instance is receiving metadata from the master. If join fails with a non-critical error at this stage (for example, ER_READONLY, ER_ACCESS_DENIED, or a network-related issue), an instance tries to find a new master to join.
fetch_snapshot: an instance is receiving data from the master’s .snap files.
final_join: an instance is receiving new data added during fetch_snapshot.
sync: the master and replica are synchronizing to have the same data.
follow: the current instance’s role is replica.
This means that the instance is read-only or acts as a replica for this remote peer in master-master configuration.
The instance is receiving or able to receive data from the instance n’s (upstream) master.
stopped: replication is stopped due to a replication
error (for example, duplicate key).
disconnected: an instance is not connected to the replica set
(for example, due to network issues, not replication errors).
replication[n].upstream.idle is the time (in seconds) since
the last event was received.
This is the primary indicator of replication health.
Learn more from Monitoring a replica set.
replication[n].upstream.peer contains instance n’s
URI, for example,
Learn more from Monitoring a replica set.
replication[n].upstream.lag is the time difference between the
local time of instance n, recorded when the event was received, and
the local time at another master recorded when the event was written to
the write-ahead log on that master.
Learn more from Monitoring a replica set.
replication[n].upstream.message contains an error message in
case of a degraded state; otherwise, it is nil.
replication[n].downstream appears (is not nil)
with data about an instance that is following instance n
or is intending to follow it, which ordinarily means
replication[n].downstream.status = follow.
replication[n].downstream.vclock contains the
vector clock, which is a table of
„id, lsn“ pairs, for example,
(Notice that the table may have multiple pairs although vclock is
a singular name).
Даже если экземпляр удален, его значения все равно появятся здесь; однако, его значения будут переопределены, если позже экземпляр присоединится с тем же UUID. Пары векторных часов будут появляться только если lsn>0.
replication[n].downstream.vclock может быть таким же, как и vclock текущего экземпляра (box.info.vclock), потому что все значения vclock в кластере известны. Мастер будет знать, что находится в копии vclock реплики, потому что, когда мастер делает изменение данных, он посылает информацию об изменении на реплику (включая векторные часы мастера), и реплика отвечает тем, что находится в ее таблице векторных часов.
A replica also sends its entire vector clock table in response
to a master’s heartbeat message, see the heartbeat-message examples
in the section Binary protocol – replication.
replication[n].downstream.idle – это время (в секундах) с момента последней отправки событий экземпляром n через downstream-репликацию.
replication[n].downstream.status – это статус для downstream-репликации:
stopped означает, что downstream-репликация остановлена,
follow означает, что downstream-репликация находится в процессе (экземпляр n готов принимать данные от мастера или уже делает это).
replication[n].downstream.lag is the time difference between the
local time at the master node, recorded when a particular transaction was written to
the write-ahead log, and the local time recorded when it receives an acknowledgment
for this transaction from a replica.
Since version 2.10.0.
See more in Monitoring a replica set.
replication[n].downstream.message and
will be nil unless a problem occurs with the connection.
For example, if instance n goes down, then one may see
status='stopped', message='unexpectedEOFwhenreadingfromsocket', and system_message='Brokenpipe'.
See also degraded state.
Вывод аналогичен выводу box.info.replication, за исключением того, что анонимные реплики индексируются по их uuid, а не по идентификаторам серверов, так как идентификаторы серверов не имеют значения для анонимных реплик.
Обратите внимание, что при вызове box.info.replication_anon, возвращается только количество анонимных реплик текущего экземпляра. Чтобы увидеть полную статистику, нужно вызвать box.info.replication_anon(). Это делается для того, чтобы не перегружать вывод box.info избыточной информацией, так как анонимных реплик может быть много.
Нужно отметить, что анонимные реплики скрывают свои lsn от других, поэтому lsn анонимной реплики всегда будет записан как ноль, даже если анонимная реплика выполняет некоторые локальные операции на спейсе. Для того, чтобы узнать lsn конкретной анонимной реплики, необходимо вызвать box.info.lsn на ней.
The reason why the current instance is read-only.
To get whether the current instance is writable or read-only, use box.info.ro.
If the instance is in writable mode, box.info.ro_reason returns nil.
The possible values returned by ro_reason:
election – the instance is not the leader.
See box.info.election for details.
synchro – the instance is not the owner of the synchronous transaction queue.
For details, see box.info.synchro.
config – the instance is is configured to be read only.
The database schema version.
A schema version is a number that indicates whether the database schema is changed.
For example, the schema_version value grows if a space or index is added or deleted, or a space, index, or field name is changed.
In synchronous replication, transaction is considered committed only after achieving
the required quorum number.
While transactions are collecting confirmations from remote nodes, these transactions are waiting in the queue.
The following information is provided:
owner (since version 2.10.0) – ID of the replica that owns the synchronous
transaction queue. Once an owner instance appears, all other instances become read-only.
If the owner field is 0, then every instance may be writable,
but they can’t create any synchronous transactions.
To claim or reclaim the queue, use box.ctl.promote() on the instance that you want
to promote.
To clear the ownership, call box.ctl.demote() on the synchronous queue owner.
When Raft election is enabled and replication.election_mode
is set to candidate, the new Raft leader claims the queue automatically after winning the elections.
It means that the value of box.info.synchro.queue.owner becomes equal to box.info.election.leader.
When Raft is enabled, no manual intervention with box.ctl.promote() or box.ctl.demote() is required.
term (since version 2.10.0) – current queue term.
It contains the term of the last PROMOTE request.
Usually, it is equal to box.info.election.term.
However, the queue term value may be less than the election term.
It can happen when a new round of elections has started, but no instance has been promoted yet.
len – the number of entries that are currently waiting in the queue.
busy (since version 2.10.0) – the boolean value is true
when the instance is processing or writing some system request that modifies the queue
(for example, PROMOTE, CONFIRM, or ROLLBACK).
Until the request is complete, any other incoming synchronous transactions and system requests
will be delayed.
age (since version 3.2.0) – the time in seconds that the oldest entry currently
present in the queue has spent waiting for the quorum to collect.
confirm_lag (since version 3.2.0) – the time in seconds that the latest successfully
confirmed entry waited for the quorum to collect.
quorum – the resulting value of the
replication.synchro_quorum configuration option.
Since version 2.5.3, the option can be set as a dynamic formula.
In this case, the value of the quorum member depends on the current number of replicas.
Example 1:
In this example, the quorum field is equal to 1.
That is, synchronous transactions work like asynchronous ones.
1 means that a successful WAL writing to the master is enough to commit.
On the second instance, simulate failure like if this instance would crash or go out of the network:
box_info_synchro:instance002> os.exit(0) ⨯ Connection was closed. Probably instance process isn't running anymore
On the first instance, try to perform some synchronous transactions.
The transactions would hang, because the replication.synchro_quorum
option is set to 2, and the second instance is not available:
box_info_synchro:instance001> fiber = require('fiber')---...box_info_synchro:instance001> for i = 1, 3 do fiber.new(function() box.space.sync:replace{i} end) end---...
Call the box.info.synchro command on the first instance again:
The box.iproto submodule provides the ability to work with the network subsystem of Tarantool.
It allows you to extend the IPROTO functionality from Lua.
With this submodule, you can:
IPROTO constants in the box.iproto namespace are written in uppercase letters without the IPROTO_ prefix.
The constants are divided into several groups:
IPROTO protocol features with the corresponding code (box.iproto.feature)
The example converts the feature names from box.iproto.protocol_features set into codes:
-- Features supported by the serverbox.iproto.protocol_features={streams=true,transactions=true,error_extension=true,watchers=true,pagination=true,}-- Convert the feature names into codesfeatures={}fornameinpairs(box.iproto.protocol_features)dotable.insert(features,box.iproto.feature[name])endreturnfeatures-- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Handling the unknown IPROTO request types
Every IPROTO request has a static handler.
That is, before version 2.11.0, any unknown request raised an error.
Since 2.11.0, a new request type is introduced – IPROTO_UNKNOWN.
This type is used to override the handlers of the unknown IPROTO request types. For details, see
box.iproto.override() and box_iproto_override functions.
API reference
The table lists all available functions and data of the submodule:
Since version 2.11.0.
Set a new IPROTO request handler callback for the given request type.
request_type (number) –
a request type code. Possible values:
a type code from box.iproto.type (except
box.iproto.type.UNKNOWN) – override the existing request type handler.
box.iproto.type.UNKNOWN – override the handler of unknown request types.
handler (function) –
IPROTO request handler.
The signature of a handler function: function(sid,header,body), where
header (userdata): a request header encoded as a msgpack_object
body (userdata): a request body encoded as a msgpack_object
Returns true on success, otherwise false. On false, there is a fallback
to the default handler. Also, you can indicate an error by throwing an exception.
In this case, the return value is false, but this does not always mean a failure.
To reset the request handler, set the handler parameter to nil.
Possible errors:
If a Lua handler throws an exception, the behavior is similar to that of a remote procedure call.
The following errors are returned to the client over IPROTO (see src/lua/utils.h):
ER_PROC_LUA – an exception is thrown from a Lua handler, diagnostic is not set.
diagnostics from src/box/errcode.h – an exception is thrown, diagnostic is set.
When using box.iproto.override(), it is important that you follow the wire protocol.
That is, the server response should match the return value types of the corresponding request type.
Otherwise, it could lead to peer breakdown or undefined behavior.
Define a handler function for the box.iproto.type.SELECT request type:
Since version 2.11.0.
Send an IPROTO packet over the session’s socket with the given MsgPack header
and body.
The header and body contain exported IPROTO constants from the box.iproto() submodule.
Possible IPROTO constant formats:
a lowercase constant without the IPROTO_ prefix (schema_version, request_type)
a constant from the corresponding box.iproto subnamespace (box.iproto.SCHEMA_VERSION, box.iproto.REQUEST_TYPE)
The function works for binary sessions only. For details, see box.session.type().
sid (number) – the IPROTO session identifier (see box.session.id())
header (table|string) – a request header encoded as MsgPack
body (table|string|nil) – a request body encoded as MsgPack
0 on success, otherwise an error is raised
Possible errors:
ER_SESSION_CLOSED – the session is closed.
ER_NO_SUCH_SESSION – the session does not exist.
ER_MEMORY_ISSUE – out-of-memory limit has been reached.
ER_WRONG_SESSION_TYPE – the session type is not binary.
Return an array of all active database read views.
This array might include the following read view types:
read views created by application code (Enterprise Edition only)
system read views (used, for example, to make a checkpoint
or join a new replica)
Read views created by application code also have the space field.
The field lists all spaces available in a read view,
and may be used like a read view object returned by box.read_view.open().
read_view.list() also contains read views created using the
C API (box_raw_read_view_new()).
Note that you cannot access database spaces included in such views from Lua.
opts (table) – (optional) configurations options for a read view.
For example, the name option specifies a read view name.
If name is not specified, a read view name is set to unknown.
Create a space.
You can use either syntax. For example,
s=box.schema.space.create('tester') has the same effect as
There are three syntax variations
for object references targeting space objects, for example
drops a space. However, the common approach is to use functions
attached to the space objects, for example
Следующим шагом после создания спейса будет создание индекса для него, после чего можно будет выполнять вставку, выборку и другие функции box.space.
Space options that include the space id, format, field count, constraints and
foreign keys, and so on.
These options are passed to the box.schema.space.create() method.
Field names and types.
See the illustrations of format clauses in the space_object:format()
description and in the box.space._space
example. Optional and usually not specified.
-- Define a tuple constraint function --box.schema.func.create('check_person',{language='LUA',is_deterministic=true,body='function(t, c) return (t.age >= 0 and #(t.name) > 3) end'})-- Create a space with a tuple constraint --customers=box.schema.space.create('customers',{constraint='check_person'})
-- Create a space with a tuple foreign key --box.schema.space.create("orders",{foreign_key={space='customers',field={customer_id='id',customer_name='name'}}})box.space.orders:format({{name="id",type="number"},{name="customer_id"},{name="customer_name"},{name="price_total",type="number"},})
Если выполнить box.cfg{read_only=true...} во время конфигурации по-разному влияет на спейсы в зависимости от опций, использованных во время box.schema.space.create, как описано в таблице:
If you created a database with an older Tarantool version and have now installed
a newer version, make the request box.schema.upgrade(). This updates
Tarantool system spaces to match the currently installed version of Tarantool.
You can learn about the general upgrade process from the Upgrades topic.
For example, here is what happens when you run box.schema.upgrade() with a
database created with Tarantool version 1.6.4 to version 1.7.2 (only a small
part of the output is shown):
tarantool> box.schema.upgrade()alter index primary on _space set options to {"unique":true}, parts to [[0,"unsigned"]]alter space _schema set options to {}create view _vindex...grant read access to 'public' role for _vindex viewset schema version to 1.7.0---...
You can also put the request box.schema.upgrade()
inside a box.once() function in your Tarantool
initialization file.
On startup, this will create new system spaces, update data type names (for example,
num -> unsigned, str -> string) and options in Tarantool system spaces.
Allows you to downgrade a database to the specified Tarantool version.
This might be useful if you need to run a database on older Tarantool versions.
To prepare a database for using it on an older Tarantool instance,
call box.schema.downgrade and pass the desired Tarantool version:
tarantool> box.schema.downgrade('2.8.4')
The Tarantool’s downgrade procedure is similar to the upgrade process that is described in the Upgrades topic.
You need to run box.schema.downgrade() only on master and execute box.snapshot() on every instance in a replica set before restart to an older version.
To see Tarantool versions available for downgrade, call box.schema.downgrade_versions(). The oldest release available for downgrade is 2.8.2.
Note that the downgrade process might fail if the database enables specific features not supported
in the target Tarantool version.
You can see all such issues using the box.schema.downgrade_issues() method,
which accepts the target version.
For example, downgrade to the 2.8.4 version fails if you use tuple compression or field constraints in your database:
tarantool> box.schema.downgrade_issues('2.8.4')-----Tuple compression is found in space 'bands', field 'band_name'. It is supportedstarting from version 2.10.0.-Field constraint is found in space 'bands', field 'year'. It is supported startingfrom version 2.10.0....
Return a list of Tarantool versions available for downgrade.
To learn how to downgrade a database to the specified Tarantool version, see box.schema.downgrade().
Return a list of downgrade issues for the specified Tarantool version.
To learn how to downgrade a database to the specified Tarantool version, see box.schema.downgrade().
Создание пользователя. Чтобы получить информацию о том, как происходит управление данными пользователя в Tarantool, см. раздел Пользователи и справочник по спейсу _user.
Возможные параметры:
if_not_exists (если отсутствует) = true|false (правда/ложь, по умолчанию ложь) - логическое значение boolean; true (правда) означает, что ошибка не выпадет, если пользователь уже существует,
password (default = „“) - string; the password = password
specification is good because in a URI
(Uniform Resource Identifier) it is usually illegal to include a
username without a password.
Удаление пользователя. Чтобы получить информацию о том, как происходит управление данными пользователя в Tarantool, см. раздел Пользователи и справочник по спейсу _user.
options (table) – if_exists (если существует) = true|false (правда/ложь, по умолчанию ложь) - логическое значение boolean; true (правда) означает, что ошибка не выпадет, если такой пользователь не существует.
Выдача true (правда), если пользователь существует; выдача false (ложь), если пользователь отсутствует. Чтобы получить информацию о том, как происходит управление данными пользователя в Tarantool, см. раздел Пользователи и справочник по спейсу _user.
Выдача хеша пароля пользователя. Чтобы получить информацию о том, как происходит управление паролями в Tarantool, см. раздел Пароли и справочник по спейсу _user.
Если у пользователя, который не является пользователем „guest“ нет пароля, невозможно подключиться к Tarantool через этого пользователя. Пользователь считается только “внутренним”, его нельзя использовать для удаленного подключения. Такие пользователи могут работать, если они определили какие-либо процедуры с помощью SETUID, на которые есть доступ у пользователей с внешним подключением. Таким образом, внешние пользователи могут не создавать/удалять объекты, а только вызывать процедуры.
Для пользователя „guest“ невозможно установить пароль: это бы привело к путанице, поскольку „guest“ является пользователем по умолчанию для любого установленного подключения по бинарному порту, а Tarantool не требует пароль при установке бинарного подключения. Тем не менее, можно сменить текущего пользователя на пользователя ‘guest’, предоставив AUTH-пакет (пакет авторизации) без пароля или с пустым паролем. Данная функция полезна для пулов соединений, которые хотят повторно использовать соединение для другого пользователя без повторного подключения.
options (table) – if_not_exists (если отсутствует) = true|false (правда/ложь, по умолчанию ложь) - логическое значение boolean; true (правда) означает, что ошибка не выпадет, если роль уже существует.
options (table) – if_exists (если существует) = true|false (правда/ложь, по умолчанию ложь) - логическое значение boolean; true (правда) означает, что ошибка не выпадет, если такая роль не существует.
Using the body option, you can make a function persistent.
In this case, the function is «persistent» because its definition is stored in a snapshot (the box.space._func system space) and can be recovered if the server restarts.
The example below shows how to create a persistent Lua function,
show its definition using box.func.{func-name},
and call this function using box.func.{func-name}:call([parameters]):
tarantool> lua_code=[[function(a, b) return a + b end]]tarantool> box.schema.func.create('sum',{body=lua_code})tarantool> box.func.sum----is_sandboxed:falseis_deterministic:falseid:2setuid:falsebody:function(a, b) return a + b endname:sumlanguage:LUA...tarantool> box.func.sum:call({1,2})----3...
Make Tarantool treat the function’s caller as the function’s creator, with full privileges.
Note that setuid works only over binary ports.
setuid doesn’t work if you invoke a function using the
admin console or inside a Lua script.
Whether the function should be executed in an isolated environment.
This means that any operation that accesses the world outside the sandbox is forbidden or has no effect.
Therefore, a sandboxed function can only use modules and functions
that cannot affect isolation:
Also, a sandboxed function cannot refer to global variables – they
are treated as local variables because the sandbox is established
with setfenv.
So, a sandboxed function is stateless and deterministic.
If set to true for a Lua function and the function is called via net.box (conn:call()) or by box.func.<func-name>:call(),
the function arguments are passed being wrapped in a MsgPack object:
localmsgpack=require('msgpack')box.schema.func.create('my_func',{takes_raw_args=true})localmy_func=function(mp)assert(msgpack.is_object(mp))localargs=mp:decode()-- array of argumentsend
If a function forwards most of its arguments to another Tarantool instance or writes them to a database,
the usage of this option can improve performance because it skips the MsgPack data decoding in Lua.
options (table) – if_exists (если существует) = true|false (правда/ложь, по умолчанию ложь) - логическое значение boolean; true (правда) означает, что ошибка не выпадет, если кортеж в _func не существует.
Перезагрузка модуля на C (со всеми его функциями) без перезапуска сервера.
С точки зрения внутреннего устройства, Tarantool загружает новую копию модуля (библиотека общего пользования *.so) и запускает маршрутизацию всех новых запросов на новую версию. Предыдущая версия остается активной до тех пор, пока не завершатся все начатые вызовы. Все библиотеки общего пользования загружены с RTLD_LOCAL (см. «man 3 dlopen»), таким образом, множество копий могут работать одновременно без каких-либо проблем.
Перезагрузка не сработает, если модуль был загружен из Lua-скрипта с ffi.load().
-- перегрузить целиком всё содержимое модуляbox.schema.func.reload('module')
Вводная информация о последовательностях дается в разделе Последовательности главы «Модель данных». Здесь же приведена подробная информация о каждой функции и каждом параметре.
Все функции, связанные с последовательностями, требуют наличия соответствующих прав.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля box.schema.sequence.
options (table) – см. краткий обзор в таблице «Параметры для box.schema.sequence.create()» (в разделе Последовательности главы «Модель данных»), а более подробную информацию ниже.
ссылка на новый объект последовательности.
start – НАЧАЛЬНОЕ значение. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 1.
min – МИНИМАЛЬНОЕ значение. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 1.
max –МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ значение. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 9223372036854775807.
Есть следующее правило: min <= start <= max. Например, нельзя указать {start=0}, поскольку указанное начальное значение (0) будет меньше, чем минимальное значение, используемое по умолчанию (1).
Есть следующее правило: min <= следующее-значение <= max. Например, если сгенерированное значение будет 1000, но максимальное значение – 999, это будет считаться переполнением.
There is a rule: start and min and max must all
be <= 9223372036854775807 which is 2^63 - 1 (not 2^64).
cycle – значение ЦИКЛА. Тип = bool (логический), по умолчанию = false (ложь).
Если следующее значение в генераторе последовательности будет переполнением, это вызовет ошибку – не считая случаев, когда задан цикл (cycle==true).
Если же cycle==true, отсчет начинается заново с МИНИМАЛЬНОГО значения или с МАКСИМАЛЬНОГО значения (не с НАЧАЛЬНОГО значения).
cache – значение КЭША. Тип = беззнаковое целое число, по умолчанию = 0.
В данный момент Tarantool игнорирует это значение, оно зарезервировано для последующего использования.
step – значение УВЕЛИЧЕНИЯ. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 1.
Если предыдущее значение плюс значение УВЕЛИЧЕНИЯ меньше, чем МИНИМАЛЬНОЕ значение, или больше, чем МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ значение, будет переполнение, поэтому либо выдать сообщение об ошибке (если цикл не задан – cycle = false) или вернуть МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ значение (если цикл задан – cycle = true – и step < 0), или вернуть МИНИМАЛЬНОЕ значение (если цикл задан – cycle = true – и step > 0).
Если ошибки нет, сохранить результат, который становится «предыдущим значением».
Например, предположим, что для последовательности „S“:
min == -6,
max == -1,
step == -3,
start = -2,
cycle = true,
предыдущее значение = -2.
Тогда box.sequence.S:next() вернет -5, потому что -2 + (-3) == -5.
Затем box.sequence.S:next() снова вернет -1, потому что -5 + (-3) < -6, что будет переполнением, которое вызовет цикл, а max == -1.
Для данной функции необходимы права на запись („write“) на последовательность.
Данную функцию не следует использовать в транзакциях между движками (транзакции, в которых используется и движок memtx, и движок vinyl).
Чтобы увидеть предыдущее значение, не изменяя его, сделайте выборку из системного спейса _sequence_data.
Функцию alter() можно использовать для изменения любых параметров последовательности. Требования и ограничения в данном случае такие же, как для box.schema.sequence.create().
start – НАЧАЛЬНОЕ значение. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 1.
min – МИНИМАЛЬНОЕ значение. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 1.
max –МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ значение. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 9223372036854775807.
Есть следующее правило: min <= start <= max. Например, нельзя указать {start=0}, поскольку указанное начальное значение (0) будет меньше, чем минимальное значение, используемое по умолчанию (1).
Есть следующее правило: min <= следующее-значение <= max. Например, если сгенерированное значение будет 1000, но максимальное значение – 999, это будет считаться переполнением.
cycle – значение ЦИКЛА. Тип = bool (логический), по умолчанию = false (ложь).
Если следующее значение в генераторе последовательности будет переполнением, это вызовет ошибку – не считая случаев, когда задан цикл (cycle==true).
Если же cycle==true, отсчет начинается заново с МИНИМАЛЬНОГО значения или с МАКСИМАЛЬНОГО значения (не с НАЧАЛЬНОГО значения).
cache – значение КЭША. Тип = беззнаковое целое число, по умолчанию = 0.
В данный момент Tarantool игнорирует это значение, оно зарезервировано для последующего использования.
step – значение УВЕЛИЧЕНИЯ. Тип = целое число, по умолчанию = 1.
Возврат последовательности в оригинальное состояние. Смысл в том, что последующий вызов next() вернет начальное значение start. Для данной функции необходимы права на запись („write“) на последовательность.
Установка «предыдущего значения» на new-previous-value (новое предыдущее значение). Для данной функции необходимы права на запись („write“) на последовательность.
Since version 2.4.1.
Return the last retrieved value of the specified sequence or throw an error
if no value has been generated yet (next() has not been called yet, or current() is called right
after reset() is called).
tarantool> sq=box.schema.sequence.create('test')---...tarantool> sq:current()----error:Sequence 'test' is not started...tarantool> sq:next()----1...tarantool> sq:current()----1...tarantool> sq:set(42)---...tarantool> sq:current()----42...tarantool> sq:reset()---...tarantool> sq:current()-- error----error:Sequence 'test' is not started...
Можно использовать опцию sequence=имя-последовательности (или sequence=id-последовательности, или sequence=true) при создании или изменении первичного индекса. Происходит ассоциация последовательности с индексом, так что следующий вызов insert() поместит следующее сгенерированное число в поле первичного ключа, если в противном случае поле было бы nil.
The syntax may be any of: sequence=sequenceidentifier
The sequence identifier may be either a number
(the sequence id) or a string (the sequence name).
The field number may be the ordinal number of any field
in the index; default = 1.
Examples of all possibilities:
sequence=1 or
sequence='sequence_name' or
sequence={id=1} or
sequence={id='sequence_name'} or
sequence={id=1,field=1} or
sequence={id='sequence_name',field=1} or
sequence={field=1} or
sequence=true or
Notice that the sequence identifier can be omitted,
if it is omitted then a new sequence is created
automatically with default name = space-name_seq.
Notice that the field number does not have to be 1,
that is, the sequence can be associated with any
field in the primary-key index.
Например, если „Q“ – это последовательность, а „T“ – это новый спейс, то сработает:
The index key type may be either „integer“ or „unsigned“.
If any of the sequence options is a negative number, then
the index key type should be „integer“.
Users should not insert a value greater than 9223372036854775807,
which is 2^63 - 1, in the indexed field. The sequence generator
will ignore it.
Последовательность нельзя удалить, если она связана с индексом. Тем не менее, можно использовать index_object:alter(), чтобы показать, что последовательность не связана с индексом, например так box.space.T.index.I:alter({sequence=false}).
If a sequence was created automatically because the
sequence identifier was omitted, then it will be dropped
automatically if the index is altered so that sequence=false,
or if the index is dropped.
index_object:alter() can also be used to associate a
sequence with an existing index, with the same syntax for options.
When a sequence is used with an index based on a JSON path,
inserted tuples must have all components of the path preceding
the autoincrement field, and the autoincrement field.
To achieve that use box.NULL rather than nil. Example:
s=box.schema.space.create('test')s:create_index('pk',{parts={{'[1].a.b[1]','unsigned'}},sequence=true})s:replace{}-- errors:replace{{c={}}}-- errors:replace{{a={c={}}}}-- errors:replace{{a={b={}}}}-- errors:replace{{a={b={nil}}}}-- errors:replace{{a={b={box.NULL}}}}-- ok
Вложенный модуль box.session
Вложенный модуль box.session позволяет делать запросы состояния сессии, вносить записи во временную Lua-таблицу по отдельной сессии, отправлять экстренные сообщения и настраивать триггеры, которые сработают в начале или окончании сессии.
Сессия – это объект, связанный с каждым подключением клиента.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций и элементов модуля box.session.
Данная функция сработает только в том случае, если есть подключенная программа, то есть если было выполнено подключение к отдельному экземпляру Tarantool.
Адрес хоста и порт подключенного узла, например «». Если существует сессия, но отсутствует подключение к отдельному экземпляру, вернется null. Команда выполняется на экземпляре сервера, поэтому «локальное имя» – это хост и порт экземпляра сервера, а «имя узла» – это хост и порт клиента.
значение целочисленной константы sync, используемой в бинарном протоколе. Это значение будет недействительным после отключения сессии.
тип возвращаемого значения:
This function is local for the request, i.e. not global for the session. If
the connection behind the session is multiplexed, this function can be
safely used inside the request processor.
box.session.type() используется для триггера при замене on_replace() на реплике – значение будет „applier“ только в том случае, если триггер был активирован по причине запроса, выполненного на мастере.
Или, если указана выполняемая функция (function-to-execute), временное изменение текущего пользователя Tarantool во время выполнения функции – аналогично Unix-команде sudo.
function-to-execute – имя функции или определение функции. Дополнительные параметры могут передаваться в box.session.su, они будут интерпретироваться как параметры выполняемой функции.
У каждого пользователя есть уникальное имя (узнать с помощью box.session.user()) и уникальный идентификатор (узнать с помощью box.session.uid()). Значения хранятся вместе в спейсе _user.
Первый случай: если вызов box.session.euid() выполняется в рамках функции, вызываемой по box.session.su(user-name, function-to-execute) – в таком случае box.session.euid() вернет измененный идентификатор пользователя (пользователь, который указан в параметре user-name функции su), но box.session.uid() вернет идентификатор оригинального пользователя (пользователя, который вызывает функцию su).
Второй случай: если вызов box.session.euid() выполняется в рамках функции по box.schema.func.create(function-name, {setuid= true}), и используется бинарный протокол – в таком случае box.session.euid() вернет идентификатор пользователя, который создал функцию «function-name», а box.session.uid() вернет идентификатор пользователя, который вызывает эту функцию «function-name».
Lua-таблица с произвольными неупорядоченными именами и значениями по сессии, которая хранится до конца сессии. Например, эту таблицу можно использовать для хранения текущих задач при работе с очередями сообщений в Tarantool.
tarantool> box.session.peer(box.session.id())----> box.session.storage.random_memorandum="Don't forget the eggs"---...tarantool> box.session.storage.radius_of_mars=3396---...tarantool> m=''---...tarantool> fork,vinpairs(box.session.storage)do > m=m..k..'='..v..' ' > end---...tarantool> m----'radius_of_mars=3396random_memorandum=Don't forget the eggs. '...
Определение исполняемого триггера во время создания новой сессии при подключении по консоли console.connect. Функция с триггером будет первой исполняемой функцией после создания сессии. Если триггер не выполняется и выдает ошибку, эта ошибка отправляется на клиент, и подключение разрывается.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil, old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций с триггером.
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Определение исполняемого триггера после отключения клиента. Если функция с триггером вызывает ошибку, то ошибка записывается в журнал, в противном случае записей не будет. Триггер вызывается во время сессии клиента и может получить доступ к свойствам сессии, как box.session.id().
Начиная с версии 1.10, функция с триггером вызывается сразу же после прерывания сессии, даже если сделанные запросы не были выполнены.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil, old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций с триггером.
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Определение триггера, используемого во время аутентификации.
Вызов функции on_auth с триггером происходит в следующих обстоятельствах:
Функция console.connect включает в себя проверку аутентификации всех пользователей, кроме „guest“. Вызов функции on_auth с триггером происходит после триггера on_connect только в том случае, если подключение было успешным.
В отличие от других типов триггеров, вызов функций с триггером on_auth происходит до события. Таким образом, функция с таким триггером, как functionauth_function()v=box.session.user();end, определит v как «guest», то есть имя пользователя до проведения аутентификации. Чтобы получить имя пользователя после проведения аутентификации, используйте специальный синтаксис: functionauth_function(user_name)v=user_name;end
Если триггер не выполняется и выдает ошибку, эта ошибка отправляется на клиент, и подключение разрывается.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil, old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций с триггером.
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Более сложный пример с двумя экземплярами сервера.
Первый экземпляр сервера настроен на прослушивание по порту 3301; имя пользователя по умолчанию – „admin“. Есть три триггера on_auth:
В первом триггере есть функция без аргументов, которая только смотрит на box.session.user().
Во втором триггере есть функция с аргументом user_name, которая может смотреть на box.session.user() и user_name.
В третьем триггере есть функция с аргументом user_name и аргументом status, которая может смотреть на box.session.user() и user_name, и``status``.
Второй экземпляр сервера подключится по console.connect, а затем отобразит переменные, определенные функциями с триггером.
-- На первом экземпляре сервера, прослушивание на котором настроено на порт 3301box.cfg{listen=3301}functionfunction1()print('function 1, box.session.user()='..box.session.user())endfunctionfunction2(user_name)print('function 2, box.session.user()='..box.session.user())print('function 2, user_name='..user_name)endfunctionfunction3(user_name,status)print('function 3, box.session.user()='..box.session.user())print('function 3, user_name='..user_name)ifstatus==truethenprint('function 3, status = true, authorization succeeded')endendbox.session.on_auth(function1)box.session.on_auth(function2)box.session.on_auth(function3)box.schema.user.passwd('admin')
-- На втором экземпляре сервера, который подключается по порту 3301console=require('console')console.connect('admin:admin@localhost:3301')
Теперь результат выглядит следующим образом:
function 3, box.session.user()=guestfunction 3, user_name=adminfunction 3, status = true, authorization succeededfunction 2, box.session.user()=guestfunction 2, user_name=adminfunction 1, box.session.user()=guest
Определение триггера для ответа на попытки пользователя выполнить неразрешенные ему действия.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil,old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций с триггером.
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Например, администратор сервера может регистрировать запрещенные действия:
tarantool> functionon_access_denied(op,type,name) > log.warn('User %s tried to %s %s %s without required privileges',box.session.user(),op,type,name) > end---...tarantool> box.session.on_access_denied(on_access_denied)----'function:0x011b41af38'...tarantool> functiontest()print('you shall not pass')end---...tarantool> box.schema.func.create('test')---...
И когда какой-нибудь пользователь без соответствующих прав попытается вызвать test()` и получит ошибку, сервер выполнит этот триггер и запишет в журнал «User *имя_пользователя* tried to Execute function test without required privileges» (Пользователь имя_пользователя пытался выполнить функцию текст без соответствующих прав).
Создание внеполосного сообщения. Под внеполосным мы понимаем дополнительное сообщение, которое дополняет то, что отправляется в сети по обычным каналам. Хотя box.session.push() можно вызвать в любое время, на практике эта функция используется в сетях, настроенных с помощью модуля net.box, и вызывается сервером (на «удаленной системе с базой данных», если использовать нашу терминологию для net.box), а у клиента есть возможность принимать такие сообщения.
Функция возвращает ошибку, если сессия была прервана.
message (any-Lua-type) – что отправляется
sync (int) – необязательный аргумент, указывающий на сессию. Этот аргумент берётся из предшествующего вызова box.session.sync(). Если аргумент опущен, применяется значение по умолчанию — текущее значение box.session.sync(). Аргумент признан устаревшим в версии Tarantool 2.4.2, а начиная с версии 2.5.1 его использование приводит к ошибке.
тип возвращаемого значения:
{nil, ошибка} или true:
Если результатом будет ошибка, то вернется nil вместе с объектом ошибки.
Если результатом будет не ошибка, то вернется логическое значение true (правда).
When the return is true, the message has gone to the network
buffer as a packet
with a different header code
so the client can distinguish from an ordinary Okay response.
Единственная задача сервера – вызвать box.session.push(), поскольку нет автоматического механизма, который показал бы, что сообщение получено.
Ситуация 1: когда клиент делает синхронный вызов со значением параметра {async=false} по умолчанию. Есть два необязательных дополнительных параметра: on_push=function-name и on_push_ctx=function-argument. Когда клиент получает внеполосное сообщение в сессии, он вызывает «имя-функции(аргумент-функции)». Например, с такими значениями параметров: {on_push=table.insert,on_push_ctx=messages} – клиент произведет вставку полученных данных в таблицу под названием „messages“.
Ситуация 2: когда клиент делает асинхронный вызов с измененным значением параметра {async=true}. Здесь не разрешены on_push и on_push_ctx, но сообщения можно увидеть путем вызова pairs() в цикле.
Осложненная ситуация 2: pairs() зависит от времени ожидания. Таким образом, есть необязательный аргумент – время ожидания для итерации. Если время ожидания истечет до получения нового сообщения или окончательного ответа, вернется ошибка. Чтобы проверить наличие ошибки, можно использовать первый параметр в цикле (если цикл начинается с «for i, message in future:pairs()», то первым параметром в цикле будет i). Если это будет box.NULL, то второй параметр (в нашем примере «message») – это объект ошибки.
-- Создайте две оболочки. В оболочке №1 настройте сервер, а-- в нем функцию, которая содержит box.session.push:box.cfg{listen=3301}box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write,execute','universe')x=0fiber=require('fiber')functionserver_function()x=x+1;fiber.sleep(1);box.session.push(x);end-- В оболочке №2 подключитесь к серверу в качестве клиента, который-- поддерживает Lua (как второй Tarantool-сервер, работающий-- в качестве клиента), и создайте таблицу, в которую мы будем получать сообщения:net_box=require('net.box')conn=net_box.connect(3301)messages_from_server={}-- В оболочке №2 удаленно вызовите функцию и получите-- СИНХРОННОЕ внеполосное сообщение:conn:call('server_function',{},{is_async=false,on_push=table.insert,on_push_ctx=messages_from_server})messages_from_server-- Через секунду, во время которой происходит запрос fiber.sleep()-- в server_function, результат в таблице-- messages_from_server будет следующим: 1. Проверим:-- tarantool> messages_from_server-- ----- - - 1-- ...-- Хорошо. Это означает, что box.session.push(x) сработала,-- поскольку мы знаем, что x был 1.-- В оболочке №2 удаленно вызовите ту же самую функцию-- для получения АСИНХРОННОГО внеполосного сообщения. При этом мы не можем-- использовать параметры on_push и on_push_ctx, но можем использовать pairs():future=conn:call('server_function',{},{is_async=true})messages={}keys={}fori,messageinfuture:pairs()dotable.insert(messages,message)table.insert(keys,i)endmessagesfuture:wait_result(1000)fori,messageinfuture:pairs()dotable.insert(messages,message)table.insert(keys,i)endmessages-- Задержки нет, поскольку conn:call не ждет-- окончания вызова функции server_function. После первой итерации-- цикла pairs(), видим, что таблица пуста. Это выглядит так:-- tarantool> messages-- ----- - - 2-- - []-- ...-- Это нормально, поскольку сервер еще не вызвал-- box.session.push(). При второй итерации-- цикла pairs(), видим значение x во время-- второго вызова box.session.push(). Так:-- tarantool> messages-- ----- - - 2-- - &0 []-- - 2-- - *0-- ...-- Хорошо. Это означает, что сообщение было асинхронным, и-- box.session.push() выполнила свою задачу.
Вложенный модуль box.slab
Вложенный модуль box.slab предоставляет доступ к статистике распределения slab. Механизм распределения slab представляет собой основной тип распределения для хранения кортежей. Такое распределение можно использовать для отслеживания использования памяти и фрагментации памяти.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля box.slab.
Отображение отчета по использованию runtime-памяти в байтах.
Runtime-память включает в себя внутреннюю память Lua и runtime-арену. В памяти Lua хранятся объекты Lua. На runtime-арене хранятся объекты, специфичные для Tarantool: временные пользовательские кортежи, сетевые буферы и прочие объекты, связанные с подсистемой сервера приложений.
lua – размер динамической памяти Lua, контролируемой сборщиком мусора в Lua;
maxalloc – максимальный размер runtime-памяти;
used – объем памяти, используемый runtime-памятью в данный момент.
Show an aggregated memory usage report in bytes for the slab allocator.
This report is useful for assessing out-of-memory risks.
box.slab.info выдает несколько показателей:
При мониторинге используемой памяти в memtx’е есть два возможных сценария:
1 сценарий: 0.5 < items_used_ratio < 0.9
Очевидно, память сильно фрагментирована. Проверьте, сколько у вас классов slab, подсчитав количество различных классов с помощью box.slab.stats(). Если классов slab много (больше нескольких десятков), то память может закончиться, даже если её занято не так много. На каждом slab может быть использовано мало элементов. Но всякий раз при выделении кортежа, размер которого отличается от любого существующего класса, Tarantool может понадобиться новый slab из области распределения slab. И если осталось мало пустых slab, то произойдет попытка увеличения квоты, что, в свою очередь, может привести к ошибке нехватки памяти из-за низкой оставшейся квоты памяти.
2 сценарий:items_used_ratio > 0.9
Память заканчивается. Высокие показатели использования памяти. Память не фрагментирована, но каждый уровень механизма распределения slab почти пуст. Следует подумать об увеличении лимита памяти Tarantool (box.cfg.memtx_memory).
Вывод: основной показатель нехватки памяти – quota_used_ratio. Тем не менее, существует множество абсолютно стабильных установок с высоким показателем quota_used_ratio , поэтому необходимо обращать на это внимание, когда два других показателя также высоки (arena и item used).
quota_size – лимит памяти для механизма распределения slab (как настроено в параметре memtx_memory, по умолчанию 2^28 байтов = 268 435 456 байтов)
Отображение подробного отчета об использовании памяти (в байтах) для распределения slab. Отчет разбивается на группы по размеру элементов данных, а также по размеру slab’а (64 байта, 136 байтов и т.д.). Отчет включает в себя информацию о памяти, выделенной на хранение и кортежей, и индексов.
mem_free – это выделенная, но не используемая в данный момент память;
mem_used – это память, используемая для хранения элементов данных (кортежей и индексов);
item_count – это количество хранимых элементов;
item_size – это размер каждого элемента данных;
slab_count – это количество выделенных slab’ов;
slab_size – это размер каждого выделенного slab’а.
В отчете показано, что есть два элемента данных (item_count = 2), которые хранятся в одном (slab_count = 1) 24-байтовом slab’е (item_size = 24), поэтому объем используемой памяти mem_used = 2 * 24 = 48 байтов. Кроме того, размер slab’а slab_size составляет 16384 байта, из которых 16384 - 48 = 16232 байта свободны (mem_free).
В полном отчете будет статистика по использованию памяти во всех группах:
The total mem_used for all groups in this report equals arena_used
in box.slab.info() report.
Вложенный модуль box.space
CRUD operations in Tarantool are implemented by the box.space submodule.
It has the data-manipulation functions select, insert, replace,
update, upsert, delete, get, put. It also has members,
such as id, and whether or not a space is enabled.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций и элементов модуля box.space.
Для версии 2.5.2 и выше. Изменение существующего спейса. Этот метод меняет определенные параметры спейса.
options (table) – the space options such as field_count, user,
format, name, and other. The full list of
these options with descriptions parameters is provided in
Вставка нового кортежа, используя первичный ключ с автоматическим увеличением. В спейсе, указанном через space_object должен быть первичный TREE-индекс типа „unsigned“ или „integer“, или „number“. Поле первичного ключа будет увеличиваться перед вставкой.
Данный метод объявлен устаревшим с версии 1.7.5 – лучше использовать последовательности.
Количество байтов в спейсе. Это число, которое хранится во внутренней памяти Tarantool, представляет собой общее количество байтов во всех кортежах, не включая ключи индекса. Для получения информации об измерении размера индекса, см. index_object:bsize().
Если вам нужно выполнить миграцию схемы, обратитесь к разделу Миграции.
Как правило, Tarantool допускает поля без имен и без указания типа. Но с помощью format можно, например, задокументировать, что N-ное поле представляет собой поле для фамилии и должно содержать строковое значение. Также оператор формата можно указать в box.schema.space.create().
Оператор формата для каждого поля содержит определение в фигурных скобках: {name='...',type='...'[,is_nullable=...]}, где:
The name value may be any string, provided that two fields do not
have the same name.
The type value may be any of allowed types: any | unsigned | string |
integer | number | varbinary | boolean | double | decimal | uuid | array |
map | scalar, but for creating an index use only
indexed fields;
(Optional) The is_nullable boolean value specifies whether nil can be used as a field value.
See also: key_part.is_nullable.
(Optional) The collation string value specifies the collation used to compare field values.
See also: key_part.collation.
(Optional) The constraint table specifies the constraints that the field value must satisfy.
(Optional) The foreign_key table specifies the foreign keys for the field.
(Optional) The default value specifies the explicit default value for the field
or the argument of the default function if default_func is specified.
(Optional) The default_func string value specifies the name of the field’s default function.
To pass the default function’s argument, add the default parameter.
В кортежах недопустимы значения неправильного типа. Пример ниже вызовет ошибку:
--Этот пример вызовет ошибку.box.space.tester:format({{' ',type='number'}})box.space.tester:insert{'string-which-is-not-a-number'}
В кортежах недопустимы нулевые значения, если is_nullable=false, что задано по умолчанию. Пример ниже вызовет ошибку:
--Этот пример вызовет ошибку.box.space.tester:format({{' ',type='number',is_nullable=false}})box.space.tester:insert{nil,2}
В кортежах может быть больше полей, чем описано в операторе формата. Чтобы ограничить количество полей, необходимо указать для спейса элемент field_count.
В кортежах может быть меньше полей, чем описано в операторе формата, если пропущенные завершающие поля описаны с помощью is_nullable=true. Например, запрос ниже не приведет к ошибке формата:
Можно использовать format для спейса, в котором уже определен формат, заменяя таким образом предыдущие определения при условии, что нет конфликта с существующими данными или определениями индекса.
Можно использовать format для того, чтобы изменить значение флага is_nullable. Пример ниже не вызовет ошибки – и не приведет к перестроению спейса.
Но обратное изменение значение is_nullable с true на false может вызвать перестроение и привести к ошибке, если уже есть кортежи с нулевыми значениями.
Если оператор формата не указан, то вернется таблица, которая использовалась при предыдущем вызове объект-спейса:format(оператор-формата). Например, после box.space.tester:format({{'x','scalar'}}), box.space.tester:format() вернет [{'name':'x','type':'scalar'}].
Formatting or reformatting a large space will cause occasional
so that other requests will not be blocked.
If the other requests cause an illegal situation such as a field value
of the wrong type, the formatting or reformatting will fail.
Note regarding storage engine: vinyl supports formatting of non-empty
spaces. Primary index definition cannot be formatted.
Конвертация ассоциативного массива в экземпляр кортежа или в таблицу. Ассоциативный массив должен состоять из пар «имя поля = значение». Имена полей и типы значений должны соответствовать именам и типам, ранее заданным для спейса с помощью space_object:format().
map (field-value-pairs) – ряд пар «поле = значение» в любом порядке.
option (boolean) – единственный возможный параметр {table=true|false}; если параметр не указан, или же {table=false}, то возвращается „cdata“ (то есть кортеж); если {table=true}, то возвращается таблица.
кортеж или таблица.
тип возвращаемого значения:
кортеж или таблица
Возможные ошибки: отсутствует объект спейса space_object, или в спейсе нет формата; «unknown field» (неизвестное поле).
-- Создание формата с двумя полями под названиями 'a' и 'b'.-- Создание спейса с таким форматом.-- Создание кортежа на основе ассоциативного массива по данному спейсу.-- Создание таблицы на основе ассоциативного массива по данному спейсу.tarantool> format1={{name='a',type='unsigned'},{name='b',type='scalar'}}---...tarantool> s=box.schema.create_space('test',{format=format1})---...tarantool> s:frommap({b='x',a=123456})----[123456,'x']...tarantool> s:frommap({b='x',a=123456},{table=true})-----123456-x...
Факторы сложности Размер индекса, тип индекса, количество индексов, к которым получен доступ, настройки журнала упреждающей записи (WAL).
Функция box.space...select вернет набор кортежей в виде Lua-таблицы; функция box.space...get вернет самое большее один кортеж. Можно получить первый кортеж в спейсе, добавив [1]. Таким образом, box.space.tester:get{1} эквивалентна box.space.tester:select{1}[1], если найден только один кортеж.
Использование имен полей вместо номеров полей: в get() можно использовать имена полей, описанные в необязательном операторе space_object:format(). Это связано с тем, что функция get() возвращает объет, который можно использовать с большинством функций, описанных в Вложенный модуль box.tuple, включая tuple_object[field-name].
Например, может форматировать спейс tester с полем под названием x и использовать имя x в определении индекса:
Note regarding storage engine: vinyl supports len() but the result may be approximate.
If an exact result is necessary then use count()
or pairs():length().
Создание «триггера замены». Функция-триггер trigger-function будет выполняться в случае операции replace() или insert(), или update(), или upsert(), или delete() над кортежем в спейсе <space-name>.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер; подробнее о параметрах функции с триггером см. пример 2 ниже
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция-триггер, которую заменит новая trigger-function
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil,old-trigger-function), то старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций с триггером.
Следует знать, что если активация триггера произошла в случае репликации или определенного вида подключения, функция может ссылаться на box.session.type().
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Следующая серия запросов создаст спейс, создаст индекс, создаст функцию, которая увеличит содержимое счетчика, создаст триггер, сделает две вставки, удалит спейс и отобразит значение счетчика – 2, поскольку функция выполняется однократно после каждой вставки.
действия, которые не разрешено использовать в транзакциях (см. правило №2).
tarantool> box.space.test:on_replace(fiber.yield)tarantool> box.space.test:replace{1,2,3}2020-02-02 21:22:03.073 [73185] main/102/init.lua txn.c:532 E> ER_TRANSACTION_YIELD: Transaction has been aborted by a fiber yield----error:Transaction has been aborted by a fiber yield...
Создание «триггера замены». Функция-триггер trigger-function будет выполняться в случае операции replace() или insert(), или update(), или upsert(), или delete() над кортежем в спейсе <space-name>.
trigger-function (function) – функция, которая станет функцией-триггером; описание необязательных параметров для функций-триггеров см. в on_replace.
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция-триггер, которую заменит trigger-function
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil,old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций-триггеров.
Следует знать, что если активация триггера произошла в случае репликации или определенного вида подключения, функция может ссылаться на box.session.type().
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Администраторы могут создавать триггеры замены с условием после замены on_replace() или до замены before_replace(). Если созданы оба типа, то все триггеры до замены before_replace выполняются до всех триггеров после замены on_replace. Функции для обоих типов триггеров on_replace и before_replace могут вносить изменения в базу данных, но только функции с триггерами до замены before_replace могут изменять кортеж, который будет заменен.
Поскольку функция-триггер до замены before_replace может вносить дополнительные изменения в старый кортеж, для нее также потребуются дополнительные ресурсы для вызова старого кортежа до внесения изменений. Таким образом, лучше использовать триггер после замены on_replace, если нет необходимости изменять старый кортеж. Тем не менее, это применимо только к движку memtx – что касается движка vinyl, такой вызов произойдет для любого типа триггера. (В memtx’е данные кортежа хранятся вместе с ключом индекса, поэтому нет необходимости в дополнительном поиске; для vinyl’а дело обстоит иначе, поэтому нужен дополнительный поиск.)
Если нет необходимости в дополнительных изменениях, следует использовать on_replace вместо before_replace. Как правило, before_replace используется только для определенных сценариев репликации – в части разрешения конфликтов.
Что случится после возврата значения, которое может вернуть функция-триггер before_replace, зависит от этого значения. А именно:
если нет возвращаемого значения, выполнение продолжается со вставкой|заменой нового значения;
если значение – nil, то кортеж будет удален;
если значение совпадает со старым, то функция on_replace не вызывается, и изменение данных не происходит. Возвращаемого значения в таком случае не будет.
если значение совпадает с новым, то считаем, что вызова функции before_replace не было;
если значение другое, выполнение продолжается со вставкой/заменой нового значения.
Тем не менее, если функция-триггер возвращает старый кортеж или вызовет run_triggers(false), это не повлияет на другие триггеры, активируемые в том же запросе вставки, обновления или замены.
Далее представлены функции before_replace: не возвращает значение, возвращает nil, возвращает совпадающее со старым значение, возвращает совпадающее с новым значение, возвращает другое значение.
Search for a tuple or a set of tuples in the given space, and allow
iterating over one tuple at a time.
To search by the specific index, use the index_object:pairs() method.
key (scalar/table) – значение должно совпасть с индексным ключом, который может быть составным
iterator – the iterator type. The default iterator type is „EQ“
after – a tuple or the position of a tuple (tuple_pos) after which pairs starts the search. You can pass an empty string or box.NULL to this option to start the search from the first tuple.
The iterator, which can be
used in a for/end loop or with totable().
Возможные ошибки:
no such space
wrong type
ER_TRANSACTION_CONFLICT if a transaction conflict is detected in the
MVCC transaction mode
iterator position is invalid
Факторы сложности: Размер индекса, тип индекса.
For information about iterators“ internal structures, see the
«Lua Functional library»
Below are few examples of using pairs with different parameters.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960} bands:insert{5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965} bands:insert{6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962} bands:insert{7, 'The Doors', 1965} bands:insert{8, 'Nirvana', 1987} bands:insert{9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968} bands:insert{10, 'Queen', 1970}---...-- Select all tuples by the primary index --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands:pairs()do print(tuple) end[1, 'Roxette', 1986][2, 'Scorpions', 1965][3, 'Ace of Base', 1987][4, 'The Beatles', 1960][5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965][6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962][7, 'The Doors', 1965][8, 'Nirvana', 1987][9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968][10, 'Queen', 1970]---...-- Select all tuples whose primary key values are between 3 and 6 --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands:pairs(3,{iterator="GE"})do if (tuple[1] > 6) then break end print(tuple) end[3, 'Ace of Base', 1987][4, 'The Beatles', 1960][5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965][6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962]---...-- Select all tuples after the specified tuple --tarantool> for_,tupleinbands:pairs({},{after={7,'The Doors',1965}})do print(tuple) end[8, 'Nirvana', 1987][9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968][10, 'Queen', 1970]---...
Вставка кортежа в спейс. Если уже существует кортеж с тем же первичным ключом, box.space...:replace() заменит существующий кортеж новым. Варианты синтаксиса (box.space...:replace() и box.space...:put()) приведут к одному результату, но последний иногда используется как противоположность box.space...:get().
ER_TUPLE_FOUND, если уже существует другой кортеж с тем же уникальным значением ключа (это произойдет только в том случае, если есть уникальный вторичный индекс).
В тот момент, когда триггер определен, он активируется автоматически, то есть он будет исполняться. Триггеры replace можно отключить с помощью box.space.space-name:run_triggers(false) и повторно активировать с помощью box.space.space-name:run_triggers(true).
Следующая серия запросов ассоциирует существующую функцию с именем F с существующим спейсом с именем T, ассоциирует функцию во второй раз с тем же спейсом (чтобы вызвать ее дважды), отключит все триггеры на T и удалит каждый триггер, заменив его на nil.
options.iterator – the iterator type. The default iterator type is „EQ“.
options.limit – the maximum number of tuples.
options.offset – the number of tuples to skip.
options.after – a tuple or the position of a tuple (tuple_pos) after which select starts the search. You can pass an empty string or box.NULL to this option to start the search from the first tuple.
options.fetch_pos – if true, the select method returns the position of the last selected tuple as the second value.
The after and fetch_pos options are supported for the TREEindex only.
This function might return one or two values:
The tuples whose primary-key fields are equal to the fields of the passed key.
If the number of passed fields is less than the
number of fields in the primary key, then only the passed
fields are compared, so select{1,2} matches a tuple
whose primary key is {1,2,3}.
(Optionally) If options.fetch_pos is set to true, returns a base64-encoded string representing the position of the last selected tuple as the second value.
If no tuples are fetched, returns nil.
тип возвращаемого значения:
массив кортежей
(Optionally) string
Возможные ошибки:
no such space
wrong type
ER_TRANSACTION_CONFLICT if a transaction conflict is detected in the
MVCC transaction mode
iterator position is invalid
Факторы сложности: Размер индекса, тип индекса
Below are few examples of using select with different parameters.
To try out these examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance
as described in Using data operations.
-- Insert test data --tarantool> bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986} bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965} bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987} bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960} bands:insert{5, 'Pink Floyd', 1965} bands:insert{6, 'The Rolling Stones', 1962} bands:insert{7, 'The Doors', 1965} bands:insert{8, 'Nirvana', 1987} bands:insert{9, 'Led Zeppelin', 1968} bands:insert{10, 'Queen', 1970}---...-- Select a tuple by the specified primary key --tarantool> bands:select(4)-----[4,'TheBeatles',1960]...-- Select maximum 3 tuples with the primary key value greater than 3 --tarantool> bands:select({3},{iterator='GT',limit=3})-----[4,'TheBeatles',1960]-[5,'PinkFloyd',1965]-[6,'TheRollingStones',1962]...-- Select maximum 3 tuples after the specified tuple --tarantool> bands:select({},{after={4,'The Beatles',1960},limit=3})-----[5,'PinkFloyd',1965]-[6,'TheRollingStones',1962]-[7,'TheDoors',1965]...-- Select first 3 tuples and fetch a last tuple's position --tarantool> result,position=bands:select({},{limit=3,fetch_pos=true})---...-- Then, pass this position as the 'after' parameter --tarantool> bands:select({},{limit=3,after=position})-----[4,'TheBeatles',1960]-[5,'PinkFloyd',1965]-[6,'TheRollingStones',1962]...
Returns a table with the cumulative statistics on the memory usage by tuples in the space.
Statistics are grouped by arena types: memtx or malloc.
For each arena type, the return table includes tuple memory usage statistics
listed in the tuple_object.info() reference.
Memory usage statistics are shown only for the memtx storage engine.
For other types of spaces, an empty table is returned.
Факторы сложности: Размер индекса, тип индекса, количество кортежей, к которым получен доступ.
Метод truncate может вызвать только тот пользователь, который создал спейс, или другой пользователь через функцию setuid, созданную пользователем, который создал спейс. Более подробную информацию о функциях setuid можно получить в справочнике по for box.schema.func.create().
В версиях Tarantool старше v. 2.10.0 не следует вызывать truncate из транзакции. Подробности в тикете gh-6123.
Функция update поддерживает операции над полями — присваивание, арифметические операции (если поле числовое), вырезание и вставку фрагментов поля, удаление или вставку поля. Несколько операций можно объединить в отдельный запрос обновления, и в таком случае они будут выполняться атомарно и последовательно. Для каждой операции необходимо указать идентификатор поля, как правило числовой. При выполнении нескольких операций номер поля для каждой операции принимается относительно последнего состояния кортежа, то есть как если бы уже были выполнены все предыдущие операции в обновлении с несколькими операциями. Другими словами, всегда лучше объединить несколько вызовов update в один без изменений семантики.
Возможные операторы:
+ для сложения; значения должны быть числовыми, например, unsigned или decimal
- для вычитания; значения должны быть числовыми
& для операции побитового И; значения должны быть числовыми типа unsigned
| для операции побитового ИЛИ; значения должны быть числовыми типа unsigned
^ для операции побитового исключающего ИЛИ; значения должны быть числовыми типа unsigned
: для разделения строк.
! для вставки нового поля.
# для удаления.
= для присваивания.
Возможные операторы:
Положительный номер позиции поля. Первое поле — 1, второе — 2 и так далее.
Отрицательный номер позиции поля. Последнее поле — −1, предпоследнее — −2 и так далее. Другими словами: (#tuple + отрицательный номер позиции поля + 1).
Имя. Если спейс был отформатирован с помощью space_object:format(), здесь может быть строка с именем поля.
Факторы сложности Размер индекса, тип индекса, количество индексов, к которым получен доступ, настройки журнала упреждающей записи (WAL).
Таким образом, в инструкции:
значение первичного ключа равно 44, заданы операторы '+' и '=', что означает прибавление значение к полю, а затем присваивание значения полю, первое затронутое поле – это поле 1, к нему прибавляется значение 55, второе затронутое поле – это поле 3, ему присваивается значение 'x'.
Предположим, что изначально есть спейс под названием tester с первичным индексом, тип которого – unsigned. Есть один кортеж с полем №1 field[1] = 999 и полем №2 field[2] = 'A'.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update(999,{{'=',2,'B'}}) Первый аргумент – это tester, то есть обновление происходит в спейсе tester. Второй аргумент – 999, то есть затронутый кортеж определяется по значению первичного ключа = 999. Третий аргумент – =, то есть будет одна операция – присваивание полю. Четвертый аргумент – 2, то есть будет затронуто поле №2 field[2]. Пятый аргумент – 'B', то есть содержимое field[2] изменится на 'B'. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, а field[2] = 'B'.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{'=',2,'B'}}) Аргументы повторяются за исключением того, что ключ передается в виде Lua-таблицы (в фигурных скобках). В этом нет необходимости, если первичный ключ содержит только одно поле, но было бы необходимо, если бы в первичном ключе было больше одного поля. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, а field[2] = 'B' (без изменений).
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{'=',3,1}}) Аргументы повторяются за исключением того, что четвертым аргументом будет 3, то есть будет затронуто поле №3 field[3]. Ничего страшного, что до этого поле field[3] не существовало. Оно добавится. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, field[2] = 'B', field[3] = 1.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{'+',3,1}}) Аргументы повторяются за исключением того, что третьим аргументом будет '+', то есть будет операция добавления, а не присваивания. Поскольку``field[3]`` ранее содержало значение 1, это означает, что к 1 прибавится 1. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, field[2] = 'B', field[3] = 2.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{'|',3,1},{'=',2,'C'}}) Основная идея состоит в том, чтобы изменить одновременно два поля. Форматами будут '|' и =, то есть имеем две операции: ИЛИ и присваивание. Четвертый и пятый аргументы означают, что над полем field[3] проводится операция ИЛИ со значением 1. Седьмой и восьмой аргументы означают, что полю field[2] присваивается 'C'. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, field[2] = 'C', field[3] = 3.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{'#',2,1},{'-',2,3}}) Основная идея состоит в том, чтобы удалить поле field[2], а затем вычесть 3 из field[3]. Но после удаления, произойдет перенумерация, поэтому поле field[3] становится field[2] до того, как мы вычтем из него 3, вот почему седьмым аргументом будет 2, а не 3. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, field[2] = 0.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{'=',2,'XYZ'}}) Создаем длинную строку, чтобы в следующем примере сработало разделение. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, field[2] = 'XYZ'.
В обновлении: box.space.tester:update({999},{{':',2,2,1,'!!'}}) Третьим аргументом будет ':', то есть это пример разделения. Четвертым аргументом будет 2, поскольку изменение произойдет в поле field[2]. Пятым аргументом будет 2, поскольку удаление начнется со второго байта. Шестым аргументом будет 1, количество удаляемых байтов – 1. Седьмым аргументом будет '!!', поскольку в данном положении будет добавляться '!!'. Таким образом, после данного обновления field[1] = 999, field[2] = 'X!!Z'.
Если уже существует кортеж, который совпадает с ключевыми полями tuple, запрос приведет к тому же результату, что и space_object:update(), и используется параметр {{operator,field_identifier,value},...}. Если нет кортежа, который совпадает с ключевыми полями tuple, запрос приведет к тому же результату, что и space_object:insert(), и используется параметр {tuple}. Однако, в отличие от insert или update, upsert не считывает кортеж и не выполняет проверку на ошибки перед возвратом — это функциональная особенность, которая повышает производительность, но требует большей осторожности от пользователя.
You can extend space_object with custom functions as follows:
Create a Lua function.
Add the function name to a predefined global variable box.schema.space_mt, which has the table type. Adding to box.schema.space_mt makes the function available for all spaces.
Call the function on the space_object: space_object:function-name([parameters]).
Alternatively, you can make a user-defined function available for only one space
by calling getmetatable(space_object) and then adding the function name to the
meta table.
-- Доступный для любого спейса, без параметров.-- После таких запросов значение глобальной переменной global_variable будет 6.box.schema.space.create('t')box.space.t:create_index('i')global_variable=5functionf(space_arg)global_variable=global_variable+1endbox.schema.space_mt.counter=fbox.space.t:counter()
This function was removed in 2.11.0.
The check constraint mechanism is replaced with the new tuple constraints.
Learn more about tuple constraints in Constraints.
Создание проверочного ограничения. Проверочное ограничение — это требование, которое должно соблюдаться при вставке или обновлении кортежа в спейсе. Проверочные ограничения, созданные с помощью space_object:create_check_constraint действуют так же, как проверочные ограничения, которые были созданы при помощи оператора SQL CHECK() в выражении CREATE TABLE.
expression (string) – SQL-код выражения, которое должно возвращать результат типа boolean
объект проверочного ограничения
тип возвращаемого значения:
Спейс должен быть форматирован с помощью space_object:format(), чтобы выражение могло содержать имена полей. Спейс должен быть пустым. Спейс не должен быть системным.
Выражение должно возвращать true или false и должно быть детерминированным. Это может быть любое SQL-выражение (не Lua), которое содержит имена полей, встроенные имена функций, литералы и операторы. Не подзапросы. Если имя поля содержит символы нижнего регистра, его следует заключить в «двойные кавычки».
Проверка ограничений производится перед выполнением запроса, одновременно с Lua-триггерами before_replace. При наличии двух и более проверочных ограничений или триггеров before_replace они упорядочиваются по времени создания. (Это изменение предыдущего поведения проверочных ограничений, которое вызывало проверку до формирования кортежа).
Проверочные ограничения можно удалить с помощью space_object.ck_constraint.check_constraint_name:drop().
Проверочные ограничения можно отключить с помощью space_object.ck_constraint.check_constraint_name:enable(false) или check_constraint_object:enable(false). Проверочные ограничения можно включить с помощью space_object.ck_constraint.check_constraint_name:enable(true) или check_constraint_object:enable(true). По умолчанию, проверочное ограничение включено, то есть при выполнении запроса производится проверка, но его можно отключить, то есть проверка производиться не будет.
В процессе восстановления, например при запуске Tarantool-сервера, проверка производится, только если указан параметр force_recovery.
box.schema.space.create('t')box.space.t:format({{name='f1',type='unsigned'},{name='f2',type='string'},{name='f3',type='string'}})box.space.t:create_index('i')box.space.t:create_check_constraint('c1',[["f2" > 'A']])box.space.t:create_check_constraint('c2',[["f2"=UPPER("f3") AND NOT "f2" LIKE '__']])-- Этот запрос вставки не выполнится, выражение с ограничением c1 возвращает falsebox.space.t:insert{1,'A','A'}-- Этот запрос вставки не выполнится, выражение с ограничением c2 возвращает falsebox.space.t:insert{1,'B','c'}-- Этот запрос вставки выполнится, оба выражения с ограничениями возвращают truebox.space.t:insert{1,'B','b'}-- Этот запрос обновления не выполнится, выражение с ограничением c2 возвращает falsebox.space.t:update(1,{{'=',2,'xx'},{'=',3,'xx'}})
Порядковый номер спейса. На спейс можно ссылаться либо по имени, либо по номеру. Таким образом, если идентификатором спейса tester будет id=800, то box.space.tester:insert{0} и box.space[800]:insert{0} представляют собой равнозначные запросы.
-- проверка количества индексов для спейса 'tester'tarantool> localcounter=0;fori=0,#box.space.tester.indexdo if box.space.tester.index[i]~=nil then counter=counter+1 end end; print(counter)1---...-- проверка, что тип индекса -- первичный 'primary'tarantool> box.space.tester.index.primary.type----TREE...
A system space containing functions created using box.schema.func.create().
If a function’s definition is specified in the body option,
this function is persistent.
In this case, its definition is stored in a snapshot and can be recovered if the server restarts.
once...: tuples that correspond to specific
box.once() blocks from the instance’s
initialization file.
The first field in these tuples contains the key value from the
corresponding box.once() block prefixed with „once“ (for example, oncehello),
so you can easily find a tuple that corresponds to a specific
box.once() block.
In the example, the _schema space contains two box.once objects – oncebye and oncehello.
_space – это системный спейс. Он содержит информацию о всех спейсах, хранящихся в данном экземпляре Tarantool - как системные, так и созданные пользователями.
Кортежи в данном спейсе включают в себя следующие поля:
owner (= идентификатор пользователя, которому принадлежит спейс),
Следующий набор запросов создаст спейс, используя box.schema.space.create() с оператором формата, затем выберет кортеж из _space для нового спейса. Этот пример иллюстрирует стандартное применение оператора format с использованием рекомендованных имен и типов данных для полей.
-- Create a sequence --box.schema.sequence.create('id_seq',{min=1000,start=1000})-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('customers')-- Create an index that uses the sequence --box.space.customers:create_index('primary',{sequence='id_seq'})-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('orders')-- Create an index that uses an auto sequence --box.space.orders:create_index('primary',{sequence=true})-- Check the connections between spaces and sequencesbox.space._space_sequence:select{}--[[---- - [512, 1, false, 0, ''] - [513, 2, true, 0, '']...--]]
_user is a system space where user names and password hashes are stored.
Learn more about Tarantool’s access control system from the Управление доступом topic.
Кортежи в данном спейсе включают в себя следующие поля:
a numeric id of the tuple («id»)
a numeric id of the tuple’s creator
a name
a type: „user“ or „role“
(optional) a password hash
(optional) an array of previous authentication data
(optional) a timestamp of the last password update
В спейсе _user есть пять специальных кортежей: „guest“, „admin“, „public“, „replication“ и „super“.
user (пользователь)
Default user when connecting remotely.
Usually, an untrusted user with few privileges.
user (пользователь)
Default user when using Tarantool as a console.
Usually, an
administrative user
with all privileges.
Заданная роль, которая автоматически выдается новым пользователям при их создании методом box.schema.user.create(имя-пользователя). Таким образом, лучше всего выдать права на чтение „read“ спейса „t“ каждому когда-либо созданному пользователю с помощью box.schema.role.grant('public','read','space','t').
Заданная роль, выдаваемая пользователем „admin“ другим пользователям для использования функций репликации.
Заданная роль, выдаваемая пользователем „admin“ другим пользователям для получения всех прав на все объекты. Для роли „super“ такие права выданы на „universe“: чтение, запись, выполнение, создание, удаление, изменение.
To select a tuple from the _user space, use box.space._user:select().
In the example below, select is executed for a user with id = 0.
This is the „guest“ user that has no password.
_collation — это системный спейс со списком видов сортировки. Предусмотрены более 270 видов сортировки, и пользователи могут добавлять новые. Один из примеров:
Пояснения по полям в примере: id = 239, то есть первичный ключ в Tarantool равен 239; name = „unicode_uk_s2“, в соответствии с соглашениями по именованию в Tarantool это сортировка по Юникоду + для региона uk + значение strength 2 уровня; owner = 1, то есть пользователь уровня admin; type = „ICU“, то есть применяются правила библиотеки Международных компонентов для Юникода; locale = „uk“, то есть используются настройки для региона Украина; opts = „strength:secondary“, то есть при сортировке учитывается вес первого и второго уровней.
Представление системного спейса (или „sysview“) — копия системного спейса с доступом только для чтения.
The system space views and the system spaces that they are associated with are: _vcollation, a view of _collation, _vfunc, a view of _func, _vindex, a view of _index, _vpriv, a view of _priv, _vsequence, a view of _sequence, _vspace, a view of _space, _vspace_sequence, a view of _space_sequence, _vuser, a view of _user.
Структура кортежей в представлении системного спейса идентична структуре кортежам соответствующего спейса. Однако права там обычно отличаются. По умолчанию у обычных пользователей в большинстве системных спейсов нет никаких прав, однако в представлениях системных спейсов у них есть право чтения.
Ситуация по умолчанию: * У роли „public“ есть право „read“ во всех представлениях системных спейсов, потому что именно так обстоят дела при создании базы данных. * У всех пользователей есть роль „public“, потому что она назначается им автоматически при выполнении box.schema.user.create(). * В представлении системного спейса будут содержаться кортежи соответствующего системного спейса, только если у пользователя есть право, связанное с объектом, упомянутом в кортеже. Как результат, если администраторы не изменят права, у остальных пользователей не будет доступа к системному спейсу, но будет доступ к представлению системного спейса, где видны только доступные им объекты.
Например, пользователь „admin“ обычно имеет полный доступ к спейсу _space, поэтому и _vspace для него выглядит как _space. А „guest“ имеет только право на чтение _vspace, так что _vspace для него содержит меньше кортежей, чем _space. Поэтому в большинстве систем пользователю „guest“ чтобы получить список спейсов, следует делать выборку из _vspace.
В этом примере рассмотрим разницу между _vuser и _user. Представление _vuser содержит только кортежи, которые доступны текущему пользователю. Если же у пользователя есть полный набор прав (как у пользователя „admin“), то содержимое _vuser совпадает с содержимым _user.
To see how _vuser works,
connect to a Tarantool database remotely
via net.box and select all tuples from the _user
space, both when the „guest“ user is and is not allowed to read from the
Запустите Tarantool и назначьте права read, write и execute пользователю guest:
Переключитесь на другой терминал, остановите сессию (чтобы остановить tarantool, нажмите Ctrl+C или Ctrl+D), запустите и подключитесь снова, а затем повторите запрос conn.space._user:select{}. Доступ будет запрещен:
tarantool> conn.space._user:select{}----error:Read access to space '_user' is denied for user 'guest'...
Однако если вместо этого сделать select из _vuser, появятся данные пользователей, доступные пользователю „guest“:
A temporary system space with settings that affect behavior, particularly SQL behavior,
for the current session. It uses a special engine named „service“.
Every „service“ tuple is created on the fly, that is, new tuples are made every
time _session_settings is accessed.
Every settings tuple has two fields: name (the primary key) and value.
The tuples“ names and default values are:
sql_default_engine: default storage engine for new SQL tables. Default: memtx.
sql_full_metadata: whether SQL result set metadata includes more than just name
and type. Default:false.
sql_parser_debug: show parser steps for following statements. Default: false.
sql_recursive_triggers: whether a triggered statement can activate a trigger.
Default: true.
sql_reverse_unordered_selects: return result rows in reverse order if there is no ORDER BY clause.
Default: false.
sql_select_debug: show execution steps during SELECT. Default:false.
sql_seq_scan: allow sequential scans in SQL SELECT. Default: true.
sql_vdbe_debug: for internal use. Default:false.
sql_defer_foreign_keys (removed in 2.11.0): whether foreign-key checks can wait till
commit. Default: false.
error_marshaling_enabled (removed in 2.10.0): whether error objects have
a special structure. Default: false.
Three requests are possible: select, get
and update.
For example, after s=box.space._session_settings,
s:select('sql_default_engine') probably returns {'sql_default_engine','memtx'}, and
s:update('sql_default_engine',{{'=','value','vinyl'}}) changes the default engine to „vinyl“.
Updating sql_parser_debug or sql_select_debug or sql_vdbe_debug has no effect unless
Tarantool was built with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. To check if this is so, look at
Вложенный модуль box.stat
Вложенный модуль box.stat предоставляет доступ к статистике Tarantool по запросам и использованию сети.
Shows the total number of requests since startup and
the average number of requests per second,
broken down by request type.
in the tables that box.stat() returns:
total: total number of requests processed per second since the server started
rps: average number of requests per second in the last 5 seconds.
ERROR is the count of requests that resulted in an error.
tarantool> box.stat()-- return 15 tables----DELETE:total:0rps:0COMMIT:total:0rps:0SELECT:total:12rps:0ROLLBACK:total:0rps:0INSERT:total:6rps:0EVAL:total:0rps:0ERROR:total:0rps:0CALL:total:0rps:0BEGIN:total:0rps:0PREPARE:total:0rps:0REPLACE:total:0rps:0UPSERT:total:0rps:0AUTH:total:0rps:0EXECUTE:total:0rps:0UPDATE:total:2rps:0...tarantool> box.stat().DELETE-- total + requests per second from one table----total:0rps:0...
Shows network activity per network thread:
the number of bytes sent and received, the number of connections, streams,
and requests (current, average, and total).
When called with an index (box.stat.net.thread[1]), shows network statistics for
a single network thread.
Same network activity metrics as box.stat.net()
for each network thread
data shows how much memory (in bytes) is allocated for memtx tuples:
data.garbage is the amount of memory that is unused and scheduled to be freed
(freed lazily on memory allocation).
data.total is the total amount of memory allocated for data tuples.
This includes data.read_view and data.garbage plus tuples that are
actually stored in memtx spaces.
data.read_view is the amount of memory held for read views.
This includes memory allocated both for system read views (snapshot, replication)
and user read views (EE-only). This should be non-zero only if there are open read views.
index shows how much memory (in bytes) is allocated for indexing memtx tuples:
index.read_view is the amount of memory held for read views.
This includes memory allocated both for system read views (snapshot, replication)
and user read views (EE-only). This should be non-zero only if there are open read views.
index.total is the total amount of memory allocated for
indexing data. This includes index.read_view plus memory used for indexing
tuples that are actually stored in memtx spaces.
tx shows the statistics of the memtx transactional manager,
which is responsible for transactions (box.stat.memtx().tx.txn)
and multiversion concurrency control (box.stat.memtx().tx.mvcc).
box.stat.memtx().tx.txn shows memory allocation related to transactions.
It consists of the following sections:
statements are transaction statements.
As an example, consider a user starting a transaction with
space:replace{0,1} within this transaction. Under the hood,
this operation becomes a statement for this transaction.
user is the memory that a user allocated within
the current transaction using the Tarantool C API function
system is the memory allocated for internal needs
(for example, logs) and savepoints.
For each section, Tarantool reports the following statistics:
total is the number of bytes that are currently allocated in memtx
for all transactions within the section scope.
avg is the average number of bytes that a single transaction uses
(equals total / number of open transactions).
max is the maximal number of bytes that a single transaction uses.
box.stat.memtx().tx.mvcc shows memory allocation related to
multiversion concurrency control (MVCC).
MVCC is reponsible for isolating transactions.
It reveals conflicts and makes sure that tuples that do not belong to a particular
space but were (or could be) read by some transaction were not deleted.
It consists of the following sections:
trackers is the memory allocated for trackers of transaction reads.
Like in the previous sections,
Tarantool reports the total, average, and maximal number of bytes allocated
for trackers per a single transaction.
conflicts is the memory allocated for conflicts
which are entities created when transactional conflicts occur.
Like in the previous sections,
Tarantool reports the total, average, and maximal number of allocated bytes.
tuples is the memory allocated for storing tuples.
With MVCC, tuples are stored using the stories mechanism. Nearly every
tuple has its story. Even tuples in an index may have their stories, so
it may be useful to differentiate memory allocated for tuples and memory
allocated for stories.
All stored tuples fall into three categories, with memory statistics
reported for each category:
tracking is for tuples that are not used by any transactions directly,
but MVCC uses them for tracking transaction reads.
used is for tuples that are used by active read-write transactions.
See a detailed example below.
read_view is for tuples that are not used by active read-write transactions,
but are used by read-only transactions.
For each of the three categories, Tarantool reports two statistical blocks:
stories is for stories.
retained is for retained tuples which do not belong to any index,
but MVCC doesn’t allow to delete them yet.
For each block, Tarantool reports the following statistics:
count is the number of stories or retained tuples.
total is the number of bytes allocated for stories or retained tuples.
This example illustrates memory statistics for used tuples in a transaction.
The cluster must be started with the database.use_mvcc_engine
parameter set to true. This enables MVCC so that
box.stat.memtx.tx().mvcc contains non-zero values.
The next step is to create a space with a primary index and to begin a transaction:
In the transaction above, three tuples are replaced by the 0 key:
MVCC considers all these tuples as used since they belong to the current transaction.
Also, MVCC considers tuples {0,0} and {0,'aa..aa'} as retained because
they don’t belong to any index (unlike {0,1}) but cannot be deleted yet.
Calling box.stat.memtx.tx() now returns the following result:
Shows vinyl-storage-engine activity, for example
box.stat.vinyl().tx has the number of commits and rollbacks.
tarantool> box.stat.vinyl().tx.commit-- one item of the vinyl table----1047632...
The vinyl regulator decides when to take or delay actions for
disk IO, grouping activity in batches so that it is
consistent and efficient. The regulator is invoked by
the vinyl scheduler, once per second, and updates
related variables whenever it is invoked.
box.stat.vinyl().regulator.dump_bandwidth is
the estimated average rate at which dumps are done.
Initially this will appear as 10485760 (10 megabytes per second).
Only significant dumps (larger than one megabyte) are used for estimating.
is the point when dumping must occur.
The value is slightly smaller than the amount of memory
that is allocated for vinyl trees, which is the
vinyl_memory parameter.
is the actual average rate at which recent writes to disk are done.
Averaging is done over a 5-second time window, so if there has
been no activity for 5 seconds then regulator.write_rate=0.
The write_rate may be slowed when a dump is in progress
or when the user has set
box.stat.vinyl().regulator.rate_limit is the write rate limit,
in bytes per second, imposed on transactions by
the regulator based on the observed dump/compaction performance.
box.stat.vinyl().regulator.blocked_writers is the number of fibers
currently blocked waiting for vinyl L0 memory
Since vinyl is an on-disk storage engine
(unlike memtx which is an in-memory storage engine),
it can handle large databases – but if a database is
larger than the amount of memory that is allocated for vinyl,
then there will be more disk activity.
box.stat.vinyl().disk.data and box.stat.vinyl().disk.index
are the amount of data that has gone into files in a subdirectory
of vinyl_dir,
with names like {lsn}.run
and {lsn}.index. The size of the run will be
related to the output of scheduler.dump_*.
Sum size of data stored at the last LSM tree level, in bytes,
without taking disk compression into account. It can be thought of as the
size of disk space that the user data would occupy if there were no compression,
indexing, or space increase caused by the LSM tree design.
Although the vinyl storage engine is not «in-memory», Tarantool does
need to have memory for write buffers and for caches:
is the number of bytes that are being used for tuples (data).
is transactional memory. This will usually be 0.
is the «level0» memory area, sometimes abbreviated «L0», which is the
area that vinyl can use for in-memory storage of an LSM tree.
Therefore we can say that «L0 is becoming full» when the
amount in memory.level0 is close to the maximum, which is
We can expect that «L0 = 0» immediately after a dump.
box.stat.vinyl().memory.page_index and box.stat.vinyl().memory.bloom_filter
have the current amount being used for index-related structures.
The size is a function of the number and size of keys,
plus vinyl_page_size,
plus vinyl_bloom_fpr.
This is not a count of bloom filter «hits»
(the number of reads that could be avoided because the
bloom filter predicts their presence in a run file) –
that statistic can be found with
This is about requests that affect transactional activity
(«tx» is used here as an abbreviation for «transaction»):
counts conflicts that caused a transaction to roll back.
is the count of commits (successful transaction ends).
It includes implicit commits, for example any insert causes a commit unless
it is within a begin-end block.
is the count of rollbacks (unsuccessful transaction ends).
This is not merely a count of explicit
box.rollback() requests –
it includes requests that ended in errors.
For example, after an attempted insert request that causes
a «Duplicate key exists in unique index» error, tx.rollback
is incremented.
will usually be 0.
is the number of transactions that are currently running.
is the number of gap locks that are outstanding during execution of a request.
For a low-level description of Tarantool’s implementation of gap locking, see
Gap locks in Vinyl transaction manager.
shows whether a transaction has entered a read-only state
to avoid conflict temporarily. This will usually be 0.
This primarily has counters related to tasks that the scheduler has arranged
for dumping or compaction:
(most of these items are reset to 0 when the server restarts or when
box.stat.reset() occurs):
is the amount of data from recent changes that has been
This is divided into scheduler.compaction_input (the amount that is being
compacted), scheduler.compaction_queue (the amount that is waiting to be
scheduler.compaction_time (total time spent by all worker threads performing compaction, in seconds),
and scheduler.compaction_output (the amount that has been compacted,
which is presumably smaller than scheduler.compaction_input).
is about dump/compaction tasks, in three categories,
scheduler.tasks_inprogress (currently running),
scheduler.tasks_completed (successfully completed)
scheduler.tasks_failed (aborted due to errors).
box.stat.vinyl().scheduler.dump_* has
the amount of data from recent changes that has been dumped,
including dump_time (total time spent by all worker threads performing dumps, in seconds),
and dump_count (the count of completed dumps),
dump_input and dump_output.
Sooner or later the number of elements in an LSM tree exceeds the L0 size and that is
when L0 gets written to a file on disk (called a „run“) and then cleared for storing new elements.
This operation is called a „dump“.
Thus it can be predicted that a dump will occur if the
size of L0
(which is memory.level0)
is approaching the
(which is regulator.dump_watermark)
and a
dump is not already in progress. In fact Tarantool will
try to arrange a dump before this hard limit is reached.
A dump will also occur during a
snapshot operation.
Resets the statistics of box.stat(), box.stat.net(),
box.stat.memtx(), box.stat.vinyl(), and
Вложенный модуль box.tuple
Вложенный модуль box.tuple предоставляет доступ только для чтения к пользовательским данным типа кортеж tuple. С его помощью для отдельного кортежа можно сделать следующее: выборочно искать содержимое поля, получать информацию о размере, проводить итерацию по всем полям и выполнять преобразование в Lua-таблицу.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля box.tuple.
Представленная ниже функция проиллюстрирует, как можно преобразовать кортежи в Lua-таблицы и списки скаляров и обратно:
tuple=box.tuple.new({scalar1,scalar2,...scalar_n})-- скаляры в кортежlua_table={tuple:unpack()}-- кортеж в Lua-таблицуlua_table=tuple:totable()-- кортеж в Lua-таблицуscalar1,scalar2,...scalar_n=tuple:unpack()-- кортеж в скалярыtuple=box.tuple.new(lua_table)-- Lua-таблицу в кортеж
Затем она найдет поле, которое содержит значение „b“, удалит это поле из кортежа и отобразит количество байтов, оставшихся в кортеже. Данная функция использует следующие функции box.tuple Tarantool: new(), unpack(), find(), transform(), bsize().
functionexample()localtuple1,tuple2,lua_table_1,scalar1,scalar2,scalar3,field_numberlocalluatable1={}tuple1=box.tuple.new({'a','b','c'})luatable1=tuple1:totable()scalar1,scalar2,scalar3=tuple1:unpack()tuple2=box.tuple.new(luatable1[1],luatable1[2],luatable1[3])field_number=tuple2:find('b')tuple2=tuple2:transform(field_number,1)return'tuple2 = ',tuple2,' # of bytes = ',tuple2:bsize()end
Создание нового кортежа либо из скаляра, либо из Lua-таблицы. Возможен и вариант получения новых кортежей из запросов select или insert. или replace, или update Tarantool, которые можно рассматривать в качестве операторов, косвенно выполняющих операцию создания new().
value (lua-value) – значение, которое станет содержимым кортежа.
новый кортеж
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере x будет представлять собой новый объект таблицы, который содержит один кортеж, а t будет представлять собой объект кортежа. Если ввести команду t, будет получен весь кортеж t.
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t:bsize() вернет количество байтов в кортеже. Как для движка базы данных memtx, так и для движка vinyl максимальное количество, используемое по умолчанию, составляет один мегабайт (memtx_max_tuple_size или vinyl_max_tuple_size). В каждом поле есть один или более байтов «длины», которые предваряют само содержимое поля, поэтому bsize() вернет значение, которое незначительно больше, чем сумма длин всего содержимого.
Значение не содержит размер кортежа «struct tuple» (чтобы узнать текущий размер данной структуры, посмотрите файл tuple.h в исходном коде Tarantool).
количество байтов
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере создается кортеж с именем t, в котором три поля, и для каждого поля один байт занимает хранение длины, и три байта занимает хранение содержимого, кроме того, один бит используется на ресурсы, поэтому bsize() вернет 3*(1+3)+1. Такой же размер строки вернула бы функция msgpack.encode({„aaa“,“bbb“,“ccc“}).
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t['field-name'] вернет поле под названием field-name в кортеже. У полей есть имена, если кортеж был получен из спейса с определенным форматом. t[lua-variable-name] сделает то же самое, если lua-variable-name содержит 'field-name'.
Есть вариация, которую Lua manual называет «синтаксический сахар»: можно использовать t.field-name вместо t['field-name'].
значение поля
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере кортеж под названием t возвращается после операции замены, а затем возвращается второе поле с именем „field2“ в кортеже t.
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t['path'] вернет поле или ряд полей, которые находятся в path. Параметр path должен представлять собой правильную JSON-спецификацию. path может содержать имена полей, если кортеж был получен из спейса с заданным форматом.
Во избежание неоднозначности Tarantool сначала пытается интерпретировать запрос как tuple_object[field-number] или tuple_object[field-name]. И только в том случае, если это не удается, Tarantool пытается интерпретировать запрос как tuple_object[field-path].
Путь path должен представлять собой правильную JSON-спецификацию, но в начале может стоять „.“. Символ „.“ означает, что путь выступает в качестве суффикса для кортежа.
При указании пути Tarantool воспользуется им для поиска по телу кортежа и вернет только тот компонент кортежа, который действительно необходим.
In the following example, a tuple named t is returned from replace
and then only the relevant part (in this case, matching a name)
of a relevant field is returned. Namely: the second field, its
third item, the value following „key=“.
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t:find(search-value) вернет номер первого поля в t, которое совпадает с искомым значением, а t:findall(search-value[,search-value...]) вернет номера всех колей в t, которые совпадают с искомым значением. Можно дополнительно добавить числовой аргумент field-number перед search-value, чтобы задать условие “начинать поиск с номера поля field-number.”
номер поля в кортеже.
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере создается кортеж с именем t, а затем: возвращается номер первого поля в t, которое совпадает с „a“, затем возвращаются номера всех полей в t, которые совпадают с „a“, затем возвращаются номера всех полей в t, которые совпадают с „a“, и находятся на втором месте или далее.
Get the format of a tuple. The resulting table lists the fields of a tuple
(their names and types) if the format option was specified during the tuple
creation. Otherwise, the return value is empty.
Аналог функции Lua next(), но для кортежа. При вызове без аргументов, tuple:next() возвращает первое поле из кортежа. В противном случае возвращается поле рядом с указанной позицией.
В языке Lua метод lua-table-value:pairs() возвращает: функция, значение-Lua-таблицы, nil. В Tarantool метод расширен так, что tuple-value:pairs() возвращает: функция, значение-кортежа, nil, – что используется для Lua-итераторов, поскольку они обходят компоненты значения до тех пор, пока не достигнут маркера.
tuple_object:ipairs() – это то же самое, что и pairs(), потому что поля кортежей всегда явялются натуральными числами.
функция, значение кортежа, nil
тип возвращаемого значения:
функция, Lua-значение, nil
В следующем примере создается кортеж под названием t, а затем все его поля выбираются с помощью Lua-цикла for.
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t:totable() вернет все поля, t:totable(1) вернет все поля, начиная с поля №1, t:totable(1,5) вернет все поля между полем №1 и полем №5.
Рекомендуется использовать t:totable(), а не t:unpack().
поле или поля из кортежа
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере создается кортеж под названием t, а затем делается выборка всех полей, возвращается результат.
В Lua-таблице могут быть индексированные значения, которые также называются пары ключ-значение. Например, здесь:
a – это таблица с «field1: 10» и «field2: 20».
Функция tuple_object:totable() вернет только таблицу со значениями. А функция tuple_object:tomap() вернет таблицу не только со значениями, но и с парами ключ-значение.
Это сработает только в том случае, если кортеж приходит из спейса, который был форматирован посредством оператора формата.
options (table) – единственный доступный параметр – names_only. Если names_only принимает значение false или не указан (по умолчанию), то все поля появятся дважды: сначала с числовыми заголовками, а затем с именными заголовками. Если же names_only = true, то все поля будут выведены один раз с именными заголовками.
пары номер-поля:значение и пары ключ:значение из кортежа
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере возвращается кортеж с именем t1 из спейса после форматирования, затем таблицы с именами t1map и t1map2 создаются из t1.
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t:transform(start-field-number,fields-to-remove) вернет кортеж, где начиная с поля start-field-number, удаляется количество полей (fields-to-remove). Дополнительно можно добавить аргументы после fields-to-remove, чтобы указать новые значения на замену удаленных.
Если первоначальный кортеж приходит из спейса, который был форматирован посредством оператора формата, форматирование возвращаемого кортежа не сохранится.
start-field-number (integer) – начиная с 1, может быть отрицательным
fields-to-remove (integer) –
field-value(s) (lua-value) –
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере создается кортеж под названием t, а затем начиная со второго поля, удаляются два поля, а одно новое поле добавляется, затем возвращается результат.
Если t – это экземпляр кортежа, то t:unpack() вернет все поля, t:unpack(1) вернет все поля, начиная с поля №1, t:unpack(1,5) вернет все поля между полем №1 и полем №5.
поле или поля из кортежа.
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере создается кортеж под названием t, а затем делается выборка всех полей, возвращается результат.
Эта функция обновляет кортеж, который находится не в спейсе. Ср. функцию box.space.space-name:update(key,{{format,field_no,value},...}), которая обновляет кортеж в спейсе.
Если первоначальный кортеж приходит из спейса, который был форматирован посредством оператора формата, форматирование возвращаемого кортежа сохранится.
operator (string) – тип операции, представленный строкой (например, „=“ означает „присвоить новое значение“)
field_no (number) – к какому полю применяется операция. Номер поля может быть отрицательным, что означает, что позиция рассчитывается с конца кортежа. (#кортеж + отрицательный номер поля + 1)
value (lua_value) – какое значение применяется
новый кортеж
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере создается кортеж под названием t, а затем второе поле обновляется до равного „B“.
То же самое, что и tuple_object:update(), но игнорирует ошибки. В случае ошибки кортеж остаётся нетронутым, но выводится сообщение об ошибке. Игнорируются только клиентские ошибки, такие как «плохой тип поля» или «неправильный индекс/имя» поля. Системные ошибки, такие как OOM, не игнорируются и поднимаются так же, как и при обычном update(). Обратите внимание, что игнорируются только некорректные операции. Все корректные операции применяются.
operator (string) – тип операции, представленный строкой (например, „=“ означает „присвоить новое значение“)
field_no (number) – к какому полю применяется операция. Номер поля может быть отрицательным, что означает, что позиция рассчитывается с конца кортежа. (#кортеж + отрицательный номер поля + 1)
value (lua_value) – значение, которое применяется
новый кортеж
тип возвращаемого значения:
В следующем примере одна операция применяется, а другая – нет.
tarantool> t=box.tuple.new({1,2,3})tarantool> t2=t:upsert({{'=',5,100}})UPSERT operation failed:ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD_NO: Field 5 was not found in the tuple---...tarantool> t----[1,2,3]...tarantool> t2----[1,2,3]...tarantool> t2=t:upsert({{'=',5,100},{'+',1,3}})UPSERT operation failed:ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD_NO: Field 5 was not found in the tuple---...tarantool> t----[1,2,3]...tarantool> t2----[4,2,3]...
Управление экземплярами
For general information and examples, see section
Соблюдайте следующие правила в работе с транзакциями:
Правило #1
Запросы в транзакции должны отправляться на сервер в виде единого блока. Недостаточно просто размещать их между началом транзакции и коммитом или откатом. Чтобы убедиться, что они отправляются в виде единого блока: поместите их в функцию, поместите их на одну строку или используйте символы-разделители, чтобы многостроковые запросы обрабатывались совместно.
Правило #2
Все операции с базой данных в рамках транзакции должны работать с одним движком баз данных. Небезопасно в рамках одной транзакции получать доступ к наборам кортежей, которые определяются по {engine='vinyl'}, а также к наборам кортежей, которые определяются по {engine='memtx'}.
Правило #3
Requests which cause changes to the data definition
– create, alter, drop, truncate – are only allowed with
Tarantool version 2.1 or later.
Data-definition requests which change an index
or change a format, such as
space_object:create_index() and
are not allowed inside transactions except as the first request
after box.begin().
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций для управления транзакциями.
Начало транзакции. Отключение неявной передачи управления до окончания транзакции. Сигнал о записи в журнал упреждающей записи будет задержан до окончания транзакции. Фактически файбер, который выполняет функцию box.begin(), начинает «активную транзакцию со множеством запросов» с блокировкой всех остальных файберов.
timeout – a timeout (in seconds), after which the transaction is rolled back
Возможные ошибки:
ошибка, если такая операция не допускается, потому что уже есть активная транзакция.
ошибка, если по какой-либо причине нельзя выделить память.
error and abort the transaction if the timeout is exceeded.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Begin and commit the transaction explicitly --box.begin()box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:replace{1,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.commit()-- Begin the transaction with the specified isolation level --box.begin({txn_isolation='read-committed'})box.space.bands:insert{5,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:replace{1,'The Doors',1965}box.commit()
Окончание транзакции и применение результатов всех операций по изменению данных.
Возможные ошибки:
ошибка и прерывание транзакции в случае конфликта.
ошибка, если операция не может выполнить запись на диск.
ошибка, если по какой-либо причине нельзя выделить память.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Begin and commit the transaction explicitly --box.begin()box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:replace{1,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.commit()-- Begin the transaction with the specified isolation level --box.begin({txn_isolation='read-committed'})box.space.bands:insert{5,'The Rolling Stones',1962}box.space.bands:replace{1,'The Doors',1965}box.commit()
Окончание транзакции, но отмена результатов всех операций по изменению данных. Явный вызов функций не из модуля box.space, которые всегда передают управление, например fiber.sleep() или fiber.yield(), приведет к тому же результату.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Rollback the transaction --box.begin()box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:replace{1,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.rollback()
Выдача дескриптора точки сохранения (тип = таблица), который может затем использоваться в box.rollback_to_savepoint(savepoint). Точки сохранения могут быть созданы, пока активна транзакция, и удаляются после окончания транзакции.
таблица точки сохранения
тип возвращаемого значения:
ошибка, если точку сохранения нельзя указать в отсутствие активной транзакции.
Возможные ошибки: ошибка, если по какой-либо причине нельзя выделить память.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Rollback the transaction to a savepoint --box.begin()box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}save1=box.savepoint()box.space.bands:replace{1,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.rollback_to_savepoint(save1)box.commit()
Запрещение окончания транзакции, но отмена всех изменений и операций box.savepoint(), сделанных после точки сохранения.
ошибка, если точка сохранения не может быть установлена при отсутствии активной транзакции.
Возможные ошибки: ошибка, если отсутствует точка сохранения.
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Rollback the transaction to a savepoint --box.begin()box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}save1=box.savepoint()box.space.bands:replace{1,'Pink Floyd',1965}box.rollback_to_savepoint(save1)box.commit()
Выполнение функции так, как будто функция начинается с явного вызова box.begin() и заканчивается неявным вызовом box.commit() после успешного выполнения или же заканчивается неявным вызовом box.rollback() в случае ошибки.
function-arguments – (optional) arguments passed to the function
the result of the function passed to atomic() as an argument
Возможные ошибки:
ошибка и прерывание транзакции в случае конфликта.
error and abort the transaction if the timeout is exceeded.
ошибка, если операция не может выполнить запись на диск.
ошибка, если по какой-либо причине нельзя выделить память.
-- Create an index with the specified sequence --box.schema.sequence.create('id_sequence',{min=1})box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'},sequence='id_sequence'})-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Define a function --localfunctioninsert_band(band_name,year)box.space.bands:insert{nil,band_name,year}end-- Begin and commit the transaction implicitly --box.atomic(insert_band,'The Beatles',1960)-- Begin the transaction with the specified isolation level --box.atomic({txn_isolation='read-committed'},insert_band,'The Rolling Stones',1962)
Определения триггера, выполняемого в случае окончания транзакции в связи с box.commit().
Функция с триггером может принимать параметр с итератором, как описано в примере к данному разделу.
Функция с триггером не должна получать доступ к любым спейсам базы данных.
Если триггер не сработает и выдаст ошибку, результат будет неблагоприятным, чего следует избегать – используйте Lua-механизм pcall() вокруг кода, который может не сработать.
box.on_commit() следует вызывать в пределах транзакции, и триггер прекращает существование по окончании транзакции.
trigger-function (function) – функция, в которой будет триггер
old-trigger-function (function) – существующая функция с триггером, которую заменит новая
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil,old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Подробная информация о характеристиках триггера находится в разделе Триггеры.
Example 1
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Define a function called on commit --functionprint_commit_result()print('Commit happened')end-- Commit the transaction --box.begin()box.space.bands:insert{4,'The Beatles',1960}box.on_commit(print_commit_result)box.commit()
Example 2
The function parameter can be an iterator.
The iterator goes through the effects of every request that changed a space
during the transaction.
The iterator has:
an ordinal request number
the old value of the tuple before the request
(nil for an insert request)
the new value of the tuple after the request
(nil for a delete request)
the ID of the space
The example below displays the effects of two replace requests:
-- Insert test data --box.space.bands:insert{1,'Roxette',1986}box.space.bands:insert{2,'Scorpions',1965}box.space.bands:insert{3,'Ace of Base',1987}-- Define a function called on commit --functionprint_replace_details(iterator)forrequest_number,old_tuple,new_tuple,space_idiniterator()doprint('request_number: '..tostring(request_number))print('old_tuple: '..tostring(old_tuple))print('new_tuple: '..tostring(new_tuple))print('space_id: '..tostring(space_id))endend-- Commit the transaction --box.begin()box.space.bands:replace{1,'The Beatles',1960}box.space.bands:replace{2,'The Rolling Stones',1965}box.on_commit(print_replace_details)box.commit()
The output might look like this:
request_number: 1old_tuple: [1, 'Roxette', 1986]new_tuple: [1, 'The Beatles', 1960]space_id: 512request_number: 2old_tuple: [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]new_tuple: [2, 'The Rolling Stones', 1965]space_id: 512
В процессе транзакции (например, пользователь вызвал box.begin() и еще не вызвал ни box.commit, ни box.rollback()) возвращается true. В остальных случаях возвращается false.
Functions for SQL
The box module contains some functions related to SQL:
extra-parameters (table) – optional table for placeholders in the statement
depends on statement
There are two ways to pass extra parameters to box.execute():
The first way, which is the preferred way, is to put placeholders in the
string, and pass a second argument, an extra-parameters table. A
placeholder is either a question mark «?», or a colon «:» followed by a
name. An extra parameter is any Lua expression.
If placeholders are question marks, then they are replaced by
extra-parameters values in corresponding positions. That is, the first ?
is replaced by the first extra parameter, the second ? is
replaced by the second extra parameter, and so on.
If placeholders are :names, then they are replaced by extra-parameters values with
corresponding names.
For example, this request that contains literal values 1 and 'x':
box.execute([[INSERT INTO tt VALUES (1, 'x');]]);
… is the same as the request below containing two question-mark placeholders
(? and ?) and a two-element extra-parameters table:
x={1,'x'}box.execute([[INSERT INTO tt VALUES (?, ?);]],x);
… and is the same as this request containing two :name placeholders
(:a and :b) and a two-element extra-parameters table with elements
named «a» and «b»:
box.execute([[INSERT INTO tt VALUES (:a, :b);]],{{[':a']=1},{[':b']='x'}})
The second way is to concatenate strings.
For example, the Lua script below inserts 10 rows with different primary-key
values into table t:
fori=1,10,1dobox.execute("insert into t values ("..i..")")end
When creating SQL statements based on user input, application developers
should beware of SQL injection.
Since box.execute() is an invocation of a Lua function,
it either causes an error message or returns a value.
For some statements the returned value contains a field named rowcount, for example:
tarantool> box.execute([[CREATE TABLE table1 (column1 INT PRIMARY key, column2 VARCHAR(10));]])----rowcount:1...tarantool> box.execute([[INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (55,'Hello SQL world!');]])----rowcount:1...
For statements that cause generation of values for PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT columns,
there is a field named autoincrement_id.
For SELECT or PRAGMA statements, the returned value is a result set,
containing a field named metadata (a table with column names and
Tarantool/NoSQL type names)
and a field named rows (a table with the contents of each row).
For example, for a statement SELECT"x"FROMtWHERE"x"=5;
where "x" is an INTEGER column and there is one row,
a display on the Tarantool client might look like this:
tarantool> box.execute([[SELECT "x" FROM t WHERE "x"=5;]])----metadata:-name:xtype:integerrows:-[5]...
The order of components within a map is not guaranteed.
If sql_full_metadata in the
_session_settings system table is TRUE,
then result set metadata may include these things in addition to name
and type:
collation (present only if COLLATE clause is specified for a STRING) =
is_nullable (present only if the select list
specified a base table column and nothing else) = false if column was
defined as NOT NULL, otherwise true.
If this is not present, that implies that nullability is unknown.
is_autoincrement (present only if the select list specified a base
table column and nothing else) = true if column was defined as
otherwise false.
span (always present) = the original expression in a select list,
which often is the same as name if the select list specifies a
column name and nothing else, but otherwise differs, for example, after
SELECTx+55ASxFROMt; the name is X and the span is x+55.
If span and name are the same then the content is MP_NIL.
Alternative: if you are using the Tarantool server as a client,
you can switch languages as follows:
\set language sql
\set delimiter ;
Afterwards, you can enter any SQL statement directly without needing
There is also an execute() function available in
module net.box.
For example, you can execute conn:execute(sql-statement]) after conn=net_box.connect(url-string).
box.prepare compiles an SQL statement into byte code and saves the byte
code in a cache. Since compiling takes a significant amount of time, preparing
a statement will enhance performance if the statement is executed many times.
If box.prepare succeeds, prepared_table contains:
stmt_id: integer – an identifier generated by a hash of the statement string
metadata: map [name : string, type : string] (This is present only for
SELECT or PRAGMA statements and has the same contents as the
result set metadata for box.execute)
The prepared statement cache (which is also called the prepared statement holder)
is «shared», that is, there is one cache for
all sessions. However, session X cannot execute a statement prepared by session Y.
For monitoring the cache, see box.info().sql.
For changing the cache size, use sql.cache_size.
Prepared statements will «expire» (become invalid) if
any database object is dropped or created or altered –
even if the object is not mentioned in the SQL statement,
even if the create or drop or alter is rolled back,
even if the create or drop or alter is done in a different session.
There are two ways to execute: with the method or with the statement id.
That is, prepared_table:execute() and
box.execute(prepared_table.stmt_id) do the same thing.
Example: here is a test. This function inserts a million rows in a table
using a prepared INSERT statement.
functionf()localp,start_timebox.execute([[DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t;]])box.execute([[CREATE TABLE t (s1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);]])start_time=os.time()p=box.prepare([[INSERT INTO t VALUES (?);]])fori=1,1000000dop:execute({i})endp:unprepare()end_time=os.time()box.execute([[COMMIT;]])print(end_time-start_time)-- elapsed timeendf()
Take note of the elapsed time. Now change the line with the loop to: fori=1,1000000dobox.execute([[INSERTINTOtVALUES(?);]],{i})end
Run the function again, and take note of the elapsed time again.
The function which executes the prepared statement will be about 15% faster,
though of course this will vary depending on Tarantool version and
Undo the result of an earlier box.prepare()
request. This is equivalent to standard-SQL DEALLOCATE PREPARE.
Parameter prepared_table should be the result from box.prepare().
There are two ways to unprepare: with the method or with the statement id.
That is, prepared_table:unprepare() and
box.unprepare(prepared_table.stmt_id) do the same thing.
Tarantool strongly recommends using unprepare as soon as the immediate
objective (executing a prepared statement multiple times) is done, or
whenever a prepared statement expires.
There is no automatic eviction policy, although automatic unprepare
will happen when the session disconnects (the session’s prepared
statements will be removed from the prepared-statement cache).
The box module contains some features related to event subscriptions, also known as watchers.
The subscriptions are used to inform the client about server-side events.
Each event subscription is defined by a certain key.
An event is a state change or a system update that triggers the action of other systems.
To read more about built-in events in Tarantool,
check the system events section.
A state is an internally stored key-value pair.
The key is a string.
The value is an arbitrary type that can be encoded as MsgPack.
To update a state, use the box.broadcast() function.
A watcher is a callback that is invoked when a state change occurs.
To register a local watcher, use the box.watch() function.
To create a remote watcher, use the watch() function from the net.box module.
Note that it is possible to register more than one watcher for the same key.
How a watcher works
First, you register a watcher.
After that, the watcher callback is invoked for the first time.
In this case, the callback is triggered whether or not the key has already been broadcast.
All subsequent invocations are triggered with box.broadcast()
called on the remote host.
If a watcher is subscribed for a key that has not been broadcast yet, the callback is triggered only once,
after the registration of the watcher.
The watcher callback takes two arguments.
The first argument is the name of the key for which it was registered.
The second one contains current key data.
The callback is always invoked in a new fiber. It means that it is allowed to yield in it.
A watcher callback is never executed in parallel with itself.
If the key is updated while the watcher callback is running, the callback will be invoked again with the new
value as soon as it returns.
box.watch and box.broadcast functions can be used before box.cfg.
Below is a list of all functions and pages related to watchers or events.
Keep in mind that garbage collection of a watcher handle doesn’t lead to the watcher’s destruction.
In this case, the watcher remains registered.
It is okay to discard the result of watch function if the watcher will never be unregistered.
-- Broadcast value 42 for the 'foo' key.box.broadcast('foo',42)locallog=require('log')-- Subscribe to updates of the 'foo' key.localw=box.watch('foo',function(key,value)assert(key=='foo')log.info("The box.id value is '%d'",value)end)
If you don’t need the watcher anymore, you can unregister it using the command below:
Returns the current value of a given notification key.
The function can be used as an alternative to box.watch()
when the caller only needs the current value without subscribing to future changes.
To read more about watchers, see the Event watchers section.
-- Broadcast value 42 for the 'foo' key.box.broadcast('foo',42)-- Get the value of this keytarantool>box.watch_once('foo')----42...-- Non-existent keys' values are emptytarantool>box.watch_once('none')---...
Predefined events have a special naming schema – theirs names always start with the reserved box. prefix.
It means that you cannot create new events with it.
The system processes the following events:
In response to each event, the server sends back certain IPROTO fields.
The events are available from the beginning as non-MP_NIL.
If a watcher subscribes to a system event before it has been broadcast,
it receives an empty table for the event value.
The event is generated when there is a change in any of the values listed in the event.
For example, see the parameters in the box.id event below – id, instance_uuid, and replicaset_uuid.
Suppose the ìd value (box.info.id) has changed.
This triggers the box.info event, which states that the value of box.info.id has changed,
while box.info.uuid and box.info.cluster.uuid remain the same.
Contains identification of the instance.
Value changes are rare.
id: the numeric instance ID is unknown before the registration.
For anonymous replicas, the value is 0 until they are officially registered.
instance_uuid: the UUID of the instance never changes after the first
The value is unknown before the box.cfg call.
replicaset_uuid: the value is unknown until the instance joins a replicaset or boots a new one.
Contains a boolean value which indicates whether there is an active shutdown request.
The event is generated when the server receives a shutdown request (os.exit() command or
SIGTERM signal).
The box.shutdown event is applied for the graceful shutdown protocol.
It is a feature which is available since 2.10.0.
This protocol is supposed to be used with connectors to signal a client about the upcoming server shutdown and
close active connections without broken requests.
For more information, refer to the graceful shutdown protocol section.
Usage example
localconn=net.box.connect(URI)locallog=require('log')-- Subscribe to updates of key 'box.id'localw=conn:watch('box.id',function(key,value)assert(key=='box.id')log.info("The box.id value is '%s'",value)end)
If you want to unregister the watcher when it’s no longer needed, use the following command:
Выполнение функции при условии, что она раньше не выполнялась. Передаваемое значение проверяется на предмет того, выполнялась ли функция. Если она выполнялась, ничего не происходит. В противном случае вызывается функция.
Warning: If an error occurs inside box.once() when initializing a
database, you can re-execute the failed box.once() block without
stopping the database. The solution is to delete the once object from
the system space _schema.
Say box.space._schema:select{}, find your once object there and
delete it.
Когда box.once() используется для инициализации, следует подождать, пока база данных не будет в нужном состоянии (только для чтения или для чтения и записи). Для этого см. функции во Вложенный модуль box.ctl.
... – arguments that must be passed to the function
Параметр key сохраняется в системном спейсе _schema после вызова box.once(), чтобы предотвратить повторный вызов по ключу. Эти ключи распространяются на набор реплик. Поэтому одновременный вызов box.once с одинаковыми ключами на двух экземплярах одного набора реплик может быть успешным, но приведет к конфликту транзакций.
The example shows how to re-execute the box.once() block that contains the hello key.
First, check the _schema system space.
The _schema space in the example contains two box.once objects – oncebye and oncehello:
Take a snapshot of all data and store it in
To take a snapshot, Tarantool first enters the delayed garbage collection
mode for all data. In this mode, the
Tarantool garbage collector
will not remove files which were created before the snapshot started, it will
not remove them until the snapshot has finished. To preserve consistency of
the primary key, used to iterate over tuples, a copy-on-write technique is
employed. If the master process changes part of a primary key, the
corresponding process page is split, and the snapshot process obtains an old
copy of the page.
In effect, the snapshot process uses multi-version concurrency control
in order to avoid copying changes which are superseded while it is running.
Since a snapshot is written sequentially, you can expect a very high write
performance (averaging to 80MB/second on modern disks), which means an average
database instance gets saved in a matter of minutes.
You may restrict the speed by changing
При условии, что происходят изменения в родительском индексе в ходе многопоточного обновления данных, будет происходить и расщепление страниц, поэтому возникнет необходимость в наличии дополнительной свободной памяти для выполнения этой команды. В среднем, будет достаточно 10% от memtx_memory. Оператор подождет окончания создания снимка и вернет результат операции.
Обновление: До версии 1.6.6 Tarantool процесс создания снимка вызывал клонирование системного процесса (fork), что могло привести к скачкам задержки отклика. Начиная с версии 1.6.6 Tarantool, процесс создания снимка создает вид постоянного просмотра, который и записывается в файл снимка с помощью отдельного потока (поток упреждающей записи в журнал).
Although box.snapshot() does not cause a fork, there is a separate fiber
which may produce snapshots at regular intervals – see the discussion of
the checkpoint daemon.
tarantool> box.info.version----1.7.0-1216-g73f7154...tarantool> box.snapshot()----ok...tarantool> box.snapshot()----error:can't save snapshot, errno 17 (File exists)...
Создание снимка не приводит к записи нового журнала упреждающей записи на сервере. После создания снимка старые WAL-файлы можно удалить, если все реплицируемые данные актуальны. Но WAL-файл на момент начала работы box.snapshot() следует сохранить на случай восстановления, поскольку он содержит записи журнала после начала работы box.snapshot().
Другим способом сохранения снимка будет отправка сигнала SIGUSR1 процессу. Хотя это может быть удобно, не рекомендуется использовать такой метод в автоматическом процессе: сигнал не дает возможность проверить, был ли корректно сделан снимок.
При использовании vinyl’a вставляемые данные складываются в память до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут предел, установленный в параметре vinyl_memory. Затем vinyl автоматически делает дамп на диск. box.snapshot() форсирует создание дампа, чтобы иметь возможность восстановить данные из этой контрольной точки. Файлы снимков хранятся в space_id/index_id/*.run. Таким образом, строго все данные, которые были записаны во время LSN контрольной точки, находятся в *.run файлах на диске, а все операции, которые происходили после контрольной точки, будут записаны в *.xlog. Все файлы дампа, созданные функцией box.snapshot(), консистентны и имеют тот же LSN, что и контрольная точка.
На контрольной точке vinyl также пересматривает журнал метаданных *.vylog, содержащий операции манипуляции с данными, такие как «создать файл» и «удалить файл». Он проходит по логу, удаляет дублирующие операции из памяти и создает новый файл *.vylog, присваивая ему имя в соответствии с vclock новой контрольной точки, оставляя только операци создания. Эта процедура очищает *.vylog и полезна для восстановления, так как имя лога совпадает с именем подписи контрольной точки.
Константа box.NULL
Имеется целый ряд серьезных проблем при использовании значения nil из Lua в таблицах. Например: вы не можете корректно оценить длину таблицы, не являющейся последовательностью. (Узнайте больше о типах данных в Lua и LuaJIT.)
Вывод в консоль t обрабатывает значения nil в середине и в конце таблицы по-разному. Это вызвано неопределённым поведением.
Попытка найти длину для разреженного массива в LuaJIT приводит к другому случаю неопределённого поведения.
Для избежания этой проблемы используйте имеющуюся в Tarantool константу box.NULL вместо значения nil. box.NULL является местозаполнителем для значения nil в таблицах с целью сохранения ключа без значения.
Использование box.NULL
box.NULL является значением типа cdata, представляющим нулевой указатель (NULL pointer). Оно подобно msgpack.NULL, json.NULL и yaml.NULL. Таким образом, оно является некоторым не nil значением, даже если является указателем на NULL.
Используйте box.NULL только с NULL, написанным заглавными буквами (box.null является ошибкой).
Технически, box.NULL соответствует ffi.cast('void*',0).
Заметьте, что t[2] демонстрирует один и тот же вывод null в обоих примерах. Однако, в данном примере t[2] и t[5] являются типом cdata, в то время как в предыдущем примере их тип был nil.
Избегайте использования неявных сравнений с обнуляемыми (nullable) значениями при использовании box.NULL. В связи со штатным поведением Lua, возвращение любого результата, кроме false (ложь) или nil (ничто), из выражения условия считается возвращением true (истина). Как и упоминалось ранее, box.NULL является указателем.
Поэтому выражение box.NULL всегда будет расцениваться как true (истина) в случае использования в качестве условия в сравнении. Это означает, что код
всегда будет выполнять функцию func() (потому, что условие box.NULL всегда будет не false (ложь) и не nil (ничто)).
Distinction of nil and box.NULL
Используйте выражение x==nil для проверки того, является ли xnil или box.NULL.
Для выяснения того, является ли x в действительности nil, но не box.NULL, используйте следующее условие:
Если оно истинно (true), то x – это nil, но не``box.NULL``.
Вы можете использовать следующее выражение для box.NULL:
Если вышеуказанное выражение истинно (true), то x – это box.NULL.
Конвертируя данные в различные форматы (JSON, YAML, msgpack), вы должны ожидать возможного преобразования всех nil в разреженных массивах в box.NULL. Стоит ответить, что конвертация может происходить неожиданно (например: при отправке данных через net.box или при получении данных из спейсов и т.п.).
Вы должны ожидать подобное поведение и использовать соответствующее выражение условия. Используйте явное сравнение x==nil для проверки на отсутствующее значение (NULL) в обнуляемых (nullable) переменных. Оно позволит обнаружить как nil, так и box.NULL.
Модуль buffer
Модуль buffer возвращает буфер, допускающий динамическое изменение размера, который используется только в качестве опции для методов модуля net.box или модуля msgpack.
Как правило, модуль net.box возвращает Lua-таблицу. Если используется опция buffer, то методы модуля net.box возвращают неформатированную строку строку MsgPack. Это экономит время работы на сервере, если в клиентском приложении есть собственная процедура декодирования MsgPack-строк.
Буфер использует четыре указателя для управления его мощностью:
buf – указатель на начало буфера
rpos – указатель на начало участка памяти, доступного для чтения данных («read position»)
wpos – указатель на конец участка памяти для чтения и начало участка для записи данных («write position»)
epos – указатель на конец участка для записи данных («end position»)
В этом примере мы покажем, что использование буфера позволит вам сохранить данные в том же формате, в котором они пришли с сервера. Так что если получить данные с сервера нужно только для отправки куда-то дальше, то с буфером это будет гораздо быстрее.
До версии 1.7.7 Tarantool в данном случае следует использовать функцию msgpack.ibuf_decode(ibuf.rpos). Начиная с версии 1.7.7 Tarantool , ibuf_decode объявлена устаревшей.
Очистить слоты памяти, использованные buffer_object’ом. Этот метод позволяет сохранить буфер, но убрать из него все данные. Это полезно, если вы собираетесь использовать буфер дальше.
Зарезервировать память для buffer_object. Проверить, достаточно ли памяти, чтобы записать size байтов после wpos. Если нет, epos будет сдвигаться, пока size байтов не будет доступно.
Результат остается внутри массива, что видно из того, что он заключен в квадратные скобки. Пропустить заголовок массива можно и функцией msgpack.decode_array_header().
The checks module provides the ability to check the types of arguments passed to a Lua function.
You need to call the checks(type_1, …) function inside the target Lua function and pass one or more type qualifiers to check the corresponding argument types.
There are two types of type qualifiers:
A string type qualifier checks whether a function’s argument conforms to the specified type. Example: 'string'.
A table type qualifier checks whether the values of a table passed as an argument conform to the specified types. Example: {'string','number'}.
In Tarantool 2.11.0 and later versions, the checks API is available in a script without loading the module.
For earlier versions, you need to install the checks module from the Tarantool rocks repository and load the module using the require() directive:
Number of arguments to check
For each argument to check, you need to specify its own type qualifier in the checks(type_1, …) function.
One argument
In the example below, the checks function accepts a string type qualifier to verify that only a string value can be passed to the greet function.
Otherwise, an error is raised.
functiongreet(name)checks('string')return'Hello, '..nameend--[[greet('John')-- returns 'Hello, John'greet(123)-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (string expected, got number)--]]
Multiple arguments
To check the types of several arguments, you need to pass the corresponding type qualifiers to the checks function.
In the example below, both arguments should be string values.
functiongreet_fullname(firstname,lastname)checks('string','string')return'Hello, '..firstname..' '..lastnameend--[[greet_fullname('John', 'Smith')-- returns 'Hello, John Smith'greet_fullname('John', 1)-- raises an error: bad argument #2 to nil (string expected, got number)--]]
To skip checking specific arguments, use the ? placeholder.
Variable number of arguments
You can check the types of explicitly specified arguments for functions that accept a variable number of arguments.
functionextra_arguments_num(a,b,...)checks('string','number')returnselect('#',...)end--[[extra_arguments_num('a', 2, 'c')-- returns 1extra_arguments_num('a', 'b', 'c')-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (string expected, got number)--]]
String type qualifier
This section describes how to check a specific argument type using a string type qualifier:
The Supported types section describes all the types supported by the checks module.
If required, you can make a union type to allow an argument to accept several types.
To skip checking specific arguments, use the ? placeholder.
Supported types
Lua types
A string type qualifier can accept any of the Lua types, for example, string, number, table, or nil.
In the example below, the checks function accepts string to validate that only a string value can be passed to the greet function.
functiongreet(name)checks('string')return'Hello, '..nameend--[[greet('John')-- returns 'Hello, John'greet(123)-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (string expected, got number)--]]
Tarantool types
You can use Tarantool-specific types in a string qualifier.
The example below shows how to check that a function argument is a decimal value.
localdecimal=require('decimal')functionsqrt(value)checks('decimal')returndecimal.sqrt(value)end--[[sqrt(decimal.new(16))-- returns 4sqrt(16)-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (decimal expected, got number)--]]
This table lists all the checks available for Tarantool types:
A string type qualifier can accept the name of a custom function that performs arbitrary validations.
To achieve this, create a function returning true if the value is valid and add this function to the checkers table.
The example below shows how to use the positive function to check that an argument value is a positive number.
functioncheckers.positive(value)return(type(value)=='number')and(value>0)endfunctionget_doubled_number(value)checks('positive')returnvalue*2end--[[get_doubled_number(10)-- returns 20get_doubled_number(-5)-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (positive expected, got number)--]]
Metatable type
A string qualifier can accept a value stored in the __type field of the argument metatable.
localblue=setmetatable({0,0,255},{__type='color'})functionget_blue_value(color)checks('color')returncolor[3]end--[[get_blue_value(blue)-- returns 255get_blue_value({0, 0, 255})-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (color expected, got table)--]]
Union types
To allow an argument to accept several types (a union type), concatenate type names with a pipe (|).
In the example below, the argument can be both a number and string value.
functionget_argument_type(value)checks('number|string')returntype(value)end--[[get_argument_type(1)-- returns 'number'get_argument_type('key1')-- returns 'string'get_argument_type(true)-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (number|string expected, got boolean)--]]
Optional types
To make any of the supported types optional, prefix its name with a question mark (?).
In the example below, the name argument is optional.
This means that the greet function can accept string and nil values.
functiongreet(name)checks('?string')ifname~=nilthenreturn'Hello, '..nameelsereturn'Hello from Tarantool'endend--[[greet('John')-- returns 'Hello, John'greet()-- returns 'Hello from Tarantool'greet(123)-- raises an error: bad argument #1 to nil (string expected, got number)--]]
As for a specific type, you can make a union type value optional: ?number|string.
Skipping argument checking
You can skip checking of the specified arguments using the question mark (?) placeholder.
In this case, the argument can be any type.
functiongreet_fullname_any(firstname,lastname)checks('string','?')return'Hello, '..firstname..' '..tostring(lastname)end--[[greet_fullname_any('John', 'Doe')-- returns 'Hello, John Doe'greet_fullname_any('John', 1)-- returns 'Hello, John 1'--]]
Table type qualifier
A table type qualifier checks whether the values of a table passed as an argument conform to the specified types.
In this case, the following checks are made:
The argument is checked to conform to the ?table type, and its content is validated.
When called inside a function, checks that the function’s arguments conform to the specified types.
type_1 (string/table) – a string or table type qualifier used to check the argument type
... – optional type qualifiers used to check the types of other arguments
The checkers global variable provides access to checkers for different types.
You can use this variable to add a custom checker that performs arbitrary validations.
The checkers variable also provides access to checkers for Tarantool-specific types.
These checkers can be used in a custom checker.
Модуль clock возвращает значения времени, полученные из функции Posix / C CLOCK_GETTIME или аналогичной. Большинство функций модуля возвращают число секунд; функции, названия которых заканчиваются на «64», возвращают 64-разрядное число наносекунд.
The monotonic time. Derived from C function clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
Monotonic time is similar to wall clock time but is not affected by changes
to or from daylight saving time, or by changes done by a user.
This is the best function to use with benchmarks that need to calculate
elapsed time.
секунды или наносекунды с момента последней загрузки компьютера.
тип возвращаемого значения:
number or cdata (ctype<int64_t>)
-- Результатом будет число наносекунд с запуска.clock=require('clock')print(clock.monotonic64())
Время процессора. Получено из C-функции clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID). Такую функцию лучше всего использовать для эталонного тестирования, где необходимо рассчитать время, затраченное на процессоре.
секунды или наносекунды с момента начала работы процессора.
тип возвращаемого значения:
number or cdata (ctype<int64_t>)
-- Результатом будет число наносекунд с запуска процессора.clock=require('clock')print(clock.proc64())
Рабочее время потока. Получено из C-функции clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID). Такую функцию лучше всего использовать для эталонного тестирования, где необходимо рассчитать время, затраченное потоком на процессоре.
секунды или наносекунды с момента начала работы потока процессора транзакций.
тип возвращаемого значения:
number or cdata (ctype<int64_t>)
-- Результатом будет число секунд с момента начала работы потока.clock=require('clock')print(clock.thread64())
Время, которое функция проводит в процессоре. Данная функция использует clock.proc(), то есть рассчитывает затраченное процессором время. Таким образом, она не используется для отображения фактически затраченного времени.
function (function) – функция или ссылка на функцию
... – значения, которые необходимы для функции.
таблица. Первый элемент – время работы процессора в секундах, второй элемент – то, что возвращает функция.
-- Эталонное тестирование функции, которая находится в спящем режиме в течение 10 секунд.-- NB: bench() не будет рассчитывать время сна.-- Поэтому вернется значение, которое будет {число менее 10, 88}.clock=require('clock')fiber=require('fiber')functionf(param)fiber.sleep(param)return88endclock.bench(f,10)
Module compat
The usual way to handle compatibility problems is to introduce an option for a new behavior and leave the old one by default.
It is not always the perfect way.
Sometimes developers want to keep the old behavior for existing applications and offer the new behavior by default for the new ones.
For example, the old behavior is known to be problematic, or less safe, or it doesn’t correspond to user expectations.
In contrast, the user doesn’t always read all the documentation and often assumes good defaults.
It was decided to introduce a compatibility module to provide a direct way to deprecate unwanted behavior.
The compat module is basically a global table of options with additional verbose interface and helper functions.
There are three stages of changing behavior:
Old behavior by default.
New behavior by default.
New behavior is frozen and the old behavior is removed.
During the first two stages, a user can toggle options via the interface and change the behavior according to one’s needs.
At the last stage, the old behavior is removed from the codebase, and the option is marked as obsolete.
Because compat is a global instance, options can be hardcoded into it or added in runtime, for example, by external module.
Options are switched to the next stage in major releases. In this way, developers are able to adapt to the new standard behavior and test it before switching to the next release.
If something is broken by a new Tarantool version, a developer can still have a way to fix it by a simple config change, that is, explicitly select the old behavior.
Consider example below:
The option json_esc_slash is introduced in the 2.11 minor release. Default is set to „old“, but a developer can utilize the new behavior or test the updated behavior by switching it manually to „new“.
In release 3.0, the next major release, json_esc_slash default is switched to „new“.
Now, developers who don’t manage to adapt to the new behavior, are able to switch the option to „old“ and fix their module in the future.
In release 4.0, json_esc_slash is marked as obsolete, and the old behavior is no longer accessible. Developers are forced to use the new behavior.
Basic usage
If you want to explicitly secure every behavior in compat, you can do it manually, and then call compat.dump() to get a Lua command that sets up the compat with all the options selected.
You should place this commands at the beginning of code in your init.lua file. In this way, you are guaranteed to get the same behavior on any other Tarantool version.
See a tutorial on using compat for more examples.
Configuration options
Another way to handle compatibility issues is setting the compat.*configuration options.
Similarly to the compat Lua module options, the configuration options can have
values new and old. The set of configuration options matches the set of
options available in the compat module.
Below is an example fragment of a YAML configuration file:
For some reason, in the upstream lua_cjson, the „/“ sign is escaped.
But according to the rfc4627 standard, it is unnecessary and questionably compatible with other implementations.
Old and new behavior
By toggling the json_escape_forward_slash compat option, you can chose either the json encoder escapes the „/“ sign or it does not:
The option affects both the global serializer instance and serializers created with json.new().
It also affects the way log messages are encoded when written to the log in the json format (the box.cfg.log_format option is set to „json“).
Known compatibility issues
At this point, no incompatible modules are known.
Detecting issues in your codebase
Both encoding styles are correct from the JSON standard standpoint, but if your module relies on encodings results bytewise, it may break with this change.
Be cautious if you do the following:
Hash results of json.encode().
Lua-YAML prettier multiline output
Option: yaml_pretty_multiline
The lua-yaml encoder selects the string style automatically, but in Tarantool context, it can be beneficial to enforce them, for example, for better readability.
The yaml_pretty_multiline compat option allows to encode multiline strings in a block style.
Old and new behavior
The compat module allows you to chose between the lua-yaml encodes multiline strings as usual or in the enforced block scalar style:
You can select the new/old behavior in compat. It affects the global YAML encoder.
Known compatibility issues
At this point, no incompatible modules are known.
Detecting issues in your codebase
Both encoding styles are correct from the YAML standard standpoint, but if your module relies on encodings results bytewise, it may break with this change.
Be cautious if you do the following:
Compare results of YAML encoding as strings.
Hash results of yaml encoding.
Fiber channel close mode
Option: fiber_channel_close_mode
Before the change, there was an unexpected behavior when using channel:close() because it closed the channel entirely and discarded all unread events.
Old and new behavior
The compat module allows you chose between the channel force and graceful closing. The latter is a new behavior.
You can select new/old behavior in compat. It will affect all existing channels and the future ones.
Known compatibility issues
At this point, no incompatible modules are known.
Detecting issues in your codebase
The new behavior is mostly backward compatible.
The only known problem that can appear is when the code relies on channel being entirely closed after ch:close() and ch:get() returning nil.
Default value for replication_sync_timeout
Option: box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout
Having a non-zero replication_sync_timeout gives a user the false assumption that the box.cfg{replication=...} call returns only when the configured node is synced with all the other nodes.
This is mostly true for the big replication_sync_timeout values, but it is not 100% guaranteed.
In other words, a user still has to check if the node is synced, or the sync just timed out.
Besides, while replication_sync_timeout is ticking, you cannot reconfigure box with another box.cfg call, which hardens reconfiguration.
It is decided to set the replication_sync_timeout to zero by default.
Old and new behavior
The compat module allows you to choose between
the old behavior: box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout is 300 seconds by default
and the new behavior:box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout is 0 by default.
It is important to set the desired behavior before the initial box.cfg{} call to take effect for it.
tarantool>compat.box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout='new'---...tarantool>box.cfg{}---...tarantool>box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout----0...tarantool>compat.box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout='old'----error:'builtin/box/load_cfg.lua:253: The compat option ''box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout'' takes effect only before the initial box.cfg() call'...
We expect issues with a user assuming that the node is not in the orphan state (box.info.status~="orphan") after the box.cfg{replication=...} call returns.
This is not true with the new behaviour. To simulate the old behavior, one may add a box.ctl.wait_rw() call after the box.cfg{} call.
box.ctl.wait_rw() returns only when the node becomes writable, and hence is not an orphan.
Default value for sql_seq_scan session setting
Option: sql_seq_scan_default
The default value for the sql_seq_scan session setting will be set to false starting with Tarantool 3.0.
To be able to return the behavior to the old default, a new compat option is introduced.
Old and new behavior
Old behavior: SELECT scan queries are always allowed.
New behavior: SELECT scan queries are only allowed if the SEQSCAN keyword is used correctly.
Note that the sql_seq_scan_default compat option only affects sessions during initialization.
It means that you should set sql_seq_scan_default before running box.cfg{} or creating a new session.
Also, a new session created before executing box.cfg{} will not be affected by the value of the compat option.
Examples of setting the option before execution of box.cfg{}:
We expect most SELECTs that do not use indexes to fail after the sql_seq_scan session setting is set to false.
The best way to avoid this is to refactor the query to use indexes.
To understand if SELECT uses indexes, you can use EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.
If SEARCH TABLE is specified, the index is used. If it says SCAN TABLE, the index is not used.
You can use the SEQSCAN keyword to manually allow scanning queries. Or you can set the sql_seq_scan session setting to true to allow all scanning queries.
Default value for max fiber slice
Option: fiber_slice_default
The max fiber slice specifies the max fiber execution time without yield before a warning is logged or an error is raised.
It is set with the fiber.set_max_slice() function.
The new compat option – fiber_slice_default – controls the default value of the max fiber slice.
Old and new behavior
The old default value for the max fiber slice is infinity (no warnings or errors). The new default value is {warn=0.5,err=1.0}.
To use the new behavior, set fiber_slice_default to new as follows:
or the following error is raised unexpectedly by a box function
then your application has a fiber that may exceed its slice and fail.
First, make sure that fiber.yield() is used for this fiber to transfer control to another fiber.
You can also extend the fiber slice with the fiber.extend_slice(slice) function.
Decoding binary objects
Option: binary_data_decoding
Starting from version 3.0, Tarantool has the varbinary module
for handling binary objects of arbitrary lengths.
The binary_data_decoding compat option allows to define the format in which
varbinary field values are returned for handling in Lua: plain strings or varbinary
Old and new behavior
New behavior: varbinary field values are returned as varbinary objects.
String manipulation methods, such as string.sub() or string.match() are not
defined for varbinary objects. Thus, if you use such methods on results of
binary data decoding from MsgPack or YAML, convert them to strings
explicitly using the tostring() method.
tarantool>compat({>obsolete_set_explicitly='new',>option_set_old='old',>option_set_new='new'>})---...tarantool>compat-----option_set_old:old--option_set_new:new--option_default_old:default(old)--option_default_new:default(new)...#Obsoleteoptionsarenotreturnedinserialization,buthavethefollowingvalues:#-obsolete_option_default:default(new)#-obsolete_set_explicitly:new#nildoesoutputobsoleteunsetoptionsas'default'tarantool>compat.dump()----require('compat')({option_set_old='old',option_set_new='new',option_default_old='default',option_default_new='default',obsolete_option_default='default',-- obsolete since X.Yobsolete_set_explicitly='new',-- obsolete since X.Y})...#'current'isthesameasnilwithdefaultsettocurrentvaluestarantool>compat.dump('current')----require('compat')({option_set_old='old',option_set_new='new',option_default_old='old',option_default_new='new',obsolete_option_default='new',-- obsolete since X.Yobsolete_set_explicitly='new',-- obsolete since X.Y})...#'new'outputsobsoleteas'new'.tarantool>compat.dump('new')----require('compat')({option_set_old='new',option_set_new='new',option_default_old='new',option_default_new='new',obsolete_option_default='new',-- obsolete since X.Yobsolete_set_explicitly='new',-- obsolete since X.Y})...#'old'outputsobsoleteoptionsas'new'.tarantool>compat.dump('old')----require('compat')({option_set_old='old',option_set_new='old',option_default_old='old',option_default_new='old',obsolete_option_default='new',-- obsolete since X.Yobsolete_set_explicitly='new',-- obsolete since X.Y})...#'default'doesoutputobsoleteoptionsasdefault.tarantool>dump('default')----require('compat')({option_set_old='default',option_set_new='default',option_default_old='default',option_default_new='default',obsolete_option_default='default',-- obsoleted since X.Yobsolete_set_explicitly='default',-- obsoleted since X.Y})...
Setting all options to a specific value with compat.dump()
use compat.dump() to get a specific configuration
copy and paste it into console (or use loadstring())
brief (explanation of the option, can be multiline string)
obsolete (’X.Y’ / nil) — tarantool version that marked option as obsolete. When nil, option is treated as non-obsolete)
action function (argument - boolean is_new, changes the behavior accordingly)
run_action_now (true / false / nil) if add_options should run action afterwards, false by default
Option hot reload:
You can change an existing option in runtime using add_option(), it will update all the fields but keep currently selected behavior if any.
The new action will be called afterwards.
tarantool> compat.add_option{ name = 'option_4', default = 'new', brief = "<...>", obsolete = nil, -- you can explicitly mark the option as non-obsolete action = function(is_new) print(("option_4 action was called with is_new = %s!"):format(is_new)) end, run_action_now = true }option_4 postaction was called with is_new = true!---...tarantool> compat.add_option{-- hot reload of option_4 name = 'option_4', default = 'old', -- different default brief = "<...>", action = function(is_new) print(("new option_4 action was called with is_new = %s!"):format(is_new)) end }---...-- action is not called by default
A compressor instance that exposes the API for compressing and decompressing data using the zlib algorithm.
To create the zlib compressor, call compress.zlib.new().
Specifies the zlib compression level that enables you to adjust the compression ratio and speed.
The lower level improves the compression speed at the cost of compression ratio.
Specifies the compression strategy. The possible values:
default - for normal data.
huffman_only - forces Huffman encoding only (no string match). The fastest compression algorithm but not very effective in compression for most of the data.
filtered - for data produced by a filter or predictor. Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a somewhat random distribution. This compression algorithm is tuned to compress them better.
rle - limits match distances to one (run-length encoding). rle is designed to be almost as fast as huffman_only but gives better compression for PNG image data.
fixed - prevents the use of dynamic Huffman codes and provides a simpler decoder for special applications.
A compressor instance that exposes the API for compressing and decompressing data using the zstd algorithm.
To create the zstd compressor, call compress.zstd.new().
Specifies the zstd compression level that enables you to adjust the compression ratio and speed.
The lower level improves the compression speed at the cost of compression ratio.
For example, you can use level 1 if speed is most important and level 22 if size is most important.
Default: 3
Minimum: -131072
Maximum: 22
Assigning 0 to level resets its value to the default (3).
A compressor instance that exposes the API for compressing and decompressing data using the lz4 algorithm.
To create the lz4 compressor, call compress.lz4.new().
Specifies the acceleration factor that enables you to adjust the compression ratio and speed.
The higher acceleration factor increases the compression speed but decreases the compression ratio.
Specifies the decompress buffer size (in bytes).
If the size of decompressed data is larger than this value, the compressor returns an error on decompression.
The config module provides the ability to work with an instance’s configuration.
For example, you can determine whether the current instance is up and running without errors after applying the cluster’s configuration.
By using the config.storagerole, you can set up a Tarantool-based centralized configuration storage and interact with this storage using the config module API.
Loading config
To load the config module, use the require() directive:
Get a configuration applied to the current or remote instance.
Note the following differences between getting a configuration for the current and remote instance:
For the current instance, get() returns its configuration considering environment variables.
For a remote instance, get() only considers a cluster configuration and ignores environment variables.
In the example below, the instance’s state is check_warnings.
The alerts section informs that privileges to the bands space for sampleuser cannot be granted because the bands space has not been created yet:
app:instance001> require('config'):info('v2')----status:check_warningsmeta:last:&0[]active:*0alerts:-type:warnmessage:box.schema.user.grant("sampleuser", "read,write", "space", "bands") hasfailed because either the object has not been created yet, a database schemaupgrade has not been performed, or the privilege write has failed (separatealert reported)timestamp:2024-07-03T18:09:18.826138+0300...
This warning is cleared when the bands space is created.
Example: configuration errors
In the example below, the instance’s state is check_errors.
The alerts section informs that the log.level configuration option has an incorrect value:
a table containing information about instances. The returned table uses instance names as the keys and contains the following information for each instance:
instance_name – an instance name
replicaset_name – the name of a replica set the instance belongs to
group_name – the name of a group the instance belongs to
The example below shows how to use instances() to get the names of all instances in the cluster, create a connection to each instance using the connpool module, and log connection URIs using the log module:
localconfig=require('config')localconnpool=require('experimental.connpool')locallog=require('log')forinstance_nameinpairs(config:instances())dolocalconn=connpool.connect(instance_name)log.info("Connection URI for %q: %s:%s",instance_name,conn.host,conn.port)end
In this example, the same actions are performed for instances from the specified replica set:
localconfig=require('config')localconnpool=require('experimental.connpool')locallog=require('log')forinstance_name,definpairs(config:instances())doifdef.replicaset_name=='storage-b'thenlocalconn=connpool.connect(instance_name)log.info("Connection URI for %q: %s:%s",instance_name,conn.host,conn.port)endend
The example below shows how to read a configuration stored in the source.yaml file using the fio module API and put this configuration by the /myapp/config/all path:
The experimental.config.utils.schema module is used to validate and process
parts of cluster configurations that have arbitrary user-defined structures:
app.cfg for applications loaded using the app option
Define a schema – the root object that stores information about the role’s
configuration – using schema.new(). The example
below shows a schema that includes a single string option:
Use the validate() method of the schema object to
validate configuration values against the schema. In case of a role, call this
method inside the role’s validate() function:
A configuration schema stores information about a user-defined configuration structure
that can be passed inside an app.cfg
or a roles_cfg section. It includes
option names, types, hierarchy, and other aspects of a configuration.
To create a schema, use the schema.new() function.
It has the following arguments:
Schema name – an arbitrary string to use as an identifier.
Root schema node – a table describing the hierarchical schema structure
starting from the root.
(Optional) methods – user-defined functions that can be called on this schema object.
Schema nodes
Schema nodes describe the hierarchy of options within a schema. There are two types of schema nodes:
Scalar nodes hold a single value of a supported primitive type. For example,
a string configuration option of a role is a scalar node in its schema.
Composite nodes include multiple values in different forms: records, arrays, or maps.
A node can have annotations – named attributes that enable customization of
its behavior, for example, setting a default value.
Scalar nodes
Scalar nodes hold a single value of a primitive type, for example, a string or a number.
For the full list of supported scalar types, see Data types.
This configuration has one scalar node of the string type:
If a scalar node has a limited set of allowed values, you can also define it with
the schema.enum(). Pass the list of allowed values as
its argument:
Another way to restrict possible option values is the allowed_values
built-in annotation.
Data types
Scalar nodes can have the following data types:
Scalar type
Lua type
Only integer numbers
true or false
string or number
Arbitrary Lua value
May be used to declare an arbitrary value that doesn’t need validation.
Record is a composite node that includes a predefined set of other nodes, scalar
or composite. In YAML, a record is represented as a node with nested fields.
For example, the following configuration has a record node http_api with
three scalar fields:
Records are also used to define nested schema nodes of non-primitive types. In the example
below, the http_api node includes another record listen_address.
Array is a composite node type that includes a collection of items of the same
type. The items can be either scalar or composite nodes.
In YAML, array items start with hyphens. For example, the following configuration
includes an array named http_api. Each its item is a record with three fields:
host, port, and scheme:
To create a map node in a schema, use schema.map().
If this node is declared as a map as shown below, the endpoints section can include
any number of options with arbitrary names and boolean values.
Node annotations are named attributes that define its various aspects. For example,
scalar nodes have a required annotation type that defines the node value type.
Other annotations can, for example, set a node’s default value and a validation function,
or store arbitrary user-provided data.
Annotations are passed in a table to the node creation function:
Built-in annotations are handled by the module. These are: type, validate, allowed_values, default and apply_default_if.
Note that validate and allowed_values are used for validation only. default and apply_default_if can transform the configuration.
User-defined annotations add named node attributes that can be used in the
application or role code.
Computed annotations allow access to annotations of other nodes throughout
the schema.
Built-in annotations
Built-in annotations are interpreted by the module itself. There are the following
built-in annotations:
type – the node value type.
The type must be explicitly specified for scalar nodes, except for those created with schema.enum().
For composite nodes and scalar enums, the corresponding constructors schema.record(), schema.map(), schema.array(),
schema.set(), and schema.enum() set the type automatically.
allowed_values – (optional) a list of possible node values.
validate – (optional) a validation function for the provided node value.
default – (optional) a value to use if the option is not specified in the configuration.
apply_default_if – (optional) a function that defines when to apply the default value.
The following schema uses built-in annotations default, allowed_values, and validate
to define default and allowed option values and validation functions:
localfunctionvalidate_host(host,w)localhost_pattern="^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)$"ifnothost:match(host_pattern)thenw.error("'host' should be a string containing a valid IP address, got %q",host)endendlocalfunctionvalidate_port(port,w)ifport<=1orport>=65535thenw.error("'port' should be between 1 and 65535, got %d",port)endend
User-defined annotations
A schema node can have user-defined annotations with arbitrary names. Such annotations
are used to implement custom behavior. You can get their names and values from
the schema and use in the role or application code.
Example: the env user-defined annotation is used to provide names
of environment variables from which the configuration values can be taken.
Computed annotations enable access from a node to annotations of its ancestor nodes.
In the example below, the listen_address record validation function refers to the
protocol annotation of its ancestor node:
locallisten_address=schema.record({scheme=schema.enum({'http','https'}),host=schema.scalar({type='string'}),port=schema.scalar({type='integer'})},{validate=function(data,w)localprotocol=w.schema.computed.annotations.protocolifprotocol=='iproto'anddata.scheme~=nilthenw.error("iproto doesn't support 'scheme'")endend,})
If there are several ancestor nodes with this annotation, its value is taken
from the closest one to the current node.
The following schema with listen_address passes the validation:
The schema object’s validate() method performs all the necessary checks
on the provided configuration. It validates the configuration structure, node types, allowed values,
and other aspects of the schema.
To get configuration values, use the schema object’s get() method.
It takes the configuration and the full path to the node as arguments:
localfunctionapply(cfg)localscheme=listen_address_schema:get(cfg,'listen_address.scheme')localhost=listen_address_schema:get(cfg,'listen_address.host')localport=listen_address_schema:get(cfg,'listen_address.port')log.info("HTTP API endpoint: %s://%s:%d",scheme,host,port)end
Transforming configuration
The schema object has methods that transform configuration data based on the schema,
for example, apply_default(),
merge(), set().
The following sample shows how to apply default values from the schema to fill
missing configuration fields:
localfunctionapply(cfg)localcfg_with_defaults=listen_address_schema:apply_default(cfg)localscheme=listen_address_schema:get(cfg_with_defaults,'scheme')localhost=listen_address_schema:get(cfg_with_defaults,'host')localport=listen_address_schema:get(cfg_with_defaults,'port')log.info("HTTP API endpoint: %s://%s:%d",scheme,host,port)end
Parsing environment variables
The schema.fromenv() function allows getting
configuration values from environment variables. The example below shows how to do
this by adding a user-defined annotation env:
Parse an environment variable as a value of the given schema node.
The env_var_name parameter is used only for error messages.
The value (raw_value) should be received using os.getenv() or os.environ().
How the raw value is parsed depends on the schema_node type:
string: return the value as is
number or integer: parse the value as a number or an integer
string,number: attempt to parse as a number; in case of a failure
return the value as is
boolean: accept true and false (case-insensitively), or 1 and 0
for true and false values correspondingly
any: parse the value as a JSON
Map: parse either as JSON (if the raw value starts with {)
or as a comma-separated string of key=value pairs: key1=value1,key2=value2
Array: parse either as JSON (if the raw value starts with [)
or as a comma-separated string of items: item1,item2,item3
Parsing records from environment variables is not supported.
env_var_name (string) – environment variable name to use for error messages
data is assumed to be validated against the given schema.
Apply default values to scalar nodes. The functions takes the default
built-in annotation values of the scalar nodes and applies them based
on the apply_default_if annotation. If there is no apply_default_if
annotation on a node, the default value is also applied.
The method works for static defaults. To define a dynamic default value,
use the map() method.
data is assumed to be validated against the given schema.
Get nested configuration values at the given path. The path can be
either a dot-separated string (http.scheme) or an array-like table ({'http','scheme'}).
data is assumed to be validated against the given schema.
Transform data by the given function. The data fields are transformed
by the function passed in the second argument (f), while its structure remains unchanged.
The transformation function takes three arguments:
data – the configuration data
w – walkthrough node with the following fields:
w.schema – schema node
w.path – the path to the schema node
w.error() – a function for printing human-readable error messages
ctx – additional context for the transformation function. Can be
used to provide values for a specific call.
The map() method traverses all fields of the schema records,
even if they are nil or box.NULL in the provided configuration.
This allows using this method to set computed default values for missing
fields. Note that this is not the case for maps and arrays since the schema
doesn’t define their fields to traverse.
data (any) – configuration data
f (function) – transformation function
f_ctx (any) – user-provided context for the transformation function
data is assumed to be validated against the given schema.
value is validated by the method before the assignment.
Set a given value at the given path in a configuration.
The path can be either a dot-separated string (http.scheme) or
an array-like table ({'http','scheme'}).
Validate data against the schema. If the data doesn’t adhere to the schema,
an error is raised.
The method performs the following checks:
field type checks: field values are checked against the schema node types
allowed values: if a node has the allowed_values annotations of schema nodes,
the corresponding data field is checked against the allowed values list
validation functions: if a validation function is defined for a node
(the validate annotation), it is executed to check that the provided value is valid.
A boolean function that defines whether to apply the default value specified
using default. If this function returns true on a provided configuration data,
the node receives the default value upon the schema_object.apply_default()
method call.
The function takes two arguments:
data – the configuration data
w – walkthrough node with the following fields:
w.schema – schema node
w.path – the path to the schema node
w.error() – a function for printing human-readable error messages
A function used to validate node data. The function must raise an error to
fail the check. The function is called upon the schema_object:validate()
function calls.
The function takes two arguments:
data – the configuration data
w – walkthrough node with the following fields:
w.schema – schema node
w.path – the path to the schema node
w.error() – a function for printing human-readable error messages
A function that checks that a string is a valid IP address:
localfunctionvalidate_host(host,w)localhost_pattern="^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)$"ifnothost:match(host_pattern)thenw.error("'host' should be a string containing a valid IP address, got %q",host)endend
Node value validation function. The value
is taken from the validate annotation.
Модуль console
Общие сведения
Модуль console позволяет одному экземпляру Tarantool получать доступ к другому экземпляру Tarantool и позволяет одному экземпляру Tarantool начать прослушивание по порту администрирования.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля console.
Подключение к экземпляру по URI, смена командной строки с „tarantool>“ на „uri>“ и дальнейшая работа в качестве клиента до окончания сессии пользователя или ввода команды control-D.
Функция console.connect позволяет одному экземпляру Tarantool в интерактивном режиме получать доступ к другому экземпляру Tarantool. Последующие запросы на первый взгляд будут обрабатываться локально, но в действительности запросы отправляются на удаленный экземпляр, а локальный экземпляр выступает в виде клиента. После успешного подключения командная строка сменится, и последующие запросы отправляются и выполняются на удаленном экземпляре. Результат выводится на локальный экземпляр. Чтобы вернуться к работе на локальном экземпляре, введите команду control-D.
Если экземпляр Tarantool по URI запрашивает авторизацию, подключение может выглядеть следующим образом: console.connect('admin:secretpassword@distanthost.com:3301').
Нет ограничений по типу вводимых запросов, кроме ограничений по правам на выполняемые запросы – по умолчанию, вход в систему на удаленном экземпляре выполняется от имени пользователя „guest“. Можно разрешить работу на удаленном экземпляре, выдав права: box.schema.user.grant('guest','execute','universe').
Возможные ошибки: подключение не будет установлено, если целевой экземпляр Tarantool не был инициирован с помощью box.cfg{listen=...}.
tarantool> console=require('console')---...tarantool> console.connect('')---...> -- командная строка показывает, что работа идет с удаленным экземпляром
Прослушивание по URI. Основной способ прослушивания на предмет входящих запросов – по строке информации о подключении, или URI, указанному в box.cfg{listen=...}. Другой способ прослушивания – по URI, указанному в console.listen(...). Этот другой способ называется «административным» или просто «по порту администрирования». Такое прослушивание обычно осуществляется по локальному хосту с доменным Unix-сокетом.
«Административный» адрес – это URI для прослушивания. У него нет значения по умолчанию, поэтому следует указать, будет ли подключение производиться по порту администрирования. Параметр выражен URI = Универсальным идентификатором ресурса, например «/tmpdir/unix_domain_socket.sock», или числовым идентификатором TCP-порта. Подключения часто выполняются по telnet. Типичное значение порта: 3313.
Запуск консоли на текущем интерактивном терминале.
console.start() специально используется с файлами инициализации. Как правило, при запуске экземпляра Tarantool с помощью команды tarantoolinitializationfile, консоль не поддерживается. Эту проблему можно решить путем добавления следующих строк в конце файла инициализации:
Установка флага автодополнения ввода. Если значение автодополнения = true (правда), и пользователь использует Tarantool в качестве клиента или подключен к Tarantool по console.connect(), то при нажатии клавиши TAB Tarantool будет автоматически дополнять текст по введенной части. По умолчанию, задано значение true.
Настройка специального маркера окончания запроса для консоли Tarantool.
По умолчанию, маркер окончания запроса представляет собой символ разрыва строки (перевод строки). Нет необходимости в специальных маркерах, поскольку Tarantool может определить, если многостроковый запрос не завершен (например, если видно, что при объявлении функции еще не задано конечное ключевое слово). Тем не менее, в особых случаях или при вводе многостроковых запросов в более ранних версиях Tarantool, можно изменить маркер окончания запроса. В результате символ разрыва строки не будет означать окончание запроса.
Чтобы вернуться в нормальный режим, введите команду: console.delimiter('')<marker>
marker (string) – специальный маркер окончания запроса для консоли Tarantool
Return the current default output format. The result will be
fmt="yaml", or it will be fmt="lua" if
the last set_default_output
call was console.set_default_output('lua').
Set the default output format.
The possible values are „yaml“ (the default default) or „lua“.
The output format can be changed within a session by executing
console.eval('\setoutputyaml|lua'); see the
description of output format in the
Interactive console section.
Set or access the end-of-output string if default output is „lua“.
This is the string that appears at the end of output in a response
to any Lua request.
The default value is ; semicolon.
Saying eos() will return the current value.
For example, after require('console').eos('!!') responses will end with „!!“.
Модуль crypto
Общие сведения
«Crypto» is short for «Cryptography», which generally refers to the production
of a digest value from a function (usually a
Cryptographic hash function),
applied against a string. Tarantool’s crypto module supports ten types of
cryptographic hash functions
Some of the crypto functionality is also present in the
Модуль digest module.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля crypto.
Предположим, что вычислен дайджест для строки „A“, затем часть „B“ добавляется в строку, необходим новый дайджест. Новый дайджест можно пересчитать для всей строки „AB“, но быстрее будет взять вычисленный дайджест для „A“ и внести изменения на основании добавленной части „B“. Это называется многошаговым процессом или «инкрементным» хеш-суммированием, которое поддерживает Tarantool поддерживает для всех криптографических функций.
crypto=require('crypto')-- вывести дайджест 'AB' по aes-192 пошагово, затем с инкрементомkey='key/key/key/key/key/key/'iv='iviviviviviviviv'print(crypto.cipher.aes192.cbc.encrypt('AB',key,iv))c=crypto.cipher.aes192.cbc.encrypt.new(key)c:init(nil,iv)c:update('A')c:update('B')print(c:result())c:free()-- вывести дайджест 'AB' по sha-256 пошагово, затем с инкрементомprint(crypto.digest.sha256('AB'))c=crypto.digest.sha256.new()c:init()c:update('A')c:update('B')print(c:result())c:free()
Получение одинаковых результатов из модулей digest и crypto
Следующие функции равноценны. Например, функция digest и функция crypto приведут к одному результату.
Получение входного значения в формате CSV из readable и возврат таблицы в качестве выходного значения. Обычно readable представляет собой либо строку, либо открытый для чтения файл. Как правило, параметры options не указываются.
readable (object) – строка или любой объект с методом read(), форматированный по правилам CSV
Получение входного значения из таблицы csv-table и возврат строки в формате CSV в качестве выходного значения. Или получение входного значения из таблицы csv-table и размещение выходного значения в writable. Обычно параметры options не указываются. Как правило, если указан writable, то это открытый для чтения файл. csv.dump() – это операция, обратная csv.load().
csv-table (table) – таблица, которую можно форматировать в соответствии с правилами CSV
Создание Lua-функции с итератором для прохода по записям в формате CSV по одному полю за раз. Настоятельно рекомендуется использовать итератор для большого объема данных (10 мегабайт и более).
csv-table (table) – таблица, которую можно форматировать в соответствии с правилами CSV
The datetime module provides support for the datetime data types.
It allows creating the date and time values either via the object interface
or via parsing string values conforming to the ISO-8601 standard.
API Reference
Below is a list of datetime functions, properties, and related objects.
units (table) – Table of time units.
If an empty table or no arguments are passed, the datetime object with the default values corresponding to Unix Epoch is created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
Fractional part of the last second. You can specify either nanoseconds (nsec), or microseconds (usec), or milliseconds (msec).
Specifying two of these units simultaneously or all three ones lead to an error.
Seconds. Value range: 0 - 60. A leap second is supported, see a section leap second.
Minutes. Value range: 0 - 59.
Hours. Value range: 0 - 23.
Day number. Value range: 1 - 31. The special value -1 generates the last day of a particular month (see example below).
Month number. Value range: 1 - 12.
Timestamp, in seconds. Similar to the Unix timestamp, but can have a fractional part that is converted in nanoseconds in the resulting datetime object.
If the fractional part for the last second is set via the nsec, usec, or msec units, the timestamp value should be integer otherwise an error occurs.
The timestamp is not allowed if you already set time and/or date via specific units, namely, sec, min, hour, day, month, and year.
A time zone offset from UTC, in minutes. Value range: -720 - 840 inclusive.
If both tzoffset and tz are specified, tz has the preference and the tzoffset
value is ignored. See a section timezone.
A time zone name according to the Time Zone Database. See the Time zones section.
Convert an input string with the date and time information into a datetime object.
The input string should be formatted according to one of the following standards:
ISO 8601
RFC 3339
extended strftime – see description of the format() for details.
By default fields that are not specified are equal to appropriate values in a Unix time.
Leap second is supported, see a section leap second.
input_string (string) – string with the date and time information.
format (string) – indicator of the input_string format.
Possible values: „iso8601“, „rfc3339“, or strptime-like format string.
If no value is set, the default formatting is used ("%F%T%Z").
Note that only a part of possible ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 formats are supported.
To parse unsupported formats, you can specify a format string manually using
conversion specifications
and ordinary characters.
tzoffset (number) – time zone offset from UTC, in minutes.
input (table) – Table with time units and parameters. For all possible time units, the values are not restricted.
If an empty table or no arguments are passed, the interval object with the default value 0seconds is created.
Possible input time units and parameters for datetime.interval.new()
nsec (usec, msec)
Fractional part of the last second. You can specify either nanoseconds (nsec), or microseconds (usec), or milliseconds (msec).
Specifying two of these units simultaneously or all three ones lead to an error.
Day number
Week number
Month number
Defines how to round days in a month after an arithmetic operation.
tarantool> datetime.interval.new()----0 seconds...tarantool> datetime.interval.new{ month = 6, year = 1 }----+1 years, 6 months...tarantool> datetime.interval.new{ day = -1 }-----1 days...
A Lua table that maps timezone names (like Europe/Moscow) and
timezone abbreviations (like MSK) to its index and vice-versa.
See the Time zones section.
Modify an existing datetime object by adding values of the input argument.
See also: Datetime and interval arithmetic. The addition is performed taking tzdata
into account, when tzoffset or tz fields are set, see the Time zones.
adjust (string) – defines how to round days in a month after an arithmetic operation.
Possible values: none, last, excess (see Example #2). Defaults to none.
Example #1:
tarantool> dt=datetime.new{ day = 26, month = 8, year = 2021, tzoffset = 180 }---...tarantool> iv=datetime.interval.new{day=7}---...tarantool> dt,iv----2021-08-26T00:00:00+0300-+7 days...tarantool> dt:add(iv)----2021-09-02T00:00:00+0300...tarantool> dt:add{day=7}----2021-09-09T00:00:00+0300...
Example #2:
tarantool> dt=datetime.new{ day = 29, month = 2, year = 2020 }---...tarantool> dt:add{month=1,adjust='none'}----2020-03-29T00:00:00Z...tarantool> dt=datetime.new{ day = 29, month = 2, year = 2020 }---...tarantool> dt:add{month=1,adjust='last'}----2020-03-31T00:00:00Z...tarantool> dt=datetime.new{ day = 31, month = 1, year = 2020 }---...tarantool> dt:add{month=1,adjust='excess'}----2020-03-02T00:00:00Z...
Convert the standard datetime object presentation into a formatted string.
The conversion specifications are the same as in the strftime function.
Additional specification for nanoseconds is %f which also allows a modifier to control the output precision of fractional part: %5f (see the example below).
If no arguments are set for the method, the default conversions are used: '%FT%T.%f%z' (see the example below).
input_string (string) – string consisting of zero or more conversion specifications and ordinary characters
string with the formatted date and time information
Modify an existing datetime object by subtracting values of the input argument.
See also: Datetime and interval arithmetic. The subtraction is performed taking tzdata
into account, when tzoffset or tz fields are set, see the Time zones.
adjust (string) – defines how to round days in a month after an arithmetic operation.
Possible values: none, last, excess. Defaults to none.
The logic is similar to the one of the :add() method – see Example #2.
tarantool> dt=datetime.new{ day = 26, month = 8, year = 2021, tzoffset = 180 }---...tarantool> iv=datetime.interval.new{day=5}---...tarantool> dt,iv----2021-08-26T00:00:00+0300-+5 days...tarantool> dt:sub(iv)----2021-08-21T00:00:00+0300...tarantool> dt:sub{day=1}----2021-08-20T00:00:00+0300...
The datetime module enables creating of objects of two types: datetime and interval.
If you need to shift the datetime object values, you can use either the modifier methods, that is, the datetime_object:add() or datetime_object:sub() methods,
or apply interval arithmetic using overloaded + (__add) or - (__sub) methods.
datetime_object:add()/datetime_object:sub() modify the current object, but +/- create copy of the object as the operation result.
In the interval operation, each of the interval subcomponents is sequentially calculated starting from the largest (year) to the smallest (nsec):
year – years
month – months
week – weeks
day – days
hour – hours
min – minutes
sec – seconds
nsec – nanoseconds
If the results of the operation exceed the allowed range for any of the components, an exception is raised.
The datetime and interval objects can participate in arithmetic operations:
The sum of two intervals is an interval object, whose fields are the sum of each particular component of operands.
The result of subtraction of two intervals is similar: it’s an interval object where each subcomponent is the result of subtraction of particular fields in the original operands.
If you add datetime and interval objects, the result is a datetime object. The addition is performed in a determined order from the largest component (year) to the smallest (nsec).
Subtraction of two datetime objects produces an interval object. The difference of two time values is performed not as the difference of the epoch seconds,
but as difference of all the subcomponents, that is, years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
An untyped table object can be used in each context where the typed datetime or interval objects are used if the left operand is a typed object with an overloaded operation of + or -.
The matrix of the addition operands eligibility and their result types:
The matrix of the subtraction operands eligibility and their result types:
The subtraction and addition of datetime objects are performed taking tzdata
into account tzoffset or tz fields are set:
If you need to compare the datetime and interval object values, you can use standard Lua relational operators: ==, ~=, >, <, >=, and <=. These operators use the overloaded __eq, __lt, and __le metamethods to compare values.
Support for relational operators for interval objects has been added since 2.11.0.
Leap seconds are a periodic
one-second adjustment of Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) in order to keep
a system’s time of day close to the mean solar time. However,
the Earth’s rotation speed varies in response to climatic and geological events,
and due to this, UTC leap seconds are irregularly spaced and unpredictable.
Tarantool includes the Time Zone Database
that besides the time zone description files also contains a leapseconds file.
You can use the Lua module tarantool to get a used
version of tzdata.
This section describes how the datetime module supports leap seconds:
The function datetime.parse() correctly parses
an input string with 60 seconds:
Tarantool uses the Time Zone Database
(also known as the Olson database and supported by IANA) for timezone support.
You can use the Lua module tarantool to get a used version of tzdata.
Every datetime object has three fields that represent timezone support:
tz, tzoffset, and isdst:
The field isdst is calculated using tzindex and attributes of the selected
timezone in the Olson DB timezone.
The field tz field can be set to a timezone name or abbreviation. A timezone name
is a human-readable name based on the Time Zone Database, for example, «Europe/Moscow».
Timezone abbreviations represent time zones by alphabetic abbreviations
such as «EST», «WST», and «F». Both timezone names and abbreviations are available
via the bidirectional array datetime.TZ.
The field tzoffset is calculated automatically using the current Olson rule.
This means that it takes into account summer time, leap year, and leap seconds information
when a timezone name is set. However, the tzoffset field can be set manually when
an appropriate timezone is not available.
The supported date range is from -5879610-06-22 to +5879611-07-11.
There were moments in past history when local mean time in some particular zone
used a timezone offset not representable in a whole minutes but rather in seconds.
For example, in Moscow before 1918 there used to be offset +2 hours 31 minutes and 19 seconds.
See an Olson dump for this period:
Modern tzdata rules do not use such a tiny fraction, and all timezones differ
from UTC in units measured in minutes, not seconds. Tarantool datetime module uses
minutes internally as units for tzoffset. So there might be some loss of precision
if you try to operate with such ancient timestamps.
The decimal module has functions for working with
exact numbers. This is important when numbers are large
or even the slightest inaccuracy is unacceptable.
For example Lua calculates 0.16666666666667*6
with floating-point so the result is 1.
But with the decimal module (using decimal.new
to convert the number to decimal type)
decimal.new('0.16666666666667')*6 is 1.00000000000002.
To construct a decimal number, bring in the module with
require('decimal') and then use decimal.new(n)
or any function in the decimal module:
where n can be a string or a non-decimal number or a decimal number.
If it is a string or a non-decimal number,
Tarantool converts it to a decimal number before
working with it.
It is best to construct from strings, and to convert
back to strings after calculations, because Lua numbers
have only 15 digits of precision. Decimal numbers have
38 digits of precision, that is, the total number of digits
before and after the decimal point can be 38.
Tarantool supports the usual arithmetic and comparison operators
+ - * / % ^ < > <= >= ~= ==.
If an operation has both decimal and non-decimal operands,
then the non-decimal operand is converted to decimal before
the operation happens.
Use tostring(decimal-number) to convert back to a string.
A decimal operation will fail if overflow happens (when a
number is greater than 10^38 - 1 or less than -10^38 - 1).
A decimal operation will fail if arithmetic is impossible
(such as division by zero or square root of minus 1).
A decimal operation will not fail if rounding of
post-decimal digits is necessary to get 38-digit precision.
Returns e raised to the power of a decimal number.
For example if a is 1 then decimal.exp(a) returns
Compare math.exp(1) from the
Lua math library,
which returns 2.718281828459.
Returns true if the specified value is a decimal, and false otherwise.
For example if a is 123 then decimal.is_decimal(a) returns false.
if a is decimal.new(123) then decimal.is_decimal(a) returns true.
Returns the number after possible rounding or padding.
If the number of post-decimal digits is greater than new-scale,
then rounding occurs. The rounding rule is: round half away from zero.
If the number of post-decimal digits is less than new-scale,
then padding of zeros occurs.
For example if a is -123.4550 then decimal.rescale(a,2)
returns -123.46, and decimal.rescale(a,5) returns -123.45500.
Returns a decimal number after possible removing of trailing post-decimal zeros.
For example if a is 2.20200 then decimal.trim(a) returns 2.202.
Модуль digest
Общие сведения
A «digest» is a value which is returned by a function (usually a
Cryptographic hash function),
applied against a string. Tarantool’s digest
module supports several types of cryptographic hash functions (
as well as a checksum function (CRC32), two
functions for base64, and two non-cryptographic hash functions
Some of the digest functionality is also present in the crypto.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля digest.
Возврат двоичной строки = дайджест, полученный с помощью PBKDF2. Для эффективности шифрования значение параметра количества итераций iterations должно быть как минимум несколько тысяч. Значение параметра digest-length определяет длину полученной двоичной строки.
digest.pbkdf2() yields and should not be used in a transaction (between
box.begin() and box.commit()/box.rollback()).
PBKDF2 is a time-consuming hash algorithm. It runs in a separate coio thread.
While calculations are performed, the fiber that calls digest.pbkdf2()
yields and another fiber continues working in the tx thread.
Возврат кодированного по base64 значения обычной строки.
Возможные опции:
nopad – результат не должен включать в себя „=“ для заполнения символами в конце,
nowrap – результат не должен включать в себя символ переноса строки для разделения строк после 72 символов,
urlsafe – результат не должен включать в себя „=“ или символ переноса строки и может содержать „-„ или „_“ взамен „+“ или „/“ в качестве 62 и 63 символа в схеме.
Значения параметров могут быть true (правда) или false (ложь), по умолчанию используется false.
Возврат 32-битной контрольной суммы с помощью CRC32.
The crc32 and crc32_update functions use the
Cyclic Redundancy Check
polynomial value: 0x1EDC6F41 / 4812730177.
(Other settings are: input = reflected, output = reflected, initial value = 0xFFFFFFFF, final xor value = 0x0.)
If it is necessary to be
compatible with other checksum functions in other programming languages,
ensure that the other functions use the same polynomial value.
Например, в Python установите пакет crcmod и введите команду:
Возврат числа с помощью консистентного хеширования.
The guava function uses the Consistent Hashing
algorithm of the Google
guava library. The first parameter should be a hash code; the second
parameter should be the number of buckets; the returned value will be an
integer between 0 and the number of buckets. For example,
Запуск инкрементного вычисления с помощью MurmurHash. См. примечания по инкрементным методам. Например:
Инкрементальные методы в модуле digest
Предположим, что вычислен дайджест для строки „A“, затем часть „B“ добавляется в строку, необходим новый дайджест. Новый дайджест можно пересчитать для всей строки „AB“, но быстрее будет взять вычисленный дайджест для „A“ и внести изменения на основании добавленной части „B“. Это называется многошаговым процессом или «инкрементным» хеш-суммированием, которое поддерживает Tarantool поддерживает для crc32 и murmur…
digest=require('digest')-- вывести дайджест 'AB' по crc32 пошагово, затем с инкрементомprint(digest.crc32('AB'))c=digest.crc32.new()c:update('A')c:update('B')print(c:result())-- вывести дайджест 'AB' по murmur hash пошагово, затем с инкрементомprint(digest.murmur('AB'))m=digest.murmur.new()m:update('A')m:update('B')print(m:result())
In the following example, the user creates two functions, password_insert()
which inserts a SHA-1 digest of the word «^S^e^c^ret Wordpass» into a tuple
set, and password_check() which requires input of a password.
tarantool> digest=require('digest')---...tarantool> functionpassword_insert() > box.space.tester:insert{1234,digest.sha1('^S^e^c^ret Wordpass')} > return'OK' > end---...tarantool> functionpassword_check(password) > localt=box.space.tester:select{12345} > ifdigest.sha1(password)==t[2]then > return'Password is valid' > else > return'Password is not valid' > end > end---...tarantool> password_insert()----'OK'...
Если затем пользователь вызовет функцию password_check() и вводит неверный пароль, результатом будет ошибка.
Модуль errno, как правило, используется внутри функции или в рамках Lua-программы совместно с модулем, функции которого могут возвращать ошибки ОС, например fio.
Получение сообщения об ошибке для соответствующего номера ошибки
Возврат номера ошибки для последней функции, связанной с операционной системой, или 0. Чтобы вызвать функцию, просто введите команду errno() без названия модуля.
Возврат строки в ответ на номер ошибки. Строка будет содержать текст традиционного сообщения об ошибке для текущей операционной системы. Если не указан код code, то будет выведено сообщение об ошибке для последней функции, связанной с операционной системой, или 0.
code (integer) – номер ошибки в операционной системе
тип возвращаемого значения:
Данная функция отображает результат вызова fio.open(), который вызывает ошибку 2 (errno.ENOENT). В результат включен номер ошибки, связанная с ним строка сообщения об ошибке и название ошибки.
tarantool> functionf() > localfio=require('fio') > localerrno=require('errno') > fio.open('no_such_file') > print('errno() = '..errno()) > print('errno.strerror() = '..errno.strerror()) > localt=getmetatable(errno).__index > fork,vinpairs(t)do > ifv==errno()then > print('errno() constant = '..k) > end > end > end---...tarantool> f()errno() = 2errno.strerror() = No such file or directoryerrno() constant = ENOENT---...
Чтобы увидеть все возможные названия ошибок, которые хранятся в метатаблице errno, введите команду getmetatable(errno) (выводятся сокращенно):
experimental.connpool is an experimental module and is subject to changes.
The experimental.connpool module provides a set of features for connecting to remote cluster instances and for executing remote procedure calls on an instance that satisfies the specified criteria.
Note that the execution time for experimental.connpool functions depends on the number of instances and the time required to connect to each instance.
Loading a module
To load the experimental.connpool module, use the require() directive:
Execute the specified function on a remote instance.
The function is executed on behalf of the user that maintains replication in the cluster.
Ensure that this user has the executepermission for the function to execute.
func_name (string) – a name of the function to execute.
args (table/nil) – function arguments.
opts (table/nil) –
options used to select candidates on which the function should be executed:
Once you have a connection, you can execute requests on the remote instance, for example, select data from a space using conn.space.<space-name>:select().
отправлять и получать сообщения для различных процессов (например, разные соединения, сессии или файберы) по каналам;
использовать механизм синхронизации для файберов, аналогично работе «условных переменных» и функций операционных систем, таких как pthread_cond_wait() плюс pthread_cond_signal().
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций и элементов модуля fiber.
A fiber is a set of instructions that are executed with cooperative multitasking.
The fiber module enables you to create a fiber and
associate it with a user-supplied function called a fiber function.
A fiber has the following possible states: running, suspended, ready, or dead.
A program with fibers is, at any given time, running only one of its fibers.
This running fiber only suspends its execution when it explicitly
yields control to another fiber that is ready to execute.
When the fiber function ends, the fiber ends and becomes dead.
If required, you can cancel a running or suspended fiber.
Another useful capability is limiting
a fiber execution time for long-running operations.
By default, each transaction in Tarantool is executed in
a single fiber on a single thread, sees a consistent database state, and commits all changes atomically.
Create a fiber
To create a fiber, call one of the following functions:
fiber.create() creates a fiber and runs it immediately.
The initial fiber state is running.
fiber.new() creates a fiber but does not start it.
The initial fiber state is ready.
You can join such fibers by calling the fiber_object:join() function
and get the result returned by the fiber’s function.
Передача управления
Yield is an action that occurs in a cooperative environment that
transfers control of the thread from the current fiber to another fiber that is ready to execute.
The fiber module provides the following functions that yield control to another fiber explicitly:
fiber.sleep() yields control to the scheduler and sleeps for the specified number of seconds.
Отмена файбера
To cancel a fiber, use the fiber_object.cancel function.
You can also call fiber.kill() to locate a fiber by its numeric ID and cancel it.
Limit execution time
If a fiber works too long without yielding control, you can use a fiber slice to limit its execution time.
The fiber_slice_defaultcompat option controls the default value of the maximum fiber slice.
There are two slice types: a warning and an error slice.
When a warning slice is over, a warning message is logged, for example:
fiber has not yielded for more than 0.500 seconds
When an error slice is over, the fiber is cancelled and the FiberSliceIsExceeded error is thrown:
FiberSliceIsExceeded: fiber slice is exceeded
Control is passed to another fiber that is ready to execute.
The fiber slice is checked by all functions operating on spaces and indexes, such as index_object.select(), space_object.replace(), and so on.
You can also use the fiber.check_slice() function in application code to check whether the slice for the current fiber is over.
The following functions override the the default value of the maximum fiber slice:
fiber.top() shows all alive fibers and their CPU consumption.
Garbage collection
Сборщик мусора собирает недоступные файберы так же, как и все Lua-объекты: сборщик мусора в Lua освобождает память выделенного для файбера пула, сбрасывает все данные файбера и возвращает файбер (который теперь называется каркасом файбера) в пул файберов. Каркас можно использовать повторно при создании другого файбера.
A fiber has all the features of a Lua
coroutine and all the programming
concepts that apply to Lua coroutines apply to fibers as well. However,
Tarantool has made some enhancements for fibers and has used fibers internally.
So, although the use of coroutines is possible and supported, the use of fibers is
Create a fiber but do not start it.
The created fiber starts after the fiber creator
(that is, the job that is calling fiber.new()) yields.
The initial fiber state is ready.
Note that fiber.status() returns the suspended state
for ready fibers because the ready state is not observable
using the fiber module API.
You can join fibers created using fiber.new by calling the
fiber_object:join() function and get the result returned by the fiber’s function.
To join the fiber, you need to make it joinable using fiber_object:set_joinable().
function – функция, которая будет связана с файбером
function-arguments – arguments to be passed to the function
созданный объект файбера
тип возвращаемого значения:
пользовательские данные
The script below shows how to create a fiber using fiber.new:
-- app.lua --fiber=require('fiber')functiongreet(name)print('Hello, '..name)endgreet_fiber=fiber.new(greet,'John')print('Fiber not started yet')
The following output should be displayed after runningapp.lua:
$ tarantoolapp.lua
Fiber not started yetHello, John
The increment function below contains an infinite loop
that adds 1 to the counter global variable.
Then, the current fiber goes to sleep for period seconds.
sleep causes an implicit fiber.yield().
In the example below, two fibers are associated with the same function.
Each fiber yields control after printing a greeting.
-- app.lua --fiber=require('fiber')functiongreet()whiletruedoprint('Enter a name:')name=io.read()print('Hello, '..name..'. I am fiber '..fiber.id())fiber.yield()endendfori=1,2dofiber_object=fiber.create(greet)fiber_object:cancel()end
The output might look as follows:
$ tarantoolapp.lua
Enter a name:JohnHello, John. I am fiber 104Enter a name:JaneHello, Jane. I am fiber 105
backtrace (boolean) – show backtrace. Default: true.
Set to false to show less information (symbol resolving can be expensive).
bt (boolean) – same as backtrace, but with lower priority.
number of context switches (csw), backtrace, total memory, used
memory, fiber ID (fid), fiber name.
If fiber.top is enabled or Tarantool was built with ENABLE_FIBER_TOP,
processor time (time) is also returned.
тип возвращаемого значения:
Return values explained
csw – number of context switches.
backtrace, bt – each fiber’s stack trace, showing where it originated and what functions were called.
total – total memory occupied by the fiber as a C structure, its stack, etc.
used – actual memory used by the fiber.
time – duplicates the «time» entry from fiber.top().cpu for each fiber.
Only shown if fiber.top is enabled.
tarantool> fiber.info({bt=true})----101:csw:1backtrace:-C:'#00x5dd130inlbox_fiber_id+96'-C:'#10x5dd13dinlbox_fiber_stall+13'-L:stall in =[C] at line -1-L:(unnamed) in @builtin/fiber.lua at line 59-C:'#20x66371binlj_BC_FUNCC+52'-C:'#30x628f28inlua_pcall+120'-C:'#40x5e22a8inluaT_call+24'-C:'#50x5dd1a9inlua_fiber_run_f+89'-C:'#60x45b011infiber_cxx_invoke(int(*)(__va_list_tag*),__va_list_tag*)+17'-C:'#70x5ff3c0infiber_loop+48'-C:'#80x81ecf4incoro_init+68'memory:total:516472used:0time:0name:luafid:101102:csw:0backtrace:-C:'#0(nil)in+63'-C:'#1(nil)in+63'memory:total:516472used:0time:0name:on_shutdownfid:102...
Отображение всех активных файберов и потребляемых ими ресурсов ЦП.
таблица с двумя записями:cpu и cpu_misses
cpu это ещё одна таблица, в которой ключами являются строки с ID и именами файберов. Для каждого файбера доступны 3 метрики:
instant (in percent), which indicates the share of time the fiber
was executing during the previous event loop iteration.
average (in percent), which is calculated as an exponential moving
average of instant values over all the previous event loop iterations.
time (в секундах) определяет процессорное время, потраченное на обработку каждого файбера за время его существования.
Запись time также добавляется к выводу информации о файбере с помощью fiber.info() (дублируется запись time из fiber.top().cpu для каждого файбера).
Обратите внимание, что подсчет time ведется, только если активна функция fiber.top().
cpu_misses показывает число раз, когда поток TX регистрировал перенос файбера на другое ядро процессора во время последней итерации цикла обработки событий. fiber.top() использует счетчик меток времени для измерения времени выполнения каждого файбера. Однако в разных ядрах могут быть разные значения счетчика, поэтому полагаться на разность показаний счетчика можно только в том случае, если оба измерения были проведены на одном и том же ядре; в противном случае разность показаний может даже быть отрицательной. Когда поток TX переносится на другое ядро процессора, Tarantool просто предполагает, что разность показаний была нулевой для последнего измерения. Это снижает точность вычислений, поэтому больше значение cpumisses, тем ниже точность результатов fiber.top().
With 2.11.0, cpu_misses is deprecated and always returns 0.
Notice that by default new fibers created due to
fiber.create are named „lua“ so it is better to set
their names explicitly via fiber_object:name(„name“).
There are several system fibers in fiber.top() output that might be useful:
sched is a special system fiber. It schedules tasks to other fibers,
if any, and also handles some libev events.
It can have high instant and average values in fiber.top()
output in two cases:
The instance has almost no load - then practically only
sched is executing, and the other fibers are sleeping.
So relative to the other fibers, sched may have almost 100% load.
sched handles a large number of system events.
This should not cause performance problems.
main fibers process requests that come over the network (iproto requests).
There are several such fibers, and new ones are created if needed.
When a new request comes in, a free fiber takes it and executes it.
The request can be a typical select/replace/delete/insert
or a function call. For example, conn:eval() or
Enabling fiber.top() slows down fiber switching by about 15%,
so it is disabled by default. To enable it, use fiber.top_enable().
To disable it after you finished debugging, use fiber.top_disable().
Проверка отмены действующего файбера и выдача исключения, если файбер отменен.
Даже при исключении файбер будет отменен. Большинство вызовов проверяют fiber.testcancel(). Однако некоторые функции (id, status, join и т.д.) не вернут ошибку. Мы рекомендуем разработчикам приложений реализовать случайные проверки fiber.testcancel() и максимально быстро завершить выполнение файбера, если он был отменен.
tarantool> fiber.testcancel()----error:fiber is cancelled...
Set the default maximum slice for all fibers.
A fiber slice limits the time period of executing a fiber without yielding control.
slice (number/table) –
a fiber slice, which can one of the following:
a time period (in seconds) that specifies the error slice. Example: fiber.set_max_slice(3).
a table that specifies the warning and error slices (in seconds). Example: fiber.set_max_slice({warn=1.5,err=3}).
The example below shows how to use set_max_slice to limit the slice for all fibers.
fiber.check_slice() is called inside a long-running operation to determine whether a slice for the current fiber is over.
Set a slice for the current fiber execution.
A fiber slice limits the time period of executing a fiber without yielding control.
slice (number/table) –
a fiber slice, which can one of the following:
a time period (in seconds) that specifies the error slice. Example: fiber.set_slice(3).
a table that specifies the warning and error slices (in seconds). Example: fiber.set_slice({warn=1.5,err=3}).
The example below shows how to use set_slice to limit the slice for the current fiber execution.
fiber.check_slice() is called inside a long-running operation to determine whether a slice for the current fiber is over.
Extend a slice for the current fiber execution.
For example, if the default error slice is set using fiber.set_max_slice()
to 3 seconds, extend_slice(1) extends the error slice to 4 seconds.
slice (number/table) –
a fiber slice, which can one of the following:
a time period (in seconds) that specifies the error slice. Example: fiber.extend_slice(1).
a table that specifies the warning and error slices (in seconds). Example: fiber.extend_slice({warn=0.5,err=1}).
The example below shows how to use extend_slice
to extend the slice for the current fiber execution.
The default fiber slice is set using set_max_slice.
текущее системное время (в секундах с начала отсчета) в виде Lua-числа. Время берется из часов событийного цикла, поэтому вызов полезен лишь для создания искусственных ключей кортежа.
Получение монотонного времени в секундах. Для вычисления таймаутов лучше использовать fiber.clock(), поскольку fiber.time() сообщает системное время, а оно может меняться при изменениях в системе.
количество секунд в виде числа с плавающей точкой, представляющего собой время с некоторого момента в прошлом, которое гарантированно не изменится в течение всего времени процесса
количество секунд в виде 64-битного целого числа, представляющего собой время с некоторого момента в прошлом, которое гарантированно не изменится в течение всего времени процесса
fiber.self():name() может также быть выражен как fiber.name().
tarantool> fiber.self():name()----interactive...
fiber_object:name(name[, options])
Change the fiber name. By default a Tarantool server’s
interactive-mode fiber is named „interactive“ and new
fibers created due to fiber.create are named „lua“.
Giving fibers distinct names makes it easier to
distinguish them when using fiber.info
and fiber.top().
Max length is 255.
truncate=true – truncates the name to the max length if it is
too long. If this option is false (the default),
fiber.name(new_name) fails with an exception if a new name is
too long. The name length limit is 255
(since version 2.4.1).
Send a cancellation request to the fiber. Running and suspended fibers can be cancelled.
After a fiber has been cancelled, attempts to operate on it
cause errors, for example, fiber_object:name()
causes error:thefiberisdead. But a dead fiber can still
report its ID and status.
Отмена файбера происходит асинхронно. Чтобы дождаться окончания отмены, используйте fiber_object:join(). После вызова fiber_object:cancel() файбер может проверить, был ли он удален. Если он этого не сделает, его отменить невозможно.
Set a fiber’s maximum slice.
A fiber slice limits the time period of executing a fiber without yielding control.
slice (number/table) –
a fiber slice, which can one of the following:
a time period (in seconds) that specifies the error slice. Example: long_operation_fiber.set_max_slice(3).
a table that specifies the warning and error slices (in seconds). Example: long_operation_fiber.set_max_slice({warn=1.5,err=3}).
The example below shows how to use set_max_slice to limit the fiber slice.
fiber.check_slice() is called inside a long-running operation to determine whether a slice for the fiber is over.
A local storage within the fiber. It is a Lua table created when it is
first accessed. The storage can contain any number of named values,
subject to memory limitations. Naming may be done with
fiber_object.storage.name or
fiber_object.storage['name']. or with a number
Values may be either numbers or strings.
fiber.storage is destroyed when the fiber is finished, regardless
of how is it finished – via fiber_object:cancel(),
or the fiber’s function did „return“. Moreover, the storage is cleaned
up even for pooled fibers used to serve IProto requests. Pooled fibers
never really die, but nonetheless their storage is cleaned up after each
request. That makes possible to use fiber.storage as a full featured
request-local storage. This behavior is implemented in versions
2.2.3, 2.3.2,
2.4.1, and all later versions.
This storage may be created for a fiber, no matter how the fiber
itself is created – from C or from Lua. For example, a fiber can
be created in C using fiber_new(), then it can insert into a
space, which has Lua on_replace triggers, and one of the triggers
can create fiber.storage. That storage is deleted when the
fiber is stopped.
The example below shows how to save the last entered name in a fiber storage
and get this value before cancelling a fiber.
-- app.lua --fiber=require('fiber')functiongreet()whiletruedoprint('Enter a name:')name=io.read()ifname~='bye'thenfiber.self().storage.name=nameprint('Hello, '..name)elseprint('Goodbye, '..fiber.self().storage['name'])fiber.self():cancel()endendendfiber_object=fiber.create(greet)
The output might look as follows:
$ tarantoolapp.lua
Enter a name:JohnHello, JohnEnter a name:JaneHello, JaneEnter a name:byeGoodbye, Jane
Make a fiber joinable.
A joinable fiber can be waited for using fiber_object:join().
The best practice is to call fiber_object:set_joinable() before the
fiber function begins to execute because otherwise the fiber could
become dead before fiber_object:set_joinable() takes effect.
The usual sequence could be:
Вызов fiber.new() вместо fiber.create() для создания нового объекта файбера fiber_object.
Не передавать управление, поскольку это приведет к началу работы функции с файбером.
Вызов fiber_object:set_joinable(true), чтобы сделать новый объект файбера fiber_object присоединяемым.
Сейчас можно передать управление.
Вызов fiber_object:join().
Как правило, следует вызвать fiber_object:join(), в противном случае, статус файбера может перейти в „suspended“ (приостановлен) после выполнения функции, а не „dead“ (недоступен).
is_joinable (boolean) – the boolean value that specifies whether the fiber is joinable
Join a fiber.
Joining a fiber enables you to get the result returned by the fiber’s function.
Joining a fiber runs the fiber’s function and waits until the fiber’s status is dead.
Normally a status becomes dead when the function execution finishes.
Joining the fiber causes a yield, therefore, if the fiber is
currently in the suspended state, execution of its fiber function resumes.
timeout (number) – maximum number of seconds to wait for the completion of the fiber. Default: infinity.
The join method returns two values:
The boolean value that indicates whether the join is succeeded
because the fiber’s function ended normally.
The return value of the fiber’s function.
If the first value is false, then the join succeeded
because the fiber’s function ended abnormally and the
second result has the details about the error, which
one can unpack in the same way that one unpacks
a pcall result.
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean + result type, or boolean + struct error
Possible errors: the fiber is already joined by concurrent fiber:join().
The example below shows how to get the result returned by the fiber’s function.
$ tarantoolapp.lua
Is successful: trueReturned value: 11
Пример неудачной передачи управления
Предупреждение: функция yield() и любая функция, которая неявно передает управление (например, sleep()), может упасть (выдать исключение).
For example, this function has a loop that repeats until
cancel() happens.
The last thing that it will print is „before yield“, which demonstrates
that yield() failed, the loop did not continue until
testcancel() failed.
Вызов fiber.channel() для создания и получение нового объекта канала.
Вызов других процедур по каналу для отправки сообщений, получения сообщений или проверки статуса канала.
Message exchange is synchronous. The Lua garbage collector will mark or free the
channel when no one is
using it, as with any other Lua object. Use object-oriented syntax, for example,
channel:put(message) rather than fiber.channel.put(message).
Отправка сообщения по каналу связи. Если канал заполнен, channel:put() ожидает, пока не освободится слот в канале.
The default channel capacity is 0.
With this default value, channel:put()waits infinitely
until channel:get() is called.
message (lua-value) – то, что отправляется, как правило, строка, число или таблица
timeout (number) – максимальное количество секунд ожидания, чтобы слот освободился. Значение по умолчанию: бесконечность.
Если указан параметр времени ожидания timeout, и в канале нет свободного слота в течение указанного времени, возвращается значение false (ложь). Если канал закрыт, возвращается значение false. В остальных случаях возвращается значение true (истина), которое указывает на успешную отправку.
Закрытие канала. Все, кто находится в режиме ожидания в канале, отключаются. Все последующие операции channel:get() вернут нулевое значение nil, а все последующие операции channel:put() вернут false (ложь).
Перехват и удаление сообщения из канала. Если канал пуст, channel:get() будет ожидать сообщения.
timeout (number) – максимальное количество секунд ожидания сообщения. Значение по умолчанию: бесконечность.
Если указан параметр времени ожидания timeout, и в канале нет сообщения в течение указанного времени, возвращается нулевое значение nil. Если канал закрыт, возвращается значение nil. В остальных случаях возвращается сообщение, отправленное на канал с помощью channel:put().
тип возвращаемого значения:
как правило, строка, число или таблица, как определяет channel:put()
true (истина), если канал заполнен (количество сообщений в канале равно количеству слотов, то есть нет места для новых сообщений). В противном случае, false (ложь).
true (истина), если канал уже закрыт. В противном случае, false (ложь).
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean (логический)
В данном примере дается примерное представление о том, как должны выглядеть функции для файберов. Предполагается, что на функции ссылается fiber.create().
fiber=require('fiber')channel=fiber.channel(10)functionconsumer_fiber()whiletruedolocaltask=channel:get()...endendfunctionconsumer2_fiber()whiletruedo-- 10 секундlocaltask=channel:get(10)iftask~=nilthen...else-- время ожиданияendendendfunctionproducer_fiber()whiletruedotask=box.space...:select{...}...ifchannel:is_empty()then-- канал пустendifchannel:is_full()then-- канал полонend...ifchannel:has_readers()then-- есть файберы-- которые ожидают данныеend...ifchannel:has_writers()then-- есть файберы-- которые ожидают читателейendchannel:put(task)endendfunctionproducer2_fiber()whiletruedotask=box.space...select{...}-- 10 секундifchannel:put(task,10)then...else-- время ожиданияendendend
Условные переменные
Вызов fiber.cond() используется для создания именованной условной переменной, которая будет называться „cond“ для примеров данного раздела.
Вызов cond:wait() используется, чтобы заставить файбер ожидать сигнал, с помощью условной переменной.
Вызов cond:signal() используется, чтобы отправить сигнал для пробуждения отдельного файбера, который выполнил запрос cond:wait().
Вызов cond:broadcast() используется для отправки сигнала всем файберам, которые выполнили cond:wait().
Перевод файбера в режим ожидания до пробуждения другим файбером с помощью метода signal() или broadcast(). Переход в режим ожидания вызывает неявную передачу управления fiber.yield().
timeout – количество секунд ожидания, по умолчанию = всегда.
Если указан параметр времени ожидания timeout, и сигнал не передается в течение указанного времени, wait() вернет значение false (ложь). Если передается signal() или broadcast(), wait() вернет true (истина).
Пробуждение всех файберов, которые выполнили wait() для той же переменной. Не выполняет передачу управления (yield).
тип возвращаемого значения:
Assume that a Tarantool instance is running and listening for connections on
localhost port 3301. Assume that guest users have privileges to connect. We will
use the tt utility to start two clients.
Задача повиснет, поскольку cond:wait() – без дополнительного аргумента времени ожидания timeout – уйдет в режим ожидания до изменения условной переменной.
Теперь снова взгляните на терминал №1. Он покажет, что ожидание прекратилось, и функция cond:wait() вернула значение true.
В данном примере показана зависимость от использования глобальной условной переменной с произвольным именем cond. В реальной жизни разработчики следят за использованием различных имен для условных переменных в разных приложениях.
Модуль fio
Общие сведения
Tarantool поддерживает файловый ввод-вывод с помощью API, который аналогичен системным вызовам POSIX. Все операции проводятся асинхронно. Несколько файберов могут получать доступ к одному файлу одновременно.
true (правда), если путь к файлу ссылается на директорию или файл, которые присутствуют в системе, и не представляет собой нерабочую символьную ссылку; в противном случае, false (ложь)
true (правда), если путь к файлу ссылается на директорию или файл, которые присутствуют в системе, и представляет собой нерабочую символьную ссылку; в противном случае, false (ложь)
(Если ошибки нет) таблица с полями, которые описывают размер блока файла, время создания, размер и прочие атрибуты. (В случае ошибки) возвращаются два значения: null, сообщение об ошибке.
тип возвращаемого значения:
Кроме того, результат fio.stat('имя-файла') будет включать в себя методы, которые аналогичны макросам в POSIX:
mode (number) – Биты режима работы можно передать в виде числа или строковых постоянных, например S_IWUSR. Биты режима работы можно комбинировать путем обрамления их в фигурные скобки.
(Если ошибки нет) true. (В случае ошибки) возвращаются два значения: false, сообщение об ошибке.
Возврат списка файлов, имена которых совпадают с введенной строкой. Список составляется с одним флагом, который контролирует поведение функции: GLOB_NOESCAPE. Для получения подробной информации введите man3glob.
path-name (string) – путь к файлу, который может содержать специальные символы.
список файлов, имена которых совпадают с введенной строкой.
Возврат имени директории, которую можно использовать для хранения временных файлов.
tarantool> fio.tempdir()----/tmp/lG31e7...
fio.tempdir() stores the created temporary directory into /tmp by
default. Since version 2.4.1, this can be changed
by setting the TMPDIR environment
variable. Before starting Tarantool, or at runtime by
Копирование всего из директории from-path, включая поддиректории, в to-path. Результат аналогичен результату выполнения команды cp-r в терминале. Директория to-path не должна быть пустой.
(Если ошибки нет) fio.link, fio.symlink и fio.unlink возвращают true (правда), fio.readlink возвращает ссылку. (В случае ошибки) возвращаются два значения: false|null, сообщение об ошибке.
Change the access time and possibly also change the update time of a file. For details type man2utime.
Times should be expressed as number of seconds since the epoch.
Открытие файла в процессе подготовки к чтению, записи или поиску.
path-name (string) – Полный путь к открываемому файлу.
flags (number) –
Флаги могут передаваться в виде числа или в виде строковых постоянных, например „O_RDONLY“, „O_WRONLY“, „O_RDWR“. Флаги можно комбинировать путем обрамления их в фигурные скобки. Все флаги в Linux, как описано на странице руководства по Linux, представлены ниже:
O_CLOEXEC (устанавливать флаг, связанный с закрытием),
O_CREAT (создать файл, если он не существует),
O_DIRECT (минимизировать или отключать кэширование),
O_DIRECTORY (завершать вызов с ошибкой, если путь не является директорией),
O_EXCL (завершать вызов с ошибкой, если файл не может быть создан),
O_LARGEFILE (открывать 64-битные файлы),
O_NOATIME (не обновлять время последнего доступа к файлу),
O_NOCTTY (не делать терминальное устройство управляющим терминалом tty),
O_NOFOLLOW (не открывать символьные ссылки),
O_NONBLOCK (открывать в неблокирующем режиме),
O_PATH (получить путь для низкоуровневого использования),
O_SYNC (включить принудительную запись, если возможно),
O_TMPFILE (создать безымянный временный файл),
O_TRUNC (урезать)
… и всегда используется один из флагов:
O_RDONLY (только для чтения),
O_WRONLY (только для записи) или
O_RDWR (для чтения и записи).
mode (number) – Биты режима работы можно передать в виде числа или строковых постоянных, например S_IWUSR. Биты режима работы имеют значение, если указаны флаги O_CREAT или O_TMPFILE. Биты режима работы можно комбинировать путем обрамления их в фигурные скобки.
(Если ошибки нет) дескриптор файла (далее сокращенно „fh“). (В случае ошибки) возвращаются два значения: null, сообщение об ошибке.
тип возвращаемого значения:
пользовательские данные
Возможные ошибки: nil.
Note that since version 2.4.1fio.open()
returns a descriptor which can be closed manually by
calling the :close() method, or it will be closed automatically when it has
no references, and the garbage collector deletes it.
Имейте в виду, что количество файловых дескрипторов ограничено и они могут быть исчерпаны раньше, чем будет запущен сборщик мусора для сбора неиспользуемых дескрипторов. Всегда рекомендуется закрывать их вручную как можно скорее.
Пример 1:
tarantool> fh=fio.open('/home/username/tmp.txt',{'O_RDWR','O_APPEND'})---...tarantool> fh-- отображение дескриптора файла, который возвращает fio.open----fh:11...
Пример 2:
Using fio.open() with tonumber('N',8) to set permissions
as an octal number:
Запись в файл с произвольным доступом независимо от текущего положения в поиске. Для получения подробной информации введите man2pwrite.
fh (userdata) – дескриптор файла, который возвращает fio.open().
new-string (string) – записываемое значение (если формат – pwrite(new-string,offset))
buffer (cdata) – записываемое значение (если формат – pwrite(buffer,count,offset))
count (number) – количество байтов для чтения
offset (number) – смещение в файле – где начинается запись
true – если выполнено, false – если не выполнено.
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean (логический)
Если формат –pwrite(new-string,offset), строка записывается в файл до конца строки.
Если формат – pwrite(buffer,count,offset), содержимое буфера записывается в файл в объеме, указанном в count. Буферы можно ввести с помощью buffer.ibuf.
Чтение файла не с произвольным доступом. Для получения подробной информации введите man2read или man2write.
fh:read и fh:write влияют на положение поиска по файлу, и это следует учитывать при работе нескольких файберов над одним файлом. Существует возможность ограничения или запрета на доступ к файлу с помощью fiber.ipc. Можно ограничить или запретить доступ к файлам из других файберов с помощью fiber.cond() или fiber.channel().
fh (userdata) – дескриптор файла, который возвращает fio.open().
buffer – куда считать (если формат – read(buffer,count))
count (number) – количество байтов для чтения
Если формат – read() – без count – считываются все байты в файле.
Если формат – read() или read([count]), возвращается строка с данными, прочитанными из файла, либо пустая строка, если не выполнено.
Если формат – read(buffer,count), возвращаются данные в буфер. Буферы можно ввести с помощью buffer.ibuf.
В случае ошибки метод возвращает nil,err и устанавливает ошибку на errno.
Запись в файл не с произвольным доступом. Для получения подробной информации введите man2write.
fh:read и fh:write влияют на положение поиска по файлу, и это следует учитывать при работе нескольких файберов над одним файлом. Существует возможность ограничения или запрета на доступ к файлу с помощью fiber.ipc. Можно ограничить или запретить доступ к файлам из других файберов с помощью fiber.cond() или fiber.channel().
fh (userdata) – дескриптор файла, который возвращает fio.open().
new-string (string) – записываемое значение (если формат – write(new-string))
buffer (cdata) – записываемое значение (если формат – write(buffer,count))
count (number) – количество байтов для чтения
true – если выполнено, false – если не выполнено.
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean (логический)
Если формат – write(new-string), строка записывается в файл до конца строки.
Если формат – write(buffer,count), содержимое буфера записывается в файл в объеме, указанном в count. Буферы можно ввести с помощью buffer.ibuf.
Возврат статистики об открытом файле. Отличается от функции fio.stat, которая возвращает статистику о закрытом файле. Для получения подробной информации введите man2stat.
fh (userdata) – дескриптор файла, который возвращает fio.open().
Проверка записи изменений в открытом файле на диск. Ср. с fio.sync для всех файлов. Для получения подробной информации введите man2fsync or man2fdatasync.
fh (userdata) – дескриптор файла, который возвращает fio.open().
Luafun, также известная как библиотека для функционального программирования в Lua, пользуется преимуществами LuaJIT, чтобы помочь пользователям создавать сложные функции. Модуль включает в себя «последовательные процессоры», такие как map, filter, reduce, zip – они берут написанную пользователем функцию в качестве аргумента и применяют ее к каждому элементу в последовательности, что может работать быстрее или более удобно, чем написанный пользователем цикл. Модуль включает в себя «генераторы», такие как range, tabulate и rands – они возвращают ограниченный или неограниченный ряд значений. Модуль включает в себя «преобразователи», «фильтры», «компоновщики» … или, коротко говоря, все важные функции из таких языков, как Standard ML, Haskell или Erlang.
The full documentation is On the luafun section of github.
However, the first chapter can be skipped because installation is already done, it’s inside
Tarantool. All that is needed is the usual require request. After that,
all the operations described in the Lua fun manual will work, provided they are
preceded by the name returned by the require request. For example:
The http module, specifically the http.client submodule,
provides the functionality of an HTTP client with support for HTTPS and keepalive.
The HTTP client uses the libcurl library under the hood and
takes into account the environment variables libcurl understands.
HTTP client instance
Default client
The http.client submodule provides the default HTTP client instance:
In this case, you need to make requests using the dot syntax, for example:
In addition to request, the HTTP client provides the API for particular HTTP methods:
get, post, put, and so on.
For example, you can replace the request above by calling get as follows:
To learn how to obtain cookies passed in the Set-Cookie response header, see Response cookies.
The HTTP client automatically serializes the content in a specific format when sending a request based on the specified Content-Type header.
By default, the client uses the application/json content type and sends data serialized as JSON:
Call the io_object.finish() method to finish writing data and make a request.
The example below shows how to upload data in two chunks:
localhttp_client=require('http.client').new()localjson=require('json')localio=http_client:post('https://httpbin.org/anything',nil,{chunked=true})io:write('Data part 1')io:write('Data part 2')io:finish()response=io:read('\r\n')decoded_data=json.decode(response)print('Posted data: '..decoded_data['data'])
Receiving responses
All methods that are used to make an HTTP request (request, get, post, etc.) receive response_object.
response_object exposes the API required to get a response body and obtain response parameters, such as a status code, headers, and so on.
To obtain response cookies, use response_object.cookies.
This option returns a Lua table where a cookie name is the key.
The value is an array of two elements where the first one is the cookie value and the second one is an array with the cookie’s options.
The example below shows how to obtain the session_id cookie value:
The HTTP client can deserialize response data to a Lua object based on the Content-Type response header value.
To deserialize data, call the response_object.decode() method.
In the example below, the JSON response is deserialized into a Lua object:
The following content types are supported out of the box:
If the response doesn’t have the Content-Type header, the client uses application/json.
To deserialize other content types, you need to provide a custom deserializer
using the client_object.decoders property.
In the example below, application/xml responses are decoded using the
luarapidxml library:
The output for the code sample above should look as follows:
'title' value: Sample Slide Show
The HTTP client can automatically decompress a response body based on the Content-Encoding header value.
To enable this capability, pass the required formats using the
request_options.accept_encoding option:
The example below shows how to get chunks of a JSON response sequentially instead of waiting for the entire response:
localhttp_client=require('http.client').new()localjson=require('json')localio=http_client:get('https://httpbin.org/stream/5',{chunked=true})localchunk_ids=''whiledata~=''dolocaldata=io:read('\n')ifdata==''thenbreakendlocaldecoded_data=json.decode(data)chunk_ids=chunk_ids..decoded_data['id']..' 'endprint('IDs of received chunks: '..chunk_ids)io:finish()
By default, the HTTP client redirects to a URL provided in the Location header of a 3xx response.
If required, you can disable redirection using the follow_location option:
Do not set max_connections to less than max_total_connections unless you are confident about your actions.
If max_connections is less than max_total_connections,
libcurl doesn’t reuse sockets in some cases for requests that go to the same host.
If the limit is reached and a new request occurs, then
libcurl creates a new socket first, sends the request, waits for the first connection
to be free, and closes it to avoid exceeding the max_connections cache size.
In the worst case, libcurl creates a new socket for every request,
even if all requests go to the same host.
You may want to control the maximum number of sockets that a particular HTTP client uses simultaneously.
If a system passes many requests to distinct hosts, then libcurl cannot reuse sockets.
In this case, setting max_total_connections may be useful
since it causes curl to avoid creating too many sockets, which would not be used anyway.
The interval (in seconds) the operating system waits between sending keepalive probes.
If both keepalive_idle and keepalive_interval are set,
then Tarantool also sets the HTTP keepalive headers: Connection:Keep-Alive and Keep-Alive:timeout=<keepalive_idle>.
Otherwise, Tarantool sends Connection:close.
The average transfer speed in bytes per second that the transfer should be below
during «low speed time» seconds for the library to consider it to be too slow and abort.
Specify whether the HTTP client follows redirect URLs provided in the Location header for 3xx responses.
When a non-3xx response is received, the client returns it as a result.
If you set this option to false, the client returns the first 3xx response.
A comma-separated list of hosts that do not require proxies, or *, or ''.
Set no_proxy=host[,host...] to specify
hosts that can be reached without requiring a proxy, even if proxy is
set to a non-blank value and/or if a proxy-related environment variable has been set.
Set no__proxy='*' to specify that all hosts can be reached
without requiring a proxy, which is equivalent to setting proxy=''.
Set no_proxy='' to specify that no hosts can be reached
without requiring a proxy, even if a proxy-related environment variable
(HTTP_PROXY) is used.
If no_proxy is not set, then a proxy-related environment variable
(HTTP_PROXY) may be used.
If proxy is a host or IP address, then it may begin with a scheme,
for example, https:// for an HTTPS proxy or http:// for an HTTP proxy.
If proxy is set to '' an empty string, then proxy use is disabled,
and no proxy-related environment variable is used.
If proxy is not set, then a proxy-related environment variable may be used, such as
protocol can be any protocol.
Response cookies.
The value is an array of two elements where the first one is the
cookie value and the second one is an array with the cookie’s options.
An IO object used to read or write data in chunks.
To get an IO object instead of the full response (response_object), you need to set the chunked request option to true.
Модуль iconv предоставляет метод конвертации строки с одним типом кодировки в строку с другим типом кодировки, например из ASCII в UTF-8. Он основывается на процедурах с iconv в POSIX.
Точный список доступных кодировок зависит от окружения. Как правило, в список входят ASCII, BIG5, KOI8R, LATIN8, MS-GREEK, SJIS и около 100 других. Чтобы увидеть общий список, введите команду iconv--list в терминале.
строка, получаемая в результате преобразования («в»)
Если что-либо в строке input-string нельзя преобразовать, появится сообщение об ошибке, строка останется неизменной.
We know that the Unicode code point for «Д» (CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE)
is hexadecimal 0414 according to the character database of
Therefore that is what it will look like in UTF-16.
We know that Tarantool typically uses the UTF-8 character set.
So make a from-UTF-8-to-UTF-16 converter,
use string.hex(„Д“) to show what Д’s encoding looks like in the UTF-8 source,
and use string.hex(„Д“-after-conversion) to show what it looks like in the UTF-16 target.
Since the result is 0414, we see that iconv conversion works.
(Different iconv implementations might use different names, for example UTF-16BE instead of UTF16BE.)
The jit module has functions for tracing the
LuaJIT Just-In-Time compiler’s
progress, showing the byte-code or assembler output that the compiler produces,
and in general providing information about what LuaJIT does with Lua code.
Prints the i386 assembler code of a string of bytes.
tarantool> -- Disassemble hexadecimal 97 which is the x86 code for xchg eax, edi---...tarantool> jit_dis_x86=require('jit.dis_x86')---...tarantool> jit_dis_86.disass('\x97')00000000 97 xchg eax, edi---...
Prints the x86-64 assembler code of a string of bytes.
tarantool> -- Disassemble hexadecimal 97 which is the x86-64 code for xchg eax, edi---...tarantool> jit_dis_x64=require('jit.dis_x64')---...tarantool> jit_dis_64.disass('\x97')00000000 97 xchg eax, edi---...
Prints a trace of LuaJIT’s progress compiling and interpreting code.
tarantool> -- Show what LuaJIT is doing for a Lua "for" looptarantool> jit_v=require('jit.v')tarantool> jit_v.on()tarantool> l=0tarantool> fori=1,1e6do > l=l+i > end[TRACE 3 "for i = 1, 1e6 do l = l + iend":1 loop]---...tarantool> print(l)500000500000---...tarantool> jit_v.off()---...
The values are all either integers or boolean true/false.
Значение по умолчанию
Max recursion depth for encoding
false (ложь)
A flag saying whether to crop tables
with nesting level deeper than
Not-encoded fields are replaced with
one null. If not set, too deep
nesting is considered an error.
A flag saying whether to enable encoding
of NaN and Inf numbers
Precision of floating point numbers
A flag saying whether the serializer will
follow __serialize
metatable field
false (ложь)
A flag saying whether to use
tostring() for unknown types
false (ложь)
A flag saying whether use NULL for
non-recognized types
A flag saying whether to handle
excessively sparse arrays as maps.
See detailed description
1/encode_sparse_ratio is the
permissible percentage of missing values
in a sparse array.
A limit ensuring that small Lua arrays
are always encoded as sparse arrays
(instead of generating an error or
encoding as a map)
A flag saying whether to enable decoding
of NaN and Inf numbers
A flag saying whether to set metatables
for all arrays and maps
Max recursion depth for decoding
Sparse arrays features:
During encoding, the JSON encoder tries to classify a table into one of four kinds:
map - at least one table index is not unsigned integer
regular array - all array indexes are available
sparse array - at least one array index is missing
excessively sparse array - the number of values missing exceeds the configured ratio
An array is excessively sparse when all the following conditions are met:
encode_sparse_ratio > 0
max(table) > encode_sparse_safe
max(table) > count(table) * encode_sparse_ratio
The JSON encoder will never consider an array to be excessively sparse
when encode_sparse_ratio=0. The encode_sparse_safe limit ensures
that small Lua arrays are always encoded as sparse arrays.
By default, attempting to encode an excessively sparse array will
generate an error. If encode_sparse_convert is set to true,
excessively sparse arrays will be handled as maps.
json.cfg() example 1:
The following code will encode 0/0 as NaN («not a number»)
and 1/0 as Inf («infinity»), rather than returning nil or an error message:
To avoid generating errors on attempts to encode unknown data types as
userdata/cdata, you can use this code:
tarantool> httpc=require('http.client').new()---...tarantool> json.encode(httpc.curl)----error:unsupported Lua type 'userdata'...tarantool> json.encode(httpc.curl,{encode_use_tostring=true})----'"userdata:0x010a4ef2a0"'...
To achieve the same effect for only one call to json.encode() (i.e.
without changing the configuration permanently), you can use
Similar configuration settings exist for MsgPack
and YAML.
Значение, сопоставимое с нулевым значением «nil» в языке Lua, которое можно использовать в качестве объекта-заполнителя в кортеже.
-- Когда полю Lua-таблицы присваивается nil, это поле -- nulltarantool> {nil,'a','b'}-----null-a-b...-- Когда полю Lua-таблицы присваивается json.NULL, это поле -- json.NULLtarantool> {json.NULL,'a','b'}-----null-a-b...-- Когда JSON-полю присваивается json.NULL, это поле -- nulltarantool> json.encode({field2=json.NULL,field1='a',field3='c'})----'{"field2":null,"field1":"a","field3":"c"}'...
Модуль key_def
В модуле key_def есть функция, позволяющая создавать определение номеров и типов полей кортежа. Это определение обычно используется вместе с определением индекса, чтобы извлекать или сравнивать значения ключей индекса.
parts (table) – типы и номера полей. В таблице parts должен быть хотя бы один элемент. Для каждого элемента обязательны только атрибуты type и fieldno/field.
Получение кортежа, содержащего только поля объекта key_def.
tuple (table) – кортеж или Lua-таблица с содержимым поля
поля, определенные для объекта key_def,
Пример №1:
-- Предположим, что у некоторого элемента пять полей:-- 1, 99.5, 'X', nil, 99.5-- Нас интересуют только два из них:-- третье (строка) и первое (целое число).-- Мы можем определить эти поля инструкцией k = key_def.new-- и извлечь значения командой k:extract_key.tarantool> key_def=require('key_def')---...tarantool> k=key_def.new({{type='string',fieldno=3},> {type = 'unsigned', fieldno = 1}})---...tarantool> k:extract_key({1,99.5,'X',nil,99.5})----['X',1]...
Пример №2
-- Теперь предположим, что элемент является кортежем в спейсе.-- У спейса есть составной индекс, построенный по полям 3 и 1.-- Мы можем передать определение индекса в качестве аргумента функции key_def.new,-- а не заполнять определение, как в примере №1.-- Результат будет тот же.key_def=require('key_def')box.schema.space.create('T')i=box.space.T:create_index('I',{parts={3,'string',1,'unsigned'}})box.space.T:insert{1,99.5,'X',nil,99.5}k=key_def.new(i.parts)k:extract_key(box.space.T:get({'X',1}))
Пример №3
-- Проходим по всем кортежам во вторичном неуникальном индексе-- и извлекаем из них значения по первичному ключу.-- Затем удаляем значения, используя уникальный индекс.-- Этот код должен входить в Lua-функцию.localkey_def_lib=require('key_def')locals=box.schema.space.create('test')localpk=s:create_index('pk')localsk=s:create_index('test',{unique=false,parts={{2,'number',path='a'},{2,'number',path='b'}}})s:insert{1,{a=1,b=1}}s:insert{2,{a=1,b=2}}localkey_def=key_def_lib.new(pk.parts)for_,tupleinsk:pairs({1}))dolocalkey=key_def:extract_key(tuple)pk:delete(key)end
Сравнение полей кортежей tuple_1 и tuple_2 по определённому ключу. Пользователю не нужно писать код для сравнения отдельных полей. Учитываются типы полей и параметры сортировки. Фактически сравниваются значения extract_key(tuple_1) и extract_key(tuple_2).
tuple1 (table) – кортеж или Lua-таблица с содержимым поля
tuple2 (table) – кортеж или Lua-таблица с содержимым поля
положительное число, если значения полей tuple_1 больше значений полей tuple_2 по ключу; 0, если они равны; отрицательное число, если значения полей tuple_1 меньше значений полей tuple_2 по ключу
-- Результат этого кода будет 0key_def=require('key_def')k=key_def.new({{type='string',fieldno=3,collation='unicode_ci'},{type='unsigned',fieldno=1}})k:compare({1,99.5,'X',nil,99.5},{1,99.5,'x',nil,99.5})
Сравнение полей кортежей tuple_1 с полями кортежа tuple_2 по заданному ключу. Аналогично key_def_object:compare(), за исключением того, что tuple_2 содержит только поля ключа. Фактически это сравнение extract_key(tuple_1) с tuple_2.
tuple1 (table) – кортеж или Lua-таблица с содержимым поля
tuple2 (table) – кортеж или Lua-таблица с содержимым поля
положительное число, если значения полей tuple_1 больше значений полей tuple_2 по ключу; 0, если они равны; отрицательное число, если значения полей tuple_1 меньше значений полей tuple_2 по ключу
-- Результат этого кода будет 0key_def=require('key_def')k=key_def.new({{type='string',fieldno=3,collation='unicode_ci'},{type='unsigned',fieldno=1}})k:compare_with_key({1,99.5,'X',nil,99.5},{'x',1})
Объединение основного объекта key_def_object с другим объектом other_key_def_object. Возвращает новый объект key_def_object, содержащий сначала все поля основного объекта key_def_object, а потом те поля объекта other_key_def_object, которых не было в основном объекте key_def_object.
other_key_def_object (key_def_object) – определение полей, которые нужно добавить
-- Результатом этого кода будет определение ключа-- по полям с fieldno = 3 и fieldno = 1key_def=require('key_def')k=key_def.new({{type='string',fieldno=3}})k2=key_def.new({{type='unsigned',fieldno=1},{type='string',fieldno=3}})k:merge(k2)
Возвращает таблицу с содержимым key_def_object. Функция противоположна функции key_def.new():
key_def.new() принимает таблицу, а возвращает объект key_def.
key_def_object:totable() принимает объект key_def, а возвращает таблицу.
Это удобно при подготовке входных данных для методов сериализации (_serialize).
-- Результатом этого кода будет таблица с type = 'string', fieldno = 3key_def=require('key_def')k=key_def.new({{type='string',fieldno=3}})k:totable()
Модуль log
Общие сведения
Tarantool provides a set of options used to configure logging
in various ways: you can set a level of logging, specify where to send the log’s output,
configure a log format, and so on.
The log module allows you to configure logging in your application and
provides additional capabilities, for example, logging custom messages and
rotating log files.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций и элементов модуля log.
Rotate the log.
For example, you need to call this function to continue logging after a log rotation program
renames or moves a file with the latest logs.
To create the module1 and module2 loggers in your application (app.lua), call the new() function:
-- Creates new loggers --module1_log=require('log').new('module1')module2_log=require('log').new('module2')
Then, you can call functions corresponding to different logging levels to make sure
that events with severities above or equal to the given levels are shown:
-- Prints 'info' messages --module1_log.info('Info message from module1')--[[[16300] main/103/interactive/module1 I> Info message from module1---...--]]-- Swallows 'debug' messages --module1_log.debug('Debug message from module1')--[[---...--]]-- Swallows 'info' messages --module2_log.info('Info message from module2')--[[---...--]]
At the same time, the events with severities below the specified levels are swallowed.
Create a new merger instance from a merger source.
A merger source is created from a
object and a set of (tuple or buffer or table or merger)
sources. It performs a kind of merge sort.
It chooses a source with a minimal / maximal tuple on each step,
consumes a tuple from this source, and repeats.
key_def – object created with key_def
source – parameter for the gen() function
options – reverse=true if descending, false or nil if ascending
The pairs() method (or the equivalent ipairs()alias method)
returns a luafun iterator. It is a Lua
iterator, but also provides a set of handy methods to operate in
functional style.
tuple (table) – tuple or Lua table with field contents
the tuples that can be found with a standard pairs() function
Example with new_tuple_source():
-- Source via new_tuple_source, from a space of tables-- The result will look like this:-- tarantool> so:pairs():totable()-- ----- - - [100]-- - [200]-- ...merger=require('merger')box.schema.space.create('s')box.space.s:create_index('i')box.space.s:insert({100})box.space.s:insert({200})so=merger.new_tuple_source(box.space.s:pairs())so:pairs():totable()
Example with two mergers:
-- Source via key_def, and table data-- Create the key_def objectmerger=require('merger')key_def_lib=require('key_def')key_def=key_def_lib.new({{fieldno=1,type='string',}})-- Create the table sourcedata={{'a'},{'b'},{'c'}}source=merger.new_source_fromtable(data)i1=merger.new(key_def,{source}):pairs()i2=merger.new(key_def,{source}):pairs()-- t1 will be 'a' (tuple 1 from merger 1)t1=i1:head():totable()-- t3 will be 'c' (tuple 3 from merger 2)t3=i2:head():totable()-- t2 will be 'b' (tuple 2 from merger 1)t2=i1:head():totable()-- i1:is_null() will be true (merger 1 ends)i1:is_null()-- i2:is_null() will be true (merger 2 ends)i2:is_null()
The metrics module provides the ability to collect and expose Tarantool metrics.
If you use a Tarantool version below 2.11.1,
it is necessary to install the latest version of metrics first.
For Tarantool 2.11.1 and above, you can also use the external metrics module.
In this case, the external metrics module takes priority over the built-in one.
Tarantool provides the following metric collectors:
A collector is a representation of one or more observations that change over time.
A counter is a cumulative metric that denotes a single monotonically increasing counter. Its value might only
increase or be reset to zero on restart. For example, you can use the counter to represent the number of requests
served, tasks completed, or errors.
A gauge is a metric that denotes a single numerical value that can arbitrarily increase and decrease.
The gauge type is typically used for measured values like temperature or current memory usage.
It could also be used for values that can increase or decrease, such as the number of concurrent requests.
A histogram metric is used to collect and analyze
statistical data about the distribution of values within the application.
Unlike metrics that track the average value or quantity of events, a histogram provides detailed visibility into the distribution of values and can uncover hidden dependencies.
A summary metric is used to collect statistical data
about the distribution of values within the application.
Each summary provides several measurements:
total count of measurements
sum of measured values
values at specific quantiles
Similar to histograms, the summary also operates with value ranges. However, unlike histograms,
it uses quantiles (defined by a number between 0 and 1) for this purpose. In this case,
it is not required to define fixed boundaries. For summary type, the ranges depend
on the measured values and the number of measurements.
A label is a piece of metainfo that you associate with a metric in the key-value format.
For details, see labels in Prometheus and tags in Graphite.
Labels are used to differentiate between the characteristics of a thing being
measured. For example, in a metric associated with the total number of HTTP
requests, you can represent methods and statuses as label pairs:
The example above allows extracting the following time series:
The total number of requests over time with method="POST" (and any status).
The total number of requests over time with status=500 (and any method).
Configuring metrics
To configure metrics, use metrics.cfg().
This function can be used to turn on or off the specified metrics or to configure labels applied to all collectors.
Moreover, you can use the following shortcut functions to set-up metrics or labels:
Starting from version 3.0, metrics can be configured using a configuration file in the metrics section.
Custom metrics
Creating custom metrics
To create a custom metric, follow the steps below:
Create a metric
To create a new metric, you need to call a function corresponding to the desired collector type. For example, call metrics.counter() or metrics.gauge() to create a new counter or gauge, respectively.
In the example below, a new counter is created:
localmetrics=require('metrics')localbands_replace_count=metrics.counter('bands_replace_count','The number of data operations')
This counter is intended to collect the number of data operations performed on the specified space.
In the next example, a gauge is created:
localmetrics=require('metrics')localbands_waste_size=metrics.gauge('bands_waste_size','The size of memory wasted due to internal fragmentation')
Observe a value
You can observe a value in two ways:
At the appropriate place, for example, in an API request handler or trigger.
In this example below, the counter value is increased any time a data operation is performed on the bands space.
To increase a counter value, counter_obj:inc() is called.
localmetrics=require('metrics')localbands_replace_count=metrics.counter('bands_replace_count','The number of data operations')localtrigger=require('trigger')trigger.set('box.space.bands.on_replace','update_bands_replace_count_metric',function(_,_,_,request_type)bands_replace_count:inc(1,{request_type=request_type})end)
At the time of requesting the data collected by metrics.
In this case, you need to collect the required metric inside metrics.register_callback().
The example below shows how to use a gauge collector to measure the size of memory wasted due to internal fragmentation:
localmetrics=require('metrics')localbands_waste_size=metrics.gauge('bands_waste_size','The size of memory wasted due to internal fragmentation')metrics.register_callback(function()bands_waste_size:set(box.space.bands:stat()['tuple']['memtx']['waste_size'])end)
The module allows to add your own metrics, but there are some subtleties when working with specific tools.
When adding your custom metric, it’s important to ensure that the number of label value combinations is kept to a minimum.
Otherwise, combinatorial explosion may happen in the timeseries database with metrics values stored.
Examples of data labels:
For example, if your company uses InfluxDB for metric collection, you can potentially disrupt the entire
monitoring setup, both for your application and for all other systems within the company. As a result,
monitoring data is likely to be lost.
localsome_metric=metrics.counter('some','Some metric')-- THIS IS POSSIBLElocalfunctionon_value_update(instance_alias)some_metric:inc(1,{alias=instance_alias})end-- THIS IS NOT ALLOWEDlocalfunctionon_value_update(customer_id)some_metric:inc(1,{customer_id=customer_id})end
In the example, there are two versions of the function on_value_update. The top version labels
the data with the cluster instance’s alias. Since there’s a relatively small number of nodes, using
them as labels is feasible. In the second case, an identifier of a record is used. If there are many
records, it’s recommended to avoid such situations.
The same principle applies to URLs. Using the entire URL with parameters is not recommended.
Use a URL template or the name of the command instead.
In essence, when designing custom metrics and selecting labels or tags, it’s crucial to opt for a minimal
set of values that can uniquely identify the data without introducing unnecessary complexity or potential
conflicts with existing metrics and systems.
Collecting HTTP metrics
The metrics module provides middleware for monitoring HTTP latency statistics for endpoints that are created using the http module.
The latency collector observes both latency information and the number of invocations.
The metrics collected by HTTP middleware are separated by a set of labels:
a route (path)
a method (method)
an HTTP status code (status)
For each route that you want to track, you must specify the middleware explicitly.
The example below shows how to collect statistics for requests made to the /metrics/hello endpoint.
httpd=require('http.server').new('',8080)localmetrics=require('metrics')metrics.http_middleware.configure_default_collector('summary')httpd:route({method='GET',path='/metrics/hello'},metrics.http_middleware.v1(function()return{status=200,headers={['content-type']='text/plain'},body='Hello from http_middleware!'}end))httpd:start()
The middleware does not cover the 404 errors.
Collecting metrics using plugins
The metrics module provides a set of plugins that let you collect metrics through a unified interface:
For example, you can obtain an HTTP response object containing metrics in the Prometheus format by calling the metrics.plugins.prometheus.collect_http() function:
To create a plugin, you need to include the following in your main export function:
-- Invoke all callbacks registered via `metrics.register_callback(<callback-function>)`metrics.invoke_callbacks()-- Loop over collectorsfor_,cinpairs(metrics.collectors())do...-- Loop over instant observations in the collectorfor_,obsinpairs(c:collect())do-- Export observation `obs`...endend
cfg.include (string/table, default all): all to enable all
supported default metrics, none to disable all default metrics,
table with names of the default metrics to enable a specific set of metrics.
cfg.exclude (table, default {}): a table containing the names of
the default metrics that you want to disable. Has higher priority
than cfg.include.
cfg.labels (table, default {}): a table containing label names as
string keys, label values as values. See also: Labels.
You can work with metrics.cfg as a table to read values, but you must call
metrics.cfg{} as a function to update them.
Supported default metric names (for cfg.include and cfg.exclude tables):
all (metasection including all metrics)
See metrics reference for details.
All metric collectors from the collection have metainfo.default=true.
cfg.labels are the global labels to be added to every observation.
Global labels are applied only to metric collection. They have no effect
on how observations are stored.
Global labels can be changed on the fly.
label_pairs from observation objects have priority over global labels.
If you pass label_pairs to an observation method with the same key as
some global label, the method argument value will be used.
Note that both label names and values in label_pairs are treated as strings.
name.."_sum" – a counter holding the sum of added observations.
name.."_count" – a counter holding the number of added observations.
name.."_bucket" – a counter holding all bucket sizes under the label
le (less or equal). To access a specific bucket – x (where x is a number),
specify the value x for the label le.
Invoke all registered callbacks. Has to be called before each collect().
You can also use collect{invoke_callbacks=true} instead.
If you’re using one of the default exporters,
invoke_callbacks() will be called by the exporter.
Register a function named callback, which will be called right before metric
collection on plugin export.
callback (function) – a function that takes no parameters.
This method is most often used for gauge metrics updates.
localmetrics=require('metrics')localbands_waste_size=metrics.gauge('bands_waste_size','The size of memory wasted due to internal fragmentation')metrics.register_callback(function()bands_waste_size:set(box.space.bands:stat()['tuple']['memtx']['waste_size'])end)
objectives (table) – a list of «targeted» φ-quantiles in the {quantile=error,...} form.
Example: {[0.5]=0.01,[0.9]=0.01,[0.99]=0.01}.
The targeted φ-quantile is specified in the form of a φ-quantile and the tolerated
error. For example, {[0.5]=0.1} means that the median (= 50th
percentile) is to be returned with a 10-percent error. Note that
percentiles and quantiles are the same concept, except that percentiles are
expressed as percentages. The φ-quantile must be in the interval [0,1].
A lower tolerated error for a φ-quantile results in higher memory and CPU
usage during summary calculation.
params (table) – table of the summary parameters used to configuring the sliding
time window. This window consists of several buckets to store observations.
New observations are added to each bucket. After a time period, the head bucket
(from which observations are collected) is reset, and the next bucket becomes the
new head. This way, each bucket stores observations for
max_age_time*age_buckets_count seconds before it is reset.
max_age_time sets the duration of each bucket’s lifetime – that is, how
many seconds the observations are kept before they are discarded.
age_buckets_count sets the number of buckets in the sliding time window.
This variable determines the number of buckets used to exclude observations
older than max_age_time from the summary. The value is
a trade-off between resources (memory and CPU for maintaining the bucket)
and how smooth the time window moves.
Default value: {max_age_time=math.huge,age_buckets_count=1}.
name.."_sum" – a counter holding the sum of added observations.
name.."_count" – a counter holding the number of added observations.
name holds all the quantiles under observation that find themselves
under the label quantile (less or equal).
To access bucket x (where x is a number),
specify the value x for the label quantile.
Unregister a function named callback that is called right before metric
collection on plugin export.
callback (function) – a function that takes no parameters.
localcpu_callback=function()localcpu_metrics=require('metrics.psutils.cpu')cpu_metrics.update()endmetrics.register_callback(cpu_callback)-- after a while, we don't need that callback function anymoremetrics.unregister_callback(cpu_callback)
Return the default collector.
If the default collector hasn’t been set yet, register it
(with default http_middleware.build_default_collector() parameters)
and set it as default.
A concatenation of observation objects across all created collectors.
{label_pairs:table,-- `label_pairs` key-value tabletimestamp:ctype<uint64_t>,-- current system time (in microseconds)value:number,-- current valuemetric_name:string,-- collector}
label_pairs (table) – table containing label names as keys,
label values as values. Note that both
label names and values in label_pairs
are treated as strings.
{label_pairs:table,-- `label_pairs` key-value tabletimestamp:ctype<uint64_t>,-- current system time (in microseconds)value:number,-- current valuemetric_name:string,-- collector}
label_pairs (table) – table containing label names as keys,
label values as values. Note that both
label names and values in label_pairs
are treated as strings.
Record a new value in a histogram.
This increments all bucket sizes under the labels le >= num
and the labels that match label_pairs.
num (number) – value to put in the histogram.
label_pairs (table) – table containing label names as keys,
label values as values.
All internal counters that have these labels specified
observe new counter values.
Note that both label names and values in label_pairs
are treated as strings.
See also: Labels.
Return a concatenation of counter_obj:collect() across all internal
counters of histogram_obj. For the description of observation,
see counter_obj:collect().
label_pairs (table) – a table containing label names as keys,
label values as values.
All internal counters that have these labels specified
observe new counter values.
You can’t add the "quantile" label to a summary.
It is added automatically.
If max_age_time and age_buckets_count are set,
the observed value is added to each bucket.
Note that both label names and values in label_pairs
are treated as strings.
See also: Labels.
Return a concatenation of counter_obj:collect() across all internal
counters of summary_obj. For the description of observation,
see counter_obj:collect().
If max_age_time and age_buckets_count are set, quantile observations
are collected only from the head bucket in the sliding time window,
not from every bucket. If no observations were recorded,
the method will return NaN in the values.
The msgpack module decodes raw MsgPack strings by converting them to Lua objects,
and encodes Lua objects by converting them to raw MsgPack strings.
Tarantool makes heavy internal use of MsgPack because tuples in Tarantool
are stored as MsgPack arrays.
Besides, starting from version 2.10.0, the msgpack module enables creating a specific userdata Lua object – MsgPack object.
The MsgPack object stores arbitrary MsgPack data, and can be created from any Lua object including another MsgPack object
and from a raw MsgPack string. The MsgPack object has its own set of methods and iterators.
A «raw MsgPack string» is a byte array formatted according to the MsgPack specification including type bytes and sizes.
The type bytes and sizes can be made displayable with string.hex(),
or the raw MsgPack strings can be converted to Lua objects by using the msgpack module methods.
API Reference
Below is a list of msgpack members and related objects.
lua_value – скалярное значение или значение из Lua-таблицы.
the original contents formatted as a raw MsgPack string;
тип возвращаемого значения:
raw MsgPack string
msgpack.encode(lua_value, ibuf)
Convert a Lua object to a raw MsgPack string in an ibuf,
which is a buffer such as buffer.ibuf() creates.
As with encode(lua_value),
the result is a raw MsgPack string,
but it goes to the ibuf output instead of being returned.
lua_value (lua-object) – скалярное значение или значение из Lua-таблицы.
ibuf (buffer) – (output parameter) where the result raw MsgPack string goes
number of bytes in the output
тип возвращаемого значения:
raw MsgPack string
Example using buffer.ibuf()
and ffi.string()
and string.hex():
The result will be „91a161“ because 91 is the MessagePack encoding of «fixarray size 1»,
a1 is the MessagePack encoding of «fixstr size 1»,
and 61 is the UTF-8 encoding of „a“:
start_position (integer) – откуда начинать, минимальное значение = 1, максимальное = длина строки, по умолчанию = 1.
(if msgpack_string is a valid raw MsgPack string) the original contents
of msgpack_string, formatted as a Lua object, usually a Lua table,
(otherwise) a scalar value, such as a string or a number;
«next_start_position». Если расшифровка decode останавливается после разбора байта N в msgpack_string, то «next_start_position» = N + 1, а decode(msgpack_string,next_start_position) продолжит разбор с места остановки предыдущего decode плюс 1. Как правило, decode разбирает всю строку msgpack_string, поэтому «next_start_position» будет равняться string.len(msgpack_string) + 1.
Convert a raw MsgPack string, whose address is supplied as a C-style string pointer
such as the rpos pointer which is inside an ibuf such as
buffer.ibuf() creates, to a Lua object.
A C-style string pointer may be described as cdata<char*> or cdata<constchar*>.
C_style_string_pointer (buffer) – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
size (integer) – number of bytes in the raw MsgPack string
(if C_style_string_pointer points to a valid raw MsgPack string) the original contents
of msgpack_string, formatted as a Lua object, usually a Lua table,
(otherwise) a scalar value, such as a string or a number;
returned_pointer = a C-style pointer to the byte after
what was passed, so that C_style_string_pointer + size = returned_pointer
тип возвращаемого значения:
table and C-style pointer to after what was passed
Example using buffer.ibuf
and pointer arithmetic:
The result will be [„a“] and 3 and true:
Input and output are the same as for
except that size is not needed.
Some checking is skipped, and decode_unchecked(C_style_string_pointer) can operate with
string pointers to buffers which decode(C_style_string_pointer) cannot handle.
For an example see the buffer module.
Call the MsgPuck’s mp_decode_array function
and return the array size and a pointer to the first array component.
A subsequent call to msgpack_decode can decode the component instead of the whole array.
byte-array – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
size – a number greater than or equal to the string’s length
the size of the array;
a pointer to after the array header.
-- Example of decode_array_header-- Suppose we have the raw data '\x93\x01\x02\x03'.-- \x93 is MsgPack encoding for a header of a three-item array.-- We want to skip it and decode the next three items.msgpack=require('msgpack');ffi=require('ffi');x,y=msgpack.decode_array_header(ffi.cast('char*','\x93\x01\x02\x03'),4)a=msgpack.decode(y,1);b=msgpack.decode(y+1,1);c=msgpack.decode(y+2,1);a,b,c-- The result is: 1,2,3.
Call the MsgPuck’s mp_decode_map function
and return the map size and a pointer to the first map component.
A subsequent call to msgpack_decode can decode the component instead of the whole map.
byte-array – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
size – a number greater than or equal to the raw MsgPack string’s length
the size of the map;
a pointer to after the map header.
-- Example of decode_map_header-- Suppose we have the raw data '\x81\xa2\x41\x41\xc3'.-- '\x81' is MsgPack encoding for a header of a one-item map.-- We want to skip it and decode the next map item.msgpack=require('msgpack');ffi=require('ffi')x,y=msgpack.decode_map_header(ffi.cast('char*','\x81\xa2\x41\x41\xc3'),5)a=msgpack.decode(y,3);b=msgpack.decode(y+3,1)x,a,b-- The result is: 1,"AA", true.
__serialize parameter
The MsgPack output structure can be specified with the __serialize parameter:
„seq“, „sequence“, „array“ – table encoded as an array
„map“, „mappping“ – table encoded as a map
function – the meta-method called to unpack the serializable representation
of table, cdata, or userdata objects
Serializing „A“ and „B“ with different __serialize values brings different
results. To show this, here is a routine which encodes {'A','B'} both as an
array and as a map, then displays each result in hexadecimal.
The values are all either integers or boolean true/false.
Значение по умолчанию
The maximum recursion depth for encoding
Specify whether to crop tables
with nesting level deeper than
Not-encoded fields are replaced with
one null. If not set, too high
nesting is considered an error.
Specify whether to enable encoding of
NaN and Inf numbers
Specify whether the serializer will
follow __serialize
metatable field
Specify whether to use tostring()
for unknown types
Specify whether to use NULL for
non-recognized types
Specify whether to handle excessively
sparse arrays as maps.
See detailed description
1/encode_sparse_ratio is the permissible
percentage of missing values in a sparse
A limit ensuring that small Lua arrays
are always encoded as sparse arrays
(instead of generating an error or encoding
as a map)
Specify how error objects
are encoded in the MsgPack format:
if true, errors are encoded as the
MsgPack extension.
if false, the encoding format depends
on other configuration options
Specify whether to enable decoding of
NaN and Inf numbers
Specify whether to set metatables for
all arrays and maps
Sparse arrays features
During encoding, the MsgPack encoder tries to classify tables into one of four kinds:
map - at least one table index is not unsigned integer
regular array - all array indexes are available
sparse array - at least one array index is missing
excessively sparse array - the number of values missing exceeds the configured ratio
An array is excessively sparse when all the following conditions are met:
encode_sparse_ratio > 0
max(table) > encode_sparse_safe
max(table) > count(table) * encode_sparse_ratio
MsgPack encoder never considers an array to be excessively sparse
when encode_sparse_ratio=0. The encode_sparse_safe limit ensures
that small Lua arrays are always encoded as sparse arrays.
By default, attempting to encode an excessively sparse array
generates an error. If encode_sparse_convert is set to true,
excessively sparse arrays will be handled as maps.
msgpack.cfg() example 1:
If msgpack.cfg.encode_invalid_numbers=true (the default),
then NaN and Inf are legal values. If that is not desirable, then
ensure that msgpack.encode() does not accept them, by saying
msgpack.cfg{encode_invalid_numbers=false}, thus:
tarantool> msgpack=require('msgpack');msgpack.cfg{encode_invalid_numbers=true}---...tarantool> msgpack.decode(msgpack.encode{1,0/0,1/0,false})----[1,-nan,inf,false]-22...tarantool> msgpack.cfg{encode_invalid_numbers=false}---...tarantool> msgpack.decode(msgpack.encode{1,0/0,1/0,false})----error:... number must not be NaN or Inf'...
msgpack.cfg() example 2:
To avoid generating errors on attempts to encode unknown data types as
userdata/cdata, you can use this code:
tarantool> httpc=require('http.client').new()---...tarantool> msgpack.encode(httpc.curl)----error:unsupported Lua type 'userdata'...tarantool> msgpack.cfg{encode_use_tostring=true}---...tarantool> msgpack.encode(httpc.curl)----!!binarytnVzZXJkYXRhOiAweDAxMDU5NDQ2Mzg=...
To achieve the same effect for only one call to msgpack.encode()
(that is without changing the configuration permanently), you can use
Similar configuration settings exist for JSON
and YAML.
Encode an arbitrary Lua object into the MsgPack format.
lua_value (lua-object) – a Lua object of any type.
encoded MsgPack data encapsulated in a MsgPack object.
тип возвращаемого значения:
localmsgpack=require('msgpack')-- Create a MsgPack object from a Lua object of any typelocalmp_from_number=msgpack.object(123)localmp_from_string=msgpack.object('hello world')localmp_from_array=msgpack.object({10,20,30})localmp_from_table=msgpack.object({band_name='The Beatles',year=1960})localmp_from_tuple=msgpack.object(box.tuple.new{1,'The Beatles',1960})
localmsgpack=require('msgpack')-- Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack stringlocalraw_mp_string=msgpack.encode({10,20,30})localmp_from_mp_string=msgpack.object_from_raw(raw_mp_string)
Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string. The address of the MsgPack string is supplied as a C-style string pointer
such as the rpos pointer inside an ibuf that the buffer.ibuf() creates.
A C-style string pointer may be described as cdata<char*> or cdata<constchar*>.
C_style_string_pointer (buffer) – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
size (integer) – number of bytes in the raw MsgPack string.
a MsgPack object
тип возвращаемого значения:
localmsgpack=require('msgpack')-- Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string using bufferlocalbuffer=require('buffer')localibuf=buffer.ibuf()msgpack.encode({10,20,30},ibuf)localmp_from_mp_string_pt=msgpack.object_from_raw(ibuf.buf,ibuf:size())
true if the argument is a MsgPack object; otherwise, false
тип возвращаемого значения:
localmsgpack=require('msgpack')localmp_from_string=msgpack.object('hello world')-- Check if the given argument is a MsgPack objectlocalmp_is_object=msgpack.is_object(mp_from_string)-- Returns truelocalstring_is_object=msgpack.is_object('hello world')-- Returns false
Get an element of the MsgPack array by the specified index key.
You can also use the get(key) method to get an array element.
The index key used to get the array element might be one of the following:
if a MsgPack object is an array, the key is an integer value (starting with 1) that specifies the element index.
if a MsgPack object is an associative array, key is the string value that specifies the element key. In this case, you can also access the array element using dot notation (msgpack_object.<key>).
If the specified key is missing in the array, msgpack_object[key] returns nil.
localmsgpack=require('msgpack')localmp_from_array=msgpack.object({10,20,30})localmp_from_table=msgpack.object({band_name='The Beatles',year=1960})localmp_from_tuple=msgpack.object(box.tuple.new{1,'The Beatles',1960})-- Get MsgPack data by the specified index or keylocalmp_array_get_by_index=mp_from_array[1]-- Returns 10localmp_table_get_by_key=mp_from_table['band_name']-- Returns 'The Beatles'localmp_table_get_by_nonexistent_key=mp_from_table['rating']-- Returns nillocalmp_tuple_get_by_index=mp_from_tuple[3]-- Returns 1960
Note that if the key for an associative array coincides with any
msgpack_object’s method name,
for example, „iterator“, mp_from_table['iterator'] returns
the iterator method function instead of a value corresponding to the
„iterator“ key.
Decode a MsgPack array header under the iterator cursor and advance the cursor.
After calling this function, the iterator points to the first element of the array
or to the value following the array if the array is empty.
number of elements in the array
тип возвращаемого значения:
Possible errors: raise an error if the type of the value under the iterator cursor is not MP_ARRAY.
Decode a MsgPack map header under the iterator cursor and advance the cursor.
After calling this function, the iterator points to the first key stored in
the map or to the value following the map if the map is empty.
number of key-value pairs in the map
тип возвращаемого значения:
Possible errors: raise an error if the type of the value under the iterator cursor is not MP_MAP.
Return a MsgPack value under the iterator cursor as a MsgPack object without decoding and advance the cursor.
The method doesn’t copy MsgPack data. Instead, it takes a reference to the original object.
Possible errors: raise a Lua error if there’s no data to decode.
The net.box module contains connectors to remote database systems. One
variant is for connecting to MySQL or MariaDB or PostgreSQL
(see SQL DBMS modules reference). The other variant, which
is discussed in this section, is for connecting to Tarantool server instances via a
The tutorial shows how to use net.box to connect to a remote Tarantool instance, perform CRUD operations, and execute stored procedures.
For more information about the net.box module API, check Модуль net.box.
This tutorial shows how to make CRUD requests to a single-instance Tarantool database.
To make requests to a sharded Tarantool cluster with the CRUD module, use its API for CRUD operations.
Sample database configuration
This section describes the configuration of a sample database that allows remote connections:
The configuration contains one instance that listens for incoming requests on the address.
sampleuser has privileges to select and modify data in the bands space and execute the get_bands_older_than stored function. This user can be used to connect to the instance remotely.
myapp.lua defines the data model and a stored function.
The myapp.lua file looks as follows:
-- Create a space --box.schema.space.create('bands')-- Specify field names and types --box.space.bands:format({{name='id',type='unsigned'},{name='band_name',type='string'},{name='year',type='unsigned'}})-- Create indexes --box.space.bands:create_index('primary',{parts={'id'}})box.space.bands:create_index('band',{parts={'band_name'}})box.space.bands:create_index('year_band',{parts={{'year'},{'band_name'}}})-- Create a stored function --box.schema.func.create('get_bands_older_than',{body=[[ function(year) return box.space.bands.index.year_band:select({ year }, { iterator = 'LT', limit = 10 }) end ]]})
You can find the full example on GitHub: sample_db.
Making net.box requests interactively
To try out net.box requests in the interactive console, start the sample_db application using ttstart:
$ ttstartsample_db
Then, use the tt run -i command to start an interactive console:
$ ttrun-i
Tarantool 3.0.0-entrypoint-1144-geaff238d9type 'help' for interactive helptarantool>
In the console, you can create a net.box connection and try out data operations.
Creating a net.box connection
To load the net.box module, use the require() directive:
To create a connection, pass a database URI to the net_box.connect() method:
The connection:close() method can be used to close the connection when it is no longer needed:
You can find the example with all the requests above on GitHub: net_box.
Общие сведения
Можно вызвать следующие методы:
require('net.box') – для получения объекта net.box (который называется net_box для примеров в данном разделе);
net_box.connect() – для подключения и получения объекта подключения (который называется conn для примеров в данном разделе);
другие процедуры net.box(), передающие conn: для выполнения запросов в удаленной системе базы данных;
conn:close – для отключения.
Все методы net.box безопасны для файберов, то есть можно безопасно обмениваться и использовать один и тот же объект подключения в нескольких файберах одновременно. Фактически так лучше всего работать в Tarantool. Когда несколько файберов используют одно соединение, все запросы передаются по одному сетевому сокету, но каждый файбер получает правильный ответ. Уменьшение количества активных сокетов снижает затрату ресурсов на системные вызовы и увеличивает общую производительность сервера. Однако, в некоторых случаях отдельного соединения недостаточно — например, когда необходимо отдавать приоритет разным запросам или использовать различные идентификаторы при аутентификации.
В большинстве методов net.box можно использовать последний аргумент {options}, который может быть следующим:
{timeout=...}. Например, метод с последним аргументом {timeout=1.5} остановится через 1,5 секунды на локальном узле, хотя это не гарантирует, что выполнение остановится на удаленном сервере.
{is_async=...}. Например, метод с заключительным аргументом {is_async=true} не будет ждать результата выполнения запроса. См. описание is_async.
{on_push=...on_push_ctx=...}. Для получения внеполосных сообщений. См. описание box.session.push().
{return_raw=...} (since version 2.10.0).
If set to true, net.box returns response data wrapped
in a MsgPack object instead of decoding it to Lua.
The default value is false.
For an example, see option description below.
На диаграмме ниже представлены возможные состояния и варианты перехода из одного состояния в другое:
На этой диаграмме:
Метод net_box.connect() запускает рабочий файбер, который устанавливает соединение и запускает рабочий процесс.
The state machine goes to the initial state.
Authentication and schema upload.
It is possible later on to re-enter the fetch_schema state from active to trigger schema reload.
The state changes to the graceful_shutdown state when the state machine
receives a box.shutdown event from the remote host
(see conn:on_shutdown()).
Once all pending requests are completed, the state machine switches to the error (error_reconnect) state.
The transport goes to the error state in case of an error.
It can happen, for example, if the server closed the connection.
If the reconnect_after option is set, instead of the ‘error’ state,
the transport goes to the error_reconnect state.
conn.close() method sets the state to closed and kills the worker.
If the transport is already in the error state, close() does nothing.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля net.box.
Создание нового подключения. Подключение устанавливается по требованию во время первого запроса. Можно повторно установить подключение автоматически после отключения (см. ниже опцию reconnect_after). Возвращается объект conn, который поддерживает методы создания удаленных запросов, таких как select, update или delete.
user/password: two options to connect to a remote host other than through
URI. For example, instead of connect('username:userpassword@localhost:3301')
you can write connect('localhost:3301',{user='username',password='userpassword'}).
wait_connected: a connection timeout. By default, the connection is blocked until the connection
is established, but if you specify wait_connected=false, the connection returns immediately.
If you specify this timeout, it will wait before returning (wait_connected=1.5 makes it wait at most 1.5 seconds).
Если присутствует reconnect_after, wait_connected проигнорирует неустойчивые отказы. Ожидание заканчивается, когда подключение установлено или явным образом закрыто.
reconnect_after: a number of seconds to wait before reconnecting.
The default value, as with the other connect options, is nil. If reconnect_after
is greater than zero, then a net.box instance will attempt to reconnect if a connection
is lost or a connection attempt fails. This makes transient network failures transparent to the application.
Reconnection happens automatically in the background, so requests that initially fail due to connection drops
fail, are transparently retried. The number of retries is unlimited, connection retries are made after
any specified interval (for example, reconnect_after=5 means that reconnect attempts are made every 5 seconds).
When a connection is explicitly closed or when the Lua garbage collector removes it, then reconnect attempts stop.
connect_timeout: a number of seconds to wait before returning «error: Connection timed out».
fetch_schema: a boolean option that controls fetching schema changes from the server. Default: true.
If you don’t operate with remote spaces, for example, run only call or eval, set fetch_schema to
false to avoid fetching schema changes which is not needed in this case.
In connections with fetch_schema==false, remote spaces are unavailable
and the on_schema_reload triggers don’t work.
required_protocol_version: a minimum version of the IPROTO protocol
supported by the server. If the version of the IPROTO protocol supported
by the server is lower than specified, the connection will fail with an error message.
With required_protocol_version=1, all connections fail where the IPROTO protocol
version is lower than 1.
required_protocol_features: specified IPROTO protocol features supported by the server.
You can specify one or more net.box features from the table below. If the server does not
support the specified features, the connection will fail with an error message.
With required_protocol_features={'transactions'}, all connections fail where the
server has transactions:false.
net.box feature
IPROTO feature ID
IPROTO versions supporting the feature
Requires streams support on the server
1 and newer
Requires transactions support on the server
1 and newer
Requires support for MP_ERROR MsgPack extension on the server
Для локального Tarantool-сервера есть заданный объект всегда установленного подключения под названием net_box.self. Он создан с целью облегчить полиморфное использование API модуля net_box. Таким образом, conn=net_box.connect('localhost:3301') можно заменить на conn=net_box.self.
Однако, есть важно отличие встроенного подключения от удаленного:
With the embedded connection, requests which do not modify data do not yield.
When using a remote connection, due to
the implicit rules
any request can yield, and the database state may have changed by the
time it regains control.
Не учитывается ни один параметр, передаваемый в запросе (is_async, on_push, timeout).
true (правда) при подключении, false (ложь) при окончании времени ожидания или закрытии подключения
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean (логический)
-- бесконечное ожидание состояния 'active':conn:wait_state('active')-- ожидание в течение максимум 1,5 секунд:conn:wait_state('active',1.5)-- бесконечное ожидание состояния `active` или `fetch_schema`:conn:wait_state({active=true,fetch_schema=true})
Объекты подключения удаляются сборщиком мусора в Lua, как и любой другой Lua-объект, поэтому удалять их явным образом необязательно. Однако, поскольку close() представляет собой системный вызов, лучше всего закрыть соединение явным образом, когда оно больше не используется, с целью ускорения работы сборщика мусора.
conn.space.имя-спейса:select({...}) – это удаленный вызов, аналогичный локальному вызову box.space.имя-спейса:select{...} (детали). В дополнение см. Модуль buffer и skip-header.
Due to the implicit yield rules
a local box.space.space-name:select{...} does
not yield, but a remote conn.space.space-name:select{...}
call does yield, so global variables or database tuples data may
change when a remote conn.space.space-name:select{...}
conn.space.имя-спейса:insert(...) – это удаленный вызов, аналогичный локальному вызову box.space.имя-спейса:insert(...) (детали). В дополнение см. Модуль buffer и skip-header.
conn.space.имя-спейса:replace(...) – это удаленный вызов, аналогичный локальному вызову box.space.имя-спейса:replace(...) (детали). В дополнение см. Модуль buffer и skip-header.
conn.space.space-name:upsert(...) is the remote-call equivalent
of the local call box.space.space-name:upsert(...). (see details).
For an additional option see Module buffer and skip-header.
conn.space.имя-спейса:delete(...) – это удаленный вызов, аналогичный локальному вызову box.space.имя-спейса:delete(...).(детали). В дополнение см. Модуль buffer и skip-header.
conn:eval(Lua-строка) оценивает и выполняет выражение в Lua-строке, которое может представлять собой любое выражение или несколько выражений. Требуются права на выполнение; если у пользователя таких прав нет, администратор может их выдать с помощью box.schema.user.grant(имя-пользователя,'execute','universe').
Чтобы гарантировать, что conn:eval вернет то, что возвращает выражение на Lua, начните Lua-строку со слова «return» (вернуть).
conn:call('func',{'1','2','3'}) – это удаленный вызов, аналогичный func('1','2','3'). Таким образом, conn:call представляет собой удаленный вызов хранимой процедуры. conn:call возвращает то, что возвращает функция.
Ограничение: вызванная функция не может вернуть функцию, например, если func2 определяется как functionfunc2()returnfuncend, то conn:call(func2) вернет ошибку «error: unsupported Lua type „function“».
tarantool>-- создание 2 функций с conn:eval()tarantool>conn:eval('function f1() return 5+5 end;')tarantool>conn:eval('function f2(x,y) return x,y end;')tarantool>-- вызов первой функции без параметров и опцийtarantool>conn:call('f1')----10...tarantool>-- вызов второй функции с двумя параметрами и одной опциейtarantool>conn:call('f2',{1,'B'},{timeout=99})----1-B...
The method has the same syntax as the box.watch()
function, which is used for subscribing to events locally.
Watchers survive reconnection (see the reconnect_after connection option).
All registered watchers are automatically resubscribed when the
connection is reestablished.
If a remote host supports watchers, the watchers key will be set in the
connection peer_protocol_features.
For details, check the net.box features table.
Keep in mind that garbage collection of a watcher handle doesn’t lead to the watcher’s destruction.
In this case, the watcher remains registered.
It is okay to discard the result of watch function if the watcher will never be unregistered.
Example 1:
-- Broadcast value 42 for the 'foo' key.box.broadcast('foo',42)
conn=net.box.connect(URI)locallog=require('log')-- Subscribe to updates of the 'foo' key.w=conn:watch('foo',function(key,value)assert(key=='foo')log.info("The box.id value is '%d'",value)end)
If you don’t need the watcher anymore, you can unregister it using the command below:
Example 2:
The net.boxmodule provides the ability to monitor updates of a configuration stored in a Tarantool-based configuration storage by watching path or prefix changes.
In the example below, conn:watch() is used to monitor updates of a configuration stored by the /myapp/config/all path:
net_box=require('net.box')localconn=net_box.connect('')locallog=require('log')conn:watch('config.storage:/myapp/config/all',function(key,value)log.info("Configuration stored by the '/myapp/config/all' key is changed")end)
{is_async=true|false} – это опция, которую можно применить во всех запросах net_box, включая conn:call, conn:eval и запросы conn.space.space-name.
По умолчанию, is_async=false, что означает, что запросы будут синхронными для файбера. Файбер блокируется в ожидании ответа на запрос или до истечения времени ожидания. До версии Tarantool 1.10 единственным способом выполнения асинхронных запросов было использование отдельных файберов.
is_async=true означает, что запросы будут асинхронными для файбера. Запрос вызывает передачу управления, но файбер не входит в режим ожидания. Сразу же возвращается результат, но это будет не результат запроса, а объект, который может использовать вызывающая программа для получения результат запроса.
У такого сразу же возвращаемого объекта, который мы называем «future» (будущий), есть собственные методы:
future:is_ready() вернет true (правда), если доступен результат запроса,
future:result() используется для получения результата запроса (возвращает ответ на запрос или nil в случае, если ответ еще не готов или произошла какая-либо ошибка),
future:wait_result(timeout) будет ждать, когда результат запроса будет доступен, а затем получит его или выдаст ошибку, если по истечении времени ожидания результат не получен.
future:discard() откажется от объекта.
В обычной ситуации пользователь введет команду future=имя-запроса(...{is_async=true}), а затем либо цикл с проверкой future:is_ready() до тех пор, пока он не вернет true, и получением результата с помощью request_result=future:result(), либо же команду request_result=future:wait_result(...). Возможен вариант, когда клиент проверяет наличие внеполосных сообщений от сервера, вызывая в цикле pairs() – см. box.session.push().
Можно использовать future:discard(), чтобы соединение забыло об ответе – если получен ответ для отброшенного объекта, то он будет проигнорирован, так что размер таблицы запросов будет уменьшен, а другие запросы будут выполняться быстрее.
-- Insert a tuple asynchronously --tarantool> future=conn.space.bands:insert({10,'Queen',1970},{is_async=true})---...tarantool> future:is_ready()----true...tarantool> future:result()----[10,'Queen',1970]...-- Iterate through a space with 10 records to get data in chunks of 3 records --tarantool> whiletruedo future = conn.space.bands:select({}, {limit=3, after=position, fetch_pos=true, is_async=true}) result = future:wait_result() tuples = result[1] position = result[2] if position == nil then break end print('Chunk size: '..#tuples) endChunk size: 3Chunk size: 3Chunk size: 3Chunk size: 1---...
Как правило, {is_async=true} используется только при большой загрузке (более 100 000 запросов в секунду) и большой задержке чтения (более 1 секунды), или же при необходимости отправки нескольких одновременных запросов, которые собирают ответы (что иногда называется «отображение-свертка»).
Хотя окончательный результат асинхронного запроса не отличается от результата синхронного запроса, у него другая структура: таблица, а не неупакованные значения.
{return_raw=true} is ignored for:
Methods that return nil:
begin, commit, rollback, upsert, prepare.
index.count (returns number).
For execute, the option is applied only to data (rows). Metadata is decoded even if {return_raw=true}.
The option can be useful if you want to pass a response through without decoding or with partial decoding.
The usage of MsgPack object can reduce pressure on the Lua garbage collector.
-- Start a server to create a new streamlocalconn=net_box.connect('localhost:3301')localconn_space=conn.space.testlocalstream=conn:new_stream()localstream_space=stream.space.test
Commit a stream transaction. Instead of the direct method, you can also use the call, eval or execute methods with SQL transaction.
-- Begin stream transactionstream:begin()-- In the previously created ``accounts`` space with the primary key ``test``, modify the fields 2 and 3stream.space.accounts:update(test_1,{{'-',2,370},{'+',3,100}})-- Commit stream transactionstream:commit()
Rollback a stream transaction. Instead of the direct method, you can also use the call, eval or execute methods with SQL transaction.
-- Test rollback for memtx spacespace:replace({1})-- Select return tuple that was previously inserted, because this select belongs to stream transactionspace:select({})stream:rollback()-- Select is empty, stream transaction rollbackspace:select({})
В модуле net.box можно использовать следующие триггеры:
Define a trigger for execution when a new connection is established, and authentication
and schema fetch are completed due to an event such as net_box.connect.
If a trigger function issues net_box requests, they must be asynchronous
({is_async=true}). An attempt to wait for request completion with future:pairs()
or future:wait_result() in the trigger function will result in an error.
If the trigger execution fails and an exception happens, the connection’s
state changes to „error“. In this case, the connection is terminated, regardless of the
reconnect_after option’s value. Can be called as many times as
reconnection happens, if reconnect_after is greater than zero.
trigger-function (function) – the trigger function. Takes the conn
object as the first argument.
old-trigger-function (function) – an existing trigger function to replace
with trigger-function
Определение триггера, исполняемого после закрытия соединения. Если функция с триггером вызывает ошибку, то ошибка записывается в журнал, в противном случае записей не будет. Выполнение прекращается после явного закрытия соединения или удаления сборщиком мусора в Lua.
trigger-function (function) – the trigger
function. Takes the conn
object as the first argument
old-trigger-function (function) – an existing trigger function to replace
with trigger-function
Define a trigger for shutdown when a box.shutdown event is received.
The trigger starts in a new fiber.
While the on_shutdown() trigger is running, the connection stays active.
It means that the trigger callback is allowed to send new requests.
After the trigger return, the net.box connection goes to the graceful_shutdown state
(check the state diagram for details).
In this state, no new requests are allowed.
The connection waits for all pending requests to be completed.
Once all in-progress requests have been processed, the connection is closed.
The state changes to error or error_reconnect
(if the reconnect_after option is defined).
Servers that do not support the box.shutdown event or IPROTO_WATCH
just close the connection abruptly.
In this case, the on_shutdown() trigger is not executed.
trigger-function (function) – the trigger function. Takes the conn
object as the first argument
old-trigger-function (function) – an existing trigger function to replace
with trigger-function
Определение триггера, исполняемого во время выполнения определенной операции на удаленном сервере после обновления схемы. Другими словами, если запрос к серверу не выполняется из-за ошибки несовпадения версии схемы, происходит перезагрузка схемы.
If a trigger function issues net_box requests, they must be asynchronous
({is_async=true}). An attempt to wait for request completion with future:pairs()
or future:wait_result() in the trigger function will result in an error.
trigger-function (function) – the trigger function. Takes the conn
object as the first argument
old-trigger-function (function) – an existing trigger function to replace
with trigger-function
nil или указатель функции
Если указаны параметры (nil,old-trigger-function), старый триггер будет удален.
Если не указан ни один параметр, ответом будет список существующих функций с триггером.
Find the detailed information about triggers in the
triggers section.
Parameters: (string) format-string = инструкции; (string) time-since-epoch = число секунд с 1970-01-01. Если не указать time-since-epoch, предполагается использование текущего времени.
tarantool> os.date("%A %B %d")----Sunday April 24...
To use Tarantool binary protocol primitives from Lua, it’s necessary to
convert Lua variables to binary format. The pickle.pack() helper
function is prototyped after Perl pack.
Спецификаторы формата
b, B
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 1-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке
s, S
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 2-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке, сначала младший байт
i, I
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 4-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке, сначала младший байт
l, L
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 8-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке, сначала младший байт
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 2-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке, порядок от старшего к младшему,
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 4-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке, порядок от старшего к младшему,
q, Q
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 8-байтное целое число и хранит целое число в полученной строке, порядок от старшего к младшему,
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 4-байтное число с плавающей запятой и хранит число с плавающей запятой в полученной строке
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в 8-байтное число двойной точности и хранит число двойной точности в полученной строке
a, A
конвертирует скалярное Lua-значение в последовательность байтов и хранит последовательность в полученной строке
format (string) – строка со спецификаторами формата
argument(s) (scalar-value) – скалярные значения к форматированию
бинарная строка, которая содержит все аргументы, упакованные в соответствии со спецификаторами формата.
тип возвращаемого значения:
Скалярное значение может быть либо переменной, либо литеральным значением. Следует помнить, что большие целые числа нужно вводить с tonumber64() или суффиксами LL или ULL.
Начиная с версии 2.4.1 в Tarantool есть встроенный модуль popen, предназначенный для выполнения внешних программ. Он работает аналогично модулю subprocess() в Python или Open3 в Ruby. Однако в popen нет вспомогательных средств, которые предоставляют эти языки; он предоставляет только базовые функции. Для создания объекта popen использует системный вызов vfork(), поэтому вызывающий поток блокируется до тех пор, пока не начинается выполнение дочернего процесса.
В модуле popen есть две функции для создания объекта popen:
command (string) – имя выполняемой команды, обязательно
mode (string) – режим передачи данных, необязательно
(при успешном выполнении) дескриптор объекта popen, который мы будем называть popen_handle или ph
(при неудачном выполнении) nil,err
Возможные ошибки: если один из параметров задан некорректно, функция возвращает IllegalParams: неправильно задан тип или значение параметра. Другие возможные ошибки смотрите в разделе popen.new().
'nil' which means inherit parent’s std* file descriptors
Several mode characters can be set together, for example 'rw', 'rRw'.
Функция shell — это сокращение для popen.new({command}, opts) с opts.shell.setsid и opts.shell.group_signal, установленными в true, и значениями opts.stdin, opts.stdout и opts.stderr, установленными на основе параметра mode.
All std* streams are inherited from the parent by default unless it is
changed using mode: 'r' for stdout, 'R' for stderr, or 'w' for
This is the equivalent of the sh-cdate command.
It starts a process, runs 'date', reads the output,
and closes the popen object (ph).
localpopen=require('popen')-- Запуск программы и сохранение ее дескриптора.localph=popen.shell('date','r')-- Считывание вывода программы и удаление следующей строки.localdate=ph:read():rstrip()-- Освобождение ресурсов. Процесс принудительно завершается (но 'date'-- все равно завершает работу).ph:close()print(date)
Unix defines a text file as a sequence of lines. Each line
is terminated by a newline (\\n) symbol. The same convention is usually
applied for text output of a command. So, when it is
redirected to a file, the file will be correct.
Однако внутри приложение обычно работает со строками, которые не завершаются символом новой строки (например, строки сообщений об ошибках). Символ новой строки обычно добавляется прямо перед записью строки в stdout, консоль или лог. Поэтому в примере выше был использован метод rstrip().
argv (array) – массив, состоящий из запускаемой программы и параметров командной строки, обязательный аргумент; если поле opts.shell установлено в false (по умолчанию), то необходимо задать абсолютный путь к программе
(при успешном выполнении) дескриптор объекта popen, который мы будем называть popen_handle или ph
(при неудачном выполнении) nil,err
Возможные ошибки:
IllegalParams: некорректный тип или значение параметра
IllegalParams: групповой сигнал задан, а setsid — нет
Возможные причины ошибок, когда возвращается nil,err:
SystemError: dup(), fcntl(), pipe(), vfork() или close() завершились с ошибкой в родительском процессе
SystemError: (временное ограничение) родительский процесс закрыл stdin, stdout или stderr
OutOfMemory: невозможно выделить память для дескриптора или временного буфера
Возможные элементы opts:
opts.stdin (действие над STDIN_FILENO)
opts.stdout (действие над STDOUT_FILENO)
opts.stderr (действие над STDERR_FILENO)
Возможные действия файлового дескриптора в таблице opts:
popen.opts.INHERIT (== 'inherit') [default] inherit the fd from the parent
popen.opts.DEVNULL (== 'devnull') open /dev/null on the fd
popen.opts.CLOSE (== 'close') close the fd
popen.opts.PIPE (== 'pipe') feed data from fd to parent,
or from parent to fd, using a pipe
Таблица opts может содержать таблицу env переменных среды для использования внутри процесса. Каждый элемент opts.env может быть парой ключ-значение (где ключ — имя переменной, а значение — значение переменной).
Если opts.env не установлено, то наследуется текущая среда.
Если opts.env является пустой таблицей, то среда будет сброшена.
Если opts.env является непустой таблицей, то среда будет заменена.
Таблица opts может содержать следующие элементы типа boolean:
Значение по умолчанию
При значении true выполняется запуск дочернего процесса через sh-c"${opts.argv}". При значении false исполняемый процесс вызывается напрямую.
При значении true программа запускается в новой сессии. При значении false программа запускается в сессии и группе процессов экземпляра Tarantool.
При значении true закрываются все унаследованные родительские файловые дескрипторы. При значении false унаследованные родительские файловые дескрипторы не закрываются.
При значении true сбрасываются все действия сигналов, измененные в родительском процессе. При значении false все действия сигналов, измененные в родительском процессе, наследуются.
При значении true отправляется сигнал в группу дочерних процессов, но только при условии, что установлено поле opts.setsid. При значении false сигнал отправляется только одному дочернему процессу.
При значении true дочернему процессу (или группе процессов, если поле opts.group_signal установлено в true) не отправляется сигнал SIGKILL. При значении false дочернему процессу (или группе процессов, если поле opts.group_signal установлено в true) отправляется сигнал SIGKILL при выполнении popen_handle:close() или когда Lua GC собирает дескрипторы.
Возвращаемый дескриптор ph дает доступ к методу popen_handle:close() для явного освобождения всех занятых ресурсов, включая сам дочерний процесс, если не установлено поле opts.keep_child. Однако, если метод close() не вызывается для дескриптора в течение его жизни, Lua GC запустит то же самое действие по освобождению ресурсов.
Tarantool рекомендует использовать opts.setsid вместе с opts.group_signal, если дочерний процесс может создать собственные дочерние процессы и их все нужно будет завершить одновременно.
Сигнал не будет отправлен, если дочерний процесс уже был завершен. В противном случае мы можем случайно завершить другой процесс, который имеет тот же идентификатор процесса после освобождения его предыдущим. Это означает, что если дочерний процесс завершается до того, как завершаются его дочерние процессы, то функция не будет отправлять сигнал группе процессов, даже когда установлены opts.setsid и opts.group_signal.
Используйте os.environ(), чтобы передать копию текущей среды с несколькими заменами (см. Пример 2 ниже).
Пример 1
В этом примере выполняется аналог команды sh-cdate. Происходит запуск процесса, выполняется 'date', считывается результат и объект popen (ph) закрывается.
localpopen=require('popen')localph=popen.new({'/bin/date'},{stdout=popen.opts.PIPE,})localdate=ph:read():rstrip()ph:close()print(date)-- например, Thu 16 Apr 2020 01:40:56 AM MSK
Пример 2
Example 2 is quite similar to Example 1, but sets an
environment variable and uses the shell builtin 'echo' to
show it.
localpopen=require('popen')localenv=os.environ()env['FOO']='bar'localph=popen.new({'echo "${FOO}"'},{stdout=popen.opts.PIPE,shell=true,env=env,})localres=ph:read():rstrip()ph:close()print(res)-- bar
Пример 3
Пример 3 показывает, как перехватить дочерний поток stderr.
Пример 4 показывает, как запустить потоковую программу (например, grep, sed и т.д.), записать данные в ее поток stdin и считать данные из stdout.
В этом примере предполагается, что входные данные достаточно малы, чтобы поместиться в буфер канала (обычно его размер равен 64 КиБ, но это зависит от конкретной платформы и ее конфигурации).
Если процесс записывает большое количество данных, он приостановится при выполнении popen_handle:write(). Для разрешения этой проблемы вызывайте popen_handle:read() в цикле в другом файбере (запустите его перед первым вызовом :write()).
Если процесс записывает длинный текст в stderr, он может приостановиться при выполнении write(), потому что буфер канала stderr заполнился. Для решения этой проблемы считывайте из stderr в отдельном файбере.
localfunctioncall_jq(input,filter)-- Запуск процесса jq, соединение с stdin, stdout и stderr.localjq_argv={'/usr/bin/jq','-M','--unbuffered',filter}localph,err=popen.new(jq_argv,{stdin=popen.opts.PIPE,stdout=popen.opts.PIPE,stderr=popen.opts.PIPE,})ifph==nilthenreturnnil,errend-- Запись входных данных в дочерний stdin и отправка EOF.localok,err=ph:write(input)ifnotokthenreturnnil,errendph:shutdown({stdin=true})-- Считывание всех данных до EOF.localchunks={}whiletruedolocalchunk,err=ph:read()ifchunk==nilthenph:close()returnnil,errendifchunk==''thenbreakend-- EOFtable.insert(chunks,chunk)end-- Считывание данных диагностики из stderr (при наличии).localerr=ph:read({stderr=true})iferr~=''thenph:close()returnnil,errend-- Соединение всех частей вместе, обрезка символа конца строки.returntable.concat(chunks):rstrip()end
opts.stdout (boolean, значение по умолчанию — true, при значении true выполняется считывание из stdout)
opts.stderr (boolean, значение по умолчанию — false, при значении true выполняется считывание из stderr)
opts.timeout (число, значение по умолчанию — 100 лет, временная квота в секундах)
In other words: by default read() reads from stdout, but reads from
stderr if one sets opts.stderr to true. It is not legal to set both
opts.stdout and opts.stderr to true.
(при успешном выполнении) строка со считанным значением, пустая строка при EOF
(при неудачном выполнении) nil,err
Possible errors
These errors are raised on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is cancelled:
IllegalParams: некорректный тип или значение параметра
IllegalParams: вызов дескриптора, который уже был закрыт
IllegalParams: одновременно установлены opts.stdout и opts.stderr
IllegalParams: запрашиваемая операция ввода-вывода не поддерживается дескриптором (вывод stdout / stderr не перенаправлен)
IllegalParams: попытка произвести операцию над закрытым файловым дескриптором
FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by external code
nil,err is returned on following failures:
SocketError: ошибка ввода-вывода при выполнении read()
TimedOut: превышение квоты opts.timeout
OutOfMemory: недостаточно памяти для считывания в буфер
LuajitError: («not enough memory»): недостаточно памяти для строки Lua
Possible opts items are:
opts.timeout (number, default 100 years, time quota in seconds).
Возможные ошибки:
IllegalParams: некорректный тип или значение параметра
IllegalParams: вызов дескриптора, который уже был закрыт
IllegalParams: длина строки превышает SSIZE_MAX
IllegalParams: запрашиваемая операция ввода-вывода не поддерживается дескриптором (вывод stdin не перенаправлен)
IllegalParams: попытка произвести операцию над закрытым файловым дескриптором
FiberIsCancelled: файбер отменен во внешней программе
Возможные причины ошибок, когда возвращается nil,err:
SocketError: ошибка ввода-вывода при выполнении write()
TimedOut: превышение квоты opts.timeout
write() может передать управление (yield) и заблокировать файбер, если дочерний процесс не считывает данные из stdin и буфер канала заполнился. Размер буфера зависит от платформы. Если сомневаетесь, обратите внимание на опцию opts.timeout.
Когда опция opts.timeout не установлена, write() блокирует файбер до момента полной записи данных или возникновения ошибки записи.
opts.stdin (boolean) закрыть stdin со стороны родителя
opts.stdout (boolean) закрыть stdout со стороны родителя
opts.stderr (boolean) закрыть stderr со стороны родителя
Мы можем использовать термин std* для указания на любой из этих элементов.
Возможные ошибки:
IllegalParams: некорректный параметр дескриптора
IllegalParams: вызов дескриптора, который уже был закрыт
IllegalParams: не выбран ни один из потоков stdin, stdout или stderr
IllegalParams: запрашиваемая операция ввода-вывода не поддерживается дескриптором (один из потоков std* не перенаправлен)
Основная цель использования shutdown() — отправка EOF в дочерний поток stdin. Однако stdout / stderr может быть уже закрыт со стороны родительского процесса.
shutdown() does not fail on already closed fds (idempotence).
However, it fails on an attempt to close the end of a pipe that
never existed. In other words, only those std* options that
were set to popen.opts.PIPE during handle creation may be used
here (for popen.shell(): 'r' corresponds to stdout,
'R' to stderr and 'w' to stdin).
shutdown() не закрывает никакие файловые дескрипторы при завершении с ошибкой: либо закрываются все запрашиваемые дескрипторы (при успешном выполнении), либо ни один из них.
localpopen=require('popen')localph=popen.shell('sed s/foo/bar/','rw')ph:write('lorem foo ipsum')ph:shutdown({stdin=true})localres=ph:read()ph:close()print(res)-- lorem bar ipsum
IllegalParams: вызов дескриптора, который уже был закрыт
Возможные значения ошибок при возвращении nil,err:
SystemError: процесс больше не существует (также может возвращаться для зомби-процессов или когда все процессы в группе являются зомби-процессами (но см. примечание для Mac OS ниже)
SystemError: неправильный номер сигнала
SystemError: нет разрешения на отправку сигнала процессу или группе процессов (возвращается на Mac OS, когда сигнал отправляется группе процессов, где лидер группы является зомби-процессом (или все процессы являются зомби-процессами, детали неясны) (эта ошибка также может возникнуть по другим причинам, детали неясны)
Если для дескриптора установлены opts.setsid и opts.group_signal, сигнал отправляется группе процессов, а не отдельному процессу. Для подробной информации по групповым сигналам смотрите popen.new(). Внимание: на Mac OS процесс в группе может не получить сигнал, особенно если он только что был разветвлен (возможно это происходит из-за состояния гонки).
Примечание: Некоторые сигналы имеют разные номера на разных платформах. Поэтому в этом модуле мы предлагаем константы popen.signal.SIG*.
pid — это идентификатор процесса, когда тот находится в рабочем состоянии; для завершенного процесса pid имеет значение nil.
command — это конкатенация аргументов, разделенных пробелами, которые были переданы в execve(). Аргументы, состоящие из нескольких слов, заключаются в кавычки. Кавычки внутри аргументов не экранируются.
opts – это таблица параметров дескриптора, описанная в разделе opts функции popen.new(). opts.env здесь не отображается, потому что карта переменных среды не хранится в дескрипторе.
status — это таблица, отображающая состояние процесса в следующем формате:
state = one-of(
popen.state.ALIVE (== 'alive'),
popen.state.EXITED (== 'exited'),
popen.state.SIGNALED (== 'signaled'),
-- Отображается при состоянии процесса 'завершенный'.
exit_code = <number>,
-- Отображается при состоянии процесса 'принимающий сигнал'.
signo = <number>,
signame = <string>,
stdin, stdout, and stderr reflect the status of the parent’s end
of a piped stream. If a stream is not piped, the field is
not present (nil). If it is piped, the status may be
either popen.stream.OPEN (== 'open') or popen.stream.CLOSED (== 'closed').
The status may be changed from 'open' to 'closed'
by a popen_handle:shutdown({std… = true}) call.
(при успешном выполнении) отформатированный результат
возвращаемое значение:
Возможные ошибки:
IllegalParams: некорректный параметр дескриптора
IllegalParams: вызов дескриптора, который уже был закрыт
FiberIsCancelled: файбер отменен во внешней программе
Отформатированный результат представляет собой таблицу состояний процесса (аналогично компоненту status таблицы, возвращаемой через popen_handle:info()).
Возможные результаты диагностики, когда возвращается nil,err (не рассматривайте эти случаи как ошибки):
SystemError: нет разрешения на отправку сигнала процессу или группе процессов (это сообщение диагностики может появиться из-за особенностей обработки зомби-процессов в Mac OS, когда установлен opts.group_signal, см. popen_handle:signal(). Оно также может появиться по другим причинам, детали неясны).
Если известно, что процесс был завершен, то в результате всегда возвращается true (например, после выполнения popen_handle:wait() не будет отправлено никакого сигнала, так что никакой ошибки не может возникнуть).
close() принудительно завершает процесс через SIGKILL и освобождает все ресурсы, связанные с дескриптором popen.
Подробная информация об отправке сигналов:
Сигнал отправляется только когда поле opts.keep_child не установлено.
Сигнал отправляется только когда процесс находится в рабочем состоянии согласно информации, доступной на текущей итерации цикла событий. (Здесь есть слабое место: сигнал может быть отправлен зомби-процессу, но это не представляет никакой угрозы).
Сигнал отправляется процессу или группе процессов в зависимости от opts.group_signal. (Для подробной информации о групповых сигналах смотрите popen.new()).
Ресурсы освобождаются вне зависимости от того, успешно ли отправился сигнал: дескрипторы файлов закрываются, память освобождается, а дескриптор popen помечается как закрытый.
Над закрытым дескриптором невозможно выполнять никакие операции кроме close(), которая всегда выполняется успешно над закрытым дескриптором (идемпотентность).
close() может вернуть true или nil,err, но она всегда освобождает ресурсы дескриптора. Поэтому для того, кто отправил сигнал, любое возвращаемое значение означает успешное выполнение. Возвращаемые значения только дают информацию для логирования или составления отчетов.
Модуль socket позволяет обмениваться данными с локальным или удаленным хостом по BSD-сокетам в режиме с установлением соединений (TCP) или на основе датаграмм (UDP). Семантика вызовов в API модуля socket точно соответствует семантике соответствующих вызовов в POSIX.
Функции для настройки и подключения: socket, sysconnect, tcp_connect. Функции для отправки данных: send, sendto, write, syswrite. Функции для получения данных: recv, recvfrom, read. Функции для ожидания отправки/получения данных: wait, readable, writable. Функции для установки флагов: nonblock, setsockopt. Функции для остановки и отключения: shutdown, close. Функции для проверки ошибок: errno, error.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций модуля socket.
Typically a socket session will begin with the setup functions, will set one
or more flags, will have a loop with sending and receiving functions, will
end with the teardown functions – as an example at the end of this section
will show. Throughout, there may be error-checking and waiting functions for
synchronization. To prevent a fiber containing socket functions from «blocking»
other fibers, the implicit yield rules
will cause a yield so that other processes
may take over, as is the norm for cooperative multitasking.
Для всех примеров в данном разделе имя сокета будет sock, а вызов функции будет выглядеть как sock:имя_функции(...).
Функция socket.getaddrinfo() используется для поиска информации об удаленном узле, чтобы можно было передать правильные аргументы для sock:sysconnect(). Эта функция может использовать конфигурационный параметр worker_pool_threads.
flags – дополнительные опции (подробнее о них здесь)
(if error) {nil, error-message-string}. (if no error) A table containing these fields: «host», «family», «type», «protocol», «port».
тип возвращаемого значения:
tarantool> socket.getaddrinfo('tarantool.org','http')-----host: To find the available values for the options use the following:tarantool> socket.internal.AI_FLAGS-- or SO_TYPE, or DOMAIN----AI_ALL:256AI_PASSIVE:1AI_NUMERICSERV:4096AI_NUMERICHOST:4AI_V4MAPPED:2048AI_ADDRCONFIG:1024AI_CANONNAME:2...
Функция socket.tcp_server() заставляет Tarantool выступать в качестве сервера для принятия подключений. Обычно для этой же цели используется box.cfg{listen=…}.
handler-function-or-table (function/table) – что выполнить после подключения
timeout (number) – время ожидания в секундах при разрешении имени хоста в IP-адрес
(if error) {nil, error-message-string}. (if no error) a new socket object.
тип возвращаемого значения:
socket object, which may be viewed as a table
Параметр handler-function-or-table может представлять собой просто имя функции или объявление функции: handler_function. Или же может быть таблицей: {handler=handler_function[,prepare=prepare_function][,name=name]}. Функция handler_function является обязательной, в ней может быть только один параметр = сокет (используется для непрерывной работы после установки соединения), выполняется один раз за соединение после того, как произойдет accept(). Функция prepare_function необязательна; она выполняется однократно перед установкой соединения (bind()) на слушающем сокете и должна возвращать либо значение бэклога, либо ничего. Например:
socket.tcp_server('localhost', 3302, function (s) loop_loop() end)
socket.tcp_server('localhost', 3302, {handler=hfunc, name='name'})
socket.tcp_server('localhost', 3302, {handler=hfunc, prepare=pfunc})
Bind a socket to the given host/port.
This is equivalent to socket_object:bind(),
but is done on the result of require('socket'), rather than on the
socket object.
Подключение к удаленному хосту с помощью существующего сокета. Значения аргументов будут такие же, как в tcp_connect(). Хост должен представлять собой IP-адрес.
host – строковое представление IPv4 адреса или IPv6 адреса;
port – число.
host – строка, которая содержит «unix/»;
port – строка, которая содержит путь к Unix-сокету.
host – число, 0 (ноль), что означает «все локальные интерфейсы»;
port – число. Если номер порта – 0 (ноль), сокет будет привязан к случайному локальному порту.
значение объекта сокета может изменяться, если будет выполнена функция sysconnect().
Чтение количества байтов, определенного в size, из подключенного сокета. Внутренний буфер опережающего считывания используется для уменьшения использования ресурсов на вызов.
Возможные ошибки: В случае ошибки возвращается пустая строка, после чего статус, errno, errstr. Если передача данных на запись закрыта с другой стороны, возвращаются оставшиеся для чтения данные из сокета (возможно, пустая строка), после чего идет статус «eof» (конец файла).
Чтение данных из подключенного сокета до выполнения какого-либо условия и возврат прочтенных байтов. Производится чтения количества байтов, которое указано в параметре limit, либо до символа-разделителя, либо до истечения времени ожидания. В отличие от socket_object:recv (где используется внутренний буфер опережающего считывания), socket_object:read зависит от буфера сокета.
limit (integer) – максимальное количество байтов для чтения, например, 50 означает «остановиться на 50 байтах»
delimiter (string) – separator for example
? means «stop after a question mark»; this parameter can accept a table of separators, for example, delimiter={"\n","\r"}
timeout (number) – максимальное количество секунд ожидания, например, 50 означает «остановиться через 50 секунд».
options (table) – chunk=предел и/или delimiter=разделитель, например, {chunk=5,delimiter='x'}.
пустая строка, если нет данных для чтения, либо нулевое значение nil в случае ошибки, либо строка, ограниченная количеством байтов в limit, которая может включать в себя байты, совпадающие с выражением delimiter.
Возврат данных из буфера сокета без блокировки.Если сокет с блокировкой, sysread() может блокировать процесс вызова. Используется редко. Для получения подробной информации, см. описание.
size (integer) – максимальное количество байтов для чтения, например, 50 означает «остановиться на 50 байтах»
пустая строка, если нет данных для чтения, либо нулевое значение nil в случае ошибки, либо строка, ограниченная количеством байтов в size.
Привязка сокета к данному хосту/порту. UDP-сокет после привязки может использоваться для получения данных (см. socket_object.recvfrom). TCP-сокет может использоваться для принятия новых соединений после перевода в режим прослушивания.
true (правда), если выполнено, false (ложь) в случае ошибки. Если возвращается false, используйте socket_object:errno() или socket_object:error() для получения подробной информации.
Принятие нового клиентского соединения и создание нового подключенного сокета. Установка блокирующего режима на сокете явным образом после принятия соединения приведет к эффективной работе.
сообщение, таблица с полями «host», «family» и «port».
тип возвращаемого значения:
строка, таблица
Возможные ошибки: в случае ошибки возвращает nil, статус, errno, errstr.
После message_content,message_sender=recvfrom(1) значением message_content может быть строка, которая содержит „X“, а значением message_sender может быть таблица, которая содержит
Ожидание доступности чего-либо для чтения или записи, или до истечения времени ожидания.
„R“, если сокет доступен для чтения, „W“, если сокет доступен для записи, „RW“, если сокет доступен и для чтения, и для записи, „“ (пустая строка), если истекло время ожидания;
Функция sock:name() используется для получения информации о ближней стороне соединения. Если сокет привязан к xyz.com:45, то sock:name вернет информацию о [host:xyz.com,port:45]. Аналогичная функция в POSIX – getsockname().
Таблица со следующими полями: «host», «family», «type», «protocol», «port».
Функция sock:peer() используется для получения информации о дальней стороне соединения. Если TCP-соединение установлено с удаленным хостом tarantool.org:80, то sock:peer() вернет информацию о [host:tarantool.org,port:80]. Аналогичная функция в POSIX – getpeername().
Таблица со следующими полями: «host», «family», «type», «protocol», «port».
Функция socket.iowait() используется для ожидания, пока дескриптор файла не будет активен для чтения или записи.
fd – дескриптор файла
read-or-write-flags – „R“ или 1 = чтение, „W“ или 2 = запись, „RW“ или 3 = чтение|запись.
timeout – количество секунд ожидания
Если значение параметра fd – nil, то будет режим ожидания до истечения времени, указанного в параметре timeout. Если timeout – nil или не указан, время ожидания считается бесконечным.
Как правило, возвращается значение совершенного действия („R“ или „W“, или „RW“, или 1, или 2, или 3). Если время ожидания в timeout проходит без действий чтения или записи, возвращается ошибка = ETIMEDOUT.
Пример: socket.iowait(sock:fd(),'r',1.11)
Функции обертки LuaSocket
The LuaSocket API has functions that are equivalent to the ones described above,
with different names and parameters, for example connect()
rather than tcp_connect(). Tarantool supports these functions so that
third-party packages which depend on them will work.
Проект LuaSocket находится на github. Описание API находится в руководстве по LuaSocket (нажмите на ссылки «введение» и «ссылка» внизу главной страницы руководства).
Для recv и recvfrom: используйте необязательный параметр size, чтобы ограничить количество получаемых байтов. Часто используется заданный размер, такой как 512; но во многих случаях лучше использовать предварительно рассчитанный размер, который зависит от контекста – как формат сообщения или состояние сети. Что касается recvfrom, следует помнить, что размер больше максимального размера полезного блока данных одного пакета (Maximum Transmission Unit) может вызвать низкоэффективную передачу данных. Что касается Mac OS X, следует отметить, что размер можно настроить с помощью sysctlnet.inet.udp.maxdgram.
Если размер size не задан: Tarantool сделает дополнительный вызов для расчет необходимого количества байтов. Такой дополнительный вызов занимает время, поэтому во избежание низкой эффективности лучше указать size.
Если размер size задан: в UDP-сокете лишние байты отбрасываются; в TCP-сокете лишние байты не отбрасываются, их можно получить при следующем вызове.
Использование TCP-сокета в интернете
В данном примере устанавливается соединение по интернету между экземпляром Tarantool и tarantool.org, затем отправляется HTTP-сообщение заголовка «head» и возвращается ответ: «HTTP/1.1200OK» или что-то другое, если сайт перемещен. Так не слишком удобно взаимодействовать с определенным сайтом, но пример показывает работу системы.
Использование сокета с функциями обертки LuaSocket
Это вариант более раннего примера «Использование TCP-подключения через Интернет». В нем используются функции обертки LuaSocket, с слишком коротким временем ожидания, так что, скорее всего, произойдет ошибка «Connection timed out» (Таймаут соединения). Более распространенным способом определения таймаута является использование функции tcp_connect().
Ниже приведен пример с датаграммами. Устанавливается два соединения с (localhost): sock_1 и sock_2. С помощью sock_2 отправляется сообщение на sock_1. С помощью sock_1 получается сообщение. Отображается полученное сообщение. Оба соединения закрываются. Компьютеру так не слишком удобно взаимодействовать с самим собой, но пример показывает работу системы.
Использование tcp_server для получения содержимого файла, отправленного по socat
Ниже приведен пример функции tcp_server, которая читает строки с клиента и выводит результат. На клиентской стороне утилита socat в Linux будет использоваться для отправки целого файла на чтение функции tcp_server.
Запустите две оболочки. Первая оболочка будет экземпляром сервера. Вторая оболочка будет клиентом.
В первой оболочке запустите Tarantool и выполните:
Использовать tcp_server() для ожидания подключения с любого хоста по порту 3302.
Когда это произойдет, ввести цикл, который читает по сокету и выводит результат чтения. Разделителем для функции чтения будет «\n», поэтому каждое выполнение read() выполнит чтение строки до перевода строки, включая перевод строки.
Во второй оболочке создайте файл, который содержит несколько строк. Содержимое не имеет значения. Предположим, что первая строка содержит A, вторая строка содержит B, третья строка содержит C. Назовите этот файл «tmp.txt».
Во второй оболочке используйте утилиту socat для отправки файла tmp.txt на экземпляр сервера по хосту и порту:
$ socatTCP:localhost:3302./tmp.txt
Теперь смотрите, что происходит в первой оболочке. Выводятся строки «A», «B», «C».
Использование tcp_server с handler и prepare
Ниже приведен пример функции tcp_server с использованием handler и prepare.
Запустите две оболочки. Первая оболочка будет экземпляром сервера. Вторая оболочка будет клиентом.
В первой оболочке запустите Tarantool и выполните:
Использовать tcp_server() для ожидания подключения с любого хоста по порту 3302.
Указать, что будет первый вызов prepare, который покажет что-то о сервере, затем вызовет setsockopt(...'SO_REUSEADDR'...) (это та же самая опция, которую Тарантул бы установил, если бы не было prepare), а затем вернет 5 (это довольно низкий размер очереди бэклога).
Указать, что будут вызовы handler по каждому соединению, которые будут отображать что-то о клиенте.
Теперь смотрите, что происходит в первой оболочке. Выведется что-то вроде „listening on socket 12“.
Во второй оболочке запустите Tarantool и выполните:
Теперь смотрите, что происходит на первой оболочке. На дисплее появится что-то вроде „accepted connection from host: family: AF_INET port: 37186“.
Модуль strict
Модуль strict включает в себя функции для включения или отключения строгого режима «strict mode». Когда включен строгий режим, попытка использовать необъявленную глобальную переменную приведет к ошибке. Глобальная переменная считается необъявленной, если ей никогда не было присвоено значение. Часто это указывает на ошибку программирования.
По умолчанию, строгий режим отключен, не считая случаев, когда сборка Tarantool производилась с помощью -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug – см. варианты сборки в разделе сборка из исходников.
tarantool> strict=require('strict')---...tarantool> strict.on()---...tarantool> a=b-- строгий режим включен, поэтому появляется ошибка----error:... variable ''b'' is not declared'...tarantool> strict.off()---...tarantool> a=b-- строгий режим отключен, поэтому ошибки нет---...
Given a string containing pairs of hexadecimal digits, return a string with one byte
for each pair. This is the reverse of string.hex().
The hexadecimal-input-string must contain an even number of hexadecimal digits.
hexadecimal-input-string (string) – string with pairs of hexadecimal digits
string with one byte for each pair of hexadecimal digits
Return the value of the input string, after removing characters on the left.
The optional list-of-characters parameter is a set not a sequence, so
string.lstrip(...,'ABC') does not mean strip 'ABC', it means strip 'A' or 'B' or 'C'.
Return the value of the input string, after removing characters on the right.
The optional list-of-characters parameter is a set not a sequence, so
string.rstrip(...,'ABC') does not mean strip 'ABC', it means strip 'A' or 'B' or 'C'.
Return the value of the input string, after removing characters on the left and the right.
The optional list-of-characters parameter is a set not a sequence, so
string.strip(...,'ABC') does not mean strip 'ABC', it means strip 'A' or 'B' or 'C'.
The swim module contains Tarantool’s implementation of
SWIM – Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership
Protocol. It is recommended for any type of Tarantool cluster where the
number of nodes can be large. Its job is to discover and monitor
the other members in the cluster and keep their information in a «member table».
It works by sending and receiving, in a background event loop, periodically,
via UDP, messages.
Each message has several parts, including:
the ping such as «I am checking whether you are alive»,
the event such as «I am joining»,
the anti-entropy such as «I know that another member exists»,
the payload such as «I or another member could have user-generated data».
The maximum message size is about 1500 bytes.
SWIM sends messages periodically to a random subset of the member table.
SWIM processes replies from those members asynchronously.
Each entry in the member table has:
a status («alive», «suspected», «dead», or «left»).
When a member fails to acknowledge a certain number of pings,
its status is changed from «alive» to «suspected», that is, suspected of being
dead. But SWIM tries to avoid false positives (misidentifying members as dead)
which could happen when a member is overloaded and responds to pings too slowly,
or when there is network trouble and packets can not go through some channels.
When a member is suspected, SWIM randomly chooses other members and sends
requests to them: «please ping this suspected member».
This is called an indirect ping.
Thus via different routes and additional hops the suspected member gets
additional chances to reply, and thus «refute» the suspicion.
Because selection is random there is an even network load of about one message
per member per protocol step, regardless of the cluster size. This is a major
feature of SWIM. Because the protocol depends on members passing information on,
also known as «gossiping», members do not need to broadcast messages to every
member, which would cause a network load of N messages per member per protocol step,
where N is the number of members in the cluster. However, selection is not
entirely random, there is a preference for selecting least-recently-pinged
members, like a round-robin.
Regarding the anti-entropy part of a message: this is necessary for maintaining
the status in entries of the member table.
Consider an example where two members, #1 and #2, are both alive.
No events happen so only pings are being sent periodically.
Then a third member, #3 appears.
It knows about one of the existing members, #2.
How can it discover the other member?
Certainly #1 could notify #2 and #2 could notify #3, but messages go via UDP,
so any notification event can be lost.
However, regular messages containing «ping» and/or «event» also can contain
an «anti-entropy» section,
which is taken from a randomly-chosen part of the member table.
So for this example, #2 will eventually randomly add to a regular message
the anti-entropy note that #1 is alive, and thus #3 will discover #1
even though it did not receive a direct «I am alive» event message from #1.
Regarding the UUID part of an entry in the member table:
this is necessary for stable identification, because UUID changes more
rarely than URI (a combination of IP and port number).
But if the UUID does change,
SWIM will include both the new and old UUID in messages,
so all other members will eventually learn about the new UUID
and change the member table accordingly.
Regarding the payload part of a message:
this is not always necessary, it is a feature
which allows passing user-generated information via SWIM
instead of via node-to-node communication.
The swim module has methods for specifying a «payload», which is arbitrary
user data with a maximum size of about 1.2 KB.
The payload can be anything, and it will be eventually
disseminated over the cluster and available at other members.
Each member can have its own payload.
Messages can be encrypted. Encryption may not be necessary in a closed
network but is necessary for safety if the cluster is on the public Internet.
Users can specify an encryption algorithm, an encryption mode, and a private key.
All parts of all messages (including ping, acknowledgment, event, payload,
URI, and UUID) will be encrypted
with that private key, as well as a random public key generated for each message to
prevent pattern attacks.
In theory the event dissemination speed (the number of hops to pass information
throughout the cluster) is O(log(cluster_size)). For that and other theoretical
information see the Cornell University
which originally described SWIM.
Create a new SWIM instance. A SWIM instance maintains a member
table and interacts with other members.
Multiple SWIM instances can be created in a single Tarantool process.
If cfg is not specified or is nil, then
the new SWIM instance is not bound to a socket
and has nil attributes, so it cannot interact with other
members and only a few methods are valid
until swim_object:cfg() is called.
If cfg is specified, then the effect is the same as
calling s=swim.new()s:cfg(), except for
For configuration description see
The generation part of cfg can only be specified during new(),
it cannot be specified later during cfg().
Generation is part of incarnation.
Usually generation is not specified because the default value
(a timestamp) is sufficient, but if there is reason to mistrust
timestamps (because the time is changed or because the instance
is started on a different machine), then users may say
swim.new({generation=<number>}). In that case the latest
value should be persisted somehow (for example in a file, or in a space,
or in a global service), and the new value must be greater than
any previous value of generation.
cfg (table) – the options to describe instance behavior
The cfg table may have these components:
heartbeat_rate (double) – rate of sending round messages, in seconds.
Setting heartbeat_rate to X does not mean that every member
will be checked every X seconds, instead X is the protocol speed.
Protocol period depends on member count and heartbeat_rate.
Default = 1.
ack_timeout (double) – time in seconds after which a ping is
considered to be unacknowledged. Default = 30.
gc_mode (enum) – dead member collection mode.
If gc_mode=='off' then SWIM never removes dead
members from the member table (though users may remove them
with swim_object:remove_member()), and
SWIM will continue to ping them as if they were alive.
If gc_mode=='on' then SWIM removes dead members
from the member table after one round.
Default = 'on'.
uri (string or number) – either an 'ip:port' address,
or just a port number (if ip is omitted then is
assumed). If port==0, then the kernel will select any free
port for the IP address.
uuid (string or cdata struct tt_uuid) – a value which should
be unique among SWIM instances. Users may choose any value
but the recommendation is: use
the Tarantool instance’s UUID.
All the cfg components are dynamic – swim_object:cfg()
may be called more than once. If it is not being called for
the first time and a component is not specified, then the
component retains its previous value. If it is being called
for the first time then uri and uuid are mandatory, since
a SWIM instance cannot operate without URI and UUID.
swim_object:cfg() is atomic – if there is an error,
then nothing changes.
true if configuration succeeds
nil, err if an error occurred. err is an error object
After swim_object:cfg(), all other swim_object methods are callable.
Expose all non-nil components of the read-only table which was set up
or changed by swim_object:cfg().
Delete a SWIM instance immediately. Its memory is freed,
its member table entry is deleted,
and it can no longer be used.
Other members will treat this member as „dead“.
After swim_object:delete() any attempt to use the
deleted instance will cause an exception to be thrown.
Return false if
a SWIM instance was created via
swim.new() without an optional cfg argument,
and was not configured with swim_object:cfg().
Otherwise return true.
boolean result, true if configured, otherwise false
This is a graceful equivalent of
swim_object:delete() – the instance is
deleted, but before deletion it sends to each member in its
member table a message, that this instance has left the cluster, and
should not be considered dead.
Other instances will mark such a member
in their tables as „left“, and drop it after one round of
Consequences to the caller are the same as after
swim_object:delete() – the instance is no longer usable,
and an error will be thrown if there is an attempt to use it.
This method is useful when a new member is joining
the cluster and does not yet know what members already exist.
In that case it can start interaction explicitly by
adding the details about an already-existing member
into its member table.
Subsequently SWIM will discover other members automatically
via messages from the already-existing member.
Send a ping request to the specified uri address. If another member
is listening at that address, it will receive the ping, and respond with
an ACK (acknowledgment) message containing information such as UUID.
That information will be added to the
member table.
swim_object:probe_member() is similar to
swim_object:add_member(), but it
does not require UUID, and it is not reliable because it uses UDP.
uri (string-or-number) – URI. Format is the same as for uri
in swim_object:cfg().
true if member is pinged
nil, err if an error occurred. err is an error object.
Payload is arbitrary user defined data up to 1200 bytes in size
and disseminated over the cluster. So each cluster member
will eventually learn what is the payload of other members in
the cluster, because it is stored in the member table and can be
queried with swim_member_object:payload().
Different members may have different payloads.
payload (object) – Arbitrary Lua object to disseminate. Set to nil
to remove the payload, in which case it will be eventually removed
on other instances. The object is serialized in
true if payload is set
nil, err if an error occurred. err is an error object
Sometimes a payload does not need to be a Lua object.
For example, a user may already have a well formatted
MessagePack object and just wants to set it as a payload.
Or cdata needs to be exposed.
set_payload_raw allows setting
a payload as is, without MessagePack serialization.
payload (string-or-cdata) – any value
size (number) – Payload size in bytes. If payload is string then size is
optional, and if specified, then should not be larger
than actual payload size. If size is less than
actual payload size, then only the first size
bytes of payload are used. If payload is cdata then
size is mandatory.
true if payload is set
nil, err if an error occurred. err is an error object
algo (string) – encryption algorithm name.
All the names in module crypto are supported:
„aes128“, „aes192“, „aes256“, „des“.
Specify „none“ to disable encryption.
mode (string) – encryption algorithm mode. All the modes in
module crypto are supported: „ecb“, „cbc“, „cfb“, „ofb“.
Default = „cbc“.
key (cdata or string) – a private secret key which is kept
secret and should never be stored hard-coded in source code.
key_size (integer) – size of the key in bytes.
key_size is mandatory if key is cdata.
key_size is optional if key is
string, and if key_size is shorter than than actual key size
then the key is truncated.
All of algo, mode, key, and key_size should be
the same for all SWIM instances, so that members can understand
each others“ messages.
Return a swim member object (of self) from the member table,
or from a cache containing earlier results of swim_object:self() or
swim_object:member_by_uuid() or swim_object:pairs().
Return a swim member object (given UUID) from the member table,
or from a cache containing earlier results of swim_object:self() or
swim_object:member_by_uuid() or swim_object:pairs().
Set up an iterator for returning
swim member objects from the member table,
or from a cache containing earlier results of swim_object:self() or
swim_object:member_by_uuid() or swim_object:pairs().
swim_object:pairs() should be in a „for“ loop, and
there should only be one iterator in operation
at one time. (The iterator is implemented in an extra light fashion so only
one iterator object is available per SWIM instance.)
generator+object+key (varies) – as for any Lua pairs() iterators.
generator function, iterator
object (a swim member object),
and initial key (a UUID).
tarantool> fiber=require('fiber')---...tarantool> swim=require('swim')---...tarantool> s1=swim.new({uri=0,uuid='00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000001',heartbeat_rate=0.1})---...tarantool> s2=swim.new({uri=0,uuid='00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000002',heartbeat_rate=0.1})---...tarantool> s1:add_member({uri=s2:self():uri(),uuid=s2:self():uuid()})----true...tarantool> fiber.sleep(0.2)---...tarantool> s1:self()----uri: {generation = 1569353431853325ULL, version = 1ULL}uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000001payload_size:0...tarantool> s1:member_by_uuid(s1:self():uuid())----uri: {generation = 1569353431853325ULL, version = 1ULL}uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000001payload_size:0...tarantool> s1:member_by_uuid(s2:self():uuid())----uri: {generation = 1569353431865138ULL, version = 1ULL}uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000002payload_size:0...tarantool> t={}---...tarantool> fork,vins1:pairs()dotable.insert(t,{k,v})end---...tarantool> t------00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000002-uri: {generation = 1569353431865138ULL, version = 1ULL}uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000002payload_size:0--00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000001-uri: {generation = 1569353431853325ULL, version = 1ULL}uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000001payload_size:0...
Return payload as a string object. Payload is not decoded. It
is just returned as a string instead of cdata. If payload was
not specified
by swim_object:set_payload() or
by swim_object:set_payload_raw(),
then its size is 0 and nil is returned.
string-object payload, or nil if there is no payload
Since the swim module is a Lua module, a user is likely to use Lua objects
as a payload – tables, numbers, strings etc. And it is natural
to expect that
should return the same object
which was passed into
by another instance.
swim_member_object:payload() tries to interpret payload as MessagePack,
and if that fails then it returns the payload as a string.
swim_member_object:payload() caches its result. Therefore only the first call
actually decodes cdata payload. All following calls return a
pointer to the same result, unless payload is changed with a new
incarnation. If payload was not specified (its size is 0), then nil is
Create an «on_member trigger».
The trigger-function will be executed when a member in the member table is updated.
trigger-function (function) – this will become the trigger function
ctx (cdata) – (optional) this will be passed to trigger-function
nil or function pointer.
The trigger-function should have three parameter declarations
(Tarantool will pass values for them when it invokes the function):
the member which is having the member event,
the event object,
the ctx which will be the same value as what is passed to
A member event is any of:
appearance of a new member,
drop of an existing member, or
update of an existing member.
An event object is an object which the trigger-function
can use for determining what type of member event has happened.
The object’s methods – such as is_new_status(), is_new_uri(),
is_new_incarnation(), is_new_payload(), is_drop() –
return boolean values.
A member event may have more than one associated trigger.
Triggers are executed sequentially.
Therefore if a trigger function causes yields or sleeps,
other triggers may be forced to wait.
However, since trigger execution is done in a separate fiber,
SWIM itself is not forced to wait.
Example of an on-member trigger function:
tarantool> swim = require('swim')
local function on_event(member, event, ctx)
if event:is_new() then
elseif event:is_drop() then
if event:is_update() then
-- All next conditions can be
-- true simultaneously.
if event:is_new_status() then
if event:is_new_uri() then
if event:is_new_incarnation() then
if event:is_new_payload() then
Notice in the above example that the function is ready
for the possibility that multiple events can happen
simultaneously for a single trigger activation.
is_new() and is_drop() can not both be true,
but is_new() and is_update() can both be true,
or is_drop() and is_update() can both be true.
Multiple simultaneous events are especially likely if
there are many events and trigger functions are slow –
in that case, for example, a member might be added
and then updated after a while, and then after a while
there will be a single trigger activation.
Also: is_new() and is_new_payload() can both be true.
This case is not due to trigger functions that are slow.
It occurs because «omitted payload» and «size-zero payload»
are not the same thing. For example: when a ping is received,
a new member might be added, but ping messages do not include
payload. The payload will appear later in a different message.
If that is important for the application, then the function
should not assume when is_new() is true that the member
already has a payload, and should not assume that payload size
says something about the payload’s presence or absence.
Also: functions should not assume that is_new() and is_drop()
will always be seen.
If a new member appears but then is dropped before its appearance has
caused a trigger activation, then there will be no trigger
is_new_generation() will be true if the generation part
of incarnation changes.
is_new_version() will be true if the version part
of incarnation changes.
is_new_incarnation() will be true if either the generation part
or the version part of incarnation changes.
For example a combination of these methods can be used within a
user-defined trigger to check whether a process has restarted,
or a member has changed …
swim = require('swim')
s = swim.new()
s:on_member_event(function(m, e)
if e:is_new_incarnation() then
if e:is_new_generation() then
-- Process restart.
if e:is_new_version() then
-- Process version update. It means
-- the member is somehow changed.
This is a variation of on_member_event(new-trigger,[,ctx]).
The additional parameter is old-trigger.
Instead of adding the new-trigger at the end of a
list of triggers, this function will replace the entry in
the list of triggers that matches old-trigger.
The position within a list may be important because
triggers are activated sequentially starting
with the first trigger in the list.
The old-trigger value should be the value returned by
Return the list of on-member triggers.
SWIM internals
The SWIM internals section is not necessary for programmers who wish to use the SWIM module,
it is for programmers who wish to change or replace the SWIM module.
The SWIM wire protocol is open, will be backward compatible in case of
any changes, and can be implemented by users who wish to simulate their
own SWIM cluster members because they use another language than Lua,
or another environment unrelated to Tarantool.
The protocol is encoded as
The Initial vector section appears only when encryption
is enabled. This section contains a public key. For example,
for AES algorithms it is a 16-byte initial vector stored as is. When
no encryption is used, the section size is 0.
The later sections (Meta and Protocol Logic) are encrypted as one
big data chunk if encryption is enabled.
The Meta section handles routing and protocol versions compatibility. It
works at the „transport“ level of the SWIM protocol, and is always present.
Keys in the meta section are:
SWIM_META_TARANTOOL_VERSION – mandatory field. Tarantool sets
here its version as a 3 byte integer:
1 byte for major,
1 byte for minor,
1 byte for patch.
For example, Tarantool version 2.1.3 would
be encoded like this: (((2<<8)|1)<<8)|3;. This field
will be used to support multiple versions of the protocol.
source IP address and port. IP is encoded as 4 bytes.
«xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx» where each „xxx“ is encoding of one byte. Port is encoded
as an integer. Example of how to encode «»:
SWIM_META_ROUTING subsection – not mandatory.
Responsible for packet forwarding. Used by SWIM
suspicion mechanism. Read about suspicion in the SWIM paper.
If this subsection is present then the following fields are
IP address and port) (should be an address of the
message originator (can differ from
IP address and port, for the message’s final destination).
If a message was sent indirectly with the help of SWIM_META_ROUTING,
then the reply should be sent back by the same route.
For an example of how SWIM uses routing for indirect pings …
Assume there are 3 nodes: S1, S2, S3. S1 sends a message to
S3 via S2. The following steps are executed in order to
deliver the message:
S2 receives the message and sees that routing.dst is not equal to S2,
so it is a foreign packet. S2 forwards the packet to S3 preserving all the
data including body and routing sections.
S2 -> S3
S3 receives the message and sees that routing.dst is equal to S3,
so the message is delivered. If S3 wants to answer, it sends a
response via the same proxy. It knows that the message was
delivered from S2, so it sends an answer via S2.
The Protocol logic section handles SWIM logical protocol steps and actions.
SWIM_SRC_UUID – mandatory field. SWIM uses UUID as a unique
identifier of a member, not IP/port. This field stores UUID of
sender. Its type is MP_BIN. Size is always 16 bytes. UUID is
encoded in host byte order, no bswaps are needed.
Following SWIM_SRC_UUID there are four possible subsections:
Any or all of these subsections may be present.
A connector should be ready to handle any combination.
SWIM_FAILURE_DETECTION subsection – describes a ping or ACK.
In the SWIM_FAILURE_DETECTION subsection are:
SWIM_FD_MSG_TYPE (0 is ping, 1 is ack);
SWIM_DISSEMINATION subsection – a list of
changed cluster members. It may include only a subset of changed
cluster members if there are too many changes to fit into one UDP packet.
SWIM_MEMBER_ADDRESS and SWIM_MEMBER_PORT (mandatory) member IP and port;
SWIM_MEMBER_UUID (mandatory) (member UUID);
SWIM_MEMBER_GENERATION + SWIM_MEMBER_VERSION (mandatory) (the member incarnation);
SWIM_MEMBER_PAYLOAD (not mandatory) (member payload)
(MessagePack type is MP_BIN).
Note that absence of SWIM_MEMBER_PAYLOAD means nothing -
it is not the same as a payload with zero size.
SWIM_ANTI_ENTROPY subsection – a helper for the
dissemination. It contains all the same fields as the
dissemination sub, but all of them are mandatory, including
payload even when payload size is 0. Anti-entropy eventually
spreads changes which for any reason are not spread by the dissemination.
SWIM_QUIT subsection – statement that the sender has left the
cluster gracefully, for example via swim_object:quit(),
and should not be considered dead. Sender
status should be changed to „left“.
In the SWIM_QUIT subsection are:
SWIM_QUIT_GENERATION + SWIM_QUIT_VERSION (the sender incarnation).
The incarnation is a 128-bit cdata value which is part of
each member’s configuration and is present in most messages.
It has two parts: generation and version.
Generation is persistent. By default it has the number of
microseconds since the epoch (compare the value returned by
clock_realtime64()). Optionally a user
can set generation during new().
Version is volatile. It is initially 0.
It is incremented automatically every time that a change occurs.
The incarnation, or sometimes the version alone,
is useful for deciding to ignore obsolete messages,
for updating a member’s attributes on remote nodes,
and for refuting messages that say a member is dead.
If the member’s incarnation is less than the locally stored incarnation,
then the message is obsolete.
This can happen because UDP allows reordering and duplication.
If the member’s incarnation in a message is greater than the locally stored incarnation,
then most of its attributes (IP,
port, status) should be updated with the values received in the message.
However, the payload attribute should not be updated
unless it is present in the message. Because of its relatively large size,
payload is not always included in every message.
Refutation usually happens when a false-positive failure
detection has happened. In such a case the member thought to be
dead receives that information from other members, increases its own
incarnation, and spreads a message saying the member is
alive (a «refutation»).
Note: in the original version of Tarantool SWIM, and in the original
SWIM specification, there is no generation and the incarnation consists
of only the version. Generation was added because it is useful for
detecting obsolete messages left over from a previous life of an instance
that has restarted.
Размещение содержимого введенной таблицы в отсортированном порядке.
В базовой сортировке в Lua, table.sort, есть функция сравнения, которая используется по умолчанию: function(a,b)returna<bend.
Эта стандартная функция эффективна. Однако иногда пользователям Tarantool может понадобиться эквивалент table.sort со следующими функциями:
If the table contains nils, except nils at the end, the results must still be correct.
That is not the case with the default tarantool_sort, and it cannot
be fixed by making a comparison that checks whether a and b are nil.
(Before trying certain Internet suggestions, test with
If strings are to be sorted in a language-aware way, there must be a
parameter for collation.
If the table has a mix of types, then they must be sorted as
booleans, then numbers, then strings, then byte arrays.
Поскольку все эти функции доступны в спейсах Tarantool, решение простое: создайте временный спейс в Tarantool, поместите в него содержимое таблицы, извлеките из него кортежи по порядку и перезапишите таблицу.
Тогда tarantool_sort() сделает то же самое, что и table.sort, но с этими дополнительными функциями. Это не быстрый способ, который требует прав на базу данных, поэтому его следует использовать только при необходимости дополнительных функций.
For example, suppose tablet={1,'A',-88.3,nil,true,'b','B',nil,'À'}.
After tarantool_sort(t,'unicode_ci')t contains {nil,nil,true,-88.3,1,'A','À','b','B'}.
Модуль tap
Общие сведения
The tap module streamlines the testing of other modules. It allows writing
of tests in the TAP protocol.
The results from the tests can be parsed by standard TAP-analyzers so they can be passed to utilities such as
Thus, one can run tests and then use the results for statistics, decision-making, and
so on.
Результатом tap.test является объект, который будет называться taptest в ходе данного разбора, что необходимо для taptest:plan() и всех остальных методов.
test-name (string) – произвольное имя для результата теста.
Выведенный результат будет включать в себя сообщение: #badplan:..., если количество выполненных тестов не равно количеству тестов, указанному в taptest:plan(...). (Это собственная функция Tarantool: сообщения типа «bad plan» не входят в стандарт TAP13.)
Такую проверку следует проводить только по завершении всех запланированных тестов, поэтому как правило, taptest:check() появится лишь в конце скрипта. Тем не менее, в качестве расширения Tarantool, taptest:check() может появиться в начале любого подтеста. Таким образом, проверка появится в трех случаях:
при вызове taptest:check() в конце скрипта,
при вызове функции, которая заканчивается вызовом taptest:check(),
или при вызове taptest:test(„…“, имя-функции-подтеста), где функция подтеста не обязана заканчиваться на taptest:check(), поскольку ее можно вызвать по окончании подтеста.
Это базовая функция, которая используется другими функциями. В зависимости от условия condition, выводится „ok“ или „not ok“ вместе с отладочной информацией. Отображается сообщение.
condition (boolean) – выражение, которое либо true (правда), либо false (ложь)
Set taptest.strict=true if taptest:is()
and taptest:isnt()
and taptest:is_deeply()
must be compared strictly with nil.
Set taptest.strict=false if nil and box.NULL both have the same effect.
The default is false.
For example, if and only if taptest.strict=true has happened,
then taptest:is_deeply({a=box.NULL},{})
will return false.
Since v. 2.8.3, taptest.strict is inherited in all subtests:
t=require('tap').test('123')t.strict=truet:is_deeply({a=box.NULL},{})-- falset:test('subtest',function(t)t:is_deeply({a=box.NULL},{})-- also falseend)
Для выполнения данного примера поместите скрипт в файл под названием ./tap.lua, затем сделайте tap.lua выполняемым файлом с помощью команды chmoda+x./tap.lua, а затем выполните его, используя Tarantool в качестве обработчика скриптов после выполнения команды ./tap.lua.
#!/usr/bin/tarantoollocaltap=require('tap')test=tap.test("my test name")test:plan(2)test:ok(2*2==4,"2 * 2 is 4")test:test("some subtests for test2",function(test)test:plan(2)test:is(2+2,4,"2 + 2 is 4")test:isnt(2+3,4,"2 + 3 is not 4")end)test:check()
Результатом вышеприведенного скрипта будет примерно следующее:
TAP version 131..2ok - 2 * 2 is 4
# Some subtests for test2
ok - 2 + 2 is 4,
ok - 2 + 3 is not 4
# Some subtests for test2: end
ok - some subtests for test2
Модуль tarantool
Выполнив команду require('tarantool'), можно получить ответы на вопросы о том, как был собран Tarantool-сервер, например, какие флаги были использованы, или какая версия компилятора использовалась.
Кроме того, можно проверить время работы и версию сервера, а также идентификатор процесса. Эту информацию также можно получить с помощью box.info(), но рекомендуется использовать модуль tarantool.
Encode a string using the specified encoding options.
By default, uri.escape() uses encoding options defined by the uri.RFC3986 table.
If required, you can customize encoding options using the uri_encoding_opts optional parameter, for example:
Pass the predefined set of options targeted for encoding a specific URI part (for example, uri.PATH or uri.QUERY).
Decode a string using the specified encoding options.
By default, uri.escape() uses encoding options defined by the uri.RFC3986 table.
If required, you can customize encoding options using the uri_encoding_opts optional parameter, for example:
Pass the predefined set of options targeted for encoding a specific URI part (for example, uri.PATH or uri.QUERY).
Encoding options that use unreserved symbols defined in RFC 3986.
These are default options used to encode and decode using the uri.escape()
and uri.unescape() functions, respectively.
Specify a Lua pattern defining unreserved symbols that are not encoded.
тип возвращаемого значения:
Модуль utf8
Общие сведения
utf8 – это модуль Tarantool для обработки строк в формате UTF-8. Он содержит некоторые функции, которые совместимы с функциями Lua 5.3, но возможности Tarantool намного больше. Например, поскольку Tarantool включает в себя полную копию библиотеки Международных компонентов для Юникода («International Components For Unicode»), доступны также функции сравнения, которые понимают упорядочение символов в кириллице (заглавная буква Ж = строчная буква ж) и японском языке (A в хирагане = A в катакане).
-1 означает «меньше», 0 означает «равно», +1 означает «больше»
тип возвращаемого значения:
Сравнение двух строк с Таблицей сортировки символов Юникода по умолчанию (DUCET) для Алгоритма сортировки по Юникоду (Unicode Collation Algorithm). В результате „å“ меньше, чем „B“, хотя значение кодовой точки å (229) больше значения кодовой точки B (66), поскольку алгоритм основывается на значениях Таблица сортировки символов, а не на значениях кодовых точек.
Сравнение осуществляется на основании основного веса. Таким образом, не учитываются элементы, которые влияют на вторичный или последующий вес (такие как «регистр» в латинице или кириллице, или «отличия каны» в японском языке). Если спросить: «Это похоже на сортировку без учета регистра и ударения от компании Майкрософт?» - ответом будет: «Скорее да», хотя Алгоритм сортировки по Юникоду гораздо сложнее, чем это описание.
number (code-point) – значение кодовой точки в Юникоде, повторяется
строка в UTF-8
тип возвращаемого значения:
Число кодовой точки – это значение, которое соответствует символу в Базе данных символов Юникода This is not the same as the byte values of the encoded character, because the UTF-8 encoding scheme is more complex than a simple copy of the code-point number.
Другой способ создать строку с символами Юникода – с помощью механизма экранирования символов \u{шестнадцатеричные-числа}, например, в результате и „\u{41}\u{42}“, и utf8.char(65,66) получим строку „AB“.
-1 означает «меньше», 0 означает «равно», +1 означает «больше»
тип возвращаемого значения:
Сравнение двух строк с Таблицей сортировки символов Юникода по умолчанию (DUCET) для Алгоритма сортировки по Юникоду (Unicode Collation Algorithm). В результате „å“ меньше, чем „B“, хотя значение кодовой точки å (229) больше значения кодовой точки B (66), поскольку алгоритм основывается на значениях Таблица сортировки символов, а не на значениях кода.
Сравнение осуществляется на основании не менее трех значений веса. Таким образом, не учитываются элементы, которые влияют на вторичный или последующий вес (такие как «регистр» в латинице или кириллице, или «отличия каны» в японском языке), а верхний регистр следует за нижним.
string-or-number (UTF8-character) – отдельный символ UTF8, выраженный в виде однобайтной строки или значения кодовой точки
true (правда) или false (ложь)
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean (логический)
Возврат true (правда), если введенный символ является буквенным, в остальных случаях – false (ложь). В целом, символ считается буквенным, если он используется в рамках слова, а не как число или знак пунктуации. Такой символ необязательно должен быть буквой алфавита.
integer (end-byte) – позиция байта первого символа
integer – позиция байта для остановки
количество символов в строке или же от начала до конца
тип возвращаемого значения:
Позиции байта в начале и в конце могут быть отрицательными, что указывает на отсчет с конца строки, а не с начала.
Если строка содержит последовательность байтов, которая неприменима для UTF-8, каждый байт в неправильной последовательности будет считаться за один символ.
UTF-8 представляет собой схему кодирования изменяемого размера. Как правило, одна буква латиницы занимает один байт, буква кириллицы занимает два байта, а символ из китайского или японского языка занимает три байта, максимальный размер – четыре байта.
integer (start-byte) – позиция байта внутри строки, с которой начать выполнение, по умолчанию = 1
позиция байта следующего символа и значение кодовой точки следующего символа
тип возвращаемого значения:
Функция next часто используется в цикле для получения символа за раз из строки в формате UTF-8.
В строке „åa“ первый символ – „å“, он начинается в позиции 1, занимает два байта, поэтому символ после него будет на позиции 3, значение кодовой точки в Юникоде (десятичное) – 229.
tarantool> -- показать позицию следующего символа + кодовую точку первого символаtarantool> utf8.next('åa',1)----3-229...tarantool> -- (цикл) показать кодовую точку каждого символаtarantool> forposition,codepointinutf8.next,'åa'doprint(codepoint)end22997...
UUID означает универсальный уникальный идентификатор. Если приложение требует, чтобы значение было уникальным в рамках одной машины или одной БД, лучше использовать простой счетчик, а не UUID. Это связано с тем, что получать UUID-значения времязатратно и требует системного вызова. Используйте UUID для кластеров машин и крупных распределенных приложений. Tarantool генерирует UUID-значения по варианту 1 версии 4 правил, определенных в RFC 4122.
Справочник по API
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций и элементов модуля uuid.
Since version 2.4.1.
Create a UUID sequence. You can use it in an index over a
UUID field.
For example, to create such index for a space named test, say:
Значение UUID из одних нулей может быть выражено как uuid.NULL или uuid.fromstr('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'). Сравнение со значением из одних нулей также может быть выражено как uuid_with_type_cdata==uuid.NULL.
true (правда), если значение состоит из одних нулей, в противном случае false (ложь).
The varbinary module provides functions for operating variable-length binary
objects in Lua. It provides functions for creating varbinary objects, checking their type,
and also defines basic operators on such objects.
For example:
localvarbinary=require('varbinary')-- Create a varbinary objectlocalbin=varbinary.new('data')localbin_hex=varbinary.new('\xFF\xFE')-- Check whether a value is a varbinary objectvarbinary.is(bin)-- truevarbinary.is(bin_hex)-- truevarbinary.is(100)-- falsevarbinary.is('data')-- false-- Check varbinary objects equalityprint(bin==varbinary.new('data'))-- trueprint(bin=='data')-- trueprint(bin~='data1')-- trueprint(bin_hex~='\xFF\xFE')-- false-- Check varbinary objects lengthprint(#bin)-- 4print(#bin_hex)-- 2-- Print string representationprint(tostring(bin))-- data
Encoding varbinary objects
varbinary objects preserve their binary type when encoded by the built-in MsgPack
and YAML encoders. See the difference with strings:
The built-in decoders also decode binary data fields (fields with the
binary tag in YAML and the MP_BIN type in MsgPack) to varbinary
objects by default:
This behavior is different from what it was before Tarantool 3.0.
In earlier versions, such fields were decoded to plain strings.
To return to this behavior, use the compat option
API Reference
Below is a list of varbinary functions, properties, and related objects.
Check that the given object is a varbinary object.
object (object) – an object to check
Whether the given object is of varbinary type
localbin=varbinary.new('data')localbin_hex=varbinary.new('\xFF\xFE')-- Check whether a value is a varbinary objectvarbinary.is(bin)-- truevarbinary.is(bin_hex)-- truevarbinary.is(100)-- falsevarbinary.is('data')-- false
Checks the equality of two varbinary objects or a varbinary object and a string.
A varbinary object equals to another varbinary object or a string if it
contains the same data.
Defines the == and ~= operators for varbinary objects.
Set values affecting the behavior of encode and decode functions.
The values are all either integers or boolean true/false.
Значение по умолчанию
A flag saying whether to enable encoding
of NaN and Inf numbers
Precision of floating point numbers
A flag saying whether the serializer will
follow __serialize
metatable field
A flag saying whether to use
tostring() for unknown types
A flag saying whether to use NULL for
non-recognized types
A flag saying whether to handle
excessively sparse arrays as maps.
See detailed description
1/encode_sparse_ratio is the
permissible percentage of missing values
in a sparse array
A limit ensuring that small Lua arrays
are always encoded as sparse arrays
(instead of generating an error or
encoding as map)
A flag saying whether to enable decoding
of NaN and Inf numbers
A flag saying whether to set metatables
for all arrays and maps
Sparse arrays features:
During encoding, The YAML encoder tries to classify table into one of four kinds:
Map: at least one table index is not unsigned integer.
Regular array: all array indexes are available.
Sparse array: at least one array index is missing.
Excessively sparse array: the number of values missing exceeds the configured ratio.
An array is excessively sparse when all the following conditions are met:
encode_sparse_ratio > 0
max(table) > encode_sparse_safe
max(table) > count(table) * encode_sparse_ratio
The YAML encoder will never consider an array to be excessively sparse
when encode_sparse_ratio=0. The encode_sparse_safe limit ensures
that small Lua arrays are always encoded as sparse arrays.
By default, attempting to encode an excessively sparse array will
generate an error. If encode_sparse_convert is set to true,
excessively sparse arrays will be handled as maps.
yaml.cfg() example 1:
The following code will encode 0/0 as NaN («not a number»)
and 1/0 as Inf («infinity»), rather than returning nil or an error message:
To avoid generating errors on attempts to encode unknown data types as
userdata/cdata, you can use this code:
tarantool> httpc=require('http.client').new()---...tarantool> yaml.encode(httpc.curl)----error:unsupported Lua type 'userdata'...tarantool> yaml.encode(httpc.curl,{encode_use_tostring=true})----'"userdata:0x010a4ef2a0"'...
To achieve the same effect for only one call to yaml.encode()
(i.e. without changing the configuration permanently), you can use
Similar configuration settings exist for JSON and MsgPack.
All the Tarantool modules are, at some level, inside a package which,
appropriately, is named package. There are also miscellaneous functions
and variables which are outside all modules.
Конвертация строки или Lua-числа в 64-битное целое число. Входное значение может быть выражено десятичным, двоичным (например, 0b1010) или шестнадцатеричным (например, -0xffff) числом. Результат может использоваться в арифметике, причем скорее в 64-битной целочисленной арифметике, а не в арифметике в системе с плавающей запятой. (Операции с неконвертированными Lua-числами выполняются в арифметике в системе с плавающей запятой.) Функция tonumber64() в Tarantool является глобальной.
There is an underlying LuaJIT
library that operates with C rules.
Therefore you should expect odd results
if you compare unsigned and signed (for example 0ULL > -1LL is false),
or if you use numbers outside the 64-bit integer range
(for example 9223372036854775808LL is negative).
Also you should be aware that type(number-literal-ending-in-ULL)
is cdata, not a Lua arithmetic type, which prevents
direct use with some functions in Lua libraries such as math.
See the LuaJIT reference
and look for the phrase «64 bit integer arithmetic».
and the phrase «64 bit integer comparison».
Or see the comments on
Анализ и выполнение произвольного Lua-кода. Данная функция используется преимущественно для определения и выполнения Lua-кода без необходимости внесения изменений в глобальное Lua-окружение.
lua-chunk-string-argument (lua-value) – ноль или другие скалярные значения, которые заменяются или к которым прибавляются значения.
то, что возвращает Lua-код.
Возможные ошибки: Ошибка компиляции появляется как Lua-ошибка.
tarantool> dostring('abc')---error:'[string"abc"]:1:''=''expectednear''<eof>'''...tarantool> dostring('return 1')----1...tarantool> dostring('return ...','hello','world')----hello-world...tarantool> dostring([[ > local f = function(key) > local t = box.space.tester:select{key} > if t ~= nil then > return t[1] > else > return nil > end > end > return f(...)]],1)----null...
Show Lua or C modules loaded by Tarantool, so that their functions and members are available.
loaded shows both pre-loaded modules and modules added using the require() directive.
Return the current search root, which defines the path to the root directory from which dependencies are loaded.
By default, the search root is the current directory.
In this case, modules are placed in the same directory as the application initialization file.
If you run the application using the tarantool command from the myapp directory, …
/home/testuser/myapp$ tarantool init.lua
… the search root is /home/testuser/myapp and Tarantool finds all modules in this directory automatically.
This means that to load the foo and modules.bar modules in init.lua, you only need to add the corresponding require directives:
Set the search root, which defines the path to the root directory from which dependencies are loaded.
By default, the search root is the current directory (see package.searchroot()).
search-root (string) – a relative or absolute path to the search root. If search-root is a relative path, it is expanded to an absolute path. You can omit this argument or set it to box.NULL to reset the search root to the current directory.
Suppose external modules are stored outside the application directory, for example:
The table below lists some popular errors that can be raised by Tarantool in case of various issues.
You can find a complete list of errors in the
errcode.h file.
The box.error module provides the ability to get the information about the last error raised by Tarantool or raise custom errors manually.
box.error value
(Репликация) Экземпляр сервера не может вносить изменения в данные, если он не является мастером.
Нехватка оперативной памяти: достижение предела памяти memtx_memory.
Failed to write to disk. May mean: failed to record a change in the write-ahead log.
Can’t modify data on a read-only instance.
Key part count is not the same as index part count.
Указанный спейс отсутствует.
Указанного индекса нет в указанном спейсе.
Возникла ошибке в Lua-процедуре.
При создании нового файбера был достигнут предел рекурсии. Обычно это указывает на то, что хранимая процедура слишком часто рекурсивно вызывает себя.
Возникла ошибка во время обновления поля.
В уникальном индексе есть повторяющийся ключ.
Обработка ошибок
Ниже представлены несколько процедур для более надежного вызова Lua-функций в случае ошибок, в частности, ошибок базы данных.
Invoke a function using pcall.
Take advantage of Lua’s mechanisms for Error handling and exceptions, particularly pcall.
That is, instead of invoking with …
… call the function as follows:
if pcall(box.space.{space-name}.{function-name}, box.space.{space-name}) ...
For some Tarantool box functions, pcall also returns error details,
including a file-name and line-number within Tarantool’s source code.
This can be seen by unpacking, for example:
Examine errors and raise new errors using box.error.
To make a new error and pass it on, the box.error module provides
To find the last error, the box.error submodule provides
There is also a way to find
the text of the last operating-system error for certain functions –
Запись в журнал.
Записывайте сообщения в журнал с помощью модуля log.
Filter automatically generated messages using the
log configuration parameter.
Generally, for Tarantool built-in functions which are designed to return objects:
the result is an object, or nil, or a Lua error.
For example consider the fio_read.lua program in a cookbook:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocalfio=require('fio')localerrno=require('errno')localf=fio.open('/tmp/xxxx.txt',{'O_RDONLY'})ifnotfthenerror("Failed to open file: "..errno.strerror())endlocaldata=f:read(4096)f:close()print(data)
After a function call that might fail, like fio.open() above,
it is common to see syntax like ifnotfthen...
or iff==nilthen..., which check
for common failures. But if there had been a syntax
error, for example fio.opex instead of fio.open, then
there would have been a Lua error and f would not have
been changed. If checking for such an obvious error
had been a concern, the programmer would probably have
used pcall().
Все функции в модулях Tarantool должны работать таким образом, если в руководстве явно не говорится об обратном.
Средства отладки
Общие сведения
Пользователи Tarantool могут воспользоваться преимуществами встроенных средств отладки, которые составляют часть:
Lua (библиотека отладки, см. подробное описание ниже) и
Библиотека debug предоставляет интерфейс для отладки Lua-программ. Все функции этой библиотеки содержатся в таблице debug. В функциях для работы с потоками есть дополнительный первый параметр, в котором указывается необходимый поток. По умолчанию, это всегда текущий поток.
Библиотеку следует использовать только для отладки и профилирования, а не в качестве программного средства, поскольку данные функции выполняются слишком долго. Кроме того, некоторые из этих функций могут привести к нарушению работы безопасного в других отношениях кода.
Ниже приведен перечень всех функций библиотеки debug.
Вход в интерактивный режим и выполнение каждой строки, которую печатает пользователь. Пользователь может, в частности, проверять глобальные и локальные переменные, изменять их значения и вычислять выражения.
Введите cont для выхода из данной функции, чтобы вызывающий клиент мог продолжить выполнение.
Команды для debug.debug() не вложены лексически в какую-либо функцию, поэтому у них нет прямого доступа к локальным переменным.
function – функция, по которой будет получена информация
what (string) – какую информацию о функции function вернуть
таблица с информацией о функции function
Можно передать функцию function напрямую или же передать число, которое указывает на функцию, выполняемую на уровне function стека вызовов данного потока thread: уровень 0 – это текущая функция (сама функция getinfo()), уровень 1 – это функция, которая вызвала getinfo(), и т.д. Если для функции function указано число больше числа активных функций, getinfo() вернет nil.
По умолчанию, what – это вся доступная информация, кроме таблицы допустимых строк. Если задать опцию f, добавится поле под названием func с самой функцией. Если задать опцию L, добавится поле под названием activelines с таблицей доступных строк.
имя и значение локальной переменной с индексом local функции на уровне level стека или nil, если нет локальной переменной с указанным индексом; появится ошибка, если уровень level вне диапазона
Можно вызвать debug.getinfo() для проверки доступности уровня.
Определение данной функции в качестве ловушки. При вызове без аргументов ловушка отключается.
hook (function) – функция, которая будет определена в качестве ловушки
mask (string) – описание того, когда будет вызвана ловушка hook; может принимать следующие значения: * c – ловушка``hook`` вызывается каждый раз, когда Lua вызывает функцию * r – ловушка hook вызывается каждый раз, когда Lua возвращается из функции * l – ловушка hook вызывается каждый раз, когда Lua переходит на новую строку кода
count (number) – описание того, когда будет вызвана ловушка hook; если отличается от нуля, ловушка hook вызывается после каждой инструкции count.
level (number) – the level of the call stack which should contain the path
(default is 2)
a string with the relative path to the source file directory
Instead of debug.sourcedir() one can say debug.__dir__ which means the same thing.
Determining the real path to a directory is only possible
if the function was defined in a Lua file (this restriction
may not apply for loadstring()
since Lua will store the entire string in debug info).
If debug.sourcedir() is part of a return argument,
then it should be inside parentheses: return(debug.sourcedir()).
level (number) – the level of the call stack which should contain the path
(default is 2)
a string with the relative path to the source file
Instead of debug.sourcefile() one can say debug.__file__ which means the same thing.
Determining the real path to a file is only possible
if the function was defined in a Lua file (this restriction
may not apply to loadstring() since Lua will store the
entire string in debug info).
If debug.sourcefile() is part of a return argument,
then it should be inside parentheses: return(debug.sourcefile()).
message (string) – необязательное сообщение, добавленное к началу обратной трассировки
level (number) – указывает на каком уровне начинать обратную трассировку (по умолчанию, 1)
строка с обратной трассировкой стека вызовов
Debug example:
Make a file in the /tmp directory named example.lua, containing:
function w()
Execute tarantool/tmp/example.lua. Expect to see this:
stack traceback:
/tmp/example.lua:4: in function 'w'
/tmp/example.lua:7: in main chunk
Общие сведения
Since version 2.3, Tarantool supports JSON path updates.
You can update or upsert formatted tuple /
space /
fields by name (not only by field number). Updates of nested structures are also supported.
Обратите внимание, что имена полей, которые выглядят как JSON-пути, обрабатываются аналогично доступу к полям кортежа через JSON: сначала весь путь интерпретируется как имя поля; если такого имени не существует, то оно обрабатывается как путь.
Например, для имя поля field.name.like.json, это обновление
обновит именно это поле целиком, а не ключи field -> name -> like -> json. Если это имя нужно вам как часть большего пути, то его нужно обернутьв кавычки "" или квадратные скобки []:
Операция '!' не может быть использована для создания всех промежуточных узлов пути.Например, {'!','field1[1].field3',...} не может создать поля 'field1' и '[1]', они должны существовать.
Операция '#', при применении к ассоциативным массивам, не может удалить сразу несколько ключей. Поэтому для ассоциативных массивов ее аргумент всегда должен быть 1.
{'#','field1.field2',1} – разрешено;
{'#','field1.field2',10} – не разрешено.
Это ограничение возникает из-за проблемы, что ключи на ассоциативном массиве все равно не упорядочены, а '#' с более чем 1 ключом приведет к неопределенному поведению.
Операция '!' на ассоциативных массивах не может создать ключ, если он уже существует.
Если ассоциативный массив содержит нестроковые ключи (булеаны, цифры, ассоциативные массивы, массивы - все что угодно), то эти ключи не могут быть обновлены с помощью JSON-путей. Но в таком ассоциативном массиве все равно разрешено обновлять строковые ключи.
Почему обновления с помощью JSON-путей хороши, и их следует предпочитать, когда нужно обновить только часть кортежа:
Они расходуют меньше места в WAL, потому что для обновления хранятся только ключи, операции и аргументы. Обновление одного труднодоступного поля дешевле, чем обновление всего кортежа.
Они быстрее. Во-первых, это потому, что они реализованы на C, и у них нет проблем с Lua GC и динамическим набором текста. Во-вторых, некоторые случаи использования JSON-путей хорошо оптимизированы. Например, обновление одним JSON-путем стоит O(1) памяти, независимо от того, насколько глубоко этот путь проходит (не считая аргументов обновления).
Они доступны с удаленных клиентов, а также с любого другого DML. До того, как обновления с помощью JSON-путей стали доступны в Tarantool, чтобы обновить одну глубокую часть кортежа, нужно было скачать этот кортеж, обновить его в памяти и отправить обратно — 2 сетевых хопа. Если применяются JSON-пути, обновление может быть описано в путях и занять 1 хоп.
Справочник по сторонним библиотекам
В данном справочнике описаны сторонние Lua-модули для Tarantool.
For Tarantool Enterprise modules, see the
Tarantool EE documentation.
Модуль membership
Этот модуль представляет собой библиотеку membership для Tarantool на основе протокола gossip.
Эта библиотека создает сеть из нескольких экземпляров Tarantool. Сеть сама контролирует себя, помогает участникам обнаружить всех остальных в группе и получать уведомления об изменениях своего статуса с низкой задержкой. Модуль основан на концепциях из Consul или, точнее, алгоритма SWIM.
Модуль membership работает по протоколу UDP и может производить операции даже до инициализации box.cfg.
Структура членов данных
Члены-данные представлены в виде таблиц со следующими полями:
uri (строка) – это унифицированный идентификатор ресурса.
status (строка) – это строка, которая принимает одно из следующих значений.
alive: член группы, который отвечает на сообщения проверки связи, работоспособен в статусе alive.
suspect: если какой-либо член группы не может получить ответ от какого-либо другого участника, первый член группы просит трех других активных членов группы в статусе alive отправить сообщение проверки связи соответствующему участнику. Если ответа нет, последний получает статус сомнительного, то есть suspect.
dead: член группы в статусе suspect получает статус вышедшего из строя dead по истечении времени ожидания.
left: член группы получает статус выбывшего left после выполнения функции leave().
Протокол gossip гарантирует, что каждый член группы узнает о любом изменении статуса в двух циклах связи.
incarnation (число) – это значение, которое увеличивается каждый раз, когда экземпляр получает статус suspect, dead или обновляет полезную нагрузку.
payload (таблица) – это вспомогательные данные, которыми могут воспользоваться различные модули.
timestamp (число) – это значение fiber.time64(), которое:
соответствует последнему обновлению параметра status или incarnation;
всегда локально;
не зависит от настроек часов других членов группы.
Инициализация модуля membership. Привязывает UDP-сокет к<port>, задает значение параметра advertise_uri = <advertise_host>:<port> (передаваемый хост, порт) и значение параметра incarnation = 1.
Функцию init() можно вызвать несколько раз, старый сокет будет закрыт, откроется новый сокет.
Если значение параметра advertise_uri изменится во время очередного выполнения init(), старый URI считается недоступным со статусом DEAD. Чтобы корректно исключить члена из группы, используйте функцию leave().
advertise_host (string) – имя хоста или IP-адрес, передаваемый другим членам группы
Добавление в группу члена с указанным URI и передача информации об этом событии другим членам группы. Достаточно добавить члена группы в один экземпляр, так как все остальные экземпляры в группе со временем получат информацию об этом. Не имеет значения, кто кого добавляет.
uri (string) – параметр advertise_uri добавляемого члена группы
true (правда) или нулевое значение nil в случае ошибки
Отправка сообщения члену группы, чтобы убедиться, что он включен в группу. Если экземпляр активен со статусом alive, но не включен в группу, происходит его добавление. Если он уже включен в группу, ничего не происходит.
uri (string) – параметр advertise_uri члена группы, которому отправляются сообщения проверки связи
true (правда), если ответ возвращается в течение 0.2 секунды, в остальных случаях noresponse (нет ответа)
тип возвращаемого значения:
boolean (логический)
pingwasnotsent (сообщение проверки связи не отправлено), если имя хоста не разрешено
Обнаружение членов группы в локальной сети путем отправки широковещательного сообщения UDP во все сети, обнаруженные с помощью вызова getifaddrs() на языке C.
true (правда), если сообщение отправлено, false (ложь), если getaddrinfo() не выполнена.
Установка ключа, который используется для низкоуровневого шифрования сообщений. Ключ автоматически обрезается или дополняется до 32 байтов. Если значения ключа key нулевое nil, шифрование будет отключено.
Модуль Tarantool crypto.cipher.aes256.cbc занимается шифрованием.
Чтобы обеспечить правильную связь, все члены группы должны быть настроены на использование одного и того же ключа шифрования. В противном случае члены группы получат статус либо dead, либо non-decryptable (невозможно расшифровать).
Tarantool (it requires tarantool-specific fio module and ffi from LuaJIT).
.rocks/bin/luatest--help# list available options
Define tests.
-- test/feature_test.lualocalt=require('luatest')localg=t.group('feature')-- Default name is inferred from caller filename when possible.-- For `test/a/b/c_d_test.lua` it will be `a.b.c_d`.-- So `local g = t.group()` works the same way.-- Tests. All properties with name staring with `test` are treated as test cases.g.test_example_1=function()...endg.test_example_n=function()...end-- Define suite hookst.before_suite(function()...end)t.before_suite(function()...end)-- Hooks to run once for tests groupg.before_all(function()...end)g.after_all(function()...end)-- Hooks to run for each test in groupg.before_each(function()...end)g.after_each(function()...end)-- Hooks to run for a specified test in groupg.before_test('test_example_1',function()...end)g.after_test('test_example_2',function()...end)-- before_test runs after before_each-- after_test runs before after_each-- test/other_test.lualocalt=require('luatest')localg=t.group('other')-- ...g.test_example_2=function()...endg.test_example_m=function()...end-- Define parametrized groupslocalpg=t.group('pgroup',{{engine='memtx'},{engine='vinyl'}})pg.test_example_3=function(cg)-- Use cg.params herebox.schema.space.create('test',{engine=cg.params.engine,})end-- Hooks can be specified for one parameterpg.before_all({engine='memtx'},function()...end)pg.before_each({engine='memtx'},function()...end)pg.before_test('test_example_3',{engine='vinyl'},function()...end)
Run tests from a path.
luatest# run all tests from the ./test directory
luatesttest/integration# run all tests from the specified directory
luatesttest/feature_test.lua# run all tests from the specified file
Run tests from a group.
luatestfeature# run all tests from the specified group
luatestother.test_example_2# run one test from the specified group
luatestfeatureother.test_example_2# run tests by group and test name
Note that luatest recognizes an input parameter as a path only if it contains /, otherwise, it will be considered
as a group name.
luatestfeature# considered as a group name
luatest./feature# considered as a path
luatestfeature/# considered as a path
You can also use -p option in combination with the examples above for running tests matching to some name pattern.
luatestfeature-ptest_example# run all tests from the specified group matching to the specified pattern
Luatest automatically requires test/helper.lua file if it’s present.
You can configure luatest or run any bootstrap code there.
Use the --shuffle option to tell luatest how to order the tests.
The available ordering schemes are group, all and none.
group shuffles tests within the groups.
all randomizes execution order across all available tests.
Be careful: before_all/after_all hooks run always when test group is changed,
so it may run multiple time.
none is the default, which executes examples within the group in the order they
are defined (eventually they are ordered by functions line numbers).
With group and all you can also specify a seed to reproduce specific order.
--shuffleall:123# same as above
Stops a test due to a failure if condition
is met.
Mark test as xfail.
Mark test as xfail if condition is met.
Skip a running test.
Skip a running test if condition is met.
Stops a test with a success.
Stops a test with a success if condition
is met.
Suite and groups
Add after suite hook.
Add before suite hook.
Create group of tests.
The xfail mark makes test results to be interpreted vice versa: it’s
threated as passed when an assertion fails, and it fails if no errors are
raised. It allows one to mark a test as temporarily broken due to a bug in some
other component which can’t be fixed immediately. It’s also a good practice to
keep xfail tests in sync with an issue tracker.
localg=t.group()g.test_fail=function()t.xfail('Must fail no matter what')t.assert_equals(3,4)end
XFail only applies to the errors raised by the luatest assertions. Regular Lua
errors still cause the test failure.
Capturing output
By default runner captures all stdout/stderr output and shows it only for failed tests.
Capturing can be disabled with -c flag.
Tests repeating
Runners can repeat tests with flags -r / --repeat (to repeat all the tests) or
-R / --repeat-group (to repeat all the tests within the group).
Group can be parametrized with a matrix of parameters using luatest.helpers:
localg=t.group('pgroup',t.helpers.matrix({a={1,2},b={3,4}}))-- Will run:-- * a = 1, b = 3-- * a = 1, b = 4-- * a = 2, b = 3-- * a = 2, b = 4
Each test will be performed for every params combination. Hooks will work as usual
unless there are specified params. The order of execution in the hook group is
determined by the order of declaration.
-- called before every testg.before_each(function(cg)...end)-- called before tests when a == 1g.before_each({a=1},function(cg)...end)-- called only before the test when a == 1 and b == 3g.before_each({a=1,b=3},function(cg)...end)-- called before test named 'test_something' when a == 1g.before_test('test_something',{a=1},function(cg)...end)--etc
Test from a parameterized group can be called from the command line in such a way:
Note that values for a and b have to match to defined group params. The command below will give you an error
because such params are not defined for the group.
luatestpgroup.a:2.b:2.test_params# will raise an error
Test helpers
There are helpers to run tarantool applications and perform basic interaction with it.
If application follows configuration conventions it is possible to use
options to configure server instance and helpers at the same time. For example
http_port is used to perform http request in tests and passed in TARANTOOL_HTTP_PORT
to server process.
localserver=luatest.Server:new({command='/path/to/executable.lua',-- arguments for processargs={'--no-bugs','--fast'},-- additional envars to pass to processenv={SOME_FIELD='value'},-- passed as TARANTOOL_WORKDIRworkdir='/path/to/test/workdir',-- passed as TARANTOOL_HTTP_PORT, used in http_requesthttp_port=8080,-- passed as TARANTOOL_LISTEN, used in connect_net_boxnet_box_port=3030,-- passed to net_box.connect in connect_net_boxnet_box_credentials={user='username',password='secret'},})server:start()-- Wait until server is ready to accept connections.-- This may vary from app to app: for one server:connect_net_box() is enough,-- for another more complex checks are required.luatest.helpers.retrying({},function()server:http_request('get','/ping')end)-- http requestsserver:http_request('get','/path')server:http_request('post','/path',{body='text'})server:http_request('post','/path',{json={field=value},http={-- http client optionsheaders={Authorization='Basic '..credentials},timeout=1,}})-- This method throws error when response status is outside of then range 200..299.-- To change this behaviour, path `raise = false`:t.assert_equals(server:http_request('get','/not_found',{raise=false}).status,404)t.assert_error(function()server:http_request('get','/not_found')end)-- using net_boxserver:connect_net_box()server:eval('return do_something(...)',{arg1,arg2})server:call('function_name',{arg1,arg2})server:exec(function()returnbox.info()end)server:stop()
luatest.Process:start(path,args,env) provides low-level interface to run any other application.
There are several small helpers for common actions:
luatest.helpers.uuid('ab',2,1)=='abababab-0002-0000-0000-000000000001'luatest.helpers.retrying({timeout=1,delay=0.1},failing_function,arg1,arg2)-- wait until server is upluatest.helpers.retrying({},function()server:http_request('get','/status')end)
Show summary with grep-A999'^Summary'luacov.report.out
When running integration tests with coverage collector enabled, luatest
automatically starts new tarantool instances with luacov enabled.
So coverage is collected from all the instances.
However this has some limitations:
It works only for instances started with Server helper.
Process command should be executable lua file or tarantool with script argument.
Instance must be stopped with server:stop(), because this is the point where stats are saved.
Don’t save stats concurrently to prevent corruption.
Keep calling fn until it returns without error.
Throws last error if config.timeout is elapsed.
Default options are taken from helpers.RETRYING_TIMEOUT and helpers.RETRYING_DELAY.
Generates uuids from its 5 parts.
Strings are repeated and numbers are padded to match required part length.
If number of arguments is less than 5 then first and last arguments are used
for corresponding parts, missing parts are set to 0.
Sometimes it is necessary to run tarantool with particular arguments and
verify its output. luatest.server provides a supervisor like
interface: an instance is started, calls box.cfg() and we can
communicate with it using net.box. Another helper in tarantool/tarantool,
test.interactive_tarantool , aims to solve all the problems around
readline console and also provides ability to communicate with the
instance interactively.
However, there is nothing like „just run tarantool with given args and
give me its output“.
tarantool (dir, env, args[, opts])
Run tarantool in given directory with given environment and
command line arguments and catch its output.
Expects JSON lines as the output and parses it into an array
(it can be disabled using nojson option).
nojson (boolean, default: false)
Don’t attempt to decode stdout as a stream of JSON lines,
return as is.
stderr (boolean, default: false)
Collect stderr and place it into the stderr field of the
return value
quote_args (boolean, default: false)
Quote CLI arguments before concatenating them into a shell
dir: (string) Directory where the process will run.
env: (table) Environment variables for the process.
args: (table) Options that will be passed when the process starts.
opts: (table) Custom options: nojson, stderr and quote_args. (optional)
The helper is used to automatically collect a set of
instances from the provided configuration and automatically
set up servers per each configured instance.
Ensure cluster startup error Starts a all instance of a cluster from the given config and
ensure that all the instances fails to start and reports the
given error message.
Build a listen URI based on the given server alias and extra path.
The resulting URI: <Server.vardir>/[<extra_path>/]<server_alias>.sock.
Provide a unique alias or extra path to avoid collisions with other sockets.
For now, only UNIX sockets are supported.
extra_path: (string) Extra path relative to the Server.vardir directory. (optional)
Server:assert_follows_upstream (server_id)
Assert that the server follows the source node with the given ID.
Meaning that it replicates from the remote node normally, and has already
joined and subscribed.
Establish net.box connection.
It’s available in net_box field.
Server:copy_datadir ()
Copy contents of the data directory into the server’s working directory.
Invoked on the server’s start.
Server:drop ()
Stop the server and save its artifacts if the test fails.
This function should be used only at the end of the test (after_test,
after_each, after_all hooks) to terminate the server process.
Besides process termination, it saves the contents of the server
working directory to the <vardir>/artifacts directory for further
analysis if the test fails.
Much like Server:eval , but takes a function instead of a string.
The executed function must have no upvalues (closures). Though it
may use global functions and modules (like box , os , etc.)
fn: (function)
args: (tab) (optional)
options: (tab) (optional)
localvclock=server:exec(function()returnbox.info.vclockend)localsum=server:exec(function(a,b)returna+bend,{1,2})-- sum == 3localt=require('luatest')server:exec(function()-- luatest is available via `t` upvaluet.assert_equals(math.pi,3)end)-- mytest.lua:12: expected: 3, actual: 3.1415926535898
Server:get_box_cfg ()
A simple wrapper around the Server:exec() method
to get the box.cfg value from the server.
Server:get_downstream_vclock (server_id)
Get vclock acknowledged by another node to the current server.
server_id: (number) Server ID.
Server:get_election_term ()
Get the election term as seen by the server.
Server:get_instance_id ()
Get ID of the server instance.
Server:get_instance_uuid ()
Get UUID of the server instance.
Server:get_synchro_queue_term ()
Get the synchro term as seen by the server.
Server:get_vclock ()
Get the server’s own vclock, including the local component.
Server:grep_log (pattern[, bytes_num[, opts]])
Search a string pattern in the server’s log file.
If the server has crashed, opts.filename is required.
pattern: (string) String pattern to search in the server’s log file.
bytes_num: (number) Number of bytes to read from the server’s log file. (optional)
reset: (bool) Reset the result when Tarantool%d+.%d+.%d+-.*%d+-g.* pattern is found, which means that the server was restarted.Defaults to true . (optional)
filename: (string) Path to the server’s log file.Defaults to box.cfg.log . (optional)
json: data to encode as JSON into request body (optional)
http: (tab) other options for HTTP-client (optional)
raise: (bool) raise error when status is not in 200..299. Default to true. (optional)
response object from HTTP client with helper methods.
HTTPRequest error when response status is not 200.
See also:
Server:make_socketdir ()
Make directory for the server’s Unix socket.
Invoked on the server’s start.
Server:make_workdir ()
Make the server’s working directory.
Invoked on the server’s start.
Server:new ([object[, extra]])
Build a server object.
object: Table with the entries listed below. (optional)
command: (string) Executable path to run a server process with.Defaults to the internal server_instance.lua script. If a custom pathis provided, it should correctly process all env variables listed belowto make constructor parameters work. (optional)
args: (tab) Arbitrary args to run object.command with. (optional)
env: (tab) Pass the given env variables into the server process. (optional)
chdir: (string) Change to the given directory before runningthe server process. (optional)
alias: (string) Alias for the new server and the value of the.. code-block:: lua TARANTOOL_ALIAS env variable which is passed into the server process.Defaults to „server“. (optional)
workdir: (string) Working directory for the new server and thevalue of the TARANTOOL_WORKDIR env variable which is passed into theserver process. The directory path will be created on the server start.Defaults to <vardir>/<alias>-<randomid>. (optional)
datadir: (string) Directory path whose contents will be recursivelycopied into object.workdir on the server start. (optional)
http_port: (number) Port for HTTP connection to the new server andthe value of the TARANTOOL_HTTP_PORT env variable which is passed intothe server process.Not supported in the default server_instance.lua script. (optional)
net_box_port: (number) Port for the net.box connection to the newserver and the value of the TARANTOOL_LISTEN env variable which is passedinto the server process. (optional)
net_box_uri: (string) URI for the net.box connection to the newserver and the value of the TARANTOOL_LISTEN env variable which is passedinto the server process. If it is a Unix socket, the corresponding socketdirectory path will be created on the server start. (optional)
net_box_credentials: (tab) Override the default credentials for the.. code-block:: lua net.box connection to the new server. (optional)
box_cfg: (tab) Extra options for box.cfg() and the value of the.. code-block:: lua TARANTOOL_BOX_CFG env variable which is passed into the server process. (optional)
config_file: (string) Declarative YAML configuration for a serverinstance. Used to deduce advertise URI to connect net.box to the instance.The special value „“ means running without --config<...> CLI option(but still passes --name<alias>). (optional)
remote_config: (tab) If config_file is not passed, this configvalue is used to deduce advertise URI to connect net.box to the instance. (optional)
extra: (tab) Table with extra properties for the server object. (optional)
Server:play_wal_until_synchro_queue_is_busy ()
Play WAL until the synchro queue becomes busy.
WAL records go one by one. The function is needed, because during
box.ctl.promote() it is not known for sure which WAL record is PROMOTE -
first, second, third? Even if known, it might change in the future. WAL delay
should already be started before the function is called.
Server:restart ([params[, opts]])
Restart the server with the given parameters.
Optionally waits until the server is ready.
params: (tab) Parameters to restart the server with.Like command , args , env , etc. (optional)
wait_until_ready: (bool) Wait until the server is ready.Defaults to true unless a custom executable path was provided whilebuilding the server object. (optional)
See also:
Server:start ([opts])
Start a server.
Optionally waits until the server is ready.
wait_until_ready: (bool) Wait until the server is ready.Defaults to true unless a custom executable was provided while buildingthe server object. (optional)
Server:stop ()
Stop the server.
Waits until the server process is terminated.
Server:update_box_cfg (cfg)
A simple wrapper around the Server:exec() method
to update the box.cfg value on the server.
cfg: (tab) Box configuration settings.
Server:wait_for_downstream_to (server)
Wait for the given server to reach at least the same vclock as the local
server. Not including the local component, of course.
server: (tab) Server’s object.
Server:wait_for_election_leader ()
Wait for the server to become a writable election leader.
Server:wait_for_election_state (state)
Wait for the server to enter the given election state.
Note that if it becomes a leader, it does not mean it is already writable.
Stop all servers in the replica set and save their artifacts if the test fails.
This function should be used only at the end of the test (after_test,
after_each, after_all hooks) to terminate all server processes in
the replica set. Besides process termination, it saves the contents of
each server working directory to the <vardir>/artifacts directory
for further analysis if the test fails.
ReplicaSet:get_leader ()
Get a server which is a writable node in the replica set.
ReplicaSet:get_server (alias)
Get the server object from the replica set by the given server alias.
Start all servers in the replica set.
Optionally waits until all servers are ready.
opts: Table with the entries listed below. (optional)
wait_until_ready: (bool) Wait until all servers are ready.Defaults to true . (optional)
ReplicaSet:stop ()
Stop all servers in the replica set.
ReplicaSet:wait_for_fullmesh ([opts])
Wait until every node is connected to every other node in the replica set.
opts: Table with the entries listed below. (optional)
timeout: (number) Timeout in seconds to wait for full mesh.Defaults to 60. (optional)
delay: (number) Delay in seconds between attempts to check full mesh.Defaults to 0.1. (optional)
Class luatest.cbuilder
Configuration builder.
It allows to construct a declarative configuration for a test case using
less boilerplace code/options, especially when a replicaset is to be
tested, not a single instance. All the methods support chaining (return
the builder object back).
localconfig=Builder:new():add_instance('instance-001',{database={mode='rw',},}):add_instance('instance-002',{}):add_instance('instance-003',{}):config()Bydefault,allinstancesareaddedtoreplicaset-001ingroup-001,butit's possible to select a different replicaset and/or group:local config = Builder:new() :use_group('group-001') :use_replicaset('replicaset-001') :add_instance(<...>) :add_instance(<...>) :add_instance(<...>) :use_group('group-002') :use_replicaset('replicaset-002') :add_instance(<...>) :add_instance(<...>) :add_instance(<...>) :config()The default credentials and iproto options are added tosetup replication and to allow a test to connect to theinstances.There is a few other methods:* :set_replicaset_option('foo.bar', value)* :set_instance_option('instance-001', 'foo.bar', value)
Builder:add_instance (instance_name, iconfig)
Add an instance with the given options to the selected replicaset.
instance_name: (string) Instance where the config will be saved.
iconfig: (tab) Declarative config for the instance.
Builder:config ()
Return the resulting configuration.
Builder:new ([config])
Build a config builder object.
config: (tab) Table with declarative configuration. (optional)
В модуле vshard реализована функция продвинутого шардинга (сегментирования), которая основывается на понятии виртуального сегмента и позволяет осуществлять горизонтальное масштабирование в Tarantool.
To learn how sharding works in Tarantool, refer to the Sharding page.
Starting with the 3.0 version, the recommended way of configuring Tarantool is using a configuration file.
Configuring Tarantool in code is considered a legacy approach.
Название или id TREE-индекса по идентификатору сегмента. Спейсы без этого индекса не задействованы в шардированном кластере Tarantool и при необходимости могут быть использованы как обычные спейсы. Необходимо указать первую часть индекса, остальные части являются необязательными.
Тип: непустая строка или неотрицательное целое число
По умолчанию: «bucket_id» (идентификатор сегмента)
Это число должно быть на несколько порядков больше, чем потенциальное число узлов кластера, учитывая потенциальное масштабирование в обозримом будущем.
Если предполагаемое количество узлов равно M, тогда набор данных должен быть разделен на 100M или даже 1000M сегментов, в зависимости от запланированного масштабирования. Это число, безусловно, больше потенциального числа узлов кластера в проектируемой системе.
Следует помнить, что слишком большое число сегментов может привести к необходимости выделять больше памяти для хранения информации о маршрутизации. С другой стороны, недостаточное число сегментов может привести к снижению степени детализации при балансировке.
Время ожидания синхронизации старого мастера с репликами перед сменой мастера. Используется при переключении мастера или при вызове функции sync() вручную.
Максимальное количество сегментов, которые может получить параллельно один набор реплик. Это число должно быть ограничено, так как при добавлении нового набора реплик в кластер балансировщик отправляет очень большое количество сегментов из существующих наборов реплик в новый набор реплик. Это создает большую нагрузку на новый набор реплик.
Предположим, rebalancer_max_receiving = 100, число сегментов в bucket_count = 1000. Есть 3 набора реплик с 333, 333 и 334 сегментами соответственно. При добавлении нового набора реплик эталонное_число_сегментов становится равным 250. Вместо того, чтобы сразу получить все 250 сегментов, новый набор реплик получит последовательно 100, 100 и 50 сегментов.
A scheduler’s bucket move quota used by the rebalancer.
sched_move_quota defines how many bucket moves can be done in a row if there are pending storage refs.
Then, bucket moves are blocked and a router continues making map-reduce requests.
A scheduler’s storage ref quota used by a router’s map-reduce API.
For example, the vshard.router.map_callrw() function implements consistent map-reduce over the entire cluster.
sched_ref_quota defines how many storage refs, therefore map-reduce requests, can be executed on the storage in a row if there are pending bucket moves.
Then, storage refs are blocked and the rebalancer continues bucket moves.
Turns on automated master discovery in a replica set if set to auto.
Applicable only to the configuration of a router; the storage configuration ignores this parameter.
The parameter should be specified per replica set.
The configuration is not compatible with a manual master selection.
If the configuration is incorrect, it is not applied, and the vshard.router.cfg() call throws an error.
If the master parameter is set to auto for some replica sets, the router goes to these replica sets,
discovers the master in each of them, and periodically checks if the master instance still has its master status.
When the master in the replica set stops being a master, the router goes around all the nodes of the replica set
to find out which one is the new master.
Without this setting, the router cannot detect master nodes in the configured replica sets on its own.
It relies only on how they are specified in the configuration.
This becomes a problem when the master changes, and the change is not delivered to the router’s configuration:
for instance, in case the router doesn’t rely on a central configuration provider
or the provider cannot deliver a new configuration due to some reason.
Тип: строка
Default: nil
Динамический: да
API Reference
This section represents public and internal API for the router
and the storage.
Perform the initial cluster bootstrap and distribute all buckets across the
replica sets.
timeout – a number of seconds before ending a bootstrap attempt as
Recreate the cluster in case of bootstrap timeout.
if_not_bootstrapped – by default is set to false that means raise
an error, when the cluster is already
bootstrapped. True means consider an already
bootstrapped cluster a success.
To detect whether a cluster is bootstrapped, vshard looks for at least
one bucket in the whole cluster. If the cluster was bootstrapped only
partially (for example, due to an error during the first bootstrap), then
it will be considered a bootstrapped cluster on a next bootstrap call
with if_not_bootstrapped. So this is still a bad practice. Avoid
calling bootstrap() multiple times.
Create a new router instance. vshard supports multiple routers in a
single Tarantool instance. Each router can be connected to any vshard
cluster, and multiple routers can be connected to the same cluster.
A router created via vshard.router.new() works in the same way as
a static router, but the method name is preceded by a colon
(vshard.router:method_name(...)), while for a static router
the method name is preceded by a period (vshard.router.method_name(...)).
A static router can be obtained via the vshard.router.static() method
and then used like a router created via the vshard.router.new()
box.cfg is shared among all the routers of a single instance.
name – a router instance name. This name is used as a prefix in logs of
the router and must be unique within the instance
cfg – a configuration table
a router instance, if created successfully; otherwise, nil and an
error object
Call the function identified by function-name on the shard storing the bucket
identified by bucket_id.
See the Processing requests section
for details on function operation.
bucket_id – a bucket identifier
mode – either a string = „read“|“write“, or a map with mode=“read“|“write“ and/or prefer_replica=true|false and/or balance=true|false.
function_name – a function to execute
argument_list – an array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
The mode parameter has two possible forms: a string or a map. Examples of the string form are:
'read', 'write'. Examples of the map form are: {mode='read'}, {mode='write'},
{mode='read',prefer_replica=true}, {mode='read',balance=true},
If 'write' is specified then the target is the master.
If prefer_replica=true is specified then the preferred target is one of the replicas, but
the target is the master if there is no conveniently available replica.
It may be good to specify prefer_replica=true for functions which are expensive in terms
of resource use, to avoid slowing down the master.
If balance=true then there is load balancing—reads are distributed over all the nodes
in the replica set in round-robin fashion, with a preference for replicas if
prefer_replica=true is also set.
The original return value of the executed function, or nil and
error object. The error object has a type attribute equal to
ShardingError or one of the regular Tarantool errors
(ClientError, OutOfMemory, SocketError, etc.).
ShardingError is returned on errors specific for sharding:
the master is missing, wrong bucket id, etc. It has an attribute code
containing one of the values from the vshard.error.code.* LUA table, an
optional attribute containing a message with the human-readable error description,
and other attributes specific for the error code.
To call customer_add function from vshard/example, say:
vshard.router.call(100,'write','customer_add',{{customer_id=2,bucket_id=100,name='name2',accounts={}}},{timeout=5})-- or, the same thing but with a map for the second argumentvshard.router.call(100,{mode='write'},'customer_add',{{customer_id=2,bucket_id=100,name='name2',accounts={}}},{timeout=5})
Call the function identified by function-name on the shard storing the bucket identified by bucket_id,
in read-only mode (similar to calling vshard.router.call
with mode=“read“). See the
Processing requests section for details on
function operation.
bucket_id – a bucket identifier
function_name – a function to execute
argument_list – an array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds.If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
The original return value of the executed function, or nil and
error object. The error object has a type attribute equal to ShardingError
or one of the regular Tarantool errors (ClientError, OutOfMemory,
SocketError, etc.).
ShardingError is returned on errors specific for sharding: the replica
set is not available, the master is missing, wrong bucket id, etc. It has an
attribute code containing one of the values from the vshard.error.code.* LUA table, an
optional attribute containing a message with the human-readable error description,
and other attributes specific for this error code.
Call the function identified by function-name on the shard storing the bucket identified by bucket_id,
in read-write mode (similar to calling vshard.router.call
with mode=“write“). See the Processing requests section
for details on function operation.
bucket_id – a bucket identifier
function_name – a function to execute
argument_list – an array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
The original return value of the executed function, or nil and
error object. The error object has a type attribute equal to ShardingError
or one of the regular Tarantool errors (ClientError, OutOfMemory,
SocketError, etc.).
ShardingError is returned on errors specific for sharding: the replica
set is not available, the master is missing, wrong bucket id, etc. It has an
attribute code containing one of the values from the vshard.error.code.* LUA table, an
optional attribute containing a message with the human-readable error description,
and other attributes specific for this error code.
Call the function identified by function-name on the shard storing the bucket identified by bucket_id,
in read-only mode (similar to calling vshard.router.call
with mode='read'), with preference for a replica rather than a master
(similar to calling vshard.router.call with prefer_replica=true). See the
Processing requests section for details on
function operation.
bucket_id – a bucket identifier
function_name – a function to execute
argument_list – an array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
The original return value of the executed function, or nil and
error object. The error object has a type attribute equal to ShardingError
or one of the regular Tarantool errors (ClientError, OutOfMemory,
SocketError, etc.).
ShardingError is returned on errors specific for sharding: the replica
set is not available, the master is missing, wrong bucket id, etc. It has an
attribute code containing one of the values from the vshard.error.code.* LUA table, an
optional attribute containing a message with the human-readable error description,
and other attributes specific for this error code.
The function implements consistent map-reduce over the entire cluster.
Consistency means:
All the data was accessible.
The data was not migrated between physical storages during the map requests execution.
The function can be helpful if you need to access:
all the data in the cluster
a vast number of buckets scattered over the instances
in case their individual vshard.router.call() takes up too much time.
The function is called on the master node of each replica set with the given arguments.
function_name – a function to call on the storages (masters of all replica sets)
argument_list – an array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout – a request timeout, in seconds. The timeout is for the entire map_callrw(), including all its stages.
return_raw – the net.box option implemented in Tarantool since version 2.10.0.
If set to true, net.box returns the response data wrapped in a MessagePack object instead of decoding it to Lua.
For more details, see the Return section below.
Do not use a big timeout (longer than 1 minute, for instance). The router tries to block the bucket moves
to another storage for the given timeout on all storages. On failure, the block remains for the entire timeout.
On success: a map with replica set UUIDs (keys) and results of the function_name (values).
If the function returns nil or box.NULL from one of the storages,
it will not be present in the resulting map.
If the return_raw option is used,
the result is a map of the following format: {[replicaset_uuid]=msgpack.object}
where msgpack.object is an object that stores a MessagePack array with the results returned from the storage map function.
The option use case is the same as in using net.box: to avoid decoding of the call results into Lua.
The option can be helpful if a router is used as a proxy and results received from a storage are big.
localres=vshard.router.map_callrw('my_func',args,{...,return_raw=true})forreplicaset_uuid,msgpack_valueinpairs(res)dolog.info('Replicaset %s returned %s',replicaset_uuid,msgpack_value:decode())end
This is an illustration of the option usage.
Normally, you don’t need to use return_raw if you call the decode() function.
On failure: nil, error object, and optional replica set UUID where the error occurred.
UUID will not be returned if the error is not related to a particular replica set.
For instance, the method fails if not all buckets were found, even if all replica sets were scanned successfully.
Handling the result looks like this:
res,err,uuid=vshard.router.map_callrw(...)ifnotresthen-- Error.-- 'err' - error object. 'uuid' - optional UUID of replica set-- where the error happened....else-- Success.foruuid,valueinpairs(res)do...endend
If the return_raw option is used, the result on failure is the same as described above.
Map-Reduce in vshard can be divided into three stages: Ref, Map, and Reduce.
Ref and Map. map_callrw() combines both the Ref and the Map stages.
The Ref stage ensures data consistency while executing the user’s function (function_name) on all nodes.
Keep in mind that consistency is incompatible with rebalancing (it breaks data consistency).
Map-reduce and rebalancing are mutually exclusive, they compete for the cluster time.
Any bucket move makes the sender and receiver nodes inconsistent,
so it is impossible to call a function on them to access all the data
without vshard.storage.bucket_ref().
It makes the Ref stage intricate, as it should work together with the rebalancer to ensure
they do not block each other.
For this, the storage has a special scheduler for bucket moves and storage refs.
Storage ref is a volatile counter defined on each instance.
It is incremented when a map-reduce request comes and decremented when it ends.
Storage ref pins the entire instance with all its buckets, not just a single bucket (like bucket ref).
The scheduler shares storage time between bucket moves and storage refs fairly.
The distribution depends on how long and frequent the moves and refs are.
It can be configured using the storage options sched_move_quota and sched_ref_quota.
Keep in mind that the scheduler configuration may affect map-reduce requests if used during rebalancing.
During the Map stage, map_callrw() sends map requests one by one to many servers.
On success, the function returns a map. The map is a set of «key—value» pairs.
The keys are replica set UUIDs, and the values are the results of the user’s function—function_name.
Reduce. The Reduce stage is not performed by vshard.
It is what the user’s code does with the results of map_callrw().
map_callrw() works only on masters.
Therefore, you can’t use it if at least one replica set has its master node down.
Deprecated. Logs a warning when used because it is not consistent
for cdata numbers.
In particular, it returns 3 different values for normal Lua numbers
like 123, for unsigned long long cdata (like 123ULL, or
ffi.cast('unsignedlonglong',123)), and for signed long long cdata
(like 123LL, or ffi.cast('longlong',123)). And it is important.
For float and double cdata
(ffi.cast('float',number), ffi.cast('double',number)) these functions
return different values even for the same numbers of the same floating point
type. This is because tostring() on a floating point cdata number returns not
the number, but a pointer at it. Different on each call.
vshard.router.bucket_id_strcrc32() behaves exactly the same, but
does not log a warning. In case you need that behavior.
This function is safer than bucket_id_strcrc32. It takes a CRC32 from
a MessagePack encoded value. That is, bucket id of integers does not
depend on their Lua type. In case of a string key, it does not encode it into
MessagePack, but takes a hash right from the string.
key – a hash key. This can be any Lua object (number, table, string).
a bucket identifier
However it still may return different values for not equal floating point
types. That is, ffi.cast('float',number) may be reflected into a bucket id
not equal to ffi.cast('double',number). This can’t be fixed, because a
float value, even being casted to double, may have a garbage tail in its fraction.
Floating point keys should not be used to calculate a bucket id,
Be very careful in case you store floating point types in a space. When data
is returned from a space, it is cast to Lua number. And if that value had
an empty fraction part, it will be treated as an integer by bucket_id_mpcrc32().
So you need to do explicit casts in such cases. Here is an example of the problem:
tarantool> s=box.schema.create_space('test',{format={{'id','double'}}});_=s:create_index('pk')---...tarantool> inserted=ffi.cast('double',1)---...-- Value is stored as doubletarantool> s:replace({inserted})----[1]...-- But when returned to Lua, stored as Lua number, not cdata.tarantool> returned=s:get({inserted}).id---...tarantool> type(returned),returned----number-1...tarantool> vshard.router.bucket_id_mpcrc32(inserted)----1411...tarantool> vshard.router.bucket_id_mpcrc32(returned)----1614...
Turn on/off the background discovery fiber used by the router to
find buckets.
mode – working mode of a discovery fiber. There are three modes: on,
off and once
When the mode is on (default), the discovery fiber works during all the lifetime
of the router. Even after all buckets are discovered, it will
still come to storages and download their buckets with some big
This is useful if the bucket topology changes often and the number of
buckets is not big. The router will keep its route table up to
date even when no requests are processed.
When the mode is off, discovery is disabled completely.
When the mode is once, discovery starts and finds the locations of
all buckets, and then the discovery fiber is terminated. This
is good for a large bucket count and for clusters, where rebalancing is rare.
The method is good to enable/disable discovery after the router is
already started, but discovery is enabled by default. You may want
to never enable it even for a short time—then specify the
discovery_mode option in the configuration.
It takes the same values as vshard.router.discovery_set(mode).
You may decide to turn off discovery or make it once if you have
many routers, or tons of buckets (hundreds of thousands and more),
and you see that the discovery process consumes notable CPU % on
routers and storages. In that case it may be wise to turn off the
discovery when there is no rebalancing in the cluster. And turn it
on for new routers, as well as for all routers when rebalancing is
Return information about each instance. Since vshard v.0.1.22, the
function also accepts options, which can be used to get additional
options –
with_services — a bool value. If set to true, the
function returns information about the background services
(such as discovery, master search, or failover) that are
working on the current instance.
Replica set parameters:
replica set uuid
master instance parameters
replica instance parameters
Instance parameters:
uri—URI of the instance
uuid—UUID of the instance
status—status of the instance (available, unreachable, missing)
network_timeout—a timeout for the request. The value is updated automatically
on each 10th successful request and each 2nd failed request.
Bucket parameters:
available_ro – the number of buckets known to the router and available for read requests
available_rw – the number of buckets known to the router and available for read and write requests
unreachable – the number of buckets known to the router but unavailable for any requests
unknown – the number of buckets whose replica sets are not known to the router
Service parameters:
name – service name. Possible values: discovery, failover, master_search.
status – service status. Possible values: ok, error.
error – error message that appears on the error status.
activity – service state. It shows what the service is currently doing
(for example, updatingreplicas).
status_idx – incrementing counter of the status changes.
The ok status is updated on every successful iteration of the service.
The error status is updated only when it is fixed.
tarantool> vshard.router.info()----replicasets:ac522f65-aa94-4134-9f64-51ee384f1a54:replica:&0network_timeout:0.5status:availableuri:storage@*0cbf06940-0790-498b-948d-042b62cf3d29:replica:&1network_timeout:0.5status:availableuri:storage@*1bucket:unreachable:0available_ro:0unknown:0available_rw:3000status:0alerts:[]...tarantool> vshard.router.info({with_services=true})---<all info from vshard.router.info()>services:failover:status_idx:2error:activity:idlingname:failoverstatus:okdiscovery:status_idx:2error: Error during discovery:TimedOutactivity:idlingname:discoverystatus:error...
The router is enabled by default. However, it is automatically and
forcefully disabled until the configuration is finished, as accessing the
router’s methods at that time is not safe.
Manual disabling can be used, for example, if some preparatory work needs
to be done after calling vshard.router.cfg() but
before the router’s methods are available. It will look like this:
vshard.router.disable()vshard.router.cfg(...)-- Some preparatory work here ...vshard.router.enable()-- vshard.router's methods are available now
Call a function on a nearest available master (distances are defined using
replica.zone and cfg.weights matrix) with specified
The replicaset_object:call method is similar to replicaset_object:callrw.
function_name – function to execute
argument_list – array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
Call a function on a nearest available master (distances are defined using
replica.zone and cfg.weights matrix) with a specified
The replicaset_object:callrw method is similar to replicaset_object:call.
function_name – function to execute
argument_list – array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
result of function_name on success
nil, err otherwise
tarantool>localbucket=1;returnvshard.router.callrw(>bucket,>'box.space.actors:insert',>{{>1,bucket,'Renata Litvinova',>{theatre="Moscow Art Theatre"}>}},>{timeout=5}>)
Call a function on the nearest available replica (distances are defined
using replica.zone and cfg.weights matrix) with specified
arguments. It is recommended to use
replicaset_object:callro() for calling only read-only functions, as the called functions can be executed not only
on a master, but also on replicas.
function_name – function to execute
argument_list – array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
Call a function on the nearest available replica (distances are defined using
replica.zone and cfg.weights matrix) with specified
with preference for a replica rather than a master
(similar to calling vshard.router.call with prefer_replica=true).
It is recommended to use
replicaset_object:callre() for calling only read-only functions, as the called function can be executed not
only on a master, but also on replicas.
function_name – function to execute
argument_list – array of the function’s arguments
options –
timeout — a request timeout, in seconds. If the router cannot identify a
shard with the specified bucket_id, it will retry until the timeout is reached.
other net.box options, such as is_async,
buffer, on_push are also supported.
Automated master discovery works in its own fiber on a router,
which is activated only if at least one replica set is configured to look for the master (the master parameter is set to auto).
The fiber wakes up within a certain period. But it is possible to wake it up on demand by using this function.
Manual fiber wakeup can help speed up tests for master change.
Another use case is performing some actions with a router in the router console.
The function does nothing if master search is not configured for any replica set.
Search for the bucket in the whole cluster. If the bucket is not
found, it is likely that it does not exist. The bucket might also be
moved during rebalancing and currently is in the RECEIVING state.
Return information about the storage instance. Since vshard v.0.1.22, the
function also accepts options, which can be used to get additional
options –
with_services — a bool value. If set to true, the
function returns information about the background services
(such as garbage collector, rebalancer, recovery, or applier
of the routes) that are working on the current instance. See
vshard.router.info for detailed
Return a flag indicating whether rebalancing is in progress. The result is true
if the node is currently applying routes received from a rebalancer node in
the special fiber.
Since vshard v.0.1.22. Define a trigger for execution when the data from
the user spaces is changed (deleted or inserted) due to the rebalancing
process. The trigger is invoked each time the data batch changes.
trigger-function (function) – function which will become the trigger function.
old-trigger-function (function) – existing trigger function which will
be replaced by trigger-function.
nil or function pointer
The trigger-function can have up to three parameters:
event_type (string) – in order to distinguish event, you can compare
this argument with the supported event types, bucket_data_recv_txn
and bucket_data_gc_txn.
bucket_id (unsigned) – bucket id.
data (table) – additional information about data change transaction.
Currently it only includes an array of all spaces (data.spaces),
affected by a transaction in which trigger-function is executed.
As everything executed inside triggers is already in a transaction,
you shouldn’t use transactions, yield-operations (explicit
or not), changes to different space engines (see rule #2).
If the parameters are (nil,old-trigger-function), then the old trigger
is deleted. If both parameters are omitted, then the response is a list of
existing trigger functions.
Details about trigger characteristics are in the
triggers section.
Receive a bucket identified by bucket id from a remote replica set.
bucket_id – a bucket identifier
from – UUID of source replica set
data – data logically stored in a bucket identified by bucket_id, in the same format as
the return value from bucket_collect()<storage_api-bucket_collect>
Collect an array of active bucket identifiers for discovery.
В данном разделе справочника рассматривается внедрение и использование двух уже созданных модулей: сторонние библиотеки СУБД SQL для MySQL и PostgreSQL.
Для вызова другой СУБД из Tarantool нужно: другая СУБД и Tarantool. Модуль, который соединяет другую СУБД может называться коннектором. В модуле есть библиотека общего пользования, которая может называться драйвером.
Tarantool предоставляет модули-коннекторы для СУБД вместе с менеджером модулей для Lua под названием LuaRocks.
Модули Tarantool позволяют подключаться к SQL-серверам и выполнять SQL-запросы так же, как это делает клиент MySQL или PostgreSQL. Операторы SQL доступны как Lua-методы. Таким образом, Tarantool может служить Lua-коннектором для MySQL или Lua-коннектором для PostgreSQL, что было бы полезно, даже если бы Tarantool больше ничего не умел. Но конечно же, Tarantool также представляет собой СУБД, поэтому модуль используется для любых операций, таких как копирование и ускорение базы данных, которые максимально эффективно, если приложение может работать как с SQL, так и с Tarantool в пределах одной Lua-процедуры. Методы подключения / выборки / вставки / и т.д. аналогичны методам модуля net.box.
С точки зрения пользователя, модули для MySQL и PostgreSQL очень похожи, поэтому следующие разделы – «Пример для MySQL» и «Пример для PostgreSQL» – слегка избыточны.
Пример для MySQL
В данном примере предполагается, что установлены MySQL 5.5, MySQL 5.6 или MySQL 5.7. Последние версии MariaDB также подойдут, используется коннектор к MariaDB для C. Самым важным пакетом будет пакет для разработчиков клиента MySQL, который обычно называется libmysqlclient-dev. Наиболее важным файлом из этого пакета будет файл libmysqlclient.so или с похожим названием. Можно использовать `` find`` или `` whereis``, чтобы узнать, в каких директориях установлены эти файлы.
Также нужно будет установить библиотеку общего пользования Tarantool с драйвером для MySQL, загрузить ее и использовать для подключения к экземпляру MySQL-сервера. После этого можно передавать любой оператор MySQL на экземпляр сервера и получать результаты, включая наборы результатов.
Проверьте инструкции по загрузке и установке бинарного пакета, которые применимы к среде, где установлен Tarantool. Помимо установки tarantool, установите tarantool-dev. Например, в Ubuntu добавьте строку:
$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-dev
Что касается библиотеки общего пользования с драйвером для MySQL, ее можно установить двумя способами:
Из LuaRocks
Begin by installing luarocks and making sure that tarantool is among the
upstream servers, as in the instructions on rocks.tarantool.org, the
Tarantool luarocks page. Now execute this:
luarocks install mysql [MYSQL_LIBDIR = path]
$ gitclonehttps://github.com/tarantool/mysql.git
$ cdmysql&&cmake.-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
$ make
$ makeinstall
На данном этапе желательно проверить, что после установки появился файл под названием driver.so, а также проверить, что этот файл находится в директории, которую можно найти по запросу require.
Начните с выполнения запроса require для драйвера mysql. В дальнейших примерах у него будет имя mysql.
Параметры подключения включены в таблицу. Доступные параметры:
host=имя-хоста – строка, значение по умолчанию = „localhost“
port=номер-порта – число, значение по умолчанию = 3306
user=имя-пользователя – строка, значение по умолчанию – имя пользователя в операционной системе
password=пароль – строка, по умолчанию пустая
db=имя-базы-данных – строка, по умолчанию пустая
raise=true|false – логическое значение, по умолчанию, false (ложь)
The option names, except for raise, are similar to the names that MySQL’s
mysql client uses, for details see the MySQL manual at
The raise option should be set to true if errors should be
raised when encountered. To connect with a Unix socket rather than with TCP,
specify host='unix/' and port=socket-name.
Пример с использованием таблицы, заключенной в {фигурные скобки}:
где sql-statement – это строка, а необязательные параметры – это дополнительные значения, которыми можно заменить любые знаки вопроса («?») в SQL-операторе.
tarantool> conn:execute('select table_name from information_schema.tables')-----table_name:ALL_PLUGINS-table_name:APPLICABLE_ROLES-table_name:CHARACTER_SETS<...>-78...
Закрытие соединения
Чтобы закрыть сессию, которую открыли с помощью mysql.connect, используется следующий запрос:
tarantool> conn:close()---...
For further information, including examples of rarely-used requests, see the
README.md file at github.com/tarantool/mysql.
Пример выполняется на машине с ОС Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), где Tarantool установлен в поддиректорию /usr, а копия MySQL установлена в ~/mysql-5.5. Экземпляр сервера mysqld уже запущен на localhost
$ exportTMDIR=~/mysql-5.5
$ # Check that the include subdirectory exists by looking$ # for .../include/mysql.h. (If this fails, there's a chance$ # that it's in .../include/mysql/mysql.h instead.)$ [-f$TMDIR/include/mysql.h]&&echo"OK"||echo"Error"OK$ # Check that the library subdirectory exists and has the$ # necessary .so file.$ [-f$TMDIR/lib/libmysqlclient.so]&&echo"OK"||echo"Error"OK$ # Check that the mysql client can connect using some factory$ # defaults: port = 3306, user = 'root', user password = '',$ # database = 'test'. These can be changed, provided one uses$ # the changed values in all places.$ $TMDIR/bin/mysql--port=3306-h127.0.0.1--user=root\--password=--database=testWelcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 25Server version: 5.5.35 MySQL Community Server (GPL)...Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear ...$ # Insert a row in database test, and quit.mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (s1 INT, s2 VARCHAR(50));Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)mysql> INSERT INTO test.test VALUES (1,'MySQL row');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)mysql> QUITBye$ # Install luarocks$ sudoapt-get-yinstallluarocks|grep-E"Setting up|already"Setting up luarocks (2.0.8-2) ...$ # Set up the Tarantool rock list in ~/.luarocks,$ # following instructions at rocks.tarantool.org$ mkdir~/.luarocks
$ echo"rocks_servers = {[[http://rocks.tarantool.org/]]}">>\~/.luarocks/config.lua
$ # Ensure that the next "install" will get files from Tarantool$ # master repository. The resultant display is normal for Ubuntu$ # 12.04 precise$ cat/etc/apt/sources.list.d/tarantool.list
deb http://tarantool.org/dist/2.1/ubuntu/ precise maindeb-src http://tarantool.org/dist/2.1/ubuntu/ precise main$ # Install tarantool-dev. The displayed line should show version = 2.1$ sudoapt-get-yinstalltarantool-dev|grep-E"Setting up|already"Setting up tarantool-dev ( ...$$ # Use luarocks to install locally, that is, relative to $HOME$ luarocksinstallmysqlMYSQL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/mysql/lib--local
Installing http://rocks.tarantool.org/mysql-scm-1.rockspec...... (more info about building the Tarantool/MySQL driver appears here)mysql scm-1 is now built and installed in ~/.luarocks/$ # Ensure driver.so now has been created in a place$ # tarantool will look at$ find~/.luarocks-name"driver.so"~/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/mysql/driver.so$ # Change directory to a directory which can be used for$ # temporary tests. For this example we assume that the name$ # of this directory is /home/pgulutzan/tarantool_sandbox.$ # (Change "/home/pgulutzan" to whatever is the user's actual$ # home directory for the machine that's used for this test.)$ cd/home/pgulutzan/tarantool_sandbox
$ # Start the Tarantool server instance. Do not use a Lua initialization file.$ tarantool
tarantool: version 2.1.0-222-g48b98bbtype 'help' for interactive helptarantool>
Настройте Tarantool и загрузите модуль mysql. Убедитесь, что Tarantool не выбрасывает ошибку в ответ на вызов «require()».
Создайте Lua-функцию, которая подключится к экземпляру MySQL-сервера (используя значения по умолчанию для параметров порта, пользователя и пароля), выберите одну строку и выведите ее на экран. Описание используемых здесь типов операторов вы можете найти в практикуме по Lua в руководстве пользователя Tarantool.
tarantool> functionmysql_select() > localconn=mysql.connect({ > host='', > port=3306, > user='root', > db='test' > }) > localtest=conn:execute('SELECT * FROM test WHERE s1 = 1') > localrow='' > fori,cardinpairs(test)do > row=row..card.s2..' ' > end > conn:close() > returnrow > end---...tarantool> mysql_select()----'MySQLrow'...
Просмотрите результат. В нем есть строка «MySQL row». Это и есть строка, которая была вставлена в базу данных MySQL. А сейчас она выделена с помощью Tarantool-клиента.
Пример для PostgreSQL
В данном примере предполагается, что установлены PostgreSQL 8 или PostgreSQL 9. Более поздние версии также должны сработать. Самым важным пакетом будет пакет для разработчиков клиента PostgreSQL, который обычно называется libpq-dev. На Ubuntu его можно установить следующим образом:
$ sudoapt-getinstalllibpq-dev
Однако, не все платформы одинаковы, поэтому в данном примере предполагается, что пользователь должен проверить наличие нужных PostgreSQL-файлов, а также явным образом прописать, где они находятся, для сборки драйвера Tarantool/PostgreSQL. Для поиска директорий, где установлены PostgreSQL-файлы, можно воспользоваться командами find или whereis.
Также нужно будет установить библиотеку общего пользования Tarantool с драйвером для PostgreSQL, загрузить ее и использовать для подключения к экземпляру PostgreSQL-сервера. После этого можно передавать любой оператор PostgreSQL на экземпляр сервера и получать результаты.
Проверьте инструкции по загрузке и установке бинарного пакета, которые применимы к среде, где установлен Tarantool. Помимо установки tarantool, установите tarantool-dev. Например, в Ubuntu добавьте строку:
$ sudoapt-getinstalltarantool-dev
Что касается библиотеки общего пользования с драйвером для PostgreSQL, ее можно установить двумя способами:
Из LuaRocks
Начните с установки luarocks. Убедитесь, что tarantool указан в серверах, как описано на странице сторонних модулей Tarantool rocks.tarantool.org. Затем выполните:
$ gitclonehttps://github.com/tarantool/pg.git
$ cdpg&&cmake.-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
$ make
$ makeinstall
На данном этапе желательно проверить, что после установки появился файл под названием driver.so, а также проверить, что этот файл находится в директории, которую можно найти по запросу require.
Начните с выполнения запроса require для драйвера pg. В дальнейших примерах у него будет имя pg.
где sql-statement – это строка, а необязательные параметры – это дополнительные значения, которыми можно заменить любые местозаполнители ($1 $2 $3 и т.д.) в SQL-операторе.
tarantool> conn:execute('select tablename from pg_tables')-----tablename:pg_statistic-tablename:pg_type-tablename:pg_authid<...>...
Закрытие соединения
Чтобы закрыть сессию, которую открыли с помощью pg.connect, используется следующий запрос:
tarantool> conn:close()---...
For further information, including examples of rarely-used requests, see the
README.md file at github.com/tarantool/pg.
Пример выполняется на машине с ОС Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), где Tarantool установлен в поддиректорию /usr, а копия PostgreSQL установлена в /usr. Экземпляр сервера PostgreSQL уже запущен на localhost
$ # Check that the include subdirectory exists$ # by looking for /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe-h.$ [-f/usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h]&&echo"OK"||echo"Error"OK$ # Check that the library subdirectory exists and has the necessary .so file.$ [-f/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpq.so]&&echo"OK"||echo"Error"OK$ # Check that the psql client can connect using some factory defaults:$ # port = 5432, user = 'postgres', user password = 'postgres',$ # database = 'postgres'. These can be changed, provided one changes$ # them in all places. Insert a row in database postgres, and quit.$ psql-h127.0.0.1-p5432-Upostgres-dpostgres
Password for user postgres:psql (9.3.10)SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)Type "help" for help.postgres=# CREATE TABLE test (s1 INT, s2 VARCHAR(50));CREATE TABLEpostgres=# INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,'PostgreSQL row');INSERT 0 1postgres=# \q$$ # Install luarocks$ sudoapt-get-yinstallluarocks|grep-E"Setting up|already"Setting up luarocks (2.0.8-2) ...$ # Set up the Tarantool rock list in ~/.luarocks,$ # following instructions at rocks.tarantool.org$ mkdir~/.luarocks
$ echo"rocks_servers = {[[http://rocks.tarantool.org/]]}">>\~/.luarocks/config.lua
$ # Ensure that the next "install" will get files from Tarantool master$ # repository. The resultant display is normal for Ubuntu 12.04 precise$ cat/etc/apt/sources.list.d/tarantool.list
deb http://tarantool.org/dist/2.0/ubuntu/ precise maindeb-src http://tarantool.org/dist/2.0/ubuntu/ precise main$ # Install tarantool-dev. The displayed line should show version = 2.0$ sudoapt-get-yinstalltarantool-dev|grep-E"Setting up|already"Setting up tarantool-dev ( ...$$ # Use luarocks to install locally, that is, relative to $HOME$ luarocksinstallpgPOSTGRESQL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu--local
Installing http://rocks.tarantool.org/pg-scm-1.rockspec...... (more info about building the Tarantool/PostgreSQL driver appears here)pg scm-1 is now built and installed in ~/.luarocks/$ # Ensure driver.so now has been created in a place$ # tarantool will look at$ find~/.luarocks-name"driver.so"~/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/pg/driver.so$ # Change directory to a directory which can be used for$ # temporary tests. For this example we assume that the$ # name of this directory is $HOME/tarantool_sandbox.$ # (Change "$HOME" to whatever is the user's actual$ # home directory for the machine that's used for this test.)cd $HOME/tarantool_sandbox$ # Start the Tarantool server instance. Do not use a Lua initialization file.$ tarantool
tarantool: version 2.0.4-412-g803b15ctype 'help' for interactive helptarantool>
Настройте Tarantool и загрузите модуль pg. Убедитесь, что Tarantool не выбрасывает ошибку в ответ на вызов «require()».
Создайте Lua-функцию, которая подключится к PostgreSQL-серверу (используя значения по умолчанию для параметров порта, пользователя и пароля), выберите одну строку и выведите ее на экран. Описание используемых здесь типов операторов вы можете найти в практикуме по Lua в руководстве пользователя Tarantool.
Просмотрите результат. В нем есть строка «PostgreSQL row». Это и есть строка, которая была вставлена в базу данных PostgreSQL. А сейчас она выделена с помощью Tarantool-клиента.
Other rocks
This page features a list of links to third-party Tarantool module documentation
that is hosted externally – mostly on GitHub pages or in READMEs:
Return a pointer to a series of bytes in MessagePack format.
This can be used instead of box_return_tuple() –
it can send the same value, but as MessagePack instead of as a tuple object.
It may be simpler than box_return_tuple() when the result is small, for
example a number or a boolean or a short string.
It will also be faster than box_return_tuple(), if the result is that
users save time by not creating a tuple every time they want to return
something from a C function.
On the other hand, if an already-existing tuple was obtained from
an iterator, then it would be faster to return the tuple via box_return_tuple()
rather than extracting its parts and sending them via box_return_mp().
ctx (box_function_ctx_t*) – an opaque structure passed to the C stored
procedure by Tarantool
For example, if mp is a buffer, and mp_end is a return value
produced by encoding a single MP_UINT scalar value with
mp_end=mp_encode_uint(mp,1);, then
box_return_mp(ctx,mp,mp_end); should return 0.
Since version 2.4.1. Push MessagePack data into
a session data channel – socket, console or
whatever is behind the session. Behaves just like Lua
data (constchar*) – begin of MessagePack to push
data_end (constchar*) – end of MessagePack to push
Since version 2.11.0.
Return the database schema version.
A schema version is a number that indicates whether the database schema is changed.
For example, the schema_version value grows if a space or index
is added or deleted, or a space, index, or field name is changed.
Since version 2.11.0.
Send an IPROTO packet over the session’s socket with the given MsgPack header
and body.
The function yields.
The function works for binary sessions only. For details, see box.session.type().
sid (uint32_t) – the IPROTO session identifier (see box_session_id())
header (char*) – a MsgPack-encoded header
header_end (char*) – end of a header encoded as MsgPack
body (char*) – a MsgPack-encoded body. If the body and body_end parameters are omitted, the packet
consists of the header only.
body_end (char*) – end of a body encoded as MsgPack
/* IPROTO constants are not exported to C.* That is, the user encodes them by himself.*/#define IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE 0x00#define IPROTO_OK 0x00#define IPROTO_SYNC 0x01#define IPROTO_SCHEMA_VERSION 0x05#define IPROTO_DATA 0x30charbuf[256]={};char*header=buf;char*header_end=header;header_end=mp_encode_map(header_end,3);header_end=mp_encode_uint(header_end,IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE);header_end=mp_encode_uint(header_end,IPROTO_OK);header_end=mp_encode_uint(header_end,IPROTO_SYNC);header_end=mp_encode_uint(header_end,10);header_end=mp_encode_uint(header_end,IPROTO_SCHEMA_VERSION);header_end=mp_encode_uint(header_end,box_schema_version());char*body=header_end;char*body_end=body;body_end=mp_encode_map(body_end,1);body_end=mp_encode_uint(body_end,IPROTO_DATA);body_end=mp_encode_uint(body_end,1);/* The packet contains both the header and body. */box_iproto_send(box_session_id(),header,header_end,body,body_end);/* The packet contains the header only. */box_iproto_send(box_session_id(),header,header_end,NULL,NULL);
To override the handler of unknown request types, use the IPROTO_UNKNOWN type code.
handler (iproto_handler_t) – IPROTO request handler. To reset the request handler, set the handler parameter to NULL.
See the full parameter description in the Handler function section.
destroy (iproto_handler_destroy_t) – IPROTO request handler destructor. The destructor is called when the
corresponding handler is removed. See the full parameter description
in the Handler destructor function section.
ctx (void*) – a context passed to the handler and destroy callbacks
If a Lua handler throws an exception, the behavior is similar to that of a remote procedure call.
The following errors are returned to the client over IPROTO (see src/lua/utils.h):
ER_PROC_LUA – an exception is thrown from a Lua handler, diagnostic is not set.
diagnostics from src/box/errcode.h – an exception is thrown, diagnostic is set.
Create new eio task with specified function and arguments. Yield and wait
until the task is complete.
This function may use the worker_pool_threads
configuration parameter.
To avoid double error checking, this function does not throw exceptions.
In most cases it is also necessary to check the return value of the called
function and perform necessary actions. If func sets errno, the errno is
preserved across the call.
Get the information about the last API call error.
The Tarantool error handling works most like libc’s errno. All API calls
return -1 or NULL in the event of error. An internal pointer to box_error_t
type is set by API functions to indicate what went wrong. This value is only
significant if API call failed (returned -1 or NULL).
Successful function can also touch the last error in some cases. You don’t
have to clear the last error before calling API functions. The returned
object is valid only until next call to any API function.
You must set the last error using box_error_set() in your stored C procedures
if you want to return a custom error message. You can re-throw the last API
error to IPROTO client by keeping the current value and returning -1 to
Tarantool from your stored procedure.
A conditional variable: a synchronization primitive that allow fibers in
Tarantool’s cooperative multitasking
environment to yield until some predicate is satisfied.
Fiber conditions have two basic operations – «wait» and «signal», – where
«wait» suspends the execution of a fiber (i.e. yields) until «signal» is
Suspend the execution of the current fiber (i.e. yield) until
fiber_cond_signal() is called.
Like pthread_cond, fiber_cond can issue spurious wake ups caused by
explicit fiber_wakeup() or
fiber_cancel() calls. It is highly
recommended to wrap calls to this function into a loop and check the actual
predicate and fiber_is_cancelled()
on every iteration.
Controls how to iterate over tuples in an index. Different index types
support different iterator types. For example, one can start iteration
from a particular value (request key) and then retrieve all tuples where
keys are greater or equal (= GE) to this key.
If iterator type is not supported by the selected index type, iterator
constructor must fail with ER_UNSUPPORTED. To be selectable for primary
key, an index must support at least ITER_EQ and ITER_GE types.
NULL value of request key corresponds to the first or last key in the index,
depending on iteration direction. (first key for GE and GT types, and last
key for LE and LT). Therefore, to iterate over all tuples in an index, one
can use ITER_GE or ITER_LE iteration types with start key equal to NULL.
For ITER_EQ, the key must not be NULL.
Lock a latch. Waits indefinitely until the current fiber can gain access to
the latch. Since version 2.11.0, locks are acquired
exactly in the order in which they were requested.
Register and/or deregister an on_shutdown function.
arg (void*) – Pointer to an area that the new handler can use
new_handler (function*) – Pointer to a function which will be registered, or NULL
old_handler (function*) – Pointer to a function which will be deregistered, or NULL
status of operation. 0 - success, -1 - failure
Тип результата:
A function which is registered will be called when the Tarantool instance shuts down.
This is functionally similar to what box.ctl.on_shutdown does.
If there are several on_shutdown functions, the Tarantool instance will call them
in reverse order of registration, that is, it will call the last-registered function first.
Typically a module developer will register an on_shutdown function that does whatever
cleanup work the module requires, and then returns control to the Tarantool instance.
Such an on_shutdown function should be fast, or should use an
asynchronous waiting mechanism (for example coio_wait).
Possible errors:
old_handler does not exist (errno = EINVAL),
new_handler and old_handler are both NULL (errno = EINVAL),
memory allocation fails (errno = ENOMEM).
Example: if the C API .c program contains a function
and later, in the function which the instance calls, contains a line
then, if all goes well, when the instance shuts down, it will display «Bye!».
When working with tuples, it is the developer’s responsibility
to ensure that enough space is allocated, taking especial caution
when writing to them with msgpuck functions such as
Tuples are reference counted. All functions that return tuples guarantee
that the last returned tuple is reference counted internally until the next
call to API function that yields or returns another tuple.
You should increase the reference counter before taking tuples for long
processing in your code. The Lua garbage collector will not destroy a
tuple that has references, even
if another fiber removes them from a space. After processing,
decrement the reference counter using
otherwise the tuple will leak.
Dump raw MsgPack data to the memory buffer buf of size size.
Store tuple fields in the memory buffer.
Upon successful return, the function returns the number of bytes written.
If buffer size is not enough then the return value is the number of bytes
which would have been written if enough space had been available.
Return the raw tuple field in MsgPack format.
The result is a pointer to raw MessagePack data which can be
decoded with mp_decode functions, for an example see the tutorial
program read.c.
The buffer is valid until the next call to a box_tuple_* function.
One cannot use STRS/ENUM macros for types because
there is a mismatch between enum name (STRING) and type
name literal («STR»). STR is already used as a type in Objective C.
Allocate and initialize a new tuple iterator. The tuple iterator allows
iterating over fields at the root level of a MsgPack array.
box_tuple_iterator_t*it=box_tuple_iterator(tuple);if(it==NULL){// error handling using box_error_last()}constchar*field;while(field=box_tuple_next(it)){// process raw MsgPack data}// rewind the iterator to the first positionbox_tuple_rewind(it)assert(box_tuple_position(it)==0);// rewind three fieldsfield=box_tuple_seek(it,3);assert(box_tuple_position(it)==4);box_iterator_free(it);
Return zero-based next position in iterator. That is, this function
returnы the field id of the field that will be returned by the next call
to box_tuple_next().
Returned value is zero after initialization
or rewind and box_tuple_field_count()
after the end of iteration.
The result is a pointer to raw MessagePack data which can be
decoded with mp_decode functions, for an example see the tutorial
program read.c.
The returned buffer is valid until the next call to box_tuple_* API.
The requested field_no is returned by the next call to
The result is a pointer to raw MessagePack data which can be
decoded with mp_decode functions, for an example see the tutorial
program read.c.
The returned buffer is valid until next call to box_tuple_* API.
This topic describes the C API for working with read views.
The C API is MT-safe and provides the ability to use a read view from any thread,
not only from the main (TX) thread.
The C API has the following specifics:
The space.upgrade function is not applied to retrieved tuples even if a space upgrade is in progress.
You can learn how to call C code using stored procedures in the
C tutorial.
Data types
The opaque data types below represent raw read views and an iterator over data in a raw read view.
Note that there is no special data type for tuples retrieved from a read view.
Tuples are returned as raw MessagePack data (constchar*).
Open a raw read view with the specified name and get a pointer to this read view.
In the case of error, returns NULL and sets box_error_last().
This function may be called from the main (TX) thread only.
*name (constchar) –
(optional) a read view name; if name is not specified, a read view name is set to unknown
To fetch data from a read view, you need to specify an index to fetch the data from.
The following functions are available for looking up spaces and indexes in a read view object.
The functions below provide the ability to look up a tuple by the key or create an iterator over a read view index.
Methods of the read view iterator are safe to call from any thread, but they may be used in one thread at the same time. This means that an iterator should be thread-local.
Look up a tuple in a read view’s index.
If found, the data and size out arguments return a pointer to and the size of tuple data.
If not found, *data is set to NULL and *size is set to 0.
Create an iterator over a raw read view index.
The initialized iterator object returned by this function remains valid and may be safely used until it’s destroyed or the read view is closed.
When the iterator object is no longer needed, it should be destroyed using
Retrieve the current tuple and advance the given iterator over a raw read view index.
The pointer to and the size of tuple data are returned in the data and the size out arguments.
The data returned by this function remains valid and may be safely used until the read view is closed.
Destroy an iterator over a raw read view index.
The iterator object should not be used after calling this function,
but the data returned by the iterator may be safely dereferenced until the read view is closed.
Get the name of a field defined in the format of a read view space.
If the field number is greater than the total number of fields defined in the format, NULL is returned.
The string returned by this function is guaranteed to remain valid until the read view is closed.
Get the type of a field defined in the format of a read view space.
If the field number is greater than the total number of fields defined in the format, NULL is returned.
The string returned by this function is guaranteed to remain valid until the read view is closed.
This section provides information on the Tarantool binary protocol, iproto.
The protocol is called «binary» because the database is most frequently accessed
via binary code instead of Lua request text. Tarantool experts use it:
to write their own connectors
to understand network messages
to support new features that their favorite connector doesn’t support yet
to avoid repetitive parsing by the server
The binary protocol provides complete access to Tarantool functionality, including:
request multiplexing, for example ability to issue multiple requests
asynchronously via the same connection
response format that supports zero-copy writes
Since version 2.11.0, you can use the box.iproto submodule to access
IPROTO constants and features from Lua. The submodule enables to send arbitrary IPROTO packets
over the session’s socket and override the behavior for all IPROTO
request types. Also, IPROTO_UNKNOWN constant is introduced. The constant is used for the
box.iproto.override() API, which allows setting a handler for incoming requests with an unknown type.
Now look at what tcpdump shows for the job connecting to 3302 – the «request».
After the words «length 32» is a packet that ends with these 32 bytes
(we have added indented comments):
ce 00 00 00 1b MP_UINT = decimal 27 = number of bytes after this
82 MP_MAP, size 2 (we'll call this "Main-Map")
01 IPROTO_SYNC (Main-Map Item#1)
04 MP_INT = 4 = number that gets incremented with each request
00 IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE (Main-Map Item#2)
86 MP_MAP, size 6 (we'll call this "Select-Map")
10 IPROTO_SPACE_ID (Select-Map Item#1)
cd 02 00 MP_UINT = decimal 512 = id of tspace (could be larger)
11 IPROTO_INDEX_ID (Select-Map Item#2)
00 MP_INT = 0 = id of index within tspace
14 IPROTO_ITERATOR (Select-Map Item#3)
00 MP_INT = 0 = Tarantool iterator_type.h constant ITER_EQ
13 IPROTO_OFFSET (Select-Map Item#4)
00 MP_INT = 0 = amount to offset
12 IPROTO_LIMIT (Select-Map Item#5)
ce ff ff ff ff MP_UINT = 4294967295 = biggest possible limit
20 IPROTO_KEY (Select-Map Item#6)
91 MP_ARRAY, size 1 (we'll call this "Key-Array")
cd 01 18 MP_UINT = 280 (Select-Map Item#6, Key-Array Item#1)
-- 280 is the key value that we are searching for
Now read the source code file
and skip to the line netbox_encode_select(lua_State*L).
From the comments and from simple function calls like
you will be able to see how net_box put together the packet contents that you
have just observed with tcpdump.
There are libraries for reading and writing MessagePack objects.
C programmers sometimes include msgpuck.h.
Now you know how Tarantool itself makes requests with the binary protocol.
When in doubt about a detail, consult net_box.c – it has routines for each
request. Some connectors have similar code.
For an IPROTO_UPDATE example, suppose a user changes field #2 in tuple #2
in space #256 to 'BBBB'. The body will look like this:
(notice that in this case there is an extra map item
IPROTO_INDEX_BASE, to emphasize that field numbers
start with 1, which is optional and can be omitted):
85 IPROTO_MAP, size 5
10 IPROTO_SPACE_ID, Map Item#1
cd 02 00 MP_UINT 256
11 IPROTO_INDEX_ID, Map Item#2
00 MP_INT 0 = primary-key index number
01 MP_INT = 1 i.e. field numbers start at 1
21 IPROTO_TUPLE, Map Item#4
91 MP_ARRAY, size 1, for array of operations
93 MP_ARRAY, size 3
a1 3d MP_STR = OPERATOR = '='
02 MP_INT = FIELD_NO = 2
a5 42 42 42 42 42 MP_STR = VALUE = 'BBBB'
20 IPROTO_KEY, Map Item#5
91 MP_ARRAY, size 1, for array of key values
02 MP_UINT = primary-key value = 2
83 MP_MAP, size 3
43 IPROTO_STMT_ID Map Item#1
ce d7 aa 74 1b MP_UINT value of n.stmt_id
92 MP_ARRAY, size 2
01 MP_INT = 1 = value for first parameter
a1 61 MP_STR = 'a' = value for second parameter
90 MP_ARRAY, size 0 (there are no options)
Byte codes for the response to the box.space.space-name:insert{6}
83 MP_MAP, size 3
ce 00 00 00 00 MP_UINT = IPROTO_OK
cf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 MP_UINT = sync value
ce 00 00 00 68 MP_UINT = schema version
81 MP_MAP, size 1
dd 00 00 00 01 MP_ARRAY, size 1 (row count)
91 MP_ARRAY, size 1 (field count)
06 MP_INT = 6 = the value that was inserted
Byte codes for the response to the conn:eval([[box.schema.space.create('_space');]])
83 MP_MAP, size 3 (i.e. 3 items in header)
ce 00 00 80 0a MP_UINT = hexadecimal 800a
cf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 MP_UINT = sync value
ce 00 00 00 78 MP_UINT = schema version value
81 MP_MAP, size 1
db 00 00 00 1d 53 70 61 63 etc. MP_STR = "Space '_space' already exists"
Creating a table with IPROTO_EXECUTE
Byte codes, if we use the same net.box connection that
we used in the beginning
and we say conn:execute([[CREATETABLEt1(ddINTPRIMARYKEYAUTOINCREMENT,ддSTRINGCOLLATE"unicode");]]) conn:execute([[INSERTINTOt1VALUES(NULL,'a'),(NULL,'b');]])
and we watch what tcpdump displays, we will see two noticeable things:
(1) the CREATE statement caused a schema change so the response has
a new IPROTO_SCHEMA_VERSION value and the body includes
the new contents of some system tables (caused by requests from net.box which users will not see);
(2) the final bytes of the response to the INSERT will be:
81 MP_MAP, size 1
82 MP_MAP, size 2
00 Tarantool constant (not in iproto_constants.h) = SQL_INFO_ROW_COUNT
02 1 = row count
01 Tarantool constant (not in iproto_constants.h) = SQL_INFO_AUTOINCREMENT_ID
92 MP_ARRAY, size 2
01 first autoincrement number
02 second autoincrement number
Byte codes for the SQL SELECT example,
if we ask for full metadata by saying conn.space._session_settings:update('sql_full_metadata',{{'=','value',true}})
and we select the two rows from the table that we just created conn:execute([[SELECTdd,ддASдFROMt1;]])
then tcpdump will show this response, after the header:
82 MP_MAP, size 2 (i.e. metadata and rows)
92 MP_ARRAY, size 2 (i.e. 2 columns)
85 MP_MAP, size 5 (i.e. 5 items for column#1)
00 a2 44 44 IPROTO_FIELD_NAME and 'DD'
01 a7 69 6e 74 65 67 65 72 IPROTO_FIELD_TYPE and 'integer'
05 c0 PROTO_FIELD_SPAN and nil
85 MP_MAP, size 5 (i.e. 5 items for column#2)
00 a2 d0 94 IPROTO_FIELD_NAME and 'Д' upper case
01 a6 73 74 72 69 6e 67 IPROTO_FIELD_TYPE and 'string'
02 a7 75 6e 69 63 6f 64 65 IPROTO_FIELD_COLL and 'unicode'
05 a4 d0 b4 d0 b4 IPROTO_FIELD_SPAN and 'дд' lower case
92 MP_ARRAY, size 2
92 MP_ARRAY, size 2
01 MP_INT = 1 i.e. contents of row#1 column#1
a1 61 MP_STR = 'a' i.e. contents of row#1 column#2
92 MP_ARRAY, size 2
02 MP_INT = 2 i.e. contents of row#2 column#1
a1 62 MP_STR = 'b' i.e. contents of row#2 column#2
Byte code for the SQL PREPARE example. If we said conn:prepare([[SELECTdd,ддASдFROMt1;]])
then tcpdump would show almost the same response, but there would
be no IPROTO_DATA. Instead, additional items will appear:
The binary protocol handles data in the MessagePack format.
Short descriptions of the basic MessagePack data types
are on MessagePack’s specification page.
Tarantool also introduces several MessagePack type extensions.
In this document, MessagePack types are described by words that start with MP_.
See this table:
Requests and responses have similar structure. They contain three sections: size, header, and body.
It is legal to put more than one request in a packet.
The size is an MP_UINT – unsigned integer, usually 32-bit.
It is the size of the header plus the size of the body.
It may be useful to compare it with the number of bytes remaining in the packet.
The header is an MP_MAP. It may contain, in any order:
Both the request and response use the IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE key.
It denotes the type of the packet.
The request and the matching response have the same sync number (IPROTO_SYNC).
IPROTO_SCHEMA_VERSION is an optional key that indicates
whether there was a major change in the schema.
To see how Tarantool encodes the header, have a look at file
function xrow_header_encode.
To see how Tarantool decodes the header, have a look at file
function netbox_decode_data.
For example, in a successful response to box.space:select(),
the IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE value is 0 = IPROTO_OK and the
array has all the tuples of the result.
Read the source code file net_box.c
where the function decode_metadata_optional is an example of how Tarantool
itself decodes extra items.
The body is an MP_MAP. Maximal iproto package body length is 2 GiB.
The body has the details of the request or response. In a request, it can also
be absent or be an empty map. Both these states are interpreted equally.
Responses contain the body anyway even for an
IPROTO_PING request, where it is an empty MP_MAP.
A lot of responses contain the IPROTO_DATA map:
For most data-access requests (IPROTO_SELECT,
the body is an IPROTO_DATA map with an array of tuples that contain an array of fields.
IPROTO_DATA is what we get with net_box and Module buffer
so if we were using net_box we could decode with
or we could convert to a string with ffi.string(pointer,length).
The pickle.unpack() function might also be helpful.
For SQL-specific requests and responses, the body is a bit different.
Learn more about this type of packets.
Error responses
Instead of IPROTO_OK, an error response header
Its code is 0x8XXX, where XXX is the error code – a value in
src/box/errcode.h also has some convenience macros which define hexadecimal
constants for return codes.
The error response body is a map that contains two keys: IPROTO_ERROR
While IPROTO_ERROR contains an MP_MAP value, IPROTO_ERROR_24 contains a string.
The two keys are provided to accommodate clients with older and newer Tarantool versions.
Error responses before 2.4.1
Before Tarantool v. 2.4.1, the key IPROTO_ERROR contained a string
and was identical to the current IPROTO_ERROR_24 key.
Let’s consider an example. This is the fifth message, and the request was to create a duplicate
space with conn:eval([[box.schema.space.create('_space');]]).
The unsuccessful response looks like this:
Looking in errcode.h,
we find that the error code 0x0a (decimal 10) is
ER_SPACE_EXISTS, and the string associated with ER_SPACE_EXISTS is
«Space „%s“ already exists».
Since version 2.4.1, responses for errors have extra information
following what was described above. This extra information is given via the
MP_ERROR extension type. See details in the MessagePack extensions section.
Keys used in requests and responses
This section describes iproto keys contained in requests and responses.
The keys are Tarantool constants that are either defined or mentioned in the
iproto_constants.h file.
While the keys themselves are unsigned 8-bit integers, their values can have different types.
Parameter values to match ? placeholders or :name placeholders
0x42 MP_MAP
Additional SQL-related parameters
0x00 MP_UINT
Number of changed rows. Is 0 for statements that do not change rows. Nested in IPROTO_SQL_INFO
0x01 MP_ARRAY of MP_UINT items
New primary key value (or values) for an INSERT in a table
Details on individual keys
Code: 0x54.
IPROTO_VERSION is an integer number reflecting the version of protocol that the
client supports. The latest IPROTO_VERSION is 3.
Code: 0x55.
Available IPROTO_FEATURES are the following:
in the request header.
in the request header). Learn more about sending transaction commands.
MsgPack extension support. Clients that don’t support this feature receive
error responses for IPROTO_EVAL and
IPROTO_CALL encoded to string error messages.
Only used in streams.
This is an unsigned number that should be unique in every stream.
In requests, IPROTO_STREAM_ID is useful for two things:
ensuring that requests within transactions are done in separate groups,
and ensuring strictly consistent execution of requests (whether or not they are within transactions).
IPROTO_ERROR_24 is used in Tarantool versions before 2.4.1.
The key contains the error in the string format.
Since Tarantool 2.4.1,
Tarantool packs errors as the MP_ERROR MessagePack extension,
which includes extra information. Two keys are passed in the error response body: IPROTO_ERROR and IPROTO_ERROR_24.
When it comes to replicating synchronous transactions, the IPROTO_FLAGS key is included in the header.
The key contains an MP_UINT value of one or more bits:
IPROTO_FLAG_COMMIT (0x01) is set if this is the last message for a transaction.
IPROTO_FLAG_WAIT_SYNC (0x02) is set if this is the last message
for a transaction which cannot be completed immediately.
IPROTO_FLAG_WAIT_ACK (0x04) is set if this is the last message for a synchronous transaction.
Since version 2.11, the key is included in response to a heartbeat message.
The term corresponds to the value of box.info.synchro.queue.term on the sender instance.
Vclock keys
The vclock (vector clock) is a log sequence number map that defines the version of the dataset stored on the node.
In fact, it represents the number of logical operations executed on a specific node. A vclock looks like this:
There are five keys that correspond to vector clocks in different contexts of replication.
They all have the MP_MAP type:
IPROTO_VCLOCK_SYNC (0x5a) is used by replication heartbeats.
The master sends its heartbeats, including this monotonically growing key, to a replica.
Once the replica receives a heartbeat with a non-zero IPROTO_VCLOCK_SYNC value,
it starts responding with the same value in all its acknowledgements.
This key was introduced in version 2.11.
IPROTO_BALLOT_VCLOCK (0x02) is included in the IPROTO_BALLOT message.
IPROTO_BALLOT is sent in response to the IPROTO_VOTE request.
This key was introduced in Tarantool 2.6.1.
IPROTO_BALLOT_GC_VCLOCK (0x03) is also included in the IPROTO_BALLOT message.
IPROTO_BALLOT is sent in response to the IPROTO_VOTE request.
It is the vclock of the oldest WAL entry on the instance.
Corresponds to box.info.gc().vclock.
This key was introduced in Tarantool 2.6.1.
IPROTO_RAFT_VCLOCK (0x03) is included in the IPROTO_RAFT message.
It is present only on the instances in the «candidate» state
The key contains an array of column maps, with each column map containing
at least IPROTO_FIELD_NAME (0x00) and MP_STR, and IPROTO_FIELD_TYPE (0x01) and MP_STR.
Additionally, if sql_full_metadata in the
_session_settings system space
is TRUE, then the array has these additional column maps
which correspond to components described in the box.execute() section.
This request/response type is contained in the header and signifies success. Here is an example:
Code: 0x80.
If the response is out-of-band, due to use of box.session.push(),
Code: 0x8XXX (see below).
Instead of IPROTO_OK, an error response header
has 0x8XXX for IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE. XXX is the error code – a value in
src/box/errcode.h also has some convenience macros which define hexadecimal
constants for return codes.
An unknown request type. The constant is used to override the handler of unknown IPROTO request types.
Learn more: box.iproto.override() and box_iproto_override.
If the ID of tspace is 512 and this is the fifth message, conn.space.tspace:select({0},{iterator='GT',offset=1,limit=2}) will cause the following request packet:
In the examples,
you can find actual byte codes of an IPROTO_SELECT message.
For example, if the request is
INSERTINTOtable-nameVALUES(1),(2),(3), then the response body
contains an IPROTO_SQL_INFO map with SQL_INFO_ROW_COUNT=3.
SQL_INFO_ROW_COUNT can be 0 for statements that do not change rows,
but can be 1 for statements that create new objects.
If the ID of tspace is 512 and this is the fifth message, conn.space.tspace:insert{1,'AAA'} will produce the following request and response packets:
See conn:eval().
Since the argument is a Lua expression, this is
Tarantool’s way to handle non-binary with the
binary protocol. Any request that does not have
its own code, for example box.space.space-name:drop(),
will be handled either with IPROTO_CALL
The tt administrative utility
makes extensive use of eval.
The body is a 2-item map:
the response body will usually be an array but, since Lua requests can result in a wide variety
of structures, bodies can have a wide variety of structures.
For SQL-specific responses, the body is a bit different.
Learn more about this type of packets.
If this is the fifth message, conn:eval('return5;') will cause:
Code: 0x0a.
See conn:call().
This is a remote stored-procedure call.
Tarantool 1.6 and earlier made use of the IPROTO_CALL_16 request (code: 0x06). It is now deprecated
and superseded by IPROTO_CALL.
The body is a 2-item map. The response will be a list of values, similar to the
IPROTO_EVAL response. The return from conn:call is whatever the function returns.
For SQL-specific responses, the body is a bit different.
Learn more about this type of packets.
Code: 0x07.
For general information, see the Access control section in the administrator’s guide.
For more on how authentication is handled in the binary protocol,
see the Authentication section of this document.
The client sends an authentication packet as an IPROTO_AUTH message:
IPROTO_USERNAME holds the user name. IPROTO_TUPLE must be an array of 2 fields:
authentication mechanism
and scramble, encrypted according to the specified mechanism.
The server instance responds to an authentication packet with a standard response with 0 tuples.
To see how Tarantool handles this, look at
function netbox_encode_auth.
Code: 0x0c.
There is no Lua request exactly equivalent to IPROTO_NOP.
It causes the LSN to be incremented.
It could be sometimes used for updates where the old and new values
are the same, but the LSN must be increased because a data-change
must be recorded.
The body is: nothing.
Code: 0x40.
See conn:ping(). The body will be an empty map because IPROTO_PING
in the header contains all the information that the server instance needs.
Code: 0x49.
Clients send this message to inform the server about the protocol version and
features they support. Based on this information, the server can enable or
disable certain features in interacting with these clients.
The body is a 2-item map:
The response body has the same structure as
the request body. It informs the client about the protocol version, features
supported by the server, and a protocol used to generate user authentication data.
IPROTO_ID requests can be processed without authentication.
Session start and authentication
Every iproto session begins with a greeting and optional authentication.
Greeting message
When a client connects to the server instance, the instance responds with
a 128-byte text greeting message, not in MsgPack format:
The greeting contains two 64-byte lines of ASCII text.
Each line ends with a newline character (\n). If the line content is less than 64 bytes long,
the rest of the line is filled up with symbols with an ASCII code of 0 that aren’t displayed in the console.
The first line contains
the instance version and protocol type. The second line contains the session salt –
a base64-encoded random string, which is usually 44 bytes long.
The salt is used in the authentication packet – the IPROTO_AUTH message.
If authentication is skipped, then the session user is 'guest'
(the 'guest' user does not need a password).
If authentication is not skipped, then at any time an authentication packet
can be prepared using the greeting, the user’s name and password,
and sha-1 functions, as follows.
size_of_encoded_salt_in_greeting = 44;
size_of_salt_after_base64_decode = 32;
/* sha1() will only use the first 20 bytes */
size_of_any_sha1_digest = 20;
size_of_scramble = 20;
prepare 'chap-sha1' scramble:
salt = base64_decode(encoded_salt);
step_1 = sha1(password);
step_2 = sha1(step_1);
step_3 = sha1(first_20_bytes_of_salt, step_2);
scramble = xor(step_1, step_3);
return scramble;
Sequential processing:
With streams there is a guarantee that the server instance will not
handle the next request in a stream until it has completed the previous one.
For example, a series of requests can include
«begin for stream #1», «begin for stream #2»,
«insert for stream #1», «insert for stream #2», «delete
for stream #1», «commit for stream #1», «rollback for stream #2».
To work with stream transactions using iproto, the following is required:
The client is responsible for ensuring that the stream identifier,
unsigned integer IPROTO_STREAM_ID, is in the request header.
IPROTO_STREAM_ID can be any positive 64-bit number, and should be unique for the connection.
If IPROTO_STREAM_ID equals zero, the server instance will ignore it.
At this point the stream object will look like a duplicate of
the conn object, with just one additional member: stream_id.
Now, using stream instead of conn, the client sends two requests:
The header and body of these requests will be the same as in
non-stream IPROTO_INSERT requests, except
that the header will contain an additional item: IPROTO_STREAM_ID=0x0a
with MP_UINT=0x01. It happens to equal 1 for this example because
each call to conn:new_stream() assigns a new number, starting with 1.
The client makes stream transactions by sending, in order:
IPROTO_BEGIN with an optional transaction timeout in the IPROTO_TIMEOUT field of the request body.
The transaction data-change and query requests.
All these requests must contain the same IPROTO_STREAM_ID value.
A rollback will happen automatically if
a disconnect occurs or the transaction timeout expires before the commit is possible.
Thus there are now multiple ways to do transactions:
with net_boxstream:begin() and stream:commit() or stream:rollback()
the current value of stream.stream_id;
with box.begin() and box.commit() or box.rollback();
An application can use any or all of these ways.
Events and subscriptions
The commands below support asynchronous server-client notifications signalled
with box.broadcast().
Servers that support the new feature set the IPROTO_FEATURE_WATCHERS feature in reply to the IPROTO_ID command.
When the connection is closed, all watchers registered for it are unregistered.
The remote watcher (event subscription) protocol works in the following way:
The client sends an IPROTO_WATCH packet to subscribe to the updates of a specified key defined on the server.
The server sends an IPROTO_EVENT packet to the subscribed client after registration.
The packet contains the key name and its current value.
After that, the packet is sent every time the key value is updated with
box.broadcast(), provided that the last notification was acknowledged (see below).
After receiving the notification, the client sends an IPROTO_WATCH packet to acknowledge the notification.
If the client doesn’t want to receive any more notifications, it unsubscribes by sending
All the three request types are asynchronous – the receiving end doesn’t send a packet in reply to any of them.
Therefore, neither of them has a sync number.
Code: 0x4a.
Register a new watcher for the given notification key or confirms a notification if the watcher is
already subscribed.
The watcher is notified after registration.
After that, the notification is sent every time the key is updated.
The server doesn’t reply to the request unless it fails to parse the packet.
Code: 0x4b.
Unregister a watcher subscribed to the given notification key.
The server doesn’t reply to the request unless it fails to parse the packet.
Code: 0x4c.
Sent by the server to notify a client about an update of a key.
IPROTO_EVENT_DATA contains data sent to a remote watcher.
The parameter is optional, the default value is MP_NIL.
The graceful shutdown protocol is a mechanism that helps to prevent data loss in requests in case of a shutdown command.
According to the protocol, when a server receives an os.exit() command or a SIGTERM signal,
it does not exit immediately.
Instead of that, first, the server stops listening for new connections.
Then, the server sends the shutdown packets to all connections that support the graceful shutdown protocol.
When a client is notified about the upcoming server exit, it stops serving any new requests and
waits for active requests to complete before closing the connections.
Once all connections are terminated, the server will be shut down.
From now on, the server waits until all subscribed connections are terminated.
At the same time, the client gets the box.shutdown event and shuts the connection down gracefully.
After all connections are closed, the server will be stopped.
Otherwise, a timeout occurs, and the Tarantool exits immediately.
You can set up the required timeout with the
set_on_shutdown_timeout() function.
Use IPROTO_STMT_ID (0x43) and statement-id (MP_INT) if executing a prepared statement.
Use IPROTO_SQL_TEXT (0x40) and statement-text (MP_STR) if executing an SQL string.
IPROTO_SQL_BIND (0x41) corresponds to the array of parameter values to match ? placeholders or
:name placeholders.
IPROTO_OPTIONS (0x2b) corresponds to the array of options. It is usually empty.
Example 1
Suppose we prepare a statement
with two ? placeholders, and execute with two parameters, thus:
To call a prepared statement with named parameters from a connector pass the
parameters within an array of maps. A client should wrap each element into a map,
where the key holds a name of the parameter (with a colon) and the value holds
an actual value. So, to bind foo and bar to 42 and 43, a client should send
If a statement has both named and non-named parameters, wrap only named ones
into a map. The rest of the parameters are positional and will be substituted in order.
Example 2
Let’s ask for full metadata and then
select the two rows from a table named t1 that has columns named DD and Д:
conn.space._session_settings:update('sql_full_metadata',{{'=','value',true}})conn:prepare([[SELECT dd, дд AS д FROM t1;]])
In the iproto request, there would be no IPROTO_DATA and there would be two additional items:
3400=IPROTO_BIND_COUNTandMP_UINT=0 (there are no parameters to bind).
3390=IPROTO_BIND_METADATAandMP_ARRAY,size0 (there are no parameters to bind).
Here is what the request body looks like:
Code: 0x0d.
The body is a 1-item map:
The IPROTO_PREPARE map item is the same as the first item of the
IPROTO_EXECUTE body for an SQL string.
Responses for SQL
After the header, for a response to an SQL statement,
there will be a body that is slightly different from the body for non-SQL requests/responses.
Responses to SELECT, VALUES, or PRAGMA
If the SQL statement is SELECT or VALUES or PRAGMA, the response contains:
Let’s ask for full metadata
and then select the two rows from a table named t1 that has columns named DD and Д:
conn.space._session_settings:update('sql_full_metadata',{{'=','value',true}})conn:execute([[SELECT dd, дд AS д FROM t1;]])
If the SQL request is not SELECT or VALUES or PRAGMA, then the response body
contains only IPROTO_SQL_INFO (0x42). Usually IPROTO_SQL_INFO is a map with only
one item – SQL_INFO_ROW_COUNT (0x00) – which is the number of changed rows.
For example, if the request is INSERTINTOtable-nameVALUES(1),(2),(3), then the response body
contains an IPROTO_SQL_INFO map with SQL_INFO_ROW_COUNT=3.
The IPROTO_SQL_INFO map may contain a second item – SQL_INFO_AUTO_INCREMENT_IDS(0x01) –
which is the new primary-key value (or values) for an INSERT in a table
defined with PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT. In this case the MP_MAP will have two
keys, and one of the two keys will be 0x01: SQL_INFO_AUTO_INCREMENT_IDS, which
is an array of unsigned integers.
Replication requests and responses
This section describes internal requests and responses that happen during replication.
Each of them is distinguished by the header,
containing a unique IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE value.
These values and the corresponding packet body structures are considered below.
Connectors and clients do not need to send replication packets.
A request sent in response to IPROTO_JOIN or IPROTO_FETCH_SNAPSHOT
after the instance initialization information
The master also sends heartbeat messages to the replicas.
The heartbeat message’s IPROTO_REQUEST_TYPE is 0.
Below are details on individual replication requests.
For synchronous replication requests, see Synchronous.
Once in replication_timeout seconds,
a master sends a heartbeat message to a replica,
and the replica sends a response.
IPROTO_TIMESTAMP is a float-64 MP_DOUBLE 8-byte timestamp.
Since version 2.11, both messages have an optional field in the body that contains
The master’s heartbeat has no body if the IPROTO_VCLOCK_SYNC key is omitted.
This step applies if the IPROTO_SERVER_VERSION specified in the request is 2.10 or later.
A number of INSERT requests (with additional LSN and ServerID).
This way, the data is updated on the instance that sent the IPROTO_JOIN request.
The instance should not reply to these INSERT requests.
The new vclock’s MP_MAP in a response similar to the one above.
A number of INSERT, REPLACE,
and DELETE requests. This way, the instance
that is joining the replica set receives data updates that happened during
the join stage.
The new vclock’s MP_MAP in a response similar to the one above.
Code: 0x42.
If IPROTO_JOIN was successful,
the initiator instance must send an IPROTO_SUBSCRIBE request
to all the nodes listed in its box.cfg.replication:
After a successful IPROTO_SUBSCRIBE request,
the instance must process every request that could come from other masters.
Each master’s request includes a vclock pair corresponding to that master –
its instance ID and its LSN, independent from other masters.
is an optional key used in the SUBSCRIBE request followed by an array
of ids of instances whose rows won’t be relayed to the replica.
The field is encoded only when the ID list is not empty.
Code: 0x45.
To join a replica set as an anonymous replica, an instance must send an initial
IPROTO_FETCH_SNAPSHOT request to the master instance of the replica set:
This step applies if the IPROTO_SERVER_VERSION specified in the request is 2.10 or later.
A number of INSERT requests (with additional LSN and ServerID).
This way, the data is updated on the instance that sent the IPROTO_JOIN request.
The instance should not reply to these INSERT requests.
The new vclock’s MP_MAP in a response similar to the one above.
Code: 0x46.
To register an anonymous replica in a replica set so that it’s not anonymous anymore,
it must send an IPROTO_REGISTER request to a master node of the replica set:
The instance that receives the request sends the following messages in response:
A number of INSERT, REPLACE,
and DELETE requests. This way, the instance
that is registering in the replica set receives data updates that happened
since the time it fetched the snapshot.
The new vclock’s MP_MAP.
Technically, subsequent IPROTO_FETCH_SNAPSHOT and IPROTO_REGISTER requests are equivalent
Code: 0x47.
When an instance receives an IPOTO_JOIN or IPROTO_FETCH_SNAPSHOT request, its responses
include the information required for the instance initialization: current Raft term,
current state of synchronous transaction queue. Before sending this information,
the instance sends an IPROTO_JOIN_META request with an empty body:
An instance that has received an IPROTO_JOIN or IPROTO_FETCH_SNAPSHOT request
sends an IPROTO_JOIN_SNAPSHOT request with an empty body after it completes sending
the instance initialization information.
Roll back the RAFT transactions because they haven’t achieved quorum
Code: 0x1e.
A node broadcasts the IPROTO_RAFT request to all the replicas connected to it
when the RAFT state of the node changes.
It can be any actions changing the state, like starting a new election, bumping the term,
voting for another node, becoming the leader, and so on.
If there should be a response, for example, in case of a vote request to other nodes,
the response will also be an IPROTO_RAFT message.
In this case, the node should be connected as a replica to another node from which the response is expected
because the response is sent via the replication channel.
In other words, there should be a full-mesh connection between the nodes.
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the ID of the replica from which the request came.
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the replica ID of the node that sent the request.
IPROTO_LSN is the actual LSN of the promote operation as recorded in the WAL.
In the body:
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the replica ID of the previous synchronous queue owner.
IPROTO_LSN is the LSN of the last operation on the previous synchronous queue owner.
IPROTO_TERM is the term in which the node that sent the request becomes the synchronous queue owner.
This term corresponds to the value of box.info.synchro.queue.term on the instance.
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the replica ID of the node that sent the request.
IPROTO_LSN is the actual LSN of the demote operation as recorded in the WAL.
In the body:
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the replica ID of the node that sent the request
(same as the value in the header).
IPROTO_LSN is the LSN of the last synchronous transaction recorded in the node’s WAL.
IPROTO_TERM is the term in which the queue becomes empty.
Code: 0x28.
This message is used in replication connections between
Tarantool nodes in synchronous replication.
It is not supposed to be used by any client applications in their
regular connections.
This message confirms that the transactions that originated from the instance
with id = IPROTO_REPLICA_ID (body) have achieved quorum and can be committed,
up to and including LSN = IPROTO_LSN (body).
The body is a 2-item map:
In the header:
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the ID of the replica that sends the confirm message.
IPROTO_LSN is the LSN of the confirmation action.
In the body:
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the ID of the instance from which the transactions originated.
IPROTO_LSN is the LSN up to which the transactions should be confirmed.
Prior to Tarantool v. 2.10.0, IPROTO_RAFT_CONFIRM was called IPROTO_CONFIRM.
Code: 0x29.
This message is used in replication connections between
Tarantool nodes in synchronous replication.
It is not supposed to be used by any client applications in their
regular connections.
This message says that the transactions that originated from the instance
with id = IPROTO_REPLICA_ID (body) couldn’t achieve quorum for some reason
and should be rolled back, down to LSN = IPROTO_LSN (body) and including it.
The body is a 2-item map:
In the header:
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the ID of the replica that sends the rollback message.
IPROTO_LSN is the LSN of the rollback action.
In the body:
IPROTO_REPLICA_ID is the ID of the instance from which the transactions originated.
IPROTO_LSN is the LSN starting with which all pending synchronous transactions should be rolled back.
Prior to Tarantool v. 2.10.0, IPROTO_RAFT_ROLLBACK was called IPROTO_ROLLBACK.
MessagePack extensions
Tarantool uses predefined MessagePack extension types to represent some
of the special values. Extension types include MP_DECIMAL, MP_UUID,
These types require special attention from the connector developers,
as they must be treated separately from the default MessagePack types,
and correctly mapped to programming language types.
The DECIMAL type
The MessagePack EXT type MP_EXT together with the extension type
MP_DECIMAL is a header for values of the DECIMAL type.
Here scale is either MP_INT or MP_UINT. scale = number of digits after the decimal point
BCD is a sequence of bytes representing decimal digits of the encoded number
(each byte has two decimal digits each encoded using 4-bit nibbles),
so byte>>4 is the first digit and byte&0x0f is the second digit.
The leftmost digit in the array is the most significant.
The rightmost digit in the array is the least significant.
The first byte of the BCD array contains the first digit of the number,
represented as follows:
| 4 bits | 4 bits |
= 0x = the 1st digit
(The first nibble contains 0 if the decimal number has an even number of digits.)
The last byte of the BCD array contains the last digit of the number and the
final nibble, represented as follows:
| 4 bits | 4 bits |
= the last digit = nibble
The final nibble represents the number’s sign:
0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0f stand for plus,
0x0b and 0x0d stand for minus.
The decimal -12.34 will be encoded as 0xd6,0x01,0x02,0x01,0x23,0x4d:
The MessagePack EXT type MP_EXT together with the extension type
MP_UUID for values of the UUID type. Since version 2.4.1.
MP_UUID type is 2.
The MessagePack specification
defines d8 to mean fixext with size 16, and a UUID’s size is always 16.
So the UUID MessagePack representation looks like this:
The 16-byte value has 2 digits per byte.
Typically, it consists of 11 fields, which are encoded as big-endian
unsigned integers in the following order:
time_low (4 bytes)
time_mid (2 bytes)
time_hi_and_version (2 bytes)
clock_seq_hi_and_reserved (1 byte)
clock_seq_low (1 byte)
node[0], …, node[5] (1 byte each)
Some of the functions in Module uuid can produce values
which are compatible with the UUID data type.
For example, after
a peek at the server response packet will show that it contains
d8 02 f6 42 3b df b4 9e 49 13 b3 61 07 40 c9 70 2e 4b
The ERROR type
Since version 2.4.1, responses for errors have extra information
following what was described in
Box protocol – responses for errors.
This is a «compatible» enhancement, because clients that expect old-style
server responses should ignore map components that they do not recognize.
Notice, however, that there has been a renaming of a constant:
formerly IPROTO_ERROR in ./box/iproto_constants.h was 0x31,
now IPROTO_ERROR is 0x52 and IPROTO_ERROR_24 is 0x31.
The extra information, most of which is also in
error object fields, is:
MP_ERROR_TYPE (0x00) (MP_STR) Type that implies source, as in error_object.base_type, for example «ClientError».
MP_ERROR_FILE (0x01) (MP_STR) Source code file where error was caught, as in error_object.trace.
MP_ERROR_LINE (0x02) (MP_UINT) Line number in source code file, as in error_object.trace.
MP_ERROR_MESSAGE (0x03) (MP_STR) Text of reason, as in error_object.message.
The value here will be the same as in the IPROTO_ERROR_24 value.
MP_ERROR_ERRNO (0x04) (MP_UINT) Ordinal number of the error, as in error_object.errno.
Not to be confused with MP_ERROR_ERRCODE.
MP_ERROR_ERRCODE (0x05) (MP_UINT) Number of the error as defined in errcode.h, as in error_object.code,
which can also be retrieved with the C function box_error_code().
The value here will be the same as the lower part of the Response-Code-Indicator value.
MP_ERROR_FIELDS (0x06) (MP_MAPs) Additional fields depending on error
type. For example, if MP_ERROR_TYPE is «AccessDeniedError», then MP_ERROR_FIELDS
will include «object_type», «object_name», «access_type». This field will be
omitted from the response body if there are no additional fields available.
Client and connector programmers should ensure that unknown map keys are ignored,
and should check for addition of new keys in the Tarantool
source code file where error object creation is defined.
In version 2.4.1 the name of this source code file is mp_error.cc.
For example, in version 2.4.1 or later, if we try to create a duplicate space with conn:eval([[box.schema.space.create('_space');]])
the server response will look like this:
ce 00 00 00 88 MP_UINT = HEADER + BODY SIZE
83 MP_MAP, size 3 (i.e. 3 items in header)
00 Response-Code-Indicator
ce 00 00 80 0a MP_UINT = hexadecimal 800a
cf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 MP_UINT = sync value
ce 00 00 00 4e MP_UINT = schema version value
82 MP_MAP, size 2
bd 53 70 61 63 etc. MP_STR = "Space '_space' already exists"
81 MP_MAP, size 1
91 MP_ARRAY, size 1
86 MP_MAP, size 6
ab 43 6c 69 65 6e 74 etc. MP_STR = "ClientError"
cd MP_UINT = line number
aa 01 b6 62 75 69 6c etc. MP_STR "builtin/box/schema.lua"
bd 53 70 61 63 65 20 etc. MP_STR = Space.'_space'.already.exists"
00 MP_UINT = error number
0a MP_UINT = error code ER_SPACE_EXISTS
Since version 2.10.0.
The MessagePack EXT type MP_EXT together with the extension type
MP_DATETIME is a header for values of the DATETIME type.
It creates a container with a payload of 8 or 16 bytes.
MP_DATETIME type is 4.
The MessagePack specification
defines d7 to mean fixext with size 8 or d8 to mean fixext with size 16.
So the datetime MessagePack representation looks like this:
Since version 2.10.0.
The MessagePack EXT type MP_EXT together with the extension type
MP_INTERVAL is a header for values of the INTERVAL type.
MP_INTERVAL type is 6.
The interval is saved as a variant of a map with a predefined number of known attribute names.
If some attributes are undefined, they are omitted from the generated payload.
The interval MessagePack representation looks like this:
To maintain data persistence, Tarantool writes each data change request (insert,
update, delete, replace, upsert) to a write-ahead log (WAL) file in the
wal.dir directory.
Each data change request is assigned a continuously growing 64-bit log sequence
number. The name of the WAL file is based on the log sequence number of the first
record in the file, plus an extension .xlog.
A new WAL file is created
when the current one reaches the wal_max_size size.
To see the hexadecimal bytes of the given WAL file, use the hexdump command:
$ hexdump00000000000000000000.xlog
For example, the WAL file after the first INSERT request might look the following way:
Hex dump of WAL file Comment
-------------------- -------
58 4c 4f 47 0a "XLOG\n"
30 2e 31 33 0a "0.13\n" = version
53 65 72 76 65 72 3a 20 "Server: "
38 62 66 32 32 33 65 30 2d [Server UUID]\n
36 39 31 34 2d 34 62 35 35
2d 39 34 64 32 2d 64 32 62
36 64 30 39 62 30 31 39 36
56 43 6c 6f 63 6b 3a 20 "Vclock: "
7b 7d "{}" = vclock value, initially blank
... (not shown = tuples for system spaces)
d5 ba 0b ab Magic row marker always = 0xab0bbad5
19 Length, not including length of header, = 25 bytes
00 Record header: previous crc32
ce 8c 3e d6 70 Record header: current crc32
a7 cc 73 7f 00 00 66 39 Record header: padding
84 msgpack code meaning "Map of 4 elements" follows
00 02 element#1: tag=request type, value=0x02=IPROTO_INSERT
02 01 element#2: tag=server id, value=0x01
03 04 element#3: tag=lsn, value=0x04
04 cb 41 d4 e2 2f 62 fd d5 d4 element#4: tag=timestamp, value=an 8-byte "Float64"
82 msgpack code meaning "map of 2 elements" follows
10 cd 02 00 element#1: tag=space id, value=512, big byte first
21 91 01 element#2: tag=tuple, value=1-element fixed array={1}
Tarantool processes requests atomically: a change is either accepted and recorded
in the WAL, or discarded completely. To clarify how this happens, see the example with the REPLACE request below:
The server instance attempts to locate the original tuple by primary key. If found, a
reference to the tuple is retained for later use.
The new tuple is validated. If for example it does not contain an indexed
field, or it has an indexed field whose type does not match the type
according to the index definition, the change is aborted.
The new tuple replaces the old tuple in all existing indexes.
A message is sent to the WAL writer running in a separate thread, requesting that
the change be recorded in the WAL. The instance switches to work on the next
request until the write is acknowledged.
On success, a confirmation is sent to the client. On failure, a rollback
procedure begins. During the rollback procedure, the transaction processor
rolls back all changes to the database which occurred after the first failed
change, from latest to oldest, up to the first failed change. All rolled back
requests are aborted with ER_WAL_IO error. No new
change is applied while rollback is in progress. When the rollback procedure
is finished, the server restarts the processing pipeline.
One advantage of the described algorithm is that complete request pipelining is
achieved, even for requests on the same value of the primary key. As a result,
database performance doesn’t degrade even if all requests refer to the same
key in the same space.
The transaction processor thread communicates with the WAL writer thread using
asynchronous (yet reliable) messaging.
The transaction processor thread, not being blocked on WAL tasks, continues to handle requests quickly even at high
volumes of disk I/O. A response to a request is sent as soon as it is ready,
even if there were earlier incomplete requests on the same connection. In
particular, SELECT performance, even for SELECTs running on a connection packed
with UPDATEs and DELETEs, remains unaffected by disk load.
The WAL writer employs a number of durability modes, as defined in configuration
variable wal.mode.
It is possible to turn the write-ahead log completely off, by setting the wal_mode option to none.
Even without the write-ahead log it’s still possible to take a persistent copy of the
entire data set with the box.snapshot() request.
An .xlog file always contains changes based on the primary key.
Even if the client requested an update or delete using
a secondary key, the record in the .xlog file contains the primary key.
The snapshot file format
The format of a snapshot (.snap) file is the following:
The snapshot header contains the instance’s global unique identifier
and the snapshot file’s position in history, relative to earlier snapshot files.
The snapshot content contains the records of inserts to memtx spaces.
That differs from the content of an .xlog file that may contain records for any data-change requests
(inserts, updates, upserts, and deletes).
Primarily, the records in the snapshot file have the following order:
System spaces (id >= 256 && id <= 511), ordered by ID.
Non-system spaces, ordered by ID.
Secondarily, the .snap file’s records are ordered by primary key within space ID.
The header of a .snap or .xlog file might look in the following way:
<type>\n SNAP\n or XLOG\n
<version>\n currently 0.13\n
Server: <server_uuid>\n where UUID is a 36-byte string
VClock: <vclock_map>\n e.g. {1: 0}\n
After the file header come the data tuples.
Tuples begin with a row marker 0xd5ba0bab and
the last tuple may be followed by an EOF marker
Thus, between the file header and the EOF marker, there
may be data tuples that have this form:
The recovery process begins when box.cfg{} happens for the
first time after the Tarantool server instance starts.
The recovery process must recover the databases
as of the moment when the instance was last shut down. For this it may
use the latest snapshot file and any WAL files that were written
after the snapshot. One complicating factor is that Tarantool
has two engines – the memtx data must be reconstructed entirely
from the snapshot and the WAL files, while the vinyl data will
be on disk but might require updating around the time of a checkpoint.
(When a snapshot happens, Tarantool tells the vinyl engine to
make a checkpoint, and the snapshot operation is rolled back if
anything goes wrong, so vinyl’s checkpoint is at least as fresh
as the snapshot file.)
Find the latest snapshot file. Use its data to reconstruct the in-memory
databases. Instruct the vinyl engine to recover to the latest checkpoint.
There are actually two variations of the reconstruction procedure for memtx
databases, depending on whether the recovery process is «default».
If the recovery process is default (force_recovery is false),
memtx can read data in the snapshot with all indexes disabled.
First, all tuples are read into memory. Then, primary keys are built in bulk,
taking advantage of the fact that the data is already sorted by primary key
within each space.
If the recovery process is non-default (force_recovery is true),
Tarantool performs additional checking. Indexes are enabled at
the start, and tuples are added one by one. This means that any unique-key
constraint violations will be caught, and any duplicates will be skipped.
Normally there will be no constraint violations or duplicates, so these checks
are only made if an error has occurred.
Step 3
Find the WAL file that was made at the time of, or after, the snapshot file.
Read its log entries until the log-entry LSN is greater than the LSN of the
snapshot, or greater than the LSN of the vinyl checkpoint. This is the
recovery process’s «start position»; it matches the current state of the
Step 4
Redo the log entries, from the start position to the end of the WAL. The
engine skips a redo instruction if it is older than the engine’s checkpoint.
Step 5
For the memtx engine, re-create all secondary indexes.
In addition to the recovery process described in the
section Recovery process, the server must take
additional steps and precautions if replication is enabled.
Once again the startup procedure is initiated by the box.cfg{} request.
One of the box.cfg parameters may be
replication which specifies replication
source(-s). We will refer to this replica, which is starting up due to box.cfg,
as the «local» replica to distinguish it from the other replicas in a replica set,
which we will refer to as «distant» replicas.
If there is no snapshot .snap file and thereplicationparameter is empty andcfg.read_only=false:
then the local replica assumes it is an unreplicated «standalone» instance, or is
the first replica of a new replica set. It will generate new UUIDs for
itself and for the replica set. The replica UUID is stored in the _cluster space; the
replica set UUID is stored in the _schema space. Since a snapshot contains all the
data in all the spaces, that means the local replica’s snapshot will contain the
replica UUID and the replica set UUID. Therefore, when the local replica restarts on
later occasions, it will be able to recover these UUIDs when it reads the .snap
If there is no snapshot .snap file and thereplicationparameter is empty
it cannot be the first replica of a new replica set because the first replica
must be a master. Therefore an error message will occur: ER_BOOTSTRAP_READONLY.
To avoid this, change the setting for this (local) instance to read_only=false,
or ensure that another (distant) instance starts first and has the local instance’s
UUID in its _cluster space. In the latter case, if ER_BOOTSTRAP_READONLY still
occurs, set the local instance’s
to a larger value.
If there is no snapshot .snap file and thereplicationparameter is not empty
and the_clusterspace contains no other replica UUIDs:
then the local replica assumes it is not a standalone instance, but is not yet part
of a replica set. It must now join the replica set. It will send its replica UUID to the
first distant replica which is listed in replication and which will act as a
master. This is called the «join request». When a distant replica receives a join
request, it will send back:
the distant replica’s replica set UUID,
the contents of the distant replica’s .snap file.
When the local replica receives this information, it puts the replica set UUID in
its _schema space, puts the distant replica’s UUID and connection information
in its _cluster space, and makes a snapshot containing all the data sent by
the distant replica. Then, if the local replica has data in its WAL .xlog
files, it sends that data to the distant replica. The distant replica will
receive this and update its own copy of the data, and add the local replica’s
UUID to its _cluster space.
If there is no snapshot .snap file and thereplicationparameter is not empty
and the_clusterspace contains other replica UUIDs:
then the local replica assumes it is not a standalone instance, and is already part
of a replica set. It will send its replica UUID and replica set UUID to all the distant
replicas which are listed in replication. This is called the «on-connect
handshake». When a distant replica receives an on-connect handshake:
the distant replica compares its own copy of the replica set UUID to the one in
the on-connect handshake. If there is no match, then the handshake fails and
the local replica will display an error.
the distant replica looks for a record of the connecting instance in its
_cluster space. If there is none, then the handshake fails.
Otherwise the handshake is successful. The distant replica will read any new
information from its own .snap and .xlog files, and send the new requests to
the local replica.
In the end, the local replica knows what replica set it belongs to, the distant
replica knows that the local replica is a member of the replica set, and both
replicas have the same database contents.
If there is a snapshot file and replication source is not empty:
first the local replica goes through the recovery process described in the
previous section, using its own .snap and .xlog files. Then it sends a
«subscribe» request to all the other replicas of the replica set. The subscribe
request contains the server vector clock. The vector clock has a collection of
pairs „server id, lsn“ for every replica in the _cluster system space. Each
distant replica, upon receiving a subscribe request, will read its .xlog files“
requests and send them to the local replica if (lsn of .xlog file request) is
greater than (lsn of the vector clock in the subscribe request). After all the
other replicas of the replica set have responded to the local replica’s subscribe
request, the replica startup is complete.
The following temporary limitations applied for Tarantool versions earlier than
The URIs in the replication parameter should all be in the same order on all replicas.
This is not mandatory but is an aid to consistency.
The replicas of a replica set should be started up at slightly different times.
This is not mandatory but prevents a situation where each replica is waiting
for the other replica to be ready.
The following limitation still applies for the current Tarantool version:
The maximum number of entries in the _cluster space is
32. Tuples for
out-of-date replicas are not automatically re-used, so if this 32-replica
limit is reached, users may have to reorganize the _cluster space manually.
Orphan status
Starting with Tarantool version 1.9, there is a change to the
procedure when an instance joins a replica set.
During box.cfg() the instance tries to join all nodes listed
in box.cfg.replication.
If the instance does not succeed with connecting to the required number of nodes
(see bootstrap_strategy),
it switches to the orphan status.
While an instance is in orphan status, it is read-only.
To «join» a master, a replica instance must «connect» to the
master node and then «sync».
«Connect» means contact the master over the physical network
and receive acknowledgment. If there is no acknowledgment after
seconds (usually 4 seconds), and retries fail, then the connect step fails.
«Sync» means receive updates
from the master in order to make a local database copy.
Syncing is complete when the replica has received all the
updates, or at least has received enough updates that the replica’s lag
in box.info())
is less than or equal to the number of seconds specified in
If replication_sync_lag is unset (nil) or set to TIMEOUT_INFINITY, then
the replica skips the «sync» state and switches to «follow» immediately.
In order to leave orphan mode, you need to sync with a sufficient number of
instances (bootstrap_strategy).
To do so, you may either:
Reset box.cfg.replication to exclude instances that cannot be reached
or synced with.
Set box.cfg.replication to "" (empty string).
The following situations are possible.
Situation 1: bootstrap
Here box.cfg{} is being called for the first time.
A replica is joining but no replica set exists yet.
Set the status to „orphan“.
Try to connect to all nodes from box.cfg.replication.
The replica tries to connect for the
number of seconds and retries each
replication_timeout seconds if needed.
Abort and throw an error if a replica is not connected to the majority of nodes in box.cfg.replication.
This instance might be elected as the replica set „leader“.
Criteria for electing a leader include vclock value (largest is best),
and whether it is read-only or read-write (read-write is best unless there is no other choice).
The leader is the master that other instances must join.
The leader is the master that executes
box.once() functions.
If this instance is elected as the replica set leader,
perform an «automatic bootstrap»:
Set status to „running“.
Return from box.cfg{}.
Otherwise this instance will be a replica joining an existing replica set,
In background, sync with all the other nodes in the replication set.
Situation 2: recovery
Here box.cfg{} is not being called for the first time.
It is being called again in order to perform recovery.
Perform recovery from the last local
snapshot and the WAL files.
Try to establish connections to all other nodes for the
replication_connect_timeout number of seconds.
Once replication_connect_timeout is expired or all the connections are established, proceed to the «sync» state with all the established connections.
If connected, sync with all connected nodes, until the difference is not more than
replication_sync_lag seconds.
Situation 3: configuration update
Here box.cfg{} is not being called for the first time.
It is being called again because some replication parameter
or something in the replica set has changed.
Try to connect to all nodes from box.cfg.replication,
within the time period specified in
Try to sync with the connected nodes,
within the time period specified in
If earlier steps fail, change status to „orphan“.
(Attempts to sync will continue in the background and when/if they succeed
then „orphan“ status will end.)
If earlier steps succeed, set status to „running“ (master) or „follow“ (replica).
Situation 4: rebootstrap
Here box.cfg{} is not being called. The replica connected successfully
at some point in the past, and is now ready for an update from the master.
But the master cannot provide an update.
This can happen by accident, or more likely can happen because the replica
is slow (its lag is large),
and the WAL (.xlog) files containing the
updates have been deleted. This is not crippling. The replica can discard
what it received earlier, and then ask for the master’s latest snapshot
(.snap) file contents. Since it is effectively going through the bootstrap
process a second time, this is called «rebootstrapping». However, there has
to be one difference from an ordinary bootstrap – the replica’s
replica id will remain the same.
If it changed, then the master would think that the replica is a
new addition to the cluster, and would maintain a record of an
instance ID of a replica that has ceased to exist. Rebootstrapping was
introduced in Tarantool version 1.10.2 and is completely automatic.
Number of parts in an index
For TREE or HASH indexes, the maximum
is 255 (box.schema.INDEX_PART_MAX). For RTREE indexes, the
maximum is 1 but the field is an ARRAY of up to 20 dimensions.
For BITSET indexes, the maximum is 1.
Number of tuples in a hash index
4,294,967,288 (232-8).
Number of indexes in a space
128 (box.schema.INDEX_MAX).
Number of fields in a tuple
The theoretical maximum is 2,147,483,647 (box.schema.FIELD_MAX). The
practical maximum is whatever is specified by the space’s
member, or the maximal tuple length.
Number of bytes in a tuple
The maximal number of bytes in a tuple is roughly equal to
memtx.max_tuple_size or
(with a metadata
overhead of about 20 bytes per tuple, which is added on top of useful bytes).
By default, the value of either memtx.max_tuple_size or
vinyl.max_tuple_size is 1,048,576.
Number of bytes in an index key
If a field in a tuple can contain a million bytes, then the index key
can contain a million bytes, so the maximum is determined by factors
such as Number of bytes in a tuple,
not by the index support.
Number of elements in array fields in a space with a multikey index
In a Tarantool space that has multikey indexes,
any tuple cannot contain more than ~8,000 elements in a field indexed with that multikey index.
This is because every element has 4 bytes of metadata, and the tuple’s metadata,
which includes multikey metadata, cannot exceed 2^16 bytes.
Number of spaces
The theoretical maximum is 2,147,483,646 (box.schema.SPACE_MAX)
but the practical maximum is around 65,000.
Number of connections
The practical limit is the number of file descriptors that one can set
with the operating system.
Space size
The total maximum size for all spaces is in effect set by
memtx.memory, which in turn
is limited by the total available memory.
Update operations count
The maximum number of operations per tuple that can be in a single update
Number of users and roles
Length of an index name or space name or user name
65,000 (box.schema.NAME_MAX).
Number of replicas in a replica set
32 (vclock.VCLOCK_MAX).
Примечания к версиям
This section contains information about Tarantool releases: release notes, lifecycle
information, release policy, and other documents.
To download Tarantool releases, check the Download page.
All currently supported versions are listed on this page below.
The information about earlier versions is provided in EOL versions.
The Enterprise Edition of Tarantool is distributed in the form of an SDK that has
its own versioning. See the Enterprise SDK changelog to learn about
SDK version numbering and changes.
The detailed information about Tarantool version numbering and release lifecycle
is available in Tarantool release policy.
Backward compatibility is guaranteed between all versions in the same release series.
It is also appreciated but not guaranteed between different release series (major number changes).
To learn more, read the Compatibility guarantees article.
Supported versions
Every Tarantool release series has the same lifecycle
defined by the release policy. The following diagram visualizes the lifecycle of currently
supported Tarantool versions:
The table below provides information about supported versions with links to their
What’s new pages in the documentation and detailed changelogs on GitHub.
For information about earlier versions, see EOL versions.
End of life (EOL) means the release series will no longer receive any patches,
updates, or feature improvements after the specified date. Versions that haven’t
reached their end of life yet are shown in bold.
End of support (EOS) means that we won’t provide technical support to product
versions after the specified date.
The 3.3 release of Tarantool adds the following main product features and improvements for the Community and Enterprise editions:
Community Edition (CE)
Improvements around queries with offsets.
Improvement in Raft implementation.
Persistent replication state.
New C API for sending work to the TX thread from user threads.
JSON cluster configuration schema.
New on_event callback in application roles.
API for user-defined alerts.
Isolated instance mode.
Automatic instance expulsion.
New configuration option for Lua memory size.
Enterprise Edition (EE)
Offset-related improvements in read views.
Supervised failover improvements.
Developing applications
Improved offset processing
Tarantool 3.3 brings a number of improvements around queries with offsets.
The performance of tree index select() with offset and
count() methods was improved.
Previously, the algorithm complexity had a linear dependency on the
provided offset size (O(offset)) or the number of tuples to count. Now,
the new algorithm complexity is O(log(size)) where size is the number of tuples
in the index. This change also eliminates the dependency on the offset value or
the number of tuples to count.
The index and space entities get a new
offset_of method that returns the position relative to the given iterator
direction of the tuple that matches the given key.
The offset parameter has been added to the index:pairs() method,
allowing to skip the first tuples in the iterator.
Same improvements are also introduced to read views in the Enterprise Edition.
Improved performance of the tree index read view select() with offset.
A new offset_of() method of index read views.
A new offset parameter in the index_read_view:pairs() method.
No rollback on timeout for synchronous transactions
To better match the canonical Raft algorithm design, Tarantool no longer rolls
back synchronous transactions on timeout (upon reaching replication.synchro_timeout).
In the new implementation, transactions can only be rolled back by a new leader after it is elected.
Otherwise, they can wait for a quorum infinitely.
Given this change in behavior, a new replication_synchro_timeoutcompat option is introduced.
To try the new behavior, set this option to new:
There is also a new replication.synchro_queue_max_size configuration option
that limits the total size of transactions in the master synchronous queue. The default
value is 16 megabytes.
C API for sending work to TX thread
New public C API functions tnt_tx_push() and tnt_tx_flush()
allow to send work to the TX thread from any other thread:
tnt_tx_push() schedules the given callback to be executed with the provided
tnt_tx_flush() sends all pending callbacks for execution in the TX thread.
Execution is started in the same order as the callbacks were pushed.
JSON schema of the cluster configuration
Tarantool cluster configuration schema is now available in the JSON format.
A schema lists configuration options of a certain Tarantool version with descriptions.
As of Tarantool 3.3 release date, the following versions are available:
Additionally, there is the latest
schema that reflects the latest configuration schema in development (master branch).
Use these schemas to add code completion for YAML configuration files and get
hints with option descriptions in your IDE, or validate your configurations,
for example, with check-jsonschema:
There is also a new API for generating the JSON configuration schema as a Lua table –
the config:jsonschema() function.
on_event callbacks in roles
Now application roles can have on_event callbacks.
They are executed every time a box.statussystem event is
broadcast or the configuration is updated. The callback has three arguments:
config – the current configuration.
key – an event that has triggered the callback: config.apply or box.status.
return{name='my_role',validate=function()end,apply=function()end,stop=function()end,on_event=function(config,key,value)locallog=require('log')log.info('on_event is triggered by '..key)log.info('is_ro: '..value.is_ro)log.info('roles_cfg.my_role.foo: '..config.foo)end,}
API for raising alerts
Now developers can raise their own alerts from their application or application roles.
For this purpose, a new API is introduced into the config module.
The config:new_alerts_namespace() function creates a new
alerts namespace – a named container for user-defined alerts:
Alerts namespaces provide methods for managing alerts within them. All user-defined
alerts raised in all namespaces are shown in box.info.config.alerts.
To raise an alert, use the namespace methods add() or set():
The difference between them is that set() accepts a key to refer to the alert
later: overwrite or discard it. An alert is a table with one mandatory field message
(its value is logged) and arbitrary used-defined fields.
-- Raise a new alert.alerts:add({message='Test alert',my_field='my_value',})-- Raise a new alert with a key.alerts:set("my_alert",{message='Test alert',my_field='my_value',})
You can discard alerts individually by keys using the unset() method, or
all at once using clear():
Administration and maintenance
DDL before upgrade
Since version 3.3, Tarantool allows DDL operations before calling box.schema.upgrade()
during an upgrade if the source schema version is 2.11.1 or later. This allows,
for example, granting execute access to user-defined functions in the cluster configuration
before the schema is upgraded.
Isolated instances
A new instance-level configuration option isolated puts an instance into the
isolated mode. In this mode, an instance doesn’t accept updates from other members
of its replica set and other iproto requests. It also performs no background
data modifications and remains in read-only mode.
enabled: whether automatic expulsion logic is enabled in the cluster.
by: a criterion for selecting instances that can be expelled automatically.
In version 3.3, the only available criterion is prefix.
prefix: a prefix with which an instance name should start to make automatic expulsion possible.
Lua memory size
A new configuration option lua.memory specifies the maximum amount of memory
for Lua scripts execution, in bytes. For example, this configuration sets the Lua memory
limit to 4 GB:
The default limit is 2 GB.
Supervised failover improvements
Tarantool 3.3 is receiving a number of supervised failover improvements:
Support for Tarantool-based stateboard
as an alternative to etcd.
Instance priority configuration: new failover.priority configuration section.
This section specify the instances“ relative order of being appointed by a coordinator:
bigger values mean higher priority.
Tarantool persistence mechanism uses
two types of files: snapshots and write-ahead log (WAL) files. These files are also used
for replication: read-only replicas receive data changes from the replica set leader
by reading these files.
The garbage collector
cleans up obsolete snapshots and WAL files, but it doesn’t remove the files while they
are in use for replication. To make such a check possible, the replica set leaders
store the replication state in connection with files. However, this information
was not persisted, which could lead to issues in case of the leader restart.
The garbage collector could delete WAL files after the restart even if there were
replicas that still read these files. The wal.cleanup_delay
configuration option was used to prevent such situations.
Since version 3.3, leader instances persist the information about WAL files in use
in a new system space _gc_consumers. After a restart, the replication state
is restored, and WAL files needed for replication are protected from garbage collection.
This eliminates the need to keep all WAL files after a restart, so the wal.cleanup_delay
option is now deprecated.
The 3.2 release of Tarantool adds the following main product features and improvements for the Community and Enterprise editions:
Community Edition (CE)
A new experimental module for validating role configurations.
Initial support for encoding structured data using Protobuf.
Next and Previous prefix iterators.
Support for all UUID versions.
Automatic loading of the most often used built-in modules into the console environment.
Enterprise Edition (EE)
Time-to-live (TTL) for keys in a Tarantool-based configuration storage.
Developing applications
Configuration validation
Tarantool 3.2 includes a new experimental module for validating role configurations using a declarative schema.
For example, you can validate the type of configuration values, provide an array of allowed values, or specify a custom validation function.
Suppose, a sample „http-api“ custom role can accept the host and port configuration values:
This release adds two new iterators for TREE indexes: np (next prefix) and pp (previous prefix).
If a key is a string value, a prefix is a common starting substring shared by multiple keys.
Suppose, the products space contains the following values:
Note that new iterators work only for the memtx engine.
Tarantool configuration storage: TTL support for keys (EE)
The Enterprise Edition now includes a time-to-live (TTL) for keys in a Tarantool-based configuration storage.
You can specify a TTL value in the config.storage.put() call as follows:
A new config.storage.info.features.ttl field allows you to check whether the current version of the configuration storage supports requests with TTL.
In the example below, the conn:call() method is used to make a remote call to get the ttl field value:
Before the 3.2 version, Tarantool supported only UUIDs following the rules for RFC 4122 version 4.
With v3.2, UUID values of all versions (including new 6, 7, and 8) can be parsed using the uuid module.
This improves interoperability with third-party data sources whose data is processed by Tarantool.
Administration and maintenance
Interactive console
With this release, both the Tarantool and tt interactive consoles automatically add the most often used built-in modules into the environment.
This means that you can start using a module without loading it with the require directive.
In the interactive session below, the config module is used to get the instance’s configuration state right after connecting to this instance:
The 3.1 release of Tarantool continues the development of a new cluster configuration approach introduced in the 3.0 version and adds the following main product features and improvements for the Community and Enterprise editions:
Community Edition (CE)
Improved developer experience for handling errors using the box.error module.
Introduced fixed-size numeric field types: uint8, int8, uint16, and more.
Added RPC functionality for accessing custom roles from the configuration.
Made the tt utility used to manage instances fully compatible with the latest Tarantool version.
Enterprise Edition (EE)
Introduced an external coordinator for automatic and manual failover.
Improved the stability of work with the centralized configuration stored in etcd.
Developing applications
Error handling
This release improves the developer experience for handling errors using the box.error module.
Below are listed the most notable features and changes.
Error payload fields
With the 3.1 release, you can add a custom payload to an error.
The payload is passed as key-value pairs where a key is a string and a value is any Lua object.
In the example below, the description key is used to keep the custom payload.
custom_error=box.error.new({type='CustomInternalError',message='Internal server error',description='Some error details'-- payload})
A payload field value can be accessed using the dot syntax:
The 3.1 release simplifies creating error chains.
In the earlier versions, you need to set an error cause using the set_prev(error_object) method, for example:
Using this approach, you need to construct a new error without raising it, then set its cause using set_prev(), and only then raise it.
Starting with the 3.1 version, you can use a new prev argument when constructing an error:
The 3.1 release allows you to increase the verbosity of error serialization.
Before the 3.1 release, a serialized error representation included only an error message:
tarantool> box.error.new({type='CustomInternalError',message='Internal server error'})----Internal server error...
Starting with the 3.1 version, a serialized error also includes other fields that might be useful for analyzing errors:
tarantool>box.error.new({type='CustomInternalError',message='Internal server error'})----code:0base_type:CustomErrortype:CustomInternalErrorcustom_type:CustomInternalErrormessage:Internalservererrortrace:-file:'[C]'line:4294967295...
Logging an error using a built-in logging module prints an error message followed by a tab space (\t) and all the payload fields serialized as a JSON map, for example:
main/104/app.lua/tarantool I> Internal server error {"code":0,"base_type":"CustomError","type":"CustomInternalError", ... }
Given that this change may change the behavior of existing code, a new box_error_serialize_verbosecompat option is introduced.
To try out an increased verbosity of error serialization, set this option to new:
The 3.1 release introduces fixed-size numeric types that might be useful to store data unencoded in an array for effective scanning.
The following numeric types are added:
uint8: an integer in a range [0..255].
int8: an integer in a range [-128..127].
uint16: an integer in a range [0..65,535].
int16: an integer in a range [-32,768..32,767].
uint32: an integer in a range [0..4,294,967,295].
int32: an integer in a range [-2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647].
uint64: an integer in a range [0..18,446,744,073,709,551,615].
int64: an integer in a range [-9,223,372,036,854,775,808..9,223,372,036,854,775,807].
float32: a 32-bit floating point number.
float64: a 64-bit floating point number.
Experimental „connpool“ module
A new experimental.connpoolmodule provides a set of features for remote connections to any cluster instance or executing remote procedure calls on an instance that meets the specified criteria.
To load the experimental.connpool module, use the require() directive:
The filter() function returns the names of instances that match the specified conditions.
In the example below, this function returns a list of instances with the storage role and specified
label value:
The call() function can be used to execute a function on a remote instance.
In the example below, the following conditions are specified to choose an instance to execute the vshard.storage.buckets_count function on:
In Tarantool 3.0, the config module provides the ability to work with a current instance’s configuration only.
Starting with the 3.1 version, you can get all the instances that constitute a cluster and obtain the configuration of any instance of this cluster.
The config:instances() function lists all instances of the cluster:
Tarantool Enterprise Edition 3.1 introduces an external failover coordinator that monitors a Tarantool cluster and performs automatic leadership change if a current replica set leader is inaccessible.
A failover coordinator requires the replication.failover configuration option to be set to supervised:
replication:failover:supervised# ...
To start a failover coordinator, execute the tarantool command with the failover option and pass a path to a YAML configuration file:
$ tarantool--failover--config/path/to/config
A failover coordinator connects to all the instances, polls them for their status, and controls that each replica set with replication.failover set to supervised has only one writable instance.
Optionally, you can configure failover timeouts and other parameters in the failover section at the global level:
The 3.1 release includes new sharding options that provide additional flexibility for configuring a sharded cluster.
A new sharding.weight specifies the relative amount of data that a replica set can store.
In the example below, the storage-a replica set can store twice as much data as storage-b:
The sharding.rebalancer_mode option configures whether a rebalancer is selected manually or automatically.
This option can have one of three values:
auto (default): if there are no replica sets with the rebalancer sharding role (sharding.roles), a replica set with the rebalancer will be selected automatically among all replica sets.
manual: one of the replica sets should have the rebalancer sharding role. The rebalancer will be in this replica set.
off: rebalancing is turned off regardless of whether a replica set with the rebalancer sharding role exists or not.
Compatibility with the tt utility
With this release, the tarantoolctl utility used to administer Tarantool instances is completely removed from Tarantool packages.
The latest version of the tt utility is fully compatible with Tarantool 3.1 and covers all the required functionality:
Setting up a development environment: initializing the environment and installing different Tarantool versions.
Various capabilities for developing cluster applications: creating applications from templates, managing modules, and building and packaging applications.
Managing cluster instances: starting and stopping instances, connecting to remote instances for administration, and so on.
Importing and exporting data (Enterprise Edition only).
The 3.0 release of Tarantool introduces a new declarative approach for configuring a cluster,
a new visual tool – Tarantool Cluster Manager,
and many other new features and fixes.
This document provides an overview of the most important features for the Community and Enterprise editions.
Starting with the 3.0 version, Tarantool provides the ability to configure the full topology of a cluster using a declarative YAML configuration instead of configuring each instance using a dedicated Lua script.
With a new approach, you can write a local configuration in a YAML file for each instance or store configuration data in one reliable place, for example, a Tarantool or an etcd cluster.
The example below shows how a configuration of a small sharded cluster might look.
In the diagram below, the cluster includes 5 instances: one router and 4 storages, which constitute two replica sets.
For each replica set, the master instance is specified manually.
The example below demonstrates how a topology of such a cluster might look in a YAML configuration file:
You can find the full sample in the GitHub documentation repository: sharded_cluster.
The latest version of the tt utility provides the ability to manage Tarantool instances configured using a new approach.
You can start all instances in a cluster by executing one command, check the status of instances, or stop them:
$ ttstartsharded_cluster
• Starting an instance [sharded_cluster:storage-a-001]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster:storage-a-002]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster:storage-b-001]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster:storage-b-002]... • Starting an instance [sharded_cluster:router-a-001]...
Centralized configuration (EE)
Tarantool Enterprise Edition enables you to store configuration data in one reliable place, for example, an etcd cluster. To achieve this, you need to configure connection options in the config.etcd section of the configuration file, for example:
Using the configuration above, a Tarantool instance searches for a cluster configuration by the following path:
Tarantool Cluster Manager (EE)
Tarantool 3.0 Enterprise Edition comes with a brand new visual tool – Tarantool Cluster Manager (TCM).
It provides a web-based user interface for managing, configuring, and monitoring Tarantool EE clusters that use centralized configuration storage.
TCM can manage multiple clusters and covers a wide range of tasks, from writing a cluster’s configuration to executing commands interactively on specific instances.
TCM’s role-based access control system lets you manage users’ access to clusters, their configurations, and stored data.
The built-in customizable audit logging mechanism and LDAP authentication make TCM a suitable solution for different enterprise security requirements.
Administration and maintenance
Database statistics
Starting with 3.0, Tarantool provides extended statistics about memory consumption for the given space or specific tuples.
Usually, the space_object:bsize() method is used to get the size of memory occupied by the specified space:
In addition to the actual data, the space requires additional memory to store supplementary information.
You can see the total memory usage using box.slab.info():
The new version includes the capability to choose a bootstrap leader for a replica set manually.
The bootstrap leader is a node that creates an initial snapshot and registers all the replicas in a replica set.
First, you need to set replication.bootstrap_strategy to config.
Then, use the <replicaset_name>.bootstrap_leader option to specify a bootstrap leader.
Note that in 3.0, the replication_connect_quorum option is removed.
This option was used to specify the number of nodes to be up and running for starting a replica set.
Security (EE)
With the 3.0 version, Tarantool Enterprise Edition provides a set of new features that enhance security in your cluster:
Introduced the secure_erasing configuration option that forces Tarantool to overwrite a data file a few times before deletion to render recovery of a deleted file impossible.
With the new configuration approach, you can enable this capability as follows:
This option can be also set using the TT_SECURITY_SECURE_ERASING environment variable.
Added the auth_retries option that configures the maximum number of authentication retries before throttling is enabled.
You can configure this option as follows:
Added the capability to use the new SSL certificate with the same name by reloading the configuration.
To do this, use the reload() function provided by the new config module:
app:instance001> require('config'):reload()---...
Audit logging (EE)
Tarantool Enterprise Edition includes the following new features for audit logging:
Added a unique identifier (UUID) to each audit log entry.
Introduced audit log severity levels.
Each system audit event now has a severity level determined by its importance.
Added the audit_log.audit_spaces option that configures the list of spaces for which data operation events should be logged.
Added the audit_log.audit_extract_key option that forces the audit subsystem to log the primary key instead of a full tuple in DML operations.
This might be useful for reducing audit log size in the case of large tuples.
The sample audit log configuration in the 3.0 version might look as follows, including new audit_spaces and audit_extract_key options:
With this configuration, an audit log entry for a DELETE operation may look like below:
{"time":"2023-12-19T10:09:44.664+0000","uuid":"65901190-f8a6-45c1-b3a4-1a11cf5c7355","severity":"VERBOSE","remote":"unix/:(socket)","session_type":"console","module":"tarantool","user":"admin","type":"space_delete","tag":"","description":"Delete key [\"0671623249\"] from space books"}
The entry includes the new uuid and severity fields.
The last description field gives only the information about the key of the deleted tuple.
Reading flight recordings (EE)
The flight recorder available in the Enterprise Edition is an event collection tool that gathers various information about a working Tarantool instance.
With the 3.0 version, you can read flight recordings using the API provided by the flightrec module.
To enable the flight recorder in a YAML file, set flightrec.enabled to true:
Then, you can use the Lua API to open and read *.ttfr files:
app:instance001> flightrec = require('flightrec')---...app:instance001> flightrec_file = flightrec.open('var/lib/instance001/20231225T085435.ttfr')---...app:instance001> flightrec_file----sections:&0requests:size:10485760metrics:size:368640logs:size:10485760was_closed:falseversion:0pid:1350...app:instance001> for i, r in flightrec_file.sections.logs:pairs() do record = r; break end---...app:instance001> record----level:INFOfiber_name:interactivefiber_id:103cord_name:mainfile:./src/box/flightrec.ctime:2023-12-25 08:50:12.275message:'Flightrecorder:configurationhasbeendone'line:727...app:instance001> flightrec_file:close()---...
New DEB and RPM packages
With this release, the approach to delivering Tarantool to end users in DEB and RPM packages is slightly revised.
In the previous versions, Tarantool was built for the most popular Linux distributions and their latest version.
Starting with this release, only two sets of DEB and RPM packages are delivered.
The difference is that these packages include a statically compiled Tarantool binary.
This approach provides the ability to install DEB and RPM packages on any Linux distributions that are based on СentOS and Debian.
To ensure that Tarantool works for a wide range of different distributions and their versions, RPM and DEB packages are prepared on CentOS 7 with glibc 2.17.
Developing applications
varbinary in Lua
In the previous versions, Tarantool already supported the varbinary type for storing data.
But working with varbinary database fields required workarounds, such as using C to process such data.
The 3.0 version includes a new varbinary module for working with varbinary objects.
The module implements the following functions:
varbinary.new() - constructs a varbinary object from a plain string.
varbinary.is() - returns true if the argument is a varbinary object.
In the example below, an object is created from a string:
This also implies that the data stored in the database under the varbinary field type is now returned to Lua not as a plain string but as a varbinary object.
It’s possible to revert to the old behavior by toggling the new binary_data_decodingcompat option because this change may break backward compatibility:
Default field values
You can now assign the default values for specific fields
when defining a space format.
In this example, the isbn and title fields have the specified default values:
In the 3.0 version, the API for creating triggers is completely reworked.
A new trigger module is introduced, allowing you to set handlers on both predefined and custom events.
To create the trigger, you need to:
Provide an event name used to associate the trigger with.
Define the trigger name.
Provide a trigger handler function.
The code snippet below shows how to subscribe to changes in the books space:
With the 3.0 release, a read view object supports the after and fetch_pos arguments for the select and pairs methods:
-- Select first 3 tuples and fetch a last tuple's position --app:instance001> result, position = read_view1.space.bands:select({}, { limit = 3, fetch_pos = true })---...app:instance001> result-----[1,'Roxette',1986]-[2,'Scorpions',1965]-[3,'AceofBase',1987]...app:instance001> position----kQM...-- Then, you can pass this position as the 'after' parameter --app:instance001> read_view1.space.bands:select({}, { limit = 3, after = position })-----[4,'TheBeatles',1960]-[5,'PinkFloyd',1965]-[6,'TheRollingStones',1962]...
IPROTO tuple format
Starting with the 3.0 version, the IPROTO protocol is extended to support for sending names of tuple fields in the IPROTO_CALL and other IPROTO responses.
This simplifies the development of Tarantool connectors and also simplifies handling tuples received from remote procedure calls or from routers.
It’s possible to revert to the old behavior by toggling the box_tuple_extensioncompat option:
SQL: case-sensitive names
Starting with 3.0, names in SQL, for example, table, column, or constraint names are case-sensitive.
Before the 3.0 version, the query below created a MYTABLE table:
To create the MyTable table, you needed to enclose the name into double quotes:
Starting with 3.0, names are case-sensitive, and double quotes are no longer needed:
For backward compatibility, the new version also supports a second lookup using an uppercase name.
This means that the query below tries to find the MyTable table and then MYTABLE:
Handling LuaJIT compiler errors
The 3.0 release includes a fix for the gh-562 LuaJIT issue related to the inability to handle internal compiler on-trace errors using pcall.
The examples of such errors are:
An Outofmemory error might occur for select queries returning a large amount of data.
A Tableoverflow error is raised when exceeding the maximum number of keys in a table.
The script below tries to fill a Lua table with a large number of keys:
The 2.11 release of Tarantool includes many new features and fixes.
This document provides an overview of the most important features for the Enterprise and Community editions.
2.11 is the long-term support (LTS) release with two years of maintenance.
This means that you will receive all the necessary security fixes and bug fixes throughout this period, and
be able to get technical support afterward.
You can learn more about the Tarantool release policy from the corresponding document.
Tarantool provides the live upgrade mechanism that enables cluster upgrade without
downtime. In case of upgrade issues, you can roll back to the original state
without downtime as well.
To learn how to upgrade to Tarantool 2.11, see Upgrades.
Enterprise Edition
Security enhancements
Encrypted SSL/TLS keys
Tarantool Enterprise Edition now supports encrypted SSL/TLS private key files protected with a password.
Given that most certificate authorities generate encrypted keys, this feature simplifies the maintenance of Tarantool instances.
A password can be provided using either the new ssl_password URI parameter or in a text file specified using ssl_password_file, for example:
With 2.11, Tarantool Enterprise Edition includes new security enforcement options.
These options enable you to enforce the use of strong passwords, set up a maximum password age, and so on.
For example, the password_min_length configuration option specifies the minimum number of characters for a password:
To specify the maximum period of time (in days) a user can use the same password, you can use the password_lifetime_days option, which uses the system clock under the hood:
Note that by default, new options are not specified.
You can learn more about all the available options from the
Authentication restrictions and
Password policy sections.
PAP-SHA256 authentication method
By default, Tarantool uses the CHAP protocol to authenticate users and applies SHA-1 hashing to passwords.
In this case, password hashes are stored in the _user space unsalted.
If an attacker gains access to the database, they may crack a password, for example, using a rainbow table.
With the Enterprise Edition, you can enable PAP authentication with the SHA256 hashing algorithm.
For PAP, a password is salted with a user-unique salt before saving it in the database.
Given that PAP transmits a password as plain text, Tarantool requires configuring
Then, you need to specify the box.cfg.auth_type option as follows:
Starting with 2.11, Tarantool Enterprise Edition provides the ability to create read views - in-memory snapshots of the entire database that aren’t affected by future data modifications.
Read views can be used to make complex analytical queries.
This reduces the load on the main database and improves RPS for a single Tarantool instance.
Working with read views consists of three main steps:
To create a read view, call the box.read_view.open() function:
After creating a read view, you can access database spaces and their indexes and get data using the familiar select and pairs data-retrieval operations, for example:
Tarantool Enterprise Edition now includes the zlib algorithm for tuple compression.
This algorithm shows good performance in data decompression,
which reduces CPU usage if the volume of read operations significantly exceeds the volume of write operations.
To use the new algorithm, set the compression option to zlib when formatting a space:
The new compress module provides an API for compressing and decompressing arbitrary data strings using the same algorithms available for tuple compression:
compressor=require('compress.zlib').new()data=compressor:compress('Hello world!')-- returns a binary stringcompressor:decompress(data)-- returns 'Hello world!'
WAL extensions
Tarantool can use a write-ahead log not only to maintain data persistence and replication.
Another use case is implementing a CDC (Change Data Capture) utility that transforms a data replication stream and provides the ability to replicate data from Tarantool to an external storage.
With 2.11, Tarantool Enterprise Edition provides WAL extensions that add auxiliary information to each write-ahead log record.
For example, you can enable storing old and new tuples for each write-ahead log record.
This is especially useful for the update operation because a write-ahead log record contains only a key value.
See the WAL extensions topic to learn how to enable and configure WAL extensions.
Community Edition
With the 2.11 version, Tarantool supports pagination and enables the ability to get data in chunks.
The index_object:select() and index_object:pairs() methods now provide the after option that specifies a tuple or a tuple’s position after which select starts the search.
In the example below, the select operation gets maximum 3 tuples after the specified tuple:
The after option also accepts the position of the tuple represented by the base64 string.
For example, you can set the fetch_pos boolean option to true to return the position of the last selected tuple as the second value:
The new after and fetch_pos options are also implemented by the built-in net.box connector.
For example, you can use these options to get data asynchronously.
Downgrading a database
The 2.11 version provides the ability to downgrade a database to the specified Tarantool version using the box.schema.downgrade() method.
This might be useful in the case of a failed upgrade.
To prepare a database for using it on an older Tarantool instance, call box.schema.downgrade and pass the desired Tarantool version:
tarantool> box.schema.downgrade('2.8.4')
To see Tarantool versions available for downgrade, call box.schema.downgrade_versions().
The earliest release available for downgrade is 2.8.2.
New bootstrap strategy
In previous Tarantool versions, the replication_connect_quorum option was used to specify the number of running nodes to start a replica set.
This option was designed to simplify a replica set bootstrap.
But in fact, this behavior brought some issues during a cluster lifetime and maintenance operations, for example:
Users who didn’t change this option encountered problems with the partial cluster bootstrap.
Users who changed the option encountered problems during the instance restart.
With 2.11, replication_connect_quorum is deprecated in favor of bootstrap_strategy.
This option works during a replica set bootstrap and implies sensible default values for other parameters based on the replica set configuration.
Currently, bootstrap_strategy accepts two values:
auto: a node doesn’t boot if half or more of the other nodes in a replica set are not connected.
For example, if the replication parameter contains 2 or 3 nodes, a node requires 2 connected instances.
In the case of 4 or 5 nodes, at least 3 connected instances are required.
Moreover, a bootstrap leader fails to boot unless every connected node has chosen it as a bootstrap leader.
legacy: a node requires the replication_connect_quorum number of other nodes to be connected.
This option is added to keep the compatibility with the current versions of Cartridge and might be removed in the future.
Limitation of fiber execution time
Starting with 2.11, if a fiber works too long without yielding control, you can use a fiber slice to limit its execution time.
The fiber_slice_defaultcompat option controls the default value of the maximum fiber slice.
In future versions, this option will be set to true by default.
There are two slice types - a warning and an error slice:
When a warning slice is over, a warning message is logged, for example:
fiber has not yielded for more than 0.500 seconds
When an error slice is over, the fiber is cancelled and the FiberSliceIsExceeded error is thrown:
FiberSliceIsExceeded: fiber slice is exceeded
Note that these messages can point at issues in the existing application code.
These issues can cause potential problems in production.
The fiber slice is checked by all functions operating on spaces and indexes,
such as index_object.select(), space_object.replace(), and so on.
You can also use the fiber.check_slice() function in application code to check whether the slice for the current fiber is over.
The example below shows how to use fiber.set_max_slice() to limit the slice for all fibers.
fiber.check_slice() is called inside a long-running operation to determine whether a slice for the current fiber is over.
Tarantool 2.11 adds support for modules in the logging subsystem.
You can configure different log levels for each module using the box.cfg.log_modules configuration option.
The example below shows how to set the info level for module1 and the error level for module2:
Given that module1_log has the info logging level, calling module1_log.info shows a message but module1_log.debug is swallowed:
tarantool> module1_log.info('Hello from module1!')2023-05-12 15:10:13.691 [39202] main/103/interactive/module1 I> Hello from module1!---...tarantool> module1_log.debug('Hello from module1!')---...
Similarly, module2_log swallows all events with severities below the error level:
tarantool> module2_log.info('Hello from module2!')---...
HTTP client enhancements
Content serialization
The HTTP client now automatically serializes the content in a specific format when sending a request based on the specified Content-Type header and supports all the Tarantool built-in types.
By default, the client uses the application/json content type and sends data serialized as JSON:
You can now encode query and form parameters using the new params request option.
In the example below, the requested URL is https://httpbin.org/get?page=1.
The HTTP client now supports chunked writing and reading of request and response data, respectively.
The example below shows how to get chunks of a JSON response sequentially instead of waiting for the entire response:
localhttp_client=require('http.client').new()localjson=require('json')localtimeout=1localio=http_client:get(url,nil,{chunked=true})fori=1,3dolocaldata=io:read('\r\n',timeout)iflen(data)==0then-- End of the response.breakendlocaldecoded=json.decode(data)-- <..process decoded data..>endio:finish(timeout)
Streaming can also be useful to upload a large file to a server or to subscribe to changes in etcd using the gRPC-JSON gateway.
The example below demonstrates communication with the etcd stream interface.
The request data is written line-by-line, and each line represents an etcd command.
localhttp_client=require('http.client').new()localio=http_client:post('http://localhost:2379/v3/watch',nil,{chunked=true})io:write('{"create_request":{"key":"Zm9v"}}')localres=io:read('\n')print(res)-- <..you can feed more commands here..>io:finish()
Linearizable read
Linearizability of read operations implies that if a response for a write request arrived earlier than a read request was made, this read request should return the results of the write request.
Tarantool 2.11 introduces the new linearizable isolation level for box.begin():
When called with linearizable, box.begin() yields until the instance receives enough data from remote peers to be sure that the transaction is linearizable.
There are several prerequisites for linearizable transactions:
Linearizable transactions may only perform requests to synchronous, local, or temporary memtx spaces.
The node is the replication source for at least N-Q+1 remote replicas.
Here N is the count of registered nodes in the cluster and Q is replication_synchro_quorum.
So, for example, you can’t perform a linearizable transaction on anonymous replicas.
Explicit sequential scanning in SQL
Tarantool is primarily designed for OLTP workloads.
This means that data reads are supposed to be relatively small.
However, a suboptimal SQL query can cause a heavy load on a database.
The new sql_seq_scansession setting is added to explicitly cancel full table scanning.
The request below should fail with the Scanningisnotallowedfor'T' error:
In future versions, SEQSCAN will be required for scanning queries with the ability to disable the check using the sql_seq_scan session setting.
The new behavior can be enabled using a corresponding compat option.
Strict fencing in RAFT
Leader election is implemented in Tarantool as a modification of the Raft algorithm.
The 2.11 release adds the ability to specify the leader fencing mode that affects the leader election process.
Currently, Cartridge does not support leader election using Raft.
You can control the fencing mode using the election_fencing_mode property, which accepts the following values:
In soft mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses for 4*replication_timeout seconds both on the current leader and the followers.
In strict mode, a connection is considered dead if there are no responses for 2*replication_timeout seconds on the current leader and 4*replication_timeout seconds on the followers.
This improves the chances that there is only one leader at any time.
EOL versions
This section contains information about Tarantool versions that have reached
their end of life in accordance with the Tarantool release policy. This
means that these versions don’t receive updates and fixes anymore. However, we still
provide technical support for certain time after a version’s EOL. The current support
status is reflected by the End of support column of the table below.
For information about major changes between EOL versions, see Основные изменения.
The table below lists major changes in Tarantool versions up to 2.11.0.
For overviews of changes in newer versions, see their What’s new pages inside Примечания к версиям.
С каждым выпуском очередной версии Tarantool мы добавляем новые функции и исправления ошибок. Полные списки изменений для каждой версии можно найти в примечаниях к версиям. В этой таблице перечислены наиболее значимые изменения с номерами версий, в которых они были добавлены.
To keep track of the major features in Tarantool versions, you can use the table below.
Later versions inherit features from earlier ones in the same release series.
Note that versions before 2.10.* are numbered according to the legacy release policy,
while versions 2.10.0 and later adhere to the current release policy.
Versions that only include bug fixes are not listed in this table.
Introduced the _vspace_sequence system space view of the _space_sequence
system space (gh-7858).
The log produced during box.cfg{} now contains the build target
triplet (for example, Linux-x86_64-RelWithDebInfo).
The JSON log format can now be used with the syslog logger (gh-7860).
SQL improvements: CASE (gh-6990) and NULLIF() (gh-6989).
Diagnostics now provide relative file paths instead of absolute ones (gh-7808).
RedOS 7.3 is now supported.
Added the -DENABLE_HARDENING=ON/OFF CMake option that enables
hardening against memory corruption attacks (gh-7536).
Internal fibers cannot be cancelled from the Lua public API anymore (gh-7473)
Interactive transactions are now possible in remote binary consoles (gh-7413)
Improved string representation of datetime intervals (gh-7045)
Версия Tarantool состоит из трех чисел, например 2.6.2 или 1.10.9:
Первое число обозначает серию ОСНОВНЫХ версий, в которой вводятся некоторые значительные изменения. Пока был только один переход на новую серию, когда мы выпустили серию 2.x с поддержкой SQL.
Второе число обозначает серию ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНЫХ версий, которые используются для введения новых функций. Эти версии могут быть обратно несовместимы между собой.
Третье число используется для обозначения ПАТЧ-версий, которые отражают стабильность ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНЫХ версий:
0 — альфа
1 — бета
2 и выше — релизная версия (раньше называлась стабильная).
Таким образом, разработка каждой ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНОЙ версии проходит жизненный цикл следующим образом:
Альфа-версия. Раз в квартал мы начинаем разработку новой альфа-версии, например 2.3.0, 2.4.0 и так далее. Это не совсем альфа-версия, как в типичном жизненном цикле выпуска программного обеспечения, а скорее текущая основная версия, которая находится в процессе интенсивной разработки и может быть нестабильной. Текущая альфа-версия всегда живет в основной ветви разработки.
Бета-версия. Когда все запланированные функции реализованы, мы отделяем новую ветвь от основной и помечаем ее как новую бета-версию с 1 в конце для обозначения ПАТЧА, например, 2.3.1, 2.4.1 и так далее. Эту версию пока нельзя назвать стабильной (только что перестали добавлять функциональные возможности), хотя с момента последнего стабильного выпуска в ней нет известных критических регрессионных ошибок.
Релизная версия (раньше называлась стабильная). Когда мы видим, что бета-версия успешно работает в течение еще одного квартала в рабочей среде или в среде разработки, пока мы исправляем обнаруженные ошибки, мы объявляем эту версию стабильной. ПАТЧ помечается цифрой 2, например, 2.3.2, 2.4.2 и так далее.
Мы поддерживаем такую версию в течение 3 месяцев, параллельно работая над еще одной стабильной версией, в которой исправляем все найденные ошибки. Через три месяца мы выпускаем ее, обозначая ПАТЧ цифрой 3, например, 2.3.3, 2.4.3 и так далее. После установки этого тега никакие новые изменения в релизную ветвь не вносим, объявляем ее устаревшей и заменяем ее новой ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНОЙ версией.
В релизные версии мы не добавляем никакие новые функциональные возможности, а только обратно совместимые исправления.
Как в Ubuntu, у нас есть две категории стабильных версий в плане поддержки:
LTS-версии (долгосрочная поддержка, long term support) — это выпуски, которые поддерживаются 3 года для сообщества и 5 лет для платящих клиентов. Текущая серия LTS-версий — 1.10, для нее выпускаются только версии уровня ПАТЧ.
Обычные версии — это серия выпусков, которая поддерживается только в течение нескольких месяцев до выхода следующей стабильной серии.
Ниже представлена схема, которая иллюстрирует вышеописанную последовательность выпуска версий на примере некоторых последних версий и серий:
серия 1.10 -- 1.10.4 -- 1.10.5 -- 1.10.6 -- 1.10.7
серия 2.2 --- 2.2.1 --- 2.2.2 --- 2.2.3 (окончание поддержки)
серия 2.3 ... 2.3.0 --- 2.3.1 --- 2.3.2 --- 2.3.3 (окончание поддержки)
серия 2.4 ............. 2.4.0 --- 2.4.1 --- 2.4.2
серия 2.5 ....................... 2.5.0 --- 2.5.1
серия 2.6 ................................. 2.6.0
-----------------|---------|---------|---------|------> (время)
1/4 г. 1/4 г. 1/4 г.
Поддержка означает, что мы продолжаем исправлять ошибки. Мы также добавляем исправления ошибок в следующие серии версий: LTS, последнюю стабильную, бета и альфа. Если посмотреть на схему выпуска версий выше, — это означает, что исправления ошибок будут добавлены в серии 1.10, 2.4, 2.5 и 2.6.
Итак, раз в квартал выходят (см. вышеприведенную схему выпуска версий):
очередная LTS-версия, например 1.10.9
две стабильные версии, например 2.5.3 и 2.6.2
бета-версия следующей серии, например 2.7.1.
Когда мы находим и исправляем известную уязвимость (CVE) в любой поддерживаемой версии, мы выпускаем для этого патч, но не проставляем тег уровня ПАТЧ. Пользователи узнают о таких критических патчах из официального новостного канала Tarantool (tarantool_news).
Мы также публикуем ночные сборки и используем четвертый слот в идентификаторе версии для обозначения номера ночной сборки.
В новой серии релизов могут быть обратно несовместимые изменения — это значит, что код на Lua, SQL или C, выполняемый в текущей серии версий, может не выполняться в следующей серии версий. Тем не менее, мы не злоупотребляем этим правилом и не вносим несовместимые изменения без причины. Обычно мы предоставляем информацию о том, насколько сформирована функциональность, в примечаниях к версии.
Обратите внимание, что структура бинарных данных всегда совместима с предыдущими сериями, а также с сериями LTS (экземпляр версии X.Y может быть запущен на основе данных X.(Y+1) или 1.10.z). Бинарный протокол также обратно совместим (как клиент-серверный протокол, так и протокол репликации).
2.10.8 is the ninth
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 5 improvements and resolves 28 bugs since 2.10.7.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
The maximum length of box.cfg{} string parameters is now 512
instead of 256.
LuaJIT now can be fuzzed using grammar-based fuzzer (gh-4823).
Hardening against memory corruption attacks is now enabled by default
on FreeBSD (gh-7536).
Added the CMake option FIBER_STACK_SIZE to set the default fiber
stack size.
Updated libcurl to version 8.3.0.
Bugs fixed
Fixed a bug when Tarantool failed to decode a request containing an
unknown IPROTO key. The bug resulted in broken connectivity between
Tarantool 2.10 and 2.11 (gh-8745).
Fixed a bug causing the ER_CURSOR_NO_TRANSACTION failure for
transactions on synchronous spaces when the on_commit/on_rollback
triggers are set (gh-8505).
Fixed a bug causing the effective session and user are not propagated
to box.on_commit and box.on_rollback trigger callbacks when
transaction is synchronous (gh-8742).
Fixed a crash that could happen when Tarantool is started in the
background mode (gh-6128).
Fixed a bug when MVCC sometimes lost gap record (gh-8326).
Fixed a bug when MVCC rollback of prepared statement could break
internal invariants (gh-8648).
Now MVCC engine automatically aborts a transaction if it reads
changes of a prepared transaction and this transaction is aborted
Fixed a bug that caused writing incorrect values into the
stream_id field of xlog headers (gh-8783).
Fixed a bug when a space that is referenced by a foreign key could
not be truncated even if the referring space was empty (gh-8946).
Fixed a crash that could happen when Tarantool is compiled by
clang version 15 and above with enabled AddressSanitizer
Fixed a use-after-free bug in iproto server code (gh-9037).
Fixed a heap-buffer-overflow bug in fiber creation code (gh-9026).
Fixed a heap-use-after-free bug in the transaction manager, which
could occur when performing a DDL operation concurrently with a
transaction on the same space (gh-8781).
Fixed a heap-use-after-free bug in the Vinyl read iterator caused by
a race between a disk read and a memory dump task. The bug could lead
to a crash or an invalid query result (gh-8852).
Fixed a possible failure to promote the desired node by
box.ctl.promote() on a cluster with nodes configured with
election_mode="candidate" (gh-8497).
Fixed nodes configured with election_mode='candidate'
spuriously detecting a split-vote when another candidate should win
with exactly a quorum of votes for it (gh-8698).
Backported patches from the vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-8516, gh-8825).
The following issues were fixed as part of this activity:
Fixed canonicalization of +-0.0 keys for IR_NEWREF.
Fixed result truncation for bit.rol on x86_64 platforms.
Fixed lua_yield() invocation inside C hooks.
Fixed memory chunk allocation beyond the memory limit.
Fixed TNEW load forwarding with instable types.
Fixed use-def analysis for BC_VARG, BC_FUNCV.
Fixed BC_UCLO insertion for returns.
Fixed recording of BC_VARG with unused vararg values.
Initialization instructions on trace are now emitted only for the
first member of a union.
Prevent integer overflow while parsing long strings.
Fixed various ^ operator and math.pow() function
Fixed parsing with predicting next() and pairs().
Fixed binary number literal parsing. Parsing of binary number with a
zero fractional part raises error too now.
Fixed load forwarding optimization applied after table rehashing.
Fixed recording of the BC_TSETM.
Fixed the xlog reader Lua module to show unknown row header fields.
Before this change the xlog reader silently skipped them.
Fixed a heap-use-after-free bug in the function creating a tuple
format Lua object for net.box (gh-8889).
Fixed the memory leaks caused by the multi-statement transaction
errors in the space index building and the space format checking
operations (gh-8773).
Fixed a bug in the box console implementation because of which the
language parameter was shared between connected clients
Fixed an invalid memory access in a corner case of a specialized
comparison function (gh-8899).
Fixed console ignoring -i flag in case stdin is not a tty
Fixed a bug raising a false positive error when creating new
intervals with range boundary values (gh-8878).
Fixed a bug with buffer overflow in tnt_strptime (gh-8502).
Fixed a streaming connection stuck if etcd is stopped unexpectedly
Fixed decoding datetime intervals with fields larger than possible
int32 values (gh-8887).
2.10.7 is the 8th
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It resolves 17 bugs since 2.10.6.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Bugs fixed
Fixed a crash that could happen when preparing a crash report on macOS
Fixed an integer overflow issue in net.box (ghs-121).
An IPROTO_EVENT packet now has the same sync number as the last
corresponding IPROTO_WATCH request (gh-8393).
Fixed a bug because of which a dirty (not committed to WAL) DDL record could
be written to a snapshot and cause a recovery failure (gh-8530).
Fixed a bug that occurred on applier failure: a node could start an election
without having a quorum to do this (gh-8433).
Now if a join fails with some non-critical error, such as ER_READONLY,
ER_ACCESS_DENIED, or something network-related, the instance tries
to find a new master to join off and tries again (gh-6126,
States when joining a replica are renamed. Now the value of
box.info.replication[id].upstream.status during join can be either
wait_snapshot or fetch_snapshot instead of initial_join (gh-6126).
Fixed replicaset bootstrap getting stuck on some nodes with ER_READONLY when
there are connectivity problems (gh-7737, gh-8681).
Fixed a bug when a replicaset state machine that is tracking the number
of appliers according to their states could become inconsistent during
reconfiguration (gh-7590).
Backported patches from the vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-8069, gh-8516).
The following issues were fixed as part of this activity:
Fixed emit_rma() for x64/GC64 mode for non-mov instructions.
Limited Lua C library path with the default PATH_MAX value of 4096 bytes.
Fixed assembling of IR_LREF assembling for GC64 mode on x86_64.
Fixed an assertion when selecting tuples with incomplete internal
format (gh-8418).
Fixed integer overflow issues in built-in functions (ghs-119).
Fixed a possible assertion or segmentation fault when optimizing
Fixed an integer overflow issue and added check for the printf() failure due
to too large size (ghs-122).
Fixed an error in datetime.set when timestamp is passed along with nsec,
usec, or msec (gh-8583).
Fixed errors when the string representation of a datetime object had
a negative nanosecond part (gh-8570).
Enabled compiler optimizations for static build dependencies, which were
erroneously disabled in version 2.10.3 (gh-8606).
2.10.6 is the 7th
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It resolves 3 bugs since 2.10.5.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Bugs fixed
Fixed various bugs related to unsafe (i.e., coming from an unknown
source) decoding and validating of MsgPack extensions (ghs-73).
Backported patches from the vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-8069).
The following issues were fixed as part of this activity:
Fixed successful math.min/math.max call with no args (gh-6163).
Fixed inconsistencies in math.min/math.max calls with a NaN arg
Fixed pcall() call without arguments on arm64.
Fixed assembling of IR_{AHUV}LOAD specialized to boolean for
Fixed constant rematerialization on arm64.
Fixed a bug where box.cfg.force_recovery doesn’t work when there
is no user spaces in a snapshot (gh-7974).
2.10.5 is the sixth
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 5 improvements and resolves 44 bugs since 2.10.4.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
Introduced the _vspace_sequence system space view of the
_space_sequence system space (gh-7858).
The log produced during box.cfg{} now contains the build target
triplet (for example, Linux-x86_64-RelWithDebInfo).
Fixed a bug in fiber switching that could lead to a segmentation
fault error on AArch64 systems (gh-7523, gh-7985).
Fixed wrong CPU architecture reported in tarantool.build.target
on M1/M2 Macs (gh-7495).
Fixed a bug when fields could be removed from a table stored in a
variable when a logging function was called on this variable (for
example, log.info(a)) (gh-3853).
Fixed a logging bug: when logging tables with fields that have
reserved internal names (such as pid) in the plain log format,
such fields weren’t logged (gh-3853).
Added the message field when logging tables without such field in
the JSON log format (gh-3853).
Fixed an assertion on malformed JSON message written to the log
Fixed the bug because of which box.session.on_auth triggers were
not invoked if the authenticated user didn’t exist (gh-8017).
Eliminated the possibility of user enumeration by analyzing errors
sent in reply to malformed authentication requests (ghs-21).
Fixed a bug when Tarantool could execute random bytes as a Lua code
after fork on systems with a glibc version earlier than 2.29
A referenced space or a function being used in a constraint can now
be dropped in the same transaction with the referencing constraint or
space (gh-7339).
Fixed Tarantool being stuck during a crash on macOS (gh-8023).
Fixed a bug that prevented collection of crash reports (gh-8083).
Fixed a crash in net.box that happened if the error message
raised by the server contained printf formatting specifiers, such
as %d or %s (gh-8043).
Fixed read-only statements executing successfully in transactions
that were aborted by yield or timeout. Now, read-only statements fail
in this case, just like write statements (gh-8123).
Fixed a transaction conflict reported mistakenly when a key was
deleted twice with MVCC engine enabled (gh-8122).
net.box connections now contain information about sequences used
by remote spaces (gh-7858).
Fixed a crash that happened if a transaction was aborted (for
example, by fiber yield with MVCC off) while the space’s
on_replace or before_replace trigger was running (gh-8027).
Fixed a possible crash when attempting to update the same field in
tuple/space/index:update() more than once (gh-8216).
Fixed empty BITSET indexes crashing on len calls (gh-5809).
Fixed a crash when functional indexes were used with very specific
chunk size (gh-6786).
Fixed a possible repeatable read violation with reverse iterators
Fixed a crash on series of transactions in memtx (gh-7756).
Fixed a phantom read that could happen after reads from different
indexes followed by a rollback (gh-7828).
Fixed an assertion failure in MVCC during statement preparation
Fixed possible loss of a committed tuple after rollback of a prepared
transaction (gh-7930).
Fixed a bug that could result in select() skipping an existing
tuple after a rolled back delete() (gh-7947).
Fixed local space writes failing with error Founduncommittedsynctransactionsfromotherinstancewithid1 when synchronous
transaction queue belongs to another instance and isn’t empty
Fixed an assertion failure on master when a replica resubscribes with
a smaller vclock than previously seen (gh-5158).
A warning is now raised when replica_id is changed by a
before_replace trigger while adding a new replica. Previously,
there was an assertion checking this (gh-7846).
Fixed a segmentation fault that happened when a before_replace
trigger set on space _cluster returned nil (gh-7846).
Fixed possible transaction conflict errors on applying a replication
stream (gh-8121).
Fixed an assertion failure in case when an election candidate is
reconfigured to a voter during an ongoning WAL write (gh-8169).
Fixed nodes configured with election_mode="manual" sometimes
increasing the election term excessively after their promotion
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-7230). In the scope of
this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Fix io.close() for already closed standard output.
Fix trace execution and stitching inside vmevent handler (gh-6782).
Fixed emit_loadi() on x86/x64 emitting xor between condition
check and jump instructions.
Fix stack top for error message when raising the OOM error (gh-3840).
Enabled external unwinding on several LuaJIT platforms. Now it is
possible to handle ABI exceptions from Lua code (gh-6096).
Disabled math.modf compilation due to its rare usage and difficulties
with proper implementation of the corresponding JIT machinery.
Fixed inconsistent behaviour on signed zeros for JIT-compiled unary
minus (gh-6976).
Fixed IR_HREF hash calculations for non-string GC objects for
Fixed assembling of type-check-only variant of IR_SLOAD.
Enabled the platform profiler for Tarantool built with GC64 mode
Added full-range lightuserdata support to the luajit-gdb.py
extension (gh-6481).
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-8069). In the scope of
this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Fixed loop realigment for dual-number mode
Fixed os.date() for wider libc strftime() compatibility.
Fix interval parsing for sysprof for dual-number mode.
Fixed alias detection in the YAML serializer in case the input
contains objects that implement the __serialize meta method
Fixed a bug when collation could change the type of a built-in
function argument (gh-7992).
Fixed several bugs happening because of improper handling of
malloc() failures (ghs-65, ghs-66,
ghs-67, ghs-68).
Fixed a possible error during rollback of read-only transaction
statements (gh-5501).
Fixed a bug in space_object:create_index() when collation
option is not set. Now it is inherited from the space format
Eliminated a code injection vulnerability in the processing of the
replication_synchro_quorumbox.cfg() option (ghs-20,
Fixed a segmentation fault that happened when the value passed to the
%f modifier of datetime_object:format() was too big (ghs-31).
Fixed the assertion fail in cord_on_yield (gh-6647).
Fixed an incorrect facility value in syslog on Alpine and OpenBSD
2.10.4 is the fifth
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 5 improvements and resolves 28 bugs since 2.10.3.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Now the empty string, n, nu, s, and st (that is, leading parts of
num and str) are not accepted as valid field types (gh-5940).
This instruction will help you upgrade
to Tarantool 2.10.4 and newer if you’ve previously used these values in field types.
Functionality added or changed
The JSON log format can now be used with the syslog logger (gh-7860).
New rules are applied to determine the type of CASE operation
Now NULLIF() call results have the same type as its first
argument (gh-6989).
Diagnostics now provide relative file paths instead of absolute ones
Now the compiler info displayed in tarantool.build.compiler and
tarantool--version shows the ID and the version of the compiler
that was used to build Tarantool. The output has the format
Clang- (gh-7888).
Bugs fixed
Fixed creation of spaces with a constraint and a foreign key on the
same field (gh-7645).
Now the same error is returned when a password or a username provided
during authorization is incorrect. This prevents user enumeration
Added boundary checking for getenv() return values. Also, for
security reasons, Tarantool code now copies these values instead of
using them directly (gh-7797).
os.getenv() now always returns values of sane size (gh-7797).
Fixed the BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK counters in the
box.stat() output. Now they show the number of started,
committed, and rolled back transactions (gh-7583).
Fixed a crash that could occur during log rotation and application
exit (gh-4450).
Fixed a possible buffer overflow in mp_decode_decimal() and
decimal_unpack() when an input string was too long (ghs-17).
Fixed a bug in the MsgPack library that could lead to a failure to
detect invalid MsgPack input and, as a result, an out-of-bounds read
If an error occurs during a snapshot recovery, its log now contains
information about the row that caused the error (gh-7917).
Fixed possible loss of committed tuples in secondary indexes with
MVCC transaction manager (gh-7712).
Fixed an assertion being triggered on space:drop (gh-7757).
Fixed possible violation of the secondary index uniqueness with the
transaction manager enabled (gh-7761).
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-7230). In the scope
of this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Fix overflow check in unpack() optimized by a compiler.
Fix recording of tonumber() with cdata argument for failed
conversions (gh-7655).
Fix concatenation operation on cdata. It always raises an error
Fixed the Lua stack dump command (lj-stack) to support Python 2:
unpacking arguments within the list initialization is not supported
in it (gh-7458).
Fixed a crash in msgpack.decode in case the input string contains
an invalid MsgPack header 0xc1 (gh-7818).
Fixed an assertion when INDEXEDBY was used with an index that
was at least third in a space (gh-5976).
Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting tuples with more fields
than specified in the space format (gh-5310, gh-4666).
Fixed an assertion in JOIN when using an unsupported index
Creating indexes on newly added fields no longer leads to assertions
in SELECT queries (gh-5183).
Re-running a prepared statement that generates new auto-increment IDs
no longer causes an error (gh-6422).
An error is now thrown if too many indexes were created in SQL
Revoked execute access rights to the LUA function from the public
role (ghs-14).
Now the empty string, n, nu, s, and
st (that is, leading parts of num and str) are not
accepted as valid field types (gh-5940).
This instruction will help you upgrade
to Tarantool 2.10.4 and newer if you’ve previously used these values in field types.
Fixed a bug when type=box.NULL in key_def.new() resulted in
type='unsigned' (gh-5222).
The _vfunc system space now has the same format as _func
Fixed a crash on recovery from snapshots that don’t include system
spaces (gh-7800).
Fixed a bug that occurred when a foreign key was created together
with fields that participate in that foreign key (gh-7652).
Fixed interval arithmetic for boundaries crossing DST (gh-7700).
Results of datetime arithmetic operations could get a different
timezone if the DST boundary has been crossed during the operation:
2.10.3 is the fourth
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 2 improvements and resolves 19 bugs since 2.10.2.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
RedOS 7.3 is now supported.
Added the -DENABLE_HARDENING=ON/OFF CMake option that enables
hardening against memory corruption attacks (gh-7536).
Bugs fixed
Fixed a bug introduced in Tarantool 2.10.2: log messages could be
written to data files thus causing data corruption. The issue was
fixed by reverting the fix for gh-4450.
Switched from MT-Unsafe strerror() to MT-Safe strerror_r().
The usage of the unsafe function could result in corrupted error
Fixed a bug when a single JSON update couldn’t insert and update a
field of a map or an array in two sequential calls. It would either
crash or return an error (gh-7705).
Fixed incorrect handling of transaction conflicts in full scans by
HASH indexes (gh-7493).
Fixed useafterfree that could occur in the transaction manager
in certain states (gh-7449).
Fixed possible phantom reads with get on TREE indexes containing
nullable parts (gh-7685).
Fixed an inconsistency in index:random in the context of
transaction management (gh-7670).
Fixed unserializable reads tracked incorrectly after transaction
rollbacks (gh-7343).
Fixed a bug when a fiber committing a synchronous transaction could
hang if the instance got a term bump during that or its synchro-queue
was fenced in any other way (gh-7253).
Fixed master occasionally deleting xlogs needed by replicas even
without a restart (gh-7584).
Fixed a bug when box.ctl.promote() could hang and bump thousands
of terms in a row if called on more than one node at the same time
(part of gh-7253).
Fixed a bug when a node with election_mode='voter' could hang in
box.ctl.promote() or become a leader (part of gh-7253).
Fixed a bug when a replicaset could be split into parts if a node
voted for another instance while having local WAL writes unfinished
(part of gh-7253).
Fixed useafterfree that could occur during iteration over
merge_source:pairs() or merger:pairs() (gh-7657).
Fixed a race condition in <popenhandle>:signal() on Mac OS 12
and newer (gh-7658).
Fixed a bug when fiber.yield() might break the execution of a
shutdown trigger (gh-7434).
Fixed a possible high CPU usage caused by shutdown triggers
Fixed assertions in debug builds and undefined behaviour in release
builds when simultaneous elections started or another instance was
promoted while an instance was acquiring or releasing the synchro
queue (gh-7086).
Fixed a bug in the URI parser: tarantoolctl could not connect when
the host name was skipped (gh-7479).
2.10.2 is the third
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 1 improvement and resolves 8 bugs since 2.10.1.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
Certain internal fibers, such as the connection’s worker fiber, vinyl
fibers, and some other fibers, cannot be cancelled from the Lua
public API anymore (gh-7473).
Bugs fixed
Fixed a crash of secondary indexes without hints (a critical regression found in 2.10.1)
Fixed a possible crash on concurrent fiber_object:join()
Fixed a potential nil dereference and a crash in case of an active
log rotation during the program exit stage (gh-4450).
Fixed crashes and undefined behaviour of triggers clearing other
triggers (gh-4264).
Fixed box.info.replication[id].downstream.lag growing
indefinitely on a server when it’s not writing any new transactions
Fixed multiline commands being saved to ~/.tarantool_history as
separate lines (gh-7320).
Fixed inheritance of field options in indexes when index parts are
specified the old Tarantool 1.6 style: {<field>,<type>,...}
Fixed unauthorized inserts into the _truncate space (ghs-5).
It is highly recommended to use Tarantool v. 2.10.2 instead.
The 2.10.1 release introduced a severe regression (gh-7605),
which may pass testing with a low amount of data but impact a production server heavily.
It may crash the process and, that is worse, feed incorrect data.
The Tarantool development team has decided
to remove all the packages associated with this release.
2.10.1 is the second
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 17 improvements and resolves 52 bugs since 2.10.0.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Notable changes are:
Interactive transactions are now possible in remote binary consoles.
Improved the string representation of datetime intervals.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
[Breaking change] Conflicted transactions now throw the
Transactionhasbeenabortedbyconflict error on any CRUD
operations until they are either rolled back (which will return no
error) or committed (which will return the same error) (gh-7240).
Read-view transactions now become conflicted on attempts to perform
DML statements immediately. Previously, this was detected only on the
transaction preparation stage, that is, when calling box.commit
Interactive transactions are now possible in remote binary consoles
It is now possible to omit space in declarations of foreign keys
that refer to the same space (gh-7200).
Improved the string representation of datetime intervals. Now
nanoseconds aren’t converted and attached to seconds; the intervals
are displayed “as is”. Example:
Added Lua/C accessors for decimals into the module API (gh-7228).
Added the box_tuple_field_by_path() function into the module API.
It allow the access to tuple fields from C code using a JSON path
Fedora 30, 31, 32, and 33 are no longer supported.
Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) and 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) are no longer
Updated libcurl to version 7.84.0.
Updated OpenSSL used for static builds to version 1.1.1q.
Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) is no longer supported.
Updated Ncurses used for static builds to version 6.3-20220716 .
Updated Readline used for static builds to version 8.0p1.
Updated libyaml to the version with fixed stack overflows.
Updated zstd to version 1.5.2.
Updated zlib used for static builds to version 1.2.12.
Bugs fixed
Improved validation of incoming tuples. Now tuples coming over the
network can’t contain malformed decimals, uuids, or datetime values
Fixed a bug in the net.box connector because of which a client could
fail to close its connection when receiving a shutdown request from
the server. This could lead to the server hanging on exit (gh-7225).
Fixed a crash and possible undefined behaviour when using scalar
and number indexes over fields containing both decimals and
double Inf or NaN.
For vinyl spaces, the above conditions could lead to wrong ordering
of indexed values. To fix the issue, recreate the indexes on such
spaces following this
Fixed a bug because of which a net.box connection was not properly
terminated when the process had a child (for example, started with
popen) sharing the connection socket fd. The bug could lead to a
server hanging on exit while executing the graceful shutdown protocol
Removed an assertion on fiber_wakeup() calls with dead fibers in
debug builds. Such behavior was inconsistent with release builds, in
which the same calls were allowed (gh-5843).
Fixed the exclude_null index option not working for multikey and
JSON indexes (gh-5861).
Fixed the performance degradation of fiber backtrace collection after
the backtrace rework (gh-7207).
Fixed a hang when a synchronous request was issued from a net.box
on_connect or on_schema_reload trigger. Now an error is
raised instead (gh-5358).
Fixed a crash that could happen on x86 systems without the RDTSCP
instruction (gh-5869).
Fixed a bug that allowed to access indexed fields of nested tuples
with [*] in Lua (gh-5226).
Fixed the behavior of space_object:fselect() on binary data
Fixed Tarantool not being able to recover from old snapshots when
box.cfg.work_dir and box.cfg.memtx_dir were both set
Fixed Tarantool terminations on error messages with invalid UTF-8
sequences (gh-6781 and gh-6934).
Fixed a bug when the Transactionisactiveatreturnfromfunction
error was overwriting expression evaluation errors in case the
expression begins a transaction (gh-7288).
Added type checking for options in net.box’s remote queries and
connect method. Now graceful errors are thrown in case of incorrect
options (gh-6063, gh-6530).
Fixed space_object:format() and space_object.foreign_key
returning incorrect numbers of foreign key fields (gh-7350).
Fixed the foreign key check on space_object:truncate() calls
Fixed a crash when box.stat.net.thread[i] is called with invalid
i values (gh-7196).
Fixed a low-probability stack overflow bug in the qsort
Fixed the ability to perform read-only operations in conflicting
transactions in memtx, which led to spurious results (gh-7238).
Fixed false assertion on repeatable replace with the memtx
transaction manager enabled (gh-7214).
Fixed false transaction conflict on repeatable insert/upsert
with the memtx transaction manager enabled (gh-7217).
Fixed dirty reads in the GT iterator of HASH indexes (gh-7477).
Fixed phantom reads in reverse iterators (gh-7409).
Fixed select with LE iterator in memtxTREE index
returning deleted tuple (gh-7432).
Fixed incorrect handling of corner cases gap tracking in transaction
manager (gh-7375).
Fixed a bug in the memtx hash index implementation that could lead to
uncommitted data written to a snapshot file (gh-7539).
Fixed a bug in the vinyl upsert squashing optimization that could
lead to a segmentation fault error (gh-5080).
Fixed a bug in the vinyl garbage collector. It could skip stale
tuples stored in a secondary index if upsert operations were used on
the space before the index was created (gh-3638).
Fixed a bug in the vinyl read iterator that could result in a
significant performance degradation of range select requests in the
presence of an intensive write workload (gh-5700).
Explicitly disabled the hot standby mode for vinyl. Now an attempt to
enable the hot standby mode in case the master instance has vinyl
spaces results in an error. Before this change, the behavior was
undefined (gh-6565).
Added the logging of the error reason on a replica in case when the
master didn’t send a greeting message (gh-7204).
Fixed replication being stuck occasionally for no obvious reasons.
Fixed a possible split-brain when the old synchro queue owner might
finalize the transactions in the presence of the new owner (gh-5295).
Improved the detection of possible split-brain situations, for
example, when multiple leaders were working independently due to
manually lowered quorum. Once a node discovers that it received some
foreign data, it immediately stops replication from such a node with
an ER_SPLIT_BRAIN error (gh-5295).
Fixed a false positive split-brain error after box.ctl.demote()
Fixed a bug when followers with box.cfg.election_mode turned on
did not notice the leader hang due to a long request, such as a
select{} from a large space or a pairs iteration without
yields between loop cycles (gh-7512).
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-6548 and gh-7230).
In the scope of this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Now initialization of zero-filled struct is compiled (gh-4630,
Actually implemented maxirconst option for tuning JIT compiler.
Fixed JIT stack of Lua slots overflow during recording for metamethod
Fixed bytecode dump unpatching for JLOOP in up-recursion compiled
Fixed FOLD rule for strength reduction of widening in cdata indexing.
Fixed string.char() recording without arguments.
Fixed print() behaviour with the reloaded default metatable for
tonumber("-0") now saves the sign of number for conversion.
tonumber() now gives predictable results for negative non-base-10
Fixed write barrier for debug.setupvalue() and
Fixed conflict between 64 bit lightuserdata and ITERN key for ARM64.
Fixed emitting assembly for HREFK on ARM64.
Fixed pass-by-value struct in FFI calls on ARM64.
jit.p now flushes and closes output file after run, not at
program exit.
Fixed jit.p profiler interaction with GC finalizers.
Fixed the case for partial recording of vararg function body with the
fixed number of result values in with LJ_GC64 (i.e. LJ_FR2
enabled) (gh-7172).
Added /proc/self/exe symlink resolution to the symtab module to
obtain the .symtab section for the Tarantool executable.
Introduced stack sandwich support to sysprof’s parser (gh-7244).
Disabled proto and trace information dumpers in sysprof’s default
mode. Attempts to use them lead to a segmentation fault due to an
uninitialized buffer (gh-7264).
Fixed handling of errors during trace snapshot restore.
The fiber_obj:info() now correctly handles its options (gh-7210).
Fixed a bug when Ctrl+C doesn’t discard the multiline input
Fixed the creation of ephemeral space format in ORDERBY
The result type of arithmetic operations between two unsigned values
is now INTEGER (gh-7295).
Fixed a bug with the ANY type in the ephemeral space format in
ORDERBY (gh-7043).
Truncation of a space no longer corrupts prepared statements
Fixed a bug when date:set{hour=nil,min=XXX} did not retain the
original hour value (gh-7298).
Introduced the validation of incoming data at the moment messagepack
is converted to datetime (gh-6723).
HTTP client
Enabled the automatic detection of system CA certificates in the
runtime (gh-7372). It was disabled in 2.10.0, which led to the
inability to use HTTPS without the verify_peer=false option.
Fixed a build failure with gcc if libpbf is installed (gh-7292).
Fixed the static build on Mac OS 11 and newer (gh-7459).
2.10.0 is the first
stable version of the 2.10 release series.
It introduces 107 improvements and resolves 131 bugs since version 2.8.1.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Notable changes are:
HTTP client now supports HTTP/2.
Support of the new DATETIME type.
Improved type consistency in SQL.
Added transaction isolation levels.
Implemented fencing and pre-voting in RAFT.
Introduced foreign keys and constraints.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
Please upgrade
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Some changes are labeled as [Breaking change].
It means that the old behavior was considered error-prone
and therefore changed to protect users from unintended mistakes.
However, there is a small probability that someone can rely on the old behavior,
and this label is to bring attention to the things that have been changed.
The changes that break backward compatibility are listed below:
fiber.wakeup() in Lua and fiber_wakeup() in C became NOP on the
currently running fiber.
The timeout() method of net.box connection was dropped.
The net.box console support was dropped.
The return value type for all time64 functions was changed from uint64_t to
Functionality added or changed
The UUID field type is now part of the SCALAR field type
The UUID field type is now available in SQL. A new UUID can
be generated using the new SQL built-in UUID() function
[Breaking change] The timeout() method of net.box connection,
marked deprecated more than four years ago (in 1.7.4), has been dropped.
It negatively affected the performance of hot net.box methods,
such as call() and select() if they were called without
specifying a timeout (gh-6242).
Improved net.box performance by up to 70% by rewriting hot code
paths in C (gh-6241).
Introduced compact tuples that allow saving 4 bytes per tuple in case
of small user data (gh-5385).
Now streams and interactive transactions over streams are implemented in iproto.
Every stream is associated with its ID, which is unique within one connection.
All requests with the same non-zero stream ID belong to the same stream.
All requests in the stream are processed synchronously.
The next request will not start executing until the previous one is completed.
If a request’s stream ID is 0, it does not belong to a stream
and is processed in the old way.
In net.box, a stream is an object above the connection that has
the same methods but allows executing requests sequentially. The ID is
generated on the client-side automatically.
If a user writes his own connector and wants to use streams,
they must transmit the stream_id over the iproto protocol.
The primary purpose of streams is transactions via iproto.
As each stream can start a transaction, several transactions can be multiplexed over one connection.
There are multiple ways to begin, commit, and rollback a transaction.
One can do that using the appropriate stream methods, call, eval,
or execute with the SQL transaction syntax. Users can mix these methods.
For example, one might start a transaction using stream:begin(),
and commit it with stream:call('box.commit') or stream:execute('COMMIT').
If any request fails during the transaction, it will not affect the other requests in the transaction.
If a disconnect occurs while there is an active transaction in the stream,
that transaction will be rolled back if it hasn’t been committed before the connection failure
Added the new memtx_allocator option to box.cfg{}.
It allows selecting the appropriate allocator for memtx tuples if necessary.
The possible values are system for malloc allocator and small for
the default small allocator.
Implemented the system allocator based on malloc. The slab allocator, which is used for tuple allocation,
has a particular disadvantage – it is prone to unresolvable fragmentation on specific workloads (size migration).
In this case, the user should be able to choose another allocator.
The system allocator is based on the malloc function but restricted by the same quota as the slab allocator.
The system allocator does not alloc all the memory at the start. Instead, it allocates memory as needed,
checking that the quota is not exceeded
Added box.stat.net.thread() for reporting per thread net
statistics (gh-6293).
Added the new STREAMS metric to box.stat.net. It contains
statistics for iproto streams. The STREAMS contains the same counters
as the CONNECTIONS metric in box.stat.net: current, RPS, and
total (gh-6293).
Extended the network protocol (IPROTO) with a new request type
(IPROTO_ID). It is supposed to be used for exchanging sets of
supported features between the server and client (gh-6253).
Added required_protocol_version and required_protocol_features
to net.box connection options. The new options allow specifying
the IPROTO protocol version and features that must be supported by the server
for the connection to pass (gh-6253).
[Breaking change] Added the msgpack.cfg.encode_error_as_ext
configuration option to enable/disable encoding errors as
MP_ERROR MsgPack extension. The option is enabled by default
[Breaking change] Removed box.session.setting.error_marshaling_enabled.
Error marshalling is now enabled automatically if the connector supports it
metrics to box.stat.net that contains detailed statistics for iproto requests.
These metrics contain the same counters as other metrics in box.stat.net:
current, RPS, and total (gh-6293).
Implemented a timeout for fiber:join in Lua (gh-6203).
Added the new box.txn_id() function. It returns the ID of the
current transaction if called within a transaction, nil otherwise.
Previously, if a yield occurs for a transaction that does not support
it, all its statements are rolled back but still its new
statements are processed (they will roll back with each yield). Also, the
transaction will be rolled back when a commit is attempted. Now we
stop processing any new statements right after the first yield if a
transaction does not support it.
Implemented a timeout for transactions after which they are rolled
back (gh-6177).
Implemented the new C API box_txn_set_timeout function to set a
timeout for transactions.
Implemented a timeout for iproto transactions after which they are
rolled back (gh-6177).
Implemented the new IPROTO_TIMEOUT0x56 key, which is used to set a
timeout for transactions over iproto streams. It is stored in the
body of IPROTO_BEGIN request.
Introduced box.broadcast and box.watch functions to
signal/watch user-defined state changes (gh-6257).
Added watchers support to the network protocol (gh-6257).
Added watchers support to the net.box connector (gh-6257).
Now error objects with the code box.error.READONLY now have
the additional fields explaining why the error happened.
Also, there is a new field box.info.ro_reason. It is nil on a
writable instance, but reports a reason when box.info.ro is true
Implemented the ability to open several listening sockets. In
addition to the ability to pass uri as a number or string, added the
ability to pass uri as a table of numbers or strings (gh-3554).
[Breaking change]net.box console support, which was marked
deprecated in 1.10, has been dropped. Use require('console').connect()
Added the takes_raw_args Lua function option for wrapping arguments
in msgpack.object to skip decoding (gh-3349).
Implemented the graceful shutdown protocol for IPROTO connections
Added fetch_schema flag to netbox.connect to control schema
fetching from remote instance (gh-4789).
Added linking type (dynamic or static) to Tarantool build info.
Changed log level of some information messages from critical to info
Added predefined system events: box.status, box.id,
box.election, and box.schema (gh-6260).
Introduced transaction isolation levels in Lua and IPROTO (gh-6930).
Added support for backtrace feature on AARCH64 architecture
Implemented collection of parent backtrace for the newly created
fibers. To enable the feature, call fiber.parent_backtrace_enable. To disable it, call
fiber.parent_backtrace_disable: disabled by default (gh-4302).
Disabled the deferred DELETE optimization in Vinyl to avoid
possible performance degradation of secondary index reads. Now, to
enable the optimization, one has to set the defer_deletes flag in
space options (gh-4501).
Introduced box.info.replication[n].downstream.lag field to
monitor the state of replication. This member represents a lag between
the main node writing a certain transaction to its own WAL and the
moment it receives an ack for this transaction from a replica
Introduced on_election triggers. The triggers may be registered via
box.ctl.on_election() interface and are run asynchronously each
time box.info.election changes (gh-5819).
It is now possible to decode incoming replication data in a separate
thread. Added the replication_threads configuration option that
controls how many threads may be spawned to do the task (default is 1)
Added the term field to box.info.synchro.queue. It contains a
term of the last PROMOTE. It is usually equal to
box.info.election.term but may be less than the election term
when the new round of elections started, but no one promoted yet.
Servers with elections enabled won’t start new elections as long as
at least one of their peers sees the current leader. They also won’t
start the elections when they don’t have a quorum of connected peers.
This should reduce cases when a server that has lost connectivity to
the leader disrupts the whole cluster by starting new elections
Added the leader_idle field to box.info.election table. The
value shows time in seconds since the last communication with a known
leader (gh-6654).
Introduced support for LJ_DUALNUM mode in luajit-gdb.py
Introduced preliminary support of GNU/Linux ARM64 and macOS M1. In
the scope of this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Introduced support for a full 64-bit range of lightuserdata values
Fixed memory remapping issue when the page leaves 47-bit segments.
Fixed variadic arguments handling in FFI on M1 (gh-6066).
Fixed table.move misbehavior when table reallocation occurs
Fixed Lua stack inconsistency when xpcall is called with an
invalid second argument on ARM64 (gh-6093).
Fixed BC_USETS bytecode semantics for closed upvalues and gray
Fixed side exit jump target patching considering the range values
of the particular instruction (gh-6098).
Fixed current Lua coroutine restoring on an exceptional path on
ARM64 (gh-6189).
Now memory profiler records allocations from traces grouping them by
the trace number (gh-5814). The memory profiler parser can display
the new type of allocation sources in the following format:
| TRACE [<trace-no>] <trace-addr> started at @<sym-chunk>:<sym-line>
Now the memory profiler reports allocations made by the JIT engine while
compiling the trace as INTERNAL (gh-5679).
Now the memory profiler emits events of the new type when a function
or a trace is created. As a result, the memory profiler parser can
enrich its symbol table with the new functions and traces (gh-5815).
Furthermore, there are symbol generations introduced within the
internal parser structure to handle possible collisions of function
addresses and trace numbers.
Now the memory profiler dumps symbol table for C functions. As a result,
memory profiler parser can enrich its symbol table with C symbols
(gh-5813). Furthermore, now memory profiler dumps special events for symbol
table when it encounters a new C symbol, that has not been dumped yet.
Introduced the LuaJIT platform profiler (gh-781) and the profile
parser. This profiler is able to capture both host and VM stacks, so
it can show the whole picture. Both C and Lua API’s are available for
the profiler. Profiler comes with the default parser, which produces
output in a flamegraph.pl-suitable format. The following profiling
modes are available:
Default: only virtual machine state counters.
Leaf: shows the last frame on the stack.
Callchain: performs a complete stack dump.
Introduced the new method table.equals. It compares two tables by value and
respects the __eq metamethod.
Added support of console autocompletion for net.box objects
stream and future (gh-6305).
Added the box.runtime.info().tuple metric to track the amount of
memory occupied by tuples allocated on runtime arena (gh-5872).
It does not count tuples that arrive from memtx or vinyl but counts
tuples created on-the-fly: say, using box.tuple.new(<...>).
Added a new built-in module datetime.lua that allows operating
timestamps and intervals values (gh-5941).
Added the method to allow converting string literals in extended
iso-8601 or rfc3339 formats (gh-6731).
Extended the range of supported years in all parsers to cover fully
-5879610-06-22..5879611-07-11 (gh-6731).
Datetime interval support has been reimplemented in C to make
possible future Olson/tzdata and SQL extensions (gh-6923).
Now all components of the interval values are kept and operated
separately (years, months, weeks, days, hours, seconds, and
nanoseconds). This allows applying date/time arithmetic correctly
when we add/subtract intervals to datetime values.
Extended datetime literal parser with the ability to handle known
timezone abbreviations (‘MSK’, ‘CET’, etc.) which are
deterministically translated to their offset
(gh-5941, gh-6751).
Timezone abbreviations can be used in addition to the timezone offset
in the datetime literals. For example, these literals produce equivalent
datetime values:
Parser fails if one uses ambiguous names (for example, ‘AT’) which could not
be directly translated into timezone offsets.
Enabled support for timezone names in the constructor and
date:set{} modifier via tz attribute. Currently, only
timezone name abbreviations are supported (gh-7076).
Timezone abbreviations can be used in addition to the timezone
offset. They can be used during constructing or modifying a date
object, or while parsing datetime literals. Numeric time offsets and
named abbreviations produce equivalent datetime values:
Note that the timezone name parser fails if one uses ambiguous names,
which could not be translated into timezone offsets directly (for
example, ‘AT’).
Introduced new hash types in digest module – xxhash32 and
xxhash64 (gh-2003).
Introduced fiber_object:info() to get info from fiber. Works
as require('fiber').info() but only for one fiber.
Introduced fiber_object:csw() to get csw from fiber
Changed fiber.info() to hide backtraces of idle fibers (gh-4235).
Improved fiber fiber.self(), fiber.id() and fiber.find()
performance by 2-3 times.
Implemented support of symbolic log levels representation in log
module (gh-5882). Now it is possible to specify levels the same way
as in box.cfg{} call.
Added the return_raw net.box option for returning msgpack.object
instead of decoding the response (gh-4861).
is_multikey option may now be passed to
box.schema.func.create directly, without opts sub-table.
Descriptions of type mismatch error and inconsistent type error
became more informative (gh-6176).
Removed explicit cast from BOOLEAN to numeric types and vice
versa (gh-4770).
Removed explicit cast from VARBINARY to numeric types and vice
versa (gh-4772, gh-5852).
Fixed a bug due to which a string that is not NULL-terminated
could not be cast to BOOLEAN, even if the conversion should be
successful according to the rules.
Now a numeric value can be cast to another numeric type only if the
cast is precise. In addition, a UUID value cannot be implicitly
value cannot be implicitly cast to a UUID (gh-4470).
Now any number can be compared to any other number, and values of any
scalar type can be compared to any other value of the same type. A
value of a non-numeric scalar type cannot be compared with a value of
any other scalar type (gh-4230).
SQL built-in functions were removed from the _func system space
Functions are now looked up first in SQL built-in functions and then
in user-defined functions.
Fixed incorrect error message in case of misuse of the function used
to set the default value.
The typeof() function with NULL as an argument now returns
NULL (gh-5956).
The SCALAR and NUMBER types have been reworked in SQL. Now
SCALAR values cannot be implicitly cast to any other scalar type,
and NUMBER values cannot be implicitly cast to any other numeric
type. This means that arithmetic and bitwise operations and
concatenation are no longer allowed for SCALAR and NUMBER
values. In addition, any SCALAR value can now be compared with
values of any other scalar type using the SCALAR rules (gh-6221).
The DECIMAL field type is now available in SQL. Decimal can be
implicitly cast to and from INTEGER and DOUBLE, it can
participate in arithmetic operations and comparison between
DECIMAL, and all other numeric types are defined (gh-4415).
The argument types of SQL built-in functions are now checked in most
cases during parsing. In addition, the number of arguments is now
always checked during parsing (gh-6105).
A value consisting of digits and a decimal point is now parsed as
DECIMAL (gh-6456).
The ANY field type is now available in SQL (gh-3174).
Built-in SQL functions now work correctly with DECIMAL values
The default type is now defined in case the argument type of an SQL
built-in function cannot be determined during parsing (gh-4415).
The ARRAY field type is now available in SQL. The syntax has also
been implemented to allow the creation of ARRAY values (gh-4762).
User-defined aggregate functions are now available in SQL (gh-2579).
Introduced SQL built-in functions NOW() and DATE_PART()
The left operand is now checked before the right operand in an
arithmetic operation. (gh-6773).
The INTERVAL field type is introduced in SQL (gh-6773).
Bitwise operations can now only accept UNSIGNED and positive
INTEGER values (gh-5364).
The MAP field type is now available in SQL. Also, the syntax has been
implemented to allow the creation of MAP values (gh-4763).
Introduced [] operator for MAP and ARRAY values
Public role now has read, write access on _session_settings space
The INTERVAL field type is introduced to BOX (gh-6773).
The behavior of empty or nil select calls on user spaces was
changed. A critical log entry containing the current stack traceback
is created upon such function calls. The user can explicitly request
a full scan though by passing fullscan=true to select ’s
options table argument, in which case a log entry will not be
created (gh-6539).
Improved checking for dangerous select calls. The calls with
offset+limit<=1000 are now considered safe, which means a
warning is not issued. The ‘ALL’, ‘GE’, ‘GT’, ‘LE’, ‘LT’ iterators
are now considered dangerous by default even with the key present
Allowed using human-readable timezone names (for example,
‘Europe/Moscow’) in datetime strings. Use IANA tzdata (Olson DB)
for timezone-related operations, such as DST-based timezone offset
calculations (gh-6751).
The isdst field in the datetime object is now calculated
correctly, according to the IANA tzdata (aka Olson DB) rules for
the given date/time moment (gh-6751).
The datetime module exports the bidirectional TZ array, which
can be used to translate the timezone index (tzindex) into
timezone names, and vice versa (gh-6751).
Previously csw (Context SWitch) of a new fiber could be more than 0,
now it is always 0 (gh-5799).
Set FORCE_CONFIG=false for luarocks config to allow loading
project-side .rocks/config-5.1.lua.
Added bundling of GNU libunwind to support backtrace feature on
AARCH64 architecture and distributives that don’t provide
libunwind package.
Re-enabled backtrace feature for all RHEL distributions by default,
except for AARCH64 architecture and ancient GCC versions, which
lack compiler features required for backtrace (gh-4611).
Updated libicu version to 71.1 for static build.
Bumped OpenSSL from 1.1.1f to 1.1.1n for static build (gh-6947).
[Breaking change]fiber.wakeup() in Lua and
fiber_wakeup() in C became NOP on the currently running fiber.
Previously they allowed ignoring the next yield or sleep, which
resulted in unexpected erroneous wake-ups. Calling these functions
right before fiber.create() in Lua or fiber_start() in C
could lead to a crash (in debug build) or undefined behaviour (in
release build) (gh-6043).
There was a single use case for that—reschedule in the same event
loop iteration which is not the same as fiber.sleep(0) in Lua and
fiber_sleep(0) in C. It could be done in the following way:
in C:
in Lua:
To get the same effect in C, one can use fiber_reschedule(). In Lua, it
is now impossible to reschedule the current fiber directly in the same
event loop iteration. One can reschedule self through a second fiber,
but it is strongly discouraged:
Fixed memory leak on each box.on_commit() and
box.on_rollback() (gh-6025).
Fixed the lack of testing for non-joinable fibers in fiber_join()
call. This could lead to unpredictable results. Note the issue
affects C level only, in Lua interface fiber:join() the
protection is turned on already.
Now Tarantool yields when scanning .xlog files for the latest
applied vclock and when finding the right place in .xlogs to
start recovering. This means that the instance is responsive right
after box.cfg call even when an empty .xlog was not created
on the previous exit. Also, this prevents the relay from timing out
when a freshly subscribed replica needs rows from the end of a
relatively long (hundreds of MBs) .xlog (gh-5979).
The counter in x.yMrowsprocessed log messages does not reset on
each new recovered xlog anymore.
Fixed wrong type specification when printing fiber state change which
led to negative fiber’s ID logging (gh-5846).
For example,
main/-244760339/cartridge.failover.task I> Instance state changed
instead of proper
main/4050206957/cartridge.failover.task I> Instance state changed
Fiber IDs were switched to monotonically increasing unsigned 8-byte
integers so that there would not be IDs wrapping anymore. This allows
detecting fiber’s precedence by their IDs if needed (gh-5846).
Fixed a crash in JSON update on tuple/space when it had more than one
operation, they accessed fields in reversed order, and these fields
did not exist. Example: box.tuple.new({1}):update({{'=',4,4},{'=',3,3}})
Fixed invalid results produced by the json module’s encode
function when it was used from Lua’s garbage collector. For instance,
in functions used as ffi.gc() (gh-6050).
Added check for user input of the number of iproto threads—value must
be > 0 and less than or equal to 1000 (gh-6005).
Fixed error related to the fact that if a user changed the listen
address, all iproto threads closed the same socket multiple times.
Fixed error related to Tarantool not deleting the unix socket path
when the work is finished.
Fixed a crash in MVCC during simultaneous update of a key in
different transactions (gh-6131).
Fixed a bug when memtx MVCC crashed during reading uncommitted DDL
Fixed a bug when memtx MVCC crashed if an index was created in the
transaction (gh-6137).
Fixed segmentation fault with MVCC when an entire space was updated
concurrently (gh-5892).
Fixed a bug with failed assertion after stress update of the same key
Fixed a crash that happened when a user called box.snapshot
during an incomplete transaction (gh-6229).
Fixed console client connection breakage if request times out
Added missing broadcast to net.box.future:discard(). Now
fibers waiting for a request result are woken up when the request is
discarded (gh-6250).
box.info.uuid, box.info.cluster.uuid, and
tostring(decimal) with any decimal number in Lua sometimes could
return garbage if __gc handlers were used in the user’s code
Fixed the error message that happened in a very specific case during
MVCC operation (gh-6247).
Fixed a repeatable read violation after delete (gh-6206).
Fixed a bug when hash select{} was not tracked by MVCC engine
Fixed a crash in MVCC after the drop of a space with several indexes
Fixed a bug when GC at some state could leave tuples in secondary
indexes (gh-6234).
Disallowed yields after DDL operations in MVCC mode. It fixes a crash
which takes place in case several transactions refer to system spaces
Fixed a bug in MVCC connected which happened on a rollback after DDL
operation (gh-5998).
Fixed a bug when rollback resulted in unserializable behaviour
At the moment, when a net.box connection is closed, all requests
that have not been sent will be discarded. This patch fixes this
behavior: all requests queued for sending before the connection is
closed are guaranteed to be sent (gh-6338).
Fixed a crash during replace of malformed tuple into _schema system
space (gh-6332).
Fixed dropping incoming messages when the connection is closed or
SHUT_RDWR received and net_msg_max or readahead limit is
reached (gh-6292).
Fixed memory leak in case of replace during background alter of the
primary index (gh-6290).
Fixed a bug when rolled back changes appear in the
built-in-background index (gh-5958).
Fixed a crash while encoding an error object in the MsgPack format
Fixed a bug when an index was inconsistent after background build in
case the primary index was hash (gh-5977).
Now inserting a tuple with the wrong id` field into the _priv
space returns the correct error (gh-6295).
Fixed dirty read in MVCC after space alter (gh-6263, gh-6318).
Fixed a crash in case the fiber changing box.cfg.listen is woken up
Fixed box.cfg.listen not reverted to the old address in case the
new one is invalid (gh-6092).
Fixed a crash caused by a race between box.session.push() and
closing connection (gh-6520).
Fixed a bug because of which the garbage collector could remove an
xlog file that was still in use (gh-6554).
Fixed crash during granting privileges from guest (gh-5389).
Fixed an error in listening when the user passed uri in numerical
form after listening unix socket (gh-6535).
Fixed a crash that could happen in case a tuple is deleted from a
functional index while there is an iterator pointing to it (gh-6786).
Fixed memory leak in interactive console (gh-6817).
Fixed an assertion fail when passing a tuple without primary key
fields to before_replace trigger. Now tuple format is checked
before execution of before_replace triggers and after each one
Banned DDL operations in space on_replace triggers, since they
could lead to a crash (gh-6920).
Implemented constraints and foreign keys. Now users can create
function constraints and foreign key relations (gh-6436).
Fixed a bug due to which all fibers created with
fiber_attr_setstacksize() leaked until the thread exit. Their
stacks also leaked except when fiber_set_joinable(...,true) was used.
Fixed a crash in MVCC related to a secondary index conflict
Fixed a bug which resulted in wrong space count (gh-6421).
SELECT in RO transaction now reads confirmed data, like a
standalone (autocommit) SELECT does (gh-6452).
Fixed a crash when Tarantool was launched with multiple -e or
-l options without a space between the option and the value
Fixed effective session and user not propagated to box.on_commit
and box.on_rollback trigger callbacks (gh-7005).
Fixed usage of box.session.peer() in box.session.on_disconnect()
trigger. Now it’s safe to assume that box.session.peer() returns
the address of the disconnected peer, not nil, as it used to (gh-7014).
Fixed creation of a space with a foreign key pointing to the same
space (gh-6961).
Fixed a bug when MVCC failed to track nothing-found range select
Allowed complex foreign keys with NULL fields (gh-7046).
Added decoding of election messages: RAFT and PROMOTE to
xlog Lua module (gh-6088). Otherwise tarantoolctl shows plain
number in type
[Breaking change] Return value signedness of 64-bit time
functions in clock and fiber was changed from uint64_t to
int64_t both in Lua and C (gh-5989).
Fixed reversed iterators gap tracking. Instead of tracking gaps for
the successors of keys, gaps for tuples shifted by one to the left of
the successor were tracked (gh-7113).
Now memtx raises an error if the “clear” dictionary is passed to
s:select() (gh-6167).
Fixed MVCC transaction manager story garbage collection breaking
memtx TREE index iterator (gh-6344).
Fixed possible keys divergence during secondary index build, which
might lead to missing tuples (gh-6045).
Fixed the race between Vinyl garbage collection and compaction
that resulted in a broken vylog and recovery failure (gh-5436).
Immediate removal of compacted run files created after the last
checkpoint optimization now works for replica’s initial JOIN stage
Fixed crash during recovery of a secondary index in case the primary
index contains incompatible phantom tuples (gh-6778).
Fixed the use after free in the relay thread when using elections (gh-6031).
Fixed a possible crash when a synchronous transaction was followed by
an asynchronous transaction right when its confirmation was being
written (gh-6057).
Fixed an error where a replica, while attempting to subscribe to a foreign
cluster with a different replicaset UUID, did not notice it is impossible
and instead became stuck in an infinite retry loop printing
a TOO_EARLY_SUBSCRIBE error (gh-6094).
Fixed an error where a replica, while attempting to join a cluster with
exclusively read-only replicas available, just booted its own replicaset,
instead of failing or retrying. Now it fails with
an error about the other nodes being read-only so they can’t register
the new replica (gh-5613).
Fixed error reporting associated with transactions
received from remote instances via replication.
Any error raised while such a transaction was being applied was always reported as
Failedtowritetodisk regardless of what really happened. Now the
correct error is shown. For example, Outofmemory, or
Transactionhasbeenabortedbyconflict, and so on (gh-6027).
Fixed replication stopping occasionally with ER_INVALID_MSGPACK
when replica is under high load (gh-4040).
Fixed a cluster that sometimes could not bootstrap if it contained
nodes with election_modemanual or voter (gh-6018).
Fixed a possible crash when box.ctl.promote() was called in a
cluster with >= 3 instances, happened in debug build. In release
build, it could lead to undefined behavior. It was likely to happen
if a new node was added shortly before the promotion (gh-5430).
Fixed a rare error appearing when MVCC (box.cfg.memtx_use_mvcc_engine)
was enabled and more than one replica was joined to a cluster.
The join could fail with the error
The same could happen at the bootstrap of a cluster having >= 3 nodes
Fixed replica reconnecting to a living master on any
box.cfg{replication=...} change. Such reconnects could lead to
replica failing to restore connection for replication_timeout
seconds (gh-4669).
Fixed potential obsolete data write in synchronous replication due
to race in accessing terms while disk write operation is in progress
and not yet completed.
Fixed replicas failing to bootstrap when the master has just
restarted (gh-6966).
Fixed a bug when replication was broken on the master side with
Fixed box.ctl.promote() entering an infinite election loop when a
node does not have enough peers to win the elections (gh-6654).
Servers with elections enabled will resign the leadership and become
read-only when the number of connected replicas becomes less than a
quorum. This should prevent split-brain in some situations (gh-6661).
Fixed a rare crash with the leader election enabled (any mode except
off), which could happen if a leader resigned from its role at
the same time as some other node was writing something related to the
elections to WAL. The crash was in debug build. In the release
build, it would lead to undefined behavior (gh-6129).
Fixed an error when a new replica in a Raft cluster could try to join
from a follower instead of a leader and failed with an error
ER_READONLY (gh-6127).
Reconfiguration of box.cfg.election_timeout could lead to a crash
or undefined behavior if done during an ongoing election with a
special WAL write in progress.
Fixed several crashes and/or undefined behaviors (assertions in debug
build) which could appear when new synchronous transactions were made
during ongoing elections (gh-6842).
Fixed optimization for single-char strings in the IR_BUFPUT
assembly routine.
Fixed slots alignment in lj-stack command output when LJ_GC64
is enabled (gh-5876).
Fixed dummy frame unwinding in lj-stack command.
Fixed top part of Lua stack (red zone, free slots, top slot)
unwinding in lj-stack command.
Added the value of g->gc.mmudata field to lj-gc output.
Fixed detection of inconsistent renames even in the presence of sunk
values (gh-4252, gh-5049, gh-5118).
Fixed the order VM registers are allocated by LuaJIT frontend in case
of BC_ISGE and BC_ISGT (gh-6227).
Fixed inconsistency while searching for an error function when
unwinding a C-protected frame to handle a runtime error (an error
in __gc handler).
string.char() builtin recording is fixed in case when no
arguments are given (gh-6371, gh-6548).
Actually made JIT respect maxirconst trace limit while recording
Fixed a bug when multibyte characters broke space:fselect()
When an error is raised during encoding call results, the auxiliary
lightuserdata value is not removed from the main Lua coroutine stack.
Prior to the fix, it leads to undefined behavior during the next
usage of this Lua coroutine (gh-4617).
Fixed Lua C API misuse, when the error is raised during call results
encoding on unprotected coroutine and expected to be caught on the
different one that is protected (gh-6248).
Fixed net.box error in case connections are frequently opened and
closed (gh-6217).
Fixed incorrect handling of variable number of arguments in
box.func:call() (gh-6405).
Fixed table.equals result when booleans compared (gh-6386).
Tap subtests inherit strict mode from parent (gh-6868).
Fixed the behavior of Tarantool console on SIGINT. Now Ctrl+C
discards the current input and prints the new prompt (gh-2717).
Fixed the possibility of a crash in case when trigger removes itself.
Fixed the possibility of a crash in case someone destroys trigger
when it’s yielding (gh-6266).
User-defined functions can now return VARBINARY to SQL as a
result (gh-6024).
Fixed assert on a cast of DOUBLE value greater than -1.0 and less
than 0.0 to INTEGER and UNSIGNED (gh-6255).
Removed spontaneous conversion from INTEGER to DOUBLE in a
field of type NUMBER (gh-5335).
All arithmetic operations can now only accept numeric values
Now function quote() returns an argument in case the argument
is DOUBLE. The same for all other numeric types. For types other
than numeric, STRING is returned (gh-6239).
The TRIM() function now does not lose collation when executed
with the keywords BOTH, LEADING, or TRAILING (gh-6299).
Now getting unsupported msgpack extension in SQL throws the correct error (gh-6375).
Now, when copying an empty string, an error will not be set
unnecessarily (gh-6157, gh-6399).
Fixed wrong comparison between DECIMAL and large DOUBLE
values (gh-6376).
Fixed truncation of DECIMAL during implicit cast to INTEGER
Fixed truncation of DECIMAL during implicit cast to INTEGER
when value is used in an index.
Fixed assert on a cast of DECIMAL value that is greater than -1.0
and less than 0.0 to INTEGER (gh-6485).
The HEX() SQL built-in function no longer throws an assert when
its argument consists of zero-bytes (gh-6113).
LIMIT is now allowed in ORDERBY where sort order is in both
directions (gh-6664).
Fixed a memory leak in SQL during calling of user-defined function
Fixed assertion or segmentation fault when MP_EXT received via net.box
Now the ROUND() function properly supports INTEGER and
DECIMAL as the first argument (gh-6988).
Fixed a crash when a table inserted data into itself with an
incorrect number of columns (gh-7132).
Fixed log.cfg getting updated on box.cfg error (gh-6086).
Fixed the error message in an attempt to insert into a tuple the size
of which equals to box.schema.FIELD_MAX (gh-6198).
We now check that all privileges passed to box.schema.grant are
resolved (gh-6199).
Added iterator type checking and allow passing iterator as a
box.index.{ALL,GT,...} directly (gh-6501).
Intervals received after datetime arithmetic operations may be
improperly normalized if the result was negative
It means that two immediately called date.now() produce very close values,
which difference should be close to 0, not 1 second (gh-6882).
Fixed a bug in datetime module when date:set{tzoffset=XXX} did
not produce the same result with date.new{tzoffset=XXX} for the
same set of attributes passed (gh-6793).
Fixed MVCC interaction with ephemeral spaces: TX manager now ignores
such spaces (gh-6095).
Fixed a loss of tuple after a conflict exception (gh-6132).
Fixed a segmentation fault in update/delete of the same tuple (gh-6021).
Changed the type of the error returned by net.box on timeout from
ClientError to TimedOut (gh-6144).
When force_recovery cfg option is set, Tarantool is able to boot
from snap/xlog combinations where xlog covers changes
committed both before and after snap creation. For example,
0...0.xlog, covering everything up to vclock{1:15} and
0...09.snap, corresponding to vclock{1:9} (gh-6794).
Fixed the missing rocks keyword in tarantoolctlrocks help
Bumped Debian packages tarantool-common dependency to use luarocks 3
Fixed an error when it was possible to have new Tarantool package
(version >= 2.2.1) installed with pre-luarocks 3 tarantool-common
package (version << 2.2.1), which caused rocks install to fail.
The Debian package does not depend on binutils anymore (gh-6699).
2.8.4 is the third
stable version of the 2.8 release series.
It introduces 1 improvement and resolves 16 bugs since version 2.8.3.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Fixed a crash that could happen in case a tuple is deleted from a
functional index while there is an iterator pointing to it (gh-6786).
Fixed memory leak in interactive console (gh-6817).
Fixed an assertion fail when passing tuple without primary key fields
to before_replace trigger. Now tuple format is checked before
execution of before_replace triggers and after each one (gh-6780).
Banned DDL operations in space on_replace triggers, since they could
lead to a crash (gh-6920).
Fixed a bug due to which all fibers created with
fiber_attr_setstacksize() leaked until the thread exit. Their
stacks also leaked except when fiber_set_joinable(...,true) was
Immediate removal of compacted run files created after the last
checkpoint optimization now works for replica’s initial JOIN stage
Fixed crash during recovery of a secondary index in case the primary
index contains incompatible phantom tuples (gh-6778).
Reconfiguration of box.cfg.election_timeout could lead to a crash
or undefined behaviour if done during an ongoing election with a
special WAL write in progress.
Fixed top part of Lua stack (red zone, free slots, top slot)
unwinding in lj-stack command.
Added the value of g->gc.mmudata field to lj-gc output.
string.char() builtin recording is fixed in case when no
arguments are given (gh-6371, gh-6548).
Actually made JIT respect maxirconst trace limit while recording
Fixed table.equals result when booleans compared (gh-6386).
Tap subtests inherit strict mode from parent (gh-6868).
Added iterator type checking and allow to pass iterator as a
box.index.{ALL,GT,…} directly (gh-6501).
When force_recovery cfg option is set, Tarantool is able to boot
from snap/xlog combinations where xlog covers changes
committed both before and after snap creation. For example,
0...0.xlog, covering everything up to vclock{1:15} and
0...09.snap, corresponding to vclock{1:9} (gh-6794).
2.8.3 is the third
version of the 2.8 release series. It introduces 3 improvements and
resolves 24 bugs since version 2.8.2.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
Introduced support for LJ_DUALNUM mode in luajit-gdb.py
Bump debian package compatibility level to 10 (gh-5429). Bump minimal
required debhelper to version 10 (except for Ubuntu Xenial).
Bugs fixed
Disallow yields after DDL operations in MVCC mode. It fixes crash
which takes place in case several transactions refer to system spaces
Fixed bug in MVCC connected which happens on rollback after DDL
operation (gh-5998).
Fix a bug when rollback resulted in unserializable behaviour
Fixed a crash during replace of malformed tuple into _schema system
space (gh-6332).
Fix memory leak in case of replace during background alter of primary
index (gh-6290)
Fix a bug when rollbacked changes appears in built-in-background
index (gh-5958)
Fix a bug when index was inconsistent after background build in case
when the primary index is hash (gh-5977)
Now inserting a tuple with the wrong “id” field into the _priv space
will return the correct error (gh-6295).
Fixed dirty read in MVCC after space alter (gh-6263, gh-6318).
Fixed a crash caused by a race between box.session.push() and closing
connection (gh-6520).
Fixed crash in case a fiber changing box.cfg.listen is woken up
Fixed box.cfg.listen not reverted to the old address in case the new
one is invalid (gh-6092).
Fixed a bug because of which the garbage collector could remove an
xlog file that is still in use (gh-6554).
Fix crash during granting priveleges from guest (gh-5389).
Fixed replica reconnecting to a living master on any
box.cfg{replication=...} change. Such reconnects could lead to
replica failing to restore connection for replication_timeout
seconds (gh-4669).
Fixed the order VM registers are allocated by LuaJIT frontend in case
of BC_ISGE and BC_ISGT (gh-6227).
Fixed inconsistency while searching for an error function when
unwinding a C protected frame to handle a runtime error (e.g. an
error in __gc handler).
When error is raised during encoding call results, auxiliary
lightuserdata value is not removed from the main Lua coroutine stack.
Prior to the fix it leads to undefined behaviour during the next
usage of this Lua coroutine (gh-4617).
Fixed Lua C API misuse, when the error is raised during call results
encoding on unprotected coroutine and expected to be catched on the
different one, that is protected (gh-6248).
Fixed net.box error in case connections are frequently opened and
closed (gh-6217).
Fixed incorrect handling of variable number of arguments in
box.func:call() (gh-6405).
Fixed possibility crash in case when trigger removes itself. Fixed
possibility crash in case when someone destroy trigger, when it’s
yield (gh-6266).
Now, when copying an empty string, an error will not be set
unnecessarily (gh-6157, gh-6399).
The Debian package does not depend on binutils anymore (gh-6699).
2.8.2 is the second
version of the 2.8 release series. It introduces 6 improvements and
resolves 51 bugs since version 2.8.1.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Functionality added or changed
Introduced support for LJ_DUALNUM mode in luajit-gdb.py
Introduced the new method table.equals. It compares two tables by value with
respect to the __eq metamethod.
The log module now supports symbolic representation of log levels.
Now it is possible to specify levels the same way as in
the box.cfg{} call
For example, instead of
it is possible to use
Descriptions of type mismatch error and inconsistent type error have
become more informative
Removed explicit cast from BOOLEAN to numeric types and vice
For example, CAST(FALSEASINTEGER) was 0 in version 2.8.
Now it causes an error.
Removed explicit cast from VARBINARY to numeric types and vice
(gh-4772, gh-5852).
Fixed a bug where a string that is not NULL-terminated
could not be cast to BOOLEAN, even if the conversion would be
successful according to the rules.
[Breaking change]fiber.wakeup() in Lua and
fiber_wakeup() in C became NOP on the currently running fiber.
Previously they allowed “ignoring” the next yield or sleep, which
resulted in unexpected erroneous wake-ups. Calling these functions
right before fiber.create() in Lua or fiber_start() in C
could lead to a crash (in debug build) or undefined behaviour (in
release build) (gh-6043).
There was a single use case for the previous behaviour: rescheduling
in the same event loop iteration, which is not the same as
fiber.sleep(0) in Lua and fiber_sleep(0) in C. It could be
done in the following way:
in C:
and in Lua:
To get the same effect in C, one can now use fiber_reschedule().
In Lua, it is now impossible to reschedule the current fiber directly
in the same event loop iteration. One can reschedule self
through a second fiber, but it is strongly discouraged:
-- do not use this codelocalself=fiber.self()fiber.new(function()self:wakeup()end)fiber.sleep(0)
Fixed memory leak on box.on_commit() and
box.on_rollback() (gh-6025).
fiber_join() now checks if the argument is a joinable fiber.
The absence of this check could lead to unpredictable results. Note that
the change affects the C level only; in the Lua interface, fiber:join()
protection is already enabled.
Now Tarantool yields when it scans .xlog files for the latest
applied vclock and finds the right place to
start recovering from. It means that the instance becomes responsive
right after the box.cfg call even if an empty .xlog was not
created on the previous exit.
This fix also prevents the relay from timing out when a freshly subscribed
replica needs rows from the end of a relatively long (hundreds of
MBs) .xlog file
The counter in Nrowsprocessed log messages no longer
resets on each newly recovered xlog.
Fixed a crash in JSON update on tuple/space, where the update included
two or more operations that accessed fields in reversed order and
these fields didn’t exist. Example:
Fixed invalid results of the json module’s encode
function when it was used from the Lua garbage collector. For
example, this could happen in functions used as ffi.gc()
Added a check for user input of the number of iproto threads: value
must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1000
Changing a listed address can no longer cause iproto threads to close
the same socket several times.
Tarantool now always removes the Unix socket correctly when it exits.
Simultaneously updating a key in different transactions
does not longer result in a MVCC crash
Fixed a bug where memtx MVCC crashed during reading uncommitted DDL
Fixed a bug where memtx MVCC crashed if an index was created in the
transaction thread
Fixed a MVCC segmentation fault that arose
when updating the entire space concurrently
Fixed a bug with failed assertion after a stress update of the same
Fixed a crash where box.snapshot could be called during an incomplete
Fixed console client connection failure in case of request timeout
Added a missing broadcast to net.box.future:discard() so that now
fibers waiting for a request result wake up when the request is
discarded (gh-6250).
box.info.uuid, box.info.cluster.uuid, and
tostring(decimal) with any decimal number in Lua could sometimes
return garbage if there were __gc handlers in the user’s code
Fixed an error message that appeared in a particular case during
MVCC operation (gh-6247).
Fixed a repeatable read violation after delete
Fixed a bug where the MVCC engine didn’t track the select{} hash
Fixed a crash in MVCC after a drop of space with several indexes
Fixed a bug where the GC could leave tuples in secondary indexes
Disallow yields after DDL operations in MVCC mode. It fixes a crash
that took place when several transactions referred to system spaces
Fixed a bug in MVCC that happened on rollback after a DDL operation
Fixed a bug where rollback resulted in unserializable behavior
Fixed possible keys divergence during secondary index build, which
might lead to missing tuples
Fixed the race between Vinyl garbage collection and compaction that
resulted in a broken vylog and recovery failure
Fixed the use after free in the relay thread when using elections
Fixed a possible crash when a synchronous transaction was followed by
an asynchronous transaction right when its confirmation was being
Fixed an error where a replica, while attempting to subscribe to a foreign
cluster with a different replicaset UUID, didn’t notice it is impossible
and instead became stuck in an infinite retry loop printing
Fixed an error where a replica, while attempting to join a cluster with
exclusively read-only replicas available, just booted its own replicaset,
instead of failing or retrying. Now it fails with
an error about the other nodes being read-only so they can’t register
the new replica
Fixed error reporting associated with transactions
received from remote instances via replication.
Any error raised while such a transaction was being applied was always reported as
Failedtowritetodisk regardless of what really happened. Now the
correct error is shown. For example, Outofmemory, or
Transactionhasbeenabortedbyconflict, and so on
Fixed replication occasionally stopping with ER_INVALID_MSGPACK
when the replica is under high load (gh-4040).
Fixed a cluster sometimes being unable to bootstrap if it contains
nodes with election_mode set to manual or voter
Fixed a possible crash when box.ctl.promote() was called in a
cluster with more than three instances. The crash happened in the debug build.
In the release build, it could lead to undefined behaviour. It was likely to happen
if a new node was added shortly before the promotion
Fixed a rare error appearing when MVCC
(box.cfg.memtx_use_mvcc_engine) was enabled and more than one
replica joined the cluster. The join could fail with the error
The same could happen at the bootstrap of a cluster having more than three nodes
Fixed a rare crash with leader election enabled (any mode except
off), which could happen if a leader resigned from its role while
another node was writing something elections-related to WAL.
The crash was in the debug build, and in the release
build it would lead to undefined behaviour
Fixed an error where a new replica in a Raft cluster tried to join
from a follower instead of a leader and failed with the error
ER_READONLY (gh-6127).
Fixed optimization for single-char strings in the IR_BUFPUT assembly
Fixed slots alignment in the lj-stack command output when LJ_GC64
is enabled (gh-5876).
Fixed dummy frame unwinding in the lj-stack command.
Fixed detection of inconsistent renames even in the presence of sunk
values (gh-4252, gh-5049, gh-5118).
Fixed the VM register allocation order provided by LuaJIT frontend in case
of BC_ISGE and BC_ISGT (gh-6227).
When an error occurs during encoding call results, the auxiliary
lightuserdata value is not removed from the main Lua coroutine stack.
Before the fix, it led to undefined behaviour during the next
usage of this Lua coroutine (gh-4617).
Fixed a Lua C API misuse when the error is raised during call results
encoding in an unprotected coroutine and expected to be caught in a
different, protected coroutine (gh-6248).
Fixed a possible crash in case trigger removes itself. Fixed a
possible crash in case someone destroys a trigger when it
yields (gh-6266).
User-defined functions can now return a VARBINARY result to SQL
Fixed assert when a DOUBLE value greater than -1.0 and less
than 0.0 is cast to INTEGER and UNSIGNED
Removed spontaneous conversion from INTEGER to DOUBLE in a field of the
All arithmetic operations can now accept numeric values only
Fixed MVCC interaction with ephemeral spaces: TX manager now ignores them
Fixed loss of tuples after a conflict exception
Fixed a segfault during update/delete of the same tuple
Эта версия содержит 28 новых функций и 31 исправление по сравнению с версией 2.7.2. Возможны ошибки в менее распространенных функциях. Если вы обнаружили проблему, сообщите о ней на GitHub.
Важные изменения:
Теперь в Tarantool можно задавать несколько потоков (threads) IPROTO.
Введена новая функция box.ctl.promote() и механизм ручных выборов лидера.
Улучшен профилировщик памяти Lua.
Любая версия Tarantool 2.x обратно совместима с версиями Tarantool 1.10.x. Это касается структур двоичных данных, клиент-серверного протокола и протокола репликации.
Чтобы получить доступ ко всем новым функциям серии 2.x, обновите Tarantool с помощью box.schema.upgrade().
Обновления функциональности
Основные функции (Core)
При определении индексируемых полей теперь можно использовать параметр exclude_null. Тогда в индексе не будут сохраняться кортежи, соответствующее поле которых имеет значение null (gh-4480).
Например, в индекс, созданный методом s:create_index('sk',{parts={{2,'number',exclude_null=true}}}), не войдут кортежи {1,null} и {2,null}, но могут войти кортежи {null,1} и {1,1}.
В box.cfg{} добавлен параметр slab_alloc_granularity, позволяющий настроить гранулярность выделения памяти для аллокатора small. Значение slab_alloc_granularity должно быть степенью двойки, но не менее 4 (gh-5518).
В предыдущих версиях триггеры Lua on_shutdown запускались последовательно. Теперь каждый триггер запускается в отдельном файбере. По умолчанию Tarantool в течение 3 секунд ожидает, когда завершится обработка триггеров. Пользователь может изменить этот временной промежуток с помощью новой функции box.ctl.set_on_shutdown_timeout.
Когда время истечёт, Tarantool немедленно завершит работу, не дожидаясь окончания обработки оставшихся триггеров.
Tarantool module developers can now register functions to call when Tarantool stops
with the new on_shutdown API, (gh-5723).
Read more: on_shutdown.
Введена очередь журнала упреждающей записи (WAL). Размер очереди в байтах определяется новым параметром конфигурации wal_queue_max_size. Его значение по умолчанию — 16 МБ. Параметр позволяет ограничить объем транзакций, которые реплика заносит в WAL. Проверка ограничения происходит каждый раз, когда транзакция с мастера заносится в WAL на реплике. Как только транзакция будет успешно записана, ее место в очереди освободится (gh-5536).
Информацию о состоянии синхронной репликации теперь можно получить через интерфейс box.info.synchro (gh-5191).
Применяются параметры конфигурации из следующих источников в порядке приоритета:
переменные окружения;
параметры tarantoolctl;
значения по умолчанию.
Добавлена функция box.ctl.promote(), введены ручные выборы лидера. Чтобы их включить, укажите параметр election_mode='manual' (gh-3055).
Экземпляр, находящийся в ручном (manual) режиме выборов, большую часть времени имеет роль voter, но при вызове box.ctl.promote() может начать выборы и стать лидером. Если election_mode~='manual', метод box.ctl.promote() делает то же, что устаревший метод box.ctl.clear_synchro_queue().
Отчет профилировщика памяти LuaJIT стал удобнее для чтения (gh-5811). Теперь проще понять, в какой строке кода происходит событие. Пользователь видит имя исходного файла и строку, где выделяется память, а также количество событий и статистику памяти в байтах. Номер строки с определением функции не отображается.
Критическое изменение: информация о строке, в которой определяется функция, теперь сохраняется в поле linedefined таблицы символов. Поле name теперь называется source в соответствии с Lua API для отладки.
Ряд изменений в парсере профилировщика памяти:
Теперь отчет парсера включает информацию об изменениях в состоянии динамической памяти, возникших за период работы профилировщика (gh-5812).
Чтобы посмотреть только эти изменения, используйте параметр --leak-only.
Новый встроенный модуль memprof.process производит постобработку и агрегацию событий, связанных с выделением памяти.
Чтобы запустить профилировщик памяти, используйте следующую команду:
Начиная с этой версии, бинарные пакеты для CentOS 6 и Debian Jessie не публикуются.
Среди зависимостей для RPM- и DEB-пакетов больше нет autotools (следствие gh-4968).
Регулярное тестирование на MacOs 10.13 больше не проводится. Поддержка Tarantool для этой версии MacOS прекращена.
Встроенный модуль zstd обновлён с версии 1.3.3 до версии 1.4.8 (в рамках gh-5502).
Библиотека libcurl, входящая в сборку, теперь поддерживает протоколы SMTP и SMTPS (gh-4559).
Файлы заголовков библиотеки libcurl, входящей в сборку, устанавливаются в системный каталог ${PREFIX}/include/tarantool (gh-4559).
CI/CD Tarantool теперь проводится посредством GitHub Actions (gh-5662).
Тестирование с помощью Jepsen на отдельных узлах теперь происходит каждый раз, когда выполняется push новых тегов, а также по cron каждые 3 часа (gh-5736).
Фаззинг-тесты запускаются каждый раз, когда выполняется push (gh-1809).
Реализовано независимое окружение для тестирования LuaJIT. Система сборки LuaJIT частично портирована на CMake. Инструменты для тестирования теперь находятся в репозитории tarantool/luajit (gh-4862, gh-5470).
Теперь в инфраструктуре тестирования по умолчанию установлен Python 3 (gh-5652).
Исправленные ошибки
Основные функции (Core)
Параметры индексируемых полей больше не пропускаются в случаях, когда тип поля не определён (gh-5674).
Функция lbox_ctl_is_recovery_finished() больше не возвращает значение true в случае, если процесс восстановления ещё не завершён.
Устранена ошибка повреждения памяти в модуле net.box. До этого исправления область памяти, занятая структурой error, освобождалась преждевременно, поскольку методы ffi.gc и ffi.cast вызывались не в том порядке.
При передаче данных на реплику, которая присоединяется к кластеру или синхронизируется с мастером, больше не может истечь время ожидания (gh-5762).
Устранена проблема, из-за которой модуль net.box получал схему индекса, в которой не содержится значение path (gh-5451).
Раньше интенсивное использование модулей uri и uuid при уровне логирования DEBUG приводило к сбоям, а результаты выполнения функций, входящих в эти модули, могли быть повреждены. Теперь эта проблема решена. Та же проблема устранена для случаев, когда модули uri и uuid используются в callback-функциях, передаваемых в метод ffi.gc(), а также для некоторых функций, входящих в модули fio, box.tuple и iconv (gh-5632).
Новый параметр wal_cleanup_delay предотвращает преждевременное удаление файлов *.xlog, необходимых репликам. Ранее при удалении возникала ошибка XlogGapError (gh-5806).
Когда на мастере есть синхронные спейсы, во время стадии join на реплике больше не возникают ошибки Unknownrequesttype40 (gh-5566).
Исправлена ошибка при перезагрузке скомпилированного модуля, возникавшая, если обновлённый модуль не содержал части функций, которые были в прежнем коде. Раньше событие запускало процедуру восстановления удалённых функций. Однако вместо того, чтобы восстанавливать каждую функцию по отдельности, Tarantool ошибочно обрабатывал единственную запись, что приводило к сбою при вызове любой из этих функций (gh-5968).
Решена проблема фантомных чтений: теперь механизм MVCC движка memtx отслеживает интервалы чтения (gh-5628).
Функция space:count(), используемая с механизмом MVCC движка memtx, больше не выдаёт ошибочный результат (gh-5972).
Исправлена проблема «грязного чтения» после перезапуска, возникающая при использовании механизма MVCC и синхронной репликации (gh-5973).
Устранена проблема, из-за которой applier не обрабатывал сообщения CONFIRM или ROLLBACK от мастера и не давал ответа реплике.
Устранена проблема, из-за которой некоторые кортежи не отправлялись с мастера на анонимную реплику, отставшую от него и пытающуюся зарегистрироваться в кластере.
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой синхронная транзакция подтверждалась и отображалась на реплике, а после перезагрузки исчезала вновь. Чаще всего это происходило в спейсах memtx при включённом механизме memtx_use_mvcc_engine (gh-5213).
Устранены проблемы с восстановлением отмененной синхронной транзакции, состоящей из нескольких инструкций. Если такая транзакция относилась к асинхронным спейсам, она могла быть частично применена или восстановлена с ошибками (gh-5874).
Исправлена ошибка синхронной репликации, из-за которой при подключении достаточно старого экземпляра отменённые транзакции могли быть применены вновь (gh-5445).
Модуль swim
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой метод <swim_instance>:broadcast() не работал на нелокальных адресах и постоянно заносил в журнал сообщения об ошибке «Permission denied». Если работа экземпляра прекращалась, метод мог вернуть ненулевой код завершения даже при отсутствии ошибок в скрипте, а затем снова начать массово логировать сообщения о той же ошибке (gh-5864).
Устранён сбой, возникавший при вызове swim:member_by_uuid() с аргументом nil/box.NULL или без аргументов (gh-5951).
Устранён сбой, возникавший при попытке передать объект неподходящего типа в метод __serialize реплики-участника swim в Lua (gh-5952).
Изменение размера стека Lua больше не приводит к ошибочному поведению профилировщика памяти (gh-5842).
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой значение gc_cdatanum в метриках платформы LuaJIT уменьшалось на две единицы. Ошибка возникала в случаях, когда финализатор был назначен для объекта типа GCсdata (gh-5820).
Устранена проблема с параметром -e. Ранее, если в качестве стандартного устройства ввода был установлен терминал, команда tarantool запускала интерактивный режим. Теперь команда tarantool-e"print('Hello')") просто выводит слово Hello и завершает работу (gh-5040).
Устранена утечка кортежа, возникавшая при ошибке сериализации ключа во время выполнения key_def:compare_with_key(кортеж,ключ) (gh-5388).
Пользовательские C- или Lua-функции теперь получают ровно те же строки, что в них передаются посредством SQL. Различия могли возникать, если строка содержала \\0 (gh-5938).
Инструкции SQLSELECT и SQLUPDATE в отношении полей UUID и DECIMAL больше не вызывают ошибок сегментации (gh-5011, gh-5704, gh-5913).
Устранена проблема, из-за которой инструкции SELECT и GROUPBY, выполняемые в рамках одной транзакции, приводили к неверным результатам. Проблема возникала, когда одно из обрабатываемых значений имело тип VARBINARY, а обращение к нему не происходило с помощью инструкции SELECT напрямую (gh-5890).
Устранена проблема сборки на FreeBSD, связанная с неполным определением типа structsockaddr (gh-5748).
Уже скачанные зависимости статической сборки не будут скачиваться повторно (gh-5761).
В ходе восстановления с помощью параметра force_recovery теперь удаляются файлы .vylog, созданные позднее, чем снимок данных. Благодаря этому экземпляр может восстанавливаться после инцидентов, возникающих во время сохранения контрольной точки (gh-5823).
Устранены проблемы с конфигурацией libcurl, возникавшие, когда для сборки Tarantool использовалась команда cmake3, а в переменной PATH отсутствовал путь к cmake (gh-5955).
Это исправление влияет на сборку Tarantool со встроенной библиотекой libcurl (стандартный тип сборки).
2.7.3 is the second stable
version of the 2.7 release series. It introduces 6 improvements and
resolves 49 bugs since version 2.7.2.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Some changes are labeled as [Breaking change].
It means that the old behavior was considered error-prone
and therefore changed to protect users from unintended mistakes.
However, there is a small probability that someone can rely on the old behavior,
and this label is to bring attention to the things that have been changed.
Functionality added or changed
The information about the state of synchronous replication is now available via the
box.info.synchro interface
Introduced support for LJ_DUALNUM mode in luajit-gdb.py
Introduced the new method table.equals. It compares two tables by value with
respect to the __eq metamethod.
Descriptions of type mismatch error and inconsistent type error have
become more informative
Removed explicit cast from BOOLEAN to numeric types and vice
For example, CAST(FALSEASINTEGER) was 0 in version 2.8.
Now it causes an error.
Removed explicit cast from VARBINARY to numeric types and vice
(gh-4772, gh-5852).
Fixed a bug where a string that is not NULL-terminated
could not be cast to BOOLEAN, even if the conversion would be
successful according to the rules.
[Breaking change]fiber.wakeup() in Lua and
fiber_wakeup() in C became NOP on the currently running fiber.
Previously they allowed “ignoring” the next yield or sleep, which
resulted in unexpected erroneous wake-ups. Calling these functions
right before fiber.create() in Lua or fiber_start() in C
could lead to a crash (in debug build) or undefined behaviour (in
release build) (gh-6043).
There was a single use case for the previous behaviour: rescheduling
in the same event loop iteration, which is not the same as
fiber.sleep(0) in Lua and fiber_sleep(0) in C. It could be
done in the following way:
in C:
and in Lua:
To get the same effect in C, one can now use fiber_reschedule().
In Lua, it is now impossible to reschedule the current fiber directly
in the same event loop iteration. One can reschedule self
through a second fiber, but it is strongly discouraged:
-- do not use this codelocalself=fiber.self()fiber.new(function()self:wakeup()end)fiber.sleep(0)
Fixed memory leak on box.on_commit() and
box.on_rollback() (gh-6025).
fiber_join() now checks if the argument is a joinable fiber.
The absence of this check could lead to unpredictable results. Note that
the change affects the C level only; in the Lua interface, fiber:join()
protection is already enabled.
Now Tarantool yields when it scans .xlog files for the latest
applied vclock and finds the right place to
start recovering from. It means that the instance becomes responsive
right after the box.cfg call even if an empty .xlog was not
created on the previous exit.
This fix also prevents the relay from timing out when a freshly subscribed
replica needs rows from the end of a relatively long (hundreds of
MBs) .xlog file
The counter in Nrowsprocessed log messages no longer
resets on each newly recovered xlog.
Fixed invalid results of the json module’s encode
function when it was used from the Lua garbage collector. For
example, this could happen in functions used as ffi.gc()
Simultaneously updating a key in different transactions
does not longer result in a MVCC crash
Fixed a bug where memtx MVCC crashed during reading uncommitted DDL
Fixed a bug where memtx MVCC crashed if an index was created in the
transaction thread
Fixed a MVCC segmentation fault that arose
when updating the entire space concurrently
Fixed crash in case of reloading a compiled module when the new module lacks some functions
present in the former code. In turn, this event triggers a fallback procedure where we restore old functions,
but instead of restoring each function, we process a sole entry only, leading to the crash later
when these restored functions are called
Fixed a bug with failed assertion after a stress update of the same
Fixed a crash where box.snapshot could be called during an incomplete
Fixed console client connection failure in case of request timeout
Added a missing broadcast to net.box.future:discard() so that now
fibers waiting for a request result wake up when the request is
discarded (gh-6250).
box.info.uuid, box.info.cluster.uuid, and
tostring(decimal) with any decimal number in Lua could sometimes
return garbage if there were __gc handlers in the user’s code
Fixed an error message that appeared in a particular case during
MVCC operation (gh-6247).
Fixed a repeatable read violation after delete
Fixed a bug where the MVCC engine didn’t track the select{} hash
Fixed a crash in MVCC after a drop of space with several indexes
Fixed a bug where the GC could leave tuples in secondary indexes
Disallow yields after DDL operations in MVCC mode. It fixes a crash
that took place when several transactions referred to system spaces
Fixed a bug in MVCC that happened on rollback after a DDL operation
Fixed a bug where rollback resulted in unserializable behavior
Fixed possible keys divergence during secondary index build, which
might lead to missing tuples
Fixed the race between Vinyl garbage collection and compaction that
resulted in a broken vylog and recovery failure
Fixed the use after free in the relay thread when using elections
Fixed a possible crash when a synchronous transaction was followed by
an asynchronous transaction right when its confirmation was being
Fixed an error where a replica, while attempting to subscribe to a foreign
cluster with a different replicaset UUID, didn’t notice it is impossible
and instead became stuck in an infinite retry loop printing
Fixed an error where a replica, while attempting to join a cluster with
exclusively read-only replicas available, just booted its own replicaset,
instead of failing or retrying. Now it fails with
an error about the other nodes being read-only so they can’t register
the new replica
Fixed error reporting associated with transactions
received from remote instances via replication.
Any error raised while such a transaction was being applied was always reported as
Failedtowritetodisk regardless of what really happened. Now the
correct error is shown. For example, Outofmemory, or
Transactionhasbeenabortedbyconflict, and so on
Fixed replication occasionally stopping with ER_INVALID_MSGPACK
when the replica is under high load (gh-4040).
Fixed a cluster sometimes being unable to bootstrap if it contains
nodes with election_mode set to manual or voter
Fixed a possible crash when box.ctl.promote() was called in a
cluster with more than three instances. The crash happened in the debug build.
In the release build, it could lead to undefined behaviour. It was likely to happen
if a new node was added shortly before the promotion
Fixed a rare error appearing when MVCC
(box.cfg.memtx_use_mvcc_engine) was enabled and more than one
replica joined the cluster. The join could fail with the error
The same could happen at the bootstrap of a cluster having more than three nodes
Fixed a rare crash with leader election enabled (any mode except
off), which could happen if a leader resigned from its role while
another node was writing something elections-related to WAL.
The crash was in the debug build, and in the release
build it would lead to undefined behaviour
Fixed an error where a new replica in a Raft cluster tried to join
from a follower instead of a leader and failed with the error
ER_READONLY (gh-6127).
Fixed optimization for single-char strings in the IR_BUFPUT assembly
Fixed slots alignment in the lj-stack command output when LJ_GC64
is enabled (gh-5876).
Fixed dummy frame unwinding in the lj-stack command.
Fixed detection of inconsistent renames even in the presence of sunk
values (gh-4252, gh-5049, gh-5118).
Fixed the VM register allocation order provided by LuaJIT frontend in case
of BC_ISGE and BC_ISGT (gh-6227).
When an error occurs during encoding call results, the auxiliary
lightuserdata value is not removed from the main Lua coroutine stack.
Before the fix, it led to undefined behaviour during the next
usage of this Lua coroutine (gh-4617).
Fixed a Lua C API misuse when the error is raised during call results
encoding in an unprotected coroutine and expected to be caught in a
different, protected coroutine (gh-6248).
Fixed a possible crash in case trigger removes itself. Fixed a
possible crash in case someone destroys a trigger when it
yields (gh-6266).
User-defined functions can now return a VARBINARY result to SQL
Fixed assert when a DOUBLE value greater than -1.0 and less
than 0.0 is cast to INTEGER and UNSIGNED
Removed spontaneous conversion from INTEGER to DOUBLE in a field of the
All arithmetic operations can now accept numeric values only
Fixed MVCC interaction with ephemeral spaces: TX manager now ignores them
Fixed loss of tuples after a conflict exception
Fixed a segfault during update/delete of the same tuple
2.7.2 is the first stable
version of the 2.7 release series. It introduces 15 improvements and
resolves 30 bugs since version 2.7.1.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Introduced the concept of WAL queue and the new configuration option
wal_queue_max_size, measured in bytes.
The default value is 16 Mb.
The option helps limit the pace at which replica submits new transactions to the WAL.
The limit is checked every time a transaction from the master is
submitted to the replica’s WAL.
The space taken by the transaction is considered empty once it’s successfully written
Introduced the box.ctl.promote() function and the concept of manual elections
(enabled with election_mode='manual') (gh-3055).
Once the instance is in the manual election mode,
it acts like a voter most of the time,
but may trigger elections and become a leader when box.ctl.promote() is called.
When election_mode~='manual',
box.ctl.promote() replaces box.ctl.clear_synchro_queue(),
which is now deprecated.
Tarantool build infrastructure now requires CMake version 3.1 or later.
Binary packages for Fedora 33 are now available (gh-5502) .
Binary packages for CentOS 6 and Debian Jessie won’t be published since this version.
RPM and DEB packages no longer have the autotools dependency (follows up
Regular testing on MacOS 10.13 has been disabled, effectively stopping
the support of this version.
The built-in zstd is upgraded from v1.3.3 to v1.4.8
(part of gh-5502).
SMTP and SMTPS protocols are now enabled in the bundled libcurl (gh-4559).
The libcurl headers are now shipped to system path ${PREFIX}/include/tarantool
when libcurl is included as a bundled library or in a static build
Tarantool CI/CD has migrated to GitHub Actions (gh-5662).
Single node Jepsen testing now runs on per-push basis (gh-5736).
A self-sufficient LuaJIT testing environment has been implemented.
As a result, LuaJIT build system is now partially ported to CMake and all testing
machinery is enclosed within the tarantool/luajit
repository (gh-4862, gh-5470).
Python 3 is now the default in the test infrastructure (gh-5652).
Исправленные ошибки
The index part options are no longer skipped when the field type is not specified
The lbox_ctl_is_recovery_finished() function no longer returns true
when recovery is still in progress.
A memory corruption bug has been fixed in netbox.
The memory of a struct error which is still used will no longer be freed prematurely
because of the wrong order of ffi.gc and ffi.cast calls.
Relay can no longer time out while a replica is joining or syncing with the master.
An issue with missing «path» value of index schema fetched by netbox has been fixed
Extensive usage of uri and uuid modules with debug log level
no longer leads to crashes or corrupted results of the functions from these
Same problem is resolved for using these modules from the callbacks passed to ffi.gc(),
and for some functions from the modules fio, box.tuple, and iconv
The new wal_cleanup_delay option can prevent early cleanup of
*.xlog files, needed by replicas.
Such cleanup used to result in a XlogGapError (gh-5806).
Appliers will no longer cause errors with Unknownrequesttype40 during
a final join when the master has synchronous spaces (gh-5566).
Added memtx MVCC tracking of read gaps which fixes the problem of phantom reads
Fixed the wrong result of using space:count() with memtx MVCC (gh-5972).
Fixed the dirty read after restart while using MVCC with synchronous
replication (gh-5973).
Fixed an issue with an applier hanging on a replica after failing to process
a CONFIRM or ROLLBACK message coming from a master.
Fixed the issue where master did not send some rows to an anonymous replica
which had fallen behind and was trying to register.
Fixed the bug when a synchronous transaction could be confirmed and
visible on a replica, but then not confirmed or invisible again after
restart. It was more likely to happen on memtx spaces with
memtx_use_mvcc_engine enabled (gh-5213).
Fixed the recovery of a rolled back multi-statement synchronous transaction
which could lead to the transaction being applied partially, and to
recovery errors. It happened in case the transaction worked with
non-sync spaces (gh-5874).
Fixed a bug in synchronous replication when rolled back transactions
could reappear after reconnecting a sufficiently old instance
Module swim
Fixed an issue where <swim_instance>:broadcast() did not work on non-local
addresses and spammed «Permission denied» errors to the log.
After instance termination it could return a non-0 exit code even if there
were no errors in the script, and then spam the same error again
Fixed the crash on attempts to call swim:member_by_uuid() with no
arguments or with nil/box.NULL (gh-5951).
Fixed the crash on attempts to pass an object of a wrong type to
__serialize method of a swim member in Lua (gh-5952).
Lua stack resizing no longer results in a wrong behaviour of the memory profiler
Fixed a double gc_cdatanum decrementing in LuaJIT platform metrics
which occurred when a finalizer was set for a GCсdata object (gh-5820).
Fixed the -e option, when tarantool used to enter the interactive mode when
stdin is a TTY. Now, tarantool-e'print"Hello"' doesn’t enter the
interactive mode, but just prints «Hello» and exits
Fixed a leak of a tuple object in key_def:compare_with_key(tuple,key),
which had occurred when the serialization of the key failed (gh-5388).
The string received by a user-defined C or Lua function will no longer be
different from the string passed to the function. This could happen
when the string passed from SQL had contained \\0
SQLSELECT or SQLUPDATE on UUID or DECIMAL field will not cause a
SEGMENTATION FAULT anymore (gh-5011,
gh-5704, gh-5913).
Fixed an issue with wrong results of SELECT with GROUPBY which occurred
when one of the selected values was VARBINARY and not directly obtained from the space
Fix building on FreeBSD (incomplete definition of type structsockaddr)
The already downloaded static build dependencies will not be fetched repeatedly
Recovering with force_recovery option now deletes vylog files which are newer than the snapshot.
It helps an instance recover after incidents during a checkpoint (gh-5823).
Fixed the libcurl configuring when Tarantool itself has been configured with
cmake3 command and there was no cmake command in the PATH
This affects building Tarantool from sources with bundled libcurl (it
is the default mode).
Tarantool 2.7.1
Release: v. 2.7.1
Date: 2020-12-30 Tag: 2.7.1-0-g3ac498c9f
Общие сведения
2.7.1 is the beta
version of the 2.7 release series.
This release introduces 12 new features and resolves 21 bugs since the
2.6.1 version. There can be bugs in less common areas. If you find any,
feel free to report an
issue on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Now it is allowed to define an index without extra braces when there
is only one part: parts={field1,type1,...} (gh-2866).
the note about index parts declaration.
Index-related options now can’t be specified in their definition due
to a more pedantic key-parts verification (gh-5473).
A warning is now logged when schema version is older than last
available schema version (gh-4574).
UUID values created via uuid Lua module (require('uuid')) can
now be compared using the comparison operators like <, >=,
and others (gh-5511).
The new box.ctl.is_recovery_finished() function allows user to
determine whether memtx recovery is finished.
The force_recovery option now ignores errors during snapshot
recovery (gh-5422).
Feedback daemon now reports box.stat().*.total,
box.stat.net().*.total, and box.stat.net().*.current together
with the time of report generation. The added fields reside in
feedback.stats.box, feedback.stats.net, and
feedback.stats.time (gh-5589).
It is now possible to specify synchro quorum as a function of a
number N of registered replicas instead of a const number,
for example:
box.cfg{replication_synchro_quorum="N/2 + 1"}
Only the non-anonymous bootstrapped replicas amount to N. The
expression should respect synchro guarantees: at least 50% of the
cluster size + 1. The expression value is re-evaluated automatically
inside of Tarantool when new replicas appear or old ones are removed
If Tarantool crashes, it will now send a crash dump report to the
feedback server. This report contains some fields from uname
output, build information, crash reason, and a stack trace. You can
disable crash reporting with box.cfg{feedback_crashinfo=false}
Исправленные ошибки
fiber.cond:wait() now correctly throws an error when a fiber is
cancelled, instead of ignoring the timeout and returning without any
signs of an error (gh-5013).
Fixed a memory corruption issue, which was most visible on macOS, but
could affect any system (gh-5312).
A dynamic module now gets correctly unloaded from memory in case of
an attempt to load a non-existing function from it (gh-5475).
A swim:quit() call now can’t result in a crash (gh-4570).
Snapshot recovery with no JSONPath or multikey indices involved now
has normal performance (gh-4774).
A false-positive “too long WAL write” message no longer appears for
synchronous transactions (gh-5139).
A box.ctl.wait_rw() call could return when the instance was not
in fact writable due to having foreign synchronous transactions. As a
result, there was no proper way to wait until the automatically
elected leader would become writable. Now box.ctl.wait_rw() works
correctly (gh-5440).
Fixed a couple of crashes on various tweaks of election mode
Now box.ctl.clear_synchro_queue tries to commit everything that
is present on the node. In order to do so it waits for other
instances to replicate the data for replication_synchro_quorum
seconds. In case timeout passes and quorum wasn’t reached, nothing is
rolled back (gh-5435).
Data changes in read-only mode are now forbidden (gh-5231).
Query execution now does not occasionally raise an unrelated error
“Space ‘0’ does not exist” (gh-5592).
Coinciding names of temporary files (used to store data during
execution) having two instances running on the same machine no longer
cause a segfault (gh-5537).
The return value of ifnull() built-in function is now of a
correct type.
SQL calling Lua functions with box calls inside can no longer result
in a memory corruption (gh-5427).
Dispatching __call metamethod no longer causes address clashing
(gh-4518, gh-4649).
Fixed a false positive panic when yielding in debug hook (gh-5649).
An attempt to use a net.box connection which is not established
yet now results in a correctly reported error (gh-4787).
Fixed a NULL dereference on error paths in merger which usually
happened on a ‘wrong’ key_def (gh-5450).
Calling key_def.compare_with_key() with an invalid key no longer
causes a segfault (gh-5307).
Fixed a hang which occured when tarantool ran a user script with
the -e option and this script exited with an error (like with
tarantool-e'assert(false)') (gh-4983).
The on_schema_init triggers now can’t cause duplicates in primary
key (gh-5304).
2.6.3 is the second stable
version of the 2.6 release series. It introduces 15 improvements and
resolves 28 bugs since version 2.6.2.
The «stable» label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Introduced the concept of WAL queue and the new configuration option
wal_queue_max_size, measured in bytes.
The default value is 16 Mb.
The option helps limit the pace at which replica submits new transactions to the WAL.
The limit is checked every time a transaction from the master is
submitted to the replica’s WAL.
The space taken by the transaction is considered empty once it’s successfully written
Introduced the box.ctl.promote() function and the concept of manual elections
(enabled with election_mode='manual') (gh-3055).
Once the instance is in the manual election mode,
it acts like a voter most of the time,
but may trigger elections and become a leader when box.ctl.promote() is called.
When election_mode~='manual',
box.ctl.promote() replaces box.ctl.clear_synchro_queue(),
which is now deprecated.
Tarantool build infrastructure now requires CMake version 3.1 or later.
Binary packages for Fedora 33 are now available (gh-5502) .
Binary packages for CentOS 6 and Debian Jessie won’t be published since this version.
RPM and DEB packages no longer have the autotools dependency (follows up
Regular testing on MacOS 10.13 has been disabled, effectively stopping
the support of this version.
The built-in zstd is upgraded from v1.3.3 to v1.4.8
(part of gh-5502).
SMTP and SMTPS protocols are now enabled in the bundled libcurl (gh-4559).
The libcurl headers are now shipped to system path ${PREFIX}/include/tarantool
when libcurl is included as a bundled library or in a static build
Tarantool CI/CD has migrated to GitHub Actions (gh-5662).
Single node Jepsen testing now runs on per-push basis (gh-5736).
A self-sufficient LuaJIT testing environment has been implemented.
As a result, LuaJIT build system is now partially ported to CMake and all testing
machinery is enclosed within the tarantool/luajit
repository (gh-4862, gh-5470).
Python 3 is now the default in the test infrastructure (gh-5652).
Исправленные ошибки
The lbox_ctl_is_recovery_finished() function no longer returns true
when recovery is still in progress.
A memory corruption bug has been fixed in netbox.
The memory of a struct error which is still used will no longer be freed prematurely
because of the wrong order of ffi.gc and ffi.cast calls.
Relay can no longer time out while a replica is joining or syncing with the master.
An issue with missing «path» value of index schema fetched by netbox has been fixed
Extensive usage of uri and uuid modules with debug log level
no longer leads to crashes or corrupted results of the functions from these
Same problem is resolved for using these modules from the callbacks passed to ffi.gc(),
and for some functions from the modules fio, box.tuple, and iconv
The new wal_cleanup_delay option can prevent early cleanup of
*.xlog files, needed by replicas.
Such cleanup used to result in a XlogGapError (gh-5806).
Appliers will no longer cause errors with Unknownrequesttype40 during
a final join when the master has synchronous spaces (gh-5566).
Added memtx MVCC tracking of read gaps which fixes the problem of phantom reads
Fixed the wrong result of using space:count() with memtx MVCC (gh-5972).
Fixed the dirty read after restart while using MVCC with synchronous
replication (gh-5973).
Fixed an issue with an applier hanging on a replica after failing to process
a CONFIRM or ROLLBACK message coming from a master.
Fixed the issue where master did not send some rows to an anonymous replica
which had fallen behind and was trying to register.
Fixed the bug when a synchronous transaction could be confirmed and
visible on a replica, but then not confirmed or invisible again after
restart. It was more likely to happen on memtx spaces with
memtx_use_mvcc_engine enabled (gh-5213).
Fixed the recovery of a rolled back multi-statement synchronous transaction
which could lead to the transaction being applied partially, and to
recovery errors. It happened in case the transaction worked with
non-sync spaces (gh-5874).
Fixed a bug in synchronous replication when rolled back transactions
could reappear after reconnecting a sufficiently old instance
Fixed an issue where <swim_instance>:broadcast() did not work on non-local
addresses and spammed «Permission denied» errors to the log.
After instance termination it could return a non-0 exit code even if there
were no errors in the script, and then spam the same error again
Fixed the crash on attempts to call swim:member_by_uuid() with no
arguments or with nil/box.NULL (gh-5951).
Fixed the crash on attempts to pass an object of a wrong type to
__serialize method of a swim member in Lua (gh-5952).
Fixed the -e option, when tarantool used to enter the interactive mode when
stdin is a TTY. Now, tarantool-e'print"Hello"' doesn’t enter the
interactive mode, but just prints «Hello» and exits
Fixed a leak of a tuple object in key_def:compare_with_key(tuple,key),
which had occurred when the serialization of the key failed (gh-5388).
The string received by a user-defined C or Lua function will no longer be
different from the string passed to the function. This could happen
when the string passed from SQL had contained \\0
SQLSELECT or SQLUPDATE on UUID or DECIMAL field will not cause a
SEGMENTATION FAULT anymore (gh-5011,
gh-5704, gh-5913).
Fixed an issue with wrong results of SELECT with GROUPBY which occurred
when one of the selected values was VARBINARY and not directly obtained from the space
Fixed a double gc_cdatanum decrementing in LuaJIT platform metrics
which occurred when a finalizer was set for a GCсdata object (gh-5820).
Fix building on FreeBSD (incomplete definition of type structsockaddr)
The already downloaded static build dependencies will not be fetched repeatedly
Recovering with force_recovery option now deletes vylog files which are newer than the snapshot.
It helps an instance recover after incidents during a checkpoint (gh-5823).
Fixed the libcurl configuring when Tarantool itself has been configured with
cmake3 command and there was no cmake command in the PATH
This affects building Tarantool from sources with bundled libcurl (it
is the default mode).
Tarantool 2.6.2
Release: v. 2.6.2
Date: 2020-12-30 Tag: 2.6.2-0-g34d504d
Общие сведения
2.6.2 is the first stable
version of the 2.6 release series. It introduces one improvement and
resolves 21 bugs since 2.6.1.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
It is now possible to specify synchro quorum as a function of a
number N of registered replicas instead of a const number,
for example:
box.cfg{replication_synchro_quorum="N/2 + 1"}
Only the non-anonymous bootstrapped replicas amount to N. The
expression should respect synchro guarantees: at least 50% of the
cluster size + 1. The expression value is re-evaluated automatically
inside of Tarantool when new replicas appear or old ones are removed
Show JSON tokens themselves instead of token names T_* in the
JSON decoder error messages (gh-4339).
Show a decoding context in the JSON decoder error messages (gh-4339).
fiber.cond:wait() now correctly throws an error when a fiber is
cancelled, instead of ignoring the timeout and returning without any
signs of an error (gh-5013).
Fixed a memory corruption issue, which was most visible on macOS, but
could affect any system (gh-5312).
A dynamic module now gets correctly unloaded from memory in case of
an attempt to load a non-existing function from it (gh-5475).
A swim:quit() call now can’t result in a crash (gh-4570).
Snapshot recovery with no JSONPath or multikey indices involved now
has normal performance (gh-4774).
A false-positive “too long WAL write” message no longer appears for
synchronous transactions (gh-5139).
A box.ctl.wait_rw() call could return when the instance was not
in fact writable due to having foreign synchronous transactions. As a
result, there was no proper way to wait until the automatically
elected leader would become writable. Now box.ctl.wait_rw() works
correctly (gh-5440).
Fixed a couple of crashes on various tweaks of election mode
Now box.ctl.clear_synchro_queue tries to commit everything that
is present on the node. In order to do so it waits for other
instances to replicate the data for replication_synchro_quorum
seconds. In case timeout passes and quorum was not reached, nothing is
rolled back (gh-5435).
Data changes in read-only mode are now forbidden (gh-5231).
Query execution now does not occasionally raise an unrelated error
“Space ‘0’ does not exist” (gh-5592).
Coinciding names of temporary files (used to store data during
execution) having two instances running on the same machine no longer
cause a segfault (gh-5537).
The return value of ifnull() built-in function is now of a
correct type.
SQL calling Lua functions with box calls inside can no longer result
in a memory corruption (gh-5427).
Dispatching __call metamethod no longer causes address clashing
(gh-4518, gh-4649).
Fixed a false positive panic when yielding in debug hook (gh-5649).
An attempt to use a net.box connection which is not established
yet now results in a correctly reported error (gh-4787).
Fixed a NULL dereference on error paths in merger which usually
happened on a ‘wrong’ key_def (gh-5450).
Calling key_def.compare_with_key() with an invalid key no longer
causes a segfault (gh-5307).
Fixed a hang which occured when tarantool ran a user script with
the -e option and this script exited with an error (like with
tarantool-e'assert(false)') (gh-4983).
The on_schema_init triggers now can’t cause duplicates in primary
key (gh-5304).
Tarantool 2.6.1
Release: v. 2.6.1
Date: 2020-10-22 Tag: 2.6.1-0-gcfe0d1a
Общие сведения
2.6.1 is the beta version of the 2.6 release series.
This release introduces roughly 17 features and resolves 22 bugs since
the 2.5.1 version. There may be bugs in less common areas. If you find
any, feel free to report an issue at
Notable changes are:
Transactional manager for the memtx engine that
allows yielding in transactions. It also guarantees the data consistency
for synchronous replication, eliminating dirty reads for unconfirmed
Raft-based automated failover mechanism for a
single-leader replica set. Replica set can be configured to provide
automated leader election and failover. Accompanied with synchronous
replication it brings data safety and service reliability on a new
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
There are changes labeled with [Breaking change]. It means that the
old behavior was considered error-prone and therefore changed to protect
users from unintended mistakes. However, there is a little probability
that someone can lean on the old behavior, and this label is to bring
attention to the things that have been changed.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Introduce a function to check that the specified value is of UUID
type (gh-5171). Read more: uuid.is_uuid().
A new function space:alter(options) to change some space settings
without recreation nor touching _space space.
Read more: space_object:alter().
Composite types extraction is now supported in key_def (gh-4538).
Rework upsert operation in vinyl so that now (gh-5107):
if upsert can’t be applied it is skipped and corresponding error
is logged (gh-1622);
upserts now follow associative property: the result of several
upserts does not depend on the order of their application
upserts referring to -1 fieldno are handled correctly now
there’s no more upserts squash procedure: upserts referring to the
same field with arithmetic operations are not merged into one
operation since resulting upsert might not be applied - as a
result both upserts would be ignored (meanwhile only one should
This change introduces new builtin library “misc” that may
conflict with user’s modules.
SQL views are not alterable anymore. Beforehand it led to the
undefined behaviour.
Introduce “automatic index” optimization. Ephemeral space with single
index can be created to store and speed-up intermediate results
access during query execution (gh-4933).
When election is enabled, a newly elected leader will automatically
finish all the synchronous transactions, created by the old leader
Tarantool static build is enhanced in scope of gh-5095. It can be
built on the host machine with no Docker at all. As a result it can
be built using the OSX environment.
Add all exported symbols from bundled libcurl library (gh-5223)
Add fselect method that is similar to select, but formats results
like mysql would (gh-5161).
Module API
Exposed the box region, key_def and several other functions in order
to implement external tuple.keydef and tuple.merger modules on top of
them (gh-5273, gh-5384).
Исправленные ошибки
Fixed a bug related to ignoring internal getaddrinfo errors on macOS
in logger (gh-4138).
Fixed a crash when JSON tuple field access was used to get a multikey
indexed field, and when a JSON contained [*] in the beginning
Dropped restrictions on nullable multikey index root. They were
introduced due to inaccuracy in multikey index realization. It is now
fixed. Also all fields are now nullable by default as it was before
2.2.1 (gh-5192).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent JIT machinery misbehavior. Trace
recording is aborted when fiber yields the execution. The yield
occurring while the compiled code is being run (it’s likely a
function with a yield underneath called via LuaJIT FFI) leads to the
platform panic (gh-1700, gh-4491).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent implicit GC disabling. The yield
occurring while user-defined __gc metamethod is running leads to the
platform panic.
Fixed a bug when a rolled back synchronous transaction could become
committed after restart (gh-5140).
Fixed crash in synchronous replication when master’s local WAL write
fails (gh-5146).
Instance will terminate if a synchronous transaction confirmation or
rollback fail. Before it was undefined behavior (gh-5159).
Snapshot could contain changes from a rolled back synchronous
transaction (gh-5167).
Fixed a crash when synchronous transaction’s rollback and confirm
could be written simultaneously for the same LSN (gh-5185).
Fixed a crash when replica cleared synchronous transaction queue,
while it was not empty on master (gh-5195).
During recovery of synchronous changes from snapshot the instance
could crash (gh-5288).
Having synchronous rows in the snapshot could make the instance hang
on recovery (gh-5298).
Anonymous replica could be registered and could prevent WAL files
removal (gh-5287).
XlogGapError is not a critical error anymore. It means,
box.info.replication will show upstream status as ‘loading’ if the
error was found. The upstream will be restarted until the error is
resolved automatically with a help of another instance, or until the
replica is removed from box.cfg.replication (gh-5287).
Fixed the error occurring on loading luajit-gdb.py with Python 2
Fixed a bug related to ignoring internal getaddrinfo errors. Now they
can be thrown out by Lua socket functions (gh-4138).
Fixed: import of table.clear() method (gh-5210). Affected versions:
all 2.6.* until 2.6.0-53-g09aa813 (exclusive).
Fixed unhandled Lua error that may lead to memory leaks and
inconsistencies in <space_object>:frommap(),
<key_def_object>:compare(), <merge_source>:select()
Get rid of typedef redefinitions for compatibility with C99
Tarantool 2.5.3
Release: v. 2.5.3
Date: 2020-12-30 Tag: 2.5.3-0-gf93e480
Общие сведения
2.5.3 is the second stable
version of the 2.5 release series. It introduces one improvement and
resolves 19 bugs since 2.5.2.
The “stable” label means that we have all planned features implemented
and we see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue,
feel free to report
it on GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
It is now possible to specify synchro quorum as a function of a
number N of registered replicas instead of a const number,
for example:
box.cfg{replication_synchro_quorum="N/2 + 1"}
Only the non-anonymous bootstrapped replicas amount to N. The
expression should respect synchro guarantees: at least 50% of the
cluster size + 1. The expression value is re-evaluated automatically
inside of Tarantool when new replicas appear or old ones are removed
Show JSON tokens themselves instead of token names T_* in the
JSON decoder error messages (gh-4339).
Show a decoding context in the JSON decoder error messages (gh-4339).
fiber.cond:wait() now correctly throws an error when a fiber is
cancelled, instead of ignoring the timeout and returning without any
signs of an error (gh-5013).
Fixed a memory corruption issue, which was most visible on macOS, but
could affect any system (gh-5312).
A dynamic module now gets correctly unloaded from memory in case of
an attempt to load a non-existing function from it (gh-5475).
A swim:quit() call now can’t result in a crash (gh-4570).
Snapshot recovery with no JSONPath or multikey indices involved now
has normal performance (gh-4774).
A false-positive “too long WAL write” message no longer appears for
synchronous transactions (gh-5139).
A box.ctl.wait_rw() call could return when the instance was not
in fact writable due to having foreign synchronous transactions. As a
result, there was no proper way to wait until the automatically
elected leader would become writable. Now box.ctl.wait_rw() works
correctly (gh-5440).
Data changes in read-only mode are now forbidden (gh-5231).
Query execution now does not occasionally raise an unrelated error
“Space ‘0’ does not exist” (gh-5592).
Coinciding names of temporary files (used to store data during
execution) having two instances running on the same machine no longer
cause a segfault (gh-5537).
The return value of ifnull() built-in function is now of a
correct type.
SQL calling Lua functions with box calls inside can no longer result
in a memory corruption (gh-5427).
Dispatching __call metamethod no longer causes address clashing
(gh-4518, gh-4649).
Fixed a false positive panic when yielding in debug hook (gh-5649).
An attempt to use a net.box connection which is not established
yet now results in a correctly reported error (gh-4787).
Fixed a NULL dereference on error paths in merger which usually
happened on a ‘wrong’ key_def (gh-5450).
Calling key_def.compare_with_key() with an invalid key no longer
causes a segfault (gh-5307).
Fixed a hang which occured when tarantool ran a user script with
the -e option and this script exited with an error (like with
tarantool-e'assert(false)') (gh-4983).
Release: v. 2.5.2
Date: 2020-10-22 Tag: 2.5.2-1-gf63c43b
Общие сведения
This release resolves roughly 25 issues since the 2.5.2 version. There
may be bugs in less common areas. If you find any, feel free to report
an issue at GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
New function space:alter(options) to change some space settings
without recreation nor touching _space space.
Read more.
Module API
Exposed the box region, key_def and several other functions in order
to implement external tuple.keydef and tuple.merger modules on top of
them (gh-5273, gh-5384).
Исправленные ошибки
Fixed a bug related to ignoring internal getaddrinfo errors on macOS
in logger (gh-4138).
Fixed a crash when JSON tuple field access was used to get a multikey
indexed field, and when a JSON contained [*] in the beginning
Dropped restrictions on nullable multikey index root. They were
introduced due to inaccuracy in multikey index realization. It is now
fixed. Also all fields are now nullable by default as it was before
2.2.1 (gh-5192).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent JIT machinery misbehavior. Trace
recording is aborted when fiber yields the execution. The yield
occurring while the compiled code is being run (it’s likely a
function with a yield underneath called via LuaJIT FFI) leads to the
platform panic (gh-1700, gh-4491).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent implicit GC disabling. The yield
occurring while user-defined __gc metamethod is running leads to the
platform panic.
Fixed a bug when a rolled back synchronous transaction could become
committed after restart (gh-5140).
Fixed crash in synchronous replication when master’s local WAL write
fails (gh-5146).
Instance will terminate if a synchronous transaction confirmation or
rollback fail. Before it was undefined behavior (gh-5159).
Snapshot could contain changes from a rolled back synchronous
transaction (gh-5167).
Fixed a crash when synchronous transaction’s rollback and confirm
could be written simultaneously for the same LSN (gh-5185).
Fixed a crash when replica cleared synchronous transaction queue,
while it was not empty on master (gh-5195).
During recovery of synchronous changes from snapshot the instance
could crash (gh-5288).
Having synchronous rows in the snapshot could make the instance hang
on recovery (gh-5298).
Anonymous replica could be registered and could prevent WAL files
removal (gh-5287).
XlogGapError is not a critical error anymore. It means,
box.info.replication will show upstream status as ‘loading’ if the
error was found. The upstream will be restarted until the error is
resolved automatically with a help of another instance, or until the
replica is removed from box.cfg.replication (gh-5287).
Fixed the error occurring on loading luajit-gdb.py with Python 2
Fixed a bug related to ignoring internal getaddrinfo errors. Now they
can be thrown out by Lua socket functions (gh-4138).
Fixed: import of table.clear() method (gh-5210). Affected versions:
2.5.0-265-g3af79e70b (inclusive) to 2.5.1-52-ged9a156 (exclusive).
Fixed unhandled Lua error that may lead to memory leaks and
inconsistencies in <space_object>:frommap(),
<key_def_object>:compare(), <merge_source>:select()
SQL view are not alterable anymore. Beforehand it led to undefined
Fixed potential lag on boot up procedure when system’s password
database is slow in access (gh-5034).
Module API
Get rid of typedef redefinitions for compatibility with C99
Tarantool 2.5.1
Release: v. 2.5.1
Date: 2020-07-17 Tag: 2.5.1-1-g635f6e5
Общие сведения
2.5.1 is the beta version of the 2.5 release series.
This release introduces roughly 11 features and resolves 34 bugs since
the 2.4.1 version. There may be bugs in less common areas. If you find
any, feel free to report an issue at
Notable changes are:
Synchronous replication (beta).
Allow an anonymous replica follow another anonymous replica.
Fixed numerous crashes in Vinyl.
Make implicit cast rules for assignment operation more strict in SQL.
Updated curl version to 7.71.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
There are changes labeled with [Breaking change]. It means that the
old behavior was considered error-prone and therefore changed to protect
users from unintended mistakes. However, there is a little probability
that someone can lean on the old behavior, and this label is to bring
attention to the things that have been changed.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
[Breaking change]box.session.push()
parameter sync is deprecated and deleted. It does not work anymore, and
a usage attempt leads to an error (gh-4689).
Symbols of the Tarantool executable are not masked anymore. Some
private symbols may become visible and available for FFI and
dlopen() + dlsym() (gh-2971).
Add ability to set up logging early without configuring the box
engine (gh-689).
box.snapshot() now ignores throttling of the scheduler and forces
the dump process immediately (gh-3519).
Use naming pattern “COLUMN_N” for automatically generated column’s
names (gh-3962). Read more: Select list.
Add box.info.replication_anon().
When called, it lists anonymous
replicas in the same format as box.info.replication, the only
exception is that anonymous replicas are indexed by their uuid
strings (gh-4900).
Allow anonymous replicas to be followed by other ones (gh-4696).
Before this release, the Tarantool package for Debian and Ubuntu
automatically enable and start the ‘example’ instance, which listens
on the TCP port 3301. Starting from this release, the instance file
is installed to /etc/tarantool/instances.available/example.lua,
but is not enabled by default and not started anymore. One may
perform the following actions to enable and start it:
The existing configuration will not be updated automatically at
package update, so manual actions are required to stop and disable
the instance (if it is not needed, of course):
Fixed confusing implicit requirements for tuple fields (gh-5027).
Added needed key validation to space_before_replace (gh-5017).
Fixed check of index field map size which led to crash (gh-5084).
Fixed NULL pointer dereference when merger is called via the binary
protocol (say, via net.box) (gh-4954).
Fix wrong mpsgpack extension type in an error message at decoding
Fixed crash when invalid JSON was used in update() (gh-5135).
Fixed possible ER_TUPLE_FOUND error when bootstrapping replicas in an
1.10/2.1.1 cluster (gh-4924).
Fixed tx boundary check for half-applied txns (gh-5125).
Fixed replication tx boundaries after local space rework (gh-4928).
Added format string usage to form a CustomError message (gh-4903).
Read more: Custom error.
Fixed error while closing socket.tcp_server socket (gh-4087).
Extended box.error objects reference counter to 64 bit to prevent
possible overflow (gh-4902).
Refactored Lua table encoding: removed excess Lua function object and
left protected Lua frame only for the case __serialize is a function
to improve msgpack.encode() performance (no GH issue).
Improved Lua call procedure for the case of built-in functions.
Prepared GCfunc object is used instead of temporary one, resulting in
3-6% garbage collection reduction.
Enabled luacheck in continuous integration (no GH issue).
Fixed warnings (two of them were real bugs!) found by luacheck in a
source code (no GH issue).
Fixed wrong order of rows as a result of query containing column of
SCALAR type in ORDER BY clause (gh-4697).
Fixed bug with the display of collation for scalar fields in <SELECT>
result, when sql_full_metadata is enabled (gh-4755).
Block using HASH indexes in SQL since scheduler is unable to use it
properly (gh-4659).
Fixed races and corner cases in box (re)configuration (gh-4231).
Fixed crash during compaction due to tuples with size exceeding
vinyl_max_tuple_size setting (gh-4864).
Fixed crash during recovery of vinyl index due to the lack of file
descriptors (gh-4805).
Fixed crash during executing upsert changing primary key in debug
mode (gh-5005).
Fixed crash due to triggered dump process during secondary index
creation (gh-5042).
Fixed crash/deadlock (depending on build type) during dump process
scheduling and concurrent DDL operation (gh-4821).
Fixed crash during read of prepared but still not yet not committed
statement (gh-3395).
Fixed squashing set and arithmetic upsert operations (gh-5106).
Created missing folders for vinyl spaces and indexes if needed to
avoid confusing fails of tarantool started from backup (gh-5090).
Fixed crash during squash of many (more than 4000) upserts modifying
the same key (gh-4957).
Fixed concurrent replaces on index building. Tuples are now
referenced on all needed execution paths (gh-4973).
Fixed a possible stacked diagnostics crash due to incorrect reference
count (gh-4887).
Tarantool 2.4.3
Release: v. 2.4.3
Date: 2020-10-22 Tag: 2.4.3-1-g986fab7
Общие сведения
This release resolves roughly 13 issues since the 2.4.2 version. There
may be bugs in less common areas. If you find any, feel free to report
an issue at GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in the binary
data layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Module API
Exposed the box region, key_def and several other functions in order
to implement external tuple.keydef and tuple.merger modules on top of
them (gh-5273, gh-5384).
Исправленные ошибки
Fixed a crash when JSON tuple field access was used to get a multikey
indexed field, and when a JSON contained [*] in the beginning
Dropped restrictions on nullable multikey index root. They were
introduced due to inaccuracy in multikey index realization. It is now
fixed. Also all fields are now nullable by default as it was before
2.2.1 (gh-5192).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent JIT machinery misbehavior. Trace
recording is aborted when fiber yields the execution. The yield
occurring while the compiled code is being run (it’s likely a
function with a yield underneath called via LuaJIT FFI) leads to the
platform panic (gh-1700, gh-4491).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent implicit GC disabling. The yield
occurring while user-defined __gc metamethod is running leads to the
platform panic.
Anonymous replica could be registered and could prevent WAL files
removal (gh-5287).
XlogGapError is not a critical error anymore. It means,
box.info.replication will show upstream status as ‘loading’ if the
error was found. The upstream will be restarted until the error is
resolved automatically with a help of another instance, or until the
replica is removed from box.cfg.replication (gh-5287).
Fixed the error occurring on loading luajit-gdb.py with Python2
Fixed unhandled Lua error that may lead to memory leaks and
inconsistencies in <space_object>:frommap(),
<key_def_object>:compare(), <merge_source>:select()
SQL view are not alterable anymore. Beforehand it led to undefined
Fixed potential lag on boot up procedure when system’s password
database is slow in access (gh-5034).
Module API
Get rid of typedef redefinitions for compatibility with C99
Tarantool 2.4.2
Release: v. 2.4.2
Date: 2020-07-17 Tag: 2.4.2-1-g3f00d29
Общие сведения
2.4.2 is the first stable version of the 2.4 release series. The label
stable means we have all planned features implemented and we see no
high-impact issues.
This release resolves roughly 32 issues since the latest beta version.
There may be bugs in less common areas, please feel free to file an
issue at GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new features
of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
box.session.push() parameter sync
is deprecated. A warning is printed when the sync is used, but it still works.
It is removed in the next version (gh-4689).
Before this release tarantool package for Debian and Ubuntu
automatically enable and start ‘example’ instance, which listens on
the TCP port 3301. Starting from this release the instance file is
installed to /etc/tarantool/instances.available/example.lua, but is
not enabled by default and not started anymore. One may perform the
following actions to enable and start it:
Existing configuration will not be updated automatically at package
update, so manual actions are required to stop and disable the
instance (if it is not needed, of course):
Fixed assert outdated due to multikey index arrival (gh-5132).
Fixed confusing implicit requirements for tuple fields (gh-5027).
Added needed key validation to space_before_replace (gh-5017).
Fixed check of index field map size which led to crash (gh-5084).
Fixed NULL pointer dereference when merger is called via the binary
protocol (say, via net.box) (gh-4954).
Fix wrong mpsgpack extension type in an error message at decoding
Fixed crash when invalid JSON was used in update() (gh-5135).
Fixed possible ER_TUPLE_FOUND error when bootstrapping replicas in an
1.10/2.1.1 cluster (gh-4924).
Fixed tx boundary check for half-applied txns (gh-5125).
Fixed replication tx boundaries after local space rework (gh-4928).
Added format string usage to form a CustomError message (gh-4903).
Read more: Custom error.
Fixed error while closing socket.tcp_server socket (gh-4087).
Extended box.error objects reference counter to 64 bit to prevent
possible overflow (gh-4902).
Fix wrong order of rows as a result of query containing column of
SCALAR type in ORDER BY clause (gh-4697).
Fix bug with the display of collation for scalar fields in <SELECT>
result, when sql_full_metadata is enabled (gh-4755).
Block using HASH indexes in SQL since scheduler is unable to use it
properly (gh-4659).
Fixed races and corner cases in box (re)configuration (gh-4231).
Fixed crash during compaction due to tuples with size exceeding
vinyl_max_tuple_size setting (gh-4864).
Fixed crash during recovery of vinyl index due to the lack of file
descriptors (gh-4805).
Fixed crash during executing upsert changing primary key in debug
mode (gh-5005).
Fixed crash due to triggered dump process during secondary index
creation (gh-5042).
Fixed crash/deadlock (depending on build type) during dump process
scheduling and concurrent DDL operation (gh-4821).
Fixed crash during read of prepared but not committed statement
Fixed squashing set and arithmetic upsert operations (gh-5106).
Create missing folders for vinyl spaces and indexes if needed to
avoid confusing fails of tarantool started from backup (gh-5090).
Fixed crash during squash of many (more than 4000) upserts modifying
the same key (gh-4957).
Fixed concurrent replaces on index building. Tuples are now
referenced on all needed execution paths (gh-4973).
Tarantool 2.4.1
Release: v. 2.4.1
Date: 2020-04-20 Tag: 2.4.1-1-g6c75f80
Общие сведения
2.4.1 is the beta version of the 2.4 release series.
This release introduces roughly 20 features and resolves 92 bugs since
the 2.3.1 version. There may be bugs in less common areas. If you find
any, feel free to report an issue at
Notable changes are:
UUID type was introduced
It is now possible to report stack of errors
Added popen built-in module
Create errors of custom type and transparent marshaling over net.box
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new features
of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Possibility to create errors of a custom user type (gh-4398). Read more:
box_session_push(): a new public C API function. It takes
constchar*MessagePack and returns it to the client out of
order, just like the Lua box.session.push() does (gh-4734). Read more:
Introduce a new field type and a new index type: UUID (gh-4268,
gh-2916). Read more:
Introduce stacked diagnostic area: now each Lua table representing an
error object features the .prev member and the :set_prev()
method so that errors can be organized into lists. IProto protocol is
extended with new command keys to support this feature as well
(gh-1148). For details, refer to error_object.
The module provides popen implementation that is integrated with
tarantool’s event loop (like built-in fio and socket
It support bidirectional communication with a process: the module can
feed input to a process and capture its output. This way it allows to
run streaming programs (like grep) and even work interactively
with outside REPL (say, python-i).
A key feature of the implementation is that it uses vfork() under
hood and so does not copy virtual memory tables. Copying of them may
be quite time consuming: os.execute() takes ~2.5 seconds when 80 GiB
is allocated for memtx. Moreover, when memory overcommit is disabled
(which is default) it would be not possible to fork a process when
more then half of available physical memory is mapped to tarantool’s
The API should be considered as beta: it is quite basic and will be
extended with convenience features. On the other hand, it may be
changed in a backward-incompatible manner in the future releases if
it will be valuable enough.
For more details, refer to the popen module documentation.
fio descriptors are closed on garbage collection (gh-4727). Read more
in description of fio.open().
fio.tempdir() uses the $TMPDIR environment variable
as a path indication to create temporary directories (gh-4794).
Add tarantoolctlrocks commands: build, config,
download, init, lint, new_version, purge,
which, write_rockspec (gh-4629). Read more in tarantoolctl-module_management.
box.info.listen: a new variable in the box.info. Shows the
real port when bound to the port 0. For example, if the
listen parameter of box.cfg is set to, the
box.info.listen shows<real_port> (gh-4620).
Read more: box.info.listen.
sequence:current(): a new function to get the current sequence
value without changing it (gh-4752). Read more: sequence_object:current().
Исправленные ошибки
fiber.storage is cleaned between requests,
and can be used as a
request-local storage. Previously fiber.storage could contain
some old values in the beginning of an iproto request execution, and
it needed to be nullified manually. Now the cleanup is unneeded
tuple/space/index:update()/upsert() were fixed
not to turn a value into an infinity when a float value was added to
or subtracted from a float column and exceeded the float value range
Fix potential execution abort when operating the system runs under
heavy memory load (gh-4722).
Make RTREE indexes handle the out of memory error: before this fix,
OOM during the recovery of an RTREE index resulted in segmentation
fault (gh-4619).
Fix the error message returned on using an already dropped sequence
Add cancellation guard to avoid WAL thread stuck (gh-4127).
Fix execution abort when memtx_memory and vinyl_memory are
set to more than 4398046510080 bytes. Now an error message is
returned (gh-4705).
box.error.new() does not add a created error to the Tarantool’s
diagnostic area anymore (gh-4778). Read more:
Add Lua output format support for box.session.push() (gh-4686).
Fix rebootstrap procedure not working in case replica itself is
listed in box.cfg.replication (gh-4759).
Fix possible user password leaking via replication logs (gh-4493).
Refactor vclock map to be exactly 4 bytes in size to fit all 32
replicas regardless of the compiler used
(see in this commit).
Fix crash when the replication applier rollbacks a transaction
(gh-4730, gh-4776).
Fix segmentation fault on master side when one of the replicas
transitions from anonymous to normal (gh-4731).
Local space operations are now counted in 0th vclock component. Every
instance may have its own 0-th vclock component not matching others’.
Local space operations are not replicated at all, even as NOPs
Gc consumers are now ordered by their vclocks and not by vclock
signatures. Only the WALS that contain no entries needed by any of
the consumers are deleted (gh-4114).
json: :decode() does not spoil instance’s options with per-call
ones (when it is called with the second argument) (gh-4761).
Handle empty input for uri.format() properly (gh-4779).
os.environ() is now changed when os.setenv() is called
netbox.self:call/eval() now returns the same types as
netbox_connection:call/eval. Previously it could return a
tuple or box.error cdata (gh-4513).
box.tuple.* namespace is cleaned up from private functions.
box.tuple.is() description is added to documentation (gh-4684).
tarantoolctlrockssearch: fix the --all flag (gh-4529).
tarantoolctlrocksremove: fix the --force flag (gh-3632).
libev: backport fix for listening for more then 1024 file descriptors
on Mac OS (gh-3867).
Fix box.stat() behavior: now it collects statistics on the
PREPARE and EXECUTE methods as expected (gh-4756).
Add ability to drop any table constraint using the following
Previously, it was possible to drop only foreign key constraints with
such a statement (gh-4120). Read more in Alter Table.
“No such constraint” error now contains the name of the table this
constraint belongs to.
Add an empty body to the UNPREPARE IProto response (gh-4769).
Reset all the placeholders’ bound values after execution of a
prepared statement (gh-4825).
The inserted values are inserted in the order in which they are given
in case of INSERT into space with autoincrement (gh-4256).
Types related changes
Rework the NUMBER type in SQL: now it completely matches with
NoSQL definition. Integers inserted into a field of the NUMBER
type are no longer forced to floating point representation;
CASTASNUMBER operation applied to an integer value doesn’t
change it; CASTASNUMBER operation applied to a boolean value
now converts it into 1, 0 or NULL depending on particular
boolean value (gh-4233).
Data Type Conversion.
Fix the CASTASNUMBER operation applied to blob values: floating
point representation of the result is no longer forced (gh-4463).
Fix integer overflow error during addition of the integer and
floating point values stored in the SCALAR column (gh-4369).
Explicit and implicit cast from string containing floating point
value to integer or unsigned types are disallowed.
Maximum length of a blob value that is allowed to be cast to integer
or unsigned types are limited to 12287 bytes.
Fix wrong result of CAST() operator from blob to integer type in case
a blob value does not have terminating ‘\0’ (gh-4766).
HTTP client
When building Tarantool with bundled libcurl, link it with the
c-ares library by default (gh-4591).
__pairs/__ipairs metamethods handling is removed since we
faced the issues with the backward compatibility between Lua 5.1 and
Lua 5.2 within Tarantool modules as well as other third party code
Introduce luajit-gdb.py extension with commands for inspecting
LuaJIT internals. The extension obliges one to provide gdbinfo for
libluajit, otherwise loading fails. The extension provides the
following commands:
lj-arch dumps values of LJ_64 and LJ_GC64 macro definitions
lj-tv dumps the type and GCobj info related to the given
lj-str dumps the contents of the given GCstr
lj-tab dumps the contents of the given GCtab
lj-stack dumps Lua stack of the given lua_State
lj-state shows current VM, GC and JIT states
lj-gc shows current GC stats
Fix string to number conversion: current implementation respects the
buffer length (gh-4773).
“FFI sandwich” (*) detection is introduced. If sandwich is detected
while trace recording the recording is aborted. The sandwich detected
while mcode execution leads to the platform panic.
luaJIT_setmode call is prohibited while mcode execution and leads to
the platform panic.
(*) The following stack mix is called FFI sandwich:
This sort of re-entrancy is explicitly not supported by LuaJIT compiler.
For more info see gh-4427.
Fix assertion fault due to triggered dump process during secondary
index build (gh-4810).
Fix crashes at attempts to use -e and -l command line options
concatenated with their values, like this: -eprint(100)
Fix inability to upgrade from 2.1 if there was an automatically
generated sequence (gh-4771).
Prettify the error message for user.grant(): no extra ’ ’ for
universal privileges (gh-714).
Update libopenssl version to 1.1.1f since the previous one was
EOLed (gh-4830).
Building from sources
Update the decNumber library to silence the build warning
produced on too long integer constant
(see in this commit).
Fix static build (-DBUILD_STATIC=ON) when libunwind depends
on liblzma (gh-4551).
Tarantool 2.3.3
Release: v. 2.3.3
Date: 2020-07-17 Tag: 2.3.3-1-g43af95e
Общие сведения
2.3.3 is the last stable version of the 2.3 release series. The label
stable means we have all planned features implemented and we see no
high-impact issues.
This release resolves roughly 26 issues since the latest stable version.
There may be bugs in less common areas, please feel free to file an
issue at GitHub.
Please note, this release contains no new features.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new features
of the 2.x series.
Исправленные ошибки
Fixed a bug in altering a normal index to a functional one (n/a).
Fixed a couple of internal symbols dangling in global namespace _G
Fixed bug when on_shutdown triggers were not executed after EOF
Fixed assert outdated due to multikey index arrival (gh-5132).
Fixed confusing implicit requirements for tuple fields (gh-5027).
Added needed key validation to space_before_replace (gh-5017).
Fixed check of index field map size which led to crash (gh-5084).
Fixed NULL pointer dereference when merger is called via the binary
protocol (say, via net.box) (gh-4954).
Fixed crash when invalid JSON was used in update() (gh-5135).
Fixed possible ER_TUPLE_FOUND error when bootstrapping replicas in an
1.10/2.1.1 cluster (gh-4924).
Fixed tx boundary check for half-applied txns (gh-5125).
Fixed replication tx boundaries after local space rework (gh-4928).
Fixed error while closing socket.tcp_server socket (gh-4087).
Fixed wrong order of rows as a result of query containing column of
SCALAR type in ORDER BY clause (gh-4697).
Fixed bug with the display of collation for scalar fields in <SELECT>
result, when sql_full_metadata is enabled (gh-4755).
Block using HASH indexes in SQL since scheduler is unable to use it
properly (gh-4659).
Fixed races and corner cases in box (re)configuration (gh-4231).
Fixed crash during compaction due to tuples with size exceeding
vinyl_max_tuple_size setting (gh-4864).
Fixed crash during recovery of vinyl index due to the lack of file
descriptors (gh-4805).
Fixed crash during executing upsert changing primary key in debug
mode (gh-5005).
Fixed crash due to triggered dump process during secondary index
creation (gh-5042).
Fixed crash/deadlock (depending on build type) during dump process
scheduling and concurrent DDL operation (gh-4821).
Fixed crash during read of prepared but still not yet not committed
statement (gh-3395).
Fixed squashing set and arithmetic upsert operations (gh-5106).
Create missing folders for vinyl spaces and indexes if needed to
avoid confusing fails of tarantool started from backup (gh-5090).
Fixed crash during squash of many (more than 4000) upserts modifying
the same key (gh-4957).
Fixed concurrent replaces on index building. Tuples are now
referenced on all needed execution paths (gh-4973).
Tarantool 2.3.2
Release: v. 2.3.2
Date: 2020-04-20 Tag: 2.3.2-1-g9be641b
Общие сведения
2.3.2 is the first stable version of the 2.3 release series. The label
stable means we have all planned features implemented and we see no
high-impact issues.
This release resolves roughly 39 issues since the latest beta version.
There may be bugs in less common areas, please feel free to file an
issue at GitHub.
Please note, this release contains no new features.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new features
of the 2.x series.
Исправленные ошибки
fiber.storage is cleaned between requests,
and can be used as a
request-local storage. Previously fiber.storage could contain
some old values in the beginning of an iproto request execution, and
it needed to be nullified manually. Now the cleanup is unneeded
tuple/space/index:update()/upsert() were fixed
not to turn a value into an infinity when a float value was added to
or subtracted from a float column and exceeded the float value range
Fix potential execution abort when operating the system runs under
heavy memory load (gh-4722).
Make RTREE indexes handle the out of memory error: before this fix,
OOM during the recovery of an RTREE index resulted in segmentation
fault (gh-4619).
Fix the error message returned on using an already dropped sequence
Add cancellation guard to avoid WAL thread stuck (gh-4127).
Fix execution abort when memtx_memory and vinyl_memory are
set to more than 4398046510080 bytes. Now an error message is
returned (gh-4705).
Add Lua output format support for box.session.push() (gh-4686).
Fix rebootstrap procedure not working in case replica itself is
listed in box.cfg.replication (gh-4759).
Fix possible user password leaking via replication logs (gh-4493).
Fix crash when the replication applier rollbacks a transaction
(gh-4730, gh-4776).
Fix segmentation fault on master side when one of the replicas
transitions from anonymous to normal (gh-4731).
Local space operations are now counted in 0th vclock component. Every
instance may have its own 0-th vclock component not matching others’.
Local space operations are not replicated at all, even as NOPs
Gc consumers are now ordered by their vclocks and not by vclock
signatures. Only the WALS that contain no entries needed by any of
the consumers are deleted (gh-4114).
json: :decode() does not spoil instance’s options with per-call
ones (when it is called with the second argument) (gh-4761).
Handle empty input for uri.format() properly (gh-4779).
os.environ() is now changed when os.setenv() is called
netbox.self:call/eval() now returns the same types as
netbox_connection:call/eval. Previously it could return a
tuple or box.error cdata (gh-4513).
box.tuple.* namespace is cleaned up from private functions.
box.tuple.is() description is added to documentation (gh-4684).
tarantoolctlrockssearch: fix the --all flag (gh-4529).
tarantoolctlrocksremove: fix the --force flag (gh-3632).
libev: backport fix for listening for more then 1024 file descriptors
on Mac OS (gh-3867).
Fix box.stat() behavior: now it collects statistics on the
PREPARE and EXECUTE methods as expected (gh-4756).
Add an empty body to the UNPREPARE IProto response (gh-4769).
Reset all the placeholders’ bound values after execution of a
prepared statement (gh-4825).
The inserted values are inserted in the order in which they are given
in case of INSERT into space with autoincrement (gh-4256).
HTTP client
When building Tarantool with bundled libcurl, link it with the
c-ares library by default (gh-4591).
__pairs/__ipairs metamethods handling is removed since we
faced the issues with the backward compatibility between Lua 5.1 and
Lua 5.2 within Tarantool modules as well as other third party code
Introduce luajit-gdb.py extension with commands for inspecting
LuaJIT internals. The extension obliges one to provide gdbinfo for
libluajit, otherwise loading fails. The extension provides the
following commands:
lj-arch dumps values of LJ_64 and LJ_GC64 macro definitions
lj-tv dumps the type and GCobj info related to the given
lj-str dumps the contents of the given GCstr
lj-tab dumps the contents of the given GCtab
lj-stack dumps Lua stack of the given lua_State
lj-state shows current VM, GC and JIT states
lj-gc shows current GC stats
Fix string to number conversion: current implementation respects the
buffer length (gh-4773).
“FFI sandwich” (*) detection is introduced. If sandwich is detected
while trace recording the recording is aborted. The sandwich detected
while mcode execution leads to the platform panic.
luaJIT_setmode call is prohibited while mcode execution and leads to
the platform panic.
(*) The following stack mix is called FFI sandwich:
Lua-FFI -> C routine -> Lua-C API -> Lua VM
This sort of re-entrancy is explicitly not supported by LuaJIT compiler.
For more info see gh-4427.
Fix assertion fault due to triggered dump process during secondary
index build (gh-4810).
Fix crashes at attempts to use -e and -l command line options
concatenated with their values, like this: -eprint(100)
Fix inability to upgrade from 2.1 if there was an automatically
generated sequence (gh-4771).
Update libopenssl version to 1.1.1f since the previous one was
EOLed (gh-4830).
Fix static build (-DBUILD_STATIC=ON) when libunwind depends
on liblzma (gh-4551).
Tarantool 2.3.1
Release: v. 2.3.1
Date: 2019-12-31 Tag: 2.3.1-0-g5a1a220
Общие сведения
2.3.1 is the beta version of the 2.3 release series.
This release introduces roughly 38 features and resolves 102 bugs since
the 2.2.1 version. There may be bugs in less common areas. If you find
any, feel free to report an issue at
Notable changes are:
field name and JSON path updates
anonymous replica
new DOUBLE SQL type (and new ‘double’ box field type)
stored and indexed decimals (and new ‘decimal’ field type)
feed data from a memory during replica initial join
SQL prepared statements
sessions settings service space
Aside of that many other features have been implemented and considerable
amount of bugs have been fixed.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
There are changes labeled with [Breaking change]. It means that the
old behaviour was considered error-prone and therefore changed to
protect users from unintended mistakes. However, there is a little
probability that someone can lean on the old behaviour, and this label
is to bring attention to the things that have been changed.
Introduce prepared statements support and prepared statements cache
(gh-2592, gh-3292). Using of prepared statements allows to eliminate
overhead of transmitting a statement text over a network and parsing
it each time before execution. Aside of this, it allows to acquire
binding parameters and result set columns metainformation prior to
actual execution of a statement. This feature is vital for
implementing standard DBMS APIs, such as ODBC and JDBC.
[Breaking change] Introduce _session_setting service space as
replacement for PRAGMA keyword (gh-4511). All frontends (C, Lua, SQL,
binary protocol) can use this space to access or update session
settings. Removed count_changes, short_column_names,
sql_compound_select_limit, vdbe_addoptrace pragmas.
Transformed others into _session_settings tuples.
Extend SQL result set metadata (gh-4407), In addition to the name
and type fields, the collation, is_nullable,
is_autoincrement, and span fields are added. These new fields
are shown when the full_metadata session setting is enabled but
always sent via binary protocol.
Add an ability to disable check constraints (gh-4244). Example:
details of using from Lua, refer to
AUTOINCREMENT for multipart primary key (gh-4217). The auto-increment
feature can be set to any INTEGER or UNSIGNED field of
PRIMARYKEY using one of the two ways:
Allow to create a view from any CTE (common table expression) using
WITH clause (gh-4149).
Support user-defined functions in SQL. box.schema.func.create()
API has been extended and should be used to make some function
available in SQL. For details on fields added, refer to the
description here: (doc-879).
Usage of legacy mechanismbox.internal.sql_function_create is
forbidden now (gh-2200, gh-2233, gh-4113).
Scalar functions MIN/MAX are renamed to LEAST/GREATEST
Introduce WITHENGINE clause for CREATETABLE statement
(gh-4422). To allow a user to specify engine as per table option,
CREATETABLE statement has been extended with optional
WITHENGINE=<engine_name> clause. This clause comes at the end
of CREATETABLE statement. For example:
Display line and position in syntax errors (gh-2611).
Make constraint names unique within a table (gh-3503).
constraints to have the unique name within a table. Now Tarantool/SQL
follows this requirement. Please refer to (doc-1053).
Optimization: a tuple already stores a map of offsets of indexed
values. After the change, when a field after an indexed field is
accessed, the tuple is decoded from the indexed field rather then
from beginning (gh-4267).
[Breaking change] Drop rows_per_wal option of box.cfg()
in favor of wal_max_size (gh-3762).
Decimals can now be stored in spaces. The corresponding field type is
introduced: decimal. Decimal values are also allowed in the
scalar, any, and number fields. Decimal values can be
indexed (gh-4333). Also refer to documentation on
Add support for decimals in update operations (gh-4413).
tuple:update() and <space_object>:update() now support
decimal operands for arithmetic operations (‘+’ and ‘-’). The syntax
is as usual, for example:
Insertion (‘!’) and assignment (‘=’) are also supported. See also the
full description of the update() function in
Allow to encode/decode decimals to MsgPack and to encode to
YAML and JSON. Part of (gh-4333);
documentation: (doc-992).
Introduce field name and JSON path updates (gh-1261).
Example of update
by a field name: box.space.test:update({{'=','foo',42}}).
JSON path update allows to change a value that is nested inside an array
or a map. It provides convenient syntax (that is also available for
connectors), consumes less space in WAL than replace, and is faster
than replaces written in Lua. Example:
box.space.test:update({{'=','foo.bar[1]',42}}). Please refer to
documentation here: (doc-1051).
Introduce double field type. Part of (gh-3812). Though is not very
usable in Lua, this new field type has been added in box as a
base for the SQL DOUBLE type.
vinyl: don’t pin index for iterator lifetime (prerequisite for
snapshot iterators).
vinyl: don’t exempt dropped indexes from dump and compaction
(prerequisite for snapshot iterators).
box.info().replication shows applier/replay’s latest error
message. Now it also shows the errno description for system errors
when it’s applicable (gh-4402).
Feed data from a memory during replica initial join (gh-1271). Aside of
obvious speed up from reading from a memory instead of a disk, a read
view that is acquired to perform an initial join may be a way more
recent, that eliminates the need to play all xlog files since a last
snapshot. Now relay need to send only changes that occur during
initial join to finally join a replica.
Introduce a new replica type - anonymous replica (gh-3186). Anonymous
replica is not present in cluster space and so there is no limitation
for its count in a replica set. Anonymous replica is read-only, but
can be deanonymized and enabled for writes. Please refer to
documentation: (doc-1050) for
API and details.
Expose require('tarantool').package which is ‘Tarantool’ for the
community version and ‘Tarantool Enterprise’ for the enterprise
version (gh-4408). This value is already displayed in a console
greeting and in box.info().package, but it was not accessible
from Lua before the first box.cfg{<...>} call.
decimal: add modulo operator (decimal.new(172.51)%1==0.51),
part of (gh-4403).
[Breaking change] JSON and msgpack serializers now raise an error
when a depth of data nesting exceeds the encode_max_depth option
value. The default value of the option has been increased from 32 to
128. The encode_deep_as_nil option is added to give an ability to
set the old behaviour back (gh-4434). Notes:
These options can be set by using json.cfg({<...>}) or
box data modification functions (insert, replace,
update and upsert) follow the options of the default
msgpack serializer instance, and now these functions raise an
error on too many levels of nested data by default rather than cut
the data silently. This behaviour can be configured using
previously,box.tuple.new(), space:update(),
space:upsert() and several other functions did not follow
encode_max_depth option; now they do (see also the Bug
fixed section).
previously,json.cfg and msgpack.cfg tables was not
updated when an option had changed; now they show actual values
(see also the Bug fixed section).
Show line and column in json.decode() errors (gh-3316).
Exit gracefully when a main script throws an error: notify systemd,
log the error (gh-4382).
key_def: accept both field and fieldno in
key_def.new(<...>) (gh-4519). Originally key_def.new(<...>)
accepted only fieldno to allow creation with
<index_object>.parts as argument. However, index definition
format (<space_object>.create_index(<...>)) is different and
requires field. Now both are supported.
Enable __pairs and __ipairs metamethods from Lua 5.2 (gh-4560).
We still conform Lua 5.1 API that is not always compatible with Lua
5.2. The change is only about those metamethods.
Implement a new function fiber.top(). It returns a table with all
fibers alive and lists their CPU consumption. For details, refer to
Expose errno field for box.error objects representing system
errors. Part of (gh-4402).
HTTP client
Add accept_encoding option for HTTP client. For details, refer to
description here: (doc-1036).
Modify type of a binding value in query response metainformation:
always return INTEGER rather than UNSIGNED, even for positive values.
This is necessary for consistency with integer literal types.
Reuse noSQL way to compare floating point values with integral ones.
This allows to handle corner cases like
SELECT18446744073709551615.0>18446744073709551615 uniformly.
Create or alter a table with a foreign key may lead to wrong bytecode
generation that may cause a crash or wrong result (gh-4495).
Allow to update a scalar value using SQL in a space that was created
from Lua and contains array, map or any fields (gh-4189).
Note: Tarantool/SQL provides operations on scalar types and does not
support ‘array’ and ‘map’ per se.
Allow nil to be returned from user-defined function (created with
Don’t drop a manually created sequence in DROP TABLE statement.
Remove grants associated with the table in DROP TABLE statement
Fix segfault in sql_expr_coll() when SUBSTR() is called
without arguments.
Fix converting of floating point values from range [2^63, 2^64] to
integer (gh-4526).
Make type string case lower everywhere: in error messages, meta
headers, and results of the typeof() SQL function.
Make theLENGTH() function to accept boolean argument (gh-4462).
Make implicit cast from BOOLEAN to TEXT to return uppercase for
consistency with explicit cast (gh-4462).
Fix segfault on binding a value as LIKE argument (gh-4566).
For user-defined functions, verify that the returned value is of the
type specified in the function definition (gh-4387).
Start using comprehensive serializer luaL_tofield() to prepare
LUA arguments for user-defined functions. This allows to support
cdata types returned from Lua function (gh-4387).
An error is raised when a user-defined function returns too many
values (gh-4387).
Store a name of user-defined function in VDBE program instead of
pointer. This allows to normally handle the situation when a
user-defined function has been deleted to the moment of the VDBE code
execution (gh-4176).
Fix casting of VARBINARY value to a NUMBER (gh-4356)
Print the data type instead of the data itself in diag_set() in
case of binary data. The reason of this patch is that LibYAML
converts the whole error message to base64 in case of
non-printable symbols. Part of (gh-4356).
Remove ENGINE from the list of the reserved keywords and allow to
use it for identifiers: we are going to use the word as a name of
some fields for tables forming informational schema.
Fix segfault when LEAST() or GREATEST() built-in function is
invoked without arguments (gh-4453).
Fix dirty memory access when constructing query plan involving search
of floating point value in index over integer field (gh-4558).
INDEXEDBY clause now obligates the query planner to choose
provided index.
Make functional index creation transactional (gh-4401)
Randomize the next checkpoint time after manual box.snapshot()
execution also (gh-4432).
Fix memory leak in call/eval in case of a transaction is not
committed (gh-4388)
Eliminate warning re strip_core option of box.cfg() on MacOS
and FreeBSD (gh-4464)
The msgpack serializer that is under box.tuple.new() (called
tuple serializer) now reflects options set by
msgpack.cfg({<...>}). Part of (gh-4434). Aside of
box.tuple.new() behaviour itself, it may affect
tuple:frommap(), methods of key_def Lua module, tuple and table
merger sources, net.box results of :select() and :execute()
calls, and xlog Lua module.
box functions update and upsert now follow
msgpack.cfg({encode_max_depth=<...>} option. Part of (gh-4434).
fiber: make sure the guard page is created; refuse to create a new
fiber otherwise (gh-4541). It is possible in case of heavy memory
usage, say, when there is no resources to split VMAs.
recovery: build secondary indices in the hot standby mode without
waiting till the main instance termination (gh-4135).
Fix error message for incorrect return value of functional index
extractor function (gh-4553).
Was: “Key format doesn’t match one defined in functional index ‘’
of space ‘’: supplied key type is invalid: expected boolean”
Now: “<…>: expected array”
JSON path index now consider is_nullable property when a space had a
format (gh-4520).
Forbid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the value of
box.cfg({<...>}) options: replicaset_uuid and
instance_uuid (gh-4282). It did not work as expected: the nil UUID
was treated as absence of the value.
Update cache of universe privileges without reconnect (gh-2763).
net.box: fix memory leak in net_box:connect(<URI>) (gh-4588).
net.box: don’t fire the on_connect trigger on schema update
(gh-4593). Also don’t fire the on_disconnect trigger if a connection
never entered into the active state (e.g. when the first schema
fetch is failed).
func: fix use-after-free on function unload.
Don’t destroy a session until box.session.on_disconnect(<...>)
triggers are finished (gh-4627). This means, for example, that
box.session.id() can be safely invoked from the on_disconnect
trigger. Before this change box.session.id() returned garbage
(usually 0) after yield in the on_disconnect trigger. Note:
tarantool/queue module is
affected by this problem in some
scenarios. It is
especially suggested to update Tarantool at least to this release if
you’re using this module.
func: Fix box.schema.func.drop(<..>) to unload unused modules
(gh-4648). Also fix box.schema.func.create(<..>) to avoid loading a
module again when another function from the module is loaded.
Encode Lua number -2^63 as integer in msgpack.encode() and box’s
functions (gh-4672).
Forbid to drop admin’s universe access.
Bootstrap and recovery work on behalf of admin and should be able to
fill in the system spaces. Drop of admin’s access may lead to an
unrecoverable cluster.
Refactor rope library to eliminate virtual calls to increase
performance of the library (mainly for JSON path updates).
Refactor update operation code to avoid extra region-related
arguments to take some performance boost (mainly for JSON path
Error logging has been removed in engine_find() to get rid of the
error message duplication.
decimal: Fix encoding of numbers with positive exponent. Follow-up
Increment schema version on DDL operations where it did not performed
before: alter of trigger, check constraint and foreign key
constraint. Part of (gh-2592).
Set last_row_time to now in relay_new and
relay_start (gh-4431).
Do not abort replication on ER_UNKNOWN_REPLICA (gh-4455).
Enter orphan mode on manual replication configuration change (gh-4424).
Disallow bootstrap of read-only masters (gh-4321).
Prefer to bootstrap a replica from a fully bootstrapped instance
rather than from an instance that is in the process of bootstrapping
(gh-4527). This change enables the case when two nodes (B, C) are being
bootstrapped simultaneously using the one that is already
bootstrapped (A), while A is configured to replicate from {B, C} and
B – from {A, C}.
Return immediately from box.cfg{<...>} when an instance is
reconfigured with replication_connect_quorum=0 (gh-3760). This
change also fixes the behaviour of reconfiguration with non-zero
replication_connect_quorum: box.cfg{<...>} returns
immediately regardless of whether connections to upstreams are
Apply replication settings of box.cfg({<...>}) in a strict order
Auto reconnect a replica if password is invalid (gh-4550).
box.session.su(<username>) now correctly reports an error for
<username> longer than BOX_NAME_MAX which is 65000.
Was: ‘C++ exception’
Now: ‘name length <…> is greater than BOX_NAME_MAX’
Use empty password when a URI in box.cfg{replication=<...>} is
like login@host:port (gh-4605). The behaviour matches the
net.box’s one now. Explicit login:@host:port was necessary
before, otherwise a replica displayed the following error: > Missing
mandatory field ‘tuple’ in request
Cancel a replica joining thread forcefully on Tarantool instance
exit (gh-4528).
Fix the applier to run the <space>.before_replace trigger during
initial join (gh-4417).
Fix segfault on ffi.C._say() without filename (gh-4336).
Fix pwd.getpwall() and pwd.getgrall() hang on CentOS 6 and
FreeBSD 12 (gh-4428, gh-4447).
json.encode() now follows encode_max_depth option for arrays that
leads to a segfault on recursive Lua tables with numeric keys
fio.mktree() now reports an error for existing non-directory file
json.cfg and msgpack.cfg tables were not updated when an
option is changed. Part of (gh-4434).
Fix handling of a socket read error in the console client
(console.connect(<URI>) or tarantoolctlconnect/enter<...>).
Handle the “not enough memory” error gracefully when it is raised
from lua_newthread() (gh-4556). There are several cases when a new
Lua thread is created:
Start executing a Lua function call or an eval request (from a
binary protocol, SQL or with box.func.<...>:call()).
Create of a new fiber.
Start execution of a trigger.
Start of encoding into a YAML format (yaml.encode()).
Fix stack-use-after-scope in json.decode() (gh-4637).
Allow to register several functions using
box.schema.func.create(), whose names are different only in
letters case (gh-4561). This make function names work consistently with
other names in tarantool (except SQL, of course).
Fix decimal comparison with nil. Follow-up (gh-692).
A pointer returned by msgpack.decode*(cdata<[char]const*>)
functions can be assigned to buffer.rpos now (and the same for
msgpackffi) (gh-3926). All those functions now return
cdata<char*> or cdata<constchar*> depending of a passed
argument. Example of the code that did not work:
lua/pickle: fix typo that leads to reject of negative integers for
‘i’ (integer) and ‘N’ (big-endian integer) formats in pickle.pack().
HTTP client
Use bundled libcurl rather than system-wide by default.
(gh-4318, gh-4180, gh-4288,
gh-4389, gh-4397). This closes several known
problems that were fixed in recent libcurl versions, including segfaults,
hangs, memory leaks and performance problems.
Fix assertion fail after a curl write error (gh-4232).
Disable verbose mode when {verbose=false} is passed.
Console Lua output
A new Lua output format is still in the alpha stage and has the known
flaws, but we are working to make it rich and stable.
Output box.NULL as "box.NULL" rather than
"cdata<void*>:NULL", part of (gh-3834) (in quotes for now, yes,
due to (gh-4585)
Add semicolon (;) as responses delimiter (EOS, end of
stream/statement), analogue of YAMLs end-of-document (...)
marker. This is vital for remote clients to determine the end of a
particular response, part of (gh-3834).
Fix hang in the console client (console.connect(<URI>) or
tarantoolctlconnect/enter<...>) after
\setoutputlua[,block] command, part of (gh-3834). In order to
overcome it, two changes have been made:
Parse \setoutputlua[,block] command on a client prior to
sending it to a server, store current responses delimiter (EOS)
and use it to determine end of responses.
Send \setoutput<...> command with a default output mode when
establishing a connection (it is matter if different default modes
are set).
Provide an ability to get or set current responses delimiter using
console.eos([<...>]), part of (gh-3834).
Fix the “Data segment size exceeds process limit” error on
FreeBSD/x64: do not change resource limits when it is not necessary
fold: keep type of emitted CONV in sync with its mode.
LuaJIT#524 This
fixes the following assertion fail: > asm_conv: Assertion
`((IRType)((ir->t).irt & IRT_TYPE)) != st’ failed
Support systemd’s NOTIFY_SOCKET on OS X (gh-4436).
Fix linking with static openssl library (gh-4437).
Get rid of warning re empty NOTIFY_SOCKET variable (gh-4305).
rocks: fix ‘invalid date format’ error when installing a packed rock
Remove libyaml from rpm/deb dependencies, because we use bunbled
version of libyaml for the packages (since 2.2.1) (gh-4442).
Fix CLI boolean options handling in tarantoolctlcat<...>, such
as --show-system (gh-4076).
Fix segfault (out of bounds access) when a stack unwinding error
occurs at backtrace printing (gh-4636). Backtrace is printed on the
SIGFPE and SIGSEGV signals or when LuaJIT finds itself in the
unrecoverable state (lua_atpanic()).
Fix LTO warnings that were treated as errors in a release build
Tarantool 2.2.3
Release: v. 2.2.3
Date: 2020-04-20 Tag: 2.2.3-1-g98ecc90
Общие сведения
2.2.3 is the last stable version of the 2.2 release series. The label
stable means we have all planned features implemented and we see no
high-impact issues.
This release resolves roughly 34 issues since the latest stable version.
There may be bugs in less common areas, please feel free to file an
issue at GitHub.
Please note, this release contains no new features.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new features
of the 2.x series.
Исправленные ошибки
fiber.storage is cleaned between requests,
and can be used as a
request-local storage. Previously fiber.storage could contain
some old values in the beginning of an iproto request execution, and
it needed to be nullified manually. Now the cleanup is unneeded
tuple/space/index:update()/upsert() were fixed
not to turn a value into an infinity when a float value was added to
or subtracted from a float column and exceeded the float value range
Fix potential execution abort when operating the system runs under
heavy memory load (gh-4722).
Make RTREE indexes handle the out of memory error: before this fix,
OOM during the recovery of an RTREE index resulted in segmentation
fault (gh-4619).
Fix the error message returned on using an already dropped sequence
Add cancellation guard to avoid WAL thread stuck (gh-4127).
Fix execution abort when memtx_memory and vinyl_memory are
set to more than 4398046510080 bytes. Now an error message is
returned (gh-4705).
Fix rebootstrap procedure not working in case replica itself is
listed in box.cfg.replication (gh-4759).
Fix possible user password leaking via replication logs (gh-4493).
Fix crash when the replication applier rollbacks a transaction
(gh-4730, (gh-4776).
Local space operations are now counted in 0th vclock component. Every
instance may have its own 0-th vclock component not matching others’.
Local space operations are not replicated at all, even as NOPs
Gc consumers are now ordered by their vclocks and not by vclock
signatures. Only the WALS that contain no entries needed by any of
the consumers are deleted (gh-4114).
json: :decode() doesn’t spoil instance’s options with per-call
ones (when it is called with the second argument) (gh-4761).
Handle empty input for uri.format() properly (gh-4779).
os.environ() is now changed when os.setenv() is called
netbox.self:call/eval() now returns the same types as
netbox_connection:call/eval. Previously it could return a
tuple or box.error cdata (gh-4513).
box.tuple.* namespace is cleaned up from private functions.
box.tuple.is() description is added to documentation (gh-4684).
tarantoolctlrockssearch: fix the --all flag (gh-4529).
tarantoolctlrocksremove: fix the --force flag (gh-3632).
libev: backport fix for listening for more then 1024 file descriptors
on Mac OS (gh-3867).
Fix box.stat() behavior: now it collects statistics on the
PREPARE and EXECUTE methods as expected (gh-4756).
The inserted values are inserted in the order in which they are given
in case of INSERT into space with autoincrement (gh-4256).
HTTP client
When building Tarantool with bundled libcurl, link it with the
c-ares library by default (gh-4591).
__pairs/__ipairs metamethods handling is removed since we
faced the issues with the backward compatibility between Lua 5.1 and
Lua 5.2 within Tarantool modules as well as other third party code
Introduce luajit-gdb.py extension with commands for inspecting
LuaJIT internals. The extension obliges one to provide gdbinfo for
libluajit, otherwise loading fails. The extension provides the
following commands:
lj-arch dumps values of LJ_64 and LJ_GC64 macro definitions
lj-tv dumps the type and GCobj info related to the given
lj-str dumps the contents of the given GCstr
lj-tab dumps the contents of the given GCtab
lj-stack dumps Lua stack of the given lua_State
lj-state shows current VM, GC and JIT states
lj-gc shows current GC stats
Fix string to number conversion: current implementation respects the
buffer length (gh-4773).
“FFI sandwich”(*) detection is introduced. If sandwich is detected
while trace recording the recording is aborted. The sandwich detected
while mcode execution leads to the platform panic.
luaJIT_setmode call is prohibited while mcode execution and leads to
the platform panic.
(*) The following stack mix is called FFI sandwich:
Lua-FFI -> C routine -> Lua-C API -> Lua VM
This sort of re-entrancy is explicitly not supported by LuaJIT compiler.
For more info see gh-4427.
Fix assertion fault due to triggered dump process during secondary
index build (gh-4810).
Fix crashes at attempts to use -e and -l command line options
concatenated with their values, like this: -eprint(100)
Fix inability to upgrade from 2.1 if there was an automatically
generated sequence (gh-4771).
Update libopenssl version to 1.1.1f since the previous one was
EOLed (gh-4830).
Building from sources
Fix build of the decNumber library under OSX (gh-4580).
Fix static build (-DBUILD_STATIC=ON) when libunwind depends
on liblzma (gh-4551).
Tarantool 2.2.2
Release: v. 2.2.2
Date: 2019-12-31 Tag: 2.2.2-0-g0a577ff
Общие сведения
2.2.2 is the first stable version of the 2.2 release series. The label
stable means we have all planned features implemented and we see no
high-impact issues.
This release resolves roughly 75 issues since the latest beta version.
There may be bugs in less common areas, please feel free to file an
issue at GitHub.
Tarantool 2.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.10.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 2.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
There are changes labeled with [Breaking change]. It means that the
old behaviour was considered error-prone and therefore changed to
protect users from unintended mistakes. However, there is a little
probability that someone can lean on the old behaviour, and this label
is to bring attention to the things that have been changed.
[Breaking change] Drop rows_per_walbox.cfg() option in
favor of wal_max_size (gh-3762)
[Breaking change] json and msgpack serializers now raise an error
when a depth of data nesting exceeds encode_max_depth option
value. The default value of the option is increased from 32 to 128.
encode_deep_as_nil option was added to give ability to set the
old behaviour back (gh-4434). Note: Those options can be set using
json.cfg({<...>}) or msgpack.cfg({<...>}). Note: box data
modification functions (insert, replace, update,
upsert) follows options of default msgpack serializer instance
and now they will raise an error by default on too nested data rather
then cut them silently. This behaviour can be configured using
msgpack.cfg({<...>}). Note: box.tuple.new(),
space:update(), space:upsert() and several other functions
did not follow encode_max_depth option, now they do (see also
‘Bug fixes’). Note: json.cfg and msgpack.cfg tables did not
updated when an option is changed, now they show actual values (see
also ‘Bug fixes’).
Show line and column in json.decode() errors (gh-3316)
Exit gracefully when a main script throws an error: notify systemd,
log the error (gh-4382)
key_def: accept both field and fieldno in
key_def.new(<...>) (gh-4519). Originally key_def.new(<...>)
accepts only fieldno to allow creation with
<index_object>.parts as argument. However index definition format
(<space_object>.create_index(<...>)) is different and requires
field. Now both are supported.
Enable __pairs and __ipairs metamethods from Lua 5.2 (gh-4560).
We still conform Lua 5.1 API, which is not always compatible with Lua
5.2. The change is only about those metamethods.
tarantoolctl: allow to start instances with delayed box.cfg{}
Add package builds and deployment for the following Linux distros:
Modify type of a binding value in a query response metainformation:
always return INTEGER rather then UNSIGNED, even for positive values.
This is necessary for consistency with integer literal types.
Reuse noSQL way to compare floating point values with integral ones.
This allows to handle corner cases like
SELECT18446744073709551615.0>18446744073709551615 uniformly.
Create or alter of a table with a foreign key may lead to wrong
bytecode generation that may cause a crash or wrong result (gh-4495)
Allow to update a scalar value using SQL in a space that was created
from Lua and contains ‘array’, ‘map’ or ‘any’ field (gh-4189). Note:
Tarantool/SQL provides operations on scalar types and does not
support ‘array’ and ‘map’ per se.
INDEXEDBY clause now obligates the query planner to choose
provided index,
Fix dirty memory access when constructing query plan involving search
of floating point value in index over integer field (gh-4558)
Randomize the next checkpoint time also after a manual
box.snapshot() (gh-4432)
Fix memory leak in call / eval in the case when a transaction is not
committed (gh-4388)
Eliminate warning re ‘strip_core’ box.cfg option on MacOS and
FreeBSD (gh-4464)
The msgpack serializer that is under box.tuple.new() (called
tuple serializer) did not reflect options set by
msgpack.cfg({<...>}), part of (gh-4434). Aside of
box.tuple.new() behaviour itself, it may affect tuple:frommap(),
methods of key_def Lua module, tuple and table merger sources,
net.box results of :select() and :execute() calls, xlog Lua
box’s update and upsert now follow
msgpack.cfg({encode_max_depth=<...>} option, part of (gh-4434)
fiber: make sure the guard page is created, refuse to create a new
fiber otherwise (gh-4541). It is possible in case of heavy memory
pressure, say, when there is no resources to split VMAs.
recovery: build secondary indices in the hot standby mode without
waiting till the main instance termination (gh-4135)
Fix error message for incorrect return value of functional index
extractor function (gh-4553)
Was: «Key format doesn’t match one defined in functional index ‘’
of space ‘’: supplied key type is invalid: expected boolean’
Now: “<…>: expected array”
JSON path index did ignore is_nullable property when a space had a
format (gh-4520)
Forbid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as
replicaset_uuid and instance_uuidbox.cfg({<...>})
options value, (gh-4282). It did not work as expected: the nil UUID was
treated as absence of a value.
Update cache of universe privileges without reconnect
net.box: fix memory leak in net_box:connect(<URI>)
net.box: don’t fire on_connect trigger at schema update
Also don’t fire on_disconnect trigger if a connection never
entered into ‘active’ state (e.g. when a first schema fetch is
func: fix use after free on function unload,
Fix bootstrap.snap file in order to overcome the following warning,
(gh-4510) > xlog.c:1934 E> can’t open tx: bootstrap: has some data
after eof marker at 5902
Don’t destroy a session until box.session.on_disconnect(<...>)
triggers will be finished (gh-4627). This means that, say,
box.session.id() can be safely invoked from the on_disconnect
trigger. Before this change box.session.id() returns garbage
(usually 0) after yield in the on_disconnect trigger. Note:
tarantool/queue module is affected by this problem in some
scenarious. It is
especially suggested to update tarantool at least to this release if
you’re using this module.
func: box.schema.func.drop(<..>) did not unload unused modules
(gh-4648). Also box.schema.func.create(<..>) did load of a module
again even when another function from the module is loaded.
Encode Lua number -2^63 as integer in msgpack.encode() and box’s
functions (gh-4672)
Prefer to bootstrap a replica from a fully bootstrapped instance
rather than currently bootstrapping one (gh-4527). This change enables
the case when two nodes (B, C) are being bootstrapped simultaneously
using the one that is already bootstrapped (A), while A is configured
to replicate from {B, C} and B from {A, C}.
Return immediately from box.cfg{<...>} when an instance is
reconfigured with replication_connect_quorum=0 (gh-3760)
This change also fixes the behaviour of reconfiguration with non-zero
replication_connect_quorum: box.cfg{<...>} returns
immediately regardless of whether connections to upstreams are
Apply replication box.cfg({<...>}) settings in a strict order
Auto reconnect a replica if password is invalid
box.session.su(<username>) now reports an error correctly for
<username> longer then BOX_NAME_MAX, which is 65000,
Was: ‘C++ exception’ Now: ‘name length <…> is greater than
Use empty password when an URI in box.cfg{replication=<...>} is
like login@host:port (gh-4605). The behaviour match net.box’s one
now. Explicit login:@host:port was necessary before, otherwise a
replica shows the following error: > Missing mandatory field ‘tuple’
in request
Fix segfault on ffi.C._say() without filename
Fix pwd.getpwall() and pwd.getgrall() hang on CentOS 6 and
FreeBSD 12 (gh-4428, gh-4447)
json.encode() now follows encode_max_depth option for arrays that
leads to a segfault on recursive Lua tables with numeric keys
fio.mktree() now reports an error for existing non-directory file
Update json.cfg and msgpack.cfg tables when an option is
changed, part of (gh-4434)
Fix handling of a socket read error on the console client
(console.connect(<URI>) or tarantoolctlconnect/enter<...>),
Handle ‘not enough memory’ gracefully when it is raised from
lua_newthread() (gh-4556). There are several places where a new Lua
thread is created:
Start execution a Lua function call or an eval request (from a
binary protocol, SQL or with box.func.<...>:call()).
Create of a new fiber.
Start execution of a trigger.
Start of encoding into a YAML format (yaml.encode()).
Fix stack-use-after-scope in json.decode()
HTTP client
Use bundled libcurl rather than system-wide by default,
gh-4397). This closes several known problems
that were fixed in recent libcurl versions, including segfaults,
hangs, memory leaks and performance problems.
Disable verbose mode when {verbose=false} is passed,
Fix assertion fail after curl write error
Console Lua output
The new Lua output format is still in the alpha stage and has known
flaws, but we are working to make it rich and stable.
Output box.NULL as "box.NULL" rather then
"cdata<void*>:NULL", part of (gh-3834) (in quotes for now, yes,
due to (gh-4585)
Add semicolon (;) as responses delimiter (EOS, end of
stream/statement), analogue of YAMLs end-of-document (...)
marker. This is vital for remote clients to determine an end of a
particular response, part of (gh-3834).
Fix hang in the console client (console.connect(<URI>) or
tarantoolctlconnect/enter<...>) after
\setoutputlua[,block] command, part of (gh-3834). In order to
overcome it two changes were made:
Parse \setoutputlua[,block] command on a client prior to
sending it to a server, store current responses delimiter (EOS)
and use it to determine end of responses.
Send \setoutput<...> command with a default output mode when
establishing a connection (it is matter if different default modes
are set).
Provide ability to get or set current responses delimiter using
console.eos([<...>]), part of (gh-3834)
Fixed ‘Data segment size exceeds process limit’ error on FreeBSD/x64:
do not change resource limits when it is not necessary
fold: keep type of emitted CONV in sync with its mode,
LuaJIT#524 This
fixes the following assertion fail: > asm_conv: Assertion
`((IRType)((ir->t).irt & IRT_TYPE)) != st’ failed
Get rid of warning re empty NOTIFY_SOCKET variable
rocks: fix ‘invalid date format’ error when installing a packed rock
Remove libyaml from rpm/deb dependencies, because we use bunbled
version of libyaml for the packages (since 2.2.1)
Fix boolean CLI options handling in tarantoolctlcat<...>, such
as --show-system
Fix segfault (out of bounds access) when unwinding error occurs at
backtrace printing (gh-4636). Backtrace is printed on SIGFPE and
SIGSEGV signal or when LuaJIT find itself in unrecoverable state
Building from sources
Fix for GCC 4.8.5, which is default version on CentOS 7
Release: v. 2.2.1.
Release type: beta. Release date: 2019-08-02.
This is a beta version of the 2.2 series. The label
«beta» means we have no critical issues and all planned features are there.
The goal of this release is to introduce new indexing features, extend SQL
feature set, and improve integration with the core.
Tarantool 2.x обратно совместим с Tarantool 1.10.x в том, что касается структуры бинарных данных, клиент-серверного протокола и протокола репликации. Обновление можно произвести с помощью процедуры box.schema.upgrade().
-- Multikey indexes (for memtx tree & vinyl);-- cannot be primary; may be non-uniques=box.schema.space.create('clients',{engine='vinyl'})pk=s:create_index('pk')phone_type=s:create_index('phone_type',{unique=false,parts={{'[3][*].type','str'}}})s:insert({1,'James',{{type='home',number='999'},{type='work',number='777'}}})s:insert({2,'Bob',{{type='work',number='888'}}})s:insert({3,'Alice',{{type='home',number='333'}}})
-- Functional multikey indexes: define is_multikey = true-- in function definition and return a table of keys from functionlua_code=[[function(tuple) local address = string.split(tuple[2]) local ret = {} for _, v in pairs(address) do table.insert(ret, {utf8.upper(v)}) end return ret end]]box.schema.func.create('addr_extractor',{body=lua_code,is_deterministic=true,is_sandboxed=true,opts={is_multikey=true}})s=box.schema.space.create('withdata')pk=s:create_index('name',{parts={1,'string'}})idx=s:create_index('addr',{unique=false,func=box.func.addr_extractor.id,parts={{1,'string',collation='unicode_ci'}}})s:insert({"James","SIS Building Lambeth London UK"})s:insert({"Sherlock","221B Baker St Marylebone London NW1 6XE UK"})
Partial core dumps, which are now on by default.
It is now possible to avoid dumping tuples at all during core dump.
Data definition statements, such as create or alter index, which do not yield,
can now be used in a transaction. This in practice includes all statements
except creating an index on a non-empty space, or changing a format on
a non-empty space.
It is now possible to set a sequence not only for the first part of the index:
Allow to call box.session.exists() and box.session.fd()
without any arguments.
New function introduced to get an index key from a tuple:
(Engines) New protocol (called SWIM) implemented to keep
a table of cluster members.
(Engines) Removed yields from Vinyl DDL on commit triggers.
(Engines) Improved performance of SELECT-s on memtx spaces.
The drawback is that now every memtx-tree tuple consumes extra 8 bytes for
a search hint.
(Engines) Indexes of memtx spaces are now built in background fibers.
This means that we do not block the event loop during index build anymore.
Replication applier now can apply transactions which were concurrent
on the master concurrently on replica. This dramatically improves replication
peak performance, from ~50K writes per second to 200K writes per second and
higher on a single instance.
Transaction boundaries introduced to replication protocol.
This means that Tarantool replication is now transaction-safe, and also
reduces load on replica write ahead log in case the master uses a lot of
multi-statement transactions.
I.e. [1, 3] tuple is updated as [1, 4] and have replaced tuple [2, 4].
This logic is implemented by preventive tuple deletion from all corresponding
indexes in SQL.
(SQL) Now SQL’s integer type is stored as integer in space’s format.
It was stored as scalar before, which made comparisons slow.
It may be set before the first call to box.cfg() and is fired during
box.cfg() before user data recovery start. To set the trigger, say:
(Server) A new option for the snapshot daemon,
allows to limit the maximum disk size of maintained WALs.
Once the configured threshold is exceeded, the WAL thread notifies the
che ckpoint daemon that it’s time to make a new checkpoint and delete old WAL files.
Notice the incompatible change: Tarantool 1.10 requires read/write/execute
privileges on an object to allow create, drop or alter. These privileges are
no longer sufficient in 2.1. To remedy the problem, Tarantool 2.1 automatically
grants create/drop/alter privileges on an object if a user has
read/write/execute privileges on it during schema upgrade.
But old scripts may stop working if read/write/execute is granted after
schema upgrade.
Additionally, create/drop/alter privileges are already supported in 1.10,
which also supports the old semantics of read/write/execute.
You are encouraged to grant new privileges in 1.10 before upgrade
and modify your scripts.
The label “stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in
production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or
other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces 2 improvements and resolves roughly 8 issues
since the 1.10.14 version.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Fixed a bug when fields could be removed from a table stored in a
variable when a logging function was called on this variable (for
example, log.info(a)) (gh-3853).
Fixed a logging bug: when logging tables with fields that have
reserved internal names (such as pid) in the plain log format,
such fields weren’t logged (gh-3853).
Added the message field when logging tables without such field in
the JSON log format (gh-3853).
Fixed an assertion on malformed JSON message written to the log
Fixed a bug that could result in select() skipping an existing
tuple after a rolled back delete() (gh-7947).
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-7230). In the scope of
this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Fix overflow check in unpack() optimized by a compiler.
Fix recording of tonumber() with cdata argument for failed
conversions (gh-7655).
Fix concatenation operation on cdata. It always raises an error now.
Fix io.close() for already closed standard output.
Fix trace execution and stitching inside vmevent handler (gh-6782).
Fixed emit_loadi() on x86/x64 emitting xor between condition
check and jump instructions.
Fix stack top for error message when raising the OOM error (gh-3840).
Disabled math.modf compilation due to its rare usage and difficulties
with proper implementation of the corresponding JIT machinery.
Fixed inconsistent behaviour on signed zeros for JIT-compiled unary
minus (gh-6976).
Fixed IR_HREF hash calculations for non-string GC objects for
Fixed assembling of type-check-only variant of IR_SLOAD.
Fixed the Lua stack dump command (lj-stack) not working on Python
2. Previously, it used arguments unpacking within the list
initialization, which is not supported in Python 2 (gh-7458).
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-8069). In the scope of
this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Fixed loop realigment for dual-number mode
Fixed os.date() for wider libc strftime() compatibility.
Fixed the assertion fail in cord_on_yield (gh-6647).
Fixed an incorrect facility value in syslog on Alpine (gh-8269).
The label “stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in
production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or
other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces 10 improvements and resolves roughly 20 issues
since the 1.10.13 version.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Updated libyaml to the version with fixed stack overflows.
Bugs fixed
Fixed a memory leak in the interactive console (gh-6817).
Fixed an assertion fail when passing a tuple without the primary key
fields to a before_replace trigger. Now the tuple format is
checked before the execution of before_replace triggers and after
each of them (gh-6780).
Now inserting a tuple with a wrong id field into the \_priv
space returns the correct error (gh-6295).
Fixed a bug that was making all fibers created with
fiber_attr_setstacksize() leak until the thread exit. Their
stacks also leaked except when fiber_set_joinable(...,true) was
Fixed a crash that happened when Tarantool was launched with multiple
-e or -l options without spaces between the options and their
values (gh-5747).
Fixed the usage of box.session.peer() in
box.session.on_disconnect() triggers. Now it’s safe to assume
that box.session.peer() returns the address of the disconnected
peer, not nil, as it used to (gh-7014).
Fixed a bug in the sequence cache that could result in an error
creating a new sequence (gh-5306).
Immediate removal of compacted run files created after the last
checkpoint optimization now works for the initial JOIN stage of a
replica (gh-6568).
Fixed a crash during the recovery of a secondary index in case the
primary index contains incompatible phantom tuples (gh-6778).
Fixed a bug in the vinyl upsert squashing optimization that could
lead to a segmentation fault error (gh-5080).
Fixed a bug in the vinyl read iterator that could result in a
significant performance degradation of range select requests in the
presence of an intensive write workload (gh-5700).
Fixed replicas failing to bootstrap when the master has just
restarted (gh-6966).
Fixed the top part of Lua stack (red zone, free slots, top slot)
unwinding in the lj-stack command.
Added the value of g->gc.mmudata field to lj-gc output.
Fixed a bug with string.char() builtin recording when no
arguments are provided (gh-6371, gh-6548).
Actually made JIT respect the maxirconst trace limit while
recording (gh-6548).
Backported patches from vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-6548, gh-7230).
In the scope of this activity, the following issues have been resolved:
Now initialization of zero-filled struct is compiled (gh-4630,
Actually implemented maxirconst option for tuning JIT
Fixed JIT stack of Lua slots overflow during recording for
metamethod calls.
Fixed bytecode dump unpatching for JLOOP in up-recursion compiled
Fixed FOLD rule for strength reduction of widening in cdata
Fixed string.char() recording without arguments.
Fixed print() behaviour with the reloaded default metatable
for numbers.
tonumber("-0") now saves the sign of number for conversion.
tonumber() now gives predictable results for negative
non-base-10 numbers.
Fixed write barrier for debug.setupvalue() and
jit.p now flushes and closes output file after run, not at
program exit.
Fixed jit.p profiler interaction with GC finalizers.
Fixed the case for partial recording of vararg function body with
the fixed number of result values in with LJ_GC64
(i.e. LJ_FR2 enabled) (gh-7172).
Fixed handling of errors during trace snapshot restore.
Added the check of the iterator type in the select, count,
and pairs methods of the index object. Iterator can now be passed
to these methods directly: box.index.ALL, box.index.GT, and
so on (gh-6501).
With the force_recovery cfg option, Tarantool is now able to boot
from snap/xlog combinations where xlog covers changes
committed both before and after the snap was created. For
example, 0...0.xlog that covers everything up to vclock
{1:15} and 0...09.snap corresponding to vclock {1:9}
The label “stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in
production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or
other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces 1 improvement and resolves roughly 13 issues
since the 1.10.12 version.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Fixed memory leak in interactive console (gh-6817).
Fixed an assertion fail when passing tuple without primary key fields
to before_replace trigger. Now tuple format is checked before the
execution of before_replace triggers and after each one (gh-6780).
Now inserting a tuple with the wrong id field into the _priv space
returns the correct error (gh-6295).
Fixed a bug due to which all fibers created with
fiber_attr_setstacksize() leaked until the thread exit. Their
stacks also leaked except when fiber_set_joinable(...,true) was
Fixed a crash when Tarantool was launched with multiple -e or -l
options without a space between the option and the value (gh-5747).
Immediate removal of compacted run files created after the last
checkpoint optimization now works for replica’s initial JOIN stage
Fixed crash during recovery of a secondary index in case the primary
index contains incompatible phantom tuples (gh-6778).
Fixed replicas failing to bootstrap when master is just re-started
Fixed top part of Lua stack (red zone, free slots, top slot)
unwinding in lj-stack command.
Added the value of g->gc.mmudata field to lj-gc output.
string.char() builtin recording is fixed in case when no
arguments are given (gh-6371, gh-6548).
Actually made JIT respect maxirconst trace limit while recording
Added iterator type checking and allow passing iterator as a
box.index.{ALL,GT,…} directly (gh-6501).
When force_recovery cfg option is set, Tarantool is able to boot
from snap/xlog combinations where xlog covers changes
committed both before and after snap creation. For example,
0...0.xlog, covering everything up to vclock{1:15} and
0...09.snap, corresponding to vclock{1:9} (gh-6794).
The label “stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in
production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or
other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces 3 improvements and resolves roughly 10 issues
since the 1.10.11 version.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Bump debian package compatibility level to 10 (gh-5429). Bump minimal
required debhelper to version 10 (except for Ubuntu Xenial).
Bugs fixed
Fixed a crash caused by a race between box.session.push() and closing
connection (gh-6520).
Fixed crash in case a fiber changing box.cfg.listen is woken up
Fixed box.cfg.listen not reverted to the old address in case the new
one is invalid (gh-6092).
Fixed replica reconnecting to a living master on any
box.cfg{replication=...} change. Such reconnects could lead to
replica failing to restore connection for replication_timeout
seconds (gh-4669).
Fixed the order VM registers are allocated by LuaJIT frontend in case
of BC_ISGE and BC_ISGT (gh-6227).
Fixed inconsistency while searching for an error function when
unwinding a C protected frame to handle a runtime error (e.g. an
error in __gc handler).
When error is raised during encoding call results, auxiliary
lightuserdata value is not removed from the main Lua coroutine stack.
Prior to the fix it leads to undefined behaviour during the next
usage of this Lua coroutine (gh-4617).
Fixed Lua C API misuse, when the error is raised during call results
encoding on unprotected coroutine and expected to be catched on the
different one, that is protected (gh-6248).
Fixed possibility crash in case when trigger removes itself. Fixed
possibility crash in case when someone destroy trigger, when it’s
yield (gh-6266).
The Debian package does not depend on binutils anymore (gh-6699).
The label «stable» means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in
production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or
other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces 2 improvements and resolves roughly 18 issues
since version 1.10.10.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Some changes are labeled as [Breaking change].
It means that the old behavior was considered error-prone
and therefore changed to protect users from unintended mistakes.
However, there is a small probability that someone can rely on the old behavior,
and this label is to bring attention to the things that have been changed.
Functionality added or changed
Introduced support for LJ_DUALNUM mode in luajit-gdb.py
[Breaking change]fiber.wakeup() in Lua and
fiber_wakeup() in C became NOP on the currently running fiber.
Previously they allowed “ignoring” the next yield or sleep, which
resulted in unexpected erroneous wake-ups. Calling these functions
right before fiber.create() in Lua or fiber_start() in C
could lead to a crash (in debug build) or undefined behaviour (in
release build) (gh-6043).
There was a single use case for the previous behaviour: rescheduling
in the same event loop iteration, which is not the same as
fiber.sleep(0) in Lua and fiber_sleep(0) in C. It could be
done in the following way:
in C:
and in Lua:
To get the same effect in C, one can now use fiber_reschedule().
In Lua, it is now impossible to reschedule the current fiber directly
in the same event loop iteration. One can reschedule self
through a second fiber, but it is strongly discouraged:
-- do not use this codelocalself=fiber.self()fiber.new(function()self:wakeup()end)fiber.sleep(0)
Fixed memory leak on box.on_commit() and
box.on_rollback() (gh-6025).
Fixed invalid results of the json module’s encode
function when it was used from the Lua garbage collector. For
example, this could happen in functions used as ffi.gc()
Fixed console client connection failure in case of request timeout
Added a missing broadcast to net.box.future:discard() so that now
fibers waiting for a request result wake up when the request is discarded
Fixed a bug when iterators became invalid (up to crash) after schema change
Fixed crash in case of reloading a compiled module when the new module lacks some functions
present in the former code. In turn, this event triggers a fallback procedure where we restore old functions,
but instead of restoring each function, we process a sole entry only, leading to the crash later
when these restored functions are called
Fixed possible keys divergence during secondary index build, which
might lead to missing tuples
Fix crash which may occur while switching read_only mode due to duplicating
transaction in tx writer list (gh-5934).
Fixed the race between Vinyl garbage collection and compaction that
resulted in a broken vylog and recovery failure
Fixed replication occasionally stopping with ER_INVALID_MSGPACK
when the replica is under high load (gh-4040).
Fixed optimization for single-char strings in the IR_BUFPUT assembly
Fixed slots alignment in the lj-stack command output when LJ_GC64
is enabled (gh-5876).
Fixed dummy frame unwinding in the lj-stack command.
Fixed detection of inconsistent renames even in the presence of sunk
values (gh-4252, gh-5049, gh-5118).
Fixed the VM register allocation order provided by LuaJIT frontend in case
of BC_ISGE and BC_ISGT (gh-6227).
When an error occurs during encoding call results, the auxiliary
lightuserdata value is not removed from the main Lua coroutine stack.
Before the fix, it led to undefined behaviour during the next
usage of this Lua coroutine (gh-4617).
Fixed a Lua C API misuse when the error is raised during call results
encoding in an unprotected coroutine and expected to be caught in a
different, protected coroutine (gh-6248).
Fixed a possible crash in case trigger removes itself. Fixed a
possible crash in case someone destroys a trigger when it
yields (gh-6266).
The label «stable» means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in
production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or
other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces 12 improvements and resolves roughly 3 issues
since version 1.10.9.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Tarantool build infrastructure now requires CMake version 3.1 or later.
Binary packages for Fedora 33 (gh-5502) are now available.
Binary packages for CentOS 6 and Debian Jessie won’t be published since this version.
Backported the -DENABLE_LTO=ON/OFF CMake option (gh-3117,
It is useful for building packages for Fedora 33 (gh-5502).
The built-in zstd is upgraded from v1.3.3 to v1.4.8
(part of gh-5502).
libcurl symbols in the case of bundled libcurl are now exported
(gh-5223, gh-5542).
SMTP and SMTPS protocols are now enabled in the bundled libcurl (gh-4559).
The libcurl headers are now shipped to system path ${PREFIX}/include/tarantool
when libcurl is included as a bundled library or in a static build
Tarantool CI/CD has migrated to GitHub Actions (gh-5662).
Implemented a self-sufficient LuaJIT testing environment. As a result,
LuaJIT build system is now partially ported to CMake and all testing
machinery is enclosed within the tarantool/luajit
repository (gh-4862, gh-5470).
Python 3 is now the default in the test infrastructure (gh-5652).
Исправленные ошибки
Extensive usage of uri and uuid modules with debug log level
no longer leads to crashes or corrupted results of the functions from these
Same problem is resolved for using these modules from the callbacks passed to ffi.gc(),
and for some functions from the modules fio, box.tuple, and iconv
Fixed the -e option, when tarantool used to enter the interactive mode when
stdin is a TTY. Now, tarantool-e'print"Hello"' doesn’t enter the
interactive mode, but just prints «Hello» and exits
Recovering with force_recovery option now deletes vylog files newer than the snapshot.
It helps an instance recover after incidents during a checkpoint (gh-5823).
1.10.9 is the next stable release in the
long-term support (LTS) version
1.10.x release series. The label “stable” means there are 1.10.x-based
applications running in production for quite a while without known
crashes, incorrect results or other showstopper bugs.
This release introduces one improvement and resolves roughly 7 issues
since the 1.10.8 version.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol. Please
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Don’t start an ‘example’ instance after installing Tarantool
Before this release the tarantool package for Debian and Ubuntu used to
automatically enable and start an „example“ instance, which would
listen on the TCP port 3301. Since this release the instance file
is installed to /etc/tarantool/instances.available/example.lua,
but isn’t enabled by default and not started anymore. You can enable
and start it with the following commands:
Existing configuration will not be updated automatically at package
update. If you don’t the need example instance, you can stop and
disable it with the following commands:
fiber.cond:wait() now correctly throws an error when a fiber is
cancelled, instead of ignoring the timeout and returning without any
signs of an error (gh-5013).
Fixed a memory corruption issue, which was most visible on macOS, but
could affect any system (gh-5312).
A dynamic module now gets correctly unloaded from memory in case of
an attempt to load a non-existing function from it (gh-5475).
The fiber region (the box region) won’t be invalidated on a read-only
transaction (gh-5427, gh-5623).
Dispatching __call metamethod no longer causes address clashing
(gh-4518, (gh-4649).
Fixed a false positive panic when yielding in debug hook
An attempt to use a net.box connection which is not established
yet now results in a correctly reported error (gh-4787).
Fixed a hang which occurred when tarantool ran a user script with
the -e option and this script exited with an error (like with
tarantool-e'assert(false)') (gh-4983).
1.10.8 is the next stable release of the 1.10.x series. The label
“stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in production
for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or other
showstopper bugs.
This release resolves roughly 7 issues since the 1.10.7 version. There
may be bugs in less common areas. If you find any, feel free to report
an issue at GitHub.
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol. Please
upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Module API
Exposed the box region, key_def and several other functions in order
to implement external tuple.keydef and tuple.merger modules on top of
them (gh-5273, gh-5384).
Исправленные ошибки
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent JIT machinery misbehavior. Trace
recording is aborted when fiber yields the execution. The yield
occurring while the compiled code is being run (it’s likely a
function with a yield underneath called via LuaJIT FFI) leads to the
platform panic (gh-1700, gh-4491).
Fixed fibers switch-over to prevent implicit GC disabling. The yield
occurring while user-defined __gc metamethod is running leads to the
platform panic.
Fixed unhandled Lua error that might lead to memory leaks and
inconsistencies in <space_object>:frommap(),
<key_def_object>:compare(), <merge_source>:select()
Fixed the error occurring on loading luajit-gdb.py with Python2
Fixed potential lag on boot up procedure when system’s password
database is slow in access (gh-5034).
Module API
Get rid of typedef redefinitions for compatibility with C99
1.10.7 is the next stable release of the 1.10.x series. The label
“stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in production
for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or other
showstopper bugs.
This release resolves roughly 14 issues since 1.10.6. There may be bugs
in less common areas. If you find any, feel free to report an issue at
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol. Please
upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
1.10.6 is the next stable release of the 1.10.x series. The label
“stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in production
for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or other
showstopper bugs.
This release resolves roughly 20 issues since 1.10.5. There may be bugs
in less common areas. If you find any, feel free to report an issue at
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol. Please
upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Исправленные ошибки
fiber.storage is cleaned between requests, and can be used as a
request-local storage. Previously fiber.storage could contain
some old values in the beginning of an iproto request execution, and
it needed to be nullified manually. Now the cleanup is unneeded
tuple/space/index:update()/upsert() were fixed
not to turn a value into an infinity when a float value was added to
or subtracted from a float column and exceeded the float value range
Make RTREE indexes handle the out of memory error: before this fix,
OOM during the recovery of an RTREE index resulted in segmentation
fault (gh-4619).
Add cancellation guard to avoid WAL thread stuck (gh-4127).
Fix the rebootstrap procedure not working if the replica itself is
listed in box.cfg.replication (gh-4759).
Fix possible user password leaking via replication logs
Local space operations are now counted in 0th vclock component. Every
instance may have its own 0-th vclock component not matching others’.
Local space operations are not replicated at all, even as NOPs
Gc consumers are now ordered by their vclocks and not by vclock
signatures. Only the WALS that contain no entries needed by any of
the consumers are deleted (gh-4114).
json: :decode() doesn’t spoil instance’s options with per-call
ones (when it is called with the second argument) (gh-4761).
os.environ() is now changed when os.setenv() is called
netbox.self:call/eval() now returns the same types as
netbox_connection:call/eval. Previously it could return a
tuple or box.error cdata (gh-4513).
libev: backport fix for listening for more then 1024 file descriptors
on Mac OS (gh-3867).
HTTP client
When building Tarantool with bundled libcurl, link it with the
c-ares library by default (gh-4591).
__pairs/__ipairs metamethods handling is removed since we
faced the issues with the backward compatibility between Lua 5.1 and
Lua 5.2 within Tarantool modules as well as other third party code
Introduce luajit-gdb.py extension with commands for inspecting
LuaJIT internals. The extension obliges one to provide gdbinfo for
libluajit, otherwise loading fails. The extension provides the
following commands:
lj-arch dumps values of LJ_64 and LJ_GC64 macro definitions
lj-tv dumps the type and GCobj info related to the given
lj-str dumps the contents of the given GCstr
lj-tab dumps the contents of the given GCtab
lj-stack dumps Lua stack of the given lua_State
lj-state shows current VM, GC and JIT states
lj-gc shows current GC stats
Fix string to number conversion: current implementation respects the
buffer length (gh-4773).
“FFI sandwich”(*) detection is introduced. If sandwich is detected
while trace recording the recording is aborted. The sandwich detected
while mcode execution leads to the platform panic.
luaJIT_setmode call is prohibited while mcode execution and leads to
the platform panic.
(*) The following stack mix is called FFI sandwich:
Lua-FFI -> C routine -> Lua-C API -> Lua VM
This sort of re-entrancy is explicitly not supported by LuaJIT compiler.
For more info see (gh-4427).
Fix assertion fault due to triggered dump process during secondary
index build (gh-4810).
Fix crashes at attempts to use -e and -l command line options
concatenated with their values, like this: -eprint(100)
Update libopenssl version to 1.1.1f since the previous one was
EOLed (gh-4830).
Building from sources
Fix static build (-DBUILD_STATIC=ON) when libunwind depends
on liblzma (gh-4551).
1.10.5 is the next stable release of the 1.10.x series. The label
“stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in production
for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or other
showstopper bugs.
This release resolves roughly 30 issues since 1.10.4. There may be bugs
in less common areas. If you find any, feel free to report an issue at
Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary
data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol. Please
using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new
features of the 1.10.x series.
Изменения или добавления функциональности
Exit gracefully when a main script throws an error: notify systemd,
log the error (gh-4382).
Enable __pairs and __ipairs metamethods from Lua 5.2
(gh-4560). We still conform Lua 5.1 API that is not always
compatible with Lua 5.2. The change is only about those metamethods.
Add package builds and deployment for the following Linux distros:
fiber: make sure the guard page is created; refuse to create a new
fiber otherwise (gh-4541). It is possible in case of heavy
memory usage, say, when there is no resources to split VMAs.
Forbid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the value of
box.cfg({<...>}) options: replicaset_uuid and
instance_uuid (gh-4282). It did not work as expected:
the nil UUID was treated as absence of the value.
Update cache of universe privileges without reconnect (gh-2763).
net.box: don’t fire the on_connect trigger on schema update
(gh-4593). Also don’t fire the on_disconnect trigger
if a connection never entered into the active state
(e.g. when the first schema fetch is failed).
func: fix use-after-free on function unload.
Don’t destroy a session until box.session.on_disconnect(<...>)
triggers are finished (gh-4627). This means, for example, that
box.session.id() can be safely invoked from the on_disconnect
trigger. Before this change box.session.id() returned garbage
(usually 0) after yield in the on_disconnect trigger. Note:
tarantool/queue module is
affected by this problem in some
scenarios. It is
especially suggested to update Tarantool at least to this release if
you’re using this module.
Handle OOM gracefully during allocating a buffer for binary protocol
func: Fix box.schema.func.drop(<..>) to unload unused modules
(gh-4648). Also fix box.schema.func.create(<..>)
to avoid loading a module again when another function from the module is loaded.
Encode Lua number -2^63 as integer in msgpack.encode() and box’s
functions (gh-4672).
Prefer to bootstrap a replica from a fully bootstrapped instance
rather than from an instance that is in the process of bootstrapping
This change enables the case when two nodes (B, C) are being
bootstrapped simultaneously using the one that is already
bootstrapped (A), while A is configured to replicate from {B, C} and
B – from {A, C}.
Return immediately from box.cfg{<...>} when an instance is
reconfigured with replication_connect_quorum=0
This change also fixes the behaviour of reconfiguration with non-zero
replication_connect_quorum: box.cfg{<...>} returns
immediately regardless of whether connections to upstreams are
Auto reconnect a replica if password is invalid (gh-4550).
Use empty password when a URI in box.cfg{replication=<...>} is
like login@host:port (gh-4605).
This behaviour matches the net.box’s one now.
Explicit login:@host:port was necessary
before, otherwise a replica displayed the following error:
Apply replication settings of box.cfg({<...>}) in the strict
order (gh-4433).
Fix handling of a socket read error in the console client
(console.connect(<URI>) or tarantoolctlconnect/enter<...>).
Handle the “not enough memory” error gracefully when it is raised
from lua_newthread() (gh-4556). There are several cases
when a new Lua thread is created:
Start executing a Lua function call or an eval request (from a
binary protocol, SQL or with box.func.<...>:call()).
Create of a new fiber.
Start execution of a trigger.
Start of encoding into a YAML format (yaml.encode()).
Fix stack-use-after-scope in json.decode() (gh-4637).
Allow to use cdata<structibuf*> (e.g. buffer.IBUF_SHARED) as
the argument to msgpack.encode().
Before this change the cdata<structibuf> type was allowed, but
not the corresponding pointer type.
A pointer returned by msgpack.decode*(cdata<[char]const*>)
functions can be assigned to buffer.rpos now (and the same for
msgpackffi) (gh-3926).
All those functions now return
cdata<char*> or cdata<constchar*> depending of a passed
argument. Example of the code that did not work:
Fix race in fio.mktree() when two tarantool processes create the
same directory tree simultaneously (gh-4660). This problem affects
tarantool/cartrige, see
HTTP client
Disable verbose mode when {verbose=false} is passed.
Fix assertion fail after a curl write error (gh-4232).
Fix the “Data segment size exceeds process limit” error on
FreeBSD/x64: do not change resource limits when it is not necessary
fold: keep type of emitted CONV in sync with its mode.
LuaJIT#524 This
fixes the following assertion fail:
Fix CLI boolean options handling in tarantoolctlcat<...>, such
as --show-system (gh-4076).
Fix segfault (out of bounds access) when a stack unwinding error
occurs at backtrace printing (gh-4636). Backtrace is printed
on SIGFPE and SIGSEGV signals or when LuaJIT finds itself in the unrecoverable
state (lua_atpanic()).
1.10.4 представляет собой очередную стабильную (lts) версию в серии 1.10. Пометка «стабильная» означает, что некоторые системы в течение определенного времени успешно отработали в производственной среде без известных сбоев, ненадежных результатов и прочих неисправностей.
Данная версия содержит около 50 исправлений по сравнению с версией 1.10.3.
Tarantool 1.10.x обратно совместим с Tarantool 1.9.x в том, что касается структуры бинарных данных, клиент-серверного протокола и протокола репликации. Чтобы воспользоваться новыми функциями серии 1.10.x, обновите версию 1.9 с помощью процедуры box.schema.upgrade().
Изменения или добавления функциональности
(Engines) Improve dump start/stop logging. When initiating memory dump, print
how much memory is going to be dumped, expected dump rate, ETA, and the recent
write rate. Upon dump completion, print observed dump rate in addition to dump
size and duration.
(Engines) Look up key in reader thread. If a key isn’t found in the tuple cache,
we fetch it from a run file. In this case disk read and page decompression is
done by a reader thread, however key lookup in the fetched page is still
performed by the TX thread. Since pages are immutable, this could as well
be done by the reader thread, which would allow us to save some precious CPU
cycles for TX
(Lua) Add debug.sourcefile() and debug.sourcedir() helpers
(and debug.__file__ and debug.__dir__shortcuts) to determine
the location of a current Lua source file.
Part of (gh-4193).
(HTTP client) Add max_total_connections option in addition to
max_connections to allow more fine-grained tuning of libcurl
connection cache. Don’t restrict the total connections` with a constant value
by default, but use libcurl’s default, which scales the threshold according
to easy handles count
Исправленные ошибки
(Vinyl) Fix assertion failure in vy_tx_handle_deferred_delete
1.10.3 представляет собой очередную стабильную (lts) версию в серии 1.10. Пометка «стабильная» означает, что некоторые системы в течение определенного времени успешно отработали в производственной среде без известных сбоев, ненадежных результатов и прочих неисправностей.
Данная версия содержит 69 исправлений по сравнению с версией 1.10.2.
Tarantool 1.10.x обратно совместим с Tarantool 1.9.x в том, что касается структуры бинарных данных, клиент-серверного протокола и протокола репликации. Чтобы воспользоваться новыми функциями серии 1.10.x, обновите версию 1.9 с помощью процедуры box.schema.upgrade().
Данная сборка представляет собой первую стабильную (lts) версию в серии 1.10. Кроме того, Tarantool 1.10.2 представляет собой мажорную версию, версия Tarantool 1.9.2 объявлена устаревшей. Это обновление содержит 95 исправлений по сравнению с версией 1.9.2.
Tarantool 1.10.x обратно совместим с Tarantool 1.9.x в том, что касается структуры бинарных данных, клиент-серверного протокола и протокола репликации. Обновление можно произвести с помощью процедуры box.schema.upgrade().
Цель данного релиза – значительно повысить стабильность vinyl'а и реализовать автоматическую повторную настройку набора реплик в Tarantool.
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
(Engines) support ALTER for non-empty vinyl spaces
(Engines) tuples stored in the vinyl cache are not shared among the indexes
of the same space
(Engines) keep a stack of UPSERTS in vy_read_iterator
(Engines) box.ctl.reset_stat(), a function to reset vinyl statistics
(Server) a way to detect that a Tarantool process was
started / restarted by tarantoolctl
env vars)
(Server) net_msg_max
configuration parameter to restrict the number of allocated fibers
Эта версия следует за стабильной версией 1.7.6. Цель данной версии – повысить стабилизацию vinyl’а и репликации типа мастер-мастер, для чего предусмотрено значительное количество новых функций. Следуйте инструкциям по загрузке по ссылке https://tarantool.io/en/download/download.html для установки пакета для вашей операционной системы.
(Security) new function box.session.euid() to return effective user.
Effective user can be different from authenticated user in case of setuid
functions or box.session.su.
(Security) new super role, with superuser access. Grant „super“ to guest to
disable access control.
(Security) on_auth trigger is now fired in case of both successful and
failed authentication.
(Replication/recovery) new replication configuration algorithm: if replication
doesn’t connect to replication_quorum peers in replication_connect_timeout
seconds, the server start continues but the server enters the new orphan status,
which is basically read-only, until the replicas connect to each other.
(gh-3151 and
(Репликация/восстановление) после включения репликации при запуске сервер не начинает обработку запросов на запись до синхронизации со всеми подключенными узлами.
(Replication/recovery) box.once() no longer fails on a read-only replica
but waits.
(Replication/recovery) force_recovery can now skip a corrupted xlog file.
(Replication/recovery) improved replication monitoring: box.info.replication
shows peer ip:port and correct replication lag even for idle peers.
(gh-2753 and
(Application server) new before triggers which can be used for conflict
resolution in master-master replication.
(Application server) http client now correctly parses cookies and supports
http+unix:// paths.
(gh-3040 and
(Application server) fio rock now supports file_exists(),
rename() works across filesystems, and read() without arguments
reads the whole file.
gh-2751 and
(Сервер приложений) ошибки в модуле fio соответствуют стандартам вызова функции в Tarantool и всегда возвращают сообщение об ошибке вместе с флагом ошибки.
(Application server) digest rock now supports pbkdf2 password hashing
algorithm, useful in PCI/DSS compliant applications.
(Application server) box.info.memory() provides a high-level overview of
server memory usage, including networking, Lua, transaction and index memory.
(Database) it is now possible to add missing tuple fields to an index,
which is very useful when adding an index along with the evolution of the
database schema.
(Database) lots of improvements in field type support when creating or
altering spaces and indexes.
gh-3011 and
(Database) it is now possible to turn on is_nullable property on a field
even if the space is not empty, the change is instantaneous.
This is an alpha release which delivers support for a substantial subset
of the ISO/IEC 9075:2011 SQL standard, including joins, subqueries and views.
SQL is a major feature of the 1.8 release series, in which we plan to add
support for ODBC and JDBC connectors, SQL triggers, prepared statements,
security and roles,
and generally ensure SQL is a first class query language in Tarantool.
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
A new function box.sql.execute() (later changed to box.execute
in Tarantool 2.1) was added to query Tarantool databases
using SQL statements, e.g.:
tarantool> box.sql.execute([[SELECT * FROM _schema]]);
SQL and Lua are fully interoperable.
New meta-commands introduced to Tarantool’s console.
You can now set input language to either SQL or Lua, e.g.:
tarantool> \set language sql
tarantool> SELECT * FROM _schema
tarantool> \set language lua
tarantool> print("Hello, world!")
Layout of box.space._index has been extended to support
and collation features.
All new indexes created on columns with is_nullable or collation
properties will have the new definition format.
Please update your client libraries if you plan to use these new features
fiber_name() now raises an exception instead of truncating long fiber names.
We found that some Lua modules such as expirationd use fiber.name()
as a key to identify background tasks. If a name is truncated, this fact was
silently missed. The new behavior allows to detect bugs caused by fiber.name()
truncation. Please use fiber.name(name,{truncate=true}) to emulate
the old behavior
space:format() is now validated on DML operations.
Previously space:format() was only used by client libraries, but starting
from Tarantool 1.7.6, field types in space:format() are validated on the
server side on every DML operation, and field names can be used in indexes
and Lua code. If you used space:format() in a non-standard way,
please update layout and type names according to the official documentation for
space formats.
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Гибридная модель данных без схемы + со схемой. Раньше версии Tarantool позволяли хранить произвольный набор документов в формате MessagePack в спейсах. Начиная с версии Tarantool 1.7.6, можно использовать space:format() для определения условий и ограничений схемы для кортежей в спейсах. Определенные типы полей автоматически проверяются при каждой DML-операции, а определенные имена полей могут использоваться вместо номеров полей в Lua-коде. Добавлена новая функция tuple:tomap() для конвертации кортежа в Lua-словарь пар ключ-значение.
Поддержка сортировки и Юникода. По умолчанию, когда Tarantool сопоставляет строки, он берет во внимание только числовое значение каждого байта в строке. Чтобы задействовать такое распределение, как в телефонных справочниках и словарях, в Tarantool версии 1.7.6 впервые поддерживается сортировка по Таблице сортировки символов Юникода по умолчанию (Default Unicode Collation Element Table (DUCET)) и в соответствии с правилами, описанными в Техническом стандарте Юникода №10 – Алгоритм сортировки по Юникоду (Unicode® Technical Standard #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm (UTS #10 UCA)). См. сортировку.
NULL values in unique and non-unique indexes.
By default, all fields in Tarantool are «NOT NULL».
Starting from Tarantool 1.7.6, you can use
is_nullable option in space:format()
or inside an index part definition
to allow storing NULL in indexes.
Tarantool partially implements
three-valued logic
from the SQL standard and allows storing multiple NULL values in unique indexes
Sequences and a new implementation of auto_increment().
Tarantool 1.7.6 introduces new
sequence number generators (like CREATE SEQUENCE in SQL).
This feature is used to implement new persistent auto increment in spaces
Vinyl: introduced gap locks in Vinyl transaction manager.
The new locking mechanism in Vinyl TX manager reduces the number of conflicts in transactions
Partial emulation of LuaSocket on top of Tarantool Socket
Инструменты разработчика:
Интеграция с IntelliJ IDEA с поддержкой отладки. Появилась возможность использовать IntelliJ IDEA в качестве IDE для разработки и отладки Lua-приложений для Tarantool. См. Использование IDE.
Release type: stable. Release date: 2017-08-22. Tag: 1.7.5.
Release: doc-289
or v. 1.7.5.
Данная сборка представляет собой стабильную версию в серии 1.7. Это обновление содержит более 160 исправлений по сравнению с версией 1.7.4.
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
(Vinyl) a new force_recovery
mode to recover broken disk files.
Use box.cfg{force_recovery=true} to recover corrupted data files
after hardware issues or power outages
Memtx: stable index:pairs() iterators for the TREE index.
TREE iterators are automatically restored to a proper position after index’s modifications
(Memtx) predictable order for non-unique TREE indexes.
Non-unique TREE indexes preserve the sort order for duplicate entries
(Memtx+Vinyl) dynamic configuration of max tuple size.
Now box.cfg.memtx_max_tuple_size and box.cfg.vinyl_max_tuple_size
configuration options can be changed on the fly without need to restart the server
(Memtx+Vinyl) new implementation.
Space truncation doesn’t cause re-creation of all indexes any more
Extended the maximal length of all identifiers from 32 to 65k characters.
Space, user and function names are not limited by 32 characters anymore
Heartbeat messages for replication.
Replication client now sends the selective acknowledgments for processed
records and automatically re-establish stalled connections.
This feature also changes box.info.replication[replica_id].vclock.
to display committed vclock of remote replica
Keep track of remote replicas during WAL maintenance.
Replication master now automatically preserves xlogs needed for remote replicas
Hot code reload for stored C stored procedures.
Use box.schema.func.reload('modulename.function')
to reload dynamic shared libraries on the fly
Package manager based on LuaRocks.
Use tarantoolctlrocksinstallMODULENAME to install MODULENAME Lua module
from https://rocks.tarantool.org/.
Lua 5.1 command line options.
Tarantool binary now supports „-i“, „-e“, „-m“ and „-l“ command line options
Experimental GC64 mode for LuaJIT.
GC64 mode allow to operate the full address space on 64-bit hosts.
Enable via -DLUAJIT_ENABLE_GC64=ONcompile-time configuration option
Stack traces now contain symbols names on all supported platforms.
Previous versions of Tarantool didn’t display meaningful function names in
fiber.info() on non-x86 platforms
Allowed to create fiber with custom stack size from C API
Данная сборка представляет собой предварительную версию перед выпуском нового релиза в серии 1.7. Движок vinyl, ключевой компонент 1.7.x, обладает полностью реализованной заявленной функциональностью.
Несовместимые изменения
Для поддержки vinyl были внесены следующие изменения в параметры box.cfg():
переименование snap_dir в memtx_dir
переименование slab_alloc_arena (гигабайты) в memtx_memory (байты), значение, используемое по умолчанию, изменилось с 1 Гб на 256 МБ
переименование slab_alloc_minimal в memtx_min_tuple_size
переименование slab_alloc_maximal в memtx_max_tuple_size
slab_alloc_factor больше не используется, не применимо в 1.7.x
переименование snapshot_count в checkpoint_count
переименование snapshot_period в checkpoint_interval
переименование logger в log
переименование logger_nonblock в log_nonblock
переименование logger_level в log_level
переименование replication_source в replication
panic_on_snap_error=true и panic_on_wal_error=true заменены force_recovery=false
Until Tarantool 1.8, you can use deprecated parameters for both
initial and runtime configuration, but such usage will print
a warning in the server log
(gh-1927 and
Hot standy mode is now off by default. Tarantool automatically detects
another running instance in the same wal_dir and refuses to start.
Use box.cfg{hot_standby=true} to enable the hot standby mode
UPSERT via a secondary key was banned to avoid unclear semantics
box.info and box.info.replication format was changed to display
information about upstream and downstream connections
Добавление box.info.replication[instance_id].downstream.vclock для отображения последней строки, отправленной на удаленную реплику.
Добавление box.info.replication[instance_id].id.
Добавление box.info.replication[instance_id].lsn.
Перемещение box.info.replication[instance_id].{vclock,status,error} в box.info.replication[instance_id].upstream.{vclock,status,error}.
Включение всех зарегистрированных реплик из box.space._cluster в вывод box.info.replication.
Переименование box.info.server.id в box.info.id
Переименование box.info.server.lsn в box.info.lsn
Переименование box.info.server.uuid в box.info.uuid
Переименование box.info.cluster.signature в box.info.signature
Возврат значения nil вместо -1 функциями box.info.id и box.info.lsn во время начальной настройки кластера.
net.box: добавление запрошенные параметров во все запросы:
изменение conn.call(func_name,arg1,arg2,...) на conn.call(func_name,{arg1,arg2,...},opts)
изменение conn.eval(func_name,arg1,arg2,...) на conn.eval(func_name,{arg1,arg2,...},opts)
Все запросы поддерживают параметры timeout=<seconds>``(времязадержкивсекундах),``buffer=<ibuf> (буфер).
Добавление опции connect_timeout в netbox.connect().
netbox:timeout() and conn:timeout() are now deprecated.
Use netbox.connect(host,port,{call_16=true}) for
1.6.x-compatible behavior
systemd configuration changed to support Type=Notify / sd_notify().
Now systemctlstarttarantool@INSTANCE will wait until Tarantool
has started and recovered from xlogs. The recovery status is reported to
log module now doesn’t prefix all messages with the full path to
tarantool binary when used without box.cfg()
require('log').logger_pid() was renamed to require('log').pid()
Removed Lua 5.0 compatible defines and functions
(Vinyl) multi-level compaction.
The compaction scheduler now groups runs of the same range into levels to
reduce the write amplification during compaction. This design allows Vinyl
to support 1:100+ ram:disk use-cases
(Vinyl) bloom filters for sorted runs.
Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which can be used to test
whether a requested key is present in a run file without reading the actual
file from the disk. Bloom filter may have false-positive matches but
false-negative matches are impossible. This feature reduces the number
of seeks needed for random lookups and speeds up REPLACE/DELETE with
enabled secondary keys
(Vinyl) key-level cache for point lookups and range queries.
Vinyl storage engine caches selected keys and key ranges instead of
entire disk pages like in traditional databases. This approach is more
efficient because the cache is not polluted with raw disk data
(Vinyl) implemented`).
Now all in-memory indexes of a space store pointers to the same tuples
instead of cached secondary key index data. This feature significantly
reduces the memory footprint in case of secondary keys
(Vinyl) new implementation of initial state transfer of JOIN command in
replication protocol. New replication protocol fixes problems with
consistency and secondary keys. We implemented a special kind of low-cost
database-wide read-view to avoid dirty reads in JOIN procedure. This trick
wasn’t not possible in traditional B-Tree based databases
(Vinyl) index-wide mems/runs.
Removed ranges from in-memory and and the stop layer of LSM tree on disk
(Vinyl) coalesce small ranges.
Before dumping or compacting a range, consider coalescing it with its
(Vinyl) implemented transnational journal for metadata.
Now information about all Vinyl files is logged in a special .vylog file
(Memtx+Vinyl) implemented low-level Lua API to create consistent backups.
of Memtx + Vinyl data. The new feature provides box.backup.start()/stop()
functions to create backups of all spaces.
box.backup.start() pauses the
Tarantool garbage collector and returns the list of files to copy. These files then
can be copied be any third-party tool, like cp, ln, tar, rsync, etc.
box.backup.stop() lets the garbage collector continue.
Created backups can be restored instantly by copying into a new directory
and starting a new Tarantool instance. No special preparation, conversion
or unpacking is needed
(Vinyl) added statistics for background workers to box.info.vinyl()
(Memtx+Vinyl) reduced the memory footprint for indexes which keys are
sequential and start from the first field. This optimization was necessary
for secondary keys in Vinyl, but we optimized Memtx as well
LuaJIT was rebased on the latest 2.1.0b3 with out patches
Добавлен бэкенд для JIT-компилятора для архитектуры ARM64
Добавлен бэкенд и интерпретатор для JIT-компилятора для архитектуры MIPS64
Добавлены некоторые расширения для Lua 5.2 и Lua 5.3
Исправление нескольких ошибок
Удалены устаревшие функции Lua 5.0 (см. несовместимые изменения выше).
Запущен новый умный алгоритм хеширования строк в LuaJIT, чтобы избежать замедления работы в случае множества коллизий. Разработали Юрий Соколов (@funny-falcon) и Ник Заварицкий (@mejedi). См. https://github.com/tarantool/luajit/pull/2.
box.snapshot() now updates mtime of a snapshot file if there were no
changes to the database since the last snapshot.
Implemented space:bsize() to return the memory size utilized by all
tuples of the space.
Contributed by Roman Tokarev (@rtokarev).
Данная сборка представляет собой вторую бета-версию в серии 1.7.
Несовместимые изменения:
Broken coredump() Lua function was removed.
Use gdb-batch-ex"generate-core-file"-p$PID instead
Vinyl disk layout was changed since 1.7.2 to add ZStandard compression and improve
the performance of secondary keys.
Use the replication mechanism to upgrade from 1.7.2 beta
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Значительный прогресс в стабилизации движка базы данных Vinyl:
Исправлены большинство известных отказов системы и ошибок, выдающих плохие результаты.
Замена формата всех файлов с данными на XLOG/SNAP.
Использование механизма компрессии ZStandard для всех файлов с данными.
Сжатие операций UPSERT на лету и объединение горячих клавиш с помощью фонового файбера.
Значительное улучшение производительности index:pairs() и index:count().
Удаление ненужных конфликтов из транзакций.
Уровень In-memory по большей части заменен структурами данных memtx.
В большинстве случаев используются специализированные распределители ресурсов.
Мы все еще активно работаем над Vinyl’ом и планируем добавить многоуровневое слияние и улучшить производительность в работе со вторичными ключами в версии 1.7.4. Это подразумевает изменение формата данных.
Support for DML requests for space:on_replace() triggers
UPSERT can be used with the empty list of operations
Lua functions to manipulate environment variables
Lua library to read Tarantool snapshots and xlogs
New play and cat commands in tarantoolctl
Улучшена поддержка большого количества активных сетевых клиентов. Проблема #5#1892.
Support for space:pairs(key,iterator-type) syntax
Automatic cluster bootstrap now also works without authorization
Replication retries to connect to master indefinitely
Temporary spaces now work with box.cfg{read_only=true}
The maximum length of space names increased to 64 bytes (was 32)
Версия 1.7.2
Тип версии: бета. Дата выхода: 2016-09-29. Тег версии: 1.7.2-1-g92ed6c4.
Данная сборка представляет собой версию в серии 1.7.
Несовместимые изменения:
A new binary protocol command for CALL, which no more restricts a function
to returning an array of tuples and allows returning an arbitrary MsgPack/JSON
result, including scalars, nil and void (nothing).
The old CALL is left intact for backward compatibility. It will be removed
in the next major release. All programming language drivers will be gradually
changed to use the new CALL
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Разработка движка базы данных Vinyl, наконец, перешла в бета-стадию. В данной версии исправлены более 90 ошибок в Vinyl’е, в частности, удаление непредсказуемых скачков задержки отклика, все известные отказы системы и ошибки, выдающие плохие результаты или их отсутствие.
новая архитектура на основе кооперативной многозадачности для устранения скачков задержки отклика,
поддержка непоследовательных составных ключей,
поддержка вторичных ключей,
поддержка auto_increment(),
типы полей в индексах: number (число), integer (целое число), scalar (скаляр),
операции INSERT, REPLACE и UPDATE возвращают новый кортеж, как в memtx’е.
Мы все еще активно работаем над Vinyl’ом и планируем добавить механизм компрессии zstd и новый распределитель ресурсов для Vinyl’а в версии 1.7.3. Это подразумевает изменение формата данных, который планируется внедрить до того, как версия 1.7 станет общедоступной.
Tab-based autocompletion in the interactive console,
require('console').connect(), tarantoolctlenter and
tarantoolctlconnect commands
(gh-86 and
Use the TAB key to auto complete the names of Lua variables, functions
and meta-methods.
A new implementation of net.box improving performance and solving problems
when the Lua garbage collector handles dead connections
gh-1138 and
Появилась компрессия снимков memtx и xlog-файлов на лету с использованием быстрого алгоритма компрессии ZStandard. Компрессия настраивается автоматически для получения оптимального соотношения между использованием ЦП и пропускной способностью диска.
fiber.cond() - a new synchronization mechanism for cooperative multitasking
Tarantool теперь можно устанавливать из универсальных Snappy-пакетов (http://snapcraft.io/) с помощью команды snapinstalltarantool--channel=beta.
Debian and Ubuntu packages start a ready-to-use example.lua instance on
a clean installation of the package.
The default instance grants universe permissions for guest user and listens
on «localhost:3313».
Пакеты для Fedora 22 объявлены устаревшими (прекращение поддержки).
Данная сборка представляет собой первую альфа-версию в серии 1.7. Основной функцией данной версии является новый движок базы данных под названием «vinyl». Vinyl представляет собой оптимизированный для записи движок базы данных, который позволяет сохранять объем сохраняемых данных, превышающий объем доступной памяти в 10-100 раз. Vinyl является продолжением движка Sophia из версии 1.6, а именно ответвлением и дальним родственником Sophia Дмитрия Симоненко. Новый Vinyl заменяет Sophia. Он реализован в виде журнально-структурированного дерева со слиянием (log-structured merge tree – LSM-tree). Однако усовершенствование таких традиционных недостатков журнально-структурированных хранилищ, как низкая производительность при чтении и непредсказуемая задержка во времени при записи, стоит больших усилий. Отдельный индекс секционирован по диапазонам между многими структурами данных LSM, в каждой из который находятся собственные буферы оперативной памяти регулируемого размера. Секционирование по диапазонам позволяет осуществить слияние LSM-уровней, чтобы добиться большей детализации, а также отдать приоритет горячим диапазонам по отношению к холодным в том, что касается доступа к ресурсам, таким как оперативная память и ввод-вывод. Планировщик слияний предназначен для сведения времени задержки записи к минимуму, а также для поддержания производительности при чтении в приемлемых пределах. На сегодняшний день Vinyl поддерживает только первичные индексы. Индекс может состоять из 256 частей, как в MemTX’е, по сравнению с 8 в Sophia. Поддерживает чтение по компонентам ключа. Вскоре ожидается поддержка непоследовательных составных ключей, а также вторичных ключей. Наше намерение заключается в том, чтобы убрать любые ограничения, которые есть сейчас в Vinyl’е, чтобы сделать его полноценным компонентом Tarantool.
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Дисковый движок, который в более ранних версиях Tarantool назывался sophia или phia, заменен новым движком под названием vinyl.
Добавлены новые типы индексируемых полей.
Обновлена версия LuaJIT.
Поддерживается автоматическая настройка набора реплик, что существенно упрощает настройку нового набора реплик.
Исправленные или переименованные конфигурационные параметры:
slab_alloc_arena (в гигабайтах) в memtx_memory (в байтах),
slab_alloc_minimal в memtx_min_tuple_size,
slab_alloc_maximal в memtx_max_tuple_size,
replication_source в replication,
snap_dir в memtx_dir,
logger в log,
logger_nonblock в log_nonblock,
snapshot_count в checkpoint_count,
snapshot_period в checkpoint_interval,
panic_on_wal_error и panic_on_snap_error объединены в force_recovery.
В версиях Tarantool до 1.8 можно использовать устаревшие параметры как для начальной, так и для рабочей конфигурации, но в таком случае Tarantool выдаст предупреждение. Также можно указывать как устаревшие, так и новые параметры при условии, что их значения согласованы. В противном случае, Tarantool выдаст ошибку.
У кластера репликации появилась возможность автоматической настройки, что существенно упрощает настройку нового кластера.
Новые индексируемые типы данных: INTEGER (целое число) и SCALAR (скаляр).
Since February 15, 2017, due to Tarantool issue (gh-2040)
there no longer is a storage engine named sophia.
It will be superseded in version 1.7 by the vinyl storage engine.
Несовместимые изменения:
Поддержка SHA-0 (digest.sha()) прекращается по причине обновления OpenSSL.
Бинарный файл Tarantool будет динамически связываться с libssl.so во время компиляции вместо загрузки во время выполнения.
Пакеты для Fedora 22 объявлены устаревшими (прекращение поддержки).
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Tab-based autocompletion in the interactive console
LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH environment variables taken into account,
like in PUC-RIO Lua (gh-1428).
Search for .dylib as well as for .so libraries in OS X
A new box.cfg{read_only=true} option to emulate master-slave
behavior (gh-246).
if_not_exists=true option added to box.schema.user.grant
clock_realtime()/monotonic() functions added to the public C API
space:count(key,opts) introduced as an alias for
Upgrade script for 1.6.4 -> 1.6.8 -> 1.6.9
RPM-пакеты для CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 Fedora 22+ будут использовать встроенную конфигурацию systemd без устаревших скриптов sysvinit. В systemd появляется возможность управления несколькими экземплярами. Чтобы обновить, выполните следующие действия:
Убедитесь в наличии файла ИМЯ_ЭКЗЕМПЛЯРА.lua в директории /etc/tarantool/instances.available.
Остановите ЭКЗЕМПЛЯР с помощью tarantoolctlstopИМЯ_ЭКЗЕМПЛЯРА.
Запустите ЭКЗЕМПЛЯР с помощью systemctlstarttarantool@ИМЯ_ЭКЗЕМПЛЯРА.
Enable INSTANCENAME during system boot using systemctlenabletarantool@INTANCENAME.
Директория /etc/tarantool/instance.enabled больше не используется для платформ, запускаемых по systemd.
Sophia was upgraded to v2.1 to fix upsert, memory corruption and other bugs.
Sophia v2.1 doesn’t support old v1.1 data format. Please use Tarantool
replication to upgrade
Ubuntu Vivid, Fedora 20, Fedora 21 объявлены устаревшими по причине прекращения поддержки.
i686-пакеты объявлены устаревшими. Используйте наши спецификации по RPM и DEB для сборки на своей инфраструктуре.
Tarantool 1.6.8 fully supports ARMv7 and ARMv8 (aarch64) processors.
Now it is possible to use Tarantool on a wide range of consumer devices,
starting from popular Raspberry PI 2 to coin-size embedded boards and
no-name mini-micro-nano-PCs
(Also qemu works well, but we don’t have real hardware to check.)
Tuple comparator functions were optimized, providing up to 30% performance
boost when an index key consists of 2, 3 or more parts
Tuple allocator changes give another 15% performance improvement
Replication relay performance was improved by reducing the amount of data
directory re-scans
A random delay was introduced into snapshot daemon, reducing the chance
that multiple instances take a snapshot at the same time
Движок базы данных Sophia был обновлен до версии 2.1:
режим хранения в кэше с подключением к базе данных,
внедренный AMQ-фильтр,
режим LRU (удаление страниц, которые дольше всего не использовались),
отдельная компрессия горячих и холодных данных,
внедрение снимков для быстрого восстановления,
реорганизация и исправление ошибок в upsert,
новые метрики производительности.
Обратите внимание на «Несовместимые изменения» выше.
Allow to remove servers with non-zero LSN from _cluster space
net.box now automatically reloads space and index definitions
The maximal number of indexes in space was increased to 128
New native systemd configuration with support of instance management
and daemon supervision (CentOS 7 and Fedora 22+ only).
Please note «Incompatible changes» above
Clang compiler support was added on FreeBSD.
Support for musl libc, used by Alpine Linux and Docker images, was added
Добавлена поддержка GCC 6.0.
Получили поддержку Ubuntu Wily, Xenial и Fedora 22, 23 и 24, для которых мы создаем официальные пакеты.
box.info.cluster.uuid can be used to retrieve cluster UUID
Многочисленные исправления в документации, добавлена документация по пакетам syslog, clock, fiber.storage, встроенное практическое задание получило обновление.
Новые модули и пакеты:
Tarantool перешел на новую облачную инфраструктуру на основе Docker. Новый инструмент интеграции разработки buildbot значительно уменьшает время передачи коммитов в пакеты. Официальные репозитории по ссылке http://tarantool.org теперь содержат последнюю версию сервера, модулей и коннекторов. См. http://github.com/tarantool/build
memcached – внедрение текстового и бинарного протокола memcached для Tarantool. Превращает Tarantool в memcached с доступом к базе данных с репликацией по схеме мастер-мастер. См. https://github.com/tarantool/memcached
Изменился синтаксис команды upsert, и из нее был удален дополнительный аргумент key. Первичный ключ для поиска всегда берется из кортежа, который является вторым аргументом в upsert. upsert() добавили довольно поздно в рабочем цикле, и в проекте была очевидная ошибка, которую нам пришлось исправлять. Извините.
Функцию fiber.channel.broadcast() удалили, потому что ее никто не использовал, и она работала некорректно.
Команда reload утилиты tarantoolctl переименована в``eval``.
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Опция logger допускает синтаксис для вывода в системный журнал syslog. Используйте синтаксис URI, чтобы определить место назначения журнала: в файл, в конвейер или syslog.
replication_source принимает массив URI, так что в каждой реплике может быть до 30 узлов.
RTREE-индекс принимает два типа функций distance: euclid и manhattan.
fio.abspath() – новая функция в модуле fio для конвертации относительного пути в абсолютный.
Название процесса теперь можно определить с помощью встроенного модуля title.
В данной версии используется LuaJIT 2.1.
Новые сторонние библиотеки:
memcached помогает Tarantool понимать бинарный протокол Memcached. Поддержка текстового протокола находится в процессе разработки и будет добавлена в отдельный модуль без изменений основных компонентов.
Версия 1.6.6
Release type: maintenance. Release date: 2015-08-28.
Release: v. 1.6.6
Tarantool версии 1.6 больше не получает значимых новых функций, но продолжает поддерживаться. Разработчики сосредоточили свои усилия на версии 1.9.
Несовместимые изменения:
Появляется новая схема системного спейса _index для размещения многомерных RTREE-индексов. Tarantool 1.6.6 нормально работает со старыми снимками и системными спейсами, но нельзя будет запустить Tarantool версии 1.6.5 с директорий, созданной в Tarantool версии 1.6.6, как нельзя будет ввести запрос в Tarantool 1.6.6 с net.box версии 1.6.5.
Переименование box.info.snapshot_pid в box.info.snapshot_in_progress
Изменения или добавления функциональности:
Потоковая архитектура для работы по сети. Сетевой ввод-вывод окончательно переведен на отдельный поток, что увеличит производительность отдельного экземпляра до 50%.
Потоковая архитектура для создания контрольных точек. Tarantool больше не делает ответвлений для создания снимка, а использует отдельный поток, получая доступ к данным с помощью вида постоянного просмотра. Это помогает устранить скачки задержки отклика во время создания снимков.
Хранимые процедуры на языках C/C++. Хранимые процедуры на языках C/C++ дают скорость (в 3-4 раза больше по сравнению с Lua-версией по нашим подсчетам), а также возможность неограниченного расширения. Поскольку процедуры C/C++ выполняются там же, где располагается база данных, они могут с легкостью повредить базу данных. См. API для языка C.
Многомерный RTREE-индекс. RTREE-индекс теперь поддерживает большое количество измерений (до 32). Cтруктура данных RTREE была оптимизирована так, чтобы действительно использовать R*-TREE. Мы работаем над дальнейшим улучшением индекса, в частности, над функцией конфигурации расстояния. См. https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/wiki/R-tree-index-quick-start-and-usage
New upsert command available in the binary protocol
and in stored functions. The key advantage of upsert
is that it’s much faster with write-optimized storage
(sophia storage engine), but some caveats exists as well.
See (gh-905)
for details. Even though upsert performance advantage is most
prominent with sophia engine, it works with all storage engines.
Better memory diagnostics information for fibers, tuple and
index arena. Try a new command box.slab.stats(), for
detailed information about tuple/index slabs, fiber.info() now
displays information about memory used by the fiber.
Операции update и delete работают с использованием вторичного индекса, если индекс уникальный.
Триггеры для аутентификации. Установите триггеры box.session.on_auth для отслеживания событий аутентификации. API для триггеров улучшили, чтобы он отображал все заданные триггеры, старые триггеры легко удалить.
panic_on_wal_error представляет собой динамический параметр конфигурации.
Поле iproto sync доступно в Lua как session.sync().
box.once() – новый метод для вызова кода однократно в течение срока жизни экземпляра и набора реплик. Используйте once() для настройки спейсов и пользователей, а также для обновления схемы в эксплуатационной среде.
box.error.last() возвращает последнюю ошибку в сессии.
Новые сторонние библиотеки:
Следующие модули LuaJIT 2.0 теперь являются встроенными: jit.*, jit.dump, jit.util, jit.vmdef. См. http://luajit.org/ext_jit.html
strict – встроенный пакет, который запрещает использование необъявленных переменных в Lua. Работа ведется в таком режиме, когда Tarantool компилируется с отладкой. Чтобы включить/отключить этот режим, используйте require('strict').on()/require('strict').off() соответственно.
pg и mysql – модули, доступные по ссылке http://rocks.tarantool.org – работают с MySQL и PostgreSQL из Tarantool.
gperftools rock, available at http://rocks.tarantool.org -
getting performance data using Google’s gperf from Tarantool.
csv – встроенный модуль для разбора и загрузки данных в формате CSV (значения, разделенные запятыми).
TARANTOOL_BASE_VERSION is the Community version which the Enterprise version is based on.
REVISION is the SDK revision. Besides Tarantool itself, it includes the tt utility, a set of open and closed source modules, and examples. Learn more from Package contents.
Added a readable error for the case when the flight recoder fails
to write data due to insufficient free space on the disk device.
Previously, it was sending a SIGBUS error (gh-196).
Fixed a crash in the flight recorder caused by non-thread-safe log
recording from multiple threads (gh-226).
Fixed a bug in the flight recorder reader implementation that resulted in
a hang or error while trying to open an empty section (gh-187).
Breaking changes
Default audit log format was changed to CSV.
Functionality added or changed
Implemented user-defined audit events. Now it’s possible to log custom
messages to the audit log from Lua (gh-65).
[Breaking change] Switched the default audit log format to CSV. The
format can be switched back to JSON using the new box.cfg.audit_format
configuration option (gh-66).
Implemented the audit log filter. Now, it’s possible to enable logging only
for a subset of all audit events using the new box.cfg.audit_filter
configuration option (gh-67).
Implement constraints and foreign keys. Now a user can create function constraints and foreign key relations
Changed log level of some information messages from critical to info
Added predefined system events: box.status, box.id, box.election
and box.schema (gh-6260).
Introduced transaction isolation levels in Lua and IPROTO (gh-6930).
Disabled the deferred DELETE optimization in Vinyl to avoid possible
performance degradation of secondary index reads. Now, to enable the
optimization, one has to set the defer_deletes flag in space options
Added support of console autocompletion for net.box objects stream
and future (gh-6305).
Parse method to allow converting string literals in extended iso-8601
Added bundling of GNU libunwind to support backtrace feature on
AARCH64 architecture and distributives that don’t provide libunwind
Re-enabled backtrace feature for all RHEL distributions by default, except
for AARCH64 architecture and ancient GCC versions, which lack compiler
features required for backtrace (gh-4611).
Bugs fixed
Disabled audit log unless explicitly configured (gh-39). Before this change,
audit events were written to stderr if box.cfg.audit_log wasn’t set. Now,
audit log is disabled in this case.
Disabled audit logging of replicated events (gh-59). Now, replicated events
(for example, user creation) are logged only on the origin, never on a
Banned DDL operations in space on_replace triggers, since they could lead
to a crash (gh-6920).
Fixed a bug due to which all fibers created with fiber_attr_setstacksize()
leaked until the thread exit. Their stacks also leaked except when
fiber_set_joinable(...,true) was used.
Fixed a crash in mvcc connected with secondary index conflict (gh-6452).
Fixed a bug which resulted in wrong space count (gh-6421).
Select in RO transaction now reads confirmed data, like a standalone (auotcommit) select does
Fixed potential obsolete data write in synchronious replication
due to race in accessing terms while disk write operation is in
progress and not yet completed.
Fixed replicas failing to bootstrap when master is just re-started (gh-6966).
Fixed the behavior of tarantool console on SIGINT. Now Ctrl+C discards
the current input and prints the new prompt (gh-2717).
Fixed assertion or segfault when MP_EXT received via net.box (gh-6766).
Now ROUND() properly support INTEGER and DECIMAL as the first
argument (gh-6988).
Intervals received after datetime arithmetic operations may be improperly
normalized if result was negative
Релизная политика Tarantool меняется, чтобы стать более понятной. Вводится новый формат версионирования, похожий на семантическое версионирование (SemVer), а также новый жизненный цикл версий, предполагающий больше серий с долгосрочной поддержкой. В этом документе подробно рассказано о новой релизной политике, правилах версионирования и жизненном цикле релизных серий.
Новая релизная политика заменяет старую для следующих серий:
2.x.y, начиная с 2.10.0. Первая версия в этой серии — 2.10.0-beta1.
В будущем — 3.0.0.
Вот самые важные нововведения:
Третья часть номера версии больше не указывает на тип версии (альфа-, бета- или релизная). Если это число отлично от нуля, то версия является патчем и содержит только исправление ошибок. На конце номеров предварительных версий теперь есть соответствующие суффиксы, например: 3.0.0-alpha1.
Согласно старой релизной политике 1.10 была серией с долгосрочной поддержкой (long-term support, LTS), а серия 2.x.y — нет, хоть и содержала стабильные релизы. Теперь долгосрочной поддержкой пользуются обе серии.
Ниже вы найдете подробные сведения о новой политике версионирования.
Политика версионирования
Релизные серии и версии
В основе новой релизной политики Tarantool лежит поддержка нескольких релизных серий. У каждой серии свой жизненный цикл, и в нее входят как предварительные, так и релизные версии.
Что такое релизная серия?
Релизная серия — это ряд версий для разработки и производственной эксплуатации. Эта последовательность версий линейно развивается по определенному плану. У каждой серии свой жизненный цикл, а версии в ней обладают некоторой гарантией совместимости друг с другом и с версиями других серий. Срок поддержки каждой серии — минимум два года с выхода первого релиза.
Что такое релизная версия?
Релизная версия, или релиз — это тщательно протестированный и готовый к производственной эксплуатации дистрибутив Tarantool, привязанный к определенному коммиту. Номер релиза состоит из трех частей:
Каждое число соответствует одному из трех типов релизных версий, о чем подробно рассказано ниже.
Мажорный релиз
Мажорная релизная версия — это первый релиз в своей релизной серии. Релиз включает в себя новую функциональность и может нарушать обратную совместимость с прежними версиями. Каждый следующий мажорный релиз получает номер, в котором изменено первое число:
Минорный релиз
В минорном релизе могут вводиться новые функциональные возможности. Тем не менее он гарантированно будет совместим с более ранними версиями серии. Могут быть также исправлены ошибки. Каждый следующий минорный релиз получает номер, в котором изменено второе число:
Патч (patch release) исправляет ошибки предыдущих версий, но не добавляет новую функциональность. Каждый следующий патч получает номер, в котором изменено третье число:
Релизы отвечают ряду требований:
Каждый релиз предварительно тестировался и обкатывался во внутренних проектах, пока не исчезли все сомнения в его стабильности.
Исправлены все обнаруженные ошибки в стандартных сценариях использования.
Нет регрессии, то есть нет новых ошибок в функциональности из прошлых релизов. В случае мажорного релиза, нет регрессии в функциональности из предыдущей серии.
Backwards compatibility is guaranteed between all versions in the same release series.
It is also appreciated, but not guaranteed between different release series (major number changes).
See compatibility guarantees page for details.
Предварительные версии
Что такое предварительная версия?
Предварительными называются версии, опубликованные для тестирования и обкатки, но не предназначенные для производственной эксплуатации. Эти версии нумеруются по тому же принципу, что и релизы, но имеют суффикс:
Ниже подробно рассказывается о четырех типах предварительных версий.
Dev-сборка (development build) отражает определенный этап разработки продукта. Такие сборки используются только в процессе разработки и внутреннего тестирования.
Dev-сборки обозначаются суффиксом, полученным командой $(gitdescribe--always--long)-dev:
В альфа-версию (alpha version) включена часть функциональных возможностей, запланированных в релизной серии. Альфа-версия может быть неполной или нестабильной, а также не обладать обратной совместимостью с предыдущей серией.
Альфа-версии предназначены для пользователей, готовых попробовать новую серию на раннем этапе, а также для тех, кто разрабатывает зависимые компоненты — коннекторы и модули.
В бета-версию (beta version) включены все функциональные возможности, запланированные в релизной серии. Бета-версия подходит, чтобы начать разработку нового приложения.
Бета-версия позволяет проверить, насколько готова к выпуску та или иная функциональная возможность. На основании этого принимается решение, доработать ли эту возможность, удалить или заменить. Бета-версия может содержать известные ошибки новой функциональности, а также регрессионные ошибки в распространенных сценариях использования.
Note that the development of 2.10.0, the first release under the new policy,
starts with version 2.10.0-beta1.
В релиз-кандидате (release candidate, RC) исправляются ошибки и совершенствуется функциональность. Он также помогает собирать отзывы перед публикацией релиза. Набор функциональных возможностей в релиз-кандидате такой же, как в бета-версии. Известные ошибки в типичных сценариях использования устранены, регрессионных ошибок нет.
Релиз-кандидат подходит для использования в предпроизводственной среде (staging).
Стадия ранней разработки (early development) продолжается до выхода мажорного релиза. На этой стадии публикуются альфа- и бета-версии, а также релиз-кандидаты.
Стадия разделена на два этапа:
Разработка и проверка новой функциональности в альфа- и бета-версиях. На этом этапе функциональные возможности могут добавляться и в некоторых случаях удаляться.
Стабилизация. С момента выхода первого релиз-кандидата набор функциональных возможностей не меняется.
Эта стадия начинается, когда выходит первый релиз. Теперь в релизной серии могут появляться только изменения, не нарушающие обратную совместимость.
На этой стадии устраняются известные проблемы безопасности и исправляются регрессионные ошибки, возникшие в серии.
Патчи для регрессионных и других ошибок выпускаются, пока серия не перейдет со стадии поддержки на стадию прекращения поддержки (end of life, EOL).
Решение о том, исправить ли конкретную ошибку в релизной серии, принимается в зависимости от того, насколько проблема серьезна, сложно ли будет ее устранить в предыдущих версиях и нарушит ли исправление обратную совместимость.
На этой стадии в релизной серии могут выпускаться новые функциональные возможности, но все они будут обратно совместимы с предыдущими версиями. Кроме того, может быть выпущен релиз-кандидат, чтобы собрать отзывы пользователей перед выходом релиза.
В течение периода поддержки в релизной серии выпускаются обновления для новых версий дистрибутивов Linux.
Срок поддержки для каждой серии — как минимум два года.
Прекращение поддержки
Стадия прекращения поддержки (end of life, EOL) для серии наступает, когда опубликован последний релиз в этой серии. После этого серия прекращает обновляться.
Для серий, достигших этой стадии, поддержка не гарантируется. Скорее всего, для них не будут выходить обновления, связанные с работой модулей, коннекторов и инструментов.
Стадия прекращения поддержки для релизной серии может наступить только тогда, когда большинство производственных сред, с которыми Tarantool работает по SLA и другим соглашениям, обновится до более новой серии.
Версии по стадиям жизненного цикла
Типы версий
Ранняя разработка
Альфа, бета, релиз-кандидат
Релиз-кандидат, релиз
Прекращение поддержки
Пример релизной серии
На стадии ранней разработки последовательность версий в релизной серии может быть такой:
Как только выпущен первый релиз, серия переходит на стадию поддержки. Дальнейшие версии могут быть опубликованы в такой последовательности:
3.0.0 (релиз новой основной версии)
3.0.1 (релиз с исправлением ошибок, но без функциональных изменений)
3.1.0 (релиз с новыми функциональными возможностями и, вероятно, дополнительными исправлениями)
Со временем стадия поддержки подходит к концу, и релизная серия выходит на стадию прекращения поддержки (end of life, EOL). С этого момента новые версии не выпускаются.
See all currently supported Tarantool versions in Releases.
Compatibility guarantees
Backwards compatibility is guaranteed between all versions in the same release series.
It is also appreciated but not guaranteed between different release series (major number changes).
Pre-releases and releases of one release series are compatible in all
senses defined below (any release with any release):
Pre-releases and releases of consequent series are compatible by data
layout, binary protocol, and replication protocol.
No guarantees are given regarding compatibility between
pre-releases/releases of non-consequent release series if the opposite
is not stated in the release notes.
No guarantees are given regarding compatibility between alpha/beta
versions and between alpha/beta and pre-release/release even within one series.
Binary data layout
Any newer release (its runtime) is backward compatible with any older one.
It means the more recent release can work on top of data
(*.xlog, *.snap, *.vylog, *.run) from the older one.
All functionality of the older release can work in this configuration.
The same compatibility is maintained between release series as well.
An attempt to use a new feature results in one of the options:
The attempt is successful.
There is an error message about the old data layout.
The error does not lead to service outage or data corruption.
There is a way to avoid the message, if an instance upgrades the data layout
by calling the box.schema.upgrade(). The call enables
all new release features (when all instances of the replicaset are processed on the same Tarantool version).
Binary protocol
All binary protocol requests operational in an older release keep working in a newer one.
Responses have the same format, but mappings may contain fields not present in the older release.
A net.box client of an older release can work
with a server running a newer release. However, net.box features introduced in the newer release won’t work.
A net.box client of a newer release is fully operational with a server
running a older release. However, only the features implemented in the older release will work.
Replication protocol
An instance running on a newer release can work as:
upstream (master) of an instance with an older release
downstream (replica) without database schema upgrade.
The database schema upgrade (box.schema.upgrade()) must be performed when all replicaset instances
run on the same Tarantool version.
An application should not lean on internal schema representation because it can be changed with the upgrade.
Lua code
If a code is processed on an older release, it will operate with the same effect on a
newer one. However, only meaningful code counts.
If any code throws an error but starts doing something useful, the change is considered compatible.
There is still room for new functionality: adding new options (fields in a table argument),
new arguments to the end, more fields to a return table, and more return values (multireturn).
Adding a new built-in module or a new global value is considered as a compatible change.
Adding a new field to an existing metatable is okay if the field is not listed
in the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual.
Otherwise, it should be proven that it won’t break any meaningful code.
Examples of compatible changes:
Add __pairs, __ipairs to a metatable of a userdata/cdata object.
The fields are not from Lua 5.1, and the userdata/cdata has no default behaviour
for pairs() and ipairs() calls.
Add or extend the __lt or __le metamethod
(if the attempt to use <, <= etc. leads to an error before the change).
Extend existing __eq metamethod implementation
(if the attempt to use it leads to an error before the change).
Examples of incompatible changes:
Add __pairs, __ipairs to a metatable of a table
(it already has a defined behavior before the change).
Add the __eq metamethod (any pair of Lua objects already has a defined behavior).
SQL code
If any request is processed on an older release, it will operate with the same effect on a
newer one (except the requests that always lead to an error).
Examples of compatible changes:
Add a new keyword.
Add a new type.
Add a new built-in function.
Add a new system table that has a name starting with an underscore.
Add a new collation.
Add an implicit or explicit cast rule for a set of operations {X} and a list
of types [Y] if [operation from {X}]([list of values of [Y] types]) had not been
implemented before the change.
Change the order of tuples in the result set of SELECT in case ORDERBY is not specified.
Technically, those changes may break some working code in case of a name clash,
but the probability of it is negligible.
Examples of incompatible changes:
Change the result of working implicit or explicit cast.
Change of a literal type.
C code
If a module or a C stored procedure runs on an older release,
it will operate with the same effect on a newer one.
It is okay to add a new function or structure to the public C API.
It must use one of the Tarantool prefixes (box_, fiber_, luaT_, luaM_ and so on) or some new prefix.
A symbol from a used library must not be exported directly
because the library may be used in a module by itself, and the clash can lead to problems.
Exception: when the whole public API of the library is exported (as for libcurl).
Do not introduce new functions or structures with the lua_ and luaL_ prefixes.
Those prefixes are for the Lua runtime.
Use luaT_ for Tarantool-specific functions, and luaM_ for general-purpose ones.
Tarantool is an open source database that can store everything in RAM.
Use Tarantool as a cache with the ability to save data to disk.
Tarantool serves up to a million requests per second,
allows for secondary index searches, and has SQL support.
In Tarantool, you can execute code alongside data.
This allows for faster operations.
Implement any business logic in Lua.
Get rid of stale entries, sync with other data sources, implement an HTTP service.
We have a special Telegram chat
for contributors.
We speak Russian and English in the chat.
This is the easiest way to get your questions answered.
Many people are afraid to ask questions because they believe they are
«wasting the experts“ time,» but we don’t really think so.
Contributors are important to us.
You can leave your feedback or share ideas in different ways:
The simplest way is to fill
the feedback form.
All you need to do is fill in one product comment field and click «Send.»
You can optionally provide your email address.
If you wish, we can involve you in the product development process.
A more technical way is to create a ticket on GitHub.
If you have a suggestion for a new feature or information about a bug,
create a new GitHub issue.
The link leads to the tarantool/tarantool repository.
To leave feedback for our other projects on GitHub, select «Issues» > «New issue.»
If Telegram is inconvenient for you or simply isn’t working,
you can leave your comment on tarantool.io.
Fill out the form at the bottom of the site and leave your email.
We read every request and respond to them usually within 2 days.
How to contribute
There are many ways to contribute to Tarantool:
Code: Contribute to the code.
We have components written in C, Lua, Python, Go, and other languages.
Write: Improve documentation, write blog posts, create tutorials or solution pages.
Q&A: Share your experience on Stack Overflow with the
#tarantool tag.
Spread the word: Share your accomplishments on social media using the
#tarantool hashtag (or CC @tarantooldb on Twitter).
Tarantool ecosystem
Tarantool has a large ecosystem of tools.
We divide the ecosystem into four large blocks:
Tarantool itself.
Modules for Tarantool. They can be written in C and Lua.
Connectors for programming languages.
Applied tools. See the curated
Awesome Tarantool list,
which also includes external tools.
To start contributing, check the «good first issue» tag
in the issues section of any of our repositories.
These are beginner to intermediate tasks that will
help you get comfortable with the tool.
See the list of tasks
for the tarantool/tarantool repository.
There is a review queue in each of our repositories,
so your changes may not be reviewed immediately.
We usually give the first answer within two days.
Depending on the ticket and its complexity, the review time may take a week or more.
Please do not hesitate to tag the maintainer in your GitHub ticket.
Read on to learn about contributing to different ecosystem blocks.
Documentation: How to report and fix problems
There are several ways to improve the documentation:
The easiest one is to leave your comment on the web documentation page.
To use the built-in feedback form, select the text that you want to comment on,
press Ctrl+Enter, type your comment in the pop-up window,
and click Submit.
On mobile screens, an Error? button appears at the bottom of the screen,
which opens the same pop-up window.
You can point out an error,
provide feedback on the current article, or suggest changes.
We review each comment and work with it.
Advanced: All Tarantool documentation tasks can be found in the
Go to any task and suggest your changes.
We write our documentation using
reStructuredText markup,
and we have a writing style guide.
After you make the change, build the documentation locally and
see how it works. This can be done automatically in Docker.
To learn more, check the README of the tarantool/doc repository.
Some Tarantool projects have their documentation in the code repository.
This is typical for modules, for example, metrics.
This is done on purpose, so the developers themselves can update it faster.
You can find instructions for building such documentation in the code repository.
If you find that the documentation provided in the README of a module or
a connector is incomplete or wrong, the best way to influence this is to fix it
yourself. Clone the repository, fix the bug, and suggest changes in a pull request.
It will take you five minutes but it will help the whole community.
If you cannot fix it for any reason, create a ticket in the repository
and report the error. It will be fixed promptly.
How to contribute to modules
Tarantool is a database with an embedded application server.
This means you can write any code in C or Lua and pack it in distributable modules.
We have official and unofficial modules.
Here are some of our official modules:
HTTP server: HTTP server implementation
with middleware support.
queue: Tarantool implementation of
the persistent message queue.
metrics: Ready-to-use solution for
collecting metrics.
Official modules are provided in our organization on GitHub.
All modules are distributed through our package manager, which is
pre-installed with Tarantool.
That also applies to unofficial modules, which means that
other users can get your module easily.
Tasks for contributors can be found in the issues section of any repository
under the «good first issue» tag. These tasks are beginner or intermediate
in terms of difficulty level, so you can comfortably get used to the module of your interest.
You can find the contact of the current maintainer in the MAINTAINERS file, located
in the root of the repository. If there is no such file, please
let us know.
We will respond within two days.
If you see that the project does not have a maintainer or is inactive, you can
become its maintainer yourself.
See the How to become a maintainer section.
Creating a new module
You can also create custom modules and share them with the community.
Look at the module template
and write your own.
How to contribute to Tarantool Core
Tarantool is written mostly in C.
Some parts are in C++ and Lua.
Your contributions to Tarantool Core
may take longer to review because we want the code to be reliable.
Read about Tarantool architecture and main modules on the
developer site and on
In Tarantool development, we strive to follow the standards laid out in
our style and contribution guides.
These documents explain how to format your code and commits as well as
how to write tests without breaking anything accidentally.
The guidelines also help you create patches that are easy to check, which allows
quickly pushing changes to master.
You can suggest a patch using the fork and pull mechanism on GitHub: Make changes to your
copy of the repository and submit it to us for review. Check the
GitHub documentation
to learn how to do it.
How to write tests
A database is a product that is expected to be as reliable as possible.
We at Tarantool created test-run, a dedicated test framework for developing
scripts that test Tarantool itself.
Writing your own test is not difficult. Check out the following examples:
We also have a CI workflow that automatically checks build and test coverage for new
changes on all supported operating systems.
The workflow is launched after every commit to the repository.
We have many tasks for QA specialists. Our QA team provides test coverage for our products,
helps develop the test framework, and introduces and maintains new tools to test
the stability of our releases.
For modules, we use luatest—
our fork of a framework popular in the Lua community,
enhanced and optimized for our tasks.
See examples.
of writing tests for a module.
How to contribute to language connectors
A connector is a library that provides an API to access Tarantool from
a programming language. Tarantool uses its own binary protocol for access,
and the connector’s task is to transfer user requests to the database and
application server in the required format.
Data access connectors have already been implemented for all major languages.
If you want to write your own connector,
you first need to familiarize yourself with the Tarantool binary protocol.
Read the protocol description to learn more.
We consider the following connectors as references:
You can look at them to understand how to do it right.
Some connectors in the Tarantool ecosystem are supported by the Tarantool team.
Others are developed and supported exclusively by the community.
All of them have their pros and cons. See the
complete list of connectors and their recommended versions.
If you are using a community connector and want to implement
new features for it or fix a bug, send your PRs via GitHub to the connector repository.
If you have questions for the author of the connector, check the
MAINTAINERS file for the repository maintainer’s contact.
If there is no such file, send us a message on Telegram.
We will help you figure it out. We usually answer within one day.
How to contribute to tools
The Tarantool ecosystem has tools that facilitate the workflow,
help with application deployment, or allow working with Kubernetes.
Here are some of the tools created by the Tarantool team:
a CLI utility for creating and managing Tarantool applications.
Maintainers are people who can merge PRs or commit to master.
We expect maintainers to answer questions and tickets on time as well as do code reviews.
If you need to get a review but no one responds within a week, take a look at the
Maintainers section of the repository’s README.md.
Write to the person listed there.
If you have not received an answer within 3–4 days, you can escalate the question
on Telegram.
A repository may have no maintainers (empty Maintainers list in README.md),
or the existing maintainers may be inactive. In this case, you can become a maintainer yourself.
We think it’s better if the repository is maintained by a newbie than if the
repository is dead. So don’t be shy: we love maintainers and help them figure it all out.
All you need to do is fill out
this form.
Tell us what repository you want to access,
the reason (inactivity, the maintainer is not responding),
and how to contact you.
We will consider your application in 1 day and either give you the rights
or tell you what else needs to be done.
How to write release notes
Below are some best practices to make changelogs consistent, neat, and human-oriented.
Use the past tense to describe changed or fixed behavior.
Fixed false positive panic when yielding in debug hook (gh-5649).
The CMake option for hinting that the result will be distributed is
-DENABLE_DIST=ON. With this option, makeinstall
installs tarantoolctl files in addition to tarantool files.
Make RPM and Debian packages
This step is optional. It’s only for people who want to redistribute
Tarantool. We highly recommend to use official packages from the
tarantool.org web-site.
However, you can build RPM and Debian packages using
PackPack. Consult
Build RPM or Deb package using packpack
for details.
Verify your Tarantool installation
$# если tarantool установлен локально после сборки
$# - ИЛИ -
$# если tarantool не установлен локально после сборки
В некоторых случаях может потребоваться создание Tarantool-модуля на C, а не на Lua, например, для работы со специальным оборудованием или низкоуровневыми системными интерфейсами.
На любой, даже незначительный дефект, меняющий видимое для пользователя поведение сервера, необходимо составить отчет об ошибке. Сообщите о дефекте на GitHub.
Когда вы сообщаете об ошибке, постарайтесь сразу же приступить к тестовому сценарию. Установите текущую контрольную точку для исправления ошибки и укажите серию. Назначьте задачу на себя. Укажите статус «In progress» (выполняется). Как только патч готов, укажите статус ошибки «In review» (на рассмотрении) и отправьте версию с исправленными ошибками на рассмотрение.
После успешного рассмотрения кода опубликуйте патч и укажите статус «Closed» (закрыт).
Патчи для исправления ошибок должны содержать ссылку на страницу нужной задачи на GitHub или на идентификатор задачи. Каждому патчу должен соответствовать отдельный тест. Если в текущем окружении создать подходящий тест затруднительно, следует предупредить тестировщиков.
Когда ваш патч доходит до главной ветки проекта, нужно сделать следующее:
перевести статус ошибки в „fix committed“ (исправлено),
удалить отдельную ветку.
Как писать сообщение о коммите
Любой коммит следует описать в полезном сообщении. Следуйте нижеприведенным рекомендациям при коммитах в любой репозиторий Tarantool на GitHub.
Отделяйте тему от тела сообщения пустой строкой.
Постарайтесь ограничить тему сообщения примерно 50 символами.
Начните тему сообщения с прописной буквы, если ей не предшествует префикс с именем подсистемы и точка с запятой:
Не заканчивайте тему сообщения точкой.
Не пишите «gh-xx», «closes #xxx» в строке темы.
В теме сообщения используйте повелительное наклонение. Правильно оформленная тема Git-коммита должна корректно дополнять следующее предложение: «Если применить, коммит /здесь тема сообщения/».
Уместите тело сообщения в примерно 72 символа.
Используйте тело сообщения, чтобы объяснить, что и почему, а не как.
Привяжите задачи на GitHub в последних строках (см. как).
Используйте настоящие имя и адрес электронной почты. Членам проектной команды Tarantool рекомендуется указывать почту на @tarantool.org, но это необязательно.
Кратко сформулируйте изменения в пределах 50 символов.
При необходимости, более подробные объяснения.
Уместите детали в примерно 72 символов.
Иногда первая строка считается темой
коммита, а остальной текст -- телом сообщения.
Критически важна пустая строка, которая отделяет тему от тела сообщения
(если только тело не отсутствует совсем); различные средства, такие как `log`,
`shortlog` и `rebase` могут их перепутать, если нет разделения.
Объясните проблему, которую решает данный коммит. Уделите внимание тому, почему
вы вносите эти изменения, а не как (это объясняется в коде).
Есть ли побочные эффекты или другие неочевидные последствия применения этих
изменений? Здесь можно объяснить их.
Следующие абзацы идут после пустых строк.
- Можно также использовать элементы в списке.
- Как правило, в качестве маркера применяется дефис или звездочка, которой предшествует
пробел, а между строками вставляются пустые строки, но в данном случае
условные обозначения могут разниться.
Fixes #123
Closes #456
Needed for #859
See also #343, #789
People usually read technical documentation because they want something
up and running quickly. Write simpler, more concise sentences.
Split the content into smaller paragraphs to improve readability.
This will also eliminate the need for using |br| and help us translate content faster.
Any paragraph over 6 sentences is large.
Keep your audience in mind
Consider your audience’s level. A getting started guide should be written
in simpler terms than an advanced internals description.
If you choose to use metaphors to clarify a concept, make sure they are relatable
for an international audience of IT professionals.
Don’t say «we»
Only use the pronoun «we» in entry-level texts like getting started guides.
In other cases, avoid using «we», because it is unclear who that is exactly.
Consider how Gentoo does it.
Stick to the facts
Use measurable facts instead of personal judgments.
Different users may have different ideas of what «often», «slow», or «small» means.
Bad example: This parameter is rarely updated.
Good example: This parameter is updated every two hours or more rarely.
Refer to absolute time
Temporal adverbs like «today», «currently», «now», «in the future», etc. are relative –
that is, they are based on the time the documentation is created.
Instead of these words, use absolute terms like version numbers or years.
The meaning of those terms doesn’t change over time.
If technical documentation is tied semantically to the time it was created,
it increases the risk of the documentation becoming obsolete.
Bad example: Previously, the functionality worked differently.
Currently, it supports SSL.
Good example: Before version x.y.z, the functionality worked differently.
Since version x.y.z, it supports SSL.
Express one idea in a sentence
Say exactly one thing in a sentence.
If you want to define or clarify something, do it in a separate sentence.
Simple sentences are easier to read, understand and translate.
Dogs (I have three of them) are my favorite animals.
Their names are Ace, Bingo and Charm; Charm is the youngest one.
Dogs are my favorite animals.
I have three of them.
Their names are Ace, Bingo and Charm.
Charm is the youngest one.
memtx (in-memory движок базы данных) используется по умолчанию, который был первым.
memtx is an in-memory storage engine.
It is the default and was the first to arrive.
The replica set from where the bucket is being migrated is called the source;
the target replica set where the bucket is being migrated to is called the destination.
The replica set from where the bucket is being migrated is called the source.
The target replica set where the bucket is being migrated to is called the destination.
Put examples next to theory
It’s best if examples immediately follow the concept they illustrate.
The readers wouldn’t want to look for the examples in a different part of the article.
Specify link text
When you provide a link, clearly specify
where it leads. In this way, you will not mislead the reader.
Lists and tables help split heavy content into manageable chunks.
To make tables maintainable and easy to translate,
use the list-table directive, as described in the Tarantool
table markup reference.
Translators find it hard to work with content «drawn» with ASCII characters,
because it requires adjusting the number of spaces and manually counting characters.
Bad example:
Good example:
Format code as code
Format large code fragments using the code-block directive, indicating the language.
For shortercodesnippets, make sure that only code goes in the backticks.
Non-code shouldn’t be formatted as code, because this confuses users (and translators, too).
Check our guidelines on
writing about code.
For more about formatting, check out the Tarantool
markup reference.
Word choice
Экземпляр или сервер
We say «instance» rather than «server» to refer to a Tarantool
server instance. This keeps the manual terminology consistent with names like
/etc/tarantool/instances.enabled in the Tarantool environment.
Wrong usage: «Replication allows multiple Tarantool servers to work with copies
of the same database.»
Correct usage: «Replication allows multiple Tarantool instances to work with
copies of the same database.»
Don’t use i.e. and e.g.
Don’t use the following contractions:
the Latin «id est». Use «that is» or «which means» instead.
the Latin «exempli gratia». Use «for example» or «such as» instead.
Many people, especially non-native English speakers,
aren’t familiar with the
«i.e.» and «e.g.» contractions
or don’t know the difference between them.
For this reason, it’s best to avoid using them.
Spelling and punctuation
Tarantool capitalization
The word «Tarantool» is capitalized because it’s a product name.
The only context where it can start with a lowercase «t» is code.
Learn more about code formatting in Tarantool documentation.
Британский или американский вариант английского
Use the US English spelling.
Check your spelling and punctuation
Consider checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation with special tools like
LanguageTool or Grammarly.
Special symbols like dashes, quotation marks, and apostrophes look the same
across all Tarantool documentation in a single language.
This is because the documentation builder
renders specific character sequences in the source into correct typographic characters.
Tarantool documentarians are recommended to use the en dash (–) only.
Type two hyphens to insert it: --. Add spaces on both sides of the dash.
Don’t use a single hyphen as a dash.
Use the dash for the following purposes:
To separate extra information.
To mark a break in a sentence.
To mark ranges like 4–16 GB (don’t surround the dash with spaces in this case).
When indicating a range like codeelement1–codeelement2, escape the series of hyphens using
character-level inline markup.
Otherwise, the RST interpreter will perceive the dash as part of the RST syntax:
Ending punctuation in lists and tables
The following recommendations are for the English language only.
You can find similar guidelines for the Russian language in the
external reference for Russian proofreaders.
There are two kinds of lists:
Where each item forms a complete sentence.
Where each item is a phrase of three or less words or a term.
In the former case, start each item with a capital letter and end with a period.
In the latter case, start it with a lowercase letter and
add no ending punctuation (no period, no comma, no semicolon).
A list should be formatted uniformly:
choose the first or second rule for all items in a list.
The sentence preceding a list can end either with a semicolon or a period.
Don’t add redundant conjunctions like «and»/»or» before the last list item.
General English punctuation rules still apply for text in lists.
For the text in cells, use periods or other end punctuation
only if the cells contain complete sentences or a mixture of fragments and sentences.
(This is also a
Microsoft guideline
for the English language.)
Besides, make sure that your table punctuation is consistent – either
all similar list/table items end with a period or they all don’t.
In the example below, all items in the second column don’t have
ending punctuation. Meanwhile, all items in the fourth column end with a period,
because they are a mix of fragments and sentences:
This section covers the specifics of localizing Tarantool into Russian.
If you are translating Tarantool docs into Russian,
be sure to check out our translation guidelines.
Lua manages memory automatically by running a garbage collector from time to time to collect all dead objects (that is, objects that are no longer accessible from Lua). https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.10
A thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler, which is typically a part of the operating system.
Lua application
Lua-приложение, приложение на языке Lua
Tarantool’s native language for writing applications is Lua.
implicit casting
неявное приведение типов
база данных
Release policy
Релизная политика
A set of rules for releasing and naming new distributions of Tarantool: where we add new features and where we don’t, how we give them numbers, what versions are suitable to use in production.
Fields are distinct data values, contained in a tuple. They play the same role as «row columns» or «record fields» in relational databases.
(SQL) A clause in SQL is a part of a query that lets you filter or customizes how you want your data to be queried to you.
(SQL) Predicates, which specify conditions that can be evaluated to SQL three-valued logic (3VL) (true/false/unknown) or Boolean truth values and are used to limit the effects of statements and queries, or to change program flow.
(SQL) Queries retrieve the data based on specific criteria. A query is a statement that returns a result set (possibly empty).
result set
результат запроса
(SQL) An SQL result set is a set of rows from a database, as well as metadata about the query such as the column names, and the types and sizes of each column. A result set is effectively a table.
(SQL) A statement is any text that the database engine recognizes as a valid command.
(SQL) Любой текст, который распознаётся движком БД как команда. Инструкция состоит из ключевых слов и выражений языка SQL, которые предписывают Tarantool выполнять какие-либо действия с базой данных.
(SQL) A series of SQL statements sent to the server at once is called a batch.
(SQL) Серия SQL-инструкций (statements), отправляемая на сервер вместе
production configuration
конфигурация производственной среды
Transforming a mechanical, electrical, or computer system from a packaged to an operational state. IT infrastructure deployment typically involves defining the sequence of operations or steps, often referred to as a deployment plan, that must be carried to deliver changes into a target system environment.
roll back
deploy to production
IT infrastructure deployment typically involves defining the sequence of operations or steps, often referred to as a deployment plan, that must be carried to deliver changes into a target system environment. Production environment is a setting where software and other products are actually put into operation for their intended uses by end users
(DevOps) Information technology operations, or IT operations, are the set of all processes and services that are both provisioned by an IT staff to their internal or external clients and used by themselves, to run themselves as a business.
to deploy
Transforming a mechanical, electrical, or computer system from a packaged to an operational state. IT infrastructure deployment typically involves defining the sequence of operations or steps, often referred to as a deployment plan, that must be carried to deliver changes into a target system environment.
deployment plan
A sequence of operations or steps that must be carried to deliver changes into a target system environment.
production environment
производственная среда
Production environment is a term used mostly by developers to describe the setting where software and other products are actually put into operation for their intended uses by end users.
восстановление после сбоев
In computing and related technologies such as networking, failover is switching to a redundant or standby computer server, system, hardware component or network upon the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active application, server, system, hardware component, or network.
выберите, выбрать
To select a checkbox
Localization guidelines
Use this guide when localizing Tarantool into Russian.
Tone of voice
General voice
We address IT specialists fairly knowledgeable in their respective fields.
The goal of our translations is to help these people understand how to use Tarantool.
Think of us as their colleagues and address them as such.
Be professional but friendly.
Don’t command or patronize.
Use colloquial speech but avoid being too familiar.
It’s all about the golden mean.
Modal verbs
Think twice when translating modal verbs.
Avoid using expressions like «вы должны», because they sound like a demand in Russian,
and «вам придётся», because it implies that our readers will face a lot of trouble.
Be careful with «нельзя».
Make it easy for the user to read the documentation.
Gender neutrality
Use gender-neutral expressions like «сделать самостоятельно» instead of «сделать самому», etc.
Term choice
Though not all of our readers may be fluent in English,
they write in English-based programming languages
and are used to seeing error messages in English.
Therefore, if they see an unfamiliar and/or more archaic Russian term
for a familiar concept, they might have trouble correlating them.
We don’t want our audience to feel confused, so we prefer newer terms.
We also provide the English equivalent for a term
if it is used in the article for the first time.
If you feel like an older Russian term may sound more familiar for a part of the audience
(for example, those with a math background),
consider adding it in parentheses along with the English equivalent.
Don’t repeat the parentheses throughout the text.
A similar rule applies to
introducing terms in Tarantool documentation.
Term choice examples
First time
All following times
state machine
машина состояний (конечный автомат, state machine)
машина состояний
write-ahead log; WAL
журнал упреждающей записи (write-ahead log, WAL)
журнал упреждающей записи; WAL; журнал WAL (using a descriptor)
Best practices
Be creative
Please avoid word-for-word translations.
Let the resulting text sound as though it was originally written in Russian.
Less is more
Be concise and don’t repeat yourself. Fewer words are the best option most of the time.
Профиль доступа можно назначить для любой роли пользователя,
созданной администратором.
А к ролям по умолчанию привязать профили доступа не получится,
поскольку такие роли редактировать нельзя.
Профиль доступа можно назначить для любой роли пользователя,
созданной администратором.
Исключение составляют роли по умолчанию,
поскольку их нельзя редактировать.
Topic and focus
Avoid English word order.
The Russian speech is structured with topic and focus
(тема и рема).
The topic is the given in the sentence, something we already know.
The focus is whatever new/important information is provided in the sentence
about the topic.
In written Russian, the focus most often stands at the end of the sentence,
while in English, sentences may start with it.
It is recommended to use systemd
for managing the application instances and accessing log entries.
Для управления экземплярами приложения и доступа к записям журнала
рекомендуется использовать systemd.
Do not specify working directories of the instances in this configuration.
Не указывайте в этой конфигурации рабочие директории экземпляров.
No bureaucratese
Avoid overly formal, bureaucratic language whenever possible.
Prefer verbs over verbal nouns,
and don’t use «являться» and «осуществляться» unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Сообщение исчезнет, как только вы покинете данную страницу.
Сообщение исчезнет, как только вы покинете страницу.
Проверка истечения срока действия паролей производится раз в 30 минут.
Раз в 30 минут система проверяет, не истек ли срок действия паролей.
Use one term for one concept throughout the article.
For example, only translate production as «производственная среда»
and not as «эксплуатационная среда» throughout your article.
It’s not about synonyms, but about terms: we don’t want people to get confused.
Avoid elliptical sentences
Defaults to root.
По умолчанию — root.
Значение по умолчанию — root.
Pronoun collocations
Do all the pronouns point to the exact nouns you want them to?
Example (how not to):
Прежде чем добавить запись в конфигурацию, укажите к ней путь.
In the example, it is not quite clear what «к ней» means – to the
record or to the configuration. For more on this issue, check out
the writers“ reference at «Ошибкариум».
Be critical towards your text
Don’t forget to proofread your translation. Check your text at least twice.
Be nice to your peers
If you review others’ translations, be gentle and kind.
Everyone makes mistakes, and nobody likes to be punished for them.
You can use phrasings like «I suggest» or «it’s a good idea to… .»
Defining and using terms
What are concepts and terms
To write well about a certain subject matter,
one needs to know its details
and use the right, carefully selected words for them.
These details are called concepts, and the words for them are called terms.
A concept is the idea of an object, attribute, or action.
It is independent of languages, audience, and products. It just exists.
For example, a large database can be partitioned into smaller instances.
Those instances are easier to operate, and their throughput
often exceeds the throughput of a single large database instance.
The instances can exchange data to keep it consistent between them.
A term is a word explicitly selected by the authors of a particular text
to denote a concept in a particular language
for a particular audience.
For example, in Tarantool, we use the term «[database] sharding» to denote the
concept described in the previous example.
Use preferred terms
The purpose of using terms is writing concisely and unambiguously,
which is good for the readers.
But selecting terms is hard.
Often, the community favors two or more terms for one concept,
so there’s no obvious choice.
Selecting and consistently using any of them is much better
than not making a choice and using a random term every time.
This is why it’s also helpful to restrict the usage of some terms explicitly.
restricted term
A restricted term is a word that the authors explicitly
prohibited to use for denoting a concept.
Such a word is sometimes used as a term
for the same concept elsewhere – in the
community, in books, or in other product documentation.
Sometimes this word is used to denote a similar but different concept.
In this case, the right choice of terms helps us differentiate between concepts.
For example, in Tarantool, we don’t use the term «[database] segmentation»
to denote what we call «database sharding.»
Nevertheless, other authors might do so.
We also use the term «[database] partitioning» to denote
a wider concept, which includes sharding among other things.
Define terms by explaining concepts
We always want to document definitions for the most important concepts,
as well as for concepts unique to Tarantool.
Define every term in the document that you find most appropriate for it.
You don’t have to create a dedicated glossary page containing all the definitions.
To define a term, use the glossary directive in the following way:
definition text
definition text
There can be several glossary directives in a Sphinx documentation project
and even in a single document.
This page has two of them, for example.
The Sphinx documentation
has an extensive glossary that can be used as a reference.
Introduce terms on first entry
When you use a term in a document for the first time, define it
and provide synonyms, a translation, examples, and/or links.
It will help readers learn the term and understand the concept behind it.
Define the term or give a link to the definition.
Database sharding is a type of horizontal partitioning.
To give a link to the definition, use the term role:
For example, this is a link to the definition of :term:`concept`.
Like any rST role, it can have :term:`custom text <concept>`.
The resulting output will look like this:
For example, this is a link to the definition of concept.
Like any rST role, it can have custom text.
With acronyms, you can also use the abbr role:
Delete the corresponding :abbr:`PVC (persistent volume claim)`...
It produces a tooltip link: PVC.
Provide synonyms, including the restricted terms.
Only do it on the first entry of a term.
Database sharding (also known as …) is a type of…
When writing in Russian, it’s good to add the corresponding English term.
Readers may be more familiar with it or can search it online.
Шардирование (сегментирование, sharding) — это…
Give examples or links to extra reading where you can.
Markup reference
Tarantool documentation is built via the
Sphinx engine and is written in
This section will guide you through our typical documentation formatting cases.
Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup: emphasis,
strong emphasis, interpretedtext, inlineliterals.
Text can be organized in bullet-lists:
* This is a bullet list.
* Bullets can be "*", "+", or "-".
- Lists can be nested. And it is good to indent them with 4 spaces.
or in enumerated lists:
1. This is an enumerated list.
2. Tarantool build uses only arabic numbers as enumerators.
#. You can put #. instead of point numbers and Sphinx will
recognize it as an enumerated list.
Перенос текста
It’s good practice to wrap lines in documentation source text.
It makes source better readable and results in lesser gitdiff’s.
The recommended limit is 80 characters per line for plain text.
In new documents, try to wrap lines by sentences,
or by parts of a complex sentence.
Don’t wrap formatted text if it affects rST readability and/or HTML output.
However, wrapping with proper indentation shouldn’t break things.
In rST, indents play exactly the same role as in Python: they denote object
boundaries and nesting.
For example, a list starts with a marker, then come some spaces and text.
From there, all lines relating to that list item must be at the
same indentation level. We can continue the list item by creating a second
paragraph in it. To do that we have to leave it at the same level.
We can put a new object inside: another list, or a block of code. Then we have
to indent 4 more spaces.
It’s best if all indents are multiples of 4 spaces, even in lists. Otherwise
the document is not consistent. Also, it is much easier to put indents
with tabs than manually.
Note that you have to use two or three spaces instead of one.
It is allowed in rST markup:
* unordered list
#. ordered list
#. List item 1.
Paragraph continues.
Second paragraph.
#. List item 2.
* Nested list item.
..code-block:: bash
# this code block is in a nested list item
* Another nested list item.
Resulting output:
List item 1.
Paragraph continues.
Second paragraph.
List item 2.
Nested list item.
# this code block is in a nested list item
Another nested list item.
Добавление комментариев
Sometimes we may need to leave comments in an rST file.
To make Sphinx ignore some text during processing,
use the following per-line notation with ..// as the comment marker:
.. // здесь комментарий
The starting characters ..// do not interfere with the other rST markup, and
they are easy to find both visually and using grep.
To find comments in source files, go ahead with something like this:
$ grep-n"\.\. //"doc/reference/**/*.rst
doc/reference/reference_lua/box.rst:47:.. // moved to "User Guide > 5. Server administration":doc/reference/reference_lua/box.rst:48:.. // /book/box/triggers...
If you’re working with PyCharm or other similar IDE, links in the console will be clickable
and will lead right to the source file and string.
Check it out!
These comments don’t work properly in nested documentation, though.
For example, if you leave a comment in module -> object -> method,
Sphinx ignores the comment and all nested content that follows
in the method description.
The underlining should be exactly the same length as the heading text above it.
Mismatching length will result in a build warning.
Sphinx allows using other characters and styles to format headings.
Indeed, using this markup consistently helps us better reuse and move content.
It also helps us recognize the heading level immediately without reading
the whole document and calculating levels.
If you’re going to make a 4th or 5th level heading,
you probably need to split the document instead.
Title headings
The top-level heading of each document plays the important role of a document title.
Title’s text is used in several places:
Literally as a <h1> tag in HTML or top-level heading in other formats.
Text in the breadcrumbs — the path to the document shown above the text.
ard to navigate in a hierarchy of more than three heading levels.
Links and references
Linking to other documentation pages
To create a link to another document in our documentation, we use the :doc: role.
For example, this link points to the document /reference/reference_lua/box_error.rst:
Our convention is to put the full path to the referred document so that we can
easily replace the path if it changes.
Note that we can omit the .rst part of the filename.
You can use the target document’s title as the link text.
To do so, omit the text in the link definition:
To generate a link to the certain place in the page, we use the :ref: role.
For this purpose, we add our own labels for linking to any place in this documentation.
Соглашение об именовании заключается в следующем:
Character set: a through z, 0 through 9, hyphen, underscore.
Format: pathhyphenfilenamehyphentag
c_api is the directory name,
box_index is the file name (without «.rst»), and
iterator_type is the tag.
Use a hyphen «-» to delimit the path and the file name. In the documentation
source, we use only underscores «_» in paths and file names, reserving the hyphen «-»
as the delimiter for local links.
The tag can be anything meaningful. The only guideline is for Tarantool syntax
items (such as members), where the preferred tag syntax is
module_or_object_namehyphenmember_name. For example, box_space-drop.
To add a link to an anchor, use the following syntax:
Check out the :ref:`Quick start guide <vshard-quick-start>`.
To make an external link, use the following syntax:
Feel free to report an issue at `Tarantool GitHub <https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues>`_.
Избегайте разделения ссылки и определения цели, например:
Feel free to report an issue at `Tarantool GitHub`_.
.._Tarantool GitHub: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues
because every separated link tends to cause troubles when this documentation
is translated to other languages.
Tables are very useful and rST markup
different ways to create them.
We prefer list-tables because they allow you to put as much content as you need
without painting ASCII-style borders:
..container:: table
..list-table:::widths: 25 75
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Use
* - :doc:`/reference/reference_lua/box_ctl/wait_ro`- Wait until ``box.info.ro`` is true
Notice that we use * and then - in tables because it is more readable
when rows and columns marked differently.
Writing about code
When writing articles, you need to format code specially, separating it from
other text. This document will guide you through typical cases when
it is recommended to use code highlighting.
Defining what code is
In general, code is any text, processed by a machine. It is also probably code
if the expression contains characters that ordinary words do not have,
such as _,{},[],..
Also, you should format the expression as code if it fits at least one
of the items in the list below:
parts of a programming language: names of classes, variables, and functions,
short expressions, data types and so on,
multiline fragments of application logs,
example link which the reader will not open: example.com, https://example.com:80,
parts of URL, like port number,
package names,
CLI app names.
Items we don’t format as code:
names of products, organizations and services, for example, Tarantool,
memtx, vinyl
well-established terms such as stdin and stdout
Keep in mind that grammar doesn’t apply to code, even inline.
Correct: «use shellcheck to analyze your Bash code».
Incorrect: «shellcheck your Bash code». Please do not use code
as a verb.
Even worse: «shellcheck your Bash code». There’s no such word in English
and we don’t explain what to use.
Cursed: «try shellchecking your Bash code». There’s no such word
and no such application.
Code blocks and inline code
If you have to choose between inline code and code block highlighting,
pay attention to the following guidelines:
Code snippets
Use code blocks when you have to highlight multiple lines of code.
Also, use it if your code snippet contains a standalone element
that is not a part of the article’s text.
For code snippets, we use the code-block::languagedirective.
You can enable syntax highlighting if you specify the language for the snippet.
The most commonly used highlighting languages are:
tarantoolsession – interactive Tarantool session,
where command lines start with tarantool> prompt.
console – interactive console session, where command lines
start with $ or #.
lua, bash or c for programming languages.
text for cases when we want the code block to have no highlighting.
Sphinx uses the Pygments library for highlighting source code.
For a complete list of possible languages, see the
list of Pygments lexers.
For example, a code snippet in Lua:
..code-block::luaforpageinpaged_iter("X",10)doprint("New Page. Number Of Tuples = "..#page)fori=1,#page,1doprint(page[i])endend
Lua syntax is highlighted in the output:
forpageinpaged_iter("X",10)doprint("New Page. Number Of Tuples = "..#page)fori=1,#page,1doprint(page[i])endend
Note that in code blocks you can write comments and translate them:
.. //Here is the first comment... //Here is the second comment.
Inline code
Use inline code when you need to wrap a short snippet of code in text, such as
variable name or function definition. Keep in mind that inline code
doesn’t have syntax highlighting.
To format some inline text as code, enclose it with double ` characters
or use the :code: role:
* Formatting code with backticks: ``echo "Hello world!"``.
* Formatting code with a role: :code:`echo "Hello world!"`.
Both options produce the same output:
Formatting code with backticks: echo"Helloworld!".
Formatting code with a role: echo"Helloworld!".
Notes on using inline-code
If you have expressions such as id==4, you should format the whole
expression as code inline. Also, you can use the words «equals»,
«doesn’t equal» or other similar words without formatting expression
as code. Both variants are correct.
Inline code can be used to highlight expressions that are hard to read,
for example, words containing il, Il or O0.
Highlighting variables in code
If you need to mark up a placeholder inside code inline, use the :samp: or
our custom :extsamp: role, like this:
Notice two backslashes before the curly brackets in the first line.
They are needed to escape curly brackets from Lua syntax.
As you can see, :extsamp: extends the abilities of :samp:.
It allows you to highlight placeholders in both italics and bold
and avoid escaping curly brackets.
:extsamp: has the following syntax:
{*{element}*} for italic
{**{element}**} for bold
If you need to mark up a placeholder in code block, use
the following syntax:
If you need to highlight some file standalone name or path to file in text, use
the :file: role.
You can use curly braces inside this role
to mark up a replaceable part:
To mention a GUI element, use the :guilabel: directive:
Click the :guilabel:`OK` button.
Sometimes you need to highlight a piece of information. For this purpose we use
In Tarantool we have 3 variants of css-style for admonitions:
This is a note. We use it to highlight extra information that might be
helpful for users.
For example, here we provide a user with extra information
about using net_box.new() function.
This is a warning. As you might guess, we use it to warn users about something.
For example, in the description of box.session.on_connect()
trigger we warn a user about some consequences of his actions.
This block contains essential information that the user should know while doing something.
Custom admonition:
..admonition:: Your title
:class: fact
Your title
This is a fact. fact is our custom CSS class. Use it when neither note
nor warning doesn’t fit.
Note that this type requires a title.
For example, here we highlight the rules that
are necessary to read, and that’s why we use fact.
The docutils documentation
offers many more variants for admonitions, but for now these three are enough for us.
If you think that it is time to create the new style for some of these types,
feel free to contribute or contact us to create a task.
Documenting the API
This document contains general guidelines for describing the Tarantool API,
as well as examples and templates.
Please write as simply as possible. Describe functionality using short sentences in the present simple tense.
A short sentence consists of no more than two clauses.
Consider using LanguageTool or Grammarly
to check your English.
For more style-related specifics, consult the Language and style section.
Indicating the version
For every new module, function, or method, specify the version it first appears in.
For a new parameter, specify the version it first appears in if this parameter is a «feature»
and the version it’s been introduced in differs from
the version introducing the function/method and all other parameters.
To specify the version, use the following Sphinx directive:
Since :doc:`2.10.0 </release/2.10.0>`.
This is a link to the release notes on the Tarantool documentation website.
The result looks like this:
Since Tarantool 2.10.0.
This is a link to the release notes on the Tarantool documentation website.
Language of the general description
Use one of the two options:
Start with a verb in the imperative mood. Example: Create a fiber.
Start with a noun. Example: The directory where memtx stores snapshot files.
Each list item is a characteristic to be described. Some items can be optional.
If the parameter is optional, make sure it is enclosed in square brackets
in the function declaration (in the «heading»).
Do not mark parameters additionally as «optional» or «required»:
..function:: format(URI-components-table[, include-password])
Construct a URI from components.
:param URI-components-table: a series of ``name:value`` pairs, one for each component
:param include-password: boolean. If this is supplied and is ``true``, then
the password component is rendered in clear text,
otherwise it is omitted.
Configuration parameters
Configuration parameters are not to be confused with class and method parameters.
Configuration parameters are passed to Tarantool via the command line or in an initialization file.
You can find a list of Tarantool configuration parameters in the configuration reference.
In the «Possible errors» section of a function or class method,
consider explaining what happens if any parameter hasn’t been defined or has the wrong value.
Examples and templates
Module functions
We use the Sphinx directives ..module::
and ..function:: to describe functions of Tarantool modules:
..module:: fiber
..function:: create(function [, function-arguments])
Create and start a fiber. The fiber is created and begins to run immediately.
:param function: the function to be associated with the fiber
:param function-arguments: what will be passed to function.
:return: created fiber object
:rtype: userdata
**Example:** ..code-block::tarantoolsession tarantool> fiber = require('fiber') --- ... tarantool> function function_name() > print("I'm a fiber") > end --- ... tarantool> fiber_object = fiber.create(function_name); print("Fiber started") I'm a fiber Fiber started --- ...
Create and start a fiber. The fiber is created and begins to run immediately.
function – the function to be associated with the fiber
function-arguments – what will be passed to function.
created fiber object
tarantool> fiber=require('fiber')---...tarantool> functionfunction_name() > print("I'm a fiber") > end---...tarantool> fiber_object=fiber.create(function_name);print("Fiber started")I'm a fiberFiber started---...
Class methods and data
Methods are described similarly to functions, but the ..class::
directive, unlike ..module::, requires nesting.
As for data, it’s enough to write the description, the return type, and an example.
Here is the example documentation describing
the method and data of the index_object class:
..class:: index_object
..method:: get(key)
Search for a tuple :ref:`via the given index <box_index-note>`.
:param index_object index_object: :ref:`object reference
:param scalar/table key: values to be matched against the index key
:return: the tuple whose index-key fields are equal to the passed key values
:rtype: tuple
**Possible errors:*** No such index
* Wrong type
* More than one tuple matches
**Complexity factors:** index size, index type.
See also :ref:`space_object:get() <box_space-get>`.
**Example:** ..code-block::tarantoolsession tarantool> box.space.tester.index.primary:get(2) --- - [2, 'Music'] ... ..data:: unique
True if the index is unique, false if the index is not unique.
:rtype: boolean
..code-block::tarantoolsession tarantool> box.space.tester.index.primary.unique --- - true ...
.._cfg_basic-vinyl_dir:..confval:: vinyl_dir
Since version 1.7.1.
A directory where vinyl files or subdirectories will be stored. Can be
relative to :ref:`work_dir <cfg_basic-work_dir>`. If not specified, defaults
to ``work_dir``.
| Type: string
A directory where vinyl files or subdirectories will be stored. Can be
relative to work_dir. If not specified, defaults
to work_dir.
Type: string
Images are useful in explanations of concepts and structures.
When you introduce a term or describe a structure of multiple interconnected parts
(such as a cluster), consider illustrating it with a diagram. If you are explaining how to
use a GUI, check if a screenshot can make the doc clearer.
Note that illustrations should complement the text, not replace it. Even with an image,
the text should be enough for readers to understand the topic.
Don’t overuse images: they are harder to support than text. Use them only if they bring
an obvious benefit.
There is a basic set of diagram elements – blocks, arrows, and other – to use in Tarantool docs.
It is stored in this Miro board. It also provides
basic rules for creating diagrams.
There are two sizes of diagram elements:
M – bigger elements to use in diagrams with a small number of elements.
S – smaller elements to use in diagrams with a big number of elements.
Avoid changing the size of diagram elements unless it’s absolutely necessary.
The diagrams should have the same width. This guarantees that their elements have the same
size on pages. The examples in the Miro board have frames of the right width.
Copy the frame and and place your diagram in it without changing the frame width.
To save the diagram to a file:
Make the frame transparent so that it isn’t shown in the resulting image (set its color
to «no color»).
Select all elements together with the frame and click Copy as image
in the context menu (under the three dots). The image will
be copied to the clipboard.
Paste the image from the clipboard to any graphic editor, for example, GIMP.
Remove the Miro logo in the bottom right corner.
Export/save the image to PNG.
Take screenshots with any tool you like.
Ensure screenshot consistency on the page:
Screenshots must show the same environment: operating system, product version,
visual theme, and so on.
The configuration and data must be consistent. For example, if you’ve shown spaces
with data on a screenshot, subsequent screenshots must have the same data, too.
Size and resolution must be the same across the page unless you want to zoom in to
a specific part of the screen.
Insert the images using the image directive:
..image:: images/example_diagram.png
:alt: Example diagram alt text
Update submodules and generate documentation sources from code
A big part of documentation sources comes from several other projects,
connected as Git submodules.
To include their latest contents in the docs, run these two steps.
This will initialize Git submodules and update them to the top of the stable
branch in each repository.
gitsubmoduleupdate can sometimes fail, for example,
when you have changes in submodules“ files.
You can reinitialize submodules to fix the problem.
Caution: all untracked changes in submodules will be lost!
Note that there’s an option to update submodule repositories with a make command.
However, it’s intended for use in a CI environment and not on a local machine.
Generate documentation source files from the source code
Copy these files to the right places under the ./doc/ directory.
If you’re editing submodules locally, repeat this step
to view the updated results.
Now you’re ready to build and preview the documentation locally.
Build and run the documentation on your machine
When editing the documentation, you can set up a live-reload server.
It will build your documentation and serve it on
Every time you make changes in the source files, it will rebuild the docs
and refresh the browser page.
First build will take some time.
When it’s done, open in the browser.
Now when you make changes, they will be rebuilt in a few seconds,
and the browser tab with preview will reload automatically.
You can also build the docs manually with makehtml,
and then serve them using python3 built-in server:
Here 2>&1 redirects the stderr output to stdout, and then tee both
shows in on screen and writes to a file.
Tarantool documentation uses the Vale linter for checking grammar, style, and word usage.
Its configuration is placed in the vale.ini file located in the root project directory.
To enable RST support in Vale, you need to install Sphinx.
Then, you can enable Vale integration in your IDE, for example:
Translate the strings in the updated files and then commit the changes.
How to contribute
To contribute to documentation, use the
format for drafting and submit your updates as a
pull request
via GitHub.
To comply with the writing and formatting style, use the
provided in the documentation, common sense and existing documents.
If you suggest creating a new documentation section (a whole new
page), it has to be saved to the relevant section at GitHub.
If you want to contribute to localizing this documentation (for example, into
Russian), add your translation strings to .po files stored in the
corresponding locale directory (for example, /locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
for Russian). See more about localizing with Sphinx at
Sphinx-build warnings reference
This document will guide you through the warnings that can be raised by Sphinx
while building the docs.
Below are the most frequent warnings and the ways to solve them.
Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
Similar warning: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
* The last point of bullet list
This text should start after a blank line
* The last point of bullet list
This text should start after a blank line
Could not lex literal_block as «…». Highlighting skipped
This warning means that there’s a code-block with an unknown lexer.
Most probably, it’s a typo.
Check out the full list of Pygments lexers
for the right spelling.
..code-block:: cxx
// some code here
..code-block:: cpp
// some code here
However, sometimes there’s no appropriate lexer or the code snippet can’t be
lexed properly. In that case, use code-block::text.
Duplicate explicit target name: «…»
*`Install <https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git>`_``git``, the version control system.
*`Install <https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-unzip-files-in-linux/>`_
the ``unzip`` utility.
Sphinx-builder raises warnings when we call different targets the same name.
Sphinx developers recommend
using double underlines __ in such cases to avoid this.
*`Install <https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git>`__``git``, the version control system.
*`Install <https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-unzip-files-in-linux/>`__
the ``unzip`` utility.
Document isn’t included in any toctree
This warning means that you forgot to put the document name in the toctree.
If you don’t want to include the document in a toctree,
place the :orphan: directive at the top of the file.
If this file is already included somewhere or reused, add it to the _includes directory.
Sphinx ignores everything in this directory
because we list it among exclude_patterns in conf.py.
Duplicate label «…», other instance in «…/…/…»
This happens if you include the contents of a file into another file,
when the included file has tags in it.
In this, Sphinx thinks the tags are repeated.
As in the previous case, add the file to _includes or avoid using tags in it.
Malformed hyperlink target
Similar warning: Unknown target name: «…»
Check the target spelling and the tag syntax.
.. _box_space-index_func
See the :ref:`Creating a functional index <box_space-index_func>` section.
A semicolon is missing in the tag definition:
Anonymous hyperlink mismatch
Warning example: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets.
Check the hyperlink formatting.
Read more in `Lua Manual <https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3`__.
A closing greater-than sign is missing in the tag definition:
Read more in `Lua Manual <https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3>`__.
Toctree contains reference to nonexisting document „…“
This may happen when you refer to a wrong path to a document.
The reStructuredText syntax is based on indentation, much like in Python.
All lines in a block of content must be equally indented.
An increase or decrease in indentation denotes the end of the current block and
the beginning of a new one.
Note: In the following examples, dots stand for indentation spaces.
For example, |..| denotes a two-space indentation.
|..|* (Engines) Improve dump start/stop logging. When initiating memory dump, print
how much memory is going to be dumped, the expected dump rate, ETA, and the recent
write rate.
*|...|(Engines) Improve dump start/stop logging. When initiating memory dump, print
|....|how much memory is going to be dumped, the expected dump rate, ETA, and the recent
|....|write rate.
Sphinx did not recognize the file path correctly
due to a missing slash at the beginning, so let’s just put it there:
Documentation infrastructure
This section of the documentation guidelines
discusses some of the support activities that ensure the correct building of
Adding submodules
The documentation source files are mainly stored in the
documentation repository.
However, in some cases, they are stored in the
repositories of other Tarantool-related products
or modules, such as
If you are working with source files from a product or module repository,
add that repository as a submodule to the
documentation repository
and configure other necessary settings.
This will ensure that the entire
body of Tarantool documentation,
presented on the official website,
is built properly.
Now define what directories and files are to be copied from
the submodule repository to the documentation repository before building
documentation. These settings are defined in the build_submodules.sh file
in the root directory of the documentation repository.
Here are some real submodule examples
that show the logic of the settings.
The content source files for the metrics submodule are in the
./doc/monitoring directory of the submodule repository.
In the final documentation view, the content should appear in the
chapter (https://www.tarantool.io/en/doc/latest/book/monitoring/).
To make this work:
Create a directory at ./doc/book/monitoring/.
Copy the entire content of the ./modules/metrics/doc/monitoring/ directory to
Here are the corresponding lines in build_submodules.sh:
The ${project_root} variable is defined earlier in the file as project_root=$(pwd).
This is because the documentation build has to start from the documentation repository root
3. Update .gitignore
Finally, add paths to the copied directories and files to .gitignore.
Git workflow
Use one branch for a single task, unless you’re fixing typos or markup on several pages.
Long commit histories are hard to manage and sometimes end up stale.
Start a new branch from the last commit on latest.
Make sure to update your local version of latest with gitpull.
Otherwise, you may have to rebase later.
Name your branch so it’s clear what you’re doing. Examples:
It is not recommended to submit PRs to the documentation repository
from forks.
Because of a GitHub failsafe mechanism, it is impossible to view changes from a fork
on the development website.
Creating branches directly in the repository results in a more convenient workflow.
Linking issues and PRs
When a PR is linked to an issue:
You can go from the issue straight to the PR by clicking the link in the right column.
The issue will be automatically closed when you close the PR.
Specify the issue(s) you want to close in the description of your PR. GitHub will connect them if you use specific
Here are some of them:
Closes #1234
Resolves #1234
Fixes #1234
If your PR closes more than one issue, mention each of them:
Most of the time, one-line commit messages are sufficient for documentation changes.
When you squash commits at merge, the resulting commit message is a sum of all commit messages in the PR.
It is advised to include the «resolves» string in the first commit.
Otherwise, there’s a risk that this line won’t be included in the merge commit.
Convey the nature of the change and possibly the reason why it was made.
Don’t specify the files you’ve changed or the issue you’re working on.
The file names can be looked up in the «Files» section of the PR, and the PR description has the issue number(s).
Try keeping the commit title 50 characters or shorter.
Use the imperative mood.
Start with a capital letter, don’t add ending punctuation.
(Optional) Use the telegraphic style, or «headlinese», dropping the articles.
Good examples
Bad examples
Selecting a reviewer
Ideally, a PR should have two reviewers: a subject matter expert (SME) and a documentarian.
The SME checks the facts, and the documentarian checks the language and style.
If you’re not sure who the SME for an issue is, try the following:
Check the issue description. The SME is often mentioned there explicitly.
Note who created the issue and who was involved in the discussion.
Merge when your document is ready and good enough.
For external contributors, merging is blocked until a reviewer’s approval.
Always squash commits.
Make sure the commit message mentions all relevant issues with «resolves» or «fixes».
Make sure you’ve
all participants with Co-authored-by.
Руководство по написанию кода на C
Для управления версиями мы используем Git. Разработки ведутся в ветке, используемой по умолчанию (сейчас master). Наш Git-репозиторий находится на GitHub, его можно выгрузить с помощью gitclonegit://github.com/tarantool/tarantool.git (анонимный пользователь получит доступ только для чтения).
Если у вас есть вопросы о внутреннем устройстве Tarantool, задайте их на StackOverflow или напрямую разработчикам Tarantool в Telegram.
Кроме того, мы даем дополнительные рекомендации, которые либо специфичны для Tarantool, либо отличаются от рекомендаций по программированию ядра Linux. Ниже приведен стиль программирования ядра Linux, переработанный с учетом особенностей разработки Tarantool.
Стиль программирования Tarantool
В этом документе описан приоритетный стиль программирования Tarantool для разработчиков и участников сообщества. Мы настаиваем на соблюдении этих правил, чтобы наш код был последовательным и понятным любому разработчику.
Глава 1: Отступы
Табуляция составляет 8 символов (8 символов табуляции, а не 8 пробелов), то есть отступы будут также составлять 8 символов. Появляются отступники, которые призывают делать отступы в 4 (или даже 2!) символа, а это сродни попытке округлить число Пи до 3.
Обоснование: Основная идея отступов состоит в том, чтобы показать, где начинается и заканчивается логический блок кода. Особенно если вы смотрите на один и тот же код в течение 20 часов, трудно не заметить пользу больших отступов.
Некоторые могут возразить, что отступ в 8 символов делает код слишком широким, особенно на 80-знаковой строке терминала. Ответ: Если вам понадобилось более трех уровней отступа, вы что-то делаете неправильно, и вам следует переписать этот участок.
Отступы в 8 символов облегчают чтение кода. Кроме того, по ним можно понять, когда у вас становится слишком много вложенных функций.
Лучше всего упростить несколько уровней отступов в операторе switch, выравнивая switch и его вспомогательные метки case в одном столбце вместо того, чтобы использовать двойные отступы для меток case, например:
switch(suffix){case'G':case'g':mem<<=30;break;case'M':case'm':mem<<=20;break;case'K':case'k':mem<<=10;/* fall through */default:break;}
Не размещайте несколько операторов на одной строке, если вам нечего скрывать:
И не размещайте несколько операторов присваивания на одной строке. Избегайте сложных выражений.
Пробелы используются только в комментариях и документации, но никогда — для отступов, и приведенный выше пример сломан намеренно.
Найдите достойный редактор и не оставляйте пробелы в конце строки.
Глава 2: Разрыв длинных строк
Смысл стиля программирования заключается в читаемости и удобстве сопровождения с использованием общедоступных средств.
Длина строк ограничена 80 символами, и этому следует уделить особое внимание. Для комментариев установлен тот же лимит в 80 символов.
Операторы длиной более 80 символов будут разбиты на логические части. Можно сделать исключение, если это значительно повысит читаемость и не скроет информацию. Последующие части значительно короче основной и сильно смещены вправо. То же относится к заголовкам функций с длинным списком аргументов.
Глава 3: Фигурные скобки и пробелы
Другая проблемой, которая всегда возникает в программировании на C, — размещение фигурных скобок. В отличие от отступов, есть несколько технических обоснований, чтобы выбрать один способ, а не другой, но всё же предпочтительно, как нам показали великие Керниган и Ричи, поместить открывающую скобку в конце строки, а закрывающую в начале новой строки:
Это применимо ко всем блокам операторов без функций (if, switch, for, while, do), например:
И только в особенных случаях, а именно для функций, открывающая скобка размещается в начале следующей строки:
Отступники по всему миру утверждали, что такая несогласованность … ну … несогласованна, но все здравомыслящие люди знают: (a) K&R правы, (б) K&R правы. Кроме того, функции в любом случае будут особенными (в C их нельзя вложить).
Обратите внимание, что за закрывающей скобкой на отдельной строке ничего нет; кроме тех случаев, когда за ней следует продолжение того же оператора, то есть while в do-операторе или else в if-операторе, например:
Обоснование: K&R.
Кроме того, обратите внимание, что такое расположение скобок также сводит к минимуму количество пустых (или почти пустых) строк без потери читаемости. Таким образом, поскольку новые строки на экране — это не возобновляемый ресурс (вспомним о 25-строчных экранах терминала), у вас будет больше пустых строк для комментариев.
Не используйте лишние фигурные скобки, если нужен всего один оператор.
Это не применимо, если только одна ветка условного оператора — это отдельный оператор. В последнем случае используйте фигурные скобки в обеих ветках:
В том, что касается пробелов, стиль программирования Tarantool зависит (в основном) от использования функции или ключевого слова. Используйте пробел после (большинства) ключевых слов. Значимые исключения: sizeof, typeof, alignof и __attribute__, — которые похожи на функции (и обычно используются с круглыми скобками, хотя они и не обязательны, как в объявлении sizeofinfo после structfileinfoinfo;).
Итак, вставляйте пробелы после этих ключевых слов:
но не после sizeof, typeof, alignof или __attribute__. Например:
Не добавляйте пробелы вокруг (внутри) выражений в круглых скобках. Этот пример неправильный:
Объявляя данных типа указателя или функцию, которая возвращает тип указателя, лучше использовать * рядом с именем данных или именем функции, а не рядом с именем типа. Примеры:
не нужны пробелы перед знаками одноместных операций увеличения или уменьшения постфикса:
не нужны пробелы после знаков одноместных операций увеличения или уменьшения префикса:
и не нужны пробелы вокруг знаков элементов структуры . и ->.
Не отделяйте оператор приведения от аргумента пробелом, например (ssize_t)inj->iparam.
Не оставляйте пробелы на концах строк. Некоторые редакторы с smart отступом вставляют пробелы в начале новых строк, поэтому вы можете сразу ввести следующую строку кода. Однако некоторые такие редакторы не удаляют пробелы, если вы не пишете там код, например, если вы оставите пустую строку. В результате имеем строки с пробелами в конце.
Git предупредит, если патчи содержат пробелы в конце строк, и может по желанию удалить пробелы за вас; однако, в серии патчей, это может привести к тому, что последующие патчи в серии не применятся, поскольку изменены контекстные строки.
Глава 4: Именование
C — это спартанский язык, и именование должно быть спартанским. В отличие от разработчиков на Modula-2 и Pascal, разработчики на языке C не используют забавные имена, такие как ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter. Разработчик на языке C назвал бы такую переменную tmp, что намного легче написать и не сложнее понять.
ОДНАКО, хотя на имена со смешанным регистром смотрят неодобрительно, обязательным требованием будут описательные имена глобальных переменных. Назвать глобальную функцию foo — это оскорбление.
У ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ переменных (которые надо использовать, только если без них нельзя обойтись) должны быть описательные имена, равно как и у глобальных функций. Если у вас есть функция, которая подсчитывает количество активных пользователей, нужно назвать ее count_active_users() или как-то похоже, не стоит называть ее cntusr().
Кодирование типа функции в названии (так называемая венгерская нотация) — это признак плохого тона, поскольку компилятор в любом случае знает типы и может их проверять, и это только путает программиста. Неудивительно, что MicroSoft делает глючные программы.
Имена ЛОКАЛЬНЫХ переменных должны быть короткими и точными. Если у вас есть счетчик случайных целых чисел, его следует называть i. Назвать его loop_counter непродуктивно, если нет никаких шансов, что его перепутают. Аналогично tmp может быть практически любой переменной, которая используется для хранения временного значения.
Если вы боитесь перепутать имена своих локальных переменных, у вас другая проблема, которая называется синдромом дисбаланса гормона роста функций. См. Главу 6 (Функции).
Для именования функций у нас есть такое правило:
new/delete для функций, которые выделяют + инициализируют и удаляют + освобождают объект,
create/destroy для функций, которые инициализируют/удаляют объект, но не занимаются управлением памятью,
init/free для функций, которые инициализируют/удаляют библиотеки и подсистемы.
Глава 5: Директива Typedef
Не используйте что-то вроде vps_t. Будет ошибкой использовать typedef для определения структур и указателей. Если вы видите в исходном коде
что это означает? И наоборот, если говорится
можно действительно понять, что такое a.
Многие думают, что typedef способствуетчитаемости. Это не так. Эту директиву нужно использовать для:
Непрозрачных объектов (где typedef активно используется для сокрытия объекта).
Пример: pte_t и другие непрозрачные объекты, доступ к которым можно получить с помощью соответствующих функций доступа.
Непрозрачность и функциидоступа сами по себе не слишком хороши. Мы используем их для pte_t и т. п., потому что на самом деле там нет никакой информации для скачивания.
Явные целочисленные типы, где абстракция помогает не перепутать, int это или long.
u8/u16/u32 — вполне нормальные typedef, хотя они больше подходят для пункта 4.
Опять же — для этого должна быть причина. Если есть «unsigned long», нет причины вводить typedef unsigned long myflags_t;
но если есть четкая причина, почему при определенных обстоятельствах может быть unsignedint, а в других случаях может быть unsignedlong, то на здоровье — используйте typedef.
Когда вы используете разрыв, чтобы буквально создать новый тип для проверки типов.
Новые типы, идентичные стандартным типам C99, в определенных исключительных обстоятельствах.
Хотя глазам и мозгу нужно лишь короткое время, чтобы привыкнуть к стандартным типам, например uint32_t, некоторые в любом случае возражают против их использования.
При редактировании существующего кода, в котором уже используется один или другой набор типов, следует придерживаться выбранного типа.
Возможно, есть и другие случаи, но основное правило состоит в следующем: НИКОГДА НЕ используйте typedef, если вы не соблюдаете одно из этих правил.
В общем, указатель или структура, содержащие элементы, к которым можно получить прямой доступ, никогда не должны быть typedef.
Глава 6: Функции
Функции должны быть короткими и приятными, и выполнять только одно действие. Они должны помещаться на одном или двух экранах текста (размер экрана ISO/ANSI 80x24, как мы все знаем) и выполнять одно действие, но делать это хорошо.
Максимальная длина функции обратно пропорциональна сложности функции и уровню отступов. Итак, если у вас есть концептуально простая функция, которая представляет собой лишь один длинный (но простой) оператор вариант case, где вам нужно делать много мелочей для множества разных случаев, длинная функция — это нормально.
Однако, если у вас есть сложная функция, и вы подозреваете, что не слишком одаренный старшеклассник может даже не понять, о чем эта функция, следует придерживаться ограничений. Используйте вспомогательные функции с описательными именами (можно попросить компилятор встроить их, если считаете, что это критически важно для производительности, и он, вероятно, справится лучше).
Другим критерием функции является количество локальных переменных. Их не должно быть больше 5-10, или вы делаете что-то неправильно. Продумайте функцию заново и разбейте ее на более мелкие части. Человеческий мозг обычно легко отслеживает около 7 разных вещей, а больше — и он уже запутается. Вы знаете, что сейчас вы гений, но, возможно, через пару недель вам захочется понять, что именно вы делали.
В прототипах функций включайте имена параметров с типами данных. Хотя для языка C это и не требуется, но рекомендуется для Tarantool, потому что это простой способ добавить ценную информацию для читателя.
Обратите внимание, что тип возвращаемого значения функции располагается перед именем и сигнатурой функции.
Глава 7: Централизованный выход из функции
Хотя некоторые объявили аналог оператора goto устаревшим, его часто используют компиляторы в виде инструкции безусловной передачи управления.
Оператор goto пригодится, когда функция производит выход из нескольких мест и необходимо выполнить какие-то общие действия, такие как очистка. Если очистка не нужна, пусть функция возвращается напрямую.
Выбирайте имена меток, которые объясняют, что делает goto или почему. Пример хорошего имени: out_free_buffer:, если goto освобождает буфер. Избегайте таких имен из GW-BASIC, как err1: и err2:, поскольку вам придется перенумеровать их, если вы будете добавлять или удалять пути выхода, и в любом случае они затрудняют проверку.
Обоснование использования goto:
безусловные операторы легче понять и выполнять
уменьшается глубина вложения
предотвращаются ошибки по причине отсутствия обновления отдельных точек выхода при внесении изменений
уменьшает объем работы компилятора для оптимизации избыточного кода ;)
Распространенный тип ошибок, о котором следует помнить, — однократноеиспользованиеerr, что выглядит так:
Ошибка в этом коде заключается в том, что на некоторых путях выхода foo принимает значение NULL. Обычно это можно исправить разделением ошибки на две метки err_free_bar: и err_free_foo::
В идеале следует моделировать ошибки, чтобы проверить все пути выхода.
Глава 8: Комментирование
Комментарии полезны, но есть и опасность чрезмерного комментирования. НИКОГДА не пытайтесь объяснить в комментарии, КАК работает ваш код: гораздо лучше написать код так, чтобы принцип работы был очевиден, а объяснять плохо написанный код — это пустая трата времени.
Как правило, желательно, чтобы комментарии поясняли, ЧТО делает ваш код, а не КАК. Кроме того, постарайтесь не размещать комментарии внутри тела функции: если функция настолько сложна, что нужно отдельно комментировать ее части, скорее всего, вам надо вернуться к главе 6. Можно давать небольшие комментарии, чтобы отметить что-то особенно умное (или уродливое) или предупредить об этом, но старайтесь избегать лишнего. Вместо этого поставьте комментарии во главе функции, сообщите людям, что она делает, и, возможно, ПОЧЕМУ она это делает.
При комментировании функций Tarantool C API используйте систему комментирования Doxygen (разновидность Javadoc): то есть @tag, а не \\tag. Основные используемые теги: @param, @retval, @return, @see, @note и @todo.
Каждая функция, за исключением, пожалуй, очень короткой и очевидной, должна быть прокомментирована. Пример комментария функции может выглядеть следующим образом:
/** * Запись всех данных в дескриптор. * * Эта функция аналогична 'write' во всём кроме того, что она обеспечивает * запись всех данных в файл, если не возникает ошибка, * которую нельзя игнорировать. * * @retval 0 Выполнено * @retval 1 Ошибка (не EINTR) */staticintwrite_all(intfd,void*data,size_tlen);
Также важно комментировать типы данных независимо от того, базовые это типы или производные. Для этого используйте только одно объявление данных в строке (без запятой для объявления массива данных). Это оставляет вам место для небольшого комментария к каждому пункту с объяснением его использования.
Доступные структуры и важные элементы структуры также должны быть прокомментированы.
В C комментарии внутри и снаружи функции должны отличаться тем, как они начинаются. Все остальное — неправильно. Ниже приведены правильные примеры. /** используется для комментирования документации, /* — для локальных незадокументированных комментариев. Однако разница уже неявная, поэтому правило простое: снаружи функции используйте /**, внутри — /*.
/** * Комментарий снаружи функции, вариант 1. *//** Комментарий снаружи функции, вариант 2. */intfunction(){/* Комментарий внутри функции, вариант 1. *//* * Комментарий внутри функции, вариант 2. */}
Если объявление функции и ее реализация разделены, то комментарий к функции должен относиться к части объявления функции. Обычно в файле заголовка. Не дублируйте комментарий.
Комментарий и сигнатура функции должны быть согласованы. Перепроверьте, что имена параметров те же, что и в комментарии, и означают одно и то же. Особенно, если вы изменили один из них, — убедитесь, что вы изменили и другой.
Глава 9: Макросы, перечисления и уровни регистровых передач (RTL)
Имена макросов, определяющих постоянные и метки в перечислениях, пишутся заглавными буквами.
#define CONSTANT 0x12345
Рекомендуется использовать перечисления при определении нескольких связанных постоянных.
Ценятся имена макросов, написанные ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ буквами, но похожие на функции макросы можно называть, используя буквы в нижнем регистре.
Как правило, рекомендуется использовать встроенные функции для макросов, похожих на функции.
Макросы с несколькими операторами должны быть заключены в блок do - while:
#define macrofun(a, b, c) \ do { \ if (a == 5) \ do_this(b, c); \ } while (0)
Во время использования макросов постарайтесь избегать следующего:
Макросы, которые влияют на поток управления:
#define FOO(x) \ do { \ if (blah(x) < 0) \ return -EBUGGERED; \ } while (0)
это очень плохая идея. Он выглядит как вызов функции, но выходит из вызывающей функции; не ломайте внутреннего анализатора у того, кто будет читать код.
Макросы, которые зависят от наличия локальной переменной с магическим именем:
#define FOO(val) bar(index, val)
могут показаться хорошей идеей, но они сбивают с толку, когда читаешь код, и такой код склонен ломаться от, казалось бы, невинных изменений.
Макросы с аргументами, которые используются как l-значения: FOO(x)=y;. Это вам аукнется, если кто-то, например, сделает FOO встроенной функцией.
Потеря приоритета: макросы, определяющие постоянные с использованием выражений, должны заключать выражение в круглые скобки. Остерегайтесь аналогичных проблем с макросами с использованием параметров.
ret — обычное имя для локальной переменной; имя __foo_ret вряд ли вызовет конфликт с уже существующей переменной.
Глава 10: Выделение памяти
Лучше использовать специализированные генераторы, такие как region, mempool, smalloc, вместо malloc()/free()``длялюбыхоперацийвыделенияпамятибольшогообъема.Многократноеиспользование``malloc()/free() может привести к фрагментации памяти, чего следует избегать.
Всегда освобождайте всю выделенную память, даже выделенную при запуске. Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы valgrind не находил утечек памяти, и в большинстве случаев так же легко освободить выделенную память по free(), как и записать подавление valgrind. Освобождение всей выделенной памяти также помогает динамическому балансированию нагрузки: предполагается, что подключаемый модуль может динамически загружаться и выгружаться несколько раз, перезагрузка не должна приводить к утечке памяти.
Глава 11: Болезнь встраивания (inline)
Похоже, что распространено ошибочное представление о том, что в gcc есть волшебная опция ускорения, называемая встраиванием inline. Хотя использование встроенных строк может быть оправдано, довольно часто это не так. Избыток ключевого слова inline приводит к увеличению ядра, что в свою очередь, замедляет работу системы в целом из-за большего объема отпечатка icache для процессора и просто потому, что для pagecache доступно меньше памяти. Просто подумайте: непопадание в pagecache вызывает поиск по диску, который легко занимает 5 миллисекунд. Есть МНОГО циклов процессора, которые могут пройти в эти 5 миллисекунд.
Общее правило состоит в том, чтобы не вводить встраивание в функции, содержащие больше трех строк кода. Исключением из этого правила являются случаи, когда параметр известен как постоянная времени компиляции, и в результате вы знаете, что компилятор сможет оптимизировать большую часть ваших функций во время компиляции.
Часто утверждают, что беспроигрышным вариантом будет встраивание статических функций, используемых только один раз, поскольку нет компромиссов пространства. Хотя это технически правильно, gcc способен автоматически встраивать их, а проблема удаления встроенного, если появляется второй пользователь, перевешивает потенциальную ценность подсказки для gcc делать что-то, что он сделал бы в любом случае.
Глава 12: Возвращаемые значения и имена функций
Функции могут возвращать значения множества различных типов, и одним из наиболее распространенных является значение, которое указывает, была функция выполнена или нет.
В 99.99999% случаев в Tarantool при выполнении функции возвращается 0, в случае ошибки — ненулевое значение (обычно -1). Ошибки сохраняются в рабочей области диагностики (одна на файбер). Результатом функции никогда не будет код ошибки.
Функции, возвращаемое значение которых является фактическим результатом вычисления, а не указанием того, удалось ли выполнить вычисление, не подпадают под это правило. Обычно они указывают на сбой, возвращая некое недопустимое значение. Типичными примерами будут функции, возвращающие указатели; чтобы сообщить об ошибке, они используют NULL.
Глава 13: Редакторские строки режима (modelines) и прочий хлам
Некоторые редакторы могут интерпретировать встроенную в исходные файлы информацию о конфигурации, указанную специальными маркерами. Например, emacs интерпретирует строки, помеченные следующим образом:
Не включайте их в исходные файлы. У людей есть свои собственные настройки редакторов, и ваши исходные файлы не должны их переопределять. Это относится к маркерам для отступов и конфигурации режима. У других людей могут быть свои собственные режимы или другие волшебные методы для правильной работы отступов.
Глава 14: Условная компиляция
По возможности не используйте препроцессорные директивы (#if, #ifdef) в файлах .c. Это затрудняет чтение кода и понимание логики. Вместо этого используйте такие директивы в файле заголовка, чтобы определить функции, используемые в этих файлах .c с заглушками в виде холостых команд в случае #else, а затем вызывайте эти функции безусловно из файлов .c. Компилятор не будет генерировать код для вызовов заглушек, при этом результат останется таким же, но логику будет проще понять.
Лучше компилировать целые функции, а не части функций или части выражений. Вместо того, чтобы вставить #ifdef в выражение, выделите часть или все выражение в отдельную вспомогательную функцию и примените условие к этой функции.
Если у вас есть функция или переменная, которая может не использоваться в конкретной конфигурации, и компилятор предупредит о том, что она использоваться не будет, не компилируйте ее и используйте для этого #if.
В конце любого крупного блока #if или #ifdef (более нескольких строк) после #endif в той же строке поместите комментарий, отмечающий используемое условное выражение. Например:
В заголовках используйте #pragmaonce. Для защиты заголовков мы используем такую конструкцию:
#ifndef THE_HEADER_IS_INCLUDED#define THE_HEADER_IS_INCLUDED// ... код заголовка ...#endif // THE_HEADER_IS_INCLUDED
Работает нормально, но имя защиты THE_HEADER_IS_INCLUDED обычно перестает действовать при перемещении или переименовании файла. Это особенно неудобно, если у нескольких файлов одинаковое имя в проекте, но разные пути. Например, у нас есть 3 файла error.h, а это значит, что для каждого из них нужно придумать новое имя защиты заголовка, и не забыть обновить их при перемещении или переименовании файлов.
По этой причине мы и используем #pragmaonce во всем новом коде, что сокращает файл заголовка до такого:
#pragma once// ... код заголовка ...
Глава 16: Прочие положения
Мы не применяем оператор ! к значениям, отличным от boolean. То есть, чтобы проверить, не равно ли целое число 0, вы используете !=0. Чтобы проверить, что указатель не NULL, используете !=NULL. То же самое для ==.
Допускаются расширения GNU C99. Можно смешивать операторы и объявления в выражениях.
Керниган Брайан В., Ричи Деннис М. Язык программирования Си. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1988. ISBN 0-13-110362-8 (в мягкой обложке), 0-13-110370-9 (в твердом переплете).
Керниган Брайан В., Пайк Роб. Практика программирования. Addison-Wesley, Inc., 1999. ISBN 0-201-61586-X.
Рекомендации GNU в соответствии с K&R и данным текстом – для cpp, gcc, gcc internals и indent
Данный документ описывает соглашение о том, как писать код для языка Python, включая стандартную библиотеку, входящую в состав Python. Посмотрите также на сопутствующую PEP (Python enhanced proposal – заявку на улучшение языка Python), описывающую, какого стиля следует придерживаться при написании кода на C в реализации языка Python [1].
Данный документ, а также PEP 257 (Документирование кода) созданы на основе оригинала рекомендаций Гуидо ван Россума с добавлениями от Барри [2].
A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds («Безрассудная согласованность сбивает с толку мелкие умы»)
Одна из ключевых идей Гвидо заключается в том, что код читается намного чаще, чем пишется. И рекомендации по стилю программирования предназначены улучшить читаемость кода и сделать его согласованным во множестве проектов на языке Python. Как написано в PEP 20, «Читаемость имеет значение».
В руководстве речь идет о согласованности. Согласованность с руководством очень важна. Согласованность внутри проекта еще важнее. А согласованность в пределах модуля или функции – самое важное.
Но очень важно понимать, когда можно отойти от рекомендаций, потому что руководство неприменимо. Если вы сомневаетесь, используйте свой опыт. Просто посмотрите на другие примеры и решите, какой выглядит лучше. И не бойтесь спросить!
Правила можно нарушить по одной из этих причин:
Если применение правила сделает код менее читаемым даже для того, кто привык читать код, написанный по правилам.
Чтобы не отступать по стилю от уже написанного не по правилам кода (возможно, в силу исторических причин) – впрочем, это может быть возможность причесать чужой код (в стиле XP).
Размещение кода
Используйте 4 пробела на каждый уровень отступа.
Если вы не хотите наводить путаницу в очень старом коде, можете продолжать использовать отступы в 8 пробелов.
Продолжения строк должны выравнивать переносимые элементы либо вертикально, используя подразумевающееся объединение строк в скобках (круглых, квадратных или фигурных), либо с использованием висячего отступа. При использовании висячего отступа необходимо применять следующие соображения: на первой строке не должно быть аргументов, а остальные строки должны четко восприниматься как продолжение строки.
# выравнивание по открывающему разделителюfoo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four)# больше отступов, чтобы данный сегмент отличался от остальных.deflong_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four):print(var_one)
# запрещены аргументы на первой строке, если не используется вертикальное выравниваниеfoo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four)# необходимы дополнительные отступы для четких отличийdeflong_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four):print(var_one)
# Нет необходимости в дополнительных отступах.foo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four)
Закрывающие круглые/квадратные/фигурные скобки в многострочных конструкциях могут находиться либо под первым символом последней строки списка (не пробелом), например:
Никогда не смешивайте символы табуляции и пробелы.
Самый распространенный способ отступов в Python – пробелы. На втором месте – отступы только с использованием табуляции. Код, в котором используются и те, и другие типы отступов, следует исправить так, чтобы отступы в нем были расставлены только с помощью пробелов. При вызове интерпретатора в командной строке с параметром -t он выдаст предупреждение в случае использовании смешанного стиля в отступах. Запустив интерпретатор с параметром -tt, вы получите в этих местах ошибки. Рекомендуем использовать эти опции!
В новых проектах для отступов настоятельно рекомендуется использовать только пробелы. Во многих редакторах можно легко это делать.
Максимальная длина строки
Ограничьте максимальную длину строки 79 символами.
Пока еще есть немало устройств, где длина строки ограничена 80 символами; к тому же, ограничив ширину окна 80 символами, мы можем расположить несколько окон рядом друг с другом. Автоматический перенос строк на таких устройствах нарушит форматирование, и код будет труднее понять. Поэтому ограничьте длину строки 79 символами. Для длинных блоков текста (строки документации или комментарии) рекомендуется ограничиваться 72 символами.
Предпочтительный способ переноса длинных строк – использование подразумевающегося продолжения строки между обычными, квадратными и фигурными скобками. Длинные строки можно разбить на несколько строк в скобках. Это лучше, чем использовать обратную косую черту для продолжения строки.
Обратную косую черту можно использовать время от времени. Например, длинный оператор with не может работать с неявными продолжениями, так что обратная косая черта здесь подойдет:
Делайте правильные отступы для перенесенной строки. Предпочтительнее вставить перенос строки после логического оператора, а не перед ним. Например:
classRectangle(Blob):def__init__(self,width,height,color='black',emphasis=None,highlight=0):if(width==0andheight==0andcolor=='red'andemphasis=='strong'orhighlight>100):raiseValueError("sorry, you lose")ifwidth==0andheight==0and(color=='red'oremphasisisNone):raiseValueError("I don't think so -- values are %s, %s"%(width,height))Blob.__init__(self,width,height,color,emphasis,highlight)
Пустые строки
Отделяйте функции верхнего уровня и определения классов двумя пустыми строками.
Определения методов в пределах класса отделяйте одной пустой строкой.
Также можно добавлять пустые строки (не слишком часто) для выделения групп связанных функций. Пустые строки не стоит добавлять между несколькими связанными программами в одну строку (например, в формальной реализации).
Не слишком часто можно добавлять пустые строки в коде функций, чтобы отделить друг от друга логические части.
Python расценивает символ control+L (или ^L) как пробел. Многие редакторы обрабатывают его как разрыв страницы, поэтому его можно использовать для выделения логических части в файле на разных страницах. Обратите внимание, что не все редакторы распознают control+L и могут на его месте отображать другой символ.
Кодировка (PEP 263)
В коде ядра Python всегда должна использоваться кодировка ASCII или Latin-1 (также известную как ISO-8859-1). Начиная с версии Python 3.0, предпочтительной является кодировка UTF-8, а не Latin-1 (см. PEP 3120).
Для файлов с ASCII не следует объявлять кодировку. Используйте Latin-1 (или UTF-8), только если необходимо указать в комментарии или строке документации имя автора, содержащее в себе символ из Latin-1. В остальных случаях рекомендуется использовать управляющие символы x, u или U, чтобы вставить в строку символы не из ASCII.
Начиная с версии Python 3.0 и выше, в стандартной библиотеке действует следующая политика (см. PEP 3131): все идентификаторы в стандартной библиотеке Python ДОЛЖНЫ содержать только ASCII-символы и означать английские слова везде, где это возможно (во многих случаях используются сокращения или неанглийские технические термины). Кроме того, строки и комментарии также должны содержать лишь ASCII-символы. Исключения составляют: (a) тестовые сценарии для тестирования функций программы в других кодировках, и (b) имена авторов. Авторы, в именах которых есть буквы не из латинского алфавита, должны транслитерировать свои имена в латиницу.
В проектах с открытым кодом для широкой аудитории также рекомендуется использовать это правило.
Импорт разных модулей должен быть на разных строках, например:
В то же время, можно писать вот так:
Импорт всегда нужно делать в начале файла сразу после комментариев к модулю и строк документации, перед объявлением глобальных переменных и постоянных.
Группируйте импорты в следующем порядке:
импорты стандартной библиотеки
импорты сторонних библиотек
импорты модулей текущего проекта
Между группами импортов вставляйте пустую строку.
Указывайте все необходимые спецификации __all__ после импортов.
Относительные импорты крайне не рекомендуются. Всегда указывайте абсолютный путь к модулю для всех видов импорта. Даже сейчас, когда PEP 328 реализован в версии Python 2.5, явно использовать относительные импорты не рекомендуется. Абсолютные импорты более независимы и, как правило, обладают лучшей читаемостью.
При импорте класса из модуля с классами, обычно можно писать так:
Больше одного пробела вокруг оператора присваивания (или другого) для того, чтобы выровнять его с другим оператором:
Прочие рекомендации
Всегда окружайте эти знаки двухместных операций пробелами по одному с каждой стороны: присваивание (=), комбинированное присваивание (+=, -= и т.д.), сравнения (==, <, >, !=, <>, <=, >=, in, notin, is, isnot), логические операторы (and, or, not).
Если используются знаки операций с разными приоритетами, рассмотрите возможность добавить пробелы вокруг операций с самым низким приоритетом. Судите сами, однако, никогда не используйте больше одного пробела, и всегда используйте одинаковое количество пробелов по обе стороны от знака.
Иногда можно разместить тело цикла if/for/while в той же строке, но если операторов несколько, никогда так не делайте. И избегайте свертывания таких длинных строк!
Комментарии, которые противоречат коду, хуже, чем отсутствие комментариев. Всегда считайте первоочередной задачей исправить комментарии, если меняется код!
Комментарии должны представлять собой законченные предложения. Если комментарием будет фраза или предложение, первое слово должно быть написано с заглавной буквы, если только это не идентификатор, который пишется со строчной буквы (никогда не меняйте регистр идентификаторов!).
Если комментарий короткий, точку в конце предложения можно опустить. Блок комментариев обычно состоит из одного или более абзацев, составленных из полных предложений, поэтому каждое предложение должно заканчиваться точкой.
После точки в конце предложения следует ставить два пробела.
Если вы пишете на английском языке, не забывайте о рекомендациях Странка и Уайта по стилю.
Разработчики на языке Python из неанглоязычных стран, пишите комментарии на английском, если только вы не уверены на 120%, что ваш код никогда не будут читать люди, не знающие вашего родного языка.
Блок комментариев
Блок комментариев обычно сопровождает фрагмент кода (или весь код), который за ним следует, и находится на том же уровне отступов, что и сам код. Каждая строка блока комментариев должна начинаться с символа # и одного пробела после него (если только в самом тексте комментария нет отступов).
Абзацы в пределах блока комментариев отделяются строкой, состоящей из одного символа #.
Комментарии в строке с кодом
Старайтесь реже использовать подобные комментарии.
Встроенный комментарий находится в той же строке, что и оператор. Такие комментарии должны отделяться от оператора хотя бы двумя пробелами. Они должны начинаться с символа # и одного пробела.
Комментарии в строке с кодом не нужны и в действительности отвлекают от чтения, если они объясняют очевидное. Не пишите так:
x=x+1# Увеличение x
Иногда, впрочем, они полезны:
x=x+1# Место для рамки окна
Строки документации
Соглашения о написании хорошей документации (docstrings) увековечены в PEP 257.
Пишите документацию для всех доступных модулей, функций, классов, методов. Строки документации необязательны для внутренних методов, но нужно добавить комментарий о том, что делает метод. Комментарий должен идти после строки def.
PEP 257 объясняет, как правильно и хорошо писать документацию. Следует отметить, что очень важно, чтобы закрывающие """ стояли на отдельной строке, а предпочтительно, чтобы перед ними была и пустая строка, например:
"""Return a foobangOptional plotz says to frobnicate the bizbaz first."""
Для однострочной документации можно оставить закрывающие """ на той же строке.
Контроль версий
Если вам нужно использовать Subversion, CVS или RCS в ваших исходных кодах, делайте это следующим образом:
__version__="$Revision$"# $Source$
Эти строки следует указывать после документации модуля перед любым другим кодом, отделяя их пустыми строками сверху и снизу.
Соглашения по именованию
Соглашения по именованию переменных в Python довольно запущены, поэтому полной согласованности невозможно будет добиться. Тем не менее, ниже мы приводим список рекомендованных стандартов именования. Новые модули и пакеты (включая сторонние) должны быть написаны в соответствии с этими стандартами, но если уже существующая библиотека написана в другом стиле, предпочтительно поддерживать согласованность.
Описание: Стили имен
Существует много различных стилей именования. Полезно распознавать, какой стиль именования используется независимо от того, для чего он используется.
Обычно различают следующие стили именования:
b (отдельная строчная буква)
B (отдельная заглавная буква)
lowercase (слово в нижнем регистре)
lower_case_with_underscores (слова из строчных букв с символами подчеркивания)
UPPERCASE (заглавные буквы)
UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES (слова из заглавных букв с символами подчеркивания)
CapitalizedWords (слова с заглавными буквами, или CapWords, или CamelCase – называется так, потому что прописные буквы внутри слова напоминают горбы верблюда [3]). Иногда называется StudlyCaps.
Примечание: когда вы используете аббревиатуры в стиле CapWords, пишите все буквы аббревиатуры заглавными. HTTPServerError выглядит лучше, чем HttpServerError.
mixedCase (отличается от CapitalizedWords тем, что первое слово начинается со строчной буквы!)
Capitalized_Words_With_Underscores (слова с заглавными буквами и символами подчеркивания – уродливо!)
Еще есть стиль, в котором к именам из одной логической группы добавляется короткий уникальный префикс. Этот стиль редко используется в Python, но упомянем его для полноты изложения. Например, функция os.stat() возвращает кортеж, имена в котором традиционно выглядят так: st_mode, st_size, st_mtime и так далее. (Так сделано, чтобы подчеркнуть соответствие этих полей структуре системных вызовов POSIX, что помогает знакомым с ней разработчикам).
В библиотеке X11 используется префикс Х для всех доступных функций. В Python этот стиль считается лишним, потому что перед полями и именами методов стоит имя объекта, а перед именами функций стоит имя модуля.
Кроме того, используются следующие специальные формы записи имен с добавлением символа подчеркивания в начало или конец имени (их можно использовать с любым типом регистра):
_single_leading_underscore: слабый индикатор «для внутреннего пользования». Например, fromMimport* не будет импортировать объекты, имена которых начинаются с символа подчеркивания.
single_trailing_underscore_: используется по соглашению во избежание конфликтов с ключевыми словами Python, например:
__double_leading_underscore: изменяет имя атрибута класса (в классе FooBar, __boo становится _FooBar__boo; см. ниже).
__double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__: «волшебные» объекты или атрибуты, которые находятся в live in в пространствах имен, управляемых пользователем. Например, __init__, __import__ или __file__. Не придумывайте такие имена, используйте их только так, как написано в документации.
Предписания: соглашения по именованию
Имена, которых следует избегать
Никогда не используйте символы „l“ (строчная латинская буква эль), „O“ (заглавная латинская буква о) или „I“ (заглавная латинская буква ай) в качестве однобуквенных имен переменных.
В некоторых шрифтах эти символы неотличимы от цифр один и ноль. Если нельзя обойтись без „l“, пишите вместо нее „L“.
Имена модулей и пакетов
Имена модулей должны быть короткими и состоять из строчных букв. Можно использовать и символы подчеркивания, если это улучшает читаемость. Имена пакетов Python также должны быть короткими и состоять из строчных букв, но здесь символы подчеркивания не приветствуются.
Так как имена модулей отображаются в именах файлов, а некоторые файловые системы являются нечувствительными к регистру символов и обрезают длинные имена, очень важно использовать достаточно короткие имена модулей – это не проблема в Unix, но может стать проблемой при переносе кода в старые версии Windows, Mac или DOS.
Если для модуля расширения, написанного на С или C++, есть сопутствующий Python-модуль, содержащий интерфейс более высокого уровня (например, более объектно-ориентированный), модуль С/С++ начинается с символа подчеркивания (например, _socket).
Имена классов
Все имена классов должны соответствовать CapWords почти без исключений. Классы для внутреннего использования могут также начинаться с символа подчеркивания.
Имена исключений
Так как исключения должны быть классами, к исключениям применяются правила именования классов. Однако вы можете добавить суффикс «Error» в конце имени (если исключение действительно является ошибкой).
Имена глобальных переменных
(Будем надеяться, что такие имена используются только в пределах одного модуля.) Применяются те же правила, что и для имен функций.
В модули, которые предназначены для использования с помощью fromMimport*, следует добавить механизм __all__, чтобы предотвратить экспорт глобальных переменных, или же использовать старое соглашение, добавляя перед именами таких глобальных переменных один символ подчеркивания (которым можно обозначить глобальные переменные, которые используются только внутри модуля).
Имена функций
Имена функций должны состоять из строчных букв, а слова разделяться символами подчеркивания, чтобы улучшить читаемость.
mixedCase допускается только в тех местах, где уже преобладает такой стиль (например, threading.py), для обратной совместимости.
Аргументы функций и методов
Всегда используйте self в качестве первого аргумента метода экземпляра.
Всегда используйте cls в качестве первого аргумента метода класса.
Если имя аргумента функции конфликтует с зарезервированным ключевым словом, обычно лучше добавить в конец имени символ подчеркивания, а не сокращать слово или искажать его. Таким образом, class_ лучше, чем clss. (Возможно, будет лучше избегать конфликта имен путем подбора синонима).
Имена методов и переменные экземпляров
Используйте тот же стиль, что и для имен функций: они должны состоять из строчных букв, а слова разделяться символами подчеркивания, чтобы улучшить читаемость.
Используйте только один символ подчеркивания в начале слова для внутренних методов и переменных экземпляров.
Чтобы избежать конфликта имен с подклассами, добавьте два символа подчеркивания в начале слова, чтобы включить механизм изменения имен в Python.
Python изменяет эти имена: если в классе Foo есть атрибут с именем __a, к нему нельзя обратиться через Foo.__a. (Настойчивый пользователь всё равно может получить доступ через Foo._Foo__a.) Вообще, двойное подчеркивание в начале имени должно использоваться только во избежание конфликта имен с атрибутами классов, предназначенных для разделения на подклассы.
Примечание: есть некоторые разногласия по поводу использования имен __names (см. ниже).
Постоянные обычно объявляются на уровне модуля и записываются только заглавными буквами, а слова разделяются символами подчеркивания. Например: MAX_OVERFLOW, TOTAL.
Проектирование наследования
Обязательно решите, каким должен быть метод класса или переменная экземпляра класса (в общем, атрибут) – доступными (public) или внутренними (non-public). Если вы сомневаетесь, делайте их внутренними. Потом будет проще открыть к ним доступ, чем наоборот.
Доступные атрибуты – это такие атрибуты, которые будут использовать потребители ваших классов, и вы должны быть уверены в обратной совместимости. Внутренние атрибуты, в свою очередь, не предназначены для использования третьими лицами, поэтому вы можете не гарантировать, что не измените или не удалите эти атрибуты.
Мы не используем термин «закрытый» (private), потому что на самом деле в Python таких атрибутов не бывает (без ненужных дополнительных усилий).
Другой тип атрибутов классов принадлежит так называемому API подклассов (в других языках они часто называются защищенными – «protected»). Некоторые классы предназначены для наследования другими классами, которые расширяют или изменяют поведение базового класса. Когда вы проектируете такой класс, решите и явным образом укажите, какие атрибуты являются доступными (public), какие относятся к API подклассов (subclass API), а какие используются только базовым классом.
С учетом вышесказанного, сформулируем рекомендации:
В начале имени доступных атрибутов не должно быть символов подчеркивания.
Если имя доступного атрибута конфликтует с ключевым словом языка, добавьте в конец имени один символ подчеркивания. Это более предпочтительно, чем сокращать слово или искажать его (однако, у этого правила есть исключение: „cls“ – это предпочтительное написание любой переменной или аргумента, который означает класс, а особенно первого аргумента метода класса).
Примечание 1:
См. рекомендации по именам аргументов выше для методов класса.
Назовите простые открытые атрибуты понятными именами и не пишите сложные методы доступа и изменения (accessor/mutator). Следует помнить, что в Python очень легко расширить поведение функции, если потребуется. В этом случае используйте свойства (properties), чтобы скрыть функциональную реализацию за синтаксисом доступа к атрибутам.
Примечание 1:
Свойства работают только в классах нового стиля (new-style classes).
Примечание 2:
Постарайтесь избавиться от побочных эффектов, связанных с функциональным поведением, хотя такие вещи, как кэширование, вполне допустимы.
Примечание 3:
Избегайте использовать вычислительно затратные операции, потому что из-за записи с помощью атрибутов создается впечатление, что доступ происходит (относительно) быстро.
Если ваш класс предназначен для разделения на подклассы, но некоторые атрибуты не должны наследоваться подклассами, подумайте о добавлении в имена двух символов подчеркивания в начале и ни одного в конце. Механизм изменения имен в Python сработает так, что имя класса добавится к имени такого атрибута. Это позволит избежать конфликта имен, если в подклассах случайно появятся атрибуты с такими же именами.
Примечание 1:
Обратите внимание, что только имена простых классов используются в измененном имени, поэтому если в подклассе будет то же имя класса и имя атрибута, то снова возникнет конфликт имен.
Примечание 2:
Механизм изменения имен может затруднить отладку или работу с __getattr__(). Тем не менее, алгоритм хорошо документирован и легко реализуется вручную.
Примечание 3:
Не всем нравится механизм изменения имен. Постарайтесь достичь компромисса между необходимостью избежать конфликта имен и возможностью доступа к этим атрибутам.
Programming style is art. There is some arbitrariness to the rules, but there
are sound rationales for them. It is useful not only to provide sound advice on
style but to understand the underlying rationale behind the
style recommendations:
4 spaces instead of tabs. PIL suggests using two spaces, but a programmer looks
at code from 4 to 8 hours a day, so it’s simpler to distinguish indentation
with 4 spaces. Why spaces? Similar representation everywhere.
Можно использовать строки режима (modelines) vim:
-- vim:ts=4 ss=4 sw=4 expandtab
Файл должен заканчиваться на один символ переноса строки, но не должен заканчиваться на пустой строке (два символа переноса строки).
Отступы всех do/while/for/if/function должны составлять 4 пробела.
Related or/and in if must be enclosed in the round brackets (). Example:
-- Goodif(a==trueandb==false)or(a==falseandb==true)then<...>end-- Badifa==trueandb==falseora==falseandb==truethen<...>end-- Good but not explicitifa^b==truethenend
Преобразование типов
Не используйте конкатенацию для конвертации в строку или в число (вместо этого воспользуйтесь tostring/tonumber):
Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of related
functions. Blank lines may be omitted between several related one-liners
(for example, a set of dummy implementations).
Use blank lines in functions (sparingly) to indicate logical sections:
Delete whitespace at EOL (strongly forbidden. Use :s/\s\+$//gc in vim
to delete them).
Avoid global variables
Avoid using global variables. In exceptional cases, start the name of such a variable with _G,
add a prefix, or add a table instead of a prefix:
-- Very badfunctionbad_global_example()endfunctiongood_local_example()end-- Good_G.modulename_good_local_example=good_local_example-- Better_G.modulename={}_G.modulename.good_local_example=good_local_example
Always use a prefix to avoid name conflicts.
Names of variables/»objects» and «methods»/functions: snake_case.
Names of «classes»: CamelCase.
Private variables/methods (future properties) of objects start with
underscores <object>._<name>. Avoid syntax like
Boolean: naming is_<...>, isnt_<...>, has_, hasnt_ is good style.
For «very local» variables:
t is for tables
i, j are for indexing
n is for counting
k, v is what you get out of pairs() (are acceptable, _ if unused)
i, v is what you get out of ipairs() (are acceptable, _ if unused)
k/key is for table keys
v/val/value is for values that are passed around
x/y/z is for generic math quantities
s/str/string is for strings
c is for 1-char strings
f/func/cb are for functions
status,<rv>.. or ok,<rv>.. is what you get out of pcall/xpcall
buf,sz is a (buffer, size) pair
<name>_p is for pointers
t0.. is for timestamps
err is for errors
Abbreviations are acceptable if they’re very common or if they’re unambiguous and you’ve documented them.
Global variables are spelled in ALL_CAPS. If it’s a system variable, it starts with an underscore
Modules are named in snake_case (avoid underscores and dashes): for example, „luasql“, not
*_mt and *_methods defines metatable and methods table.
Идиомы и шаблоны
Всегда пользуйтесь круглыми скобками при вызове функций, за исключением множественных случаев (распространенные идиомы в Lua):
функции *.cfg{} (box.cfg/memcached.cfg/..)
функция ffi.cdef[[]]
Avoid the following constructions:
<func>“<name>“. Strongly avoid require“..“.
functionobject:method()end. Use functionobject.method(self)end instead.
Semicolons as table separators. Only use commas.
Semicolons at the end of line. Use semicolons only to split multiple statements on one line.
Unnecessary function creation (closures/..).
Avoid implicit casting to boolean in if conditions like ifxthen or ifnotxthen.
Such expressions will likely result in troubles with box.NULL.
Instead of those conditions, use ifx~=nilthen and ifx==nilthen.
Don’t start modules with license/authors/descriptions, you can write it in
To write modules, use one of the two patterns (don’t use modules()):
Don’t forget to comment your Lua code. You shouldn’t comment Lua syntax (assume that the reader already
knows the Lua language). Instead, tell about functions/variable names/etc.
Start a sentence with a capital letter and end with a period.
Многострочные комментарии: используйте соответствующие скобки (--[[]]--) вместо простых (--[[]]).
Public function comments:
--- Copy any table (shallow and deep version).-- * deepcopy: copies all levels-- * shallowcopy: copies only first level-- Supports __copy metamethod for copying custom tables with metatables.-- @function gsplit-- @table inp original table-- @shallow[opt] sep flag for shallow copy-- @returns table (copy)
Use the tap module for writing efficient tests. Example of a test file:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantoollocaltest=require('tap').test('table')test:plan(31)do-- Check basic table.copy (deepcopy).localexample_table={{1,2,3},{"help, I'm very nested",{{{}}}}}localcopy_table=table.copy(example_table)test:is_deeply(example_table,copy_table,"checking, that deepcopy behaves ok")test:isnt(example_table,copy_table,"checking, that tables are different")test:isnt(example_table[1],copy_table[1],"checking, that tables are different")test:isnt(example_table[2],copy_table[2],"checking, that tables are different")test:isnt(example_table[2][2],copy_table[2][2],"checking, that tables are different")test:isnt(example_table[2][2][1],copy_table[2][2][1],"checking, that tables are different")end<...>os.exit(test:check()and0or1)
When you test your code, the output will be something like this:
TAP version 131..31ok - checking, that deepcopy behaves ok
ok - checking, that tables are different
ok - checking, that tables are different
ok - checking, that tables are different
ok - checking, that tables are different
ok - checking, that tables are different
Error handling
Принимайте разнообразные значения и выдавайте строго определенные.
With error handling, this means that you must provide an error object as the second
multi-return value in case of error. The error object can be a string, a Lua
table, cdata, or userdata. In the latter three cases, it must have a __tostring metamethod
В случае ошибки нулевое значение nil должно быть первым возвращаемым значением. В таком случае ошибку трудно игнорировать.
При проверке возвращаемых значений функции проверяйте сначала первый аргумент. Если это nil, ищите ошибку во втором аргументе:
Для проверки стиля кода Tarantool использует luacheck. Он анализирует различные аспекты кода, например неиспользуемые переменные, и иногда проверяет больше аспектов, чем нужно. Поэтому есть соглашение игнорировать некоторые предупреждения, которые выдает luacheck:
"212/self",-- Неиспользуемый аргумент <self>."411",-- Переопределение локальной переменной."421",-- Переопределение локальной переменной на вложенном уровне."431",-- Переопределение значения, заданного ранее, в функции."432",-- Перегрузка аргумента на вложенном уровне.