Module cartridge.rpc | Tarantool
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Tarantool Cartridge Table of contents Module cartridge.rpc

Module cartridge.rpc

Remote procedure calls between cluster instances.

List candidates suitable for performing a remote call. Candidates are deduced from a local config and membership, which may differ from replica to replica (e.g. during patch_clusterwide ). It may produce invalid candidates.


  • role_name: (string)
  • opts:
    • leader_only: (optional boolean) Filter instances which are leaders now.(default: false)
    • healthy_only: (optional boolean) The member is considered healthy ifit reports either ConfiguringRoles or RolesConfigured stateand its SWIM status is either alive or suspect (added in v1.1.0-11, default: true)
    • labels: (optional table) Filter instances that have the specified labels. Adding labels is possible via theedit_topology method or via graphqlExample: rpc.get_candidates(„role“, { labels = {[„msk“] = „dc“} })


({string,…}) URIs

Perform a remote procedure call. Find a suitable healthy instance with an enabled role and perform a [ conn:call ]( on it. can only be used for functions defined in role return table unlike conn:call() , which is used for global functions as well.


  • role_name: (string)
  • fn_name: (string)
  • args: (table) (optional)
  • opts:
    • prefer_local: (optional boolean) Don’t perform a remote call if possible. When the role is enabledlocally and current instance is healthy the remote netbox call issubstituted with a local Lua function call. When the option isdisabled it never tries to perform call locally and always usesnetbox connection, even to connect self.(default: true)
    • leader_only: (optional boolean) Perform a call only on the replica set leaders.(default: false)
    • uri: (optional string) Force a call to be performed on this particular uri.Disregards member status and opts.prefer_local .Conflicts with opts.leader_only = true .(added in v1.2.0-63)
    • labels: (optional table) Filter instances that have the specified labels. Adding labels is possible via theedit_topology method or via graphql.Example:„role“, „func“, {}, { labels = { [„msk“] = „dc“ } })
    • remote_only: (deprecated) Use prefer_local instead.
    • timeout: passed to conn:call options.
    • buffer: passed to conn:call options.
    • on_push: passed to conn:call options.
    • on_push_ctx: passed to conn:call options.
    • is_async: passed to conn:call options.


conn:call() result



(table) Error description

-- myrole.lua
return {
    role_name = 'myrole',
    add = function(a, b) return a + b end,
-- call it as follows:
cartridge.rpc_call('myrole', 'add', {2, 2}) -- returns 4

Connect to an instance with an enabled role. Candidates to connect are deduced from a local config and membership, which may differ from replica to replica (e.g. during patch_clusterwide ). It may produce invalid candidates.


  • role_name: (string)
  • opts:
    • prefer_local: (optional boolean)
    • leader_only: (optional boolean)
    • labels: (optional table)

Returns: connection



(table) Error description

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