Class luatest.cbuilder | Tarantool
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Class luatest.cbuilder

Configuration builder.

It allows to construct a declarative configuration for a test case using less boilerplace code/options, especially when a replicaset is to be tested, not a single instance. All the methods support chaining (return the builder object back).

local config = Builder:new()
    :add_instance('instance-001', {
        database = {
            mode = 'rw',
    :add_instance('instance-002', {})
    :add_instance('instance-003', {})

By default, all instances are added to replicaset-001 in group-001,
but it's possible to select a different replicaset and/or group:

local config = Builder:new()



The default credentials and iproto options are added to
setup replication and to allow a test to connect to the

There is a few other methods:

* :set_replicaset_option('', value)
* :set_instance_option('instance-001', '', value)

Add an instance with the given options to the selected replicaset.


  • instance_name: (string) Instance where the config will be saved.
  • iconfig: (tab) Declarative config for the instance.

Return the resulting configuration.

Build a config builder object.


  • config: (tab) Table with declarative configuration. (optional)

Set option to the cluster config.


  • path: (string) Option path.
  • value: Option value (int, string, table).

Set an option for the selected group.


  • path: (string) Option path.
  • value: Option value (int, string, table).

Set an option for the selected replicaset.


  • path: (string) Option path.
  • value: Option value (int, string, table).

Select a group for following calls.


  • group_name: (string) Group of replicas.

Select a replicaset for following calls.


  • replicaset_name: (string) Replica set name.
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