Журнал аудита | Tarantool
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Tarantool Enterprise Edition Журнал аудита

Журнал аудита

The audit module available in Tarantool Enterprise Edition writes messages that record Tarantool events in plain text, CSV, or JSON format.

It provides detailed reports of security-related activities and helps you find and fix breaches to protect your business. For example, you can see who created a new user and when:

    "time": "2022-04-07T13:39:36.046+0300",
    "remote": "",
    "session_type": "background",
    "module": "tarantool",
    "user": "admin",
    "type": "user_create",
    "tag": "",
    "description": "Create user alice"

It is up to each company to decide exactly what activities to audit and what actions to take. System administrators, security engineers, and people in charge of the company may want to audit different events for different reasons. Tarantool provides such an option for each of them.

The Tarantool audit log module can record various events that you can monitor and decide whether you need to take actions:

  • Admin activity – events related to actions performed by the administrator. For example, such logs record the creation of a user.
  • Access events – events related to authorization and authentication of users. For example, such logs record failed attempts to access secure data.
  • Data access and modification – events of data manipulation in the storage.
  • System events – events related to modification or configuration of resources. For example, such logs record the replacement of a space.
  • Custom events – any events added manually using the audit module API.

The full list of available audit log events is provided in the table below:

Событие Type of event written to the audit log Example of an event description
Audit log enabled for events audit_enable  
Custom events custom  
User authorized successfully auth_ok Authenticate user <USER>
User authorization failed auth_fail Failed to authenticate user <USER>
User logged out or quit the session disconnect Close connection
User created user_create Create user <USER>
User dropped user_drop Drop user <USER>
Role created role_create Create role <ROLE>
Role dropped role_drop Drop role <ROLE>
User disabled user_disable Disable user <USER>
User enabled user_enable Enable user <USER>
User granted rights user_grant_rights Grant <PRIVILEGE> rights for <OBJECT_TYPE> <OBJECT_NAME> to user <USER>
User revoked rights user_revoke_rights Revoke <PRIVILEGE> rights for <OBJECT_TYPE> <OBJECT_NAME> from user <USER>
Role granted rights role_grant_rights Grant <PRIVILEGE> rights for <OBJECT_TYPE> <OBJECT_NAME> to role <ROLE>
Role revoked rights role_revoke_rights Revoke <PRIVILEGE> rights for <OBJECT_TYPE> <OBJECT_NAME> from role <ROLE>
User password changed password_change Change password for user <USER>
Failed attempt to access secure data (personal records, details, geolocation, etc.) access_denied <ACCESS_TYPE> denied to <OBJECT_TYPE> <OBJECT_NAME>
Expressions with arguments evaluated in a string eval Evaluate expression <EXPR>
Function called with arguments call Call function <FUNCTION> with arguments <ARGS>
Iterator key selected from space.index space_select Select <ITER_TYPE> <KEY> from <SPACE>.<INDEX>
Space created space_create Create space <SPACE>
Space altered space_alter Alter space <SPACE>
Space dropped space_drop Drop space <SPACE>
Tuple inserted into space space_insert Insert tuple <TUPLE> into space <SPACE>
Tuple replaced in space space_replace Replace tuple <TUPLE> with <NEW_TUPLE> in space <SPACE>
Tuple deleted from space space_delete Delete tuple <TUPLE> from space <SPACE>


The eval event displays data from the console module and the eval function of the net.box module. For more on how they work, see Module console and Module net.box – eval. To separate the data, specify console or binary in the session field.

You can simplify working with audit log events by using built-in event groups. For example, you can set to record only events related to the enabling of the audit log, or only events related to a space.

Tarantool provides the following event groups:

  • all – all events.


    Events call and eval are included only into the all group.

  • auditaudit_enable event.

  • auth – authorization events: auth_ok, auth_fail.

  • priv – events related to authentication, authorization, users, and roles: user_create, user_drop, role_create, role_drop, user_enable, user_disable, user_grant_rights, user_revoke_rights, role_grant_rights, role_revoke_rights.

  • ddl – events of space creation, altering, and dropping: space_create, space_alter, space_drop.

  • dml – events of data modification in spaces: space_insert, space_replace, space_delete.

  • data_operations – events of data modification or selection from spaces: space_select, space_insert, space_replace, space_delete.

  • compatibility – events available in Tarantool before the version 2.10.0. auth_ok, auth_fail, disconnect, user_create, user_drop, role_create, role_drop, user_enable, user_disable, user_grant_rights, user_revoke_rights, role_grant_rights. role_revoke_rights, password_change, access_denied. This group enables the compatibility with earlier Tarantool versions.


Be careful when recording all and data_operations event groups. The more events you record, the slower the requests are processed over time. It is recommended that you select only those groups whose events your company really needs to monitor and analyze.

Each audit log event contains several fields to make it easy to filter and aggregate the resulting logs. They are described in the following table.

Field Описание Example of a log field display
time Time of the event 2022-04-07T13:20:05.327+0300
remote Remote host that triggered the event
session_type Session type console
module Audit log module. Set to tarantool for system events; can be overwritten for custom events tarantool
user User who triggered the event admin
type Audit event type access_denied
tag A text field that can be overwritten by the user  
description Human-readable event description Authenticate user Alice


You can set all these parameters only once. Unlike many other parameters in box.cfg, they cannot be changed.

By default, audit logging is disabled. To enable audit logging, define the logs location by setting the box.cfg.audit_log option. Tarantool can write audit logs to a file, to a pipe, or to the system logger.

To disable audit logging, set the audit_log option to nil.

box.cfg{audit_log = 'audit_tarantool.log'}
-- or
box.cfg{audit_log = 'file:audit_tarantool.log'}

This opens the audit_tarantool.log file for output in the server’s default directory. If the audit_log string has no prefix or the prefix file:, the string is interpreted as a file path.

box.cfg{audit_log = '| cronolog audit_tarantool.log'}
-- or
box.cfg{audit_log = 'pipe: cronolog audit_tarantool.log'}'

This starts the cronolog program when the server starts and sends all audit_log messages to cronolog’s standard input (stdin). If the audit_log string starts with „|“ or contains the prefix pipe:, the string is interpreted as a Unix pipeline.


Below is an example of writing audit logs to a directory shared with the system logs. Tarantool allows this option, but it is not recommended to do this to avoid difficulties when working with audit logs. System and audit logs should be written separately. To do this, create separate paths and specify them.

This example setting sends the audit log to syslog:

box.cfg{audit_log = 'syslog:identity=tarantool'}
-- or
box.cfg{audit_log = 'syslog:facility=user'}
-- or
box.cfg{audit_log = 'syslog:identity=tarantool,facility=user'}
-- or
box.cfg{audit_log = 'syslog:server=unix:/dev/log'}

If the audit_log string starts with «syslog:», it is interpreted as a message for the syslogd program, which normally runs in the background of any Unix-like platform. The setting can be „syslog:“, „syslog:facility=…“, „syslog:identity=…“, „syslog:server=…“ or a combination.

The syslog:identity setting is an arbitrary string that is placed at the beginning of all messages. The default value is tarantool.

The syslog:facility setting is currently ignored, but will be used in the future. The value must be one of the syslog keywords that tell syslogd where to send the message. The possible values are auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7. The default value is local7.

The syslog:server setting is the locator for the syslog server. It can be a Unix socket path starting with «unix:» or an ipv4 port number. The default socket value is /dev/log (on Linux) or /var/run/syslog (on Mac OS). The default port value is 514, which is the UDP port.

If you log to a file, Tarantool will reopen the audit log at SIGHUP. If log is a program, its pid is stored in the audit_log.logger_pid variable. You need to send it a signal to rotate logs.

An example of a Tarantool audit log entry in the syslog:

  "__CURSOR" : "s=81564632436a4de590e80b89b0151148;i=11519;b=def80c1464fe49d1aac8a64895d6614d;m=8c825ebfc;t=5edb27a75f282;x=7eba320f7cc9ae4d",
  "__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP" : "1668725698065026",
  "__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP" : "37717666812",
  "_BOOT_ID" : "def80c1464fe49d1aac8a64895d6614d",
  "_UID" : "1003",
  "_GID" : "1004",
  "_COMM" : "tarantool",
  "_EXE" : "/app/tarantool/dist/tdg-",
  "_CMDLINE" : "tarantool init.lua <running>: core-03",
  "_CAP_EFFECTIVE" : "0",
  "_AUDIT_SESSION" : "1",
  "_AUDIT_LOGINUID" : "1003",
  "_SYSTEMD_CGROUP" : "/user.slice/user-1003.slice/user@1003.service/app.slice/app@core-03.service",
  "_SYSTEMD_OWNER_UID" : "1003",
  "_SYSTEMD_UNIT" : "user@1003.service",
  "_SYSTEMD_USER_UNIT" : "app@core-03.service",
  "_SYSTEMD_SLICE" : "user-1003.slice",
  "_SYSTEMD_USER_SLICE" : "app.slice",
  "_SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID" : "be368b4243d842ea8c06b010e0df62c2",
  "_MACHINE_ID" : "2e2339725deb4bc198c54ff4a2e8d626",
  "_HOSTNAME" : "vm-0.test.env",
  "_TRANSPORT" : "syslog",
  "PRIORITY" : "6",
  "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER" : "tarantool",
  "SYSLOG_PID" : "101562",
  "_PID" : "101562",
  "MESSAGE" : "remote: session_type:background module:common.admin.auth user: type:custom_tdg_audit tag:tdg_severity_INFO description:[119eae0e-a691-42cc-9b4c-f14c499e6726] subj: \"anonymous\", msg: \"Access granted to anonymous user\"",
  "_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP" : "1668725698064202"

Tarantool’s extensive filtering options help you write only the events you need to the audit log.

To select events to write to audit log, use the box.cfg.audit_filter option. Its value can be a list of events and event groups. The default value for the box.cfg.audit_filter option is compatibility, which enables logging of all events available before 2.10.0.

        audit_log = 'audit.log',
        audit_filter = 'audit,auth,priv,password_change,access_denied'

You can customize the filters and use different combinations of filters for your purposes.

You can set only certain events that you need to record.

For example, select password_change to monitor the users who have changed their passwords.

        audit_log = 'audit.log',
        audit_filter = 'password_change'

You can set one of the groups of events that you need to record.

For example, select compatibility to monitor only events of user authorization, granted privileges, disconnection, user password change, and denied access.

        audit_log = 'audit.log',
        audit_filter = 'compatibility'

You can specify multiple groups depending on the purpose.

For example, select auth and priv to see only events related to authorization and granted privileges.

        audit_log = 'audit.log',
        audit_filter = 'auth,priv'

You can specify a group and a certain event depending on the purpose.

For example, you can select priv and disconnect to see only events related to granted privileges and disconnect events.

        audit_log = 'audit.log',
        audit_filter = 'priv,disconnect'

Run the command to filter:

local audit = require('audit')

box.cfg{audit_log = 'audit.log', audit_filter = 'custom,user_create', audit_format = 'csv'}
-- The Tarantool audit module writes the event because a filter is set for it
-- The Tarantool audit module will not write the event because no filter is set for it

By default, the audit_nonblock option is set to true and Tarantool will not block during logging if the system is not ready to write, dropping the message instead. Using this value may improve logging performance at the cost of losing some log messages. This option only has an effect if the output goes to syslog: or pipe:. Setting audit_nonblock to true is not allowed if the output is to a file. In this case, set audit_nonblock to false.

You can choose the format of audit log events – plain text, CSV or JSON format.

Plain text is used by default. This human-readable format can be efficiently compressed. The JSON format is more convenient to receive log events, analyze them and integrate them with other systems if needed. Using the CSV format allows you to view audit log events in tabular form.

Use these commands to configure the format of audit log events in Tarantool.

box.cfg{audit_log = 'audit.log', audit_format = 'plain'}


user: type:custom_tdg_audit
subj: "anonymous",
msg: "Access granted to anonymous user"

box.cfg{audit_log = 'audit.log', audit_format = 'json'}


    "time": "2022-11-17T21:55:49.880+0300",
    "remote": "",
    "session_type": "background",
    "module": "common.admin.auth",
    "user": "",
    "type": "custom_tdg_audit",
    "tag": "tdg_severity_INFO",
    "description": "[c26cd11a-3342-4ce6-8f0b-a4b222268b9d] subj: \"anonymous\", msg: \"Access granted to anonymous user\""

box.cfg{audit_log = 'audit.log', audit_format = 'csv'}


2022-11-17T21:58:03.131+0300,,background,common.admin.auth,,,custom_tdg_audit,tdg_severity_INFO,"[b3dfe2a3-ec29-4e61-b747-eb2332c83b2e] subj: ""anonymous"", msg: ""Access granted to anonymous user"""

Tarantool provides an API for writing custom audit log events. To enable custom audit log events, specify the custom value in the box.cfg.audit_filter option.

To add a new event, use the audit.log() function that takes one of the following values:

  • Message string. Printed to the audit log with type message. Example: audit.log('Hello, World!').
  • Format string and arguments. Passed to string format and then output to the audit log with type message. Example: audit.log('Hello, %s!', 'World').
  • Table with audit log field values. The table must contain at least one field – description. Example: audit.log({type = 'custom_hello', description = 'Hello, World!'}).

Using the field audit.new(), you can create a new log module that allows you to avoid passing all custom audit log fields each time audit.log() is called. It takes a table of audit log field values (same as audit.log()). The type of the log module for writing custom events must either be message or have the custom_ prefix.

local my_audit = audit.new({type = 'custom_hello', module = 'my_module'})
my_audit:log('Hello, Alice!')
my_audit:log({tag = 'admin', description = 'Hello, Bob!'})

-- is equivalent to
audit.log({type = 'custom_hello', module = 'my_module',
           description = 'Hello, Alice!' })
audit.log({type = 'custom_hello', module = 'my_module',
           tag = 'admin', description = 'Hello, Bob!'})

It is possible to overwrite most of the custom audit log fields using audit.new() or audit.log(). The only audit log field that cannot be overwritten is time. If a field is not overwritten, it is set to the same value as for a system event. If omitted, session_type is set to the current session type, remote is set to the remote peer address.


To avoid confusion with system events, the value of the type field must either be message (default) or begin with the custom_ prefix. Otherwise, you receive the error message. Custom events are filtered out by default.

local audit = require('audit')

box.cfg{audit_log = 'audit.log', audit_filter = 'custom', audit_format = 'csv'}
audit.log('Hello, Alice!')
audit.log('Hello, %s!', 'Bob')
audit.log({type = 'custom_hello', description = 'Hello, Eve!'})
audit.log({type = 'custom_farewell', user = 'eve', module = 'custom', description = 'Farewell, Eve!'})

local my_audit = audit.new({module = 'my_module', tag = 'default'})
my_audit:log({description = 'Message 1'})
my_audit:log({description = 'Message 2', tag = 'my_tag'})
my_audit:log({description = 'Message 3', module = 'other_module'})

To easily read the audit log events in the needed form, use the different commands:

  • cat – prints one or more files

  • grep – prints a specific text

  • head – prints the first N lines of the file

  • tail – prints the last N lines of the file


    These are the basic commands to help you read the logs. If necessary, you can use other commands.

If you write to a file, the size of the Tarantool audit module is limited by the disk space. If you write to a system logger, the size of the Tarantool audit module is limited by the system logger. If you write to a pipe, the size of the Tarantool audit module is limited by the system buffer if the audit_nonblock = false; if audit_nonblock = true, there is no limit. However, it is not recommended to use the entire memory, as this may cause performance degradation and even loss of some logs.

Consider setting up a schedule in your company. It is recommended to review audit logs at least every 3 months.

It is recommended to store audit logs for at least one year.

It is recommended to use SIEM systems for this issue.

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