Fibers | Internals





Tarantool uses cooperative multitasking via that named fibers. They are similar to well-known threads except they are not running simultaneously but must be scheduled explicitly.

Fibers are coupled into cords (in turn the cords are real threads, thus fibers inside a cord are executing in a sequent way while several cords may run simultaneously).

When we create a fiber we provide a function to be invoked upon fiber’s start, let’s call it a fiber function to distinguish from other service routines.

Event library

The heart of Tarantool fibers schedule is libev library. As its name implies the library provides a loop which get interrupted when an event arrive. We won’t jump into internals of libev but provide only a few code snippets to draw a basic workflow.

/* third_party/libev/ev.c */
ev_run (int flags) {
    do {

The backend_poll invokes low-level service call (such as epoll or select depending on the operating system, please see their man pages) to fetch events. Events are explicitly passed to a queue via API libev provides to programmers. The service call supports waittime timeout, so if no events are available a new wait iteration is started or polling, to be precise. The typical minimal waittime is 1 millisecond.

The EV_INVOKE_PENDING fetches events to process and runs associated callbacks for this iteration. Once callbacks are finished a new iteration begins.

Pushing a new event into the queue is provided by ev_feed_event call and Tarantool uses it under the hood.

Thread model

Tarantool instance has the following cords (threads):

  • Network thread (see iproto) is used for sending requests to another instance and receiving responses. E.g. on the server side it receives the query, parses the statement, checks if it is correct, and then transforms it into a special structure.

  • Replication counterparts (see Relay and applier in Replication). Applier’s fibers are used to fetch updates from the master. Relay’s fibers, on the other hand, send these changes to replicas. Both of the cords communicates (see Cbus (Communication bus)) with tx cords, where replication takes place (Actually, relay also communicates with the WAL thread via the wal_watcher, in which the relay thread is notified on every new WAL write, after this notification it advances the xlog cursor in the file and sends new rows (see Relay and Write-ahead logging)).

  • Tx thread. The iproto and applier ships message to the instance’s transaction processor thread (tx thread), where all database changes take place. Lua programs are also executed directly in the transaction processor thread.

  • WAL thread (see Write-ahead logging).The execution of operation will result in a message to the write-ahead logging thread to commit the transaction and the fiber executing the transaction will be suspended. When the transaction will result in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK, WAL thread will reply with a message to the TX, fiber will be resumed to have an ability to process the result of transaction and the result of fiber execution will be passed to the network thread, and the network thread returns the result to the client.

Here is the general overview of the Tarantool’s threads and connections between them:

            IPROTO thread                       Applier thread
      (Encode/decode the request)     (Receive the request from the other
                  ^                       node's relay and decode it)
                  |                                   ^
                  V                                   |
              TX thread <-----------------------------+
  (Use space index in order to find and
update the tuple, prepare for the commit) <-----------+
                  ^                                   |
                  |                                   |
                  V                                   V
              Relay thread <-------------------> WAL thread
    (Advance xlog cursor and send new    (Write the request to the xlog)
            rows to the replicas)

Let’s see how the messages travel through the various threads. The first one is a DML request, which is initiated by a user via a Tarantool connector. Such request goes through the following way:

      IPROTO thread
   (Decode the request)
       TX thread
 (Process it and prepare
for the transaction commit)
           V      (if any relay exists)
       WAL thread ---------------------+
  (Write to the xlog)                  |
           |                           |
           V                           V
       TX thread                  Relay thread
 (Commit the transaction)     (Send new rows to the replica)
           |                           |
           V                           V
      IPROTO thread                TX thread
(Send result to the user)    (Update the status (e.g.
                              vclock) of the replica)

As soon as the request is written to the disk in the WAL thread we invoke a wal_watcher’s callbacks, which sends new rows to the replicas. On the replica side it looks like that:

       Applier thread
(Receive the request from the other
    node's relay and decode it)
         TX thread
   (Process it and prepare
  for the transaction commit)
(The same as on the above diagram)

Fibers engine overview

The main cord defined as:

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
static struct cord main_cord;
__thread struct cord *cord_ptr = NULL;

It’s also called tx (transaction processor) thread and it’s the only thread, which works with the database changes.

Note the cord(), fiber() and loop() helper macros:

/* lib/core/fiber.h */
#define cord()    cord_ptr
#define fiber()   cord()->fiber
#define loop()    (cord()->loop)

They are used frequently in the following code blocks to access the currently executing cord, fiber and event loop.

The cord structure is the following (note that we are posting stripped versions of structures for the sake of simplicity)

/* lib/core/fiber.h */
struct cord {
    /* Currently running fiber */
    struct fiber        *fiber;

    /* Libev loop */
    struct ev_loop      *loop;

    /* Fiber's ID map (id -> fiber) */
    struct mh_i32ptr_t  *fiber_registry;

    /* All fibers */
    struct rlist        alive;

    /* Fibers ready for execution */
    struct rlist        ready;

    /* A cache of dead fibers for reuse */
    struct rlist        dead;

    /* The "main" fiber of this cord, the scheduler. */
    struct fiber        sched;

    /* Cord's name */
    char                name[FIBER_NAME_MAX];
Pay attention to the following members as they are widely used below:
  • fiber is a currently executing fiber

  • sched is a service fiber which schedules all other fibers in the cord

As we’ve already said, each cord consists of fibers to implement cooperative multitasking model. The fiber structure is the following:

/* lib/core/fiber.h */
struct fiber {
    /* The fiber to be scheduled when this one yields */
    struct fiber    *caller;

    /* Carries FIBER_IS_x flags */
    uint32_t            flags;

    /* Fiber ID */
    uint32_t        fid;

    /* Link in cord->alive or cord->dead list. */
    struct rlist    link;

    /* Link in cord->ready list. */
    struct rlist    state;

    /* The list of fibers awaiting for this fiber's death */
    struct rlist    wake;

    /* Fiber function, its arguments and return code */
    fiber_func      f;
    va_list         f_data;
    int             f_ret;

When Tarantool starts it creates the main cord:

/* */
main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* lib/core/fiber.c */
        /* fiber_init() code */
        fiber_invoke = fiber_cxx_invoke;
        main_thread_id = pthread_self();
        main_cord.loop = ev_default_loop();
        cord_create(&main_cord, "main");

Don’t pay attention to fiber_cxx_invoke for now, it is just a wrapper to run a fiber function. The cord creation, which was invoked for the main cord, is the following:

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
cord_create(&main_cord, "main");
    cord() = cord;
    cord->id = pthread_self();

    cord->fiber_registry = mh_i32ptr_new();

    /* Scheduler fiber initialization */
    cord->sched.fid = 1;
    fiber_set_name(&cord->sched, "sched");
    cord->fiber = &cord->sched;

    ev_async_init(&cord->wakeup_event, fiber_schedule_wakeup);
    ev_idle_init(&cord->idle_event, fiber_schedule_idle);

When the cord is created the scheduler fiber cord->sched becomes its primary one. Just for now think of it as a main fiber which will switch all other fibers in this cord (we’ll dive into the scheduling process a little bit later).

Note that here we setup cord() macro to point to main_cord; thus fiber() will point to the main cord scheduler fiber and loop() will be ev_default_loop.

An abstract description is not very useful so let’s look at how Tarantool boots in interactive console mode (the mode is not really important here but rather a call graph).

/* */
main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* lua/init.c */
        /* tarantool_lua_run_script() code */
        script_fiber = fiber_new(title, run_script_f);
            /* fiber_new() code */
            return fiber_new_ex(title, fiber_attr_default, f)
                /* fiber_new_ex() code */
                cord = cord();
                if (... && !rlist_empty(&cord->dead)) {
                    fiber = rlist_first_entry(&cord->dead,
                        struct fiber, link);
                    rlist_move_entry(&cord->alive, fiber, link);
                } else {
                    fiber = (struct fiber *)
                    coro_create(..., fiber_loop,...)
                    rlist_add_entry(&cord->alive, fiber, link);

Here we create a new fiber to run run_script_f fiber function. fiber_new allocates a new fiber instance (actually, there is a fiber cache so that if a previous fiber already finished its work and exited we can reuse it without calling mempool_alloc, see scheduling part below), then we chain it into the main cord’s alive list and register in the fiber IDs pool.

One of the clues here is coro_create call, where “coro” stands for “coroutine”. Coroutines are implemented via coro library. On Linux it simply handles hardware context to reload registers and jump into the desired function. More precisely the heart of “coro” library is coro_transfer(&from, &to) routine which remembers current point of execution (from) and transfers flow to the new instruction pointer provided (to which is created during coro_create).

Note that the fiber function is wrapped in the fiber_loop. This is done in order to wake up all fibers, which are waiting for the current one to complete, in order to transfer the context to the caller of the current fiber and in order to recycle the fiber if it wasn’t already:

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
fiber_loop(MAYBE_UNUSED void *data)
    for (;;) {
        fiber->f_ret = fiber_invoke(fiber->f, fiber->f_data);
        fiber->flags |= FIBER_IS_DEAD;
        while (!rlist_empty(&fiber->wake)) {
            /* Some fibers waits for us to complete via fiber_join() */
            f = rlist_shift_entry(&fiber->wake, struct fiber,
                /* fiber_wakeup() code */
                rlist_move_tail_entry(&cord->ready, f, state);

        if (!(fiber->flags & FIBER_IS_JOINABLE))

        fiber->f = NULL;

Some fibers may wait for others to be finished, for this sake we move them to ready list of the cord first, then we try to put the fiber into a cache pool (cord()->dead) to recycle it (thus don’t allocate memory again) via fiber_recycle and finally we move execution flow back to the scheduler fiber via fiber_yield.

Note that in case there’s the waiting fiber in the fiber->wake recycling won’t be done in the fiber_loop itself but in the fiber_join_timeout.

Fibers do not start execution automatically, we have to call fiber_start. Thus back to Tarantool startup:

/* lua/init.c */
    script_fiber = fiber_new(title, run_script_f);
    /* lib/core/fiber.c */
    fiber_start(script_fiber, ...)
    ev_run(loop(), 0);

Here once the fiber is created we kick it to execute. This is done inside fiber_call_impl which uses coro_transfer routine to jump into fiber_loop and invoke run_script_f inside.

The run_script_f shows a good example of how to give execution back to scheduler fiber and continue:

/* lua/init.c */

When fiber_sleep is called, the coro switch execution to the scheduler fiber

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
fiber_sleep(double delay)
            cord = cord();
            caller->caller = &cord->sched;
            coro_transfer(&caller->ctx, &callee->ctx);

Once coro jumped into the scheduler fiber another fiber is chosen to execute. At some moment scheduler returns execution to the point after fiber_sleep(0.0) and we step up back to tarantool_lua_run_script and run main event loop ev_run(loop(), 0). Now all future execution will be driven by libev and by events we supply into the queue.

The full description of the fiber API is provided in Tarantool manual but we mention a few just to complete this introduction:

  • cord_create to create a new cord;

  • fiber_new to create a new fiber but not run it;

  • fiber_start to execute a fiber immediately;

  • fiber_cancel to cancel the execution of a fiber;

  • fiber_join to wait for a cancelled fiber;

  • fiber_yield to switch execution to another fiber, the execution will back to the point after this call later. By later we mean that some other fiber will call fiber_wakeup on this fiber, until then it won’t be scheduled. This is the key function of fibers switch;

  • fiber_sleep to sleep some time giving execution to another fiber;

  • fiber_yield_timeout to give execution to another fibers with some timeout value;

  • fiber_reschedule give execution to another fiber. In contrast with plain fiber_yield we are moving self to the end of cord’s ready list. We will grab execution back when all fibers already waiting for execution are processed.

Fiber’s scheduling

Due to cooperative multitasking, we have to provide scheduling points explicitly. Still from API point of view, it is not very clear how exactly fibers are chosen for execution and how they are managed on a low level. Here we explain some details.

Let’s put transition schematics immediately so the next explanation will be pictured.

Prepend newly created fibers to the list

        `-> fiber_1->link
        `-> fiber_2->link
        `-> fiber_x->link

Once fiber is exited cache it moving from @alive to @dead list

        `-x fiber_1->link ---
        `-x fiber_2->link -- `
        `-x fiber_x->link - ` `
                           `-`-`-> cord_X->dead

Instead of creating new fibers we can reuse exited ones

        `-x fiber_1->link ---
        `-x fiber_2->link -- `
        `-x fiber_x->link - ` `
                           `-`-`-> cord_X->alive

Each cord has a statically allocated scheduler fiber. Note that cord->sched is not a pointer but embedded complete structure. So when cord is created the sched is initialized manually.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
cord_create(struct cord *cord, const char *name)
    /* To control children fibers state */

    cord->sched.fid = FIBER_ID_SCHED;
    fiber_set_name(&cord->sched, "sched");
    cord->fiber = &cord->sched;

    /* Event loop will trigger this helpers */
    ev_async_init(&cord->wakeup_event, fiber_schedule_wakeup);
    ev_idle_init(&cord->idle_event, fiber_schedule_idle);

    /* No need for separate stack */
    cord->sched.stack = NULL;
    cord->sched.stack_size = 0;

The cord->sched does not even have a separate stack because the cord and its scheduler are executed inside the main thread itself (actually cord may be running inside separate thread as well but still doesn’t require its own stack to have).

Binding to libev is done via ev_async_init and ev_idle_init calls (see man libev or the official website).

Now let’s create a new fiber and run it.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
struct fiber *
fiber_new_ex(const char *name, const struct fiber_attr *fiber_attr, fiber_func f)
    struct cord *cord = cord();

    /* Either take the fiber from cache, or allocate a new one */
    if (... && !rlist_empty(&cord->dead)) {
        /* When fiber is reused we move it from the dead list to alive */
        fiber = rlist_first_entry(&cord->dead, struct fiber, link);
        rlist_move_entry(&cord->alive, fiber, link);
    } else {
        fiber = mempool_alloc(&cord->fiber_mempool);

        /* New fiber created, prepend to alive */
        rlist_add_entry(&cord->alive, fiber, link);

    /* Main function to run when fiber is executing */
    fiber->f = f;

    /* New fibers are prepends the @cord->alive list */

Upon a new fiber creation, we put it to the head of cord->alive list via fiber->link list. It is not running yet we have to give it an execution slot explicitly via fiber_start call (which is just a wrapper over fiber_call).

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
fiber_start(struct fiber *callee, ...)
    va_start(callee->f_data, callee);

fiber_call(struct fiber *callee)
    callee->caller = caller;
    callee->flags |= FIBER_IS_READY;
    caller->flags |= FIBER_IS_READY;

The fiber to execute remembers its caller via fiber->caller. And the fiber_call_impl does a real transfer of an execution context.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
static void
fiber_call_impl(struct fiber *callee)
    struct fiber *caller = fiber();
    struct cord *cord = cord();

    // Remember the fiber we're executing now.
    cord->fiber = callee;

    callee->flags &= ~FIBER_IS_READY;
    coro_transfer(&caller->ctx, &callee->ctx);

We set the currently running fiber to cord->fiber and jump into fiber’s execution. Note at this moment the fiber is sitting in cord->alive list. Same time we drop FIBER_IS_READY flag from us since we’re already executing and if we’re trying to wake up self we will exit early.

Once we start executing we could either

  • finish execution explicitly, exiting from fiber’s function f we passed as an argument upon fiber creation;

  • give execution slot to some other fiber via fiber_yield call.

Fiber exit

When fiber is exiting the execution flow returns to fiber_loop.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
static void
fiber_loop(MAYBE_UNUSED void *data)
    for (;;) {
        struct fiber *fiber = fiber();
        fiber->f_ret = fiber_invoke(fiber->f, fiber->f_data);

         * Upon exit we return to this point since fiber_invoke
         * finished its execution

        fiber->flags |= FIBER_IS_DEAD;

        /* Wakeup all waiters */
        while (!rlist_empty(&fiber->wake)) {
            struct fiber *f;

            f = rlist_shift_entry(&fiber->wake, struct fiber, state);

        /* Remove pending wakeups */

        /* Put into dead fibers cache for reuse */
        if (!(fiber->flags & FIBER_IS_JOINABLE))

        /* Give execution back to the main scheduler */

In a simple scenario we just move this fiber to the cord->dead list via fiber_recycle and reuse it later when we need to create a new fiber.

An interesting scenario is where there are some waiters. Waiters mean that there are some fibers which wait for our exit. In terms of API it means that another fiber has called fiber_join_timeout.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
fiber_join(struct fiber *fiber)
    return fiber_join_timeout(fiber, TIMEOUT_INFINITY);

fiber_wait_on_deadline(struct fiber *fiber, double deadline)
    rlist_add_tail_entry(&fiber->wake, fiber(), state);
    return fiber_yield_deadline(deadline);

fiber_join_timeout(struct fiber *fiber, double timeout)
    if ((fiber->flags & FIBER_IS_JOINABLE) == 0)
        panic("the fiber is not joinable");

    if (!fiber_is_dead(fiber)) {
        double deadline = fiber_clock() + timeout;
        while (!fiber_wait_on_deadline(fiber, deadline) &&
               !fiber_is_dead(fiber)) {
        if (!fiber_is_dead(fiber)) {
            return -1;

    /* Do not allow to join the fiber several times */
    fiber->flags &= ~FIBER_IS_JOINABLE;
    /* Move exception to the caller */
    int ret = fiber->f_ret;
    /* The fiber is already dead. */
    return ret;

The key moment here is that the target fiber which we are waiting to exit puts us to own fiber->wake list. Thus we become a waiting fiber and call fiber_yield (inside the fiber_yield_deadline) all the time (we don’t consider a case where we wait with timeout because the only difference is that we can exit earlier due to timeout expiration) skipping our execution slot giving control back to the scheduler. The target fiber will wake us upon its completion. It is done via tail of fiber_loop call. Let’s repeat this moment:

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
static void
fiber_loop(MAYBE_UNUSED void *data)
    for (;;) {
        // Wakeup all waiters
        while (!rlist_empty(&fiber->wake)) {
            struct fiber *f;
            f = rlist_shift_entry(&fiber->wake, struct fiber, state);

        // Give control back to scheduler

Thus here is an interesting transition. Let’s assume we’ve a few fibers: fiber-1 and fiber-2. Both are not running just hanging in cord->alive list.

        `-> fiber-1->link
        `-> fiber-2->link

Then we need the fiber-2 to wait until fiber-1 is finished. So we mark fiber-1 via fiber_set_joinable(fiber-1, true) and then start waiting for it to complete via fiber_join(fiber-1) call. The fiber_join simply gives an execution slot to the scheduler which runs fiber-1. Once fiber-1 finishes it notifies scheduler to wake up waiting fiber-2 and enters into fiber_yield. Then the scheduler finally gives execution back to fiber-2 which in turn rips fiber-1 via fiber_recycle and continues its own execution.

Here is how this transition goes.

       |        fiber_yield() --> scheduler --+
       |       /                              |
       |      fiber_wake()                    |
       |     /                                |
       `-> fiber-1->link                      |
       |      `                               |
       |       `--> wake <-+                  |
       |                   |                  |
       |                   |                  |
       |         -- state -+                  |
       |        /                             |
       `-> fiber-2->link                      |
            `fiber_yield()                    |
              ` fiber_recycle(fiber-1) <------+

                       | remove fiber-1->link from
                       | cord->alive list

    |  `-> fiber-2->link
       `-> fiber-1->link

Fiber yield

Now let’s look into fiber_yield implementation.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
    struct cord *cord = cord();
    struct fiber *caller = cord->fiber;
    struct fiber *callee = caller->caller;
    caller->caller = &cord->sched;

    callee->flags &= ~FIBER_IS_READY;
    cord->fiber = callee;
    callee->flags = (callee->flags & ~FIBER_IS_READY) | FIBER_IS_RUNNING;

    coro_transfer(&caller->ctx, &callee->ctx);

The caller is our fiber which calls fiber_yield and the fiber to switch execution to is our fiber->caller member.

Initially this fiber->caller is set in fiber_call routine. In other words when fiber is executed for first time because there must be some parent fiber which created and run the new fibers.

        `<- fiber_1->caller
             `<- fiber_2->caller
                  `-> fiber_yield()

                  switch to fiber_1


        `<- fiber_2->caller
        `<- fiber_1->caller

So using caller value we switch execution to fiber_1 because it is a parent of fiber_2 but this is a one-shot action. Same time we reset fiber_1 caller to the main scheduler cord->sched so the next time these fibers will be running fiber_yield the execution will be transferred to the scheduler.

Note that you cannot yield in the code, which is executed in the scheduler fiber. The example of such code is all libev callbacks (e.g. endpoint callbacks: tx_prio_cb, fiber_pool_cb) or the callbacks of the cbus’s messages hops (e.g. tx_complete_batch). The scheduler fiber doesn’t have any caller field, which is accessed in the fiber_yield. So, yielding will result in SEGFAULT.

Fiber wakeup

Once a fiber suspended its own execution slot to the caller (either a parent fiber or the scheduler) it simply sits in memory doing nothing and someone has to wake it up and run again. The parent (or any other fiber) has to call fiber_wakeup with this suspended fiber as an argument.

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
fiber_wakeup(struct fiber *f)
    /* Exit early if calling fiber_wakeup on self or dead fibers */
    const int no_flags = FIBER_IS_READY | FIBER_IS_DEAD |
    if ((f->flags & no_flags) == 0)
            /* fiber_make_ready() code */
            /* Notify scheduler to execute fiber_schedule_wakeup */
            struct cord *cord = cord();
            if (rlist_empty(&cord->ready)) {
                ev_feed_event(cord->loop, &cord->wakeup_event,

            /* Move the target fiber to the @ready list */
            rlist_move_tail_entry(&cord->ready, f, state);
            f->flags |= FIBER_IS_READY;

The fiber_wakeup notifies cord->wakeup_event listener that there is an event to process. This will cause fiber_schedule_wakeup to run once libev obtain control back. Then the target fiber is appended to the cord->ready list. The order is important because we highly depend on transactions order and WAL processing.

Note that calling fiber_wakeup does not cause fiber_schedule_wakeup to run immediately. The caller should give execution back to the scheduler explicitly (via the same fiber_yield for example).

Finally the fiber_schedule_wakeup takes place:

/* lib/core/fiber.c */
static void
fiber_schedule_wakeup(ev_loop *loop, ev_async *watcher, int revents)
    struct cord *cord = cord();

fiber_schedule_list(struct rlist *list)
    struct fiber *first;
    struct fiber *last;

    /* The fibers might be dead already */
    if (rlist_empty(list))

     * Traverse the queued fibers clearing the
     * @ready list and serialize the callers.
    first = last = rlist_shift_entry(list, struct fiber, state);
    while (!rlist_empty(list)) {
        last->caller = rlist_shift_entry(list, struct fiber, state);
        last = last->caller;

     * Set the caller to main scheduler of the last
     * entry from the @ready list, so its fiber_yeld
     * transfer execution back.
    last->caller = &cord()->sched;

    /* And start execution of the first fiber. */

This is nontrivial code. There might be a series of fiber_wakeup calls during some fiber execution. They are all queued in the cord->ready list. When we start execution of the scheduling routine the fibers might be dead already so we exit early since there is nothing to execute.

Same time if the queue is not empty we try to serialize the fiber->caller chain. We traverse the cord->ready list left to right (remember the fibers are appended to this list when fiber_wakeup is called) and make each fiber be a parent of the next one. The last entry in the list use main scheduler cord()->sched as a parent.

And finally we run first queued fiber. When it call fiber_yield then the next previously queued fiber will be executed (as we remember fiber_yield switch execution to the fiber->caller, which now point to the next fiber in the cord->ready list, as we changed it). Let’s try to draw the transition.

Assume there is 3 fibers which creates each other in sequence.

cord->sched <---+
 `              |
  fiber-1       | <-+
   ` `- caller -+   |
   `                |
    `- fiber-2      | <-+
      `  `- caller -+   |
       `                |
        `- fiber-3 <~~~~|~~ running
             `- caller -+

Let’s presume the fiber-3 is running and calls fiber_yield, then we make its parent be cord->sched and transfer execution to fiber-2.

cord->sched <---+-------+
 `              |       |
  fiber-1       | <-+   |
   ` `- caller -+   |   |
   `                |   |
    `- fiber-2 <~~~~|~~~|~~ running
      `  `- caller -+   |
       `                |
        `- fiber-3      |
             `- caller -+

In turn fiber-2 does the same and calls fiber_yield too so the execution comes back to fiber-1.

cord->sched <---+---+---+
 `              |   |   |
  fiber-1 <~~~~~|~~~|~~~|~~ running
   ` `- caller -+   |   |
   `                |   |
    `- fiber-2      |   |
      `  `- caller -+   |
       `                |
        `- fiber-3      |
             `- caller -+

Let’s assume that now fiber-1 runs fiber_wakeup(fiber-2), fiber_wakeup(fiber-3) and fiber_yield.

cord->sched <---+---+---+
 `              |   |   |
  fiber-1 <~~~~~|~~~|~~~|~~ running
   ` `- caller -+   |   |
   `                |   |
    `- fiber-2      |   |
      `  `- caller -+   |
       `                |
        `- fiber-3      |
             `- caller -+


     fiber-1: fiber_wakeup(fiber-2)
     fiber-1: fiber_wakeup(fiber-3)


     cord->alive { fiber-2, fiber-3 }


     fiber-1: fiber_yield() -> execute fiber_schedule_wakeup()


cord->sched <---+--------+     +-- fiber_schedule_wakeup --+
 `              |        |     |                           |
  fiber-1 ~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~> fiber_yield() ->            |
   ` `- caller -+        |                                 |
   `                     |                                 V
    `- fiber-2 <~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~ running ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+
      `  `- caller --+   |
       `             |   |
        `- fiber-3 <-+   |
             `- caller --+

When fiber-1 calls fiber_yield the main scheduler obtains the execution slot and reorders caller chain so that fiber-2 starts running but its caller now points to fiber-3, and when fiber-2 calls fiber_yield() the next target to execute is fiber-3.

When fiber-3 make its own fiber_yield() the transition goes back to the main scheduler and caller for all three fibers point to main scheduler again.

cord->sched <---+---+---+   <~~~ running
 `              |   |   |
  fiber-1       |   |   |
   ` `- caller -+   |   |
   `                |   |
    `- fiber-2      |   |
      `  `- caller -+   |
       `                |
        `- fiber-3      |
             `- caller -+

Thus the only purpose of fiber_wakeup is to order execution of other fibers.

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