Replication | Internals





The following sections describe replication procedure.

Replication in 1.10 series

Code flow

Entry point is in box_cfg_xc routine which is called once box configuration initiated (via command line or startup script).

    memset(&replicaset, 0, sizeof(replicaset));
    replicaset.replica_by_id = calloc(VCLOCK_MAX, ...);

The replicaset may carry up to VCLOCK_MAX=32 replicas at once. This limitation is due to saving network bandwidth when nodes communicate between each other (same time 32 bits are good length for fast lookup, we treat is as a bitmap).

Once replicaset is set we consider bootstrap of a new node, ie assume there is no recovery from checkpoint procedure needed.

bootstrap(&instance_uuid, &replicaset_uuid,

In box_sync_replication we try to connect to master nodes to receive updates from.

    appliers = cfg_get_replication(&count);
        // max num of appliers is VCLOCK_MAX;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // get addresses
            *source = cfg_getarr_elem("replication", i);
            // allocate applier entries dynamically
            applier = applier_new(source, ...);
    replicaset_connect(appliers, count, connect_quorum);

Here we fetch replicas addresses from config and allocate applier array. The applier will be notified by resume_cond and writer_cond conditions.

Then we initiate the connection procedure.

replicaset_connect(appliers, count, connect_quorum)
    struct applier_on_connect triggers[VCLOCK_MAX];
    struct replicaset_connect_state state;
    state.connected = state.failed = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        applier = appliers[i];
        trigger = &triggers[i];
        trigger_create(&trigger->base, applier_on_connect_f, ...);
        trigger->state = &state;
        trigger_add(&applier->on_state, &trigger->base);
            f = fiber_new_xc(name, applier_f);
            fiber_set_joinable(f, true);
            applier->reader = f;
            fiber_start(f, applier);

On every applier fiber allocated we assign a trigger to track the change of the applier state which is handled by the applier_on_connect_f helper.

applier_on_connect_f(struct trigger *trigger, void *event)
    switch (applier->state) {
    case APPLIER_OFF:
        // Not interested in any
        // other events just continue
        // executing an applier fiber.
    // Notify replicaset_connect_state
    // and pause applier, will be kicked
    // to run explicitly.

This trigger process failed and connected statistics which is needed to fit the replicas quorum.

Note that APPLIER_OFF, APPLIER_STOPPED and APPLIER_CONNECTED states notify the replicaset_connect waiters. Due to cooperative multitasking model the replicaset_connect routine need to waits for notifications from the applier fibers (described below).

Now back to applier fibers. The applier_start function creates an applier fiber and immediately runs applier_f routine.

applier_f(va_list ap)
    while (!fiber_is_cancelled()) {
        try {
        } catch() {

In applier_connect we send a greeting to the remote node and fetch UUID of the remote machine (of the master node).

    char greetingbuf[IPROTO_GREETING_SIZE];
    coio_connect(coio, uri, &applier->addr, &applier->addr_len);
    coio_readn(coio, greetingbuf, IPROTO_GREETING_SIZE);
    greeting_decode(greetingbuf, &greeting);
    applier->uuid = greeting.uuid;
    applier->version_id = greeting.version_id;
    if (applier->version_id >= version_id(1, 9, 0)) {
        xrow_decode_ballot_xc(&row, &applier->ballot);
    // Notify replicaset waiter that we're done.
    // Then pause and wait for a kick.
    applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_CONNECTED);

Once we reach APPLIER_CONNECTED state the fiber get paused from applier_on_connect_f trigger. And left in this state until being explicitly kicked to run.

The replicaset_connect caller at this moment is spinning in a cycle waiting for notification from appliers to fit the quorum of appliers in connected state.

    while (state.connected < count) {
        fiber_cond_wait_timeout(&state.wakeup, timeout);

There are some differences in how many connections are considered enough to proceed. This is controlled by bool connect_quorum parameter of replicaset_connect. On a instance bootstrap, i.e. when there are no local files (.snap, .xlog) to recover from connect_quorum is true, and this means that replicaset_connect tries to connect to count of remote nodes for a period of replication_connect_timeout. If the instance fails to connect to count of nodes, it continues with at least replication_connect_quorum of connections, otherwise, an error is thrown:

    while (state.connected < count)
    if (state.connected < count)
        if (connect_quorum && state_connected < quorum) {

It is important to try connecting to everyone during bootstrap, because connected appliers are later polled to find the so-called “bootstrap leader”, the node, which will add everyone else to the replicaset. Having a couple of nodes fail to connect to everyone means they will operate on differing sets of connections when finding the bootstrap leader, which essentially leads to conflicts, when two nodes are registering replicas at the same time.

On a normal start though, connecting to everyone is not so critical. That’s why connect_quorum is false in this case. This means the node passes replicaset_connect faster:

    while (state.connected < count) {
        if (state.connected >= quorum && !connect_quorum)

Once appliers are in APPLIER_CONNECTED state we clear applier_on_connect_f trigger and call replicaset_update. Note that not all appliers might be connected. Those ones which did not manage to are explicitly stopped, ie fibers are ripped off.

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (applier->state != APPLIER_CONNECTED)
                applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_OFF);
                applier->reader = NULL;
    try {
        replicaset_update(appliers, count);
    } catch {}

In replicaset_update we map appliers to replicas and they are linked into red-black tree uniq for fast lookup via their UUID.

replicaset_update(struct applier **appliers, int count)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        applier = appliers[i];
        replica = replica_new();
            replica = malloc(sizeof(struct replica));
            replica->relay = relay_new(replica);
                relay = calloc(1, sizeof(struct relay));
                relay->replica = replica;
                relay->state = RELAY_OFF;
            replica->id = 0;
            replica->uuid = uuid_nil;
            replica->applier = NULL;
                            replica_on_applier_state_f, NULL, NULL);
            replica->applier_sync_state = APPLIER_DISCONNECTED;
        replica_set_applier(replica, applier);

We allocate new replica and assign an applier to it.

Note that replica state is driven by replica_on_applier_state_f trigger. We won’t be jumping into it right now but the important thing is that this trigger sends fiber_cond_signal(&replicaset.applier.cond) to the main replicaset instance.

Now back to the caller, which is the applier_sync_state. The replica instances are created and we continue walking over appliers:

replicaset_update(struct applier **appliers, int count)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        // continue listing
        replica_set_applier(replica, applier);
        if (applier->state != APPLIER_CONNECTED) {
            // Any not yet connected appliers are
            // chained into anon_replicas list,
            // we will retry to reconnect later.
            rlist_add_entry(&anon_replicas, replica, in_anon);
        replica->uuid = applier->uuid;
        replica_hash_insert(&uniq, replica);

In result we will have two sets, one in uniq tree which is intended to keep alive connected replicas and anon_replicas list which carries not yet connected ones.

Then all alive replicas are marked and connected, statistics updated and they are moved to global replicaset.hash tree.

replicaset_update(struct applier **appliers, int count)
    ... = count;
    replicaset.applier.connected = 0;
    replicaset.applier.loading = 0;
    replicaset.applier.synced = 0;
    replica_hash_foreach_safe(&uniq, replica, next) {
        replica_hash_remove(&uniq, replica);
        replica_hash_insert(&replicaset.hash, replica);
        replica->applier_sync_state = APPLIER_CONNECTED;
    rlist_swap(&replicaset.anon, &anon_replicas);

At the end the anonymous replicas (ones which are not connected) are moved to global replicaset.anon. So we have global replicaset fully consistent and ready for use.

Now we need to jump up to the initial caller bootstrap.

    master = replicaset_leader();
            replicaset_foreach(replica) {
                // Walk over unique replicas
                // from replicaset hash and
                // choose one with more advanced
                // vclock or one with lowest UUID
        return leader;

We need to find out how exactly we should start, either we are the master node or we should start from another node which is chosen as a cluster leader (i.e. it has most advanced vclock and low UUID).

Bootstrap first replica

Lets consider bootstrap as a first replica in a cluster. Note that all previous actions are still intact and appliers in a replicaset are sitting in connected state and paused.

bootstrap_master(const struct tt_uuid *replicaset_uuid)
    replica_id = 1
    box_register_replica(replica_id, &INSTANCE_UUID)
        boxk(IPROTO_INSERT, BOX_CLUSTER_ID, "[%u%s]",
             (unsigned) id, tt_uuid_str(uuid))
    replicaset_foreach(replica) {
        if (tt_uuid_is_equal(&replica->uuid, &INSTANCE_UUID))
        box_register_replica(++replica_id, &replica->uuid);
        boxk(IPROTO_INSERT, BOX_SCHEMA_ID, "[%s%s]", "cluster",
        vclock_copy(&writer->vclock, &replicaset.vclock);

We register our node replica_id in _cluster internal service space (as string like n9613291f-xxx where n is a replica number, and 9613291f-xxx is UUID) and then the rest of replicas are registered as well.

The replicaset is registered in the _schema internal service space as a string like cluster9613291f-xxx.

Then the write ahead log (WAL) enabled and the wal writer takes vclock time from replicaset time and produce initial checkpoint. The initial vclock for replicaset will be zero since we’re not restoring from snapshot. We become that named bootstrap leader (for this sake we set is_bootstrap_leader).

Once above is done the replicaset enters into “follow” mode. We will discuss it later because this part is common for bootstrap as a master and as from a cluster leader.

Bootstrap from a cluster leader

Bootstrap from remote master node (a cluster leader) is implemented by bootstrap_from_master routine which is quite nontrivial.

bootstrap_from_master(struct replica *master)
    applier = master->applier;
    // Wait the applier to become ready
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_READY);
        struct applier_on_state trigger;
        applier_add_on_state(applier, &trigger, state);
            // Notification from applier handles in applier_on_state_f
            // then in replica_on_applier_state_f
            trigger_create(&trigger->base, applier_on_state_f, ...);
        applier_wait_for_state(&trigger, timeout);
        // Once we reach the sate, clear the trigger
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_INITIAL_JOIN);
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_FINAL_JOIN);

One of the key moment here is applier_resume_to_state helper calls. As you remember the appliers are bound to replica instance and they all were in APPLIER_CONNECTED state when we entered this routine, iow they are paused waiting for a kick.

        applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_CONNECTED);
    if (tt_uuid_is_nil(&REPLICASET_UUID))

Side note: there are two triggers assigned to applier->on_state. The first one is new applier_on_state_f and second is replica_on_applier_state_f. The triggers are running in the sequence above but neet to mention than applier_on_state_f is one time trigger, once fired it get cleaned up while replica_on_applier_state_f is premanent. And to refresh memory these triggers are running from applier_f: applier_set_state.

The applier_resume_to_state kicks the applier of a chosen leader. This fiber tries to pass authentification (if provided in config) and become APPLIER_READY.

    if (applier->state != APPLIER_OFF &&
        applier->state != APPLIER_STOPPED &&
        applier->state != on_state->desired_state)

In other words applier_resume_to_state kicks the applier and waits it to reach the desired state then simply pause. And stages are processed one by one. At every stage two triggers are running as been mentioned above.

Once applier reaches APPLIER_READY we wait it to pass the join stage.

    xrow_encode_join_xc(&row, &INSTANCE_UUID);
    coio_write_xrow(coio, &row);
    xrow_decode_vclock_xc(&row, &replicaset.vclock);
    applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_INITIAL_JOIN);

Note that we fetch vclock from a cluster leader and save it into replicaset.vclock.

The applier_set_state(APPLIER_INITIAL_JOIN) triggers applier_resume_to_state to process.

replica_on_applier_state_f(struct trigger *trigger, void *event)
        replicaset.is_joining = true;
        replicaset.is_joining = false;

So back to bootstrap_from_master we wait the applier to pass APPLIER_INITIAL_JOIN, where we receive vclock from the cluster leader. Then we kick applier_join to process

    while (true) {
        coio_read_xrow(coio, ibuf, &row);
        if (iproto_type_is_dml(row.type)) {
            xstream_write_xc(applier->join_stream, &row);
        } else if (row.type == IPROTO_OK) {
        applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_FINAL_JOIN);

So we receive data manipulation requests (ie records with operation and data, an remember them in applier join_stream). The reply IPROTO_OK means we are done with joining to the cluster leader. The applier sets APPLIER_FINAL_JOIN state and notifies bootstrap_from_master about passing this stage. Remember after each notification the applier get paused.

Then the main fiber continue until APPLIER_READY is reached

bootstrap_from_master(struct replica *master)
    recovery_journal_create(&journal, &replicaset.vclock);
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_JOINED);
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_READY);

Before the applier become APPLIER_READY it receives final data from cluster leader.

    while (true) {
        coio_read_xrow(coio, ibuf, &row);
        if (iproto_type_is_dml(row.type)) {
            vclock_follow_xrow(&replicaset.vclock, &row);
            xstream_write_xc(applier->subscribe_stream, &row);
        } else if (row.type == IPROTO_OK) {
        applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_JOINED);
        applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_READY);

FIXME: We need to put details about join_stream and subscribe_stream xstreams associated with applier fibers. They are shared between all appliers and manipulate with backend engine (memtx, vinyl).

Once appliers are ready we do a checkpoint. The appliers are paused and no longer assigned to applier_on_state_f trigger.


Next we consider the code which is common for both modes.

Continue bootstrap

We wake up appliers fibers and try to reconnect the ones which were unable to connect

        rlist_foreach_entry_safe(replica, &replicaset.anon...)

Note that woken appliers are not running they are just marked as alive.

After waking up all appliers comes the sync stage:

        double deadline = ev_monotonic_now(loop()) +
        while (replicaset.applier.synced < quorum && ...) {
            if (fiber_cond_wait_deadline(&replicaset.applier.cond,
                                         deadline) != 0)
        if (replicaset.applier.synced < quorum) {

The idea behind replicaset_sync is to keep the node read-only (by marking it as an orphan by box_set_orphan(true)) until it syncs with at least replication_connect_quorum remote nodes. This means that the local node has received all the data the remote nodes had at the moment of connection and has managed to catch up with them with a lag not more than replication_sync_lag:

    if (applier->lag <= replication-sync_lag &&
                       &replicaset.vclock) <= 0) {
         applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_FOLLOW);

The attempts to sync with remote nodes do not stop once the timeout (replication_sync_timeout) expires. Once the timeout is reached the node leaves replicaset_sync and box_cfg_xc, but stays orphan (i.e. read-only) and its appliers continue trying to sync.

If the quorum is synced sooner or later, the node leaves orphan mode and may become writable.

Applier lifecycle

Next we need them to process further and call applier_subscribe. The appliers are scheduled to execution by box_cfg_xc callers, which is either interactive console (where explicit fiber_yield is called waiting for input from command line) or once startup script is finished and we call ev_run which leads to run idle events causing reschedule to happen.

Once applier_subscribe executed we try to subscribe to the master node we wanted to receive changed from.

applier_subscribe(struct applier *applier)
    /* Send SUBSCRIBE comand */
    vclock_copy(&vclock, &replicaset.vclock);
    xrow_encode_subscribe_xc(&row, &REPLICASET_UUID,
            &INSTANCE_UUID, &vclock);
    coio_write_xrow(coio, &row);

    /* Read SUBSCRIBE response */
    if (applier->version_id >= version_id(1, 6, 7)) {
        coio_read_xrow(coio, ibuf, &row);
         * In case of successful subscribe, the server
         * responds with its current vclock.
        xrow_decode_vclock_xc(&row, &remote_vclock_at_subscribe);

        say_info("remote vclock %s local vclock %s",

Once we’re subscribed we create that named “writer” fiber

    char name[FIBER_NAME_MAX];
    int pos = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "applierw/");
    uri_format(name + pos, sizeof(name) - pos, &applier->uri, false);
    applier->writer = fiber_new_xc(name, applier_writer_f);
    fiber_set_joinable(applier->writer, true);
    fiber_start(applier->writer, applier);

This fiber is serving Ack commands to send to master node notifying it with the last vclock value it has successfully processed.

    while (!fiber_is_cancelled()) {
        if (applier->version_id >= version_id(1, 7, 7))
        if (applier->state != APPLIER_SYNC &&
            applier->state != APPLIER_FOLLOW)
        struct xrow_header xrow;
        xrow_encode_vclock(&xrow, &replicaset.vclock);
        coio_write_xrow(&io, &xrow);

In case of error the fiber logs the error but continue spinning until it get explicitly cancled by the applier.

Then the applier enters the loop which waits for data to be received from the master node. In other words any update on the master node is sent to us via network and we are trying to update our local instance with new data.

    while (true) {
        if (applier->version_id < version_id(1, 7, 7)) {
            coio_read_xrow(coio, ibuf, &row);
        } else {
            double timeout = replication_disconnect_timeout();
            coio_read_xrow_timeout_xc(coio, ibuf, &row, timeout);
        applier->lag = ev_now(loop()) -;
        applier->last_row_time = ev_monotonic_now(loop());
        struct replica *replica = replica_by_id(row.replica_id);
        if (vclock_get(&replicaset.vclock, row.replica_id) < row.lsn) {
            // Write the changes local if incomin data is newer
            int res = xstream_write(applier->subscribe_stream, &row);
        if (applier->state == APPLIER_SYNC ||
            applier->state == APPLIER_FOLLOW)

Upon new data arrived we figure out if we should apply the change using lsn as a marker. If the data is more novel that we have now we write it into local instance (the subscribe_stream uses apply_row helper which process database requests) and send Ack packet back to the master (waking up applier->writer_cond which triggers applier_writer_f cycle.

An interesting moment takes place when some error happens inside applier_subscribe routine - in this case we raise an error via diag_raise helper (which basically throws an exception). The caller intercepts it.

    while (!fiber_is_cancelled()) {
        try {
        } catch (...) {

Depending on error type the applier_f fiber either try to reconnect to the master node or simply disconnect (when applier get disconnected it stops the writer fiber as well) and finish its execution.

Replication in 2.x series

Generally replication in 2.x series very similar to 1.10 in ideas still there are some significant differences.

The initialization starts with box_cfg_xc.

    // prepare replicaset

The box_set_replication_anon serves anonymous replications. Most important part here is that this code is called by two places: from the cold start of tarantool and when box.cfg{}} is triggered manually (from interactive console or script).

Thus if previously the node has been an anonymous replica (where we only fetch fresh data from the remote master machine) and wanna be a normal replica then we have to reset all previous appliers and reconnect to a master. In turn it implies that previously we’ve finished bootup with anonymous replication and we have some appliers running.

    bool anon = box_check_replication_anon();
    // the role of the node has not been changed
    if (anon == replication_anon)
    // We were anonymous replica and gonna be
    // a regular one.
    if (!anon) {
        replication_anon = anon;
        struct replica *master = replicaset_leader();
        if (master == NULL || master->applier == NULL ||
            master->applier->state != APPLIER_CONNECTED) {
            tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_CANNOT_REGISTER);
        struct applier *master_applier = master->applier;
        applier_resume_to_state(master_applier, APPLIER_REGISTERED,
        applier_resume_to_state(master_applier, APPLIER_READY,
    } else if (!is_box_configured) {
        replication_anon = anon;
    } else {
        tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_CFG, "replication_anon",
            "cannot be turned on after bootstrap"
            " has finished");

On a cold start if we gonna be an anonymous replica we just remember the setting in replication_anon. Then we continue bootstrap procedure (we don’t consider local recovery for simplicity sake).

First we’re trying to reify appliers.

        appliers = cfg_get_replication(&count);
        replicaset_connect(appliers, ...);
            if (!connect_quorum)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (applier->state != APPLIER_CONNECTED)
            replicaset_update(appliers, count)

We connect to remote machines (if quorum is not fit we just leave the box in read only state) and register replicas in global replicas hash. If there some old appliers were running we clean them up. This is similar to 1.10 series. If something goes wrong we trigger an exception.

Then we continue bootstrap either from remote master node or as a cluster leader.

Bootstrap first replica

This process is similar to 1.10 series - we register our node replica_id in _cluster internal service space together with other replicas. Then replicaset is registered in the _schema space.

Bootstrap from a cluster leader

Booting up from cluster leader a bit differs from 1.10 due to anonymous replication (the master node is obtained by replicaset_leader)

static void
bootstrap_from_master(struct replica *master)
    applier = master->applier;

    // Wait the applier becom ready
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_READY, TIMEOUT_INFINITY);

    // Either join a cluster or
    // fetch the snapshot.
    wait_state = replication_anon ?
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, wait_state, TIMEOUT_INFINITY);

     * Process initial data (snapshot or dirty disk data).
    wait_state = replication_anon ?
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, wait_state, TIMEOUT_INFINITY);

     * Process final data (WALs).

    if (!replication_anon) {
        applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_JOINED,

    /* Finalize the new replica */

    /* Switch applier to initial state */
    applier_resume_to_state(applier, APPLIER_READY, TIMEOUT_INFINITY);

An interesting moment here is if we boot as an anonymous replica: instead of joining master we wait the applier (ie applier_f) to fetch a snapshot of data from remote master node. Same time if we’ve been an anonymous replica we try to make a transition to become a regular one.

static int
applier_f(va_list ap)
    while (!fiber_is_cancelled()) {
        try {
            // Connect to remote peers
            if (tt_uuid_is_nil(&REPLICASET_UUID)) {
                // Either join to cluster or
                // just fetch a data snapshot
                if (replication_anon)
            if (instance_id == REPLICA_ID_NIL &&
                !replication_anon) {
                // We've been an anonymous replica
                // and become a normal one
        } catch() {

Then we jump into applier_subscribe lifecycle.

Applier lifecycle

Processing requests is implemented via applier_subscribe helper.

static void
applier_subscribe(struct applier *applier)
    /* Send SUBSCRIBE request */
    struct ev_io *coio = &applier->io;
    struct ibuf *ibuf = &applier->ibuf;
    struct xrow_header row;
    struct tt_uuid cluster_id = uuid_nil;

    struct vclock vclock;
    vclock_copy(&vclock, &replicaset.vclock);

    // Send subscribe command to the master node
    uint32_t id_filter = box_is_orphan() ? 0 : 1 << instance_id;
    xrow_encode_subscribe_xc(&row, &REPLICASET_UUID, &INSTANCE_UUID,
            &vclock, replication_anon, id_filter);
    coio_write_xrow(coio, &row);

    /* Read SUBSCRIBE response */
    if (applier->version_id >= version_id(1, 6, 7)) {
        coio_read_xrow(coio, ibuf, &row);
        if (iproto_type_is_error(row.type)) {
            xrow_decode_error_xc(&row);  /* error */
        } else if (row.type != IPROTO_OK) {
            tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_PROTOCOL,
                    "Invalid response to SUBSCRIBE");
         * In case of successful subscribe, the server
         * responds with its current vclock.
         * Tarantool > 2.1.1 also sends its cluster id to
         * the replica, and replica has to check whether
         * its and master's cluster ids match.
        xrow_decode_subscribe_response_xc(&row, &cluster_id,
         * If master didn't send us its cluster id
         * assume that it has done all the checks.
         * In this case cluster_id will remain zero.
        if (!tt_uuid_is_nil(&cluster_id) &&
            !tt_uuid_is_equal(&cluster_id, &REPLICASET_UUID)) {
            tnt_raise(ClientError, ER_REPLICASET_UUID_MISMATCH,

        say_info("remote vclock %s local vclock %s",
     * Tarantool < 1.6.7:
     * If there is an error in subscribe, it's sent directly
     * in response to subscribe.  If subscribe is successful,
     * there is no "OK" response, but a stream of rows from
     * the binary log.

    if (applier->state == APPLIER_READY) {
         * Tarantool < 1.7.7 does not send periodic heartbeat
         * messages so we cannot enable applier synchronization
         * for it without risking getting stuck in the 'orphan'
         * mode until a DML operation happens on the master.
        if (applier->version_id >= version_id(1, 7, 7))
            applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_SYNC);
            applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_FOLLOW);
    } else {
         * Tarantool < 1.7.0 sends replica id during
         * "subscribe" stage. We can't finish bootstrap
         * until it is received.
        assert(applier->state == APPLIER_FINAL_JOIN);
        assert(applier->version_id < version_id(1, 7, 0));

    /* Re-enable warnings after successful execution of SUBSCRIBE */
    applier->last_logged_errcode = 0;
    if (applier->version_id >= version_id(1, 7, 4)) {
        /* Enable replication ACKs for newer servers */

        char name[FIBER_NAME_MAX];
        int pos = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "applierw/");
        uri_format(name + pos, sizeof(name) - pos, &applier->uri, false);

        applier->writer = fiber_new_xc(name, applier_writer_f);
        fiber_set_joinable(applier->writer, true);
        fiber_start(applier->writer, applier);

    applier->lag = TIMEOUT_INFINITY;

First we’re trying to subscribe to the remote master node. On success we crate a writer fiber (which runs applier_writer_f) fiber to send Acks to remote node upon we commit the data received.

Then we enter applier lifecycle

static void
applier_subscribe(struct applier *applier)
    /* Register triggers to handle replication commits and rollbacks. */
    struct trigger on_commit;
    trigger_create(&on_commit, applier_on_commit, applier, NULL);
    trigger_add(&replicaset.applier.on_commit, &on_commit);

    struct trigger on_rollback;
    trigger_create(&on_rollback, applier_on_rollback, applier, NULL);
    trigger_add(&replicaset.applier.on_rollback, &on_rollback);

    auto trigger_guard = make_scoped_guard([&] {

     * Process a stream of rows from the binary log.
    while (true) {
        if (applier->state == APPLIER_FINAL_JOIN &&
            instance_id != REPLICA_ID_NIL) {
            say_info("final data received");
            applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_JOINED);
            applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_READY);
            applier_set_state(applier, APPLIER_FOLLOW);

        struct stailq rows;
        applier_read_tx(applier, &rows);

        applier->last_row_time = ev_monotonic_now(loop());
         * In case of an heartbeat message wake a writer up
         * and check applier state.
        if (stailq_first_entry(&rows, struct applier_tx_row,
            next)->row.lsn == 0)
        else if (applier_apply_tx(&rows) != 0)

Here we fetch data from remote node via applier_read_tx and collect it into rows queue. Then call applier_apply_tx to process it locally (we will back to it). The trigger applier_on_commit notifies the writer fiber to send Ack to the remote node. In turn the trigger applier_on_rollback is a bit more complex

static int
applier_on_rollback(struct trigger *trigger, void *event)
    struct applier *applier = (struct applier *)trigger->data;
    /* Setup a shared error. */
    if (!diag_is_empty(&replicaset.applier.diag)) {
    /* Stop the applier fiber. */
    return 0;

It runs when something gone wrong when we’ve been processing the transaction. We move the error shared between all appliers in replicaset.applier.diag. This is toplevel diag instance. Each applier has own diag entry as well. We will dive into this moment a bit later. So we put a reference from replicaset.applier.diag error to the failing applier diag instace and stop the applier.

Main processing of the transaction takes place in

static int
applier_apply_tx(struct stailq *rows)
    struct txn *txn = txn_begin();
    struct applier_tx_row *item;
    stailq_foreach_entry(item, rows, next) {
        // process data in engine (box_process_rw)
        int res = apply_row(row);
        if (res != 0)
            goto rollback;
    struct trigger *on_rollback, *on_commit;
    on_rollback = region_alloc(&txn->region, ...);
    on_commit = region_alloc(&txn->region, ...);

    trigger_create(on_rollback, applier_txn_rollback_cb, ...);
    txn_on_rollback(txn, on_rollback);

    trigger_create(on_commit, applier_txn_commit_cb, ...);
    txn_on_commit(txn, on_commit);

    // Write transaction to WAL
    if (txn_commit_async(txn) < 0)
        goto fail;

        first_row->replica_id, first_row->lsn);
    return 0;
    return -1;

First we try to commit request into engine without writting to the WAL. If it passes fine we create two triggers - applier_txn_commit_cb to notify linked triggers that transaction passed (in our case it means we trigger toplevel applier_on_commit and applier writer fiber notifies the master node that transaction has been successfully completed), and applier_txn_rollback_cb to rollback the commit.

The applier_txn_rollback_cb is a bit tricky. It sets error to the current fiber and copies it to the replicaset instance.

static int
applier_txn_rollback_cb(struct trigger *trigger, void *event)
    (void) trigger;

    /* Setup shared applier diagnostic area. */
    diag_set(ClientError, ER_WAL_IO);

    /* Broadcast the rollback event across all appliers. */
    trigger_run(&replicaset.applier.on_rollback, event);

    /* Rollback applier vclock to the committed one. */
    vclock_copy(&replicaset.applier.vclock, &replicaset.vclock);
    return 0;

Then we run chained on_rollback which is basically applier_txn_rollback_cb set earlier.

Once transaction is prepared we call txn_commit_async to write it into WAL. The write is done in asynchronous manner which means it simply queued but not written immediately. Because of this the triggers were allocated dynamically since we can’t use stack space for deferred writes.

The transaction itself bound to journal entry thus the caller fiber no longer linked with it. The calling fiber simply goes into next iteration and waits for data to receive from remote node.

The WAL engine will commit the transaction by self independently of the applier fiber. An interesting moment here is how we rollback the transaction if something went wrong. The core function here is

static void
txn_complete(struct txn *txn)
    if (txn->signature < 0) {
        /* Undo the transaction. */
        struct txn_stmt *stmt;
        stailq_foreach_entry(stmt, &txn->stmts, next)
            txn_rollback_one_stmt(txn, stmt);
        if (txn->engine)
            engine_rollback(txn->engine, txn);
        if (txn_has_flag(txn, TXN_HAS_TRIGGERS))
            txn_run_rollback_triggers(txn, &txn->on_rollback);

When we run txn_run_rollback_triggers we call the linked trigger applier_txn_rollback_cb mentioned recently where we copy error into shared replicaset.applier.diag and run replicaset.applier.on_rollback, which in turn calls a linked applier_on_rollback. This fetches last error from relicaset instance, sets it to the current applier and then stops the applier fiber.

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