Multivac | Multivac


It collects data about workflow runs and workflow run jobs from GitHub Api


  • Python 3

  • requests



./multivac/ [OPTION] [owner/repo]


multivac/ — download workflow runs GitHub API, workflow run jobs
GitHub API and logs. Result stored in `<owner>/<repo>/workflow_runs` and 
`<owner>/<repo>/workflow_run_jobs` directories in the root of the project.


--branch __branch__

        Branch (all if omitted). To collect data about several branches, use
        this option several times.


        Don't download logs


        Continue till end or rate limit

--since __N__

        A workflow run list page to start from it. Default: 1


Collect all data about workflow runs and workflow run jobs till the end
of rate limit from repository `tarantool/multivac` branches `master` and
`sample-branch`, but don't collect logs:
$ ./multivac/ --branch `master` --branch `sample-branch` --nologs --nostop tarantool/multivac


./multivac/ --branch __branch__ [OPTIONS]


multivac/ - generate common report from data collected by 
`multivac/` and store it in `output` directory. By default, it
generates a report in CSV format. To start locally, set some value as
'LOG_STORAGE_BUCKET_URL' - uses as a value in result file.


--branch branch

        Generate a report for a certain branch.

--format __[csv|html]__

        Generate a report in CSV format or in HTML format.


        Coalesce 'runs-on' labels by a first word


        Uses in `` result files path, so `` needs it to
        find data for certain repo. Default: 'tarantool/tarantool'. You can
        set only one repo in one sckript start.


Generate a report in the HTML format for branches `master` and
`sample-branch` for repo 'tarantool/multivac':
$ ./multivac/ --branch master --branch sample-branch --format html --repo-path tarantool/multivac


./multivac/ [OPTIONS]


Analyze logs and gather data about all finished jobs and tests which failed.
See the parameters it collects on the


--tests, -t
        Collect data about test failures from test logs. Without this
        option the script will collect data only about workflows.

--format __[csv|json|infuxdb]__

        Store gathered data as `workflows.csv` or `workflows.json` file in
        `output` directory or store data in InfluxDB.


        Show overall failure statistics.

--watch-failure __failure-type__

        Show detailed statistics about certain type of workflow failure. See
        list of known failure types with `--failure-stats` option.

--latest __N__

        Only take logs from the latest N workflow runs.

--since __N[d|h]__

        Only take logs for jobs started N days or hours ago: Nd for N days
        and Nh for N hours.


        repository (without owner)
        Uses in `` result files path, so `` needs it
        to find data for certain repo. Default: 'tarantool/tarantool'.
        You can set only one repo in one sckript start.


Collect data about jobs and tests started a week ago or later in repo 
'tarantool/multivac' (so the fetched JSON and log files stored in the path
./tarantool/multivc), and put this data to InfluxDB:
$ ./multivac/ -t --since 7d --format influxdb --repo-path tarantool/multivac


./multivac/ [OPTIONS]


Get data about every failed test in the completed jobs and group them by
job ID: test name, test configuration, test number (to unicalize data in
InfluxDB for correct statistic calculation).


--format __[csv|infuxdb]__

        Store gathered data as `tests.json` file in `output` directory or
        store data in InfluxDB. For JSON format - will rewrite file if
        JSON example: 

            "8301691934": [
              "name": "box/tx_man.test.lua",
              "configuration": null,
              "test_number": 0
              "name": "replication/qsync_advanced.test.lua",
              "configuration": "vinyl",
              "test_number": 1

        For InfluxDB, collects job name for tests to make graphics:
            "measurement": test_name,
            "tags": {
                'job_id': job_id,
                'configuration': test['configuration'],
                'job_name': metadata['job_name'],
                'commit_sha': metadata['commit_sha'],
                'test_number': test['test_number']
            "fields": {
                "value": 1
            "time": metadata["started_at"]

--since __N[d|h]__

        Only take logs for jobs started N days or hours ago: Nd for N days
        and Nh for N hours.


Collect data about jobs started a week ago and earlier and put them to the
$ ./multivac/ --since 7d --format influxdb

How to use

Add a token on Personal access token GitHub page, give repo:public_repo access and copy the token to token.txt. All the scripts should be started from the root of the project.

You can set all necessary environment variables at .env file as in .env-example and then run the command:

source .env && export $(cut -d= -f1 .env)

Collect logs:

$ ./multivac/ --branch master tarantool/tarantool
$ ./multivac/ --branch 2.8 tarantool/tarantool
$ ./multivac/ --branch 2.7 tarantool/tarantool
$ ./multivac/ --branch 1.10 tarantool/tarantool

If something went wrong during initial script run, you may re-run it with --nostop option: it disables stop heuristic. The heuristics is the following: stop on a two weeks old workflow run stored on a previous script call.

Generate report:

$ ./multivac/ --branch master --branch 2.8 --branch 2.7 --branch 1.10

Add --format html to get the ‘last seen’ report in the HTML format instead of CSV. Reports are stored in the output directory.

Caution: Don’t mix usual calls with --nologs calls (see below), otherwise some logs may be missed. The script is designed to either collect meta + logs or just meta. If the meta is up-to-date, there is no cheap way to ensure that all relevant jobs are collected with logs.

Get specific data about jobs:

./multivac/ --format json

See more information on website

Get time spent in jobs:

Collect jobs metainformation:

$ ./multivac/ --nologs --nostop tarantool/tarantool

You may need to re-run it several times to collect enough information: GitHub ratelimits requests to 5000 per hour.

If hit by 403 error, look at the last X-RateLimit-Reset value in debug.log: it is time, when you may start the script again. Call date --date=@<..unix time..> '+%a %b %_d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y' to translate this value into a human readable format.

You may continue from a particular page using the --since N option (beware of holes, always leave some overlap).

Next, generate the report itself:

$ ./multivac/ [--short]

It prints minutes splitted in two ways:

  • per day / per week / per month

  • by ‘runs-on’ (‘ubuntu-20.04’ and so on)

Use --short to merge ‘ubuntu-18.04’ and ‘ubuntu-20.04’ into just ‘ubuntu’.

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