Running Tarantool Data Grid in Docker | Tdg
Administrator’s guide Deployment Running Tarantool Data Grid in Docker

Running Tarantool Data Grid in Docker

Вы можете запустить TDG в Docker-контейнере, чтобы разработать свое решение или проверить, подходит ли Tarantool Data Grid для вашего проекта.

This guide will show you how to:

  1. Download the Docker image file.

  2. запустить экземпляр (инстанс, instance) |project_name| в Docker-контейнере;

  3. Configure the instance.

Getting Docker image file for deployment

Download the Docker image file of the latest version at the customer zone of The download link looks like tdg-<version>-<hash>-docker-image.tar.gz.

If you do not have access to the customer zone, you can get one by applying this form or writing to

Running an instance

  1. First, load the Docker image from the file that you’ve downloaded:

    $ # change <version> and <hash> for the TDG version that you've downloaded
    $ docker load --input tdg2_tdg-<version>-<hash>docker-image.tar.gz

    The output will look like the following:

    $ docker load --input tdg2_tdg-2.0.0-1197-g1144f0c9-docker-image.tar.gz
    174f56854903: Loading layer [==================================================>]  211.7MB/211.7MB
    3755a040b03f: Loading layer [==================================================>]  124.4kB/124.4kB
    62e0389f69ce: Loading layer [==================================================>]   80.7MB/80.7MB
    6230a7f7e181: Loading layer [==================================================>]   2.56kB/2.56kB
    e714472acbb5: Loading layer [==================================================>]  54.62MB/54.62MB
    32e4a08d6732: Loading layer [==================================================>]  2.048kB/2.048kB
    63380e3c2f5c: Loading layer [==================================================>]  127.6MB/127.6MB
    9a6936065be6: Loading layer [==================================================>]  4.348MB/4.348MB
    e70d4b034a27: Loading layer [==================================================>]  12.29kB/12.29kB
    Loaded image: tdg:2.0.0-1197-g1144f0c9

    For details about docker load, refer to the Docker documentation.

  2. Find an archive named tdg in the list of images:

    $ docker image ls tdg
    REPOSITORY   TAG                    IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
    tdg          2.0.0-1197-g1144f0c9   564a45b770f8   10 days ago   463MB
  3. Теперь запустите контейнер с экземпляром TDG:

    $ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 tdg:<tag>

    For example:

    $ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 tdg:2.0.0-1197-g1144f0c9

    You will now find the unconfigured instance at localhost:8080:

    Экземпляр без заданной конфигурации

Configuring instance

On the Cluster tab, there is an unconfigured instance. To access all basic functions to work with data, click Configure. You will get the Configure server dialog:

Окно "Configure server"

In the Configure server dialog, specify two replica set parameters: replica set name and roles. Set any name and choose Select all option to switch on these roles:

  • core: configuration and administration

  • runner: running the business logic using Lua code

  • connector: data exchange with external systems

  • storage: data validation and storage

failover-coordinator role enables by default. You can read more about this role in Tarantool Cartridge documentation.

After assigning all roles, click Create replica set.


В этом примере все роли включаются одновременно в одном наборе реплик. Это удобно для практики и позволяет больше узнать о возможностях TDG, но в производственной среде так делать не стоит.

Initialize Tarantool vshard module by clicking Bootstrap vshard:

Кнопка инциализации vshard

You can read more about this module in Tarantool documentation.

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