Enterprise modules | Tarantool
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Platform Applications Enterprise modules

Enterprise modules

This section covers open and closed source Lua modules for Tarantool Enterprise Edition included in the distribution as an offline rocks repository.

  • avro-schema is an assembly of Apache Avro schema tools;
  • checks is a type checker of functional arguments. This library that declares a checks() function and checkers table that allow to check the parameters passed to a Lua function in a fast and unobtrusive way.
  • http is an on-board HTTP-server, which comes in addition to Tarantool’s out-of-the-box HTTP client, and must be installed as described in the installation section.
  • icu-date is a date-and-time formatting library for Tarantool based on International Components for Unicode;
  • kafka is a full-featured high-performance kafka library for Tarantool based on librdkafka;
  • luacheck is a static analyzer and linter for Lua, preconfigured for Tarantool.
  • luarapidxml is a fast XML parser.
  • luatest is a Tarantool test framework written in Lua.
  • membership builds a mesh from multiple Tarantool instances based on gossip protocol. The mesh monitors itself, helps members discover everyone else in the group and get notified about their status changes with low latency. It is built upon the ideas from Consul or, more precisely, the SWIM algorithm.
  • metrics is a collection of useful monitoring metrics.
  • tracing is a module for debugging performance issues.
  • vshard is an automatic sharding system that enables horizontal scaling for Tarantool DBMS instances.

  • ldap allows you to authenticate in a LDAP server and perform searches.
  • odbc is an ODBC connector for Tarantool based on unixODBC.
  • oracle is an Oracle connector for Lua applications through which they can send and receive data to and from Oracle databases. The advantage of the Tarantool-Oracle integration is that anyone can handle all the tasks with Oracle DBMSs (control, manipulation, storage, access) with the same high-level language (Lua) and with minimal delay.
  • task is a module for managing background tasks in a Tarantool cluster.

To use a module, install the following:

  1. All the necessary third-party software packages (if any). See the module’s prerequisites for the list.

  2. The module itself on every Tarantool instance:

    $ tt rocks install MODULE_NAME [MODULE_VERSION]

See the tt rocks reference to learn more about managing Lua modules.

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