Примеры CRUD-операций | Tarantool
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Platform Defining and manipulating data Operations Примеры CRUD-операций

Примеры CRUD-операций

This section shows basic usage scenarios and typical errors for each data operation in Tarantool: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, UPSERT, REPLACE, and SELECT. Before trying out the examples, you need to bootstrap a Tarantool instance as shown below.

-- Create a space --
bands = box.schema.space.create('bands')

-- Specify field names and types --
    { name = 'id', type = 'unsigned' },
    { name = 'band_name', type = 'string' },
    { name = 'year', type = 'unsigned' }

-- Create a primary index --
box.space.bands:create_index('primary', { parts = { 'id' } })

-- Create a unique secondary index --
box.space.bands:create_index('band', { parts = { 'band_name' } })

-- Create a non-unique secondary index --
box.space.bands:create_index('year', { parts = { { 'year' } }, unique = false })

-- Create a multi-part index --
box.space.bands:create_index('year_band', { parts = { { 'year' }, { 'band_name' } } })

The space_object.insert method accepts a well-formatted tuple.

-- Insert a tuple with a unique primary key --
tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]

insert also checks all the keys for duplicates.

-- Try to insert a tuple with a duplicate primary key --
tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- error: Duplicate key exists in unique index "primary" in space "bands" with old
    tuple - [1, "Scorpions", 1965] and new tuple - [1, "Scorpions", 1965]

-- Try to insert a tuple with a duplicate secondary key --
tarantool> bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- error: Duplicate key exists in unique index "band" in space "bands" with old tuple
    - [1, "Scorpions", 1965] and new tuple - [2, "Scorpions", 1965]

-- Insert a second tuple with unique primary and secondary keys --
tarantool> bands:insert{2, 'Pink Floyd', 1965}
- [2, 'Pink Floyd', 1965]

-- Delete all tuples --
tarantool> bands:truncate()

space_object.delete allows you to delete a tuple identified by the primary key.

-- Insert test data --
tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Roxette', 1986}
           bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965}
           bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987}
           bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}

-- Delete a tuple with an existing key --
tarantool> bands:delete{4}
- [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]
  - [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987]

You can also use index_object.delete to delete a tuple by the specified unique index.

-- Delete a tuple by the primary index --
tarantool> bands.index.primary:delete{3}
- [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987]
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]

-- Delete a tuple by a unique secondary index --
tarantool> bands.index.band:delete{'Scorpions'}
- [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]

-- Try to delete a tuple by a non-unique secondary index --
tarantool> bands.index.year:delete(1986)
- error: Get() doesn't support partial keys and non-unique indexes
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]

-- Try to delete a tuple by a partial key --
tarantool> bands.index.year_band:delete('Roxette')
- error: Invalid key part count in an exact match (expected 2, got 1)

-- Delete a tuple by a full key --
tarantool> bands.index.year_band:delete{1986, 'Roxette'}
- [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
tarantool> bands:select()
- []

-- Delete all tuples --
tarantool> bands:truncate()

space_object.update allows you to update a tuple identified by the primary key. Similarly to delete, the update method accepts a full key and also an operation to execute.

-- Insert test data --
tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Roxette', 1986}
           bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965}
           bands:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1987}
           bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}

-- Update a tuple with an existing key --
tarantool> bands:update({2}, {{'=', 2, 'Pink Floyd'}})
- [2, 'Pink Floyd', 1965]

tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'Pink Floyd', 1965]
  - [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987]
  - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]

index_object.update updates a tuple identified by the specified unique index.

-- Update a tuple by the primary index --
tarantool> bands.index.primary:update({2}, {{'=', 2, 'The Rolling Stones'}})
- [2, 'The Rolling Stones', 1965]

tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'The Rolling Stones', 1965]
  - [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987]
  - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]

-- Update a tuple by a unique secondary index --
tarantool> bands.index.band:update({'The Rolling Stones'}, {{'=', 2, 'The Doors'}})
- [2, 'The Doors', 1965]

tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'The Doors', 1965]
  - [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987]
  - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]

-- Try to update a tuple by a non-unique secondary index --
tarantool> bands.index.year:update({1965}, {{'=', 2, 'Scorpions'}})
- error: Get() doesn't support partial keys and non-unique indexes
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'The Doors', 1965]
  - [3, 'Ace of Base', 1987]
  - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]

-- Delete all tuples --
tarantool> bands:truncate()

space_object.upsert updates an existing tuple or inserts a new one:

  • If the existing tuple is found by the primary key, Tarantool applies the update operation to this tuple and ignores the new tuple.
  • If no existing tuple is found, Tarantool inserts the new tuple and ignores the update operation.
tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]
-- As the first argument, upsert accepts a tuple, not a key --
tarantool> bands:upsert({2}, {{'=', 2, 'Pink Floyd'}})
- error: Tuple field 2 (band_name) required by space format is missing
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]
tarantool> bands:delete(1)
- [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]

upsert acts as insert when no existing tuple is found by the primary key.

tarantool> bands:upsert({1, 'Scorpions', 1965}, {{'=', 2, 'The Doors'}})
-- As you can see, {1, 'Scorpions', 1965} is inserted, --
-- and the update operation is not applied. --
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]

-- upsert with the same primary key but different values in other fields --
-- applies the update operation and ignores the new tuple. --
tarantool> bands:upsert({1, 'Scorpions', 1965}, {{'=', 2, 'The Doors'}})
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'The Doors', 1965]

upsert searches for the existing tuple by the primary index, not by the secondary index. This can lead to a duplication error if the tuple violates a secondary index uniqueness.

tarantool> bands:upsert({2, 'The Doors', 1965}, {{'=', 2, 'Pink Floyd'}})
- error: Duplicate key exists in unique index "band" in space "bands" with old tuple
    - [1, "The Doors", 1965] and new tuple - [2, "The Doors", 1965]
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'The Doors', 1965]

-- This works if uniqueness is preserved. --
tarantool> bands:upsert({2, 'The Beatles', 1960}, {{'=', 2, 'Pink Floyd'}})
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'The Doors', 1965]
  - [2, 'The Beatles', 1960]

-- Delete all tuples --
tarantool> bands:truncate()

space_object.replace accepts a well-formatted tuple and searches for the existing tuple by the primary key of the new tuple:

  • If the existing tuple is found, Tarantool deletes it and inserts the new tuple.
  • If no existing tuple is found, Tarantool inserts the new tuple.
tarantool> bands:replace{1, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]
tarantool> bands:replace{1, 'The Beatles', 1960}
- [1, 'The Beatles', 1960]
tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'The Beatles', 1960]
tarantool> bands:truncate()

replace can violate unique constraints, like upsert does.

tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- [1, 'Scorpions', 1965]
tarantool> bands:insert{2, 'The Beatles', 1960}
- [2, 'The Beatles', 1960]
tarantool> bands:replace{2, 'Scorpions', 1965}
- error: Duplicate key exists in unique index "band" in space "bands" with old tuple
    - [1, "Scorpions", 1965] and new tuple - [2, "Scorpions", 1965]
tarantool> bands:truncate()

The space_object.select request searches for a tuple or a set of tuples in the given space by the primary key. To search by the specified index, use index_object.select. These methods work with any keys, including unique and non-unique, full and partial. If a key is partial, select searches by all keys where the prefix matches the specified key part.

tarantool> bands:insert{1, 'Roxette', 1986}
           bands:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 1965}
           bands:insert{3, 'The Doors', 1965}
           bands:insert{4, 'The Beatles', 1960}

tarantool> bands:select(1)
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]

tarantool> bands:select()
- - [1, 'Roxette', 1986]
  - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]
  - [3, 'The Doors', 1965]
  - [4, 'The Beatles', 1960]

tarantool> bands.index.primary:select(2)
- - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]

tarantool> bands.index.band:select('The Doors')
- - [3, 'The Doors', 1965]

tarantool> bands.index.year:select(1965)
- - [2, 'Scorpions', 1965]
  - [3, 'The Doors', 1965]

This example illustrates how to look at all the spaces, and for each display: approximately how many tuples it contains, and the first field of its first tuple. The function uses the Tarantool’s box.space functions len() and pairs(). The iteration through the spaces is coded as a scan of the _space system space, which contains metadata. The third field in _space contains the space name, so the key instruction space_name = v[3] means space_name is the space_name field in the tuple of _space that we’ve just fetched with pairs(). The function returns a table:

function example()
  local tuple_count, space_name, line
  local ta = {}
  for k, v in box.space._space:pairs() do
    space_name = v[3]
    if box.space[space_name].index[0] ~= nil then
      tuple_count = '1 or more'
      tuple_count = '0'
    line = space_name .. ' tuple_count =' .. tuple_count
    if tuple_count == '1 or more' then
      for k1, v1 in box.space[space_name]:pairs() do
        line = line .. '. first field in first tuple = ' .. v1[1]
    table.insert(ta, line)
  return ta

The output below shows what happens if you invoke this function:

tarantool> example()
- - _schema tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = cluster
  - _space tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272
  - _vspace tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272
  - _index tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272
  - _vindex tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 272
  - _func tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1
  - _vfunc tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1
  - _user tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 0
  - _vuser tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 0
  - _priv tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1
  - _vpriv tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1
  - _cluster tuple_count =1 or more. first field in first tuple = 1

This examples shows how to display field names and field types of a system space – using metadata to find metadata.

Для начала: как можно сделать выборку кортежа из _space, который описывает _space?

A simple way is to look at the constants in box.schema, which shows that there is an item named SPACE_ID == 288, so these statements retrieve the correct tuple:

box.space._space:select{ 288 }
-- или --
box.space._space:select{ box.schema.SPACE_ID }

Another way is to look at the tuples in box.space._index, which shows that there is a secondary index named „name“ for a space number 288, so this statement also retrieve the correct tuple:

box.space._space.index.name:select{ '_space' }

Однако непросто прочитать информацию из полученного кортежа:

tarantool> box.space._space.index.name:select{'_space'}
- - [280, 1, '_space', 'memtx', 0, {}, [{'name': 'id', 'type': 'num'}, {'name': 'owner',
        'type': 'num'}, {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, {'name': 'engine', 'type': 'str'},
      {'name': 'field_count', 'type': 'num'}, {'name': 'flags', 'type': 'str'}, {
        'name': 'format', 'type': '*'}]]

Информация подается бессистемно, поскольку по формату поле №7 содержит рекомендованные имена и типы данных. Как же получить эти данные? Поскольку очевидно, что поле №7 представляет собой ассоциативный массив, цикл for проведет организацию данных:

tarantool> do
         >   local tuple_of_space = box.space._space.index.name:get{'_space'}
         >   for _, field in ipairs(tuple_of_space[7]) do
         >     print(field.name .. ', ' .. field.type)
         >   end
         > end
id, num
owner, num
name, str
engine, str
field_count, num
flags, str
format, *
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