LuaJIT getmetrics
Tarantool can return metrics of a current instance via the Lua API or the C API.
- misc.getmetrics()
- getmetrics table values
- getmetrics C API
- Example with gc_strnum, strhash_miss, and strhash_hit
- Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
- Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
- gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
- Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
- Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
Get the metrics values into a table.
Parameters: none
Return: table
Example: metrics_table = misc.getmetrics()
getmetrics table values
The metrics table contains 19 values.
All values have type = „number“ and are the result of a cast to double, so there may be a very slight precision loss.
Values whose names begin with gc_
are associated with the
LuaJIT garbage collector;
a fuller study of the garbage collector can be found at
a Lua-users wiki page
a slide from the creator of Lua.
Values whose names begin with jit_
are associated with the
of the just-in-time compilation process; a fuller study of JIT phases can be found at
A masters thesis from
Values described as «monotonic» are cumulative, that is, they are «totals since
all operations began», rather than «since the last getmetrics() call».
Overflow is possible.
Because many values are monotonic,
a typical analysis involves calling getmetrics()
, saving the table,
calling getmetrics()
again and comparing the table to what was saved.
The difference is a «slope curve».
An interesting slope curve is one that shows acceleration,
for example the difference between the latest value and the previous
value keeps increasing.
Some of the table members shown here are used in the examples that come later in this section.
number of bytes of allocated memory
number of allocated cdata objects
number of bytes of freed memory
number of steps of garbage collector,
atomic phases, incremental
number of steps of garbage collector,
number of steps of garbage collector,
number of steps of garbage collector,
number of steps of garbage collector,
sweep phases
(see the Sweep phase description)
number of steps of garbage collector,
sweep phases for strings
number of allocated string objects
number of allocated table objects
number of bytes of currently allocated memory
(normally equals gc_allocated minus gc_freed)
number of allocated udata objects
total size of all allocated machine code areas
overall number of snap restores, based on the
number of guard assertions leading to stopping
trace executions (see external Snap tutorial)
overall number of aborted traces
number of JIT traces
number of strings being interned because, if a
string with the same value is found via the
hash, a new one is not created / allocated
total number of strings allocations during
the platform lifetime
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in
the values are not the same, primarily because many ujit numbers are not monotonic.
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in LuaJIT metrics,
and the values are exactly the same, misc.getmetrics() is slightly easier
because there is no need to ‘require’ the misc module.
getmetrics C API
The Lua getmetrics()
function is a wrapper for the C function luaM_metrics()
C programs may include a header named libmisclib.h
The definitions in libmisclib.h
include the following lines:
struct luam_Metrics { /* the names described earlier for Lua */ }
LUAMISC_API void luaM_metrics(lua_State *L, struct luam_Metrics *metrics);
The names of struct luam_Metrics
members are the same as Lua’s
getmetrics table values names.
The data types of struct luam_Metrics
members are all size_t
The luaM_metrics()
function will fill the *metrics
with the metrics related to the Lua state anchored to the L
Example with a C program
Go through the C stored procedures tutorial.
Replace the easy.c example with
#include "module.h"
#include <lmisclib.h>
int easy(box_function_ctx_t *ctx, const char *args, const char *args_end)
lua_State *ls = luaT_state();
struct luam_Metrics m;
luaM_metrics(ls, &m);
printf("allocated memory = %lu\n", m.gc_allocated);
return 0;
Now when you go back to the client and execute the requests up to and including the line
you will see that the display is something like
«allocated memory = 4431950»
although the number will vary.
Example with gc_strnum, strhash_miss, and strhash_hit
To track new string object allocations:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local table_of_strings = {}
for i = 3000, 4000 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
for i = 3900, 4100 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_strnum diff = " .. newm.gc_strnum - oldm.gc_strnum)
print("strhash_miss diff = " .. newm.strhash_miss - oldm.strhash_miss)
print("strhash_hit diff = " .. newm.strhash_hit - oldm.strhash_hit)
The result will probably be:
«gc_strnum diff = 1100» because we added 1202 strings but 101 were duplicates,
«strhash_miss_diff = 1100» for the same reason,
«strhash_hit_diff = 101» plus some overhead, for the same reason.
(There is always a slight overhead amount for strhash_hit
, which can be ignored.)
We say «probably» because there is a chance that the strings were already
allocated somewhere.
It is a good thing if the slope curve of
is less than the slope curve of strhash_hit
The other gc_*num
values – gc_cdatanum
, gc_tabnum
, gc_udatanum
– can be accessed
in a similar way.
Any of the gc_*num
values can be useful when looking for memory leaks – the total
number of these objects should not grow nonstop.
A more general way to look for memory leaks is to watch gc_total
Also jit_mcode_size
can be used to watch the amount of allocated memory for machine code traces.
Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
oldm = misc.getmetrics()
newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_allocated diff = " .. newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated)
print("gc_freed diff = " .. newm.gc_freed - oldm.gc_freed)
The result will be: gc_allocated diff = 800
, gc_freed diff = 800
This shows that local ... = getmetrics()
itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
()¶ Get the metrics values into a table.
Parameters: none
Return: table Example:
metrics_table = misc.getmetrics()
getmetrics table values
The metrics table contains 19 values.
All values have type = „number“ and are the result of a cast to double, so there may be a very slight precision loss.
Values whose names begin with gc_
are associated with the
LuaJIT garbage collector;
a fuller study of the garbage collector can be found at
a Lua-users wiki page
a slide from the creator of Lua.
Values whose names begin with jit_
are associated with the
of the just-in-time compilation process; a fuller study of JIT phases can be found at
A masters thesis from
Values described as «monotonic» are cumulative, that is, they are «totals since
all operations began», rather than «since the last getmetrics() call».
Overflow is possible.
Because many values are monotonic,
a typical analysis involves calling getmetrics()
, saving the table,
calling getmetrics()
again and comparing the table to what was saved.
The difference is a «slope curve».
An interesting slope curve is one that shows acceleration,
for example the difference between the latest value and the previous
value keeps increasing.
Some of the table members shown here are used in the examples that come later in this section.
number of bytes of allocated memory
number of allocated cdata objects
number of bytes of freed memory
number of steps of garbage collector,
atomic phases, incremental
number of steps of garbage collector,
number of steps of garbage collector,
number of steps of garbage collector,
number of steps of garbage collector,
sweep phases
(see the Sweep phase description)
number of steps of garbage collector,
sweep phases for strings
number of allocated string objects
number of allocated table objects
number of bytes of currently allocated memory
(normally equals gc_allocated minus gc_freed)
number of allocated udata objects
total size of all allocated machine code areas
overall number of snap restores, based on the
number of guard assertions leading to stopping
trace executions (see external Snap tutorial)
overall number of aborted traces
number of JIT traces
number of strings being interned because, if a
string with the same value is found via the
hash, a new one is not created / allocated
total number of strings allocations during
the platform lifetime
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in
the values are not the same, primarily because many ujit numbers are not monotonic.
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in LuaJIT metrics,
and the values are exactly the same, misc.getmetrics() is slightly easier
because there is no need to ‘require’ the misc module.
getmetrics C API
The Lua getmetrics()
function is a wrapper for the C function luaM_metrics()
C programs may include a header named libmisclib.h
The definitions in libmisclib.h
include the following lines:
struct luam_Metrics { /* the names described earlier for Lua */ }
LUAMISC_API void luaM_metrics(lua_State *L, struct luam_Metrics *metrics);
The names of struct luam_Metrics
members are the same as Lua’s
getmetrics table values names.
The data types of struct luam_Metrics
members are all size_t
The luaM_metrics()
function will fill the *metrics
with the metrics related to the Lua state anchored to the L
Example with a C program
Go through the C stored procedures tutorial.
Replace the easy.c example with
#include "module.h"
#include <lmisclib.h>
int easy(box_function_ctx_t *ctx, const char *args, const char *args_end)
lua_State *ls = luaT_state();
struct luam_Metrics m;
luaM_metrics(ls, &m);
printf("allocated memory = %lu\n", m.gc_allocated);
return 0;
Now when you go back to the client and execute the requests up to and including the line
you will see that the display is something like
«allocated memory = 4431950»
although the number will vary.
Example with gc_strnum, strhash_miss, and strhash_hit
To track new string object allocations:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local table_of_strings = {}
for i = 3000, 4000 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
for i = 3900, 4100 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_strnum diff = " .. newm.gc_strnum - oldm.gc_strnum)
print("strhash_miss diff = " .. newm.strhash_miss - oldm.strhash_miss)
print("strhash_hit diff = " .. newm.strhash_hit - oldm.strhash_hit)
The result will probably be:
«gc_strnum diff = 1100» because we added 1202 strings but 101 were duplicates,
«strhash_miss_diff = 1100» for the same reason,
«strhash_hit_diff = 101» plus some overhead, for the same reason.
(There is always a slight overhead amount for strhash_hit
, which can be ignored.)
We say «probably» because there is a chance that the strings were already
allocated somewhere.
It is a good thing if the slope curve of
is less than the slope curve of strhash_hit
The other gc_*num
values – gc_cdatanum
, gc_tabnum
, gc_udatanum
– can be accessed
in a similar way.
Any of the gc_*num
values can be useful when looking for memory leaks – the total
number of these objects should not grow nonstop.
A more general way to look for memory leaks is to watch gc_total
Also jit_mcode_size
can be used to watch the amount of allocated memory for machine code traces.
Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
oldm = misc.getmetrics()
newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_allocated diff = " .. newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated)
print("gc_freed diff = " .. newm.gc_freed - oldm.gc_freed)
The result will be: gc_allocated diff = 800
, gc_freed diff = 800
This shows that local ... = getmetrics()
itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
The metrics table contains 19 values.
All values have type = „number“ and are the result of a cast to double, so there may be a very slight precision loss.
Values whose names begin with gc_
are associated with the
LuaJIT garbage collector;
a fuller study of the garbage collector can be found at
a Lua-users wiki page
a slide from the creator of Lua.
Values whose names begin with jit_
are associated with the
of the just-in-time compilation process; a fuller study of JIT phases can be found at
A masters thesis from
Values described as «monotonic» are cumulative, that is, they are «totals since all operations began», rather than «since the last getmetrics() call». Overflow is possible.
Because many values are monotonic,
a typical analysis involves calling getmetrics()
, saving the table,
calling getmetrics()
again and comparing the table to what was saved.
The difference is a «slope curve».
An interesting slope curve is one that shows acceleration,
for example the difference between the latest value and the previous
value keeps increasing.
Some of the table members shown here are used in the examples that come later in this section.
Name | Content | Monotonic? |
gc_allocated | number of bytes of allocated memory | yes |
gc_cdatanum | number of allocated cdata objects | no |
gc_freed | number of bytes of freed memory | yes |
gc_steps_atomic | number of steps of garbage collector, atomic phases, incremental | yes |
gc_steps_finalize | number of steps of garbage collector, finalize | yes |
gc_steps_pause | number of steps of garbage collector, pauses | yes |
gc_steps_propagate | number of steps of garbage collector, propagate | yes |
gc_steps_sweep | number of steps of garbage collector, sweep phases (see the Sweep phase description) | yes |
gc_steps_sweepstring | number of steps of garbage collector, sweep phases for strings | yes |
gc_strnum | number of allocated string objects | no |
gc_tabnum | number of allocated table objects | no |
gc_total | number of bytes of currently allocated memory (normally equals gc_allocated minus gc_freed) | no |
gc_udatanum | number of allocated udata objects | no |
jit_mcode_size | total size of all allocated machine code areas | no |
jit_snap_restore | overall number of snap restores, based on the number of guard assertions leading to stopping trace executions (see external Snap tutorial) | yes |
jit_trace_abort | overall number of aborted traces | yes |
jit_trace_num | number of JIT traces | no |
strhash_hit | number of strings being interned because, if a string with the same value is found via the hash, a new one is not created / allocated | yes |
strhash_miss | total number of strings allocations during the platform lifetime | yes |
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in ujit.getmetrics() the values are not the same, primarily because many ujit numbers are not monotonic.
Note: Although value names are similar to value names in LuaJIT metrics, and the values are exactly the same, misc.getmetrics() is slightly easier because there is no need to ‘require’ the misc module.
getmetrics C API
The Lua getmetrics()
function is a wrapper for the C function luaM_metrics()
C programs may include a header named libmisclib.h
The definitions in libmisclib.h
include the following lines:
struct luam_Metrics { /* the names described earlier for Lua */ }
LUAMISC_API void luaM_metrics(lua_State *L, struct luam_Metrics *metrics);
The names of struct luam_Metrics
members are the same as Lua’s
getmetrics table values names.
The data types of struct luam_Metrics
members are all size_t
The luaM_metrics()
function will fill the *metrics
with the metrics related to the Lua state anchored to the L
Example with a C program
Go through the C stored procedures tutorial.
Replace the easy.c example with
#include "module.h"
#include <lmisclib.h>
int easy(box_function_ctx_t *ctx, const char *args, const char *args_end)
lua_State *ls = luaT_state();
struct luam_Metrics m;
luaM_metrics(ls, &m);
printf("allocated memory = %lu\n", m.gc_allocated);
return 0;
Now when you go back to the client and execute the requests up to and including the line
you will see that the display is something like
«allocated memory = 4431950»
although the number will vary.
Example with gc_strnum, strhash_miss, and strhash_hit
To track new string object allocations:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local table_of_strings = {}
for i = 3000, 4000 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
for i = 3900, 4100 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_strnum diff = " .. newm.gc_strnum - oldm.gc_strnum)
print("strhash_miss diff = " .. newm.strhash_miss - oldm.strhash_miss)
print("strhash_hit diff = " .. newm.strhash_hit - oldm.strhash_hit)
The result will probably be:
«gc_strnum diff = 1100» because we added 1202 strings but 101 were duplicates,
«strhash_miss_diff = 1100» for the same reason,
«strhash_hit_diff = 101» plus some overhead, for the same reason.
(There is always a slight overhead amount for strhash_hit
, which can be ignored.)
We say «probably» because there is a chance that the strings were already
allocated somewhere.
It is a good thing if the slope curve of
is less than the slope curve of strhash_hit
The other gc_*num
values – gc_cdatanum
, gc_tabnum
, gc_udatanum
– can be accessed
in a similar way.
Any of the gc_*num
values can be useful when looking for memory leaks – the total
number of these objects should not grow nonstop.
A more general way to look for memory leaks is to watch gc_total
Also jit_mcode_size
can be used to watch the amount of allocated memory for machine code traces.
Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
oldm = misc.getmetrics()
newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_allocated diff = " .. newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated)
print("gc_freed diff = " .. newm.gc_freed - oldm.gc_freed)
The result will be: gc_allocated diff = 800
, gc_freed diff = 800
This shows that local ... = getmetrics()
itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
The Lua getmetrics()
function is a wrapper for the C function luaM_metrics()
C programs may include a header named libmisclib.h
The definitions in libmisclib.h
include the following lines:
struct luam_Metrics { /* the names described earlier for Lua */ }
LUAMISC_API void luaM_metrics(lua_State *L, struct luam_Metrics *metrics);
The names of struct luam_Metrics
members are the same as Lua’s
getmetrics table values names.
The data types of struct luam_Metrics
members are all size_t
The luaM_metrics()
function will fill the *metrics
with the metrics related to the Lua state anchored to the L
Example with a C program
Go through the C stored procedures tutorial. Replace the easy.c example with
#include "module.h"
#include <lmisclib.h>
int easy(box_function_ctx_t *ctx, const char *args, const char *args_end)
lua_State *ls = luaT_state();
struct luam_Metrics m;
luaM_metrics(ls, &m);
printf("allocated memory = %lu\n", m.gc_allocated);
return 0;
Now when you go back to the client and execute the requests up to and including the line
you will see that the display is something like
«allocated memory = 4431950»
although the number will vary.
Example with gc_strnum, strhash_miss, and strhash_hit
To track new string object allocations:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local table_of_strings = {}
for i = 3000, 4000 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
for i = 3900, 4100 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_strnum diff = " .. newm.gc_strnum - oldm.gc_strnum)
print("strhash_miss diff = " .. newm.strhash_miss - oldm.strhash_miss)
print("strhash_hit diff = " .. newm.strhash_hit - oldm.strhash_hit)
The result will probably be:
«gc_strnum diff = 1100» because we added 1202 strings but 101 were duplicates,
«strhash_miss_diff = 1100» for the same reason,
«strhash_hit_diff = 101» plus some overhead, for the same reason.
(There is always a slight overhead amount for strhash_hit
, which can be ignored.)
We say «probably» because there is a chance that the strings were already
allocated somewhere.
It is a good thing if the slope curve of
is less than the slope curve of strhash_hit
The other gc_*num
values – gc_cdatanum
, gc_tabnum
, gc_udatanum
– can be accessed
in a similar way.
Any of the gc_*num
values can be useful when looking for memory leaks – the total
number of these objects should not grow nonstop.
A more general way to look for memory leaks is to watch gc_total
Also jit_mcode_size
can be used to watch the amount of allocated memory for machine code traces.
Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
oldm = misc.getmetrics()
newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_allocated diff = " .. newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated)
print("gc_freed diff = " .. newm.gc_freed - oldm.gc_freed)
The result will be: gc_allocated diff = 800
, gc_freed diff = 800
This shows that local ... = getmetrics()
itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
To track new string object allocations:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local table_of_strings = {}
for i = 3000, 4000 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
for i = 3900, 4100 do table.insert(table_of_strings, tostring(i)) end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_strnum diff = " .. newm.gc_strnum - oldm.gc_strnum)
print("strhash_miss diff = " .. newm.strhash_miss - oldm.strhash_miss)
print("strhash_hit diff = " .. newm.strhash_hit - oldm.strhash_hit)
The result will probably be:
«gc_strnum diff = 1100» because we added 1202 strings but 101 were duplicates,
«strhash_miss_diff = 1100» for the same reason,
«strhash_hit_diff = 101» plus some overhead, for the same reason.
(There is always a slight overhead amount for strhash_hit
, which can be ignored.)
We say «probably» because there is a chance that the strings were already
allocated somewhere.
It is a good thing if the slope curve of
is less than the slope curve of strhash_hit
The other gc_*num
values – gc_cdatanum
, gc_tabnum
, gc_udatanum
– can be accessed
in a similar way.
Any of the gc_*num
values can be useful when looking for memory leaks – the total
number of these objects should not grow nonstop.
A more general way to look for memory leaks is to watch gc_total
Also jit_mcode_size
can be used to watch the amount of allocated memory for machine code traces.
Example with gc_allocated and gc_freed
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
oldm = misc.getmetrics()
newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_allocated diff = " .. newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated)
print("gc_freed diff = " .. newm.gc_freed - oldm.gc_freed)
The result will be: gc_allocated diff = 800
, gc_freed diff = 800
This shows that local ... = getmetrics()
itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
To track an application’s effect on the garbage collector (less is better):
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
oldm = misc.getmetrics()
newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_allocated diff = " .. newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated)
print("gc_freed diff = " .. newm.gc_freed - oldm.gc_freed)
The result will be: gc_allocated diff = 800
, gc_freed diff = 800
This shows that local ... = getmetrics()
itself causes memory allocation
(because it is creating a table and assigning to it),
and shows that when the name of a variable (in this case the oldm
is used again, that causes freeing.
Ordinarily the freeing would not occur immediately, but
forces it to happen so we can see the effect.
Example with gc_allocated and a space optimization
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
To test whether optimizing for space is possible with tables:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = {}
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 18000.
Now see what happens if the table initialization is different:
function f()
local table_new = require ""
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local t = table_new(513, 0)
for i = 1, 513 do
t[i] = i
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.gc_allocated - oldm.gc_allocated
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will show that diff equals approximately 6000.
gc_steps_atomic and gc_steps_propagate
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
The slope curves of gc_steps_*
items can be used for tracking pressure on
the garbage collector too.
During long-running routines, gc_steps_*
values will increase,
but long times between gc_steps_atomic
increases are a good sign,
And, since gc_steps_atomic
increases only once per garbage-collector cycle,
it shows how many garbage-collector cycles have occurred.
Also, increases in the gc_steps_propagate
number can be used to
estimate indirectly how many objects there are. These values also correlate with the
garbage collector’s
step multiplier.
For example, the number of incremental steps can grow, but according to the
step multiplier configuration, one step can process only a small number of objects.
So these metrics should be considered when configuring the garbage collector.
The following function takes a casual look whether an SQL statement causes much pressure:
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
box.execute([[DROP TABLE _vindex;]])
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("gc_steps_atomic = " .. newm.gc_steps_atomic - oldm.gc_steps_atomic)
print("gc_steps_finalize = " .. newm.gc_steps_finalize - oldm.gc_steps_finalize)
print("gc_steps_pause = " .. newm.gc_steps_pause - oldm.gc_steps_pause)
print("gc_steps_propagate = " .. newm.gc_steps_propagate - oldm.gc_steps_propagate)
print("gc_steps_sweep = " .. newm.gc_steps_sweep - oldm.gc_steps_sweep)
And the display will show that the gc_steps_*
metrics are not significantly
different from what they would be if the box.execute()
was absent.
Example with jit_trace_num and jit_trace_abort
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
Just-in-time compilers will «trace» code looking for opportunities to
compile. jit_trace_abort
can show how often there was a failed attempt
(less is better), and jit_trace_num
can show how many traces were
generated since the last flush (usually more is better).
The following function does not contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
function f()
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, 57 do
sum = sum + 57
for i = 1, 10 do collectgarbage("collect") end
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = 1, trace_abort = 0. Fine.
The following function seemingly does contain code that can cause trouble for LuaJIT:
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
_G.globalthing = 5
function f()
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
local sum = 0
for i = 1, _G.globalthing do
box.execute([[SELECT RANDOMBLOB(0);]])
_G.globalthing = _G.globalthing - 1
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
print("trace_num = " .. newm.jit_trace_num - oldm.jit_trace_num)
print("trace_abort = " .. newm.jit_trace_abort - oldm.jit_trace_abort)
The result is: trace_num = between 2 and 4, trace_abort = 1.
This means that up to four traces needed to be generated instead of one,
and this means that something made LuaJIT give up in despair.
Tracing more will reveal that the problem is
not the suspicious-looking statements within the function, it
is the jit.opt.start
(A look at a jit.dump file might help in examining the trace compilation process.)
Example with jit_snap_restore and a performance unoptimization
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends,
and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that
the chunk of code is «hot»
(the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to
Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits.
So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.
If the slope curves of the jit_snap_restore
metric grow after
changes to old code, that can mean LuaJIT is stopping trace
execution more frequently, and that can mean performance is degraded.
Start with this code:
function f()
local function foo(i)
return i <= 5 and i or tostring(i)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff = 3, because there is one side exit when the loop ends, and there are two side exits to the interpreter before LuaJIT may decide that the chunk of code is «hot» (the default value of the hotloop parameter is 56 according to Running LuaJIT).
And now change only one line within function local foo
, so now the code is:
function f()
local function foo(i)
-- math.fmod is not yet compiled!
return i <= 5 and i or math.fmod(i, 11)
-- minstitch option needs to emulate nonstitching behaviour
jit.opt.start(0, "hotloop=2", "hotexit=2", "minstitch=15")
local sum = 0
local oldm = misc.getmetrics()
for i = 1, 10 do
sum = sum + foo(i)
local newm = misc.getmetrics()
local diff = newm.jit_snap_restore - oldm.jit_snap_restore
print("diff = " .. diff)
The result will be: diff is larger, because there are more side exits. So this test indicates that changing the code affected the performance.