box.session.push() deprecation | Tarantool
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box.session.push() deprecation

Option: box_session_push_deprecation

Starting from version 3.0, Lua API function box.session.push() and C API function box_session_push() are deprecated.

New behavior: calling box.session.push() raises an error.

tarantool> box.session.push({1})
- error: box.session.push is deprecated

Old behavior: box.session.push() is available to use. When it’s called for the first time, a deprecation warning is printed to the log.

tarantool> box.session.push({1})
2024-12-18 15:42:51.537 [50750] main/104/interactive session.c:569 W> box.session.push is deprecated. Consider using box.broadcast instead.
%TAG !push!,2018
- 1
- true

At this point, no incompatible modules are known.

If your application uses box.session.push(), consider rewriting it using box.broadcast().

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