Checking instance status | Tarantool
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Tooling tt CLI utility Commands Checking instance status

Checking instance status


tt status prints the information about Tarantool applications and instances in the current environment. This includes:

  • INSTANCE – application and instance names
  • STATUS – instance status: running, not running, or terminated with an error
  • PID – process IDs
  • MODE – instance modes: read-write or read-only
  • CONFIG – the instances“ states in regard to configuration for Tarantool 3.0 or later (see
  • BOX – the instances“ statuses
  • UPSTREAM – the instances“[*].upstream statuses

When called without arguments, prints the status of all enabled applications in the current environment.

  • Print the status of all instances of the app application:

    $ tt status app
  • Print the status of the replica instance of the app application:

    $ tt status app:replica
  • Pretty-print the status of the replica instance of the app application:

    $ tt status app:replica --pretty

-d, --details

Print detailed alerts.

-p, --pretty

Print the status as a pretty-formatted table.

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