Class luatest.server | Tarantool
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Class luatest.server

Class to manage Tarantool instances.

Build a listen URI based on the given server alias and extra path. The resulting URI: <Server.vardir>/[<extra_path>/]<server_alias>.sock. Provide a unique alias or extra path to avoid collisions with other sockets. For now, only UNIX sockets are supported.


  • server_alias: (string) Server alias.
  • extra_path: (string) Extra path relative to the Server.vardir directory. (optional)



Assert that the server follows the source node with the given ID. Meaning that it replicates from the remote node normally, and has already joined and subscribed.


  • server_id: (number) Server ID.

Call remote function on the server by name.

This is a shortcut for server.net_box:call() .


  • fn_name: (string)
  • args: (tab) (optional)
  • options: (tab) (optional)

Establish connection. It’s available in net_box field.

Copy contents of the data directory into the server’s working directory. Invoked on the server’s start.

Stop the server and save its artifacts if the test fails. This function should be used only at the end of the test (after_test, after_each, after_all hooks) to terminate the server process. Besides process termination, it saves the contents of the server working directory to the <vardir>/artifacts directory for further analysis if the test fails.

Evaluate Lua code on the server.

This is a shortcut for server.net_box:eval() .


  • code: (string)
  • args: (tab) (optional)
  • options: (tab) (optional)

Run given function on the server.

Much like Server:eval , but takes a function instead of a string. The executed function must have no upvalues (closures). Though it may use global functions and modules (like box , os , etc.)


  • fn: (function)
  • args: (tab) (optional)
  • options: (tab) (optional)

local vclock = server:exec(function()

local sum = server:exec(function(a, b)
    return a + b
end, {1, 2})
-- sum == 3

local t = require('luatest')
    -- luatest is available via `t` upvalue
    t.assert_equals(math.pi, 3)
-- mytest.lua:12: expected: 3, actual: 3.1415926535898

A simple wrapper around the Server:exec() method to get the box.cfg value from the server.



Get vclock acknowledged by another node to the current server.


  • server_id: (number) Server ID.



Get the election term as seen by the server.



Get ID of the server instance.



Get UUID of the server instance.



Get the synchro term as seen by the server.



Get the server’s own vclock, including the local component.



Search a string pattern in the server’s log file. If the server has crashed, opts.filename is required.


  • pattern: (string) String pattern to search in the server’s log file.
  • bytes_num: (number) Number of bytes to read from the server’s log file. (optional)
  • opts:
    • reset: (bool) Reset the result when Tarantool %d+.%d+.%d+-.*%d+-g.* pattern is found, which means that the server was restarted.Defaults to true . (optional)
    • filename: (string) Path to the server’s log file.Defaults to box.cfg.log . (optional)



Perform HTTP request.


  • method: (string)
  • path: (string)
  • options:
    • body: (string) request body (optional)
    • json: data to encode as JSON into request body (optional)
    • http: (tab) other options for HTTP-client (optional)
    • raise: (bool) raise error when status is not in 200..299. Default to true. (optional)


response object from HTTP client with helper methods.


HTTPRequest error when response status is not 200.

See also:

  • luatest.http_response

Make directory for the server’s Unix socket. Invoked on the server’s start.

Make the server’s working directory. Invoked on the server’s start.

Build a server object.


  • object: Table with the entries listed below. (optional)
    • command: (string) Executable path to run a server process with.Defaults to the internal server_instance.lua script. If a custom pathis provided, it should correctly process all env variables listed belowto make constructor parameters work. (optional)
    • args: (tab) Arbitrary args to run object.command with. (optional)
    • env: (tab) Pass the given env variables into the server process. (optional)
    • chdir: (string) Change to the given directory before runningthe server process. (optional)
    • alias: (string) Alias for the new server and the value of the.. code-block:: lua TARANTOOL_ALIAS env variable which is passed into the server process.Defaults to „server“. (optional)
    • workdir: (string) Working directory for the new server and thevalue of the TARANTOOL_WORKDIR env variable which is passed into theserver process. The directory path will be created on the server start.Defaults to <vardir>/<alias>-<random id>. (optional)
    • datadir: (string) Directory path whose contents will be recursivelycopied into object.workdir on the server start. (optional)
    • http_port: (number) Port for HTTP connection to the new server andthe value of the TARANTOOL_HTTP_PORT env variable which is passed intothe server process.Not supported in the default server_instance.lua script. (optional)
    • net_box_port: (number) Port for the connection to the newserver and the value of the TARANTOOL_LISTEN env variable which is passedinto the server process. (optional)
    • net_box_uri: (string) URI for the connection to the newserver and the value of the TARANTOOL_LISTEN env variable which is passedinto the server process. If it is a Unix socket, the corresponding socketdirectory path will be created on the server start. (optional)
    • net_box_credentials: (tab) Override the default credentials for the.. code-block:: lua connection to the new server. (optional)
    • box_cfg: (tab) Extra options for box.cfg() and the value of the.. code-block:: lua TARANTOOL_BOX_CFG env variable which is passed into the server process. (optional)
    • config_file: (string) Declarative YAML configuration for a serverinstance. Used to deduce advertise URI to connect to the instance.The special value „“ means running without --config <...> CLI option(but still passes --name <alias>). (optional)
    • remote_config: (tab) If config_file is not passed, this configvalue is used to deduce advertise URI to connect to the instance. (optional)
  • extra: (tab) Table with extra properties for the server object. (optional)



Play WAL until the synchro queue becomes busy. WAL records go one by one. The function is needed, because during box.ctl.promote() it is not known for sure which WAL record is PROMOTE - first, second, third? Even if known, it might change in the future. WAL delay should already be started before the function is called.

Restart the server with the given parameters. Optionally waits until the server is ready.


  • params: (tab) Parameters to restart the server with.Like command , args , env , etc. (optional)
  • opts:
    • wait_until_ready: (bool) Wait until the server is ready.Defaults to true unless a custom executable path was provided whilebuilding the server object. (optional)

See also:

  • luatest.server.Server:new

Start a server. Optionally waits until the server is ready.


  • opts:
    • wait_until_ready: (bool) Wait until the server is ready.Defaults to true unless a custom executable was provided while buildingthe server object. (optional)

Stop the server. Waits until the server process is terminated.

A simple wrapper around the Server:exec() method to update the box.cfg value on the server.


  • cfg: (tab) Box configuration settings.

Wait for the given server to reach at least the same vclock as the local server. Not including the local component, of course.


  • server: (tab) Server’s object.

Wait for the server to become a writable election leader.

Wait for the server to enter the given election state. Note that if it becomes a leader, it does not mean it is already writable.


  • state: (string) Election state to wait for.

Wait for the server to reach at least the given election term.


  • term: (string) Election term to wait for.

Wait for the server to reach at least the given synchro term.


  • term: (number) Synchro queue term to wait for.

Wait until the server’s own vclock reaches at least the given value. Including the local component.


  • vclock: (tab) Server’s own vclock to reach.

Wait for the server to reach at least the same vclock as the other server. Not including the local component, of course.


  • other_server: (tab) Other server’s object.

Wait for the server to discover an election leader.

Wait until the server is ready after the start. A server is considered ready when its _G.ready variable becomes true .

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