Managing binaries in the current environment | Tarantool
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Tooling tt CLI utility Commands Managing binaries in the current environment

Managing binaries in the current environment

$ tt binaries COMMAND [COMMAND_OPTION ...]

tt binaries manages Tarantool and tt binaries installed in the current environment.

COMMAND is one of the following:

$ tt binaries list

tt binaries list shows a list of installed binaries and their versions.

To show a list of installed Tarantool versions:

$ tt binaries list
List of installed binaries:
   • tarantool:
        3.1.0 [active]
   • tt:
        2.2.1 [active]

$ tt binaries switch [PROGRAM_NAME] [VERSION]

tt binaries switch switches binaries used in the current environment. The possible values of PROGRAM_NAME are:

  • tarantool: Tarantool Community Edition.
  • tarantool-ee: Tarantool Enterprise Edition.
  • tt: the tt command-line utility.

When called without arguments, the command lets you choose the program and version interactively:

$ tt binaries switch
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Select program:
  ▸ tarantool

You can also specify the program name and version in the call.

To view tt versions installed in the current environment and switch between them:

$ tt binaries switch tt
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Select version:
  ▸ 2.2.1
    2.3.0 [active]

To switch to a specific Tarantool EE version installed in the current environment:

$ tt binaries switch tarantool-ee 3.1.0
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