Managing replica sets | Tarantool
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Tooling tt CLI utility Commands Managing replica sets

Managing replica sets

# or

tt replicaset (or tt rs) manages a Tarantool replica set.

COMMAND is one of the following:

$ tt replicaset status {APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] | URI} [OPTIONS ...]
# or

tt replicaset status (tt rs status) shows the current status of a replica set.

To view the status of all replica sets of an application in the current tt environment, run tt replicaset status with the application name:

$ tt replicaset status myapp

To view the status of a single replica set of an application, run tt replicaset status with a name or a URI of an instance from this replica set:

$ tt replicaset status myapp:storage-001-a

For a replica outside the current tt environment, specify its URI and access credentials:

$ tt replicaset status -u myuser -p p4$$w0rD

Learn about other ways to provide user credentials in Authentication.

$ tt replicaset promote {APPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE | URI} [OPTIONS ...]
# or

tt replicaset promote (tt rs promote) promotes the specified instance, making it a leader of its replica set. This command works on Tarantool clusters with a local YAML configuration and Cartridge clusters.


To promote an instance in a Tarantool cluster with a centralized configuration, use tt cluster replicaset promote.

tt replicaset promote works on Tarantool clusters with local YAML configurations with failover modes off, manual, and election.

In failover modes off or manual, this command updates the cluster configuration file according to the specified arguments and reloads it:

  • off failover mode: the command sets database.mode to rw on the specified instance.


    If failover is off, the command doesn’t consider the modes of other replica set members, so there can be any number of read-write instances in one replica set.

  • manual failover mode: the command updates the leader option of the replica set configuration. Other instances of this replica set become read-only.


$ tt replicaset promote my-app:storage-001-a

If some members of the affected replica set are running outside the current tt environment, tt replicaset promote can’t ensure the configuration reload on them and reports an error. You can skip this check by adding the -f/--force option:

$ tt replicaset promote my-app:storage-001-a --force

In the election failover mode, tt replicaset promote initiates the new leader election by calling box.ctl.promote() on the specified instance. The --timeout option can be used to specify the election completion timeout:

$ tt replicaset promote my-app:storage-001-a --timeout=10


The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with earlier versions.

tt replicaset promote promotes instances in Cartridge clusters as follows:

  • disabled or eventual failover mode: the command changes the instance failover priority.


    In these cases, consistency is not guaranteed and replication conflicts may occur.

  • eventual or raft failover mode: the command calls cartridge.failover_promote() and waits until the instance transitions to the read-write mode. If the -f/--force option is specified, the force_inconsistency option of cartridge.failover_promote is set to true.

$ tt replicaset promote my-cartridge-app:storage-001-a --force

Learn more about Cartridge failover modes.

$ tt replicaset demote APPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE [OPTIONS ...]
# or

tt replicaset demote (tt rs demote) demotes an instance in a Tarantool cluster with a local YAML configuration.


To demote an instance in a Tarantool cluster with a centralized configuration, use tt cluster replicaset demote.

tt replicaset demote can demote instances in Tarantool clusters with local YAML configurations with failover modes off and election.


In clusters with manual failover mode, you can demote a read-write instance by promoting a read-only instance from the same replica set with tt replicaset promote.

In the off failover mode, tt replicaset demote sets the instance’s database.mode to ro and reloads the configuration.


If failover is off, the command doesn’t consider the modes of other replica set members, so there can be any number of read-write instances in one replica set.

If some members of the affected replica set are running outside the current tt environment, tt replicaset demote can’t ensure the configuration reload on them and reports an error. You can skip this check by adding the -f/--force option:

$ tt replicaset demote my-app:storage-001-a --force

In the election failover mode, tt replicaset demote initiates a leader election in the replica set. The specified instance’s replication.election_mode is changed to voter for this election, which guarantees that another instance is elected as a new replica set leader.

The --timeout option can be used to specify the election completion timeout:

$ tt replicaset demote my-app:storage-001-a --timeout=10

$ tt replicaset expel APPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE [OPTIONS ...]
# or

tt replicaset expel (tt rs expel) expels an instance from the cluster.

$ tt replicaset expel myapp:storage-001-b

The command supports the --config, --cartridge, and --custom options that force the use of a specific orchestrator.

To expel an instance from a Cartridge cluster:

$ tt replicaset expel my-cartridge-app:storage-001-b --cartridge

$ tt replicaset vshard COMMAND {APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] | URI} [OPTIONS ...]
# or
# or

tt replicaset vshard (tt rs vs) manages vshard in the cluster.

It has the following subcommands:

$ tt replicaset vshard bootstrap {APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] | URI} [OPTIONS ...]
# or
$ tt rs vshard bootstrap {APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] | URI} [OPTIONS ...]
# or
$ tt rs vs bootstrap {APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] | URI} [OPTIONS ...]

tt replicaset vshard bootstrap (tt rs vs bootstrap) bootstraps vshard in the cluster.

$ tt replicaset vshard bootstrap myapp

With a URI and credentials:

$ tt replicaset vshard bootstrap -u myuser -p p4$$w0rD

You can specify the application name or the name of any cluster instance. The command automatically finds a vshard router in the cluster and calls vshard.router.bootstrap() on it.

The command supports the --config, --cartridge, and --custom options that force the use of a specific orchestrator.

To bootstrap vshard in a Cartridge cluster:

$ tt replicaset vshard bootstrap my-cartridge-app --cartridge


The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with earlier versions.

$ tt replicaset bootstrap APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] [OPTIONS ...]
# or
$ tt rs bootstrap APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] [OPTIONS ...]

tt replicaset bootstrap (tt rs bootstrap) bootstraps a Cartridge cluster or an instance. The command works within the current tt environment and uses application and instance names.


tt replicasets bootstrap effectively duplicates two other commands:

To bootstrap the cartridge_app application using its default replica sets file replicasets.yml:

$ tt replicaset bootstrap cartridge_app

To use another file with replica set configuration, provide a path to it in the --file option:

$ tt replicaset bootstrap cartridge_app --file replicasets1.yml

To additionally bootstrap vshard after the cluster bootstrap, add --bootstrap-vshard:

$ tt replicaset bootstrap --bootstrap-vshard cartridge_app

When called with the instance name, tt replicaset bootstrap joins the instance to the replica set specified in the --replicaset option:

$ tt replicaset bootstrap --replicaset replicaset cartridge_app:instance1

$ tt replicaset rebootstrap APPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE [-y | --yes]
# or
$ tt rs rebootstrap APPLICATION:APP_INSTANCE [-y | --yes]

tt replicaset rebootstrap (tt rs rebootstrap) rebootstraps an instance: stops it, removes instance artifacts, starts it again.

To rebootstrap the storage-001 instance of the myapp application:

$ tt replicaset rebootstrap myapp:storage-001

To automatically confirm reboostrap, add the -y/--yes option:

$ tt replicaset rebootstrap myapp:storage-001 -y

$ tt replicaset roles [add|remove] APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] ROLE_NAME [OPTIONS ...]
# or
$ tt rs roles [add|remove] APPLICATION[:APP_INSTANCE] ROLE_NAME [OPTIONS ...]

tt replicaset roles (tt rs roles) manages application roles in the cluster. This command works on Tarantool clusters with a local YAML configuration and Cartridge clusters. It has two subcommands:

  • add adds a role
  • remove removes a role


To manage roles in a Tarantool cluster with a centralized configuration, use tt cluster replicaset roles.

When called on clusters with local YAML configurations, tt replicaset roles subcommands add or remove the corresponding lines from the configuration file and reload the configuration.

Use the --global, --group, --replicaset, --instance options to specify the configuration scope to add or remove roles. For example, to add a role to all instances in a replica set:

$ tt replicaset roles add my-app --replicaset storage-a

You can also manage roles of a specific instance by specifying its name after the application name:

$ tt replicaset roles add my-app:router-001

To remove a role defined in the global configuration scope:

$ tt replicaset roles remove my-app --global

If some instances of the affected scope are running outside the current tt environment, tt replicaset roles can’t ensure the configuration reload on them and reports an error. You can skip this check by adding the -f/--force option:

$ tt replicaset roles add my-app --replicaset storage-a --force


The Tarantool Cartridge framework is deprecated and is not compatible with Tarantool 3.0 and later. This command is added for backward compatibility with earlier versions.

When called on Cartridge clusters, tt replicaset roles subcommands add or remove Cartridge cluster roles.

Cartridge cluster roles are defined per replica set. Thus, you can use the --replicaset and --group options to define a role’s scope. In this case, a group is a vshard group.

To add a role to a Cartridge cluster replica set:

$ tt replicaset roles add my-cartridge-app my-role --replicaset storage-001

To remove a role from a vshard group:

$ tt replicaset roles remove my-cartridge-app my-role --group cold-data

Learn more about Cartridge cluster roles.

You can specify the orchestrator to use for the application when calling tt replicaset commands. The following options are available:

  • --config for applications that use YAML cluster configuration (Tarantool 3.x or later).
  • --cartridge for Cartridge applications (Tarantool 2.x).
  • --custom for any other orchestrators used on Tarantool 2.x clusters.
$ tt replicaset status myapp --config
$ tt replicaset promote my-cartridge-app:storage-001-a --cartridge

If an actual orchestrator that the application uses does not match the specified option, an error is raised.

Use one of the following ways to pass the credentials of a Tarantool user when connecting to the instance by its URI:

  • The -u (--username) and -p (--password) options:

    $ tt replicaset status -u myuser -p p4$$w0rD
  • The connection string:

    $ tt replicaset status myuser:p4$$w0rD@
  • Environment variables TT_CLI_USERNAME and TT_CLI_PASSWORD:

    $ export TT_CLI_USERNAME=myuser
    $ export TT_CLI_PASSWORD=p4$$w0rD
    $ tt replicaset status


Applicable to: bootstrap

Additionally bootstrap vshard when bootstrapping a Cartridge application.


Force the Cartridge orchestrator for Tarantool 2.x clusters.


Force the YAML configuration orchestrator for Tarantool 3.0 or later clusters.


Force a custom orchestrator for Tarantool 2.x clusters.

--file STRING

Applicable to: bootstrap

A file with Cartridge replica sets configuration. Default: instances.yml in the application directory.

See also: Bootstrapping a Cartridge cluster

-f, --force

Applicable to: promote, demote, roles

Skip operation on instances not running in the same environment.

-G, --global

Applicable to: roles on Tarantool 3.x and later

Apply the operation to the global configuration scope, that is, to all instances.

-g, --group STRING

Applicable to: roles

A name of the configuration group to which the operation applies.

-i, --instance STRING

Applicable to: roles

A name of the instance to which the operation applies. Not applicable to Cartridge clusters. Learn more in Managing roles in Cartridge clusters.

-r, --replicaset STRING

Applicable to: bootstrap, roles

A name of the replica set to which the operation applies.

See also: Bootstrapping an instance

-u, --username STRING

A Tarantool user for connecting to the instance using a URI.

-p, --password STRING

The user’s password.

--sslcertfile STRING

The path to an SSL certificate file for encrypted connections for the URI case.

--sslkeyfile STRING

The path to a private SSL key file for encrypted connections for the URI case.

--sslcafile STRING

The path to a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file for encrypted connections for the URI case.

--sslciphers STRING

The list of SSL cipher suites used for encrypted connections for the URI case, separated by colons (:).

--timeout UINT

Applicable to: promote, demote, expel, vshard, bootstrap

The timeout for completing the operation, in seconds. Default:

  • 3 for promote, demote, expel, roles
  • 10 for vshard and bootstrap
--with-integrity-check STRING

Enterprise Edition

This option is supported by the Enterprise Edition only.

Applicable to: promote, demote, expel, roles

Generate hashes and signatures for integrity checks.

-y, --yes

Applicable to: rebootstrap

Automatically confirm rebootstrap.

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