Below is a list of tt
commands. Run tt COMMAND help
to see the detailed
help for the given command.
binaries | Show a list of installed binaries and their versions |
build | Build an application locally |
cartridge | Manage a Cartridge application |
cat | Print the contents of .snap or .xlog files into stdout |
cfg | Manage a tt environment configuration |
check | Check an application file for syntax errors |
clean | Clean instance files |
cluster | Manage a cluster’s configuration |
completion | Generate completion for a specified shell |
connect | Connect to a Tarantool instance |
coredump | Manipulate Tarantool core dumps |
create | Create an application from a template |
crud | Interact with the CRUD module (Enterprise only) |
download | Download the Tarantool Enterprise SDK |
export | Export data to a file (Enterprise only) |
help | Display help for tt or a specific command |
import | Import data from a file (Enterprise only) |
init | Create a new tt environment in the current directory |
install | Install Tarantool or tt |
instances | List enabled applications |
kill | Terminate Tarantool applications or instances |
log | Print instance logs |
logrotate | Rotate instance logs |
pack | Package an application |
play | Play the contents of .snap or .xlog files to another Tarantool instance |
replicaset | Manage replica sets |
restart | Restart Tarantool applications or instances |
rocks | Use the LuaRocks package manager |
run | Run Lua code in a Tarantool instance |
search | Search available Tarantool and tt versions |
start | Start Tarantool applications or instances |
status | Get the current status of applications or instances |
stop | Stop Tarantool applications or instances |
tdg2 | Interact with Tarantool Data Grid 2 clusters |
uninstall | Uninstall Tarantool or tt |
version | Show the tt version information |