Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.2 | Tarantool
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Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.2

Release date: July 30, 2024

Latest release in series: 1.2.1

Tarantool Cluster Manager 1.2 introduces new features that extend its cluster management capabilities. Below is an overview of its key updates.

TCM 1.2 introduces the ability to manage Tarantool users on connected clusters. Previously, you could manage Tarantool users only though the Lua API (box.schema submodule) or cluster configuration. Now you can create, edit, and delete users and roles on each instance of a Tarantool cluster through the TCM web interface.

The tools for managing Tarantool users on a cluster instance are located on the Users tab of the instance page.

Learn more about managing Tarantool users from TCM in Managing cluster users and roles.

Since version 1.2.0, TCM includes a page for editing and executing migrations on connected clusters. The new page Migrations in the Cluster page group provides a text editor where you can write migration scripts in Lua and apply them to the cluster.

Learn more about migrations in Tarantool Migrations.

Since version 1.2.2, TCM provides a web interface for managing cluster security settings on the Security page in the Cluster group.

Learn more about managing cluster security from TCM in Security settings.

Since version 1.2.2, TCM includes a page for managing clusters that run within Tarantool Clusters Federation.

Learn more about working with TCF in TCM in TCF integration.

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