| Tarantool
Документация на русском языке
поддерживается сообществом

_schema – это системный спейс.

Этот спейс включает в себя следующие кортежи:

  • version: version information for this Tarantool instance.
  • replicaset_name (since 3.0.0): the name of the replica set to which this instance belongs.
  • replicaset_uuid (since 3.0.0): the instance’s replica set UUID. In version 3.0.0, the field was renamed from cluster to replicaset_uuid.
  • max_id (deprecated since 2.11.1): the maximal space ID. Use the[0]:max() function instead.
  • once...: tuples that correspond to specific box.once() blocks from the instance’s initialization file. The first field in these tuples contains the key value from the corresponding box.once() block prefixed with „once“ (for example, oncehello), so you can easily find a tuple that corresponds to a specific box.once() block.


In the example, the _schema space contains two box.once objects – oncebye and oncehello.

- - ['oncebye']
  - ['oncehello']
  - ['replicaset_name', 'replicaset001']
  - ['replicaset_uuid', '72d2d9bf-5d9f-48c4-ba80-9d657e128fee']
  - ['version', 3, 1, 0]
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