box.error() | Tarantool
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Raise the last error.

See also: box.error.last()


Raise the error defined by error_object.



local custom_error ={ code = 500,
                                     reason = 'Internal server error' })

- error: Internal server error
box.error({ reason = string[, code = number, type = string] }])

Raise the error defined by the specified parameters.

  • reason (string) – an error description
  • code (integer) – (optional) a numeric code for this error
  • type (string) – (optional) an error type

Example 1

box.error { code = 500,
            reason = 'Custom server error' }
- error: Custom server error

Example 2: custom type

box.error { code = 500,
            reason = 'Internal server error',
            type = 'CustomInternalError' }
- error: Internal server error
box.error(type, reason[, ...])

Raise the error defined by the specified type and description.

  • type (string) – an error type
  • reason (string) – an error description
  • ... – description arguments

Example 1: without arguments

box.error('CustomConnectionError', 'cannot connect to the given port')
- error: cannot connect to the given port

Example 2: with arguments

box.error('CustomConnectionError', '%s cannot connect to the port %u', 'client', 8080)
- error: client cannot connect to the port 8080
box.error(code[, ...])

Raise a predefined Tarantool error specified by its identifier. You can see all Tarantool errors in the errcode.h file.

  • code (number) – a pre-defined error identifier; Lua constants that correspond to those Tarantool errors are defined as members of box.error, for example, box.error.NO_SUCH_USER == 45
  • ... – description arguments

Example 1: no arguments

- error: Can't modify data on a read-only instance

Example 2: one argument

box.error(box.error.NO_SUCH_USER, 'John')
- error: User 'John' is not found

Example 3: two arguments

box.error(box.error.CREATE_SPACE, 'my_space', 'the space already exists')
- error: 'Failed to create space ''my_space'': the space already exists'
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