Changelog | Tarantool
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  • Add logging to unified file (gh-324).
  • Add memory leak detection during server process execution (gh-349).
  • Improve luatest.log function if a nil value is passed (gh-360).
  • Added assert_error_covers.
  • Add more logs (gh-326).
  • Add justrun helper as a tarantool runner and output catcher (gh-365).
  • Changed error message for too long Unix domain socket paths (gh-341).
  • Add cbuilder helper as a declarative configuration builder (gh-366).
  • Make assert_error_* additionally check error trace if required.
  • Add --list-test-cases and --run-test-case CLI options.
  • Introduce preloaded hooks (gh-380).
  • Add treegen helper as a tree generator (gh-364).
  • Add support for declarative configuration to server.lua (gh-367).
  • Make assert_covers recursive (gh-379).
  • Add alias --no-capture for the option -c (gh-391).
  • Fix reporting of an assertion failure in Server:exec() in case verbose error serialization is enabled in Tarantool (gh-376).

  • Fixed incorrect Unix domain socket path length check (gh-341).
  • Now net_box_uri can be accepted as a table (gh-342).
  • Fixed returning values from Server:exec() if some of them are nil (gh-350).
  • Introduce luatest.log helper (gh-326).

  • Extend server.lua API:
    • Update parameters of the Server:new() function: - The alias parameter defaults to „server“. - The command parameter is optional. - The workdir parameter is optional. - New parameter datadir (optional). - New parameter box_cfg (optional).
    • Add waiting until the started server is ready.
    • Add waiting until the process of the stopped server is terminated.
    • Add new functions: - Server.build_listen_uri() - Server:drop() - Server:wait_until_ready() - Server:get_instance_id() - Server:get_instance_uuid() - Server:grep_log() - Server:assert_follows_upstream() - Server:get_election_term() - Server:wait_for_election_term() - Server:wait_for_election_state() - Server:wait_for_election_leader() - Server:wait_until_election_leader_found() - Server:get_synchro_queue_term() - Server:wait_for_synchro_queue_term() - Server:play_wal_until_synchro_queue_is_busy() - Server:get_vclock() - Server:get_downstream_vclock() - Server:wait_for_vclock() - Server:wait_for_downstream_to() - Server:wait_for_vclock_of() - Server:update_box_cfg() - Server:get_box_cfg()
  • Add new module replica_proxy.lua.
  • Add new module replica_set.lua.
  • Add new module tarantool.lua.
  • Check docs generation with LDoc.
  • Add the --repeat-group (-R) option to run tests in a circle within the group.
  • Forbid negative values for the --repeat (-r) option.
  • Change the coverage_report parameter type to boolean in the Server:new() function.
  • Print Tarantool version used by luatest.
  • Auto-require the luatest module in the Server:exec() function where it is available via the corresponding upvalue.
  • Raise an error when non-array arguments passed to the Server:exec() function.
  • Save server artifacts (logs, snapshots, etc.) to the ${VARDIR}/artifacts directory if the test fails.
  • Fix requiring the internal test helper when running tests.
  • Fix collecting coverage if the tarantool binary has a suffix.

  • Fix invalid arguments logging in some assertions.
  • Fix confusing error message from assert_not_equals function.
  • Fix confusing error message from assert_items_equals function.
  • Fix confusing error message from assert_items_include function.
  • Print (no reason specified) message instead of nil value when the test is skipped and no reason is specified.
  • Check net_box_uri param is less than max Unix domain socket path length.
  • Change test run summary report: use verbs in past simple tense (succeeded, failed, xfailed, etc.) instead of nouns (success(es), fail(s), xfail(s), etc.)

  • Add xfail status.
  • Add new Server:exec() function which runs a Lua function remotely.

  • Repeat _each and _test hooks when --repeat is specified.
  • Add group parametrization.

  • Add after_test and before_test hooks.
  • Add tap version to the output.
  • New restart server method.
  • Add new eval and call server methods for convenient net_box calls.
  • Server can use a unix socket as a listen port.
  • Add TARANTOOL_ALIAS in the server env space.
  • Server args are updated on start.

  • Add _le, _lt, _ge, _gt assertions.
  • Write execution time for each test in the verbose mode.
  • When capture is disabled and verbose mode is on test names are printed twice: at the start and at the end with result.
  • assert_error_msg_ assertions print return values if no error is generated.
  • Fix --repeat runner option.

  • Throw parser error when .json is accessed on response with invalid body.
  • Set Content-Type: application/json for :http_request(..., {json = ...}) requests.

  • Assertions pretty-prints non-string extra messages (useful for custom errors as tables).
  • String values in errors are printed as valid Lua strings (with %q formatter).
  • Add TARANTOOL_DIR to rockspec build.variables
  • Replace --error and --failure options with --fail-fast.
  • Fix stripping luatest trace from backtrace.
  • Fix luarocks 3 test engine installation.

  • assert_is treats box.NULL and nil as different values.
  • Add luacov integration.
  • Fix assert_items_equals for repeated values. Add support for tuple items.
  • Add assert_items_include matcher.
  • assert_equals uses same comparison rules for nested values.
  • Fix generated group names when running files within specific directory.

  • Fix not working --exclude, --pattern options
  • Fix error messages for *_covers matchers
  • Raise error when group() is called with existing group name.
  • Allow dot in group name.
  • Prevent using / in group name.
  • Decide group name from filename for group() call without args.
  • assert returns input values.
  • assert[_not]_equals works for Tarantool’s box.tuple.
  • Print tables in lua-compatible way in errors.
  • Fix performance issue with large errors messages.
  • Unify hooks definition: group hooks are defined via function calls.
  • Keep running other groups when group hook failed.
  • Prefix and colorize captured output.
  • Fix numeric assertions for cdata values.

  • Make –shuffle option accept group, all, none values
  • Replace raw option for Server:http_request with raise.
  • Remove not documented methods inherited from luaunit.
  • Colorize report.

  • Fix issue with crashes in capture.
  • Do not raise error for 2xx responses in Server:http_request

  • Don’t run suite hooks when suite is not going to be run.
  • Gracefully shutdown even when luanit calls os.exit.
  • Show failed tests summary.
  • Capture works with large outputs.

  • GC’ed processes are killed automatically.
  • Print captured output when suite/group hook fails.
  • Rename Server:console to Server:net_box.
  • Use real time instead of CPU time for duration.
  • LDoc comments.
  • Make assertions box.NULL aware.
  • Luarocks 3 tests engine.
  • assert_covers matcher.

  • Fix exit code on failure.

  • Initial implementation.
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