Class cartridge.test-helpers.cluster
Class to run and manage multiple tarantool instances.
Build cluster object.
- object:
- datadir: (string) Data directory for all cluster servers.
- server_command: (string) Command to run server.
- cookie: (string) Cluster cookie.
- base_http_port: (int) Value to calculate server’s http_port. (optional)
- base_advertise_port: (int) Value to calculate server’s advertise_port. (optional)
- use_vshard: (bool) bootstrap vshard after server is started. (optional)
- replicasets: (tab) Replicasets configuration. List of replicaset_config
- failover: (string) Failover mode: disabled, eventual, or stateful. (optional)
- stateboard_entrypoint: (string) Command to run stateboard. (optional)
- zone_distances: (tab) Vshard distances between zones. (optional)
- swim_period: (number) SWIM protocol period in seconds. (optional)
- auth_enabled: (bool) Enable authentication. (optional)
Execute edit_topology
GraphQL request to setup replicasets, apply roles
join servers to replicasets.
Register running server in the cluster.
- server: (Server) Server to be registered.
Blocks fiber until cartridge.is_healthy()
returns true on main_server.
- server:
Upload application config, shortcut for cluster.main_server:upload_config(config)
- config:
- opts:
See also:
- cartridge.test-helpers.server.Server:upload_config
Download application config, shortcut for cluster.main_server:download_config()
See also:
- cartridge.test-helpers.server.Server:download_config
Replicaset config.
- alias: (string) Prefix to generate server alias automatically. (optional)
- uuid: (string) Replicaset uuid. (optional)
- roles: ({string}) List of roles for servers in the replicaset.
- vshard_group: (optional string) Name of vshard group.
- weight: (optional number) Vshard group weight.
- all_rw: (optional boolean) Make all replicas writable.
- servers: (table or number) List of objects to build
s with or.. code-block:: lua number of servers in replicaset.