Module msgpack | Tarantool

Module msgpack

The msgpack module decodes raw MsgPack strings by converting them to Lua objects, and encodes Lua objects by converting them to raw MsgPack strings. Tarantool makes heavy internal use of MsgPack because tuples in Tarantool are stored as MsgPack arrays.

Besides, starting from version 2.10.0, the msgpack module enables creating a specific userdata Lua object – MsgPack object. The MsgPack object stores arbitrary MsgPack data, and can be created from any Lua object including another MsgPack object and from a raw MsgPack string. The MsgPack object has its own set of methods and iterators.


  • MsgPack is short for MessagePack.
  • A “raw MsgPack string” is a byte array formatted according to the MsgPack specification including type bytes and sizes. The type bytes and sizes can be made displayable with string.hex(), or the raw MsgPack strings can be converted to Lua objects by using the msgpack module methods.

Below is a list of msgpack members and related objects.

msgpack.encode(lua_value) Convert a Lua object to a raw MsgPack string
msgpack.encode(lua_value,ibuf) Convert a Lua object to a raw MsgPack string in an ibuf
msgpack.decode(msgpack_string) Convert a raw MsgPack string to a Lua object
msgpack.decode(C_style_string_pointer) Convert a raw MsgPack string in an ibuf to a Lua object
msgpack.decode_unchecked(msgpack_string) Convert a raw MsgPack string to a Lua object
msgpack.decode_unchecked(C_style_string_pointer) Convert a raw MsgPack string to a Lua object
msgpack.decode_array_header(byte-array, size) Call the MsgPuck’s mp_decode_array function and return the array size and a pointer to the first array component
msgpack.decode_map_header(byte-array, size) Call the MsgPuck’s mp_decode_map function and return the map size and a pointer to the first map component
__serialize parameter Output structure specification
msgpack.cfg() Change MsgPack configuration settings
msgpack.NULL Analog of Lua’s nil
msgpack.object(lua_value) Create a MsgPack object from a Lua object
msgpack.object_from_raw(msgpack_string) Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string
msgpack.object_from_raw(C_style_string_pointer, size) Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string
msgpack.is_object(some_argument) Check if an argument is a MsgPack object
Related objects  
msgpack_object A MsgPack object
iterator_object A MsgPack iterator object


Convert a Lua object to a raw MsgPack string.

  • lua_value – either a scalar value or a Lua table value.

the original contents formatted as a raw MsgPack string;


raw MsgPack string

msgpack.encode(lua_value, ibuf)

Convert a Lua object to a raw MsgPack string in an ibuf, which is a buffer such as buffer.ibuf() creates. As with encode(lua_value), the result is a raw MsgPack string, but it goes to the ibuf output instead of being returned.

  • lua_value (lua-object) – either a scalar value or a Lua table value.
  • ibuf (buffer) – (output parameter) where the result raw MsgPack string goes

number of bytes in the output


raw MsgPack string

Example using buffer.ibuf() and ffi.string() and string.hex(): The result will be ‘91a161’ because 91 is the MessagePack encoding of “fixarray size 1”, a1 is the MessagePack encoding of “fixstr size 1”, and 61 is the UTF-8 encoding of ‘a’:

ibuf = require('buffer').ibuf()
msgpack_string_size = require('msgpack').encode({'a'}, ibuf)
msgpack_string = require('ffi').string(ibuf.rpos, msgpack_string_size)
msgpack.decode(msgpack_string[, start_position])

Convert a raw MsgPack string to a Lua object.

  • msgpack_string (string) – a raw MsgPack string.
  • start_position (integer) – where to start, minimum = 1, maximum = string length, default = 1.
  • (if msgpack_string is a valid raw MsgPack string) the original contents of msgpack_string, formatted as a Lua object, usually a Lua table, (otherwise) a scalar value, such as a string or a number;
  • “next_start_position”. If decode stops after parsing as far as byte N in msgpack_string, then “next_start_position” will equal N + 1, and decode(msgpack_string, next_start_position) will continue parsing from where the previous decode stopped, plus 1. Normally decode parses all of msgpack_string, so “next_start_position” will equal string.len(msgpack_string) + 1.

Lua object and number

Example: The result will be [‘a’] and 4:

msgpack_string = require('msgpack').encode({'a'})
require('msgpack').decode(msgpack_string, 1)
msgpack.decode(C_style_string_pointer, size)

Convert a raw MsgPack string, whose address is supplied as a C-style string pointer such as the rpos pointer which is inside an ibuf such as buffer.ibuf() creates, to a Lua object. A C-style string pointer may be described as cdata<char *> or cdata<const char *>.

  • C_style_string_pointer (buffer) – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
  • size (integer) – number of bytes in the raw MsgPack string
  • (if C_style_string_pointer points to a valid raw MsgPack string) the original contents of msgpack_string, formatted as a Lua object, usually a Lua table, (otherwise) a scalar value, such as a string or a number;
  • returned_pointer = a C-style pointer to the byte after what was passed, so that C_style_string_pointer + size = returned_pointer

table and C-style pointer to after what was passed

Example using buffer.ibuf and pointer arithmetic: The result will be [‘a’] and 3 and true:

ibuf = require('buffer').ibuf()
msgpack_string_size = require('msgpack').encode({'a'}, ibuf)
a, b = require('msgpack').decode(ibuf.rpos, msgpack_string_size)
a, b - ibuf.rpos, msgpack_string_size == b - ibuf.rpos
msgpack.decode_unchecked(msgpack_string[, start_position])

Input and output are the same as for decode(string).


Input and output are the same as for decode(C_style_string_pointer), except that size is not needed. Some checking is skipped, and decode_unchecked(C_style_string_pointer) can operate with string pointers to buffers which decode(C_style_string_pointer) cannot handle. For an example see the buffer module.

msgpack.decode_array_header(byte-array, size)

Call the MsgPuck’s mp_decode_array function and return the array size and a pointer to the first array component. A subsequent call to msgpack_decode can decode the component instead of the whole array.

  • byte-array – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
  • size – a number greater than or equal to the string’s length
  • the size of the array;
  • a pointer to after the array header.


-- Example of decode_array_header
-- Suppose we have the raw data '\x93\x01\x02\x03'.
-- \x93 is MsgPack encoding for a header of a three-item array.
-- We want to skip it and decode the next three items.
msgpack = require('msgpack');
ffi = require('ffi');
x, y = msgpack.decode_array_header(ffi.cast('char*', '\x93\x01\x02\x03'), 4)
a = msgpack.decode(y, 1);
b = msgpack.decode(y + 1, 1);
c = msgpack.decode(y + 2, 1);
a, b, c
-- The result is: 1,2,3.
msgpack.decode_map_header(byte-array, size)

Call the MsgPuck’s mp_decode_map function and return the map size and a pointer to the first map component. A subsequent call to msgpack_decode can decode the component instead of the whole map.

  • byte-array – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
  • size – a number greater than or equal to the raw MsgPack string’s length
  • the size of the map;
  • a pointer to after the map header.


-- Example of decode_map_header
-- Suppose we have the raw data '\x81\xa2\x41\x41\xc3'.
-- '\x81' is MsgPack encoding for a header of a one-item map.
-- We want to skip it and decode the next map item.
msgpack = require('msgpack');
ffi = require('ffi')
x, y = msgpack.decode_map_header(ffi.cast('char*', '\x81\xa2\x41\x41\xc3'), 5)
a = msgpack.decode(y, 3);
b = msgpack.decode(y + 3, 1)
x, a, b
-- The result is: 1,"AA", true.

__serialize parameter

The MsgPack output structure can be specified with the __serialize parameter:

  • ‘seq’, ‘sequence’, ‘array’ – table encoded as an array
  • ‘map’, ‘mappping’ – table encoded as a map
  • function – the meta-method called to unpack the serializable representation of table, cdata, or userdata objects

Serializing ‘A’ and ‘B’ with different __serialize values brings different results. To show this, here is a routine which encodes {'A','B'} both as an array and as a map, then displays each result in hexadecimal.

function hexdump(bytes)
    local result = ''
    for i = 1, #bytes do
        result = result .. string.format("%x", string.byte(bytes, i)) .. ' '
    return result

msgpack = require('msgpack')
m1 = msgpack.encode(setmetatable({'A', 'B'}, {
                             __serialize = "seq"
m2 = msgpack.encode(setmetatable({'A', 'B'}, {
                             __serialize = "map"
print('array encoding: ', hexdump(m1))
print('map encoding: ', hexdump(m2))


**array** encoding: 92 a1 41 a1 42
**map** encoding:   82 01 a1 41 02 a1 42

The MsgPack Specification page explains that the first encoding means:

fixarray(2), fixstr(1), "A", fixstr(1), "B"

and the second encoding means:

fixmap(2), key(1), fixstr(1), "A", key(2), fixstr(2), "B"

Here are examples for all the common types, with the Lua-table representation on the left, with the MsgPack format name and encoding on the right.

Common Types and MsgPack Encodings

{} ‘fixmap’ if metatable is ‘map’ = 80 otherwise ‘fixarray’ = 90
‘a’ ‘fixstr’ = a1 61
false ‘false’ = c2
true ‘true’ = c3
127 ‘positive fixint’ = 7f
65535 ‘uint 16’ = cd ff ff
4294967295 ‘uint 32’ = ce ff ff ff ff
nil ‘nil’ = c0
msgpack.NULL same as nil
[0] = 5 ‘fixmap(1)’ + ‘positive fixint’ (for the key) + ‘positive fixint’ (for the value) = 81 00 05
[0] = nil ‘fixmap(0)’ = 80 – nil is not stored when it is a missing map value
1.5 ‘float 64’ = cb 3f f8 00 00 00 00 00 00

Change MsgPack configuration settings.

The values are all either integers or boolean true/false.

Option Default Use
cfg.encode_max_depth 128 The maximum recursion depth for encoding
cfg.encode_deep_as_nil false Specify whether to crop tables with nesting level deeper than cfg.encode_max_depth. Not-encoded fields are replaced with one null. If not set, too high nesting is considered an error.
cfg.encode_invalid_numbers true Specify whether to enable encoding of NaN and Inf numbers
cfg.encode_load_metatables true Specify whether the serializer will follow __serialize metatable field
cfg.encode_use_tostring false Specify whether to use tostring() for unknown types
cfg.encode_invalid_as_nil false Specify whether to use NULL for non-recognized types
cfg.encode_sparse_convert true Specify whether to handle excessively sparse arrays as maps. See detailed description below
cfg.encode_sparse_ratio 2 1/encode_sparse_ratio is the permissible percentage of missing values in a sparse array
cfg.encode_sparse_safe 10 A limit ensuring that small Lua arrays are always encoded as sparse arrays (instead of generating an error or encoding as a map)
cfg.encode_error_as_ext true

Specify how error objects ( are encoded in the MsgPack format:

  • if true, errors are encoded as the the MP_ERROR MsgPack extension.
  • if false, the encoding format depends on other configuration options (encode_load_metatables, encode_use_tostring, encode_invalid_as_nil).
cfg.decode_invalid_numbers true Specify whether to enable decoding of NaN and Inf numbers
cfg.decode_save_metatables true Specify whether to set metatables for all arrays and maps

Sparse arrays features

During encoding, the MsgPack encoder tries to classify tables into one of four kinds:

  • map - at least one table index is not unsigned integer
  • regular array - all array indexes are available
  • sparse array - at least one array index is missing
  • excessively sparse array - the number of values missing exceeds the configured ratio

An array is excessively sparse when all the following conditions are met:

  • encode_sparse_ratio > 0
  • max(table) > encode_sparse_safe
  • max(table) > count(table) * encode_sparse_ratio

MsgPack encoder never considers an array to be excessively sparse when encode_sparse_ratio = 0. The encode_sparse_safe limit ensures that small Lua arrays are always encoded as sparse arrays. By default, attempting to encode an excessively sparse array generates an error. If encode_sparse_convert is set to true, excessively sparse arrays will be handled as maps.

msgpack.cfg() example 1:

If msgpack.cfg.encode_invalid_numbers = true (the default), then NaN and Inf are legal values. If that is not desirable, then ensure that msgpack.encode() does not accept them, by saying msgpack.cfg{encode_invalid_numbers = false}, thus:

tarantool> msgpack = require('msgpack'); msgpack.cfg{encode_invalid_numbers = true}
tarantool> msgpack.decode(msgpack.encode{1, 0 / 0, 1 / 0, false})
- [1, -nan, inf, false]
- 22
tarantool> msgpack.cfg{encode_invalid_numbers = false}
tarantool> msgpack.decode(msgpack.encode{1, 0 / 0, 1 / 0, false})
- error: ... number must not be NaN or Inf'

msgpack.cfg() example 2:

To avoid generating errors on attempts to encode unknown data types as userdata/cdata, you can use this code:

tarantool> httpc = require('http.client').new()

tarantool> msgpack.encode(httpc.curl)
- error: unsupported Lua type 'userdata'

tarantool> msgpack.cfg{encode_use_tostring = true}

tarantool> msgpack.encode(httpc.curl)
- !!binary tnVzZXJkYXRhOiAweDAxMDU5NDQ2Mzg=


To achieve the same effect for only one call to msgpack.encode() (that is without changing the configuration permanently), you can use{encode_invalid_numbers = true}).encode({1, 2}).

Similar configuration settings exist for JSON and YAML.


A value comparable to Lua “nil” which may be useful as a placeholder in a tuple.


tarantool> msgpack = require('msgpack')
tarantool> y = msgpack.encode({'a',1,'b',2})
tarantool> z = msgpack.decode(y)
tarantool> z[1], z[2], z[3], z[4]
- a
- 1
- b
- 2
tarantool>{20, msgpack.NULL, 20}
- [20, null, 20]

Since: 2.10.0

Encode an arbitrary Lua object into the MsgPack format.

  • lua_value (lua-object) – a Lua object of any type.

encoded MsgPack data encapsulated in a MsgPack object.




local msgpack = require('msgpack')

-- Create a MsgPack object from a Lua object of any type
local mp_from_number = msgpack.object(123)
local mp_from_string = msgpack.object('hello world')
local mp_from_array = msgpack.object({ 10, 20, 30 })
local mp_from_table = msgpack.object({ band_name = 'The Beatles', year = 1960 })
local mp_from_tuple = msgpack.object(, 'The Beatles', 1960))

Since: 2.10.0

Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string.

  • msgpack_string (string) – a raw MsgPack string.

a MsgPack object




local msgpack = require('msgpack')

-- Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string
local raw_mp_string = msgpack.encode({ 10, 20, 30 })
local mp_from_mp_string = msgpack.object_from_raw(raw_mp_string)
msgpack.object_from_raw(C_style_string_pointer, size)

Since: 2.10.0

Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string. The address of the MsgPack string is supplied as a C-style string pointer such as the rpos pointer inside an ibuf that the buffer.ibuf() creates. A C-style string pointer may be described as cdata<char *> or cdata<const char *>.

  • C_style_string_pointer (buffer) – a pointer to a raw MsgPack string.
  • size (integer) – number of bytes in the raw MsgPack string.

a MsgPack object




local msgpack = require('msgpack')

-- Create a MsgPack object from a raw MsgPack string using buffer
local buffer = require('buffer')
local ibuf = buffer.ibuf()
msgpack.encode({ 10, 20, 30 }, ibuf)
local mp_from_mp_string_pt = msgpack.object_from_raw(ibuf.buf, ibuf:size())

Since: 2.10.0

Check if the given argument is a MsgPack object.

  • some_agrument – any argument.

true if the argument is a MsgPack object; otherwise, false




local msgpack = require('msgpack')

local mp_from_string = msgpack.object('hello world')

-- Check if the given argument is a MsgPack object
local mp_is_object = msgpack.is_object(mp_from_string) -- Returns true
local string_is_object = msgpack.is_object('hello world') -- Returns false
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