Migration from Tarantool Cartridge
If your company uses a service based on Tarantool Community Edition and Tarantool Cartridge, follow the steps below to update these components to Tarantool Enterprise Edition.
As a reference, the instructions below use a template service created with tt, the Tarantool CLI utility.
Get access to the source code and build pipeline of your service. Here is an example of what the service build pipeline might look like for CentOS/RHEL 7:
curl -L https://tarantool.io/release/2/installer.sh | bash
yum -y install tarantool tarantool-devel tt git gcc gcc-с++ cmake
tt pack rpm
In the installation section of your pipeline, replace open-source tarantool
packages with Tarantool Enterprise SDK:
curl -L \
https://${TOKEN}@download.tarantool.io/enterprise/release/${OS}/${ARCH}/${VERSION}/tarantool-enterprise-sdk-${VERSION_OS_ARCH_POSTFIX}.tar.gz \
> sdk.tar.gz
# for example, the URL for the Linux build of Tarantool 2.10.4 for the x86_64 platform will be:
# https://${TOKEN}@download.tarantool.io/enterprise/release/linux/x86_64/2.10/tarantool-enterprise-sdk-gc64-2.10.4-0-r523.linux.x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvf sdk.tar.gz
source tarantool-enterprise/env.sh
tt pack rpm
Now the pipeline will produce a new service artifact, which includes Tarantool Enterprise Edition.
Update your service to the new version like you usually update Tarantool in
your organization. You don’t have to interrupt access to the service.
To learn how to do it with ansible-cartridge
check this example.
You can now use Tarantool Enterprise Edition’s features in your installation. For example, to enable the audit log, set up the audit_log parameter in your node configuration.