Packaging an application into RPM or DEB | Tarantool

Packaging an application into RPM or DEB

cartridge pack rpm|deb creates an RPM or DEB package.

Use the following flags to control the local packaging of an RPM or DEB distribution. For flags that are applicable for packaging any distribution type, check the packaging overview.

--deps Defines the dependencies of the package.
--deps-file Path to the file that contains package dependencies. Defaults to package-deps.txt in the application directory.
--preinst Path to the pre-install script for RPM and DEB packages.
--postinst Path to the post-install script for RPM and DEB packages.
--unit-template Path to the template for the systemd unit file.
--instantiated-unit-template Path to the template for the systemd instantiated unit file.
--stateboard-unit-template Path to the template for the stateboard systemd unit file.
--unit-params-file Path to the file that contains unit parameters for systemd unit files. Defaults to systemd-unit-params.yml in the application root directory.

The resulting artifact name is <app-name>-<version>[.<suffix>]-1_<arch>.deb or <app-name>-<version>[.<suffix>]-1.<arch>.rpm.

The package name is <app-name> no matter what the artifact name is.

If you’re using an open-source version of Tarantool, the package has a tarantool dependency (version >= <major>.<minor> and < <major+1>, where <major>.<minor> is the version of Tarantool used for packaging the application).

The package contents are as follows:

  • Contents of the application directory. They will be placed at /usr/share/tarantool/<app-name>. In case of Tarantool Enterprise, this directory also contains the tarantool and tarantoolctl binaries.
  • Unit files that allow running the application as a systemd service. They will be unpacked as /etc/systemd/system/<app-name>.service and /etc/systemd/system/<app-name>@.service.
  • Application stateboard unit file. When unpacked, it is placed at /etc/systemd/system/<app-name>-stateboard.service. This file will be packed only if the application contains stateboard.init.lua in its root directory.
  • The file /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/<app-name>.conf, which allows the instance to restart after server reboot.

Upon package installation, the following directories are created:

  • /etc/tarantool/conf.d/ stores instance configuration.
  • /var/lib/tarantool/ stores instance snapshots.
  • /var/run/tarantool/ stores PID files and console sockets.

The --deps and --deps-file flags require similar formats of dependency information. However, --deps does not allow you to specify major and minor versions:

# You can't do that:
cartridge pack rpm --deps dependency_06>=4,<5 appname

# Instead, do this:
cartridge pack rpm --deps dependency_06>=4,dependency_06<5 appname

# Or this:
cartridge pack rpm --deps dependency_06>=4 --deps dependency_06<5 appname

--deps-file lets you specify dependencies in a file (package-deps.txt by default). The file is located in the application root directory. If you created your application from template, package-deps.txt is already there.

dependency_01 >= 2.5
dependency_01 <
dependency_02 >= 1, < 5

Each line must describe a single dependency. For each dependency, you can specify the major and minor version, as well as the highest and lowest compatible versions.

You can add Bash scripts that will run before and after the installation of your RPM/DEB package. This might be useful, for example, if you want to set up symlinks. Place these files in your application root directory. is the default name of the pre-install script. is the default name of the post-install script.

To specify different names, use cartridge pack with the --preinst and --postinst flags correspondingly.

Provide absolute paths to executables in the pre- and post-install scripts, or use /bin/sh -c '' instead.

/bin/sh -c 'touch file-path'
/bin/sh -c 'mkdir dir-path'
# or
/bin/mkdir dir-path

Use the flags --unit-template, --instantiated-unit-template, and --stateboard-unit-template to customize standard unit files.

One reason to customize standard unit files is if you want to deploy your RPM/DEB package on a platform different from the one where you’ve built it. In this case, ExecStartPre may contain an incorrect path to mkdir. As a hotfix, we suggest editing the unit files.

The unit files can contain text templates.

This is an instantiated unit file.

Description=Tarantool Cartridge app {{ .Name }}@%i

ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p {{ .InstanceWorkDir }}'
ExecStart={{ .Tarantool }} {{ .AppEntrypointPath }}

Environment=TARANTOOL_APP_NAME={{ .Name }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_WORKDIR={{ .InstanceWorkDir }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_CFG={{ .ConfPath }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_PID_FILE={{ .InstancePidFile }}
Environment=TARANTOOL_CONSOLE_SOCK={{ .InstanceConsoleSock }}

# Disable OOM killer
# Increase fd limit for Vinyl

# Systemd waits until all xlogs are recovered
# Give a reasonable amount of time to close xlogs

Alias={{ .Name }}.%i

Name Application name.
StateboardName Application stateboard name (<app-name>-stateboard).
DefaultWorkDir Default instance working directory (/var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>.default).
InstanceWorkDir Application instance working directory (/var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>.<instance-name>).
StateboardWorkDir Stateboard working directory (/var/lib/tarantool/<app-name>-stateboard).
DefaultPidFile Default instance PID file (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>
InstancePidFile Application instance PID file (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>.<instance-name>.pid).
StateboardPidFile Stateboard PID file (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>
DefaultConsoleSock Default instance console socket (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>.default.control).
InstanceConsoleSock Application instance console socket (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>.<instance-name>.control).
StateboardConsoleSock Stateboard console socket (/var/run/tarantool/<app-name>-stateboard.control).
ConfPath Path to the application instances config (/etc/tarantool/conf.d).
AppEntrypointPath Path to the application entrypoint (/usr/share/tarantool/<app-name>/init.lua).
StateboardEntrypointPath Path to the stateboard entrypoint (/usr/share/tarantool/<app-name>/stateboard.init.lua).

You can pass certain parameters to your application’s unit files using a special file. By default, it is systemd-unit-params.yml, located in the project directory. To use a different file, specify its name with the --unit-params-file flag.

For example, the fd-limit option lets you limit the number of file descriptors determined by the LimitNOFILE parameter in the systemd unit file and instantiated unit file. Another example would be stateboard-fd-limit, which lets you set the file descriptor limit in the stateboard systemd unit file.

You can also pass parameters via environment variables with the systemd unit file. To do so, specify the instance and stateboard arguments in the unit parameters file. The parameter will convert to Environment=TARANTOOL_<PARAM>: <value> in the unit file. Note that these variables have higher priority than the variables in the instance configuration file (--cfg).

fd-limit LimitNOFILE for an application instance
stateboard-fd-limit LimitNOFILE for a stateboard instance
instance-env cartridge.argparse environment variables (like net-msg-max) for an application instance
stateboard-env cartridge.argparse environment variables (like net-msg-max) for a stateboard instance


fd-limit: 1024
stateboard-fd-limit: 2048
    app-name: 'my-app'
    net_msg_max: 1024
    pid_file: '/some/special/dir/'
    my-param: 'something'
    # or
    # TARANTOOL_MY_PARAM: 'something'
    app-name: 'my-app-stateboard'
    pid_file: '/some/special/dir/'

If you are using open-source Tarantool, your application package has Tarantool as a dependency. In this case, before installing your RPM/DEB package, you have to enable the Tarantool repo to allow your package manager to install this dependency correctly:


After this, you can install the application package.

After you’ve installed the package, configure the instances you want to start.

For example, if your application name is myapp and you want to start two instances, you might put the following myapp.yml file in the /etc/tarantool/conf.d directory:

  cluster_cookie: secret-cookie

  http_port: 8081
  advertise_uri: localhost:3301

  http_port: 8082
  advertise_uri: localhost:3302

Learn more about configuring Cartridge application instances.

Now start the instances you’ve configured:

systemctl start myapp@instance-1
systemctl start myapp@instance-2

If you use stateful failover, start the application stateboard as well. Make sure that your application has stateboard.init.lua in its root directory.

Add the myapp-stateboard section to /etc/tarantool/conf.d/myapp.yml:

  listen: localhost:3310
  password: passwd

Then start the stateboard service:

systemctl start myapp-stateboard
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