Module popen | Tarantool

Module popen

Since version 2.4.1, Tarantool has the popen built-in module that supports execution of external programs. It is similar to Python’s subprocess() or Ruby’s Open3. However, Tarantool’s popen module does not have all the helpers that those languages provide, it provides only basic functions. popen uses the vfork() system call to create an object, so the caller thread is blocked until execution of a child process begins.

The popen module provides two functions to create the popen object:

Either function returns a handle which we will call popen_handle or ph. With the handle one can execute methods.

Below is a list of all popen functions and handle methods.

Name Use Execute a shell command Execute a child program in a new process
popen_handle:read() Read data from a child peer
popen_handle:write() Write a string to stdin stream of a child process
popen_handle:shutdown() Close parent’s ends of std* fds
popen_handle:terminate() Send SIGTERM signal to a child process
popen_handle:kill() Send SIGKILL signal to a child process
popen_handle:signal() Send signal to a child process
popen_handle:info() Return information about the popen handle
popen_handle:wait() Wait until a child process gets exited or signaled
popen_handle:close() Close a popen handle
Module constants Module constants
Handle fields Handle fields[, mode])

Execute a shell command.

  • command (string) – a command to run, mandatory
  • mode (string) – communication mode, optional

(if success) a popen handle, which we will call popen_handle or ph

(if failure) nil, err

Possible errors: if a parameter is incorrect, the result is IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter. For other possible errors, see

The possible mode values are:

Several mode characters can be set together, for example 'rw', 'rRw'.

The shell function is just a shortcut for{command}, opts) with and both set to true, and with opts.stdin and opts.stdout and opts.stderr all set based on the mode parameter.

All std* streams are inherited from the parent by default unless it is changed using mode: 'r' for stdout, 'R' for stderr, or 'w' for stdin.


This is the equivalent of the sh -c date command. It starts a process, runs 'date', reads the output, and closes the popen object (ph).

local popen = require('popen')
-- Run the program and save its handle.
local ph ='date', 'r')
-- Read program's output, strip trailing newline.
local date = ph:read():rstrip()
-- Free resources. The process is killed (but 'date'
-- exits itself anyway).

Unix defines a text file as a sequence of lines. Each line is terminated by a newline (\\n) symbol. The same convention is usually applied for text output of a command. So, when it is redirected to a file, the file will be correct.

However, internally an application usually operates on strings, which are not terminated by newline (for example literals for error messages). The newline is usually added just before a string is written for the outside world (stdout, console or log). That is why the example above contains rstrip().[, opts])

Execute a child program in a new process.

  • argv (array) – an array of a program to run with command line options, mandatory; absolute path to the program is required when is false (default)
  • opts (table) – table of options, optional

(if success) a popen handle, which we will call popen_handle or ph

(if failure) nil, err

Possible raised errors are:

  • IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter
  • IllegalParams: group signal is set, while setsid is not

Possible error reasons when nil, err is returned are:

  • SystemError: dup(), fcntl(), pipe(), vfork() or close() fails in the parent process
  • SystemError: (temporary restriction) the parent process has closed stdin, stdout or stderr
  • OutOfMemory: unable to allocate the handle or a temporary buffer

Possible opts items are:

  • opts.stdin (action on STDIN_FILENO)
  • opts.stdout (action on STDOUT_FILENO)
  • opts.stderr (action on STDERR_FILENO)

The opts table file descriptor actions may be:

  • popen.opts.INHERIT (== 'inherit') [default] inherit the fd from the parent
  • popen.opts.DEVNULL (== 'devnull') open /dev/null on the fd
  • popen.opts.CLOSE (== 'close') close the fd
  • popen.opts.PIPE (== 'pipe') feed data from fd to parent, or from parent to fd, using a pipe

The opts table may contain an env table of environment variables to be used inside a process. Each opts.env item may be a key-value pair (key is a variable name, value is a variable value).

  • If opts.env is not set then the current environment is inherited.
  • If opts.env is an empty table, then the environment will be dropped.
  • If opts.env is set to a non-empty table, then the environment will be replaced.

The opts table may contain these boolean items:

Name Default Use false If true, then run a child process via sh -c "${opts.argv}". If false, then call the executable directly.
opts.setsid false If true, then run the program in a new session. If false, then run the program in the Tarantool instance’s session and process group.
opts.close_fds true If true, then close all inherited fds from the parent. If false, then do not close all inherited fds from the parent.
opts.restore_signals true If true, then reset all signal actions modified in the parent’s process. If false, then inherit all signal actions modified in the parent’s process.
opts.group_signal false If true, then send signal to a child process group, if and only if opts.setsid is enabled. If false, then send signal to a child process only.
opts.keep_child false If true, then do not send SIGKILL to a child process (or to a process group if opts.group_signal true). If false, then do send SIGKILL to a child process (or to a process group if opts.group_signal is true) at popen_handle:close() or when Lua GC collects the handle.

The returned ph handle provides a popen_handle:close() method for explicitly releasing all occupied resources, including the child process itself if opts.keep_child is not set). However, if the close() method is not called for a handle during its lifetime, the Lua GC will trigger the same freeing actions.

Tarantool recommends using opts.setsid plus opts.group_signal if a child process may spawn its own children and if they should all be killed together.

A signal will not be sent if the child process is already dead. Otherwise we might kill another process that occupies the same PID later. This means that if the child process dies before its own children die, then the function will not send a signal to the process group even when opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set.

Use os.environ() to pass a copy of the current environment with several replacements (see example 2 below).

Example 1

This is the equivalent of the sh -c date command. It starts a process, runs ‘date’, reads the output, and closes the popen object (ph).

local popen = require('popen')

local ph ={'/bin/date'}, {
    stdout = popen.opts.PIPE,
local date = ph:read():rstrip()
print(date) -- e.g. Thu 16 Apr 2020 01:40:56 AM MSK

Example 2

Example 2 is quite similar to Example 1, but sets an environment variable and uses the shell builtin 'echo' to show it.

local popen = require('popen')
local env = os.environ()
env['FOO'] = 'bar'
local ph ={'echo "${FOO}"'}, {
    stdout = popen.opts.PIPE,
    shell = true,
    env = env,
local res = ph:read():rstrip()
print(res) -- bar

Example 3

Example 3 demonstrates how to capture a child’s stderr.

local popen = require('popen')
local ph ={'echo hello >&2'}, { -- !!
    stderr = popen.opts.PIPE,              -- !!
    shell = true,
local res = ph:read({stderr = true}):rstrip()
print(res) -- hello

Example 4

Example 4 demonstrates how to run a stream program (like grep, sed and so on), write to its stdin and read from its stdout.

The example assumes that input data are small enough to fit in a pipe buffer (typically 64 KiB, but this depends on the platform and its configuration).

If a process writes lengthy data, it will get stuck in popen_handle:write(). To handle this case: call popen_handle:read() in a loop in another fiber (start it before the first :write()).

If a process writes lengthy text to stderr, it may get stick in write() because the stderr pipe buffer becomes full. To handle this case: read stderr in a separate fiber.

local function call_jq(input, filter)
    -- Start jq process, connect to stdin, stdout and stderr.
    local jq_argv = {'/usr/bin/jq', '-M', '--unbuffered', filter}
    local ph, err =, {
        stdin = popen.opts.PIPE,
        stdout = popen.opts.PIPE,
        stderr = popen.opts.PIPE,
    if ph == nil then return nil, err end
    -- Write input data to child's stdin and send EOF.
    local ok, err = ph:write(input)
    if not ok then return nil, err end
    ph:shutdown({stdin = true})
    -- Read everything until EOF.
    local chunks = {}
    while true do
        local chunk, err = ph:read()
        if chunk == nil then
            return nil, err
        if chunk == '' then break end -- EOF
        table.insert(chunks, chunk)
    -- Read diagnostics from stderr if any.
    local err = ph:read({stderr = true})
    if err ~= '' then
        return nil, err
    -- Glue all chunks, strip trailing newline.
    return table.concat(chunks):rstrip()

object popen_handle

Read data from a child peer.


Possible opts items are:

  • opts.stdout (boolean, default true, if true then read from stdout)
  • opts.stderr (boolean, default false, if true then read from stderr)
  • opts.timeout (number, default 100 years, time quota in seconds)

In other words: by default read() reads from stdout, but reads from stderr if one sets opts.stderr to true. It is not legal to set both opts.stdout and opts.stderr to true.


(if success) string with read value, empty string if EOF

(if failure) nil, err

Possible errors

These errors are raised on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is cancelled:

  • IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter
  • IllegalParams: called on a closed handle
  • IllegalParams: opts.stdout and opts.stderr are both set
  • IllegalParams: a requested IO operation is not supported by the handle (stdout / stderr is not piped)
  • IllegalParams: attempt to operate on a closed file descriptor
  • FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by external code

nil, err is returned on following failures:

  • SocketError: an IO error occurs at read()
  • TimedOut: exceeded the opts.timeout quota
  • OutOfMemory: no memory space for a buffer to read into
  • LuajitError: (“not enough memory”): no memory space for the Lua string
popen_handle:write(str[, opts])

Write string str to stdin stream of a child process.


true on success, false on error


(if success) boolean = true

(if failure) nil, err

Possible opts items are: opts.timeout (number, default 100 years, time quota in seconds).

Possible raised errors are:

  • IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter
  • IllegalParams: called on a closed handle
  • IllegalParams: string length is greater then SSIZE_MAX
  • IllegalParams: a requested IO operation is not supported by the handle (stdin is not piped)
  • IllegalParams: attempt to operate on a closed file descriptor
  • FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code

Possible error reasons when nil, err is returned are:

  • SocketError: an IO error occurs at write()
  • TimedOut: exceeded opts.timeout quota

write() may yield forever if the child process does not read data from stdin and a pipe buffer becomes full. The size of this pipe buffer depends on the platform. Set opts.timeout when unsure.

When opts.timeout is not set, the write() blocks (yields the fiber) until all data is written or an error happens.


Close parent’s ends of std* fds.


true on success, false on error


(if success) boolean = true

Possible opts items are:

  • opts.stdin (boolean) close parent’s end of stdin
  • opts.stdout (boolean) close parent’s end of stdout
  • opts.stderr (boolean) close parent’s end of stderr

We may use the term std* to mean any one of these items.

Possible raised errors are:

  • IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter
  • IllegalParams: called on a closed handle
  • IllegalParams: neither stdin, stdout nor stderr is chosen
  • IllegalParams: a requested IO operation is not supported by the handle (one of std* is not piped)

The main reason to use shutdown() is to send EOF to a child’s stdin. However the parent’s end of stdout / stderr may be closed too.

shutdown() does not fail on already closed fds (idempotence). However, it fails on an attempt to close the end of a pipe that never existed. In other words, only those std* options that were set to popen.opts.PIPE during handle creation may be used here (for 'r' corresponds to stdout, 'R' to stderr and 'w' to stdin).

shutdown() does not close any fds on a failure: either all requested fds are closed or none of them.


local popen = require('popen')
local ph ='sed s/foo/bar/', 'rw')
ph:write('lorem foo ipsum')
ph:shutdown({stdin = true})
local res = ph:read()
print(res) -- lorem bar ipsum

Send SIGTERM signal to a child process.


see popen_handle:signal() for errors and return values

terminate() only sends a SIGTERM signal. It does not free any resources (such as popen handle memory and file descriptors).


Send SIGKILL signal to a child process.


see popen_handle:signal() for errors and return values

kill() only sends a SIGKILL signal. It does not free any resources (such as popen handle memory and file descriptors).


Send signal to a child process.


(if success) true (signal is sent)

(if failure) nil, err

Possible raised errors:

  • IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter
  • IllegalParams: called on a closed handle

Possible error values for nil, err:

  • SystemError: a process does not exists any more (this may also be returned for a zombie process or when all processes in a group are zombies (but see note re Mac OS below)
  • SystemError: invalid signal number
  • SystemError: no permission to send a signal to a process or a process group (this is returned on Mac OS when a signal is sent to a process group, where a group leader is a zombie (or when all processes in it are zombies, details re uncertain) (this may also appear due to other reasons, details are uncertain)

If opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set for the handle, the signal is sent to the process group rather than to the process. See for details about group signaling. Warning: On Mac OS it is possible that a process in the group will not receive the signal, particularly if the process has just been forked (this may be due to a race condition).

Note: The module offers popen.signal.SIG* constants, because some signals have different numbers on different platforms.


Return information about the popen handle.


(if success) formatted result



Possible raised errors are:

  • IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter
  • IllegalParams: called on a closed handle

The result format is:

    pid = <number> or <nil>,
    command = <string>,
    opts = <table>,
    status = <table>,
    stdin = one-of(   (== 'open'), (== 'closed'),
    stdout = one-of(   (== 'open'), (== 'closed'),
    stderr = one-of(   (== 'open'), (== 'closed'),

pid is a process id of the process when it is alive, otherwise pid is nil.

command is a concatenation of space-separated arguments that were passed to execve(). Multiword arguments are quoted. Quotes inside arguments are not escaped.

opts is a table of handle options as in the opts parameter. opts.env is not shown here, because the environment variables map is not stored in a handle.

status is a table that represents a process status in the following format:

    state = one-of(
        popen.state.ALIVE    (== 'alive'),
        popen.state.EXITED   (== 'exited'),
        popen.state.SIGNALED (== 'signaled'),
    -- Present when `state` is 'exited'.
    exit_code = <number>,
    -- Present when `state` is 'signaled'.
    signo = <number>,
    signame = <string>,

stdin, stdout, and stderr reflect the status of the parent’s end of a piped stream. If a stream is not piped, the field is not present (nil). If it is piped, the status may be either (== 'open') or (== 'closed'). The status may be changed from 'open' to 'closed' by a popen_handle:shutdown({std… = true}) call.

Example 1

(on Tarantool console)

tarantool> require('popen').new({'/usr/bin/touch', '/tmp/foo'})
- command: /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo
    state: alive
    stdout: inherit
    stdin: inherit
    group_signal: false
    keep_child: false
    close_fds: true
    restore_signals: true
    shell: false
    setsid: false
    stderr: inherit
  pid: 9499

Example 2

(on Tarantool console)

tarantool> require('popen').shell('grep foo', 'wrR')
- stdout: open
  command: sh -c 'grep foo'
  stderr: open
    state: alive
  stdin: open
    stdout: pipe
    stdin: pipe
    group_signal: true
    keep_child: false
    close_fds: true
    restore_signals: true
    shell: true
    setsid: true
    stderr: pipe
  pid: 10497

Wait until a child process gets exited or signaled.


(if success) formatted result



Possible raised errors are:

  • IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter
  • IllegalParams: called on a closed handle
  • FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code

The formatted result is a process status table (the same as the status component of the table returned by popen_handle:info()).


Close a popen handle.


(if success) true

(if failure) nil, err

Possible raised errors are:

  • IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter

Possible diagnostics when nil, err is returned (do not consider them as errors):

  • SystemError: no permission to send a signal to a process or a process group (This diagnostic may appear due to Mac OS behavior on zombies when opts.group_signal is set, see popen_handle:signal(). It may appear for other reasons, details are unclear.)

The return is always true when a process is known to be dead (for example, after popen_handle:wait() no signal will be sent, so no ‘failure’ may appear).

close() kills a process using SIGKILL and releases all resources associated with the popen handle.

Details about signaling:

  • The signal is sent only when opts.keep_child is not set.
  • The signal is sent only when a process is alive according to the information available on current event loop iteration. (There is a gap here: a zombie may be signaled; it is harmless.)
  • The signal is sent to a process or a process group depending on opts.group_signal. (See for details of group signaling).

Resources are released regardless whether or not a signal sending succeeds: fds are closed, memory is released, the handle is marked as closed.

No operation is possible on a closed handle except close(), which is always successful on a closed handle (idempotence).

close() may return true or nil, err, but it always frees the handle resources. So any return value usually means success for a caller. The return values are purely informational: they are for logging or some kind of reporting.

Handle fields

See popen_handle:info() for details.

Module constants

- popen.opts
  - INHERIT (== 'inherit')
  - DEVNULL (== 'devnull')
  - CLOSE   (== 'close')
  - PIPE    (== 'pipe')

- popen.signal
  - SIGTERM (== 9)
  - SIGKILL (== 15)
  - ...

- popen.state
  - ALIVE    (== 'alive')
  - EXITED   (== 'exited')
  - SIGNALED (== 'signaled')

  - OPEN    (== 'open')
  - CLOSED  (== 'closed')
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