Packaging the application | Tarantool
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Packaging the application

$ tt pack TYPE [OPTION ...] ..

tt pack packages an application into a distributable bundle of the specified TYPE:

  • tgz: create a .tgz archive.
  • deb: create a DEB package.
  • rpm: create an RPM package.

The command below creates a DEB package for an application:

$ tt pack deb

This command generates a .deb file whose name depends on the environment directory name and the operating system architecture, for example, test-env_0.1.0.0-1_x86_64.deb. You can also pass various options to the tt pack command to adjust generation properties, for example, customize a bundle name, choose which artifacts should be included, specify the required application dependencies.


Include all artifacts in a bundle. In this case, a bundle might include snapshots, WAL files, and logs.


Specify the applications included in a bundle.


$ tt pack tgz --app-list app1,app3

Applicable to: tgz

Package a Cartridge CLI-compatible archive.

--deps STRINGS

Applicable to: deb, rpm

Specify dependencies included in RPM and DEB packages.


$ tt pack deb --deps 'wget,make>0.1.0,unzip>1,unzip<=7'
--deps-file STRING

Applicable to: deb, rpm

Specify the path to a file containing dependencies included in RPM and DEB packages. For example, the package-deps.txt file below contains several dependencies and their versions:


If this file is placed in the current directory, a tt pack command might look like this:

$ tt pack deb --deps-file package-deps.txt

Specify a bundle name.


$ tt pack tgz --filename sample-app.tar.gz

Specify a package name.


$ tt pack tgz --name sample-app --version 1.0.1

Applicable to: deb, rpm

Specify the path to a pre-install script for RPM and DEB packages.


$ tt pack deb --preinst

Applicable to: deb, rpm

Specify the path to a post-install script for RPM and DEB packages.


$ tt pack deb --postinst

Specify a Tarantool version for packaging in a Docker container. For use with --use-docker only.


Build a package in an Ubuntu 18.04 Docker container. To specify a Tarantool version to use in the container, add the --tarantool-version option.

Before executing tt pack with this option, make sure Docker is running.


Specify a package version.


$ tt pack tgz --name sample-app --version 1.0.1

Include Tarantool and tt binaries in a bundle.


Don’t include Tarantool and tt binaries in a bundle.


Don’t include external modules in a bundle.

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