box.schema.role.grant() | Tarantool


box.schema.role.grant(role-name, privilege, object-type, object-name[, option])
box.schema.role.grant(role-name, privilege, 'universe'[, nil, option])
box.schema.role.grant(role-name, role-name[, nil, nil, option])

Grant privileges to a role.

  • role-name (string) – the name of the role.
  • privilege (string) – ‘read’ or ‘write’ or ‘execute’ or ‘create’ or ‘alter’ or ‘drop’ or a combination.
  • object-type (string) – ‘space’ or ‘function’ or ‘sequence’ or ‘role’.
  • object-name (string) – the name of a function or space or sequence or role.
  • option (table) – if_not_exists = true|false (default = false) - boolean; true means there should be no error if the role already has the privilege.

The role must exist, and the object must exist.

Variation: instead of object-type, object-name say ‘universe’ which means ‘all object-types and all objects’. In this case, object name is omitted.

Variation: instead of privilege, object-type, object-name say role-name – to grant a role to a role.


box.schema.role.grant('Accountant', 'read', 'space', 'tester')
box.schema.role.grant('Accountant', 'execute', 'function', 'f')
box.schema.role.grant('Accountant', 'read,write', 'universe')
box.schema.role.grant('public', 'Accountant')
box.schema.role.grant('role1', 'role2', nil, nil, {if_not_exists=false})
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