Developer’s guide | Tarantool
Tarantool Enterprise Edition Developer’s guide

Developer’s guide

To develop an application, use the Tarantool Cartridge framework that is installed as part of Tarantool Enterprise Edition.

Here is a summary of the commands you need:

  1. Create a cluster-aware application from the template:

    $ tt create cartridge --name <app_name> -d /path/to
  2. Develop your application:

    $ cd /path/to/<app_name>
    $ ...
  3. Package your application:

    $ tt pack [rpm|tgz] /path/to/<app_name>
  4. Deploy your application:

    • For rpm package:

      1. Upload the package to all servers dedicated to Tarantool.

      2. Install the package:

        $ yum install <app_name>-<version>.rpm
      3. Launch the application.

        $ systemctl start <app_name>
    • For tgz archive:

      1. Upload the archive to all servers dedicated to Tarantool.

      2. Unpack the archive:

        $ tar -xzvf <app_name>-<version>.tar.gz -C /home/<user>/apps
      3. Launch the application

        $ tarantool init.lua

For details and examples, consult the following documentation:

  • a getting started guide that walks you through developing and deploying a simple clustered application using Tarantool Cartridge,
  • a detailed manual on creating and managing clustered Tarantool applications using Tarantool Cartridge.

Further on, this guide focuses on Enterprise-specific developer features available on top of Tarantool Community Edition with the Tarantool Cartridge framework:

If you run an LDAP server in your organization, you can connect Tarantool Enterprise to it and let it handle the authorization. In this case, follow the general recipe where in the first step add the ldap module to the .rockspec file as a dependency and consider implementing the check_password function the following way:

-- auth.lua
-- Require the LDAP module at the start of the file
local ldap = require('ldap')
-- Add a function to check the credentials
local function check_password(username, password)

    -- Configure the necessary LDAP parameters
    local user = string.format("cn=%s,ou=tarantool,dc=glauth,dc=com", username)

    -- Connect to the LDAP server
    local ld, err ="localhost:3893", user, password)

    -- Return an authentication success or failure
    if not ld then
       return false
    return true

Tarantool Enterprise Edition allows you to build environment-independent applications.

An environment-independent application is an assembly (in one directory) of:

  • files with Lua code,
  • tarantool executable,
  • plugged external modules (if necessary).

When started by the tarantool executable, the application provides a service.

The modules are Lua rocks installed into a virtual environment (under the application directory) similar to Python’s virtualenv and Ruby’s bundler.

Such an application has the same structure both in development and production-ready phases. All the application-related code resides in one place, ready to be packed and copied over to any server.

Once custom cluster role(s) are defined and the application is developed, pack it and all its dependencies (module binaries) together with the tarantool executable.

This will allow you to upload, install, and run your application on any server in one go.

To pack the application, say:

$ tt pack [rpm|tgz] /path/to/<app_name>

where specify a path to your development environment – the Git repository containing your application code, – and one of the following build options:

  • rpm to build an RPM package (recommended), or
  • tgz to build a tar + gz archive (choose this option only if you do not have root privileges on servers dedicated for Tarantool Enterprise).

This will create a package (or compressed archive) named <app_name>-<version_tag>-<number_of_commits> (e.g., myapp-1.2.1-12.rpm) containing your environment-independent application.

Next, proceed to deploying packaged applications (or archived ones) on your servers.

To deploy your packaged application, do the following on every server dedicated for Tarantool Enterprise:

  1. Upload the package created in the previous step.

  2. Install:

    $ yum install <app_name>-<version>.rpm
  3. Start one or multiple Tarantool instances with the corresponding services as described below.

    • A single instance:

      $ systemctl start <app_name>

      This will start an instantiated systemd service that will listen to port 3301.

    • Multiple instances on one or multiple servers:

      $ systemctl start <app_name>@instance_1
      $ systemctl start <app_name>@instance_2
      $ systemctl start <app_name>@instance_<number>

      where <app_name>@instance_<number> is the instantiated service name for systemd with an incremental <number> (unique for every instance) to be added to the 3300 port the instance will listen to (e.g., 3301, 3302, etc.).

  4. In case it is a cluster-aware application, proceed to deploying the cluster.

To stop all services on a server, use the systemctl stop command and specify instance names one by one. For example:

$ systemctl stop <app_name>@instance_1 <app_name>@instance_2 ... <app_name>@instance_<N>

While the RPM package places your application to /usr/share/tarantool/<app_name> on your server by default, the tar + gz archive does not enforce any structure apart from just the <app_name>/ directory, so you are responsible for placing it appropriately.


RPM packages are recommended for deployment. Deploy archives only if you do not have root privileges.

To place and deploy the application, do the following on every server dedicated for Tarantool Enterprise:

  1. Upload the archive, decompress, and extract it to the /home/<user>/apps directory:

    $ tar -xzvf <app_name>-<version>.tar.gz -C /home/<user>/apps
  2. Start Tarantool instances with the corresponding services.

    To manage instances and configuration, use tools like ansible, systemd, and supervisord.

  3. In case it is a cluster-aware application, proceed to deploying the cluster.

All instances in the cluster are to run the same code. This includes all the components: custom roles, applications, module binaries, tarantool, and tt (if necessary) executables.

Pay attention to possible backward incompatibility that any component may introduce. This will help you choose a scenario for an upgrade in production. Keep in mind that you are responsible for code compatibility and handling conflicts should inconsistencies occur.

To upgrade any of the components, prepare a new version of the package (archive):

  1. Update the necessary files in your development environment (directory):
    • Your own source code: custom roles and/or applications.
    • Module binaries.
    • Executables. Replace them with ones from the new bundle.
  2. Increment the version as described in application versioning.
  3. Repack the updated files as described in packaging applications.
  4. Choose an upgrade scenario as described in the Upgrading in production section.

The Enterprise distribution package includes sample applications in the examples/ directory that showcase basic Tarantool functionality.

The example in pg_writethrough_cache/ shows how Tarantool can cache data written through it to a PostgreSQL database to speed up the reads.

The sample application requires a deployed PostgreSQL database and the following rock modules:

$ tt rocks install http
$ tt rocks install pg
$ tt rocks install argparse

Look through the code in the files to get an understanding of what the application does.

To run the application for a local PostgreSQL database, say:

$ tarantool cachesrv.lua --binary-port 3333 --http-port 8888 --database postgresql://localhost/postgres

The example in ora-writebehind-cache/ shows how Tarantool can cache writes and queue them to an Oracle database to speed up both writes and reads.

The sample application requires:

  • deployed Oracle database;

  • Oracle tools: Instant Client and SQL Plus, both of version 12.2;


    In case the Oracle Instant Client errors out on .so files (Oracle’s dynamic libraries), put them to some directory and add it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

    For example: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PWD/<path_to_so_files>

  • rock modules listed in the rockspec file.

To install the modules, run the following command in the examples/ora_writebehind_cache directory:

$ tt rocks make oracle_rb_cache-0.1.0-1.rockspec

If you do not have a deployed Oracle instance at hand, run a dummy in a Docker container:

  1. In the browser, log in to Oracle container registry, click Database, and accept the Oracle’s Enterprise Terms and Restrictions.

  2. In the ora-writebehind-cache/ directory, log in to the repository under the Oracle account, pull, and run an image using the prepared scripts:

    $ docker login
    Login Succeeded
    $ docker pull
    $ docker run -itd \
       -p 1521:1521 \
       -p 5500:5500 \
       --name oracle \
       -v "$(pwd)"/setupdb/ \
       -v "$(pwd)"/setupdb/ \
       -v "$(pwd)"/startupdb:/opt/oracle/scripts/startup \

When all is set and done, run the example application.

To launch the application, run the following in the examples/ora_writebehind_cache directory:

$ tarantool init.lua

The application supports the following requests:

  • Get: GET http://<host>:<http_port>/account/id;

  • Add: POST http://<host>:<http_port>/account/ with the following data:

  • Update: POST http://<host>:<http_port>/account/id with the same data as in the add request;

  • Remove: DELETE http://<host>:<http_port>/account/id where id is an account identifier.

Look for sample CURL scripts in the examples/ora_writebehind_cache/testing directory and check for more information on implementation.

The example in the docker/ directory contains a hello-world application that you can pack in a Docker container and run on CentOS 7.

The hello.lua file is the entry point and it is very bare-bones, so you can add your code here.

  1. To build the container, say:

    $ docker build -t tarantool-enterprise-docker -f Dockerfile ../..
  2. To run it:

    $ docker run --rm -t -i tarantool-enterprise-docker
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