Application instance paths | Tarantool

Application instance paths

The commands that operate with running instances compute instance file paths. Default paths are passed to every instance on start. Other commands use them to communicate with the instance – for example, to show the logs or connect to the instance through its console socket.

The file .cartridge.yml, located in the application root directory, lets you override default paths for a locally running application. Instead of indicating default paths with flags, you can do so by defining values for similarly named keys in .cartridge.yml.

For example, instead of

cartridge start --run-dir my-run-dir --cfg my-instances.yml --script my-init.lua

you can write the following in your .cartridge.yml:

run-dir: my-run-dir
cfg: my-instances.yml
script: my-init.lua

In .cartridge.yml, you can also enable or disable the stateboard parameter. It is initially set to true in the template application.

The run directory (--run-dir) is where PID and socket files are stored. More specifically, it contains:

  • Instance PID files: <run-dir>/<app-name>.<instance-name>.pid
  • Instance console sockets: <run-dir>/<app-name>.<instance-name>.control
  • Instance notify sockets: <run-dir>/<app-name>.<instance-name>.notify.

The data directory (--data-dir) contains the instances’ working directories.

Each instance’s working directory is <data-dir>/<app-name>.<instance-name>.

The logs directory (--log-dir) is where instance logs are stored when the instances run in the background. This directory is created on cartridge start -d and can be used by cartridge log.

Each instance’s log file is <log-dir>/<app-name>.<instance-name>.log.

This file (--cfg) lets you configure Cartridge instances. The path to the file is passed to all instances as the environment variable TARANTOOL_CFG. See the configuration guide for details.


    advertise_uri: localhost:3301
    http_port: 8081

    advertise_uri: localhost:3302
    http_port: 8082

    listen: localhost:3310
    password: passwd
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