Functions for transaction management | Tarantool
Reference Built-in modules reference Module box Functions for transaction management

Functions for transaction management

For general information and examples, see section Transactions.

Observe the following rules when working with transactions:

Rule #1

The requests in a transaction must be sent to a server as a single block. It is not enough to enclose them between begin and commit or rollback. To ensure they are sent as a single block: put them in a function, or put them all on one line, or use a delimiter so that multi-line requests are handled together.

Rule #2

All database operations in a transaction should use the same storage engine. It is not safe to access tuple sets that are defined with {engine='vinyl'} and also access tuple sets that are defined with {engine='memtx'}, in the same transaction.

Rule #3

Requests which cause changes to the data definition – create, alter, drop, truncate – are only allowed with Tarantool version 2.1 or later. Data-definition requests which change an index or change a format, such as space_object:create_index() and space_object:format(), are not allowed inside transactions except as the first request after box.begin().

Below is a list of all functions for transaction management.

Name Use
box.begin() Begin the transaction
box.commit() End the transaction and save all changes
box.rollback() End the transaction and discard all changes
box.savepoint() Get a savepoint descriptor
box.rollback_to_savepoint() Do not end the transaction and discard all changes made after a savepoint
box.atomic() Execute a function, treating it as a transaction
box.on_commit() Define a trigger that will be activated by box.commit
box.on_rollback() Define a trigger that will be activated by box.rollback
box.is_in_txn() State whether a transaction is in progress
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