- Overview
- Getting started
- How-to guides
- Concepts
- CRUD operations
- box.schema.space.create()
- space_object:alter()
- space_object:auto_increment()
- space_object:bsize()
- space_object:count()
- space_object:create_index()
- space_object:delete()
- space_object:drop()
- space_object:format()
- space_object:frommap()
- space_object:get()
- space_object:insert()
- space_object:len()
- space_object:on_replace()
- space_object:before_replace()
- space_object:pairs()
- space_object:put()
- space_object:rename()
- space_object:replace() / put()
- space_object:run_triggers()
- space_object:select()
- space_object:truncate()
- space_object:update()
- space_object:upsert()
- space_object extensions
- box.space.create_check_constraint()
- space_object:enabled
- space_object:field_count
- space_object.id
- space_object.index
- box.space._cluster
- box.space._func
- box.space._index
- box.space._vindex
- box.space._priv
- box.space._vpriv
- box.space._schema
- box.space._sequence
- box.space._sequence_data
- box.space._space
- box.space._vspace
- box.space._space_sequence
- box.space._vspace_sequence
- box.space._user
- box.space._vuser
- box.space._ck_constraint
- box.space._collation
- box.space._vcollation
- System space views
- box.space._session_settings
- Cluster on Cartridge
- Overview
- Developer’s guide
- Administrator’s guide
- Troubleshooting
- Cartridge API
- Module cartridge
- Module cartridge.auth
- Module cartridge.roles
- Module cartridge.issues
- Module cartridge.argparse
- Module cartridge.twophase
- Module cartridge.failover
- Module cartridge.topology
- Module cartridge.clusterwide-config
- Module cartridge.rpc
- Module cartridge.tar
- Module cartridge.pool
- Module cartridge.upload
- Module cartridge.confapplier
- Module cartridge.remote-control
- Module cartridge.service-registry
- Module custom-role
- Module cartridge.lua-api.stat
- Module cartridge.lua-api.boxinfo
- Module cartridge.lua-api.get-topology
- Module cartridge.lua-api.edit-topology
- Module cartridge.lua-api.topology
- Module cartridge.lua-api.failover
- Module cartridge.lua-api.vshard
- Module cartridge.lua-api.deprecated
- Module cartridge.lua-api.compression
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.cluster
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.server
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.etcd
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.stateboard
- Cartridge CLI
- Changelog
- Administration
- Instance configuration
- Starting and stopping instances
- Managing modules
- Logs
- Security
- Access control
- Sharding with vshard
- Replication administration
- Server introspection
- Daemon supervision
- Disaster recovery
- Backups
- Upgrades
- Standalone instance upgrade
- Replication cluster upgrade
- Live upgrade from Tarantool 1.6 to 1.10
- Upgrade from 1.6 directly to 2.x with downtime
- Fix decimal values in vinyl spaces when upgrading to 2.10.1
- Fix illegal type names when upgrading to 2.10.4
- Recover from WALs with mixed transactions when upgrading to 2.11.0
- Notes for operating systems
- Bug reports
- Troubleshooting guide
- Monitoring
- Connectors
- Tarantool Enterprise Edition
- Changelog
- Setup
- Developer’s guide
- Cluster administrator’s guide
- Security hardening guide
- Security audit
- LDAP authorization
- Tuple compression
- WAL extensions
- Read views
- Flight recorder
- Audit module
- Upgrading space schema
- Migration from Tarantool Cartridge
- Monitoring system metrics
- Deprecated features
- Modules
- Reference
- Configuration reference
- Tooling
- SQL reference
- Built-in modules reference
- Module box
- Submodule box.backup
- Submodule box.cfg
- Submodule box.ctl
- Submodule box.error
- Submodule box.index
- Examples for
- space_object:create_index()
- index_object.unique
- index_object.type
- index_object:parts
- index_object:pairs()
- index_object:select()
- index_object:get()
- index_object:min()
- index_object:max()
- index_object:random()
- index_object:count()
- index_object:update()
- index_object:delete()
- index_object:alter()
- index_object:drop()
- index_object:rename()
- index_object:bsize()
- index_object:stat()
- index_object:compact()
- index_object:tuple_pos()
- index_object extensions
- Examples for
- Submodule box.info
- Submodule box.iproto
- Submodule box.read_view
- Submodule box.schema
- box.schema.space.create()
- box.schema.upgrade()
- box.schema.downgrade()
- box.schema.downgrade_versions()
- box.schema.downgrade_issues()
- box.schema.user.create()
- box.schema.user.drop()
- box.schema.user.exists()
- box.schema.user.grant()
- box.schema.user.revoke()
- box.schema.user.password()
- box.schema.user.passwd()
- box.schema.user.info()
- box.schema.role.create()
- box.schema.role.drop()
- box.schema.role.exists()
- box.schema.role.grant()
- box.schema.role.revoke()
- box.schema.role.info()
- box.schema.func.create()
- box.schema.func.drop()
- box.schema.func.exists()
- box.schema.func.reload()
- Sequences
- Submodule box.session
- box.session.id()
- box.session.exists()
- box.session.peer()
- box.session.sync()
- box.session.user()
- box.session.type()
- box.session.su()
- box.session.uid()
- box.session.euid()
- box.session.storage
- box.session.on_connect()
- box.session.on_disconnect()
- box.session.on_auth()
- box.session.on_access_denied()
- box.session.push()
- Submodule box.slab
- Submodule box.space
- box.schema.space.create()
- space_object:alter()
- space_object:auto_increment()
- space_object:bsize()
- space_object:count()
- space_object:create_index()
- space_object:delete()
- space_object:drop()
- space_object:format()
- space_object:frommap()
- space_object:get()
- space_object:insert()
- space_object:len()
- space_object:on_replace()
- space_object:before_replace()
- space_object:pairs()
- space_object:put()
- space_object:rename()
- space_object:replace() / put()
- space_object:run_triggers()
- space_object:select()
- space_object:truncate()
- space_object:update()
- space_object:upsert()
- space_object extensions
- box.space.create_check_constraint()
- space_object:enabled
- space_object:field_count
- space_object.id
- space_object.index
- box.space._cluster
- box.space._func
- box.space._index
- box.space._vindex
- box.space._priv
- box.space._vpriv
- box.space._schema
- box.space._sequence
- box.space._sequence_data
- box.space._space
- box.space._vspace
- box.space._space_sequence
- box.space._vspace_sequence
- box.space._user
- box.space._vuser
- box.space._ck_constraint
- box.space._collation
- box.space._vcollation
- System space views
- box.space._session_settings
- Submodule box.stat
- Submodule box.tuple
- box.tuple.new()
- box.tuple.is()
- #tuple_object
- box.tuple.bsize()
- tuple_object[field-number]
- tuple_object[field-name]
- tuple_object[field-path]
- tuple_object:find(), tuple_object:findall()
- tuple_object:next()
- tuple_object:pairs(), tuple_object:ipairs()
- tuple_object:totable()
- tuple_object:tomap()
- tuple_object:transform()
- tuple_object:unpack()
- tuple_object:update()
- tuple_object:upsert()
- Functions for transaction management
- Functions for SQL
- Event watchers
- Function box.once
- Function box.snapshot
- Constant box.NULL
- Module buffer
- Module checks
- Module clock
- Module compat
- Module console
- Module crypto
- Module csv
- Module datetime
- Module decimal
- Module digest
- Module errno
- Module fiber
- Module fio
- Module fun
- Module http
- Module iconv
- Module jit
- Module json
- Module key_def
- Module log
- Module merger
- Module msgpack
- Module net.box
- Module os
- Module pickle
- Module popen
- Module socket
- Module strict
- Module string
- Module swim
- Module table
- Module tap
- Module tarantool
- Module uuid
- Module utf8
- Module uri
- Module xlog
- Module yaml
- Other package components
- Database error codes
- Debug facilities
- JSON paths
- Module box
- Rocks reference
- Tarantool Cartridge
- Overview
- Developer’s guide
- Administrator’s guide
- Troubleshooting
- Cartridge API
- Module cartridge
- Module cartridge.auth
- Module cartridge.roles
- Module cartridge.issues
- Module cartridge.argparse
- Module cartridge.twophase
- Module cartridge.failover
- Module cartridge.topology
- Module cartridge.clusterwide-config
- Module cartridge.rpc
- Module cartridge.tar
- Module cartridge.pool
- Module cartridge.upload
- Module cartridge.confapplier
- Module cartridge.remote-control
- Module cartridge.service-registry
- Module custom-role
- Module cartridge.lua-api.stat
- Module cartridge.lua-api.boxinfo
- Module cartridge.lua-api.get-topology
- Module cartridge.lua-api.edit-topology
- Module cartridge.lua-api.topology
- Module cartridge.lua-api.failover
- Module cartridge.lua-api.vshard
- Module cartridge.lua-api.deprecated
- Module cartridge.lua-api.compression
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.cluster
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.server
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.etcd
- Class cartridge.test-helpers.stateboard
- Cartridge CLI
- Changelog
- Module membership
- Module metrics
- Module luatest
- Module vshard
- SQL DBMS Modules
- Other rocks
- Tarantool Cartridge
- C API reference
- Internals
- Limitations
- Tips on Lua syntax
- Releases
- Release calendar
- Major features
- Tarantool 2.11 (LTS)
- EOL versions
- Tarantool 2.10.8
- Tarantool 2.10.7
- Tarantool 2.10.6
- Tarantool 2.10.5
- Tarantool 2.10.4
- Tarantool 2.10.3
- Tarantool 2.10.2
- Tarantool 2.10.1
- Tarantool 2.10.0
- Tarantool 2.8.4
- Tarantool 2.8.3
- Tarantool 2.8.2
- Tarantool 2.8.1
- Tarantool 2.7.3
- Tarantool 2.7.2
- Tarantool 2.7.1
- Tarantool 2.6.3
- Tarantool 2.6.2
- Tarantool 2.6.1
- Tarantool 2.5.3
- Tarantool 2.5.2
- Tarantool 2.5.1
- Tarantool 2.4.3
- Tarantool 2.4.2
- Tarantool 2.4.1
- Tarantool 2.3.3
- Tarantool 2.3.2
- Tarantool 2.3.1
- Tarantool 2.2.3
- Tarantool 2.2.2
- Tarantool 2.2.1
- Tarantool 2.1.2 and earlier
- Tarantool 1.10.15
- Tarantool 1.10.14
- Tarantool 1.10.13
- Tarantool 1.10.12
- Tarantool 1.10.11
- Tarantool 1.10.10
- Tarantool 1.10.9
- Tarantool 1.10.8
- Tarantool 1.10.7
- Tarantool 1.10.6
- Tarantool 1.10.5
- Tarantool 1.10.0–1.10.4
- Tarantool 1.9
- Tarantool 1.8
- Tarantool 1.7
- Tarantool 1.6
- Release policies
- Compatibility guarantees
- Contributing
- How to get involved in Tarantool
- How to write release notes
- Building to contribute
- Contributing a module
- Guidelines
- Developer guidelines
- Documentation & Localization guidelines
- C Style Guide
- Python Style Guide
- Lua style guide