Recovering from a degraded state | Tarantool
Administration Replication administration Recovering from a degraded state

Recovering from a degraded state

“Degraded state” is a situation when the master becomes unavailable – due to hardware or network failure, or due to a programming bug.

  • In a master-replica set with manual failover, if a master disappears, error messages appear on the replicas stating that the connection is lost:

    2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] main/110/applier/replicator@ I> can't read row
    2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] main/110/applier/replicator@ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 19, aka, peer of Broken pipe
    2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] main/110/applier/replicator@ I> will retry every 1.00 second
    2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] relay/ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 23, aka, peer of Broken pipe
    2023-12-04 13:19:04.724 [16755] relay/ I> exiting the relay loop
  • In a master-replica set with automated failover, a log also includes Raft messages showing the process of a new master’s election:

    2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] main/111/applier/replicator@ I> can't read row
    2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] main/111/applier/replicator@ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 24, aka, peer of Broken pipe
    2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] main/111/applier/replicator@ I> will retry every 1.00 second
    2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] relay/ coio.c:349 E> SocketError: unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 25, aka, peer of Broken pipe
    2023-12-04 13:16:56.340 [16615] relay/ I> exiting the relay loop
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: message {term: 3, vote: 2, state: candidate, vclock: {1: 9}} from 2
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: received a newer term from 2
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: bump term to 3, follow
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.690 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: vote for 2, follow
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/119/raft_worker I> RAFT: persisted state {term: 3}
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/119/raft_worker I> RAFT: persisted state {term: 3, vote: 2}
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: message {term: 3, vote: 2, leader: 2, state: leader} from 2
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: vote request is skipped - this is a notification about a vote for a third node, not a request
    2023-12-04 13:16:59.691 [16615] main/112/applier/replicator@ I> RAFT: leader is 2, follow

The master’s upstream status is reported as disconnected when executing on a replica:

- 1:
    id: 1
    uuid: 4cfa6e3c-625e-b027-00a7-29b2f2182f23
    lsn: 32
      peer: replicator@
      lag: 0.00032305717468262
      status: disconnected
      idle: 48.352504000002
      message: 'connect, called on fd 20, aka Connection refused'
      system_message: Connection refused
    name: instance002
      status: stopped
      message: 'unexpected EOF when reading from socket, called on fd 32, aka,
        peer of Broken pipe'
      system_message: Broken pipe
    id: 2
    uuid: 9bb111c2-3ff5-36a7-00f4-2b9a573ea660
    lsn: 1
    name: instance001
    id: 3
    uuid: 9a3a1b9b-8a18-baf6-00b3-a6e5e11fd8b6
    lsn: 0
      status: follow
      idle: 0.18620999999985
      peer: replicator@
      lag: 0.00012516975402832
    name: instance003
      status: follow
      idle: 0.19718099999955
      vclock: {2: 1, 1: 32}
      lag: 0.00051403045654297

To learn how to perform manual failover in a master-replica set, see the Performing manual failover section.

In a master-replica configuration with automated failover, a new master should be elected automatically.

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