Tarantool 1.10.13 | Tarantool
Releases EOL versions Tarantool 1.10.13

Tarantool 1.10.13

Released on 2022-04-25.

1.10.13 is the next stable release in the long-term support (LTS) version 1.10.x release series.

The label “stable” means there are 1.10.x-based applications running in production for quite a while without known crashes, incorrect results or other showstopper bugs.

This release introduces 1 improvement and resolves roughly 13 issues since the 1.10.12 version.

Tarantool 1.10.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 1.9.x in binary data layout, client-server protocol and replication protocol.

Please upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock all the new features of the 1.10.x series.

  • Support fedora-35 build (gh-6692).

  • Fixed memory leak in interactive console (gh-6817).
  • Fixed an assertion fail when passing tuple without primary key fields to before_replace trigger. Now tuple format is checked before the execution of before_replace triggers and after each one (gh-6780).
  • Now inserting a tuple with the wrong id field into the _priv space returns the correct error (gh-6295).
  • Fixed a bug due to which all fibers created with fiber_attr_setstacksize() leaked until the thread exit. Their stacks also leaked except when fiber_set_joinable(..., true) was used.
  • Fixed a crash when Tarantool was launched with multiple -e or -l options without a space between the option and the value (gh-5747).

  • Immediate removal of compacted run files created after the last checkpoint optimization now works for replica’s initial JOIN stage (gh-6568).
  • Fixed crash during recovery of a secondary index in case the primary index contains incompatible phantom tuples (gh-6778).

  • Fixed replicas failing to bootstrap when master is just re-started (gh-6966).

  • Fixed top part of Lua stack (red zone, free slots, top slot) unwinding in lj-stack command.
  • Added the value of g->gc.mmudata field to lj-gc output.
  • string.char() builtin recording is fixed in case when no arguments are given (gh-6371, gh-6548).
  • Actually made JIT respect maxirconst trace limit while recording (gh-6548).

  • Added iterator type checking and allow passing iterator as a box.index.{ALL,GT,…} directly (gh-6501).

  • When force_recovery cfg option is set, Tarantool is able to boot from snap/xlog combinations where xlog covers changes committed both before and after snap creation. For example, 0...0.xlog, covering everything up to vclock {1: 15} and 0...09.snap, corresponding to vclock {1: 9} (gh-6794).
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