Default value for replication_sync_timeout | Tarantool
Reference Built-in modules reference Module compat Default value for replication_sync_timeout

Default value for replication_sync_timeout

Option: box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout

Having a non-zero replication_sync_timeout gives a user the false assumption that the box.cfg{replication = ...} call returns only when the configured node is synced with all the other nodes. This is mostly true for the big replication_sync_timeout values, but it is not 100% guaranteed. In other words, a user still has to check if the node is synced, or the sync just timed out. Besides, while replication_sync_timeout is ticking, you cannot reconfigure box with another box.cfg call, which hardens reconfiguration.

It is decided to set the replication_sync_timeout to zero by default.

The compat module allows you to choose between

  • the old behavior: box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout is 300 seconds by default
  • and the new behavior:box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout is 0 by default.

It is important to set the desired behavior before the initial box.cfg{} call to take effect for it.

tarantool> compat.box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout = 'new'
tarantool> box.cfg{}
tarantool> box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout
- 0
tarantool> compat.box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout = 'old'
- error: 'builtin/box/load_cfg.lua:253: The compat  option ''box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout''
    takes effect only before the initial box.cfg() call'

A fresh Tarantool run:

tarantool> compat.box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout = 'old'
tarantool> box.cfg{}
tarantool> box.cfg.replication_sync_timeout
- 300

At this point, no incompatible modules are known.

We expect issues with a user assuming that the node is not in the orphan state ( ~= "orphan") after the box.cfg{replication=...} call returns. This is not true with the new behaviour. To simulate the old behavior, one may add a box.ctl.wait_rw() call after the box.cfg{} call. box.ctl.wait_rw() returns only when the node becomes writable, and hence is not an orphan.

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