Manipulating Tarantool core dumps | Tarantool
Tooling tt CLI utility Commands Manipulating Tarantool core dumps

Manipulating Tarantool core dumps

$ tt coredump COMMAND [COMMAND_OPTION ...]

tt coredump provides commands for manipulating Tarantool core dumps.

To be able to investigate Tarantool crashes, make sure that core dumps are enabled on the host. Here is the instruction on enabling core dumps on Unix systems.

COMMAND is one of the following:


tt coredump is not supported on macOS.

$ tt coredump pack COREDUMP_FILE

Pack a Tarantool core dump and supporting data into a tar.gz archive. It includes:

  • the Tarantool executable
  • Tarantool version information
  • OS information
  • shared libraries
  • the GNU debugger with extensions.

Pack a tar.gz file with a Tarantool core dump and supporting data:

$ tt coredump pack name.core

$ tt coredump unpack ARCHIVE

Unpack a Tarantool core dump archive created with tt coredump pack into a new directory:

$ tt coredump unpack tarantool-core-dump.tar.gz

$ tt coredump inspect [ARCHIVE|DIRECTORY] [-s]

Inspect a Tarantool core dump with the GNU debugger (gdb). The command argument can be either an archive file produced with tt coredump pack or directory where such an archive is extracted.

Inspect the core dump archive with gdb:

$ tt coredump inspect tarantool-core-dump.tar.gz

Inspect the unpacked core dump directory with gdb:

$ tt coredump inspect tarantool-core-dump


Applicable to: inspect

Specify the location of Tarantool sources.

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