Security settings | Tarantool

Security settings

Enterprise Edition

Tarantool Cluster Manager is a part of the Enterprise Edition.

Tarantool Cluster Manager includes a web interface for managing security settings of connected clusters. It is available on the Cluster > Security page. On this page, you can manage the following security features in the cluster:

  • Authentication settings: protocol (CHAP or PAP), number of retries, and the delay after a failed authentication attempt (security.auth_* configuration options). To learn more about Tarantool authentication settings, see Authentication.
  • Password policy: minimal password length, required characters, expiration period, and other settings (security.password_* configuration options). To learn more about Tarantool password policy, see Password policy.
  • Guest access: whether unauthenticated or guest users can connect to cluster (security.disable_guest configuration option).
  • Secure erasing: whether to delete data files securely so that they cannot be restored (security.secure_erasing configuration option).
  • Audit log: configure audit logging in the cluster (audit_log.* configuration options). To learn how to manage audit logging in the cluster, see Audit module.
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