Module fun | Tarantool

Module fun

Luafun, also known as the Lua Functional Library, takes advantage of the features of LuaJIT to help users create complex functions. Inside the module are “sequence processors” such as map, filter, reduce, zip – they take a user-written function as an argument and run it against every element in a sequence, which can be faster or more convenient than a user-written loop. Inside the module are “generators” such as range, tabulate, and rands – they return a bounded or boundless series of values. Within the module are “reducers”, “filters”, “composers” … or, in short, all the important features found in languages like Standard ML, Haskell, or Erlang.

The full documentation is On the luafun section of github. However, the first chapter can be skipped because installation is already done, it’s inside Tarantool. All that is needed is the usual require request. After that, all the operations described in the Lua fun manual will work, provided they are preceded by the name returned by the require request. For example:

tarantool> fun = require('fun')
tarantool> for _k, a in fun.range(3) do
         >   print(a)
         > end
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