Configuring clusters | Tarantool

Configuring clusters

Enterprise Edition

Tarantool Cluster Manager is a part of the Enterprise Edition.

Tarantool Cluster Manager features a built-in text editor for Tarantool EE cluster configurations.

When you connect a cluster to TCM, it gains access to the cluster’s centralized configuration storage: an etcd or a Tarantool cluster. TCM has both read and write access to the cluster configuration. This enables the configuration editor to work in two ways:

  • If a configuration already exists, the editor shows its current state.
  • When you change the configuration in the editor and apply changes, they are sent to the configuration storage.

To learn how to write Tarantool cluster configurations, see Configuration.

The configuration editor is available on the Cluster > Configuration page.

To start managing a cluster’s configuration, select this cluster in the Cluster drop-down and go to the Configuration page.

A cluster configuration in TCM can consist of one or multiple YAML files. When there are multiple files, they are all considered parts of a single cluster configuration. You can use this for structuring big cluster configurations. All files that form the configuration of a cluster are listed on the left side of the Cluster configuration page.

To add a cluster configuration file, click the plus icon (+) below the page title.

To open a configuration file in the editor, click its name in the file list.

To delete a cluster configuration file, click the Delete button beside the filename.

To download a cluster configuration file, click the Download button beside the filename.


All configuration changes are discarded when you leave the Cluster configuration page. Save the configuration if you want to continue editing it later or apply it to start using it on the cluster.

TCM can store configurations drafts. If you want to leave an unfinished configuration and return to it later, save it in TCM. Saving applies to whole cluster configurations: it records the edits of all files, file additions, and file deletions.

To save a cluster configuration draft after editing, click Save in the Cluster configuration page.

All unsaved changes are discarded when you leave the Cluster configuration page.

If you have a saved configuration draft, you can reset the changes for each of its files individually. A reset returns the file into the state that is currently used by a cluster (that is, saved in the configuration storage). If you reset a newly added file, it is deleted.

To reset a saved configuration file, click the Reset button beside the filename.

When you finish editing a configuration and it’s ready to use, apply the updated configuration to the cluster. To apply a cluster configuration, click Apply on the Cluster configuration page. This sends the new configuration to the cluster configuration storage, and it comes into effect upon the cluster configuration reload.

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