tuple_object:find(), tuple_object:findall() | Tarantool
Reference Built-in modules reference Module box Submodule box.tuple tuple_object:find(), tuple_object:findall()

tuple_object:find(), tuple_object:findall()

object tuple_object
tuple_object:find([field-number, ]search-value)
tuple_object:findall([field-number, ]search-value)

If t is a tuple instance, t:find(search-value) will return the number of the first field in t that matches the search value, and t:findall(search-value [, search-value ...]) will return numbers of all fields in t that match the search value. Optionally one can put a numeric argument field-number before the search-value to indicate “start searching at field number field-number.”

Return:the number of the field in the tuple.

In the following example, a tuple named t is created and then: the number of the first field in t which matches ‘a’ is returned, then the numbers of all the fields in t which match ‘a’ are returned, then the numbers of all the fields in t which match ‘a’ and are at or after the second field are returned.

tarantool> t = box.tuple.new{'a', 'b', 'c', 'a'}
tarantool> t:find('a')
- 1
tarantool> t:findall('a')
- 1
- 4
tarantool> t:findall(2, 'a')
- 4
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