Web interface overview | Tarantool
Tooling Tarantool Cluster Manager Web interface overview

Web interface overview

Enterprise Edition

Tarantool Cluster Manager is a part of the Enterprise Edition.

The Tarantool Cluster Manager web interface is available on the hostname and port defined by the http.host and http.port configuration options. If TLS is enabled, it uses the https protocol, otherwise the protocol is http. When started locally with the default configuration, TCM is available at

To log into TCM after bootstrap, use the following credentials:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: the initial password is shown in the TCM boot log in a message like this:

    Jun 11 11:24:08.900 WRN Generated super admin credentials login=admin password=jS9PsdkEJBYNhdMtSswMlxDR1vdbfc1N
TCM login page

After logging in with the default password:

  1. Adjust the password policy in accordance to the security requirements that apply in your organization.
  2. Change the admin user’s password on the User settings page.

To log out of TCM, click the user’s name in the header and click Log out.

The TCM web interface consists of three parts:

  1. Navigation page on the left shows the list of pages available to the user. The navigation pane can be collapsed by clicking the cross icon at its top.
  2. Header at the top provides access to notifications and user settings.
  3. Working area displays the contents of the selected page.
TCM UI parts: navigation pane, header, working area

The Onboarding item of the navigation pane starts the interactive onboarding tutorial. Use it to get familiar with main TCM features directly in the web interface.

This overview describes most TCM pages. The exact set of pages and controls available to a particular are determined by the user’s permissions.

Some features, such as data schema editing, are available only in the development mode. You can switch to it in the user settings of the Default Admin user.

For easier navigation, TCM pages are grouped in the navigation pane by their content. There are the following page groups:

  • Cluster: interaction with the selected cluster.
  • Clusters: interaction with all connected clusters in general.
  • Users: access management.
  • Tools: TCM administration.
  • Settings: runtime management of TCM settings.

Read on to learn what you can do on pages of these groups.

The Cluster group includes pages used for interaction with a particular cluster. To switch between clusters, click the Cluster group name and select a connected cluster from the drop-down list.

The cluster Stateboard is a main page for monitoring the cluster state and interacting with its instances.

TCM stateboard

On this page, you can:

  • view and edit the cluster topology
  • group and filter instances based on various criteria
  • view memory statistics and Tarantool versions running on instances
  • navigate to instance pages by clicking instance names in the cluster topology list
  • start and stop instances (in the development mode).

Learn more about using the cluster stateboard in Viewing cluster state.

The instance page opens when you click an instance name on the Stateboard.

TCM instance page

It provides a set of tabs for performing actions on the selected Tarantool instance:

  • Details and State tabs: view instance details as a human-readable table or as a console output of box.cfg, box.info, and other built-in functions
  • SQL and Terminal tabs: run SQL and Lua commands on the instance
  • Logs tab: view instance logs
  • Slabs tab: view slab allocator statistics
  • Users tab: manage Tarantool users and roles on the instance
  • Funcs: manage and call stored functions
  • Metrics: view instance metrics

The instance page has an Actions menu at the top that allows you to:

  • navigate to the instance explorer
  • edit the instance configuration
  • remove the instance

The cluster Configuration page provides an interactive editor for the cluster configuration. It is connected to the centralized configuration storage that the cluster uses. All changes you make and apply on this page are sent to this centralized storage.

TCM cluster configuration page

Learn more in Configuring clusters.


The cluster-wide access to stored data on the Tuples page is supported only for sharded clusters that use the CRUD module.

The Tuples page provides access to data stored in user spaces of the selected cluster.

TCM tuples page

On this page, you can:

  • view the list of user spaces, their size and engines
  • view and edit tuples stored in user spaces

The Cluster metrics page provides access to the selected cluster’s metrics.

TCM cluster metrics page

Learn more in Viewing cluster metrics.

The instance Explorer provides access to all spaces of a specific instance, including system spaces.

TCM instance explorer

On this page, you can:

  • view and edit instance spaces, their size and engines
  • view and edit tuples stored in all spaces of the instance

The Clusters group includes pages used for managing TCM’s cluster connections.

The Clusters page lists Tarantool clusters that are connected to TCM.

TCM clusters page

On this page, you can:

  • connect Tarantool clusters to TCM
  • edit cluster connections
  • disconnect clusters

Learn more in Connecting clusters.

The ACL page displays the TCM access control list.

TCM ACL page

On this page, you can add and delete ACL entries. Learn more in Access control list.

The Users group includes pages related to user access to TCM.

The Users page lists TCM users.

TCM users page

On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete users
  • manage user secrets (passwords and API tokens)
  • revoke user sessions

Learn more in Users.

The Roles page lists TCM user roles.

TCM roles page

On this page, you can add, edit, and delete roles. Learn more in Roles.

The Sessions page lists active sessions of TCM users.

TCM sessions page

On this page, you can view and revoke sessions. Learn more in Sessions.

The Tools group includes service pages used for TCM maintenance and monitoring.

The Audit log page displays the TCM audit log.

TCM audit log

The TCM metrics page provides access to the TCM metrics.

TCM metrics page

The Settings group includes service pages where you can configure various TCM features.

On the Password policy page, you can configure the requirements to user passwords, such as minimal length, required symbols, expiration, and other settings. Learn more in Password policy.

TCM password policy

On the Audit settings page, you can configure how TCM records events to its audit log: whether audit log is enabled, which events are recorded, and so on. Learn more in Audit log.

TCM audit settings

On the LDAP page, you can manage TCM LDAP configurations.

TCM LDAP configurations

The user settings dialog opens when you click Settings under the user’s name in the header.

TCM user settings

This dialog includes the following tabs:

  • General tab: switch the color theme
  • Change password tab: change your password
  • API tokens tab: generate and delete API tokens
  • Sessions tab: view and revoke your user sessions
  • About tab: view TCM information about switch between development and production modes
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