Connecting to a Tarantool instance | Tarantool
Tooling tt CLI utility Commands Connecting to a Tarantool instance

Connecting to a Tarantool instance

$ tt connect {URI|INSTANCE_NAME} [OPTION ...]

tt connect connects to a Tarantool instance by its URI or instance name specified in the current environment.

-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME

A Tarantool user for connecting to the instance.

-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD

The user’s password.


Connect and evaluate the script from a file.

- – read the script from stdin.

-i, --interactive

Enter the interactive mode after evaluating the script passed in -f/--file.

-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE

The input language of the tt interactive console: lua (default) or sql.

-x FORMAT, --outputformat FORMAT

The output format of the tt interactive console: yaml (default), lua, table, ttable.

--sslcertfile FILEPATH

The path to an SSL certificate file for encrypted connections.

--sslkeyfile FILEPATH

The path to a private SSL key file for encrypted connections.

--sslcafile FILEPATH

The path to a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file for encrypted connections.

--sslciphers STRING

The list of SSL cipher suites used for encrypted connections, separated by colons (:).

To connect to an instance, tt typically needs its URI – the host name or IP address and the port.

You can also connect to instances in the same tt environment (that is, those that use the same configuration file and Tarantool installation) by their instance names.

When connecting to an instance by its URI, tt connect establishes a remote connection for which authentication is required. Use one of the following ways to pass the username and the password:

  • The -u (--username) and -p (--password) options:

    $ tt connect -u myuser -p p4$$w0rD
  • The connection string:

    $ tt connect myuser:p4$$w0rD@
  • Environment variables TT_CLI_USERNAME and TT_CLI_PASSWORD:

    $ export TT_CLI_USERNAME=myuser
    $ export TT_CLI_PASSWORD=p4$$w0rD
    $ tt connect

If no credentials are provided for a remote connection, the user is automatically guest.


Local connections (by instance name instead of the URI) don’t require authentication.

To connect to instances that use SSL encryption, provide the SSL certificate and SSL key files in the --sslcertfile and --sslkeyfile options. If necessary, add other SSL parameters – --sslcafile and --sslciphers.

By default, tt connect opens an interactive tt console. Alternatively, you can open a connection to evaluate a Lua script from a file or stdin. To do this, pass the file path in the -f (--file) option or use -f - to take the script from stdin.

$ tt connect app -f test.lua

  • Connect to the app instance in the same environment:

    $ tt connect app
  • Connect to the master instance of the app application in the same environment:

    $ tt connect app:master
  • Connect to the host on port 3301 with authentication:

    $ tt connect -u myuser -p p4$$w0rD
  • Connect to the app instance and evaluate the code from the test.lua file:

    $ tt connect app -f test.lua
  • Connect to the app instance and evaluate the code from stdin:

    $ echo "function test() return 1 end" | tt connect app -f - # Create the test() function
    $ echo "test()" | tt connect app -f -                       # Call this function
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